The document provides instructions for calibrating components on Caterpillar D6R, D6T, and D7R track-type tractors using the Caterpillar Monitoring System and 4C-8195 Control Service Tool. It lists calibration modes and submodes that can be used to calibrate the transmission, brakes, blade controls, and other components. Error codes that may appear during calibration are also described. Specific calibration procedures are outlined, including conditions that must be met and steps to adjust values.
The document provides instructions for calibrating components on Caterpillar D6R, D6T, and D7R track-type tractors using the Caterpillar Monitoring System and 4C-8195 Control Service Tool. It lists calibration modes and submodes that can be used to calibrate the transmission, brakes, blade controls, and other components. Error codes that may appear during calibration are also described. Specific calibration procedures are outlined, including conditions that must be met and steps to adjust values.
The document provides instructions for calibrating components on Caterpillar D6R, D6T, and D7R track-type tractors using the Caterpillar Monitoring System and 4C-8195 Control Service Tool. It lists calibration modes and submodes that can be used to calibrate the transmission, brakes, blade controls, and other components. Error codes that may appear during calibration are also described. Specific calibration procedures are outlined, including conditions that must be met and steps to adjust values.
The document provides instructions for calibrating components on Caterpillar D6R, D6T, and D7R track-type tractors using the Caterpillar Monitoring System and 4C-8195 Control Service Tool. It lists calibration modes and submodes that can be used to calibrate the transmission, brakes, blade controls, and other components. Error codes that may appear during calibration are also described. Specific calibration procedures are outlined, including conditions that must be met and steps to adjust values.
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D6R Series III, D6T and D7R Series II Track-Type Tractors
Media Number -RNR!"67-#6 $ublication Date -#%&'##! Date (pdated -#%&'##!
i03177683 Calibration Using Caterpillar Monitoring System 4C-8195 Control Service Tool (1) Mode Switch (2) Clear Switch (3) Scroll Switch Service personnel access the calibration sb!odes b" sin# the 4C-8195 Control Service Tool $ To Enter Mode - %ress the &SC'())& switch and &C)*+'& switches si!ltaneosl" (1) $ 'elease both o, the switches when the desired !ode n!ber ,ro! the chart is shown in the displa" area (4) $ To Enter Submode - %ress and hold the &C)*+'& switch ntil the trans!ission M-. 113 is displa"ed$ To Scroll Through The Submodes - %ress and hold the &S*'/-C*0S*)*CT& switch (3) $ 'elease the &SC'())& switch when the correct n!ber ,or the sb!ode is bein# shown$ To Scroll Through The Component denti!iers "! Component #ata #isplay Mode - 1se the &2& and &-& positions o, C)*+' switch (2) in order to !ove thro#h the co!ponent list$ To $d%ust $ &alue 'ithin $ Submode - The &2& and &-& positions o, C)*+' switch (2) are sed to chan#e the vale within a sb!ode$ Calibrations The ,ollowin# !odes are sed ,or calibrations3 Mode ( - Trans!ission Calibration Mode Mode 8 - *4 -!ple!ent Calibration Mode )ote* To enter a calibration5 press and hold the clear switch$ Mode 7 - Submode 02 Brake Touch-up Pressure Calibration (Manual) Mode 7 - Submode 22 Transmission Direction Lever Position Sensor Calibration Mode 7 - Submode 40 Transmission Clutch Fill Calibration Mode 8 - Submode 14 Blade n!le Le"t Solenoid #alve Calibration ( D$% Series &&& #PT models) Mode 8 - Submode 15 Blade n!le %i!ht Solenoid #alve Calibration ( D$% Series &&& #PT models) Mode 8 - Submode 50 Blade 'andle Li"t(Tilt Position Sensor Calibration Mode 8 - Submode 51 Blade 'andle Thumb %ocker Position Sensor Calibration ( D$% Series &&& #PT models) Mode 8 - Submode 60 Blade %aise Solenoid #alve Calibration Mode 8 - Submode 61 Blade Lo)er Solenoid #alve Calibration Mode 8 - Submode 62 Blade Float Solenoid Calibration Mode 8 - Submode 63 Blade Tilt %i!ht Solenoid #alve Calibration Mode 8 - Submode 64 Blade Tilt Le"t Solenoid #alve Calibration The ,ollowin# table lists the possible error codes that can be activated when the correct conditions are not !et drin# a calibration$ Table * Error Codes (1)
Display Desrip!io"
