Businses School Interview Questions
Businses School Interview Questions
Businses School Interview Questions
My goal is to make my business more profitable and more marketable. I have been running my
company for more than 4 years and I have been impressed with what I was able to achieve. Last
year i was approached by a venture capitalist who was looking to buy into our business and wanted
to see what were doing. I talked to him and showed him our books just for curiosity sake to see how
much he would value our business. When we spoke he showed me many things that we were
missing, he talked about how our marketing strategy was poor, and he talked about our pricing
He pointed out many things that we werent doing as a company. That experience was an eye
opener to the things that was missing in the organization and knew the next thing to do was get an
MBA. I want an MBA to learn about business model, pricing strategies, project management
competitive strategy and so forth. The business experience I will get is also top of my list especially
since I know I will intern for a couple of months and working with companies as consultants. The
club I am looking forward to work with COTA. Consultancy Operations Technology Association
Career Objectives: You could talk about your career objectives and how the two year MBA
programme will help you achieve them.
Value Addition: Value addition will essentially be in two forms knowledge and skills.
Background: This is where you connect your past to your future. If you are an engineer, try
and say that the MBA course and your engineering degree will help you do your job better
in the company that you will join. You should be able to convincingly justify how your
engineering qualification will help.
Opportunities and Rewards: You could also at this stage mention the opportunities that are
opening up in organizations for management graduates. At this stage mentioning superior
monetary rewards for management graduates may not be a bad idea.
Tell me about yourself.
You could start by explaining where you're from, where you grew up, and any salient personal
circumstances. Then talk about your undergraduate education and why you made those choices.
Finally, talk about your career choices and where you are today. Everything you say should build
toward the idea that your life has naturally led you to apply to business school. Your answer should
be a concise, two to three minute response, demonstrating your ability to synthesize and structure
your thoughts. Your interests & hobbies, that is to do with your personality, who are you? Your
strengths, that is a glimpse for the recruiter into your profile and how that will benefit any
organization that you work for?
What are you most proud of about your undergraduate period?
Why did you select this undergraduate major? Would you have changed your decision today?
To what do you attribute your strong academic performance?
In which campus activities did you participate? What did you learn or gain
from this involvement?
Do your grades accurately reflect your ability?
What does "success" mean to you?
What does "failure" mean to you?
What have you disliked in your past jobs? (If you have worked in more than one organization)
How long before you can make a contribution (Not monetary) to the institute?
What according to you is your ideal job and how will this program help you realise the same?
What can you tell me about your past bosses? (If you have work experience)
What have you learned from your activities in college?
Were your extracurricular activities worth the time you put into them?
What have they taught you?
What two attributes are most important in your job?
What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?
What have you done that you consider creative?
Who do you admire? Why?
What do you get passionate about?
What courses are you taking?
Tell me about yourself.
Describe a time when you had to bend the rules a little in order to
accomplish a goal.
Tell me about something in your life you would have done differently if you
had the opportunity.
What 3 adjectives would others use to describe you?
Can you recall a creative/innovative activity of yours?
Tell me about a time you took a risk and what the experience was like.
If you were to establish a set of values and beliefs on which to build a
business, what would they be?
Tell me about a time in which you failed.
What would you like to change about yourself?
Discuss any experience you have had abroad.
Describe a life experience that had a strong impact on you?
Personal Characteristics
5. What contributions would you make to a group?
10. A book I'd recommend that I've read recently.
11. Name three qualities that do not describe you
12. What distinguishes you from others?
13. What are people most surprised to learn about you?
14. How comfortable are you speaking up in front of large groups of people?
15. Why do you think you are successful at what you do
16. Misperception about you/first impressions
17. If you could write a book on anything what would it be on?
18. What kind of books do you like to read?
19. What are your extracurricular interests?
20. What makes you unique?
21. On a scale of to 1 to 10, compared to your peers, rank yourself in analytical ability. In drive? In
confidence? In being better than people?
22. How do you think you are as a contributor to the community?
Why are you interested in this school/program?
List all the reasons the school/program is ideally suited for you, from location to faculty to
coursework to the schools connections with specific industries and companies that match your
career goals.
List all the reasons why their business school is the single best match for your career goals. Discuss
its faculty, facilities, theoretical approach, course offering, student activities, job placement record,
location, and any and all reasons that demonstrate a deliberate choice. Your goal is convey your
belief that the school is a highly compelling choice for you, if not your first choice.
