IELTS Speaking Part 3

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IELTS Speaking Part 3: think 'paragraph'

In part 3 of the speaking test, you should try to give longer, detailed answers. A
good way to do this is to imagine that you are making a paragraph.
Remember the 'paragraph building' techniques that we use in writing task !
Idea, e"plain, e"ample
#tart with a direct answer to the question, like the 'topic sentence' in a written
paragraph. $hen e"plain your answer in more detail, and support your
e"planation with an e"ample.
Try answering this question: %o you think that it's important for people to go on
'irstly, secondly, finally
#tart with the direct answer, then e"plain it by giving two or three reasons, and
maybe an e"ample too.
Try answering this question: (hy do you think some people prefer not to go
abroad on holiday&
IELTS Speaking Part 3: 'paragraph' answers
)ere are my answers to the questions in last week's lesson.
1) Do you think that it's important for people to go on holiday?
Answer using 'idea, e"plain, e"ample'
*es, I think we all need to go on holiday at least once or twice a year. It isn+t
healthy to work all year round without some time off to rela", we all need to take
a break and recharge our batteries from time to time. -ast summer, for e"ample,
I went on holiday to 'rance for a couple of weeks, and it was great to leave all of
my usual responsibilities behind me. I came home feeling really refreshed and
2) Why do you think some people prefer not to go abroad on holiday?
Answer using 'firstly, secondly, finally'
I suppose there are different reasons why some people choose not to go abroad
on holidays. 'irstly, it+s usually more e"pensive to travel abroad than it is to stay
at home. A second reason could be that some people find it stressful to spend
time in a foreign country where they don+t speak the language, or where they feel
that they can+t easily integrate with the locals. 'inally, many people .ust love
where they live, and don+t feel the need to travel abroad.
IELTS Speaking Part 1: 'language learning' topic
$ry answering the following 'part /' questions. Remember to follow the rules in
last week's lesson.
/. %o you like learning languages&
. )ow did you learn the languages that you know&
3. (hy do people learn more than one language&
0. %o you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school&
1. I admire learning languages as communication bridges.
2. I also do general readings in my spare time.
3. 4oreover, learning foreign languages helps us talk friendly.
5. It open more avenues for getting a better .ob.
6. *oung age is the right time to learn multiple languages.
/7. *ou can break many hurdles and e"pand your hori8ons.
//. As our knowledge in language e"pands, the better we can communicate.
IELTS Vocabulary: band !" phrases
$here was some good vocabulary in yesterday's speaking lesson. )ere's a list of
the phrases that I think would impress an e"aminer!
it was great to share that e"perience
$he positive e"perience wasn+t confined to one particular place
As far as I remember
visits to various tourist attractions
one of my first memories was
a group of close friends
which made the e"perience more en.oyable
(hat really struck me about -ondon was
historic but modern and thriving at the same time
a lively, fashionable and cosmopolitan place
9oming from a relatively small town
the e"perience made me keen to visit more capital cities
IELTS Speaking Part 1: ho#e town
)ere are some part / questions and answers on the topic of 'home town'. $ry
changing the answers to similar ones about your own town or city. :eep your
answers short, simple and direct.
1 Where are you from?
I'm from 4anchester, which is a city in the north west of ;ngland.
2 Do you like your home town? !Why?)
*es, I like living in 4anchester because it's where most of my friends live, and
because there are plenty of things to do there. $he only thing I don't like is the
" Would you prefer to li#e somewhere else? !Why?)
'or the moment I'm happy living here, but at some point I'd like to live in a
country with a warmer climate, and I'd like to live near a beach<
$ Do you think your home town is a good pla%e for young people? !Why?)
*es, 4anchester has lots of things for young people, such as sports facilities,
music and cinemas.
ELTS Speaking: a tip $or each part
)ere are three tips, one for each part of the speaking test.
Part 1: stop and s#ile
'or part / of the speaking test, you need to get used to giving short answers.
4any students find it difficult to stop speaking, and the e"aminer is forced to
interrupt. 4y tip is to give your answer then stop and smile, showing the
e"aminer that you are ready for the ne"t question.
Part %: tell a story
In the conte"t of speaking part , a story is simply a long e"ample to illustrate a
point that you have made. If you+re describing a person, for e"ample, you could
tell a story to illustrate why you like him=her. >eople find it easy to keep speaking
for longer when they have a story to tell.
Part 3: include an &i$'''( sentence
-ook at technique number in this lesson. $he 'alternatives' technique helps you
to say more, and it also encourages you to add a conditional 'if...' sentence,
which might help your grammar score.

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