A Van de Graaff generator consists of a belt running over two metal pulleys, with one pulley surrounded by a hollow metal sphere. Comb electrodes positioned near the bottom and top pulleys charge the belt as it moves. This transfers charge to the sphere, building up its potential. The maximum potential is determined by the sphere's radius and the air's breakdown voltage. Van de Graaff generators are used for demonstration and research purposes, such as accelerating particles for X-rays.
A Van de Graaff generator consists of a belt running over two metal pulleys, with one pulley surrounded by a hollow metal sphere. Comb electrodes positioned near the bottom and top pulleys charge the belt as it moves. This transfers charge to the sphere, building up its potential. The maximum potential is determined by the sphere's radius and the air's breakdown voltage. Van de Graaff generators are used for demonstration and research purposes, such as accelerating particles for X-rays.
A Van de Graaff generator consists of a belt running over two metal pulleys, with one pulley surrounded by a hollow metal sphere. Comb electrodes positioned near the bottom and top pulleys charge the belt as it moves. This transfers charge to the sphere, building up its potential. The maximum potential is determined by the sphere's radius and the air's breakdown voltage. Van de Graaff generators are used for demonstration and research purposes, such as accelerating particles for X-rays.
A Van de Graaff generator consists of a belt running over two metal pulleys, with one pulley surrounded by a hollow metal sphere. Comb electrodes positioned near the bottom and top pulleys charge the belt as it moves. This transfers charge to the sphere, building up its potential. The maximum potential is determined by the sphere's radius and the air's breakdown voltage. Van de Graaff generators are used for demonstration and research purposes, such as accelerating particles for X-rays.
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A simple Van de Graaff-generator consists of a belt of silk, or a similar flexible dielectricmaterial, running over two metal
pulleys, one of which is surrounded by a hollow metal sphere.
[1] Two electrodes, (2) and (7), in the form of comb-shaped rows of sharp metal points, are positioned respectively near to the bottom of the lower pulley and inside the sphere, over the upper pulley. Comb (2) is connected to the sphere, and comb (7) to the ground. A high DC potential (with respect to earth) is applied to roller (3); a positive potential in this example. As the belt passes in front of the lower comb, it receives negative charge that escapes from its points due to the influence of the electric field around the lower pulley, which ionizes the air at the points. As the belt touches the upper roller (6), it transfers some electrons, leaving the roller with a negative charge (if it is insulated from the terminal), which added to the negative charge in the belt generates enough electric field to ionize the air at the points of the upper comb. Electrons then leak from the belt to the upper comb and to the terminal, leaving the belt positively charged as it returns down and the terminal negatively charged. The sphere shields the upper roller and comb from the electric field generated by charges that accumulate at the outer surface of it, causing the discharge and change of polarity of the belt at the upper roller to occur practically as if the terminal were grounded. As the belt continues to move, a constant charging current travels via the belt, and the sphere continues to accumulate negative charge until the rate that charge is being lost (through leakage and corona discharges) equals the charging current. The larger the sphere and the farther it is from ground, the higher will be its final potential. Another method for building Van de Graaff generators is to use the triboelectric effect. The friction between the belt and the rollers, one of them now made of insulating material, or both made with insulating materials at different positions on the triboelectric scale, one above and other below the material of the belt, charges the rollers with opposite polarities. The strong e-field from the rollers then induces a corona discharge at the tips of the pointed comb electrodes. The electrodes then "spray" a charge onto the belt which is opposite in polarity to the charge on the rollers. The remaining operation is otherwise the same as the voltage-injecting version above. This type of generator is easier to build for science fair or homemade projects, since it doesn't require a potentially dangerous high voltage source. The trade-off is that it cannot build up as high a voltage as the other type, that cannot also be easily regulated, and operation may become difficult under humid conditions (which can severely reduce triboelectric effects). Finally, since the position of the rollers can be reversed, the accumulated charge on the hollow metal sphere can either be positive or negative. A Van de Graaff generator terminal doesn't need to be sphere shaped