Interactive Rendering Using The Render Cache: Abstract
Interactive Rendering Using The Render Cache: Abstract
Interactive Rendering Using The Render Cache: Abstract
B.P. 53, F-38041 Grenoble, Cedex 9, France
University of Utah
Interactive rendering requires rapid visual feedback. The render cache is a new
method for achieving this when using high-quality pixel-oriented renderers such
as ray tracing that are usually considered too slow for interactive use. The render cache provides visual feedback at a rate faster than the renderer can generate
complete frames, at the cost of producing approximate images during camera and
object motion. The method works both by caching previous results and reprojecting them to estimate the current image and by directing the renderers sampling
to more rapidly improve subsequent images.
Our implementation demonstrates an interactive application working with both
ray tracing and path tracing renderers in situations where they would normally
be considered too expensive. Moreover we accomplish this using a software only
implementation without the use of 3D graphics hardware.
1 Introduction
In rendering, interactivity and high quality are often seen as competing and even mutually exclusive goals. Algorithms such as ray tracing [29] and path tracing [14] are
widely used to produce high-quality, visually compelling images that include complex
effects such as reections, refraction, and global illumination. However, they have generally been considered too computationally expensive for interactive use.
Interactive use has typically been limited to lower-quality, often hardware accelerated rendering algorithms such as wireframe or scan-conversion. While these are
perfectly adequate for many applications, often it would be preferable to achieve interactivity while preserving, as much as possible, the quality of a more expensive renderer.
For example, it is desirable to use the same renderer when editing a scene as will be
used for the nal images or animation.
The goal of this work is to show how high quality ray-based rendering algorithms
can be combined with the the high framerates needed for interactivity, using only a level
of computational power that is widely and cheaply available today. Once achieved, this
creates a compelling visual interface that users quickly nd addictive and are reluctant
to relinquish. In the typical visual feedback loop, as illustrated in Figure 1(a), the
expense of the renderer often strictly limits the achievable framerate 2.
The render cache is a new technique to overcome this limitation and allow interactive rendering in many cases where this was previously infeasible. The renderer is
shifted out of the synchronous part of the visual feedback loop and a new display process introduced to handle image generation as illustrated in Figure 1(b). This greatly
display proc
Fig. 1. (a) The traditional interactive visual feedback loop where the framerate is limited by the
speed of the renderer. (b) The modied loop using the render-cache which decouples display
framerate from the speed of the renderer.
reduces the framerates dependence on the speed of the renderer. The display process,
however, does not replace the renderer and depends on it for all shading computations.
The display process caches recent results from the renderer as shaded 3D points,
reprojects these to quickly estimate the current image, and directs the renderers future
sampling. Reprojection alone would result in numerous visual artifacts, however, many
of these can be handled by some simple lters. For the rest we introduce several strategies to detect and prioritize regions with remaining artifacts. New rendering samples
are concentrated accordingly to rapidly improve subsequent images. Sampling patterns
are generated using an error diffusion dither to ensure good spatial distributions and to
mediate between our different sampling strategies.
The render cache is designed to make few assumptions about the underlying rendering algorithm so that it can be used with different renderers. We have demonstrated
it with both ray tracing [29] and path tracing [14] rendering algorithms and shown that
it allows them to be used interactively using far less computational power than was
previously required. Even when the renderer is only able to produce a low number
of new samples or pixels per frame (e.g., 1/64th of image resolution), we are able to
achieve satisfactory image quality and good interactivity. Several frames taken from an
interactive session are shown in Figure 2.
1.1 Previous Work
The render cache utilizes many different techniques and ideas to achieve its goal of
interactivity including progressive renement for faster feedback, exploiting spatiotemporal image coherence, using reprojection to reuse previously results, image space
sparse sampling heuristics, decoupling rendering and display framerates, and parallel processing. The contribution of the render cache is to show how these ideas can
be adapted and used simultaneously in a context where interactivity is considered of
paramount importance, in a way that is both novel and effective.
One way to provide faster visual feedback and enhanced interactivity is to provide
the user with approximate intermediate results rather than waiting for exact results to
be available. This is often known as progressive renement and has been used by many
researchers (e.g., the golden thread of [3] or progressive radiosity [9]).
