Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew prepared from Banisteriopsis caapi vine and leaves containing DMT from plants like Psychotria viridis. It has been used for divination and healing by indigenous Amazonian peoples. The brew contains harmala alkaloids that allow orally-ingested DMT to take effect by inhibiting monoamine oxidase in the digestive tract. Modern descriptions of its use include spiritual/religious ceremonies and treatments for illnesses, though its traditional usage also focused on its purgative medical properties. It was introduced to Western culture through early 20th century ethnobotanical research and writings of authors like William Burroughs.
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew prepared from Banisteriopsis caapi vine and leaves containing DMT from plants like Psychotria viridis. It has been used for divination and healing by indigenous Amazonian peoples. The brew contains harmala alkaloids that allow orally-ingested DMT to take effect by inhibiting monoamine oxidase in the digestive tract. Modern descriptions of its use include spiritual/religious ceremonies and treatments for illnesses, though its traditional usage also focused on its purgative medical properties. It was introduced to Western culture through early 20th century ethnobotanical research and writings of authors like William Burroughs.
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew prepared from Banisteriopsis caapi vine and leaves containing DMT from plants like Psychotria viridis. It has been used for divination and healing by indigenous Amazonian peoples. The brew contains harmala alkaloids that allow orally-ingested DMT to take effect by inhibiting monoamine oxidase in the digestive tract. Modern descriptions of its use include spiritual/religious ceremonies and treatments for illnesses, though its traditional usage also focused on its purgative medical properties. It was introduced to Western culture through early 20th century ethnobotanical research and writings of authors like William Burroughs.
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew prepared from Banisteriopsis caapi vine and leaves containing DMT from plants like Psychotria viridis. It has been used for divination and healing by indigenous Amazonian peoples. The brew contains harmala alkaloids that allow orally-ingested DMT to take effect by inhibiting monoamine oxidase in the digestive tract. Modern descriptions of its use include spiritual/religious ceremonies and treatments for illnesses, though its traditional usage also focused on its purgative medical properties. It was introduced to Western culture through early 20th century ethnobotanical research and writings of authors like William Burroughs.
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Ayahuasca being prepared in the Napo region of
Ecuador. Freshly harvested caapi vine ready for preparation Banisteriopsis caapi preparation Beaten caapi ready for boiling Caapi cooking over an open fire This entry focuses on the Ayahuasca brew; for inforation on the vine of the sae nae! see Banisteriopsis caapi Ayahuasca ayawaska pronounced a"a waska in the #uechua language is any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared fro the Banisteriopsis spp. vine! usually i$ed with the leaves of diethyltryptaine%containing species of shrubs fro the &sychotria genus. The brew! first described acadeically in the early '()*s by +arvard ethnobotanist ,ichard Evans -chultes who found it eployed for divinatory and healing purposes by Aerindians of Aa.onian Colobia! is known by a nuber of different naes see below. Contents ' &reparation / Naes 0 Cheistry 1 2sage 1.' 3ntroduction to Europe and North Aerica 1./ Ayahuasca touris 1./.' 3nitiation ) 4odern descriptions ).' ,elated phenoena 5 &lant constituents 5.' Traditional 6 7egal status 8 3nternational research ( -ee also '* ,eferences '*.' Bibliography '*.'.' Nonfiction '*.'./ Fiction '*.'.0 9ocuentaries '*.'.1 Fictional fils '*./ Notes '' E$ternal links &reparation -ections of B. caapi vine are acerated and boiled alone or with leaves fro any of a nuber of other plants! including &sychotria viridis chacruna or 9iplopterys cabrerana also known as chaliponga. The resulting brew contains the powerful hallucinogenic alkaloid N!N%diethyltryptaine 94T! and 4A: inhibiting harala alkaloids! which are necessary to ake the 94T orally active. Though B. caapi is a central ingredient in traditional ayahuasca brews! harala%containing plants fro other plant%edicine cultures! such as -yrian ,ue! can be used instead of the vine to ake an ayahuasca analogue! yet it isn;t considered ayahuasca! as Caapi vine is considered the ain plant in the brew.citation needed Brews can also be ade with no 94T%containing plants; &sychotria viridis being substituted by plants such as <usticia pectoralis! Brugansia! or sacred tobacco! also known as 4apacho Nicotiana rustica! or soeties left out with no replaceent. The potency of this brew varies radically fro one batch to the ne$t! both in potency and psychoactive effect! based ainly on the skill of the shaan or brewer! as well as other adi$tures soeties added and the intent of the cereony.citation needed Natural variations in plant alkaloid content and profiles also affect the final concentration of alkaloids in the brew! and the physical act of cooking ay also serve to odify the alkaloid profile of harala alkaloids.'