TrainingPeaks How To Start Training With Power Ebook PDF

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The key takeaways are how to start training with a power meter by understanding power zones, determining your functional threshold power (FTP), and using your power data to analyze and improve your performance.

The main steps to determine your power zones are: 1) Determine your FTP through a field test, 2) Calculate your power zones based on your FTP, 3) Keep your threshold and zones up to date over time as your fitness improves.

Some key power workouts recommended by Joe Friel are threshold power workouts, sweet spot intervals (80-90% FTP), and high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts above FTP.

How to Start Training with Power

2 | Chapter name here

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................... 3
About TrainingPeaks ..................................... 3
Chapter 1 ........................................................ 4
Introduction to Power Zones
Threshold Power
Power Training Levels
Chapter 2 ........................................................ 6
Determine Your Power Zones
Step 1: Determine FTP through a Field Test
Hunter Allens FTP Test
Step 2: Calculate your Power Zones
Calculate Your Zones in TrainingPeaks
Step 3: Keep Threshold and Zones Up to Date
Chapter 3 ........................................................ 9
Start Training With Power
3 Key Power Workouts by Joe Friel
Hire a Coach
Get a Training Plan
3 Myths about Hiring a Coach...Busted
Chapter 4 ...................................................... 12
Track Your Power Data
Using Power Software or Solutions
Chapter 5 ...................................................... 13
Analyze a Single Workout or Race
Why analyze a workout?
Why analyze a race?
Normalized Power


Variability Index (VI)
Intensity Factor


Training Stress Score


Kilojoules, or Work (kJ)
Heart Rate
Chapter 6 ...................................................... 17
Analyze Power Trends Over Time
Time in Zones
Performance Manager Chart (PMC)
Peak Power
Chapter 7 ...................................................... 20
Racing With Your Power Meter
Triathlon (Ironman)
Next Steps .................................................... 22
Keep Learning
Start Training
3 | Introduction
Congratulations on becoming a power meter
user, and more importantly, welcome to
the club! Youre now part of the special
group of athletes who have decided to make
an investment in their potential on the bike
by training and racing with the most accurate
measure of their cycling output.
As you already know, a power meter can be one
of the most effective tools for improving your
results as a cyclist or triathlete. And while there
is a lot of science and research behind power
analysis, you can start to reap the benefts
of your new tool by simply understanding a
handful of basic principles.
This e-book will get you started training
and racing with a power meter. By pulling
information from what weve deemed to be the
most important articles in power training, our
goal is to provide you with an introduction to
the basics of power training, in an hour or less
(depending on how fast you can read)!
The information in this e-book is based on
articles by Hunter Allen and Dr. Andrew
Coggan, co-authors of Training and Racing
with a Power Meter; and Joe Friel, author of
The Power Meter Handbook, The Cyclists
Training Bible, and The Triathletes
Training Bible.
About TrainingPeaks
TrainingPeaks provides the complete web,
mobile and desktop solution for enabling
smart and effective endurance training. Our
products include the web-based TrainingPeaks
Athlete Edition and Coach Edition; WKO+
desktop software for deep, offine power
analysis; and mobile apps for iOS and Android.
TrainingPeaks also offers a Coach Match
Service to help athletes fnd certifed coaches,
and a regular TrainingPeaks University program
for Coach Edition users.

TrainingPeaks solutions are used by Tour de
France teams, Ironman World Champions,
Olympians, and age group athletes around the
world to track, analyze and plan their training.
With this book
youll get an
introduction to the
basics of training
and racing with a
power meter, in an
hour or less.
Athletes will lose
up to 3-5% of their body
weight during Ironman -
for a 160lb participant,
that's about 5 to 8lbs
Alternate version Primary version
(Athlete name) burned 20
matches in 4 hours!
Burning a match:
Cycling term for hard efort of 20%
over threshold for
1 minute.
(Athlete name) could have powered the
52" fat-screen plasma TV for 4.5 hours
at ~300W
300 w
In a single day, an athlete burns more
calories than a normal person burns in 4
Athletes are at nearly a 3800 calorie defcit
heading into the marathon