Many researchers have explored ways to exploit spatio-temporal image plane coherence to reduce the computational costs in ray tracing sequences of images. With a xed
Fig. 2. Some frames from an interactive editing session using the render cache. The user is given
immediate feedback when changing the viewpoint or moving objects such as the mug and desk
lamp in this ray traced scene. While there are some visual artifacts, object positions are rapidly
updated while other features such as shadows update a little slower. The user can continue to edit
and work without waiting for complete updates. On a single processor, this session ran at 5fps
and lasted about one minute. No graphics hardware acceleration was used. See Appendix for
larger color images.
display process
depth cull
Fig. 3. The display process: The render cache receives and caches sample points from the renderer, which are then projected onto the current image plane. The results are ltered by the depth
culling and interpolation steps to produce the displayed image. A priority image is also generated
which is used to choose which new samples will be requested from the renderer.
image warping to interpolate from neighboring (past and future) rendered frames. One
drawback is that the system must predict far enough into the future to render frames
before they are needed for interpolation. This is trivial for a pre-scripted animation, but
extremely difcult in an interactive context.
Another example is the holodeck [15] which was designed as a more interactive front end for Radiance [28]. It combines precomputation, reprojection, and online
uniform sampling to greatly increase interactivity as compared to the Radiance system
alone. Unlike the render cache though, it is not designed to handle dynamic scenes or
long continuous camera motions and uses a less sophisticated sampling strategy.
2 Algorithm Overview
Our display process is designed to be compatible with many different renderers. The
main requirement is that the renderer must be able to efciently compute individual rays
or pixels. Thus, for example, ray tracing like renderers are excellent candidates while
scan conversion renderers are not. The display process provides interactive feedback
to the user even when the renderer itself is too slow or expensive to produce complete
images at an interactive rate (though the number of visual artifacts will increase if the
renderer would take more than a few seconds to produce a full image).
There are several essential requirements for our display process. It must rapidly
generate approximations to the current correct image based on the current viewpoint
and the data in the render cache. It must control which rays or samples are rendered next
to rapidly improve future images. It also must manage the render cache by integrating
newly rendered results, and discarding old data when appropriate or necessary.
Image generation consists of projection, depth culling, and interpolation/smoothing
steps. Rendered points from the cache are rst projected onto the current view plane.
We try to enforce correct occlusion both within a pixel by using a z-buffered projection,
and among neighboring pixels using the depth culling step. The interpolation step lls
in small gaps in the often sparse point data and produces the displayed image.
Render Cache
Point Image
3D Location
Object ID
Cache ID
Image ID
Simultaneously, the display process also builds a priority image to guide future
sampling. Because we expect that only a small subset of pixels can be rendered per
frame, it important to direct the rendered sampling to maximize their benet. Each pixel
is given a priority value based on the relative value of rendering a new sample at that
pixel. We then use an error diffusion dither [10] to choose the new samples to request.
Using a dither both concentrates more samples in important regions and ensures that
the samples are well spaced and distributed over the entire image. A diagram of the
display process steps is shown in Figure 3.
3 Image Generation
Images are generated in our display process by projecting rendered points from the
render cache onto an augmented image plane called point image (see Figure 4 for corresponding data elds). The projection step consists of a transform based on the current
camera parameters as specied by the application program and z-buffering to handle the
cases when more than one point maps to the same pixel. Whenever a point is mapped
to a pixel, their corresponding data elds (see Figure 4) are updated appropriately including writing the points color, depth, and a priority based on its age to the pixel.
The raw results of such a projection will contain numerous artifacts as illustrated
in Figure 5. We handle some of the simpler kinds of artifacts using some lters while
relying our sampling algorithm and newly rendered samples to resolve the more difcult artifacts in future frames. We have deliberately chosen to use only fast, simple
techniques and heuristics in our system to keep its computational requirements both as
light and consistent as possible.
3.1 Depth Culling and Smoothing/Interpolation
Some of the points, though formerly visible, may currently lie behind an occluding surface (e.g., due to object or camera motion). Visual artifacts, such as surfaces incorrectly
showing through other surfaces, occur if such points are not removed (see Figure 6).
