Microtia and Congenital Aural Atresia

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Otolaryngol Clin N Am

40 (2007) 61–80

Microtia and Congenital Aural Atresia

Peggy E. Kelley, MD*, Melissa A. Scholes, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center,
4200 East 9th Avenue, B205, Denver, CO 80220, USA

Microtia is the abnormal development of the external ear that results in

a malformed auricle. The deformity that results can range from mild dis-
tortion of the anatomic landmarks to the complete absence of the ear
(Figs. 1–3). Congenital aural atresia (CAA), which is commonly associated
with microtia, is the failure of the development of the external auditory
canal (EAC).
Microtia and CAA are relatively rare deformities; still, an otolaryngolo-
gist can expect to be called on to evaluate this defect several times in the av-
erage career. Although not every otolaryngologist will perform the complex
surgical reconstruction of these malformations, one should be familiar with
the etiology, anatomy, medical management, and nonsurgical options avail-
able for microtia and CAA. The goal of this article is to provide an overview
of these areas, and to give an update of current trends and future directions.
These deformities do not exist independent of other malformations of
the auditory system. A discussion of middle and inner ear abnormalities is
covered elsewhere in this issue.

Epidemiology and etiology

A number of causes have been implicated in the genesis of microtia, in-
cluding teratogens (such as vitamin A) [1], vascular insults, and genetic ab-
errations. Isolated microtia results when the branchial arches develop
abnormally. When part of a syndrome, microtia/atresia may be a result of
a single gene deletion, or the result of embryopathic development, such as
in Goldenhar syndrome. Some auricular deformities are a result of multifac-
torial insults to the fetus [2]. Microtia and CAA occur in approximately 1

* Corresponding author. Department of Otolaryngology, The Children’s Hospital, 1056

East 19th Avenue, Denver, CO 80218.
E-mail address: kelley.peggy@tchden.org (P.E. Kelley).

0030-6665/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.otc.2006.10.003 oto.theclinics.com

Fig. 1. Atresia without microtia. (Courtesy of Glenn Isaacson, MD, Philadelphia, PA.)

in 10,000 to 20,000 births. Both occur more often unilaterally, with a predi-
lection for the right side. Men are affected more than women, at a 2.5:1 ra-
tio. Microtia is commonly associated with CAA, and the degree of auricular
malformation usually correlates with the degree of middle ear deformity.
However, the incidence of inner ear abnormalities is relatively low in pa-
tients who have CAA [3]. Microtia is also associated with other anomalies
approximately 50% of the time, especially the facioauriculovertebral

Fig. 2. Microtia. (Courtesy of Glenn Isaacson, MD, Philadelphia, PA.)


Fig. 3. Severe microtia and atresia. (Courtesy of Glenn Isaacson, MD, Philadelphia, PA.)

syndromes. Microtia is seen in higher numbers in Japanese, Hispanic, and

Native American populations (particularly the Eskimo and Navajo) [4–6].
Women with four or more pregnancies are at increased risk for having
a child with microtia, especially its most severe form, anotia [7]. CAA is
more often bony than membranous.

During the sixth week of gestation, the external ear begins to develop
around the dorsal end of the first branchial cleft. On either side of the cleft
lies the first (mandibular) and second (hyoid) branchial arches. The auricle
arises from these arches as six small buds of mesenchyme, known tradition-
ally as the six hillocks of His. The mandibular arch gives rise to hillocks 1
through 3, and the hyoid arch gives rise to hillocks 4 through 6 [5,8,9]. Tra-
ditionally, it is thought that the derivation of specific auricle components
comes from certain hillocks (ie, hillock 1 becomes the tragus, hillocks 2
and 3 form the helix, hillocks 4 and 5 form the antihelix, and hillock 6 forms
the lobule). Other theories suggest that the hyoid arch contributes approx-
imately 85% of the auricle, and that most of the central ear is formed
from hillocks 4 and 5, whereas the tragus is formed from hillocks 1 through
3. The lobule is the last component of the external ear to develop. The con-
cha is derived from the ectoderm forming the EAC [2,4]. The auricle begins
in the anterior neck region, then migrates dorsally and cephalad as the man-
dible develops during gestational weeks 8 through 12, and lies in its relative
adult location by gestational week 20 [10].

