CHURCH NAME: St. Charles Borromeo: Cover Sheet

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CHURCH NAME: St. Charles Borromeo

Bulletin number: 511568

Date of publication 04/06/08

Number of pages transmitted: 11

Dear Friends,
The Easter season has its own unique spirit. The feeling it presents is somewhat like the calm after the storm. The message
of Christ on the day of His resurrection was PEACE and that is the gift He wants us all to have. But, no doubt, there are many
people whose lives are still restless and confused as were the apostles after they had seen the vision of the Lord. We must not
idealize their situation. The Risen Christ gave these frightened men some reason to hope but they were not quite sure what He
had in mind for them to do. Remember, they were so afraid that they lived until Pentecost behind locked doors. If Easter has
not changed the concrete and practical details of our life and our problems and difficulties still exist, the grace of Easter can
help us face them with renewed spirit, wisdom and calm. The storm of our lives may be still raging but if we cling to Jesus,
we will always find a safe refuge and experience an inner peace.
In our parish there were so many preparations made for Easter that some people have said we should slow the pace and
experience the calm. That is a nice thought but hardly possible to do.
We have now embarked on a very busy time. This past Thursday Bishop Galante announced the new configurations of
parishes within the Diocese. Even though we are not affected in the way others are, we have much to do to continue to foster a
vibrant faith filled community here at St. Charles. This will involve many additional meetings and the support of everyone.
Next weekend at three different Masses our eighth grade students in both the Catholic school and the Religious Education
program will be receiving Confirmation. Bishop Galante has delegated me to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. The
following week we begin the House of Charity campaign in earnest. The advance phase is already going on but the in-pew
solicitation will occur on April 26 and April 27, 2008. Following up quickly thereafter will be First Communion, weddings
and the Diaconate Ordination of Jonathan Dalin who is one of our parishioners.
So you see just as in ones life the storms of activity never seem to cease; the same situation exists in St. Charles Borromeo
Parish. It is our hope that we never lose Christs Easter PEACE and that in whatever our circumstances might be, we will be
able to break out of all that locks us up from sharing, loving and giving to God and one another.


176 Stagecoach Road, Sicklerville, NJ 08081 (856) 629-0411 Fax (856) 629-9109
April 6, 2008 Third Sunday of Easter
page 2
Daily: 9:00 AM Monday through Friday in
the Emmaus Chapel
Saturday: 8:00 AM in the Emmaus Chapel
Saturday: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 AM; 6:00 PM
(Ex June to Sept.)
The Rosary is prayed every morning after the 9:00
AM Mass.
Miraculous Medal Novena after the 8:00 AM
Saturday Mass.
Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM,
or by appointment.
Daily: 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM in the Emmaus
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the FIRST and
THIRD SUNDAY of each month following the 11:00AM
Mass. all parents and Godparents are expected to attend
Baptism Preparation classes on the second Wednesday of
the month at 8PM in the church. All details and
information are processed through the Parish Center
office prior to the preparation class.
Couples preparing to be married are requested to make
arrangements with a parish priest in person at least one
year in advance.
The mission of the Catholic Community of St.
Charles Borromeo is to be responsive to a
profoundly changing society and to the needs and
aspirations of its parishioners; to proclaim the
Good News of Jesus Christ, and to witness the
reality of this Good News in the world.
Our vision for this parish is to continue to grow
through the Spirit by:
Creating and nourishing our Catholic Christian
Community as a People of God through sharing
our faith;
Offering our resources, and responding to the
call to ministry;
Proclaiming the Good News that Jesus Christ is
Lord to all people through the daily example of
our Love.
Worshiping God as a community through prayer
and sacramental celebration;
Serving those in need through acts of Christian
Stay up to date on parish news, events, ministries,
religious education, Mass schedules and the weekly
message from Msgr. Tracy. Links are available to
other Catholic sites at


Rev. Msgr. James R. Tracy, Ph.D., P.A., Pastor

Rev. Robert Sinatra, Parochial Vicar

Mr. Joseph B. Chandler, Jr., Permanent Deacon
Parish Business Manager

Mr. Joseph Buccilli, Permanent Deacon

Shaun Walsh, Parish Trustee
Caridad Montanez, Parish Trustee

Parish Center Office
Dee DOrazio, 856-629-0411

Office of Religious Education
Mary Ann Exler, 856-228-5694
Fran Denihan

Pastoral Assistant
Larry Farmer

Senior Youth Group
Gaten Iervolino

Junior Youth Group
Irma Colabrese

Plant Maintenance
Joseph Foley

Parish email address:
Parish website:

Do you know any parishioner who is ill at home,
hospitalized in a nursing home, or homebound? The
Eucharist will be brought upon request to those
unable to attend Mass regularly because of sickness
or infirmity. Please call the Parish Center Office to
make arrangements at any time for the Sacrament of
the Sick.

