Mechanical Properties and A Physical-Chemical Analysis of Acetate Yarns
Mechanical Properties and A Physical-Chemical Analysis of Acetate Yarns
Mechanical Properties and A Physical-Chemical Analysis of Acetate Yarns
Tensile properties of the yarns were determined using D0 and Di were calculated by the same procedure as it has
universal testing machine “Zwick/Z005”. The stress-strain been described in [8].
curves of the yarn were obtained following the standard Physical-chemical properties. The investigated
ISO 2062. physical-chemical-characteristics of the fibre substance of
Coefficient of kinetic friction of the moving acetate the yarns CAA, CAE and CAF are:
yarn against the steel frictional cylinder with polished • The degree of the polymerization;
chromium surface was measured by two different methods: • The amount of low-molecular mass fractions;
on “F-Meter” (Rothschild Instruments), and on “Buckle- • The amount of the conjunct acetic acid;
Pollitt Tester” [7]. In the measurements by “F-Meter” the • The moisture content.
moving yarn speed was 50 m/min, and in the Since the investigated yarns were lubricated in
measurements by “Buckle-Pollitt Tester” – 100 m/min. spinning, it was essential to remove the lubricant before
The measurement of coefficient of friction (µ) of the the performance of all physical-chemical tests. The
moving yarn is based on Euler’s formula: following de-lubrication procedure was applied. A test
T2 sample of the yarn was dipped in the solution composed of
= e µθ , (1) the water, 0.5 g/l of soda and 1.0 g/l of non-ionogenic
detergent, and retained for a half of an hour at the
where T1 is the run-on tension of the yarn; T2 is the run-off temperature (50 – 60) °C. After that, the solution was
tension of the yarn; θ is the contact angle with the poured out and the yarn was rinsed in distilled water. The
frictional cylinder. procedure was repeated several times until phenolphthalein
Viscoelastic behaviour of the yarns was revealed by test showed the neutral reaction.
means of stress relaxation tests. The gauge length in the After de-lubrication the yarn test sample was dried at
tests was 800 mm. The yarns under pretension of the temperature (105 – 100) °C until constant mass, then
2.4 mN/tex were subjected to constant rate extension of cut in about 1 mm lengths to prepare test specimens and
1.25 %/s up to the elongation level εt and sustained at this they are again dried at the same temperature until constant
constant level. The elongation levels were different: mass. All operations with “clean” fibre specimen were
εt = 1, 2, 5, 7, and 10 %. Stress relaxation was observed performed following the methodology of the analysis of
and registered from the initial instant as the elongation cellulose acetate [9].
reached the level εt (t* = 0) up to the time t* = 1000 s. The degree of polymerization of the fibre polymer was
Calculation the relaxation time spectrum. Regular established by the method of viscosimetry. Fibre specimen
discrete relaxation time spectrum [8] was calculated from of 0.25 g, weighed at accuracy of 0.0002 g, is dissolved in
the experimental relaxation curves of the yarns using the acetone. The time of the outflow of the polymer solution in
generalized Maxwell model consisting of a set of Maxwell acetone (tP) and of the solvent itself (tS) from the
units connected in parallel. To represent equilibrium stress viscosimeter is measured separately. Specific viscosity of
on the model, a single Hookean spring is also connected in cellulose acetate is:
parallel to the set of Maxwell units (Fig. 1). η = (t P − t S ) / tT . (3)
The degree of polymerization (nP) is obtained by the
Staudinger formula:
nP = η /( k × cS ) , (4)
where k is a constant (k ≈ 9.9⋅10 ); cS is a concentration of
weighted. The amount of low-molecular mass fractions is
obtained by the formula: 120
at εt = 1 % (Fig. 3, dotted line) lies higher than those of cylinder was so high that the yarn always broke down
other yarns. during the test.
In Figure 4 the dependence of the relaxation time Table 3. Coefficient of friction of the acetate yarns
spectrum on elongation εt is shown, calculated for the yarn
CAA. It is seen that below the yield point with increase of Coefficient of friction
elongation εt the intensity of both the short and long Yarn
relaxation times in the spectrum slightly increases. Above code measured by measured by
the yield point with increase of elongation εt the spectrum “F-Meter” “Buckle-Pollitt Tester”
markedly moves towards the shorter relaxation times with CAA 0.42 0.66
sharp increase of the shortest relaxation times and slight
CAF 0.41 –
decrease of the longer relaxation times.
CAE 0.53 –
CAA1 0.34 0.56
CAA2 0.30 0.52
CAA3 broken –
Di , mN/(tex%)
Table 5. The degree of the polymerization and the amount of low-molecular mass fractions in the acetate fibre
The experimental results indicate that CAA fibre is Physical-chemical experiments revealed that the fibre
composed of longer macromolecules than others as its of wood-pulp-originated cellulose acetate has a higher
degree of polymerization is the highest. The fibre also degree of polymerization and a little higher amount of low-
implicates little higher amount of low-molecular mass molecular mass fractions, while the moisture content and
fractions. Moreover, the fibre CAA contains more acetyle the amount of conjunct acetic acid showed no distinct
groups in its constitution. This coincides well with the differences between the cellulose acetate of different
lower moisture content of the fibre origin.
It is interesting to note that CAF and CAE fibres, i.e.,
the both fibres manufactured of cellulose acetate of cotton Acknowledgments
origin, markedly differ not only by mechanical but also by The authors express their gratitude to JSC “Dirbtinis
physical-chemical properties, the CAE fibre having rather pluoštas” (Kaunas, Lithuania) and personally to
significant advantage. The facts lead to presumption of Dr. J. Mackevičienė for supplying yarn samples to be
different peculiarities of cotton cellulose acetylation in investigated and for continuous interest to this research.
Azot and Engels enterprises. It is interesting that the
amount of low-molecular mass fractions in the fibre CAE REFERENCES
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