It could be said: لاقي دق
It could be said: لاقي دق
It could be said: لاقي دق
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
Table 1
Excluded the sound of ()زيد The sound () اللفظ () الكلم هو
drums, birds, marks, comprised of some utterance SPEECH IS
signs alphabet COMPRISED OF
Excluded ( ) زيدand (قام Composed of two () المركب
or more words
what is similar ) زيد compounded
ٌ ) قائ
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
The particle which has signification (لمعنى ) حرف جاءis the particle
that has a meaning such as ( ) هلit means inquiring and ( ) لمit means
negating. Hence the letters of construction of the words are excluded such as
the ( ) زايand ( ) ياءand ( ) دالthat comprise the word () زيد.
Table 2
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
Perfect (ب
َ ضَر
َ ) A self- () فعل The speech
imperfect meaningful consists of
imperative (ب
ُ ِضر
ْ َ) ي word attached
three parts
ْ ) َاضر
(ب to the time
Inquisitive () هل A word (جاءحرف
negating signifying a
() لم meaning ) لمعنى
outside itself Article which
Hence, the speech does not go beyond there three parts, however it does not
have to be composed of al three, for it may be composed of two nouns such as
ٌ ) زيد ٌ قائ.
The parts of the noun ( ) السمare three: explicit ( ) مظهرsuch as () زيد,
inexplicit ( ) مضمرsuch as () هو, and ambiguous ( ) such as ( ).
Table 3
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
)انكسَر, the (nun: )نin the middle such as ()منكسر, and the light (nun: )نof
confirmation such as ()لنسفعن.
The tanwin ( )التنوينhas four cases:
1. The tanwin of foundation: ( )تنوين التمكين: it attaches to the inflected
nouns. Those nouns that are acted upon by tanwin are said to be strong rooted
in the nominative case and more founded in it than others such as ( ٌ )زيدand (
ٌ )رج. The nouns that are not acted upon by tanwin are strong rooted in the
nominative case but not more founded such as ( )ابراهيمand ( )احمد.
2. The tanwin of equivalence ()تنوين المقابلة: it attaches to the sound
feminine plural ( )جمع المؤنث السالمsuch as (ت ٌ )جاءت مسلما,
and the tanwin in it is equivalent to the (nun: )نin the sound masculine plural
َ )جاء المسلمو.
3. The tanwin of replacement ()تنوين العوض: it attaches to ( )إذin (ٍ )يومئذ
and (ٍ )حيتئذ. It is a replacement for a statement; Allah said (ٍ وأنتم حينئذ
)تنظرون, and the origin of the statement is (ت ِ وأنتم حين إذ بلغ
م تنظرون َ ح الحلقو ُ )الرو, so the statement (مَ ح الحلقو ُ ت الرو
ِ )بلغ
was eliminated and a tanwin was attached in its place and it became (ٍ )حينئذ.
4. The tanwin of indefiniteness ()تنوين التنكير: it attaches to the non-
inflected nouns to distinguish between what is definite ( )معرفةand what is
indefinite ()نكرة. The nouns that are acted upon by tanwin are indefinite (
)نكرةsuch as (ه ٍ جاءَ سيبوي َ ), and those that are not acted upon by tanwin
are definite ( )معرفةsuch as (ه ِ )جاَء سيبوي.
The causes that prohibit the tanwin ( )موانع التنوين:
There are nine cases that finder the tanwin from attaching. Each case consists
of two cases except for one where one cause acts for two.
1. Nominal and non-Arabic ( عجمى ُ )العلمية وال: such as ( تُ مرر
َ )بابراهيis a noun and non-Arabic, therefore tanwin does
not attach.
2. Nominal and compounded acronym (المزجى )العلمية وال ُتركيب:
such as ( بعل بك,)محمد يكرب, it is a noun and compounded from
other words, hence tanwin does not attach.
3. Nominal and conversion ()العلمية والعدول: such as (مر
َ ُ )ع, it is a
noun and it is said to be converted from (مر
ِ عا
َ ), hence tanwin does not
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
4. Nominal and addition of alif and nun (نون )العلمية و زيادة الف و:
such as (ن( )عثمان َ ت بعثما ُ )مررis a noun and it has an (alif: )الف
and (nun: )نadded to it.
5. Nominal and the feminine case () العلمية والتأنيث: such as (مررت
)فاطمة ( )طلحة.( جَر َ ْ ة وط َل
َ َحة وه َ )بفاطمand ( )هجرare
nouns in the feminine case, hence tanwin does not attach to them.
6. Nominal and verb form ()العلمية ووزن الفعل: such as (مررت
َ )باحمد َ ويشكر ويزيد. All these ( يزيد, يشكر, )احمدare nouns
that bear the grammatical forms of verbs ( فعيل, يفعل,)افعل, hence
tanwin does not attach to them.
7. Adjective and addition of alif and nun (و
الوصفية و زيادة الف
)نون: such as (ن
َ )مررت بسكرا. The word ( )سكرانis an adjective
and has alif and nun added to it, hence tanwin does not attach to it.
8. Adjective and conversion ()الوضعية و العدل: such as (مررت
َ ُ)بأ. The word (ُأخَر
خَر ُ
) the plural of ( ) أخرىdescribes a meaning
contained in others and it is said to be converted from (رى
َ خ
ْ ) أthe
feminine case of (خر
َ ) أ, hence tanwin does not attach.
9. One cause acting for two ( علتين )علة تقوم مقام: such as (حبَلى
) and (ء
َ ) حمراthat have the mamdud form of ending in a long alif
followed by a hamzah (ء ا ) or the maqsur for ending in a long vowel alif,
and such as ( ) مساجدand (ح
َ ) مصابيthat have the form of (مفاعل
) or () مفاعيل. These latter two forms are called the form reflecting
ultimate plurality (الجموع )صيغة منتهى.
The element of prohibition of tanwin is applicable if the word does not fall
as an annexation ( ) اضافةor after () أل. If the word is annexed such as
ِ بأفض مررت ) then it is inflected, or after ( ) ألsuch as (
ِ والفض ).
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
Table 5
َ ضَر
َ ) Denotes an (ض
ٍ ) ماperfect (اقسام
incident that is
and over with. الفعل ثلثة )
The parts of the
ُ ِضر
ْ َ) ي Denotes an () مضارع verb are three.
incident taking imperfect
place now and in
the future.
ْ ) اضر Denotes an () امر
incident imperative
demanded in the
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن
The particle is also of three parts, one part is common to the nouns and
the verbs such as (ٌ م زيدَ ) هل قاand (م ٌ ) هل زيد ٌ قائ, and a part
specific to the nouns such as (ٍ بزيد مررت ), and a part specific to the
verbs such as (ٌ ب زيد ْ ) لم يضر. Moreover, neither the signs of the
noun nor the signs of the verb apply to the particle. Hence the sign of the
particle is a no sign: ( )عدميةas Al-Hariri indicated in (مُلحة
The Explanation of al-Ajirroumiyyah شرح الجرومية
Based on
Mufti of Makkah Ahmad bin Zayni Dahlan لمفتى مكة أحمد بن زينى دحلن