Gud Phy Books

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General Physics (so even mathematicians can understand it!

M.S. Longair: Theoretical concepts in physics, 1986.
An alternative view of theoretical reasoning in physics for final year under
Arnold Sommerfeld: Lectures on Theoretical Physics
Sommerfeld is God for mathematical physics.
Richard Feynman: The Feynman lectures on Physics (3 vols)
Highly recommended texts compiled from the undergraduate lecture course give
n by Feynman.
Jearle Walker: The Flying Circus of Physics
There is the entire Landau and Lifshitz series. They have volumes on classi
cal mechanics, classical field theory, E&M, QM, QFT, statistical physics, and mo
re. Very good series that spans the entire graduate level curriculum.
The New Physics edited by Paul Davies.
This is one big book and it takes time to look through topics as diverse as
general relativity, astrophysics, particle theory, quantum mechanics, chaos and
nonlinearity, low-temperature physics and phase transitions. Nevertheless, this
is an excellent book of recent (1989) physics articles, written by several phys
Richard Feynman: The Character of Physical Law
In his unique no-nonsense style, Feynman lectures about what physics is all
about. Down-to-earth examples keep him from straying into the kind of metaphysi
cs of which he is often critical.
David Mermin: Boojums all the way through: Communicating science in prosaic
Frank Wilczek and Betsy Devine: Longing for the Harmonies: Themes and variat
ions from modern physics
Greg Egan: Permutation City
This is a science fiction novel which has more to say about the philosophy o
f physics than do most philosophers and physicists
Classical Mechanics
Herbert Goldstein: Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed, 1980.
Intermediate to advanced; excellent bibliography.
Introductory: The Feynman Lectures, vol 1.
Keith Symon: Mechanics, 3rd ed., 1971 undergrad. level
H. Corbin and P. Stehle: Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed., 1960
V.I. Arnold: Mathematical methods of classical mechanics, translated by K. V
ogtmann and A. Weinstein, 2nd ed., 1989.
The appendices are somewhat more advanced and cover all sorts of nifty topic
s. Deals with geometrical aspects of classical mechanics
R. Resnick and D. Halliday: Physics, vol 1, 4th Ed., 1993
Excellent introduction without much calculus. Lots of problems and review q
Marion & Thornton: Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 2nd ed., 197
Undergrad level. A useful intro to classical dynamics. Not as advanced as
Goldstein, but with real worked-out examples.
A. Fetter and J. Walecka: Theoretical mechanics of particles and continua
graduate level text, a little less impressive than Goldstein (and sometimes
a little less obtuse)
Kiran Gupta: Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies (1988)
At the level of Goldstein but has many more worked out problems at the end o
f each chapter as a good illustration of the exposed material. Very useful for
preparations for the PhD Qualifying Examination (I presume this is America only
Classical Electromagnetism
Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd ed., 1975
Intermediate to advanced, the definitive graduate(US)/undergraduate(UK) text
Purcell: Berkeley Physics Series Vol 2.
You can't beat this for the intelligent, reasonably sophisticated beginning
physics student. He tells you on the very first page about the experimental pro
of of how charge does not vary with speed.
plus... Chen, Min, Berkeley Physics problems with solutions.
Reitz, Milford and Christy: Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory 4th ed., 1
Undergraduate level. Pretty difficult to learn from at first, but good refe
rence, for some calculations involving stacks of thin films and their reflectanc
e and transmission properties, for e.g. It's a good, rigorous text as far as it
goes, which is pretty far, but not all the way. For example, they have a great
section on optical properties of a single thin film between two dielectric semi-
infinite media, but no generalization to stacks of films.
Feynman: The Feynman Lectures, Vol. 2
Lorrain & Corson: Electromagnetism, Principles and Applications, 1979
Resnick and Halliday: Physics, vol 2, 4th ed., 1993
Igor Irodov: Problems in Physics Excellent and extensive collection of EM pr
oblems for undergrads.