Athletes are
at nearly a
3800 calorie
defcit heading
into the
Bike Run Swim
1 37
In 1980, 1 athlete had a sub-5 hour bike
split. In 2011, 37 athletes had a sub-5 hour
bike split.
4 | Introduction to Power Zones
Introduction to Power Zones
Threshold power refers
to the maximum output
(in watts) that youre able
to maintain while your body
can still remove the lactate
acid being used by the
muscles. For most trained
athletes, this is similar to
the maximum effort you
can maintain for a 1-hour
time trial.
In order to train effectively, you need the right
amount of training load to induce aerobic
adaptations, and you need the right amount
of recovery so that the body is able to adapt.
To quantify intensity, we use a system of power
training levels or zones.
To train with a power meter, you need to know
your personal power zones. But frst lets
introduce the concept of threshold power.
Threshold Power
Your power zones are calculated relative
to whats known as your threshold power.
Threshold power is also referred to as
Functional Threshold Power (FTP) or
Lactate Threshold (LT) power.
Threshold power refers to the maximum output
(in watts) that youre able to maintain while your
body can still remove the lactate acid being
produced by the muscles. For most trained
athletes, this is similar to the maximum effort
you can maintain for a 1-hour time trial. Its also
the point at which your body begins to recruit
more fast-twitch than slow-twitch muscle fber.
Going above this threshold effort will result in
a burn in the muscles. After a few minutes
above threshold, stopping or slowing will be
required in order for the body to clear lactate
Lactate threshold can be improved consistently
through training. Consistent and long-term
endurance exercise training will reduce the
production of lactate by slowing the overall rate
of carbohydrate utilization.
Power Training Zones
Here are your personal power training zones,
based on the system established by Allen and
Coggan. Using these zones will allow you to
precisely determine your effort level in the most
accurate way possible. During your ride you will
know immediately whether or not you are in the
correct zone. Plus, you can review your data to
see how well you performed the workout.
5 | Introduction to Power Zones
To see the full table, read Power Training Levels on TrainingPeaks by Andrew Coggan.
Zone Name % of FTP Description
1 Active Recovery <55% Easy spinning or light pedal pressure, i.e., very low level exercise, too low in and of itself to induce signifcant physiological adaptations.
Minimal sensation of leg efort/fatigue. Requires no concentration to maintain pace, and continuous conversation possible. Typically used for
active recovery after strenuous training days (or races), between interval eforts, or for socializing.
2 Endurance 56-75% All day pace, or classic long, slow distance (LSD) training. Sensation of leg efort/fatigue generally low, but may rise periodically to higher
levels (e.g., when climbing). Concentration generally required to maintain efort only at highest end of range and/or during longer training
sessions. Breathing is more regular than in level 1, but continuous conversation still possible. Frequent (daily) training sessions of moderate
duration (e.g., 2 hours) at level 2 is possible provided carbohydrate intake is adequate, but complete recovery from very long workouts may
take more than 24 hours.
3 Tempo 76-90% Typical intensity of fartlek workout, spirited group ride, or briskly moving paceline. More frequent/greater sensation of leg efort/fatigue
than in level 2. Requires concentration to maintain alone, especially at upper end of range, to prevent efort from falling back to zone 2.
Breathing deeper and more rhythmic than zone 2, such that any conversation must be somewhat halting, but not as difcult as at level
4. Recovery from level 3 training sessions more difcult than after level 2 workouts, but consecutive days of level 3 training still possible if
duration is not excessive and carbohydrate intake is adequate.
4 Lactate Threshold 91-105% Just below to just above TT efort, taking into account duration, current ftness, environmental conditions, etc. Essentially continuous
sensation of moderate or even greater leg efort/fatigue. Continuous conversation difcult at best, due to depth/frequency of breathing.
Efort sufciently high that sustained exercise at this level is mentally very taxing - therefore typically performed in training as multiple repeats,
modules, or blocks of 10-30 min duration. Consecutive days of training at level 4 possible, but such workouts generally only performed when
sufciently rested/recovered from prior training so as to be able to maintain intensity.
5 VO2 Max 106-120% Typical intensity of longer (3-8 min) intervals intended to increase VO2max. Strong to severe sensations of leg efort/fatigue, such that
completion of more than 30-40 min total training time is difcult at best. Conversation not possible due to often ragged breathing.
Should generally be attempted only when adequately recovered from prior training - consecutive days of level 5 work not necessarily
desirable even if possible.
6 Anaerobic Capacity >121% Short (30 sec to 3 min), high-intensity intervals designed to increase anaerobic capacity. Heart rate generally not useful as guide to intensity
due to non-steady-state nature of efort. Severe sensation of leg efort/fatigue, and conversation impossible. Consecutive days of extended
level 6 training usually not attempted.
7 Neuromuscular Power Maximal Very short, very high-intensity eforts (e.g., jumps, standing starts, short sprints) that generally place greater stress on musculoskeletal rather
than metabolic systems. Power useful as guide, but only in reference to prior similar eforts, not TT pace.
Coggan Power Levels
Hunter Allens FTP Test
Perform this feld test on a fat course relatively free of stop signs or traffc, and if possible one that has
a steady, uphill grade of less than 5%. The uphill grade helps you to maintain a constant output, as
opposed to rolling terrain where its diffcult to keep your power up on the downhills.
Do at least a 15-minute endurance paced warm-up, then do 3 x 1 minute fast pedaling drills of at least
100 rpm with 1-minute recoveries in between each. This is to warm up the muscles without taking away
energy for the 20-minute test itself. Then perform a 20-minute time trial all by yourselfno training
partners, and not in a race. Your effort should be done as if it was a race for the entire 20 minutesall
out, but sustainable for the 20 minutes.
Your average power for that 20 minutes, less 5%, is an approximation of your FTP. For example, if your
average power for the 20-minute test was 250 watts, then your FTP is 250 watts x .95 = 238 watts.
Now that you understand the various power
zones, heres how to determine your own,
so that you can start performing structured
Step 1: Determine FTP through a
Field Test
The frst step is to do a feld test (performed
in the feld on the bike as opposed to a
laboratory blood lactate level test). This feld
test, devised by Hunter Allen, can be done on
an indoor trainer. However, for most accurate
results, ride outside.
How to tell what your 20-minute power was?
After your test, upload your workout from your
bike computer into TrainingPeaks. Heres how.
Youll want to download the desktop solution
Device Agent, which will enable you to upload
your power data from over 90+ different devices
or mobile apps.
Download Device Agent.
Get your free TrainingPeaks account.
A commonly asked question is whether or not
you should go hard for the frst 10 minutes.
Allen advises, Dont start too hard. In the frst
two to three minutes, start out at a hard pace
but one you can sustain, and then gradually
bring up the power. The more you do this test,
the more accurate your threshold power will be
as you learn to pace yourself better at the start.
As you perform your test, please do so safely.
Keep your head up, dont stare down at your
bike computer (you should avoid doing this
anyway as it may cause you to subconsciously
target an expected power output), and pick an
area or road where you wont have to contend
with traffc.
Determine Your Power Zones
Step 2: Calculate your Power Zones
Now that you know your threshold power, you can determine your power zones using Coggans Power
Levels table on page 5. If you use TrainingPeaks, you can enter your threshold power within your
Account Settings, select Coggan Power Zones, and we will automatically calculate your zones for you.
Calculate Your Zones
in TrainingPeaks
After youve uploaded your feld test workout
into TrainingPeaks, use your Peak 20 Minute
Power less 5% as your FTP approximation.
You can also use your Normalized Power