2. Have you thought of other schools?
3. Where else have you applied and what was the result
3. What part of the MBA program will you struggle with most?
4. Activities at SCHOOL you would participate in. What you can bring to them?
6. What will be the biggest challenge for you in adjusting to life at SCHOOL?
7. What do you see yourself doing for your summer internship after your first year?
8. What do you specifically have to bring to the classroom versus the many others who have done
XXX career?
9. What would you uniquely add to the class?
Why should we admit you?
Talk about your academic and professional accomplishments and how they make you an ideal fit for
the program. Then discuss how this specific program will help you achieve your career goals.
Why not? Describe in modest and balanced terms why you are eminently qualified for the program.
Talk about your personal, academic, and extracurricular accomplishments and how they make you
a strong candidate for the program. Discuss your long range plans and how you will make full use
of the university's resources to accomplish your goals. While may sound selfish, you're really telling
the school that they won't be wasting an admissions spot with you.
What are your short- and long-term career goals? Where do you see
yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Career Aspirations
1. What do you want to do (in regard to business function, industry, location)?
2. Describe your career aspirations
4. Talk about experiences you have had at work.
5. Discuss any experience you have had abroad.
6. What challenges do you think you will face as you move through this career path?
9. What strategic issues would you want to tackle if you were running a company in your chosen
10. What do you not want to do?
Good qualities of a team member
How do you define a good team member?
No right or wrong answers here, but being able to speak to specific examples of when you worked
well on a team is a great way to approach this question. Business school will be mostly working
with a team of some sort. Thinking of a time when teamwork was better than doing it yourself is
not a bad thing to ponder prior to interviewing.
What role do you usually play in group situations? Could you give an example?
Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own?
Give me an example of your teamwork experience.
1. Have you worked in a team environment? What were your contributions to the effort?
2. What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling his own weight?
4. How do you work in teams?
5. What would your colleagues miss least about you?
6. What role do you usually take in a team setting?
7. When did you lead a team? What is the hardest part of leading a team
8. Tell me about how you manage teams
9. How do you create accountability and create a strong team?
10. Tell me about a leadership experience where you had to depend upon another person/other
people for success
11. Give an example of when you had to lead people?
Good qualities of a leader
Your interviewer will almost certainly dwell on your leadership qualities. He or she may ask you to
expand upon the leadership examples mentioned in your essays, or ask for a brand new example.
Whatever the case, be sure to have several examples ready illustrating different forms of leadership
leading a team, taking the ethical high ground, making a positive impact, etc.
One leadership failure example
How do you define a good leader?
In other words, what is your personal leadership style? Be prepared to give examples from your
Give me two cases where you demonstrated leadership.
How would others describe your leadership style?
What do you think is the right way to get things done through others?
What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling his own weight?
What qualities should a successful manager possess?
Have you ever spoken to a group of people? How large?
General Leadership
2. How are you a leader in your job
3. What is your leadership style?
4. How would you describe your leadership style; collaborative or direct?
5. What are the pros/cons of your style?
6. What leader in history do you admire most?
7. What makes someone a leader?
8. How do you motivate someone?
Leadership Stories
1. Tell me about a time you helped someone else succeed.
2. Tell me about a time you helped someone else develop
3. Give examples of how you have demonstrated leadership inside and outside the work
4. Time when you've been challenged as a leader and what you learned from it.
5. Give an example of leadership that you didn't discuss in your essays
6. Tell me about a specific situation in your professional career where you solved an important
7. Tell me about a time when you exhibited leadership.
8. How had your leadership style evolved from Position X through today?
9. Give a leadership example outside of work, after college.
10. Tell me about a leadership experience that you did not mention in your essays.
11. Since submitting your application, how have you continued to take leadership roles?
12. What would your colleagues say are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
13. Give me your leadership resume, starting when you feel is appropriate and demonstrating your
growth as a leader.
14. Give an example of when you took the initiative.
15. Give another example of a situation in which you showed leadership in the face of adversity.
16. Tell me about a decision you have faced, not that you necessarily regret but I am more interested
in the decision point.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Addressing strengths is fairly easy. Pick three that you feel set you apart and that you can back up
with examples. As for weaknesses, turn your shortcomings into strengths. For example, you could
explain how your impatience allows you to get things done quickly.