William Smythe: Static and Dynamic Electricity, 3rd ed., 1968
For the extreme masochists. Some of the most hair-raising EM problems you'l
l ever see. Definitely not for the weak-of-heart.
Landau, Lifshitz, and Pitaevskii: Electrodynamics of Continuous Media, 2nd e
d., 1984
Same level as Jackson and with lots of material not in Jackson.
Marion and Heald: Classical Electromagnetic Radiation, 2nd ed., 1980
undergraduate or low-level graduate level
Quantum Mechanics
QED: The strange theory of light and matter Richard Feynman.
One need no longer be confused by this beautiful theory. Richard Feynman gi
ves an exposition that is once again and by itself a beautiful explanation of th
e theory of photon-matter interactions. Taken from a popular, non-technical lec
Cohen-Tannoudji: Quantum Mechanics I & II&, 1977.
Introductory to intermediate.
Liboff: Introductory Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., 1992
Elementary level. Makes a few mistakes.
Sakurai: Modern Quantum Mechanics, 1985
Sakurai: Advanced Quantum Mechanics 1967
Good as an introduction to the very basic beginnings of quantum field theory
, except that it has the unfortunate feature of using "imaginary time" to make M
inkowski space look Euclidean.
J. Wheeler and W. Zurek (eds.): Quantum Theory and Measurement, 1983
On the philosophical end. People who want to know about interpretations of
quantum mechanics should definitely look at this collection of relevant articles
C. DeWitt and N. Graham: The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Philosophical. Collection of articles.
H. Everett: Theory of the Universal Wavefunction
An exposition which has some gems on thermodynamics and probability. Worth
reading for this alone.
Bjorken and Drell: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics/ Relativistic Quantum Fiel
(for comments, see under Particle Physics)
Ryder: Quantum Field Theory, 1984
Guidry: Gauge Field Theories: an introduction with applications 1991
Messiah: Quantum Mechanics, 1961
a] Principles of QM, 4th ed., 1958
b] Lectures in QM, 1964
c] Lectures on Quantum Field Theory, 1966
Itzykson and Zuber: Quantum Field Theory, 1980
Advanced level.
Slater: Quantum theory: Address, essays, lectures.
Good follow on to Schiff.
note: Schiff, Bjorken and Drell, Fetter and Walecka, and Slater are all volu
mes in "International Series in pure and Applied Physics" published by McGraw-Hi
Pierre Ramond: Field Theory: A Modern Primer, 2nd edition. Volume 74 in the
FiP series.
The so-called "revised printing" is a must, as they must've rushed the first
printing of the 2nd edition because it's full of inexcusable mistakes.
Feynman: The Feynman Lectures, Vol. 3
A non-traditional approach. A good place to get an intuitive feel for QM, i
f one already knows the traditional approach.
Heitler & London: Quantum theory of molecules
J. Bell: Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, 1987
An excellent collection of essays on the philosophical aspects of QM.
Milonni: The quantum vacuum: an introduction to quantum electrodynamics 1994
Holland: The Quantum Theory of Motion
A good bet for a strong foundation in QM.
John von Neumann: Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, 1955.
For the more mathematical side of quantum theory, especially for those who a
re going to be arguing about measurement theory.
Schiff: Quantum Mechanics, 3rd ed., 1968
A little old. Not much emphasis on airy-fairy things like many worlds or ex
cessive angst over Heisenberg UP. Straight up QM for people who want to do calc
ulations. Introductory graduate level. Mostly Schrodinger eqn. Spin included,
but only in an adjunct to Schrodinger. Not much emphasis on things like Dirac
eqn, etc.
Eisberg and Resnick: Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, an
d Particles, 2nd ed., 1985.
This is a basic intro. to QM, and it is excellent for undergrads. It is not
thorough with the mathematics, but fills in a lot of the intuitive stuff that m
ost textbooks do not present.
David Saxon: Elementary Quantum Mechanics
A decent undergraduate (senior level) text.