Registration, Mass cards and other pastoral
business from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday
through Friday at the Parish Center.

Religious Education Office
Grade Confirmation Reminder:

Saturday April 12 at 10:00 am
Saturday April 12 at 4:30 pm
Sunday April 13 at 11:00 am

Recently an article appeared in the Courier
Post with the caption Science, Bible Agree: Its
Better To Give Than Receive. It said that
people who made gifts to others or to charities
reported that they were happier than folks who
did not share. While previous studies have
shown that having more money can increase
happiness, researchers at the Universities of
British Columbia and Harvard wondered if the
way people spent their money made any
difference. From the study it turns out it does.
The lead researcher was struck by how big the
effect was and that how people spend money was
more important than how much money they had.
Personal spending was unrelated to happiness
said the researcher but higher prosocial spending
was associated with significantly greater
The Baltimore Catechism once said that God
made us to be happy in this world and the next.
Science and Bible now tell us that the way to
happiness is by giving away what we have.

Exercise Daily walk with the Lord!

Page 3

It has been a tradition here at St. Charles
Borromeo that each Sunday a family presents
itself at the conclusion of Mass to receive a
Vocation Cross which they are willing to
display in their home during the upcoming week
and pray as a family for vocations to the
priesthood, diaconate and religious life among
the young people of our own parish. Since
September we have substituted the Vocation
Cross for a gold chalice which we presented to
our eighth grade students who are preparing for
Confirmation. It has been a real joy to witness
these eighth graders and their parents coming
forth to commit themselves to pray that God
will raise up men and women for full time
service in His Church.
Now that eighth graders are ready to
receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and all
one hundred and thirty students have had the
chance to display the chalice in their homes, we
are now going back to distributing the Vocation
Cross. If there are any families that would like
to take the Vocation Cross home with them for a
week, we would ask you to please call Mary
McGonigle at 856-227-5478 who will schedule
the time. We do hope that many families will
April 6

9AM Mass Daniel Fitzpatrick family

Our All Saints Prayer Garden was the scene of
the Annual Easter Egg Hunt for the MOMs
group and their children. The MOMs group
meets on the second and fourth Friday of every
month at 10:00AM in Borromeo Hall in the
lower level of the church. Last Friday they
moved out into the prayer garden for the Easter
Egg Hunt. From the smiles on their faces they all
had a good time.
Page 4

In Remembrance:
Please pray for the deceased of the parish
whose anniversary of death occurs in the
month of April:
Rita Angelastro, John Murray, Frank
Angelastro, Frank Lask, Joseph Novack, Walter
Mitchell, III, Daniel Messina, Nellie Keyser,
Edna Boldezar, Joseph Dluhos, John Rosshirt,
Helen Giffins, Bernard Drwinger, Edna
Kuehner, Raymond Riegg, Dario Bernardini,
Domenick Girone, Robert Sloss, Jacob Knab,
Paul Sergi, Joseph Sergi, Sean Michael Goonan,
George Ford, William Soehnle, Joseph Ortega,
Anthony DOnofrio, Margaret Gillen, Noreen
Lillis, Eleanor Mooney, Frank Iervolino, Robert
Tullo, Dolores Penrose, Nicholas Burmylo,
James Costello, Dolores Salvatore, Walter
Dziergowski, Henry Uhle, Samuel Sembello,
Theresa Marzili, Carmen Fergone, Jose
Gutierrez, Helen Denning, Gabriel Ciocca,
Charles Faust, Joseph Weinhofer, Jr., Thomas
Frost, Stella Mercantini, Mary Jane Solvibile,
Aloysius Zappasodi, Albin Rakowski, Mary
DeFinis, Richard Davis, Joan Jenner, Freddy
Prettelt, Gloria Borraccini, Lourdes Ebuen

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults meets on
Thursdays at 7:30PM in the Parish Center
Basement meeting room. Our meetings will
resume in September on a regular weekly
schedule. If you or someone you know is
interested in becoming a Catholic or needs to
receive the sacraments, please call Dick
DOrazio, 856-218-2447 or the Parish Center
Office, 856-629-0411.

