Abstract Reasoning

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The passage discusses the history and purpose of abstract reasoning tests. It explains that they aim to measure general intelligence by assessing the ability to perceive relationships and deduce correlations without language or math skills.

Abstract reasoning tests date back to research in the 1920s aiming to identify general intelligence factors. They are used in graduate and management aptitude tests to measure problem-solving abilities independently of specific knowledge or skills.

Charles Spearman concluded from his research using factor analysis that performance across different types of intelligence tests is correlated. He believed there is a general intelligence factor ('g') as well as specific abilities.

AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1

Psychometric Success
Practice Test 1
Paul Newton
Helen Bristoll
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AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1
he aptitu"es an" abilities measure" by #erbal an" numeric reasoning tests can
easily be relate" to real worl" tas$s an" %obs& as many %obs re'uire some "egree
o( s$ill with wor"s an" numbers Abstract reasoning tests on the other han"& seem
to consist o( 'uestions which ha#e little or no application in the real worl" )et these
types o( 'uestion appear in most gra"uate an" management aptitu"e tests *hy is
Abstract reasoning tests "ate bac$ to the research "one by the psychologist Charles
Spearman in the 1,-./s Spearman use" a statistical techni'ue calle" (actor analysis
to e0amine relationships between people/s scores on "i((erent types o( intelligence
He conclu"e" that people who "o well on some intelligence tests also "o well on
others 1eg #ocabulary& mathematics& spatial abilities2 Con#ersely& i( people "o poorly
on an intelligence test& they also ten"e" to "o poorly on other intellectual tests This
le" him to belie#e that there are one or more (actors that are common to all intellectual
As a result o( this research Spearman "e#elope" a two!(actor theory o( intelligence
g ! 5eneral Ability
s ! Speci(ic Abilities
As the "iagram shows& Spearman sai" that intelligence is mainly ma"e up o( 6g/& with
bright people ha#ing a lot& an" "ull people ha#ing less Spearman "e(ine" 6g/ as:
7the innate ability to percei#e relationships an" e"uce co!relationships8
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AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1
9( we replace the wor" 6e"uce/ with 6wor$ out/ then you can see why abstract reasoning
'uestions are seen to be a goo" measure o( general intelligence& as they test your
ability to percei#e relationships an" then to wor$ out any co!relationships without you
re'uiring any $nowle"ge o( language or mathematics
Abstract reasoning tests use "iagrams& symbols or shapes instea" o( wor"s or
numbers They in#ol#e i"enti(ying the un"erlying logic o( a pattern an" then "etermining
the solution Because they are #isual 'uestions an" are in"epen"ent o( language an"
mathematical ability& they are consi"ere" to be an accurate in"icator o( your general
intellectual ability as well as being 6culturally (air/
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AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1
Test 1-: ;uestions
Answer as many 'uestions as you can in -. minutes Circle the letter on the right which correspon"s
to the correct answer
12 *hich (igure completes the series+
A B C <
-2 *hich (igure completes the series+
A B C <
=2 *hich (igure completes the series+
A B C <
>2 *hich (igure completes the series+
A B C <
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:2 *hich (igure completes the series+
A B C <
?2 *hich (igure completes the statement+
A B C <
@2 *hich (igure completes the statement+
A B C <
A2 *hich (igure completes the statement+
A B C <
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AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1
,2 *hich (igure completes the statement+
A B C <
1.2 *hich (igure completes the statement+
A B C <
112 *hich (igure is the o"" one out+
A B C < B
1-2 *hich (igure is the o"" one out+
A B C < B
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AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1
1=2 *hich (igure is the o"" one out+
A B C < B
1>2 *hich (igure is the o"" one out+
A B C < B
1:2 *hich (igure is the o"" one out+
A B C < B
1?2 *hich (igure completes the series+
A B C <
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AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1
1@2 *hich (igure completes the series+
A B C <
1A2 *hich (igure belongs in neither group+
1,2 *hich (igure belongs in neither group+
A B C <
A B C <
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-.2 *hich (igure is ne0t in the series+
A B C <
-12 *hich (igure is ne0t in the series+
A B C <
--2 *hich (igure completes the gri"+
A B C <
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-=2 *hich (igure completes the gri"+
A B C <
->2 *hich (igure is the o"" one out+
A B C < B
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-:2 *hich (igure is the o"" one out+
A B C < B
Bn" o( Abstract ReasoningTest
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AbstrAct reAsoningPrActice test 1
Pro"ucts to Help )ou Succee" in Psychometric Tests
Anyone that has trie" to secure a %ob in to"ay/s mar$et $nows that a "aCCling C4 an" a
compelling inter#iew are simply not enough Can"i"ates are now (ace" with a rigorous
assessment o( their abilities an" their personality in the (orm o( a psychometric test
3a0imise your per(ormance in un"er - wee$sD
Psychometric tests are now an integral part o( the recruitment process& especially when
it comes to (in"ing can"i"ates (or those co#ete" top %obs So& it/s har"ly surprising
that seemingly well!'uali(ie" can"i"ates are being o#erloo$e" in (a#our o( applicants
that e0cel at psychometric tests
So& i( you want to get that all important (irst %ob& or i( you are hoping to (urther your
career& now is the time to ta$e positi#e action to increase your chances o( success
These eBoo$s teach you how to master speci(ic aspects o( psychometric analysis&
such as numerical& #erbal& abstract& spatial& mechanical reasoning an" personality
tests Pass your psychometric tests with (lying coloursD These "ownloa"able eBoo$s
pro#i"e imme"iate access to e0pert $now!how an" essential insight that will gi#e you
the e"ge o#er the competition 4isit wwwpsychometric!successcom
These eBoo$s gi#e you the opportunity to wor$ through complete sets o( practice
'uestions that are use" to assess can"i"ates (or speci(ic types o( wor$& such as
management& gra"uate& technical& super#isory an" clerical le#el %obs Bach one o(
these boo$s is a complete solution an" contains e#erything you nee" to succee" in
psychometric tests no matter what le#el o( %ob you are applying (or
4isit wwwpsychometric!successcom
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