Bethe and Jackiw: Intermediate Quantum Mechanics
P.W.Atkins: Quanta: A Handbook of concepts
Short entries, arranged alphabetically, emphasis on stuff relevant to quantu
m chemistry. Concentrates on the intuition and not the mathematics.
James Peebles: Quantum Mechanics (1993)
Intermediate level, based on lectures given by the author at Princeton. Ver
y lucid exposition of the standard material with outstanding selection of mostly
original problems at the end of each chapter.
Statistical Mechanics and Entropy
David Chandler: Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, 1987
R. Tolman: Prinicples of Statistical Mechanics. Dover
Kittel & Kroemer: Statistical Thermodynamics
Best of a bad lot.
Reif: Principles of statistical and thermal physics.
The big and little Reif statistical mechanics books. Big Reif is much bette
r than Kittel & Kroemer. He uses clear language but avoids the handwaving that
thermodynamics often gives rise to. More classical than QM oriented.
Felix Bloch: Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics.
Radu Balescu: Statistical Physics
Graduate Level. Good description of non-equilibrium stat. mech. but difficu
lt to read. It is all there, but often you don't realize it until after you hav
e learned it somewhere else. Nice development in early chapters about parallels
between classical and quantum statistical mechanics.
Abrikosov, Gorkov, and Dyzaloshinski: Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Sta
tistical Physics
Huw Price: Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point
Semi-popular book on the direction of time by a philosopher. It has been co
ntroversial because of its criticism of physicists such as Hawking for their "do
uble standards" in dealing with the old problem on the origin of the arrow of ti
me. It is thought provoking and clearly written.
The following 6 books deal with modern topics in (mostly) classical statisti
cal mechanics, namely, the central notions of linear response theory (Forster) a
nd critical phenomena (the rest) at level suitable for beginning graduate studen
Thermodynamics, by H. Callen.
Statistical Mechanics, by R. K. Pathria
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations, Broken Symmetry, and Correlation Functions, by D.
Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, by H. E. Stanley
Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena, by S. K. Ma
Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group, by N. Goldenfel
Condensed Matter
Charles Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics (ISSP),
Ashcroft and Mermin: Solid State Physics,
intermediate to advanced
Charles Kittel: Quantum Theory of Solids.
This is from before the days of his ISSP; it is a more advanced book. At a
similar level. . .
Solid State Theory, by W. A. Harrison
(a great bargain now that it's published by Dover)
Theory of Solids, by Ziman.
Fundamentals of the Theory of Metals, by Abrikosov
Half of the book is on superconductivity.
Many-Particle Physics, G. Mahan.
Special Relativity
Taylor and Wheeler: Spacetime Physics Still the best introduction out there.
Relativity: Einstein's popular exposition.
Wolfgang Rindler: Essential Relativity. Springer 1977
With a heavy bias towards astrophysics and therefore on a more moderate leve
l formally. Quite strong on intuition.
A.P. French: Special Relativity
A through introductory text. Good discussion of the twin paradox, pole and
the barn etc. Plenty of diagrams illustrating Lorentz transformed co-ordinates,
giving both an algebraic and geometrical insight to SR. (Seems to be out of pr
Abraham Pais: Subtle is the Lord: The Science and Life of Albert Einstein
The best technical biography of the life and work of Albert Einstein.
Special Relativity and its Experimental Foundations Yuan Zhong Zhang
Special relativity is so well established that its experimental foundation i
s often ignored. This book fills the gap and will be of relevance to many discu
ssions in sci.physics.relativity
Particle Physics
Kerson Huang: Quarks, leptons & gauge fields, World Scientific, 1982.
Good on mathematical aspects of gauge theory and topology.
L. B. Okun: Leptons and quarks, translated from Russian by V. I. Kisin, Nort
h-Holland, 1982.
