Robert Allen Renze is charged with two crimes: 1) Operating While Intoxicated, Second Offense (an aggravated misdemeanor), for unlawfully operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol on March 28, 2014 in Sac County, Iowa. He has a prior conviction for DUI. 2) Eluding (a serious misdemeanor), for failing to stop his vehicle and eluding police after being signaled to stop, also on March 28, 2014 in Sac County. An attorney has entered an appearance on his behalf and pled not guilty. An arraignment is scheduled for May 21, 2014.
Robert Allen Renze is charged with two crimes: 1) Operating While Intoxicated, Second Offense (an aggravated misdemeanor), for unlawfully operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol on March 28, 2014 in Sac County, Iowa. He has a prior conviction for DUI. 2) Eluding (a serious misdemeanor), for failing to stop his vehicle and eluding police after being signaled to stop, also on March 28, 2014 in Sac County. An attorney has entered an appearance on his behalf and pled not guilty. An arraignment is scheduled for May 21, 2014.
Robert Allen Renze is charged with two crimes: 1) Operating While Intoxicated, Second Offense (an aggravated misdemeanor), for unlawfully operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol on March 28, 2014 in Sac County, Iowa. He has a prior conviction for DUI. 2) Eluding (a serious misdemeanor), for failing to stop his vehicle and eluding police after being signaled to stop, also on March 28, 2014 in Sac County. An attorney has entered an appearance on his behalf and pled not guilty. An arraignment is scheduled for May 21, 2014.
Robert Allen Renze is charged with two crimes: 1) Operating While Intoxicated, Second Offense (an aggravated misdemeanor), for unlawfully operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol on March 28, 2014 in Sac County, Iowa. He has a prior conviction for DUI. 2) Eluding (a serious misdemeanor), for failing to stop his vehicle and eluding police after being signaled to stop, also on March 28, 2014 in Sac County. An attorney has entered an appearance on his behalf and pled not guilty. An arraignment is scheduled for May 21, 2014.
The document outlines a bond agreement and court proceedings for Robert Allen Renze related to criminal charges.
Robert Allen Renze was charged with Operating While Intoxicated 2nd Offense, Eluding, and Interference with Official Acts.
Robert Allen Renze entered a plea of not guilty and waived his right to a preliminary hearing. He also waived his rights to additional time and to file a motion to arrest judgment in order to proceed immediately to sentencing.
SAC COUNTY J UDI CI AL MAGI S T RAT E COURT WA R R E N L . BUSH, J UDI CI AL MAGI S T RAT E SAC CI TY, I OWA 50583 (712)662-7791 BOND A G R E E ME N T RE NZ E , ROBERT A L L E N (PLEASE PRINT), have been charged with the crime of: OP E RAT I NG W/ I NTOXI CATED 2ND-321 J.2(2)(b), ELLDING-321.279(3), I NT E R F E R ANC E OF F I CI AL ACTS 719. and promise to appear in the Sac County Magistrate Court 7TH dayof AP RI L 2014, AT 9:30 A M (C HE C K #1 OR #2 My appearance bond has been set at and agree to post all of such bond or 10% as allowed in order to secure my release. y 2. I have been released on my own recognizance pending my appearance at Magistrate Court. < / 2-/ 2J understand I have the right to be represented by an attorney. I f! cannot afford one, one will be appointed for me upon application. ^ P-/2^ I understand there are severe penalties for failing to honor this agreement. yr understand my failure to appear at the designated date will cause ' this agreement to become null and void anc 33a CO 13. CO o cn C3 co I O O c igr issued by the Judicial Magistrate. id a warrant for my arrest will be Signature of Innrate Bond posted by: Address: Amount: Dated: The party who posted the bond agrees that any fines, surcharges, costs, restitution and other amounts owed may be paid therefrom upon disposition. That party further agrees that, if any sums remain, it may be used for repayment of accrued or accruing room and board charges during incarceration in jail. Received by: Signature of Person Posting Bond (Surety) Jailer Clerk of Court/Designee IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR SAC COUNTY
STATE OF IOWA, : CRIMINAL NO.: OWCR012528 SMCR012527 Plaintiff, :
COMES NOW attorney, Robert G. Rehkemper, and hereby enters his Appearance for the Defendant in the above captioned case. The Defendant pleads NOT GUILTY and waives Preliminary Hearing. Defendant further requests that any companion citations and/or misdemeanors be consolidated and that an arraignment date be set.
