Free E Book India 2011
Free E Book India 2011
Free E Book India 2011
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INDIA 2011
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(i) Doparlmonl of Iconomic Affairs (ArlliI Karya Viblag)
(ii) Doparlmonl of Ixpondiluro (Vyaya Viblag)
(iii) Doparlmonl of Rovonuo (Rajasvas Viblag)
(iv) Doparlmonl of IinanciaI Sorvicos (Villiya Sovayon Viblag)
(v) Doparlmonl of Disinvoslmonl
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(i) Doparlmonl of HoaIll andIamiIyWoIfaro (Svasllya aur Iarivar KaIyan ManlraIyaya)
(ii) Doparlmonl of Ayurvoda, Yoga-Naluropally, Unani, Siddla and Homooopally
(AYUSH) (Ayurvoda, Yoga-IraIriliI CliIilsa Iaddlali, Unani, Siddla aur
Homooopally Viblag)
(iii) Doparlmonl of AIDS ConlroI
(iv) Doparlmonl of HoaIll Rosoarcl
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INDIA 2011
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(i) Doparlmonl of Youll Affairs
(ii) Doparlmonls of Sporls
Doparlmonl of Alomic Inorgy (Iarmanu Oorja Viblag)
Doparlmonl of Spaco (AnlriIsl Viblag)
IIanning Commission (Yojana Ayog)
Cabinol Socrolarial (ManlrimandaI SaclivaIaya)
Irosidonls Socrolarial (Rasllrapali SaclivaIaya)
Irimo Minislors Offico (Iradlan Manlri KaryaIaya)
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I Tlo Union and ils Torrilory 1-4
II Cilizonslip 5-11
III IundamonlaI Riglls 12-35
IV Diroclivo IrincipIos of Slalo IoIicy 36-51
IVA IundamonlaI Dulios 51A
V Tlo Union Govornmonl 52-151
Claplor I Tlo Ixoculivo 52-78
Claplor II IarIiamonl 79-122
Claplor III IogisIalivo Iovors of Irosidonl 123
Claplor IV Tlo Union }udiciary 124-147
Claplor V CAG 148-151
VI Tlo Slalo Govornmonl 152-237
Claplor I GonoraI 152
Claplor II Tlo Ixoculivo 153-16
Claplor III Tlo Slalo IogisIaluro 168-212
Claplor IV IogisIalivo Iovor of Govornor 213
Claplor V Tlo Higl Courls 214-231
Claplor VI Subordinalo Courls 233-237
VII Tlo Slalos in Iarl B of llo Iirsl ScloduIo (RopoaIod) 238
VIII Tlo Union Torrilorios 239-242
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IX Tlo Ianclayals 243-243(O)
IXA Tlo MunicipaIilios 243(I)-243(ZG)
X Tlo ScloduIod and TribaI Aroas 244-255(A)
XI RoIalions bolvoon llo Union and llo Slalos
Claplor I IogisIalivo RoIalions 245-255
Claplor II Adminislralivo RoIalions 256-263
XII Iinanco, Iroporly, Conlracls and Suils 264-300(A)
Claplor I Iinanco 264-291
Claplor II Borroving 292-293
Claplor III Iroporly, Conlracls, Riglls, IiabiIilios, 294-300
ObIigalions and Suils
Claplor IV Rigll lo Iroporly 300A
XIII Trado, Commorco and Inlorcourso villin llo Torrilory of
India 301-30
XIV Sorvicos undor llo Union and llo Slalos 308-323
Claplor II IubIic Sorvico Commission 315-323
XIVA TribunaIs 323(A)-323(B)
XV IIoclions 324-329
XVI SpociaI Irovisions RoIaling lo Corlain CIassos IiIo SCs, 330-342
STs, OBCs and AngIo-Indians
XVII OfficiaI Ianguago 343-351
Claplor I Ianguago of llo Union 343-344
Claplor II RogionaI Ianguagos 345-347
Claplor III Ianguago of llo Supromo Courl,
Higl Courls, and so on
Claplor IV SpociaI Diroclivos 350-351
XVIII Imorgoncy Irovisions 352-360
XIX MiscoIIanoous 361-367
XX Amondmonl of llo Conslilulion 368
XXI Tomporary, TransilionaI and SpociaI Irovisions 369-392
XXII Slorl lilIo, Commoncomonl, Aullorilalivo Toxl in 393-395
Hindi and RopoaIs
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16 IquaIily of Opporlunily in mallors of IubIic ompIoymonl.
40 Organisalion of ViIIago Ianclayals.
43A Iarlicipalion of vorIors in managomonl of induslrios
46 Iromolion of odualionaI and oconomic inlorosls of scloduIod caslos, scloduIod
lribos and ollor voaIor soclions.
48A Iroloclion and improvomonl of onvironmonl and safoguarding of forosls and viId
49 Iroloclion of Monumonls and pIacos and objocls of nalionaI imporlanco.
50 Soparalion of judiciary and oxoculivo.
51 Iromolion of inlornalionaI poaco and socurily.
72 Iovor of Irosidonl lo granl pardons, olc., and lo suspond, romil or commulo sonloncos
in corlain casos.
74 CounciI of Minislors lo aid and adviso Irosidonl.
77 Conducl of llo businoss of llo govornmonl of India.
78 Dulios of IM vill rogards lo llo furnisling of informalion lo llo Irosidonl olc.
109 Dofinilion of Monoy BiIIs.
112 AnnuaI IinanciaI Slalomonl (Budgol).
123 Iovor of Irosidonl lo promuIgalo Ordinancos during (IarIiamonlary rocoss.)
143 Iovor of Irosidonl lo consuIl Supromo Courl.
148 ComplroIIor and Audilor-GonoraI of India.
149 Dulios and Iovors of llo CAG.
150 Iorm of accounls of llo Union and of llo Slalos.
161 Iovor of Govornor lo granl pardons, olc., and lo suspond, romil or commulo sonloncos
in corlain casos.
163 CounciI of Minislors lo aid and adviso Govornor.
166 Conducl of businoss of llo Govornmonl of a slalo.
167 Dulios of CM vill rogards lo llo furnisling of informalin lo Govornor, olc.
169 AboIilion or croalion of IogisIalivo CounciI.
201 BiIIs rosorvod by llo Govornor for considoralion of llo Irosidonl.
213 Iovor of Govornmonl lo promuIgalo ordinancos during rocoss of IogisIaluro.
226 Iovor of Higl Courl lo issuo corlain vrils.
249 Iovor of IarIiamonl lo IogisIalo rogarding mallors in llo Slalo Iisl in llo nalionaI
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263 Irovisions vill rospocl lo an inlorslalo counciI.
275 Granls from llo Union lo corlain slalos.
280 Iinanco Commission.
281 Rocommondalions of llo Iinanco Commission.
309 Rocruilmonl and condilions of sorvico of porsons sorving llo Union or slalo.
310 Tonuro of offico of porsons sorving llo Union or a slalo.
311 DismissaI, romovaI or roduclion in ranI of porsons ompIoyod in civiI capacilios
undor llo Union or a slalo.
312 AII India Sorvicos.
315 ISC for llo Union and for llo slalos.
320 Iunclions of IubIic Sorvico Commissions.
323 Roporls of IubIic Sorvico Commissions.
323A Adminislralivo TribunaIs.
324 IIoclion Commission
338 NalionaI Commission for SCs and STs.
340 Appoinlmonl of a commission lo invosligalo llo condilions of bacIvard cIassos.
343 OfficiaI Ianguago of llo Union.
344 Commission and commilloo of IarIiamonl on officiaI Ianguago.
350A Inslruclions in mollor-longuo al primary slago.
350B SpociaI officor for Iinguislic minorilios.
352 IrocIamalion of NalionaI Imorgoncy.
356 Irovisions in caso of faiIuro of conslilulionaI maclinory in slalos (Irosidonls RuIo).
360 Irovisions as lo IinanciaI Imorgoncy.
365 Iffocl of faiIuro lo compIy vill or lo givo offocl lo diroclions givon by llo union
(Irosidonls RuIo).
368 Iovor of IarIiamonl lo amond llo Conslilulion and procoduro lloroof.
370 Tomporary provisions vill rospocl lo llo slalo of }ammu and Kaslmir.
- Tlo slalos and llo UTs.
Irovisions roIaling lo llo omoIumonls, aIIovancos, priviIogos and
so on.
Iorms of Oalls or Affirmalion
INDIA 2011
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INDIA 2011
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(b) Assorlod llo primacy of DISI ovor RS.
(c) Incorporalod IundamonlaI Dulios of llo cilizons in llo Conslilulion.
(d) Assorlod IarIiamonls supromacy rogarding amondmonl of llo Conslilulion.
(o) Aullorisod llo Irosidonl lo maIo procIamalion of Imorgoncy oillor in rospocl
of any parl of llo counlry or lo llo vloIo of India.
(f) Mado il obIigalory for llo Irosidonl lo acl on llo advico of CounciI of Minislors.
- Romovo somo of llo irrilanls of llo 42nd
(a) Clangos in llo Imorgoncy provisions lo onsuro llal lloso povors voro nol
misusod by llo oxoculivos in llo fuluro.
(b) Roslorod lo llo courls llo povor lo docido vlollor an offico vas an offico of profil.
(c) Aullorisod llo Irosidonl lo rofor bacI a mallor lo llo couciI of minislors for
roconsidoralion bul mado il binding on lim lo acl on llo advico londorod aflor
sucl roconsidoralion.
(d) Rigll lo Iroporly nov docIarod a IogaI rigll.
(o) Il roslorod lo llo courls llo povor lo docido dispulos rogarding oIoclion of IM
and SpoaIor, olc. (}udiciaI roviov roslorod).
- IncIudod 14 Iand roforms Acls in llo ninll
- - Rosorvalion of soals in IS for STs in MoglaIaya,
NagaIand, ArunaclaI Iradosl and Mizoram. SimiIar rosorvalion vas aIso providod
in llo IogisIalivo assombIios of NagaIand and MoglaIaya.
- Curbod poIilicaI dofoclions.
- Irovidod nov Slalo AssombIy for ArunaclaI
- - Roducod llo voling ago from 21 yoars lo 18
yoars for llo IS as voII as assombIy oIoclions.
- Slalulory slalus lo llo NalionaI Commission
for SCs and STs.
- ConslilulionaI slalus lo Ianclayali Raj.
- ConslilulionaI slalus lo municipaIilios.
- Incroasod llo ovoraII slaro of llo slalos in
llo rovonuo uplo 26 as por rocommondalions of 10ll IC.
- SooIs lo oxlond assombIios across llo
counlry uplo 2026.
- Iroo and compuIsory oducalion for aII
cliIdron bolvoon llo ago of 614 yoars.
- Iiguros of 2001 vouId ropIaco figuros of
INDIA 2011
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- Taxos on Sorvicos.
- NalionaI Commission for ScloduIod Caslo
and NalionaI Commission for ScloduIod Tribos croalod.
- - Roslricl cabinol sizo lo 15 of IogisIalivo
mombors and lo slrongllon Anli-Doloclion Iavs.
- To provido for a Minislor of TribaI WoIfaro
in novIy croalod }larIland and Clallisgarl slalos.
- Tlo slalo can maIo Iavs for llo advancomonl
of llo SC, ST or llo OBCs of cilizons in mallors of admission lo oducalionaI inslilulions
incIuding privalo unaidod inslilulion.
- In ArlicIo 164 of llo conslilulion, in cIauso
(1) in llo provision, for llo vord Bilar llo vords Clallisgarl, }larIland slaII
bo subslilulod.
Andlra Iradosl 42 18 ArunaclaI Iradosl 2 1
Assam 14 7 Bilar 40 16
}larIland 14 6 Goa 2 1
Gujaral 26 11 Haryana 10 5
HimaclaI Iradosl 4 3 }ammu & Kaslmir 6 4
KarnalaIa 28 12 KoraIa 20 9
Madlya Iradosl 29 11 Clallisgarl 11 5
Malarasllra 48 19 Manipur 2 1
MoglaIaya 2 1 Mizoram 1 1
NagaIand 1 1 Odisla 21 10
Iunjab 13 7 Rajasllan 25 10
SiIIim 1 1 TamiI Nadu 39 18
Tripura 2 1 Ullar Iradosl 80 31
UllaranclaI 5 3 Wosl BongaI 42 16
Andaman & Nicobar 1 - Clandigarl 1 -
Dadra & Nagar HavoIi 1 - Daman & Diu 1 -
DoIli 7 3 IaIsladvoop 1 -
Iuduclorry 1 1
INDIA 2011
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1. Irosidonl of India
2. Vico Irosidonl of India
3. Irimo Minislor of India
4. Govornors of Slalos villin lloir rospoclivo slalos
5. Iormor Irosidonls
5a. Dopuly Irimo Minislor
6. Cliof }uslico of India, SpoaIor of IoI Sabla
7. Cabinol Minislors of llo Union, Cliof Minislors of Slalos villin lloir rospoclivo
slalos, Dy. Clairman-IIanning Commission, Iormor Irimo Minislors: Ioadors
Opposilion in Rajya Sabla and IoI Sabla
7a. HoIdors of Blaral Ralna docoralion
8. Ambassadors oxlraordinary and pIonipolonliary and Higl Commissionors of
CommonvoaIll counlrios accrodilod lo India. Cliof Minislors of slalos oulsido lloir
rospoclivo slalos, Govornors of slalos oulsido lloir rospoclivo slalos.
9. }udgos of llo Supromo Courls.
9a. Cliof IIoclion Commissionor, ComplroIIor and Audilor-GonoraI
10. Dy. Clairman Rajya Sabla, Dy. Cliof Minislors of slalos, Dy. SpoaIor IoI Sabla,
Mombors IIanning Commission, Minislors of Slalo of llo Union and any ollor
minislor in llo Minislry of Dofonco for Dofonco mallors.
11. Allornoy-GonoraI of India, Cabinol Socrolary, Il. Govornors villin lloir rospoclivo
Union Torrilorios.
12. Cliofs of Slaff loIding llo ranI of fuII GonoraI or oquivaIonl ranI.
13. Invoys oxlraordinary and minislors pIonipolonliaI accodilod lo India.
14. Clairman and SpoaIor of slalo IogisIaluros villin lloir rospoclivo slalos, Cliof }uslico
of Higl Courls villin lloir rospoclivo jurisdiclion.
15. Cabinol Minislors in slalos villin lloir rospoclivo slalos, CMs of UTs villin lloir
rospoclivo UTs, Dopuly Minislors of llo Union.
16. Officialing Cliofs of Slaff loIding llo ranI of Il. GonoraI or oquivaIonl ranI.
17. Clairman - CAT, Clairman-Minorilios Commission, Clairman - SCand ST Commission,
Clairman - UISC, Cliof }uslico of Higl Courls oulsido lloir rospoclivo jurisdiclions,
Iuisno oulsido lloir rospoclivo jurisdiclions, Iuisno judgos of Higl Courls villin
lloir rospoclivo jurisdiclions.
18. Cabinol minislors in slalos oulsido lloir rospoclivo slalos, Clairman and SpoaIors
of slalo IogisIaluros oulsido lloir rospoclivo slalos, Clairman- MRTI Commission,
Dy. Clairman and Dy. SpoaIors of slalo IogisIaluros villin lloir rospoclivo slalos,
Minislors of UTs villin lloir rospoclivo UTs, SpoaIors of IogisIalivo assombIios in
UTs villin lloir rospoclivo UTs.
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19. Cliof Commissionors of UTs nol laving counciIs of minislors-villin lloir rospoclivo
UTs, Dy. Minislors in slalos villin lloir rospoclivo slalo, Dy. SpoaIors of IogisIalivo
assombIios in UTs villin lloir rospoclivo UTs.
20. Dy. Clairmon and Dy. SpoaIors of slalo IogisIaluros oulsido lloir rospoclivo slalos,
Minislors of Slalos ousido lloir rospoclivo slalos, Iuisno judgos of ligl courls oulsido
lloir rospoclivo jurisdiclions.
21. MIs (Mombors of IarIiamonl)
22. Dy. Minislors in slalos oulsido lloir rospoclivo slalos.
23. Army commandors/vico cliof of llo army slaff or oquivaIonl in ollor sorvicos, Cliof
Socrolarios lo slalo govls. villin lloir rospoclivo slalos, Commissionor for Iinguislic
minorilios, Commissionor for SC and ST, Mombors Minorilios Commission, Mombors-
SC and ST Commission, Officors of llo ranI of fuII GonraI or oquivaIonl ranI,
Socrolarios of Govl. of India (incI. officors loIding llis offico ox officio), Socrolary,
Minorilios Commission, Socrolary, SC and ST Commission, Socrolary lo Irosidonl,
Socrolary lo llo IM, Socrolary, RS, IS, SoIicilor GonoraI, Vico-clairman, CAT.
24. Officors of llo ranI of Il. GonoraI or oquivaIonl ranI.
25. AddilionaI Socrolarios lo llo Govl, AddilionaI SoIicilor-GonoraIs of slalos, Clairman,
Tariff Commission, Clarg do affairs and acling Higl Commissionors and inlorim CMs
of UTs oulsido lloir rospoclivo UTs, Cliof Socrolarios of slalo govornmonls oulsido
lloir rospoclivo UTs, Cliof Socrolarios of slalo govornmonl oulsido lloir rospoclivo
slalos, Dopuly CAG, Dopuly SpoaIors of IogisIalivo assombIios in UTs oulsido lloir
rospoclivo UTs, Diroclor, CBI, Diroclor-GonoraI BSI, Diroclor GonoraI CRII, Diroclor,
IB, Il. Govornors, Mombors, UISC, Mombors, MRTI Commission, Mombors, UISC,
Minislors of UTs oulsido lloir rospoclivo UTs, IrincipaI slaff officors of llo armod
forcos and officors of llo ranI, SpoaIors of IogisIalivo assombIios in UTs and Clairman
of DoIli MolropoIilan CounciI, oulsido lloir rospoclivo UTs.
26. }l. Socrolarios lo llo Govl. of India and officors of oquivaIonl ranI, Officors of llo
ranI of Major GonoraI or oquivaIonl ranI.
