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2007 Post Processing For Flicker Reduction in H.264 AVC

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Yair Kuszpet
, Dimitry Kletsel
, Yair Moshe
, Avi Levy

Signal and Image Processing Lab., Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion - IIT
Intel Corporation


The H.264/AVC standard mitigates some of the most
noticeable artifacts of former video coding standards, such
as blocking and ringing. However, it exhibits a new
temporal artifact, not prevalent in these standards: a
noticeable discontinuity between an intra frame and its
preceding inter frame, known as flicker.
This paper proposes a post-processing scheme for
dealing with the flicker artifact. A motion compensated
version of the intra frame is generated based on its
preceding inter frame, and is used to filter the intra frame in
order to reduce the discontinuity. In addition, a non-
reference flicker measure is proposed, and is used as a basis
for an adaptive flicker-reduction technique.
Objective results, as well as subjective impressions,
indicate that the proposed method significantly reduces the
discontinuity, with an almost negligible drop in PSNR.

Index Terms H.264/AVC video coding, flicker, post-
processing, temporal noise, temporal coding artifacts.


The H.264/AVC coding standard [1] offers a significant
improvement over former standards in terms of coding
efficiency. In addition, it eliminates or reduces some typical
coding artifacts prevalent in those standards, such as
blocking and ringing. However, H.264/AVC introduces a
new coding artifact - a noticeable discontinuity between an
intra frame and its preceding frame, known as flicker. At
low-to-medium bitrates, H.264-coded videos are known to
exhibit flicker, both in all-intra video sequences [2] and in
video sequences with periodically-inserted intra frames [3],
[4], [5].
Flicker in all-intra coded video sequences has been
reported by Fan et al. [2], who identified its cause as
differences in intra prediction modes between successive
frames. To reduce the flicker, Fan et al. suggested an
encoder modification that is not compliant with the
H.264/AVC standard, as well as an objective reference
flicker measure for all-intra coded video sequences.
In [3] and [4], video sequences with periodically-
inserted intra frames were considered, and found to exhibit
flicker. This was attributed to coarse quantization, to
differences in intra prediction modes in intra frames, and to
abundant use of skip mode in inter frames. In [3] it is
suggested to alter the intra prediction mode selection by
adding a term to the rate-distortion cost function, measuring
the differences between the encoded macroblock and the
macroblock at the same position in the previous intra frame.
Further, [3] proposes to repeatedly encode a macroblock
using finer and finer quantization until the resulting flicker
is lower than a threshold value. The method proposed in [4]
suggests to modify the intra prediction mode selection, by
adding to its cost function the flicker measure, proposed in
[2], of the intra frame relative to the preceding inter frame.
Both [3] and [4] are compliant with the H.264/AVC
standard. However, they attribute the flicker artifact mainly
to the change in intra prediction modes between different
intra frames. This assumption has been found unsatisfactory
due to two observations. First, flicker is still present even
when encoding videos using a constant DC intra prediction
mode. Second, due to inter frame prediction, a block in an
intra frame may originate from more than one block in the
preceding frame, and may thus be affected by more than a
single choice of intra prediction mode.
In [5], the cause of flicker is described as differences in
coding noise patterns between inter-coding and intra-coding.
The solution proposed in [5] is also at the encoder side, and
requires the encoder to calculate a motion compensated
image for intra frames, in addition to a spatially predicted
image. The quantized values of the motion compensation
residuals are used as detent positions. When the encoder
quantizes the spatial prediction residuals of the intra frame,
values that fall within the detent range are quantized to the
detent position, even if they are closer to another
representation level. This causes the decoded intra frame to
1 I
+ 1 I

( )
1 I
+ 1 I

I j
I j
I j


Figure 1: Filter scheme. Received frame and motion-
compensated frame are averaged to obtain the displayed frame.
Figure 2: The filter averages only the low-frequencies of
the frame. The high-frequencies of the displayed frame are
those of the received frame.
resemble its preceding inter frame, thus reducing the flicker.
The approaches suggested in [3], [4] and [5] focus on
the encoder side, and while they do reduce flicker to some
degree, they do not eliminate it completely. In this paper a
post-processing flicker reduction technique is proposed.
This technique can be used to complement one of the
encoder modifications mentioned above, or implemented
independently. Section 2 provides a brief discussion of the
flicker artifact, and describes a basic post-processing
technique for its reduction. The approach is known in the
general field of video interpolation, but obtains encouraging
results for H.264/AVC as well. Section 3 describes a non-
reference flicker measure and an adaptive flicker reduction
based on that measure. Section 4 provides results for the
adaptive flicker reduction. Section 5 concludes the paper.