the 20-minute test, less 5%. Then:
Click your name in the upper right hand corner to
access your Settings.
Click Zones, then Power from the left hand
Enter your threshold power, choose Threshold
Power as your type and select Andy Coggan
as your auto-calculation method. This will open a
preview window of your zones.
Click Apply to save those zones. If you want, you
can re-enter a different threshold value and click
Calculate to view what your zones would be with
a different threshold value.
7 | Determine Your Power Zones
Step 3: Keep Threshold
and Zones Up to Date
As you perform structured power training, youll
get stronger and ftter, and your threshold will
increase. Great news, thats why you bought
your power meter in the frst place! But that also
means you need to continually monitor your
threshold and zones as they increase over time,
so that you can keep training at a high enough
intensity to cause adaptationsor do your
easy days at a low enough intensity to allow
for recovery.
Perform your threshold test and recalculate
your zones every six weeks throughout your
training to keep your threshold and zones up
to date. If you use TrainingPeaks and turn on
our Threshold Improvement Notifcation feature,
well let you know when you upload a race or
workout power fle that indicates your threshold
has improved.
There are other ways to estimate your threshold
throughout the season, not least of which
include estimating from race data or performing
a one-hour TT. You can read more about these
methods in What is Threshold Power? on
8 | Determine Your Power Zones
Now that you know your power zones, you can
really start to reap the rewards of your power
As you likely know, unlike heart rate, power
refects the intensity of your effort immediately,
regardless of external factors including fatigue,
weather, wind, course profle, etc. Because of
that, youre able to very precisely target your
effort into a specifc zone. Also, your power
meter is able to measure the muscular demands
of your training and racing, whereas your heart
rate only measures aerobic demand.
These advantages enable you to execute
structured workouts like never before, and
because of that it becomes even more
important that you follow a structured training
plan designed by an expert and tailored
towards your goals. Getting faster doesnt
simply mean riding hard all the time. It means
riding hard enough on your hard days, and easy
enough on your easy days.
Whatever method you choose, the most
important thing is to have a plan; a roadmap to
get from where you are today to your ultimate
goalwhether thats an A race or a process
goal like improving your FTP by a certain
percentage. A study by the British Journal of
Health Psychology found that you are more than
twice as likely to achieve your exercise goals
when you plan how and when you will perform
your workout.
Start Training With Power
3 Key Power Workouts
by Joe Friel
To train muscular endurance: Do 5-12 minute intervals at Zone 4 power, with Zone 1 recoveries
that are as long. Repeat until you have completed 20-30 minutes total at Zone 4.
To improve anaerobic endurance: Do 5 x 3 minute intervals at Zone 5, with 3-minute recoveries in
Zone 1. These may be done on fat terrain or a hill.
To improve sprint power as you get closer to your race: Do 8-16 pedal revolutions (count one
leg only) at max power (high gear and cadence) on varying terrains. Recover for at least 3 minutes
after each. Stop doing them when power noticeably declines.
9 | Start Training With Power
With a power meter,
youre now able to
execute structured
workouts like never
Youre more than 2x
as likely to achieve
your ftness goals
with a plan.
Hire a Coach
Without a doubt, nothing can take your
performance on the bike to the next level
like working with a good professional coach.
Look for a coach with a solid understanding of
power-based training and analysis.
Not sure where to start? Use the free
TrainingPeaks Coach Match Serviceyou
can request power-based coaching within our
questionnaire. Get started.
Get a Training Plan
With a power-based training plan loaded on
TrainingPeaks, youll get a daily email of your
workout instructions, or take them with you on
your iPhone or Android using the free mobile
app. Youll also see your daily workouts
scheduled on your web-based TrainingPeaks
calendar, and you can even sync with Google
Calendar, iCal, or Outlook if you have a
TrainingPeaks Premium account.
View all power-based cycling training plans.
View all power-based triathlon training plans.
10 | Start Training With Power
3 Myths about Hiring a
Think you dont need a coach? Think again.
Its too expensive.
Theres a wide range in the level of coaching
that is available. When we match athletes
to coaches in our Coach Match Service,
we ask you for your monthly budget and
match you accordingly to a coach you can
afford. The range we can search for starts at
fees of less than $100/month and goes up to
over $400/month.