Respectfully submitted,
Gourley, Rehkemper & Lindholm, PLC
________________________________ By: Robert G. Rehkemper, AT6553 440 Fairway, Suite 210 West Des Moines, IA 50266 Telephone Number (515) 226-0500 Facsimile: (515) 244-2914 E-mail: ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT
ORIGINAL FILED. Copy to: Sac County Attorney
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that the foregoing instrument was served upon all parties to the above cause to each of the attorneys of record herein at their respective addresses disclosed on the pleadings on April 4, 2014.
By: U.S. Mail FAX Hand Delivered Overnight Courier Certified Mail Other
STATE OF IOWA, : CRIMINAL NO.: OWCR012528 SMCR012527 Plaintiff, :
COMES NOW attorney, Robert G. Rehkemper, and hereby enters his Appearance for the Defendant in the above captioned case. The Defendant pleads NOT GUILTY and waives Preliminary Hearing. Defendant further requests that any companion citations and/or misdemeanors be consolidated and that an arraignment date be set.
Respectfully submitted,
Gourley, Rehkemper & Lindholm, PLC
________________________________ By: Robert G. Rehkemper, AT6553 440 Fairway, Suite 210 West Des Moines, IA 50266 Telephone Number (515) 226-0500 Facsimile: (515) 244-2914 E-mail: ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT
ORIGINAL FILED. Copy to: Sac County Attorney
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that the foregoing instrument was served upon all parties to the above cause to each of the attorneys of record herein at their respective addresses disclosed on the pleadings on April 4, 2014.
By: U.S. Mail FAX Hand Delivered Overnight Courier Certified Mail Other
02811 OWCR012528
Counsel has appeared for defendant and shall be responsible for advising the defendant of his rights and the range of penalty. Defendant must obtain a substance abuse evaluation and provide the clerk with a copy within 30 days.
1 of 2 E-FILED 2014 APR 07 12:03 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT State of Iowa Courts Case Number Case Title OWCR012528 STATE VS ROBERT ALLEN RENZE Type: OTHER ORDER So Ordered Electronically signed on 2014-04-07 12:03:22 2 of 2 E-FILED 2014 APR 07 12:03 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT Notice Id: D2TIAR
Case No: 02811 OWCR012528
The TRIAL INFORMATION and the MINUTES OF EVIDENCE in this matter have been examined by the undersigned and found to contain sufficient evidence, if unexplained, to warrant a conviction in a trial by jury. Therefore, the filing of this Information and Minutes is hereby approved.
IT IS ORDERED, the Defendant shall personally appear for hearing, an Arraignment Hearing is scheduled on 05/21/2014 at 9:00 AM at the Sac Co. Courthouse, 100 NW State St., Sac City, Iowa. Defendant shall personally appear for Arraignment, unless a written arraignment is filed prior to such hearing.
In lieu of personal appearance, Defendant's attorney is encouraged to file a written arraignment under Iowa Rule of Criminal Procedure 2.37 - Form 6, prior to time set for hearing on Arraignment. Failure to file a written arraignment and/or failure to appear at the time set may result in a rule to show cause or the issuance of a warrant for arrest.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, the bond and release conditions previously set in this matter shall remain in effect and the defendant shall obey all Federal, State and Local Laws.