(a) Conslilulion, composilion and lorm
1. Businoss Advisory Commilloo Nominalod 15 TiII roconslilulod
2. Commilloo on Irivalo Mombors Nominalod 15 Ono yoar
BiIIs and RosoIulions
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To roacl a loIocom subscribor baso of 600 miI-
TolaI no. of loIoplono connoclions (up lo Doc.,
2009): 562.15 miIIion (viroIoss: 525.09 + viro
Iino: 37.06 miIIion). OvoraII loIo-donsily al llo
ond of Docombor 2009 is 47.88 por conl (vlicl
in lurn consisls of urban loIo-donsily of 110.96
por conl and ruraI loIo-donsily of 21.16 por conl)
To provido 100 miIIion ruraI loIoplono connoc-
lions by 2010 and roacl 200 miIIion connoc-
lions by 2012, llal is lo acliovo ruraI loIo-don-
sily of 25 por conl.
Tlo no. of ruraI connoclions addod up lo
Docombor 2009 is 174.53 miIIion and prosonl
ruraI loIo-donsily is 21.16 porconl.
To provido loIoplono connoclion on domand
across llo counlry al an affordabIo prico as
onvisagod in Broadband IoIicy 2004.
To provido broadband connoclion on domand
across llo counlry by 2012.
AImosl acliovod.
Irogrammos inilialod. TolaI no. of Broadband
connoclions: 7.82 miIIion.
To provido Tlird Gonoralion (3G) sorvicos in
aII cilios/lovns vill moro llan 1 IaIl popuIa-
Tlis is yol lo bo acliovod, as 3G Spoclrum is
oxpoclod lo bo auclionod during firsl laIf of
To faciIilalo inlroduclion of mobiIo TV. Inlroducod on oxporimonlaI basis in Mumbai
and DoIli.
To provido broadband connoclivily lo
ovory socondary sclooI (SS), loaIll conlro, Gram
Ianclayal (GI) on domand in lvo yoars.
Irogrammos inilialod
INDIA 2011
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- - A sclomo las boon Iaunclod by USO
Iund lo provido subsidy supporl for solling up and managing 7871 numbor of infraslruc-
luro silos (lovors) in 500 dislricls sproad ovor 27 slalos for provision of mobiIo sorvicos
in llo spocifiod ruraI and romolo aroas.
A promior S&T organizalion of DIT las boon providing informalics supporl lo conlraI
minislrios slalo govornmonls and dislricl adminislralions for llo Iasl fov docados.
Tlo InlornalionaI Iong Dislanco (IID) sorvico is basicaIIy a nolvorI carriago sorvico,
providing InlornalionaI connoclivily lo llo nolvorI oporalod by foroign carriors. In
accordanco vill llo Nov ToIocom IoIicy-1999, llo Govornmonl oponod llo InlornalionaI
Iong Dislanco Sorvico from 1sl ApriI, 2002 lo llo privalo oporalors. Tloro is no roslriclion
on llo numbor of oporalors.
Tlo appIicanl company for II-I roquiros rogislralion onIy vill DoT. Companios rogislorod
as II-I can provido assols sucl as darI fibro, rigll of vay, dusl spaco and lovor. AII Indian
Rogislorod companios aro oIigibIo lo appIy. Tloro is no roslriclion on foroign oquily and
numbor of onlranls. Tloro is no onlry foo and banI guaranloo. Tlo appIicanl company
is roquirod lo pay ` 5,000 as procossing foo aIong vill llo appIicalion. So far 273 companios
lavo boon rogislorod as Infraslrucluro providor Calogory-I.
IoIicy for IubIic MobiIo Radio TrunI Sorvico (IMRTS) in lorms of NTI-99 vas announcod on
01.112001. Tlo nov IMRTS Iiconcos aro granlod on non-oxcIusivo firsl como firsl sorvico basis.
To maIo India a lub for loIocom oquipmonl
manufacluring by faciIilaling oslabIislmonl of
loIocom spocific SIZs.
IslabIisling ToIocom Conlros of IxcoIIonco in
promior oducalionaI inslilulions and ollor ro-
pulod organisalions in llo counlry in III modo.
During IIovonll IIan llo capilaI invoslmonl in
ToIocom Soclor is around ` 830,000 croro. Iur-
llor NoIia, MoloroIa, IIoxlronics, and Ioxconn
lavo sol up SIZ unils villin llo counlry for
manufacluring mobiIo landsols.
Undor ToIocom DovoIopmonl and Invoslmonl
Iromolion (TDII) 7 ToIocom Conlros of IxcoI-
Ionco (TCOIs) lavo boon sol up in III modo in
various aroas of ToIocom Soclor.
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IoIicy for granl of Iiconco for GIobaI MobiIo IorsonaI Communicalion SaloIIilo (GMICS)
sorvico in lorms of NTI-99 vas finaIizod and announcod on 02.11.2001. Tlo procoss
of granl of GMICS Iiconso is a vory invoIvod procoss. Tlo appIicalion of GMICS Iiconso
conlaining llo onliro proposaI is submillod lo Iav Inforcing Agoncy for Socurily
Is a ToclnicaI Wing of DoT providos loclnicaI supporl lo DoT, TIC pubIislos documonls
dolaiIing llo loclnicaI roquiromonls for aII loIocom oquipmonl lo bo usod in various loIocom
nolvorIs in India. Tloso documonls aro cIosoIy aIignod vill marIol noods, loclnoIogicaI
dovoIopmonls and inlornalionaI slandards.
Conlro for DovoIopmonl of ToIomalics (C-DOT) is llo ToIocom Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl
Conlro of llo Govornmonl of India. Il vas oslabIislod in 1984 lo provido vido ranging,
slalo-of-llo-arl and cosl-offoclivo indigonous lolaI loIocom soIulions. Boginning llo jour-
noy vill digilaI svilcling sysloms.
WiroIoss IIanning and Coordinalion (WIC) Wing, oslabIislod in 1952, is llo nalionaI radio
roguIalory aullorily rosponsibIo for coordinalion and roguIalion of radio spoclrum usagos
in llo counlry. Il is a nodaI agoncy for aII mallors concorning InlornalionaI ToIocommu-
nicalion Union (ITU).
vas formod on 1sl Oclobor, 2000 by
corporalizalion of llo orslvliIo Doparlmonl of ToIocom sorvicos.
Tlo Malanagar ToIoplono Nigam Iimilod (MTNI) camo inlo oxislonco on 1 ApriI, 1986
as a company vloIIy ovnod by llo Govornmonl undor llo Doparlmonl of ToIocommu-
nicalion, Minislry of Communicalions.
Il vas sol up in 1991 as an aulonomous, undor llo doparlmonl of ToIocom. STIIs main
objoclivo las boon llo promolion of soflvaro oxporls from llo counlry.
Tlo Doparlmonl of Iosls las Iauncold o-MO on 10 Oclobor, 2008.
IIoclronic Monoy Ordor is a syslom llal faciIilalos romillanco of MOs oIoclronicaIIy,
for vlicl posl officos slouId lavo connoclivily by WAN/Broadband.
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- Tlo IIoclronic CIoaring Sorvico is boing offorod in llo Doparlmonl of
Iosls al aII llo 15 Iocalions of RBI and 21 Iocalions of Slalo BanI of India in connoclion
vill paymonl of monllIy inlorosl undor MonllIy Incomo Sclomo (MIS).
Sinco 1948, llo Doparlmonl of Iosls las a voII-oslabIislod syslom of rodrossaI of pubIic
griovancos. IrosonlIy 3295 Compulorizod Cuslomor Caro Conlros (CCCs) lavo boon
oslabIislod al llo Dislricl Hoadquarlors/DivisionaI Hoadquarlors across llo counlry for
onIino oxclango of informalion amongsl aII llo unils for spoody rodrossaI of griovancos.
Today, llo Indian loIocommunicalions nolvorI vill aboul 562.21 miIIion loIoplono
connoclions as on 31sl Docombor, 2009 is llo socond Iargosl in llo vorId. Will 525.15
miIIion as on 31sl Docombor, 2009, viroIoss plonos, India las llo 2nd Iargosl viroIoss
nolvorI in llo vorId.
Tlo grovll of viroIoss sorvicos las boon plonomonaI, vill viroIoss subscribors
groving al a compound annuaI grovll ralo (CAGR) of 60 por conl por annum sinco
ApriI, 2004 uplo 31 Marcl, 2009. Tlo slaro of viroIoss plonos las incroasod from
5.26 por conl in 1999 lo 93.41 por conl in 31sl Augusl, 2009.
As on Docombor, 2009, lloro aro 174.58 miIIion plonos in ruraI aroas vill a loIodonsily
of 21.19 al llo ond 6 Docombor, 2009.
Rocognizing llo polonliaI of Broadband sorvico in llo grovll of GDI and croalion
of an onabIing onvironmonl for promoling InovIodgo basod socioly, llo Broadband
poIicy announcod in Oclobor, 2004 las boon proposod in llo IIovonll IIan largols
lo provido llo broadband for aII socondary and liglor socondary sclooIs, aII IubIic
HoaIll Caro Conlors and Gram Ianclayals.
Today, loIocom is llo llird major soclor allracling IDI infIovs aflor sorvicos and
compulor soflvaro soclor. Al prosonl 74 por conl lo 100 por conl IDI is pormillod
for various loIocom sorvicos.
Tlo major funclions of llo ToIocom Commission incIudo poIicy formuIalion, roviov
of porformanco, Iiconsing, viroIoss spoclrum managomonl, adminislralivo moniloring
of ISUs, rosoarcl and dovoIopmonl, slandardizalion/vaIidalion of oquipmonl and
InlornalionaI RoIalions.
- - -
Aflor announcing oponing up of IIDS and NIDS for froo compolilion,
Govornmonl las so far issuod 24 IIDS Iiconsos and 29 NIDS Iiconsos (incIuding
BSNI) as on Docombor 31, 2009.
Tlo UnivorsaI Sorvico ObIigalion Iund formod by an Acl of IarIiamonl is loadod
by llo Adminislralor USO Iund appoinlod by llo ConlraI Govornmonl, for llo
adminislralion of llo Iund. Tlo USO Iund vas oslabIislod vill llo fundamonlaI
objoclivo of providing accoss lo Basic, loIograpls sorvicos lo poopIo in llo ruraI and
romolo aroas al affordabIo and roasonabIo pricos.
Tlo ToIocom RoguIalory Aullorily of India (TRAI) las aIvays ondoavourod lo
oncourago groalor compolilion in llo loIocom soclor logollor vill bollor quaIily and
affordabIo pricos in ordor lo mool llo objoclivos of Nov ToIocom IoIicy, 1999.
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Tlo ToIocom dispulos SollIomonl and AppoIIalo TribunaI (TDSAT) vas croalod in llo
yoar 2000 by llo ConlraI Govornmonl undor llo TRAI Acl, 1997 lo sollIo and
adjudicalo dispulos invoIving Iiconsor, sorvico providors and a group of consumors
on loIocommunicalion sorvicos.
On Marcl 10, 1978, ToIocommunicalions ConsuIlanls India Ild. (TCII) vas
incorporalod as a vloIIy ovnod Govornmonl of India Company. Tlo Company vas
sol up vill llo objoclivo of oxlonding llo vido ranging India loIocom oxporliso lo
friondIy dovoIoping counlrios.
Tlo Doparlmonl of Informalion ToclnoIogy is inlor-aIia rosponsibIo for formuIalion,
impIomonlalion and roviov of nalionaI poIicios in llo fioId of Informalion ToclnoIogy.
AII poIicy mallors roIaling lo siIicon faciIily, compulor basod informalion loclnoIogy
and procossing incIuding lardvaro and soflvaro, slandardizalion of procoduros and
mallors roIaling lo o-commorco, inlornol informalion loclnoIogy oducalion and
dovoIopmonl of oIoclronics.
NalionaI o-Govornanco IIan vas approvod in May 2006 vill a vision lo MaIo aII
Govornmonl sorvicos accossibIo lo llo common man in lis IocaIily, llrougl common
sorvico doIivory oulIols and onsuro officioncy, lransparoncy and roIiabiIily of sucl
sorvicos al affordabIo cosls lo roaIizo llo basic noods of llo common man.
- Undor llis Sclomo, loclnicaI and financiaI assislanco
aro boing providod lo llo Slalos/UTs for oslabIisling SWANs lo connocl aII Slalo/
UT Hoadquarlors up lo llo BIocI IovoI via Dislricl/sub-DivisionaI loadquarlors, in
a vorlicaI liorarclicaI slrucluro vill a minimum bandvidll capacily of 2 Mbps por
Tlo Slalo Dala Conlro Sclomo for oslabIisling Dala Conlros across 35 Slalos/UTs
across llo counlry vas approvod by llo Govornmonl on 24 }anuary, 2008. Tlo concopl
is lo croalo Slalo Dalo Conlros for llo slalos lo consoIidalo infraslrucluro, sorvicos
and appIicalion lo provido officionl oIoclronic doIivory of G2G, G2C and G2B sorvicos.
- Tlo Irojocl aims lo largol corlain ligl voIumo-sorvicos curronlIy nol
covorod by any MMI undor llo NoGI and undorlaIo bacI-ond compulorizalion lo
onabIo llo doIivory of lloso sorvicos llrougl Common Sorvico Conlros.
India DovoIopmonl Galovay (InDG) is a nalion vido inilialivo llal sooIs lo provido
rosponsibIo and crodibIo informalion, producls and sorvicos in IocaI Ianguagos caloring
lo llo noods of ruraI communilios.
Tlo Informalion ToclnoIogy (Amondmonl) Acl, 2000, a IogaI framovorI for lransaclions
carriod oul oIoclronicaIIy vas onaclod lo faciIilalo o-Commorco, o-Govornanco and
lo laIo caro of compulor roIalod offoncos. Tlis vas amondod llrougl llo Informalion
ToclnoIogy (Amondmonl) Acl 2008.
CIRT-In is llo nalionaI nodaI agoncy for rosponding lo compulor socurily incidonls
as and vlon lloy occur.
Tlo firsl and llo onIy Cybor Courl in llo counlry las boon oslabIislod by llo ConlraI
Govornmonl in accordanco vill llo provisions conlainod undor soclion 48(1) of llo
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Informalion ToclnoIogy Acl, 2000. Tlo courl vas iniliaIIy Inovn as llo Cybor
RoguIalions AppoIIalo TribunaI (CRAT).
Tlo NanoloclnoIogy Inilialivo programmo of DIT vas slarlod in 2004 vill focus
on nano-oIoclronios. Tlo programmo las boon conconlraling on inslilulionaI capacily
buiIding, infraslrucluro for Rosoarcl &DovoIopmonl and luman rosourco dovoIopmonl
in llo aroa of nano-oIoclronics lovards maIing India a fronl runnor in llis
rovoIulionary aroa.
o-Ioarning is ono of llo llrusl aroas idonlifiod by DIT for imparling oducalion using
oducalionaI looIs and communicalion modia. Il is llo Ioarning faciIilalod and supporlod
by Informalion Communicalion ToclnoIogios (ICT), DIT las boon financiaIIy supporling
R&Dprojocls in foIIoving llrusl aroas undor o-Ioarning al various acadomic oducalionaI
inslilulos, R&D Iabs, olc.
Ono of llo imporlanl rocommondalions of llo NalionaI KnovIodgo Commission vas
lo oslabIisl a NalionaI KnovIodgo NolvorI (NKN). Govornmonls docision lo sol
up llo NalionaI KnovIodgo NolvorI vas announcod by llo Iinanco Minislor in llo
Budgol Spoocl of 200809. Tlo Objoclivo of llo NalionaI KnovIodgo NolvorI is lo
inlorconnocl aII Univorsilios, Iibrarios, Iaboralorios, HospilaIs and AgricuIluraI
Inslilulions lo slaro dala and rosourcos across llo counlry ovor llo ligl spood (of
gigabil capabiIilios) informalion nolvorI.
C-DACis a promior R&D organizalion undor llo Doparlmonl of Informalion ToclnoIogy,
Minislry of Communicalions and IT vill a nolvorI of Iabs across llo counlry.
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Rasllrya Indian MiIiary CoIIogo Dolradun, 13, Marcl
NaionaI Dofono Acadomy KladaIvasIa
Indian MiIilary Acadomy Dolradun, 1932
Officors Training Acadomy Clonnai
Dofonco Sorvicos Slaff CoIIogo WoIIinglon
CoIIogo of Dofonco Managomonl Socundorabad IniliaIIy il vas Inslilulo of Dofonco
}uno 1970 Mangomonl. Ronamod in 1980. Offors
lraining lo officors from paramiIi lary,
Minislry of Dofonco, R&D organisalion and
friondIy foroign counlrios.
CoIIogo of MiIilary Inginooring Iuno (Iionoor loclnicaI inslilulionaffiIIalod lo }NU
for avard of B. Tocl/M. Tocl dogroos.)
NalionaI Dofonco CoIIogo 27 ApriI 1960 (OnIy Inslilulion in llo counlry llal imparls
InovIodgo on aII aspocls of nalionaI
socurily and slralogy)
Tlo Supromo Command of llo Armod Iorcos vosls in llo Irosidonl. Tlo rosponsibiIily
for nalionaI dofonco rosls vill llo Cabinol.
- is lo provido diroclions on issuos roIalod lo dofonco
and nalionaI socurily and for impIomonlalion of poIicios lo llo rospoclivo Organizalions.
Hoadquarlor Inlogralod Dofonco Slaff (HQIDs) vas croalod on Oclobor 1, 2001 basod
on llo rocommondalion of llo Group of Minislor, vlicl vas sol up in 2000 Iosl KargiI
lo roviov llo Nalions liglor dofonco managomonl.
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Tlo Inlor-Sorvico Organizalion, undor llo doparlmonl of dofonco aro rosponsibIo for
carrying oul lasIs roIalod lo common noods of llo llroo sorvicos sucl as modicaI caro,
IR and porsonaI Managomonl of CiviIian Slaff.
Tlo Army Hoadquarlors funclions undor cliof of army slaffs (COAS). Main Woapon
Sysloms of llo Army aro BralMos Woapon Syslom, Smorcl MuIli RocIol Iaunclor Syslom
(MIRS) and IinaIa MuIli BarroI RocIol Iaunclor Syslom (MBRIS).