T. D. Lee: Particle physics and introduction to field theory.
Itzykson: Particle Physics
Bjorken & Drell: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
One of the more terse books. The first volume on relativistic quantum mecha
nics covers the subject in a blinding 300 pages. Very good if you really want t
o know the subject.
Francis Halzen & Alan D. Martin: Quarks & Leptons,
Beginner to intermediate, this is a standard textbook for graduate level cou
rses. Good knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity is assumed. A
very good introduction to the concepts of particle physics. Good examples, but
not a lot of Feynman diagram calculation. For this, see Bjorken & Drell.
Donald H. Perkins: Introduction to high energy physics
Regarded by many people in the field as the best introductory text at the un
dergraduate level. Covers basically everything with almost no mathematics.
Close, Marten, and Sutton: The Particle Explosion
A popular exposition of the history of particle physics with terrific photog
Christine Sutton: Spaceship Neutrino
A good, historical, largely intuitive introduction to particle physics, seen
from the neutrino viewpoint.
Mandl, Shaw: Quantum Field Theory
Introductory textbook, concise and practically orientated. Used at many gra
duate departments as a textbook for the first course in QFT and a bare minimum f
or experimentalists in high energy physics. Chapters on Feynman diagrams and cr
oss-section calculations particularly well written and useful.
F.Gross: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory
I am familiar with first part only (rel. QM) which I warmly recommend in con
junction with Mandl, since Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equation are explained in grea
ter detail than in Mandl. One of my professors likes a lot the rest of the book
too, but I haven't spent much time on it and can't comment. Published in 1993.
S. Weinberg: The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol I,II, 1995 It's the usual Wei
nberg stuff: refreshing, illuminating viewpoints on every page. Perhaps most su
itable for graduate students who already know some basics of QFT. Unfortunately
, this book does not conform to Bjorken-Drell metric.
M.B. Green, J.H. Schwarz, E. Witten: Superstring Theory (2 vols)
Although these two volumes do not touch the important new developments in st
ring theories they are still the best texts for the basics. To keep up with thi
s fast developing subject it is necessary to download the papers and reviews as
hep-th e-prints.
M. Kaku: Strings, Conformal Fields and Topology
Just a little more up-to-date than GSW
Superstrings: A Theory of Everything ed P.C.W. Davies
Through transcripts of interviews with Schwarz, Witten, Green, Gross, Ellis,
Salam, Glashow, Feynman and Weinberg we learn about string theory and how diffe
rent physicists feel about its prospects as a TOE. This also predates the new d
evelopments which revolutionised string theory after 1993.
A Pais: Inward Bound
This can be regarded as a companion volume to his biography of Einstein (see
special relativity section). It covers the history of particle physics through
the twentieth century but is best for the earlier half.
R.P. Crease, C.C. Mann: The Second Creation 1996
Another history of particle physics in the twentieth century. This one is e
specially good on the development of the standard model.. Full of personal stor
ies taken from numerous interviews, it is difficult to put down.
L. Lederman, D. Teresi: The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, Wha
t Is the Question? 2006
This book describes the search for the Higgs Boson at Fermilab. It describes
what the Higgs is and gives some background to the subject of particle physics.
It also gives an account of some more general physics history.
General Relativity
Meisner, Thorne and Wheeler: Gravitation W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco
Sometimes known as "the telephone book" or just MTW. It has two tracks for
different levels. In fact, while it has much interesting reading, it is not a g
ood book to learn relativity from, as its approach is all over the place, and us
es notation that is very gawdy but not very useful.
Robert M. Wald: Space, Time, and Gravity: the Theory of the Big Bang and Bla
ck Holes.
A good non-technical introduction, with a nice mix of mathematical rigor and
comprehensible physics.
Schutz: A First Course in General Relativity.
A readable and useful book. The 1988 edition, at least, does have a slightl
y tangled approach to its Lambda index notation that can cause confusion. Bewar
e the major typos in the Riemann components on page 315! The discussion about R
iemann tensor signs on page 171 is also wrong.
