Hostel Constitution
Hostel Constitution
Hostel Constitution
1. At the first meeting of the Student Affairs council held in April 1982, it was
agreed that there was a need for drawing up a common constituion for the
Hostels. Accordingly, a Sub - committee was appoited to draft the Hostel
Constitution. This constitution has been in use ever since.
Subsequent to the Cetralization of the mess workers' services, with effect from
July 2009, several changes in the constituion became necessary. A committee was
formed to propose these changes, as per the approval of the Director. This
committee consisted of :
Prof. Prakash Gopalan, Dean (SA)
Prof. Anindya Datta, Co-ordinating Warden
Mr. B. S. Punalkar, Registrar
Mr. M. P. Shinde, Secretary, GATE
This committee, with inputs from Mr. Gopinathan Menon and Mr. K.R.P. Pillai,
Hall Manager Hostel No. 7 and 6 respectively, propose the following modified
constitution, which is now placed for the consideration by the Hostel Co-ordinating
2-A. Definitions of the Terms in the Hostel constituion
a) Associate Warden :
An associate warden of a hostel is a member of the Academic Staff of the Institute
appointed by the Institute to carry out the duties as mentioned in Section 10 of the Hostel
b) Bonafide resident of the hostel :
A bonafide resident of the hostel ( same as hostel inmate) is a person duly authorised
to stay in the hostel by the Hostel Co- ordinating Unit/Warden.
c) Bonafide Student :
A bonafide student is a student having a valid roll number and is registered for the
purpose of pursuing studies in any of the academic programmes of the Istitute during the
Semester/year under consideration.
d) Dean of Student Affairs :
A faculty member of the Institute appointed by the Institute authorities to monitor all
activities pertaining to student affairs. He is reponsible to pursue and implement all the
Institute policies, rules and regulation pertaining to student affairs and student community
in general. He is an ex-officio President of the Students' Gymkhana and pays an important
role in the administrative set-up concerning student affairs.
e) Finance Committee :
The Finance committee is abody operating under Students Affairs council
having composition as mentioned in the Report of the committee to Review the Student
The Finance Committee adminsters the financial affairs of the Gymkhana as well as
those of the hostels.
f) General Secretary :
The General Secretary is abonafide student of the Institute residing in the hostel
elected to be the member of the Hostel council. And shall be the Secretary of theHostel
council. He carries out all the duties and reponsiblitites as mentioned in Sections 2,3, and
5 of the Hostel Constitution.
g) Gneral Body of the Hostel :
The General Body of the Hostel is the APEX body of the hostel comprising all the
bonafide students of the Institute residing in the hostel the Warden and the Associate
Warden. The functions of the General Body ar as mentioned in Section 5 of the Hostel
h) Gneral Secretary (Student Affairs) :
An elected member of the Students' Gymkhana Executive Body from amongst all
the bonafide Students of the Institute residing in one of hostles. He is the ex-officio
Chairman of Hostel General Secretaries' Council and plays an important role in the
administrative set-up concerning student Affairs. The reponsibilities of the General
Secretary (Student Affairs) are as per the Gymkhana constitution.
i) Hall Manager :
An Institute employee deputed to assist the Warden and the Hostel council to
carry out their duties. His responsibilities and duties are as stipulated in Section 11, of the
Hostel Constitution.
j) Hostel :
A Hostel is a place of residence provided by the Institute for all the bonafide
students of the Institute authorised to stay in that hostel. All others who are authorised to
stay in that hostel. All others who are authorised to stay in the hostel by the Hostel Co-
ordinating Unit such as participants of various seminars, delegates for conferences
organised by the institute, shall be accommodated in the Hostels.
k) Hostel Council :
A Hostel Council is a body of elected representatives of the students of the
Institute residing in the hostel elected from amongst them.The compostion of the Hostel
council is as laid down in Section 2 of the Hostel Constitution. The functions and
responsibilities of the Hostel council are given in Section 3 of the Hostel Constitution.
l) Mess Employee :
A Mess employee is an employee appointed by Centralized Hostel Management
System. Their mode of appointment, Salary Scale, duties, benefits, loans, leave facilities
and conduct rules etc. Are as per the Service conditons of employees in the hostels of IIT
m) Hostel maintenance Unit :
Hostel Maintenance Unit is aunit which looks after civil, electrical and general
maintenance of the hostels.
n) Maintenance Secretaries' Body :
Maintenance Secretaries' Body is a body of all the elected representatives of
students in all the hostels to look after the maintenance of amenities and other hostel
properties as mentioned in Section 3.1 of the Hostel Constitution. A student member
appointed by the General Secretary (Student Affairs) in consultation with the Hostel
General Secretaries' Council shall be the Chairman of this body.