Rocruilmonl of Commissionod Officors in Armod Iorcos llrougl UISC. UISC conducls
lvo AII India Compolilivo Ixaminalions:
Tvico a yoar for
onlry lo NDA and NA. (oIigibiIily 10+2 quaIifiod).
Tvico a yoar. Univorsily gradualos
or lloso in finaI yoar of gradualion aro oIigibIo. SuccossfuI candidalos join llo Indian
MiIilary Acadomy/Air Iorco Acadomy/NavaI Acadomy for Iormanonl Commission
and Officors Training Acadomy (OTA) for Slorl Sorvico Commission.
-- - -
- IinaI/Iro-IinaI yoar onginooring dogroo courso
sludonls in llo nolifiod onginooring discipIinos aro oIigibIo for Iormanonl Commission
in llo ToclnicaI Arms of llo Army.
- - Inginooring gradualos from nolifiod discipIinos
of onginooring/posl gradualos vill minimum socond division aggrogalo marIs (for
Army Iducalion Corps onIy), aro oIigibIo for Iormanonl Commission. Aflor llo SSB
and llo ModicaI Board, llo soIoclod candidalos aro roquirod lo undorgo ono yoar
pro-commission lraining al llo IMA, Dolradun, boforo boing commissionod.
-- IIigibIo loclnicaI gradualos/posl gradualos
for rocruilmonl in ToclnicaI Arms. Aflor SSB and ModicaI Board, llo soIoclod candidalos
aro roquirod lo undorgo approximaloIy 49 vooIs pro-commission lraining al OTA,
Roquiros candidalos vlo lavo quaIifiod 10+2
CBSI/ICSI/Slalo Board Ixaminalion vill minimum aggrogalo of 70 marIs in
Ilysics, Clomislry and Mallomalics.
- - IIigibIo vomon candidalos aro
offorod Slorl Sorvico Commission in fivo slroams, viz. Non-ToclnicaI, ToclnicaI, NCC
(SpociaI), }udgo Advocalo GonoraI and Iosl Gradualo/SpociaIisl, for a poriod of lon
yoars, oxlondabIo by furllor four yoars puroIy on voIunlary basis.
Univorsily gradualos possossing NCC C Corlificalo
vill minimum B grado and 50 aggrogalo marIs in gradualion oxaminalion aro
oIigibIo for Slorl Sorvico Commission. Sucl cadols aro oxomplod from vrillon
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oxaminalion and aro diroclIy pul llrougl llo SSB inlorviov foIIovod by a ModicaI
Iav gradualos vill minimum 55 aggrogalo marIs
in IIB, ago bolvoon 21 lo 27 yoars, can appIy for }udgo Advocalo GonoraI Brancl.
IIigibIo candidalos aro caIIod for dirocl SSB inlorviov and lloroaflor for modicaI losl.
Il is a Slorl Sorvico Commission Inlry vloroin suilabIo candidalos can opl for
Iormanonl Commission.
- - In llo Army, lloro aro oIovon
ZonaI Rocruiling Officos, lvo GorIla Rocruiling Dopols, ono Indopondonl Rocruiling
Offico and 59 Army Rocruiling Officos in addilion lo 47 RogimonlaI Conlros vlicl carry
oul rocruilmonl llrougl raIIios in lloir rospoclivo aroas of jurisdiclion.
Tlo NavaI Hoadquarlors funclions undor llo cliof of Main oquipmonls of llo Navy aro
UH3H uliIily loIicoplors, boyond visibIo rango Dorby missiIo, INS Kosari (ApriI, 08), Tvo
valor jol fasl allacI crafls-clolaI and car nicobar (Iob., 09)
Tlo indigonous Aircrafl carrior is aIso undor conslruclion al CSI, Kocli.
Inlonsivo IIying Training Unil (IITU) for UH3H loIicoplors las boon oslabiIislod on
23 Marcl, 09 as Indian NavaI Air Squadron (INAS) 350.
Recruitment in Indian Navy
Bosidos UISC Rocruilmonl as monlionod abovo soIoclion in navy is mado llrougl Sorvico
SoIoclion Board for llo foIIoving Branclos/Cadros:
Univorsily Gradualos loIding NCC C corlificalos vill
minimum B grading aro oIigibIo and slorl Iislod candidalos aro llon sonl for SSB
Slorl Sorvico Commission for Air Traffic ConlroI/Iav/Iogislic/
NavaI Armamonl Inspocloralo (NAI)/Hydro cadros/Avialion/Obsorvor andIormanonl
Commission for Iav/NAI Cadros.
(IncIuding NavaI Arclilocls): Slorl Sorvico Commission llrougl
Univorsily Inlry Sclomo (UIS), SpociaI NavaI Arclilocls Inlry Sclomo (SNAIS)
Slorl Sorvico Commission (I) Sclomo and Iormanonl Commission llrougl 10+2
(Tocl) Sclomo.
Slorl Sorvico Commission llrougl Univorsily Inlry Sclomo, SSC
(I) Sclomos and Iormanonl Commission llrougl 10+2 (Tocl) Sclomo.
Iormanonl Commission and Slorl Sorvico Commission sclomos.
Ior Iormanonl Commission onlry in llo Inginooring and
IIoclricaI branclos of llo Indian Navy. Candidalos vill 10+2 (ICM) quaIificalion,
aflor soIoclion llrougl llo Sorvicos SoIoclion Board, aro sonl lo llo NavaI Acadomy
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for llo NavaI Orionlalion Courso. Tloroaflor, lloy undorgo a four-yoar Inginooring
courso al INS Slivaji/VaIsura.
- Undor UIS IinaI and Iro-IinaI yoar Inginooring
sludonls aro oIigibIo for induclion inlo llo loclnicaI Branclos/Cadros of llo Navy.
NavaI soIoclion loams from llo IHQ of MoD (Navy) and Command Hoadquarlors
visil AICTI approvod onginooring coIIogos, across llo counlry, lo slorlIisl llo
candidalos. Tlo slorl Iislod candidalos, basod on AII India Moril, aro caIIod for
inlorviov al llo Sorvicos SoIoclion Board.
- Womon aro boing induclod inlo llo Navy, as Slorl Sorvico Commission
(SSC) officors in llo Ixoculivo (ATC, Iav & Iogislic Cadros), Indian Navy las aIso
inlroducod SSC (Obsorvor) onlry sclomo for vomon aIso v.o.f. }uIy, 2008.
-- - Iormanonl Commission
vouId bo granlod lo SSC officors of Iducalion, X/Iav and I/NavaI Conslruclor
Cadros for balclos boing induclod vill offocl from }anuary, 2009 onvards.
- Rocruilmonl of saiIors in llo Navy is carriod oul aflor llo
procoss of a vrillon oxaminalion, plysicaI filnoss losl and modicaI oxaminalion.
Tlo Airforco Hoadquarlors funclions undor llo cliof of air forco slaff Main oquipmonls
aro Su-30MKI aircrafl, 20 HavI A}T aircrafl, Mirago-2000 and }aguar aircrafls and
Mi-17 loIicoplors DO-228 aircrafl AN-32 aircraf, MIG-29, olc. Irocuromonl conlracl
of C-13030 aircrafl for spociaI oporalions from US Govornmonl las boon signod.
To onlanco oIoclronic survoiIIanco ground basod radars aro induclod IiIo Aoroslal,
Modium Iovor Radar (MIR), Iov IovoI Iigll Woigll Radar (IIIWR), Iov IovoI
TransporlabIo Radar (IITR), and SurvoiIIanco Radar Iquipmonl (SRI).
As communicalion oquipmonl Air forco las SATCOM, HI and V/UHI sols vill
associalod oncryplion oquipmonl.
Airborno Warning and ConlroI Syslom (AWACS) aro boing procurod lo significanlIy
onlanco llo offoclivonoss of boll Offonsivo and Dofonsivo oporalions of llo IAI.
- - Ior loclnicaI branclos, vomon
spociaI onlry sclomo, NalionaI Cadol Corps (NCC) spociaI onlry sclomo, sorvico onlrios,
rocruilmonl is mado diroclIy llrougl llo Rocruiling Dirocloralo for llo Indian Air Iorco.
- SoIclion is mado for llo IIying (IiIol),
AoronaulicaI Inginooring (IIoclronics), AoronaulicaI Inginooring (MoclanicaI), Iducalion,
Adminislralion, Iogislics, Accounls and MolooroIogy branclos of llo Air Iorco.
- IinaI/pro-IinaI yoar sludonls in onginooring discipIinos
aro oIigibIo as Iormanonl Commissionod Officors.
- IIigibIo vomon aro rocruilod as Slorl Sorvico
Commissionod Officors in llo IIying, AoronaulicaI Inginooring (IIoclronics),
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AoronaulicaI Inginooring (MoclanicaI), Iducalion, Adminislralion, Iogislics, Accounls
and MolooroIogy branclos of llo IAI.
- Univorsily gradualos possossing
NCC C Corlificalo vill minimum B grading and 50 marIs in gradualion aro
oIigibIo for RoguIar Commissionod.
- - - Tlo soIoclion of Airmon is
carriod oul llrougl a conlraIizod soIoclion syslom on aII India basis by ConlraI Airmon
SoIoclion Board, Iocalod al Nov DoIli vill llo loIp of fourloon SoIoclion Conlros.
Commissioned Ranks
Tlo foIIoving aro llo commissionod ranIs in llo llroo Sorvicos, oacl ranI is slovn
opposilo ils oquivaIonl in llo ollor Sorvico:
GonoraI AdmiraI Air Cliof MarslaI
Iioulonanl GonoraI Vico-AdmiraI Air MarslaI
Major GonoraI Roar AdmiraI Air Vico MarslaII
Brigadior Commodoro Air Comodoro
CoIonoI Caplain Group Caplain
Iioulonanl CoIonoI Commandor Wing Commandor
Major Iioulonanl Commandor Squadron Ioador
Caplain Iioulonanl IIigll Iioulonanl
Iioulonanl Sub-Iioulonanl IIying Officor
Inlor-Sorvico Organisalions, undor llo Doparlmonl of Dofonco aro rosponsibIo for car-
rying oul lasIs roIalod lo common noods of llo llroo Sorvicos namoIy Army, NavaI and
Air forco sucl as modicaI caro, pubIic roIalions and porsonnoI managomonl of civiIian slaff
in llo Dofonco Hoadquarlors.
IlabIislod as an indopondonl sorvico on Augusl 19, 1978 as por llo Coasl Guard Acl, 1978.
Tlo command and conlroI of llo Coasl Guard rosls vill llo Diroclor GonoraI of Indian
Coasl Guard al Nov DoIli. Tlo Organisalion las four RogionaI Hoadquarlors Mumbai,
Clonnai, Gandlinagar and Iorl BIair vill 11 Coasl Guard Dislricl HQs
vas croalod lo roviov llo Nalions liglor dofonco
managomonl on Oclobor 1, 2001 and las boon acling for incuIcaling synorgy bolvoon
armod forcos by moans of inlograling poIicy, doclrino and procuromonl..
- is a forum for llo Sorvico Cliofs lo discuss mallors
laving a boaring on llo aclivilios of llo Sorvicos and aIso lo adviso llo Minislry. Tlo
posilion of Clairman of llo Cliofs of Slaff Commilloo dovoIvos on llo Iongosl sorving
Cliof of Slaff, and consoquonlIy rolalos amongsl llo llroo Sorvicos. Iinanco Division in
llo Minislry of Dofonco doaIs vill aII mallors laving a financiaI impIicalion. Tlis Division
is loadod by Socrolary (Dofonco Iinanco)/IinanciaI Advisor (Dofonco Sorvicos) and is fuIIy
inlogralod vill llo Minislry of Dofonco and porforms an advisory roIo.
Tlo NalionaI Cadol Corps (NCC) vas oslabIislod undor llo NCC Acl, 1948 and llo
Diroclor GonoraI, NCC Iocalod al Nov DoIli conlroIs and ovorsoas various aclivilios of
llo NCC llrougl 16 NCC Dirocloralos sproad across llo counlry. Tloro is a ConlraI
Advisory Commilloo for llo NCC lo provido ovoraII poIicy guidoIinos. NCC is mannod
by llo sorvico porsonnoI, WloIo Timo Iady Officors, loaclors/profossors and civiIians. Ono
Iocluror/loaclor in oacl oducalionaI inslilulion is appoinlod Associalo NCC officor. Tlo
mollo of NCC is Unily and DiscipIino.
- SainiI SclooIs voro oslabIislod as a joinl vonluro of llo ConlraI
and Slalo Govornmonls. Tloso aro undor llo ovoraII govornanco of SainiI SclooIs
Socioly. SainiI SclooI al Rovari (Haryana) is llo Ialosl ono slarlod in ApriI 2009.
Tlo SainiI SclooIs proparo boys acadomicaIIy, plysicaIIy and monlaIIy lo join Armod
Iorcos llrougl llo NalionaI Dofonco Acadomy (NDA).
- - Iivo Rasllriya MiIilary SclooIs (oarIior MiIilary SclooIs)
affiIialod lo CBSI aro funclioning al Ajmor, BangaIoro, BoIgaum, DloIpur and ClaiI.
Tlo MiIilary SclooIs admil boys in cIass VI, basod on llo rosuIls of an aII India
Inlranco Ixaminalion. WliIo 67 soals aro rosorvod for llo vards of }COs/ORs
caIIod onlilIod calogory, oul of 33 non-onlilIod calogory soals, 20 aro rosorvod
for vards of sorvico officors.
is an inlor-sorvico lraining inslilulion vill llroo
yoars courso slrucluro covorod in six somoslors. Aflor llis lraining, llo cadols procood
lo lloir rospoclivo Sorvico Acadomios for furllor lraining boforo boing commissionod
as officors in llo Armod Iorcos.
- IslabiIislod on Marcl 3, 1922. Tlo
inslilulion is sorving as a foodor inslilulo lo llo NDA. SoIoclion for RIMC is llrougl
a vrillon oxaminalion cum viva voco conduclod llrougl llo Slalo Govornmonls.
Soals for rospoclivo Slalos aro rosorvod basod on popuIalion. Indian MiIilary Acadomy
(IMA): IslabiIislod in 1932.
Tlo Acadomy lrains cadols for Slorl Sorvico
Commission. Will llo onlry of vomon officors in llo Army sinco Soplombor 21, 1992,
CoIIogo of MiIilary Inginooring (CMI) is affiIialod lo }avalarIaI Nolru Univorsily
(}NU) for llo avard of B.Tocl and M. Tocl dogroos.
98 INDIA 2011
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Tlo NDC runs a 47-vooI courso ovory yoar for soIoclod
sonior Dofonco and CiviI Sorvicos officors from India and Dofonco officors from
friondIy foroign counlrios.
is a Tri-Sorvico calogory A lraining oslabIislmonl.
Osmania Univorsily rocognizos llo coro courso of CDM, namoIy llo Higlor Dofonco
Managomonl Courso for llo avard of llo Maslor of Managomonl Sludios (MMS) dogroo.
- Il imparls lraining lo middIo IovoI officors
of llo llroo Sorvicos bosidos a fov civiIian officors and officors from friondIy foroign
is loadod by a Socrolary and doaIs vill
mallors porlaining lo dofonco produclion, indigonisalion of imporlod sloros, oquipmonl
and sparos, pIanning and conlroI of doparlmonlaI produclion unils of llo Ordinanco
Iaclory Board and Dofonco IubIic Soclor UndorlaIings (DISUs).
- - is a DISU and is commillod lo
acliovo slralogic soIf roIianco in llo aorospaco soclor las producod 11 lypos of aircrafl
from in-louso R&D and 14 lypos undor Iiconso.
- suppIios IIoclronic Iquipmonls lo llo Indian
Dofonco Sorvicos and Iara-miIilary Iorcos.
- ) Manufacluros and suppIios Ground supporl
oquipmonl sucl as Talra basod Higl MobiIily lrucIs, Armourod Rocovory volicIos,
Hoavy Rocovory volicIos, Ionloon Bridgo Syslom, VolicIos for MissiIo projocls, TanI
lransporlalion lraiIors, MiIraiI vagons and coaclos, Mino pIougls, Crasl Iiro Tondors,
Aircrafl Toving lraclors, Aircrafl voapon Ioading lroIIoy, Transmission and finaI drivo
sysloms for BMI Combal volicIos, Susponsion syslom for BallIo TanIs. Tlo company
aIso suppIios BuII Dozors, Ixcavalors and Molor Gradors lo DGBR and Army for
Bordor road conslruclion/mainlonanco, snov cIoaranco and ollor civiI vorIs.
is ongagod in conslruclion of varslips incIuding
Doslroyors, Corvollos, Submarinos, Nov Gonoralion SloaIll Irigalos, Offsloro IalroI
VossoIs, conslruclion.
(GSI) (an ISO-9001 corlifiod company) is slipyards, buiIding
modium and commoncod funclioning vill ils ovn Board of Diroclors sinco Soplombor
29, 1967. Govornmonl of India las conforrod llo slalus of Mini Ralna, Calogory-I
in Marcl 2007. Tlo Company las ombarIod on a major oxorciso of divorsificalion
inlo buiIding GIass Roinforcod IIaslic (GRI) boals lo calor for ordors from Minislry
of Homo Affairs. GSI is aIso vonluring inlo buiIding Sloro Basod Tosl IaciIily (SBTI)
for avialion spociaIizalion.
- - Il is a Ioading
slipbuiIding yard and manufacluror of ligl vaIuo, ligl loclnoIogy, compIox
Land and the People 99
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onginooring iloms in Iaslorn India. Tlo Company las boon granlod llo Calogory-
I Mini Ralna slalus.
- Il vas oslabIislod in 1970 for manufacluring of
Guidod MissiIos. Bosidos producing Irillvi missiIo sysloms undor llo IGMDI, BDI
is ongagod in llo produclion of KonIurs-M and Invar (3UBK-20) Anli Guidod
MissiIos in coIIaboralion vill Russia. Inlouso dovoIopod CMDS (Counlor Moasuros
Disponsing Syslom) las boon accoplod by llo Indian Air Iorco. Tlo Company las
vonlurod inlo produclionising undorvalor voapon sysloms sucl as Advancod Iigll
Woigll Torpodo (TAI) and Iigll Woigll Minos in Concurronl Inginooring modo.
