Virology Manual
Virology Manual
Virology Manual
-. -. 7"te# ("th
3. 3.<E< ,ith "nti(iotics "n$ 4CS 168 "n$ 8
>. >.Hep cells ('TCC5 CC/ 3)
16. 16. @! cells ( 'TCCK CC/ 136)
11. TC; soln.
1. >6 ,ell %l"t (ottom tissue cultu#e pl"tes.
13. 13./:< pools o% 'ntise#".
P"$c#..'(6 $% %#c& .1#c')#(. /
'(out .+3 gms o% %eces is #equi#e$. The specimens "#e 2ept %#o=en o# in col$ till
p#ocesse$. ' 168 o# 68 %ec"l suspension is m"$e in col$ ste#ile *:S in " tightl&
stoppe#e$ (ottle. '%te# 0igo#ous sh"2ing to emulsi%& the %eces5 the specimen is
"llo,e$ to settle in the col$ %o# 16min. The supe#n"t"nt %lui$ is then pou#e$ in to "
cent#i%uge tu(e "n$ cl"#i%ie$ "t 3666 #pm %o# 16min. The supe#n"t"nt %lui$ is #emo0e$
"n$ to this is "$$e$ "nti(iotics to get " %in"l concent#"tion o% 1666 units o% penicillin
"n$ 1666 ug o% st#eptom&cin pe# ml "n$ the s"mple is hel$ "t #oom tempe#"tu#e %o#
36min. It is then cent#i%uge$ in col$ "t spee$ 165666 #pm %o# 6 min. The cle"#
supe#n"t"nt is sep"#"te$ "n$ use$ imme$i"tel& o# sto#e$ %#o=en.
I($cu&!'$( $% .1#c')#(. '(!$ c# cu!u"#/
4o# isol"tion o% most ente#o0i#uses " com(in"tion o% cell lines li2e Hep "n$ @!
,ill su%%ice. These cells "#e g#o,n sep"#"tel& in test tu(es "n$ monol"&e#s "#e
o(t"ine$ (& emplo&ing usu"l cell cultu#e techniques5 $esc#i(e$ else,he#e. The s"mple
p#ocesse$ is inocul"te$ in 66 Ul qu"ntities to e"ch o% . tu(es o% (oth Hep "n$ @!
cell lines cont"ining 1 ml m"inten"nce me$ium "n$ incu("te$ in "n "lmost ho#i=ont"l
position "t 3- C . Cultu#es sho,ing e"#l& $egene#"tion5 less th"n .h#s "#e
su(p"ss"ge$. The tu(es "#e o(se#0e$ $"il& %o# e0i$ence o% t&pic"l ente#o0i#us C*E
"n$ $isc"#$e$ "t the en$ o% -+16 $"&s i% %oun$ neg"ti0e.
I0#(!'%'c&!'$( $% E(!#"$9'"u. b* N#u!"&'.&!'$( / E>/ P$'$9'"u.
I% t&pic"l C*E is seen ,ith eithe# Hep o# @! o# (oth cell lines5 it is "lmost
ce#t"in th"t "n ente#o0i#us h"s (een isol"te$. The isol"te m"& (e i$enti%ie$ "s one o%
the polio "nti(o$ies. The isol"te shoul$ (e tit#"te$ "n$ " $ilution cont"ining 166
TCI! )6 pe# 6.1 ml is p#ep"#e$. E"ch o% the polio "ntise#" *15 * "n$ *3 is $ilute$
to cont"in )6 "nti(o$& units5 i.e.)6 times th"t necess"#& to neut#"lise 166 TCI! )6 o%
0i#us. Equ"l qu"ntities o% 0i#us "n$ se#um "#e miAe$ "n$ incu("te$ in ,"te# ("th "t
3- C %o# h#s. The miAtu#e is then inocul"te$ on to monol"&e#s o% HE* o# @!
cell lines in test tu(es o# mic#otit#e pl"tes. The #e"$ing is t"2en on $"& 3 "n$ - "n$
i% the isol"te is one o% the polio0i#us it ,ill (e neut#"lise$ (& the co##espon$ing
"ntise#" "n$ hence the#e ,ill (e no C*E in the inocul"te$ cultu#es. Ci#us cont#ols not
t#e"te$ ,ith "ntise#" shoul$ sho, t&pic"l C*E "t the en$ o% 3
$"&. Ente#o0i#uses5
,hich p#o$uce C*E5 c"n (e con0enientl& t&pe$ (& neut#"li="tion using /:< pool (/im+
:en&esh+<elnic2) o% "ntise#". 4o# %u#the# $et"ils "(out this technique "s ,ell "s
inte#p#et"tion o% #esults ple"se #e%e# to <elnic2 et "l (1>->). Ente#o0i#uses. In 1 !i"gnostic
p#oce$u#es %o# 0i#"l5 @ic2etsi"l "n$ Chl"m&$i"l in%ections (E.H./ennette5 N.G.Schmitt5 E$s)
e$ition5 pp .-1 + ).. 'me#ic"n *u(lic He"lth 'ssoci"tion5 7"shington5US'.
I.$&!'$( $% 9'"u. %"$) CSF /
Ente#o0i#uses c"n sometimes (e isol"te$ %#om CS4 $u#ing e"#l& st"ges o% the illness.
4o# isol"tion %#om CS4 66 Ul o% CS4 is inocul"te$ on to the monol"&e#s o% (oth
Hep "n$ @! cells "s $esc#i(e$ p#e0iousl&. No p#e+t#e"tment o# "$$ition o%
"nti(iotics is #equi#e$. The tu(es "#e incu("te$ "n$ o(se#0e$ %o# C*E "s in c"se o%
%ec"l specimens. I% "n isol"te is o(t"ine$ it is i$enti%ie$ "s $esc#i(e$ e"#lie#.
H&#)&66u!'(&!'$( '(+'b'!'$( 3HI4 !#.!
' ,i$e 0"#iet& o% "nim"l 0i#uses h"0e (een sho,n to possess the c"p"cit& o%
"$so#(ing to #e$ (loo$ cells "n$ in m"n& c"ses c"using "gglutin"tion o% these cells.
This h"em"gglutin"tion (H') test %u#nishes " #el"ti0el& simple5 quic25 con0enient "n$
%"i#l& qu"ntit"ti0e ,"& o% $etecting 5 i$enti%&ing "n$ tit#"ting 0i#uses.
Ci#us h"em"gglutin"tion is #e"$il& inhi(ite$ (& speci%ic "nti(o$& "n$ the
h"em"gglutin"tion inhi(ition test %u#nishes " $elic"te ,"& o% $etecting 0i#"l "nti(o$&.
It m"& (e st#"in+speci%ic "s in the c"se o% the in%luen=" 0i#uses o# g#oup+speci%ic "s
,ith most o% the "#(o0i#uses ,he#e the test is m"inl& use$ %o# "ntigenic g#oup
M&!#"'&. "#,u'"#0 /
1. )8 2"olin (o#"te s"line pH >.6.
. 6..8 (o0ine "l(umin in (o#"te s"line
pH >.6 (6..8 :':S pH >.6).
3. Ci#us "$?usting $iluents o% 0"#&ing pH (C'!s)
.. ;oose e#&th#oc&tes (@:C) in !;C
). 'ntise#"
6. 'ntigens
-. No#m"l se#um
3. 'ci$ cit#"te $eAt#ose ('C!)
>. !eAt#ose gel"tin 0e#on"l (!;C)
16. :o#"te s"line pH >.6
11. 6.>8 N"Cl
1. 'cetone
13. +<e#c"ptoeth"nol
P"#1&"&!'$( $% R#&6#(!.
1. :o#"te s"line pH >.6
1.) < N"Cl 166 ml
6.) < H
(:o#ic "ci$) 66 ml
1.6 < N"9H .- ml
<"2e it to lit#es ,ith !/75 pH "$?uste$ to > ,ith 1< N"9H o# 6.)< H
. 6..8 :o0ine "l(umin in 1666ml (o#"te s"line pH >.6 2ept 9/N in the col$.