Fig. 6. Image reconstruction example: The raw projected points image (left) from Figure 5 is
ltered by our depth-cull (middle) and interpolation (right) to produce an image that gives the
correct impression that the surfaces are opaque and continuous.
Projection only removes occluded points if a point from the occluding surface maps to
the same pixel. We remove more occluded points using a depth culling heuristic that
searches for points whose depth is inconsistent with their neighbors.
Each pixels 3x3 neighborhood is examined and an average depth computed, ignoring neighboring pixels without points. If the points depth is signicantly different
from this average, then it is likely that we have points from different surfaces and that
the nearer surface should now be occluding the farther one. Based on this assumption,
we remove the point (i.e. we treat it as if no point had mapped to this pixel) if its depth
is more than some threshold beyond the average depth (currently we use 10%). This
heuristic both correctly removes many points which should have been occluded and
falsely removes some genuinely visible points near depth discontinuity edges. Fortunately the incorrect removal artifacts are largely hidden by the interpolation step.
Next we use an interpolation and smoothing lter to ll in small gaps in the point
image (see Figure 6). For each pixel, we again examine its 3x3 neighborhood and
perform a weighted average 3 of the corresponding colors. The weights are 4, 2, and 1
for center, immediate neighbor, and diagonal neighbors respectively, and pixels without
points receive zero weight. This average becomes the pixels displayed color except
when there are no points in the neighborhood making the average invalid. Such pixels
either retain the color they had in the previous frame or are displayed as black depending
on the users preference.
The quality of the resulting image depends on how relevant the cached points are to
the current view. Actions such as rapid turning or moving through a wall can temporarily degrade image quality signicantly. Fortunately the sparse sampling and interpolation tend to quickly restore image quality. Typically the image quality becomes usable
again by the time that just one tenth of the cache has been lled with relevant points.
4 Sampling
Choosing which samples the renderer should compute next is another essential function
of the display process. Since we expect that the number of new samples computed per
frame to be much smaller than the number of pixels in the displayed image (typically
by a factor between 8 and 128), it is important to optimize the placement of these sparse
3 As described the system performs some slight smoothing even in fully populated regions. If this is
considered objectionable, smoothing could easily be disabled at those pixels that had a point map to them.
Fig. 7. A image produced by the display process (left) along with its corresponding priority image (middle) and the dithered binary image specifying which sample locations will be requested
next from the renderer. In this case the user is moving toward the upper left and the high priority
regions are due to previously occluded regions becoming visible. Note that the dithering algorithm causes new samples to be concentrated in these high priority regions while staying well
spaced and distributed over the entire image region.
samples. Samples are chosen by rst constructing a grayscale sampling priority image
and then applying an error diffusion dither algorithm. We use several heuristics to give
high priority to pixels that we suspect are likely to contain visual artifacts.
The priority image is generated simultaneously with image reconstruction. Each
point in the render cache has an age which starts at zero and is incremented each frame.
When a point in the render cache maps to a pixel, that pixels priority is set based on
the points age. This reects the intuition that it is more valuable to recompute older
samples since they are more likely to have changed. The priority for other pixels is
set during the interpolation step based on how many of their neighbors had points map
to them. Pixels with no valid neighbors receive the maximum possible priority while
pixels with many valid neighbors receive only a medium priority. The intuition here is
that it is more important to sample regions with lower local point densities rst.
Choosing sampling locations from the priority image is equivalent to turning a
grayscale image into a binary image. We want our samples to have a good spatial distribution so that the image visually renes in a smooth manner by avoiding the clumping
of samples and ensuring that they are distributed over the whole image. We also want
to concentrate more samples in high priority regions so that the image converges more
quickly. A uniform distribution would not properly prioritize pixels, and a priority
queue would not ensure a good spatial distribution. Instead we utilize a simple error
diffusion dithering algorithm [10] to create the binary sample image (see Figure 7).
The dithering approach nicely mediates between our competing sampling goals at the
cost of occasionally requesting a low priority pixel.