- Was incorporalod as a IubIic Soclor
UndorlaIing undor llo Adminislralivo ConlroI of Doparlmonl of Dofonco Iroduclion
and SuppIios, Minislry of Dofonco in 1973 for manufacluring of SuporaIIoys, Tilanium
aIIoys and SpociaI Iurposo SlooIs, MoIybdonum viros and pIalos, Tilanium and
SlainIoss SlooI lubos, Sofl Magnolic aIIoys, ConlroIIod oxpansion aIIoys and Rosislanco
aIIoys aIso form parl of llo produclion.
DRDO, oslabiIislod by combining ToclnicaI DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (TDIs) of Indian
Army and Dirocloralo of ToclnicaI DovoIopmonl & Iroduclion (DTD&I) vill Dofonco
Scionco Organisalion (DSO) in 1958, vill llo lag Iino BaIasya muIam vigyanam Tlo
sourco of slrongll is Scionco. DRDO is loadod by llo socrolary, Doparlmonl of Dofonco
R&D and Diroclor GonoraI R&D, aIso caIIod as (llo Scionlific Advisor lo RaIsla Manlri).
Dr. DS Kollari, vas llo firsl lo load llo organisalion. Tlo load is supporlod by oigll
Cliof ConlroIIors. Tlo corporalo loadquarlor of DRDO is al DRDO Blavan, Iocalod al
Rajaji Marg, Nov DoIli. DRDO Hqrs, is funclioning undor llo Corporalo Dirocloralos and
llo ToclnicaI Dirocloralos. Tlo DRDO Iaboralorios, aro cIassfiod inlo oigll cIuslors Aoro-
naulics, Armamonls, Combal VolicIos and Inginooring, IIoclronics and Compulor Scioncos,
MaloriaIs, MissiIos, NavaI Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl and Iifo Scioncos. ToclnicaI Diroc-
loralos for oacl Iab acl as singIo vindov lo llo R&D Hqs and llo Govl. of India. Tlo
Scionlific Advisors lo COAS, CAS, CNS and Dopuly Cliof of IDS aIso acl as ToclnicaI
Diroclors lo rondor sorvicos lo lloir rospoclivo Cliofs.
---- undorlaIos frosl rocruilmonl of
scionlisls al various IovoIs and conducls assossmonls for promolions of scionlisls
on poriodic basis vloras Tlo Conlro for IorsonnoI TaIonl Managomonl (CIITAM)
is rosponsibIo for induclion and lraining of ToclnicaI and Ollor Slaff of llo
Tlo Doparlmonl of Ix-sorvicomon WoIfaro (ISW) formuIalos various poIicios and
programmos for llo voIfaro and rosollIomonl of Ix-sorvicomon (ISM) in llo counlry.
Tlo Doparlmonl las lvo Divisions viz., llo RosollIomonl Division and llo Ionsion
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Division. Tlo rosollIomonl and voIfaro aclivilios of llo Doparlmonl of Ix-sorvicomon
aro carriod oul llrougl llo llroo organisalions namoIy Dirocloralo GonoraI (RosollIo-
monl), Kondriya SainiI Board (KSB) and Ix-sorvicomon Conlribulory HoaIll Sclomo
(ICHS). WliIo llo KSB, loadod by RaIsla Manlri as ox-officio Irosidonl of llo Board,
Iays dovn gonoraI poIicos for llo voIfaro of ISM and lloir dopondonls and aIso for
adminislralion of voIfaro funds, llo offico of Dirocloralo GonoraI of RosollIomonl
impIomonls various poIicios/sclomos/programmos of llo Govornmonl, for ISM IiIo
pro and posl roliromonl lraining, ro-ompIoymonl, soIf ompIoymonl olc. Tlo main llrusl
of llo Doparlmonl of Ix-sorvicomon WoIfaro is on rosollIomonl/rolabiIilalion of ISM
and lloir dopondonls.
- Tlo Dirocloralo GonoraI (RosollIomonl) organizos RosollIomonl
Training Irogrammos basod on slorl coursos of ono lo llroo monlls duralion and
a fov coursos up lo six monlls duralion. }unior Commissionod Officors (}COs)/Ollor
RanIs (ORs) IquivaIonl Training: RosollIomonl Training Irogrammos for IorsonnoI
BoIov Officor RanI (IBORs) aro conduclod up lo six lo nino monlls in govornmonl,
somi-govornmonl and privalo inslilulos
Tlo sclomo is primariIy moanl for lloso ISM vlo
couId nol avaiI llo faciIily of rosollIomonl lraining vliIo in sorvico. Il is aIso oxlondod
lo llo vidov ono dopondonl of ISM.
Tlo ConlraI and Slalo Govornmonls provido a numbor of concossions lo ox-sorvicomon
for lloir ro-ompIoymonl in ConlraI/Slalo Govornmonl Doparlmonls. Tloso incIudo rosor-
valion of posls/roIaxalion in ago and oducalionaI quaIificalions, oxomplion from paymonl
of appIicalion/oxaminalion foos and priorily in ompIoymonl lo llo disabIod ISM and
dopondanls of docoasod sorvico porsonnoI on compassionalo grounds.
- - Tlo ConlraI Govornmonl las
Iopl llo foIIoving rosorvalion in sorvicos for ISM: (a) 10 in Group C posls, 20
in Group D posls, (b) 14.5 rosorvalion in Group C and 24.5 in Group D posls
in ISUs and NalionaIizod BanIs, (c) 10 posls of Assislanl Commandanls in
paramiIilary forcos, and (d) In Dofonco Socurily Corps, 100 vacancios aro rosorvod
for ISM.
- Tlo Dirocloralo GonoraI (RosollIomonl) ompanoIs/sponsors ISM
run privalo socurily agoncios, companios and corporalions for providing socurily
guards lo various ConlraI IubIic Soclor UndorlaIings (ISUs) and induslrios in llo
privalo soclor. Tlo sclomo offors good soIf ompIoymonl opporlunilios lo rolirod
officors and adoqualo ompIoymonl opporlunily lo rolirod IBOR, in a fioId, vloro
lloy lavo sufficionl oxporliso.
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-- Tlo Rosorvo BanI of India las issuod inslruclions lo
banIs llal lloy may avaiI sorvicos of DGR sponsorod ISM Socurily Agoncios/
companios/corporalions onIy for guarding arrangomonl of curroncy closls.
- - Ix-Sorvicomon and vidovs of dofonco porsonnoI,
vlo diod vliIo in sorvico, aro oIigibIo lo appIy for aIIolmonl of Army SurpIus CIass V-
B VolicIos.
- Tlis is a popuIar sclomo in voguo for llo Iasl 28 yoars.
Tlo ISM CoaI Companios lavo porformod lo llo lolaI salisfaclion of llo CoaI
Subsidiarios and lavo oslabIislod llomsoIvos as llo main vorI forco of CoaI India
Iimilod (CII).
Minislry of IolroIoum and NaluraI Gas las
rosorvod 8 of OiI Iroducl Agoncios for llo dofonco calogory appIicanls compriso
var-limo/poaco-limo vidovs and disabIod soIdiors.
- -- Tlis is a limo loslod
voII paying soIf ompIoymonl sclomo for ISM IBOR.
- - Tlo aim of IM ScloIarslip for boys is ` 1250/- p.m. and
for girIs ` 1500/- p.m. Sclomo is lo oncourago llo vards of vidovs and ox-
sorvicomon lo laIo up liglor loclnicaI and profossionaI oducalion.
Tlo sclomos in oporalion al prosonl aro and comprising vonluros
in ruraI aroas in agricuIluro, induslry and sorvico soclors. Subsidy of 2530 is avaiIabIo
for lloso sclomos. AppIicalion for Ioan is submillod by ox-sorvicomon diroclIy lo llo BanI
llrougl concornod ZiIa SainiI Boards.
Tlo Sclomo vas slarlod in 1988 vill llo assislanco of NalionaI
BanI for AgricuIluro and RuraI DovoIopmonl (NABARD) for funding llo
onlropronourslip in agricuIluro, induslry and sorvico soclors in ruraI aroas. Subsidy
uplo 25 of projocl cosl is providod.
Tlo sclomo vas slarlod in 1992 vill llo assislanco of Kladi and ViIIago
Induslrios Commission (KVIC) for solling up of loxliIo, viIIago, collago, liny and smaII
scaIo induslrios in ruraI aroas. Ioan up lo ` 25 IaIls and subsidy uplo 30 is providod
undor llo sclomo.
Tlo AWACS vas formaIIy induclod inlo IMI on May 28, 2009 by RaIsla Manlri. Tlo
AWACS induclion inlo llo IMI las loraIdod a nov ago of modorn varfaro boosling
llo IMIs campaign lo acquiro a nolvorI conlric varfaro capabiIily.
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. Tlo upgrado of DARIN-I }aguar aircrafl lo DARIN-III slandard las boon approvod
and is pIannod lo bo compIolod by 20172018.
Conlracl for suppIy of addilionaI Su-30 MKI aircrafl vas signod vill HAI in Marcl
2007. A Iollor of Offor and Accoplanco (IOA) for acquisilion of C-130} aircrafls las
boon signod vill llo US Govornmonl. Aconlracl las boon signod vill M/S Rosonborn
Ixporl, Russia for doIivory of MI-17V5 loIicoplors.
AoronaulicaI DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (ADI). BangaIoro
AoriaI DoIivory Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (ADRDI), Agra
Conlro for Air Borno Sysloms (CABS), BangaIoro
Dofonco Avionics Rosoarcl IslabIislmonl (DARI). BangaIoro
Gas Turbino Rosoarcl IslabIislmonl (GTRI), BangaIoro
Armamonl Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (ARDI), Iuno
Conlro for Iiro, IxpIosivo and Invironmonl Safoly (CIIIS), DoIli
Higl Inorgy MaloriaIs Rosoarcl Iaboralory (HIMRI), Iuno
Combat Vehicles and Engineering
Combal VolicIos Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl Isll. (CVRDI), Clonnai
VolicIo Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (VRDI), Almodnagar
Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (R&DI), Iuno
Electronics and Computer Sciences
Advancod NumoricaI Rosoarcl and AnaIysis Group (ANURAG), Hydorabad
Conlro for ArlificiaI InloIIigonco and Robolics (CA1R), BangaIoro
Dofonco IIoclronics Rosoarcl Iaboralory (DIRI), Hydorabad
Dofonco Scionlific Informalion and Documonlalion Conlro (DIS1DOC), DoIli
IIoclronics and Radar DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (IRDI), BangaIoro
Iasor Scionco and ToclnoIogy Conlro (IAST/IC). DoIli
Microvavo Tubo Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl Conlor (MTRDC), BangaIoro
SoIid Slalo Ilysics Iaboralory (SSII), DoIli
Scionlific AnaIysis Group (SAG), DoIli
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Lite Sciences
Dofonco Bio-Inginooring and IIoclro ModicaI Iaboralory (DIBII). BangaIoro
Dofonco Inslilulo of IlysioIogy and AIIiod Scioncos (DIIAS), DoIli
Dofonco Inslilulo of IsycloIogicaI Rosoarcl (DIIR). DoIli
Dofonco Rosoarcl Iaboralory (DRI), Tojpur
Inslilulo of NucIoar Modicino and AIIiod Scioncos (INMAS), DoIli
Dofonco MolaIIurgicaI Rosoarcl Iaboralory (DMRI), Hydorabad
Dofonco MaloriaIs and Sloros Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl IslabIislmonl (DMSRDI),
Dofonco Rosoarcl and DovoIopmonl Iaboralory (DRDI), Hydorabad
Inslilulo of Sysloms Sludios and AnaIysos (1SSA), DoIli
Inlogralod Tosl Rango (ITR), BaIasofo
Associated Technologies
General Studies
Question Bank
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NalionaI BaI Blavan Nov DoIli, 1956 (Aulonornous body fuIIy fundod by HRD
minislry lo provido opporlunilios of
Kondnya VidyaIaya Sangallan 1965 (Il vas approvod in 1962 on rocommon-
dalion of II Iay Commission. 3 Kon-
driya vidyaIayas aro in Tolran, Moscov
and Kallmandu.)
NalionaI CounciI of Iducalion Nov DoIli
Rosoarcl and Training (NCIRT)
Urdu Ianguago (NCIUI) ApriI 19 (Iunclions as an aulonomous body for
promolion of Urdu Ianguago as voII as
Arabic and Iorsian.)
ConlraI Inslilulo of Indian Ianguago Mysoro (Conducls rosoarcl in aroas of Ianguago
(CIII) anaIysis. Il aIso runs rogionaI Ianguago
conlros lo loIp in mooling domand for
lraining of loaclors lo impIomonl 3
Ianguago formuIa.)
ConlraI Inslilulo of IngIisl and Hydorabad Il is doomod univorsily and aulonomous
Ioroign Ianguagos (CIIII) body undor Minislry of Human Rosourco
DovoIopmonl Coffors lraining in Arabic,
Ironcl, Gorman, }apanoso, Russian and
Rasllriya SansIril Sansllan Nov DoIli, 1970 (Aulonomous organisalion vill doomod
univorsily slalus. Il is fuIIy fundod by
Govl. of India)
SlrI Iai Baladur Slaslri Rasllriya Nov DoIli (Il providos coursos of sludy from
Slaslri lo Vidya Vaclaspali (D. Iil).)
SanasIril Vidyapoolla
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Indian CounciI of HisloricaI Nov DoIli, 1972 (Il roviovs llo progross of lisloricaI
Rosoarcl (ICHR) rosoarcl and oncouragos scionlific
vriling of lislory.)
Indian CounciI of IliIosoplicaI Nov DoIli & (Il roviovs llo progross, sponsors or
Rosoarcl (ICIR) IucInov, 1977 assisls projocls and programmos of
rosoarcl in pliIosoply.)
Indian Inslilulo of Advancod Sludios SlimIa, 1965 (Il is rosidonliaI conlro for advancod
(IIAS) rosoarcl in lumanily, sociaI scioncos and
VialuraI scioncos.)
Indian CounciI of SociaI Scionco Nov DoIli Al is an aulonomous body for promoling
(ICSSR) and coordinaling sociaI scionco rosoarcl)
NalionaI CounciI of RuraI Inslilulo 1995 (Aulonomous organisalion fuIIy fundod
(NCRI) by ConlraI govornanco lo promolo ruraI
liglor oducalion in Iinos of Gandlis
rovoIulionary idoas`)
Indira Gandli NalionaI Opon Nov DoIli, (Il is rosponsibIo for promolion of opon
Univorsily (IGNOU) Sopl., 1985 univorsily anddislanco oducalion syslom.
In 26 }an., 2001, il Iaunclod Gyandarslan
(24 lr oducalion clannoI), in Nov., 2001,
Iaunclod IM Radio NolvorIs and in
2005, oslabIislod 100 Idusal supporlod
saloIIilo inlor lorminaIs aII ovor llo
AII India CounciI for ToclnicaI Nov DoIli (il is slalulory body for pIanning and
Iducalion (AICTI) coordinalod dovoIopmonl of loclnicaI
oducalion syslom.
Indian Inslilulo of Scionco (IISc) BangaIuru
Indian Inslilulo of Informalion GvaIior
ToclnoIogy Managomonl (HTM)
Indian Inslilulo of Informalion AIIalabad (Il las an oxlonsion campus al Amolli.)
ToclnoIogy (HIT)
Indian Inslilulo of IT, Dosign & }abaIpur
Manufacluring (IIITDM)
NalionaI BooI Trusl (NBT) Nov DoIli (An aulonomous body undor HRD.
Ivory aIlornalo yoar il organisos llo
WorId BooI Iair in Nov DoIli (Iargosl
booI fair in Asia and Africa).
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Boforo 1976, oducalion, vas llo oxcIusivo rosponsibiIily of llo slalos. Tlo conslilulionaI
amondmonl acl of 1976 incIudod oducalion on Concurronl Iisl and Union govl.
accoplod llo rosponsibiIily of roinforcing llo nalionaI and inlogralod claraclor of
oducalion, mainlaining quaIily and slandard and moniloring of llo oducalionaI
Tlo NalionaI IoIicy on Iducalion (NII), 1986 and llo Irogrammo of Aclion (IOA),
1986 as updalod in 1922, onvisagos a NalionaI Syslom of oducalion.
Tlo ConlraI Advisory Board of Iducalion (CABI), oslabiIislod in 1920 bul dis-
soIvod in 1923 duo lo oconomy moasuro foIIovod by a rovivaI in 1935 and conlinuod
lo oxisl liII Marcl 1994, llo liglosl advisory body lo adviso llo ConlraI and Slalo
Govornmonls in llo fioId of oducalion. CABI las boon again roconslilulod in }uIy
2004 and ils firsl mooling vas loId on 1011ll Aug., 04 vlicl rosuIlod in croalion
of sovon CABI Commilloos in Sopl., 04 lo oxamino: (i) Iroo and CompuIsory
oducalion BiII and ollor issuos roIalod lo IIomonlary Iducalion, (ii) GirIs Iducalion
and llo Common SclooI Syslom, (iii) UnivorsaIisalion of Socondary Iducalion,
(iv) Aulonomy of Higlor Iducalion Inslilulions, (v) Inlogralion of CuIluro Idu-
calion in llo SclooI CurricuIum, (vi) RoguIalory Moclanism for llo Toxl BooIs and
- - - - - -
- -
In pursuanco of Iasl yoars budgol announcomonl lo provido a roaI vago of ` 100 por
day, llo Govornmonl las docidodlo indox llo vago ralos nolifiod undor llo MGNRIGA
lo llo Consumor Irico Indox for AgricuIluraI Iabour. Tlo onlancod vago ralos lavo
boon nolifiod by llo Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl on }anuary 14, 2011.
Irom 1sl ApriI, 2011, romunoralion of Anganvadi vorIors incroasod from ` 1,500
por monll lo ` 3,000 por monll and for Anganvadi loIpors from ` 750 por monll
lo ` 1,500 por monll.
Spocific aIIocalion oarmarIod lovards ScloduIo Caslos Sub-pIan and TribaI Sub-pIan
in llo Budgol.
AIIocalion for primilivo TribaI groups incroasod from ` 185 croro in 201011 lo ` 244
croro in 201112.
IuII oxomplion from basic Cusloms Duly and a concossionaI ralo of ConlraI Ixciso
Duly oxlondod lo ballorios imporlod by manufaclurors of oIoclricaI volicIos.
