XenApp Planning Guide and Best Practices

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XenApp 6.x Planning Guide:
Virtualization Best Practices

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Table of Contents
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Scalability ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Operations ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Application Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Flexibility .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Licensing Costs ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Best Practices ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

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Desktop virtualization comprises of many different types of virtual desktops. One option is to use a
Hosted Shared Desktop model, which consists of a published desktop running on a Citrix XenApp
One of the goals when creating a design for Hosted Shared Desktops is to try and maximize
scalability while still providing an adequate user experience. Hosted Shared Desktops provide an
advantage over other desktop virtualization techniques by only requiring the use of a single
operating system, which significantly reduces user resource requirements and helps improve
scalability numbers.
However, in order to get the most users, making correct design decisions as to the resource
allocation is important. Creating too many virtual machines or too few might negatively impact
This planning guide provides best practices for virtualizing Citrix XenApp. Even though these best
practices are based on the Hosted Shared Desktop model, they are still relevant in a non-desktop
model where users only connect to published applications without the desktop interface.
For most organizations, the overall goal is to obtain the greatest user density from a physical
hardware configuration without impacting user experience. As with the Hosted VDI model, the
number of users that can be hosted on a single server depends upon user load, CPU and memory.
As XenApp 6.5 is 64-bit only, it is assumed that the processor subsystem is the primary bottleneck.
If 32-bit operating systems are used, it is more likely that memory will be the primary bottleneck.
Based on production deployments, numerous case studies and taking into account the guidelines
mentioned within this document, the following table provides some general guidance on how to
estimate user density based on the number of physical cores available. The move from dual to quad
sockets is not linear and this has been accounted for by a 15% drop in user density.
Number of Sockets Users per Physical Core
Light Normal Heavy
Dual 18 12 6
Quad 15 10 5
The following assumptions were made during the creation of these estimates:
XenApp vCPU: The optimal number of vCPUs assigned to each virtual XenApp server will
vary according to the characteristics of the users and applications supported. However,
optimal density is typically obtained when 4 vCPUs are assigned to each virtual XenApp

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Processor Speed: The speed of the processors has a direct impact on the number of users
that can be supported per processor. The estimates provided are based on a processor speed
of 2.7 GHz.
Workloads: Light, normal and heavy workloads are not mixed within a single virtual
XenApp server or physical virtualization hosts. It is assumed that all workloads include
antivirus and standard monitoring tools.
Hypervisor Overhead: The overhead from supporting the hypervisor has been
accommodated by reducing the estimated number of users per core rather than specifically
reserving virtual CPUs.
XenApp Optimization: The recommended XenApp optimization recommendations have
been applied. For more information, please refer to the Citrix Knowledgebase Article
CTX131577 XenApp 6.x Optimization Guide.
The host density estimates in the following table were obtained by multiplying the number of
physical cores available by the estimated user density per core values.


Total Physical
User Density per Host
Light Normal Heavy
2 6 12 6 216 144 72
2 8 16 8 288 192 96
2 10 20 10 360 240 120
4 6 24 12 360 240 120
4 8 32 16 480 320 160
4 10 40 20 600 400 200
As a general rule, RAM requirements should be calculated by multiplying the number of light users
by 341MB, medium users by 512MB and heavy users by 1024MB. Therefore, each virtual machine
hosted on a dual socket host should typically be assigned 12GB of RAM and each virtual machine
hosted on a quad socket host should be assigned 10GB of RAM.
Important: Although these estimates provide a good starting point it is still important that scalability testing be
performed to account for areas of variance, including processor speed, processor architecture, application set, usage
patterns and number of idle users.
In general, when making the decision to virtualize XenApp servers, the main goal is to support the
most number of users on a piece of hardware. However, other guidelines can also come into play
that might not follow the approach that gives one the best scalability. Business structure, costs and
operational items can also play an important role in selecting the most appropriate virtualization
strategy for XenApp.

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More virtual servers often mean more management activities. This can be a deciding factor when
determining if more or less virtual machines are needed. For example, if ten servers are to host six
virtual servers instead of four, that yields 20 more servers to manage, maintain, troubleshoot and
However, if single image management solutions, like Citrix Provisioning Services, are used, the
operational aspects of managing more virtual server instances becomes irrelevant as all of the virtual
servers are based on a single master image.
Application Requirements
Applications influence how a server should be virtualized based on the application characteristics
and user activity.
Resource Requirements: Certain applications have a bigger impact on CPU while other on
RAM. The application characteristics plays an important role when determining how many
vCPUs to allocate or how much RAM to assign, assuming these requirements dont go
beyond the maximum limitations of the operating system.
User Activity: In many implementations, organizations silo or create separate XenApp
servers to host different applications. Silos have a direct impact on resources allocated to a
virtual server. If the server contains a set of applications that are rarely utilized, it would
make sense to create smaller virtual machines as opposed to a virtual server instance
expected to host many more users.
The virtual machine specifications must align with the requirements of the application set and
expected usage.
Many organizations virtualizing XenApp servers opt for live migration functionality, where a virtual
machine can move from one host to another without impacting active user sessions. This is
especially useful when scheduled maintenance is needed on a host or an organization wishes to
reduce power consumption by shutting down hosts after hours. Simply shutting down the virtual
machine will most likely impact the few remaining XenApp sessions still active, which is why some
organizations utilize live migration capabilities. However, the size of a virtual machine can
potentially limit flexibility.
When all things are equal, smaller virtual machines provide greater levels of flexibility, especially
from a virtual machine placement perspective. For example, it is often easier to move 4 virtual
servers (4 vCPU and 8GB of RAM each) than it is to move a single, large virtual machine (16 vCPUs
with 32 GB of RAM). In order to successfully migrate a virtual server, the new host must have