Im not a serious enough athlete.
Coaching is not just for pros and elites.
Many coaches specialize in recreational
or amateur athletes. Its a matter of fnding
the right coach who will work with your
background, your ability, and your goals
for the future. 1 out of 4 athletes who use
TrainingPeaks are coached.
I can self-coach or work off a plan
just fne.
Many athletes attain their goals through
self-coaching or following a training plan.
But one of the greatest values of a coach is
the objectivity they bring to your program.
With a coach you wont waste precious
time second-guessing your rest days, your
hard days, whether youre working the right
systems, etc. A coach will give you peace of
mind and help you make the most of your
limited training time.
12 | Track Your Power Data
You have the option of starting a free Basic Athlete Edition account,
where you can upload your workouts and do some basic analysis,
or subscribe to the Premium Athlete Edition account to see your
power, heart rate, speed, cadence and other trends charted
or graphed over time. Heres a comparison of the Basic vs.
Premium Athlete Edition account.
One of the greatest advantages to having a power meter is the ability to analyze
your power and ftness trends over time. Analysis can inform your training and
racing to the point where in some instances, Friel has gone as far as to say having
a power meter is almost cheating.
To have data over time however, you have to start by tracking your power data from
all of your training and racing. And for that, youll need power software.
Using Power Software or Solutions
Due to the nature of power data, the only truly feasible way to track and derive the
valuable knowledge from your power data is to use a web-based or desktop-based
solution that can visualize and interpret the data for you. In particular this is valuable
when youre racing or doing a tough group workout with your power meterthese
are often the situations in which youll exert your peak wattage. Youll need some
sort of analysis software to spot these peak efforts afterwards.
TrainingPeaks Athlete Edition is a web-based solution where you can track, analyze
and plan your power training. Heres how it works: after a ride plug in your device
and use Device Agent to download the fle into your account, then simply open the
workout and start your analysis.
[GRAPHIC: How TrainingPeaks Works. Some sort of cycle or fow chart.
STEPS: Plan Ride Upload Analyze Workout Analyze Over Time Get Faster]
Track Your Power Data
Basic vs Premium Benefts
Log your training on web, iOS or Android