In our implementation, scanlines are scanned in alternating directions and the priority at each pixel compared to a threshold value (total priority / # samples to request).
If above threshold, this pixel is requested as a sample and the threshold subtracted from
its priority. Any remaining priority is then propagated, half to the next pixel and half to
the corresponding pixel on the next scanline.
4.1 Premature Aging
By default, points age at a constant rate, but it is often useful to prematurely age points
that are especially likely to be outdated or obsolete. Premature aging encourages the
system to more quickly recompute or discard these points for better performance.
A good example is our color change heuristic. Often a new sample is requested
for a pixel which already contains a point. We consider this a resample, record the old
points index in the sample request, and ensure that the requested ray passes exactly
through the 3D location 4 of the old point. We can then compare the old and new colors
of resampled pixels to detect changes (e.g., due to changes in occlusion or lighting).
If there is a signicant change, then it is likely that nearby pixels have also changed.
Therefore, we prematurely age any points that map to nearby pixels. In this way we
are able to automatically detect regions of change in the image and concentrate new
samples there. Another example is that we prematurely age points which are not visible
in the current frame since it is likely that they are no longer useful.
4.2 Renderer and Application Supplied Hints
While we want our display process to work automatically, we also want to provide
ways for the renderer and application to optionally provide hints to increase the display process effectiveness. For example, the renderer can ag some points as being
more likely to change than others and thus should be resampled sooner. The display
process then ages these points at a faster rate. Some possible candidates are points on
a moving objects, points in their shadows, or points which are part of a specular highlight. Together with the resample color change optimization, this can greatly improve
the display processs ability to track the changes in such features.
The noise inherent in Monte Carlo renderers can cause the display process to falsely
think that a samples color has changed signicantly during resampling. Falsely triggering the color change heuristic can prematurely age still valid points and wastefully
concentrate samples in this region. To avoid this, the renderer can provide a hint that
species the expected amount of noise in a result. This helps the display process to
distinguish between signicant color changes and variation simply due to noise.
We have also added a further optimization to help with moving objects. The application can provide rigid body transforms (e.g., rotation or translation) for objects. The
display process then updates the 3D positions of points in the render cache with the
specied object identiers. This signicantly improves the tracking of moving objects
as compared to resampling alone though resampling is still necessary.
4.3 Cache Management Strategy
We use a xed size render cache that is slightly larger than the number of pixels to be
displayed. Thus each new point or sample must overwrite a previous one in the cache.
The xed size cache helps keep the computational cost low and constant. In dynamic
environments, this also ensures that any stale data will eventually be discarded.
New points or samples that are resamples of an old point (see above) simply overwrite that point in the cache. Since the old point is highly likely to be either redundant
or outdated, this simple strategy works well.
For other new points, we would like to nd some no longer useful point to overwrite.
One strategy is to replace the oldest point in the cache as it is more likely to be obsolete.
However, we decided that doing this exactly would be unnecessarily expensive. Instead
we examine a subset of the cache (e.g., groups of 8 points in a round robin order) and
replace the oldest point found.
4 Otherwise
requested rays are generated randomly within the pixel to reduce aliasing and Moirpatterns.
Initialize buffers
Point projection
Depth cull
Display image
Request new samples
Update render cache
Total time
0.0046 secs
0.0328 secs
0.0085 secs
0.0139 secs
0.0027 secs
0.0053 secs
0.0027 secs
0.0705 secs
Table 1. Timings for the display process generation of a 256x256 image produced on a single
195Mhz R10000 processor. The display process is capable of producing about 14 frames per
second in this case, though the actual framerate may be slower if part of the processors time is
also devoted to renderering.
In all cases tested, the render cache provides a much more interactive experience
than any other method using the same renderers that we are aware of (e.g., [22, 4]). The
reprojection correctly tracks motion and efciently reuses relevant previously rendered
samples. While there are visual artifacts in individual frames, the prioritized sparse
sampling smoothly renes the images and allows us to quickly recover from actions
that make the previous samples irrelevant (e.g., walking through a wall). We still rely
on the renderer for all shading calculations and need it to produce an adequate number
of new samples per frame. Compared to previous methods though, we require far fewer
new samples per frame to maintain good image quality.
