Helping English Language Learners Succeed (Carmen)
Helping English Language Learners Succeed (Carmen)
Helping English Language Learners Succeed (Carmen)
English Language
Carmen Zuiga Dunlap, Ph.D.
and Evelyn Marino Weisman, Ph.D.
Shell Education
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
2006 Shell Education
Reprint, 2007
Made in U.S.A.
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Corinne Burton, M.A. Ed.
Helping English Language
Learners Succeed
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 1: Understanding Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Eight Elements of Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Post-Reading Refection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chapter 2: Understanding Your Students Both In and
Outside of Your Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The Culture of Schooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Community Infuences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Family Infuences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Individual Factors that Affect Learning English . . . 30
The School Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Post-Reading Refection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 3: Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Classroom-Based Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Oral Language Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Other Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Final Suggestions for Assessing Your
English Learners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Post-Reading Refection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Chapter 4: Oral Language Development . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Theoretical Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
First and Second Language Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . 70
Labeling Stages of Language Development . . . . . . . 71
Additional Activities for All Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Post-Reading Refection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Table of Contents (cont.)
Chapter 5: Teaching Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Differences in the Reading Process Between
English Learners and Native Speakers . . . . . . . . . 90
Teaching Strategies for Beginning Reading . . . . . . . 92
Developing Comprehension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Post-Reading Refection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Chapter 6: Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Ten Truths About Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
How is Writing Different for English Learners? . . 107
Writing Strategies Especially Useful for English
Learners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Beginning Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Intermediate Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Advanced Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Suggestions For Assessing Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Post-Reading Refection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Chapter 7: Content Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Critical Elements of Sheltered Instruction . . . . . . 132
Reading and Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Building Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Sample Content Lesson (Social Studies) . . . . . . . . . 151
Post-Reading Refection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
The year is 1990. You are a new teacher in Minneapolis.
80% of the students in your classroom are native English-
speaking Anglo-Americans.
Fast forward to the 200304 school year. The same class-
room in the same school in the same neighborhood now
looks like thisfour of your students are native Spanish
speakers, three are native speakers of an Asian language,
one is American Indian, and the remaining 20 of your
students are divided between 12 African-American stu-
dents and eight Anglo-American students (Minneapolis
Public Schools, 2005).
The demographic changes illustrated above are a refec-
tion of how the English learner population in the United
States has grown in the last decade. In Los Angeles,
Chicago, Boston, New York, and Miami, and in fact in all
regions of the United States, the English learner popula-
tion has mushroomed. In the 200102 academic year, 4.7
million school-age students, or 9.8%, were English learn-
ers (Nieto, 2004). Yet despite this ever-growing English
learner student population, teachers report that they have
very little professional preparationnot sufficient to feel
prepared to successfully teach English learners (Meskill,
2005; Gandara, Maxwell-Jolly & Driscoll, 2005).
Preparing teachers to fnd effective ways to work with
English learners has become a critical element of good
teaching. As a new teacher, whether you have just a few
English learners or a full class, youll want to develop
effective and appropriate ways to meet their learning
needs. This book is for you.
In the chapters that lie ahead, we present practical advice
and ideas, weaving in theory and research to enrich your
understanding of teaching English learners. From our
many years of K8 teaching and university instruction in
teacher preparation programs, we have gathered a body
of experience and information. Based on these, we are
pleased to offer youa new teachersuggestions and
ideas that we wish we had known when we began our
careers as teachers in classrooms with English learners.
Please use this book as a resource. Ideally, you will use it
in conjunction with a good reading/language arts meth-
ods textbook. This book is not meant to be an English
as a Second Language program. It is intended to provide
background information, underlying principles, and ideas
for you to put to use in your classroom as you work with
English learners.
How this book is organized
In each chapter you will fnd an overview of the main
topic with specifc connections to English learners and
post-reading refection questions to refect on the mate-
Chapter One gives you an overview of the key elements
of language learning and reasons that each element is
useful for you to understand as a classroom teacher.
Chapter Two looks at the many infuences on English
learners both in and out of school. Chapter Three offers
you some assessment tools for use in your classroom.
Chapters Four, Five, and Six address oral language, read-
ing, and writing development. Chapter Seven looks at
content instruction.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Chapters Four, Five, Six, and Seven also include the fol-
lowing elements:
specifc instructional strategies and approaches
or what we call toolsfor your classroom use
classroom vignettes with teachers who put some
of these tools to use; that is, youll read about
good practice in action
an opportunity for you to identify the tools that
teachers use to assist their English learners
space for you to refect on what you have read and
learned in each chapter
An effective teacher of English learners understands
basic elements of language and language development.
This is important for two reasons. First, you will actu-
ally be able to observe these aspects of language in your
students. Second, this information will give you insight
and help you understand ways to guide your English
learners. At the end of each element of language, you
will read why this knowledge is useful for you as a class-
room teacher. Please understand that volumes have been
written on any single aspect of language that you read
about below, should you be interested in exploring any
one topic. What you read here are the briefest of expla-
nations. Before you read the chapter, think about your
answers to the following questions: How do you defne
language? What infuences how we use language?
Eight Elements of Language
What is language? How can it be defned? Like the air
around us, its everywhere, and so much a part of our
environment that we may not give it much thought.
Minimally, language is a series of arbitrary sounds strung
together that permit a group of people to communicate.
However, it is much more than thisit is a universal
human phenomenon that is the foundation of all our
communication. It is systematic and rule-governed,
infuenced by culture, social and economic class, and
even when, where, and with whom we use it. Lets take
a closer look.
Language . . .
1. develops naturally
2. develops in stages
3. has structure
4. is intertwined with culture
5. is linked to cognition
6. has varieties
7. is learned in social contexts
8. is infuenced by purpose and context
1. Language develops naturally
Unlike any other learned phenomenon, humans acquire
their frst language largely by hearing it and by interact-
ing with speakers in their environment. The same can-
not be said about learning to play the piano, learning to
ride a bike, learning to write, or any other learned behav-
ior. Three basic theoretical approaches to language learn-
ing provide a different lens on the process. Linguistic
theory holds that language has a structure that is unique
and distinct, and that babies are born with specifc lan-
guage learning mechanisms that enable them to learn
language in a relatively short period of time. Chomskys
work (1965) provided the initial theoretical support for
this view. Cognitive theories of language learning state
that it is directly linked to stages of cognitive develop-
ment. We associate the work of Piaget and Bruner with
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
this theoretical lens. Social interactionists, as the label
indicates, believe that the key element of language learn-
ing resides in meaningful social interactions within a
supportive environment. Vygotsky (1978) discussed the
critical role of interacting with others in a stimulating
Certainly, there are intuitively appealing aspects of each
approach. A stance that blends elements of each is some-
thing like this: babies are born with an innate language
learning ability that differs from other types of abilities.
This enables them to quickly grasp the structures of
language. Furthermore, language and cognitive develop-
ment infuence each other and, in order for language to
fully blossom, social interaction is necessary. Regardless
of which theoretical stance of the language learning pro-
cess one may take, we know that it is a human and natu-
rally occurring phenomenon that develops in strikingly
similar ways across cultures, languages, and geographical
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
Teachers can create learning environments for English
learners that capitalize on their innate ability to learn
language. This is particularly true for younger children
who are still in the later stages of natural, frst language
acquisitionbetween the ages of four and six. Older
students can beneft by being reminded that just as they
learned their frst language through listening and through
general exposure to language, they will beneft from
actively seeking exposure and social interaction with
others who can provide meaningful input in the second
language. Furthermore, theyand you, the teachercan
enhance students English language skills by placing lan-
guage learning in meaningful and interesting contexts.
We will return to this point later.
Understanding Language
2. Language develops in stages
Every living thing passes through stages of develop-
mentwhether an embryo or a new teacher. Similarly,
language development also occurs in stages. In the frst
few months of life, babies dont vocalize much beyond
crying, gurgling, cooing, or other minimal random
sounds. However, they are taking in enormous amounts
of auditory information. This early period provides the
foundation for later language development. Within a few
short months, babies begin babbling. Linguists suggest
that these sounds provide a baby with practice for tongue
and mouth movements in preparation for pronouncing
words. These precursors to language turn into recogniz-
able distinct words around the age of 12 months, the
time when a joyous parent hears the frst distinguishable
word. Other new words follow in quick succession, usu-
ally between ages three and fve.
In these few sentences, we have described three distinct
stages of language developmenta silent period, bab-
bling, and frst words. While they are common stages
that occur universally at about the same age, there is
some individual variation. We will return to the matter
of stages of oral language development in Chapter Four.
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
You will clearly see your students passing through vari-
ous stages of English language development. Furthermore,
you will see that each student has his/her own pace of
developing English, in the same way that babies and
young children have in their native language. Remember,
while you can foster language development, you cannot
force it. You can provide a rich language environment
for a young child and engage in multiple opportunities
for conversational give-and-take. However, you cannot
force a 12-month-old to pronounce daddy instead
of dada or an 18-month-old to understand a lengthy
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
sentence. Similarly, while there is much you can do to
encourage and support English language development in
your students, recognize that an individual students rate
of language development runs by an internal clock. You
cannot rush Mother Nature!
3. Language has structure
The fow of language can be compared to music. Imagine
listening to a beautiful piece of music, or listening
to someone speak who has a way with words. We
dont usually think about the underlying structure that
makes up this pleasing whole. However, it is precisely
because the various elements of the structure are placed
together in just the right way that creates their appeal.
Two elements that comprise musical structure include
rhythm and the particular key in which the melody is
written. Lets take a look at the structure of language.
Phonology is the study of sounds. The smallest unit of
sound is a phoneme. An example of a phoneme is nor
/n/, as a linguist writes it. There are rules in English, as
there are in every language, as to how phonemes may be
arranged to make words. In English, one rule allows us to
place /n/ and /d/ at the end of a wordas in standbut
not at the beginning of a word. In Swahili, a phonological
rule permits /n/ and /d/ at the beginning of a wordas in
ndiyo, meaning yes or it is so. Stress, pitch, and tone also
affect the way we produce sounds. Stress falls on a word
within a group of words or on a syllable within a single
word. Pitch and tone affect a single sound. In English,
changing the pitch and tone of a sound do not cause
meaning change. For example, English speakers would
agree that the meaning of the word ma is the same in
each of the following sentences, regardless of pitch and
tone: My ma was born in December. Ma, come quick!
In tonal languages, pitch and tone create completely dif-
ferent meanings. In Vietnamese, for example, ma can
be said in fve different wayswith rising, falling, or
Understanding Language
level pitch and tone, or a combination of these. Each of
these creates completely different wordsmother, ghost,
gravestone, horse, and a type of chemical reaction.
Morphology looks at the structure of meaningful units
of sound. A morpheme is the smallest unit of mean-
ing. There are free and bound morphemes. A free mor-
pheme carries its own meaning, like hat or desk. Bound
morphemes consist of prefxes, suffixes, and infected
endings such as ed or ing and must be combined
with other words. Infected morphemes are grammati-
cal markers. Young children and English learners begin
to use and manipulate infected morphemes in useful
and sometimes curious ways as they become profcient.
Consider the morpheme y, meaning roughly full of,
as in rusty or dusty. A three-year-old was recently over-
heard referring to someone as singy, meaning someone
who is full of song or who likes to sing. Morphological
development and use indicates that a fner-grained
understanding of language is in process.
Syntax is the system of rules that govern how words
are arranged to form meaningful phrases and sentences.
Syntax accounts for the word order, or linear order, of
a sentence or a phrase and the meaningful groupings of
words called constituents. Syntactic rules also explain
how ambiguous and paraphrased sentences are related.
This is accomplished by describing their underlying
structure. An example of an ambiguous sentence is: The
freeway sign read California left, so Ed turned around
and drove home. Here are three examples of paraphrased
sentences: John thinks hes intelligent. John thinks him-
self intelligent. Why does John think hes intelligent?
Finally, syntax describes how a sentence can be expand-
ed, or be recursive, which is the term linguists use. Here
are a few sentences that are recursive, or expanded: Terry
put on his hat. Terry put on his blue hat and tan jacket.
Terry quickly put on his blue hat and tan jacket, and
ran out the door. A complete syntax should account for
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
the creation of the infnite number of sentences possible
in a language.
Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases,
and sentences. Describing meaning is a much more
fuid proposition than describing rules that govern other
aspects of language. Indeed, it is the most elusive aspect
of language to describe in a systematic way. This is
because meaning is infuenced by use in context and
by individual and cultural aspects. Linguists have con-
structed a rather complex set of categories and principles
that describe some aspects of semantics. For example,
the language philosopher John Langshaw Austin (1962)
described what he called felicity conditions, mean-
ing that a sentence can be taken seriously only under a
suitable circumstance. The sentence I now declare you
husband and wife can be taken seriously only if spoken
by an authorized person within the appropriate circum-
stance. Partial descriptions make the study of semantics
still very much open to discussion and study.
Pragmatics looks at how language is used for real-time
on-going communication. Linguists have developed prin-
ciples and guidelines that describe pragmatics. One of
these is called speech acts (Austen, 1962). These describe
how we do things and get others to do things with words.
We invite, command, pardon, apologize, and a host
of other acts. How we do things with words is cultur-
ally embedded. How we invite, decline an invitation,
greet, and take leave are directly linked to culture. For
example, in Japan, it is expected that someone will turn
down an invitation by simply saying I am not able to
come. In the U.S., we expect either a bit of an apology
or an explanation. Instruction for English learners should
include attention to the use of pragmatics, or how native
speakers use English in social contexts.
These fve structures of languagephonology, morphol-
ogy, syntax, semantics, and pragmaticsare universal.
Understanding Language
How they interact and the importance and prominence
of particular elements are language-specifc.
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
Your English learners bring a vast amount of knowl-
edge about language structure in their frst language to
the process of learning English. They rely on familiar
linguistic rules that govern their frst language to help
them learn and navigate English. Linguists refer to this
as transfer. Your students knowledge and reliance on
the frst language can be very helpful, particularly for
older English learners. For example, an older student will
know there are ways of expressing concepts such as past
tense, relationships, time, and so on. This general knowl-
edge helps the older learner to specifcally seek ways to
express these concepts in English. Sometimes, however,
infuence from the frst language may cause difficulty,
or interference, with English. For example, if adding the
morpheme s or es to make a noun plural is not a rule
in the frst language, it will be difficult for the student to
internalize and use this rule in English. Knowing some-
thing about the structure of a students native language
can help you predict specifcally challenging aspects he/
she may have in learning English.
4. Language is intertwined with culture.
Discussing the link between language and culture with
university students and inviting them to share personal
experiences calls forward many amusing stories of what
can happen when there is a disconnect between the two.
Knowing a language does not necessarily mean that one
can navigate ones way in the culture of that language.
For example, perhaps your American students have
slumber parties or sleepovers. In the United States, this
is a common way for children to hang out at a friends
house and have fun into the evening and often beyond.
For people of other cultures, this may be a bizarre and
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
uncomfortable conceptallowing ones children to sleep
in the home of an another person. So not only does
the phrase slumber party require an explanation, it
also requires becoming familiar with a common North
American concept that is an integral part of the culture.
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
You will fnd it necessary to not only teach English, but
to sometimes also help students navigate cultural dif-
ferences as they become acclimated to new linguistic
meanings and cultural traditions or events.
5. Language is linked to cognition
We stated above that some theorists believe that cogni-
tive development supports language development. Some
believe the reverse is truethat language development
drives learning and provides humans the ability to orga-
nize their thinking. Certainly, there is an undeniable link
between the two. Lets look at two examples. Consider
a young child who makes the conceptual discovery of in
and links it to the word. Suddenly he/she begins to cor-
rectly use this cognitive and linguistic discovery inces-
santlyin the box, in the shoe, in the bed, in
the doggie, and so on. Children delight in making these
discoveries. The joy is evident in the constant use they
make of their exciting new fnds.
Conversely, here is an example illustrating how language
can infuence understanding. One of our children at
around age three became intrigued with the word area.
She used the word constantly, as in the silverware area
(the drawers where the silverware was kept) the desk
area (in reference to her little chair and table with her
crayons, paper, and books), and so on. Through hearing
the word used by others, she began to refne her under-
standing of it until she came to use the word correctly.
These examples illustrate how cognition affects language
and, conversely, how language affects cognition.
Understanding Language
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
A teachers most important responsibility is helping
students learn content and develop the vocabulary to
understand, speak, read, and write about what they learn.
Vocabulary development is one of the most challenging
aspects of learning another language. Vocabulary and
concepts are directly linked. It is imperative that teach-
ers of English learners embed learning and vocabulary in
understandable contexts. Chapter Five discusses ways
to promote vocabulary development. Chapter Seven dis-
cusses ways to help students understand concepts in the
content areas.
6. Language has varieties
We can think of language variety in two different ways.
First, variety can refer to the scope of sounds and sound
systems that are humanly possible. Some languages
spoken in southern Africa incorporate different types of
clicks. There are languages that include nasal sounds,
throaty guttural sounds, and variations on tone and pitch
of a single sound. Humans have included an amazing
array of sounds found in languages around the world. A
second way we can think about language variety is with-
in a single language. Spoken English varies across regions
and even socioeconomic class. Every language has such
varieties. A regional variety is usually referred to as
an accent and implies a difference in pronunciation. A
regional variety may also be called a dialect. Note, how-
ever, that dialects may include grammatical and lexical
(or word) variations, as well as differences in pronuncia-
tion. An example of a grammatical variation that is not
standard English is I so do not want to go (so is stressed
and used as an adverb rather than an adjective). The use
of so in this instance has become common among certain
groups, yet it is not considered standard English. The
words bag, sack, and poke are examples of regional lexi-
cal variations. They mean the same thing; however, they
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
are used preferentially in different regions of the United
States. Individuals typically dont think they have an
accent or speak in a certain dialect because they are sur-
rounded by others who speak the same way. We consider
our own speech the norm.
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
English learners will have difficulty hearing and pro-
nouncing sounds in English that do not exist in their
native languages. Young students who are learning
English while learning to read in English can be greatly
challenged as they develop phonemic awareness and
learn phonics rules for decoding text. Depending on a
students primary language, some areas of difficulty for
English learners are b/v, l/r, and p/f distinctions and
developing the ability to distinguish and pronounce the
large array of English vowel sounds. Helping English
learners develop phonemic awareness and then helping
them learn to read sounds as represented by written sym-
bols is a critical issue that will be discussed in Chapter
Five. Varieties of spoken English, however, have little,
if any, infuence on English learners. Only if the spoken
variety differs greatly in syntactic structure from stan-
dard written English might it present a challenge to the
English learner.
7. Language is learned in social contexts
We stated above that social interactionists believe that
language learning resides in meaningful social interac-
tions within a supportive environment. Humans are
social and curious, and we want to be included when
were interested in whats happening around us. So, an
environment that sparks a desire to be involved and to
know what is going on is critical. Another important ele-
ment for the learner is a guide who knows how to listen,
how to explain, how to answer questions, and how to
negotiate meaning in that environment. For young chil-
Understanding Language
dren, caretakers are the guides who interact in meaning-
ful ways. For English learners, the teacher and friends
are the guides who construct meaning through compre-
hensible language input. Of course, the learner is not a
passive recipient. Negotiating meaning is a joint venture.
Learner and guide are partners in constructing meaning.
A good guide modifes and adjusts language to the level
of the learner for maximum understanding as the learner
participates in attempting to understand.
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
As the teacher, your role is critical in providing a rich
context in which your students can engage in learning
and, consequently, learn English. With this in mind, you
can do a great deal to set up your classroom environment
so that students have multiple opportunities to talk to
one another as they explain, clarify, complete projects,
and construct meaning together. You can also model for
your native English speakers how to be helpful guides for
the English learners in the classroom. In Chapters Two
and Seven, we will talk more about providing rich social
contexts for English learners.
8. Language is infuenced by purpose and context
Maybe you have noticed that the way you use language
differs depending on the person you are talking to and
maybe even the context of the conversation. For exam-
ple, you use language differently with your dentist versus
how you speak with your students. You speak with close
family members in a casual manner, which is different
from conversing with someone you meet for the frst
time in a formal setting. Sociolinguists have even stud-
ied the different ways in which men and women use lan-
guage. Classroom language varies as well. An important
distinction is language that is used for social purposes
versus academic purposes. Social language is here-and-
now language, whose meaning is context-linked and
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
obvious. Playground or lunchtime language are examples
of social language. Similarly, written language depends
on the purpose and audience. A note you write to a friend
is far more casual than a paper you write for a class.