During the first and second months’ gestation, the external auditory me-
atus develops from the first branchial groove between the mandibular and
hyoid arches. At 4 to 5 weeks’ gestation, a solid epithelial nest forms at
the meatus, and contacts the endoderm of the first pharyngeal pouch. Me-
soderm interrupts the contact between the endoderm and ectoderm. At 8
weeks, the cavum conchae invaginates, forming the primary meatus, which
becomes surrounded by cartilage and eventually becomes the fibrocartilagi-
nous portion of the EAC. This groove deepens and grows toward the tym-
panic cavity and comes into contact with the epithelium of the first
pharyngeal pouch. A solid epidermal plug extends from the primary meatus
to the primitive tympanic cavity to form the meatal plate (Fig. 4). This plug
of tissue recanalizes during the twenty-first week, forming the primitive
EAC, and by the twenty-eighth week, only the most medial ectoderm re-
mains, forming the superficial layer of the tympanic membrane (Fig. 5).
The ectoderm lines the bony portion of the EAC [5].

The fully formed auricle is a complex, three-dimensional structure with
three portions, the helical–antihelical complex, the conchal complex, and
the lobule. The elastic cartilage of the auricle is flexible but strong, and is
covered loosely with fibrofatty tissue over the margin of the helix and the
lobule; adherent skin covers the rest of the cartilaginous framework
(Fig. 6) [10].
Ears reach mature size earlier in females than males, at 13 and 15 years,
respectively. Normal ear height is between 5.5 and 6.5 cm. The helical rim
protrudes from the mastoid surface around 1.5 to 2.0 cm, creating an angle
of 15 to 20 degrees [4]. The projection increases from superior to inferior,
with the helical rim positioned 10 to 12 mm from the skull, and the lower
ear 20 to 22 mm from the skull. The superior edge of the auricle should

Fig. 4. 12-week fetus initial invagination. (Courtesy of Glenn Isaacson, MD, Philadelphia, PA.)

Fig. 5. 18-week fetus recanalization. (Courtesy of Glenn Isaacson, MD, Philadelphia, PA.)

be in line with the lateral edge of the eyebrow or the level of the upper eyelid
[10]. The ear is inclined posteriorly anywhere from 5 to about 30 degrees
along its vertical axis. Classic teaching states that the angle is parallel to
the dorsum of the nose, which is not necessarily true, although the two an-
gles are usually within 15 degrees of each other [4,11]. The nose is the more
variable angle. With a high nasion, the nose is more upright, but if the

Fig. 6. Fully formed ear with three portions, the helical–antihelical complex, conchal complex,
and lobule.

nasion is lower, the radix is flatter and may not be parallel with the axis of
the ear (Fig. 7).
The primary blood supply to the auricle is by way of the superficial tem-
poral artery and the posterior auricular artery. Multiple communications
between the two arteries allow one of the vessels to supply the ear if neces-
sary. Venous drainage of the ear is by way of the posterior auricular veins
that drain into the superficial temporal, external jugular, and retromandib-
ular veins. The great auricular nerve (C3) supplies most of sensation to the
external ear, along with small contributions from the lesser occipital nerve
(C2,3), auriculotemporal nerve (V3), and cranial nerves VII and X. The
ear is attached to the cranium by way of skin, cartilage, and the extrinsic au-
ricular muscles. These extrinsic muscles include the anterior, superior, and
posterior suspensory muscles. Intrinsic muscles are present, but play no
role in the support or function of the ear [2,10].
The EAC is composed of a lateral cartilaginous (one third) and medial
bony (two thirds) canal. The cartilaginous portion is covered with loose
skin containing sebaceous glands, ceruminous glands, and hair follicles.
The skin overlying the bony canal is thin and tightly adherent. The EAC
is curved in a superior and anterior direction [10].

Fig. 7. The angle of the ear is parallel to the dorsum of the nose, usually within 15 degrees of
each other.