Weinberg: Gravitation and Cosmology
A good book that takes a somewhat different approach to the subject.
Hans Ohanian: Gravitation & Spacetime (recently back in print)
For someone who actually wants to learn to work problems, ideal for self-tea
ching, and math is introduced as needed, rather than in a colossal blast.
Robert Wald: General Relativity
A more advanced textbook than Wald's earlier book, appropriate for an introd
uctory graduate course in GR. It strikes just the right balance, in my opinion,
between mathematical rigor and physical intuition. It has great mathematics ap
pendices for those who care about proving theorems carefully, and a good introdu
ction to the problems behind quantum gravity (although not to their solutions).
I think it's MUCH better than either MTW or Weinberg.
Clifford Will: Was Einstein Right? Putting General Relativity to the Test
Non-technical account of the experimental support for GR, including the "cla
ssic three tests", but going well beyond them.
Kip Thorne: Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy
An award winning popular account of black holes and related objects with man
y historical anecdotes from the authors personal experiences. The book is famou
s for the final sections about time travel through wormholes.
Mathematical Methods
Morse and Feshbach: Methods of Theoretical Physics. This book used to be ha
rd to find, but can now be bought at
Mathews and Walker: Mathematical Methods of Physics. An absolute joy for th
ose who love math, and very informative even for those who don't. [This has bee
n severely disputed!--ed]
Arfken: Mathematical Methods for Physicists Academic Press
Good introduction at graduate level. Not comprehensive in any area, but cov
ers many areas widely. Arfken is to math methods what numerical recipes is to n
umerical methods good intro, but not the last word.
Zwillinger: Handbook of Differential Equations. Academic Press
Kind of like CRC tables but for ODEs and PDEs. Good reference book when you
've got a differential equation and want to find a solution.
Gradshteyn and Ryzhik: Table of Integrals, Series, and Products Academic
THE book of integrals. Huge, but useful when you need an integral.
F.W. Byron and R. Fuller: Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics (2 vo
is a really terrific text for self-study; it is like a baby version of Morse
& Feshbach.
Nuclear Physics
Preston and Bhaduri: Structure of the Nucleus
Blatt and Weisskopf: Theoretical Nuclear Physics
DeShalit and Feshbach: Theoretical Nuclear Physics
This is serious stuff. Also quite expensive even in paper. I think the har
d cover is out of print. This is volume I (structure). Volume II (scattering)
is also available.
Satchler: Direct Nuclear Reactions
Walecka: Theoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (1995)
Covers advanced topics in theoretical nuclear physics from a modern perspect
ive and includes results of past 20 years in a field which makes it unique. Not
an easy material to read but invaluable for people seeking an updated review of
the present status in the field.
Krane: Introductory nuclear physics
Introductory-to-intermediate level textbook in basic nuclear physics for sen
ior undergraduates. Good, clear and relatively comprehensive exposition of "sta
ndard" material: nuclear models, alfa, beta, gamma radioactivity, nuclear reacti
ons. . . Last edition issued in 1988.
J. V. Narlikar: Introduction to Cosmology.1983 Jones & Bartlett Publ.
For people with a solid background in physics and higher math, THE introduct
ory text, IMHO, because it hits the balance between mathematical accuracy (tenso
r calculus and stuff) and intuitive clarity/geometrical models very well for gra
d student level. Of course, it has flaws but only noticeable by the Real Expert
s (TM). . .
Hawking: A Brief History of Time
The ghost-written book that made Popular Science popular, but an odd mixture
of easy physics and very advanced physics.
Weinberg: First Three Minutes
A very good book. It's pretty old, but most of the information in it is sti
ll correct.
Timothy Ferris: Coming of Age in the Milky Way and The Whole Shebang
More Popular Science, and very readable.
Kolb and Turner: The Early Universe.
At a more advanced level, a standard reference. As the title implies, K&T c
over mostly the strange physics of very early times: it's heavy on the particle
physics, and skimps on the astrophysics. There's a primer on large-scale struct
ure, which is the most active area of cosmological research, but it's really not
all that good.
