Dodekatheon Short Film Treatment
Dodekatheon Short Film Treatment
Dodekatheon Short Film Treatment
The remaining Dodekatheon, the gods of Olympus convene after being summoned by their rulers
Zeus and Hera to prepare for battle with an ancient enemy How does a few thousand years
revolutioni!e the immortally young and powerful gods and goddesses with idle hands"
Tone, Style & Theme
Dodekatheon is a fantasy drama Delving into the comple# relationships and ideals that are attached
to the $reek myths
The general theme is the unknown There is much suggested amongst the gods and around them but
only key points are e#plored leaving the rest down to the beholder The dialogue focuses on reflecting
humanity best and worst traits %nvy, passion, wrath yet with piety and love at the very core The
relationship between Hera and Zeus is one of the story&s particular deviations from the original myth
Hera and Zeus&s relationship was always told as one of betrayal and hate, whereas here it focuses on
an all'consuming love for the other and selfless sacrifice
The film is character driven, these characters highly developed The tone of the film highlighting
almost a dystopia, with the gods despite their mortal flaws as points of light in the darkness High
contrasting nonetheless intense colours (n the dialogue we learn a great deal of the mythological
stories behind the figures From )oseidon&s se#ist and abusive relationship with women *phrodite
and *res worst kept, secret adultery The tense and violent relationship between Hades and Zeus and
of course the gods ancient enemy the all powerful titans who they managed to thwart before, but only
*ll of the god&s clothing is a reflection of their character and the powers they posses translated into
fashions of ,--.
Main Characters
Driver Characters
Hera: Protagonist
$oddess of marriage, women, and childbirth Zeus& wife Hera loves her family and wants nothing
more than to ensure their survival She is very powerful /ueen of the $ods she supports her
husband but can also stand her own ground He acts as mediator between the gods, a gentle way of
e#pressing her husband&s will rather than forcing the gods to do his bidding
Zeus: Protagonist
The 0ing of the gods, the ruler of 1ount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder Dominating
1esmerising Terrifying Strong )owerful These things we see and feel when we look at Zeus He
never wanders far from his wife&s side and backs up her every word They share much in a single look
and he looks to protect her and his family from his old enemy the Titans
Helios: Antagonist
2rother of the Titan goddesses Selene and Titan god %os Helios is a handsome god crowned with
the shining aureole of the sun Scary and harsh Helios is a force to be reckoned with %ating a
Dodekatheon soul in one touch
Passenger Characters
Apollo: Trickster Archetype
$od of wine, parties, madness and merriment *lso referred to as the most beautiful of the gods He
is *rtemis&s twin brother, and son of Zeus * drunkard who plays around with women and drugs
Thinks even the most serious of things are hilarious in his drunken stupor He toys with the other
gods, and even laughs with the threat of death looming ahead
Dionysus: Guardian
$od of music, prophecies, poetry, and archery *lso said to be the god of light and truth * thespian
who sees the future and is a guardian of sorts, playing look out and warning the gods when the Titans
are coming
Hades: Sceptic
$od of the underworld 2rother of )oseidon and Zeus )unk rocker Stony, scheming face Hates his
brothers and thinly veils his contempt for his sister in law Hera * troublemaker
Poseidon: Sidekick
$od of the sea * pervert in Speedos His character has a number of dimensions He seems
honourable in some words but hideous in others The gods even hail him out over his supposed rape
of *thena3s high priestess 1edusa He follows Zeus and Hera devoutly
Athena: Reason
$oddess of wisdom and reason Sister of *res, and is the daughter of Zeus * reserved 4%nglish
5ose6 She is the wisest of the gods and it shows 7ery prim and level headed
Selene: Antagonist
Selene is the Titan goddess of the moon Sister to %os and Helios right hand girl Her look is like steel
and such is her heart She can sense the power of the $reek gods
Aphrodite: Emotive Hero
$oddess of love, lust, beauty The widow of Hephaestus *res is her lover )ortrayed as a stripper
she is fiery with a short temper
$od of war, murder and bloodshed 2rother to *thena, and is the son of Zeus Has an affair with
*phrodite 2rit lad in army gear, very proud
$oddess of the hunt and wild things *pollo is her twin brother *rtemis is a virgin goddess 8ute
young thing who is very innocent in her outlook
$od of fire and the forge with very weak legs His soul is eaten by Helios The death of Hestia is one
of the last things he sees
$oddess of the hearth and home, the focal point of every household The Titans first victim
Directorial 2eats
9e see the second $reek god die at the hands of the Titans
9e meet each of the summoned Dodekatheon
*n argument between *phrodite and *pollo breaks out, Selene senses the use of power and
tracks them to their location
Dionysus sees them coming and warns the Dodekatheon
Hera and Zeus stay to fight and protect the others
Hera dies by Helios hand, Zeus captures Selene and demands his wife&s return
Zeus pays the price and Hera lives
Story *rc
* captured Hephaestus +oins the dead Hestia The Titan god Helios touches him and consumes his
:pon hearing the call from their masters the scattered Dodekatheon gravitate to their meeting place
and proceed to catch up Self absorbed and bickering immaturely
The very real and immense danger is discussed and we see the true terror in Zeus and Hera if the
Titans retake power, but most importantly they fear for the lives of their family and in particular each
*phrodite and *pollo break out into a fight which only remains verbal by *res intervening to protect
The Titan Selene senses the use of power and begins to track the gods to their secret meeting
Hera and Zeus come to the point of wanting the gods to retake their old stronghold 1ount Olympus,
as to regain much of their old power so they can defeat the Titans again
Hades who ever doubts Zeus and Hera&s leadership opposes them
Dionysus foresees the Titans finding them and warns the 0ing and /ueen divulging a new prophesy
before he leaves
The younger gods are ordered to leave by Hera leaving her and Zeus to face the two titans who have
already eliminated two of their number
Zeus wishes Hera to run but she refuses
Hera&s soul is taken and Zeus captures Selene in a bid to barter for the love of his life back The
warrior titan, Helios is bemused by Zeus demand and he names a price for the return of his enemy&s
Hera is returned to the world, but at what cost"