p) Mess Coordinator's Committee :
Mess Coordinator's Committee consists of representatives one from each of all the
hostels. These representatives shall be one of the secretaries/students councillors who will
be looking after the mess in the hostel.
q) Mess Manager :
Mess manager is a mess employee appointed by the Centralized Hostel
Management System. His mode of appointment, duties, salary, loans and other benifits,
leave facilities and conduct rules shall be as stipulated in the service conditions of
employees in the hostels of IIT Bombay.
r) Student Councillor :
A student councillor is abonafide student of the Institute residing in the hostel
duly elected to the Hostel Council by the bonafide students of the Institute residing in the
s) Student welfare Board :
This board shall be concerned with various important student affairs such as
assistance to students, part-time job, career guidance etc. The compositions of this
Board is as stipulated in the Report of the committee to review the Student Affairs.
t) Warden :
A Warden of a Hostel is a member of the academic staff of the Institute and is
appointed by the Institute to carry out the duties as mentioned in Section 7,8 and 9 of the
Hostel Constitution.
u) Warden's Nominee :
A Warden's Nominee shall be a bonafide student of the Institute residing in the
hostel chosen by the Warden from amongst the list of three persons suggested by the
elected members of the Hostel council to be a member of the Hostel Council.
2.1 The Hostel Council shall consist of the following members:
1. Warden - Chairman of the Hostel Council
2. Associate Warden
3. General Secretary
4. Student Councillors (four in number)
5. Warden's Nominee (to be chosen by the Warden from amongst the list of
names of three bonafide students of the Institute residing in that hostel proposed by the
elected members of the Hoste council)
2.2 In consultation witht he Warden, the General Secretary shall draw up the agenda and
finalize the day and time of the Hostel council Meetings. The General Secretary shall call
the Hostel council meetings.
2.3 A minimum of 48 hours' notice shall be required to convene a Hostel council meetings.
2.4 The quorum for a Hostel Council Meeting shall consist of the Chairman, the General
Secretary and three student councillors.
2.5 An extraordinary Hostel council meeting shall be called by the General Secretary at the
request of any three members of the Hostel council. The minimum notice for calling an
extra ordinary Hostel Council Meeting shall be two hours. However, the decisions arrived
at such an extra-ordinary meeting shall hav to be ratified at the next ordinary Hostel
Council Meeting.
2.6 The Hostel council is reponsible for drawing up the annual budget for the hostel. The
hostel council shall invite the Concerned Secretary whenever his/her budget is taken up for
2.7 Generally, all decisions are taken by consensus by the members of the hostel council.
2.8 In addition to the members of the Hostel council. The concerned Secretary shall be
invited whenever matters pertaining to his/her portfolio are taken up for discussion. The
Secretaries shall be invited to the meeting towards the end of tenure for the settlement of
outstanding accounts.
2.9 Every member of the Hostel council shall have one vote each in case the decisions are to
be voted upon. The Chairman of the Hostel council shall cast his/her vote only when
there is a tie.
2.10 Decisions regarding controversial issues which require reference to the Institute
policies, rules and regulation shall be minuted but kept pending until the Chairman
obtains the necessary clarifications. In special cases, the matter may be referred to the Hostel
Co- ordination Committee, Dean (Student Affairs/Director of the Institute for appropriate
2.11 In the absence of the Warden, the Associate Warden shall be the chairman of the
Hostel council meeting. In the absence of both, the Chairman, Hostel wardens Council or
his/her nominee shall be the chairman of the Hostel Council meeting.
2.12 The General Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting.
2.13 The decisions of the Hostel council meetings shall be made known to the hostel inmates
by displaying them on the notice board within one week of the meeting.
2.14 A minute book shall be maintained by the hostel wherein the minutes of the Hostel
council Meeting are recorded. The same shall be signed by the General Secretary and the
Warden after confirming them at the next meeting.
2.15 The General Secretary may take a decision on routine matters subject to the ratification by
the Hostel Council.
2.16 An Emergency Hostel council meeting can be convened by giving at least one hour
notice on the initiative of the General Secretary/Warden. The quorum for such a meeting
shall be as stipulated in Section 2.4.
3.1 The Hostel council is the executive body of the hostel It shall be responsible for
(a) Mess management
(b) Maintenance of Hostel Amenities
(c) Sports Activities
(d) Cutural Activities
(e) Garden Maintenance
(f) Canteen Management
(g) Any other activity approved by the General Body of the hostel.
