Bhanuprakash SG New

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No, 10 LIG 2
Stage, KHB Colony, Basaveshwaranagar, Bengaluru-500!"#
$-%a&l' sg(hanu)ra*ash+g%a&l#,o%, -o(&le' ."1 "11 25!!5/
Career 0(1e,t&ve
2o a,3u&re a ,halleng&ng an4 res)ons&(le )os&t&on &n a ,o%)et&t&ve I2 5&el4 where %y *nowle4ge, a(&l&ty
an4 )ersonal s*&lls w&ll (e e55e,t&vely ut&l&6e4#
$7)er&en,e &n 8e( Develo)%ent an4 Des&gn&ng an4 Develo)%ent o5 8e( S&tes 9s&ng :hotosho),
:H:, -;S<L = Drea%weaver, >2:#
/ -onths 8or*e4 on -o(&le ?))l&,at&on 9s&ng Core @ava, @2-$ = Sw&ngs#
Self motivated professional with strong communication skills, an ability to learn new things
quickly and work as a team.
8or* $7)er&en,e
8or*e4 on Aesear,h :ro1e,t &n Con&tor So5tware :vt Lt4, Bengaluru Dur&ng >e( 2012 to -ay
8or*ing as Freelancer and developing websites for the clients.
-aster o5 Co%)uter ?))l&,at&ons &n 2012 5ro% Dr#?%(e4*ar Inst&tute o5 2e,hnology a55&l&ate4 to
B&sveshwara&ah 2e,hnolog&,al 9n&vers&ty, Belgau%, Karnata*a#
Ba,helor o5 Co%)uter ?))l&,at&ons &n 200! 5ro% 9n&versal College o5 Co%)uter ?))l&,at&ons
a55&l&ate4 to Bangalore 9n&vers&ty, Bangalore, Karnata*a#
: 9 C &n 200/ 5ro% Sr& @aga4guru Aenu*a,harya College o5 ?rts, Co%%er,e an4 S,&en,e
a55&l&ate4 to : 9 Boar4, Bangalore, Karnata*a#
S S L C &n 2000 5ro% Sr& ?uro(&n4o B&4ya -an4&r a55&l&ate4 to K S $ $ B ,Bangalore, Karnata*a
S*&lls :ro5&le'
0)erat&ng Syste%s ' 8&n4ows 2000, 8&n4ows C:, 8&n4ows ! = >e4ora 11#
So5tware 2ools ' Net(eans, Drea%weaver, :hotosho)#
Languages ' C, C.., @ava, S<L, :H:
0ther 2ools ' Cute >2:, >&leD&lla
:ro1e,ts 8or*e4 on
2ra&nee + Con&tor So5tware :vt Ltd. Bengaluru.
So5tware Na%e
Blue S)ee4
8hat 2h&s So5tware ?,tually DoesE
Shar&ng Internet B&a Bluetooth w&th $7&st&ng Internet $na(le4
So5tware 2ools 9se4 N$2B$?NS #"#1#
:rogra%%&ng Language 9se4 Core @ava 5or >un,t&onal&ty#
@2-$ 5or -o(&le ?))l&,at&on Develo)%ent#
@ava Sw&ngs 5or Gra)h&,al 9ser Inter5a,e#
0)erat&ng Syste% 9se4 8&n4ows C: w&th Serv&,e :a,* F#
8hat Aes)ons&(&l&t&es I ctually !id"
GDevelo)%ent :artH
- :re)are4 Custo%&6e4 ?))roa,h :lan 5or Develo)&ng the ?))l&,at&on#
- Develo)e4 G9I :art 5or ?))l&,at&on 9s&ng @ava Sw&ngs#
- Dev&,e D&s,overy, Serv&,es Sear,h = Co%%un&,at&ng w&th Server were $sta(l&she4 9s&ng
$7&st&ng Co4e us&ng Core @ava#
G2est&ng :artH
- 2este4 the ?))l&,at&on &n Bluetooth ena(le4 -o(&les us&ng @ar >&les#
Internsh&) + ?ero Software#s.Bengaluru
:ro1e,t 2&tle' Networ* &ntrus&on Dete,t&on Syste%
8hat 2h&s NIDS Software ctually
%etwork intrusion detection system &software' is a program
for monitoring Internet and Local rea %etwork &L%'
activity capable of capturing and analy(ing network
packets. It gathers information about data passing through
your dial)up connection or *thernet card and decodes the
analy(ed data.
So5tware 2ools 9se4 $,l&)se /#2#+,-,
0)erat&ng Syste% 9se4 8&n4ows C: w&th Serv&,e :a,* F#
:rogra%%&ng Language 9se4 Core @ava, @ava Sw&ngs
Data(ase 9se4 -yS<L
-o4ules Stu4&e4 -on&tor&ng Networ*
?))l&,at&on :roto,ols
De,o4&ng :a,*ets
:ersonal In5or%at&on
Date of Birth: F0-0"-1"I/#
Permanent Address: No, 10, LIG 2
Stage, KHB ,olony, Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore-500!"#
Languages (R-Read !-!rite S-S"ea#$: $ngl&sh GA8SH, Kanna4a GA8SH, H&n4& GASH#
%arita& Status: S&ngle#
Pass"ort: ?va&la(le#
I here(y )ro%&se that the a(ove &n5or%at&on 5urn&she4 &s true an4 (est to %y *nowle4ge#
:la,e' S&gnature

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