Mechanical Properties and A Physical-Chemical Analysis of Acetate Yarns

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Mechanical Properties and a Physical-Chemical Analysis of Acetate Yarns

R. Pocienė1∗, R. Žemaitaitienė2, A. Vitkauskas1

Department of Textile Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 56, LT-3031 Kaunas, Lithuania
Department of Organic Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu 19, LT-3028 Kaunas, Lithuania
Received 30 September 2003; accepted 26 October 2003
Cellulose acetate used in the manufacture of acetate yarns is commonly obtained from cotton-linters or wood-pulp
cellulose. Varying in the origin and in the manufacturer, cellulose acetate often differs in its processability. The paper
belongs to the investigation the properties of acetate yarns manufactured of the cellulose acetate varied in its origin and
manufactured by different suppliers. Mechanical properties (including stress relaxation and frictional behaviour) of
acetate multifilament yarns as well as physical-chemical properties of acetate fibre substance are investigated. Regular
discrete relaxation time spectrum of acetate yarns is determined using the generalized Maxwell model. Experiments
showed that the origin of cellulose acetate does not have great influence on mechanical properties of the acetate yarns,
however, the yarn manufactured from wood-pulp-originated cellulose acetate have little advantage against others in
strength and extensibility, and also are more uniform in the properties. Physical-chemical analysis revealed that the fibre
of wood-pulp-originated cellulose acetate has a higher degree of polymerization and a little higher amount of low-
molecular mass fractions. Surface friction of the yarns lubricated with different lubricants is also investigated.
Keywords: cellulose acetate, yarn, mechanical properties, stress relaxation, Maxwell model, friction, degree of

INTRODUCTION∗ acetate yarns made from cellulose acetate of different

origin. Special attention is concentrated on impact that the
Cellulose acetate fibres amounts approximately one
degree of the polymerization and the amount of low-
tenth of the textile-purpose man-made cellulosic fibres and
molecular mass fractions in the fibre may have influence to
about 3.8 % of all man-made fibres [1]. The production of
mechanical properties of yarns [6].
man-made cellulosic fibres is on certain decline as several
viscose fibre producers have been eliminated during last THE INVESTIGATED MATERIALS
decades. This is due to the fact that a viscose process is a
real burden for the environment and the operating A set of multifilament air-jet intermingled acetate
personnel [2]. With the situation a role of acetate fibre in yarns, manufactured in Kaunas based joint-stock company
everyday textile usage becomes especially significant. “Dirbtinis pluoštas”, was chosen for the investigation
World production of acetate multifilament yarns amounted (Table 1). The yarns were lubricated by lubricants Silastol
over 300 thousands tons per year in 1998 [3], and it further S1 (Germany), A-1 (Russia) and VIPOIL-AVMP (Italy).
continues to increase in (2 – 3) % annually. Table 1. The investigated acetate yarns
Acetate yarns are used in both weaving and knitting:
for women’s, men’s and children’s wear, linings and home Nominal
Yarn Producer
linear Lubricant
furnishings. The products made from acetate yarns are code of cellulose acetate
density, tex
comfortable as they breathe and transport moisture away
from the body, they present no problems with static CAA 16.6 Celanese (USA) Silastol S1
electricity, are fully biodegradable, have good drape, CAF 16.6 Azot (Uzbekistan) Silastol S1
pleasant handle, “silky” gloss. They are easily dyed and CAE 16.6 Engels (Russia) Silastol S1
printed with various colours, do not shrink after washing CAA1 16.6 Celanese (USA) A-1
and do not form pills on the surface. At present time CAA2 16.6 Celanese (USA) VIPOIL-ACMP
acetate fibre is one of the softest fibres available.
CAA3 8.4 Celanese (USA) without lubricant
Cellulose acetate used in the manufacture of acetate
CAA4 8.4 Celanese (USA) Silastol S1
fibre is obtained from natural cellulose, cotton fibre and
cotton linters or wood-pulp being its major source [4, 5]. CAA5 8.4 Celanese (USA) A-1
At present time the choice of these raw materials is The origin of cellulose acetate used in the
market-led. However, the raw materials, varying from one manufacturing of the yarns with codes CAA and
supplier to other, differ in their processability and may CAA1 - CAA5 was wood-pulp cellulose while the cotton
have influence to the characteristics of spun thread. cellulose was the origin of cellulose acetate used in the
The objective of this research is to identify and manufacturing of the yarns CAE and CAF.
compare the mechanical (including time-dependent and
frictional behaviour) and physical-chemical properties of EXPERIMENTAL METHODS
Mechanical properties. All experiments were carried

