200 Challenges Booklet

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Cathedral Youth Centenary Challenge

In this booklet are 200 challenges. We want you to complete as many as possible by 31
December 2014. If you complete 100 or more you
will get a badge.
Please Note:
You must take part in each challenge individually (unless stated otherwise) and you should get a responsible adult to sign each one off for
you. When you have completed 100 then tell your organisation leader, we are sure they would like to see evidence along the way Why
not complete challenge 104 so you can show them?
Please make sure you tell your parents if you are going to go off and do a challenge by yourself, but better still take them with you to join
in the fun!
Some challenges make take several weeks / months to complete
You may have done some of these things before, but for this to count you must complete each challenge between 2
May and 31

December 2014
Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
1. Mime a bible story to some friends can they guess what it is?
2. Raise money for charity - either by yourself or with some friends
3. Take part in a charity event organised by others
4. Build a train track, which has a bridge or tunnel
5. Get a photo of you wearing as many items of clothing as you can - borrow
from your family- how many did you manage?

6. Read and review a book
7. Learn to say hello in 6 different languages.
8. Be involved (in a practical way) with the worship in your church (e.g. do a
reading, lead the prayers, take up the offertory etc.)

9. Make a thank you card for someone you admire
10. Collect 100 plastic bags from shops
11. Go for a paddle (in the sea or in a safe river)
12. Make a hot drink
13. Go on a cycle ride (remember your helmet)
14. Know how the Union Flag is made up
Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
15. Bake cookies and give them to a friend
16. Make a recipe book of your favourite recipes
17. Make up a keep fit routine to music
18. Do ten good turns in a month and keep a record.
19. Do not eat any sweets / fizzy drinks for a week
20. Play Kim's Game
21. Keep a weather chart for a week or more
22. Make a bird box or feeder
23. Change a light bulb on a table lamp
24. Run 1 kilometre
25. Cook a meal for your family

26. Swim 1 kilometre
27. Make a seed cake for the birds
28. Make some bread
29. Watch a sport live (e.g. football, cricket, ice hockey)
30. Design your ideal bedroom
31. Learn Away in a Manager (all 3 verses) off by heart
32. Learn the words to the first three verses (two if you are under 8 years old)
of God Save our Queen

33. Find out about your family's history
34. Take a selfie with a policeman (in uniform, in the street)
35. Identify 6 different trees
36. Read a book in a week
37. Fly a kite
38. Design a videogame
39. Go for a 4 mile walk
40. Polish some leather shoes
41. Learn to crochet
42. Celebrate a Saint's day e.g. St George
43. Write a Cathedral quiz for your age group
44. Make a pizza
45. Cut the grass
Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
46. Help someone without being asked
47. Research the Scottish referendum. Find out 5 reasons why Scotland should
be independent and 5 reason why they should not.

48. Make a Lego vehicle
49. Learn to cartwheel
50. Try a sport you have not done before
51. Go camping
52. Take a picture of wild summer flowers
53. Spring Clean your room
54. Have a Teddy Bears' picnic
55. Identify 6 different insects
56. Learn which way a screw is tightened and then screw two small bits of
wood together

57. Spot 100 birds
58. Do a mile at Scout's pace showing good walking & running
59. Get a photo with a member of the Cathedral Clergy
60. Look up your favourite recipe and find out how much the ingredients cost.
61. Draw a picture of a local landmark/building
62. Cook and eat an egg for breakfast if you dont like eggs cook one for
someone else!

63. Learn a song by heart and perform it
64. Measure your bedroom. How many litres of water would it take to fill it?
65. Learn how to pack a bag for a weekend away
66. Build and fly a paper aeroplane. How far did it go?
67. Watch the wild life in your garden or park - keep a record of what you saw
68. Learn to set the table for a 3 course dinner
69. Try taking wildlife photos
70. Make a building from Lego
71. Learn 4 jokes - can you make someone laugh?
72. Take part in an Aerobics class
73. Find 20 different items and fit them all in a small matchbox
74. Write down how to get from your house to Buckingham palace using public
transport/walking only. How much might it cost?

Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
75. Find out about Fairtrade and make a poster publicising it
76. Build a shelter
77. Cook food on a BBQ
78. Visit a zoo/ nature reserve / wild life park
79. Collect 100 different sweet/chocolate wrappers
80. Wheelbarrow for 100 metres
81. Glaze a plate/pottery
82. Make a kite and fly it
83. Make a superhero costume
84. Run around town in a onesie
85. Go to a theatre
86. Dance and sing in the streets with some friends (flash mob style)
87. Know how to tie a sling
88. Make a Cathedral word search
89. Write a movie review
90. Hand make a Christmas card or cards
91. Identify 6 different flowers
92. Make a model
93. Learn to sew on a badge
94. Find out about a religion other than your own by discovering about a major

95. Learn to say hello, yes, no, please and thank you in two foreign

96. Try a new food
97. Design a town trail for Chelmsford appropriate for your age group
98. Make a musical instrument and play it
99. Clean some windows
100. Bake a cake
101. Swim in the sea
102. Go swimming with your friends
103. Do 5 anonymous good deeds
104. Get a scrapbook and record your challenges
Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
105. For one week, make sure you get your 5 a day
106. Tie shoe laces
107. Run 800 metres without stopping
108. Make an ice cream or lolly
109. Play a piece of music
110. Visit a beach and build a sandcastle
111. Walk to church from home
112. Overcome a fear
113. Find out about Chelmsfords coat-of-arms
114. Take photos of everyday objects from interesting angles - can anyone
recognise what they are?

115. Make a snowman
116. Learn an interesting fact about Chelmsford Cathedral
117. Make a sock teddy
118. Learn a new skill for example riding a bike, juggling, playing an
instrument and demonstrate it

119. Eat a doughnut without licking your lips
120. Learn to write your name in a language that uses a different alphabet
(e.g. Chinese)

121. Visit a museum
122. Only say yes for the whole day (dont tell anyone)
123. Identify 6 different birds
124. Go beachcombing - take a photo of what you find
125. Draw an fictional cartoon character
126. Carry out a simple DIY job
127. Eat 100 rainbow drops
128. Learn your address and phone number
129. Take part in some parachute games
130. Identify 6 different star constellations
131. Climb a tree
132. Make something out of clay
133. Strip and make a bed
134. Tell a biblical story through the medium of dance
Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
135. Learn to knit and make a teddy sized scarf
136. Create an anti-littering campaign poster
137. Go ice skating. Can you do one lap of the rink without falling over?
138. Draw a map of your local area; mark on key features
139. Ask your oldest relative if they have a photo of their parents. Find out
a little bit about them.

140. Visit a Police, Fire or Ambulance Station
141. Write a ghost story for Halloween
142. Learn a magic trick or card trick and amaze your friends!
143. Help with a conservation project
144. Give a baby a bottle of milk
145. Make a photo album of the Cathedral
146. Make a collage that describes you
147. Make a 6 second movie
148. Have a scary movie night with some friends
149. Plant a tree
150. Get your picture with the Nandos chicken
151. Visit a historical site (such as church, castle) and find out 5 facts
152. Build and knock down a domino rally
153. Have yourself a pyjama day
154. Jump off a diving board
155. Make something out of Papier Mache
156. Invite a friend round for tea
157. Learn a new type of dance, e.g. samba or salsa
158. Make up your face with sweets / chocolate and dont eat them until
you have taken a photo.

159. Play a game of conkers
160. Eat an apple a day for a month
161. Travel somewhere by public transport
162. Grow seeds in an egg
163. Swap a favourite book with a friend - see if they like it as much as you

164. Balance a spoon on your nose for 100 seconds
Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
165. Eat healthily for a week keep a diary as evidence
166. Learn to read a road atlas - help navigate on a family car journey
167. Repair a puncture / change an inner tube on a bicycle
168. Iron a shirt
169. Make an advent calendar
170. Design your dream house
171. Make a non-alcoholic cocktail
172. Go Sledging
173. Run 100 metres as fast as you can
174. Write about a news report you've seen on TV, online or in the
newspaper. What was it about and what did you think about it? How did it
make you feel?

175. Collect 100 bottles for recycling
176. Record the Cathedral Centenary year in a photo album or scrap book
177. Watch birdlife in your garden or park - keep a record of what you saw
178. Keep your room tidy for a month
179. Polish your shoes
180. Make a Christmas present
181. Make a list of Fairtrade items that can be brought in your local

182. Hold a snake
183. Carve a pumpkin
184. Go on a treasure hunt
185. Play a game of tennis
186. Go to a fireworks display
187. Go to London
188. Grow a sunflower. How high did it get?
189. Collect 100 pennies
190. Fold a serviette in a creative way
191. Decorate some biscuits
192. Go pond dipping
193. Draw your family tree
194. Grow a fruit or vegetable and eat it!
Challenge Witnessed by, on (date)
195. Juggle 3 balls for 1 minute
196. Break a Guinness world record
197. Design your own Church or Cathedral building this can be a drawing, a
description or even a model

198. Dont watch TV for 100 hours
199. Make something out of melted chocolate
200. Try to dive in a pool (not jumping)

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