Initial evaluation
During the initial physical examination, close attention should be paid to
the mandible, oral cavity, cervical spine, and eyes, to rule out associated anom-
alies. Evaluation of the malformed ear should include the quality of the skin,
the hairline, and the position of the remnant ear. The integrity of the facial
nerve on the malformed side should be assessed because microtia and facial
nerve dysfunction are often associated [4,12].
Patients who have unilateral microtia and CAA usually have normal
hearing in the contralateral ear [13]. Hearing status, however, is the first
thing that should be evaluated in the patient lacking other major develop-
mental anomalies. Sensorineural, conductive, and mixed losses can be
seen in the microtic/atretic ear [4,14] Conductive hearing loss represents
80% to 90% of the loss in these patients; however, approximately 10% to
15% will have a sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) that must be addressed
[2]. Patients who have Goldenhar syndrome may have hearing loss in the
nonmicrotic ear that is conductive or sensorineural [15]. The threshold of
conductive loss on the affected side is expected to be between 40 and 60
dB [13]. In most states, universal newborn hearing screening is mandatory.
If the nonmicrotic ear passes the newborn hearing screen, additional testing
can be delayed until age 6 to 7 months because hearing is adequate for the
acquisition of speech and language. Any hearing concerns before this time
require that diagnostic auditory brainstem response testing be performed
to be sure at least one ear has normal hearing. In patients who have one mal-
formed ear, careful attention is paid to the normal ear. Any threat to a nor-
mal hearing ear should be dealt with promptly. Middle ear effusions should
be treated aggressively [2,16].
In cases of bilateral atresia, bilateral bone conduction hearing aids should
be placed [5]. Traditionally, hearing amplification is not required in unilat-
eral atresia. However, it is now well-established that binaural hearing is su-
perior to monaural in terms of sound localization and speech perception.
Children with a unilateral hearing loss are at a greater risk of developing de-
layed language development and attention deficit disorders, and of perform-
ing poorly in school. The plasticity of the developing auditory system
benefits from binaural stimulation, which has led to a push toward improv-
ing hearing in patients who have unilateral deficits as well, by way of a sur-
gical correction of CAA (after microtia repair) or by placement of a hearing
amplification device [2,12]. Current Food and Drug Administration indica-
tions for bone-anchored amplification include age more than 5 years. Typ-
ically, microtia repair is performed no earlier than age 6 years, so that CAA
drill-out is not before age 7 years. It is unknown if opening the ear at this
later time allows for binaural brain development, or if a sensitive period
in development has already passed.
CT can be performed to assess middle and inner ear anomalies. Some rec-
ommend obtaining this information as early as possible, when the child is

several months old, because cholesteatoma is estimated to be present in 4%

to 7% of atretic ears and should be ruled out. However, a congenital cho-
lesteatoma often requires several years to grow enough to be evident or
problematic, so the CT scan may be delayed until an age where sedation
is not required, usually at age 4. If obtained in the newborn period, CT
will need to be repeated later if a drill-out procedure for CAA is contem-
plated, because the temporal bone matures and changes in the first years
of life. When obtained at the approximate age of 4, only one CT scan is re-
quired. The presence of cholesteatoma or otitis media that is refractory to
antibiotics is an indication for surgery, even if a good hearing result is not
anticipated [5].
Congenital ear malformations are not detected readily before birth, and
may cause psychosocial trauma to the parents and family [3]. Counseling the
family members is an important part of the management of these conditions.
The expectations of the parents and the reality of the problem may not co-
incide. It is important to communicate to the family that although microtia
reconstruction will improve the appearance of the auricle, the ear may never
look normal. Likewise, operations to improve hearing loss caused by CAA
rarely achieve normal hearing. It is important that children with these mal-
formations are evaluated early to rule out associated problems, evaluate
hearing status, and develop a plan of management.

History of ear reconstruction

Reports of attempted ear reconstruction date as far back as the 1500s.
More often than not, these early attempts resulted in failure. The use of au-
togenous cartilage and improved understanding of reconstructive methods
ushered in a new era in the correction of these deformities in the 1930s.
Tanzer is credited as the father of modern auricular reconstruction based
on an autologous cartilage graft framework placed beneath the skin. Others
have refined these techniques to the current practice standards [2,14].