/ 3ndividual polyorphiss in the cytochroe &1)*%/95 en.ye affect the ability of individuals to etaboli.e harine.0 -oe natural tolerance to habitual use of ayahuasca roughly once weekly ay develop through upregulation of the serotonergic syste.1 A phase ' pharacokinetic study on Ayahuasca as +oasca with ') volunteers was conducted in '((0! during the +oasca &ro"ect.) A review of the +oasca &ro"ect has been published.5 Naes cip= generic vine! liana! caapi! hoasca! vegetal! daie or santo daie in Bra.il yag> or ya"> both pronounced ?a he in Tucanoan; populari.ed in English by the beat generation writers @illia -. Burroughs and Allen Ainsberg in The Bage 7etters. ayahuasca or ayawaska -pirit vine or vine of the soulsC in #uechua! aya eans spirit while huasca or waska eans vine in Ecuador! Bolivia and &eru! and to a lesser e$tent in Bra.il. The spelling ayahuasca is the hispanici.ed version of the nae; any #uechua or Ayara speakers would prefer the spelling ayawaska. The nae is properly that of the plant B. caapi! one of the priary sources of beta%carbolines for the brew. nate aongst the indigenous -huar people of &eru. Arandother 4olecular structure of +arine. 4olecular structure of +araline. 4olecular structure of Tetrahydroharine. Cheistry +arine copounds are of beta%carboline origin. The three ost studied beta%carboline copounds found in the B. caapi vine are harine! haraline and tetrahydroharine. +arine and haraline are selective and reversible inhibitors of 4A:%A! while tetrahydroharine is a weak serotonin uptake inhibitor. This inhibition of 4A:%A allows 94T to diffuse unetaboli.ed past the ebranes in the stoach and sall intestine and eventually get through the blood%brain barrier to activate receptor sites in the brain. @ithout ,34As or the 4A:3 of 4A:%A! 94T would be etaboli.ed in the digestive tract and would not have an effect when taken orally6. 2sage 2rarina shaan! '(88 Ayahuasca is used largely as a religious sacraent. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is perfored in non%traditional conte$ts often align theselves with the philosophies and cosologies associated with ayahuasca shaanis! as practiced aong indigenous peoples like the 2rarina of &eruvian Aa.onia.8 The religion -anto 9aie uses it. @hile non%native users know of the spiritual applications of ayahuasca! a less well%known traditional usagespecify focuses on the edicinal properties of ayahuasca. 3ts purgative properties are highly iportant any refer to it as la purga! the purge. The intense voiting and occasional diarrhea it induces can clear the body of wors and other tropical parasites!( and harala alkaloids theselves have been shown to be anthelintic'* Thus! this action is twofold; a direct action on the parasites by these harala alkaloids particularly harine in ayahuasca works to kill the parasites! and parasites are e$pelled through the increased intestinal otility that is caused by these alkaloids. 9ietary taboos are often associated with the use of Ayahuasca''. 3n the rainforest! these tend towards the purification of one;s self % abstaining fro spicy and heavily%seasoned foods! e$cess fat! salt! caffeine! acidic foods such as citrus and se$ before! after! or both before and after a cereony. A diet low in foods containing tyraine has been recoended! as the speculative interaction of tyraine and 4A:3s could lead to a hypertensive crisis. +owever! evidence indicates that harala alkaloids act only on 4A:%A! in a reversible way siilar to oclobeide an antidepressant that does not reDuire dietary restrictions. &sychonautic e$perients and the absence of dietary restrictions in the highly urban Bra.ilian ayahuasca church 2niEo do Fegetal also suggest that the risk is uch lower than perceived! and probably non%e$istent.'/ The nae ;ayahuasca; specifically refers to a botanical decoctions that contains Banisteriopsis caapi. A synthetic version! known as pharahuasca is a cobination of an appropriate 4A:3 and typically 94T. 3n this usage! the 94T is generally considered the ain psychoactive active ingredient! while the 4A:3 erely preserves the psychoactivity of orally ingested 94T! which would otherwise be destroyed in the gut before it could be absorbed in the body. Thus! ayahuasDueros and ost others working with the brew aintain that the B. caapi vine is the defining ingredient! and that this beverage is not ayahuasca unless B. caapi is in the brew. The vine is considered to be the spirit of ayahuasca! the gatekeeper and guide to the otherworldly reals. 3n soe areasspecify! it is even said that the chakruna or chaliponga adi$tures are added only to ake the brew taste sweeter. This is a strong indicator of the often wildly divergent intentions and cultural differences between the native ayahuasca%using cultures and psychedelics enthusiasts in other countries. 3n odern Europe and North Aerica! ayahuasca analogues are often prepared using non%traditional plants which contain the sae alkaloids. For e$aple! seeds of the -yrian rue plant can be used as a substitute for the ayahuasca vine! and the 94T%rich 4iosa hostilis is used in place of chakruna. Australia has several indigenous plants which are popular aong odern ayahuasDueros there! such as various 94T%rich species of Acacia. Ayahuasca cooking in the Napo region of Ecuador. 3n odern @estern culture! entheogen users soeties base concoctions on Ayahuasca. @hen doing so! ost often ,ue or B. caapi is used with an alternative for of the 94T olecule! such as psilocin! or a non%94T based hallucinogen such as escaline.citation needed Nicknaes such as &silohuasca! 