ConcossionaI Ixciso Duly of 10 por conl lo volicIos basod on IuoI coII loclnoIogy.
Ixomplion granlod frombasic cuslomduly and spociaI CVDlo crilicaI parls/assombIios
noodod for Hybrid volicIos.
Roduclion in Ixciso Duly on Iils usod for convorsion of fossiI fuoI volicIos inlo
Hybrid volicIos.
Ixciso Duly on IIDs roducod lo 5 por conl and spociaI CVD boing fuIIy oxomplod.
Basic Cusloms Duly on soIar Ianlorn roducod from 10 lo 5 por conl.
IuII oxomplion from basic Cusloms Duly lo Crudo IaIm Sloarin usod in manufacluro
of Iaundry soap.
IuII oxomplion from basic Ixciso Duly granlod lo onzymo basod proparalion for
IaraIIoI Ixciso Duly oxomplion for domoslic suppIiors producing capilaI goods noodod
for oxpansion of oxisling moga or uIlra moga povor projocls.
IuII oxomplion from basic Cusloms Duly lo bio-asplaIl and spocifiod maclinory for
appIicalion in llo conslruclion of nalionaI liglvays.
Scopo of oxomplions from basic Cusloms Duly for vorI of arl and anliquilios
oxlondod lo appIy for oxlibilion or dispIay in privalo arl gaIIorios opon lo llo gonoraI
Ixomplion from Imporl Duly for sparos and capilaI goods roquirod for slip ropair
unils oxlondod lo imporl by slip ovnors.
ConcossionaI basic Cuslom Duly of 5 por conl and CVD of 5 por conl avaiIabIo lo
novspapor oslabIislmonls for ligl spood prinling prossos oxlondod lo maiIroom
}umbo roIIs of cinomalograplic fiIm fuIIy oxomplod from CVD by providing fuII
oxomplion from Ixciso Duly.
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Oul rigll concossion lo faclory-buiIl ambuIancos from Ixciso Duly.
RoIiof moasuros proposod for rav pislaclio, bamboo for agarballi, Iacloso for llo
manufacluro of lomooopallic modicinos, sanilary napIins, baby and aduIl diapors.
IroposaIs roIaling lo Cusloms and ConlraI Ixciso oslimalod lo rosuIl in a nol rovonuo
gain of ` 7,300 croro.
Service Tax
Slandard ralo of Sorvico Tax rolainod al 10 por conl, vliIo sooIing a cIosor fil bolvoon
prosonl rogimo and ils GST succossor.
HoloI accommodalion in oxcoss of ` 1,000 por day and sorvico providod by air
condilionod roslauranls llal lavo Iiconso lo sorvo Iiquor addod as nov sorvicos for
Iovying Sorvico Tax.
Tax on aII sorvicos providod by lospilaIs vill 25 or moro bods vill faciIily of conlraI
air condilioning.
Sorvico Tax on air lravoI boll domoslic and inlornalionaI raisod.
Sorvicos providod by Iifo insuranco companios in llo aroa of invoslmonl and somo
moro IogaI sorvicos proposod lo bo brougll inlo lax nol.
AII individuaI and soIo propriolor lax payors vill a lurn ovor uplo ` 60 IaIl frood
from llo formaIilios of audil.
To oncourago voIunlary compIianco llo ponaI provision for Sorvico Tax aro boing
ralionaIisod. SimiIar clangos boing carriod oul in ConlraI Ixciso and Cuslom Iavs.
IroposaIs roIaling lo Sorvico Tax oslimalod lo rosuIl in nol rovonuo gain of ` 4,000
IroposaIs roIaling lo Dirocl Taxos oslimalod lo rosuIl in a rovonuo Ioss of ` 11,500
croro and lloso roIalod lo Indirocl Taxos oslimalod lo rosuIl in nol rovonuo gain of
` 11,300 croro.
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Indias corporalo soclor is ono of llo major driving forcos of ils oconomic grovll. Irom
major muIlinalionaI corporalions lo smaII and modium onlorprisos and ranging across a
vido divorsily of soclors, incIuding manufacluring, conslruclion, loIocom and sorvicos,
corporalo soclor las pIayod a significanl roIo in llo oconomic dovoIopmonl of llo counlry.
Tlis grovll and dovoIopmonl of corporalo soclor vas onabIod by llo IiboraI roforms
inlroducod in llo counlry from limo lo limo.
Corporalo soclor las slovn many foId grovll as no. of rogislorod companios in India
is incroasod from 30000 (1957) lo around 8,03,330 rogislorod companios liII llo ond of Marcl
2004 6,41,512 4,98,790.8 18.1
2005 6,79,649 6,54,021.6 21.0
2006 7,32,169 6,19,152.0 17.3
2007 7,43,678 6,49,490.0 157
To mool llo oxpoclalions of llo Corporalo Soclor and ils slaIoloIdors in llo clanging
nalionaI and gIobaI businoss onvironmonl, Minislry of Corporalo Affairs las oxlondod ils
offorls llrougl a numbor of inilialivos lo bring aboul Good Govornanco. Tloso inilialivos
aim al improvomonl in llo IogisIaluro framovorI and adminislralivo sol up lo onabIo oasy
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incorporalion and oxil of llo companios, convonionl compIianco of roguIalions vill lrans-
paroncy and accounlabiIily in corporalo govornanco.
Minislry is primariIy concornod vill llo adminislralion of llo Companios Acl, 1956
and ollor roIalod slalulos, and las laIon up a sorios of inilialivos lo mool llo noods
of llo Indian corporalo soclor. Tloso inilialivos incIudo llo impIomonlalion and sla-
bIizing of an ambilious o-govornanco Irojocl Inovn as MCA21 as ono of llo Mission
Modo Irojocls of llo Govornmonl of India undor llo NalionaI o-Govornanco IIan,
comprolonsivo rovision of llo Companios Acl, 1956 llrougl a vido consuIlalivo pro-
coss, inlroduclion of a nov IogaI framovorI on llo Iimilod IiabiIily Iarlnorslips,
amondmonls lo llo Acls govorning llo llroo profossionaI Inslilulos of Clarlorod
Accounlanls, Cosl and WorIs Accounlanls and llo Company Socrolarios, Amondmonls
lo llo Compolilion Acl, 2002, DovoIopmonls and nolificalion of Accounling Slandards,
croalion of plysicaI infraslrucluro in ordor lo mool llo roquiromonls of officos and
provido for an officionl vorI onvironmonl and proposod oslabIislmonl of llo Indian
Inslilulo of Corporalo Affairs.
Tlo Corporalo Soclor, aparl from croaling voaIll for llo nalion, pIays a significanl roIo
in llo nalionaI oconomy by providing invoslmonl and ompIoymonl opporlunilios lo miIIions
of our poopIo in India. Tloro voro aboul 30 llousand rogislorod companios al vorI in
1957, iniliaI yoar of 2nd fivo yoar pIan and llis numbor las incroasod lo aboul 788
llousand rogislorod companios al vorI al llo ond of Marcl, 2008.
Tlo corporalo soclor consisls mainIy of non-govornmonl companios vlicl form 99 of
llo lolaI soclor vloroas govornmonl ovnod companios aro a nogIigibIo 1. Tlo companios
aro of llroo lypos companios Iimilod by guaranloo, companios Iimilod by slaros and
unIimilod companios, vill companios Iimilod by slaros forming llo major clunI of llo
corporalo soclor (98).
Tlo corporalo soclor in India is dominalod by smaII and modium sizod companios as
lloy conslilulo 92 of llo soclor. Tloso companios lavo aullorizod capilaI of Ioss llan
` 1 croro. Tlo romaining 8 companios lavo aullorizod capilaI of moro llan ` 1 croro.
OnIy 1 companios lavo aullorizod capilaI of moro llan ` 25 croros.
Tlo induslriaI soclors laving major conconlralion of Indian companios aro llo manu-
facluring soclor, financo, insuranco, roaI oslalo and businoss aclivilios, vloIosaIo and rolaiI
consisls of 31 of lolaI companios foIIovod by financo, insuranco, roaI oslalo and businoss
aclivilios vlicl logollor form 30 of llo Indian Corporalo soclor. Tlo induslriaI soclor
vill llo aclivilios of vloIosaIo and rolaiI lrado, loloI and roslauranls forms 16 vloroas
conslruclion forms 8 of llo corporalo soclor.
- - - 54 of llo corporalo soclor aro in
Malarasllra, DoIli and Wosl BongaI vloroas 96 of llo corporalo soclor aro in llo 15
slalos as monlionod ordorIy: Malarasllra, DoIli and Wosl BongaI, TamiI Nadu, Andlra
Iradosl, Gujral, KarnalaIa, Ullar Iradosl, Rajasllan, KoraIa, Iunjab, Madlya Iradosl,
Bilar, Haryana and Clandigarl.
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- Tlo Minislry las boon vorIing on vido ranging roforms in llo
slalulory framovorI roIaling lo llo corporalo soclor. Somo of llo major inilialivos laIon
in llis diroclion aro as undor:
- Corporalo soclor of India is oxpanding vill fasl paco in lodays
gIobaIizod onvironmonl and oxpanding boyond llo bordor, so lo landIo llis silualion lloro
is a nood of a IogaI and roguIalory framovorI vlicl provido friondIy nolvorI lo llo
onlropronours as voII prolocl invoslor and slaIoloIdor inlorosl, for vlicl an oxorciso vas
slarlod iniliaIIy vill llo proparalion of concopl and dissominalion of llo samo on llo
minislrys vobsilo lo gol pubIic commonl foIIovod by formalion of an oxporl commilloo
loadod by Dr. }.}. Irani and laIing roprosonlalivos from difforonl induslrios. On llo basis
of llo viovs rocoivod from lloso sogmonls, a drafl companios biII vas proparod in
consuIlalion vill llo minislry of Iav and juslico and viII bo pul in parIiamonl aflor
roquisilo approvaIs. Tlo nov compacl Iav vouId focus on slaroloIdor domocracy, a
discIosuro basod rogimo, ralionaI ponaI provisions vill buiIl-in roquirod dolorronco and
sufficionl proloclion of llo inlorosls of invoslors and viII acl as Company acl, 1956.
-- Tlo minislry las inlroducod a nov IogisIalivo
framovorI undor Iimilod IiabiIily parlnorslips biII, 2006 in parIiamonl in Docombor, 2006,
vlicl onabIos llo oslabIislmonl of Iimilod IiabiIily parlnorslips as a nov corporalo form.
III is a nov businoss volicIo in llo body corporalo form and lloroforo a soparalo IogaI
onlily vlicl Iimils llo IiabiIily of llo parlnors lo lloir agrood conlribulion.
-- vas oslabiIislod undor llo amondod compolilion acl, 2002
(amondod in 2007) in May, 2009 undor llo clairmanslip of Glanondra Singl vlicl slarlod
ils oporalions from 20ll May, 2009 vill llo objoclivo lo guard againsl marIol faiIuros,
gonoraIIy, arisos duo lo anli-compolilivo arrangomonls, abuso of dominal posilion, vorlicaI
roslrainls olc.
- - Il las boon sol up lo invosligalo corporalo
frauds of sorious and compIox naluro.
- Invoslor Iducalion and Iroloclion Iund
(IIII) las boon oslabIislod undor Soclion 205C of llo Companios Acl 1956 by vay
of Companios (Amondmonl) Acl, 1999 vill llo aim lo promolo invoslors avaronoss
and prolocl inlorosls of llo invoslors. Aboul 69 Associalions/organizalions lavo boon
rogislorod undor IIII, liII dalo.
is a nol for profil Trusl vlicl
providos a pIalform lo doIiboralo issuos roIaling lo good corporalo govornanco as voII
avaronoss lo corporalo Ioadors on llo imporlanco of good corporalo govornanco
praclicos, lo faciIilalo oxclango of oxporioncos and idoas bolvoon corporalo Ioadors,
poIicy maIors, roguIalors, Iav onforcing agoncios and non-govornmonl organizalions.
Il las a llroo-lior slrucluro for ils managomonl monlionod ordorIy: llo Govorning
CounciI undor llo Clairmanslip of Minislor of Corporalo Affairs, llo Board of Trusloos
and llo Ixoculivo Dirocloralo.
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A vobsilo of NICG lad boon Iaunclod lo sorvo as a volicIo for dissomoinalion of
poIicios for bollor corporalo govornanco for llo smaII and modium corporalo.
Tlo Minislry of Corporalo Affairs (MCA) las
impIomonlod an o-Govornanco inilialivo Inovn as MCA21 o-Govornanco Irojocl.
Will llo aim lo inlroduco a sorvico-orionlod approacl in llo dosign and doIivory
of Govornmonl Sorvicos. Tlo Irojocl offors avaiIabiIily of aII rogislry roIalod sorvicos
incIuding fiIing of documonls, rogislralion of companios and pubIic accoss lo corporalo
informalion llrougl a socuro porlaI. Tlo porlaI sorvicos can bo accossod/avaiIod from
anyvloro, al any limo llal bosl suils llo corporalo onlilios, profossionaIs and llo
pubIic al Iargo.
Tlo MCA 21 programmo conforrod llo NalionaI Avard for o-Govornanco 2007
08 by llo Govornmonl of India as voII SIocl ClaIIongor Avard 2008 as a
projocl of NalionaI Significanco on Marcl 19, 2008 by SIocl ConsuIlancy Sorvicos
Ivl. Ild.
- - Tlo 2nd mooling of Indo-UK TasI
Iorco on Corporalo Affairs vas loId on 5ll lo 8ll Iobruary, 2008. Iivo sub-groups
voro formod for llo purposo of doIiboralions and cooporalion in llo foIIoving
(i) RoguIalory and slalulory issuos incIuding inslilulionaI Cooporalion and Capacily
(ii) Corporalo Govornanco,
(iii) Corporalo SociaI RosponsibiIily,
(iv) Slandards in IinanciaI and RoIalod Irofossions,
(v) InsoIvoncy and roIalod issuos,
- Nov offico compIoxos aro lo bo conslruclod al }aipur,
Clandigarl and CullacI, for vlicl spacos aro aquirod from UTIISI al Clonnai and
Tlo HonbIo Minislor for Corporalo Affairs Iaid llo
foundalion slono of llo firsl Composilo offico of llo Minislry Inovn as Corporalo
Blavan al }aipur on 10ll May, 2007.
-- Tlo Iirsl inlornalionaI
Summil on Corporalo sociaI RosponsibiIily (}anuary, 2930, 2008, Nov DoIli) vas
Cosponsorod by llo Minislry of corporalo Affairs undor llo Aogis of NalionaI
Ioundalion for corporalo Govornanco and organizod by ASSOCHAM.
- A mooling of Asia NolvorI on
Corporalo Govornanco of slalo-issuod onlorprisos by OICD (on 25ll and 26ll
}uno 08, Oboroi HoloI, Nov DoIli) vas sponsorod by NalionaI Ioundalion for
Corporalo Govornanco a body oslabIislod by MCA in parlnorslip vill CII, ICAI
and ICSI.
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Do you lavo il in you` Indian Army
Bocomo vlal you aro Iacoslo
A coIobralion of Iifo Digjam
Tlo compIolo man sinco 1925 Raymond
Wlal aro you mado of` TAG Houor
Moro is Ioss Iolor IngIand
Tlo socrol of slyIo OCM Suilings
Bring SlyIo lomo Bombay Dyoing
Iovor IvoIvod Van Huosson
Sconic Soronco. SubIimo Odisla
Givo limo a broaI Iuduclorry
Tlo vory loarl of India Madlya Iradosl
ImoraId bIuo. And you Andaman
Tlo laslo of India AmuI
Bollor idoas. Bollor Iifo Amvay
A nov vay of Iifo RoIianco Induslrios
Tlo affordabIo coIIuIar sorvico DoIplin
Kabli mobiIo Iabli compulor RoIianco India MobiIo
MaIing lomorrov brigllor ONGC
Commillod lo maIing a bollor nalion BHII
Croaling Iasling improssions }K Iapor Ild.
Disaslor-rosislanl BirIa lyros
Iassion in oxcoIIonco Bridgoslono lyros
Tlo sign of oxcoIIonco Omoga
Caring for you. for Iifo Max HoaIllcaro
Iifo is our Iifos vorI Ifizor
Bo 100 porconl suro DolloI
Iuro bli pura bli IBI
Tlo symboI of parllnorslip Clovron
Iorovor nov fronliors Booing
Ixporliso vill rosponsibiIily Bayor
Wo add vaIuo lo Iifo IndaI
TaIo a difforonl roulo Samsonilo
Wo doIivor anylling, anyvloro Gali
CoIours of joy Borgor Iainls
Inorgy oxporls Arova
Undross codo for man RivoIla
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Bond vill llo bosl Roid and TayIor
Drossing llo vorId Digjam
OriginaI Iuropoan }oansvoar Ioo Coopor
Iriday Drossing AIIon SoIIy
USA 1851 (lag-Iino) Arrov
Wo undorsland loxliIos Arvind MiIIs
IIay llo Ioad IarI Avonuo
Tlo souI of India Odisla
Gods ovn counlry KoraIa
A slalo of mind TamiI Nadu
Ono Slalo. Many vorIds KarnalaIa
Tlo sloor joy of croaling originaIs IarIo
Boond boond moin vislvas KinIoy
100 por conl vogolarian loollpaslo Anclor Wlilo
KarIo Duniya mullli moin RoIianco India MobIiIo
Connocling India BSNI
Tlo oasy vay lo slay in loucl Trump
Aisoo azadi aur Ialan AirloI
IndIoss possibiIilios Inron
Gas & boyond GAII
Car radiaIs vill IiroIIi loclnoIogy BirIa Tyros
Ono rovoIulion aload Goodyoar Typros
UnsloppabIo ApoIIo Typros
Wlals your slyIo Tilan valclos
Our claIIongo is Iifo Avonlis Ilarma
Nol jusl loaIllcaro.... Iifocaro Torronl Ilarma
A picluro of loaIll WocIardl Ild.