Classification schemes
Any discussion of microtia usually begins with classifying the severity of
the irregularity by a grading system. Several grading systems exist and have
been modified over the years. All of the classification schemes classify a nor-
mal or near-normal auricle as Grade I, with increasing grades signifying in-
creasing deformity. Grade III/IV usually signifies a classic ‘‘peanut ear’’ or
complete anotia [8].
The first classification system for microtia was developed by Marx in
1926 [17]. It was later amended by Jarhsdoerfer and Aguilar in 1988 [18].
Aguilar further refined the system, which took into account only malforma-
tions of the auricle [19]. Microtia accompanied by atresia is harder to put

into simple categories, but several grading strategies exist. Altmann (1955)
[20], Lapchenko (1967) [21], and Gill (1969) [22] all developed scales looking
at not only the external anatomy but also the status of the rest of the temporal
bone. In 1974, Rogers proposed a four-part classification [23]. Tanzer’s 1977
publication proposed a clinical classification of auricular abnormalities that is
used widely [24]. In 1988, Weerda compiled all the classification systems into
one scheme that includes clinical grading and basic management principles
(Box 1) [8,14]. As classification systems vary over time and between users,
the deformity may best be recorded in the physical examination with a descrip-
tion of how it varies from normal. Classification can then be assigned later.
Two popular grading classifications for CAA are the De la Cruz classifi-
cation and the Jahrsdorfer grading system. The De la Cruz classification
divides malformations into minor and major categories. Ears with minor
abnormalities are better surgical candidates, whereas those with major ab-
normalities may be better served by a hearing aid. The Jahrsdorfer grading
system assigns points to certain CT characteristics, with a higher score
determining a better surgical candidate (Tables 1 and 2) [5].

Microtia repair
Microtia deformities range from mild to severe, as seen with the grading
schemes in Box 1 and Table 2. For mild, or type I, microtia, basic recon-
structive techniques for surgical correction apply. Various techniques of car-
tilage reshaping and sculpturing have been described for moderate
deformities. In this article, the authors concentrate on the surgical tech-
niques involved in the repair of severe microtia and anotia.
Microtia repair using autogenous cartilage is the gold standard of surgical
reconstruction. As mentioned earlier, this technique was refined by Tanzer
and consists of a multistage operative technique. The stages range in number
from two to four, with about 3 months’ separation between stages. This
method remains the standard because of the high quality and reproducibility
of the repair, and continued patient satisfaction [11]. It is a very challenging
practice, however, and various techniques have emerged that are surgeon
specific. The senior author of this article follows the technique of Brent
with minor modifications, as described in the following paragraphs [25].
The first stage consists of designing a template of the normal ear to use as
a guide. In patients who have low-lying hairlines, a smaller ear may be de-
signed to avoid a hair-bearing ear. The template is used to estimate the cor-
rect graft position. The usual landmarks include the upper eyelid, nose, and
lobule, if present. If hemifacial microsomia is present, the superior margin of
the contralateral ear is used [14,16].
In the first stage, cartilage is harvested from the contralateral sixth
through eighth ribs. Harvesting from the contralateral side provides a better
curvature to the graft (Fig. 8). The base of the new ear is formed from the
synchondrosis of the sixth and seventh rib. The floating eighth rib is used to

