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CAE Key Word Transformation 1

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CAE key word transformation 1

Exercise 1
1 This is your third warning from me this week about being late for work.
This is the third time this week Ibe late for work.
2 I think Anita must have gone on a diet recently because shes !uite slim now.
It looks as.dieting because shes !uite slim now.
$ I always hated %asta when 1 was a child but now I cook it regularly.
I%asta when I was a child but now 1 cook it regularly.
( I went to have my own look at the a%artment and 1 couldnt understand why my
friend wanted us to live in such a de%ressing %lace)
"aving..myself* I couldnt understand why my friend
wanted us to live in such a de%ressing %lace)
+ ,e wanted to continue our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.
,eon with our mountain trek but the weather was too bad.
/ I want to inform you that I was not satisfied with the standard of service in your
I wouldwith the standard of service in your hotel.
3 I wanted to stay in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.
I..in last night but my flatmate insisted we go out.
4 5idnt you want me to tell the staff about your resignation6
,ouldthe staff know about your resignation6
Exercise 2
1 I didnt sto% worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside cam%.
It was.safety of cam% that I
#to%%ed worrying about the wild animals.
2 #teves one to%ic of conversation is the time he s%ent as a %ilot.
The time he s%ent as a %ilot ..about.
$ After arriving at the air%ort* we reali9ed that our %ass%orts were still at home.
Itat the air%ort that we reali9ed our
%ass%orts were still at home.
( ,hen :ichaels boat began to sink* he sent a signal for hel%.
,hen :ichaels boat began to sink* what ..a signal
for hel%.
+ Immediately after 'mi !uit her ;ob* she booked a %ackage tour around 'uro%e.
As..in her notice 'mi booked a
1ackage tour around 'uro%e.
/ I dont get on very well with many %eo%le but I hit it off with <ason straightaway.
I dont get on very well with many %eo%le but <ason .
other straightaway.
3 I was im%atient to get home because the holiday was such a disaster.
The holiday was soto get home.
4 I was ho%ing not to have to share a tent with anyone else on the cam%ing tri%.
I was ho%ing I would..myself on
the cam%ing tri% but I had to share.
Exercise 3
1 As I didnt want to disa%%oint my %arents* I agreed to go to medical school.
Not..my %arents* I agreed to go to medical
2 After deciding he would leave home* 'nri!ue immediately began searching for an
"avingleave home* 'nri!ue immediately began
for an a%artment.
$ :ake sure you look after your bag in this cafe> as there are many thieves around.
I suggest..your bag in this cafe> as there are many
( 7our chances of being affected by eye?strain and back in;ury increase with the
amount of time you s%end in front of a screen.
The more time you s%end in front of a screen* the.from
strain and back in;ury.
+ ,ith that bad cold you wont be able to hel% us so take the day off work.
,ith that bad cold youll.anyone so take the day off
/ ,hen <ames heard that his father had left all his money to his brother he did not
find it sur%rising.
It..to hear that his father had left all his money to his
3 I feel certain that there will be a new government after the election.
In my o%inion* there..of government after the
4 :ost em%loyees used to be %roud of working for the same com%any all their lives
but not anymore.
:ost em%loyees no..working for the same com%any all
Exercise 4
1 At <eremys leaving %arty* his boss made a s%eech and said he ho%ed <eremy would
have a good future.
At <eremys leaving %arty* his boss made a s%eech and
the future.
2 Our attem%ts to %ersuade #o;i to continue his studies werent successful and he left
university early.
Our attem%ts to %ersuade #o;i not to
success and he left university early.
$ The interviewer told @elinda that he would write to her to inform her whether her
a%%lication had been successful.
The interviewer told @elinda that he would
whether her a%%lication had been successful or not.
( Its %ossible that the sho%s will sell all their bottled water so we should buy all we
,e should buy all the bottled water we need now out
of it.
+ If we dont sto% the sale of tiger %roducts now* its %ossible there will be no more
tigers left
within the neAt ten years.
,e need to sto% the sale of tiger %roducts now ..out
within the
neAt ten years.
/ 'ven though 5iego didnt know any Brench at all* he managed to communicate with
1arisian taAi driver.
5es%ite Brench* 5iego managed to
with the 1arisian taAi driver.
3 Toms tutor told him that more effort was re!uired in order to %ass the course.
Toms tutor told him he would fail the course
4 I wish I hadnt let :aA borrow my money because none of his investments has
shown a
I ought my money to :aA because none
of his
investments has shown a %rofit.
Exercise 5
1 ,e would like you to %ay for the delivery of this s%ecial order before you receive it.
,e would a%%reciate .advance for the
delivery of
this s%ecial order.
2 #cientists think that there is nothing on that %lanet to suggest there is any life there.
According to scientists* there a%%ears .life
on that
$ ,hen I caught my boyfriend reading my emails* I told him I felt he had invaded
my %rivacy.
,hen I caught my boyfriend reading my emails* I told him I regarded it

my %rivacy.
( It is now 2( hours since :r ,illiams boat sank and %eo%le think there is little
likelihood he will survive.
It is now 2( hours since :r ,illiamss boat sank and his ..to be
+ I regret not having the feeling of achieving anything after reaching the summit but I
was too eAhausted.
I wish I.after reaching the summit
but I
was too eAhausted.
/ <ane really wants to have everyone looking at her every time we go out in a grou%.
<ane cant hel% attention every time we go
out in a grou%.
3 I ho%ed to %ersuade the boss of the benefit to me of going away on a cam%ing tri%
ten days.
I ho%ed to %ersuade the boss that a .me good.
4 Although the ;ob meant that he earned money regularly* Tony did not en;oy it.
Although the ;ob %rovided him..of income*
Tony did not en;oy it.

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