ESL Program Proposal
ESL Program Proposal
ESL Program Proposal
Salary $15.00 per hour $17.00 per hour $19.00 per hour
Position ESL Educational Assistant ESL Educational Assistant
Provide support to students enrolled in the ESL Provide support to students enrolled in the ESL
program at various locations program at various locations
Assists ESL teacher in administering required Assists ESL teacher in administering required
state assessments state assessments
Salary $10.00 per hour $10.00 per hour
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Position ESL Coordinator ESL Director
Management of testing for ELL students Responsible for administration and coordination
of ESL services
Serve as a liaison between the District and
families Coordinate federal grants associated with ESL
Direct, supervise, and evaluate operations of
ESL staff
The phases proposed may not necessarily occur at the beginning of any particular school year. We will continually monitor enrollment and student needs
and make recommendations on an as needed basis.