4ush%rue%asca! or ;-hroo%a%huasca! for ushroo based i$tures! or &edrohuasca fro the -an &edro Cactus! which contains escaline are often given to such brews. The psychedelic e$perientalist trappings of such concoctions bear little reseblance to the edicinal use of Ayahuasca in its original cultural conte$tcitation needed! where ayahuasca is usually ingested only by e$perienced entheogen users who are ore failiar with the cheicals and plants being used. 3ntroduction to Europe and North Aerica Ayahuasca is entioned in the writings of soe of the earliest issionaries to -outh Aerica! but it only becae coonly known in Europe and North Aerica uch later.specify The early issionary reports generally clai it as deonic! and great efforts were ade by the ,oan Catholic Church to stap it out.citation needed @hen originally researched in the /*th century! the active cheical constituent of B. caapi was called telepathine! but it was found to be identical to a cheical already isolated fro &eganu harala and was given the nae haraline. The original botanical description done was the +arvard ethnobotanist ,ichard Evans -chultes.citation needed +aving read -chultes;s paper! Beat writer @illia Burroughs sought yag> still referred to as telepathine in the early '()*s while traveling through -outh Aerica in the hopes that it could relieve or cure opiate addiction see The Bage 7etters. Ayahuasca becae ore widely known when the 4cGenna brothers published their e$perience in the Aa.on in True +allucinations. 9ennis later studied the pharacology! botany! and cheistry of ayahuasca and oo%koo%he! which becae the sub"ect of his aster;s thesis. 3n Bra.il! a nuber of odern religious oveents based on the use of ayahuasca have eerged! the ost faous of the being -anto 9aie and the 2niEo do Fegetal or 29F! usually in an aniistic conte$t that ay be shaanistic or! ore often as with -anto 9aie and the 29F! integrated with Christianity. Both -anto 9aie and 2niEo do Fegetal now have ebers and churches throughout the world. -iilarly! the 2- and Europe have started to see new religious groups develop in relation to increased ayahuasca use.'0. &a9eva! an Aerican @iccan group! has becoe the first incorporated legal church which holds the use of ayahuasca central to their beliefs.citation needed -oe @esterners have teaed up with shaans in the Aa.on rainforest regions! foring Ayahuasca healing retreats that clai to be able to cure ental and physical illness and allow counication with the spirit world. Anecdotal reports and scientific studies affir that rituali.ed use of ayahuasca ay iprove ental and physical health.'1 -everal notable celebrities have publicly discussed their use of ayahuasca! including -ting detailed in his /**0 eoir Broken 4usic! 9avid 3cke! Tori Aos! and &aul -ion who wrote the song -pirit Foices about his e$perience with the brew in the Aa.on.citation needed ,ecent years have seen notable edia attention to the position of the 29F church in the 2nited -tates. After having their iportation and use of +oasca tea challenged by the 2.-. 9epartent of <ustice! and then having the issue settled in their favor by the 2.-. -upree Court! the church gained soe notoriety. This irrors in soe ways the e$periences of 29F and -anto 9aie churches in Europe! where legal authorities have taken interest in their activities in France! Aerany! +olland and -pain. +olland was an early @estern conte$t for the spread of ayahuasca use. -upporting a large Bra.ilian population! -anto 9aie ebers in particular ade efforts to spread the philosophy of rituali.ed ayahuasca use. 3n the id%to%late '((*s one group! the Asterda%based Friends of the Forest! was fored by -anto 9aie ebers to introduce ayahuasca to Europeans and others with allergies to Christianity.citation needed They did this by introducing New Age rituals incorporating basic ritual structure! celebrating with songs in the 9aie tradition &ortuguese walt.es! English language songs! abient usic and antras and kirtan. They e$isted at least until the 9utch authorities raided a -anto 9aie ritual in progress! and other ayahuasca%oriented groups sensed that an obvious public profile was not in their best interest. Asterda is also aong the few cities in Europe where one can find! in addition to cannabis! psilocybin ushroos and peyote! ayahuasca vine! chacruna leaves! and plants for ayahuasca analogues in the tradition of <onathan :tt;s so%called ayahuasca borealis.citation needed Ayahuasca touris Ayahuasca tourist refers to a tourist wanting a taste of an e$otic ritual or who partakes in odified services geared specifically towards non%indigenous persons. -oe seek to clear eotional blocks and gain a sense of peace. :ther participants include e$plorers of consciousness! writers! edical doctors! "ournalists! anthropologists! ethnobotanists! philosophers and spiritual seekers. Ayahuasca touris is greatest in &eru! and attracts visitors fro all over the world! especially fro Europe! 2-A! Australia! and -outh Africa! but also fro other 7atin Aerican countries like Argentina! Chile! Costa ,ica! Colobia and 4e$ico. 3nitiation 2sually a visitor who wishes to becoe a dietero or dietera! that is! a ale or feale apprentice%shaan learning the way of the teacher plants! undergoes a rigorous initiation. This can involve spending up to a year or ore in the "ungle. This initiation challenges and trains the initiate through e$tree circustances involving a special diet and nuerous different plant edicines to copleent the Ayahuasca! the lack of western food and conveniences! the harsh environental conditions of heavy rains! stors! intense heat! insects! and poisonous anials. The initiate is also tested for their unwavering coitent to Ayahuasca and the shaan who oversees the training. 