Box 1. Weerda’s combined classification of auricular defects,

including surgical recommendations
First-degree dysplasia. Average definition: most structures
of a normal auricle are recognizable (minor deformities). Surgical
definition: Reconstruction does not require the use of additional
skin or cartilage.
a. Microtia
b. Protruding ear (synonyms: prominent ear, bat ear)
c. Cryptotia (synonyms: pocket ear, group IV B (Tanzer))
d. Absence of upper helix
e. Small deformities: absence of the tragus, satyr ear, Darwinian
tubercle, additional folds (Stahl ear)
f. Colobomata (synonyms: clefts, transverse coloboma)
g. Lobule deformities (pixed lobule, macrolobule, absence of lobule,
lobule colobamata (bifid lobule))
h. Cup ear deformities
Type I: cupped upper portion of the helix, hypertrophic concha,
reduced height (synonyms: lidding helix, constricted helix,
group IV A (Tanzer), lop ear
Type II: more severe lopping of the upper pole of the ear; rib
cartilage is used as support when a short ear must be
expanded or the auricular cartilage is limp
Second-degree dysplasia. Average definition: some structures of
a normal auricle are recognizable. Surgical definition: partial
reconstruction requires the use of some additional skin and
cartilage. Synonym: Second-degree microtia (Marx)
a. Cup ear deformity, type III: the severe sup ear deformity is mal
formed in all dimensions (synonyms: cockleshell ear, constricted
helix, group IV (Tanzer), snail-shell ear)
b. Mini-ear
Third degree dysplasia: Average definition: none of the structures
of a normal ear is recognizable. Surgical definition: total
reconstruction requires the use of skin and large amounts of
cartilage. Synonyms: complete hypoplasia group II, peanut ear,
third-degree microtia (Marx); normally concomitant congenital
atresia is found
a. Unilateral: one ear is normal; no middle ear reconstruction
is performed on any child, auricle reconstruction is begun
at age 5 or 6 years
b. Bilateral: bone-conduction hearing aid before the first birthday;
middle ear surgery at age 4 years without transposition of the
vestige; bilateral reconstruction of the auricle at age 5 or 6 years

Table 1
De la Cruz classification of congenital aural atresia
Minor malformations Major malformations
Normal mastoid pneumatization Poor pneumatization
Normal oval window/footplate Abnormal or absent oval window/footplate
Reasonable facial Abnormal course of the facial nerve
nerve–footplate relationship
Normal inner ear Abnormalities of the inner ear

make a helical framework, which is then attached to the base. At times, an

extra piece of cartilage is harvested and banked to use for augmentation of
the graft’s projection. The cartilage scaffold is then placed in a subcutaneous
pocket in the proposed auricular area. Care is taken to preserve subdermal
vasculature and to elevate enough tissue so as not to put too much pressure
on the fragile graft. The lobule is not transposed as in Tanzer’s technique.
Suction drains are placed, and kept on continuous suction to ensure the
skin adheres to the graft to provide adequate molding and contour [11,14,16].
During the second stage, the lobule is transposed into adequate position.
Brent believes it is safer and easier to position the remnant this way [25].
This stage is sometimes combined with the third stage, in which the auricu-
lar framework is released from the surrounding tissue (Fig. 9). The graft is
released by incising the skin several millimeters away from the rim of the
graft. Dissection is continued over the posterior surface of the graft until ad-
equate projection is obtained. It is here that the banked piece of cartilage is
used to elevate the graft. After positioning the new auricle, the retroauricu-
lar scalp is advanced forward. A skin graft is then used to cover the medial

Table 2
Jahrsdoerfer grading system of candidacy for atresiaplasty
Parameter Points
Stapes present 2
Oval window open 1
Middle ear space 1
Facial nerve normal 1
Malleus–incus complex present 1
Mastoid well-pneumatized 1
Incus–stapes connection 1
Round window normal 1
Appearance of external ear 1
Rating Type of candidate
10 Excellent
9 Very good
8 Good
7 Fair
6 Marginal
%5 Poor

Fig. 8. Framework fabrication in the young patient. (A) To optimize natural configuration, rib
cartilage is harvested from the chest opposite to the side of the ear defect. (B) The framework is
sculpted in two pieces: the ear’s main body is carved from synchondrotic cartilage block, and
the helix is created by thinning the floating cartilage on the outer, convex surface to warp it
into a favorable curve. (C) The completed framework. The helix has been affixed to the main
block with 4 to 5 sutures of 4-0 clear nylon, with the knots placed on the frame’s undersurface.
(From Brent B. Microtia repair with rib cartilage grafts. A review of personal experience with
1000 cases. Clin Plastic Surg 2002;29:257–271.)