Talking about academic concepts and writing formally is
vastly different from informal uses of spoken and written
Why is this useful information for a teacher?
Social language will be more easily learned and used
by your English learners, while academic language will
require more effort and direct focus. It is important for
you to fully understand the differences between social
and academic language so that you can help your English
learners in the best ways possible. Cummins (1981) has
discussed these types of classroom language use. We will
draw on his work in Chapter Two to elaborate on these
uses of language. Throughout the book, we discuss strat-
egies and approacheswe call them toolsthat will help
you scaffold meaningful academic language for your stu-
dents as they negotiate to understand and learn English.
Important Points to Remember
Everyone passes through similar stages of
language development.
English learners bring a great deal of
information from their frst language to the
process of learning English.
Language learning relies heavily on social and
cognitive support.
Learning English can be supported by
the environment and helpful individuals;
however, learning a new language takes time.
Understanding Language
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Post-Reading Reflection
1. What was your defnition of language at the beginning of the chapter?
2. Would you revise your initial defnition? If so, how?
3. Refect on three elements of language and why these are important for
teachers to understand.
Understanding Your
Students Both In
and Outside of Your
As a teacher of English learners, you have a powerful
infuence on your students learning, as do the class-
room and school environments. Beyond the school, fam-
ily, community, and culture also exert infuences. It is
especially important that you understand your English
learner not just in the context of your classroom, but also
in the realm of broader infuences. In this chapter, we
explore these infuences that will help you understand
your students better, provide a rich learning environ-
ment for them, and set the stage for success in your
classroom and beyond.
Figure 2.1: Infuences on your English Learners
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
The Culture of Schooling
Carmens daughter attended school in Brazil when the
family lived there. Carmen found it difficultindeed,
impossibleto let go of her beliefs about what consti-
tutes good teaching. One day she gathered her daughter
and friends during after-school hours, read to them, and
invited the children to talk about their favorite part or act
out portions of the story. The children looked very con-
fused. They were unable to do this. Why not? It came as a
great surprise when she found that children from an early
school age were expected to attend carefully to teachers,
memorize a great deal of material, and respond by rote
memory. Her daughters friends were unaccustomed
to responding to stories, being asked their ideas about
what they read, or refecting on text. Carmens daughter
occasionally found herself in trouble at school precisely
because she would share uninvited opinions, which was
the norm in her home but not at school. When Carmen
discussed instructional approaches with teachers at the
school, they were quite certain their lecture and recita-
tion approach was the best.
Culture affects our values and beliefs in ways that we
may not even think about. This event illustrates how
students become socialized to a cultures way of school-
ing. It also illustrates that views of what constitutes good
teaching vary from country to country. How a culture
does schooling is unique unto itself.
Expectations concerning the role of the teacher also vary
from culture to culture. For example, in Vietnam, the
teacher is revered for the knowledge he or she has and is
held in high esteem. It would be completely inappropri-
ate for a teacher to respond to a students question by
saying, Gee, I dont have an answer for that but lets
look it up and fnd out. A teacher is simply expected to
know everything.
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
A third aspect that is affected by culture and by the fam-
ilys socioeconomic status is parent and family involve-
ment in the school. Should parents be involved guides?
Quietly supportive? Firm advocates for the perceived
needs of the child? Hands-off because they believe exper-
tise resides in the school and its best to leave instruc-
tion to the teachers? In the United States, we expect
parent involvement and seek ways to involve them. It is
important to understand that your expectations may not
match the cultural norm for your students family. You
may need to work at helping parents become comfort-
able with participating in their childs schooling.
As you work with parents to help them become familiar
with how schooling is done in the United States, explain
the grading system, test scores, and what they mean.
Make personal contact, because letters homeeven in
the home languagemay not be sufficient for establish-
ing a positive relationship and good communication.
Hallway conversations, phone calls home with the help
of translators, or even home visits are very valuable.
If your school (or district) does not offer assistance in
a particular language, seek creative ways to look for
community resources. Evelyn once called a Romanian
church to inquire about bilingual community resources
to help with a new student and his family. The church
obliged them by offering to send someone to the school
right away.
As you fnd yourself teaching English learners, it is help-
ful to fnd out as much as you can about how schooling
is done in the native countries of your students. Having
advance information will help you know what to expect
and enable you to provide a compare-and-contrast for
the parents. They may not feel completely satisfed with
your teaching approach, but they will appreciate your
efforts to explain differences. Furthermore, you and your
colleagues may fnd ways to help them grow to accept
the way we do schooling in the United States.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Here are some dimensions to consider that will give you
insight to a cultures view of schooling.
1. Is schooling considered competitive or
2. Is individual work valued over group work?
3. Does teaching methodology favor student inquiry
or lecture and recitation?
4. Is sharing work among students considered
cheating or the norm?
5. Are boys and girls segregated or integrated?
6. Are educational expectations and attainment
7. Is student improvement over time satisfactory or
is the focus on perfection, excellence, and high
8. Are students expected to focus exclusively on
academics or are other interests, such as sports or
music, encouraged as part of the curriculum?
9. Do parents and students expect that high-stakes
tests are a normal part of schooling or are high-
stakes tests unexpected or not understood?
10. Are parents accustomed to being involved in
school and their childrens activities?
Community Influences
In addition to cultural considerations, you must also
look to the broader community for language infuence. In
neighborhoods and communities with a single and large
non-English speaking population, there may be little
opportunity, reason, or motivation to use English outside
the school. In these neighborhoods, most aspects of daily
life can easily occur in a language other than English.
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
Conversely, in a multilingual community, English becomes
the common language.
In schools and neighborhoods with a large concentration
of a single language other than English, you will need to
become creative about fnding ways to promote and expand
ways for your students to use English. This is important
because you, the teacher, are the primary English language
model. English learners should have multiple English lan-
guage models and multiple opportunities to use English.
Using e-mail to connect native English speakers and English
learnersthat is, e-pen palsis ideal. Student-to-student
foster real and meaningful communication;
provide fuent English language models in addition to
the teacher;
create a real purpose for writing as clearly and
correctly as possible; and
can be used for social purposes and even structured
for subject matter exchanges.
Weve considered some cultural and community aspects of
schooling that affect English learners. Now lets look more
closely at family and individual infuences that affect a
students ability to learn English.
Family Influences
Family expectations and socioeconomic status play a large
role in your students English development. Typically, the
more education the parents have, the more they will encour-
age and directly support their children in learning English
and doing well in school. Keep in mind, however, that many
immigrant parents with limited education are eager for
their children to learn English and obtain a good education
in hopes of bettering their lives. Learning and literacy are
generally linked to the level of education of the parents, but
not necessarily to the parents current line of work.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Consider this example from Carmens teaching experi-
Antonio busses dishes in a restaurant. At a parent confer-
ence, it is evident that he values education and is eager
for his seventh-grade son to learn English and be success-
ful in school. A bit of polite probing reveals that Antonio
graduated from a post-secondary technological institute
in Mexico and taught electronics before he and his fam-
ily came to the United States. Eusebios lack of English
is one factor that contributes to his current job, as well
as to his frustration at not fnding employment more
appropriate for his level of education.
We know of many instances in which parents have
achieved signifcant levels of education in their home
countries but are unable to fnd appropriate work in the
United States, so they are forced to accept any type of
employment. Assume that your students parents are
eager for them to learn English and do well in school,
and that they may or may not demonstrate this support
in ways that are immediately obvious to you.
English versus the native language at home
Your student may be the frst in the family to learn
English, or may have siblings or other family members
who bring English into the home environment and who
have paved the way in the educational system. Certainly,
having other English speakers in the home is helpful.
Sometimes preservice teachers ask us how they can
encourage the parents of their students to use English at
home. Our response is: dont. If the parents dominant
language is not English, then they should speak, and if
possible, read with their children in that native language.
The parents should be encouraged to use the dominant
language to the fullest extent possible at home. Why?
Solid development in any language is far preferable to
impoverished language development in English.
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
Parents should tell and read stories, recite rhymes, sing
songs, even watch television together and then discuss
what they watchedall in the native language. Parents
should talk with their children in the clearest and richest
way possible and encourage their children to talk with
them in the native language. This use of language helps
with concept and vocabulary development. It is in using
language to its fullest that helps children develop think-
ing and the language that goes along with it. Your job as
a teacher is to teach English and content, and that job is
so much easier when students have a solid grasp of the
frst language. It is far better to transfer knowledge from
one language to another rather than to have to develop
concepts in a language that youre learning. Encourage
the use of the parents dominant language at home as
much as possible! An added beneft is that the parents
and children can stay linguistically connected. Learning
English should not mean losing the home language.
One of the most unfortunate aspects of losing the home
language is that the student may also lose the ability to
communicate with his/her family members.
Individual Factors that Affect Learning
Of course, many factors affect an individuals ability to
learn English. The most important ones are age of acqui-
sition, amount of education in the students primary
language, motivation to learn English, and language
learning aptitude.
Age of acquisition
Children under the age of about eight learn language dif-
ferently from older learners. Younger children use innate
language learning abilities and can acquire native-like
fuency, including pronunciation. Older learners rely
on general cognitive learning strategies. They can learn
to speak, read, and write perfectly well; however, after
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
about the age of 13, they will begin to lose the ability
to completely acquire standard English pronunciation
(Lightbown & Spada, 1999).
Education in the primary language
Schooling and literacy level in the primary language infu-
ence a students ability to learn English. Take the case of a
high school student from Mexico who had a strong back-
ground in the sciences and spoke very little English. When
she arrived in the United States, she was placed in a tenth
grade biology class that covered material she was familiar
with. She earned a B in the course. How? She was not
learning concepts, but rather how to express these con-
cepts in English. A strong primary language background
is a key element in being able to learn English, because
the student is not struggling to accomplish two tasks at
the same timelearning English and learning in English;
rather, the student can focus on the single task of learning
English. The underlying concept of bilingual education
rests on developing strong primary language and literacy
skills that the student can then apply to another language.
The student whose example we used here experienced
what Krashen (1996) refers to as de facto bilingual edu-
cationa solid primary language education in her home
country, followed by education in English. She did not
have to learn concepts all over again; rather, she learned
how to express what she already knew in English.
One of the most challenging teaching assignments is
working with older English learners, say 12 years or
older, who have had little or no formal education. These
students are burdened with the two tasks mentioned
abovelearning English and learning in English. Here are
some suggestions to help you and your students in this
type of situation:
Provide survival Englishbasic fundamental
phrases that will help the students navigate their
environment in school and in the community.
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
Teach students how to read and write the basic
phrases they learn.
Develop a print-rich classroom that suits
their developmental level. Bumper stickers,
advertisements, cartoons, posters, and recipes are
some examples (Schiffini, 1996).
Use the Language Experience Approach (see
Chapter Five) and other ways to do shared reading
and writing.
Teach to your students interests.
Find ways to let students share their developing
English skills, such as reading simple books to
kindergarten or frst-grade students.
Motivation to learn English that is internally driven
is more powerful than externally driven motivation.
Internal motivations can include a desire to make or
play with friends, to understand popular music, or to
embrace the culture. External motivations may include
a parents desire for the student to learn English, or the
desire to learn just enough English to get by with the
hope of returning to the home country (Lightbown and
Spada, 1999).
You may fnd that some of your students seem to quickly
pass through stages of English development while other
students proceed more slowly. Some individuals have an
innate aptitude for language learning that can account
for different rates of development among your students.
We have discussed factors that impact your English
learners outside of school. Now lets look at school-
related factors that infuence your students.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
The School Environment
Your school should have a welcoming tone and atmo-
sphere for all visitors. For parents and families of English
learners, there should be materials available in other
languages. There should be support for classroom teach-
ers such as up-to-date English as a Second Language
curriculum materials and opportunities for professional
development in this area. If the school has a large English
learner population, the school should have an appropri-
ately credentialed teacher to work with English learn-
ers as well as to serve as a resource for other classroom
teachers. There may even be a newcomers class or, in a
large district, a newcomer school exclusively for newly
arrived non-English speaking immigrant students. In this
environment, students learn basic English and receive an
orientation to the culture of the United States. Ideally,
there should be a community liaison at the school to
handle outreach to parents. These are indicators that the
school takes success for English learners seriously and is
committed to actively supporting their education.
Teacher as the Creator of a Positive Classroom
A positive teacher-student relationship is the fundamen-
tal and necessary building block for learning. Students
will want to learn when they respect and trust you, and
when they believe you have their best interests in mind.
A welcoming environment will also help students feel a
sense of security and belonging.
Respect for the primary language and culture
Your goal is to help your students learn English and
grade-appropriate subject matter. At the same time, it is
important to show your students that you respect their
primary language and to model for them that you, too
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
want to learn phrases in a new language. For example:
Learn to say their names correctly.
Avoid the temptation of giving your students English
language names unless they make this request.
Invite your students to share basic phrases in
their languagegood morning, good-bye, see you
tomorrow, and other phrases that everyone can learn
and enjoy using on a daily basis.
In addition to the usualposters, maps marking
students origins, and playing international music
label classroom objects in the languages your
students speak and in English.
An imbalance in numbers of students from a
particular language background might make it easy
to give a single students language a quick pass-over.
Be certain to include everyone.
Simply stating the main idea in this paragraph cannot con-
vey the importance and weight of incorporating it in teach-
ing English learners: Make diversity and learning about
diversity part of your curriculum. Make multicultural
education the standardvisually, aurally, and within the
If you do not have time to study a particular culture,
country, or region, you and your students can do
daily or weekly fast factsa few quick facts about
aspects of a students culture.
Let students share special holidays and events.
Encourage them to bring items from home that help
other students understand aspects of that students
Encourage students to write bilingual stories either
at school or at home with their parents assistance
and allow them to share these at school.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Literally hundreds of research studies show that learning
climates that are respectful and inclusive of students
linguistic and cultural backgrounds help them to suc-
ceed academically. Conversely, years after schooling
experiences, students remember when they have been
belittled, alienated, made to feel ashamed, or embar-
rassed about being different, as well as frustrated at
not being connected to the curriculum. As part of their
research study, Dunlap and Weisman (2005) asked teach-
ers to name the challenges that non-white students must
overcome to be successful in school. Consider these two
sample responses from teachers:
Non-white students have difficulties with not just
the language but traditions . . .
Yeslanguage is a very obvious one, but they also
have to overcome the challenge of culture. They cel-
ebrate days that we dont, for example, Thanksgiving.
We assume our children are familiar with these
events, but they are not.
Inviting and encouraging your English learners to have a
voice in your classroom and including their language and
culture will assist them in becoming successful students
and endear you in their memories for years to come.
A friendly and inviting way to orient a new English
learner is to buddy him or her up with an outgoing and
nurturing English speaker. Establish a welcoming com-
mittee of English-speaking students who you select
and groom for this assignment. Arm them with school
maps and key phrases, such as: This is the bathroom.
Heres the lunchroom. Have them show the English
learners classroom routines like how you have your
students line up, where the writing paper is kept, and
so on. The members of your welcoming committee will
enjoy their important job, while the English learners will
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
be able to establish a friendship as well as get anchored
in the life of the classroom and school and learn some
English along the way.
Language embedded in routines
Use daily and weekly routines as scaffolds (Peregoy and
Boyle, 2005). By using these routine classroom proce-
dures, you will help English learners understand how the
day and week fow, as well as learn vocabulary associated
with these routines. Every day the student hears phrases
like OK, lets start picking up. Its almost time for the
frst row to get their going home papers from their cub-
bies, or Will the two line leaders please pass out the
lunch tickets? These phrases are embedded in specifc
contexts at certain times of the day. Your English learn-
ers will learn these phrases and their meanings, adding
these to their expanding vocabulary and understanding.
A visual calendar would be a valuable tool in the begin-
ning weeks of the school year, as students learn class-
room routines. Create weekly or daily calendars that
match clock times with subject areas and tape it to the
students desks. Make them as simple or as detailed as
you desire. An example of a weekly calendar is provided
in Table 2.1 on page 37.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Table 2.1: Sample weekly calendar
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
Thursday Friday
Language Arts
Lunch Count
Language Arts
Library Time
Lunch Count
Language Arts
Lunch Count
Language Arts
Computer Lab
Lunch Count
Language Arts
Lunch Count
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Parents as resources
Find ways to invite and use parents as resources in the
classroom. Ask them to share cultural items, assist
with feldtrips, or supervise small groups of students. A
teacher we know often had parents just drop by the class-
room. Sometimes she had tasks for them and sometimes
she didnt. In order to make use of their time, she would
pull out her enormous basket of magazines and ask the
parents to look for and cut out categories of pictures
pictures of food, pictures of people engaged in activities,
pictures of houses, pictures of red objects or blue objects,
etc. The teacher was either able to use the pictures for
her picture fle or use them with student projects. Parents
can also provide enrichment by explaining holidays and
demonstrating traditions native to their culture.
Lets now turn our attention to matters specifcally
related to English language development.
Two types of language use
In Chapter One we stated that language is used for dif-
ferent purposes. We said that classroom language can
be used for social purposes or academic purposes. James
Cummins (1981) has provided a very useful way of cap-
turing this difference. He refers to social language use as
basic interpersonal communication skillsBICSand
academic and cognitively demanding uses of language to
teach and learn concepts as cognitive and academic lan-
guage profciencyCALP. These are important distinc-
tions because they help teachers understand that levels
of English learner profciency are directly related to how
easy or difficult uses of these types of language will be
for their students.
Here and now examples of social language, whose mean-
ing is context-linked and obvious, include playground
and lunchtime language. We say here and now because
the language used is obvious within the context at that
moment in time. Phrases such as Dont push me or
Do you want to look at this truck I brought to school
today? are all examples of social language that students
hear many times and whose meanings become obvi-
ous given the context in which they occur. This type of
language is vastly different from the abstract academic
language used in instruction that typically has no con-
text clues to support meaning. For example, an English
learner has no context for understanding the notion of
taxation without representation or a lecture about
the historical build-up to the French Revolution. The
difference in these uses of language also explains why a
student may be able to get along just fne in English at
recess or at lunchtime but has difficulty understanding
content-area instruction.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
We are going to ask you to do an exercise here that
will help you internalize the difference in these uses of
language, again borrowing from the work of Cummins.
In Figure 2.2 you see what is referred to as Cummins
Quadrants. There are two continuaa vertical one run-
ning from top to bottom indicating cognitively unde-
manding to cognitively demanding language. The hori-
zontal continuum runs from left to right, intersecting the
vertical continuum, and it represents context-embedded
to context-reduced language. Context-embedded lan-
guage is here and now language, like we mentioned
previously. That is, it is language that is understand-
able because the context makes the meaning obvious.
Context-reduced language is abstract and has nothing in
the environment to refer to that helps make the language
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
Figure 2.2: Cummins Quadrants
cognitively undemanding
context embedded context reduced
cognitively demanding
Now to the activity. Below is a list of eight activities and
subjects that can occur in a typical school day, lets say,
in a ffth grade class.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
1. Spelling -ly and -ior endings
2. Recess
3. Social Studieslife in the early colonies
4. Mathadding fractions with uncommon
5. Lunch count and PledgeOpening activities
6. Sciencerespiration in living things
7. LiteratureThe Witch of Blackbird Pond
silent reading of chapters four and fve
8. Word searchvocabulary taken from The
Witch of Blackbird Pond
In Figure 2.2 above you see the quadrants where youll
place each of the activities and subjectsin A, B, C, or
D. Place each bold-faced activity or subject from the list
above in the quadrant you think it belongs in, depending
on how context embedded or reduced and how cogni-
tively undemanding or demanding it is. Remember that
each line represents a continuum of context and cogni-
tive engagement.
Heres how we placed the activities in the quadrants:
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
Figure 2.2: Cummins Quadrants
cognitively undemanding
context embedded context reduced
cognitively demanding
Lunch count
Word search
Social Studies
Now to explain why we placed each activity or subject
where we did. First, lets assume that our English learn-
ers are at an intermediate stage of development. Their
social and oral language development is quite good, but
they lack a great deal of academic language that will
allow them to perform well with cognitively demanding
tasks that do not provide contexts or scaffolds to help
them understand.
1. Spelling. We placed spelling toward the top of
quadrant D because understanding the spelling
patterns of how nouns can change to adjectives
by adding -ly and verbs to nouns by adding -ior
is somewhat cognitively demanding. There is no
context to help students internalize these patterns,
unless a teacher or a fellow student takes the time
to point them out and helps students understand
what the words mean and how words in English
can change by adding these endings. This could be
a helpful activity for students, depending on the
support received. In fact, it could be a very good
ESL/ELD lesson.