Following [2], let us denote by 0
an image at time t in
the original video, and by P
the predicted image used by the
decoder, either motion compensated or intra predicted. The
residual, 0
, is transformed (denoted by T) and
quantized (denoted by Q) before being entropy coded. The
decoder reverses this process. The reconstructed image R
may be described as R(0
, P
) = I

) + P
From this description it is apparent that 0
does not
guarantee R
if P
= P
. This can result in a
discontinuity, which is considered flicker.

Following [5] we denote the motion-compensated
predicted image for a frame X by MCP(X). For intra frames,
motion vectors are extracted from the decoded video
sequence using block-matching with an MSE criterion. In
addition, we denote the received frames of a GOP by
, X
, (where X
is the intra frame), and by
the corresponding filtered frames, to be displayed on the
screen. Flicker may be reduced by averaging only the intra
frame X
with HCP(X
), to obtain
. However, when the
flicker is significant, it was observed that this caused a
noticeable discontinuity between
and X
. Thus it is
suggested to filter k frames of each GOP (i.e. X
, , X

where k < 00P sizc). The displayed frame
is used to
generate the motion compensated image HCP(X
which in turn is averaged with X
, etc., as illustrated in
Fig. 1. HCP(X
) is generated using the last frame of the
preceding GOP. Each received frame X
(u m < k) is
era a w av ged with HCP(X
) using eighted average:

(1 - o)HCP(X ) +oX
, m e {u, , k -1]
(1) _
where o = (m +1)(k + 1).
Since the discontinuity is between X
and X
, this is
where the filter should be strongest. Thus the filter in (1)
gives more weight to the received frame the farther the
frame is from X
The described algorithm significantly reduces the
flicker, but introduces a new temporal noise. Some small
details might be lost in the filtered frames and then
gradually reappear. This happens because small details are
likely to be lost in the motion compensated frames. Thus, in
order to preserve the finer details in each frame, only low
frequencies are filtered. Each 4x4 block in the motion
compensated and the received frames is transformed using

(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Flicker map generation for intra frame 180 of the 352x288 mobile sequence, coded at 350Kbps with GOP size of
15. (a) Smoothness map, after removing values higher than f
=1; (b) Flat-difference map before opening by reconstruction,
contrast enhanced; (c) Final flicker map, indicating areas where flicker is exhibited and its strength, contrast enhanced.

the Integer DCT transform. The 4 lowest coefficients are
filtered in the described manner, while the other coefficients
remain untouched, as illustrated in Fig. 2.


The number of filtered frames in each GOP should depend
on the severity of the flicker in that GOPs intra frame. In
this section a non-reference measure to determine the
required strength of the filter in an intra frame is proposed.
This measure is based on the absolute difference between
the received intra frame X
and HCP(X
), denoted diff.

3.1. Smoothness score

It was observed that flicker is more common in smooth
areas of a frame. Thus the first step is identifying such
smooth areas in the intra frame. For each pixel, the standard
deviation of pixel values in a 3x3 block centered on that
pixel is calculated and denoted std. This results in a
smoothness map for the frame. Values higher than f
in the
smoothness map correspond to non-smooth areas and are
therefore discarded. An example for a smoothness map is
given in Fig. 3a.

3.2. Flat-difference score

A flat-difference map is generated by multiplying the
smoothness score of each pixel with its value in diff. In
addition, since it was observed that flicker is usually more
visually distracting for clusters of pixels, the next step is
locating clusters of non-zero differences in the flat-
difference map. This is achieved using morphological
opening by reconstruction with a disk of radius 4, which
results in the final flat-difference map, denoted fd. Fig. 3b is
an example of a flat-difference map before opening by

3.3. Flicker score

The flicker score r a l x is gven b

lickcr(x) = _
u, J(x) = u
Ji(x), J(x) = u
fo pixe i y:

In other words, the flicker score of a pixel is 0 if its flat-
difference value is 0, or diff(x) if its flat-difference value is
non-zero. This results in a flicker map of the intra frame,
illustrated in Fig. 3c.