Peebles: Principles of Physical Cosmology. Comprehensive, and on the whole i
t's quite a good book, but it's rather poorly organized. I find myself jumping
back and forth through the book whenever I want to find anything.
Black Holes and Warped Spacetime, by William J. Kaufmann III.
This is a great, fairly thorough, though non-mathematical description of bla
ck holes and spacetime as it relates to cosmology. I was impressed by how few m
istakes Kaufmann makes in simplifying, while most such books tend to sacrifice a
ccuracy for simplicity.
M.V. Berry: Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation
This is very well written, and useful as an undergrad text.
Dennis Overbye: Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos The unfinished history of conver
ge on Hubble's constant is presented, from the perspective of competing astrophy
sics rival teams and institute, along with a lot of background on cosmology (a l
ot on inflation, for instance). A good insight into the scientific process.
Joseph Silk: The Big Bang
I consider Silk's book an absolute must for those who want a quick run at th
e current state of big bang cosmology and some of the recent (1988) issues which
have given so many of us lots of problems to solve. [of course that's eons out
of date now--ed.]
Bubbles, voids, and bumps in time: the new cosmology edited by James Cornell
This is quite a nice and relatively short read for some of the pressing issu
es (as of 1987-88) in astrophysical cosmology.
T. Padmanabhan: Structure formation in the universe
A no-nonsense book for those who want to calculate some problems strictly re
lated to the formation of structure in the universe. The book even comes comple
te with problems at the end of each chapter. A bad thing about this book is tha
t there isn't any coverage on clusters of galaxies and the one really big thing
that annoys the hell outta me is that the bibliography for each chapter is all c
ombined in one big bibliography towards the end of the book which makes for lots
of page flipping.
P.J.E. Peebles: The large-scale structure of the universe
This is a definitive book for anyone who desires an understanding of the mat
hematics required to develop the theory for models of large scale structure. Th
e essential techniques in the description of how mass is able to cluster under g
ravity from a smooth early universe are discussed. While I find it dry in some
places, there are noteworthy sections (e.g. statistical tests, n-point correlati
on functions, etc.).
Andrzej Krasinski: Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models
If you are blinded by the dogma of the cosmological principle this book is a
real eye opener. A technical, historical and bibliographical survey of possibl
e inhomogeous universes from solutions of general relativity.
Alan Lightman and Roberta Brawer: Origins: The lives and worlds of modern co
smologists, 1990
Transcripts of interview with 27 of the most influential cosmologists from t
he past few decades. This book provides a unique record of how their cosmologic
al theories have been formed.
Hannu Karttunen et al. (eds.): Fundamental Astronomy.
The very good book covering all of astronomy (also for absolute beginners) A
ND still going into a lot of detail for special work for people more involved AN
D presenting excellent graphics and pictures.
Pasachoff: Contemporary Astronomy
Good introductory textbook for the nontechnical reader. It gives a pretty g
ood overview of the important topics, and it has good pictures.
Frank Shu: The physical universe: an introduction to astronomy
This is a really grand book, which covers a huge sweep of physics in its 600
-odd pages. Not only does it describe the field of astronomy in great detail, b
ut it also covers in detail the laws of classical and quantum mechanics, atrophy
sics and stellar evolution, cosmology, special and general relativity; and last
but not least, the biochemical basis of life. In fact the last few chapters wou
ld make a great addition to a biochemist's library!
Kenneth R. Lang: Astrophysical formulae: a compendium for the physicist and
Here is everything you wanted to know (and more!) about astrophysical formul
ae on a one-line/one-paragraph/one-shot deal. Of course, the formulae come comp
lete with references (a tad old, mind you) but it's a must for everyone who's wo
rking in astronomy and astrophysics. You learn something new every time you fli
p through the pages!