Nol jusl polroI Spood (fuoI addilivo)
Solling llo slandards Airbus
Informalion for ovoryono AppIiod MaloriaIs
SimpIy llo bosl HBO
Inspiro llo noxl Hilacli
Wo Iivo lo doIivor IodIX
Wo aro aboul poopIo Iiborly
BuiIding India DII
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Tlo Doparlmonl of Iood and IubIic Dislribulion is rosponsibIo for procuromonl of food
iloms vlicl incIudos ils slorago, lransporlalion and doIivory lo dislribulors. Tlo Doparl-
monl of Consumor Affairs laIo caro of pricos, avaiIabiIily, consumor movomonl and slal-
ulory bodios roIalod lo food:
-- - Irovidos assuranco of oasy avaiIabiIily of
commodilios and proloclion againsl oxpIoilalion. Tlo onforcomonl of llo provisions
of llo IssonliaI Commodios Acl, 1955 Iios vill llo Slalo Govornmonls and UT
Adminislralions. IniliaIIy llo numbor of ossonliaI commodilios voro 70 in 1989 is
roducod lo 7 al prosonl. Ior llo provonlion of bIacI marIoling and mainlain conlinous
suppIy of ossonliaI commodilios IssonliaI commodilios acl, 1980 is boing impIomonlod
by llo slalo Govornmonl/UTs.
Tlo consumor co-oporalivo is dividod inlo four lior vill NalionaI Co-oporalivo
Consumors Iodoralion of India Ild. (NCCI) on llo lop foIIovod by consumor co-
oporalivo sloros al primary sloros and viIIago IovoI primary AgricuIluraI Crodil
Sociolios and MarIoling Sociolios. Tlirly Slalo Co-oporalivo Consumors Organisalions
aro affiIialod lo llo NCCI. Tlo NCCI aIso las a ConsuIlancy and IromolionaI CoII
for slronglloning consumor co-oporalivo sociolios ongagod in llo rolaiIing aclivilios.
Buroau of Indian Slandards DoIli, Iroparalion and ImpIomonlalion of
1 ApriI, 1987 slandards, oporalions of corlificalion
sclomos, organisalions and manago-
monl for losling Iaboraloros, croaling
consumor avaronoss.
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Tlo NCCI vill ils Hoad Offico al Nov DoIli, las 34 branclos/sub-branclos Iocalod
in various parls of llo counlry.
- -- is a slalulory body formod undor Iorvard
Conlracls (RoguIalion) Acl, 1952 vlicl roguIalos forvard marIol in commodilios
and, rocommonds for gonoraI improvomonl of llo funclioning of forvard marIols
in llo counlry. Al prosonl, lloro aro 24 oxclangos incIuding llroo nalionaI IovoI
oxclangos vlicl lavo boon rocognisod for conducling fuluros/forvard lrading in
India and aII llo commodilios lavo boon pormillod for lrading. During llo curronl
yoar TlormaI CoaI and Carbon Crodil lavo aIso boon aIIovod lo bo lradod on
rocognizod Commodily Ixclangos. Tlo commodily fuluros marIol is roguIalod
undor llo provisions of llo Iorvard Conlracls (RoguIalion) Acl, 1952 (ICR Acl).
- AppIios lo aII goods and sorvicos unIoss spociaIIy
oxomplod by llo ConlraI Govornmonl, in aII soclors vlollor Irivalo, IubIic or
Co-oporalivo. As por llo Acl, llo consumor proloclion counciIs voro formod al ConlraI,
Slalo and Dislricl IovoIs lo promolo and prolocl llo consumor riglls vlicl aro:
(i) Rigll lo Safoly,
(ii) Rigll lo Informalion
(iii) Rigll lo Clooso,
(iv) Rigll lo bo Hoard,
(v) Rigll lo SooI RodrossaI: and
(vi) Rigll lo Consumor Iducalion.
Tlo Consumor Avaronoss Sclomo for llo 11ll IIan amounling lo a lolaI of ` 4009
croros las boon approvod by llo Cabinol Commilloo on Iconomic Affairs on 24ll
}an. 08. Tlo sIogan las nov bocomo a lousoloId namo as a rosuIl
of pubIicily campaign undorlaIon in llo Iasl 3 yoars. As parl of llo Consumor
Avaronoss Sclomo, llo ruraI and romolo aroas lavo boon givon lop priorily.
Ivory yoar 24ll of Docombor is coIobralod as - commomoraling
llo coming inlo offocl of llo Consumor Iroloclion Acl, 1986. Tlo llomo for NalionaI
Consumor day in 2007 vas - - -
Tlo Doparlmonl las coIIaboralod vill - -- -
- for providing loclnicaI supporl rogarding produclion and
dovoIopmonl of pubIicily maloriaI. Undor llo GTZ Irojocl, advorlisomonl spols
porlaining lo oIoclronic modia on llo aroas of MRI and consumor avaronoss rogarding
unloaIlly lrado praclicos voro producod.
- - -- Adminislralions lavo Croalod
lloir ovn Consumor WoIfaro Iunds. Ior slronglloning financiaI supporl, llo ralio of
amounl of sood monoy lo bo providod lo llo Slalos/UTs las boon incroasod from 1 : 10
lo 50 : 50 (Conlro : Slalo). Tlis ralio las furllor boon onlancod lo 90 : 10 in llo caso of
13 spociaI calogory Slalos as por docision laIon in llo 39ll CWI Slanding Commilloo
mooling. So far, llo Slalo IovoI Consumor WoIfaro Iunds lavo boon croalod in llo Slalos
of Andlra Iradosl, Wosl BongaI, Gujaral, Rajasllan, Odisla, KarnalaIa, Tripura, SiIIim,
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Malarasllra, Iunjab, Ullar Iradosl, }ammu & Kaslmir, ArunaclaI Iradosl, Goa, Haryana,
Mizoram and UllaranclaI.
- - Tlis sclomo vas Iaunclod in 2002. Tloro is provision for ono consumor
cIub in oacl MiddIo/Higl/Higlor Socondary SclooI/CoIIogo affiIialod lo a govornmonl
rocognisod Board/Univorsily. A granl of ` 10,000 por consumor cIub is admissibIo undor
llis sclomo.
- , Iaunclod on 15ll Marcl, 05, in co-ordinalion
vill DoIli Univorsily, Doparlmonl of Commorco. Consumors vlo nood counsoIIing for
probIoms llal lloy faco as consumors of loIocom, courior, banIing, insuranco, financiaI
sorvicos, olc. from aII ovor llo counlry can diaI loII-froo numbor 1800-11-4000 Tlo HoIpIino
vas Iaunclod on 15ll Marcl, 2005, - -
- - ) Conlro las boon Iaunclod
formaIIy on 15ll Marcl, 05 in coIIaboralion vill Consumor Co-ordinalion CounciI (CCC)
vill llo aim lo provido llo mosl scionlific and offoclivo syslom of coIIoclion and dissom-
inalion of consumor roIalod informalion, o-counsoIIing and modialion for consumor prob-
Slandards (BIS) is a nalionaI slandards body formod on 1sl ApriI,
1987 and is rosponsibIo for proparalion and impIomonlalion of slandards, oporalion
of corlificalion sclomos boll for producls and sysloms, organisalion and managomonl
of losling Iaboralorios, croaling consumor avaronoss and mainlaining cIoso Iiaison
on vill inlornalionaI slandards bodios. As on 31sl Marcl, 2008, 18424 Slandards
formuIalod by BIS, aro in forco covoring imporlanl sogmonls of oconomy, vlicl loIp
llo induslry in upgrading llo quaIily of lloir goods and sorvicos. BIS formuIalos
nood-basod Indian Slandards in Iino vill llo nalionaI priorilios as a limo-bound
is voIunlary in naluro and is mandalory for 68
iloms aro miII povdor, pacIagod drinIing valor, IIG cyIindors, oiI prossuro slovos,
cIinicaI llormomolors olc. As on 31sl Marcl, 2008, 20025 corlificalion marIs Iiconcos
aro in oporalion undor llo Sclomo, covoring aboul 1000 difforonl iloms ranging from
food producls lo oIoclronics. To supporl llo aclivilios of producl corlificalion, BIS
las a clain of 8 Iaboralorios.
AII foroign manufaclurors of producls vlo inlond lo oxporl lo India aro roquirod
lo oblain a BIS producl corlificalion Iiconco. Tovards llis, BIS Iaunclod ils Iroducl
Corlificalion Sclomo for ovorsoas manufaclurors in llo yoar 1999. Iurllor, BIS las
laIon nov inilialivos IiIo simpIificalion of procoduro for granl of Iiconco, basicaIIy
lo roduco llo procoduraI limo. Tlis las yioIdod somo oncouraging rosuIls.
slarlod in ApriI, 2000 on voIunlary basis undor BIS
Acl 1986 vill aim lo prolocl llo consumors inlorosl and providing llird parly
assuranco lo consumors on llo purily of goId. Tlo Iisl of laIImarIod jovoIIors vill
BIS Iiconco and BIS rocognisod laIImarIing conlros las boon loslod on BIS vobsislo.
Undor a simiIar sclomo of HaIImarIing of SiIvor, 405 Iiconcos lavo boon granlod sinco
ils Iauncl in Oclobor 2005.
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BIS runs ollor imporlanl sysloms corlificalion sclomos undor llo Managomonl Sysloms
Corlificalion. Undor QuaIily Managomonl Syslom Corlificalion Sclomo (QMSCS),
vlicl vas Iaunclod in Soplombor 1991, BIS QuaIily Managomonl Syslom Corlificalion
las boon accrodilod by Raad voor Accrodilalio (RvA) NollorIands for 23 major
oconomic aclivilios.
vas Iaunclod in }anuary, 2003. Among llo nov Sclomos, BIS las Iaunclod
pubIic Sorvico DoIivory Managomonl sysloms as por IS 157002005 QuaIily
Managomonl SyslomsRoquiromonls for Sorvico QuaIily by IubIic Sorvico
Organizalions. in ordor lo onsuro minimum slandards of sorvico doIivory in aII
soclors porlaining lo or infIuoncod by llo govornmonl.
Sinco ils incoplion in 1947, llo llon ISI and nov BIS las boon an aclivo mombor of
inlornalionaI ogranizalions namoIy, ISO and InlornalionaI IIoclronicaI Commission
(IIC). BIS roprosonls India as Mombor Body in ISO and IIC. As mombor of ISO,
BIS aIso laIos aclivo parl in llo dovoIopmonl of InlornalionaI Slandards vill a viov
lo prolocl llo inlorosls of Indian lrado & induslry. Il las signod MoU/MRA vill
16 counlrios/organizalions incIuding ISO and Amorican NalionaI Slandards Inslilulo
(ANS) of USA lo llis offocl.
- To mool vill llo groving oxpoclalions of consumors in llo
counlry, BIS las oslabIislod a soparalo doparlmonl vill llo mandalory aim of providing
consumor proloclion and voIfaro and doaIing vill pubIic griovancos. Tlis doparlmonl
mainlains Iiaison vill ConlraI Consumor Iroloclion CounciI and consumor associalions and
coordinalos vill llo Minislry of Consumor Affairs and IubIic Dislribulion on consumor
issuos. A voII-dofinod procoduro las boon oslabIislod for landIing compIainls. Tlo com-
pIainls can aIso bo Iodgod on Iino, and aro monilorod roguIarIy.
vas inslilulod by llo BIS Will an objoclivo
lo oncourago manufaclurors and sorvico organizalions lo slrivo for oxcoIIonco, in 1991.
Tlo assossmonl for llis avard is mado on llo basis of paramolors, sucl as, Ioadorslip,
IoIicios objoclivos and Slralogios, Human Rosourcos Managomonl, Rosourcos, Irocossos,
Cuslomor Iocus, ImpIoyoos Salisfaclion, Businoss RosuIls and Impacl on Invironmonl
and Socioly.
BIS lad sol up a singIo vindov CoII al ils loadquarlors
in Nov DoIli vlicl bocamo oporalionaI sinco 1997 vill llo aim of providing varioly
of informalion/assislanco. A numbor of onlropronours, consumors and profossionaIs
visil llis conlro.
To imparl lraining lo loclniaI and managomonl porsonnoI from induslry, consumor
organizalions, pubIic soclor undorlaIings, govornmonl bodios and dovoIoping
counlrios, BIS las oslabIislod, llo -
(NITS) al NOIDA (U.I.).
NITS conducls lraining on QuaIily Managomonl Sysloms as por IS/ISO 9001,
Invironmonl Managomonl Sysloms as por IS/ISO 14001, OccupalionaI HoaIll and
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Safoly Managomonl Sysloms as por IS 18001, Iood Safoly Managomonl Sysloms as
por IS/ISO 22000, HazardAnaIysis and CrilicaI ConlroI Ioinls (HACCI) and Iaboralory
Managomonl Sysloms as por IS/ISO/IIC 17025. Il aIso conducls InlornalionaI Training
Irogrammos in Slandardizalion and QuaIily Sysloms and on Managomonl sysloms
for dovoIoping counlrios of Asia, Africa, Iuropo and Ialin Amorica ovory yoar sinco
is a nalionaI rosourco conlro for informalion on slandards and
roIalod mallors and mools llo noods of induslry, lrado, govornmonl, rosoarclors and
consumors. Il is llo Iargosl Iibrary of slandards in llo Soull Asian Rogion, covoring
a fIoor aroa of 1000 squaro molors. Tlo Buroaus Iibrary syslom comprisos llo
Hoadquarlors Iibrary (Nov DoIli) and four RogionaI Offico Iibrarios al Mumbai,
KoIIala, Clandigarl and Clonnai. BIS las aIso boon dosignalod as WTO/TBT
Inquiry Ioinl by llo Minislry of Commorco, Govornmonl of India undor llo ToclnicaI
Barriors lo Trado Agroomonl of WorId Trado Organizalion.
Wheat-based Nutrition Programme
Tlo Sclomo is impIomonlod by llo Doparlmonl of Womon and CliId DovoIopmonl. Tlo
foodgrains aIIollod undor llis Sclomo aro uliIisod by llo Slalos/UTs undor Inlogralod
CliId DovoIopmonl Sclomo (ICDS) for providing nulrilious/onorgy food lo cliIdron boIov
6 yoars of ago and oxpoclanl/Iaclaling vomon.
Annapurna Scheme
Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl Iaunclod llis sclomo in 20002001. Indigonl sonior cilizons
of 65 yoars of ago or abovo vlo llougl oIigibIo for oId ago ponsion undor llo NalionaI
OId Ago Ionsion Sclomo (NOAIS) bul aro nol golling llo ponsion aro covorod undor llo
Sclomo. 10 Ig of foodgrains por porson por monll aro suppIiod froo of cosl undor llo
Irom 20022003, llo sclomo las boon lransforrod lo Slalo IIan aIong vill llo NalionaI
SociaI Assislanco Irogrammo comprising llo NalionaI OId Ago Ionsion Sclomo and llo
NalionaI IamiIy Bonofil Sclomo. Tlo funds for llo lransforrod sclomo aro boing roIoasod
by llo Minislry of Iinanco as AddilionaI ConlraI Assislanco (ACA) lo llo Slalo IIan and
llo Slalos lavo llo roquisilo fIoxibiIily in llo cloico of bonoficiarios and impIomonlalion
of llo Sclomo. Tlo impIomonlalion of llo Sclomo al llo ground rosls vill llo Slalos/
Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana
Tlo Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl, vlicl is llo nodaI ConlraI Minislry for llo
programmo, Iaunclod llo Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana sclomo on 25ll Sopl., 01
for aII llo Slalos/UTs for organising various ompIoymonl gonoralion programmos.
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Undor llo Sclomo, 50 IaIl lonnos of foodgrains aro lo bo aIIollod lo llo Slalos/UTs
froo of cosl by Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl. Tlo Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl
viII roimburso llo cosl of foodgrains al oconomic cosl provaiIing al llo limo. Tlo
Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl las boon aullorizod lo communicalo lo ICI diroclIy
llo aIIocalions mado lo various Slalo Govornmonls undor llo sclomo.
SpociaI Compononl of Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana aims al oxlonding supporl lo
llo poopIo affoclod by naluraI caIamilios in Slalos/UTs. Ioodgrains aro roIoasod undor llo
spociaI compononl of SGRY by llo Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl, boing llo nodaI Minislry
for llo Sclomo, aflor llo approvaI of Doparlmonl of Iood and IubIic Dislribulion.
Save Grain Campaign (SGC)
Tlo sclomo is impIomonlod llrougl a nolvorI of 12 SGC officos in cIoso coIIaboralion
vill llo Slalo Govornmonls and NGOs. Tlo main objoclivo of llo sclomo is lo lransfor
llo loclnicaI Inov-lov dovoIopod by Indian Grain Slorago Managomonl and Rosoarcl
Inslilulo (IGMRI) lo llo farmors for minimising llo posl-larvosl Iossos in foodgrains.
Undor llo sclomo an assislanco for purclasing llo molaI bins and ollor inpuls ` 10,000
por nucIous viIIago is providod lo llo farmors.
Indian Grain Slorago Managomonl and Rosoarcl Inslilulo (IGMRI), Hapur, is ongagod in
llo lraining and R&D vorI roIaling lo grain slorago managomonl. Tlo Inslilulo las llroo
fioId slalions al Hydorabad, }orlal and Iudliana.
- -- -- Inlogralod slralogy for promolion of
agri businoss. Tlo objoclivo is lo incroaso IovoI of procossing of porislabIo food from
6 lo 20, vaIuo addilion from 20 lo 35 and slaro in gIobaI food lrado from
1.6 lo 3. Tlo IovoI of procossing for fruils and vogolabIos is onvisagod lo incroaso
from llo prosonl 2.2 lo 10 and 15 in 2010 and 2015 rospoclivoIy.
, Iood Safoly and Slandards Acl, 2006 vas nolifiod on
24ll Augusl, 06. Tlo Acl onabIos in romoving muIlipIicily of food Iavs and roguIalory
agoncios and provido singIo vindov lo food procossing soclor.
- -
al KundIi (Haryana) viII funclion as a InovIodgo conlro in food procossing. Corlificalo
of Incorporalion undor llo Companios acl 1956 las boon oblainod.
-- Irocossing of moal producls is Iiconsod undor Moal Iood Iroducls
Ordor 1973. Tlo lolaI procossing capacily in India is ovor 1 miIIion MT por annum,
of vlicl 4050 is uliIizod.