Clerk to provide notice or copies to: County Attorney Defendant/Defense Attorney E-FILED 2014 MAY 06 12:36 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT State of Iowa Courts Type: ORDER FOR ARRAIGNMENT Case Number Case Title OWCR012528 STATE VS ROBERT ALLEN RENZE So Ordered Electronically signed on 2014-05-06 12:37:04 page 2 of 2 E-FILED 2014 MAY 06 12:36 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT 1 IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SAC COUNTY STATE OF IOWA, CRIMINAL CAUSE NO. OWCR012528 Plaintiff, vs. TRIAL INFORMATION ROBERT ALLEN RENZE, DOB: 04/17/1974 Defendant. COUNT I COMES NOW Benjamin John Smith, as Prosecuting Attorney of Sac County Iowa and in the name and by the authority of the State of Iowa, accuses Defendant, Robert Allen Renze of the crime of OPERATING WHILE INTOXICATED, SECOND OFFENSE, an Aggravated Misdemeanor in violation of Iowa Code Section(s) 321J.2 committed as follows: The said Defendant, Robert Allen Renze, on or about March 28, 2014, in the County of Sac and State of Iowa, did unlawfully and willfully operate a motor vehicle by one or more of the following means: a. While under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or drugs or a combination of such substances; b. While having an alcohol concentration of .08 or more as measured in the person's breath, blood or urine; c. While any amount of a controlled substance is present in the person as measured in the person's blood or urine; and having been convicted of/received a deferred judgment for the crime once before; the said Defendant Robert Allen Renze having been convicted of the crime of Operating While Intoxicated (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol) in the State of Illinois, the County of LaSalle, in LaSalle County Circuit Court case #2005DT000157, on or about July 6, 2006. COUNT II COMES NOW Benjamin John Smith, as Prosecuting Attorney of Sac County Iowa and in the name and by the authority of the State of Iowa, accuses Defendant, Robert Allen Renze of the crime of ELUDING, a Serious Misdemeanor in violation of Iowa Code Section 321.279(1) committed as follows: E-FILED 2014 MAY 06 12:37 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT 2 The said Defendant, Robert Allen Renze, on or about March 28, 2014, in the County of Sac and State of Iowa, did unlawfully and willfully drive a motor vehicle and willfully fail to bring the motor vehicle to a stop or otherwise elude or attempt to elude a marked official law enforcement vehicle that is driven by a uniformed peace officer after being given a visual and audible signal. A TRUE INFORMATION Prosecuting Attorney Sac County Attorney, Benjamin John Smith Sac County Courthouse 100 NW State St., Suite 9 Sac City IA 50583 Telephone: 712-662-4791 Fax: 712-662-4123 Email: E-FILED 2014 MAY 06 12:37 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT 3 THE STATE OF IOWA vs. ROBERT ALLEN RENZE Criminal No. OWCR012528 COUNT I: Operating While Intoxicated, Second Offense COUNT II: Eluding NAMES OF WITNESSES: JOHN MEISTER, OFFICER, LAKE VIEW POLICE DEPARTMENT JAMES WISSLER, IOWA STATE HIGHWAY PATROL, POST 4 KRISTAN ERSKINE, DEPUTY, SAC COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT JOEL BURNS, DEPUTY, SAC COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT KIM SNOOK, DIRECTOR OF DRIVER SERVICES, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ANDREW F. SKOOG, CURCUIT COURT CLERK, LASALLE COUNTY ILLINOIS E-FILED 2014 MAY 06 12:37 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT State of Iowa Courts Type: Approval of Trial Information Case Number Case Title OWCR012528 STATE VS ROBERT ALLEN RENZE On this date, I have reviewed the attached Trial Information and the accompanying Minutes of Testimony and find that they contain evidence which, if unexplained, is sufficient to warrant a conviction by a trial jury. Being satisfied from the showing made that the case should be prosecuted, I approve the Trial Information. Release conditions are set by separate Order of the Court. So Ordered Electronically signed on 2014-05-06 12:37:04 page 4 of 4 E-FILED 2014 MAY 06 12:37 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 MAY 20 2:40 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 MAY 20 2:40 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 MAY 20 2:40 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR SAC COUNTY STATE OF IOWA,
Case No: 02811 OWCR012528
The defendant having filed a written arraignment in this matter on May 20, 2014.
The defendant WAIVES the right to a speedy trial.
IT IS ORDERED as follows: Pretrial Conference: Pretrial Conference is scheduled on 07/02/2014 at 9:30 AM at the Sac Co. Courthouse, 100 NW State St., Sac City, Iowa. At the pretrial conference, the defendant shall either reaffirm the not guilty plea or submit a written plea of guilty. If a written plea of guilty is filed prior to the pretrial conference, the conference will be canceled.
Jury Trial: Jury Trial is scheduled on 07/22/2014 at 9:00 AM at the Sac Co. Courthouse, 100 NW State St., Sac City, Iowa. Trial in the District Associate Court. The defendant shall appear for trial on the charge(s) contained in the Trial Information.
If Defendant has not previously been fingerprinted in connection with this offense, Defendant shall appear before the Sheriff and submit to fingerprinting within 30 days. Defendant must make prior arrangements for fingerprinting be calling the Sheriff during regular office hours.