portion of the graft and the immediate postauricular area. Split thickness
[11,14,16] and full thickness skin grafts have been described [25].
The fourth stage involves reconstructing the tragus, creating a concha,
and making adjustments for symmetry. Sometimes a piece of cartilage is
used from the conchal area of the contralateral ear for tragus reconstruc-
tion, which allows some manipulation of the normal ear to help with sym-
metry. Some opponents of this method disapprove of taking material from
the ‘‘normal ear.’’ Alternatively, an additional piece of rib can be harvested
during stage one to create an antitragus–tragus unit that is attached to the
base (Fig. 10) [11,14,16].
Another popular technique is the two-stage method developed by Nagata
[26], which involves constructing the auricular framework from the sixth
through ninth ribs, including the tragus, which is assembled using stain-
less-steel sutures. These sutures have been associated with extrusion. Obvi-
ously, the amount of cartilage harvested is significant and could lead to
a chest-wall deformity. Thus, Nagata leaves the perichondrium in situ to
stimulate cartilage growth. The framework is placed and the lobule remnant
is transposed. The posterior skin of the lobule is used to cover the tragus and
conchal parts of the graft. Six months later, the second stage of reconstruc-
tion is performed and the graft is released. Another rib graft from the fifth
rib is used to elevate the framework, requiring another chest-wall incision. A
split-thickness skin graft is then used to cover the posterior portion of the
graft [11,14,26].

Fig. 9. Managing the earlobe in microtia. Lobe transposition secondary to cartilage framework
stage (top). Lobe transposition combined with elevation procedure (middle), which was safe be-
cause the skin-bridge above the short lobule carries circulation across to the auricle. Microtia
with absent lobule vestige (bottom). The lobe is created by first defining it in the rib carving,
then further delineating it when the ear is elevated with skin graft. (From Brent B. Microtia re-
pair with rib cartilage grafts. A review of personal experience with 1000 cases. Clin Plastic Surg

Fig. 10. Ear framework fabrication with integral tragal strut. (A) Construction of frame. The
floating cartilage creates helix, and second strut is arched around to form antitragus, intertragal
notch and tragus. This arch is completed when the tip of the strut is affixed to the crus helix of
the main frame with a horizontal mattress suture of clear nylon. (B) and (C) Actual framework
fabrication with patient’s rib cartilage. (From Brent B. Microtia repair with rib cartilage grafts.
A review of personal experience with 1000 cases. Clin Plastic Surg 2002;29:257–71.)

The optimal age to perform microtia repair is a matter of debate. Some of

the influencing factors include maturity of the ear, available rib cartilage,
and psychosocial issues. The usual age is between 6 and 8 years. The auricle
reaches 95% of its adult size at age 6 years. Brent usually begins repair at
age 6 in girls, and, in boys, recommends waiting longer, up to age 10,
when they comply more easily with postoperative instructions. Nagata waits
until the patient is 10 years old or the chest circumference is 60 cm, which is
required secondary to the amount of rib cartilage necessary in his repair
technique [11,14].

Complications of microtia repair

When the complexity of the reconstruction is reviewed, one realizes that
even small complications can lead to loss of the flap or graft if care is not

taken. A small hematoma or vascular injury can cause a portion of the flap
to necrose. If a small part (1–2 mm) of the graft becomes exposed but the
perichondrium is intact, oral antibiotic therapy with Staphylococcal and
Pseudomonas coverage should begin. Moist coverage of the cartilage with
stringent dressing management should be instituted. Larger defects may re-
quire coverage with a local flap, such as a temporoparietal-fascial flap. After
flap coverage, long-term antibiotic administration in necessary to avoid the
spread of infection and absorption of the graft [4].
Minor cosmetic complications can include poor positioning, scar contrac-
ture and hypertrophy, and poor contouring of landmarks. Generally, all will
improve with time. Minor scar revisions can be performed after the healing
phase is complete [4].
Acute pneumothorax and atelectasis can develop from the harvesting of rib
cartilage. Delayed complications of rib harvest include chest-wall deformity
and scarring. To avoid complications from pneumothorax, some surgeons ad-
vocate the use of chest tubes in the immediate postoperative period after rib
harvest. Ohara and colleagues [27] reported a decrease of chest-wall deformity
if the patient is older than 10 years at harvest, compared with children younger
than 10 (20% and 64%, respectively). However, this age criterion is less well
accepted in the western world, where social and peer stresses play a more
prominent role in surgical decision making [14].