+,* ctive Clutch Solenoid or Speed Sensor Fault +,- +n!ine Speed .ot /ero +,0 Sensor Calibration "ailure +,1 Transmission Direction Lever is .ot &n .eutral +,2 Transmission 3il Temp Belo) Threshold 1, 4C (*,15, 4F) +,$ +n!ine Speed Belo) Threshold (*2,, %PM) +,6 Parkin! Brake is not 3n +,7 ctive Sensor C&D ,-88 Fault +,8 Machine Speed .ot /ero +*, Service Brake Pedal Pressed +** '9draulic 3il Temp .ot )ithin limits +*- +n!ine Speed .ot at 'i!h &dle (:-,,, %PM) +*0 +n!ine Speed .ot at Lo) &dle (;*,,, %PM) +*1 &mplement Lockout S)itch .ot in the Locked Position +*2 &mplement Lockout S)itch .ot in the <.L3C=+D Position +*$ Transmission Direction Lever .ot in For)ard +*6 +MS Calibration borted +*7 Parkin! Brake +n!a!ed +*8 +n!ine %PM &ncorrect +-* Transmission Clutch * at Limit +-- Transmission Clutch - at Limit +-0 Transmission Clutch 0 at Limit +-1 Transmission Clutch 1 at Limit +-2 Transmission Clutch 2 at Limit +-$ nother Calibration &s ctive +-6 Calibration ctive B9 nother +CM +-7 Calibration borted B9 Tool(Monitor +-8 Transmission 3il Temp Too 'i!h +0, Tor>ue Converter 3utput Speed Too Lo) +0* Tor>ue Converter %atio <nstable ( * ) List o" error codes that are displa9ed )hen the setup conditions are not met Brake Touchup Pressure (Manual) (Mode 7 - Submode 02) The ,ollowin# conditions !st be !et in order ,or this calibration to proceed3 *5 Parkin! brake must be disen!a!ed5 -5 +n!ine must be set to lo) idle5 05 Transmission temperature must be at least $, 4C (*1, 4F)5 15 Transmission direction lever in third For)ard (0F) position5 )ote* Third #ear loc6ot will not a,,ect calibration$ Table - Ca!erpillar Mo"i!ori"# Sys!em S!ep
$roess Display Error Co"di!io" %o! Me! * Continue )hen the setup conditions are met &nitiali?e calibration - CL&B%T&.@ Calibration #alue Clear -increment ( operator -decrement s)itches
Brake Touch-up Calibration *5 &n order to adAust the Brake Touch-up Calibration )ith Caterpillar +lectronic TechnicianB re"erence C<sin! Caterpillar +lectronic TechnicianC5 -5 Make sure that the po)er train oil is $, 4C (*1, 4F) or hi!her5 05 Select CLe"t Brake Touch-<p Pressure CalC "rom the menu5 15 Follo) the instructions that are provided on the screen in order to per"orm the calibration procedure5 25 The current calibration value )ill be displa9ed on the screen5 $5 &ncrease the current calibration value b9 "ive5 The test )ill not run )hen the calibration value is increased5 The test )ill onl9 run )hen the calibration value is decreased5 65 Decrease the calibration value b9 one5 The test )ill appl9 the brakes "or 7 seconds5 75 &" the tracks stopped rotatin! immediatel9B increase the calibration value b9 "ive a!ain5 85 %epeat step $ throu!h 7 until the tracks continue to rotate the entire time5 *,5 &" the tracks continued to rotate the entire timeB the calibration value is too hi!h5 llo) the tracks to rotate several times and then decrease the calibration value b9 one5 **5 Continue to decrease the calibration value until the brakes !raduall9 stop the track "rom rotatin! )ithin the 7 seconds5 *-5 Select the C3=C button in order to accept the ne) calibration value5 Transmission Direction e!er (Mode 7 - Submode 22) The ,ollowin# conditions !st be !et in order ,or this calibration to proceed3 *5 Parkin! brake must be en!a!ed5 -5 +n!ine and track speed must be , rpm5 Table 0 Ca!erpillar Mo"i!ori"# Sys!em S!ep
$roess Display Error Co"di!io" %o! Me! * Continue )hen the setup conditions are met
&nitiali?e calibration +,- +,0 +,7 +,8 - Calibratin! Daitin! "or shi"t lever to move to the F position F
Blinkin! F 0 Calibratin! Daitin! "or the s9stem to settle F
.ot blinkin! F 1 Daitin! "or the shi"t lever to be moved to the .eutral position .
Blinkin! . 2 Calibratin! Daitin! "or the s9stem to settle .
.ot blinkin! .
$ Calibratin! Daitin! "or shi"t lever to move to the % position %
Blinkin! % 6 Calibratin! Daitin! "or the s9stem to settle %
.ot blinkin! %
7 Daitin! "or the shi"t lever to be moved to the .eutral position .
Blinkin! . 8 Calibratin! Daitin! "or the s9stem to settle (*)
.ot blinkin! .
*, Calibration complete .ot blinkin! ( * ) Steps - throu!h 8 need to be c9cled - times be"ore the calibration is complete5 Transmission Clutch "ill (Mode 7 - Submode #0) The ,ollowin# conditions !st be !et in order ,or this calibration to proceed3 *5 Place the transmission direction lever in the .+<T%L position5 -5 The parkin! brake must be +.@@+D5 05 +n!ine must be set to *$,, rpm (hi!h idle)5 15 Transmission oil temperature must be at least $, 4C (*1, 4F)5 25 Machine (track) speed must be ?ero5 Table 1 Ca!erpillar Mo"i!ori"# Sys!em S!ep
$roess Display Error Co"di!io" %o! Me! * Continue )hen the setup conditions are met &nitiali?e calibration +,1 +,2 +,$ +,6 +,7 +,8 - Calibration &nitiali?in! ,