Depositions and Discovery: If the Defendant chooses to take depositions of minuted State witnesses, depositions are ordered pursuant to I.R.Cr.P. 2.13(1). If the Defendant takes depositions of State witnesses, the Defendant shall comply with I.R.Cr.P. 2.13(3) and the State may depose Defendant's witnesses. If Defendant's counsel is appointed, the depositions shall be at public expense. Upon Defendant's request, the State is ordered to disclose evidence pursuant to I.R.Cr.P. 2.14(2). If the Defendant requests discretionary discovery, the State is ordered to comply with the provisions of I.R.Cr.P. 2.14(b). If the Defendant opts to request discretionary discovery and the State requests reciprocal discovery, the Defendant shall comply with the disclosure required by I.R.Cr.P. 2.14(3). Either party may object to the order for discretionary discovery and have the matter set for hearing. The State shall disclose any exculpatory evidence, including any evidence relating to the credibility of minuted witnesses.
1 of 3 E-FILED 2014 MAY 20 3:02 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT Motions in Limine: Hearing on any filed Motion in Limine will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the day of trial.
Clerk to provide copies to: County Attorney, Defense Attorney or Defendant 2 of 3 E-FILED 2014 MAY 20 3:02 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT State of Iowa Courts Case Number Case Title OWCR012528 STATE VS ROBERT ALLEN RENZE Type: ORDER SETTING TRIAL So Ordered Electronically signed on 2014-05-20 15:03:30 3 of 3 E-FILED 2014 MAY 20 3:02 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 JUN 03 3:25 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 JUN 03 3:25 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 JUN 03 3:25 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 JUN 03 3:25 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 JUN 03 3:25 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT E-FILED 2014 JUN 03 3:25 PM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR SAC COUNTY STATE OF IOWA, No. OWCR012528 Plaintiff, REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF vs. COURT TO AMEND TRIAL INFORMATION- Count I ROBERT ALLEN RENZE, Defendant. COMES NOW the State of Iowa and for its request for leave of Court to amend the Trial Information in the above entitled matter states to the Court: 1. The amendment will not materially change the issues nor work any hardship on the Defendant. 2. Substantial rights of the defendant are not prejudiced by the attached Amendment. 3. A wholly new and different offense is not being charged. 4. As part of a Plea Agreement, Defendant is pleading GUILTY to the charge of: Count I: OPERATING WHILE INTOXICATED, FIRST OFFENSE, a Serious Misdemeanor in violation of Iowa Code Section 321J.2. 5. A copy of the amended and substituted Trial Information is submitted to the Court. WHEREFORE, the State of Iowa requests leave of Court to file the proposed substituted and amended Trial Information for Count I. Prosecuting Attorney Sac County Attorney, Benjamin John Smith Sac County Courthouse 100 NW State St., Suite 9 Sac City IA 50583 Telephone: 712-662-4791 Fax: 712-662-4123 Email: Copy to: PROOF OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that the foregoing instrument was served upon all parties to the above cause to each of the attorneys of record herein at their respective addresses disclosed on the pleadings on June 4, 2014 by: [ ] U.S. Mail [ ] Fax [ ] Hand Delivered [ ] Overnight Courier [ ] Certified Mail [ x ] EDMS Signature: /s/Norma Hecht E-FILED 2014 JUN 04 11:58 AM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SAC COUNTY STATE OF IOWA, CRIMINAL CAUSE NO. OWCR012528 Plaintiff, AMENDED vs. TRIAL INFORMATION COUNT I ROBERT ALLEN RENZE, DOB: 04/17/1974 Defendant. COUNT I COMES NOW Benjamin John Smith, as Prosecuting Attorney of Sac County Iowa and in the name and by the authority of the State of Iowa, accuses Defendant, Robert Allen Renze of the crime of OPERATING WHILE INTOXICATED, FIRST OFFENSE, a Serious Misdemeanor in violation of Iowa Code Section 321J.2 committed as follows: The said Defendant, Robert Allen Renze, on or about March 28, 2014, in the County of Sac and State of Iowa, did unlawfully and willfully operate a motor vehicle by one or more of the following means: a. While under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or drugs or a combination of such substances; b. While having an alcohol concentration of .08 or more as measured in the person's breath, blood or urine; c. while any amount of a controlled substance is present in the person as measured in the person's blood or urine. A TRUE INFORMATION Prosecuting Attorney Sac County Attorney, Benjamin John Smith Sac County Courthouse 100 NW State St., Suite 9 Sac City IA 50583 Telephone: 712-662-4791 Fax: 712-662-4123 Email: E-FILED 2014 JUN 04 11:58 AM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT THE !OWA D!STR!CT COURT FOR SAC COUNTY