Each of these activities shall be looked after by one or more elected office bearers such as
the mess Secretary, Garden Secretary etc. These activities shall be monitored by a
student councillor.
3.2 The canteen will be own by a private catrer in accordance with the contract between the
institue and the caterer.
3.3 The Hostel Council may over -rule the decision of any Secretary.
3.4 Arrangement for auditing of accounts submitted by the Secretaries shall be the
reponsiblity of the hostel council.
3.5 In the absence of any Secretary, the Hostel Council shall be reponsible for his/her
3.6 In the absence of the General Secretary, a student councillor nominated by the General
Secretary shall carry out his/her duties.
3.7 In the event the post of General Secretary falls vacant by resignation or otherwise, the
Hostel council shall either hold fresh elections for the post or, nominate one of the
Student Councillors as the General Secretary in case the remaining period of his/her
tenure is less than two months.
3.8 In the event any of the elected members of the Hostel Council resigns or otherwise, the
Hostel council shall hold fresh elections to fill up the vacant post in case the remaining
period is more than two months as per theprocedure laid down in clause 4.4. If the
period is less than two months, the vacancy could be filled up by Co-opting a bonafide
student of the institute residing in that hostel.
3.9 The Hostel Council can take disciplinary action against any person belonging to the
hostel, all matters pertaining to the hostel, or refer the matter to appropriate authorities for
taking necessary disciplinary action. Disciplinary action against mess employees will
be taken by Hostel Management System upon being reffered to by the Hostel council. The
Hostel Council can constitute an Enquiry Committee on matters pertaining to indiscipline,
misconduct, non- performance of duties or mismanagement of funds etc. and take follow-
up action.
3.10 The policy regarding allotment of rooms within the hostel shall be decided by the
Hostel council.
3.11 In case the post of Warden's nominee falls vacant, the procedure as laid down in Section 2.1
is followed again to fill up the vacant post.
3.12 The Hostel Council may recommend to the Hostel Co-ordinating Unit the transfer of the
Hall Manager and Mess Employee with appropriate reason(s).
3.13 In case of any difference of opinion/dispute between the members of the Hostel
Council and the Warden/Associate warden, the matter may be referred to a committee
consisting of the Dean (S.A.), the Chairman (HWC) and the General Secretary (Student
4.1 Elections to the various posts in the Hostel council and other secretaries shall be held
preferably around the last week of January every year and the elected members shall
assume their reponsibilities not later than 31st March.
4.2 Election shall be conducted by a panel consisting of the Warden, associate Warden and a
bonafide student of Institute residing in the hostel nominated by the student Council.
4.3 The election shall not be held during Institute Vacation period.
4.4 The successful candidate in the elction of the members of the Hostel Council should
secure more than 50 percent of the valid votes cast for the post by the bonafid students of
the Institute residing in the hostel.
4.5 In case of indecisive verdict by virtue of the requirement of section 4.4 successive
rounds of election should be held eliminating at least one candidate securing the
lowest number of votes in each round.
4.6 Students contesting for any post should have completed at least on semester of stay in the
4.7 For any election, only bonafide students of the Institute residing in the hostel are eligible to
vote and contest.
4.8 No student who has already completed the normal duration of the academic programme
at the time of election shall be eligible to contest. In this respect, the decision of the
Dean(Student Affairs) shall be final.
4.9 A student contesting for election should preferably have a further period of one year of stay
in the hostel by virtue of his/her academic programme.
5.1 The General Body of the hostel shall consist of all the bonafide students of the Institute
residing in the hostel.
5.2 A General Body meeting shall be held at least once in a semester only for the purpose of
feedback and exchange of information.
5.3 The Warden shall be the chairman of the General Body meetings. If the Warden is not
present, the Associate Warden shall be the Chairman of the General Body Meeting.
5.4 The General Secretary shall call for a General Body meeting after due approval of the
hostel council.
5.5 An extra-ordinary General Body Meeting may be called by the general secretary in
consultation with the Warden to discuss particular issues after an Extra ordinary
Hostel Council meeting is held.
5.6 Any decision taken at the Extra- ordinary Genral body meeting shall be binding on the
Hostel Council subject to the provisions mentioned in Sections 5.9 and 5.14.
5.7 Extra -ordinary General Body Meeting shall be convend by giving at least three hour's
5.8 The qurum for an Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting shall be 60% of the total
eligible voters as per Section 5.1
5.9 All the decisions shall be arrived at with two-thirds majority of the eligible voters present at
the meeting or, 50% of all the eligible voters strength of the hostel whichever is less.