All the sessions shown in Figure 8 used 320x320 resolution and ran at around 8 fps.
The rst three sessions used ray tracing and between two and four R10000 processors.
An image from a sequence where the user walks through a door in Greg Larsons cabin
model is shown in the upper left. In the upper right, an ice cream glass has just been
moved in his soda shoppe model, and its shadows are in the process of being updated.
In the lower left, the camera is turning to the right in a scene with many ray traced
effects including extensive reection and refraction.
The lower right of Figure 8 shows a path tracing of Kajiyas original scene. Path
tracing simulates full global illumination and is much more expensive. The four processor version (shown) is no longer really adequate as too few new samples are rendered
per frame resulting in more visual artifacts. Nevertheless, interactivity is still much better than it would be without the render cache. We have demonstrated good interactivity
even in this case when using a sixty processor machine.
6 Conclusions
The render caches modular nature and generic interfaces allows it to be used with a
variety of different renderers. It uses simple and fast algorithms to guarantee a fast
consistent framerate and is designed for interactivity even when rendered samples are
expensive and scarce. Reprojection and ltering intelligently reuse previous results to
generate new images and a new directed sampling scheme tries to maximize the benets
of future rendered results.
Our prototype implementation has shown that we can achieve interactive framerates
using software only for low but reasonable resolutions. We have also shown that it can
enable satisfactory image quality and interactivity even when the renderer is only able
to produce a small fraction of new pixels per frame (e.g., between 1/8 and 1/64 of
the pixels in a frame). We have also demonstrated it working with both ray tracing
and path tracing and efciently using parallel processors ranging from two to sixty
processors. Moreover, we have shown the render cache can handle dynamic scenes
including moving objects and lights.
We believe that the render cache has the potential to signicantly expand the use
of ray tracing and related renderers in interactive applications and provide interactive
users with a much wider selection of renderers and lighting models to choose from.
6.1 Future Work
There are many ways in which the render cache can be further improved. Higher framerates and bigger images are clearly desirable and will require more processing power.
With its xed-size regular data structures and operations, the render cache could benet
from the small-scale SIMD instructions that are becoming common (e.g., AltiVec for
PowerPC and SSE for Pentium III). It is also a good target for graphics hardware acceleration as its basic operations are very similar to those already performed by current
graphics hardware (e.g., 3D point projection, z-buffering, and image ltering).
The lack of good anti-aliasing is one clear drawback of the render cache as presented
here. Unfortunately since anti-aliasing is highly view dependent, we probably do not
want to include anti-aliasing or area sampling within individual elements in the render
cache [8]. This leaves supersampling as the most obvious solution though this will
considerably increase the computational expense of the display process.
Although the render cache works well for renderer mismatch ratios up to 64, more
work is needed to improve its performance at higher ratios. Some of the things that will
be needed are interpolation over larger spatial scales, better very sparse sampling, and
methods to prematurely evict obsolete points from the render cache.
Because the render cache works largely in the image plane, it is an excellent place to
introduce perceptually based optimizations and improvements. Some examples include
introducing dynamic tone mapping models (e.g., [27, 23]) or using perceptual based
sampling strategy (e.g., [5]).
We also like to see our display process used with a wider variety of renderers such
as Radiance [28], bidirectional path tracing, photon maps[12], and the ray-based gather
passes of multipass radiosity methods [7].
We would like to thank people at the Cornell Program of Computer Graphics and especially
Eric Lafortune for helpful early discussions on reprojection. We are indebted to Peter Shirley
for many helpful comments and contributions. Also thanks to Greg Larson for making his mgf
library and models available and special thanks to Al Barr for resurrecting from dusty tapes his
original green glass balls model as used in Jim Kajiyas original paper.
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Fig. 2. Some frames from a render cache session. See main text for more detail.
Fig. 8. Some example images captured from interactive sessions. Some approximation artifacts
are visible but the overall image quality is good. All scenes are ray traced except the lower right
which is path traced. In the upper right image we have just moved the ice cream glass and you
can see its shadow in the process of being updated on the table top.