4odern descriptions 4atthew Thopson gives in 4y Colobian 9eath nonfiction! /**8 a detailed account of taking part in an e$treely harrowing yage cereony % an e$perience which gives the book its title. Thopson visited an indigenous shaan outside the town of Auarne in AntioDuia 9epartent! Colobia. After drinking a cup of yage! Thopson collapses and voits and grows terrified! believing hiself to be dying and then dead! and undergoing agonies of purgation and transforationC 3; in the wrong body! the wrong for! the wrong thoughts! the wrong life. ... 3; the ask! painted and epty! nothing ore than a vessel for other entities to see through. Talons curl into the eyeholes to twist and stretch e apart. 4y tongue is torn loose and y stoach ripped through y throat. Burning and liDuefying. All is olten rubber! stinking and agoni.ing. 3; changing.')! @ade 9avis author of The -erpent and The ,ainbow non%fiction'5'6 describes the traditional i$ture as tough in his book :ne ,iverC The sell and acrid taste was that of the entire "ungle ground up and i$ed with bile. p. '(1 @riter Gira -alak describes her personal e$periences with ayahuasca at Blue 4orpho Tours in &eru in the 4arch /**5 issue of National Aeographic Adventure aga.ine'8'( The article includes a candid description of how ayahuasca cured her depression! as well as provides detailed inforation about the brew. +ere is an e$cerpt fro the article about 9r. Charles Arob;s landark findings/*C The taking of ayahuasca has been associated with a long list of docuented curesC the disappearance of everything fro etastasi.ed colorectal cancer to cocaine addiction! even after "ust a cereony or two. 3t has been edically proven to be nonaddictive and safe to ingest. Bet @estern scientists have all but ignored it for decades! reluctant to risk their careers by researching a substance containing the outlawed 94T. :nly in the past decade! and then only by a handful of researchers! has ayahuasca begun to be studied. At the vanguard of this research is Charles Arob! 4.9.! a professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at 2C7A;s -chool of 4edicine. 3n '((0 9r. Arob directed the +oasca &ro"ect! the first in%depth study of the physical and psychological effects of ayahuasca on huans. +e and his tea went to Bra.il! where the plant i$ture can be taken legally! to study ebers of a church! the 2niEo do Fegetal 29F! who use ayahuasca as a sacraent! and copared the to a control group that had never ingested the substance. The studies found that all the ayahuasca%using 29F ebers had e$perienced reission without recurrence of their addictions! depression! or an$iety disorders. 2nlike ost coon anti%depressants! which Arob says can create such high levels of serotonin that cells ay actually copensate by losing any of their serotonin receptors! the +oasca &ro"ect showed that ayahuasca strongly enhances the body;s ability to absorb the serotonin that;s naturally there 1. ;Ayahuasca is perhaps a far ore sophisticated and effective way to treat depression than --,3s antidepressant drugs!; Arob concludes! adding that the use of --,3s is ;a rather crude way; of doing it. And ayahuasca! he insists! has great potential as a long%ter solution in aintaining abstinence. Chilean novelist 3sabel Allende told The -unday Telegraph in 7ondon that she once took the drug in an attept to punch through writer;s block/'. The paper wroteC But after forcing down the foul%tasting brew! she was catapulted to a place so dark her husband feared he had ;lost his wife to the world of spirits;. +er life flashed before her as the hallucinogen took hold. -he faced deons! saw herself as a terrified four%year%old and curled up on the floor! shivering! retching and uttering for two days. ;3 think 3 went through an e$perience of death at a certain point! when 3 was no longer a body or a soul or a spirit or anything!; Allende says atter%of%factly. ;There was "ust a total! absolute void that you cannot even describe because you are not. And 3 think that;s death.; Nevertheless! the process proved transforative. Allende eerged aching but lucid and was able to coplete a trilogy she was writing! now being adapted for fil by the co%producers of The Chronicles of Narnia. ,elated phenoena There have been reports that a phenoenon siilar to folie H deu$ had been induced ost recently by anthropologists in the -outh Aerican rainforest by consuing ayahuasca// and by ilitary e$perients for cheical warfare in the late 5*;s using the incapacitating agent BI. 3n both incidents there were very rare clais of shared visual hallucinations. &lant constituents Traditional Traditional Ayahuasca brews are always ade with Banisteriopsis caapi as a 4A:3citation needed! although 94T sources and other adi$tures vary fro region to region. There are several varieties of caapi! often known as different colors! with varying effects! potencies! and uses. 94T adi$turesC &sychotria viridis Chacruna % leaves 9iplopterys cabrerana Chaliponga! Banisteriopsis rusbyana % leaves &sychotria carthagenensis Ayruca % leaves :ther coon adi$turesC <usticia pectoralis Brugansia To> Nicotiana rustica 4apacho! variety of tobacco 3le$ guayusa! a relative of yerba ate 4A:3C +aral &eganu harala! -yrian ,ue % seeds &assion flower synthetic 4A:3s 94T adi$ture sourcesC Acacia aidenii 4aiden;s @attle! Acacia phlebophylla! and other Acacias! ost coonly eployed in Australia % bark Anadenanthera peregrina! A. colubrina! A. e$celsa! A. acrocarpa 4iosa hostilis <urea % root bark % not traditionally eployed with ayahuasca by any e$isting cultures! though likely it was in the past. &opular in Europe and North Aerica. 7egal status 3nternationally! 