Congenital aural atresia repair

Repair of an atretic ear canal depends on the likelihood of yielding ser-
viceable hearing [28]. Using classification schemes such as those created
by De la Cruz and Jahrsdoerfer helps decide which patient is a good candi-
date for atresiaplasty. Temporal bone anatomy is reviewed, along with any
evidence of other congenital abnormalities [29]. Children with CAA associ-
ated with other syndromes (Goldenhar, Treacher-Collins, Crouzon, and so
forth) usually are not candidates for surgical atresiaplasty and should be
considered for an implantable hearing aid [5].
CAA repair follows microtia repair by 2 months to preserve the vascular
supply to the skin and subcutaneous tissues [30]. In patients who have bin-
aural microtia and CAA, this is often done at 6 years of age. For patients
who have unilateral atresia, the CAA repair may be delayed until the patient
can understand fully the risks of surgery. However, if the mastoid and mid-
dle ear spaces are well-pneumatized and normal facial nerve function and
ossicles exist, caregivers may elect to go forward with a surgery at a younger
age, given the decreased surgical complication risk [5].
A high-resolution CT scan of the temporal bone should be obtained to
evaluate the anatomy. The mastoid should be evaluated carefully because
the canal is created at the expense of the mastoid. The most important fac-
tors for surgical planning include the status of the inner ear, the temporal
bone pneumatization, the course of the facial nerve, the presence of the

oval window and footplate, and the presence of cholesteatoma. The thick-
ness of the bony plate and the soft tissue components are also evaluated [5].
The three approaches for CAA repair are mastoid, anterior, and modified
anterior. The mastoid approach involves drilling out the mastoid and iden-
tifying the sinodural angle, which is often difficult because of the distorted
anatomy and the risk of damage to the facial nerve, vestibular system,
and other structures. The anterior approach is the technique most often
used (see later discussion). The modified anterior approach is a variation
of the anterior method first described by Murakami and Quatela [4].
According to the anterior method, a postauricular incision is made and the
subcutaneous tissue and periosteum are raised anteriorly to the glenoid fossa.
If any tympanic bone is present, the drilling is started at the cribriform area. If
no tympanic bone is present, the drilling begins at the temporal line just pos-
terior to the glenoid fossa. Drilling continues anteriorly and medially until the
epitympanum is entered. The most common associated anomaly of the middle
ear space is a fused malleal-incudal joint, whereas the stapes is often normal.
The atretic bone is removed carefully, uncovering the ossicles. The facial nerve
is always medial to the ossicular mass, but must be avoided in the posterior-in-
ferior middle ear space. Drilling is continued until the new canal is about 10
mm in size. Ossicular reconstruction takes place either with the patient’s native
ossicles (preferred) or a prosthesis, as necessary. A tympanic membrane is then
created using temporalis fascia. A split-thickness skin graft is used to line the
new EAC. Finally, a meatoplasty is created to augment the opening, and
a large ear wick is inserted to help stent the canal. Reduction in diameter of
the new canal by approximately 30% is normal postoperatively [5].

Complications of congenital aural atresia repair

Complications of CAA repair include lateralization of the tympanic
membrane graft (22%–28%), stenosis of the canal (8%), temporomandibu-
lar joint pain and trauma (2%), facial nerve damage (1%), and SNHL
(2%–5%). Lateralization of the graft is avoided by using gelfoam packing
to stabilize it during the healing phase. The patient and surgeon must
take meticulous care of the canal to avoid stenosis, including regular exam-
inations and debridements, and prompt treatment of any infections. High-
frequency SNHL may occur from acoustic drill trauma. Finally, facial
nerve monitoring is used because normal anatomic landmarks are often
missing [5].