5.10 An extra-ordinary General Body Meeting shall transact only the itmes listed in the
agenda for the meeting.
5.11 In case the quorum is not met for the extra-ordinary General Body meeting, the Hostel
Council and/or the person who has proposed the item shall explain the issue to the
members present at the meeting.There shall, however, be no decision taken on the
issue.The Hostel Council shall seek a decision through a secret ballot on the issue by a
simple majority on the next working day. In such a case, the Hostel Council shall
suggest alternative solutions to be voted upon for the issue concerned.
5.12 The General Scretary shall call an Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting in
consultation with the Warden when 30% of the eligible voters' strength of the hostel
submits a written ad signed request for calling such a meeting on a particular issue. The
quorum for such an Extraordinary Gneral Body meeting shall be as mentioned
earlier (Section 5.8).
5.13 The Warden can, on his/her own, call for an Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting
under special circumstances.
5.14 Decisions regarding controversial issues arrived at any Extra-ordinary General Body
Meeting which are touching the Institute policies, rules and regulations shall be
minuted , but kept pending until the chairman obtains the necessary clarifications.
However,in special cases, the matter may be referred to the Hostel Co-ordination
committee/Dean (student Affairs) /Director for appropriate action.
6.1 Each hostel shall maintain the following types of accounts :
(a) main Account
(b) Students' fund Accounts
6.2 The Main Account is a bank account through which all major finacial transactions of the
hostel are carried out. The income to this account is through collection of mess dues and
fines collected from inmates and insitute subsidy, if any. The expenditure is for payment to
parties and suppliers, salary and dues to hostel employees and on suchother items
concerning the hostel.
6.3 The Students' Fund Accounts shall consist of the following separate funds. and any
other fund that may be found necessary.
6.4 the amenties funds are raised through the contributions made by the bonafide residents of
the hostel.
6.5 The quantum of contributions to the above funds shall be as decided from time to time.
6.6 The Amenities fund shall support various extra-curricular activities and provide
amenities in the hostel. Service charges collectd from guests/staff members shall be
credited to the Amentities fund Account.
6.7 The money from different hostel funds can be withdrawn only on the request of a
Secretary followed by the recommendation of the General Secretary and the concerned
6.8 Guidelines for financial regularities shall be as per the procedures laid down by the
finance committee.
7.1 A Faculty member resding on the campus is appointed as Warden/Associate Warden by
the Institute.
7.2 The Warden and the Associate Warden shall not as liason between the Institute and the
students of the hostel. They are responsible for implementing the Institute's policies and
decisions as regards the management of hostels.
In the interest of students in general and for the purpose of safety, the warden has
been entrusted with the following financial responsibilities.
8.1 The Warden shall operate the Hostel Accounts and funds on behalf of Hostel council to
meet the expenses incurred by the hostel. Except for imprest cash, all payments
should be made by cheques as far as possible.
8.2 The cheque books for the Students' Funds Accounts shall be in the Warden's custody.
8.3 The Warden can, on behalf of Hostel council, levy fine on any inmate so far as the late
payment of mess dues is concerned. He can also waive fine on any student so far as his
mess dues are concerned
8.4 The Warden can, on behalf of Hostel council, levy fine on any inmate in connection with
the breach of Institute rules or destruction of Institute/Hostel property.
8.5 The Warden can reject payment of any bill if it is not found to be in order. Under
special circumstances, the warden can accept certificates of payment duly attested by the
General Secretary/two student councillorsone of whom should be concerned with the
nature of the expenditure involved.
8.6 All the bill should be forwarded to the Warden by the Secretaries through the concerned
student councillors and the General Secretary.
8.7 The Warden, on the recommendation of the hostel council, can sanction loans to
deserving students from the Brother hood fund.
8.8 The Warden can sanction advances to various Secretaries on the recommendations of the
General Secretary and the Concerned student councillor.
8.9 The Warden shall check all bills, registers, files pertaining to various funds mentioned
earlier. All the documents shall bear his signature as an attestation of verifiation of the
8.10 The Warden may delegate financial powers to the Associate Warden with prior permission
sof the Director.
8.11 The Warden shall see that bank reconciliation of funds is done.
8.12 Contributions to the Students' Fund Accounts collected through mess bills are transferred
to the respective heads of account every month from the Main Account by the Warden.
8.13 The Warden shall see that the institute subsidy is deposited in the Main Account and is
utilized as per the directions every month.