'$?ust pH >.6 ,ith 1< N"9H.
3. )8 2"olin in 166 ml (o#"te s"line pH >.6 (Use "ci$+,"she$ 2"olin)
:o#"te s"line is sti##e$ on " m"gnetic sti##e# "n$ 2"olin po,$e# is "$$e$ slo,l&
to m"2e " uni%o#m suspension.
.. !eAt#ose+gel"tin+0e#on"l (!;C) %o# p#ese#0"tion o% goose cells1
'. ;el"tin 6.666 g
!ieth&l ("#(itu#ic "ci$ (Ce#on"l) 6.)36 g
:. So$ium ("#(itone 6.336 g
('nh&$#ous) 6.66 g
N"Cl 3.)66 g
!eAt#ose 16.666 g
<e#thiol"te (Thiome#os"l po,$e#) 6.166 g
9 6.16 g
'$$ )6 ml o% hot !/7 to ' "n$ -)6 ml o% !/7 to :. <iA ' "n$ :.
'utocl"0e "t 16 l(s %o# 16 minutes.
). 6.>8 N"Cl
> g N"Cl in 166 ml !/7. 'utocl"0e "t 1) l(s %o# 1) minutes.
6. *#ep"#"tion o% stoc2 solutions
'. 1.)< so$ium chlo#i$e (N"Cl) + 3-.6-) g N"Cl m"$e to 1 lit#e ,ith $istille$ ,"te#.
:. 6.)< (o#ic "ci$ (H
) + 36.> g H
"#e $issol0e$ in "(out -66 ml o% hot
!/7. The solution is "llo,e$ to cool to #oom tempe#"tu#e "n$ then m"$e to 1
lit#e ,ith !/7.
C. Concent#"te$ so$ium h&$#oAi$e (N"9H) + "pp#oAim"tel& )66 ml o% $istille$ ,"te#
is "$$e$ to "pp#oAim"tel& )66g o% N"9H pellets. The concent#"te$ N"9H is "(out
13< "n$ is 0e#& st"(le.
!. 6.)< $i("sic so$ium phosph"te (N"
) + -6.>> g N"
("nh&$#ous) m"$e
to 1 lit#e ,ith $istille$ ,"te#.
E. 1< mono("sic so$ium phosph"te (N"H
) + 133.61 g N"H
9 m"$e to 1
lit#e ,ith $istille$ ,"te#.
'$?usting $iluents
Stoc2 6.6 6. 6.3 6..
Solutions ml ml ml ml
1.) < N"Cl 166 166 166 166
6.) < N"
3 6. > 11
1.6 < N"
13. 16> 1). 1..
<"2e up %in"l 0olume to 1/ using $ou(le $istille$ ,"te#.
-. 'ci$ Cit#"te !eAt#ose ('C!)
So$ium Cit#"te 11.6 g
Cit#ic "ci$ ..66 g
!eAt#ose 11.66 g
!/7 )66 ml
'utocl"0e "t 16 l(s %o# 16 minutes.
C$#c!'$(?5&.+'(6 $% 6$$.# RBC
". Collection o% @:C
1. ;oose @:C "#e collecte$ un$e# ste#ile con$ition.
T"2e 1) ml o% !;C in " )6 ml %l"s2.
. T"2e 16 ml 'C! in " ste#ile tu(e.
3. 7ith$#", -.) ml 'C! into )6 ml s&#inge %itte$ ,ith " 6 g"uge nee$le.
.. Collect )6 ml goose (loo$ %#om the ,ing o% ?ugul"# 0ein.
). @emo0e nee$le %#om s&#inge "n$ t#"ns%e# (loo$ %#om s&#inge to %l"s2 ,ith !;C.
6. <iA ,ell.
-. Sto#e "t .C (c"n (e 2ept %o# up to ,ee2s)
(. 7"shing o% @:C
1. Cent#i%uge #equi#e$ qu"ntit& o% @:C suspension in " g#"$u"te$ cent#i%uge tu(e %o# siA
<inutes "t 666 #pm.
. 'spi#"te o%% the pipette "tt"che$ to " #u((e# (ul( ,ithout $istu#(ing the @:C.
3. '$$ ml o% no#m"l s"line (NS).
.. <iA gentl& ,ith *"steu# pipette to #esuspen$ cells "n$ "$$ "n eAt#" qu"ntit& o% NS to
(#ing to the o#igin"l 0olume.
). Cent#i%uge "t #oom tempe#"tu#e %o# 3 minutes "t 66 #pm.
6. @epe"t steps 535. B ).
-. Cent#i%uge "t 666 #pm %o# 6 minutes.
3. @e"$ 0olume o% p"c2e$ @:C.
>. @emo0e supe#n"t"nt %lui$.
16. '$$ 6.>8 N"Cl to m"2e " 168 suspension o% @:C "n$ miA. The cells "#e #e"$& %o# use
in IC (use ,"she$ "n$ p"c2e$ cells %o# "$so#ption o% se#").
T'!"&!'$( $% A(!'6#(
1. 7ith " ,"A pencil m"#2 " MUM mic#otit#e pl"te "s sho,n in %igu#e1
6 .6 36 166 36 6.6 136 )66 )16 16.6 ccNN cc
cc + cell cont#ol.
. 7ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe#5 "$$ one $#op o% 6..8 :':S pH >.6 to e"ch ,ell.
3. Eeep pl"te in #e%#ige#"to# %o# chilling.
.. Eeep se0en 6.6) ml mic#o $ilute#s ,ith tips imme#se$ in 6.>8 N"Cl in " #e%#ige#"to# %o#
). !ispense 6.> ml o% 6..8 :':S in " tu(e in "n ice ("th.
6. '$$ 6.1 ml o% "ntigen "n$ miA tho#oughl& (1116 $ilution o% "ntigen).
-. @emo0e pl"te "n$ mic#o $iluto# %#om #e%#ige#"to#.
3. :lot 6.6) ml mic#o $iluto#s on " (lotting p"pe#5 $ip the tips in tu(e ,ith 1116 "ntigen "n$
pl"ce in e"ch o% the ,ells m"#2e$ 116 in the pl"te.
>. 7ith the mic#o $iluto#s5 p#ep"#e se#i"l + %ol$ $ilution o% the "ntigen upto ,ell 16
(11165.6) (& s,i#ling the mic#o $iluto#s 16 to 1) times.
16. '$$ .. ml o% C'!s 6.65 6.5 6..5 6.65 6.35 -.65 B -. to l"(elle$ tu(es.
11. '$$ 6.1 ml o% 168 @:C to e"ch o% the tu(es "n$ miA ,ell (this gi0es " $ilution o% 6..8
1. 7ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe# pipette "$$ one $#op o% @:C to the co##espon$ing #o,.
13. T"p pl"te gentl& to miA cells "n$ the "ntigen.
1.. Co0e# the pl"te "n$ incu("te "t #oom tempe#"tu#e until cells in the ,ells o% the cell
cont#ol #o, settle $o,n "n$ %o#m " (utton (usu"ll& this t"2es 6 + 36 minutes)
1). @e"$ "n$ #eco#$ the tit#"tion.
16. Complete "gglutin"tion consists o% " uni%o#m l"&e# on the lo,e# su#%"ce o% the ,ell. '
neg"ti0e consists o% " comp"ct5 sh"#pl& $em"#c"te$ (utton o% se$imente$ cells in the
cent#e o% the ,ell5 the p"tte#n (eing i$entic"l to th"t seen in the cont#ol ,ells. The #esults
"#e co$e$ "s %ollo,s1
6 .6 36 166 36 6.6 136 )66
J J J J J J 6 6
then the "ntigen tit#e is the "0e#"ge o% the "ntigen $ilutions 6.6 "n$ 136 i.e.