Plasma Physics
(See Robert Heeter's sci.physics.fusion FAQ for details)
Numerical Methods/Simulations
Johnson and Rees: Numerical Analysis Addison Wesley
Undergraduate level broad intro.
Numerical Recipes in X (X=c,fortran,pascal,etc) Tueklosky and Press
Young and Gregory: A survey of Numerical Mathematics Dover 2 volumes.
Excellent overview at grad. level. Emphasis toward solution of elliptic PDE
s, but good description of methods to get there including linear algebra, matrix
techniques, ODE-solving methods, and interpolation theory. Biggest strength is
it provides a coherent framework and structure to attach most commonly used num
erical methods. This helps understanding about why to use one method or another
. 2 volumes.
Hockney and Eastwood: Computer Simulation Using Particles Adam Hilger
Good exposition of particle-in-cell (PIC) method and extensions. Applicatio
ns to plasmas, astronomy, and solid state are discussed. Emphasis is on descrip
tion of algorithms. Some results shown.
Birdsall and Langdon: Plasma Physics via Computer Simulations
PIC simulation applied to plasmas. Source codes shown. First part is almos
t a tutorial on how to do PIC. Second part is like a series of review articles
on different PIC methods.
Tajima: Computational Plasma Physics: With Applications to Fusion and Astrop
hysics Addison Wesley Frontiers in physics Series.
Algorithms described. Emphasis on physics that can be simulated. Applicati
ons limited to plasmas, but subject areas very broad, fusion, cosmology, solar a
strophysics, magnetospheric physics, plasma turbulence, general astrophysics.
Fluid Dynamics
D.J. Tritton: Physical Fluid Dynamics
G.K. Batchelor: Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
S. Chandrasekhar: Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetic Stability
Segel: Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics Dover.
Nonlinear Dynamics, Complexity, and Chaos
There is a FAQ posted regularly to sci.nonlinear.
Prigogine: Exploring Complexity
Or any other Prigogine book. If you've read one, you read most of of them (
A Poincar recurrence maybe?).
Guckenheimer and Holmes: Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifu
rcations of Vector Fields Springer
Borderline phys/math. Advanced level. Nuts and bolts how to textbook. No
Saganesque visionary thing from the authors. They let the topic provide all the
razz-ma-tazz, which is plenty if you pay attention and remember the physics tha
t it applies to.
Lichtenberg, A. J. and M. A. Lieberman (1982): Regular and Stochastic Motion
. New York, Springer-Verlag.
Ioos and Joseph: Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory. New York, Spr
Heinz Pagels: The Dreams Of Reason
He is a very clear and interesting, captivating writer, and presents the con
cepts in a very intuitive way. The level is popular science, but it is still us
eful for physicists who know little of complexity.
M. Mitchell Waldrop: Complexity
A popular intro to the subject of spontaneous orders, complexity and so on.
Covers implications for economics, biology etc and not just physics.
Optics (Classical and Quantum), Lasers
Max Born and Emil Wolf: Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Prop
Standard reference.
For the more classically minded.
Allen and Eberly: Optical Resonance and Two-Level Atoms.
For quantum optics, the most readable but most limited.
Goodman: Introduction to Fourier Optics.
If it isn't in this book, it isn't Fourier optics.
Quantum Optics and Electronics (Les Houches Summer School 1963 or 1964, but
someone has claimed that Gordon and Breach, NY, are going to republish it in 199
5), edited by DeWitt, Blandin, and Cohen- Tannoudji, is noteworthy primarily for
Glauber's lectures, that form the basis of quantum optics as it is known today.
Sargent, Scully, & Lamb: Laser Physics
Yariv: Quantum Electronics
Siegman: Lasers
Shen: The Principles of Nonlinear Optics
Meystre & Sargent: Elements of Quantum Optics
Cohen-Tannoudji, Dupont-Roc, & Grynberg: Photons, Atoms and Atom-Photon Inte
Hecht: Optics
A very good introductory optics book.