Nobody likes answering this question, but it comes up. Describing your strengths should be
straightforward. Pick two or three qualities that you possess which demonstrate your business
acumen. For example, if you're an HR director, you can discuss your ability to identify strong
candidates and match them with great opportunities. Talking about your weaknesses is another
story. The general rule is to pick weaknesses that are really "weaknesses turning into strengths". You
might say, for instance, that you don't always pay attention to details because you're focused on the
big picture, but that you've started to train yourself to do so.
A SWOT is a detailed analysis of your-self. Its a cool feeling to analyze oneself like a subject. The
most challenging aspect of a SWOT, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities &
Threats, is the W. Its really hard to come up with Weaknesses that you can share with the recruiter
who is totally judging every word you utter. Also, need to simultaneously make sure that strengths
and weaknesses are not contradicting each other. For instance, dont say in one instant, that you are
emotionally stable and then in another, point out your short-tempered nature. Also, stay away from
the clichd way of presenting strength as your weakness. For example: My weakness is that Im a
perfectionist. Come up with a genuine weakness and then quickly move on to talking about how
you strive to tackle it and take it to your advantage. Interviewer is aware that no one is perfect so
trying to outsmart the recruiter here is a bad idea. For example: I can be disorganised at times &
thus miss important events. Ive started maintaining a planner & leave reminders on my phone to
help me keep track of important deadlines, events etc.
This is the second most favorite of interviewers. Give a genuine response; especially, don't fake a
weakness (no one is perfect). You may like to give an example of how you have used your strength
in the recent times to achieve an objective or how your weakness has taught you a life lesson. You
should be ready with a plan of action to work on your weakness and fix it soon.
5. What constructive criticism have you received from your boss?
This is a thinly veiled way to ask what are your weaknesses? Hint: give weaknesses which will be
remedied by two years of business school, not personal or fatal personality flaws.
I used to be somewhat disorganized, but eventually this got me into trouble when I missed an
appointment I hadn't written down. It was clear that I had to learn how to be more organized. So,
with the help of my senior colleague we worked out a system that I still use today. Not only do I stay
on top of things, but I'm more efficient, too.
The first thing you need to do prior to interviewing is assess yourself. This includes listing your
strengths and weaknesses, your accomplishments and achievements, reviewing your strong and
your weak subjects, and recording some of the key decisions you have made in your life.
You should then review your interests, the disappointments you've encountered, your work
environment likes/dislikes, your business and personal values, your goals, needs, restrictions, and life
style preferences. It would help if you're ready to practice answering the following potential
In the past year, what have you been dissatisfied about in your performance?
Which all other schools have you applied?
This is a delicate question. If you answer, you're admitting that you're interested in more than one
school. If you don't, you risk coming across as defensive and combative. One way to deal with this
question is to say that you've applied to a few other schools whose programs correspond with your
coursework interests, career goals, and other criteria. But that their school is really an excellent fit
and that you'd love to be considered for the entering class. This is somewhat evasive, but doesn't
force a direct comparison between their school and other schools. Another option is to disclose
everything, particularly if you have other offers. This shows that you're an attractive candidate and
it may help you get admitted. Which approach you take is up to you.
Walk me through your resume?
This is a very challenging question as it requires you to be aware of your strengths and key
experiences. It basically tests your ability to present and talk about the highlights of your profile.
Discuss your career progression.
Describe your work experience (in general or with specific employers).
What did you find most frustrating at work?
What kinds of changes would you make at your work if you could?
Do you have any opportunity for innovative thinking?
Could you describe an incident where you disagreed with a superior? How was this settled?
What aspect of your job do you most enjoy? Why?
Of what accomplishment at work are you most proud?
Could you compare your experience in these two jobs you had?
If I ask your manager what he/she values in you, what will he/she say?
What did you enjoy most/least about position X?
Of which three accomplishments are you most proud?
What problems have you solved in your previous positions?
What have you disliked in your job with employer X?
What are some recent responsibilities you have taken on?
Career Progression
Why go to your first job?
Tell me an important thing that you learned from your work and school experiences.
How did you choose your job after college
Tell me a decision you made in your career you wish you could have done differently.
What challenges do you think you will face as you move through this career path?
What would be your dream job (if you had no considerations for money etc.)?
Explain your career path to date; why did you choose the jobs you have had?
Current Job
1. Tell me what you do in your daily job
2. What do you do at work?
3. What do you/dont you like regarding your job
4. Tell me about your job. How is your most recent project going?
5. What exactly do you do at your current job, how is the group structured, do you have any direct
6. Take me through an interesting project you have worked on recently.
7. What do you like about your job? What do you not like about your job?
8. If I promoted you today at your job, what change would you implement?
9. Take me through an interesting project you have worked on recently.
10. What would you do to improve your company (pretend you've been promoted)?
11. Describe a typical work day
Talk about your accomplishments as a leader.