Corresponding author: Tel.: +370-37-353862 ; fax: +370-37-353989.
out in standard atmospheres for testing according to the
E-mail address: (R. Pocienė) standard ISO 139.

Tensile properties of the yarns were determined using D0 and Di were calculated by the same procedure as it has
universal testing machine “Zwick/Z005”. The stress-strain been described in [8].
curves of the yarn were obtained following the standard Physical-chemical properties. The investigated
ISO 2062. physical-chemical-characteristics of the fibre substance of
Coefficient of kinetic friction of the moving acetate the yarns CAA, CAE and CAF are:
yarn against the steel frictional cylinder with polished • The degree of the polymerization;
chromium surface was measured by two different methods: • The amount of low-molecular mass fractions;
on “F-Meter” (Rothschild Instruments), and on “Buckle- • The amount of the conjunct acetic acid;
Pollitt Tester” [7]. In the measurements by “F-Meter” the • The moisture content.
moving yarn speed was 50 m/min, and in the Since the investigated yarns were lubricated in
measurements by “Buckle-Pollitt Tester” – 100 m/min. spinning, it was essential to remove the lubricant before
The measurement of coefficient of friction (µ) of the the performance of all physical-chemical tests. The
moving yarn is based on Euler’s formula: following de-lubrication procedure was applied. A test
T2 sample of the yarn was dipped in the solution composed of
= e µθ , (1) the water, 0.5 g/l of soda and 1.0 g/l of non-ionogenic
detergent, and retained for a half of an hour at the
where T1 is the run-on tension of the yarn; T2 is the run-off temperature (50 – 60) °C. After that, the solution was
tension of the yarn; θ is the contact angle with the poured out and the yarn was rinsed in distilled water. The
frictional cylinder. procedure was repeated several times until phenolphthalein
Viscoelastic behaviour of the yarns was revealed by test showed the neutral reaction.
means of stress relaxation tests. The gauge length in the After de-lubrication the yarn test sample was dried at
tests was 800 mm. The yarns under pretension of the temperature (105 – 100) °C until constant mass, then
2.4 mN/tex were subjected to constant rate extension of cut in about 1 mm lengths to prepare test specimens and
1.25 %/s up to the elongation level εt and sustained at this they are again dried at the same temperature until constant
constant level. The elongation levels were different: mass. All operations with “clean” fibre specimen were
εt = 1, 2, 5, 7, and 10 %. Stress relaxation was observed performed following the methodology of the analysis of
and registered from the initial instant as the elongation cellulose acetate [9].
reached the level εt (t* = 0) up to the time t* = 1000 s. The degree of polymerization of the fibre polymer was
Calculation the relaxation time spectrum. Regular established by the method of viscosimetry. Fibre specimen
discrete relaxation time spectrum [8] was calculated from of 0.25 g, weighed at accuracy of 0.0002 g, is dissolved in
the experimental relaxation curves of the yarns using the acetone. The time of the outflow of the polymer solution in
generalized Maxwell model consisting of a set of Maxwell acetone (tP) and of the solvent itself (tS) from the
units connected in parallel. To represent equilibrium stress viscosimeter is measured separately. Specific viscosity of
on the model, a single Hookean spring is also connected in cellulose acetate is:
parallel to the set of Maxwell units (Fig. 1). η = (t P − t S ) / tT . (3)
The degree of polymerization (nP) is obtained by the
Staudinger formula:
nP = η /( k × cS ) , (4)
where k is a constant (k ≈ 9.9⋅10 ); cS is a concentration of

the acetate solution, g/l.