2. Recess. Recess belongs in quadrant A. It is full of
social language that is cognitively undemanding
and has a great deal of here and now context-
embedded language like Throw me the ball and
You go frst. Recess, lunchtime, and transition
times (Please put away your spelling books.
I want to see how quickly you can open your
social studies books to page 98.) provide good
opportunities to develop social language because
they are rich in context clues that help an English
learner hear phrases repeatedly and thus learn
them easily.
3. Social Studies. We placed social studies in quadrant
D because social studies texts are typically dense
with concepts and new vocabulary. Unless the
teacher works at fnding ways to make these
abstract concepts obvious, the English learner will
be challenged to understand.
4. Math. We placed math in quadrant B. If the teacher
uses lots of visuals like fraction pieces that the
students can manipulate, does many sample
problems on the board, talks while explaining and
showing, and elaborates on explanations, then
the learning is context-embedded. The learning
and language are cognitively demanding and the
teacher provides comprehensible language by
making the lesson context-embedded with material
and visuals that support the language of the lesson.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
5. Lunch count and Pledge. The two opening
activities are divided between quadrant A and
quadrant C. The daily lunch count has lots of
context to make the meaning comprehensible
but is cognitively undemanding so it belongs in
quadrant A. The pledge of allegiance is placed
in quadrant C because it has no context other
than standing in front of the fag with hand over
heart, and for an English learner it is a string of
incomprehensible words. For many students,
the pledge is cognitively undemanding because
they are typically not expected to internalize its
6. Science. We placed the study of science
(respiration) in quadrant B. While there are new
vocabulary words and new material to read, if the
teacher uses graphics and charts, the concepts
are context embedded. The students will do an
experiment that will challenge them to think
about ways to improve respiration in the body.
7. Literature. Literature belongs in quadrant D. Just
like social studies, reading for understanding in a
language while trying to learn it is very demanding
and often frustrating. In this case, the students are
asked to do silent reading. Unless the teacher has
taken time and effort to provide comprehensible
input via focused vocabulary teaching and a
visual preview, such as a story map of what
happens in chapters 4 and 5, reading a piece of
grade-appropriate literature will be challenging
to an intermediate and even an advanced English
learner. This type of reading requires a teacher
to use many instructional tools that we will
discuss in the following chapters. Literature
and content-area texts, especially social studies,
are examples of cognitively and academically
demanding tasks that will frustrate the English
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
learner unless you take the time and effort to help
him or her understand.
8. Word search. We placed the word search in
quadrant C. There is no context to understand
what it is supposed to mean, so it is context-
reduced. Furthermore, fnding words in a random
display of letters is not cognitively demanding.
We hope that working with Cummins Quadrants has
given you a sense of the different uses of classroom lan-
guage, what is comprehensible to an English learner, and
what activities need support to be understood. We also
hope you understand that different types of language
serve different purposes, and that a student with a fairly
good grasp of social uses of language (BICS) will prob-
ably not have an equally developed use of academic lan-
guage (CALP). Finally, notice that reading literature and
heavy-laden conceptual text in English will require you
to scaffold meaning and understanding for your English
Aspects to Consider in Your Classroom
As you consider providing meaningful social and cogni-
tive support, you will need to think about the follow-
the number of English learners you have in your
the stage of English language development for each
the number of non-English languages represented
in your classroom
the type of primary language support you or others
can provide your English learners
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
These are important because they affect ways in which
you can organize your students to provide support for
concept and language learning.
Number of English learners you have in your classroom
This matters because it affects how many native English
speakers can provide linguistic models that can work
with English learners. If you are the only native English
speaker, the demand on you will be high. Conversely,
if there is only one English learner, the temptation will
be to skip over this students English learning needs and
focus on instruction for your native English speakers. For
this reason, we promote the concept of a critical mass
of English learnerssay from four to tenplaced in one
classroom with a teacher who holds the proper profes-
sional preparation and dispositions to work with English
Stages of English language development
This matters because it will affect how much time
you need to spend preparing comprehensible content
instruction. If your students are all at the same level of
English development, lets say intermediate, then you
will prepare lessons with the kind of support to meet
their learning needs. If you have beginning, intermediate,
and advanced levels of English learners, each level will
require somewhat different approaches, or tools, to help
them understand content lessons. In Chapter Seven, we
provide a sample fourth grade social studies lesson that
plans instruction for all levels of language development.
It serves as a model for you to use as you plan content
instruction for your own classroom.
Number of non-English languages your students speak
Having two or more speakers of the same non-English
language can help you and your students, especially if
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
one is a more advanced English learner. It is a defnite
advantage to allow them to use their native language
to help one another understand and negotiate content
meaning. After all, your goal is to teach, and so much
the better if you have another person who can help you
convey the content in a way that your English learner
understands! Your students English language develop-
ment and learning will be greatly enhanced when you
provide opportunities for students to help one another.
In Chapter Seven, we will give you some specifc tools to
help you accomplish collaborative student work. We offer
a caution, howeverdo not permit constant translation.
First, it takes away learning time from the bilingual stu-
dent who can become understandably resentful. Second,
it causes the student with lesser-developed English skills
to become dependent on someone for translation and less
willing to work at negotiating for meaning in English.
Type of primary language support you or others can
provide your English learners
You may fnd yourself with the advantage of assistance
from a bilingual aide or parent, or you may have some
working knowledge of your students primary language.
Take full advantage of all the primary language support
you can garner for your students. In the paragraph above,
we mentioned student-to-student language support. Any
type of primary language vocabulary or concept preview
or review you can provide for your English learners will
help them a great deal. The role of the primary lan-
guage is to support learning that serves to strengthen a
students education. Whatever the student understands
and learns in the primary language can be expressed in
English once he/she learns that vocabulary in English.
This is the concept that undergirds bilingual educa-
tion. We mention again that constant translation is not
bilingual education, nor is it sound educational practice.
When implemented correctly, bilingual education is a
powerful way for a student to become bilingual and bil-
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
iterate. If a good bilingual education program is not avail-
able at your school, you should use all primary language
resources available to you for the beneft of advancing
your students learning.
Ways you can organize your students to provide support
for concept and language learning
We stated in Chapter One that language is learned in
social contexts. Aspects of social learning include an
interesting environment that invites students to learn,
a more knowing guide who knows how to listen and
explain, and an actively participating learner. Learning
buddies and cooperative learning groups provide social
structures that are highly benefcial for English learners.
A great deal of educational literature is available on ways
to organize for cooperative learning. We will discuss
some of these in Chapter Seven. Cooperative learning
strategies allow for clarifcation within small groups of
students, an opportunity to repeat and practice language,
to hear content language modeled and expanded by more
fuent peers, and they require participation of everyone,
including the English learner. We encourage you to use
cooperative learning structures in your classroom if you
do not already. They are of great beneft to all your stu-
Having considered the many infuences that affect your
English learners, we arrive at the question youve prob-
ably had in mind all along.
How Much Time to Acquire English?
If we frst consider a native English-speaking student, we
might agree that by grade six or seven, the student is able
to listen, speak, read, and write at a fairly good level of
profciency. A student is able to accomplish this prof-
ciency in seven or eight years of formal educationfrom
kindergarten to sixth or seventh grade. Education beyond
sixth or seventh grade, of course, continues to refne
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
the students abilities in the four domains of language.
Research shows that about the same amount of time is
necessary for an English learner to acquire fuent English
language profciency in the four domainsbetween fve
to eight years (Collier, 1987, 1989; Ramirez, 1992). Just
as with native English speakers, less time is required
to develop speaking and listening skills. However, fu-
ent literacy skillsreading and writingsimply take
more time. We remind you of the last point we stated in
Chapter Onelanguage learning takes time!
Important Points to Remember
You, the teacher, are one of many sources of
Cultural and family expectations play a
signifcant role in student learning.
Seek primary language support for your
English learners at home and at school.
Student learning is positively infuenced by
classroom respect for home language and
Help students develop social and academic
uses of language.
Now youre armed with knowledge of the many infu-
ences that affect your English language learners. In the
next chapter well look at ways you can assess your
English learner, and in the following chapters well pro-
vide many specifc teaching tools for you to use that will
help your student along the path to English language fu-
ency and subject matter understanding.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Understanding Your Students Both In and Outside of Your Classroom
Post-Reading Reflection
1. What factors besides learning English are important infuences on your
English learners ability to learn?
2. How would you respond to a colleague who maintains that limited
English-speaking parents should speak English to their children at home?
3. What can you do in your classroom to promote respect for all students
culture? Why is it important to do so?
Would you please tell me which way I ought to
go from here? asked Alice.
That depends on where you want to get to,
said the cat.
I dont much care where, said Alice.
Then it doesnt matter which way you go,
said the cat. (Lewis Carroll)
This amusing quote from Alice in Wonderland captures
the importance of assessment. We want to make an
instructional plan for our students, provide instruction
that helps them achieve, and then fnd out if theyve got-
ten to the point weve planned for them.
Many states have developed their own formal assess-
ment tool for English learners. This type of standardized
test is typically given on a yearly basis by someone who
has received special training on administering it. These
English language assessments are important because
they do the following:
screen and identify students who need English
language instruction
establish appropriate placement for level of
reclassify students to move to a different level or
exit the English learner program
monitor English language development
provide information on program evaluation
establish instructional and student accountability
(OMalley and Valdez Pierce, 1996)
This information is certainly useful for a district to
maintain and may be required by state law. The results
of these standardized tests provide an indirect measure
of your students English language ability because it is
removed from actual tasks a student does in the class-
Classroom teachers dont usually fnd these indirect
measures so useful for instructional purposes in the
classroom. First, you may receive this information
briefy reported by a phrase or a number such as early
advanced fuency or Level 2 depending, of course, on
the test thats used and its rating scale. This may not
help you understand exactly what level of academic per-
formance you should expect from your student. Second,
there may be a lapse of time from the point that the test
was administered to the time you receive the results.
The results of the test are a snapshot in time reported to
you after the student has already made some progress in
your classroom. The results may not adequately capture
your students current level of English language develop-
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Classroom-Based Assessments
What can help you a great deal as a teacher of English
learners are direct measures that you can obtain yourself
from your own classroom-based assessments. These help
you answer two important questions: (1) What level of
performance on academic tasks should I expect of my
English learners? and (2) What support do my students
need to help them learn and perform well on academic
tasks? Furthermore, informal and direct measures can
help you answer another question: How is my students
English language development progressing?
Diagnostic assessment, as the term indicates, is a diag-
nosis of areas of need. It helps you select the types of
support your students will specifcally need with listen-
ing, speaking, reading, and writing to help them achieve
both academically and to improve their English language
abilities. This support will also help them improve
future performance. Teachers of English learners fnd
direct measures the most helpful. These include class-
room-based measures of student performance, such as
writing samples, projects, student-made exhibits, and
other activities that students engage in as a part of regu-
lar classroom activities. Assessing this kind of student
performance gives teachers direct classroom-based feed-
In this chapter were going to provide you with some
classroom-based assessments that you can use to give
yourself direct measures. You can use these for diagnos-
tic purposes, for academic assessment, and for helping to
track your students language development throughout
the school year.
Oral Language Assessments
1. SOLOM: Student Oral Language Observation
This test was developed some years ago by the Foreign
Service Institute and adapted for use with school-age stu-
dents by the California State Department of Education.
It is easy and useful for you to use with your English
learners and it will give you a quick snapshot of your
English learners oral profciency. This matrix can be
found online at:
Second language learners are usually not equally prof-
cient in all aspects of language. This quick oral language
test, which is found on the web site above, will help
you understand your students strengths and areas of
greatest need. Across the top of this matrix are numbers
from one to fve, indicating levels of profciency, with
fve being the most developed. Vertically and along the
left of the matrix are dimensions of language, including
Comprehension, Fluency, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,
and Grammar. Each coordinate in the matrix contains
a descriptor that corresponds to the level of profciency
in that dimension of language. The teacher listens to the
students language, then marks an X in the cell that
best describes the students abilities for each of the fve
dimensions of language. For example, you may rate your
student as a level 2 in comprehension, 2 in fuency, 3 in
vocabulary, 3 on pronunciation, and 2 on grammar, for a
total of 12 points out of a possible 25.
It is important to do this assessment as soon as possible
in the school year to establish a verbal baseline for your
student. And, of course, make the interview as relaxed
and casual as possible. We suggest you keep an audiotape
of each of your English learners. If you can fnd time
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
to tape record your student two times a year, you will
be able to hear a substantial growth in verbal develop-
ment, and your students will delight in hearing how they
sounded some months earlier.
We also suggest that you consistently use the same ques-
tions for this oral assessment. These provide a stable
baseline for judging language production across students
and across time. You will be able to hear, for example,
how a student is able to offer an expanded response to a
question to which, months earlier, he/she could provide
only a limited response.
Here are questions that weve developed for you.
Sample Questions
1. Whats your name?
2. How are you today?
3. Can you tell me what day it is?
4. Show me the . . .
5. Who is your best friend?
6. Tell me as much as you can about your best
7. What do you like about school?
8. What have you been studying about in
9. Tell me about some things you really like to
10. Talk about what you like to do best at recess.
The frst fve questions will allow even a very limited
speaker to respond and avoid embarrassment or frus-
tration. The latter fve questions permit a student to
elaborate and to demonstrate verbal ability and growth
over time. Notice we stayed with topics that are school
related. This is because a student may not have the
English vocabulary to discuss topics from home. In addi-
tion, some questions may not be appropriate in the home
culture. An example is How do you celebrate your
birthday? because not every culture follows the custom
of celebrating birthdays.
2. Social and Cognitive Listening and Speaking
Anecdotal Record
A second assessment of oral language ability is this
observational checklist, based on your active listening
skills of one student for a day or two. It is developed
with the social and cognitive uses of language in mind
and assumes that social uses of language will precede
cognitive language uses. It also helps you establish how
comfortable your English learners are becoming as they
use their new language with increasing numbers of
people. The tendency of second language learners is to
be somewhat timid in the early stages of second language
development and then more willing to speak in larger
groups as their ability and ease increase. Completing
this observational checklist twice a year will provide
evidence of oral English language growth. A blank copy
is provided on page 57.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Social and Cognitive Listening and Speaking Anecdotal Record
Directions: Observe your student for one day. Then complete this form by circling
the appropriate categories.
Student name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
Printed by permission from Carmen Zuiga Dunlap.
Skills being observed Comments
1. Responds to instructions
one-on-one small group whole group
2. Gives instructions
one-on-one small group whole group
3. Talks about/responds to a story
one-on-one small group whole group
4. Describes real events
one-on-one small group whole group
5. Describes imaginary events
one-on-one small group whole group
6. Answers a question (lower level)
one-on-one small group whole group
7. Asks a question (lower level)
one-on-one small group whole group
8. Answers a question (higher level)
one-on-one small group whole group
9. Asks a question (higher level)
one-on-one small group whole group
(one-on-one whole group)
Other Assessments
The Important Thing
Our colleague Dr. Teresa Crawford has developed a
pre- and post- assessment that is highly adaptable for all
areas and all levels. She bases it on The Important Book
by Margaret Wise Brown (Harper Trophy, 1990). The
book discusses many common objectsa spoon, a daisy,
grass, and so on. The frst sentence about each object is
The important thing about . . . is that it is . . . . (The
important thing about a daisy is that it is white.) This
statement is followed by three or four statements about
its other attributesIt is . . . It is . . . It is . . . The last
statement is a repeat of the frst. But the important
thing is that it is . . . .
This language pattern can be understood even by begin-
ning level English learners. It can be used with small
groups, large groups, or individuals. It is highly adapt-
able in that it lends itself to any topic or subject matter.
Individuals can create their own important attributes
about an object, which will likely differ from someone
elses. The assessment lies in what the student selects
to talk about and describe. It is an excellent form of
pre-assessment of your English learners knowledge and
vocabulary before beginning a unit of study as well as a
post-assessment indicating what they have learned.
A retelling is a written or spoken recall of what a student
remembers after reading or hearing a piece of text. It is
a type of performance assessment which requires the
student to construct a response, engage in higher order
thinking, and use the four domains of languagelisten-
ing, speaking, reading, and writing. A retelling is also
considered an authentic assessment because it parallels
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
a real-life activity that someone may be expected to do
outside of school. (OMalley and Valdez Pierce, 1996).
Retellings are useful tools for teachers and for students.
They can indicate to a teacher what a student:
thinks is important to remember and include;
can infer from the text; and
connects from the text to his/her own experiences.
A retelling also indicates how a student:
uses language;
constructs meaning;
sequences and organizes information; and
processes and connects large pieces of text.
A retelling can indicate a students ease of expression
either orally or in writing. It can also document a stu-
dents present level of competence and, with repeated
opportunities to do retellings, document improvement
over time. A retelling is excellent instructional tool. The
use of retellings over time helps students develop com-
prehension and improve their concept of a story (setting,
plot, and resolution), vocabulary, ease of oral expression,
and correct use of written language.
A retelling is a quick and highly fexible assessment
tool. You can ask a student to do a retelling of a story
or expository text taken from a textbook. You can ask
the student to do this in English or in his/her primary
language. A retelling done in the primary language can
give you a general idea of the students comprehension
and oral or written fuency. If the student reads then
writes the retelling, this can be useful in determining a
students literacy level in the primary language, indicat-
ing what resources the student can draw on in becoming
literate in English. The student can read the text or listen
to someone else reading and then do the retelling orally
or in written form. Finally, a retelling can be done with a
teacher, classroom assistant, a fellow student, or a cross-
age helper. Given the ease of doing retelling and all the
benefts of having your students do repeated retellings,
you can see the advantage of using them for assessment
purposes as well as an ongoing part of your instruction.
Weve developed a retelling rubric that you can use just
as you see it here or that you can modify to suit your
own purposes. This rubric is called the Retelling Profle
and it is provided on page 61.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Student _______________________________________________ Date_____________
Story title and author _____________________________________________________
Subject, text, and page numbers ___________________________________________
Check one:
_____ text was read aloud to student
_____ text was read silently by student
_____ text was read aloud by student
_____ text was read aloud with a student partner
_____ other:
Scoring: 0 indicates no evidence
1 indicates limited evidence
2 indicates moderate evidence
3 indicates much evidence
Retelling Profle
0 1 2 3
Text-based evidence
Recall of important information
Recall of main ideas
Recall of supporting ideas
Recall of sequence
Language use
Retelling demonstrates students use of. . .
Sentence structure
Language conventions and mechanics
Standard spelling
Reaction and response to text
Personal observations
Creative impressions
Printed by permission from Carmen Zuiga Dunlap.
Two teachers we know modifed this rubric to include
elements that appeared on their districts new report
cards for which they had not previously gathered data in
their teaching. Including these elements as part of the
retelling rubric and engaging their students in repeated
retellings gave them data by which to judge student
progress and, as a result, information that they needed
to assign grades.
These teachers, Jamie and Laurie, were students in our
program. They did a classroom-based retelling project
for a graduate course that we taught. For their project
they devised a creative combination of buddy journals
(Bromley, 1995a) and retellings. They each taught third
grade in the same school. They buddied their students
across the two classesa native English speaker with
an English learner. Each student maintained a journal.
Twice a week, the students would write to each other.
The frst time was on a topic of their choosing and the
second time was a retelling. Twice a week, after each
entry, the teachers bundled up the journals, exchanged
them, and distributed them to the buddies in the other
classroom. The buddy would write back and the teach-
ers would exchange the journals, returning them to the
owner who would read and respond to what the buddy
had written.
Weekly, the teachers agreed which story from the
Scholastic Literacy Program they would read to their
students. Each teacher would then read the same story
to her class and have the students do a written retell-
ing of the story. The teachers would then exchange the
journals, and each student would respond to the buddys
retelling. An initial assessment of their students retell-
ings revealed useful information on their English learn-
ers strengths and weaknesses. Jamie and Laurie tracked
their students progress for fve short weeks as they
reported, assessing the retellings based on our Retelling
Rubric. In just fve weeks, they stated that our students
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
grew in their reading and writing [abilities]. The retell-
ing journal was an excellent resource for many things .
. . valuable information about our students, about our-
selves in our teaching, and timely assistance with our
report cards. We would highly recommend this tool in
any teachers classroom.
We hope this idea from Jamie and Laurie has given you
encouragement to use retellings and to adapt them to
meet your particular needs.