94T is a -chedule 3 drug under the Convention on &sychotropic -ubstances. The Coentary on the Convention on &sychotropic -ubstances notes! however! that the plant itself is e$cluded fro international controlC/0 The cultivation of plants fro which psychotropic substances are obtained is not controlled by the Fienna Convention. . . . Neither the crown fruit! escal button of the &eyote cactus nor the roots of the plant 4iosa hostilis nor &silocybe ushroos theselves are included in -chedule '! but only their respective principles! escaline! 94T and psilocin. A fa$ fro the -ecretary of the 3nternational Narcotics Control Board to the Netherlands 4inistry of &ublic +ealth sent in /**' goes on to state that ConseDuently! preparations e.g.decoctions ade of these plants! including ayahuasca! are not under international control and! therefore! not sub"ect to any of the articles of the '(6' Convention./1 The legal status in the 2nited -tates of 94T%containing plants is soewhat Duestionable. Ayahuasca plants and preparations are legal! as they contain no scheduled cheicals. +owever! brews ade using 94T containing plants are illegal since 94T is a -chedule 3 drug. That said! soe people are challenging this! using arguents siilar to those used by peyotist religious sects! such as the Native Aerican Church. A court case allowing 2niEo do Fegetal to use the tea for religious purposes in the 2nited -tates! Aon.ales v. : Centro Espirita Beneficente 2niao do Fegetal! was heard by the 2.-. -upree Court on Noveber '! /**); the decision! released February /'! /**5! allows the 29F to use the tea in its cereonies pursuant to the ,eligious Freedo ,estoration Act. 3n a siilar case an Ashland! :regon based -anto 9aie church sued for their right to iport and consue ayahuasca tea. 3n 4arch /**(! 2.-. 9istrict Court <udge &anner ruled in favor of the -anto 9aie! acknowledging its protection fro prosecution under the ,eligious Freedo ,estoration Act./) ,eligious use in Bra.il was legali.ed after two official inDuiries into the tea in the id%'(8*s! which concluded that ayahuasca is not a recreational drug and has valid spiritual uses./5 3n France! -anto 9aie won a court case allowing the to use the tea in early /**); however! they were not allowed an e$ception for religious purposes! but rather for the siple reason that they did not perfor cheical e$tractions to end up with pure 94T and harala and the plants used were not scheduled. Four onths after the court victory! the coon ingredients of Ayahuasca as well as harala were declared stup>fiants! or narcotic schedule 3 substances! aking the tea and its ingredients illegal to use or possess.citation needed 3nternational research The 3nstitute of 4edical &sychology at the 2niversity +ospital in +eidelberg! Aerany has set up a ,esearch 9epartent Ayahuasca J -anto 9aie /6! which in 4ay /**8 held a 0%day conference under the title The globali.ation of Ayahuasca % An Aa.onian psychoactive and its users/8. There are also the investigations of the huan pharacology of ayahuasca done by the tea of 9octor <ordi ,iba! in Barcelona! -pain 6!/(!0*!0'!0/!00!01!0)!05!06! and the work of ,afael A. dos -antos and collaborators! in Bra.il 08!0(!1*!1'. And there are also the studies i.e. +oasca &ro"ect and others by 9r. Charles Arob and collaborators e.g.! 9r. Callaway and 9r. 4cGenna! already cited! done in Bra.il! 2nited -tates and Finland. 3n Bra.il! the 2niversity of -Eo &aulo is doing a study led by psychiatrist 9artiu Kavier da -ilveira to establish the risks of ayahausca. -ee also 3caro Chakapa ,eferences Bibliography Nonfiction +arris! <oel ,. 3nto the heart of the Aa.on in search of Truth./**8 3-BN (68%'11*1'8188 Thopson! 4atthew. 4y Colobian 9eath. -ydneyC &icador! /**8. 3-BN (68%*%00*%1/0(/%/ ,a.a! ,ak. AyaC A -haanic :dyssey. 3caro &ublishing! /**(. 3-BN (68*(8*5186*5. Adelaars! Arno. Ayahuasca. ,ituale! IaubertrLnke und visionLre Gunst aus Aa.onien! 3-BN (68%0%*08**%/6*%0 @illia -. Burroughs and Allen Ainsberg Ainsberg! Allen. The Bage 7etters. -an FranciscoC City 7ights Books! '(50. 3-BN *%86/85%**1%0 9avid 3cke. /**0 Tales Fro the Tie 7oop. @ildwood! 4o.C Bridge of 7ove &ublications. 3-BN *%()088'*%1%* 4arlene 9obkin 9e ,ios. Fisionary FineC +allucinogenic +ealing in the &eruvian Aa.on! /nd ed.. &rospect +eights! 37C @aveland! '(81. 3-BN *%88'00%*(0%* 4arlene 9obkin de ,ios ,oger ,urrill. A +allucinogenic Tea! 7aced with ControversyC Ayahuasca in the Aa.on and the 2nited -tates. @estport! CTC &raeger! /**8. 3-BN (6%*%0'0%01)1/%) Araha +ancock! -upernaturalC 4eetings with the Ancient Teachers of 4ankind. 7ondonC Century! /**). 3-BN '811'058'6 / ,oss +eaven and +oward A. Charing. ;&lant -pirit -haanisC Traditional TechniDues for +ealing the -oul;. FerontC 9estiny Books! /**5. 3-BN '%)(166%''8%( Bruce F. 7ab. ,io Tigre and BeyondC The Aa.on <ungle 4edicine of 4anuel C=rdova. BerkeleyC North Atlantic! '(8). 3-BN *%(08'(*%)(%8 7uis Eduardo 7una. FegetalisoC -haanis aong the 4esti.o &opulation of the &eruvian Aa.on. -tockholC AlDvist @iksell 3nternational! '(85. 3-BN ('%//%**8'(%) 7uis Eduardo 7una &ablo Aaringo. Ayahuasca FisionsC The ,eligious 3conography of A &eruvian -haan. BerkeleyC North Atlantic! '(((. 3-BN '%))510%0''%) 7uis Eduardo 7una -tephen F. @hite! eds. Ayahuasca ,eaderC Encounters with the Aa.on;s -acred Fine. -anta Fe! N4C -ynergetic! /***. 3-BN *%(*66('%0/%8 E. <ean 4atteson 7angdon Aerhard Baer! eds. &ortals of &owerC -haanis in -outh Aerica. AlbuDuerDueC 2niversity of New 4e$ico &ress! '((/. 3-BN *%8/50%'01)%* Terence 4cGenna. Food of the AodsC A ,adical +istory of &lants! 9rugs! and +uan Evolution. ,alph 4et.ner! ed. AyahuascaC +allucinogens! Consciousness! and the -pirit of Nature. New BorkC Thunder;s 4outh! '(((. 3-BN '%)5*/)%'5*%0 ,alph 4et.ner or -acred Fine of -piritsC AyahuascaC &ark -treet &ress!2.-.; / ion <an /**5. 3-BN ')(166*)0*! 