The fibre moisture content in % was determined by
masses of the air-dry (ma) and the constant-mass dried (md)
Fig. 1. Generalized Maxwell model
test specimen of 0.5 g (accuracy of weighing 0.0002 g):
Stress relaxation of the constant rate vt strained model M = 100(ma − md ) / ma . (5)
at εt = const is defined by
n To determine the amount of low-molecular mass
F = D0ε t + vt ∑ Diτ i Gi exp(− t * / τ i ) , (2) fractions in the fibre polymer, the method of dissolving the
i =1 fibre in the acetone-water solution (55 : 45 %) was applied.
where Gi = exp[− ε t (vtτ i )] ; D0 and Di are the elasticity The procedure is the following [9]. The air-dry fibre test
constants of the model springs; τi is relaxation time of the specimen of 10 g, weighed at accuracy of 0.0002 g, is put
i-th Maxwell unit (i = 1, 2, …, n). into the 250 ml bulb and poured over with the solvent
As in stress relaxation tests the time t* approximately solution. The bulb with the suspension is stirred at the
covered five orders, i.e., from t* = 0.1 s to t* = 1000 s, we temperature (20 ±2) °C for one hour, and then at
included five Maxwell units in the model (n = 5) and a (200 – 300) mm Hg pressure passed through the Buchner
priori determined the following their relaxation times: filter, in which the top layer is a cotton cloth and the
bottom layer is the filter paper. Both layers and the petri
τ1 = 0.1 s, τ2 = 1 s, τ3 = 10 s, τ4 = 100 s, and τ5 = 1000 s. saucer of the filter are dried until the constant mass and
Differing the values of relaxation times of the Maxwell weighed. The precipitate is twice rinsed in the solution,
units exactly by one order, the model possesses regular and later the filters, the percipitate and the petri saucer are
discrete relaxation time spectrum. The model coefficients once again dried until the constant mass and then

weighted. The amount of low-molecular mass fractions is
obtained by the formula: 120

Specific stress, mN/tex

 m 2 − m1  100
F = 1001 − ,
 (6)
 m a (1 − 0.01M )  80
where m1 is a mass of petri saucer with a filter; m2 is a 60 CAF CAE
mass of petri saucer with a filter and percipate; ma is a
mass of the air-dry test specimen; M is moisture content of
the test specimen, %. 20
The amount of the conjunct acetic acid is determined 0
by the following procedure [9]. The dry fibre test specimen 0 5 10 15 20 25
of 0.7 g, weighed at accuracy of 0.0002 g, is put into a
glass bulb and poured over with 5 ml of ethyle alcohol. Elongation, %
After the specimen moistens, 20 ml of 0.5 N caustic soda
solution are instilled into the bulb. The bulb is then Fig. 2. Stress-strain curves of acetate yarns
stoppled with the Bunzen cork and retained in the Table 2. Tensile properties of acetate yarns
thermostat for 2.5 hours at the temperature (60 ±1) °C. At
the end of heating the content of the bulb is refreshed to Yarn code
the normal temperature, and 3 – 4 drops of phenolphtalein Characteristics
are instilled into. The inside is titrated by 0.5 N CAA CAE CAF
hydrochloric acid solution until the color clears out, and Linear density, tex 16.8 16.2 16.3
then 4 ml of hydrochloric acid are again added. The inside
Breaking tenacity, mN/tex 120.0 110.0 109.0
is stirred during 5 min, then titrated until rose color by
0.1 N caustic soda solution. In parallel the identical Elongation at break, % 24.5 22.5 21.2
procedure is performed with no-specimen inside the bulb. Initial modulus, N/tex 3.7 3.8 4.4
The amount of the conjunct acetic acid is obtained by Work of rupture, kJ/kg 22.8 20.0 18.7
the formula [9]:
Specific stress at yield point,
  V 2 − V3   mN/tex
70.0 71.0 71.0
(V − V1 ) K 1 −   K 2  ⋅ 0.03 ⋅100
  5   Elongation at yield point, % 2.4 2.5 2.2
A= , (7)
m Coefficients of variation, %:
where V and V1 are the amounts of 0.5 N hydrochloric acid for breaking force 2.1 2.6 2.5
solution, consumed in the no-specimen and the test for elongation at break 4.4 3.5 5.2
specimen titration correspondingly; V2 and V3 are the for initial modulus 6.2 9.7 6.7
amounts of 0.5 N caustic soda solution, consumed in the
no-specimen and the test specimen titration cor- Within the time range from t* = 3 s to t* = 1000 s yarn
respondingly; K1 and K2 are the corrective coefficients for stress values at the elongation levels 5 % and 7 %, i.e.,
the titres of hydrochloric acid and caustic soda above yield point, are even lower than at elongation 2 %.
correspondingly (K1 = 1; K2 =1.02); m is the mass of the Similar effect for impact-strained acetate yarn has been
acetate test specimen; 0.03 is the amount of hydrochloric previously observed by Meredith [10] as well for triacetate
acid (in grams), corresponding to 1 ml of 0.5 N caustic yarn – by Vitkauskas [8]. Relaxation curves of CAE and
soda solution. CAF yarns are almost identical to those of CAA yarn. The
exception is the behaviour of CAF yarn below the yield
point. As the yarn is more rigid, its stress relaxation curve
Mechanical properties. Some of characteristic yarn
stress-strain curves obtained in the tests are shown in 75
Figure 2, whereas the values of measured tensile 5 4
Specific stress, mN/tex