Final Suggestions for Assessing Your
English Learners
Now that weve given you some assessment tools you
can use with your English learners, we want to add a
few additional thoughts and cautions about classroom
assessments that you create for them. Try to create con-
tent-area assessments for your English learners that do
not require them to rely so heavily on reading and writ-
ing to demonstrate what they have learned. This is espe-
cially important for beginning- and intermediate-level
students. Can they create a time line? Create graphic
organizers and add phrases and important vocabulary
to demonstrate their knowledge? Demonstrate their
knowledge by creating an experiment? These are just a
few ideas as you expand your thinking on other ways to
approach assessment for your English learners.
Important Points to Remember
Use classroom-based assessments that give
you diagnostic information about your
students English language skills.
Assess your students English language skills
just as soon as possible in the school year to
determine a baseline and at the end of the
year to establish growth in their abilities.
Retellings are easy and adaptable assessment
tools that provide diagnostic information,
and when used repeatedly, tools that help
students develop many literacy skills.
Find ways to assess your students content
knowledge that do not depend greatly on
reading and writing, especially for beginning-
and intermediate-level English learners.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Post-Reading Reflection
1. Describe how you will use one of the classroom-based assessments in
your classroom.
2. What is one way you could buddy up with another teacher to help your
English language learners?
3. Whats important to remember about assessing English learners content
Oral Language
Consider the following scenario from a ffth-grade class-
Dianas students were engaged in a Know-Want-Learn
activity on the Westward Movement. This strategy
engages students in articulating what they know about a
topic, what they want to know, and a post-study discus-
sion on what they have learned. Various students con-
tribute to the know and want to know sections of
the large chart taped along the length of the blackboard.
Diana asks several English learners what they would like
to add. Within the context of questions about covered
wagons, an English learner raises his hand. Diana calls
on him and he simply says Why. . .? as he moved his
hand in a choppy circle. Diana says, Oh! Why did the
wagons form a circle at night? The student smiles and
nods as Diana writes it on the chart. Good question,
adds Diana (Zuiga & Yopp, 1996).
Here we see a student who is at an early stage of English
development. Diana accepted the students intended
meaning, complimented him for his contribution, and
provided a verbal and written model for expressing his
intended meaning. Diana is a wise teacher who uses
many instructional tools to help her students develop
Oral language plays a key role in daily communication.
It is also a building block for developing reading and
writing skills and for understanding new concepts. In
this chapter, we focus on oral language development and
provide tools that you can use in your classroom to help
support your English learners acquisition of listening
and speaking skills. We begin with a brief discussion of
some of the major ideas that have infuenced the feld of
second language teaching.
Theoretical Foundations
For many years, views about teaching a second language
centered around behaviorist theories that emphasized
the use of pattern drills, memorization of verb tenses,
and practice with sentence structures. But this approach
was not effective in developing fuency in the second
language (Lightbown & Spada, 1999). We now know that
what promotes fuency are comprehensible language
input and extensive opportunities for interaction and
authentic communication.
Steven Krashens theories have been infuential in the
feld of second language teaching (1982). He suggested
the following:
Teachers should recognize that there might be
a silent period when students are not yet ready
to speak in the new language; however, they are
taking in a great deal of information through
listening. Students should not be forced to speak
during this silent period.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
The three most important elements related to
success in a second language are (1) a low anxiety
environment, (2) high motivation, and (3) self-
confdence and self-esteem.
Teachers should focus on activities that use
the language for real communication instead of
emphasizing grammar rules.
Second language acquisition occurs primarily
by understanding messages, or receiving
comprehensible input, in the second language.
The input can be made comprehensible by
utilizing context, visual aids, and gestures to
support meaning.
Some of Krashens suggestions have been challenged.
Well mention two here. The frst is that comprehensible
input alone is sufficient to promote fuency. Social inter-
actionconversational give-and-takeis very impor-
tant. Negotiating for meaning, not just input, is part
of the language learning process. (Hatch, 1992; Long,
1983). This supports the work of Vygotsky (1978), who
believed that learning is a social process that occurs
through interaction between children and others in their
environment. Vygotsky maintained that teachers need to
provide temporary support or scaffoldsstructures that
assist in learning and comprehension until students are
able to complete learning tasks independently.
The second challenge concerns the role of grammar in
language learning. Some research shows that students
can beneft from grammar instruction within a com-
municative-based program (Lightbown & Spada, 1999).
Including some grammar instruction within meaningful
communication activities seems to be most helpful for
older learnersten years old and beyondwho are at an
advanced stage of language development.
Oral Language Development
In Chapters One and Two we discussed the different
uses of language, specifcally social and academic uses.
Cummins (1994) work suggests that second language
learners can develop social language within a few years,
but it will take much longer for them to acquire the
academic language that is necessary for success in school.
It may take as long as fve to seven years, or longer, to
develop academic language profciency (Collier, 1987;
Cummins, 1994).
First and Second Language Acquisition
First and second language learners progress through very
similar stages of language development. However, there
are differences. Lets look at some similarities and dif-
ferences between frst and second language acquisition.
Babies learning a frst language progress from babbling to
single words then two and three-word utterances within
a span of about two years (Lessow-Hurley, 1999). During
this time they are also learning how language works and
how to use it as a tool for communication and expressing
thought. First language learners gradually develop the
ability to express their needs, make requests, share their
ideas, talk about the past and future events, and so on.
By the time they enter school, children generally have
a good understanding of the sound system (phonology),
how words are formed (morphology), and word order
(syntax) in their native language. Native English speak-
ers and English learners are already aware of how their
primary language works and how to use it for commu-
nication purposes. The difference is that English learn-
ers need to learn how to express what they know in the
second language. A second important difference is that
school-aged English learners need to acquire academic
concepts at the same time that they are developing pro-
fciency in English. That is, they need to learn English
and learn in English. These differences are illustrated in
Table 4.1.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Enter school with solid foundation in
phonology, morphology, and syntax
in English
Understand how English works and
how to use it to convey meaning
both at home and at school
Table 4.1: Comparison of First and Second Language Acquisition
Oral Language Development
Native English Speakers English Language Learners
Need to develop academic concepts
in a language they already can
understand and speak
Need to develop understanding and
speaking skills as well as academic
concepts in the second language
Labeling Stages of Language
As children learn English, they progress through stages
of language development. Various programs for teach-
ing English as a second language may have different
labels for these stages. We also know that states differ
in their descriptions of levels of English language devel-
opment. For example, California schools use fve labels
to describe or identify English learners stages of devel-
opment: Beginning, Early Intermediate, Intermediate,
Early Advanced, and Advanced. The important thing to
remember is that, although labels may differ, the devel-
opmental process of second language acquisition is the
same. Think of language development as a continuum
that ranges from the very beginning to a very advanced
level of language profciency. Then, think of points along
the continuum that have been given labels. Labeling
these points helps us understand what our students
Understand how language works
and how to use language to convey
Enter school with solid foundation in
phonology, morphology, and syntax
in the primary language, but need to
develop these in the second language
strengths and needs are as they progress along the path
of language development. Throughout this book we use
three stages of English language development: Beginning,
Intermediate, and Advanced. We will describe these
stages and provide teaching tools for you to use at each
of these levels.
Beginning Stage
The beginning stage is a period when children develop
the ability to get meaning from words and phrases and
gradually begin to produce the language that they hear
around them. Some of the characteristics of the begin-
ning stage include:
Associating the new speech sounds with meaning.
Having a silent period. It is common for beginners
to experience a period during which they do not
feel comfortable speaking in the second language.
Children may not initially make attempts to
communicate verbally; instead, they will indicate
their comprehension nonverbally.
Grasping the idea of a phrase without
understanding all of the wordschildren do this
by focusing on key words.
Relying on contextual clues for understanding key
Gradually beginning to respond using one, then
two or three-word phrases.
Students at this stage may experience a silent period,
lasting anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
During this silent stage they are developing listening
strategies that will form the basis for speaking skills.
When students do begin to speak, accept and encourage
all efforts. Obviously, your students early attempts at
communication will not be perfect; however, pronun-
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
ciation and other aspects will improve gradually as they
have more practice. We do not recommend exercises to
correct pronunciation and grammar at this point.
You can use a variety of teaching strategies with your
students at the beginning stage. One of these is Total
Physical Response (TPR). Developed by James Asher
(1982), TPR is very useful for teaching comprehension at
this stage and for teaching new vocabulary at any stage.
The basic premise is that language will be acquired more
easily if it is associated with body movement. Essentially,
the method consists of the teacher giving commands and
the students following them. It is important that children
have many opportunities to follow the command as they
observe the teacher modeling it before they are asked to
follow the command without any modeling. Inability to
follow the command without modeling means they need
more practice listening to it and observing the teacher
model it. TPR requires no verbal response, which makes
it ideal for beginners, although some children may repeat
the commands and may eventually want to lead others
in a TPR activity.
TPR can be used to introduce students to basic class-
room routines and vocabulary (stand up, sit down, get in
line, open the book, pick up the red paper, pick up the
green paper, etc.). However, you should use it along with
other approaches since at this stage students need to be
exposed to as much comprehensible input as possible.
So, a modifed TPR approach should be incorporated into
other language activities to teach vocabulary (Krashen &
Terrell, 1983). For example, you might have the students
draw a picture of their faces and then ask the students to
touch various parts of the face. Your teacher talk would
include commands as well as a wider range of sentence
types. During this teacher talk, vocabulary needs to be
made comprehensible by means of gestures, drawings,
pictures, and visual clues. Your students will not nec-
essarily understand every single word, but they should
Oral Language Development
understand the key words. Here is an example of what
an activity might sound like:
Youve drawn some great pictures of faces. Look
at Thuys face! (pointing to Thuys picture). This is
the face and here are the eyes, the nose, the mouth
(pointing to each body part). Youve drawn big, brown
eyes. What beautiful eyes! Point to the eyes on your
picture. Yes, those are the eyes. These are my eyes
(Teacher points to his/her eyes).
Associating vocabulary words with students names is
another technique that can be combined with TPR to
build comprehension and elicit non-verbal responses at
the beginning stage (Terrell, 1981). For example, if you
wanted to teach the names of fruit, several different
types of fruit could be placed in a bag. As each piece of
fruit is taken out of the bag, talk about it and incorporate
the childrens names:
Look at this apple. It is a red apple. Can everybody
see the apple? Its an apple. Im going to give the
apple to Maria. Maria, here is the apple. Who has the
apple? (Students say Maria.) Yes, thats right, Maria
has the apple.
Students can be successful with this type of activ-
ity without having to understand every single word. It
builds confdence while at the same time develops com-
As students feel more confdent and after they have heard
English words many times, they will begin to speak quite
naturally. When children are ready to speak, continue
the same types of activities described earlier but provide
opportunities for the children to respond verbally.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Terrell (1981) suggests using the following types of ques-
tions to encourage beginning students responses:
1. Yes/no: Is this an apple?
2. Choice: Is this an orange or an apple?
3. Completion: This is a big, red . . . .
4. Single or two-word questions: What is this? What
are these?
These questions can be woven into your language, which
should continue to focus on comprehension, including
previously taught vocabulary as well as new vocabulary.
Lets suppose, for example, that you have taught color
words, clothing words, action words, and animal names
but havent taught words for size relationships. You could
use a picture to provide students with an opportunity to
say words they have heard many times as well as to build
comprehension of new vocabulary. For example:
Look at this picture. What do you see? (Cat) Yes,
heres a cat. And is this a cat or dog? (Dog) Yes, its a
dog. Is the dog playing? (Yes). Yes, hes playing with
the girl. Theyre playing on the grass. What color is
the grass? (Green). Thats right, the grass is green.
What color is the girls dress? (Red). Good, thats
right. The dress is red. The dog is big but the cat is
little. This tree is big and this tree is little. Is this
tree little?
When students begin to respond verbally, accept their
responses, praise them, and expand on their language.
If, for example, the student says play instead of play-
ing, you can say, Yes, the dog is playing. In this way,
you model the correct response, provide additional lan-
guage input, and avoid creating anxiety for the student.
Oral Language Development
Important Points to Remember for Beginning
Provide comprehensible language input by
using gestures, pictures, or real objects.
Repeat key vocabulary in a systematic way.
Focus attention on the activity so children
become interested and motivated to
communicate in English.
Allow for non-verbal responses until children
feel comfortable with speaking.
When children do begin to respond, accept
and praise their responses and expand on
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Vignette #1
Examine the following classroom vignette. Notice the types of questions the teacher
asks of children at different levels of language development. Can you identify four
tools the teacher uses to promote language development?
Oral Language Development
What tools does the teacher use?
1. uses pictures to convey meaning
2. repeats key words
3. asks a question that involves choice to encourage response
4. allows for non-verbal responses from beginning-level students
The children participating in this lesson include Miguel and Nuzhat, who have just
recently arrived in the United States and do not speak English. The other children have
been in school for several months and have begun to produce a few words and short
phrases in English. Previous lessons have focused on color words. In this lesson, the
teacher is showing pictures of plants and fowers:
Teacher: What do you see in this picture?
Thanh: Flower.
Teacher: Yes, this is a fower. Its a very pretty fower with lots of petals and leaves
(points to petals and leaves in the picture). Can you point to the fower? Good,
this is the fower. (As she points to the fower). Miguel, point to the fower.
Nuzhat, point to the fower. Yes, this is a fower. These are called petals and
leaves. And this part is the stem of the fower. What color is the fower? Is it
Children: No!
Teacher: No, its not purple. What color is it?
(Children hesitate.)
Teacher: Is the fower red or is it yellow?
Children: Yellow!
Teacher: Yes, thats right. The fower is yellow. And the leaves on the fower are green.
What color are the leaves, Julie?
Julie: Green.
Teacher: Yes, the leaves are green.
Teacher: (as she points to the leaves) Miguel, point to the leaves. Nuzhat, point to the
leaves. These are the leaves.
Intermediate Stage
Your students will progress rather quickly into the
intermediate stage when their understanding is greatly
expanded and they are much less hesitant to speak.
Characteristics of this stage include:
ability to speak in simple sentences and engage in
ability to reproduce familiar phrases that are
memorized through repeated use;
ability to relate details of an event or story,
identify main ideas, and summarize a plot;
ability to respond to open-ended questions that
relate to here and now situations; and
frequent errors in grammar.
During this stage, continue to expand students vocabu-
lary and use many of the same techniques described
earlier. You can use Total Physical Response to teach
more complex language and vocabulary by giving com-
mands such as: Give the blue pencil to Lily. Point to the
crayon that is not yellow. Fold the top left corner of your
It is still important to repeat key vocabulary frequently
and to use visual aids and concrete material to convey
meaning. Additionally, encourage students to use more
language by asking open-ended questions such as: Why
did you like the story? or How did you make that?
Now is also the time to involve students in more linguis-
tically demanding tasks that require extensive under-
standing and production. For example, model language
that describes and compares, then engage students in
doing the same. It is also important to continue to pro-
vide interesting activities that will motivate students to
want to communicate in English. Students can partici-
pate in retelling stories and take part in Readers Theater
presentations and games to practice their language skills.
A few games are described at the end of this chapter.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
At this stage, vocabulary can also be taught through
academic content using some of the methods already
described. For example, TPR can be used in a math les-
son (Point to the pyramid. Point to the cube.) or in a
science lesson (Point to the roots. Point to the stem.)
It is important to remember that although intermediate
students are able to understand a great deal more than
beginners, they will need to hear new words many, many
times before they are internalized and can be produced
automatically. Therefore, use TPR and other scaffolding
strategies described earlier whenever new vocabulary is
While students in this stage will make many errors in
their speech, it is not advisable to constantly correct
them. Instead, model correct language form and encour-
age them to express themselves. When you model cor-
rections you will be providing more comprehensible
input that students need to refne their language. At this
point, it is neither appropriate nor productive to correct
students grammar and teach grammatical rules.
Important Points to Remember for Intermediate
Continue to provide comprehensible language
input by using gestures, pictures, or real
Continue to develop vocabulary.
Focus attention on the activity so that your
students become interested and motivated to
communicate in English.
Encourage describing and comparing.
Ask open-ended questions to encourage more
language production.
Accept and praise student responses and
expand on them.
Oral Language Development
Vignette #2
Read the classroom vignette. Can you identify fve tools the teacher uses that are
appropriate for these intermediate-level students?
Susanas fourth graders are lining up for lunch. She turns to the student line
and sees Ramn punch Suwat in the arm. This is not what I expect from you,
Ramn. What happened? Ramn gestures toward Suwat and says, He stepped
my foot. Suwat quickly says, He cut the line. Susana takes the boys aside.
O.K. Ramn cut in line, so Suwat stepped on Ramns foot, and Ramn hit
Suwat. Is that what happened? Both boys nod in agreement. But teacher, you
say my name to get in the line and Suwat no, adds Ramn. Yes, Ramn, I
called your name to get in line, and I called Suwats name to get in line, too.
The way you acted toward each other makes me feel sad. I want us all to respect
each other. I want us all to be nice to each other. Do you remember the rules
we made that we all agreed to follow the frst week of school? Susana points
toward the posted chart. The boys look at it and nod in agreement. Ramn,
what should you have done instead of hitting Suwat? Eyes cast down, Ramn
says, I should get in the line behind Suwat and no hit him. Susana nods and
says, Exactlyget in line behind Suwat and not hit him. And Suwathow
about your behavior? Suwat, also with eyes cast down, says I not step him.
Susana nods again and says Yes, thats right. You should not step on his foot.
And if this happens again, what will you do? We be respect each other? asks
Suwat. Thank you, says Susana. You will respect each other.
What tools does the teacher use?
1. accepts her students language and models standard language rather than
overtly correcting
2. accepts and praises students responses and expands them
3. refers to the rule chart posted in the room to aid comprehension
4. asks open-ended questions to encourage more language production
5. paraphrases her own sentences to expand vocabulary and assist student
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Advanced Stage
Students at the advanced stage can give you the impres-
sion that they are quite fuent in English. They are able to
retell events in greater detail, usually use standard gram-
mar, and speak with fewer errors. It is easy to assume
that students at this stage are no longer English learners.
However, students at this level still need a great deal of
support, especially language that is used for content area
instruction. These students require substantial practice
with academic language in order for them to be success-
ful in school. At this stage, too, we believe it is appropri-
ate to teach grammar as long as it is integrated within
meaningful communication activities. Many published
programs for teaching English as a second language
include instructional activities for teaching grammar.
But again, we caution you to avoid drills and exercises
that isolate skills from meaningful communication.
Academic language can be described as language that is
used for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge and
skills (Chamot & OMally, 1994). Students need to be
able to follow oral explanations of concepts that are
taught in the various subject areas. They also need to
be able to use appropriate vocabulary to describe how
to solve a math problem, explain the conclusions of a
science experiment, and describe causes for an histori-
cal event. Thus, for students at the advanced stage we
recommend that you:
Continue to focus on vocabulary used in subject-
area instruction such as math, science, and
history/social science. This involves teaching new
words as well as teaching new meanings of words
students may already be familiar with (i.e., map
terms such as legend and scale).
Expose students to more complex language
structures. Model the language that is necessary
to understand grade-level concepts and grade-level
Oral Language Development
Continue to provide comprehensible input by
using charts, pictures, providing examples, and/
or demonstrating how to convey the meaning of
new vocabulary and expressions. Paraphrasing,
repeating key vocabulary, and summarizing main
points are also effective strategies.
Constantly monitor students comprehension
by asking questions frequently. Questions can
check for understanding of key terms (What is
a carnivore?) but should also include high level
open-ended questions that require students to
compare and contrast and analyze and evaluate
(How do you think the climate in this region
would affect the peoples lives?).
Provide students with many opportunities not
only to listen to academic language that is made
comprehensible for them but also to practice
using academic language. For example, through
cooperative learning activities in small groups
or with partners, students can create a bar graph
and explain it to the class or conduct a science
experiment and describe their procedure and
Chamot and OMalley (1994) offer many excellent sug-
gestions for integrating the teaching of content with
academic language. More strategies for teaching the con-
tent area subjects to English learners will be discussed in
Chapter Seven.
Advanced students also need instruction to broaden
their vocabulary related to literature. Most language arts
programs include many activities to develop vocabulary
that are also appropriate for English learners. But keep
in mind that English learners will need more explicit
instruction and practice with words and expressions
with which they have had little experience. Vocabulary
development is closely related to reading and academic
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
achievement, so we will discuss this topic further in
Chapters Five and Seven.
Important Points to Remember for Advanced
Focus on vocabulary and academic language
used in all subject areas.
Provide comprehensible input when new
terms are introduced.
Do not assume that students understand;
always check for comprehension.
Provide many opportunities for students to
practice using academic language.