(6.6 J 136) / I >66.
1-. The C'! ,ith ,hich the "ntigen sho,s the highest tit#e is the optimum one "n$ shoul$
(e use$ %o# th"t p"#ticul"# "ntigen.
13. !ete#mine the $ilution5 ,hich ,ill cont"in 3 units pe# 6.6) ml (& $i0i$ing the en$point
(& 16. 4o# e.g.5 en$ point 136 I (136/16) I 36. The#e%o#e " 1136 $ilution o% the
"ntigen ,ill cont"in 3 H' units pe# 6.6) ml.
1>. C"lcul"te the qu"ntit& o% "ntigen #equi#e$ %o# the test "n$ $ilute the "ntigen "cco#$ingl&.
6. Sto#e "ntigen "t .C.
T"#&!)#(! $% .#"& %$" HI !#.!
The se#" m"& (e eithe# eAt#"cte$ ,ith "cetone o# t#e"te$ ,ith 2"olin. These se#" "#e then
7ith goose e#&th#oc&tes to #emo0e he"m"gglutinins %o# goose e#&th#oc&tes.
& Ac#!$(# #>!"&c!'$( $% .#"&
1. /"(el 16A16 mm tu(es ,ith specimen num(e# o% se#" (this shoul$ inclu$e neg"ti0e "n$
positi0e se#").
. '$$ 6.> ml no#m"l s"line to e"ch tu(e.
3. '$$ 6.1 ml se#um to e"ch co##espon$ingl& l"(elle$ tu(e.
.. Eeep se#" in "n ice ("th.
). '$$ 1 ml chille$ "cetone to e"ch tu(e.
6. Stoppe# e"ch tu(e "n$ miA (& in0e#ting tu(es se0e#"l times.
-. Incu("te %o# ) minutes miAing occ"sion"ll&.
3. Cent#i%uge "t 3666 #pm %o# ) minutes "t .C.
>. !ec"nt supe#n"t"nt %lui$.
16. '$$ 1 ml %#esh "cetone to e"ch tu(e.
11. <iA tho#oughl&.
1. Incu("te in col$ %o# 1 hou#. <iA the m"te#i"l occ"sion"ll&.
13. Cent#i%uge "t .C %o# ) minutes "t 666 #pm.
1.. 'spi#"te o%% the supe#n"t"nt.
1). T"p e"ch tu(e "g"inst p"lm o% h"n$ so th"t se$iment %o#ms " uni%o#ml& thin l"&e#.
16. !esicc"te in " $esicc"to# "tt"che$ to " 0"cuum pump %o# 1+ hou#s.
1-. '$$ 6.) ml (o#"te s"line pH >.6 to e"ch tu(e "n$ miA until completel& #esuspen$e$ (2eep
%o# minimum o% 1 hou# in col$).
13. '$so#( ,ith goose cells.
". 8&$'( !"#&!)#(! $% .#"&
1. /"(el 1A-) mm tu(e ,ith specimen num(e#s o% se#".
. '$$ 6.1 ml se#um to e"ch co##espon$ingl& l"(elle$ tu(e.
3. '$$ 6.. ml o% 2"olin solution ()8 in (o#"te s"line5 pH >.6)5 to e"ch tu(e "n$ miA (&
sh"2ing tu(e #"c2.
.. Incu("te %o# 6 minutes "t #oom temp. sh"2ing e0e#& ) minutes.
). Cent#i%uge "t )66 #pm %o# 36 minutes "t #oom temp.
6. '$so#( ,ith goose cells.
(. A0.$"1!'$( $% .#"& 5'!+ 6$$.# c#.
1. Eeep se#" ("cetone eAt#"cte$ o# 2"olin t#e"te$) "n ice ("th.
. '$$ 6.1 ml o% ,"she$ "n$ p"c2e$ goose @:C to e"ch tu(e (It m"& (e necess"#& to "$$
cells %o# pig "n$ #"((it se#")
3. <iA ,ell "n$ incu("te %o# 6 minutes in "n ice ("th5 miAing e0e#& ) minutes.
.. Cent#i%uge "t 666 #pm %o# 1) minutes "t .C.
). T#"ns%e# supe#n"t"nt %lui$ to %#esh tu(e (& $ec"nting (t#"ns%e# l"(els "t the s"me time).
The se#" "#e #e"$& to (e teste$ in HI.
P"#')'(&"* !'!"&!'$( $% &(!'6#(
The $ilute$ "ntigens "#e tit#"te$ "g"in (e%o#e using them in the test.
1. <"#2 " MUM t&pe mic#otit#e pl"te "s sho,n (elo,.
'ntigen !ilution Cell
Num(e# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ cont#ol
1 3 . ) 6 -
. '$$ " $#op o% 6..8 :':S pH >.6 to e"ch ,ell %#om $ilutions 1+- "n$ cell cont#ols in
#o,s 1+)
,ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe#.
3. Eeep pl"te in the #e%#ige#"to# %o# chilling.
.. Eeep ) mic#o$ilute#s (6.6) ml) ,ith tips imme#se$ in 6.>8 N"Cl %o# chilling.
).:lot out the tip o% e"ch mic#o$ilute#. !ip the tip in e"ch o% the "ntigens "n$ pl"ce in e"ch o%
the co##espon$ing ,ell $ilution no.1.
6. *#ep"#e se#i"l t,o+%ol$ $ilutions o% e"ch "ntigen %#om ,ell No.1 to ,ell NoL
-. '$$ one $#op o% 6..8 cells in #equi#e$ C'! ,ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe# pipette to
#o,s o% "ntigens inclu$ing cell cont#ol ,ells.
3. Sh"2e the pl"te gentl& "n$ incu("te "t #oom tempe#"tu#e till cell cont#ols settle $o,n
("(out 36 minutes)
>. @e"$ "n$ #eco#$ the tit#"tion. '$?ust i% necess"#& "n$ #e+tit#"te.
P#"%$")&(c# $% HI !#.!
1. Select "ntigens to ,hich se#" "#e to (e teste$.
. T#e"t "ll test se#"5 "ntise#" homologous to "ntigens selecte$ "n$ " neg"ti0e cont#ol
se#um5 "s sho,n in t#e"tment o% se#".
3. <"#2 the MUM t&pe mic#otit#e pl"tes to "ccommo$"te the num(e# o% se#" to (e teste$
%o# e"ch "ntigen. 'lso m"#2 the cont#ol pl"te (see (elo,)
.. 7ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe# "$$ " $#op o% 6..8 :':S pH >.6 to e"ch ,ell.
). !ip p#eteste$ 6.6) ml mic#o $ilute#s into e"ch t#e"te$ se#um "n$ pl"ce in ,ell No.1
(1116 $ilution).
S#.No. Se#um $ilutions S#.No. se#um $ilutions
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16 6 .6 166 36 6.6 136 16 6
Neg"ti0e Neg"ti0e
S#. cont#ol S#. cont#ol
@e%. J0e Cont#ol @e%.J0e Cont#ol
6. *#ep"#e se#i"l t,o+%ol$ $ilutions ,ith the mic#o$ilute#s %o# e"ch "ntigen "n$ %o# se#um
-. 7ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe# "$$ " $#op o% test 0i#us "ntigens cont"ining 3 HI units5 to "ll
7ells o% the se#um $ilutions in e"ch test pl"te.
3. 7ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe# "$$ " $#op o% 6..8 :':S pH >.6 to "ll ,ells o% the se#um
$ilution se#ies in the cont#ols pl"te. Sh"2e pl"tes to miA5 co0e# "n$ 2eep in the
>. <"#2 the pl"te %o# post incu("tion tit#"tion.
16. '$$ 6.6) ml o% 6..8 :':S pH >.6 to e"ch ,ell ,ith $#oppe#.