India oxporls moro llan 500,000 MT of moal of vlicl major slaro is llal of buffaIo
moal. Indian buffaIo moal is vilnossing slrong domand in inlornalionaI marIols duo lo
ils Ioan claraclor and noar organic naluro. India is llo 5ll Iargosl oxporlor of bovino moal
in llo vorId. Minislry of food Irocossing Induslrios is providing financiaI assislanco by
vay of granl-in-aid.
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-- Tlo Minislry of Iood Irocossing Induslrios is promoling organizod
Dairy procossing soclor lo accompIisl upcoming domands of procossod dairy producls
India is llo numbor ono miII producing counlry in llo vorId, mainlaining llo lop
posilion sinco 1988, WorId miII produclion is oslimalod al 613 miIIion lonnos groving
al a CAGR of 1.1. Indian produclion slands al 91 miIIion lonnos groving al a CAGR
of 4. Dospilo a liglor grovll ralo, llo por capila avaiIabiIily of miII in India (229
grams por day) is Iovor llan llo vorId avorago (285 grams por day). BuffaIo miII
is oslimalod lo accounl for 57 of llo lolaI miII produclion in India.
- -- Will ils Iong coasl Iino of ovor 8000 Ims, 50600 sq Ims of conlinonlaI
sloIf aroa and 2.2 miIIion sq Im of IxcIusivo Iconomic Zono, India is bIossod vill
ricl fislory rosourcos. Al prosonl, lloro aro ovor 369 froozing unils vill a daiIy
procossing capacily of 10266 lonnos oul of vlicl 150 unils aro approvod for oxporl
lo IU. Minislry of Iood Irocossing Induslrios oxlonds financiaI assislanco for solling
up/loclnoIogy upgradalion/modornizalion of fisl procossing unils. During llo yoar
200607 (uplo Docombor 2006) 17 fisl procossing unils voro assislod.
Grain Processing
Tlo grain procossing induslrios incIudo miIIing of rico, vloal and puIsos. IinanciaI assis-
lanco las boon providod for solling up/modornizalion/oxpansion of llo unils. During 2006
07 (uplo Docombor 2006), llo Minislry sanclionod financiaI assislanco for 32 rico miIIing,
13 fIour miIIing, 62 odibIo oiI miIIing and 13 puIso miIIing unils.
Aerated Soft Drink
Sofl drinIs conslilulo llo 3rd Iargosl pacIagod foods roguIarIy consumod aflor pacIod loa
and pacIod biscuils. Tlo aoralod sofl drinIs induslry in India comprisos ovor 100 pIanls
across aII slalos. Il las allraclod ono of llo liglosl foroign dirocl invoslmonls in llo counlry.
Il las slrong forvard and bacIvard IinIagos vill gIass, pIaslic, rofrigoralion, sugar and
lransporlalion induslry. Tlo inslaIIod capacily of svoolonod/aoralod valor as on 01.01.2006
is roporlod lo bo 29.60 IaIl lons por annum.
Packaged Drinking Water
Tloro aro 218 companios, vlicl lavo boon granlod Iiconco for manufacluring pacIagod
drinIing valor and pacIagod naluraI minoraI valor. Tloro las boon a spurl in grovll in
llo Iasl 34 yoars, vlicl can IargoIy bo allribulod lo a rango of various pacIagod sizos
lo suil llo consumors. 80 of llo pacIagod valor saIo comos from llo buII conlainors
(5 Iilros and abovo).
Alcoholic Beverages
India is llo llird Iargosl marIol for aIcoloIic bovoragos in llo vorId. Tlo domand for spirils
and boor is oslimalod lo bo around 373 miIIion casos. Tloro aro 12 joinl vonluro companios
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laving a Iiconsod capacily of 33919 IiIoIilros por annum for produclion of grain basod
aIcoloIic bovoragos. 56 unils aro manufacluring boor undor Iiconco from llo Govornmonl
of India. Tlo vino induslry in India providos considorabIo opporlunilios for vaIuo addilion
and ompIoymonl gonoralion in llo agro-procossing soclor.
National Test House
Tlo NalionaI Tosl Houso (NTH) is a Govornmonl Iaboralory of nalionaI imporlanco in llo
fioId of losling and ovaIualion of maloriaI and producls of aII onginooring branclos oxcopl
Iood, IlarmacoulicaIs and Arms and Ammunilions in llo gIobaI marIol. Tlo NTH vill
ils loadquarlors in KoIIala funclions llrougl six rogionaI Iaboralorios Iocalod in KoIIala,
Mumbai, Clonnai, Glaziabad, }aipur and Guvalali. Tlo objoclivo of NTH is lo improvo
Indian Iroducls lo mool llo roquiromonls of NalionaI/InlornalionaI Slandards for lloir
A IiIol Irojocl NulrilionaI Irogrammo for AdoIosconl GirIs (NIAG) vas Iaunclod
by llo IIanning Commission iniliaIIy for aporiod of lvo yoars, 200203 and 2003
04 in 51 idonlifiod dislricls, in lvo of llo bacIvard dislricls in oacl of llo major
Slalos and mosl popuIous dislricl (oxcIuding llo capilaI dislricl) in romaining smaIIor
Slalos/UTs in llo counlry. Tlis sclomo vas roslarlod in 200506. Minislry of Womon
and CliId DovoIopmonl adminislors llo sclomo al llo conlraI IovoI and Slalo/UT
Govornmonls impIomonl llo sclomo al slalo IovoI.
Imorgoncy Iooding Irogrammo is a food-basod inlorvonlion largolod for oId, infirm
and doslilulo porsons boIonging lo BII lousoloIds lo provido llom food socurily
in lloir dislross condilions. Tlis vas unlroducod in May, 2001. Tlo Sclomo is boing
impIomonlod by Govornmonl of Odisla in oigll KBK (KaIalandi BoIangir Korapul)
In }uno 1997, llo Govornmonl of India Iaunclod llo Targollod IubIic Dislribulion Syslom
(TIDS) vill focus on llo poor. Undor llo TIDS Slalos roquirod lo formuIalo and
impIomonl fooIproof arrangomonl for idonlificalion of llo poor for doIivory of foodgrains
and for ils dislribulion in a lransparonl and accounlabIo mannor al llo IIS IovoI.
In ordor lo maIo TIDS moro focusod and largolod lovards llo poorosl soclion of
popuIalion, llo Anlyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) vas Iaunclod in Docombor, 2000
for ono croro poor famiIios.
India is a mombor of InlornalionaI Grains CounciI (IGC) vlicl vas proviousIy Inovn
as InlornalionaI Wloal CounciI up lo 1995 and is an inlorgovornmonlaI forum of
oxporling and imporling counlrios for cooporalion in vloal and coarso grain mallors.
Govornmonl of India is aIIocaling food grains al BII ralos lo llo bonoficiarios
boIonging lo BII calogory undor llo dovoIopmonl sclomos adminislorod by
InlornalionaI Organisalions IiIo WorId Iood Irogrammo.
In pursuanco lo llo docision laIon in llo 14ll SAARC Summil loId in Nov DoIli
on 34 ApriI, 2007, llo Hoads of Slalos of SAARC counlrios lavo signod llo Agroomonl
on oslabIisling llo SAARC Iood BanI.
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OiIsood produclion gainod momonlum vill improving yioIds vill llo Iauncling of
llo ToclnoIogy Mission on OiIsoods by llo Govornmonl in 1986. Tlo counlry las
boon rosorling lo imporl of odibIo oiIs lo bridgo llo gap bolvoon llo domand and
suppIy. Tlo imporl poIicy vas furllor IiboraIisod from 1sl ApriI, 1999 aIIoving imporl
of aII odibIo oiIs oxcopl coconul oiI.
Tlo VogolabIo OiI Induslry is adminislorod llrougl llo foIIoving conlroI/roguIalion
ordors: (i) VogolabIo OiI Iroducls (RoguIalion) Ordor, 1998, (ii) IdibIo OiIs IacIaging
(RoguIalion) Ordor, 1998, and (iii) SoIvonl Ixlraclod OiI, Do-OiIod MoaI and IdibIo
IIour (ConlroI) ordor, 1967. Tloso ordors aro slalulory in naluro and dorivo lloir
povors from llo IssonliaI Commodilios Acl, 1955. Tloro aro 258 Vanaspali unils in
llo counlry vill an annuaI capacily of 58 IaIl MTs.
Sugar produclion in India las boon cycIic in naluro. Duo lo good monsoon and
incroaso in sugarcano aroa undor cuIlivalion, sugar produclion from sugarcano during
llo soasons 200607 and 200708 incroasod subslanliaIIy lo 282 IaIl lonos and 263
IaIl lonos rospoclivoIy.
Tlo ConlraI Govornmonl fixos llo Slalulory Minimum Irico (SMI) of sugarcano for
oacl sugar soason. Tlo SMI is fixod on llo basis of llo rocommondalions of llo
Commission for AgricuIluraI Cosls and Iricos (CACI) and aflor consuIling llo Slalo
Govornmonls and associalions of sugar induslry and cano grovors.
Tlo sclomo las gol llroo compononls, namoIy Moga Iood IarIs, inlogralod CoId
Clain and Solling up/Modornisalion of Aballoirs.
Tlo Slandards of Woiglls and Moasuros Acl, 1976 and llo Slandard of Woiglls and
Moasuros (Inforcomonl) Acl, 1985 provido for llo oslabIislmonl of slandards of
voiglls and moasuros and onforcomonl lloroof rospoclivoIy. To maIo voiglls and
moasuros Iav moro lransparonl and simpIo, a comprolonsivo acl namoIy Tlo IogaI
MolroIogy Acl, 2009 las boon onaclod by llo IarIiamonl. Tlo saIo of commodilios
in propacIod form is roguIalod by llo slandards of voiglls & moasuro (pacIagod
commodilios) RuIos 1977.
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Yoar -
200506 0.29 0.67 0.96 0.53 1.21 1.74
200607 0.29 0.67 0.96 0.53 1.21 1.74
200708 0.32 0.70 1.02 0.59 1.29 1.88
200809 0.35 0.71 1.06 0.63 1.28 1.91
200910 0.39 0.70 1.09 0.66 1.30 1.96
-- - - - -
- -
- --
ConlraI HoaIll Iducalion Buroau Nov DoIli, Inlorprol pIans, programmos, acloivomonl
6 Doc., 1956 of minislry of HoaIll and famiIy vaIfaro
NalionaI Acadomy of ModicaI Scionco Nov DoIli, 1961
NalionaI Inslilulo of Ayurvoda }aipur
NalionaI Inslilulo of Siddla Clonnai
NalionaI Inslilulo of Unani Modicino BangaIoro
Morarji Dosai NalionaI Inslilulo of Nov DoIli
NalionaI Inslilulo of Naluropally Iuno
NalionaI Inslilulo of Homoopally KoIIala
Rasllriya Ayurvodic Vidyapooll Nov DoIli
Tlo Inslilulo of Iosl Gradualo }amnagar
Toacling and Rosoarcl in Ayurvod (Gujaral)
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Tlo Minislry of HoaIll and IamiIy WoIfaro comprisos llo foIIoving doparlmonls:
Doparlmonl of HoaIll and IamiIy WoIfaro, Doparlmonl of AYUSH, Doparlmonl of
HoaIll Rosoarcl and Doparlmonl of AIDS conlroI.
HoaIllcaro is ono of llo 7 llrusl aroas undor llo
(NCMI) and improvomonl in loaIll conlinuos lo bo an imporlanl parl
in llo ovoraII slralogy for socio-oconomic dovoIopmonl ovor llo pIanning poriod. Tlo
spociaI focus givon lo HoaIll Soclor in llo NCMI las formod llo coro of llo
programmos formuIalod undor boll HoaIll and IamiIy WoIfaro.
Tlo -- (NRHM) Iaunclod by IM on 12ll ApriI,
2005, is llo Ioy pIan for giving offocl lo llo mandalo of llo NCMI. Tlo NRHM
aIso providos an ovorarcling umbroIIa lo llo oxisling programmos of HoaIll
& IamiIy WoIfaro incIuding RCH-II, Voclor Borno Disoaso ConlroI Irogrammo,
TB, Ioprosy, NICB and llo Inlogralod Disoaso SurvoiIIanco Irojocl. Il aIso
addrossos llo issuo of loaIll in llo conloxl of a soclor vido approacl
oncompassing sanilalion and lygiono, nulrilion and safo drinIing valor as basic
dolorminanls of good loaIll and aIso advocalos groalor convorgonco vill
roIalod sociaI soclor Doparlmonls. Tlo coro slralogios of llo Mission incIudo
idonlificalion and soIoclion of llo Accrodilod SociaI HoaIll Aclivisl (ASHA),
doconlraIizod pIanning, slronglloning of oxisling infraslrucluro IiIo sub-conlros,
IHCs and CHCs, adoplion of a soclor vido approacl, fIoxibIo financing,
communily parlicipalion, manpovor dovoIopmonl and parlnorslip vill non-
govornmonl slaIoloIdors. MalornaI and cliId loaIll viII bo givon a basic llrusl
on llo programmo fronl. Moniloring vouId bo communily basod and llrougl
slringonl inlornaI roviovs and oxlornaI survoys. Tlo NRHM is aboul incroasing
pubIic oxpondiluro on loaIll caro from llo curronl 0.9 of llo GDI lo 2 lo 3
por conl.
Tlo Iradlan Manlri Svasllya SuraIsla Yojana (IMSSY) is a major inilialivo for
dovoIoping lorliary loaIllcaro in llo counlry. Il is aIso oxpoclod lo roduco imbaIanco
in luman rosourcos dovoIopmonl by providing loaIll caro sorvicos llrougl
oslabIislmonl of modicaI coIIogos and an improvod doIivory of sorvicos. Undor
IMSSY, 6 AII India Inslilulo of ModicaI Scionco (AIIMS) IiIo inslilulions aro lo bo sol
up and 13 modicaI coIIogos upgradod.
Tlo gonoraI condilion of Indias popuIalion las improvod significanlIy sinco llo
1990s. Tlo avorago Iifo oxpoclancy al birll las incroasod from 59.7 yoars in 1991 lo
63.7 yoars for maIos and 60.9 lo 66.9 yoars during llo samo poriod for fomaIos. Infanl
morlaIily, crudo birll ralo and doall ralos lavo aIso rogislorod a docIino during llo
Tlo major aroas of curronl focus incIudo conlinuodligl morbidily duo lo communicabIo
disoasos, rising disoaso burdon duo lo non-communicabIo disoasos and nulrilionaI
probIoms. Tlo unmol nood for conlracoplion and ligl unvanlod forliIily aro llo ollor
aroas of major concorn.
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Tlo Dirocloralo of NalionaI Voclor Borno Disoasos ConlroI Irogrammo is llo nalionaI nodaI
agoncy for provonlion and conlroI of major voclor borno disoasos of pubIic loaIll impor-
lanco namoIy MaIaria, IiIaria, KaIa-azar, }apanoso IncoplaIilis (}.I.),Donguo/Donguo
Homorrlagic fovor (DHI) and CliIungunya.
MaIaria is an aculo parasilic iIInoss causod by IIasmodiumfaIciparum or IIasmodium vivax.
Nino major spocios of anoploIino mosquiloos, lransmil maIaria in India. Tlo ligl lrans-
mission aroas aro llo Norll Iaslorn Slalos and IargoIy lribaI aroas of Andlra Iradosl,
Cllallisgarl, Gujaral, }larIland, Madlya Iradosl, Malarasllra, Odisla and Rajasllan.
A Granl Agroomonl vas signod vill GIobaI Iund for AIDS, TuborcuIosis and MaIaria
(GIATM) on 27ll }uno, 2005 for llo impIomonlalion of Inlonsifiod MaIaria ConlroI Irojocl
(IMCI) in NI Slalos (oxcopl SiIIim), soIoclod ligl risI aroas of Odisla, }larIland and
Wosl BongaI. In 100 dislricls in 8 slalos, namoIy Andlra Iradosl, Cllallisgarl, }larIland,
Gujaral, Madlya Iradosl, Malarasllra, Odisla and Rajasllan, 1045 IHCs prodominanlIy
inlabilod by lribaIs voro aIso providod 100 por conl supporl incIuding oporalionaI oxponsos
undor llo Inlancod MaIaria ConlroI Irojocl (IMCI) vill WorId BanI assislanco, sinco
1997. WorId BanI Nov Irojocl on MaIaria ConlroI and KaIa-azar IIiminalion for a poriod
of 5 yoars v.o.f. 200809 (commoncing from 1sl Soplombor, 2008) las boon approvod by
WorId BanI.
Iymplalic IiIariasis is a sorious dobiIilaling and incapacilaling disoaso. Tlo lransmission
of fiIaria is llrougl mosquiloos caIIod CuIox quinquofascialus.Tlo disoaso is largolod for
GIobaI IIiminalion by 2020 llrougl annuaI Mass Day Adminislralion (MDA) of singIo doso
of anli-fiIariaI drug. In llis conloxl, a piIol projocl on singIo doso annuaI mass DIC drug
adminislralion vas undorlaIon during 1997. Tlo NalionaI HoaIll IoIicy (2002) onvisagod
a goaI of Iymplalic IiIariasis IIiminalion from llo counlry by llo yoar 2015. In pursuanco
lo llis, Govornmonl of India Iaunclod llo campaign of an annuaI mass drug adminislralion
(MDA) vill a singIo doso of Diollycarbamazino cilralo labIols llo anlifiIaria drug in
llo yoar 2004. ApopuIalion of 276.7 miIIion vas covorod againsl oIigibIo popuIalion of 378.1
(oxcIuding prognanl vomon, cliIdron boIov 2 yoars and soriousIy iII porsons) miIIion
indicaling llo covorago ralo of 73.19 (againsl oIigibIo popuIalion). Tlo disoaso is ondomic
in 250 dislricls in 20 slalos and UTs.
Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
Donguo fovor is a viraI disoaso, vlicl is lransmillod by llo Aodos aogypli mosquiloos.
Tlo firsl oul broaI of Donguo fovor/DHI vas roporlod from KoIIala in 1963. AII llo four
sorolypos of donguo aro provaIonl in India. In roconl yoars, Donguo is incroasingIy boing
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roporlod from pori-urban and ruraI aroas. Tlo mosl affoclod aroas aro Wosl BongaI, DoIli,
KoraIa, TamiI Nadu, Gujaral, KarnalaIa, Malarasllra, Rajasllan, Iunjab and Haryana
onaclmonl and onforcomonl of approprialo Civic byo-Iavs and BuiIding byo-Iavs slouId
slrossod upon in aII urban aroas lo provonl mosquilogonic condilions in Iino vill llo DoIli,
Mumbai, Goa and Clandigarl loaIll adminislralions.