Upload workouts from 90+ devices and mobile apps

View workout and ftness summaries

Use with a training plan or a coach

Track your equipment usage

Plan future workouts

Build and use unlimited workout libraries

Sync your calendar with Outlook, Google and iCal

Dig deep into your intervals and eforts within
individual workouts

Analyze your ftness trends with 30+ power, HR,
pace, distance and other charts

Target your perfect build and taper with the
Performance Management Chart

Make your numbers more accurate with data editing
and elevation correction

Power Metrics Explained
There are many different ways to analyze a
power fle from a workout or a race. Heres a
quick introduction to some key metrics to look at
within a power fle.
Average Power
Your average power is simply that, the
numerical average of your power for the entire
ride. Many devices have non-zero averaging
or smart recording enabled. Make sure to turn
those features off to get the true accounting of
your effort. Not recording zeros will make your
numbers look better, but also less accurate.
Your watts per kilogram (w/kg) is more
meaningful than absolute watts. Two riders of
different sizes (weight) can produce the same
absolute wattage, but go different speeds
because one rider is lighter than the other.
All else equal, the more power (watts) and/or
the less weight (kg), the faster you go. When
analyzing an effort or a ride, make note of your
w/kg in addition to your absolute wattage.
To make sure your w/kg is accurate, enter your
weight within TrainingPeaks and track it over
time. It will automatically be used to calculate
your w/kg for any segment or ride with power.
Got your frst power fle uploaded into
TrainingPeaks? Great! Lets dive into it. But frst,
what are we looking for?
Why analyze a workout?
Analyze your workouts afterwards to get
immediate feedback on how well you performed
the workout relative to the instruction. With
TrainingPeaks Premium you can zero in on
specifc segments or efforts. Make note of your
pacing, whether you dropped off over a long
effort, how smooth your power output was
using Variability Index (more on that below),
and how your heart rate and power related.
Why analyze a race?
Analyze your races to get a true sense for your
peak efforts and where your ftness is at (how
hard you can go). Also, analyze race data to
gain an understanding of the specifc demands
of your goal events, so that you can structure
your training specifcally.
Analyze a Single Workout or Race
13 | Analyze a Single Workout or Race
All else equal, the more
power (watts) and/or the
less weight (kg), the faster
you go.
14 | Analyze a Single Workout or Race
NP is a better indicator than average power of
how metabolically challenging the workout was.
It emphasizes power surges which require a lot
of glycogen (carbs) and therefore contribute to
an increase in fatigue.
Normalized Power


One of the frst things that catches the attention
of any beginning power meter user is how
variable, or jumpy, their power output tends
to be. This is largely due to the constantly
changing resistance from small changes in
elevation, gusts of wind, etc. that must be
overcome when cycling outdoors. It is very
diffcult (as well as counterproductive) to try
to keep power constantly within a certain
range, or zone, at all times during a ride. Just
as importantly, this variability means that the
overall average power for a ride or part of a ride
is often a poor indicator of the actual intensity of
the effort. This is especially true for races, since
power can vary dramatically from one moment
to the next as, e.g., a rider frst tries to conserve
energy and then attacks.
Heres where Normalized Power (NP) comes
in. Its an estimate of the power you couldve
maintained for the same physiological cost (in
terms of glycogen utilization, lactate production,
stress hormone levels, and neuromuscular
fatigue) for a given effort or ride if your power
output had been perfectly constant (e.g., as on
a trainer) rather than variable. As such, NP is
always higher than average power.
Normalized Power is an
estimate of the power you
couldve maintained for the
same physiological cost
for a given effort or ride if
your power output had been
perfectly constant rather
than variable.
Which leads us to...
Variability Index (VI)
The more surges you have in a ride, the higher
your NP will be (and the harder and more
fatiguing the ride will feel). Thus it stands
to reason that the closer your NP and your
average power are for a given segment, the
smoother your power output was.
We measure how steady your power output
was using a metric called Variability Index (VI),
which is simply NP divided by average power.
If NP and average power are the same, your
VI will be 1.0. The closer to 1.0, the smoother
your power output.
VI is particularly important for time trials and
triathlon, where smooth pacing is key to
success. Friel likes to see a VI of less than
1.06 for an Ironman bike. It is less important or
irrelevant in road racing and criterium, where
constant surging for position and attacking can
lead to a VI of upwards of 1.2 or higher.
15 | Analyze a Single Workout or Race
Training Stress Score