8.14 In case of financial need of the hostel the Warden may apply for a loan or financial
assistance to the Director trough the Chairman, Hostel Warden Council.
9.1 The Warden, on the recommendations of the General Secretay, can allow inter- hostel
transfer of any student with the knowledge of the Hostel Coordinating Unit.
9.2 The Warden shall be the Chairman of the Hostel council meetings and General Body
Meetings. In his absence the Associate Warden shall perform his duties.
9.3 Should, for any reason, all the office bearers of the Hostel council resign, the Warden
shall appoint an Election Officer from amongst the bonafide students of the Institute
residing in the hostel to conduct fresh election. He may also appoint an adhoc body for
the interim period.
The Warden shall provide accommodation to the students and other on the receipt of
information from the Hostel Coordinating Unit.
On behalf of Hostel Council, the Warden can recommend disciplinary action against any mess
employees to the CHMS.
The Warden or Convener/Chairman, CHMS can appoint an enquiry committee on a particular
The Warden may, on special occasions, appoint an adhoc committee to look into certain issues
pertaining to the hostel. The committee shall submit its report to the Hostel Council for
necessary follow up action.
9.8 The Warden shall be the ex-office chairman of the Survey committee constituted by the
Director of the Institute for periodic stock verification of items belonging to the Institute /
Hostel. The Survey Committee shall inspect all items declared as unusable by the hostel
and make suitable recommendations to the Institute.
9.9 In case of a no confidence motion against the Hostel Council or any elected member of the
Council , the Warden shall call an Extra ordinary General Body Meeting to discuss the issues.
In case the quorum is not met in such a meeting, the Warden shall conduct a secret ballot
among the bonafide students of the institute residing in the hostel to decide upon the issue.
Such a secret ballot shall be conducted on the next working day.
9.10 The Warden shall forward the confidential report of the Hall Manager to the Institute
authorities after discussing with the General Secretary.
The Associate Warden shall look after the mess and mess affairs.
The Associate Warden shall be assisted in his duties by the concerned Student Councilor and
the concerned secretaries.
The Associate Warden shall check and initial all the bills pertaining to the mess forwarded by
the mess manager through concerned secretary and Students Councillor.
The Associate Warden shall verify and certify all the bills pertaining to mess for payment to
be made by the Warden.
The Associate Warden shall check and initial the mess bill and forward it to the Hostel
Accounts Unit through the Warden.
The Associate Warden shall check and initial the entries made in the petty cash Register
Maintained for mess purchases. He shall see that all the entries in the petty cash register
are accounted for, while preparing the mess bill.
The Associate Warden shall, in consultation with the concerned student councillors, make
recommendations to the Warden for purchase of items for the mess.
No advance for mess purchase shall be given without the recommendation of the Associate
Warden. The Associate Warden can permit cash advances for mess purchases as and when
In the absence of the Warden, the Associate Warden shall discharge the duties of the Warden
in addition of his / her normal duties.
An Institute employee shall be deputed as Hall Manager to assist the Wardens and the Hostel
The Hall Manager shall maintain all accounts of the hostels except those of the mess.
The Hall Manager shall assist the hostel council members in matters of correspondence.
The Hall Manager shall look into complaints of the residents with regard to amenities
concerned with accommodation.
The Hall Manager shall arrange for advances to the Office Bearers for hostel works after
obtaining necessary sanction from the Warden duly recommended by the concerned students
councilor and General Secretary.
The Hall Manager shall take stock of furniture, appliances, stereo equipment discs and any
other assets of the hostel and of the Institute given to the hostel at the end of each semester or
at any time of specific items with the help of concerned secretaries and maintain a proper
record of all the assets of the hostel and report to the Warden.
Hall Manager shall be responsible for general maintenance of the hostel premises and
properties of the Institute.
The Hall Manager shall maintain all files and records of the hostels.
The Hall Manager shall carry out all cash transactions.
The Hall Manager will follow the work schedule as outlined by the Warden and / or the
hostel Council.
The Hall Manager shall discharge any other duty assigned to him by the Warden and / or the
Hostel Council.
A person for the purpose of overall management of the mess shall be appointed by the
CHMS on the advice of a Selection Committee duly constituted for the purpose.
The mode of appointment, salary, benefits, duty hours, leave facilities, and conduct rules etc.
shall be as per the Service Conditions of employees in the hostels of IIT Bombay.
The Mess Manager shall be responsible for the custody, issue and stock of stores, purchases
of groceries, vegetables, eggs, mutton, kitchen equipment, fixture and furniture etc.