We Have the Best Catholic School
St. Charles Borromeo Parish is happy to co-
sponsor a Regional Catholic School. Next year it
will be known by its new name Our Lady of
Hope Regional School. It is presently under the
title and the patronage of St. Jude.
During this past year there has been a
Diocesan School Planning Process involving a
large section of the Diocese. The result of the
planning for our area is that St. Jude and St.
Agnes schools both in Blackwood are to be
merged and hence the reason for the new name
of Our Lady of Hope.
Registration for the 2008-2009 school year
is now underway for K thru 8
grade as well
as our Pre-School classes.
For more information about our wonderful
merged schools call the school office at St.
Judes Regional School at 227-4442 between
the school hours of 8:00AM and 3:00PM.

to our Parish!
If you are seeking a new parish, returning to
Mass after an absence or considering becoming
Catholic, St. Charles Borromeo Parish welcomes
you! To help you learn about the Parish we have
a Welcome Packet that contains the Mass and
Sacramental life schedules, various prayer and
faith formation opportunities, and ways to
participate in ministry and parish life. There is a
Guest Information Card in it that you can
complete to let us know how we can be of
assistance. Ask one of our ushers or clergy for a
copy. Thank you for worshipping with us today
and God Bless you!

Meets every Sunday night in the Parish
Center Basement immediately after the 6 PM
Mass until 8:30 PM
Contact Gaten Iervolino for more details at
St. Charles Jr. Youth Group
Check out our website!

Upcoming Activities

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Casserole Assembly
7:00 PM 8:30 PM Borromeo Hall (Church
Bring a friend, some music and come join us for this
service activity.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Local Parish Youth Olympics
4-7 PM Religious ED Center Gym
St. Bridget and Holy Family Youth Groups are
going to compete with us at Wii, Guitar Hero, pie
eating, potato sack races, basketball shoot-outs and

Sunday, May 11, 2008
No Meeting! Mothers Day
Enjoy your family.

Sunday, May 18, 2008
NJ State Youth Rally at Great Adventure!!
Ticket money and Permission slip due by April 27

Sunday, May 25, 2008
No Meeting! Memorial Day Weekend
Are you ready for summer?

Any questions contact Irma Colabrese at 856-228-
5314 or at

Page 5

Please continue to help us replenish the
We presently need the following items for the
pantry: soup, salad dressing, mayonnaise, pasta
sauce, pasta, canned ravioli, spaghetti, canned
meats, fruit, jelly, peanut butter, hot and cold
cereal, coffee, tea, dish and laundry soap.

Casserole Program
Please consider making casseroles to feed
families. Pans & lids are in the foyers of the
Church. Assemble your favorite oven casserole
for yourself or your family and just do a second
one for the freezer. Recipes are included there,
if you need ideas. Do this once or twice a month
and you have your donation to this program.
Casserole pans and lids are available in the
foyers of the church. Frozen casseroles are
collected on the second Tuesday of the month
12:30-1PM and the Monday evening before
from 7-8PM at the Religious Ed Center. The
next collection dates are: April 7 & 8, 2008

Couples who will celebrate their 25th, 50th or
over 50 year wedding anniversary this year may
participate in this special celebration which will
take place at 3PM on April 27, 2008 at St.
Agnes' Church, Blackwood. Couples celebrating
26 to 49 years of marriage do not qualify.
Registration forms are on the bulletin board in
the gathering space in church. Registration is due
before April 21, 2008.

Page 6
50th Anniversary Dinner
St. Pius X Spiritual Life Center
Honoring former Directors & A.J. Valle
Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:00 to 9:00PM
Adelphia Restaurant, Deptford, NJ

At this time we will honor our former directors
and our longest employee, A.J. Valle. The
Emcee for the evening will be Monsignor
Charles Barth.
$40 Adults, $15 Children.
Call Maryann at 856-227-1436 or email

The Church is committed to meaningful
outreach to victims of sexual abuse so that there
may be healing and reconciliation.
A weekly support group is available for
victims of clergy sexual abuse. The meetings are
only open to victims of sexual abuse by clergy of
the diocese and are strictly confidential. Victims
who wish to attend the sessions should contact
the dioceses Victims Assistance Coordinator,
Barbara Gondek, at 856-524-4552.