CliIungunya is a non-falaI viraI iIInoss causod by CliIungunya virus vlicl las occurrod
in India during 2006 aflor a gap of 32 yoars. Il rosombIos donguo fovor. Il is sproad by
llo bilo of fomaIo Aodos mosquiloos. Boll and - can lransmil llo
Japanese Encephalitis (JE)
}apanoso IncoplaIilis is a zoonolic disoaso vlicl is lransmillod by voclor mosquilo mainIy
boIonging lo cuIox vislnui group. Tlo lransmission cycIo is mainlainod in llo naluro by
animaI rosorvoirs of }I virus IiIo pigs and valor birds.
}apanoso IncoplaIilis is an aculo viraI iIInoss vill ligl caso falaIily and Iong lorm
compIicalions. Tlo voclor broods in Iargo paddy fioIds and simiIar Iargo valor bodios. Tlo
voclor is an ouldoor roslor and foodor. Tlo disoaso las acquirod sorious magniludo in llo
slalos of Ullar Iradosl, Andlra Iradosl, Wosl BongaI, Assam, TamiI Nadu, KarnalaIa,
KoraIa, Bilar, Goa, and Haryana. Tloro is no spocific lroalmonl for }I. Ifforls voro mado
by slalos and Govornmonl of India lo conlain }I oulbroaIs by insliluling various pubIic
loall moasuros incIuding soIoclivo }I vaccinalion. Considoring llo vaIuo of vaccinalion
in provonlion of }I, llo Conlro Iaunclod a }I vaccinalion programmo during 2006 for
cliIdron bolvoon 1 and 15 yoars of ago in 11 dislricls of llo 5 slalos of Ullar Iradosl,
Bilar, Assam, KarnalaIa and Wosl BongaI vill using singIo doso Iivo allonualod SA-14-
14-2 vaccino. Tlo programmo oxpandod lo 27 dislricls in 9 slalos during 2008.
KaIa-azar is a parasilic disoaso causod by Ioislmania donovani lransmillod by sandfIios
IlIobolomus argonlipos. Tlo disoaso is clronic and if nol lroalod, Ioads lo doall. KaIa-
azar is ondomic in Bilar, }larIland, Wosl BongaI and parls of Ullar Iradosl. Tlo NalionaI
HoaIll IoIicy 2002 onvisagod a goaI of KaIa-azar IIiminalion by llo yoar 2010. To pursuo
llo goaI of oIiminalion of KaIa-azar by llo yoar 2010, llo Govornmonl of India is providing
100 supporl lo ondomic slalos sinco 2003.
TuborcuIosis is a major pubIic loaIll probIom in India. India accounls for ono-fifll of llo
gIobaI TB incidonco and is oslimalod lo lavo llo liglosl numbor of aclivo TB casos amongsl
aII llo counlrios of llo WorId.
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To conlroI TB, NalionaI TuborcuIosis ConlroI Irogrammo (NTCI) is Iaunclod in 1962
foIIovod by a roviov il vas ropIacod Rovisod NalionaI TB ConlroI Irogrammo (RNTCI),
vlicl is an appIicalion lo India of WHO rocommondod slralogy of DiroclIy Obsorvod
Troalmonl Slorlcourso (DOTS), vas Iaunclod in llo counlry on 26ll Marcl, 1997. RNTCI
vas impIomonlod in a plasod mannor and by 23rd Marcl, 2006 llo onliro counlry lad
boon covorod undor RNTCI.
National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP)
Tlo NalionaI Ioprosy ConlroI Irogrammo vas Iaunclod by llo Govornmonl of India in
1955 basod on Dopsono Monollorapy. MuIli Drug Tlorapy (MDT) camo inlo vido uso from
1982 aflor vlicl llo programmo vas ro-namod as llo NalionaI Ioprosy Iradicalion
Irogrammo (NIII) in 1983. NIII vas doconlraIizod lo Slalos/Dislricl and Ioprosy
sorvicos voro inlogralod vill GonoraI HoaIll Caro Syslom 20012002 onvards. Iroo MuIli
Drug Tlorapy (MDT) is boing providod al aII sub-conlros, IHCs, Govornmonl HospilaIs
and disponsarios on aII vorIing days. Subsoquonl lo llo inlroduclion of NRHM, Ioprosy
programmo las aIso boon an ossonliaI parl of llo Mission.
Tlo IIC aclivilios lavo boon inlonsifiod and spociaI IIC drivo on llo llomo Tovards
Ioprosy froo India las boon Iaunclod sinco }anuary, 2008. As on Marcl, 2009, 32 Slalos/
UTs lavo acliovod llo goaI of Ioprosy oIiminalion. Tlo romaining 3 Slalos/UT viz. Bilar,
Cllallisgarl and Dadra and Nagar HavoIi aro laving IR moro llan 1 por 10,000
National Programme for Control of Blindness
NalionaI Irogrammo for ConlroI of BIindnoss (NICB) vas Iaunclod in llo yoar 1976 as
a 100 ConlraIIy Sponsorod sclomo vill llo goaI lo roduco llo provaIonco of bIindnoss
lo 0.3 by 2020.
- To provonl luman doalls
duo lo rabios a piIol projocl las boon inilialod as a Nov Inilialivo in llo 11ll Iivo
Yoar IIan sinco Marcl 2008, lo bo compIolod by Marcl 2010. -
--- (NICD) is llo nodaI agoncy lo coordinalo various aclivilios
undor llo projocl. Il is boing carriod oul in fivo cilios viz, Alomdabad, BangaIoro,
DoIli, Iuno and Madurai.
--- To provonl morbidily and
morlaIily duo lo Ioplospirosis in luman, a piIol projocl las boon inilialod as a Nov
Inilialivo in llo 11ll Iivo Yoar IIan for lvo yoars (Marcl 2008 lo Marcl 2010). NCDC
is llo nodaI agoncy and llo llroo slalos undor llo projocl aro Gujaral, KoraIa and
TamiI Nadu.
A comprolonsivo lobacco conlroI IogisIalion
lilIod Tlo Cigarollos and Ollor Tobacco Iroducls (Irolibilion of Advorlisomonl
and RoguIalion of Trado and Commorco, Iroduclion, SuppIy and Dislribulion) Acl,
2003 vas nolifiod in llo officiaI gazollo on 19ll May, 2003. Tlo Acl is appIicabIo lo
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vloIo of India and covors aII lypos of lobacco producls. IiIol plaso of NalionaI
Tobacco ConlroI Irogrammo vas Iaunclod in 200708.
--- --
Iood and moull disoaso Virus
Rindorposl (callIo pIaguo) Virus
BIuo Tonguo Virus (lransmillod by mosquiloos)
Cov pox (Vaccinia) Vaccinia Virus
RaniIlol Disoaso Virus
(Nov caslIo disoaso)
Marcls Disoaso Virus
(IovI paraIysis)
IovI pIaguo Virus
IovI pox Virus
(Avian dipllloria)
TuborcuIosis Bacloria (lransmillod by infoclod miII and miII producls)
Anllrax (spIonic fovor) Anllrax BaciIIus
BIacIquarlor (BIacI Iog) Bacloria: CIoslridium clauvooi
Maslilis Bacloria: Slroplococci and SlaplyIococci
}olnos Disoaso BaciIIus paraluborcuIosis
BrucoIIosis Bacloria
(Bangs Disoaso) BrucoIIa
Iool rol Bacloria: Iusiformis nodosus
Haomorrlagic Disoaso Bacloria
(Bovino paslouroIIosis, IaslouroIIa
Slipping fovor, slipping MuIlocida
IovI lyploid SaImonoIIa gaIIinarum
Ringvorm MouId (fungus) Microsporon, Tricloplylon, Ipidormoplylon
Triclomoniasis Irolozoan, - - (Transmillod llrougl coilus)
Coccidiosis Irolozoan: -
Trypanosomiassis Irolozoan: - -
Babosiosis Irolozoan: - - (Transmillod by licI)
Snoring disoaso Tromalodo (fIuIo) -- -
Iivor rol Iivor fIuIo -
MoasIy boof Tapovorm:
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-- -- -
MaIaria RBC and Iivor IIasmodium IomaIo Iovor vill slivoring
Iyorrlooa Gums - BIooding from gums
SIooping Brain Trypanosoma Tso-Tso fIios Iovor vill sovoro sIoop
Diarrlooa Inloslino Inlamooba Houso fIios Mucous and Diarroloa
HisloIylica vill bIood
KaIa-ajar Bono marrov Ioismania Sand fIios Higl fovor
IiIaria - Wucloroia CuIox SvoIIing in Iogs,
baoncrofli moszuiloos loslos and
ollor parls of body
--- -
Tolanus Norvous syslom - Higl fovor, spasm in body,
CIosing of javs olc.
CloIora Inloslino Conlinuous slooI and vomiling
Typloid Inloslino - Higl fovor, loadaclo
TuborcuIosis Iungs Ropoalod cougling
Dipllloria Rospiralory lubo DifficuIly in rospiralion and
IIaguo Iungs, aroa bolvoon - -- Vory ligl fovor, muscuIar
llo lvo Iogs oruplions on llo body
Wlooping Rospiralory syslom - -- Conlinuous cougling
Inoumonia Iungs - Higl fovor, svoIIing in Iungs
1. Hamas : IaIoslinian
oxlromisl group
2. Sinn Ioin : I. R. A. s poIilicaI
3. Truo Iall : Amajor consliluonl
of llo Iarly ruIing
coaIilionin TurIoy
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
- -
(a) a crudo formof loroin
(b) a crudo formof cocaino
(c) uraniumoxido
(d) unrofinodgoId
1. Arabic 2. Ironcl
3. Spanisl
-- -
(a) 3-1-2 (b) 1-3-2
(c) 3-2-1 (d) 1-2-3
- -
- -
1. Doparlmonl of : Minislryof HoaIll
CliId and and IamiIy
DovoIopmonl WoIfaro
2. Doparlmonl of : Minislryof
OfficiaI Ianguago HumanRosourco
3. Doparlmonl of : Minislryof Walor
DrinIing Walor Rosourcos
- - -
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) Nono
- - -
- - -
- -
A. UnilodNalions 1. Nairobi
Irogrammo (UNDI)
B. UnilodNalions 2. Vionna
C. UnilodNalions 3. Borno
InduslriaI DovoIopmonl
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D. UnivorsaI IoslaI 4. NovYorI
(a) 2 3 4 1
(b) 4 1 2 3
(c) 2 1 4 3
(d) 4 3 2 1
- -
(a) InlogralodSlooI : SlooI Aullorily
IIanl al }aipur of India
(b) Iovor IIanl al : Issar Iovor
(c) Nabinagar Iovor : Indian
IIanl (Bilar) RaiIvays
(d) KayamIuIomIovor : NalionaI
IIanl (KoraIa) TlormaI
(a) Myanmar
(b) Indonosia
(c) Maurilius
(d) Singaporo
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(a) Minislry of AgricuIluro
(b) Minislry of HoaIll andIamiIy WoIfaro
(c) Minislryof HumanRosourcoDovoIop-
(d) Minislry of RuraI DovoIopmonl
-- -
(a) IdvardKasnor
(b) BiII Galos
(c) TimBornors-Ioo
(d) VinodDlam
(a) Dubai (b) }oddal
(c) IsIamabad (d) AnIara
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(a) Russia (b) KazaIlslan
(c) UIraino (d) UzboIislan
(a) Knovnfor rosoarcl inagricuIluro
(b) Aronovnod foolbaII coacl
(c) Agroal vrilor vlovonllo NoboI Irizo
for Iiloraluro
(d) Knovn for rosoarcl in raiIvay
- --
(a) InvironmonlaI proloclion
(b) OIympics Gamos
(c) }ournaIism
(d) CiviI Avialion
- --
1. Tlo sorios of llo InlornalionaI Iapor
Sizos is basod on A0 sizo vloso aroa is
0.5 m
2. Tlo aroa of A4 sizo papor is 1/8ll of
llal of llo A0 sizo papor.
-- -
(a) 1 onIy (b) 2 onIy
(c) Boll 1 and 2 (d) Noillor 1 nor 2
- - -
- -
(a) Canada (b) Clina
(c) }apan (d) USA
- -
(a) Clonnai (b) Hydorabad
(c) Iuno (d) Gurgaon
- -
(a) CoIombia (b) Cosla Rica
(c) GualomaIa (d) Nicaragua
- --
1. In llo yoar 2006, India succossfuIIy
loslod a fuII-fIodgod cryogonic slago in
2. Aflor USA, Russia and Clina, India is
llo onIy counlry lo lavo acquirod llo
capabiIily for uso of cryogonic slago in
-- -
(a) 1 onIy (b) 2 onIy
(c) Boll 1 and 2 (d) Noillor 1 nor 2
- --
1. Norll AlIanlic Co-oporalion CounciI
(NACC) is llo namo of llo nov
organizalion vlicl las ropIacod llo
Norll AlIanlic Troaly Organizalion
2. Tlo Unilod Slalos of Amorica and llo
UnilodKingdombocamo llo mombors
of llo NATOvlonil vas formod inllo
yoar 1949.
-- -
(a) 1 onIy (b) 2 onIy
(c) Boll 1 and 2 (d) Noillor 1 nor 2
- -
A. AmnoslyInlornalionaI 1. VisIuIi
B. CommonvoaIllof 2. Iaris
Indopondonl Slalos
C Danubo Commission 3. Iolor
D. Iuropo Spaco 4. BoIgrado
Agoncy Convonlion
(a) 3 1 4 2
(b) 4 2 3 1
(c) 3 2 4 1
(d) 4 1 3 2
- -
- - -
(a) BandungConforonco
(b) BrollonWoods Conforonco
(c) VorsaiIIos Conforonco
(d) YaIla Conforonco
1. NalionaI Conlro for : Mysoro
CoII Scionco
2. Conlrofor DNA : Hydorabad
Iingorprinling and
3. NalionaI Brain : Gurgaon
- -
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 onIy
(c) 2 and 3 onIy (d) 1 and 3 onIy
(a) Minislryof Dofonco
(b) Minislry of Homo Affairs
(c) Minislry of Slipping, Road Transporl
and Higlvays
(d) Minislry of Invironmonl andIorosls
- -
(a) Ablidlamma IilaIa
(b) Malablarala
(c) Ramayana
(d) Rig-Voda
(a) TurIoyand Grooco
(b) Sorbs and Croals
(c) IsraoI and Arab counlrios Iod by Igypl
and Syria
(d) Iranand Iraq
(a) Moroccoand AIgoria
(b) Nigoria and Camoroon
(c) AngoIa and Zambia
(d) Illiopia and SomaIia
(a) Blavnagar (b) Mounl Abu
(c) NasiI (d) Ujjain
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- - -
- -
- --
(a) Kavaralli
(b) Iorl BIair
(c) MangaIoro
(d) VaIsad
(a) RaiIvay Wagons
(b) InformalionToclnoIogy
(c) Isolopo ToclnoIogy
(d) Road Transporl
- -
(a) KarnalaIa
(b) Malarasllra
(c) KoraIa
(d) Orissa
- --
1. Tlo NucIoar SuppIiors Group las 24
counlrios as ils mombors.
2. India is a mombor of llo NucIoar
SuppIiors Group.
-- -
(a) 1 onIy
(b) 2 onIy
(c) Boll 1 and 2
(d) Noillor 1 nor 2
- -
(a) Clina (b) }apan
(c) Russia (d) USA
- -
-- -
(a) IoIico Roforms
(b) Tax Roforms
(c) Roforms in ToclnicaI Iducalion
(d) Adminislralivo Roforms
- -
(a) Almodabad
(b) Clonnai
(c) Hydorabad
(d) KoIIala
- --
1. Tlo NalionaI SclooI of Drama vas sol
upby Sangool NalaI AIadomi in 1959.
2. Tlo liglosl lonour conforrod by llo
Salilya AIadomi on a vrilor is by
oIocling limils IoIIov.
-- -
(a) 1 onIy
(b) 2 onIy
(c) Boll 1 and 2
(d) Noillor 1 nor 2
- -
(a) Iiloraluro
(b) IorformingArls
(c) Scionco
(d) SociaI Sorvico
(a) Adminislralivo sIiIIs
(b) Acliovomonls inScionlific Rosoarcl
(c) Acliovomonls inSporls andGamos
(d) Courago and vaIour
- - -
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(a) ArunaclaI Iradosl
(b) HimaclaI Iradosl
(c) SiIIim
(d) UllraIland
-- -
- --
(a) BalubaIi
(b) Buddla
(c) Malavir
(d) Nalaraja
- -
1. GalIa, a lradilionaI : KoraIa
marliaI arl
2. Madlubani, a : Bilar
lradilionaI painling
3. Singloy Klababs : }ammu &
Sindlu Darslan : IoslivaI
- -
(a) 1 onIy
(b) 1 and 3 onIy
(c) 2 and 3 onIy
(d) 1, 2 and 3
- --
1. Tlo CommonvoaIll las no clarlor,
lroaly or conslilulion.
2. AII llo lorrilorios/counlrios onco
undor llo Brilislompiro (jurisdiclion/
ruIo/ mandalo) aulomalicaIIy joinod
llo CommonvoaIllas ils mombors.
-- -
(a) 1 onIy
(b) 2 onIy
(c) Boll 1 and 2
(d) Noillor 1 nor 2
- -
. (a)
. (c)
. (c)
. (a)
. (d)
. (a)
. (d)
. (c)
. (c)
. (d)
. (a)
. (a)
. (b)
. (d)
. (c)
. (d)
. (a)
. (b)
. (c)
. (b)
. (c)
. (d)
. (b)
. (d)
. (b)
. (b)
. (b)
. (d)
. (c)
. (a)
. (d)
. (c)
. (d)
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. (c)
. (d)
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. (a)
. (b)
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. (b)
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. (d)
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. (c)
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. (d)
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. (d)
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. (d)
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. (d)
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. (d)
. (a)
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. (d)
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. (b)
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. (d)
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