Rotating Equipment Reliability Day1
Rotating Equipment Reliability Day1
Rotating Equipment Reliability Day1
Welcome to this course on setting-up rotating machines and equipment for a long, trouble-
free operating life. The course is divided into an introduction stage and an advanced stage.
During the course you will cover, and come to better appreciate, the important issues for
achieving Rotating Equipment (RE) reliability. Much of our industrial machinery rotates, it
uses bearings and lubrication, and is mounted onto a supporting structure. What you learn
in the course to improve rotating equipment performance can be transferred and applied to
all of them.
The course is brought to you by Mike Sondalini of Lifetime Reliability Solutions. Mike is an
Australian equipment maintenance and reliability growth specialist who works around the
world to help people and companies get outstanding reliability from their plant and
equipment. His philosophy is to impart the knowledge and understanding needed to so
look after all rotating equipment. Instead of focusing on specific equipment problems he
provides an explanation and education that is the foundation for all rotating equipment
health. To download complete 4 day course powerpoints, please see ...
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The aim of this presentation is to help you to overcome Rotating Equipment problems and
get guaranteed long, problem-free operation of your RE. The course aims to deliver the
four outcomes listed in the slide. It presents the information and the methods to do that.
To make the course interesting for you, and fun for me to develop, we will follow Alan (one
of the companys maintenance supervisors) as he confronts the RE reliability problems in
his operation. To help solve the downtime caused by the failure of equipment he gets help
from his new maintenance manager, Bill. Bill becomes Alans resource and coach as he
addresses the RE problems in the operation.
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4 Day Course Sample
The total impact of equipment failure is hidden amongst the many cost centres used in a
business. For a failure incident to be fully and truly costed it is necessary to collect the
numerous costs that surge throughout the operation into a single cost centre. It is not until
all the costs, wastes and losses of failure are traced in detail throughout the business that
the complete and true cost is known. This is done by following a failure throughout the
business using the list of DAFT Costs in a spreadsheet similar to those shown in the slide.
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We need to be aware of all the ways that rotating equipment can fail. The failure
mechanisms listed in the slide, corrosion, erosion and wear, can take a long time to cause
problems. Though length of time is a relative term. It may be years, or many kilometres
travelled, for a part in well controlled benign situations, or it can be several weeks for a
different part in demanding situations. Age related failures require us to look for evidence
of them as the equipment is used and monitor changes in selected parameters. These
parameters include thickness, weight, length, depth, colour, odour, etc. They reflect the
changes that occur as a part is used or ages.
Slow degradation can take a long time to impact on equipment performance. To prevent the
failures that result we typically use condition monitoring to trend the changes in selected
parameters. We set acceptable limits and once breeched the parts are replaced. We need
to match the frequency of observation to the expected rate of degradation so failures are
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4 Day Course Sample
With rotating equipment it is important to have a good appreciation of the causes of
Vibrations result when matter is forced to move. Vibration is natural. Everything made of
matter vibrates if excited to near its natural frequency. The matter behaves as a
compressed spring loaded down with a weight. Our machines and their parts are made of
matter. Your plant and equipment sits on floor and foundations, which sit on compacted
earth. The floor, foundations and earth are made of matter and behave as springs.
In the rail assembly shown on the slide, each component has a natural frequency that
excites it and makes it vibrate. The rotating shaft and mass spinning about a centre point
shown on the slide produce a periodic vibration that coincides with the speed of its
revolution, and an amplitude that reflects how far out-of-balance the mass is from the centre
of rotation. This vibration is transferred throughout the machine and its foundations. In this
case it is a forced vibration because the amplitude of the spinning shaft forces the attached
parts to move in response to it.
There is some highly involved mathematics that can be used to model situations involving
vibration. The mathematics represents matter as combinations of loaded springs and
dampers. The stiffness of the springs reflect the effects of excitation and the dampers
reflect the effects of the mass deadening the excitations.
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These are common situations where soft-foot occurs. If the items are bolted down without
fixing their soft-foot problem, the equipment is distorted out-of-shape, or the mounting feet
do not fully contact the base and properly support the forces created when the equipment is
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A technique for controlling the outcome of human controlled processes, is to build feedback
loops into a process that provide information to continually correct our actions. These are
known as the 3Ts of failure prevention Target, Tolerance, Test.
The archery target bullseye has a tolerance. It is not a small dot, rather it is a disk of some
100mm diameter. Hence the target is dead-centre, but anywhere inside the bullseye is full
marks. We know we are in the bullseye because we have an edge to measure from. So it
is when the 3Ts are used to control failure in a process we set a target, give a tolerance
that is acceptable and provide a means to measure if we within tolerance. Once we confirm
we are inside the tolerance we know we are right and can move to the next task.
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