L'Hospital Rule
L'Hospital Rule
L'Hospital Rule
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L Hopitals Rule
In previous modules, we saw that Taylor series are useful for
computing certain limits of ratios. But sometimes, a fact known as
L'Hopital's rule is easier to use than Taylor series. While L'Hopital's
rule is commonly taught in a first calculus course, the justification for why it works is not usually taught.
This module gives a justification for L'Hopital's rule, using Taylor series.
L'Hopital's rule
There are some limit situations where Taylor series are not particularly easy to use. For example, if the
limit is being taken at a point about which the Taylor expansion is not already known, or the limit is at
infinity, then using Taylor series is usually more work than it is worth. These are the situations where
L'Hopital's rule can be helpful.
L'Hopital's Rule, case
If and are continuous functions such that and , then
, provided this limit exists. If this is still of the form , then
derivatives may be taken again, and so on.
The Taylor series for and about are given by
Since, by hypothesis, , it follows that
Now, as , all the terms with go to 0, which leaves . If this fraction is still , then
L'Hopital's rule says to take the derivative of the numerator and the denominator again. In terms of the
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Taylor series, this moves to the next leading terms in the numerator and denominator.
Example Using L'Hopital's rule, compute two of the limits from the last module:
These are both in the case, so differentiating numerator and denominator gives
Example Compute .
Since , we are in the case of L'Hopital's rule. Recall that
Thus, applying L'Hopital's rule gives
Depending on the situation, it still might be easier to use Taylor series, especially if there are compositions
and products of functions (assuming we know all the relevant Taylor series).
Example Compute .
We know all the relevant Taylor series for the functions in this problem, so that should be an easier
method. We find
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Using L'Hopital here would be quite a lot of work. It turns out that we would have to apply the rule four
times, which involves a lot of product and chain rule.
L'Hopital's Rule, case
If , then , again provided this limit
Example Compute .
Note that as , and as . Therefore, the case of L'Hopital's rule
applies. Applying the rule,
Example Use L'Hopital's rule to compute .
Since are all continuous functions, and , the hypotheses for
L'Hopital's rule are met. So it follows that
Note that although we know the Taylor series for these functions at , the limit here is as .
Thus, we cannot use the Taylor series approach, because a Taylor series about does not give a
good approximation when is not close to 0.
Other indeterminate forms
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Some limits do not initially look like cases where L'Hopital's rule applies, but with some algebra they can
be rearranged into one of the applicable cases. These are called indeterminate forms.
First, consider , where . Usually, one or both of and
are ratios of other functions. In this case, getting a common denominator usually transforms the limit into
one where L'Hospital's rule or a Taylor series approach applies.
Example Compute .
Next, consider where and . Since is not defined, it is
not clear what this limit is. However, the product can be turned into one of the following ratios where
L'Hopital's rule applies:
since dividing by the reciprocal of a number is the same as multiplying. Now, note that ,
since . Thus, is now in the case of L'Hopital's rule.
Similarly, is in the form of l'Hopital's rule, and so it can be applied here too.
Deciding which of the above forms to use depends on the situation, but in many situations either form will
Example Compute . (Here we use the one-sided limit becuase is only defined on
the positive real numbers).
Another indeterminate form arises when raising one function of to a power which involves another
function of . Suppose and . Then what is ?
On the one hand, it seems that raising to any power should be . On the other hand, raising anything
to the 0th power should be 1. To find what the answer actually is, let
and take the of both sides. Now, recall that is a continuous function. Therefore, from the rules of
limits in the last module, taking of a limit is the same as the limit of the :
(the last step uses the fact that ). Now, this is of the form , which was covered
above. Note that when this limit is computed, it is which has been found, and so the answer must be
exponentiated to find , the original limit.
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Example Compute .
Consider the limit , where and . Because is not defined, this is
another indeterminate form. It can be dealt with as the case, by first taking , computing the resulting
limit, and then exponentiating.
Example Compute .
Limits going to infinity
L'Hopital also works with limits going to infinity; the same hypothesis and conclusions hold. Before doing
some examples, what does it mean for ?
Limit at infinity
if and only if for every there exists such that
whenever . If there is no such , then the limit does not exist.
Example Compute .
Example Compute .
While L'Hopital often works, there are situations where it fails to give an answer, and a little extra thought
must be employed.
Example Compute .
Example Compute .
It is also possible to deal with limits going to infinity using Taylor series, but it involves some algebra. The
idea is to use a substitution to turn the limit going to infinity into a limit going to zero. Symbolically, if
, then let . It follows that as , and by replacing with throughout,
the limit is transformed.
This process works when the limit at 0 exists. A more general technique would only look at the one-sided
limit from the right-hand side:
Example Compute .
Using the substitution , the limit becomes
as was shown in the last module.
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