STATE OF !OWA, ) ) CR!N. NO. OWCR012528 (Count I) Plaintiff, ) ) ORDER ACCEPT!NG PLEA vs. ) AND JUDGNENT ENTRY ) ROBERT ALLEN RENZE, ) Charge - OW!, First Offense ) Section - 321J.2, !owa Code Defendant. )
NOW on the + th day of June, 201+, the defendant submits his verified written Plea of Guilty. The defendant is charged with Operating While !ntoxicated, First Offense, as amended, in violation of Section 321J.2 of the !owa Code. The State appears by Sac County Attorney, Ben Smith. The Defendant waives his personal appearance and appears by counsel, Robert Rehkemper. The written plea of guilty shows that the defendant's plea is voluntary, being freely and intelligently made, with an understanding of the charge, with knowledge of the penal consequences of the plea, with full knowledge of his constitutional rights, and that said rights are waived by a plea of guilty, without any threats, improper inducements or persuasion, and the Court finds there is a factual basis for the defendant's plea of guilty. The written plea indicates the defendant's informed understanding of his rights contemplated in the cases of State v. Sisco, 169 N.W.2d 5+2; Brainard v. State, 222 N.W.2d 711; and State v. Reaves, 25+ N.W.2d +88, all as shown in the defendant's written plea of guilty, which plea is made a part hereof by this reference. The Court, therefore, accepts the defendant's plea of guilty, and it is entered of record. The defendant indicates his understanding of his right to additional time and the right to file a Notion in Arrest of Judgment and the necessity of doing so at least five days prior to the date set for sentencing and indicates his voluntary waiver of those rights and his desire to proceed immediately to sentencing. The Court, finding the defendant's waivers are voluntary and made with an understanding of his rights, accepts the waivers and proceeds to entry of judgment. The defendant's counsel indicates he knows of no legal cause why judgment and sentence should not be pronounced. The Defendant is adjudged guilty of the offense of Operating While !ntoxicated, First Offense, as amended, in violation of !owa Code Section 321J.2. The Defendant is sentenced to be incarcerated in the Sac County Jail for a period of +8 E-FILED 2014 JUN 05 12:50 AM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT hours, with credit for time served, if any, as certified by the Sheriff. The Defendant shall have this sentence served in full by December +, 201+. The Defendant is further sentenced to pay a fine in the sum of $1,250.00, plus a 35 surcharge, a $10.00 D.A.R.E. surcharge, and the court costs of this action, including correctional fees as certified by the Sheriff. Defendant shall pay these financial obligations to the Clerk of Court of this county or online at All such financial obligations shall be paid in full on or before the 30 th day following the filing of this Order. !f the financial obligations are not paid in full within 30 days of filing of this Order, it may be considered a violation of this Order and the terms of Defendant's probation. !n addition, pursuant to !owa Code Section 602.8107, a failure to pay in full within 30 days may result in this case being assigned to the Centralized Collection Unit of the !owa Department of Revenue or its designee to collect the debts owed to the Clerk of Court. !n the event this matter is assigned for collection, additional fees may be imposed pursuant to law. The Defendant is further ordered to attend and successfully complete a course for Drinking Drivers facilitated by the area community college or substance abuse treatment agency. The Defendant is ordered to file proof of completion of the course for Drinking Drivers to the Clerk of Court on or before December +, 201+. Any bond money previously posted is released and exonerated. Appeal bond is set in the sum of $1,000.00. !T !S FURTHER ORDERED that Count !! of the Trial !nformation as well as Case Nos. SNCR012527, STA0020176, and STA0020177 are dismissed upon motion of the county attorney and pursuant to plea agreement. Costs are taxed to Defendant.
COP!ES TO: County Attorney Defense Counsel Sac County Sheriff !owa D.O.T. E-FILED 2014 JUN 05 12:50 AM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT State of Iowa Courts Type: OTHER ORDER Case Number Case Title OWCR012528 STATE VS ROBERT ALLEN RENZE So Ordered Electronically signed on 2014-06-05 00:50:14 page 3 of 3 E-FILED 2014 JUN 05 12:50 AM SAC - CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT