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61 The Permanente Journal/ Spring 2009/ Volume 13 No.

Case 1
An obese man, age 57 years, with a medical history
of depression presented to his primary care physician
with three days of sudden left-sided hearing loss.
He did not report pain, tinnitus, vertigo, or external
auditory canal discharge. He said that he had not
experienced any recent trauma, upper respiratory
infection, or loud noise exposure or taken any oto-
toxic medications.
His physical examination revealed normal-appear-
ing external auditory canals and tympanic membranes.
The membranes exhibited good mobility with insuf-
ation. Findings on the Rinne test with a 512-Hz tun-
ing fork were consistent with air conduction greater
than bone conduction on the right side; the left side
could not be tested because of profound hearing loss.
Findings on the Weber test with a 512-Hz tuning fork
were lateralized to the right side. On the basis of the
patients medical history and physical examination
ndings, the primary care physician suspected sudden
sensorineural hearing loss, prescribed oral predni-
sone, and referred the patient for urgent audiologic
and otolaryngologic examinations. At the four-week
follow-up examination, an audiogram showed return
of hearing to near baseline on the left side.
Case 2
A woman, age 54 years, with hypertension, pre-
sented to the urgent care clinic with two days of
right-sided hearing loss and right ear fullness. She
reported that she had recently had an upper respira-
tory infection. Physical examination revealed a normal
tympanic membrane appearance and mobility, so a
tuning-fork examination was not done. The physician
diagnosed eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and
gave the woman oral decongestants.
She was referred to the Head and Neck Surgery
Department when there was no change in her symp-
toms two weeks after onset. After a thorough medical
history was obtained and a physical examination,
tuning fork tests were performed showing lateraliza-
tion to the left ear on Weber test. An audiogram was
obtained that showed severe right-sided sensorineural
hearing loss, and a diagnosis of sudden sensorineural
hearing loss was made. The patient was given oral
prednisone and acyclovir. Later, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) with gadolinium enhancement of the
internal auditory canals revealed no retrocochlear
lesion. A follow-up audiogram obtained two months
after initial presentation showed no improvement in
the patients hearing.
These case presentations illustrate the difculty of
accurate diagnosis of idiopathic sudden sensorineu-
ral hearing loss (SSNHL), treatment of patients who
present with it in the primary care setting, and the
variable prognosis for the disorder. Briey, SSNHL is
dened as a 30-dB hearing loss in three consecutive
frequencies whose onset is less than three days. Its
incidence in the US has been reported at 5 to 20 cases
per 100,000 persons annually.
Although numerous
etiologies and treatments have been considered, most
researchers agree that SSNHL is likely to be of vascular,
immunologic, or viral origin.
SSNHL is regarded as an otologic emergency, and
the time between symptom onset and treatment initia-
tion is one of the most important prognostic factors.
Most studies report the greatest recovery of hearing
when corticosteroids are initiated within the rst one
to two weeks after symptom onset and little if any
benet when initiated four weeks or more after the
onset of symptoms.
Ideally, corticosteroid therapy
should be started as soon as possible, with an audio-
Barry Rasgon, MD, (left) is a Head and Neck Surgeon at the
Oakland Medical Center in CA. E-mail:
Luke James Schloegel, MD, (right) is a Head and Neck Surgeon at
the Oakland Medical Center in CA. E-mail:
Corridor Consult
Early and Accurate Diagnosis
of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Barry Rasgon, MD
Luke James Schloegel, MD
62 The Permanente Journal/ Spring 2009/ Volume 13 No. 2
Early and Accurate Diagnosis of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
gram performed within 24 to 48 hours to document
the hearing loss. The severity of the hearing loss at
presentation is directly proportional to the likelihood
of recovery. Those with mild losses usually obtain full
recovery, and those with profound loss rarely do so.

Other poor prognostic indicators are the presence of
vertigo and age <15 years or >60 years.