Oral Language Development
Vignette # 3
In the following vignette, can you identify four tools the teacher uses with advanced
level fourth grade students to further their language development?
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
What tools does the teacher use?
1. demonstrates to convey meaning
2. provides for student interaction to practice academic language
3. expands on student responses to model language
4. uses open-ended questions to promote language and thinking
The teacher shows pictures of different birds and explains how different types of beaks
are used to gather food.
Teacher: Duck beaks are fat and are used for straining water. Straining means to sepa-
rate small solid pieces of food from the water.
The teacher then demonstrates the process of straining using a kitchen strainer.
Teacher: What am I doing?
Student: Straining.
Teacher: Yes, another word for straining is fltering. How can straining, or fltering, be
useful to people as well as birds?
Student: We strain spaghetti.
Student: Yesand beans.
Later, each student selects a bird to illustrate how it uses its beak to gather food. Then,
working in pairs, they explain to a partner how this is done. The teacher walks around
the room to listen and provide assistance.
Student: This beak is short and has a hook and its good for tearing fesh.
Teacher: Thats right. Its a short-hooked beak. How does this type of beak help the bird
to survive?
Student: They get to eat what they tear up.
Additional Activities for All Levels
In addition to the tools already mentioned, there are oth-
ers that can help you support your English learners oral
language development at all levels.
Front-loading vocabulary: Prior to presenting a lesson,
preview the vocabulary using pictures and other means
to convey meaning. In addition, after the lesson you can
review the vocabulary and in this way students will have
more opportunities to hear and learn key terms.
Singing: Children enjoy singing and this can be an excel-
lent way to teach vocabulary. Music can reduce anxiety
and can be a great motivator for even very shy students
to become involved in the activity. The meaning of lyr-
ics can be conveyed through pictures or gestures. Some
teachers substitute their own lyrics to popular songs to
teach vocabulary and basic concepts. To support word
substitution for a familiar song, divide a large piece of
butcher paper into sections for nouns, verbs, adverbs, and
prepositional phrases. Students can draw from vocabu-
lary theyve learned throughout the unit of study. The
teacher then guides the students to create sentences
that they sing to the familiar tune of Farmer in the Dell
(Brechtel, 2001). Heres an example to help you. During a
unit on the body, your students might create something
like: The dark red blood cells; the dark red blood cells,
the dark red blood cells carry oxygen through the body.
It will be helpful for you to create a chart with categories
of words that are in the same order in which they will be
used to make up the chant, in this case, adjective, noun,
verb, and prepositional phrase.
Chanting: Chanting involves the repetition of words or
phrases using stress and rhythm. You are probably famil-
iar with the traditional jump rope chant Teddy Bear,
Teddy Bear that can be used for teaching a variety of
actions. Books by Carolyn Graham are excellent resourc-
es for chants that use jazz rhythms, along with clapping
Oral Language Development
and other actions, to teach the natural stress and into-
nation patterns of American English. Two of the most
popular are Jazz Chants and Jazz Chants for Children
(both are Oxford University Press, 1979). Audio cassettes
and CDs are also available to accompany these books.
Rhymes and Poetry: Reciting rhymes and poetry can
help students acquire intonation patterns of English.
As with songs and chants, accompanying the recitation
with actions can help students understand and remem-
ber the words.
Dramatization: It is very motivating for children to act
out stories or events. Props and pictures can be used to
help support meaning and stimulate interest. The use of
puppets can also be very helpful in involving children
who are hesitant to participate. They may forget to be
self-conscious because the puppet is the one speaking!
As students become more profcient in the language they
can even create their own skits.
Games: This is an excellent vehicle for engaging children
in practicing English. There are many different types of
games. We will mention only two of them here. You may
recognize these since they have become such an integral
part of so many classrooms.
Who Am I Thinking About? A student selects a
card with the name of a class member (or a famous
person related to a unit of study). The student then
describes the person to the class who must guess
who it is. This game can be varied to guessing a
place or an object.
Draw What I Say: One student has a picture that he
or she must describe to a partner. Without looking
at the picture, the partner tries to draw it based only
on the description.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Important Points to Remember
School-aged English learners need to acquire
academic concepts at the same time that they
are developing profciency in English.
Fluent oral language development for social
uses may occur in two to three years while
academic language will take longer to
Comprehensible input as well as many
opportunities to use English in social contexts
to negotiate for meaning are key components
in developing language fuency.
The range of activities that a teacher can provide to sup-
port childrens language acquisition is large and limited
only by the imagination and resources of the teacher. We
encourage you to try out a wide variety of activities that
are stimulating, fun, and most importantly, motivate
students to communicate in English.
Oral Language Development
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Post-Reading Reflection
1. Identify three strategies you could use to develop English oral language
with beginning-level students.
2. Intermediate-level students often make grammatical errors in their
speech. How should a teacher respond to such errors?
3. List three things you could do to motivate English learners to
communicate in English.
4. Identify three things you could do to help English learners who are at an
advanced stage of English language development.
Teaching Reading
Fluency in spoken English plays a critical role in learn-
ing to read in English. Because oral language is such an
important factor, it is preferable for children to learn to
read frst in their native language (Fillmore & Valdez,
1986; Thonis, 1994). We recognize, however, that this
may not be possible for many reasons, including lack
of reading material, the number of native languages
represented, lack of qualifed personnel, and/or state
and district policies. English learners can be success-
ful in acquiring literacy skills in their second language,
and there are many things you can do to promote their
achievement. This chapter will compare frst and second
language reading, describe some of the difficulties that
English learners encounter when they are learning to
read in English, and provide classroom tools that you can
use to facilitate your students progress in reading.
Differences in the Reading Process
Between English Learners and Native
The teaching of English literacy skills does not need to
be postponed until the students are fuent in English or
even until they are at an intermediate level. The devel-
opment of literacy in English can begin quite early in
the acquisition process (Crawford, 1994; Fitzgerald &
Noblit, 1999). This is particularly true for older students
or for those who already have some literacy skills in
their native language. The important thing to remember
is that effective reading instruction for English learners
involves many of the same strategies as effective reading
instruction for native speakers of English. The process
of learning to read in English seems to be very similar
for both English learners and native English speakers
(Peregoy & Boyle, 2000). All readers learn to use their
knowledge of conventions of print, structure of the
English language, and background knowledge to make
sense of text. However, there are some important differ-
ences between native English speakers and English learn-
ers. Important factors that contribute to these differences
include profciency in English, background knowledge,
and literacy in the frst language. A key instructional
difference is that meaning-making and vocabulary must
be even more central to the reading process for English
learners than for native English speakers.
Profciency in English
The frst thing to consider is that English language pro-
fciency will infuence students ability to read fuently
and, most importantly, to understand what they are
reading. This is because, as Goodman (1996) tells us,
profcient readers use their knowledge of three linguistic
systems or cues to construct meaning when they read.
These systems are: (1) the graphophonic system (ability
to use letter-sound relationships to decode text); (2) the
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
syntactic system (ability to predict what word is likely
to come next in a sentence based on knowledge of word
order); and (3) the semantic system (ability to derive
meaning of words on the page). Students who are not yet
profcient in English are not able to effectively use all of
the linguistic systems that good readers use in order to
construct meaning from text. Although English learners
may learn to decode, they will still struggle with using
the other two cueing systems because of their limited
English language. Therefore, you will need to emphasize
language development in all reading activities. The more
familiar English learners become with English syntax
and especially vocabulary, the easier reading in English
will become for them.
Background Knowledge
Another difference is the prior knowledge that English
learners bring to the task of reading in English. English
learners come to school with a great deal of knowledge
about their culture and communities. However, this may
not be relevant to the background knowledge required
to understand the stories and textbooks they read in
school. If a story centers around an American celebra-
tion, such as Thanksgiving with traditional American
dishes, a teacher will need to develop some background
knowledge with English learners who are recent arrivals
from other countries in order to make the story compre-
hensible to them.
First Language Literacy Level
A third consideration is whether students have some
literacy skills in their native language. Knowing how to
read in the frst language will facilitate learning to read
in English (Cummins, 1994). Even if the child is literate
in a language that uses a very different writing system
than English, such as Hebrew or Arabic, primary lan-
guage literacy will beneft the development of literacy in
Teaching Reading
English. For one thing, these students already have the
crucial understanding that the printed symbols on the
page represent speech and carry a message. If the native
language writing system is more similar to English, such
as Vietnamese or Spanish, then the child already under-
stands directionality concepts about print, such as left to
right and top to bottom. In addition, once students have
learned comprehension skills, such as identifying a main
idea, drawing inferences, or making predictions in their
primary language, these skills will transfer to reading
in English (Thonis, 1994). Therefore, promoting literacy
in the native language, whether at home or at school, is
very benefcial to English learners.
Teaching Strategies for Beginning
Since English learners develop literacy skills in similar
ways to native English speakers, they will need some of
the same instructional strategies. English learners should
be immersed in meaningful, purposeful reading and writ-
ing activities that teach basic concepts about print and
the numerous ways reading and writing are used for com-
munication. At all times, comprehensible input should
be provided to convey meaning of the printed word.
It is well-established that the development of phonemic
awareness and the teaching of phonics are important in
the process of teaching children to read (Adams, 1990).
Research also demonstrates that teaching these skills
to English learners can beneft their reading develop-
ment (Chiape, Siegel, & Wade-Woolley, 2002). Phonemic
awareness is the understanding that speech is composed
of a series of sounds and that those sounds can be iso-
lated and manipulated (Tompkins, 2006). Teachers can
develop phonemic awareness in children by providing
many activities that involve songs, rhyming, word play
books, and word games (Yopp & Yopp, 2000). Phonemic
awareness provides a foundation for learning phonics,
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
which is the understanding that speech sounds can be
represented by letters and letter patterns (Gunning, 2003).
A child will not be able to understand, for example, that
the sound of /t/ at the beginning of the word toy can be
represented by the letter t unless the child can hear and
isolate that sound from the rest of the word.
The ability to recognize high frequency words is also
critical to successful reading, so that attention can be
focused on comprehending the text and not on decoding
each and every word. As with native English speakers, it
is essential to emphasize that the main task of reading is
to construct meaning. Thus, instruction should always
include real reading with text, such as poems, stories, or
song lyrics. Prior to focusing on individual sounds, let-
ters, or words, develop childrens understanding of the
words (Peregoy & Boyle, 2005).
As mentioned earlier, the same strategies that are rec-
ommended by reading experts for developing literacy
skills with native English speakers are also appropriate
for English learners. However, English learners will have
some special needs that teachers need to consider:
English learners will need to listen to word play
books and rhymes many more times than native
English speakers. Some teachers we know have
made their own tapes of books and rhymes for
English learners to listen to again and again at
listening centers as well as at home.
When teaching phonemic awareness, make sure
students are familiar with what the words mean
before they are asked to identify and manipulate
sounds in the words. Use pictures and concrete
objects to convey meaning and make activities as
interesting and engaging as possible.
English learners, especially at the beginning
level, may not be able to perceive or reproduce
accurately some English speech sounds. Do not
Teaching Reading
stress correct pronunciationthis will only create
anxiety. (Imagine yourself quickly learning to
correctly pronounce words in a foreign language.)
Given continued exposure and practice with
English, perception of sounds and pronunciation
will improve. The important thing is that the
student understand the meanings of the words.
Always combine the teaching of skills with
exposure to meaningful text. Instead of drills
and activity sheets, use childrens literature or
create sentences and stories that incorporate the
childrens names and interests to provide practice
with identifying letters and sounds.
Teach high frequency and sight words in context.
Some of these words such as an or of can be very
difficult for English learners to understand unless
they are placed in meaningful sentences. First,
teach the words within sentences; then, once the
children become familiar with what they mean,
the words can be isolated for reading practice.
Students can create their own fash cards and
illustrate the meanings on the back of the cards.
Reading aloud to students benefts English
learners in particular because the teacher may be
the only model of fuent reading and intonation
patterns in English. Select a wide variety of texts
that are appropriate for the age and interests
of your students and point to the words as you
read them. Use pictures in the books, gestures,
or pantomime to convey meaning. Repeated
reading aloud of familiar books, accompanied
by comprehensible input, can be very enjoyable
for children, while also contributing to their
acquisition of English.
Engage your English learners in many shared
reading activities. Shared reading involves
students more directly in reading while providing
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
important support to ensure their success. Using
books that the students cannot read independ-
ently, the teacher or a more skilled reading buddy
does most of the reading but invites English
learners to join in with reading repeated words
and refrains. English learners should have many
opportunities to see and hear the text so they
can pick up repeated words and phrases and read
along successfully. This works well for all grade
levels and is an excellent way for students to gain
confdence with reading.
Use Readers Theater as a way for students
to practice reading. In this approach, students
assume the roles of characters in a story and
practice reading their parts using gestures and
appropriate expression to interpret the character
until they are ready to perform in front of the
class. Even beginning-level students can often
participate in a Readers Theater presentation
if their lines are limited and they have ample
time to practice. Adding a few simple props
helps to support meaning and can add interest
and enjoyment. You could also use the buddy
systempair an English learner with a skilled
reader to practice and perform the lines together.
Use the Language Experience Approach. This
approach has long been recommended for learners
of all ages to teach both reading and writing
skills and to initiate English learners into English
print (Crawford, 1994; Law & Eckes, 2000). The
students frst participate in a shared experience
to generate language. This can be listening to a
story, going on a feld trip, attending a school
assembly, or participating in a class event. The
students then engage in discussing the event
and dictating phrases or sentences to develop a
story about it, which the teacher records on chart
Teaching Reading
paper in front of the students. The students read
their own words back to the teacher, and the
teacher tracks the print as the students read. This
approach is very effective for modeling the reading
and writing process, teaching relationships of
print to speech, teaching sight words, and giving
instruction on many other concepts about print.
The language comes directly from the students
shared experience and background so it is of high
interest and they are more likely to experience
success reading and working with the text. English
learners at the beginning levels of oral language
development may only be able to dictate single
words and phrases. They can copy and illustrate
these to make individual books. As students
acquire more English, they will be able to dictate
more sentences, retell familiar stories, and create
their own stories.
Developing Comprehension
Although English learners can learn letter-sound relation-
ships and can become good decoders of text, they often
tend to struggle with reading comprehension because they
lack the vocabulary and background knowledge needed
to make sense of the text. It is important to keep in mind
that in most cases when English learners struggle with
the task of reading in English, it is because they have not
had the same years of experience with English as native
English speakers have. The native speaker of English has
fve years of English language development prior to start-
ing school, which is a considerable head start on English
learners. Moreover, native English speakers continue
to expand their vocabulary and language skills every
year. Thus, as Cummins points out, English learners
must catch up with a moving target (1994, p.14). The
good news is that there are many proven instructional
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
strategies teachers can use to effectively teach vocabu-
lary to English learners. Furthermore, extensive reading
has the largest impact on childrens vocabulary growth
(Tompkins, 2006). For Evelyn, who grew up in a Spanish-
speaking home, becoming an avid reader in elemen-
tary school provided her with knowledge of new English
words on a regular basis. The critical task for teachers,
then, is not only to provide English learners with direct
instruction in vocabulary but also to motivate them to
read often and independently. Instilling a love for reading
is possibly the single greatest contribution that you can
make to your English learners success in school.
Here are some suggested strategies for supporting English
learners comprehension skills:
Before reading a story, select words and concepts
that are key to understanding it. Aim for no more
than eight or ten. Use pictures, gestures, concrete
objects, and actions to convey the meaning of this
vocabulary to prepare students to understand these
in the story. Dramatizing the meaning of words
can be particularly effective with English Learners
because the physical action can help them to
remember the words.
As students advance in their English, more
difficult words can be explained and discussed.
However, it is still important to provide multiple
opportunities for vocabulary development.
Gunning (2003) suggests that teachers:
1. present words within the context of the story
2. provide an understandable defnition
3. have students compose sentences to relate the
new words to their lives
4. review words regularly and encourage
students to use them
Teaching Reading
Repetition of vocabulary words in a variety of interest-
ing activities is important. Students need to hear and
practice saying new words many times before they are
Create Word Walls. These are recommended
by many reading experts as a means to support
students vocabulary development as well as
sight vocabulary (Cunningham, 2000; Tompkins,
2006 ). For English Learners, word walls can be
enhanced with pictures or childrens drawings to
help illustrate meanings. To create a word wall,
use large pieces of chart paper that are divided
into sections, one for each letter of the alphabet.
Place words on the charts as they come up in
books, songs, poems, or other activities. It is
recommended that two different types of word
walls be usedone for high frequency words and
another for vocabulary words that arise in stories
or content instruction (Tompkins, 2006). Word
walls can serve as a useful tool for students
writing, which we will discuss in Chapter Six.
Have students make their own individual
dictionaries in which they record words,
illustrate them, and, depending on their abilities,
write sentences using the words. Student-made
dictionaries can be helpful resources to which
students can refer when they are writing.
Use visual displays, such as charts, diagrams,
and webs to help students see relationships
between words and ideas from literature. For
example, charts can be divided into sections for
listing nouns, verbs, and adjectives or to compare
synonyms and antonyms. A common type of web
has a main idea or word in a center circle with
lines that radiate out from the center. Related
words or ideas are then written at the end of each
of the extended lines. Another useful visual is the
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Venn Diagram, which consists of two overlapping
circles that can be used to list differences and
similarities between two objects, living things,
stories, or something else the children may want
to compare. (See Appendix)
Use objects that students can touch and handle.
For example, you can present students with a box
containing various objects related to a story, such
as toy animals representing some of the characters
in Charlottes Web by E.B. White (Harper Trophy,
1974). This Book Box activity can be used to
teach vocabulary as well as to stimulate interest
in the story and engage students in making
predictions about it (Yopp & Yopp, 2001).
Provide concrete experiences that can help
students acquire needed background knowledge
to understand a story that is read. Although
feld trips and videos are helpful, sometimes
these are not possible or necessary. Something
as simple as bringing in pictures or objects or
having a short discussion about an unfamiliar
topic can be useful. For example, before reading
Corduroy by Don Freeman (Puffin, 1976), bring
in a piece of corduroy fabric for the children to
see and touch. Or before reading Ira Sleeps Over
by Bernard Waber (Houghton Mifflin, 1975),
discuss the custom of children staying overnight
at a friends house, which may not be familiar to
many immigrant children. In addition, whenever
possible, include reading material that refects
students cultural background. Many are available
on the market today.
Group your English learners with native English
speakers whenever possible, because native
speakers can provide good language models for
those still developing English. Social interaction
Teaching Reading
fosters language acquisition; therefore, provide
many opportunities for students to work in pairs
or small groups to discuss elements of stories or
work on literacy tasks (making books, creating
charts, etc.).
Teach students to draw on cognates that they
already know in their native language to help
them understand English words. Cognates are
words that are similar in two languages and
have the same meaning but may be pronounced
differently. Spanish and English have many
cognates (artista/artist, crculo/circle) that Spanish
speakers can use to help them unlock meanings of
unknown words they encounter.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Vignette # 4
Read the following classroom vignette. Can you identify four tools that the teacher
uses in the following vignette?
Christina wants to teach her frst grade English learners the long /e/ sound of
the letter patterns ee and ea. One of the books that Christina has read aloud to
her students many times is Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw (Houghton Mifflin,
1986). Before reading the book, Christina showed the children a toy jeep and
pictures of sheep and hills. Christina talked about and demonstrated the mean-
ing of steep using gestures and the picture of the hills. While reading the book
aloud, Christina used the books illustrations and gestures to demonstrate the
meaning of words such as shove, tug, and weep. Christina presents this by
now very familiar book to the children and asks them to listen for the long
/e/ sound. The children are asked to place their hands on their heads when
they hear the sound in a word that is read. As she reads the book, Christina
emphasizes words like sheep, jeep, beep, cheap, leap, and weep and checks to
see that all the children are responding appropriately. After reading the book,
Christina shows prepared sentence strips from the story that contain these
words. Together they read the sentences, and Christina highlights the letter
patterns of ee and ea that represent the long /e/ sound. Christina then guides
the children to generate other words they may know that have this sound, and
she records them on a chart. When some of the Spanish-speakers confuse the
ch and sh sounds, saying cheep when they mean sheep, Christina models the
correct pronunciation and checks for comprehension (Do you mean sheep, the
animal?) Later the students read another story and, working in pairs, they look
for words that contain the ee or ea pattern.
What tools does the teacher use?
1. uses objects, gestures, and pictures to convey the meaning of vocabulary
2. combines the teaching of skills with meaningful text
3. focuses on student understanding, not on correct pronunciation of sounds
4. provides an opportunity for students to work together
Teaching Reading
Vignette # 5
Can you identify fve tools that the teacher uses in the following vignette?
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
What tools does the teacher use?
1. provides many opportunities for vocabulary development
2. uses real-world connections
3. creates a dramatization to make text comprehensible
4. asks students to add new vocabulary words to their own dictionaries
5. groups English learners and native English speakers together
Diana has many English learners in her ffth-grade classroom. The students had com-
pleted reading an article about stingrays. She is reviewing portions of the text and ques-
tioning the students on their understanding.
If a stingray sees you coming, is it going to come at you and attack you? asks Diana.
Not if you dont bother him, responds Gabe.
Right, the fourth line says, They will not go out of their way to attack you. That
means they are not going to think, Im going to get him. (She uses a pinching hand
The stingray article points out that when wading, it is wise to be alert and to prod a
stingray with a stick to make it move away. To reinforce this point, Diana engages the
students in a very brief role play of two waders and a stingray. She asks the sting-
ray to place himself on the foor to hide under the sand.
O.K. Gabriel. Youre our wader. Now youre wading in the water. Do one of two things
the text tells us. What are you going to do that the passage says? Whats the word the
text uses?
Several students in the class respond, It says prod.
Diana nods and asks, And whats another word for prod?
Several students respond, Poke.
Gabriel wades a few steps then he pretends to prod the stingray with a stick. The
stingray scuttles away.
O.K. Susana. Youre our next wader. What are you going to do?
Susana responds, Im going to step it.
Yes, youre going to step on it, says Diana.
Susana steps on the stingray, and it lashes out and stings her.
Diana then asks the students to add two new vocabulary words and their defnitions to
their personal dictionaries. (Zuiga & Yopp, 1996)
Important Points to Remember
English Learners at the beginning stage can
be successful in learning English reading
skills, but this must be accompanied by
comprehensible input, and skills must always
be taught within meaningful context. At all
times, focus on reading for meaning.
Reading experts stress the importance of
providing daily opportunities for reading to
students, having students read with others,
and having students read independently
(Gunning, 2003; Tompkins, 2006). This is
particularly essential for English learners who
require lots of repetitions. So, read and reread
books many times. Children never tire of
familiar engaging stories.
Knowing how to read in the native language
can help support reading in the second
language, so encourage parents of English
learners to read to their children in their
native language. Often, teachers believe
that parents who do not speak English
cannot do very much to help their children
be successful in school. Not true! Not only
can they help by promoting literacy in the
native language, but they can also convey the
importance of reading, provide a quiet place
for study, and communicate support and love
for their child.
Teaching Reading
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Post-Reading Reflection
1. List three things you can do to help English learners develop their reading
skills in English.
2. Why is it that English learners may quickly learn to decode but often
struggle with comprehension?
3. List three ways you could help English learners improve in reading
4. How can the ability to read in their native language help English learners
develop reading skills in English?
Lets begin with what may be a review for you on some
important facts that we know about writing.
Ten Truths About Writing
1. Just as with oral language, writing develops in
stages. The more writers practice and the more
support they have, the better they get.
2. All writers must consider speaker, audience, and
purpose. Who are you? To whom are you writing?
Whats the message that you are conveying? A
writer needs to be clear about these elements in
shaping a piece of writing.
3. Writers select interesting topics to write about,
authentic reasons to write, and have regular
opportunities to write (Temple, Ogle, Crawford &
Freppon, 2005). Writers select topics based on their
interests. They want to convey something about
a topic of interest and are probably not so eager to
write about an assigned topic. They have a reason
for writing about a specifc topicit could be to
share a passion, to fnd out more through writing
about it, or a number of other reasons. Internal
reasons for writing are more compelling than
external ones. Writers need to have opportunities
to write regularly. Writing is creative but it is also
disciplined. The discipline of sitting down to write
at a regular time helps develop the creativity and
the expectation that one will in fact write.
4. Writers go through the process of brainstorming
or prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and
publishing. While publishing is the fnal stage,
the other stages do not necessarily occur in linear
order. For example, a writer can brainstorm,
then write a draft, then brainstorm some more,
then revise a portion, then revise the draft, etc.
However, for young writers, the writing process
is a helpful one to stay close to. It provides a good
mental model to follow.
5. The four language domains of listening, speaking,
reading, and writing are integrated. Development
in one supports development in another.
6. Writing can be the most challenging of the four
domains of language. Why? Listening and reading
are receptive language skills. Speaking and writing
are productive language skills. First, it takes
more effort to produce than to receive. Second,
putting something in writing can be intimidating.
Its there for everyone to seemistakes and all.
Collins (1998) says that writing is a secondary
form of discourse. Speech, he suggests, is the
primary source of communication and something
we do naturally. Writing, then, is one step
removed from what comes naturally to us.
Humans do not need instruction on how to learn
to speak. We do, however, need instruction on
how to learn to write.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
7. Students must develop the ability to become as
fuent as possible in four domains of writing
poetry, narrative, expository, and persuasive
writing. School curriculum typically requires direct
instruction on helping students develop some level
of competence in each of these domains.
8. Every writer benefts from assistance. Writers
workshops tend to be more open-ended and
collaborative. Mini-lessons that teachers do
in classrooms provide explicit direction or
instruction. Mini-lessons model, instruct, or
demonstrate specifc points.
9. Writers actively pay attention to other peoples
writing. We become more aware of good writing
and what makes good writing. We look for
strategies that were familiar with and begin to
notice strategies that were not familiar with. It is
very benefcial for writers to read and hear other
authors writings.
10. All writers want at least some of their work
published. For the classroom, this could mean
a clean, fnal edit that you bind in some way,
to give students the feel of a published book.
As a classroom teacher, be certain to give this
opportunity to your students. It is deeply satisfying
for writers to see their work in print. It is a
source of satisfaction and pride. It also serves as a
stimulus for further writing.
How is Writing Different for English
1. Youll need to consider the students level of
oral English profciency as a guide for what level
of writing to expect. You can use oral language
development (e.g., the SOLOM discussed in
Chapter Three) to help guide your expectations.
2. You will need to consider the students native
language writing profciency and level of formal
schooling. The more advanced the students
writing in the native language, the more
knowledge about writing he/she will be able to
transfer to writing in English. For example, look at
this sentence written by a fourth grade student:
What is the matter? she said.
You may notice that he included both the English
(quotation marks) and Spanish (dashes) forms of
indicating speech. This student already under-
stands that writers indicate direct speech. He just
requires a bit of fne-tuning on the use of quotation
marks in English rather than direct instruction and
practice on the use of quotation marks.
3. Support and instruction are important for all
writers; however, models, patterns, structure,
organization, scaffolds, and direct guidance
become even more important for helping English
learners develop good writing skills.
4. English learners cannot rely on native speaker
intuition or sense of language (De Jong & Harper,
2005). Native English writers have an innate sense
that tells them when something is not correct or
does not fow well. More specifc types of feedback
are necessary for English learners to help them
discern when a piece of writing is not quite right.
5. Teachers who do writing conferences with
students will need a tighter focus. For example,
it may be an appropriate moment to do an ESL
lesson on a specifc point of grammar or direct
instruction on semantic nuances of a word a
student has written. (Example: I like this lovely
story. It let me feel so sweet when I read it.)
(Law & Eckes, 1995). It is very important to limit
the purpose of a writing conference to one or two
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
points. An English learner can quickly become
overwhelmed and discouraged with rewriting,
editing, or grammar instruction overload.
6. As with reading, English learners will need a great
deal of assistance with vocabulary. A visually
print-rich environmentword walls, charts, unit
vocabulary, high frequency wordscan help.
Prewriting brainstorming is another very good tool
for generating lots of vocabulary.
7. Mastering writing in a second language takes
effort and time. You may recall the discussion
from Chapter Two concerning the length of
time it takes to become literatefrom fve to
eight years. For most English learners, writing
is the language domain that is the last one to
be perfected. Recall from Chapter One the idea
that language learning takes time. Your guidance
and encouragement are very important to your
students success.
Writing Strategies Especially Useful for
English Learners
Weve developed what we think is a useful chart on page
111 (Table 6.1) that will help you guide your English
learners in developing their writing skills. Down the
left column of the chart, you see the domains of writing
that students should develop and across the top row of
the chart, you see the three stages of English language
development. In each coordinate of the chart, there are
very brief descriptors of the types of writing activities or
instructional tools that can be useful in that particular
domain. In the pages following Table 6.1, you will fnd
explanations of each descriptorwhat it is, how to do it,
and why its effective.
We want to be clear that the explanations of these
instructional tools are brief. A good reading/language
arts methods text will expand on our explanations. You
may fnd those that weve referenced in this book espe-
cially helpful. Also, be mindful that some of these writ-
ing activities take several days to accomplish with your
students. Others require you to repeatedly model with
your students. Our primary purpose here is to provide
helpful teaching tools for you to use with your students
at the three stages of writing development.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Table 6.1: Writing Activities for English Learners in Four Domains of Writing
1. Wordless picture
2. Story captions
3. Pattern books
4. Lists
5. Greeting cards &
6. Life murals
7. Lists and maps
8. Time lines and
9. Concept books
10. Language
11. Found poetry
12. Pattern poetry
1. Show not tell
2. Sentence
3. Story maps
4. Retelling familiar
5. Buddy journals
6. Sentence Patterns
7. Writing
8. Graphic
9. Content area big
10. Retellings
11. What-so what-
now what?
1. Literature
response journals
2. Hotseating/reader
3. Sentence patterns
4. Double-entry
Intermediate Advanced
Beginning Writers
Basic language patterns and a great deal of vocabu-
lary assistance are especially important at this level.
Remember to make use of your older English learners
who are at the beginning stage of writing as cross-age
helpers. They can read their own material to students
in the early grades. Pattern books and concept books are
especially good for cross-age helpers to share.
1. Wordless picture books
Wordless picture books are excellent for providing writ-
ing scaffolds. First, much of the vocabulary is evident
in the pictures. Second, the structure or story line is
also provided. Students can frst orally discuss the story,
generating language and ideas. This oral language then
leads to writing, such as creating simple sentences that
describe the existing story.
2. Story captions
This involves writing story captions for a familiar story.
After multiple readings, you can photocopy pictures from
the book youve been reading with your students. They
can then sequence them and write simple sentences that
describe the story. Lets take The Three Little Pigs as an
example. After hearing the story several times and dis-
cussing it, the students will be ready to create captions,
such as This pig used straw, This pig used sticks,
and The wolf is mean and hungry.
3. Pattern books
Books like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
by Bill Martin, Jr. (Harcourt Brace & Co., 1967) provide
patterns that, once learned, students can use to create
their own oral and written language. Students can use
the pattern I see a __________ looking at me, or they
can even add a different verb to create their own stories,
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
for example, I see a __________ smiling at me or I see a
________ waving at me, etc.
4. Lists
Students can create lists with categories of words like
verbs, adjectives, or prepositional phrases and use them
in patterned sentences. For example, you can set them
up to use patterns like:
Youre my friend because youre (adjective).
Example: Youre my friend because youre fun.
I love you because youre (adjective).
Example: I love you because youre caring.
Im happy when Im (verb+ing).
Example: Im happy when Im playing.
Im happy when Im (prepositional phrase).
Example: Im happy when Im with my friend.
Students can use this language to create their own sim-
ple stories or books.
5. Greeting cards and postcards
Students can write brief messages using familiar words
and phrases to create greeting cards that they can send to
friends and family members.
6. Life murals
Students can write captions that accompany their illus-
trations of a single important event that occurred, a
day in their life, or their autobiography. The scaffolds
provided here are their own memories. They will seek
phrases that describe their memories and knowledge of
these events.
7. Lists and maps
It is common for beginning English learners to learn new
words and phrases based around themes, such as fruits
and vegetables, animals, and clothing. Students can cre-
ate lists of these and make maps to use these words.
For example, how would they organize a grocery store,
arrange animals in a zoo, or set up a clothing store? Some
content areas lend themselves to this type of activity as
well. An example is the study of an ancient civilization.
Using the words they learn, students can make maps
of the locations and descriptions of river systems and
physical settings that supported early settlements and
civilizations. They can draw maps of principal rivers,
showing where products came from and where they were
transported to in support of trade.
8. Time lines and cycles
Students can use words and phrases to describe a series
of events, such as historical events that lend them-
selves well to sequencing. Also, as with the story cap-
tions activity above, pictures can be photocopied from
textbooks for students to use to create time lines with
captions. Cycles also lend themselves to labeling and
describing with brief captions. Some events in science
can be diagrammed in cycles. Examples are the life cycle,
the circulatory system, food chains, and the rock cycle.
9. Concept books
These are useful in a variety of ways. (Peregoy & Boyle,
2005). Students can make parts of speech books using
verbs (The book of -ing) or prepositional phrases (in my
desk, for example). Peek-a-boo books can be made by
pasting in faps of paper that conceal a picture showing
in the drawer or on the desk, etc. Other concept
books can be used to demonstrate opposites or com-
parisons (-er, -est). ABC books can be used in connec-
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
tion with a unit of study, for example, the ABCs of the
Westward Movement.
10. Language experience approach
Described fully in Chapter Five, this involves engaging
in a shared experience, discussing it, writing about it,
and reading it back.
11. Found poetry
This writing activity should take place at the completion
of a unit of study. This activity may take several days to
complete. It may be more productive to include interme-
diate-level writers in this activity. Provide your students
with a piece of text. This might be taken from their text-
books or another source. The text should include famil-
iar vocabulary. Copy the text onto an overhead and read
the text with the students. Ask students to read words or
phrases that draw their attention. These could be words
they know or that they fnd unusual or interesting in
some way. Highlight these on the overhead. Provide stu-
dents with strips of paper onto which they can copy their
words and phrases. Have students place them in a pocket
chart. Read through all the words and phrases. Have the
students arrange these words and phrases in some way
that sounds pleasing to them. This will occur through
group negotiation. The group must agree on the fnal
arrangement of the words and phrases that make up the
poem. You and your students will be delighted with the
beauty of the found poetry they create. It is also an excel-
lent way to review familiar vocabulary and concepts.
12. Pattern poetry
Numerous poetry patterns are available and appropriate
for beginning writers (Peregoy and Boyle, 2005). Peregoy
and Boyle point out that Wishes, Lies, and Dreams:
Teaching Children to Write Poetry (Koch, 1970) is an
excellent source. One of our favorite teachers, Karyn
Mazo-Calf, provided us with guidelines for writing poet-
ry with students. Start slowly and build up, providing
lots of examples for students. Take the time to help stu-
dents edit their own and each others work. Help creative
and imaginative thinking grow by spending ample time
in the prewriting phase.
Here are a few ideas of poem patterns from Karyn.
Five line sensory poems:
Love looks like __________.
Love sounds like __________.
Love feels like __________.
Love smells like __________.
Love tastes like __________.
Five line metaphor poem based on a single idea:
Happiness is (a sunset).
Happiness is (my moms perfume).
Happiness is (the beach).
Happiness is (cookies after school).
Happiness is (slides and swings).
You can also make up your own poem patterns. Here
are just a few:
I used to be a ______ but now Im __________.
I like to __________.
I like to __________.
I like to __________.
But I really love to __________.
Cinquains are also appropriate and fun. They are
written in the form of a tree. Heres the pattern for a
One-word topic
Two adjectives
Three verbs ending with -ing
Four-word phrase
One word that is a synonym for the frst word.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
A diamante is another poetry pattern. It is written in
the shape of a diamond.
Two adjectives
Three verbs ending with -ing
Four adjectives
Three verbs ending with -ing
Two adjectives
Intermediate Writers
Intermediate writers will beneft from scaffolds, models,
and writing support that help them expand their vocabu-
lary and language development.
1. Show not tell
This instructional strategy will help your English learners
develop vocabulary and descriptive writing skills (Peregoy
& Boyle, 2005; California Department of Education,
1996). First, share with your students a paragraph that is
rich in description and paints a picture in their minds.
Childrens literature is full of such language. Here is an
example we created:
Whispers of creatures are all around blowing
their foul breaths on me. Groans and the distant
howls of animals fll the air. Whats crawling
around my feet and legs? Hanging cobwebs
brush my face. A deep coldness soaks through
my coat. Every path ends where it began. I am
scared and lost in the witchs enchanted forest.
Compare this paragraph to: I was scared and lost in the
witchs forest.
Showing and not telling helps your students learn to
paint a picture with words. Repeated lessons with your
students that help them begin to show and not tell
will strengthen their vocabulary and narrative writing.
Starting with a brainstorm on relevant vocabulary is
helpful. Here are a few tell sentences you can start
She didnt have any friends.
I love my mom.
Family picnics are so much fun.
My dog is old.
This was the scariest moment of my life!
2. Sentence combining
Many intermediate-level students use the basic sentence
pattern of subject-verb-object. They need help becoming
familiar with and practicing other patterns. You can cre-
ate several choppy subject-verb sentences around a topic
and provide examples of how the ideas can be combined
into more complex and interesting sentences. Then pro-
vide the students with another set of short sentences.
Working in small groups, students combine the ideas
and then each small group shares their work with the
whole group. You can also give limits, such as writing a
maximum of two or three sentences that include all the
information from the sentences you gave them. Here is
an example of a group of choppy subject-verb sentences
you could ask your students to improve upon by combin-
I live on an island. The island is big. The island
has lots of plants and animals. Plants are every-
where. Animals walk around all over. There are
not very many people. I like this island.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
3. Story maps
These are graphic representations of the organization of a
story. They give a verbal and mental model to the struc-
ture of the story. You can help your students become
comfortable with using story maps by frst creating some
with your students that are based on familiar stories.
Providing models is an important part of helping your
students to become accustomed to using story maps.
These are very effective with English learners because,
along with creating the structure of a story, you can
help your students add the vocabulary to be included in
advance of actually writing the story. It is of great help to
have the words and ideas handy in written form, rather
than having to search for them at a mid-point in the writ-
ing process.
4. Retelling familiar stories
Retelling known stories such as family stories or events
provides the scaffold of familiarity. Students know the
story well, and so the learning for them is the vocabulary
that they need in order to write the story in English.
5. Buddy journals
This is a type of journal maintained between two stu-
dents who write back and forth to each other. They are
fun for paired English learners or paired English learn-
ers and fuent English writers who can model standard
written English and expand vocabulary. Buddy journals
provide a peer audience and an authentic reason to write
and read. They give immediate feedback. Students gen-
erate their own topics of interest, describe events, share
opinions, ask questions, and get to know each other
(Bromley, 1995b).
6. Sentence patterns
Expository writing often contains patterns such as
because (of a fact or event), then (another fact), if .
. . then . . . and When . . . then . . . First, pointing
out these types of construction in students textbooks
and discussing how information is organized helps their
comprehension. Second, you can then provide instruc-
tion and practice on how to use these in their own writ-
ingboth in narrative and expository writing (Peregoy &
Boyle, 2005).
7. Writing structured paragraphs
Expository writing is structured in a way that narrative
writing is not. Teach your students to use a hamburger
approach to writing informative paragraphs. Imagine
a hamburger with several layerslettuce, tomatoes,
onions, etc.sandwiched between the top and bottom of
the bun. Here are the layers:
Topic sentence
Supporting sentence
Supporting sentence
Supporting sentence
Concluding sentence
Writing sentences on slips of paper and letting students
organize them, then pasting them on a sheet of paper,
is one approach that works well. Structured paragraph
writing is a helpful scaffold to help your English learners
write expository text.
8. Graphic organizers
Helping your students see and then use various types
of text organization is another important scaffold for
your students. As weve said earlier, graphic organizers
are visual illustrations of pieces of text. They provide
useful maps for writing. There are several models of
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
graphic organizers. Weve included some in the appen-
dix. Remember that you must coach students in their
use. You must provide repeated opportunities for your
students to both identify them in their textbooks and
then to use them in their own writing.
9. Content area big books
A post-unit activity is to create a group big book.
Structure is necessary and can be provided in a variety
of ways. You can provide scaffolds in a number of ways,
too. One way is to answer want to know questions
from a Know-Want-Learn chart that the class compiles
in advance of the unit. Another way is to have each
student contribute the most interesting or important
fact he/she learned. You can also take The Important
Thing pattern (see Chapter Three) to provide a writing
10. Retellings
Having your English learners frst read expository text
and then retell it in written form provides a scaffold
for their writing. Additionally, with repeated practice,
writing a retelling improves text comprehension and
helps them improve their expository writing skills (see
Chapter Three).
