3d Printer Seminar-Report

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The document discusses the history, technologies, process, applications and benefits of 3D printing.

Some of the current 3D printing technologies discussed are stereo lithography, selective laser sintering, multi-jet modeling and inkjet 3D printing.

Some of the steps involved in 3D printing discussed are CAD preparation, 3D printing, and cleaning 3D printouts including powder removal, heating and finishing touch.


Submitted for the partial fulfillment of award
Degree of Bahelor! of Tehnolog"
#Eletroni! and $ommuniation Engineering%
#RO(( NO' 0913231037%
Department of Electronics and Communication
!ession "#$$%"#$"
Thi! i! to ertif" that DHRUV GOYAL ha! arried out training wor) pre!ented in thi!
report entitled &'D (RINING) for the award of *ac+elor of tec+nolo,-
De,ree from GAUA. *UDDH ECHNICAL UNIVER!IY/ Luc0no1*
Mr* Dhira+ ,upta Seminar $ommittee
-*O*D#E$E% #.% Mr* Sunil /r* $houdhar"
#0% Mr* Mani!h ,upta

I ta)e thi! opportunit" to e1pre!! m" !inere than)! to Mr* !unil C+oud+ar- and
Mr* .anis+ Gupta #!eminar o2ordinater!% for their 3aluable guidane for the
!ue!! of thi! !eminar*
I al!o than) Mr* DHIRA2 GU(A #-OD4 E$E% and all other !taff of the department
for their )ind o2operation e1tended to me*
I am than)ful to all m" friend! who helped me in ompleting m" !eminar a !ue!!ful
one* I am al!o than)ful to all the people who were diretl" or indiretl" in3ol3ed in
helping to omplete m" !eminar report*

1: Introduction 1
1.1: Typical 3D Printer
2: History of 3d Printing 2
3: Current 3D Printing Technologies 3
3.1: Stereo lithography 3
3.2: Selective laser sintering S!S" 3
3.3: #ulti$%et &odeling #'#" 3
3.(: In)%et 3D printing (
(: #*+,-*CT,.I+/ * #0D1! 2ITH TH1 3D P.I+T1.
(.1: *lgorith& 3
3: 2or)flo4 5
5: Process
5.1: C*D Preparation Pre Process" 6
5.2: 3D Printing 7
5.3: Cleaning 3D Printouts 8
5.3.1: Po4der .e&oval 19
5.3.2: Heating 11
5.3.3: -inishing Touch
12 6: :enefits of 3D Printing
7: *pplications 1(
7.1: Design Prototypes 1(
7.2: 1ducation 13
7.3: Health 15
8: 3D Printing Success Stories 16
19: Conclusion 18
11: Sources 29
-I/,.1 (.1.1 : *lgorith& 3
-I/,.1 3.1 : 2or)flo4
-I/,.1 5.1.1 : C*D Preparation Pre Process" 6
-I/,.1 5.2.1 : 3D Printing
-I/,.1 5.3.1 : Cleaning 3D Printouts 8
-I/,.1 Po4der .e&oval 19
-I/,.1 Heating 11
-I/,.1 -inishing Touch
-I/,.1 7.1.1 : Design Prototypes 1(
-I/,.1 7.2.1 : 1ducation 13
-I/,.1 7.3.1 : Healthcare 15
-I/,.1 8.1 : 3D Printing Success Stories
-I/,.1 8.2 : 3D Printing Success Stories
1. Introduction to 3D Printing
3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a three dimensional
object is created by laying down successive layers of material. It is also known as rapid
prototyping, is a mechanized method whereby 3D objects are quickly made on a
reasonably sized machine connected to a computer containing blueprints for the
object. he 3D printing concept of custom manufacturing is e!citing to nearly everyone.
his revolutionary method for creating 3D models with the use of inkjet technology
saves time and cost by eliminating the need to design" print and glue together separate
model parts. #ow, you can create a complete model in a single process using 3D
printing. he basic principles include materials cartridges, fle!ibility of output, and
translation of code into a visible pattern.
1.1 Typical 3D Printer
3D $rinters are machines that produce physical 3D models from digital data by printing
layer by layer. It can make physical models of objects either designed with a %&D
program or scanned with a 3D 'canner. It is used in a variety of industries including
jewelry, footwear, industrial design, architecture, engineering and construction,
automotive, aerospace, dental and medical industries, education and consumer
2. History of 3d Printing
he technology for printing physical 3D objects from digital data was first
developed by %harles (ull in )*+,. (e named the technique as 'tereo
lithography and obtained a patent for the technique in )*+-.
.hile 'tereo lithography systems had become popular by the end of )*+/s,
other similar technologies such as 0used Deposition 1odeling 20D13 and
4aser 'intering 2'4'3 were introduced.
In )**3, 1assachusetts Institute of echnology 21I3 patented another
technology, named 53 Dimensional $rinting techniques5, which is similar to
the inkjet technology used in 6D $rinters.
In )**-, three major products, 57enisys5 from 'tratasys, 5&ctua 6)//5 from
'ystems and 58,/65 from 8 %orporation were introduced. In 6//9, 8 %orp.
launched a breakthrough product, named 'pectrum 89)/, which was the
first high definition color 3D $rinter in the market.
&nother breakthrough in 3D $rinting occurred in 6//- with the initiation of
an open source project, named :eprap, which was aimed at developing a
self;replicating 3D printer.
3. Current 3D Printing Technologies
3.1 Stereo lithography ; 'tereo lithographic 3D printers 2known as '4&s or
stereo lithography apparatus3 position a perforated platform just below the
surface of a vat of liquid photo curable polymer. & <= laser beam then
traces the first slice of an object on the surface of this liquid, causing a very
thin layer of photopolymer to harden. he perforated platform is then
lowered very slightly and another slice is traced out and hardened by the
laser. &nother slice is then created, and then another, until a complete
object has been printed and can be removed from the vat of photopolymer,
drained of e!cess liquid, and cured.
0used deposition modeling ; (ere a hot thermoplastic is e!truded from a
temperature;controlled print head to produce fairly robust objects to a high
degree of accuracy.
3.2 Selective laser sintering S!S" ; his builds objects by using a laser to
selectively fuse together successive layers of a cocktail of powdered wa!,
ceramic, metal, nylon or one of a range of other materials.
3.3 #ulti$%et &odeling #'#" ; his again builds up objects from
successive layers of powder, with an inkjet;like print head used to spray on
a binder solution that glues only the required granules together. he =;
0lash printer, manufactured by %anon, is low;cost 3D printer. It>s known to
build layers with a light;curable film. <nlike other printers, the =0lash builds
its parts from the top down.
Desktop 0actory is a startup launched by the Idea lab incubator in
-a;<ho&e= an e!perimental project based at %ornell <niversity, uses a
syringe to deposit material in a manner similar to 0D1. he
ine!pensive syringe makes it easy to e!periment with different materials
from glues to cake frosting.
3.( In)%et 3D printing
It creates the model one layer at a time by spreading a layer of powder
2plaster, or resins3 and inkjet printing binder in the cross;section of the part.
It is the most widely used 3;D $rinting technology these days and the
reasons beyond that are stated below.
his technology is the only one