Primary care physicians, in the Emergency Depart-
ment, Urgent Care Clinic, or Outpatient Clinic, are
often the rst clinicians consulted for sudden hearing
loss, making accurate diagnosis and treatment criti-
cal because delay can have serious consequences for
prognosis. A recent study that we conducted revealed
that 33 of 53 (63%) patients whose hearing loss was
eventually diagnosed as SSNHL were initially given an
incorrect diagnosis by the primary care physician. Most
often, that diagnosis was ETD. This led to an average
delay in referral for audiologic and otolaryngologic
examination of 20.8 days.
As seen in the illustrative cases, the hearing loss is
incorrectly attributed to ETD and other diagnoses such
as otitis media with effusion, because many patients
with SSNHL have had a recent upper respiratory infec-
tion, and this acts as a red herring. Ear fullness is also
a common presenting symptom and often attributed
by patients and clinicians to impaction of cerumen or
congestion from allergies.
Furthermore, monocular
otoscopy is the only option for otologic examination
by the primary care physician. Although it remains a
very important diagnostic tool, it decreases the ability
to accurately assess a normal tympanic membrane,
adequately clear the external auditory canal of ceru-
men, and insufate to assess mobility as compared
with binocular otoscopy. Simple Weber and Rinne
tuning-fork tests are available yet are not routinely
performed by most primary care physicians.
Although there are a multitude of potential causes
of SSNHL, most cases are idiopathic; therefore,
focused history, physical, and ancillary testing are
essential. The rst goal of evaluation is to rule out
conductive loss by a thorough examination of the
tympanic membrane and assessment of its mobility.
The most critical step may be the use of a tuning fork
to conduct the Weber and Rinne examinations. In the
Weber test, a 512- or 1024-cycle tuning fork is placed
on the forehead, on the premaxilla, or between the
incisor teeth. If the sound is localized by the patient
to the contralateral side of the involved ear, then the
hearing loss is sensorineural. In unilateral conductive
loss, the sound is localized to the involved side. The
Rinne test, which compares loudness of sound when
a tuning fork is placed on the skull versus near the
external auditory canal, may supplement the diagnos-
tic information obtained from the Weber test.
Although they are not good independent tools for
screening for hearing loss, the Weber and Rinne tests
should be used primarily to differentiate sensorineural
from conductive hearing loss to accurately distinguish
SSNHL from other causes of sudden hearing loss such
as ETD and otitis media with effusion, which will not
cause the sound to be localized in the contralateral ear.
In our study, there was evidence for the efcacy of We-
ber and Rinne tests for patients with suspected SSNHL:
Nine of the ten patients who underwent a documented
tuning-fork examination performed by a primary care
physician were initially given an accurate diagnosis of
SSNHL, but of the 43 for whom no documentation of
a tuning-fork examination was found in the chart, only
11 were given accurate diagnoses.
The goal of the initial evaluation of patients with
suspected SSNHL is urgent referral to an audiologist
and head and neck surgeon so that further workup
can be conducted as necessary (see Figure 1). In pa-
tients who do not have contraindications to systemic
Figure 1. Clinical algorithm for evaluation of patients with suspected sudden
sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL).
HNS = Head and Neck Surgery
63 The Permanente Journal/ Spring 2009/ Volume 13 No. 2
Early and Accurate Diagnosis of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
steroid treatment, medical treatment with oral steroids
for 10 to 14 days should be carried out. There is no
agreed-on dose or duration of treatment; many clini-
cians recommend starting with 60 mg of prednisone
for ve days, followed by a taper by 10 mg every two
days. Medical therapy remains controversial because
spontaneous recovery of hearing has been reported in
45% to 65% of patients with SSNHL and because good
clinical studies are lacking. Wilson and colleagues

performed a double-blind clinical study and found
that steroids were effective in achieving at least par-
tial recovery of hearing in 61% of patients, compared
with only 32% who achieved recovery with the use
of placebos. Intratympanic application of steroids to
the middle ear has proven to be effective in some
patients in whom SSNHL had been refractive to oral
steroids. New research is examining the efcacy of
intratympanic dexamethasone as rst-line therapy. In
a recent study, Battaglia and colleagues
showed that
intratympanic dexamethasone and high-dose predni-
sone taper (HDPT) used in combination resulted in
higher rates of hearing recovery and better quality
of hearing recovery than HDPT alone. In the future,
initial treatment with intratympanic steroids may be
indicated. At the conclusion of their study, Battaglia
and colleagues recommended that treatment be initi-
ated as quickly as possible, ideally within ten or fewer
days of onset of hearing loss and that referral be made
to an otolaryngologist who is comfortable with tran-
stympanic injection. This reinforces the algorithm of
accurately identifying SSNHL by using a tuning fork,
starting oral steroids when not contraindicated, and
providing urgent referrals to audiology and Head and
Neck Surgery Departments for further treatment.