3-BN (68%')(166*)0' <erey Narby. The Cosic -erpentC 9NA and the :rigins of Gnowledge. New BorkC <erey &. TarcherJ&utna! '((8. 3-BN *%86166%(''%' &. <. :;,ourke! All the Trouble in the @orld. New BorkC The Atlantic 4onthly &ress! '((1. 3-BN *%86''0%5''%/ <onathan :tt. Ayahuasca AnaloguesC &angMan Entheogens. Gennewick! @ash.C Natural &roducts! '((1. 3-BN *%(5'1/01%)%) <onathan :tt. &haracotheonC Entheogenic 9rugs! Their &lant -ources and +istory &aperback. Natural &roducts Copany; / ion February '((0. 3-BN *(5'1/01(8. 3-BN (68%*(5'1/01(* :tt! <. '(((. &harahuascaC +uan pharacology of oral 94T plus harine! <ournal of &sychoactive 9rugs 0'/C 363%'66. <ohn &erkins. The @orld 3s As Bou 9rea 3tC -haanic Teachings fro the Aa.on and Andes. ,ochester! Ft.C &ark -treet! '((1. 3-BN *%8(/8'%1)(%1 0 9aniel &inchbeck. Breaking :pen the +eadC A &sychedelic <ourney into the +eart of Conteporary -haanis. New BorkC Broadway! /**/. 3-BN *%656(%*610%1 1 Ale$ &olari de Alverga. Forest of FisionsC Ayahuasca! Aa.onian -pirituality! and the -anto 9aie Tradition. ,ochester! Ft.C &ark -treet! '(((. 3-BN *%8(/8'%6'5%K Aerardo ,eichel%9olatoff. The -haan and the <aguarC A -tudy of Narcotic 9rugs Aong the 3ndians of Colobia. &hiladelphiaC Teple 2niversity &ress! '(6). 3-BN *%866//%*08%6 ,ichard Evans -chultes ,obert F. ,affauf. Fine of the -oulC 4edicine 4en! Their &lants and ,ituals in the Colobian Aa.onia. :racle! AIC -ynergetic! '((/. 3-BN *%(*66('%/1%6 Benny -hanon. The Antipodes of the 4indC Charting the &henoenology of the Ayahuasca E$perience. :$fordC :$ford 2niversity &ress! /**/. 3-BN *%'(%(/)/(0%( &eter A. -tafford. +eavenly +ighsC Ayahuasca! Gava%Gava! 9t! and :ther &lants of the Aods. BerkeleyC ,onin! /**1. 3-BN '%)6()'%*5(%8 ,ick -trassan. 94TC The -pirit 4oleculeC A 9octor;s ,evolutionary ,esearch into the Biology of Near%9eath and 4ystical E$periences. ,ochester! Ft.C &ark -treet! /**'. 3-BN *%8(/8'%(/6%8 -ting. Broken 4usic. New Bork! NBC Banta 9ell! /**0. 3-BN (68%*%11*%/1'')%6 4ichael Taussig. -haanis! Colonialis! and the @ild 4anC A -tudy in Terror and +ealing. ChicagoC 2niversity of Chicago &ress! '(85. 3-BN *%//5%6(*'/%5 Bartholoew 9ean /**( 2rarina -ociety! Cosology! and +istory in &eruvian Aa.onia! AainesvilleC 2niversity &ress of Florida 3-BN (68%*8'0*0068 ) <oan &arisi @ilco$ /**0. AyahuascaC The Fisionary and +ealing &owers of the Fine of the -oul. ,ochester! Ft.C &ark -treet. 3-BN *%8(/8'%'0'%) <aya Bear Aa.on 4agicC The 7ife -tory of AyahuasDuero -haan 9on Agustin ,ivas FasDue.. 7ibros Colibri <anuary /***. 3-BN *(561/))*5. 3-BN (68%*(561/))* Fiction Bruce Balfour &roetheus ,oad! 3-BN *%11'%*'//'%0 Alice @alker Now is the Tie to :pen your +eart! 3-BN *%8'/(%6'0(%5 9ocuentaries Alistair Appleton! The 4an @ho 9rank the 2niverse! 0* in. /**) 9ean <efferys; -haans of the Aa.on! )/ in. Australia /**' <an Gounen! Autres ondes Alenn -witkes! Night of the 7iana! 1) in. Bra.il /**/ Arand BE,NA,93! 7;Ayahuasca! le -erpent et 4oi! )/ in. France /**0 Anna -tevens! @oven -ongs of the Aa.on! )1 in. /**5 ,udolf &into do Aaral +arald -cher.! +eaven Earth! 5* in. &eruJAustria /**8 Geith Aronowit. 4ETA4:,&+:-3- () in. J /**( :fficial website 4adventures -eason 0 Episode 'C ,iku Tunna venture deep into the Aa.on to find theselves and drink ayahuasca with a shaan. &iers Aibbon! <ungle Trip % Channel 1 2G fro Aoogle Fideo ,ichard 4eech! Fine of the -oulC Encounters with Ayahuasca! )8 in. Canada /*'* Fictional fils <an Gounen! Blueberry l;e$p>rience secrNte! '/1 inutes Notes O Callaway <C /**). Farious alkaloid profiles in decoctions of Banisteriopsis caapi. <ournal of &sychoactive 9rugs 06/C ')'%')) O Callaway <C! Brito A- Neves E- /**). &hytocheical analyses of Banisteriopsis caapi and &sychotria viridis. <ournal of &sychoactive 9rugs 06/C '1)%')*. O Callaway <C /**). Fast and slow etaboli.ers of hoasca. <ournal of &sychoactive 9rugs 06/C ')6%'5'. O Callaway <C! Airaksinen 44! 4cGenna 9<! Brito A- Arob C- '((1. &latelet serotonin uptake sites increased in drinkers of ayahuasca. &sychopharacology ''50C 08)%086. O Callaway <C! 4cGenna 9<! Arob C-! Brito A-! ,ayon 7&! &oland ,E! Andrade EN! Andrade E: '(((. &haracology of hoasca alkaloids in healthy huans. <ournal of Ethnopharacology 5)0C /10%/)5. O 4cGenna 9<! Callaway <C! Arob C- '((8. The scientific investigation of ayahuascaC A review of past and current research. The +effter ,eview of &sychedelic ,esearch 'C 5)%66. O a b ,3BA! <. +uan &haracology of Ayahuasca. 9octoral ThesisC 2niversitat AutPnoa de Barcelona! /**0. O 9ean! Bartholoew /**( 2rarina -ociety! Cosology! and +istory in &eruvian Aa.onia! AainesvilleC 2niversity &ress of Florida 3-BN (68%*8'0*0068 ' O Andrit.ky! @. '(8(. -ociopsychotherapeutic functions of ayahuasca healing in Aa.onia. <ournal of &sychoactive 9rugs. /''! 66%8(. O +assan! 3. '(56. -oe folk uses of &eganu harala in 3ndia and &akistan. Econoic Botany /'C 081. O :tt! <. <onathan :tt. Ayahuasca AnaloguesC &angaean Entheogens. Gennewick! @AC Natural Books! '((1. O :tt! <. <onathan :tt. Ayahuasca AnaloguesC &angaean Entheogens. Gennewick! @AC Natural Books! '((1. O 7ABATE! B.C.; ,:-E! 3.-. -ANT:-! ,.A. Ayahuasca ,eligionsC a coprehensive bibliography and critical essays. -anta Cru.C 4ultidisciplinary Association for &sychedelic -tudies % 4A&-. /**8. O -ee research by 9octor <ohn +alpern in New -cientist O httpCJJwww.tieoutsydney.co.auJbooksJe$tract%fro%y%colubian%death.asp$ O There is a '(88 Aerican horror fil! directed by @es Craven and starring Bill &ullan. The fil is very loosely based on a non%fiction book by ethnobotanist @ade 9avis. -tateent by 4r. 9avisC ;;9avis has freDuently voiced his displeasure with the final fil. @hen 3 wrote y first book! ;The -erpent and the ,ainbow;! it was ade into one of the worst +ollywood ovies in history. 