Training Stress Score (TSS) measures the total workload of a ride, as a
function of duration and intensity (as measured by IF). As a rule of thumb you
cant accumulate more than 100 TSS points an hour, as 100 TSS denotes an
all-out effort for 60 minutes at a 1.0 IF. A 1-hour effort at an IF of .75 will result
in 75 TSS, an IF of .60 for 30 minutes will be 30 TSS, and so on.
TSS tells you how much training stress you put on your body, and conversely
how much rest you need after a ride.
Intensity Factor


Still with me? Good, because now that you understand NP we can really
get into the good stuff. Intensity Factor (IF) is simply the ratio of the NP as
described above to your threshold power. For example, if your NP for a long
training ride is 210 watts and your threshold power at the time is 280 watts,
then the IF for that workout would be 0.75.
Typical IF values for various training sessions or races: IF
Recovery rides Less than 0.75
Endurance-paced training rides 0.75 - 0.85
Tempo rides, aerobic and anaerobic interval workouts (work and rest
periods combined), longer (>2.5 h) road races
0.85 - 0.95
Lactate threshold intervals (work period only), shorter (<2.5 hr) road
races, criteriums, circuit races, longer (e.g., 40 km) TTs
0.95 - 1.05
Shorter (e.g., 15 km) TTs, track points race 1.05 - 1.15
Prologue TT, track pursuit Greater than 1.15
What your TSS means (for a well-trained athlete): TSS
Equivalent to a 1-hour, all-out TT efort 100
Low (recovery generally complete by following day) Less than 150
Medium (some residual fatigue may be present the next day, but gone
by second day)
150 - 300
High (some residual fatigue may be present even after 2 days) 300 - 450
Very high (residual fatigue lasting several days likely) Greater than 450
TSS is really important because when you measure your accumulated TSS
over time, you can quantify your ftness as well as your fatigue. More on that
16 | Analyze a Single Workout or Race
You can automatically detect matches in
TrainingPeaks WKO+ desktop software, or
spot them yourself in your power graph in
As a starting point, Hunter Allen proposes
that for most riders and racers, a match can
be defned as an effort in which you go over
threshold power by at least 20% and hold it
there for at least one minute. Burning a match
could involve an effort longer than 1 minute, but
as the time period gets longer, the percentage
above your threshold power would be lower.
Table 2 shows how Allen proposes defning a
match by various durations.
Table 2: Allens Defnitions of a Match
Kilojoules, or Work (kJ)
One of the other advantages of having a power
meter is the ability to dial in your nutrition needs
on the bike. Unlike heart rate or duration, your
power meter can very accurately measure your
calories burned within 5% accuracy. A power
meter directly measures the energy transferred
to the pedals in the form of kilojoules, and it is
generally accepted in cycling that kilojoules and
calories conveniently convert in a 1:1 ratio.
Heres why: 1 kCal = 4.18 kJ, but your body is
only about 25% effcient. Meaning, to generate
1 kCal of work at the pedals, it takes 4 kCals,
3 of which are lost as heat leaving the body.
In this way, kJs recorded are an accurate 1:1
approximation of calories burned.
The key to success in road races and criteriums
is the capacity for producing very brief but
highly intense surges. This is called burning
matches. You must be careful with how many
matches you burn in a race in order not to
blow up.
Peak Power
Take a look at your Peak 5-second, 1-minute,
5-minute and 20-minute power output for a
race or a tough workout. Did you hit any new
personal bests? Another quick way to check this
after your upload is to look at your Peak Power
Chart on your Dashboard in TrainingPeaks.
Some power meters also measure your
pedaling cadence. Coupled with knowledge of
your power zones, you can work on fnding the
most effcient cadence for you. Certain workouts
will include cadence instruction designed to
increase or maintain leg speed, or increase
your strength.
Heart Rate
When paired with your power data, heart rate
data can be extremely valuable. For the sake
of simplicity, weve excluded discussion of HR
training from this e-book. But you can read
more about the relationship between power and
HR in Joe Friels article, Are you Fit? Aerobic
Endurance and Decoupling, or see how HR
zones and power zones correspond in Andrew
Coggans article on Power Training Levels.
Time % over FTP
1 minute 20+%
5 minutes 15 - 20%
10 minutes 8 - 12%
20 minutes 0 - 8%
Analyzing a workout can be very informative for assessing your compliance to the planned workout,