Alternative and adjunctive procedures

Prosthetic devices
New technologic advancements have made prosthetic devices an accept-
able alternative to surgery. These devices do require a procedure to place

anchors, but the multiple operative stages of an autogenous repair are

avoided [14]. Although prosthetics have become more tolerable, they do
require daily cleaning and upkeep and may become dislodged. They often
have to be replaced every 4 to 5 years [8]. Besides patient preference,
some indications for prosthetic reconstruction include failed autogenous
construction, severe skeletal and soft-tissue hypoplasia, keloid formation,
and an unfavorable hairline [31]. Physicians who treat patients who have
microtia should be familiar with prostheticians in their area and should
readily refer those patients who may desire or require this method of

Alloplastic framework
The morbidity associated with rib harvest for microtia is significant,
and includes scarring, deformity, risk of pneumothorax, and postopera-
tive pain [11]. Frameworks made from alloplastic materials would avoid
these problems, but no perfect substance yet exists for this use. The use
of silicone implants were introduced in the 1960s and 1970s by Cronin
[32] and Ohmori [33]. However, long-term follow-up demonstrated prob-
lems with flap erosion and implant extrusion [2]. More recently, porous
polyethylene frameworks have been used (Medpore, Porex Surgical,
Inc., Noonan, Georgia). This material has low tissue reactivity and allows
ingrowth, which improves stabilization. Extrusion of porous polyethylene
has been reported, but covering the framework with fascia seems to re-
duce this complication. Such reconstructions remain very delicate and do
not tolerate trauma from sports or direct contact. This material should
be considered carefully before being used in a microtia reconstruction

Tissue expansion
The use of tissue expanders before implantation of a microtia framework
can avoid the use of skin grafts and may reduce the number of surgical pro-
cedures, according to advocates of this technique. With the use of ex-
panders, Hata and Umeda [34] reconstructed the auricle in a single stage.
They reported superior skin texture and match, and preservation of innerva-
tion to the skin. Park and Chi [11] describe a two-flap method whereby the
skin and fascial layers are expanded. These layers are split and the microtia
graft is sandwiched between the layers. A skin graft is then placed over the
fascial layer. Opponents of tissue expansion state that it is painful, and
young children are not always able to tolerate it. Tissue expansion also re-
quires a trip to the operating room and may not reduce the number of sur-
gical procedures. Lastly, some say the skin is too thick owing to the
formation of a fibrous capsule around the expander, which can produce
poor contouring results [11,12].

Tissue engineering
Ideally, an autogenous auricular framework made from a few cells would
be the graft of choice for microtia [35]. Experts in tissue engineering have
tried to create just that. Scientists have been able to grow an auricular
framework using a biodegradable scaffold implanted with bovine chondro-
cytes [36]. This framework was implanted into an athymic mouse and an
ear-shaped piece of cartilage was produced [11]. Limitations of this method
include the difficulty of producing an acceptable match consistently and the
fragility of the framework. Also, a large number of chondrocytes must be
produced, leading to a lengthy amount of time to grow a framework [11].
More recently, Kamil and colleagues have grown cartilage in a gold frame-
work [36]. Current work is focused on getting cells into alternating life cycles
so that normal cell maintenance is possible. To date, gold model ears have
cells in the same life cycle stage.
Other advances include the use of a three-dimensional model of a patient’s
normal ear intraoperatively for accurate assessment as a guide for the graft
structure. Three-dimensional modeling of a patient’s costal cartilage can
also be done using ultrasound techniques. Use of a model allows preopera-
tive planning and design of a graft that can help reduce operating time and
the amount of cartilage harvested [11,14].

Microtia and CAA are congenital anomalies that are so common that ev-
ery otolaryngologist should be familiar with the initial evaluation and care
of the patient. Once associated anomalies have been found and addressed,
or ruled out, hearing is assessed and habilitated, as needed. When one ear
hears normally, speech and language development should be normal. The
normally hearing ear is safeguarded. The gross and fine motor development
of the baby or child are not expected to be affected in isolated cases of
microtia and CAA. Balance is normal.
Current technologies allow for reconstruction or habilitation of the mi-
crotic ear when the child is several years of age. The hope is that tissue en-
gineering can eliminate donor site morbidity, and that temporary prosthetic
ears will be unnecessary. Aural atresia work continues to be very dependent
on the patient anatomy and the need or desire for better hearing in the
affected ear.

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