The Mess Manager shall maintain daily, weekly and monthly accounts.
The Mess Manager shall prepare monthly mess bills of all the inmates of the hostel.
The Mess Manager shall be responsible for the general supervision on the Mess Employees,
assign duties, maintain Muster Roll and preparation and service of food, hygiene and
cleanliness in the mess.
The Mess Manager shall maintain the leave register, prepare monthly paybill, issue letters etc.
as directed by warden.
The Mess Manager shall be primarily responsible for maintaining of all Mess Registers subject
to supervision.
The Mess Manager shall carry out all other duties assigned to him by the Warden / Associate
Warden / Concerned Secretaries / Hostel Council.
13.1 The Source of receipts to the hostel mess shall be mainly from the monthly collection of mess
advance / bill from residents availing the students and the Institute subsidy if any.
Rebate shall pay an amount as decided by the Hostel Council from time to time.
Institute employees who are permitted to stay in the hostel shall pay an amount as decided by the
Hostel Coordinating Unit as service charges in addition to their monthly mess bill.
This amount shall be credited to the Amenities Fund Account of the hostel.
All hostels shall send an utilization certificate of subsidy to the Hostel Accounts Unit every
13.5 In case of delegates to conferences / seminars / shorts term courses etc. the Convener of
programme shall deposit the estimated charges in the Main Account of the Hostel in advance.
Final settlement of accounts shall be done within fifteen days after the programme is over.
The Main expenditure of the hostel is on the running of messes.
The expenditure is incurred as follow :
a. By cash payment from cash advances drawn by issue of self cheques by the Warden to
meet the day to day expenses.
b. By issue of cheques to suppliers of provisions, vegetables, milk, eggs, bread etc.
c. For provision of amenities such as longue furnishing furniture, crockery and
entertainment equipment T.V. , Stereo etc.
d. All other expenses with a due sanction of the Hostel Council.
14.1 The following records shall be maintained in all hostels :
Attendance Register of all hostel employees
Petty cash books in respect of mess account and funds.
Bills Register.
Dead Stock Register.
Stock Register.
Mess wise Book of extras.
Statements of basic mess charges, extras etc. due from each mess member.
Mess Bill Files.
Canteen Account Register of all inmates.
Any other record that may be found expedient consistent with the requirements
of the hostel, with a written permission of the Warden.
14.2 Petty Cash Book
1. Petty Cash Book shall contain a record of daily cash transactions made from out of cash
imprest or otherwise and out of temporary advances, when drawn.
The amount received in the recoupment of imprest or otherwise as also amount deposited
in the bank by the hostel directly shall be entered in the Petty Cash Book and deposited in
the Bank through the institute Cash Section. No money, whether received or paid, shall be
left unentered in the Petty Cash Book.
Two such Petty Cash Books shall be maintained by hostel One for mess transactions and
and the other for funds.
Each voucher entered in th Petty Cash Book shall bear the name of the expenditure head
to which the payment is debited (e.g. Mess expenses, amenities fund etc.) and shall also
bear a rubber stamp mark PAID and a pay order by the Warden.
The entries in the Petty Cash Book shall be made in ink on the same day on which the
transaction takes place.
At the end of each page, the Warden / Associate Warden shall check the entries and initial
the Petty Cash Book for funds.
The Petty Cash Books for funds and mess should be closed and balanced at the end of every
month and the cash balance checked by the Warden and the Associate Warden
The Warden / Associate Warden shall record a certificate in the following form in the cash
Book on the last day of each month after the Cash Book is closed.
(Rs. .................. (Rupees ........................ and paise..........................Only).
Warden / Associate Warden
14.2.8 The Petty Cash Book shall also be balanced on the day on which the accounts are audited
the Internal Audit Section.
As soon as a supplier's bill is received, it shall be posted in the register styled Bill Register.
The movement of the bills shall be recorded in the relevant columns, ending with their final
This register is maintained for the food items of the mess. As soon as supply accompanied by
a delivery challan / bill is received, the details of the supply shall be entered in the Stock
Register on the respective pages showing the the nature of supply and subsequent issue
when done. The concerned Secretary / student Councillor and the Mess Manager shall affix
his / her respective initials with date in the Register in the columns provided for the purposes.
The supplies issued to different messes shall be directly entered in the Stock Register at the
time of issue. The concerned Secretary /Student Councillor and / or the Mess Manager shall
affix his / her / their initials with date in relevant columns of the register.