Have several leadership examples prepared, both from work and in your volunteer and community
What is your definition of teamwork?
These questions tests your definition of success; some interviewers are also trying to test your ethics
and values. Your response could be any corporate tycoon; alternatively you could name someone
you know closely. Provide a good justification for your choice. Last but not the least; do read the
difference between a leader and a manager before you sit through any interview.
What is your biggest failure or greatest challenge?
They want to know what you have learned and will ascertain your maturity level therefrom. If you
havent failed at anything, its likely you havent garnered enough experience to go to b-school.
What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date?
What makes you stand out among other candidates?
What can you contribute to our program?
What are your expectations of this program?
How do you plan to use your degree?
Can you give me an example of a time that you demonstrated leadership?
Give examples of how you have demonstrated leadership inside and outside the work
How would your colleagues describe you?
This is a very thinly veiled way to ask what are your strengths? Hint: give strengths which
will be perceived as valuable both as a student and a professional.
"What Have You Read Recently?"
Don't answer the latest New York Times Bestseller. The interviewer is interested in establishing your
intellectual quality and curiosity. Ideally, your reading will consist of business books, newspapers,
and journals. This demonstrates that your interest is genuine, maybe even indicative of a passion.
You can also mention wider reading, to show that you're well rounded, but start with material that's
closer to your interviewer's heart.
You should go prepared knowing all about your job profile, your KRAs (key result areas), your
organisation, its performance in the markets, your industry, your organisations competitors.
Most interviewers wish to understand whether you pursue an interest and if you do so, how deep is
your involvement. Most coaching classes have made students believe that the only correct answer to
this question is, "reading". Don't get in to this trap; the next question will be - which books have you
read, who have authored them, who are other authors you admire, what's the synopsis and so on...
On the contrary, your hobby could be painting, travel, music, dancing etc. But once again be
cautious; your interest can't be shallow - you can't say, "Music is my hobby, I love listening to
Bollywood music." If you say traveling is your hobby, you should keep a list of places you visited on
top of mind and also what's striking about that place and its culture! One of my co-interviewers had
asked a girl to show the various mudras of Bharatnatyam. So when you talk about something being
your hobby/ interest, make sure you are involved deeply!
Doyouhaveastrongholdonyourlearningcurve? Questions about
the Course you are pursuing or pursued.
This is about knowing the fundamentals of your course material well. Dont assume that there
would be no experts from your field in the panel who can quiz you to selection/rejection. Be well
Areyouafunperson?Questions about your Hobbies
Make sure your interests and hobbies also give you an edge and help you stand out! If youve
mentioned gardening as a hobby, you are expected to know which fertiliser works best for rose
flowers! So make sure that you have in-depth information about your interest. If you have
mentioned hobbies that are genuine, this should not be a problem. But if youve mentioned reading
as a hobby, just to impress the interview panel, then you better do some R&D!
10. Are you really aware or did you just get lucky? Questions from
your GD
Its quite possible that your Personal Interview panel could be the same as your Group Discussion. In
such a scenario, be prepared to expect questions around your GD topic. They could probe you
further about it or ask about a certain point youd made in the GD. You should be able to defend or
justify your point of view.
What do you want to do (in regard to business function, industry, location)?
Describe an ethical dilemma faced at work?
Describe your career aspirations?
What would you do if not accepted?
What is an activity you are involved in? Why is it important to you?
Talk about experiences you have had at work.
Why did you choose your undergraduate major?
What contributions would you make to a group?
Name three words or phrases to describe yourself to others.
What is most frustrating at work?
Describe a typical work day.
Have you worked in a team environment? What were your contributions to the effort?
Discuss any experience you have had abroad.
How did you choose your job after college?
It's two years after graduation, what three words would your team members use to describe
Describe a situation where you brought an idea forward, and it failed.
How do you define success?
What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling his own weight?
If for some reason you dont have the chance to mention all the points while answering questions,
then you can do so at the conclusion of the interview when asked if there is anything else the
admissions should know.
