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Aisc 2005 - LRFD & Asd - Cortante: / VN 0.6 F A C

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A resistncia ao corte calculada a partir das equaes 1 e G2-G2-5. O

programa verifica que a fora de corte real menor do que a resistncia
ao corte (LRFD) ou a resistncia ao corte admissvel (ASD), isto ,
LRFD: V fv Vn

ASD: V Vn/v
Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw Cv (G2-1)

onde a fora calculada como se segue:

Para teias de laminados I-sees com h/tw 2.24 (E/Fy):
v = 1.00
v = 1.50
Cv = 1.00 (G2-2)

Para todas as outras sees:
v = 0.90
v = 1.67

the web plate buckling coefficient kv is always assumed:

kv = 1.2 for the stem of T-shapes

kv = 5.0 for all other cases

The web area, Aw, is determined according to the following table:

For tapered sections, the program calculates Vn and Aw at 20 intervals along the member

AISC 2005 - LRFD & ASD - Major axis bending
(without LTB)

The program checks that the bending moment is less than design flexural strength (LRFD) or
the allowable flexural strength (ASD).

LRFD: M fb Mn

ASD: M Mn/b

= 0.90
= 1.67

Mn is determined as follows:
The nominal flexural strength is the minimum obtained from the limit states of:

flange local buckling (FLB)

web local buckling (WLB)

The program follows the guidelines displayed in "Table User Note F1.1" for the various
section shapes.


The program calculates all result values at: - 1/10 of span intervals, and at points of
intermediate supports. For tapered sections or combined beams with different properties, the
program uses the actual section at each point.
Tee sections are assumed to be "singly symmetric" sections.

When computing the moment-of-inertia and elastic section modulus of flexural members, the
program uses the effective width of uniformly compressed stiffened elements (E7-7), i.e. Sr =
section modulus of the section with a length equal to (h - he) deducted from the centre of the
web(s). (this will shift the minor axis location for [ sections).

Equations E7-17 and E7-18 are used for determining the effective web height, as follows:

I, [ sections:

Square, rectangular hollow sections:

where f = Fy (conservatively) and is not calculated according to E7-2.

Mn is calculated for the various shapes as follows:

I and [ - sections
In the following tables:

h = twice the distance from the neutral axis to the inside face of the compression flange
less the corner radius.
b = 0.5 bf
Zx = plastic section modulus (major axis)
Sx = elastic modulus (major axis)

RHS (Tube) sections:
In the following equations, h and b are defined as:

h = height - 3t
b = width - 3t
Zx = plastic section modulus (major axis)
Sx = elastic modulus (major axis)

L - section

The program calculates Mn either relative to the geometric axes x,y or the principal axes u,v
according to the selection in the Use principal axes option:

T - section, double-angle


AISC 2005 - LRFD & ASD - Bending - minor axis

The program checks that the bending moment is less than design flexural strength (LRFD) or
the allowable flexural strength (ASD).

LRFD: M fb Mn

ASD: M Mn/b

= 0.90
= 1.67

Mn is determined as follows:

I and [ sections

Identical to "Major axis", but b and h are interchanged.

T - section, double-angle
Identical to "Major axis", except that Sy and Zy are substituted for Sx and Zx, respectively.

Identical to "Major axis".

AISC 2005 - LRFD & ASD - LTB (Major Axis only)

The program checks that the bending moment is less than design flexural strength (LRFD) or
the allowable flexural strength (ASD), calculated for the lateral-torsional buckling limit state.

LRFD: M fb Mn

ASD: M Mn/b


Mn is the minimum between the moment calculated here and the moment calculated for Local

b = 0.90

b = 1.67


The program calculates all result values at: - 1/10 of span intervals, and at points of
intermediate supports.
The designer can specify the exact location of intermediate supports for each member.

Lateral-torsional buckling is calculated individually for each segment between intermediate
supports, and separately along the top and bottom flanges; the calculation is done separately
for positive moments (supports on bottom flange only are considered) and for negative
moments (supports on top flange only are considered).

For tapered members or combined members, the program calculates the lateral-torsional
buckling at 20 intervals along the member length according to the section at each interval and
uses the minimum capacity.

The values for the nominal strengths are determined from equations in Chapter F for all

Values for Cb are calculated as specified in F1-1. If the program determines that the
moment anywhere along the span exceeds the larger of the end moments, Cb = 1. For
cantilevers, Cb = 1

Mn is calculated as follows:

I and [ sections

Lb = buckling length of the segment

- for unbraced structures
Cb = 1.0 - for braced structures or where the maximum moment in the segment is
greater than its end moments.


aw = hc tw/bfc tfc (F4-11)
- for unbraced structures
Cb = 1.0 for braced structures or where the maximum moment in the segment is greater than
its end moments.
rt = radius of gyration of compression flange plus one-sixth of the web

Cb, Fr = as defined for I-section
J = torsional constant for the section


where Me, the lateral-torsional buckling moment, is calculated as follows:

T-sections and double-angles

Not calculated for pipes

AISC 2005 - LRFD & ASD - Axial tension

The program checks that the axial tension force is less than design tensile strength (LRFD) or
the allowable tensile strength (ASD). The tensile strength is the minimum of the tensile yielding
strength in the gross section and the tensile rupture strength in the net section.

Tensile yield strength:
Pu = t Fy Ag (LRFD) (D2-1)
Pu = Fy Ag/ t (ASD)

= 0.90
= 1.67
Ag = gross section area
Fy = specified minimum yield strength

Tensile rupture strength:
Pu = t Fu Ae (LRFD) (D2-2)
Pu = Fu Ae/ y (ASD)

= 0.75
= 2.00
Ae = effective net area, i.e. the gross area multiplied by the "tension area reduction
factor" defined by the user.
Fu = specified minimum tensile strength according to Tables 1 and 4 of the "Manual of
Steel Construction". (If the user selects a steel grade by entering a value for Fy, the
program calculates a value for Fu by interpolating the values in the Tables).