Practical Holography by Graham Saxby, Prentice Hall: New York; 1988.
This is a very clear and detailed book that is an excellent introduction to
holography for interested undergraduate physics people, as well as advanced read
ers, especially those who are interested in the practical details of making holo
grams and the theory behind them.
Mathematical Physics
Lie Algebra, Topology, Knot Theory, Tensors, etc.
These are books that are sort of talky and fun to read (but still substantial--s
ome harder than others). These include things mathematicians can read about phy
sics as well as vice versa. These books are different than the "bibles" one mus
t have on hand at all times to do mathematical physics.
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, Cecile DeWitt-Morette, and Margaret Dillard-Bleick: A
nalysis, manifolds, and physics (2 volumes)
Something every mathematical physicist should have at his bedside until he k
nows it inside and out--but some people say it's not especially easy to read.
Jean Dieudonne: A panorama of pure mathematics, as seen by N. Bourbaki, tran
slated by I.G. Macdonald.
Gives the big picture in mathematics.
Robert Hermann: Lie groups for physicists, Benjamin-Cummings, 1966.
George Mackey: Quantum mechanics from the point of view of the theory of gro
up representations, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, 1984.
George Mackey: Unitary group representations in physics, probability, and nu
mber theory.
Charles Nash and S. Sen: Topology and geometry for physicists.
B. Booss and D.D. Bleecker: Topology and analysis: the Atiyah-Singer index f
ormula and gauge-theoretic physics.
Bamberg and S. Sternberg: A Course of Mathematics for Students of Physics
Bishop & Goldberg: Tensor Analysis on Manifolds.
Flanders: Differential Forms with applications to the Physical Sciences.
Dodson & Poston: Tensor Geometry.
von Westenholz: Differential forms in Mathematical Physics.
Abraham, Marsden & Ratiu: Manifolds, Tensor Analysis and Applications.
M. Nakahara: Topology, Geometry and Physics.
Morandi: The Role of Topology in Classical and Quantum Physics
Singer, Thorpe: Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry
L. Kauffman: Knots and Physics, World Scientific, Singapore, 1991.
C. Yang and M. Ge: Braid group, Knot Theory & Statistical Mechanics.
D. Kastler: C-algebras and their applications to Statistical Mechanics and Q
uantum Field Theory.
Courant and Hilbert: Methods of Mathematical Physics Wiley
Really a mathematics book in disguise. Emphasis on ODEs and PDEs. Proves e
xistence, etc. Very comprehensive. 2 volumes.
Cecille Dewitt is publishing a book on manifolds that should be out soon (ma
ybe already is). Very high level, but supposedly of great importance for anyone
needing to set the Feynman path integral in a firm foundation.
Howard Georgi: Lie Groups for Particle Phyiscs Addison Wesley Frontiers in P
hysics Series.
Synge and Schild.
Atomic Physics
Max Born: Atomic Physics
A classic, though a little old.
Gerhard Herzberg: Atomic spectra and atomic structure, Translated with the c
o-operation of the author by J. W. T.Spinks. New York, Dover publications, 1944
Old but good.
E. U. Condon and G. H. Shortley: The theory of atomic spectra, CUP 1951
G. K. Woodgate: Elementary atomic structure, 2d ed. Oxford: New York: Claren
don Press, Oxford University Press, 1983, c 1980
Introductory level.
Alan Corney: Atomic and laser spectroscopy, Oxford, New York: Clarendon Pres
s, 1977
Excellent,fairly advanced, large experimental bent, but good development of
background. Good stuff on lasers (gas, dye)
Low Temperature Physics, Superconductivity
The Theory of Quantum Liquids, by D. Pines and P. Nozieres
Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys, P. G. DeGennes A classic introductio
Theory of Superconductivity, J. R. Schrieffer
Superconductivity, M. Tinkham
Experimental techniques in low-temperature physics, by Guy K. White.
This is considered by many as a "bible" for those working in experimental lo
w-temperature physics.

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