but its when you can observe trends over time that your power data becomes truly...well, powerful.
Here are some analyses you can perform once you have a few weeks worth of good, regular power data
including some peak (hard) efforts of varying durations. All of these charts and graphs are available with
a TrainingPeaks Premium account.
Time in Zones
The Time in Zones chart can show you how you have been allocating your time between the various
zones. Depending upon your goal event, youll want to allocate your efforts accordingly to match the
demands of your A race.
One thing to consider, however, is that the Time in Zones Chart does not accurately refect consecutive
time in zones, so be careful in interpreting this chart. For example, if you live in a hilly area, the chart will
say you spend a tremendous amount of time in anaerobic capacity, even if you havent spent a lot of
time specifcally training anaerobic capacity.
Analyze Power Trends Over Time
17 | Analyze Power Trends over Time
18 | Analyze Power Trends over Time
How it all fts together:
If your ATL is greater than your CTL, your TSB
will be negative. Youll be well-trained and very
ft, but because you are fatigued you will not
be on peak form or performance. If your ATL
is less than CTL, your TSB will be positive. At a
certain TSB, your ftness and your fatigue will
be in balance so that you are in peak form for
your event. Youre well-trained, ft, and rested
the recipe for a killer performance!
You can also measure fatigue, the short-term
effect of training, using Acute Training Load
(ATL). ATL is your exponentially-weighted
moving 7-day average TSS. Similar to the way
CTL is calculated, your most recent workouts
are more heavily weighted. This accurately
refects your current fatigue. For example, if you
did some big rides last weekend, then you may
still be sore from those workouts, and have a
high ATL as a result.
We know we cannot solely focus on raising
training stress (ATL and CTL) since we also
need to rest. We use a statistic called Training
Stress Balance (TSB) to measure your form:
the combination of how ft and how fresh
(well-rested) you are.
Long term effects of workouts =
Fitness, measured by Chronic Training Load (CTL)
Short term effects of workouts =
Fatigue, measured by Acute Training Load
Fitness (CTL) Fatigue (ATL) =
Form, measured by Training Stress Balance (TSB)
Over time, you can observe the positive TSB
that generates a peak performance for you in
training or racing. Then, you or your coach can
plan a build and taper that replicates a TSB for
your A races.
Note: At some point, an overly positive TSB
does indicate too much restdetraining.
This may be observed during the off-season
or injuries.
On your Performance
Management Chart, aim for
a neutral or positive Training
Stress Balance (form) on
race day.
Performance Manager Chart
As mentioned above, each workout you
complete can be assigned a TSS value.
Your cumulative TSS is tracked over time in
the Performance Manager Chart (PMC) within
TrainingPeaks. The PMC helps you do two key
1) Target the perfect training build and taper
to peak for your key events; and
2) Avoid injury that could happen from over-
Heres how the PMC works: As you accumulate
TSS each day, your ftness improves. You can
measure your overall long-term effect of
training, which is ftness, using Chronic Training
Load (CTL). CTL is the exponentially-weighted
moving average of the previous 42 days of
TSS accumulation. This means that it takes
into account all of your workouts in the last six
weeks, weighting the impact of the most recent
ones more heavily. The CTL is an approximation
of your current ftness: the higher your CTL,
in general, the higher your FTP.
19 | Analyze Power Trends over Time
You are ready to race
when you have several
recent seasonal best power
outputs and your TSB is
neutral or positive.
Peak Power
Looking at a chart of your Peak (maximal) Power for varying durations can help you to spot strengths
and weaknesses on the bike. A Peak Power graph that is high in short durations (5-second to 1-minute)
but drops off dramatically in the longer durations (20 minutes to 60 minutes) may indicate a need for
more endurance.
Conversely, a Peak Power chart that is relatively fat may indicate solid endurance but some need for
high-end power work (depending upon your goal event).
One of the best indicators of race readiness can be derived from your Peak Power Chart. As ftness
improves and approaches a peak you should fnd you are frequently producing personal best power