3.4. Determination of flicker measure and use in an
adaptive filter

The flicker map shows the areas of the intra frame that
exhibit flicker, and the strength of flicker in those areas. If
more than a fraction t
of the map is zero (i.e. exhibits
no flicker), no filtering is performed for the processed GOP.
Otherwise, let us define s = {(m, n)|Ji(m, n) > u] and

= {(m, n)|u < Ji(m, n) i], where m and n go over

the entire frame. In other words, s is the set of non-zero
pixels in the flicker map, and s
is the set of non-zero pixels
in the flicker map whose value is lower than or equal to i.
Then the flicker measure, f, is defined as the smallest integer
i such that |s

| u.7S |s| (i.e., f is the smallest integer

such that at least 75% of the non-zero pixels in the flicker
map are lower than or equal to f).
The flicker measure f then indicates the number of
frames to filter in the GOP, k, as described in section 2. If f
exceeds the GOP size, a value of k = 00P sizc is used.

The adaptive filter was used to process video sequences at
CIF (352x288) resolution with a GOP size of 15 frames at
various bitrates, coded with J M10.2 [6]. The results refer to
the luminance channel only. The following parameters were
used: f
=1, t
The flicker measurement proposed in [2] is a referenced
measure for all-intra coded videos, measuring flicker over
the entire video sequence. However, in periodically-inserted
intra frames, the perceivable flicker is concentrated near the
intra frame. Thus this measure would measure flicker for
frames that are not filtered and exhibit very little flicker. A
modified version of Fans measure is therefore used. This
measure considers the intra frame and the 5 frames
following it. For this measure, e = 1uuu (see [2]) was used.
Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 list PSNR and flicker
measurements for the first 250 frames of the container,
mobile, and paris video sequences, respectively. It can be
seen that the flicker measure has been reduced by almost
30% in some cases, while the PSNR drop is no greater than
roughly 0.5dB. Thus the adaptive filter successfully
mitigates the flicker with a very small degradation of image
quality. Furthermore, the filter correctly identifies low-
flicker videos (e.g., container at 500Kbps) and uses a
weaker filter. The technique proved particularly useful at
medium bitrates. In all cases, flicker was significantly
reduced objectively as well as by subjective impressions.
Resulting videos are available on the website [7].


In this paper, a novel post-processing technique for flicker
reduction in H.264-coded videos was proposed, based on
averaging received frames with their motion-compensated
counterparts. In addition, a non-reference flicker measure
was proposed and used in an adaptive flicker reduction
technique. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed
technique can reduce the flicker measure by up to 30%
while lowering the PSNR by no more than 0.5dB.

Table 1: Flicker reduction results for container sequence

Table 2: Flicker reduction results for mobile sequence

Table 3: Flicker reduction results for paris sequence


[1] ISO/IEC J TC1/SC29/WG11 (MPEG), Coding of
audio-visual objects Part 10: Advanced Video
Coding, International Standard 14496-10, ISO/IEC,
[2] X. Fan, W. Gao, Y. Lu, D. Zhao, "Flicking Reduction
in All Intra Frame Coding," J VT-E070, J oint Video
Team of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG Meeting,
[3] S. Sakaida, K. Iguchi, S. Gohshi, Y. Fujita, "Adaptive
Quantization Control for Reducing Flicker of
AVC/H.264 Intra Frames," Proc. of Picture Coding
Symposium, 2004.
[4] S. S. Chun, J -R Kim, S. Sull, Intra Prediction Mode
Selection for Flicker Reduction in H.264/AVC, IEEE
Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 52 (4), pp. 1303-
1310, 2006.
[5] K. Chono, Y. Senda, Y. Miyamoto, "Detented
Quantization to Suppress Flicker Artifacts in
Periodically Inserted Intra-Coded Pictures in H.264
Video Coding," Proc. of IEEE International Conf. on
Image Processing (ICIP 2006), pp. 1713-1716, 2006.
[6] J VT Reference Software J M 10.2:
[7] H.264 Post Processing for Flicker Reduction website:

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