11. '$$ 6.6) ml o% e"ch "ntigen to the %i#st ,ell "n$ miA.
1. Incu("te "ll pl"tes "t . C o0e#night ("(out 13 hou#s)
13. *l"ce " 6.6) ml mic#o$ilute# in e"ch o% the sells cont"ining "ntigen $iluent miAtu#e in
The post incu("ting tit#"tion pl"te (,ell No.1).
1.. *#ep"#e se#i"l t,o+%ol$ $ilutions th#ough ,ell No.-.
1). '$$ one $#op o% 6..8 goose @:C in #especti0e C'! to e"ch ,ell o% tit#"tion pl"te
,ith 6.6)ml $#oppe#.
16. Sh"2e "n$ incu("te "t #oom tempe#"tu#e.
1-. '$$ one $#op 6..8 goose @:C (in #especti0e C'!) to e"ch ,ell o% test pl"tes "n$
cont#ol pl"tes ,ith " 6.6) ml $#oppe#.
13. Sh"2e pl"tes "n$ incu("te "t #oom tempe#"tu#e till the cells in cont#ols settle $o,n.
1>. @e"$ "n$ #eco#$ the cell p"tte#ns.
". Chec2 @:C cont#ols. These shoul$ settle $o,n into " (utton.
(. Chec2 the tit#"tion o% "ntigens. E"ch "ntigen shoul$ cont"in .+3 H' units.
c. Chec2 the se#um cont#ols. I% no "gglutin"tion occu#s in "n& $ilution o% " se#um the
HI #esults in test pl"tes "#e consi$e#e$ 0"li$.
$. Chec2 the neg"ti0e cont#ol se#um. It shoul$ sho, complete "gglutin"tion in "ll
$ilutions. I% not5 the test is in0"li$.
e. Chec2 the positi0e #e%e#ence se#um. The se#um must sho, complete inhi(ition o%
%. Chec2 the test se#". The en$ point use$ to $esign"te the tit#e o% HI "nti(o$&
p#esent is the highest $ilution o% se#um th"t inhi(its he"m"gglutin"tion.
E"#l& con0"lescent se#" "#e t#e"te$ ,ith +<E to $etect the p#esence o% Ig< "nti(o$ies. The
"cetone eAt#"cte$ se#" "#e t#e"te$ ,ith +<E. *#ep"#e 1< +<E in (o#"te s"line pH >.6 1 (")
1..- ml +<E J13.)3ml o# (() 1.)6 ml J 13... ml5 $epen$ing upon the molecul"# ,eight o%
stoc2 solution. '$$ one p"#t o% +<E (1<) to %ou# p"#ts o% se#um "n$ incu("te the miAtu#e
%o# one hou# "t 3- C "n$ m"2e se#um $ilutions. 4o# post tit#"tion o% "ntigen ,ith +<E5
6.< +<E is miAe$ ,ith equ"l 0olume o% "ntigen "n$ incu("te o0e#night "t . . 'ntigen
$ilution is c"##ie$ out "n$ H' tit#e is $ete#mine$. The +<E t#e"te$ "n$ unt#e"te$ se#" "#e
teste$ in HI "s pe# #outine test.
' 0i#us ,ill lose its in%ecti0it& ,hen it is miAe$ ,ith speci%ic "ntise#um #"ise$ "g"inst
th"t 0i#us. This is c"lle$ neut#"lis"tion. The neut#"lise$ 0i#us is un"(le to in%ect "n& cell
cultu#e o# eApe#iment"l "nim"l. This p#ope#t& o% the 0i#us c"n (e con0enientl& emplo&e$ %o#
its i$enti%ic"tion "n$ "lso %o# $etection "n$ qu"nti%ic"tion o% speci%ic "nti0i#"l "nti(o$ies. In
the 0i#us neut#"lis"tion tests %o# "nti(o$& "ss"&5 " %iAe$ "mount o% " speci%ic 0i#us is m"$e to
#e"ct ,ith inc#e"sing $ilutions o% " speci%ic "ntise#um un$e# st"n$"#$ con$itions "n$ the
$eg#ee o% 0i#us neut#"lis"tion is $ete#mine$ eithe# in 0i0o (& "nim"l inocul"tion o# in 0it#o (&
in%ecti0it& in cell cultu#e. 9n the othe# h"n$5 %o# i$enti%ic"tion o% " p"#ticul"# 0i#"l isol"te5 "
%iAe$ qu"ntit& o% 0i#us is #e"cte$ ,ith " st"n$"#$ "mount o% speci%ic "ntise#um "n$ "lso ,ith
no#m"l se#um. The i$entit& o% the 0i#us gets est"(lishe$ i% it is neut#"lise$ (& speci%ic
"ntise#um "n$ #em"ins in%ectious ,ith no#m"l se#um.
In this section ,e ,ill illust#"te "ss"& o% "nti+#"(ies se#um (& in 0i0o neut#"lis"tion in mice
"n$ $etection "n$ qu"nti%ic"tion o% polio 0i#us "nti(o$ies (& in 0it#o neut#"lis"tion in cell
This test is the st"n$"#$ test #ecommen$e$ %o# estim"tion o% "nti+#"(ies "nti(o$ies in hum"n
o# "nim"l se#"5 to 2no, the le0el o% p#otection "%te# 0"ccin"tion o% %o# $i"gnosis o% the
$ise"se. In this test $i%%e#ent $ilutions o% the se#um un$e# test is incu("te$ ,ith " st"n$"#$
"mount o% " %iAe$ #"(ies 0i#us st#"in 2no,n "s CCS (ch"llenge the 0i#us st#"in) "n$ se#um
0i#us miAtu#e is inocul"te$ I/C in to ,e"nling mice "n$ $epen$ing on the su#0i0"l #"te in
mice the tit#e c"n (e eAp#esse$ in inte#n"tion"l units (IU) in comp"#ison to " st"n$"#$ "nti+
#"(ies se#um ,hose unit"ge is 2no,n.
1.Ste#ile test tu(es o# penicillin 0i"ls.
.*ipettes5 16 ml5 ) ml "n$ 1 ml
3.7"te# ("th
..1 ml s&#inges
). 7e"nling mice5 . ,ee2s ol$
6. Ste#ile *:S pH -..
-. :o0ine o# ho#se se#um
3. CCS o% 2no,n tit#e. >.@e%e#ence '@S o% 2no,n unit"ge.
1. In"cti0"te se#" un$e# test "t )6 C %o# 36 min in ,"te# ("th.
. *#ep"#e $ilutions o% test "n$ #e%e#ence se#" in *:S cont"ining 8 (o0ine o% ho#se
se#um. !ilutions shoul$ (e so "$?uste$ "s to get )68 en$ points p#e%e#"(l& in the
mi$$le $ilutions. To get " $ilution o% s"& 113 "$$ 6.1 ml o% se#um to 6.- ml o% $iluent
"n$ then continue ,ith $ou(ling $ilutions i.e 165356. etc.
3. *#ep"#e " $ilution o% CCS cont"ining 166 /!
/6.63 ml so th"t ,hen miAe$ ,ith "n
equ"l qu"ntit& o% se#um $ilution the ch"llenge is #e$uce$ to )6 /!
To c"lcul"te the
tit#e o% CCS gi0ing 166 /! )6 ,e shoul$ 2no, the o#igin"l tit#e o% CCS. 4o# E.g. i% the
tit#e is 16
/6.63 ml then 166 /!
,ill (e p#esent in $ilution 16
/ 6.63 ml then 166
,ill (e p#esent in $ilution 16
.. <iA 6.) ml o% se#um $ilution ,ith 6.) ml o% CCS $ilution5 16
"n$ incu("te in " ,"te#
("th "t 3- C %o# 66 min. Simult"neousl& p#ep"#e 3 mo#e $ilutions o% CCS i.e5 16
"n$ miA 6.) ml o% this $ilution ,ith 6.) ml o% $iluent. This is "lso incu("te$ "long
,ith se#um+0i#us $ilutions.