Sponsored by Project Rachel & Cathedral
Diocese of Camden, NJ
An in-depth look at the choices before us.
A conference that broadens the dialogue about
Saturday, Conference: April 12, 2008
9:00AM to 3:00PM
$20 Donation (Students $10) Lunch Provided
Shari Richard, R.D.M.S., Ultrasonographer
Karen Cross, Media presenter for Life Issues
Cathedral Hall, Broadway & Market Sts.,
Secure & Ample Parking

April 21, 2008 7:00 9:30PM
St. Rose of Lima Spiritual Center
Haddon Hts, NJ
To register call 856-583-6120

Get on the S List the place to be!

If we dont have your most recent email address,
we cannot send you emails that are important
notices for our parishioners.
Please send us an email (
and we will cross check it with our census
information and either change our records or add
it to our SList

COURAGE is a support group helping Catholic
men and women to live in accordance with the
Catholic Churchs pastoral teaching on
The Pontifical Council for the Family supports
the organization called Courage which was
founded by Father John Harvey, OSFS, for
helping homosexual persons to live in
accordance with the laws of God and the
teaching of His Church. (7 July 1994-
Affiliate support group for friends and relatives
of men and women with homosexual feelings.
Contact can be made in Camden: 856-365-1570

Organ Donor Awareness Seminar
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Queen of Heaven Parish, 700 Marlton Pike West
Cherry Hill, NJ
Free of charge refreshments included
To register call 856-583-6129

Family Perspectives
In todays gospel the disciples were returning
home so downcast they did not recognize
Jesus walking with them. In our homes we can
also be so overwhelmed we dont see God with
us. Todays gospel tells us to stop each day and
open our eyes to the blessings we are to one
another in our families.

Answers to Scripture Stumpers #57 in last
week's bulletin:
1. b. Joseph of Arimathea
2. a. Didymus
3. c. My Lord and my God!
4. False

Scripture Stumpers #58 True or False

1. Only one of the Gospels mentions that an
earthquake occurred at the time of Jesus'

2. All four Gospels have an account of Jesus'

3. The Advocate mentioned by Jesus at the Last
Supper in St. John's Gospel is the Holy Spirit.

4. St. Luke's gospel tells of Jesus appearing to
the disciples in Emmaus and Jerusalem.

Answers in the Bible and next week's bulletin!

On Being Catholic
The Ambry
During Holy Week of each year, the bishop of
each diocese gathers the clergy and faithful
together at the Chrism Mass. At this liturgy, he
blesses the oils that will be used throughout the
diocese for various prayers and sacramental
celebrations. These oils are stored in three glass
vessels in the Ambry, which at St. Charles is the
glass case which sits on a wooden pedestal to the
right of the Tabernacle. One vessel contains the
Oil of Catechumens for anointing those
preparing for Baptism, another vessel contains
the Oil of Chrism used for anointing those
receiving the Sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation, and Holy Orders. This oil is also
used in the consecration of altars, churches,
chalices and patens. This symbolizes the union
of the people of God and their buildings and
sacred vessels. Another vessel contains the Oil of
the Sick used in the Sacrament of the Anointing
of the Sick.

"For God's Sake" can be found in the "This is
your Faith" section of the St. Charles website

Page 7
Meditation: The Gospel reading for the Third
Sunday of Easter tells us about the encounter of
Jesus and the disciples on the way to Emmaus.
After eating with the Lord and listening to him
instruct them, the disciples remarked to each
other that their hearts were burning within them
while he spoke with them and opened the
Scriptures to them. Is your heart burning with a
love of the Lord and an eagerness to learn more
about his Word? Before Pentecost Sunday,
consider reading chapters 14-17 of the Gospel of
St. John. Write down what impressions you get
after reading each chapter. Before going on to
read the next one, write your own prayer about
how each chapter has affected you.