11. What-so what-now what?
Donna Ogles well-known and widely-used Know-Want-
Learn chart serves as the basis for this modifcation
(Temple et al., 2005). Youll construct for your students
a chart divided into three columns and label the columns
with What?, So What?, and Now What? Ask your stu-
dents to identify a problem in the What? column (The
playground is littered.) Then brainstorm responses with
them to So What? (It has germs. We get sick. Its
embarrassing.) Then ask them to move to possible solu-
tions in the Now What? column. (We should clean it
up. We need a monitor.) This information will provide
a structure and vocabulary for persuasive writing.
Advanced Writers
You will fnd that there is much overlap between writing
activities and support that beneft both your advanced
writers and fuent English students. As well, you can draw
on some of the suggestions that weve given you to sup-
port your intermediate-level students. Below we offer you
a few more suggestions that provide writing support for
your advanced students as they continue to expand their
vocabulary and refne their written language.
1. Literature response journals
Even students at the advanced level may fnd it difficult to
respond to literature in completely unstructured ways. A
modifcation is to organize students into groups whereby
each one has a specifc responsibility. For example, these
roles can be word hunter, event analyzer, character ana-
lyzer, connector, and questioner. For each chapter in the
book, the students maintain their responsibilities. The
word hunter brings defnitions of x number of words the
group might have found difficultno more than ten. The
event analyzer searchers for the key event(s) that hap-
pened. The character analyzer focuses on the important
things about the character(s). The connector works on
making a connection in some way to the students lives.
The questioner brings up important questions about this
chapter. The students keep literature logs as they read and
share with each other. This organization divides focus and
responsibility, and it provides opportunities for student
discussion. One of our graduate students did a study using
this instructional tool with her sixth grade English learn-
ers andto her amazementfound that it is a very effec-
tive instructional tool. She also found that her students
held each other accountable for their responsibilities!
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
2. Hotseating/reader response
This instructional tool works especially well with older
students. The whole class or group reads the same piece
of literature. They then write questions they would
like to ask one of the characters. Then, you form small
groups, and each group studies one character and pre-
pares one individual to sit in the hot seat to answer
questions from the whole group. The students then
write a refection about a particular character or the
story line and make connections to their own lives and
circumstances. The depth of analysis and refection that
students write about after hotseating will surprise you
(Ogulnick, Shelton-Colangelo, & Williams, 1998).
3. Sentence patterns
As with intermediate writers, you should continue to
point out sentence construction and words that will help
your students comprehension and that they can use in
their writing. Words like moreover, nevertheless,
however, notwithstanding, additionally, and
although are examples.
4. Double-entry journals
Both the left and right sides of the brain are involved
in processing information with double-entry journals.
First, students brainstorm on the left side of the page,
asking questions and writing what they know or draw-
ing pictures about the topic. The idea is to generate
interest and activate prior knowledge the students may
have. Immediately after instruction and reading, stu-
dents write down what they remember from the lesson.
Students will combine new knowledge with what they
previously knew or answer questions they posed prior to
instruction (Ruddell, 2006).
Suggestions For Assessing Writing
Writing Portfolio
We urge you and your English learners to develop and
maintain a writing portfolio. This will allow you and
your students to track development over time. Keep
writing samples in each of the writing domains and in
each content area. Weve developed a simple form you
may want to use (Figure 5.2).
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Figure 5.2: Assessment of Writing
Finally, weve developed a Holistic Scoring Rubric for
English Learners for you to use in assessing your English
learners writing. This may be useful for you if you have
access only to a rubric developed for fuent English writ-
ers. In each descriptor, weve considered fuency, form,
and correctnessthe three elements that good writing
Date Writing sample
being assessed
Areas to
work on
1 Great difficulty in expressing self
One or two ideas only
Rudimentary vocabulary
Difficult to understand
Sentence fragments or phrases
Mechanics are rudimentary or lacking
2 Idea or intent is conveyed, although incomplete or in very brief sentences
Discernable sentence or two
Little or no support for statements or ideas
Vocabulary is weak or limited
Poor grammar and/or mechanics
3 Stays on topic but content is meager
May have choppy or run-on sentences and/or no sentence variety
Vocabulary is not extensive
May lack paragraphs
Moderate control of grammar and spelling
4 Topic development evident
Exhibits some support/details
May use some sentence variety
Good vocabulary
Adequate mechanics, although not perfect
Has closure
5 Substantial content and support for ideas
Good variety in vocabulary
Uses some variety of sentence structure
Very good control of grammar and mechanics
Some transitions evident
6 Conveys ideas very effectively
Content is very well developed
Writing fows well
Ideas are clear and well supported
Nearly standard grammar, spelling, and usage
Descriptive language
Narrative writing demonstrates originality; creative fair
Uses a variety of sentence structures effectively
Very good sense of mechanics and paragraph development
Closely approximates native English writing
Holistic Scoring Rubric for English Learners
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
What tools does the teacher use?
1. uses literature to springboard into a writing activity
2. asks students to draw from their own experiences for writing material
3. helps students produce a great deal of vocabulary before she asks them to
4. writes the words for students to use in their own writing
5. provides a pattern to scaffold their own writing
6. publishes her students self-selected best work
Vignette # 6
Read the following vignette. Can you identify six tools the teacher uses?
Karyns third graders were doing a literature unit on Tom Thumb. The stu-
dents were discussing the giants bad mood. Karyn expanded the discussion
by asking the students to think and then talk about their own reasons for
good moods and bad moods. As the students provided reasons, she began a
T-chart on the board of phrases the students generated. She then asked the
students to write poems about their good and bad moods. She wrote this
formula on the board for them to use:
I get in a bad mood when _________.
But __________ makes me smile.
Each of the students wrote several stanzas, selected their favorites, and then
Karyn created a class book titled Bad Moods, Good Moods
(Zuiga & Yopp, 1996).
Important Points to Remember
Models, patterns, and scaffolds are especially
important to support English learners.
You will need to give special attention
to helping your students vocabulary
You will need to be specifc about helping
your students develop knowledge about the
structure of written English.
For almost everyone, writing is the last
language domain to be fully developed.
Providing your students with consistent
opportunities to write is the best way to give
them opportunities to improve.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Post-Reading Reflection
1. How is learning to write in English different for native English speakers
and English learners?
2. Can you describe ways to engage your English learners in expository and
narrative writing at all stages of language development?
Content Instruction
In order for English learners to be successful in school,
they need to understand concepts and be able to use the
language of academic subject areas. High quality con-
tent instruction that students can understand is critical.
How well students understand and learn subject matter
is a much better indicator of academic success, rather
than how profcient they are in English (Callahan, 2005).
Although understanding new concepts in content areas
is cognitively demanding, you can use a variety of strate-
gies to help English learners master complex material. In
this chapter, we will discuss the various ways in which
you can modify content instruction so that it is more
comprehensible for English learners.
Sheltered instruction refers to instruction that uses
techniques to make content accessible or that makes
language and concepts visible to English learners (De
Jong & Harper, 2005). This approach incorporates the use
of visuals, modifcations in teacher talk, many oppor-
tunities for interaction, and many principles of good
teaching. It is often said that sheltered instruction is
simply good teaching. We would agree that it basically
is good teaching, and native English speakers can also
beneft from this type of instruction. However, English
learners will require substantially more comprehensible
input than will native English speakers. English learn-
ers will also need more support to understand subject
matter textbooks. Moreover, the purpose of sheltered
instruction is twofold: (1) to teach content and (2) to
teach academic language. These are important because
English learners may have limited exposure to academic
language outside of school.
English learners at the advanced level will beneft the
most from sheltered instruction. Beginning and inter-
mediate-level students can and should participate in
sheltered instruction; however, they will not be able to
fully understand complex and abstract concepts until
their language skills become more developed. This is
especially true for students in the upper grades, when
learning becomes more cognitively demanding and com-
plex. For this reason, we recommend that beginning- and
intermediate-level students be provided with support in
their native language if at all possible. Note that includ-
ing them in sheltered instruction is not detrimental,
however, they may not beneft as much as the more
advanced students. Less linguistically advanced students
can acquire a great deal of language through content area
instruction. Additionally, they will grow in self-esteem
as they become full participants in your classroom.
If your English learners are all at the same level of
English profciency, you will spend less time planning
because the language that you use, the questions you
ask, and the tasks that you assign will all be designed
for just one level. It is more likely, however, that your
students will be at varying levels of language profciency.
Consequently, you will need to think about different
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
objectives, assignments, and student responses based
on these different levels. This does not mean that you
need to plan separate lessons for each student level.
Rather, include multilevel objectives, assignments, and
responses within lessons for the whole class. For exam-
ple, identifying some main ideas, engaging in shared
reading, creating some drawings or a graphic display that
illustrates their understanding, and responding by using
a few words or phrases are all appropriate objectives for
beginning-level English learners. In contrast, objectives
for advanced students may include extensive discussion,
synthesizing, reading, and report writing. At the end of
this chapter, we provide an example of what this type of
multilevel instruction looks like.
A key consideration for you to think about in advance
of a unit of study is what you want each level of English
learner to know at the end of your instruction. It is
preferable to select essential content for your grade
level and take the time to teach it in some depth rather
than attempt to rapidly cover everything in the text-
book (Chamot & OMalley, 1994). This can provide
more meaningful instruction and prevent your students
from becoming overwhelmed with too much informa-
tionmuch of which they will not be able to under-
stand. Stephen Coveys (1989) phrase is begin with the
end in mind. Wiggins and McTighe (1998) suggest that
teachers engage in backwards planning. Both of these
phrases convey the idea that you must look over a unit of
study before you teach it and make decisions about what
the essential learnings are for your students to under-
stand. What is worthy and requiring of understanding?
(p. 64). You must answer this for each level of English
learner that you are teaching, because there will neces-
sarily be comprehension limitations connected to each
level of language profciency. A beginning-level English
learner will simply not be able to understand at the same
level of depth and breadth as an advanced level English
learner. Once you have made essential learning decisions
Content Instruction
for your students, you will be able to make instructional
decisions about how you and your students will work
toward developing enduring understandings (p. 64).
Critical Elements of Sheltered
First, here are six research-based steps for you to follow in
developing instruction:
1. Make instructional decisions about what is
important for your students to learn.
2. Preview vocabulary and key concepts.
3. Pose written questions that will engage your
students interest and help focus their attention on
what you want them to learn.
4. Use manipulatives, concrete objects, and realia to
aid understanding.
5. Use summaries and retellings at the end of each
6. Create visual representations with your students
about what they have learned.
Now well expand on the above by discussing in some
detail four critical elements of sheltered instruction that
are drawn from a program developed by the Los Angeles
Unifed School District (1993). These are: (1) content, (2)
connections, (3) comprehensibility, and (4) interaction.
There are three elements to consider with regard to the
content of what you will be teaching to English learners:
The content of what you teach is drawn from the
curriculum frameworks specifc to your state and
district. This is the same content at the appropriate
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
grade level that should be presented to English
learners. In other words, your aim is to present the
regular grade-level curriculum to English learners,
although the delivery will be modifed to make it
accessible to them.
Make decisions about what key learning you want
your students to understand at the end of the unit
of study.
In addition to the subject matter, you will also be
focusing on language development. This includes
the key vocabulary relevant to the particular
concepts being taught, as well as the particular
language structures required to understand, speak,
read, and write about the content (Diaz-Rico &
Weed, 2002; Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2000).
For example, will students be asked to describe
the role of Egyptian trade in early civilizations?
You may need to teach the language needed for
students to be able to provide detailed descrip-
tions, explanations, or summaries. Consider the
different language levels of your students as dis-
cussed in Chapter Four and plan according to their
needs. Whenever possible, we recommend that
you integrate all four language skills of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing, as these are closely
related and can assist students with making
connections between speech and print (Law &
Eckes, 2000).
You can facilitate your students learning if you make
connections between new concepts and concepts they
already know. New information must be linked to stu-
dents background knowledge and experiences. Here are
some ways in which you can assist students to make
these connections:
Content Instruction
Activate Background Knowledge
Before teaching about a topic, encourage students to
share what they know about it. One popular way to do
this is to use the KWL chart. In this technique, a chart is
divided into sections labeled What We Know, What We
Want to Know, and What We Learned. Before the lesson,
the students talk about what they know and want to
know about a subject, and the teacher records their ideas
on the chart. This activity helps to activate students
prior knowledge and stimulate their interest in the topic
to be studied (Tompkins, 2006). It also provides you
with essential information about what the students may
already know and need to learn. After the lesson or unit
of instruction, the students revisit the chart to list what
they have learned. KWL charts are easy to implement,
and the activity can be adapted to have students make
individual charts that they share in small groups.
Connect Concepts to Students Experiences
Focus on how the new learning is relevant to the stu-
dents lives. Student learning improves when teachers
connect lessons to students real life experiences (Moll,
1988; Vygotsky, 1978). For example, prior to a math les-
son on percentages, you could show advertisements of
sale items that show a third or one half off the regular
price and discuss how understanding percent could save
them money.
Build Background Knowledge
Provide experiences via feldtrips, videos, demonstra-
tions, pictures, or real objects to build background
knowledge. Prior to teaching about ancient civilizations,
one teacher showed students photographs of herself
taken on a trip to Egypt. The fact that their teacher was
in the photos made it especially interesting and appeal-
ing to the students, and it motivated them to learn more
about the topic.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
A key feature of effective instruction for English learn-
ers is modifcation of the lesson presentation so that
English learners can understand important concepts
being taught. This can be accomplished in a variety of
different ways, some of which have been mentioned in
previous chapters. It is also important to keep in mind
and adapt your lessons to the different profciency levels
in your classroom. To ensure that your instruction is
comprehensible, you will need to modify your speech,
include many visuals to support your talk, and check fre-
quently for comprehension. Here are some suggestions:
Teacher Talk
For beginning English learners, articulate words
clearly and slow your rate of speech, but not so
much that it becomes unnatural. This will help
students to be able to distinguish important words
and process the language more easily (Diaz-Rico &
Weed, 2002).
Emphasize key words by repeating them
frequently and using voice intonation to place
more stress on these words. Repetition of key
words should be naturally woven into the lesson
Paraphrase when appropriate to clarify meaning.
A teacher might say, for example, There was a
diverse group of people in the Middle Colonies
in 1759. The people were from many different
cultures and different religions.
Incorporate Total Physical Response (see p. 73)
with beginning students so they can acquire basic
vocabulary and participate in the lesson at their
comfort level. (Point to the stem of the plant.
Point to the roots.)
Content Instruction
Expand on students language to model standard
grammar for beginners and complex structures
for more advanced students. For example, if a
teacher asks, Why did the colonists come to New
England? and a student responds, They come for
religion. The teacher might say, Yes, they came
so they could practice their religion. They came
for religious freedom.
Context Clues
Use gestures, actions, real objects, pictures, or video to
help students understand what you are saying. Students
beneft greatly by having these additional clues to con-
struct meaning from the lesson.
Incorporate graphic organizers into your lessons
whenever possible. These are visual displays of
ideas that help students organize information so
they can more easily understand and remember
it. Graphic organizers help students understand,
summarize, and synthesize information. They
help students select important ideas and see
relationships between pieces of text. Graphic
organizers are powerful tools for helping English
learners develop content knowledge. Graphic
organizers include: KWL Charts, Venn diagrams,
word webs, series of events chains, problem-
solution outlines, compare/contrast matrices,
network trees, cycles, and T-charts (See Appendix).
The Pictorial Input Chart is a type of graphic
organizer that offers a very appealing way to
present content to students (Brechtel, 2001).
First, on a large piece of butcher paper, make
a drawing in light pencil of key concepts that
relate to the topic of study. This is typically one
picture of an object or event that captures the
big idea you want to convey. For example, it
may be the human body and the systems your
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
students will study. As you talk through and
present the initial overview of the unit, draw
over your pencil lines with a marking pen. You
can also write in vocabulary words. Students
enjoy watching the picture emerge. This activity
helps them understand the concepts and retain
the information because it visually imprints it in
the brain. You can repeatedly come back to these
charts throughout the unit of study.
Demonstrate to get your meaning across and to
model for students. For example, as you explain
the steps to solve a division problem, model each
step of the process. Show how to classify leaves or
rocks based on certain criteria.
Have students dramatize the meaning of key
vocabulary. In one of the classroom vignettes in
Chapter Five, we illustrate how a teacher engaged
her students in a brief dramatization in which
students took on the roles of waders and a
stingray to act out the meaning of wading and
prod (Zuiga & Yopp, 1996).
Promote students active participation in lessons.
The more involved they are in doing something,
the more likely they will understand and retain
concepts. When students manipulate concrete
materials, act out a social studies event, or
conduct a science experiment, they improve their
understanding of concepts and are more likely to
remember them.
Check for Comprehension
Monitor your students carefully to see if they
are comprehending the lesson. Look for signs of
frustration or behavior that indicate students may
not understand and need clarifcation. It is not
enough to simply ask if they understand, because
Content Instruction
students may not even be aware that they dont.
Instead, ask questions that call for responses that
would demonstrate understanding. For example,
Thumbs up if you think this is a mammal.
Thumbs down if you think it is not a mammal.
Asking all students to show thumbs up or
thumbs down or fnger signals in response to your
questions are easy ways to check for whole class
comprehension without singling out individual
Use a variety of questions to check for under-
standing of concepts and adapt your questions to
the language level of the students. For example,
you may ask a student at a beginning level, What
are two elements in the blood? But ask a more
advanced student, How are carbon dioxide and
oxygen exchanged in the lungs and tissues?
We have repeatedly mentioned the importance of social
interaction. Again, we stress that establishing a need to
communicate with others is essential for language devel-
opment. Provide your students with many opportunities
to talk about what they are learning and to practice the
new language in meaningful ways. As students commu-
nicate with you and with each other, both orally and in
writing, about key concepts, they will improve their lan-
guage skills as well as their conceptual understanding.
Cooperative Learning
A great deal has been written about the effectiveness of
cooperative learning. There are many resources available
to help you to implement it in your classroom (Johnson
& Johnson, 1984; Kagan, 1994). Cooperative learning is a
strategy that involves students working collaboratively
with partners or in small groups to achieve both academ-
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
ic and social goals (Peregoy & Boyle, 2005). Cooperative
learning can lead to higher academic achievement,
improved social relations within the class, and lowered
anxiety levels for all students (Kagan, 1994). We are
not advocating an exclusive use of cooperative learning
methods, but rather a balance between individual and
cooperative in order to prepare students for the range of
learning situations they will encounter in the future.
Learning through cooperation can be especially useful for
English learners because it provides excellent practice in
using both social and academic English. In addition, the
home cultures of some English learners may favor coop-
eration over competition, as is the case in traditional
families of Latino and American Indian children. Thus,
cooperative learning can help increase students comfort
levels. Most importantly, students can practice using
academic language as they describe science experiments,
compare geographical features, or explain the steps to
solve a math problem. We recommend that students be
grouped heterogeneously whenever possible so that stu-
dents of different language and academic levels can learn
from each other.
Following are three cooperative learning activities drawn
from the work of Kagan (1994) that can be very useful:
Think-Pair-Share: Ask a question and have
students think for a couple of minutes alone,
and then form pairs so students can discuss an
answer with a partner. After a few minutes, call
on students to share their answers or to share an
answer from their partner. This works best with
questions that can have more than one answer
(Name three things that . . . or What advice
would you give . . .?)
Numbered Heads Together: Place students in
small groups of four or fve. Number off within
groups so that each student is a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Content Instruction
(This also works well using colors). Then pose a
question, such as Make sure everyone in your
group knows the reasons for . . . Then give the
students a few minutes to put their heads together
to discuss the answer and make sure everyone
in their group can respond. Finally, call out a
number. Only the students with that number may
raise their hands and respond. This motivates
students to help one another while at the same
time they know they will be held individually
Jigsaw: Place students in home teams of fve
to seven members. Topics are assigned to home
teams. One aspect of the topic or learning task
is assigned to each group member, who then
becomes an expert on it by working with experts
from the other teams. Students meet in expert
groups to learn their part of the material. Students
then return to their home teams to share what
they have learned and create a group project or
presentation. For example, a jigsaw that focuses
on the California Missions could have each home
team responsible for a different mission, while
expert groups study and report back to their
home teams about the founding of missions, how
people lived on a mission, how missions were
constructed, and their present-day status. Each
home team would then prepare a report on their
particular mission based on a compilation of all
the information from each of their experts. This
cooperative learning activity can span a week or
more and requires careful teacher preparation and
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
In addition to these cooperative learning activities, also
consider these teaching tools:
As you present information, provide frequent
opportunities for students to talk about the
concepts. Brechtel (2001) suggests the 10-2
strategy. After ten minutes of lecture, the teacher
stops and has each student talk with a partner
for two minutes about what they just learned.