). '%te# 66 min #emo0e the tu(es %#om ,"te# ("th "n$ chill the tu(es (& 2eeping in
@e%#ige#"to# "t . C o# in " ice t#"&.
6. Inocul"te I/C 6+3 mice ,ith e"ch se#um $ilution "n$ to $ete#mine the EA"ct /!
%o# ch"llenge inocul"te 0i#us $ilutions "lso in simil"# m"nne#. 9(se#0e the mice %o# 1.
$"&s. Igno#e "ll $e"ths (e%o#e ) $"&s post inocul"tion. Note $o,n the speci%ic $e"ths
occu##ing %#om 6 to 1. $"&s.
-. The )68 en$ point tit#e o% se#um c"lle$ e%%ecti0e $ose )6 (E!
) o# neut#"lising $ose )6
) is c"lcul"te$ (& @ee$ "n$ <uench metho$. 't the s"me time note $o,n the
mo#t"lit& in mice inocul"te$ ,ith CCS $ilutions "n$ c"lcul"te the eA"ct /!
use$ in the
test. This shoul$ (e "pp#oAim"tel& )6 /!
3. The tit#e o% the test se#um c"n (e eAp#esse$ in IU/ml in comp"#ison to #e%e#ence se#um.
E.g. I% #e%e#ence se#um h"s "n IU o% ) IU "n$ its N!
is 1113 "n$ the test se#um
sho,s N!
o% 116. then the unit"ge o% test se#um is
#ecip#oc"l o%
test se#um N!
#ecip#oc"l o%
#e%e#ence se#um N!
HHHHHH D ) I .) IU/ml
'nti(o$ies to polio 0i#uses $e0elop "%te# 0"ccin"tion ,ith polio 0"ccine o# "%te#
in%ection ,ith ,il$ 0i#us. 'nti(o$ies to polio "n$ othe# ente#o0i#uses m"& (e p#esent in
no#m"l popul"tion "n$ hence $emonst#"tion o% %ou# %ol$ #ise in the tit#e o% "nti(o$& is
"(solutel& necess"#& %o# the se#o+ $i"gnosis o% ente#o0i#"l in%ections. 4o# the test5 t,o se#um
s"mples5 one t"2en ?ust "%te# the onset o% the $ise"se "n$ the secon$5 "%te# " g"p o% ,ee2s o#
mo#e is #equi#e$.
In the test p#ope#5 inc#e"sing $ilutions o% p"tientOs se#um is miAe$ ,ith 166 /!
the 3 t&pes o% polio 0i#uses "n$ incu("te$ in ,"te# ("th %o# h#s. The miAtu#e is then
inocul"te$ to p#e%o#me$ monol"&e#s o% eithe# Ce#o o# Hep cells in %l"t (ottom >6 ,ell
tissue cultu#e pl"tes "n$ incu("te$ %o# - $"&s. @e"$ings "#e t"2en "t 3
"n$ -
$"& "n$
$epen$ing on the C*E seen in $i%%e#ent $ilutions5 tit#e o% the se#um s"mple is c"lcul"te$ (&
using @ee$ "n$ <uench metho$.
1. >6 ,ell %l"t (ottom tissue cultu#e pl"tes
. <ic#o pipettes5 66 "n$ 1666 Ul
3. <ic#o(iologic"l s"%et& c"(inet (/"min"# %lo,)
.. C9 incu("to#.
). Test tu(es o# penicillin 0i"ls
6. <E< ,ith "$$e$ "nti(iotics "n$ cont"ining 8 4CS
-. 7"te# ("th )6 C "n$ 3- C
E"ch se#um s"mple h"s to (e teste$ sep"#"tel& %o# "nti(o$ies "g"inst 3 polio 0i#uses. :e%o#e
st"#ting the p#oce$u#e " pl"n shoul$ (e $#",n %o# the $ist#i(ution o% s"mples "n$ cont#ols in
the mic#otit#e pl"tes.
1. In"cti0"te the se#um s"mples "t )6 C %o# min.
. !ilute the se#um s"mples %#om 1116 to 116.3 in test tu(es o# penicillin 0i"ls using <E<
,ith 8 4CS.
3. !ilute the 3 t&pes o% polio 0i#uses5 *15 * "n$ *3 in <E< to cont"in 166 TCI! )6 pe#
6.1 ml using <E< ,ith 8 4CS.
.. <iA equ"l se#um qu"ntities o% se#um $ilution "n$ 0i#us $ilution in test tu(es "n$ incu("te
,"te# ("th "t 3- C %o# h#s.
). Simult"neousl& p#ep"#e th#ee 16 %ol$ $ilutions o% ch"llenge 0i#us $ose st"#ting %#om the
$ilution cont"ining 166 TCI! )6. <iA equ"l qu"ntities o% these $ilutions "n$ <E< ,ith
8 4CS "n$ incu("te in " simil"# m"nne#.
6. 't the en$ o% incu("tion5 $ispense 166 ul o% se#um 0i#us miAtu#e "n$ 0i#us <E< miAtu#e
,ells o% the mic#o tit#e pl"te5 st"#ting %#om lo,e# $ilution o% the se#um to the highe#.
Inclu$e ,ells %o# cell cont#ol "n$ to this "$$ 166 U/ o% <E<. E"ch se#um $ilution "n$
0i#us $ilution shoul$ (e inocul"te$ to "t le"st . ,ells.
-. Incu("te the pl"tes in " C9 incu("to# "n$ t"2e the #e"$ing "t the en$ o% 3
"n$ -
%o# the C*E in ,ells in ,hich 0i#us $ilutions ,e#e "$$e$ "n$ c"lcul"te the "ctu"l TCI!
emplo&e$ in the test. This shoul$ (e "#oun$ 166 TCI!
pe# 6.1 ml. Note $o,n the
highest se#um $ilution sho,ing complete neut#"lis"tion o% C*E. C"lcul"te the )68
en$point $ilution (& using @ee$ +<uench %o#mul". I% the#e is initi"l neut#"lis"tion "t $"&
3 %ollo,e$ (& (#e"2th#ough "t $"& -5 it in$ic"tes p"#ti"l neut#"lis"tion $ue to "ntigenic
#el"tion ,ith othe# ente#o0i#uses.
P"#1&"&!'$( $% .$u!'$(. &(0 "#&6#(!. %$" ELISA
1. 6.6)< c"#(on"te (u%%e# pH >.6.
'. !issol0e 6.)3 g N"
("nh&$#ous) in $istille$ ,"te# "n$ m"2e %in"l 0olume to 166
:. !issol0e 6.. g N"HC9
in $istille$ ,"te# "n$ m"2e %in"l 0olume to 166 ml.
To 3 ml o% solution '5 slo,l& : till pH is >.6 ("pp#oAim"tel& 63 ml).
. *hosph"te cit#"te (u%%e#5 pH ).6.
". !issol0e 11.> g o% N"
5 H
"n$ 1.) g o% N"
. H
9 in
$istille$ ,"te# "n$ (#ing the %in"l 0olume to 1666ml. '$?ust pH to -. ,ith 6.1 N N"9H
o# 6.1N HC1 i% necess"#&. '$$ 6.) ml// T,een 6 (*ol&oAð&lene so#(it"n
monol"u#"te) to 1D *:S to m"2e *:ST.
1) 6.)ml o% " stoc2 o% He#pes simpleA 0i#us (HSC+1) is "$$e$ to " @ouA (ottle ,ith "
monol"&e# o% Ce#o cell line "%te# $isc"#$ing the g#o,th me$ium.
) '$so#( the 0i#us %o# 36 mins "t 3- C "n$ "$$ 166 ml o% m"inten"nce me$ium. Incu("te
in " C9
incu("to# "t 3- C.
3) 9(se#0e %o# e0i$ence o% C*E (.+.3 h).