There is no evidence that antiviral medications make
any difference in hearing outcomes. Two prospective,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-
center clinical trials showed that antiviral medication
was no better than corticosteroid alone in the treat-
ment of SSNHL.
A thorough discussion of all possible etiologies and
diagnostic tests for sudden sensorineural hearing loss
is beyond the scope of this article, but there are some
basics to be aware of: Gadolinium-enhanced MRI
examinations are routinely obtained in all patients
with asymmetric sudden hearing loss from which the
patient does not recover after four weeks, because
vestibular schwannoma rarely presents as sudden
hearing loss. Obtaining a thorough medical history
investigating possible causes, including autoimmune
diseases, inner ear trauma, ototoxic medications,
vasculopathies, and viral exposures, can eliminate the
need for exhaustive diagnostic testing. Some advocate
administering the uorescent treponemal antibody
absorption test or the microhemagglutination test for
Treponema pallidum because syphilis is a potentially
treatable cause of SSNHL. Furthermore, Mnire dis-
ease can initially present with sudden hearing loss,
but the natural course usually denes these distinct
entities. In rare cases, sudden hearing loss can be the
initial presentation of multiple sclerosis, and MRI is
frequently diagnostic.
Because most times SSNHL is idiopathic despite ex-
tensive diagnostic testing, the focus of initial evaluation
of patients with sudden hearing loss is to distinguish a
sensorineural from a conductive loss. If this cannot be
reliably done with otoscopic examination, the use of the
Weber and Rinne tuning-fork tests can help differentiate
between the two. Once a sensorineural hearing loss is
conrmed or suspected, urgent referral for audiologic
and head and neck surgery evaluation should be made.
In patients who can tolerate systemic steroids and are
aware of the potential side effects, medical treatment
with oral steroids should be initiated. Accurate diagnosis
and early treatment has been shown to lead to better
hearing outcomes in SSNHL. v
Disclosure Statement
The author(s) have no conicts of interest to disclose.
Katharine OMoore-Klopf, ELS, of KOK Edit provided editorial
1. Byl FM Jr. Sudden hearing loss: eight years experience and
suggested prognostic table. Laryngoscope 1984 May;94(5
Pt 1):64761.
2. Rauch SD. Clinical practice. Idiopathic sudden sensorineural
hearing loss. N Engl J Med 2008 Aug 21;359(8):83340.
3. Schloegel LJ, Rasgon BM. Early and accurate diagnosis of
sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Presented at the West-
ern Section of the Triological Society, 2009 Jan 2931;
Henderson, NV.
4. Wilson WR, Byl FM, Laird N. The efcacy of steroids in the
treatment of idiopathic sudden hearing loss. A double-blind
clinical study. Arch Otolaryngol 1980 Dec;106(12):7726.
5. Battaglia A, Burchette R, Cueva R. Combination therapy
(intratympanic dexamethasone + high-dose prednisone
taper) for the treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural
hearing loss. Otol Neurotol 2008 Jun;29(4):45360.
Nine of the ten
patients who
underwent a
performed by
a primary care
physician were
initially given
an accurate
diagnosis of

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