3 tried to escape the hysteria and the edia by going to Borneo. O httpCJJwww.ed.psu.eduJicikJ/**1&roceedingsJsection6%davis.pdf O -alak! Gira. +E77 AN9 BACG. National Aeographic Adventure. httpCJJwww.nationalgeographic.coJadventureJ*5*0JfeaturesJperu.htl. O -alak! Gira. Ayahuasca +ealing in &eru. httpCJJwww.kirasalak.coJAyahuasca.htl. O Arob C-! 4cGenna 9<! Callaway <C! Brito A-! Neves E-! :berlander A! -aide :7! 7abigalini E! Tacla C! 4iranda CT! -trassan ,<! Boone GB '((5. +uan psychopharacology of +oasca! a plant hallucinogen used in ritual conte$t in Brasil. <ournal of Nervous and 4ental 9isease '81/C85%(1. O 3sabel AllendeC kith and tell % Telegraph O AyahuascaC +uan Consciousness and the -pirits of Nature! ed by ,alph 4et.ner! Thunder;s 4outh &ress! NB O 4A&-C 94T % 2N report O Erowid Ayahuasca Fault C 7aw C 2N9C&;s Ayahuasca Fa$! <an '6 /**' O ,uling by 9istrict Court <udge &anner in -anto 9aie case in :regon O 4ore on the legal status of ayahuasca can be found in the Erowid vault on the legality of ayahuasca. O ;,esearch 9epartent Ayahuasca J -anto 9aie; at the 2niversity +ospital in +eidelberg! Aerany O Conference schedule The globali.ation of Ayahuasca 4ay /**8! +eidelberg! Aerany O ,3BA! <. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. Bringing ayahuasca to the clinical research laboratory. <ournal of &sychoactive 9rugs! 06 /C /'(%/0*. /**). O ,3BA! <. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. Ayahuasca. 3nC &E,3-! <.C.! I2,3 ?N! <.C.! 4A,T ?NEI! A.C. FA77A9:739! A.,. eds.. Tratado -ET de Transtornos Adictivos. 4adridC Ed. 4>dica &anaericana! /**5. pp. 0/'%0/1. O ,3BA! <.! ,:9,3A2EI%F:,NE77-! A.! -T,A--4AN! ,.<. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. &sychoetric assessent of the +allucinogen ,ating -cale. 9rug and Alcohol 9ependence! 5/ 0C /')%//0. /**'a. O ,3BA! <.! ,:9,3A2EI%F:,NE77-! A.! 2,BAN:! A.! 4:,TE! A.! ANT:N3<:AN! ,.! 4:NTE3,:! 4.! CA77A@AB! <.C. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. -ub"ective effects and tolerability of the -outh Aerican psychoactive beverage Ayahuasca in healthy volunteers. &sychopharacology Berl! ')1 'C 8)%(). /**'b. O ,3BA! <.! AN9E,E,! &.! 4:,TE! A.! 2,BAN:! A.! <ANE! F.! -A7ET2! B. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. Topographic pharaco%EEA apping of the effects of the -outh Aerican beverage ayahuasca in healthy volunteers. British <ournal of Clinical &haracology! )0 5C 5'0%5/8. /**/a. O ,3BA! <.! ,:9,3A2EI%F:,NE77-! A.! BA,BAN:<! 4.<. Effects of ayahuasca sensory and sensoriotor gating in huans as easured by &)* suppression and prepulse inhibition of the startle refle$! respectively. &sychopharacology Berl! '5) 'C '8%/8. /**/b. O ,3BA! <.! FA77E! 4.! 2,BAN:! A.! B,3T3A! 4.! 4:,TE! A. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. +uan pharacology of ayahuascaC sub"ective and cardiovascular effects! onoaine etabolite e$cretion! and pharacokinetics. <ournal of &haracology and E$periental Therapeutics! 0*5 'C 60%80. /**0. O ,3BA! <.! AN9E,E,! &.! <ANQ! F.! -A7ET2! B. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. Effects of the -outh Aerican psychoactive beverage Ayahuasca on regional brain electrical activity in huansC a functional neuroiaging study using low%resolution electroagnetic toography. Neuropsychobiology! )* 'C 8(%'*'. /**1. O ,3BA! <.! ,:4E,:! -.! A,A-A! E.! 4ENA! E.! CA,,3R! 3. BA,BAN:<! 4.<. 3ncreased frontal and paralibic activation following ayahuasca! the pan%aa.onian inebriant. &sychopharacology Berl! '85 'C (0%(8. /**5. O -ANT:-! ,.A.! 4:,AE-! C.C. +:7AN9A! A. Ayahuasca e reduSEo do uso abusivo de psicoativosC eficTcia terapUutica? &sicologiaC Teoria e &esDuisa! // 0C 050%06*. /**5.httpCJJwww.scielo.brJscielo.php?scriptVsciWartte$tpidV-*'*/% 066//**5***0***'1lngVennrVisotlngVpt. O -ANT:-! ,.A. ABA+2A-CAC NeuroDuXica e Faracologia. -4A9 % ,evista EletrYnica -aZde 4ental ?lcool e 9rogas! 0 '. /**6. httpCJJpepsic.bvs%psi.org.brJscielo.php?scriptVsciWartte$tpidV-'8*5% 5(65/**6***'****6lngVptnrVisotlngVpt. O -ANT:-! ,.A.! 7AN9E3,A%FE,NAN9EI! <.! -T,A--4AN! ,.<.! 4:TTA! F. C,2I! A.&.4. Effects of ayahuasca on psychoetric easures of an$iety! panic%like and hopelessness in -anto 9aie ebers. <ournal of Ethnopharacology! ''/ 0C )*6%)'0. /**6.httpCJJwww.aps.orgJw0pbJnewJ/**6J/**6W-antosW//(0/W'.pdf. O -ANT:-! ,.A. -T,A--4AN! ,.<. Ayahuasca and &sychosis e7etter. British <ournal of &sychiatry online! 0 9eceber /**8.httpCJJb"p.rcpsych.orgJcgiJelettersJ'(*J'J8'%a[//))5. #uestion book%new.svg <anuary /**8 E$ternal links Ayahuasca churches Ayahuasca -haanic Aa.on &erZ % Cusco 3randade Beneficente Nature.a 9ivina &a9eva Church -anto 9aie English Ayahuasca -anto 9aie in the Netherlands English -oga del Ala The Teple of the @ay of 7ight 2niEo do Fegetal &ortuguese 7aw <ustices Take 3ssue @ith Ban :f ,eligious Tea Tea Case Could Cause ,eligious 7iberty Tepest backgrounder wJsources Ayahuasca Coponents and 3nforation 3poruru! Caapi Fine! Chaliponga! 