&llows for the printing of full color prototypes.
<nlike stereo lithography, inkjet 3D printing is optimized for speed, low
cost, and ease;of;use.
#o to!ic chemicals like those used in stereo lithography are required.
1inimal post printing finish work is needed" one needs only to use the
printer itself to blow off surrounding powder after the printing process.
&llows overhangs and e!cess powder can be easily removed with an
air blower.
he model to be manufactured is built up a layer at a time. & layer of
powder is automatically deposited in the model tray. he print head then
applies resin in the shape of the model. he layer dries solid almost
immediately. he model tray then moves down the distance of a layer and
another layer of power is deposited in position, in the model tray. he print
head again applies resin in the shape of the model, binding it to the first
layer. his sequence occurs one layer at a time until the model is complete
(.1 *!/0.ITH#
he algorithm used in the Inkjet 3;D $rinting is depicted in the figure
mentioned below.
-I/,.1 (.1.1
he workflow can be easily understood with the help of the flowchart given
& 3;D prototype of a desired object is created in three basic steps and these
steps are?
3;D $rinting
-I/,.1 3.1
5.1 C*D Preparation Pre$Process":
Co&puter$aided design 2C*D3, also known as co&puter$aided
design and drafting 2C*DD3, is used to prepare a 3;D or 6;D model
of the desired object. 1odern %&D packages can also frequently allow
rotations in three dimensions, allowing viewing of a designed object
from any desired angle.
1ost 3D printers require a special file 2typically .stl format3 to print.
&dditionally, we need to modify the design to make up for limitations of
the printer and build material.
-I/,.1 5.1.1
5.2 3D Printing:
he 3D printer runs automatically, depositing materials at layers @.//3A
thick. his is roughly the thickness of a human hair or sheet of paper.
he time it takes to print a given object depends primarily on the height
of the design, but most designs take a minimum of several hours. he
average cost for printing a full color prototype is somewhere between
9/ ; )// B.
-I/,.1 5.2.1
5.3 Cleaning 3D Printouts Post$Process":
Cvery 3D printer uses some sort of material to support parts of the
design that have an overhang. 'ome printers use a loose powder
which can be blown off and reused in future models.
-I/,.1 5.3.1
Here you have the >Han Solo in Car;onite? stage@
5.3.1 Po4der .e&oval:
his is the sculpture with most of the support dust removed and it is
then dipped in special glue that makes them stronger and more
5.3.2 Heating
he models are heated to set the glue. It is funny to see the oven in
this picture is a standard consumer grade.
5.3.3 -inishing Touches
he output of all e!isting 3D printers is rough. he te!tures vary from
pronounced Dwood grainE to merely DsandyE, .ith a little elbow grease you
can get stunning results.
7. Benefits of 3D Printing
he most successful companies have adopted 3D printing as a critical part
of the iterative design process to?
Increase Innovation
$rint prototypes in hours, obtain feedback, refine designs and repeat
the cycle until designs are perfect.
Improve %ommunication
(old a full color, realistic 3D model in your hands to impart infinitely
more information than a computer image.
%reate physical 3D models quickly, easily and affordably for a wide
variety of applications.
'peed ime to 1arket
%ompress design cycles by 3D printing multiple prototypes on
demand, right in your office.
:educe Development %osts
%ut traditional prototyping and tooling costs.
Identify design errors earlier.
:educe travel to production facilities.
.in Fusiness
Fring realistic 3D models to
prospective accounts, sponsors and
focus groups
8. Applications
8.1 Design Prototypes:
3;Dimensional $rinting concept model, functional prototypes and
presentation models for evaluating and refining design, including 0inite
Clement &nalysis 20C&3 results and packaging.
-I/,.1 7.1.1
+o4= here 4e have created a du&&y of a +o)ia &o;ile phone for
further study and de&onstration:
'ize? 3.9 ! 6 ! /.G inches
2* ! 9 ! 6 cm3
$rinting ime? /.9 hours