.) @emo0e the supe#n"t"nt me$ium "n$ h"#0est the cells ,ith 16+6 ml o% ste#ile *:S5 ,hen
P>68 o% the cells sho, C*E.
)) Cent#i%uge %o# ) mins "t 1666 #pm "n$ ,"sh the cells th#ice ,ith ste#ile *:S.
6) @esuspen$ the cells in " minim"l "mount o% *:S (eA11ml).
-) Sonic"te the suspension "t 66 c&cles/secon$ continuousl& %o# ) mins "n$ pulse$
sonic"tion %o# 3 mins.
3) Cent#i%uge the sonic"te %o# 16 mins "t 1666 #pm.
>) The supe#n"t"nt is use$ "s the "ntigen "%te# estim"ting the p#otein concent#"tion.
16) Cont#ol Ce#o cell "ntigen is p#ep"#e$ in " simil"# m"nne# ,ith moc2 in%ecte$ Ce#o cells.
(Ste#ile me$ium to (e use$ inste"$ o% the 0i#us suspension).
N9TE 1 The p#otein 0"lues o% the HSC "n$ Ce#o cell "ntigens shoul$ (e m"tche$ (e%o#e it is
use$ in the test.
1) 1 0i"l o% comme#ci"l <e"sles 0"ccine #econstitute$ in 6.) ml o% cell cultu#e me$ium "n$
m"$e up to ) ml ,ith s"me me$ium "n$ inocul"te$ into 1 @ouA (ottle ,ith " monol"&e#
o% Ce#o cell line.
) '$so#ption is c"##ie$ "t 3- C %o# 1 h
3) <"inten"nce me$ium is "$$e$.
.) C&top"thic e%%ect is %i#st seen on thi#$ $"& "n$ it g#"$u"ll& inc#e"ses o0e# neAt %ou#
$"&s. 9n the se0enth $"& eAtensi0e C*E c"n (e seen
)) The %lui$ is then %#o=en "n$ th",e$ t,ice "n$ 2ept "s see$ stoc2.
1. Ci#us is g#o,n in @ouA (ottle "n$ %lui$ h"#0este$ "septic"ll&.
. Spin "t 1666 #pm %o# 36 min.
3. To supe#n"t"nt "$$ so$ium chlo#i$e (.gms/166ml) "n$ *E; p#ecipit"te "t "
concent#"tion o% 168. (16gms/166ml)Q ("$$ N"cl %i#st "llo, it to $issol0e "n$ then "$$
*E; slo,l&)
.. Sti# %o# h"l% "n hou# in ice ("th "n$ "$$ 6.18 so$ium "=i$e ,hile sti##ing.
). Eeep %o# t,o hou#s o# o0e#night in #e%#ige#"to#.
6. Spin "t 16666 A g %o# 36 min.
-. !isc"#$ supe#n"t"nt.
3. @esuspen$ pellet in 1/166
o% the o#igin"l 0olume ,ith no#m"l s"line.
>. !i"l&se "g"inst ste#ile no#m"l s"line cont"ining 18 so$ium "=i$e %o# .h ,ith th#ee
ch"nges. (!i"l&sis ("gs "#e p#et#e"te$ (& (oiling in 18 so$ium c"#(on"te solution in
$istille$ ,"te# cont"ining lm< E!T').
16. Collect the $i"l&se$ "ntigen cent#i%uge "n$ collect supe#n"t"nt )<< E!T' J 66<<
in 166 ml !.7. A 6 min. "n$ estim"te the p#otein (e%o#e using it in the test.
11. Cont#ol Ce#o "ntigen is p#ep"#e$ in " simil"# m"nne# ,ith %lui$ collecte$ %#om moc2
in%ecte$ Ce#o cells.
1. The in%ecte$ suc2ling mouse (#"in is homogenise$ ,ith %ou# 0olumes o% chille$ 3.)8
"queous solution o% suc#ose in homogenise# (7"#ing (len$e#) (eA. I% the tot"l ,eight o% the
mouse (#"in is g then 3ml o% suc#ose solution shoul$ (e "$$e$)
. The homogen"te is "$$e$ $#op ,ise ,ith (#is2 mech"nic"l sti##ing to 6 0olumes o%
chille$ "cetone. The miAtu#e is sh"2en 0igo#ousl& "n$ "llo,e$ to st"n$ %o# 1) min.
The mil2& supe#n"t"nt "cetone is $ec"nte$5 the se$iment "t this st"ge (eing " pin2 gumm&
m"ss ,hich is tightl& "$he#ent to the (ottom o% the cent#i%uge (ottle.
3. ' 0olume o% %#esh "cetone equ"l to th"t o#igin"ll& use$ is "$$e$ to e"ch (ottle "n$ the
p#ep"#"tion "#e "llo,e$ to st"n$ in "n ice ("th %o# "t le"st one hou# to $eh&$#"te the
se$imentQ "%te# su%%icient time the se$iment is #e"$il& #e$uce$ to " %ine suspension (& use o% "
thic2 gl"ss #o$. The (ottles "#e then cent#i%uge$ "s (e%o#e. The supe#n"t"nt %lui$ is
"spi#"te$ out "n$ the se$iments %#om "ll (ottles "#e poole$ into one (ottle ,ith the help o%
sm"ll qu"ntit& o% %#esh "cetone.
.. '%te# most o% the %in"l supe#n"t"nt "cetone h"s (een #emo0e$ (& "spi#"tion the (ottle is
close$ ,ith " #u((e# stoppe# %itte$ ,ith gl"ss tu(ing5 ,hich is connecte$ to " 0"cuum pump
%o# $#&ing. The $#&ing is continue$ %o# one hou# ,ith the (ottle 2ept imme#se$ in "n ice ("th.
The pump is p#otecte$ %#om cont"min"tion (& " t#"p cont"ining " l"#ge qu"ntit& o% non+
"(so#(ent cotton.
).To the $#& po,$e# " 0olume o% 6.>8 N"Cl is "$$e$ ,hich is equ"l to /)
o% the tot"l
Colume o% homogen"te o#igin"ll& use$ (EA. I% the homogen"te is 16ml5 .ml o% 6.>8 N"Cl is
"$$e$ %o# #eh&$#"tion). The (ottle ,ith "ntigen is le%t o0e#night in ice ,"te# in the col$ #oom.
The neAt mo#ning it is cent#i%uge$ "t 16666 #pm %o# one hou#. The supe#n"t"nt %lui$ is
"ntigen. 4o# gel $i%%usion test uncent#i%uge$ "ntigen is use$.
N$!# / T#is (u%%e# (6.1<) pH 3 to > c"n (e use$ #eh&$#"tion o% suc#ose "cetone "ntigen
inste"$ o% 6.>8 N"Cl.
P"$c#0u"# %$" b'$!'(*&!'$( $% )$($c$(& &(!'b$0*
R#&6#(!. /
1) <onoclon"l "nti(o$ie s 1 'scitic %lui$s %#om :'/:/c mice inocul"te$ ,ith $esi#e$
clones h"0e to (e p#ecipit"te$ using the so$ium sulph"te technique. '%te# $i"l&sis the
p#otein concent#"tion is me"su#e$ ("(so#("nce "t 36nm) "n$ "$?uste$ to 1mg in 6.1<
so$ium (ic"#(on"te solution (stoc2 solution).
) :iotin+N+h&$#oA& succin"mi$e (:@/ :ethes$" )1 1mg o% :iotin+n+h&$#oA& succin"mi$e is
$issol0e$ in 1ml o% $imeth&lsul%oAi$e (Sigm" o# <e#c2). *#ep"#e it %#esh on the $"& o%
use. !9 N9T ST9@E S9/UTI9N *@E*'@E! E'@/IE@.