Matthew Domzalski, Ann Yancheck, Melissa Froio,
Kelsey Keenan, George Stallings, Charles Weller,
A.J. Selko, Juan Chico, Helen McIntyre, Otto &
Gertrude Schoenborn, Sam Sbraccia, Joseph Vena,
Jr., Anne Marie Grace, Marie Sloss, Philomena
Filardi, Joey DeSimone, Dolores Chandler, Suzette
Walsh, Dolores Carlin, Karen Schaeffer, Jack
OBrien, Cory Mullin, Sister Mary OBrien, Derek
Schnapp, Arlene Buckley, Andrew Kasper, Marie
Pawlik, Barbara Revak, Charo Hessen, Pat Toy,
Bernice & Cornelius McGroarty, June Vecino, Jack
Hennessey, Fran Dolan, Rita Pairent, Walter
Rosowski, Matthew Crivaro, Joseph Meloney,
Lillian Hung, Debbie Gismondi, Jack Domzalski,
Marie Cella, Diane Dougherty, Rita Skala, Rosann
Mastrogiacomo Gotto, Peggy OToole, Robert
Iacavone, Mary Mitchell, Vince Carbone, Jean
Valenti, Michael Ruggiero, Timothy Attanasi, Bea
Sabasino, Barbara Townsend, Alejandro Chico,
Eliud Chico, Sarah Henry, Tony Onesti, Nicole
DiPascale, Jonathan Bailey, Bill Shultz, Rose & Lou
Fiore, Pat Flanagan II, Mallory McBride, Nunni
Fazler, Valerie DiNatale, Cathy Capaldi, Jan Hauser,
John Denton, Roy Leonard, Sally Cullen and Chuck
Folker, Michael Kelly and Robert Pestritto and
Frances Day.
Page 8

For the first time between
Kelly Garrison and Scott Streeter

There will be an Easter Acoustic Gospel
Concert, JESUS IN OUR MIDST, staged by
Father Mimo Perez at Our Lady of Lourdes
Church on April 26, 2008 at 7PM. This is a fund
raiser for the nurturance of priestly vocations in
the Philippines.
In honor of Filipino Saint Lorenzo Ruiz
de Manila, the Filipino Apostolate of South
Jersey will hold a two day recollection on
September 27 and September 28, 2008. The
culmination of the event will be a Filipino Mass
here at St. Charles Borromeo Church on the
second day of recollection at 3 00 PM followed
by a short procession and usual fellowship. The
recollection will start at 8:00AM until 3:00PM. It
will continue on the following day at 9:00AM
until 5:30PM.
Bro. Alijandro Aguspina, a lay
evangelizer, will be the main speaker. He hails
from Southern Philippines and actively involved
in local and international retreat giving among

Trip to Hilton Casino
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Cost $22 per person
Package: $17 in coins
$5. food
7PM show Debbie Reynolds
Depart 3PM from St. Charles Parking Lot
Return 10PM
Call Nina Benigno 856-582-1210 for reservation
Meetings on the second and fourth
Wednesdays of the month.
Check our website for more information!

Stewardship Reflection
Stewardship Opens Hearts
As stewards, how often throughout the day do
we seek to find Jesus in our everyday actions?
Stewardship means committing ones very self to
the Lord. Reflect on your everyday
circumstances to find Jesus in all that we are and

Helping our Parish through Faith Direct!
Our parish is always trying to make things
easy for its parishioners. Part of being a member
of this faith filled community is the practice of
stewardship and part of stewardship is the
sharing of ones financial gifts with the parish.
The parish has no other monetary resources than
that which comes from the people. The
buildings have to be maintained, the bills paid
and ministries fostered. All of this comes at a
price and good will offerings are the means to
make it happen.
We are so grateful for the generosity of our
parishioners. So many are making great
sacrifices because of their love for the parish
and their support of what we are trying to do on
behalf of our people. A year and a half ago we
inaugurated a program called Faith Direct to
make it easier to contribute on a regular basis.
Many already participate and we encourage
many more to try it. It is truly a time saver for
those who do and has been a real benefit to the
parish. The Faith Direct experience has become
very popular.
Many are using electronic means for almost
everything, so it makes sense that electronic
giving at the parish level can fit the lifestyle of
our parishioners. Faith Direct gives parishioners
the opportunity to commit week in and week out
a set gift amount to the Church. The Offertory
card that Faith Direct provides also gives each
user and their families the opportunity to
participate in the Offertory Collection taken at
liturgy. There are no security issues with Faith
Direct. It is a safe way to give.
If you would like more information about
Faith Direct please call the Parish Center at 856-
629-0411 or view the information about the
program on our website at saint-charles-

SATURDAY, April 5, 2008
8:00 +Chet Giliberti by the Family
(L) Living Members of the Chico Family by
Laura Bernal
4:30 + Leo Mileski by Danny & Jill DiViginge
+Louis Baselice by the Family