8.2 Education:
Cngage students by
bringing digital concepts
into the real world,
turning their ideas into
real;life 3D color models
that they can actually
hold in their hands.
Here an electronic device circuit has co&e to life 4ith the help of
a 3$D Printer:
'ize? + ! 9 ! 6.9 inches
26/ ! )3 ! - cm3
$rinting ime? 3 hours -I/,.1 7.2.1

8.3 Healthcare:
:apidly produce 3D
models to reduce
operating time, enhance
patient and physician
communications, and
improve patient
* 3$D Prototype of the
horiAontal crossection
of a hu&an s)ull has
;een prepared to allo4
its ;etter study:
'ize? *.+ ! G.* ! 3.*
inches -I/,.1 7.3.1
269 ! 6/ ! )/ cm3
$rinting ime? 9.9 hours
9. 3D Printing Success Story
%amera mounts for the 1) tank and Fradley fighting vehicle were built
and tested directly from digital files using the Dimension 3D $rinter.
-I/,.1 8.1
& 3D printer proved to be a valuable asset
and played a key role in developing
concepts for the &1$ :esearch &lloy
0uel Door for 7eneral 1otorsH (ummer
(6 sport utility vehicle.
-I/,.1 8.2
10. Conclusion
#othing communicates ideas faster than a three;dimensional
part or model. .ith a 3D printer you can bring %&D files and
design ideas to life I right from your desktop. est form, fit and
function I and as many design variations as you like I with
functional parts.
In an age in which the news, books, music, video and even our
communities are all the subjects of digital dematerialization,
the development and application of 3D printing reminds us that
human beings have both a physical and a psychological need
to keep at least one foot in the real world. 3D printing has a
bright future, not least in rapid prototyping 2where its impact is
already highly significant3, but also in medicine the arts, and
outer space. Desktop 3D printers for the home are already a
reality if you are prepared to pay for one andJor build one
yourself. 3D printers capable of outputting in color and multiple
materials also e!ist and will continue to improve to a point
where functional products will be able to be output. &s devices
that will provide a solid bridge between cyberspace and the
physical world, and as an important manifestation of
the 'econd Digital :evolution, 3D printing is therefore likely to
play some part in all of our futures.
The object of 3D printing
Kfrom &dvertising L 1arketing :eview
Printers produce copies in 3D from FF% #C.'
'Gadget printer' promises industrial revolution
Ifrom #ew'cientist.com
0rom different websites including dimensionprinting.com,
en.wikipedia.orgJwikiJ3DMprinting= etc.
1ajor 3D printer companies?
Z Corporation
3D Sstem
Dimensions $rinting

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