3) ;oo$ qu"lit& $i"l&sis ("gs ()666 mol.,t cuto%%)
To 1666 ug o% monoclon"l "nti(o$& in 1ml o% so$ium (ic"#(on"te solution5 "$$ 66 ul o%
stoc2 (iotin solution $#op+,ise (1mg/ml !<S95 it c"n (e 1665 66 B .66 "cco#$ingl& chec2
(e%o#e use). '%te# miAing ,ell incu("te "t #oom temp. %o# . hou#s ,ith pe#io$ic miAing. 't
the en$ o% . hou#s $i"l&se the miAtu#e "g"inst ste#ile no#m"l s"line ()66 ml A 3 ch"nges) %o#
13 hou#s "t . C to #emo0e un(oun$ (iotin. '%te# $i"l&sis me"su#e the eA"ct 0olume. I% the
0olume is 1 ml then the p#otein concent#"tion is )66 ug/ml. !ist#i(ute )6 ul 0olumes into 6
Eppen$o#% tu(es ((ullets). '$$ )6 ul o% ste#ile gl&ce#ol to e"ch (ullet (c#&op#ese#0"ti0e).
E"ch (ullet no, cont"ins )6 ug o% (iotin&l"te$ monoclon"l "nti(o$&. Sto#e "t +-6 C.
Estim"te optim"l concent#"tion o% this $iluent %o# this "nti(o$&. !9 N9T USE */'IN *:S
SINCE HI;H :'CE;@9UN! IS 9:T'INE!. The con?ug"te use$ is ST@E*T'CI!IN
*E@9DI!'SE (:@C :ethes$") "t " $ilution o% 111666 ()6 ul/,ell in <'C+E/IS').
Incu("tion ,ith (iotin&l"te$ monoclon"l "nti(o$& is %o# hou#s "t 3- C in " ,"te# ("th
(%lo"t the pl"tes).
1. Co"t E/IS' pl"tes ,ith HSC "n$ Ce#o "ntigens "t " p#e$ete#mine$ concent#"tion in
(u%%e# pH >.65 166 ul/,ell.
. Incu("te o0e#night "t . C.
3. !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh the pl"tes th#ice ,ith *:ST.
.. Quench the pl"tes ,ith 18 s2imme$ mil2 po,$e# in *:ST5 1)6 ul/,ell.
). Incu("te %o# h#s "t 3- C.
6. !isc"#$5 ,"sh pl"tes th#ice ,ith *:ST.
-. '$$ 166 ul/,ell se#"5 CS4 "pp#op#i"tel& $ilute$ in *:ST. Inclu$e positi0e5 neg"ti0e
cont#ols "n$ (l"n2s.
3. Incu("te %o# h#s "t 3- C.
>. !isc"#$5 ,"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST.
16. 166 ul/,ell o% go"t/#"((it "nti+hum"n Ig; pe#oAi$"se con?ug"te (:"ng"lo#e ;enei)
($ilution to (e use$1 11666 in *:ST ,ith 18 no#m"l go"t se#um)
11. Incu("te %o# h#s "t 3- C.
1. !isc"#$5 ,"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST.
13. '$$ 166 ul/,ell o% " solution cont"ining 9*! (.mg/16ml o% *C:5 pH )) ,ith 16 ul
o% H
1.. Incu("te in the !'@E "t #oom tempe#"tu#e %o# 6 minutes
1). Stop the #e"ction ,ith )6 ul/,ell o% .N H
16. @e"$ the pl"te "t .> nm on "n E/IS' #e"$e#.
1-. ' s"mple is consi$e#e$ positi0e i% the $i%%e#ence in 9! 0"lues is P6.1 (et,een the
HSC "ntigen "n$ Ce#o "ntigen "t th"t p"#ticul"# $ilution. 'ntigen is consi$e#e$
signi%ic"nt "t th"t $ilution.
1. Co"t E/IS' pl"tes (166 ul /,ell) ,ith me"sles 0i#us "ntigen "n$ Ce#o "ntigen "t "
p#e$ete#mine$ concent#"tion in c"#(on"te (u%%e# pH >.6
. Incu("te o0e#night "t .C.
3. !isc"#$ contents o% the ,ells "n$ ,"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST.
.. Quench ,ith 18 s2imme$ mil2 po,$e# in *:ST (1)6 ul/,ell). Incu("te "t 3-C %o#
). !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST.
6. '$$ the #equi#e$ $ilutions o% CS4/Se#um s"mples (166 ul/,ell) "n$ incu("te "t 3- C %o#
h#s. Inclu$e positi0e 5 neg"ti0e cont#ols "n$ (l"n2s.
-. !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST.
3. '$$ 166 ul/,ell o% #"((it "nti+hum"n Ig; pe#oAi$"se con?ug"te (:"ng"lo#e ;enei)
$ilute$ 11666 in *:ST ,ith 18 no#m"l go"t se#um "n$ incu("te %o# h#s. "t 3- C.
>. !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST.
16. '$$ 166 ul/,ell o% " solution cont"ining 9*! (.mg/16ml o% *C:5pH)) "n$ 16 ul o%
Incu("te "t @T %o# 6 mins in the $"#2.
11. Stop the #e"ction ,ith )6 ul/,ell o% .N H
1. @e"$ the #esults "t .> nm on "n E/IS' #e"$e#.
13. ' s"mple is consi$e#e$ positi0e i% the $i%%e#ence in 9! 0"lues is P 6.1 (et,een the
me"sles 0i#us "ntigen "n$ Ce#o "ntigen "t "n& gi0en $ilution.
1. Co"t E/IS' pl"tes ,ith 166 ul/,ell o% " p#e$ete#mine$ concent#"tion o% #"((it "nti+
hum"n Ig< "nti(o$ies (!'E9*'TTS) in c"#(on"te (u%%e# pH >.6.
. Incu("te "t . C o0e#night.
3. !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh ,ith *:ST th#ice.
.. Quench ,ith 18 s2imme$ mil2 po,$e# in *:ST (1)6 ul/,ell). Incu("te "t 3-C %o# h#s
). !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST.
6. '$$ 166 ul/,ell o% CS4 ($ilute$ 11166 in *:ST) in $uplic"tes. Incu("te %o# .h# "t 3- C.
-. !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh ,ith *:ST th#ice.
3. '$$ 166 ul/,ell o% GEC mouse (#"in "ntigen ()6H' units/166 ul $ilute$ in *:S).
Incu("te "t . C o0e#night.
>. !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh ,ith *:ST th#ice.
16. '$$ 166ul/,ell o% (iotin&l"te$ NIC c#oss+#e"cti0e monoclon"l "nti(o$& to GEC ()ul/16
ml o% *:ST cont"ining 18 s2imme$ mil2 po,$e# "n$ 18 no#m"l go"t se#um). Incu("te
"t 3- C %o# h#.
11. !isc"#$ "n$ ,"sh ,ith *:ST th#ice.
1. '$$ 166 ul/,ell o% st#ept"0i$in pe#oAi$"se con?ug"te (!'E9*'TTS) $ilute$ 11)666 in
*:ST cont"ining 18 no#m"l g#o,th se#um. Incu("te %o# 1) mins "t @T.
13. '$$ 166 ul/,ell o% " solution cont"ining 9*! (.mg/16ml o% *C:5pH)) "n$ 16 ul o%
Incu("te "t @T %o# 6 mins in the $"#2.
1.. Stop the #e"ction ,ith )6 ul/,ell o% .N HS9..
1). @e"$ the #esults "t .> nm on "n E/IS' #e"$e#.
16. 'pp#op#i"te high positi0e cont#ol5 lo, positi0e cont#ol5 neg"ti0e cont#ol %o# CS4 "n$
se#um "s ,ell "s (l"n2s shoul$ (e inclu$e$ in e0e#& "ss"&.