outputs for given durations such as 5 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, and FTP.
5sec. 10sec. 20sec. 1min. 2min. 5min. 10min. 20min. 60min.
5sec. 10sec. 20sec. 1min. 2min. 5min. 10min. 20min. 60min.
Dramatic Drop Relatively Flat
20 | Racing with Your Power Meter
The other key application of racing with a power
meter is the valuable data gained during a race.
As these are your peak efforts, having race day
power data can be crucial to understanding
your progress over time, as well as your
strengths and limiters. As an example, as you
become fatigued in a race your cadence will
begin to decrease. After the race look to see if
this happened. Its common and to be expected
(although not too much) if you pushed your
power output to your limits for the entire race.
Race data is also key to understanding the
specifc demands of your goal event. If you
have a past fle from an A race, you can target
workouts that simulate the power demands.
This is why its so important to consistently track
and analyze your power data. The insights
gained from reviewing your power fles after
races and workouts can help to guide pacing
and racing strategy. Also, over time youll learn
what certain power zones feel like, and be
able to gauge your effort in a race if for some
reason you dont have a power reading that
Equipped with knowledge about your power
zones as well as historical power data, youre
now ready to race with your power meter.
Use your power meter to pace longer climbs
or efforts. If youve only ever sustained 300
watts for up to 45 minutes during training, for
example, you probably wont want to hold that
effort for much longer than 45 minutes during a
However, that being said, its often diffcult to
pace a road race, criterium, or even mountain
bike race using power. Not only can it be
diffcult or unsafe to constantly watch your
wattage, but your effort is often dictated by
terrain or the dynamics of the race. However,
you can still use a power meter to objectively
guide when you may be able to go or when you
need to back off.
Racing With Your Power Meter
21 | Racing with Your Power Meter
Triathlon (Ironman)
During triathlon, where proper pacing on the
bike is essential to a successful run, having
a power meter can be so effective for pacing
that Joe Friel has called it almost cheating. In
particular, he has laid out specifc guidelines for
Ironman triathletes.
The two statistics that are most interesting to an
Ironman triathlete are TSS and IF. To the right
is a table created by Rick Ashburn that Friel
uses to determine what an athletes IF and TSS
should be for an Ironman race.
Your bike-fnish TSS should fall into either
the light gray, dark gray, or yellow sections
depending on how you categorize yourself
(see the color-code legend to fnd your race
category). Then on the left side of the table fnd
your goal bike time. By looking to the right of
the goal time and in your color-coded category
youll see a range of one to four TSS numbers.
Then by glancing up to the top row for both
ends of this colored range youll see what your
IF should be throughout the race. Then you
simply ride in that IF range on race day and
voila!you have your optimal bike time and are
ready to actually run the marathon.
Read the full article, How to Cheat by Using a
Power Meter in an Ironman here.
22 | Next Steps
Keep Learning
Dont stop heretheres still plenty more you can learn about
how to use your new power meter to achieve your on-the-
bike goals. Here are a few great resources for furthering your
knowledge and using power to get faster:
Next Steps
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The Power Meter Handbook
by Joe Friel
The Power Meter Handbook demystifes your power numbers,
clarifes your setup and will show you how to train with power
in simple terms. In clear language, the most trusted coach in
endurance sports makes understanding a power meter easy
no advanced degrees or tech savvy required.
Training & Racing with a Power Meter
by Hunter Allen and Dr. Andrew Coggan
The comprehensive and defnitive guide to training
and racing with a power meter. Learn the scientifc and
mathematical foundation of NP, TSS, power profling, the
Performance Manager, and other deep power analysis tools.
2014 Peaksware, llc. All rights reserved.
Now Youre Ready
You are now equipped with the right tools and knowledge to make the most of your training. Using this
book and your new power meter you can execute your workouts with a level of precision that the
professionals rely on. Congratulations, youre about to reach your true potential.

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