parameters are listed in Table 2. 65

As it can be seen, tensile properties of all types of yarn
slightly depend on the origin of cellulose acetate. The yarn 3,4 1 2 5
CAA manufactured from the cellulose acetate of wood- 45
pulp origin is advantaged against the others both in
strength and extensibility. This was confirmed by t-test. 35
The yarn CAA is also more uniform – the coefficients of 25
variation of the parameters are lower than of other yarns.
0,1 1 10 100 1000
The yarn CAF, manufactured from the cellulose acetate
obtained from the factory “Azot” is little more rigid, the Time, s
initial modulus being the highest one.
The experimental stress relaxation curves of CAA yarn Fig. 3. Stress relaxation curves of acetate yarn CAA.
are shown in Fig. 3. It is seen from the curves that with Elongation (εt): 1 – 1 %; 2 – 2 %; 3 – 5 %; 4 – 7 %;
higher elongations the intensity of relaxation increases. 5 – 10 % (the dotted line is for the yarn CAF at εt = 1 %)

at εt = 1 % (Fig. 3, dotted line) lies higher than those of cylinder was so high that the yarn always broke down
other yarns. during the test.
In Figure 4 the dependence of the relaxation time Table 3. Coefficient of friction of the acetate yarns
spectrum on elongation εt is shown, calculated for the yarn
CAA. It is seen that below the yield point with increase of Coefficient of friction
elongation εt the intensity of both the short and long Yarn
relaxation times in the spectrum slightly increases. Above code measured by measured by
the yield point with increase of elongation εt the spectrum “F-Meter” “Buckle-Pollitt Tester”
markedly moves towards the shorter relaxation times with CAA 0.42 0.66
sharp increase of the shortest relaxation times and slight
CAF 0.41 –
decrease of the longer relaxation times.
CAE 0.53 –
CAA1 0.34 0.56
CAA2 0.30 0.52
CAA3 broken –
Di , mN/(tex%)