AISC 2005 - LRFD & ASD - Axial compression

The program checks that the axial compression force is less than design compression strength
(LRFD) or the allowable compression strength (ASD).

LRFD: P fc Pn

ASD: P Pn/v

= 0.90
= 1.67
Pn = Fcr Ag (E3-1)
Ag = gross section area
Fcr = flexural buckling stress, calculated as follows:

Members without slender elements:

Members with slender elements:

Q = 1.0 for members with compact and non-compact sections
Q = Qs Qa for members with slender-element sections

Qs, the reduction factor for slender unstiffened elements, is calculated as follows:
flanges projecting from rolled I, T and [ sections:

flanges projecting from built-up I, T and [ sections:

Single and double angles:

Stems of T-sections:

RHS sections:
Qs =1.00 in all cases.

Qa, the reduction factor for slender stiffened elements, is calculated as follows:

Qa = Aeff / A (E7-16)

Aeff = effective area based on the reduced effective width, be
A = total cross section area

I and [ sections:

where f = Pn/Aeff

RHS sections:

where f = Pn/Aeff

Pipe sections:

Angles, T-sections
Qa = 1.0

The program may be instructed to calculate kx and ky, the effective length factors, according to
the Alignment Chart in Figure C-C2.3 or C-C2.4 (Commentary) or the values may be input
directly by the designer (a default value of 1.00 is assumed by the program for all members).

The program calculates the slenderness = K l/r between support points in both local axis
directions. The program compares the maximum slenderness to the user-defined limits for
compression or tension according to the sign of the axial force in the member.

For double angles and double channels, the program calculates the number of fasteners
required so that the slenderness ratio of the component angles between fasteners does not
exceed 75% of the governing slenderness ratio of the built-up section. A minimum of one
fastener is assumed.

For tapered members or combined beams with different properties, the program calculates the
exact Euler buckling load for the member and then finds an equivalent length l1 for a member
with the minimum area which gives the same Euler buckling load. The minimum area and the
length l1 are used in all the equations.

AISC 2005 - LRFD & ASD - Combined forces

The governing equations are:

Pc, Mc:

Pr = axial tension/compression force acting on the segment
Mcx, Mcy = the design/allowable flexural strength calculated according to Bending -
without LTB, Bending - minor axis and Lateral-torsional buckling
Mrx, Mry = the required flexural strength:

for flexure and compression-

Cm = 0.6 - 0.4 (M1 / M2) : not loaded between supports (C2-4)
= 1.00 : loaded between supports ( > self-weight) ; pinned
= 0.85 : fixed member

= 1.0 (LRFD)
= 1.6 (ASD)

Toro - Geral

O clculo da toro em perfis soldados/laminados baseado na seguinte publicao:

AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
Steel Design Guide Series - 9
"Torsional Analysis of Structural Steel Members"
by P.A. Seaburg and C.J. Carter, 1997

Os momentos de toro aplicados em uma seo aberta gera uma rotao (toro) e um
empenamento da seo:

A toro pura gera somente tenses de cisalhamento na seo, enquanto o empenamento
gera tenses de cisalhamento e normais. Por exemplo, para uma seo I, temos:

O programa faz as seguintes verificaes:

Tenses de cisalhamento:
bx + by + t + w admissvel

bx, by
= tenses de cisalhamento devido ao momentos fletores em x e y. Note que a
tenso de cisalhamento exata calculada para todos os nveis pela
equao b = VQ/It (a mdia das tenses de cisalhamento V/Av utilizada
na verificao da cortante).
t, w
= tenses de cisalhamento devido a toro pura e ao empenamento, como
mostrado acima.
= tenso admissvel de cisalhamento.

Tenses Normais:

= tenso axial
bx, by
= tenses devido aos momentos em x e y
= tenso normal devido ao empenamento, como mostrado acima.
= tenses admissveis para fora axial, momento e empenamento. Note que o
programa calcula os valores 'local' e 'global' (efeitos de segunda ordem)
para axial e momento, utilizando o pior valor.

Por exemplo, AISC-LRFD:

O programa faz o clculo para cada 1/10 do vo, ou seja, em 11 pontos equidistantes ao longo
do comprimento da barra (ou de cada membro de uma barra combinada).

As tenses tambm so verificadas em vrios pontos na seo transversal:

Sees I ::

Sees U:


Normal: o ponto 2 ser sempre governar se a "pior localizao" for especificada na
orientao do flange.

Cisalhamento (toro): o ponto 3 o ponto da tenso cisalhante mxima a toro.

Sees Caixa (RHS) e Tubos:

sees planas permanecem planas, ou seja, no h empenamento.

o programa assume que as tenses devido toro so distribudas uniformemente ao longo
da face da seo; as tenses so verificadas no ponto de mximo bx, by.

Sees T e Cantoneiras:

tenses de empenamento em sees T so geralmente baixas e so ignoradas pelo

As tenses de cisalhamento so verificadas no ponto de mximo bx, by.


Perfis de chapa dobrada e sees definidas pelo usurio:
O programa verifica as tenses nas extremidades de cada segmento do perfil e nos pontos
de mximo b ou w ao longo do segmento. Toro e Empenamento no sero calculados
para sees fechadas.


Sees variveis e barras combinadas compostas por diferentes sees: o clculo da toro
e empenamento no so exatos. No clculo da funo de rotao em qualquer ponto ao
longo do comprimento da barra, o programa assume que a barra inteira possui as
propriedades encontradas neste ponto.

Veja mais informaes em Procedimentos de Clculo de cada Norma.

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