Stock Exchange: Trimester I 2009
Stock Exchange: Trimester I 2009
Stock Exchange: Trimester I 2009
Trimester I
The stock exchange is a highly organized market for the purchase and sale
of second hand quoted or listed securities. Stock exchange is a market in
which securities are bought and sold and it is an essential component of a
developed capital market.
,overnment securities
-t provides the necessary mobility to capital and directs the flow of capital
into profitable and successful enterprises.
Stock exchange transactions are made either for the purpose of investment
or speculation.
-nvestment transactions are made with the idea of earning a return on the
securities by holding them more or less permanently whereas speculative
transactions are made with the intention of making gains by disposing of the
securities at favorable prices.
Speculative transactions does not involve full payment for and taking
delivery of the securities that the speculators have contracted to transfer.
The transaction can be made by the deposit of a fractional part of the price.
The volume of speculative transaction far exceed that of investment
transaction on a stock exchange. -t is therefore argued that speculation is
necessary to ensure sufficient volume and continuity of business in the
stock exchange.
Stag+ 7either buys nor sells but applies for subscription to the new issues
expecting that he can sell them later at a premium.
0ption 2ealing+ 0ption is the right to buy or sell a certain quantity of the
security at a certain price within a certain time. The option to buy is known
as all 0ption and the option to sell is know as a ;ut 0ption. -n an option
dealing$ the speculator is given the right or option to buy or sell$ or both buy
and sell as the case maybe on the settlement day or else he will forfeit the
option money.
arry 0ver !4adla# transaction+ This refers to the facility of carry3over of the
completion of a forward contract to another < next settlement period any
number of times on payment of the badla charge
Over The Counter Exchange of India
The 0T)- was incorporated in 1%%: and became fully operational in 1%%/.
0ver the ounter basically implies trading across the counter in scrips
which are listed on the stock exchange. The minimum issued capital of a
company for eligibility for listing on the 0T)- is "s. 1: lakhs$ sub.ect to a
minimum public offer of equity shares worth "s. /: lakhs. Any company
which wants to list its shares on the 0T)- will have to be sponsored by a
>ethod of price fixation differs b<w 0T)- and other )xchanges. 0n the
0T)- the pricing of scrips is regulated while speculation could cause wide
price fluctuations on the regular exchanges
Over The Counter Exchange of India
Feature !contd"#$
;rice transparency
>akes raising of capital through issues very easy for small$ new and closely held
&ational Stock Exchange !&SE$
apital >arket.
To establish nation wide trading facility for equities$ debts and hybrids.
-t has two segments ie the Cholesale 2ebt market and the apital
;ower to direct the stock exchange to make or amend rules and bye3
The S)4- was constituted in 1%88 by a resolution of ,0- and it was made a statutory
body by the Securities and and )xchange 4oard of -ndia Act$ 1%%/.
"egulates the business in stock exchanges and any other securities market.
onducting research
apital >arket "eforms
The ob.ective of the reforms was to+
5ree ;ricing
)lectronic Trading
-ncreased 2ematerialization
-n 1%%/$ the apital -ssues !ontrol# Act 1%69 was repealed. Since
then issuers of securities can raise resources from the market
without requiring any consent from an authority either for making the
issue or for pricing it. "estrictions on rights and bonus issues have
also been removed. Eowever$ the issuers need to meet the
guidelines of S)4- on disclosure and investor protection.
Electronic Trading+ Till recently$ trading on the stock exchange took place
through an open outcry system. At present$ all the stock exchanges have
adopted on3online screen based electronic trading$ replacing the open
outcry system. )lectronic trading results in+ Transparency$ more efficient
price discovery and reduction in transaction costs. The screen based trading
also offers the advantage of integrating different trading centres all over the
country into a single trading platform.
To contain abnormal price variations$ scrip wise specific daily price bands or
circuit breakers in -ndia were introduced in 1%%& whereby the trading
automatically got suspended if the prices varied either side beyond
8?further trading was allowed only upto the price band.
;rice bands which were originally fixed at 8? were relaxed in Ganuary /:::$
whereby a further variation of 6? in the scrip beyond 8?$ after a cooling off
period of 1: minutes$ was allowed. This was made applicable in the case of
1:: scrips.
-n Gune /:::$ for all scrips under compulsory rolling settlement$ the price
band was relaxed by 8? with half an hour cooling period after the scrip had
hit the initial price band of 8?.
urrently$ the circuit breakers in place are at 1:? with a cooling off period
and subsequently 1&? and /:?.
-n -ndia$ all companies are now required to furnish to the stock exchanges
and also publish mandated unaudited financial results on quarterly basis.