CAA4 0.42 0.66

CAA5 0.46 0.64
As it also is seen in the Table 3, the coefficients of
friction measured by the “Buckle-Pollitt Tester” are
0 approximately 1.5 times higher than measured by
10 “F-meter”. One of the reasons of this difference may be the
0,1 7
1 5 different speed of yarn movement in both of testers.
10 2 Elongation,
1000 1 Nevertheless, the values of friction coefficient measured
Time, s %
by both testers for the set of yarns correlate between
Fig. 4. Dependence of the regular discrete relaxation time themselves: the relationship between the data of both the
spectrum on elongation for the yarn CAA testers (Fig. 5) is seen evidently to be linear with quite high
It seems that such characteristic behaviour of acetate coefficient of determination.
yarns is first of all determined by the existence a distinct
yield point in the stress-strain curve of the acetate fibre. 0,50
When the yield point is reached in extension, considerable
amount of secondary bonds breaks in a fibre structure and 0,45
F-Meter data

the segments of macromolecules become reasonably

released to straighten very fast. The breakage of secondary
bonds in the yarn sustained at elongations above yield 0,35
point continues, therefore stress relaxation is so intensive.
It should be also noted that the acetate yarns being tested 0,30 y = 0,9515x - 0,1905
are air-jet intermingled yarns. This feature of yarn structure R 2 = 0,8634
also can affect the character of relaxation as the filaments 0,25
deform and relax in a different way in the intermingled 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,70
points and in the not intermingled regions. Buckle-Pollitt tester data
Low surface friction is commonly desirable in such
processing of yarns as winding, warping, etc. Therefore
acetate yarns are always lubricated on spinning machine. Fig. 5. Relationship between the yarn friction coefficients
By frictional tests we intended to acquire more information obtained by different methods
about the surface peculiarities of the yarns manufactured of Physical-chemical properties. The results of physi-
cellulose acetate of different origin and also of the yarns cal-chemical experiments on fibre substance of the acetate
lubricated by different lubricants. yarns are presented in Tables 4 and 5. The fibre codes
The measuring results are given in Table 3. It is seen presented in the Tables are relevant to the codes of the
that coefficients of friction of the CAE yarn are much yarns.
higher than those of CAF and CAA yarns. It seems, not the
Table 4. Moisture content and the amount of the conjunct acetic
origin of cellulose acetate but the other technological
acid in the acetate fibre
peculiarities must be the reason of the difference in
frictional properties of the yarns CAE and CAF. The Moisture Amount of the conjunct
influence of different lubricants on the coefficient of Fibre code
content, % acetic acid, %
friction is not very distinct, however, the lubricants
VIPOIL-ACMP and A-1 are a little superior to Silastol S1 CAA 5.41 53.0
lubricant. It was impossible to measure coefficient of CAF 5.62 50.4
friction of the yarn CAA3 that was not lubricated. In this
CAE 5.31 52.3
case the friction formed between the yarn and the friction

Table 5. The degree of the polymerization and the amount of low-molecular mass fractions in the acetate fibre

Time of outflow Specific Concentration Degree of Amount of low-molecular mass

of polymer, s viscosity (η) of solution, g/l polymerization fractions, %
Acetone 51.7 – – – –
CAA 105.6 1.04 4.72 224 4.6
CAF 88.5 0.71 4.72 152 3.6
CAE 100.9 0.95 4.71 204 0.0

The experimental results indicate that CAA fibre is Physical-chemical experiments revealed that the fibre
composed of longer macromolecules than others as its of wood-pulp-originated cellulose acetate has a higher
degree of polymerization is the highest. The fibre also degree of polymerization and a little higher amount of low-
implicates little higher amount of low-molecular mass molecular mass fractions, while the moisture content and
fractions. Moreover, the fibre CAA contains more acetyle the amount of conjunct acetic acid showed no distinct
groups in its constitution. This coincides well with the differences between the cellulose acetate of different
lower moisture content of the fibre origin.
It is interesting to note that CAF and CAE fibres, i.e.,
the both fibres manufactured of cellulose acetate of cotton Acknowledgments
origin, markedly differ not only by mechanical but also by The authors express their gratitude to JSC “Dirbtinis
physical-chemical properties, the CAE fibre having rather pluoštas” (Kaunas, Lithuania) and personally to
significant advantage. The facts lead to presumption of Dr. J. Mackevičienė for supplying yarn samples to be
different peculiarities of cotton cellulose acetylation in investigated and for continuous interest to this research.
Azot and Engels enterprises. It is interesting that the
amount of low-molecular mass fractions in the fibre CAE REFERENCES
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