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enough available resources to support the virtual machine. This is much easier when the virtual
machine resource allocations are smaller.
Licensing Costs
Microsoft licensing is very explicit in stating how many licenses are required for physical/virtual
Windows Server 2003/2008 Standard: Each license provides one physical server and one
virtual server, although standard is limited to four physical processors.
Windows Server 2003/2008 Enterprise: Each license provides one physical server and four
virtual servers, although Enterprise is limited to eight physical processors.
Windows Server 2003/2008 Datacenter: A Datacenter license is required for every processor
on the physical server, and allows for any number of virtual servers.
The costs associated with licensing the Windows Server operating system can play a role in
determining how many virtual machines are created. As an example, would it be better, from a
licensing standpoint, to create 4 virtual machines with 6 vCPU or 6 virtual machines with 4 vCPU
assuming scalability is similar? The four virtual machine model would result in fewer required
Microsoft licenses, which will help keep the costs lower.
In addition, using a feature like XenMotion, Live Migration or vMotion can also impact licensing.
The Standard and Enterprise licenses for virtual machines are tied to the physical server. If the
virtual machine on one Enterprise server is migrated to another physical server, the new physical
server must have enough licenses to support another VM as well as its current virtual machine load.
Note: Calculating licensing costs and requirements can be done by utilizing the Windows Server Virtualization
Calculators (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/hyperv-calculators.aspx).
Best Practices
The following recommendations are almost always advisable when virtualizing XenApp servers:
Decision Justification Hypervisor
Overcommit CPU:
It is advisable not to allocate more vCPU than there are
logical cores within the given hardware. Experience has
shown that greater levels of scalability are achieved by not
overcommitting CPU.
Utilize Hyper-
Newer processors have the ability to do hyper-threading,
where each core is two logical cores. Utilizing hyper-
threading in a XenApp environment has been shown to
improve user density. However, if it is recommended to
NOT enable CPU pinning for VMs where hyper-threading is

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Disable ASLR: No As many organizations try to protect their XenApp servers
from viruses, malware and other OS exploits, it is advisable to
keep Address Space Layout Randomization enabled, which is
the default setting. The functionality is included with
Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2, Windows Vista and
Windows 7.
Transparent Page
Depends on OS
Enabling or disabling Transparent Page Sharing has not been
shown to either help or hurt performance on newer systems
(Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2, Windows Vista and
Windows 7). However, older systems (Windows 2003 and
Windows XP) have benefited, mostly because the page sizes
are smaller (4K), thus making it easier to share pages of
Optimize for
On systems utilizing pre-Nehalem processors, the XenServer
setting Optimize for XenApp provided increased
scalability. Since the release of the Nehalem processors,
much of the functionality has been placed on the hardware so
this particular XenServer setting can be ignored.

As users are dynamically load balanced across XenApp
servers, memory usage between different virtual machines
should be similar, helping negate the need for dynamic
memory allocation techniques. Also, if VM migration
strategies are used, this could cause memory overcommit
resulting in aggressive paging and poor performance across
all XenApp virtual machines. It is advisable to set fixed values
for memory reservations for XenApp virtual machines.

Host Swapping:
In most environments, all XenApp servers are actively
hosting users at the same time. Swapping out memory from
one XenApp host will degrade performance for all virtual
machines as the memory keeps getting transferred to/from
Dynamic Power
To save power, the BIOS settings allow certain processors to
slow down when full power is not required. However,
hypervisors might not be able to adjust the BIOS settings to
allow for full power when required. This results in resources
not being fully utilized.

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A Hosted Shared desktop offers a feature rich and cost effective solution for light and normal user
workloads. However, the performance requirements of heavy users means that they are often better
suited to a Hosted VDI desktop so that administrators can granularly assign memory and processor
resources on a per-user basis.
Although there are many different factors to consider, the use of dual socket virtualization hosts and
virtual XenApp servers with 4 x vCPUs typically offers the best balance between cost, user density
and flexibility.

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Product Versions

Product Version
XenApp 6.5, 6

Revision History

Revision Change Description Updated By Date
1.0 Document Created Daniel Feller Lead Architect
Dimitrios Samorgiannidis Principal
May 12, 2011
1.1 Virtualization table updated Daniel Feller Lead Architect June 13, 2011
1.2 Overcommit justification
updated (physical cores changes
to logical cores)
Daniel Feller Lead Architect June 21, 2011
1.3 Added Dynamic Power Savings
Daniel Feller Lead Architect
Dimitrios Samorgiannidis Principal
August 2, 2011
1.4 Updated hyperthreading
practice to include note on
CPU pinning
Daniel Feller Lead Architect January 19, 2012
1.5 Updated server sizing estimates
based on updated processor
specifications and latest
information available
Andy Baker - Architect August 24, 2012

About Citrix
Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS) is the leading provider of virtualization, networking and software as a service
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and Citrix Online Services product families radically simplify computing for millions of users, delivering applications
as an on-demand service to any user, in any location on any device. Citrix customers include the worlds largest
Internet companies, 99 percent of Fortune Global 500 enterprises, and hundreds of thousands of small businesses
and prosumers worldwide. Citrix partners with over 10,000 companies worldwide in more than 100 countries.
Founded in 1989, annual revenue in 2008 was $1.6 billion.

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