4iosa +ostilis! -yrian ,ue! and Chachruna Native Centres in the Aa.on :nanyan -hobo! Native -hipibo Centre run entirely by 3ndigenous &eopleC Ayahuasca! -haanic rituals and Traditional &lant Apprenticeship :ther Ayahuasca retreats and therapies with teacher plants The Ayahuasca Foundation % 3Duitos! &E,2 % Non%profit educational organi.ation 3ntentional Ayahuasca +ealing and 7earning Counity with Native -haan % in a sall village % Faily and 9eaf%Friendly % @orkJTradeJApprenticeships available Ayahuasca Esoteric +ealing Center J -chool % &eru +ealing % <avier 9a-ilva;s site Ayahuasca +ealing Center J -chool %Bacu &ua% <uan Tangoa &aia;s site Arand4aa Ayahuasca +ealing Cereony % An Earth -tahr &lant 9eity J -pecialist Ayahuasca +ealing J Authentic 3ndigenous -haanis www.ayahuasca.co ,esearch pro"ect devoted to ayahuasca 3nforational and E$periential Conferences A general introduction to Ayahuasca botany! usage! cheistry! news etc. 4. Aoldberg! E. 4osDuera! ,. Arawan.a! and E. ,odrigue.! Ethnobotany and Bioactivity of Ayahuasca Aeneral resource for ayahuasca and any other psychotropic substances erowid.org National Aeographic Adventure article on ayahuasca Ayahuasca and other plant teachers%educational potential? 7ila C -haanis and Ayahuasca 7ibrary The Alobali.ation of AyahuascaC +ar ,eduction or Benefit 4a$ii.ation? 3nternational <ournal of 9rug &olicy! vol. '(! no. 1! /**8 Ayahuasca +ealing Beyond the Aa.onC The Alobali.ation of a Traditional 3ndigenous Entheogenic &ractice Alobal NetworksC A <ournal of Transnational Affairs! vol. (! no. '! /**( Aathered accounts on ayahuasca e$perience fro lycaeu.org v d e Traditional edicine East Asian Traditional Chinese edicine \ Gapo \ Traditional Gorean edicine \ Traditional 4ongolian edicine \ Traditional Tibetan edicine &al Fruit 3 34A /'**."pg -outh -outheast Asian Ayurveda \ -ri 7ankan Ayurveda \ <au \ -iddha edicine \ Thai traditional edicine \ 2nani 4erranean Near Eastern By.antine edicine \ Ancient Egyptian edicine \ Ancient Areek edicine \ 4edieval 3slaic edicine \ Ancient 3ranian 4edicine \ ,oan edicine African 3nyanga \ 4uti \ Nganga \ -angoa \ Boruba edicine Aericas Ayahuasca \ A.tec \ Traditional Bra.ilian edicine \ 4aya Australasia :ceania Bush edicine Aeneral Alternative edicine \ +istory of alternative edicine \ +ealth care \ +erbal edicine \ 4edieval edicine \ Naturopathic edicine \ &rehistoric edicine v d e 4onoaine o$idase inhibitors +araline Nialaide -elegiline 3socarbo$a.id 3pronia.ide 3proclo.ide 4oclobeide &henel.ine Tolo$atone Tranylcyproine v d e +allucinogens &sychedelics )%+T/A, Agonists 7ysergaidesC A7%7A9 A79%)/ B2%7A9 CB&%7A9 9A4%)6 9iallyllysergaide Ergoetrine Ergonovine! Ergobasine ET+%7A9 7AE%0/ 7-A Ergine! 7ysergaide 7-9 7-+ 7&9%8/1 7-4%66) 7ysergic Acid /%Butyl Aide\7-B 7ysergic Acid /!1% 9iethyla.etidide 4ethylergoetrine 4ethylisopropyllysergaide 4ethysergide 479%1' &A,AB%7A9 &,:%7A9; &henethylainesC Aleph /C%B /C%B%F7B /CBFly%NB:4e /C%C /C%9 /C%E /C%F /C%A /C%3 /C%N /C%: /C%:%1 /C%& /C%T /C%T%/ /C%T%1 /C%T%6 /C%T%8 /C%T%( /C%T% '0 /C%T%') /C%T%'6 /C%T%/' /C%TF4 /C%BN /CBCB%NB:4e /)B%NB:4e /)3%NB49 /)3%NB:+ /)3%NB:4e 0C%E 0C%& Br%9F7B 9E-:KB 9449A 9449A%/ 9:B 9:C 9:EF 9:ET 9:F 9:3 9:4 9:N 9:&, 9:TF4 Escaline Aanesha +:T%/ +:T%6 +:T%'6 3soproscaline <iscaline 7ophophine 49A 49EA 494A 449A 449A%/ 449A%0a 4494A 4acroerine 4escaline 4ethallylescaline &roscaline TCB%/ TF4Fly T4A; &ipera.inesC pF&& T4F&&; TryptainesC '%4ethyl%)%etho$y%diisopropyltryptaine /!N!N%T4T 1!N!N%T4T 1%+:% )%4e:%94T 1%Aceto$y%9ET 1%Aceto$y%93&T 1%Aceto$y%94T 1%Aceto$y%9&T 1%Aceto$y% 4i&T 1%+:%9&T 1%+:%4ET 1%&ropionylo$y%94T 1%+ydro$y%N%4ethyl%]!N% triethylenetryptaine )%4e%43&T )%N!N%T4T )%Ac:%94T )%4e:%/!N!N%T4T )%4e:% 1!N!N%T4T )%4e:%]!N!N%T4T )%4e:%]%ET )%4e:%]%4T )%4e:%9A7T )%4e:%9ET )%4e:% 93&T )%4e:%94T )%4e:%9&T )%4e:%Ei&T )%4e:%4ET )%4e:%43&T )%4etho$y%N%ethyl% ]!N%triethylenetryptaine 6!N!N%T4T ]!N!N%T4T ]%ET ]%4T A7%060)*A Baeocystin Bufotenin 9BT 9ET 93&T 94T 9&T Ei&T Ethocin Ethocybin 3procin 4ET 4iprocin 43&T Norbaeocystin &i&T &silocin &silocybin; :thersC A7%08*//A 3bogaine Noribogaine Foacangine 9issociatives N49A, Antagonists AdaantanesC Aantadine 4eantine ,iantadine; Arylcyclohe$ylainesC 9ieticyclidine Esketaine Eticyclidine Aacyclidine Getaine Nerae$ane &hencyclidine ,olicyclidine Tenocyclidine Tiletaine; 4orphinansC 9e$troethorphan 9e$trorphan 4ethorphan ,aceethorphan 4orphan ,aceorphan; :thersC /%49& 8A%&9+# Aptiganel 9e$o$adrol 9i.ocilpine 4G%8*' Eto$adrol 3bogaine 4idafotel NEFA Nitrous :$ide Noribogaine &er.infotel ,eaceide -elfotel Kenon 9eliriants ACh, Antagonists 0%#uinuclidinyl ben.ilate Atropine Benacty.ine Ben.atropine Ben.ydaine Biperiden Bropheniraine CA,%//5!*85 CA,%0*'!*5* CA,%0*/!'(5 CA,%0*/!/8/ CA,%0*/!058 CA,%0*/!)06 CA,%0*/!558 Chlorpheniraine Chloropyraine Cleastine C-%/601( Cycli.ine Cyproheptadine 9icycloine 9icycloverine 9ienhydrinate 9iphenhydraine 9itran 9o$ylaine EA%0'56 EA% 0110 EA%0)8* EA%0801 Eleicin Flavo$ate +ydro$y.ine +yoscyaine 4ecli.ine 4yristicin N%Ethyl%0%piperidyl ben.ilate N%4ethyl%0%piperidyl ben.ilate &yrilaine :rphenadrine :$ybutynin &heniraine &henyltolo$aine &rocyclidine &roetha.ine -copolaine +yoscine Tolterodine Trihe$yphenidyl Tripelennaine Triprolidine @3N%//(( 4iscellaneous Atypicals Cannabinoids CB', Agonists Cannabinol C&%16!1(6 C&%))!/11 C&%))!(1* 94+& +2%/'* <@+%*'8 <@+%*0* <@+%*60 <@+%*8' <@+%/** <@+%/)* Nabilone Nabitan Nantradol &arahe$yl T+C 9ronabinol @3N%))!/'/%/ 3nhalants 4i$ed 4:A Acetone Butane Chlorofor 9iethyl Ether Ether Enflurane Freon Aasoline &etrol Gerosene &araffin &ropane Narcotics ?:, Agonists /%E4-B /%44-B Ala.ocine Brea.ocine Butorphanol Cycla.ocine Cyprenorphine 9e.ocine Enadoline +erkinorin +I%/ 3bogaine Geta.ocine 4eta.ocine Nalbuphine Nalorphine Noribogaine &enta.ocine &hena.ocine -alvinorin A -piradoline Tifluado 2%)*188 TranDuili.ers AABAA, Agonists Es.opiclone Aabo$adol 3botenic Acid 4usciol Ialeplon Iolpide Iopiclone :thers Efaviren. Alaucine 3soainile Narcotine Noscapine
Ayahuasca Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Awakening, Inner Wisdom and Personal Transformation. Includes Step-by-Step Preparation For Your Ceremony, Finding Your Shaman, Integration & Aftercare