The Warden shall arrange to take stock of the stores periodically. All dead stock shall be
verified during the summer vacation and all consumable stock at the end of every month
and also as and when the Warden desires. Dead stock articles shall be verified with reference
to the balance shown in the Dead Stock Register and the consumables stock with reference to
the balance shown in the stock register.
The certificates of physical verification shall be recorded in the respective register over the
dated signature of Associate Warden / Warden and the concerned Secretary and Mess
Manager / Hall Manager.
All purchases of provisions shall preferably be made from Cooperative Societies.
All supplies received must be accompanied by a bill / delivery challan from the supplier. The
bill / delivery challan shall be checked with reference to the supply and receipt of suppliers
acknowledgment by the concerned Secretary and / or Mess Manager.
In the case of perishable items required for immediate consumption, example, vegetables,
fruits, ice cream etc. no entry need to be made in the stock register. The concerned Secretary
or the Mess Manager shall certify that the items mentioned in the bill were actually received
and consumed.
In the case of bills for services, e.g. cooley charges, wages for casual labourers etc., a receipt
for the payment shall be obtained and initialed by the concerned Secretary and the General
The payment order shall bear the signature of the concerned Secretary, the Associated Warden
and / or the Warden for items purchased for mess and of the General Secretary and the Warden
for items purchased on fund accounts.
Instructions should be issued to the suppliers to the effect that they should send their supplies
accompanied by bills / delivery challans and they should ensure that their copy of delivery
challan / bill bears the rubber stamp as aforesaid with the signature of the concerned
or the Mess Manager. The suppliers should be further instructed to preserve their copies of
monthly statements / bills and that in case of any dispute, it is for them to produce such
acknowledged bills / delivery challans in support of their claims.
Pay bill for salaries of mess employees shall be prepared in the last week of the month and
verified by the Hostel Accounts Unit. CHMS shall sanction a pay order for payment of
the same and draw the amount on self cheque for disbursement. The disbursement of the
salaries shall be certified by the Warden.
Internal Audit Section of the Institute will, from time to time, check the books of accounts
and other records in all hostels and make recommendations or give guidance. The
of the Internal Audit will be placed before the Hostel Council.
Hostel General Secretaries Council shall consist of :
1. General Secretary ( Student Affairs ) - Chairman
2. Secretary ( to be elected from amongst the
Hostel General Secretaries)
3. All other Hostel General Secretaries.
Functions of the Hostel General Secretaries Council shall be :
a) To review all matters related to the Hostel residents.
b) To suggest items for inclusion in the agenda of the Hostel Coordination
committee meetings.
A meeting of the Hostel General Secretaries Council may be called by either
The Chairman or the Secretary of Hostel General Secretaries Council.
Minimum notice to call a Hostel General Secretaries Council meeting shall be
24 hours. However, an extraordinary meeting of Hostel General Secretaries
Council can be called with one hour notice.
Hostel General Secretaries Council Meeting shall be called at a request duly
signed by three hostel General Secretaries.
The quorum for a Hostel General Secretaries Council meeting shall be six Hostel General
Secretaries and the Chairman or the Secretary.
All the General Secretaries shall have one vote each. The Chairman shall have a casting
In the absence of the Chairman, the Secretary of Hostel General Secretaries Council shall
conduct the meeting.
A Hostel General Secretary may nominate a member of the Hostel Council to represent
him / her.
The Chairman or the Secretary may invite any person / persons to participate in the
The Secretary of Hostel General Secretaries Council shall record the proceedings
of the meetings. A minute book shall be maintained for the purpose. Each member
shall be given a copy of the decisions arrived at the Hostel General Secretaries
Council meeting to be displayed in the hostels.
The Hostel General Secretaries Council shall meet at least once a month.
Responsibilities of the Hostel General Secretaries Council.
The Hostel General Secretaries Council shall review and make recommendations on all
matters of common interest pertaining to Hostels and Hostel Management.
It would suggest items for agenda for the meeting of the Hostel Co ordination Committee,
Finance Committee, Student Welfare Board, Student Affairs Council ( for details, see Mehta
Committee Report).
The Hostel General Secretaries Council shall assist the Convener, Hostel Wardens
Council in the actual allotments of rooms to students.
The Chairman of the Maintenance Secretaries Body and the Chairman of mess
Secretaries Body shall be appointed by the General Secretary ( Student Affairs)
in consultation with the Hostel General Secretaries Council.
The Hostel General Secretaries Council may request the Dean ( Student Affairs ) /
Convener, Hostel Wardens Council to be present at the meetings of Hostel General
Secretaries Council for clarifications / discussions.