Questions from your graduate level program:
If you are an engineer, you may come across a few questions around capacitors and diodes or
perhaps your final year project work. Aha, damn... you were never in love with machines and hence
you're pursuing MBA... But these questions still seem to haunt you! Relax, be honest and explain
your point. You may like to tell the interviewer to test your interests and your knowledge in the
program you wish to pursue. Those who have done B.Com or BBA are perhaps a bit luckier!
Really??? I was interviewing a prospective student who had completed his BBA. I asked him about
his final year project; he said that he had submitted a project on 'Setting up a chain of Spa for Dogs'.
My first question was, "Had you estimated your market size?" He replied, "Oh yes ma'am, about 80%
of urban population owns a pet." I was still thinking which country he was talking about and there
the young man clarifies, "Ma'm you go to the Juhu Beach and you'll find every second person has a
dog!" After he left the room, my co-interviewer said, "Did this young man include spouses of all
those married in his category of 'pets'?" Moral of the story is, "Do brush up theory from your
graduate level program and final year project."
Do you read a newspaper? What headline spotted your attention
The interviewer is checking your knowledge on current affair and general awareness. Many
students say that they skipped reading news as they had to reach the venue early. Interviewers will
then throw up questions like - What was major news in this week or in this month? What is India's
GDP? Name three CMs who are women? Who is the Home Minister of India? What's the latest on
the FDI in retail? Which company lately announced an IPO? and so on... This year election could be
a hot theme! So do read newspapers and keep yourself informed on what's latest!
How would you handle a situation or What is a solution you
recommend to a particular problem
At times an interviewer may throw up a commonly faced real-life problem and ask you to provide a
solution. This could be to test your decision making ability or ability to work in a team or
understanding your managerial style.
3. Challenge at current job.
4. What could you have done better at previous job?
5. How did you get these positions?
6. What is the biggest misperception people have about you when first meeting you?
8. Anything else with these 2 minutes left youd like to add? (time went by quickly, and I didnt think I
would actually get asked this)
Most recent work experience related?
1- How did you start? What is your company trying to do? Explain your role and relationship to your
2 What do you see yourself doing after HBS? [Gave my answer]. What if that doesnt work out?
What else will you consider?
-The interviewers cover a lot of ground in 30 minutes: ensure your answers are crisp.
What was your favorite case? Why was it so interesting?
What is your startup?
What do you do at this startup?
How was the culture different between the consulting firm and the startup?
What would you do differently as CEO?
A lot of Silicon Valley types dont want to go to business school. Why do you want to go?
What would be your ideal internship?
Share an experience when you were out of your comfort zone.
Business schools like to accept candidates whom they feel can hold up under pressure and make
decisions without complete information. Demonstrating this with stories from your career journey
will help them see you have real potential.
9. What was the most significant event that made you the way you are now?
Again, no wrong answers here, but the best answers will be sharing a story or unique experience
you have had or encounter with someone you have known which made an indelible impact on your
How will you contribute to the class?
This is a good chance to talk about what you bring to the tableeveryone must bring something of
value to their classmates, so this is another area to speak to your greatest strengths, but this time,
ones which your colleagues would specifically find useful. Remember, most of your classmates will
not be coming from your industry or job function, so skills which may seem mundane or common to
you might be less so from a different perspective. Also be familiar with what you will contribute
outside the classroom. Knowing some specific clubs or extracurricular offerings of that particular
school will demonstrate good due diligence skills.
Why do you think you would enjoy your chosen area of study (Eg:
Marketing is key to the success of any organization and the function has always appealed to me, because it
requires a combination of creativity, strategic and analytic ability - all qualities that I feel I possess. Through
discussions with some of my seniors, I have a pretty good idea of what it's like to work toward taking up a
marketing job, and I know I will enjoy the work.
Extracurricular / Volunteer Work
Have you ever done any volunteer work? What was it?
Were your extracurricular activities worth the time you put into them? What
have they taught you?
The MBA Program
What are you looking for in our program?
What can you contribute to your class?
Why do you think you would enjoy your chosen area of study?
What clubs are you considering joining?
It's two years after graduation, what three words would your MBA team
members use to describe you?
In dealing with a customer, think of your most difficult situation and tell me
how you handled it.
Give an example of a case when you felt your boss made a bad decision and
explain how you would have handled it differently.
Describe a situation where 20 different things had to get done at once and
how you handled it.
Describe a disagreement you had with your boss. What did he say? What did
you say?
