High School Verification

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High School Completion Status

Verification Form (2014-15)

Full Name:___________________________________ RCC ID:_____________

Your FAFSA was selected for verification by the federal processors. This means that RCC must collect certain
documentation from you. To be eligible for financial aid, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent.
Please check each box that applies and submit at least one form of supporting documentation. If you are unable
to do so, find information on RCCs GED program at www.roguecc.edu/GED/GEDFAQ.asp or
www.roguecc.edu/GED/GEDtestig.asp. For questions, see Rogue Central Services.

(1) High School Diploma (not modified)
Options to document:
(a) A copy of your high school diploma; or
(b) A copy of your final high school transcript showing the date you completed your secondary
school education.

Note: In cases where a copy of your high school diploma or final high school transcript is
unavailable, e.g., the school is closed or located in a foreign country and the records are not
available, RCC is willing to consider alternative documentation to verify your high school
completion status. Such documentation must consist of an official letter from your school,
Educational Service District or the Department of Education in the state/foreign country your
school was located.

(2) Recognized Equivalent of a High School Diploma

(a) General Educational Development (GED) Certificate; or
(b) An academic transcript of a student who has successfully completed at least a two-year program
that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelors degree; or
(c) Home school completion of secondary school (A transcript or the equivalent, signed by the
parent or guardian, that lists the secondary school courses completed by the applicant and
documents the successful completion of a secondary school education); or

Note: The following three options are not available in Oregon.
(d) A secondary school completion credential for home school provided under State law; or
(e) A State certificate received by a student after the student has passed a State-authorized
examination that the State recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma; or
(f) For a person who is seeking enrollment in an educational program that leads to at least an
associate degree or its equivalent, e.g. not a certificate program, and has not completed high school
but has excelled academically in high school, documentation from the high school that the student
excelled academically in high school and documentation from the postsecondary institution that the
student has met the formalized, written policies of the postsecondary institution for admitting such

I certify that the above and attached documentation is true.

Student Signature:______________________________ Date:________

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