1-. The #esults "#e eAp#esse$ "s <'CE/IS' units ,hich is c"lcul"te$ using the %ollo,ing
%o#mul" 1
E/IS' units I (9! o% test s"mple + 9! o% neg"ti0e cont#ol)
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A 166
(9! o% ,e"2 positi0e + 9! o% neg"ti0e cont#ol)
Inte#p#et"tion o% #esults is "s %ollo,s 1
". 'n& test s"mple ,ith P 166 units is consi$e#e$ positi0e %o# Ig< "nti(o$ies to GEC.
(. ' s"mple ,ith E/IS' units (et,een 36+>> is consi$e#e$ p#o("(l& positi0e %o# Ig<
"nti(o$ies to GEC (ut #equi#es %u#the# testing ,ith !engue "n$ 7est Nile 0i#us "ntigens
"s ,ell "s no#m"l mouse (#"in "ntigen to eAclu$e %"lse positi0e #e"ctions.
c. ' s"mple ,ith E/IS' units K 36 is consi$e#e$ neg"ti0e Ig< "nti(o$ies to GEC.
7#.!#"( b$! &(&*.'. %$" HTLV<B 1"$!#'(.
&4 P"#1&"&!'$( $% 7#.!#"( b$! .!"'1. / Use solu(ili=e$ 0i#us o(t"ine$ %#om <T o#
HUT16 cells ,hich h"s (een pu#i%ie$ "n$ concent#"te$ 1666 %ol$ (& suc#ose g#"$ient
cent#i%ug"tion .
b4 P$*&c"*&)'0# G# E#c!"$1+$"#.'. /
1) /"&e# the 168 #esol0ing gel "n$ incu("te %o# 1)min. "t @T ,ith $istille$ ,"te# l"&e#e$
o0e# it.
) '%te# this #emo0ing the ,"te# l"&e# .8 st"c2ing gel on to the #esol0ing gel "n$ inse#t
com(s into the st"c2ing gel. Incu("te "t @T %o# 1) min.
3) @emo0e the com( "n$ %lush the ,ells ,ith $istille$ ,"te#.
.) C"#e%ull& #emo0e the cl"mps "n$ mount the gel pl"tes on to the Elect#opho#esis unit "n$
"$$ t"n2 (u%%e# into (oth lo,e# "n$ uppe# t"n2s. Ensu#e th"t the uppe# t"n2 h"s su%%icient
(u%%e# to co0e# the ,ells in the gel.
)) !en"tu#e the p#otein s"mple (HT/C+1 "ntigen) in s"mple (u%%e# (& (oiling %o# 3 min. in "
,"te# ("th. /o"$ ) to )6 ul o% this $en"tu#e$ s"mple into e"ch o% the ,ells c"#e%ull&
"0oi$ing spills "n$ "i# (u((les using " mic#o pipette.
6) @un the gel in the const"nt 0olt"ge mo$e "t " setting o% 66 0olts until the $&e %#ont
#e"ches the (ottom o% the gel pl"te.
-) @emo0e the gels c"#e%ull& "n$ use %o# t#"ns%e##ing o% p#oteins to nit#ocellulose
mem(#"nes (& 7este#n :lotting.
c4 7#.!#"( B$!!'(6 /
1) T#"ns%e# Elect#opho#ese$ gel to t#"& cont"ining 7este#n :lot (u%%e# (68 meth"nol in 1A
t#is+gl&cine (u%%e# ,hich h"s (een $e+"e#"te$ %o# 1) min.)
) *l"ce " p#e+,ette$ nit#ocellulose sheet5 ,hich h"s (een cut to the s"me $imensions "s the
gel on the gel ensu#ing th"t the#e "#e no "i# (u((les t#"ppe$ in (et,een.
3) Eeep %ilte# p"pe# p"$s (elo, the gel "n$ "(o0e the nit#ocellulose p"pe# to m"2e "
.) *l"ce this s"n$,ich in the "pp#op#i"te clip "n$ inse#t into the Elect#o (lotting t"n2
cont"ining (u%%e#.
)) Ensu#e th"t the "no$e is to,"#$s the nit#ocellulose mem(#"ne si$e ,hile the c"tho$e is
to,"#$s the gel.
6) The elect#o(lotting is c"##ie$ out using const"nt cu##ent mo$e "t 1)6 <' %o# h#s.
-) @emo0e the nit#ocellulose mem(#"ne ("l,"&s h"n$le gentl& using " %o#ceps) "n$ pl"ce in
" t#"& cont"ining 18 mil2 po,$e# in *:S. Incu("te "t . C o0e#night.
3) The nit#ocellulose mem(#"ne is #emo0e$ %#om the t#"& "n$ c"#e%ull& cut into thin st#ips.
Sto#e in " =ip loc2 ("g "t . C %o# upto 1 month.
>) *l"ce thin st#ips in " 7este#n :lot immuno "ss"& t#"& "n$ ,"sh ,ith *:S using "
#oc2ing pl"t%o#m.
16) '$$ .) ml o% 11)6 $ilution o% CS4 o# 11166 $ilution o% se#um p#ep"#e$ in *:S
cont"ining 18 s2imme$ mil2 po,$e#.
11) Incu("te "t #oom tempe#"tu#e on the #oc2ing pl"t%o#m %o# h#s. 7"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST
on the #oc2ing pl"t%o#m.
1) '$$ .) ml o% "pp#op#i"te $ilution o% "nti+hum"n Ig; pe#oAi$"se con?ug"te p#ep"#e$ in
*:ST cont"ining 18 mil2 po,$e# "n$ incu("te on the #oc2ing pl"t%o#m "t @T %o# h#s.
13) 7"sh th#ice ,ith *:ST on the #oc2ing pl"t%o#m.
1.) '$$ ml o% su(st#"te solution (!i"mino(en=i$ine . mg /16 ml o% *:S "n$ 16 ul o% H
"n$ #oc2 on the pl"t%o#m %o# 1 min. "n$ 2eep the t#"& in the $"#2 %o# 16 min. "t #oom
1)) Stop the #e"ction (& "$$ing $istille$ ,"te# to e"ch o% the ,ells.
ELISA 1"$c#0u"# %$" 0#!#c!'$( $% &(!' HTLV<B &(!'b$0'#.
1. Use cell cultu#e pu#i%ie$ "n$ concent#"te$ 0i#us solu(ili=e$ 0i#us %o# E/IS'. The optim"l
concent#"tion shoul$ (e p#e+$ete#mine$ in " chec2e#(o"#$ tit#"tion. Usu"ll& )+16 ug/ml
o% 0i#"l "ntigen gi0es (est #esults.
. Co"t pl"tes ,ith 166 ul o% "ntigen $ilute$ in )6 m< N"HC9
(u%%e#5 pH >.6 "n$ incu("te
"t . C o0e#night.
3. !isc"#$ contents "n$ #inse th#ice ,ith *:S. '$$ 66 ul o% .)8 :S' solution in *:S
cont"ining 1.) 8 mil2 po,$e# "n$ )8 suc#ose to e"ch o% the ,ells "n$ incu("te "t 3-
C %o# h#s. 7"sh pl"tes th#ice ,ith *:ST.
). '$$ 166 ul o% CS4/se#um s"mples $ilute$ %i0e %ol$ (11) to 116)) in *:ST ,ith 8 mil2
po,$e# to the ,ells in the E/IS' pl"te.
6. Incu("te "t 3- C %o# h#s. 7"sh pl"tes th#ice ,ith *:ST.
-. '$$ 166 ul o% go"t "nti+hum"n Ig; pe#oAi$"se con?ug"te (:"ng"lo#e ;enei) $ilute$
111666 in *:ST cont"ining 18 no#m"l go"t se#um. Incu("te %o# h#s. "t @T. 7"sh th#ice
in *:ST.
3. '$$ 166 ul o% su(st#"te (. mg 8 o% 9*! in *C: ,ith 6.66)8 H
16. <e"su#e the 9! 0"lues "t .>nm in "n E/IS' @e"$e#.