This allows students to practice new vocabulary
and check their understanding in a comfortable
environment. This is a good opportunity for
students who speak the same primary language to
review in that language what theyve learned.
If students are very limited in English, allow them
to use their native languages to discuss concepts
with other students or bilingual aids if they are
available. This will assist them in developing an
understanding of important concepts. As students
become more profcient in English, you can
encourage greater use of English to discuss what
they are learning.
Reading and Writing
Your students will beneft from having numerous oppor-
tunities to engage in reading and writing as they are
learning content. As students read for information,
record data, or write reports, they are practicing literacy
skills that are crucial for academic success. In this sec-
tion we offer some guidelines and strategies for you to
consider as you plan for reading and writing activities
within content instruction.
Using Textbooks
Both English learners and native English speakers can
encounter difficulties with content area textbooks,
Content Instruction
because they have a different structure than narrative
text. For example, a common pattern for organizing infor-
mation in content textbooks consists of stating a main
idea and then providing a series of details to support the
idea (Peregoy & Boyle, 2005). This differs from the typical
structure of narrative text that tells a story and usually
involves characters who encounter and solve a problem
within a certain setting. In addition, textbooks are written
at grade level readability, and English learners, as well as
many native English-speaking students, may not be able
to read at grade level. You can counter some of the diffi-
culties that students have with content area textbooks by
doing the following:
Teach the structure of content area textbooks. Point
out the particular patterns of the text they will be
reading that could include cause and effect, main
idea and details, or sequence of events. Use graphic
organizers to help students visualize and understand
the pattern. These are sometimes included in the
textbooks themselves.
Show students how to use headings and sub-
headings to preview text and make predictions
about the content (Peregoy & Boyle, 2005). Model
by thinking aloud how these headings can guide
and generate questions for a reader.
Show students how to use comprehension aids
such as chapter overviews, graphics, and summaries
(Tompkins, 2006). Point out pictures, captions, and
words in bold type and help students to see how
these can help them understand the text.
Supplement the textbook with books that include
some of the same content but are easier to read.
Sometimes old textbooks can be useful and easier
for students to read; look to see if your school has
any in storage. Big books designed for upper-grade
students that present content information are also
commercially available and sometimes included
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
in English Language development programs. Some
teachers have students create their own big books.
Read the text aloud to the students. In addition to
reading the text, you can pair students with reading
buddies who are able to read to them. Passages from
the textbook can also be tape recorded for students
to listen to as they follow along in their books.
Many textbook publishers now include audiotapes
of their books. Parents or cross-age volunteers can
also help with read-alouds.
Prepare your own reading material. This can consist
of simple paragraphs to convey key ideas. Although
this can be time-consuming, it has the advantage
that you can adjust the material to meet the
specifc needs and interests of your students.
More Meaning-Making Tools
Preview and review lessons. Before the lesson,
present your English learners with a preview of key
vocabulary and a brief synopsis of the content. After
the lesson, review vocabulary and concepts. This
provides students with additional repetition that is
extremely valuable to their learning.
Provide students with support in their native
languages whenever possible. Although a major
goal with content instruction is English language
acquisition, understanding the concepts being
taught is just as important. Students who have
limited English language skills can beneft from
having either bilingual tutors or instructional
assistants or books in their native languages
to clarify their understanding. If you have the
resources, a preview/review method can also be
done in the native languagepreview the lesson in
the native language and after the lesson is presented
in English, provide a review in the native language.
Content Instruction
Use thematic instruction. It is very helpful to
English learners when instruction is presented via
integrated thematic units (Peregoy & Boyle, 2005).
This type of instruction integrates various subject
areas. For example, when learning about the Gold
Rush, students can also read literature related
to the period and create graphs that compare the
distances people traveled. Thematic instruction
supports student learning because it facilitates
establishing connections and remembering
Have students maintain Learning Logs in which
they record what they are learning on a daily or
weekly basis. Students can explain how they solved
a math problem, record observations from a science
experiment, or summarize what they have learned
from a lesson or unit of instruction using words or
drawings. You can work out a system to read and
respond to students logs so that it does not become
too time consuming. Some teachers skim all logs
weekly, then select four or fve to respond to in
Bring in supplemental reading material from a
variety of sources that relates to concepts being
learned. This could include newspaper articles
about current or past events, biographies, online
sources, reference material, and other books
(Chamot & OMalley, 1994).
Teach students how to take notes and develop
outlines, develop graphic organizers, and write
summaries of what they read. Model the procedure
several times with short pieces of text, then provide
students with guided practice in small groups
where they can help one another before having
them do this independently.
Have students create graphic displays that they
can label with main ideas and vocabulary terms.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
For example, they can create time lines, illustrate
the steps to solve a math problem, or conduct an
experiment, design maps, develop semantic webs
that include key vocabulary, or create charts to
illustrate a concept.
Have students work in small groups to develop
reports and present them to their classmates. These
can be oral or written reports.
Have students write from the perspective of a
historical fgure. A fourth-grade teacher we know
had her students write diary entries as though they
were traveling to California during the Gold Rush.
Building Vocabulary
As we mentioned earlier, vocabulary development is
essential for English learners academic success. There
is a strong relationship between vocabulary knowledge
and academic achievement (McKeown, 1985). Without
adequate vocabulary knowledge, students cannot fully
understand what they read, and they will have difficulty
with content instruction. Students with good vocabulary
knowledge will comprehend text more easily, which
leads them to more extensive reading and, in turn, greater
vocabulary growth. Vocabulary development is a critically
important aspect of instruction for all students and espe-
cially for English learners. Keep in mind that vocabulary
is best learned within the context of interesting activities,
not by memorizing lists of words or copying defnitions.
You will want to immerse your students in vocabulary-
rich activities that promote their active involvement and
provide varied opportunities for students to practice and
apply knowledge of new words. Your enthusiasm for word
knowledge is key to motivating students to get excited
about learning new words. We discussed some ideas for
vocabulary development in previous chapters. Here we
present some additional suggestions to make your vocabu-
lary instruction both engaging and challenging.
Content Instruction
Word of the Day
This is a fun way to make vocabulary instruction part of
your daily routine. Select a word that is related to a subject
the students are currently studying or to an interesting
upcoming event. You may also want to encourage students
to volunteer a word to study. Display the word, defne it,
and give examples in sentences that are meaningful to the
students. Engage the students in a Think-Pair-Share activ-
ity to come up with their own sentences. Finally, encour-
age use of the word throughout the day and place it on a
word wall so that students can refer to it. You may even
want to challenge students to look or listen for the word
outside of class and have them share their observations.
Use Graphic Organizers
We cannot say enough about the benefts of these visuals.
Not only are graphic organizers helpful for organizing infor-
mation as we discussed earlier, but they assist students to
picture and remember word meanings and relationships.
For example, a semantic (or web) map (see Appendix) can
be used in the following way (Gunning, 2003):
1. Introduce a key word and discuss it with the class.
2. Have the students come up with as many words as
they can that are related to the key word and add
words that you want to teach. Write all of these on
the board.
3. With the students, create a semantic map on a
large piece of chart paper. Guide the students to
categorize the words and discuss why some words
go together. The completed map will consist of the
key word in the center with lines radiating out from
the center that lead to related words.
4. Post the map in the classroom so students can refer
to it and add more words later as they study the
topic further.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Students are usually motivated to learn through games.
While having fun, students can also be practicing language
skills. Games can be adapted to the various profciency
levels of your students and the content you are teaching.
Here are a few ideas:
Brainstorm of Words: Divide the class into teams of
four or fve students. Give a word to the class and
each team has three minutes to brainstorm related
words. Depending on what you are teaching, these
could be antonyms, synonyms, or other words that
are related to a unit of study. One student in each
team can be a designated recorder to write down all
the words for his/her team. After the allotted time,
ask each team to share its words. Points can be
given for each correct word.
Dramatization: Place cards with words that students
have been studying in a container and call on a
student to select one. The student must pantomime
the meaning of the word while the rest of the class
tries to guess the word. The student who can guess
the word correctly and give its meaning can be the
one to select and pantomime the next word.
Bingo: This is a classic game that can be adapted
in many ways. Create your own Bingo cards with
blank spaces. The students can then copy words
that you select in random order into each of the
spaces. Read aloud the defnition of each word. The
students then try to fnd a word on their card that
matches the defnition in order to cover it with a
marker. The frst one to fll a whole row of spaces
calls Bingo and is the winner. There are many
variations of this game. One is to have students
fnd synonyms or antonyms on their cards. We once
observed a third-grade teacher who had beginning-
Content Instruction
level students glue pictures from an activity sheet
onto their Bingo cards. When the teacher called
out a word, the students had to match it to its
corresponding picture.
Concentration: This game can be played by small
groups of four or fve students and can be used to
practice different vocabulary skills. Create two
sets of cards with vocabulary words written on
them. Each group places the cards facedown in
rows on a table. The frst student to take a turn
selects two cards to turn over. If the words do
not match, the cards are placed facedown in their
original position. Once a student makes a match,
he/she must give a defnition of the word (or use
it in a sentence, identify a synonym, etc). If the
response is correct, the student keeps the cards. If
the student is not correct, the cards are replaced
again. The student with the most cards at the end
wins the game.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
In planning for the unit of study on the American Revolution, Vance decided that one concept
he wanted all of his students to understand was the reason that the colonists rebelled against
the Britishthe notion of taxation without representation. The whole class had spent a few days
in advance of the unit doing a Know-Want-Learn chart and had seen a video on the American
He gathered his beginning and intermediate English learners for a preview lesson. He asked the
students to write down the words taxes, represent, and representation in their social studies jour-
nals. Then he said, Look, heres a newspaper ad for a pair of athletic shoes. This pair is on sale
for $35.99. Is that exactly what you pay$35.99? The students say that they would have to pay
moreExtra money, says one student. Vance nods and says that this extra money is the tax on
the shoes. It goes to the government. Taxes pay for schools, to fx the streets, and other things for
us. He draws pictures as hes talking to illustrate what hes saying.
Then Vance asks the students who they elected from the class to go to student council. Edwin,
they say. Yes, Edwin represents usroom seven. Edwin is our representative. He says what we
want and what we dont want. He talks for us. Again, Vance demonstrates. Some of the students
Now were going to do a little play with the words taxes and representation, says Vance. He
quickly moves the students around. Jorge, youre the king of England. You sit on your special
chair. Thais, youre a colonist working in your store. Youre selling things in your store. Noe,
youre a colonist working on your farm. Youre working. You work hard. Antonio, youre the kings
representativelike Edwin is our representative. Now, the king tells Antonio to get money. You
go get moneytaxesfrom the colonists. Antonio walks from the king over to the colonists and
puts his hand out as if to receive the money.
Vance says, England needs the money. They had a big war with France for seven years. Vance
demonstrates fghting and points to a picture from their social studies book. And now they need
moneytaxes from the colonists. They have to pay for the war. The war costs lots of money.
Colonists, do you like this? Do you want to give your money to Antonio for the king and for the
government in England? Do you want to pay taxes?
Noe bursts out, The kingand the government in Englandthey tell the colonists they have to
pay the moneyehthe taxesbut the colonistswe say NO! We didnt tell you we gonna pay!
We no gonna pay you nothing! Go home. We dont get a . . . a . . . represent . . .
Yes, says Vance. That is exactly the idea. The colonists think this is not fair. They do not want
to pay taxes to England. This is taxation with no representation. The colonists did not agree to pay
extra taxes. The government in England did not ask them. They just made them pay. Now you can
write this important idea in your journals. The colonists did not want to pay taxes to England. It
was taxation with no representation.
Content Instruction
Vignette # 7
Read the following vignette about Vance, a ffth-grade teacher. Can you identify at
least six tools he uses to promote comprehension for his English learners?
What tools does the teacher use?
1. engages in backwards planning
2. selects a few key words and ideas to convey to his
students in advance of the unit
3. uses a KWL chart and a video to activate
vocabulary and background knowledge
4. makes personal connections to the students
livespaying taxes for purchases and a classmate
who is a representative in the student council
5. repeats and emphasizes key ideas and words
6. incorporates TPR (i.e., tells AntonioYou go get
moneytaxesfrom the colonists, and Antonio
then puts out his hand to receive the money.)
7. draws pictures as he talks
8. has students do a simple dramatization to
highlight key words
9. has students write down key concepts and
vocabulary in a content journalmakes listening
and writing connections
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Sample Content Lesson (Social
Following is a sample content lesson from the fourth-grade
California social studies curriculum on the Gold Rush.
Weve included the California history/social science
standard and the state English Language Development
(ELD) standards for each of the fve levels of English
language profciency. The sample lesson illustrates
multilevel objectives, how you might group students for
effective instruction, and teaching tools you can use that
are effective for the various levels of English language
Grade: 4th
Content Area: California History/Social Science Content
Standard 4.3.3.
Analyze the effects of the Gold Rush on settlements,
daily life, politics, and the physical environment.
State ELD Standards:
answer simple questions with one- or two-word
retell simple stories using drawings, words, or
Early Intermediate:
orally identify the main points of simple
conversations and stories that are read aloud using
phrases or simple sentences
produce independent writing that is understood
when read but may include inconsistent use of
standard grammatical forms
use content-related vocabulary in discussions and
Content Instruction
use more complex vocabulary and sentences
appropriate for language arts and other content
produce independent writing that is understood
when read but may include inconsistent use of
standard grammatical forms
Early Advanced:
retell stories in greater detail including characters,
setting, plot summary, and analysis
ask and answer instructional questions with more
extensive supporting elements
write multiparagraph narrative and expository
compositions and examples appropriate for
content areas, with consistent use of standard
grammatical forms
speak clearly and comprehensively using standard
English grammatical forms, sounds, intonation,
pitch, and modulation
read narrative and expository text aloud with
appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression
create multi-paragraph narrative and expository
compositions using standard grammatical forms
Lessons key concept: The gold found at Sutters Mill in
1848 caused many people to come to California.
Beginning Level: By creating a pictorial time line and
labeling it with appropriate words and phrases, students
will demonstrate understanding of some main ideas and
vocabulary words related to the Gold Rush.
Early Intermediate Level: Students will use sentence
frames to retell the main events related to the Gold
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Intermediate Level: Using vocabulary from the lesson
and structured paragraphs, students will explain why the
Gold Rush became important to California.
Early Advanced and Advanced Level English Learners
and Native English Speakers: Using descriptive vocabu-
lary and supporting details, students will write a multi-
paragraph essay that describes the Gold Rush and
explains why it became important to California and the
world. (Note: Early advanced level students use of stan-
dard grammatical form may be less consistent than for
advanced students.)
small pieces of rock, painted gold
photocopied pictures and subheadings from a
social studies book
newspaper with headline Gold in California!
a map of the United States
a time line
gold nugget
pan for gold
Gold Rush
gold fever
Prior to the Lesson:
Divide the class into two groups. Native English speak-
ers and advanced level ELD students will work in pairs
Content Instruction
to complete the activity sheet below to help build inter-
est and background knowledge. While they are complet-
ing the activity sheet, meet with the beginning through
early advanced level English learners to introduce key
vocabulary and concepts using pictures and props.
Directions: With your partner, preview the chapter
on the Gold Rush in your social studies book. Look
carefully at the pictures and read the subtitles. Then
talk about and complete this assignment together.
1. Why do you think the discovery of gold
caused a rush?
2. Why did we call it the Gold Rush?
3. How did gold end up in the American River?
4. What do you suppose would be three
challenges gold seekers would encounter?
5. How do you think the Gold Rush changed
California? Write one question to which
youd like to know the answer.
6. List three words you dont know in this
chapter. Later, well talk about your mystery
While others are working on the above questions,
meet with beginning through early advanced level
English learners to introduce key vocabulary and con-
cepts using pictures and props.
Lesson Development
Teacher modeling/input
Bring the whole class together. Using pictures and props,
describe the discovery of gold at Sutters Mill. Show text
pictures of miners panning for gold and use gold-painted
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
rocks in a sieve to demonstrate panning for gold.
Show and discuss the newspaper with the important
discovery in California, a map of the United States, text
pictures with various modes of arrival to California, and
pictures of a Forty-niner and some of his equipment.
At appropriate points, ask advanced English learners
and native English speakers to share their responses to
preview questions. Ask them to share their mystery
words and discuss their meaning.
Guided practice
As the material is presented, ask the students a variety
of questions such as: Who can point to the gold nugget?
Who can show me panning for gold? How did people
get to California? Was it easy or difficult? Why did the
Forty-niner come to California? How did he get here?
What is he doing? What does he want? Did other people
come? How many? What do you think happened when
so many people arrived in California? Write some of the
students responses that include key vocabulary items.
For beginning and early intermediate students: Give the
students the time line and the photocopied pictures and
subheadings from the text. Ask students to select and
paste them in order and to write words and phrases on
the time line that explain the series of events.
Intermediate and early advanced students: Have stu-
dents create a graphic organizer with key words and use
it to write one or more structured paragraphs describing
the main events and their signifcance.
Advanced and native English speakers: Have students
create a graphic organizer with key ideas and use it to
write several paragraphs that describe the main events
and their signifcance.
Content Instruction
Bring the whole class together again. Have students
share and discuss their work as a whole class. Ask one
or two students to share their time lines. An intermedi-
ate or early advanced English learner can describe the
time line, if needed. Ask one or two students to read a
structured paragraph. Ask advanced English learners and
native English speakers to share one or more of their
Closure: Ask students to write important words and ideas
from todays lesson in their social studies journals.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Important Points to Remember
Make connectionsconnect new concepts
to previous learning and relate it to students
real life experiences whenever possible.
Provide comprehensible inputuse a variety
of scaffolding techniques to make your
instruction as comprehensible as possible.
This includes modifying your teacher talk and
supporting it with many visual clues.
Promote interactionprovide many
opportunities for students to work with
partners or in small groups to practice social
and academic language skills.
Take an active interest in your students
and learn as much as you can about their
backgrounds and interests. The more you
know about them, the more you will be able
to plan for instruction that builds on their
background knowledge.
Maintain high expectations for all of your
students. When you establish a climate that
says you expect students to perform well,
they usually do (Henze & Lucas, 1993).
Content Instruction
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Post-Reading Reflection
1. What is sheltered instruction and what is its purpose?
2. Identify two ways that you could help English learners to make
meaningful connections between new concepts and concepts they
already know.
3. List three ways you could modify content instruction to make it
more comprehensible for English learners.
4. What are two ways you can provide opportunities for students
to practice their language skills and review the concepts they are
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Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Animal Habitat Food Natural Enemies
Use to illustrate events or phenomena that occur in a continuous cycle.
KWL Chart
Use to activate students background knowledge and identify questions they have
about the topic. At the end of the unit, students list what they learned.
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned
egg pupa
Compare/Contrast Matrix
Use to categorize, compare and process information. Can be used with any content
area, including literature (compare characters, settings, plots, etc.).
Network Tree
Use to illustrate the categories and examples of a main topic or concept. Write the
main topic on the tree trunk, the major categories on the branches, and the subcat-
egories or examples on the smaller branches.
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Problem-Solution Outline
Use to show a problem, possible solutions, and likely outcomes or results of proposed
Semantic (or Web) Map
Use to map out the main ideas and details of a topic or concept. You can also use it
to teach word meanings and relationships. This graphic is sometimes referred to as a
Word Web. Here are two examples.
Series-of-Events Chain
Use to show sequence of events, stages of a life cycle or goals, and actions and out-
comes of a historical fgure or character in a novel.
Event 1 Event 2 Event 3
neighborhood neighbors
Executive Branch
Presidential Powers
U.S. Constitution
Legislative Branch
House of
Judicial Branch
Supreme Court
Use to compare two things (book characters, events, ideas, etc.).
Venn Diagram
Use to compare and contrast two things (i.e., books, movies, characters, etc.).
Helping English Language Learners Succeed
Planes Cars
Elements of A Elements of B
A and B
Final Words
We recognize that teaching English learners presents
challenges but also offers many rewards. We applaud
your efforts to improve your knowledge about teach-
ing your English learners. As their numbers increase in
your schools, your knowledge, skills, and abilities will
become more valuable.
We hope you have found this book useful, and that you
will be able to put its content to good use.
Best wishes for successful teaching!
Carmen and Evelyn