In the event of any problem in a particular hostel which is likely to affect other hostels
also, the concerned Hostel General Secretary shall inform other Hostel General
Secretaries. It is desirable that he / she discusses such matters at Hostel General
Secretaries Council Meetings.
The composition of / Hostel Wardens Council shall be as follows :
1. Chairman : to be elected from amongst the
Hostel Wardens
Secretary : to be elected from amongst the Hostel Wardens.
Remaining Hostel Warden.
All Associate Wardens.
Functions of the Hostel Wardens Council :-
To review matters related to functioning of the the hostels.
To suggest items for inclusion in the Agenda of the Hostel coordination
Committee meetings.
The Hostel Coordinating Unit shall coordinate all procedural matters pertaining to
the management of individual hostels. The Hostels Coordinating Unit shall be
under the supervision of the Chairman of the Hostel Wardens Council.
The Hostel Coordinating Unit shall allot hostels to all bonafide students of the
The Hostel Coordinating Unit shall allot accommodation to the delegates /
sponsored person / trainees from other Institutions / all others who authorized
to stay / are in the hostels for specified periods of duration, in the hostels.
The Convener of the Hostel Wardens Council shall permit transfer of hostel to
students on the recommendation of the concerned wardens and General Secretaries. The
students shall apply for transfer of hostel in the prescribed form.
18.5 The Hostel Coordinating Unit shall be responsible for the implementation of the policy
matters of the Institute.
The Hostel Coordinating Unit shall handle correspondence with other organizations and
Institutions pertaining to accommodation.
The composition of Hostel Coordination Committee shall be as follows :
1. Dean (Student Affairs) Chairman
2. Chairman, Hostel Wardens Council - Secretary
All other Hostel wardens
All Hostel General Secretaries
General Secretary. (Students Affairs)
Senior Medical Officer by invitation
Institute Engineer - by invitation
The Hostel Coordinating Committee shall meet as often as necessary.
In the absence of the Dean (Student Affairs), the convener, Hostel Wardens Council would
conduct its proceedings.
Functions of the Hostel Coordination Committee :-
To formulate policies, coordinate and review matters concerning the hostels in respects in
of common interest.
To ensure implementation of procedures in all hostels with respects to maintenance of
accounts, auditing of bills, mess bills, regular payment of hostel dues by hostel inmates
To assist hostels in the matters of procurement of major food items, stores, furniture etc.
To consider matters pertaining to hostel security and general upkeep.
The Hostel Coordination Committee may propose amendments to the Hostel Constitution
from time to time for consideration of the Senate.
The composition of the Centralized Hostel Management System (CHMS) shall be as follows:
Co-ordinating Warden, HCU Convenor
Secretary, HWC - Member
General Secretary (Hostel Affairs) - Member
Institute Secretary (Hostel Affairs) - Member (2-4 elected students)
Three Hostel General Secretaries - Members (nominated in rotation)
20.2 The CHMS will meet as often as necessary but not less than once a month.
20.3 In the absence of the Coordinating Warden, the Secretary, HWC would conduct the
Functions of the CHMS :
The CHMS will look into all administrative aspects of Mess Workers, including but not restricted
20.4.1 Appointment permanent mess workers.
20.4.2 Paper work and accounting for disbursement of salary and other
financial benefits to the permanent mess workers.
Conduct disciplinary action on mess workers as required upon recommendation of
the concerned hostel council.
21.1 The Composition of the Students Affairs Council shall be as follows :
Deputy Director - Chairman
Dean ( Student Affairs ) - Secretary
Dean ( Academic Programmes )
Dean ( Planning )
Chairman, Hostel Wardens Council
Chairman ( Sports Council )
Chairman ( Cultural Council )
Two Senate Members
General Secretary ( Student Affairs ) - Jt. Secretary
General Secretary, Sports Council
General Secretary, Cultural Council
Three Hostel General Secretaries
(Nominated by the Hostel General Secretaries council)
Three Departmental General Secretaries
( Nominated by the Departmental General Secretaries Committee )
One Alumni Member.
21.2 Functions of Students Affairs Council :
21.2.1 To discuss policy matters concerning student affairs.
21.2.2 To review the working and effect constitutional changes of the various students bodies.
21.2.3 To foster sports cultural, extra-curricular and other developmental activities.
21.2.4 To promote staff-students-alumini- industry interaction.
21.2.5 To review the management of Students Gymkhana and the Hostels, their financial affairs
and to approve the budgets with the assistance of the Finance committee.
21.2.6 To consider matters regarding students welfare referred to it by the Student Welfare Board.