Describe a major problem you have faced on the job and how you handled it
Lessons Learned
1. What did you learn from experience XYZ (that was discussed in my essays)
2. Tell me about a time you had to deal with conflict in the workplace
3. Time when you've been challenged as a leader and what you learned from it.
Challenging Situation
1. Describe a situation where you brought an idea forward, and it failed.
2. Talk about a time you encountered a problem you had to overcome.
3. Time when a leader fell short and you had to step up and lead.
4. Time when you wanted to give up and how you motivated yourself to keep going.
5. Tell me about a time when you had to interact with people in a difficult situation.
6. Tell me about a time when you were challenged at work.
7. Time when you wanted to give up and how you motivated yourself to keep going.
8. Tell me about an instance where you had to negotiate something on the job. How did you
convince your counterparts?
1. Biggest failure? Second largest, third largest failure
2. Tell me about the time when you let your team down.
3. Describe a situation when something went totally awry
4. What do you consider your biggest fault is at work, why do you think you have it and what are
you doing about it.
5. Have you planned something that did not go through?
6. Tell me a decision you made in your career you wish you could have done differently.
7. Tell me about a time where you failed at your first job
Ethical Decision
1. Talk about a time when your values were challenged and you had to consult your moral compass.
2. When was your belief challenged?
3. What part did you play in the ethical concern you mentioned in your essay? How did the higher
ups react to this situation?
Difficult People
1. Tell me about a time when you developed a person / dealt with a difficult person at work. What
did you do?
2. Tell me about a time you faced conflict at work- either between you and another person or
between two co-workers and how did you deal with it.
3. Tell me about a time when you had a bad leader.
4. Give me an instance where you handled a difficult subordinate at work
1. A latest dilemma I had between good options.
2. Tell me about a time when you saw the solution before someone else?
3. Do you have any decisions you regret?
4. Why did you pick your recommenders?
5. What do you think your recommenders said about your strengths & weak8nesses?
6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
7. What would your colleagues say is your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
8. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
1. Is there anything you would like to ask me/us
2. What questions do you have for me?
3. Anything you wished I had asked?
1. Ask a question based on something you read in a brochure or on the school website: If
there's something of particular interest or information from the school's site or a brochure that
doesn't quite make sense, ask about it. This demonstrates due diligence and indicates time well
spent researching that MBA program.
2. Ask the interviewer why he or she decided to become part of the respective
school:Whether it's a student, alumnus, or admissions staff representative, this is a great way to
engage your interviewer and seek firsthand knowledge of what makes the school special. It's
likely you'll pick up on something you hadn't considered. A related question for a current student
or alumnus could be if the school would be his or her first choice if doing it again.
3. Ask the interviewer about the school or program's greatest asset: While the MBA
admissions interview is the perfect opportunity for candidates to show off what makes them
special, it is perfectly reasonable for the school to do the same. Make a point to ask the
interviewer what he or she believes is the program's greatest asset.
Follow up with a question about what he or she thinks is the greatest drawback, and let the
interviewer know that you are interested in a candid response. This shows you realize that no
MBA program is perfect, and indicates that you are a discerning and savvy consumer. If there is
an unwillingness to answer that question, it should raise concern that perhaps there's something
to hide.
4. Ask how the interviewer would describe the school: If time permits, ask the interviewer
what three adjectives he or she would use to describe the school. This is a kind of question that
gives the interviewer a chance to do some free associating, and it gives you an inside view of
what the interviewer really feels and can provide clues as to whether those feeling are authentic.
The timing of a question like this is important, though, so hold this question until a comfortable
rapport is established.
5. Ask the interviewer what advice he or she would offer: This may be the most important
question to ask. It's also a good closing one. Don't hesitate to ask the interviewer for the one
piece of advice he or she would give you as a student at that school. You are soliciting advice
from someone who knows this MBA program well. You are also demonstrating that you welcome
feedback from others, possess a degree of humility, and value team input.
Explain to me something you're working on as if I were an eight-year-old?
Describe something that you should start doing, do more of, and do less of?
What's the one thing you'll never be as good at as others?
2 initiative examples - 1 from work and other one from outside work
How much experience you have?
Why career switch?
How many hours you work in your current job? I answered as 40 hrs per week.
Are you ready for 60-70 hrs week efforts required in Simon? --- this question was tricky but I
should admit that I handled this with panache:)
How would you contribute to Simon?
Red Flag and Green Flag in your application?
What do you think will be the biggest concern of the Admissions Committee
in evaluating your application?
One reason that we should not select you?
Tell us about a challenging situation that you faced? How did you resolve it?