SUNDAY, April 6, 2008
7:30 +John Rohach by Jim Hussle
+Joseph & Anna Foley by the Foley Family
9:00 For the People of the Parish
11:00 +Ann & Chet Giliberti by the Family
+Rose Kenney by Angeline Wirt
6:00 +Jennie Colella by Ernie DeGeorge
+Giovanni Gallina by his wife

MONDAY, April 7, 2008
9:00 +William Stinger by Mr. & Mrs Lawerence
9:00 +Jennie Colella by Peg & Ken Tulloch

TUESDAY, April 8, 2008
9:00 +Monsignor OConnell by Bill & Jean Braker
+Gabe Ricci by Mike & Rosemary DiNatale

WEDNESDAY, April 9, 2008
9:00 +Gabe Ricci by Exler Family
+Jennie Colella by Mike & Rosemary DiNatale

THURSDAY, April 10, 2008
9:00 +Gabe Ricci by Andrew & Sara Genna
+Monsignor OConnell by Denise & Frank

FRIDAY, April 11, 2008
9:00 +Frank & Rose Inglese by Petrongolo Family
+Monsignor OConnell by Denise & Lillian

SATURDAY, April 12, 2008
8:00 +Jimmy Costello by the Family
+Joan Jenner by the Walkers
4:30 + Joseph OConnell by his wife Pat
+Anna Mickalitis by Pat OConnell

SUNDAY, April 13, 2008
7:30 +Charles Calhoune by Schillaci Family
+Vivian Vena by Marie & Rocco Imperato
9:00 +Mary S. Speich by The Johnson Family
+Angela Caccese by Karen Baker
11:00 For the People of the Parish
+Alberto Montaney Velazguez by Griffo
6:00 +Mary Lettich by Baldassarre family
+Mary & John Baldassarre by the family

Page 9

Sunday Offertory
March 30, 2008
2008 2007 Variance
$16,459 $15,429 +1,030

Offertory collection $14,629
+ Faith Direct 1830
Total $16,459

Expenditures for the week: $35,947

Easter (to date): $41,417

Good Friday (Holy Land): $2,409

Individual Donations: $37,441
Red Envelopes: $65,926


Catholics celebrate Easter not just on a
single day but throughout the whole year in
different ways. We celebrate the Resurrection
every Sunday as a Little Easter. We especially
celebrate it for the seven weeks of the Easter
season which is considered as a single feast day.
The Easter Season ends on Pentecost
Sunday. We celebrate the Ascension forty days
after Easter. Because the date for Easter changes
every year, as we have noticed how early it is
this year, the days for the other feasts change as
The joy of the Easter season is expressed
through the many Alleluias.

Page 10

Come Pray our Rosary for Unity
Within Our Diversity!

Our Church embraces members from every part
of the world and people of different classes,
cultures, languages and races. Even with all of
this diversity, we are all in communion with
Christ and are one, "universal" Church. St.
Charles Borromeo parish in its own way
represents the Church's embrace of people from
various cultures. We want to celebrate our
diversity but also our unity as Catholics and
Americans. So we are planning to pray the
Rosary on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 7:00PM in
a way that celebrates the beautiful ancestries of
our parishioners but unites us as well. What we
plan to do is to say the first half of the prayers of
the Rosary in the various languages of the
countries from which our parishioners originated
and the second half of the prayers in English -
the language of the U. S. For example, a
parishioner who came here from Poland or
whose parents came from Poland would say the
first part of the Hail Mary in Polish and then the
rest of the congregation would complete the Hail
Mary in English. We invite parishioners to "sign-
up" to pray in the language of their ancestry. The
Blessed Mother who has appeared to people all
over the world over the centuries will be honored
to have her prayer said in this beautiful Rosary.
Be part of this prayer by filling out the form
below or calling the Parish Center Office. We
will need to know how many languages will be
used in order to plan the Rosary prayers, so
please sign up early.

Name: _______________________________

Phone number: __________________________

Email address: __________________________

I or My family came to the U. S. from:


I/We will take our turn in prayer speaking


RSVP by April 30, 2008
Clip out, fill out, then, drop in the collection
basket, bring to the Parish Center Office or mail
St. Charles Borromeo Church,
176 Stagecoach Road
Sicklerville, N.J. 08081
RE: Unity Rosary
or sign up by calling 856-629-0411.

In order to help us prepare a program, please
send us the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be
written in the language you will pray in. Thank

Church: Come to worship, leave to

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