in order to work, and in fact the optimum shape is a sphere with an inward curve around the hole where the belt enters. Since electrically charged conductors have no e- field inside, charges can be added continuously. A rounded terminal minimizes the electric field around it, allowing greater potentials to be achieved without ionization of the surrounding air, or other dielectric gas. Outside the sphere the e-field quickly becomes very strong and applying charges from the outside would soon be prevented by the field. Since a Van de Graaff generator can supply the same small current at almost any level of electrical potential, it is an example of a nearly ideal current source. The maximum achievable potential is approximately equal to the sphere's radius multiplied by the e-field where corona discharges begin to form within the surrounding gas. For example, a polished spherical electrode 30 cm in diameter immersed in air at STP (which has a breakdown voltage of about 30 kV/cm) could be expected to develop a maximum voltage of about 450 kV. The basic use of a Van de Graaf generator is to separate electric charges and build them up, frequently for demonstration purposes. A "big" version can be used to provide a burst of energy for generating X-rays, or for accelerating electrons or protons. The accelerated charges find some practical applications as well as some uses in scientific investigations. It's an electrostatic generator, and it will create a considerable difference of potential
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_uses_of_a_Van_de_Graaf_generator#ixzz215CfqCWL Two main principles of Van De Graff Generator are given below: It is designed on the basis of the property that the charge given to a conductor which is hollow inside, is transferred to the outer surface and scatters uniformly over it. It is founded on the phenomenon of Corona Discharge. Construction of VanDeGraff generator: The diagram of Van DE Graff generator is shown below. There is a large spherical conductor named S having a few meters of radius. It is placed on two pillars at a certain height from the ground. One is P1 and other is P2. A belt made up ofinsulating material is moving over two pulleys P1 and P2. The pulley P2 is present at the center of the spherical conductor S and the pulley P1 is present near the ground. A motor is used whose main function is to create a spin in the belt. Two sharp headed combs, B1 and B2 are used. Spray Comb and collecting comb are the names of B1 and B2 respectively. A discharge tube D is used in which the acceleration of ions is done. The point from where the ions originate is present at the head end of the discharge tube. But the other end of the tube is earthed. The whole apparatus is placed in a steel compartment. Compartment is filled with Nitrogen or Methane. The preassure inside the chamber is maintained very high.
What is the working of a Van De Graff generator? The initial start given to generator is by giving the first comb B1 a positive potential by a strong source of near about 10 4 Volt. Electric wind having a positive charge will be produced. Production of wind occurs due to the discharging of charge from the sharp edges. Belt moves continuously and will reach the sphere on moving. When the belt will reach the sphere an induced negative charge will be produced on the sharp edges of the comb B2. At once a induced positive charge will be produced on the other side of the comb B2. After this shifting of the charge,it will be transferred to sphere S. Similarly, due to the discharging action of the B2, wind will be produced but this will be negatively charged. The negatively charged wind helps to make the positively charged belt neutral. After this the belt will be totally discharged. Again after rotation, the belt will come down. It will take the positive charge from the comb B1. Then again this charge will be taken by the comb B2. The above process repeats again and again. Due to the repetition the charge will start collecting on the sphere S. Charge carrying capacity of the sphere will be shown with the formula. = 4 R In the above eqation, R is the radii of the spherical shell. As we know that V= Q/C Therefore V=Q/ 4 R From the equation it is clear that the potential and charge are directly proportional to each other. As we will increase the charge the V i.e. potential will also increase. The air present around the sphere S will start ionizing when the potential of the spherical belt will cross the value of 3 X 10 6 . 3 X 10 6 is the value of the airs breakdown field. When the ionization of air starts then side by side leakage of charge will also take place. As we have discussed earlier that the generator is packed into a steel compartment filled with gas such as methane or nitrogen. So, leakage is minimized by this steel chamber. Definition in brief: Let V be the potential difference present along the discharge tube and q be the charge present on the ion which is to be accelerated then the energy obtained by the ions will be given by: qV. This is the energy with which the ions strike the aim.