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IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555

Vol. 2, No.4, August 2012

Review and Analysis of Data Security in Data Mining
Dileep Kumar Singh
IT Resource Centre
Madan Mohan Malaviya Engineering College
Gorakhpur, India
Email : gkp.dks@gmail.com
Vishnu Swaroop
Computer Science and Engineering College
Madan Mohan Malaviya Engineering College
Gorakhpur, India
Email: rsvsgkp@rediffmail.com

Abstract In new era the information and data communication
technologies are highly used in the Business Industry. The data
warehouse is used in the significant business value by improving
the effectiveness of managerial decision-making. Naturally such a
process may open up new assumption dimensions, detect new
invasion patterns, and raises new data security problems. Recent
developments in information technology have enabled collection
and processing of enormous amount of personal data, such as
criminal records, shopping habits, banking, credit and medical
history, and driving records. This information is undoubtedly
very useful in many areas, including medical research, law
enforcement and national security. Data Storage, data access
efficiently and speedily is not only the key for competitiveness but
the date security and privacy is important and is the new
research challenges for Researchers as well as for any business
Keywords-component Database mining, Database security, Data
Privacy, Data Warehouse, Data mining cycle.
The advent of information technology in various fields of
human life has lead to the large amount of data storage in
various formats like records, documents, images, sound
recording, videos, scientific data and many new data formats.
The Data collected from different applications require proper
mechanism of extracting knowledge/ information from large
repositories for better decision making Knowledge discovery
in Databases (KDD), often called data mining, aims at the
discovery of useful information from large collection of
Data.[1] The field of data mining is gaining significance
recognition to the availability of large amounts of data, easily
collected and stored via computer systems. Recently, the large
amount of data, gathered from various channels, contains
much personal information. When personal and sensitive data
are published and/or analyzed, one important question to take
into account is whether the analysis violates the privacy of
individuals whose data is referred to. The importance of
privacy is growing constantly. For this reason, many research
works have focused on privacy-preserving data mining,
proposing novel techniques that allow extracting knowledge
while trying to protect the privacy of users. Some of these
approaches aim at individual privacy while others aim at
corporate privacy.
Data mining, popularly known as Knowledge Discovery in
Databases (KDD), it is the nontrivial extraction of implicit,
previously unknown and potentially useful information from
data in databases. Though, data mining and knowledge
discovery in databases (or KDD) are frequently treated as
synonyms, data mining is actually part of the knowledge
discovery process. [2,3,4]
Usually, data mining e.g. data or knowledge discovery is the
process of analyzing data from different perspectives and
summarizing it into useful information - information that can
be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining
software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing
data. It allows users to analyze data from many different
dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the
relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the
process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of
fields in large relational databases.[5] Although data mining is
a comparatively new term but the technology is not.
Companies have used powerful computers to filter through
volumes of superstore scanner data and analyze market
research reports for many years. However, continuous
innovations in computer processing power, disk storage, and
statistical software are dramatically increasing the accuracy of
analysis while driving down the cost. Data mining, the
discovery of new and interesting patterns in large datasets, is
an exploding field. One aspect is the use of data mining to
improve security, e.g., for intrusion detection. A second aspect
is the potential security hazards posed when an adversary has
data mining capabilities.
The databases and data warehouses become more and more
popular and imply huge amount of data which need to be
efficiently analyzed. Knowledge Discovery in Databases can
be defined as the discovery of interesting, implicit, and
previously unknown knowledge from large databases [5,6].
The collected data exceeds human's capacity to analyze and
extract interesting knowledge from large databases. Many
methods of data mining have been introduced (methods using
classification, discovery of association, characterization.
Different user profiles can be implied in data mining system.
Data mining involves the use of sophisticated data analysis
tools to discover previously unknown, valid patterns and
relationships in large data sets. These tools can include
statistical models, mathematical algorithms, and machine
learning methods. Consequently, data mining consists of more
than collecting, organizing and managing data; it also includes
analysis and prediction. Data mining can be performed on data
represented in quantitative, textual, graphical, image or
multimedia forms. Data mining applications can use a variety
of parameters to examine the data. They include association
sequence or path analysis, classification, clustering, and
forecasting. Most companies already collect and refine
massive quantities of data. Data mining techniques can be
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.4, August 2012
implemented rapidly on existing software and hardware
platforms to enhance the value of existing information
resources, and can be integrated with new products and
systems as they are brought on-line. The databases and data
warehouses become more and more popular and imply huge
amount of data which need to be efficiently analyzed.
Knowledge Discovery in Databases can be defined as the
discovery of interesting, implicit, and previously unknown
knowledge from large databases.[7,8]
The huge size of the available data-sets and their high-
dimensionality make large-scale data mining applications
computationally very demanding, to an extent that high-
performance parallel computing is fast becoming an essential
component of the solution. Moreover, the quality of the data
mining results often depends directly on the amount of
computing resources available. In fact, data mining
applications are poised to become the dominant consumers of
supercomputing in the near future. There is a necessity to
develop elective parallel algorithms for various data mining
techniques. However, designing such algorithms is
challenging. [9]
The data mining database may be a logical rather than a
physical subset of your data warehouse, provided that the data
warehouse DBMS can support the additional resource
demands of data mining. If it cannot, then you will be better
off with a separate data mining database. [10]
A knowledge discovery process involves preprocessing data,
choosing a data-mining algorithm, and post processing the
mining results. There are many choices for each of these
stages, and non-trival interactions between them. [11]
Relational Learning Methods
Probabilistic Graphical Dependency Methods
Example Based Methods
Non-Linear Regression and Classification Methods
Decision Tree and Rules Methods.
One of the key issues raised by data mining technology is not
a business or technological one, but a social one. It is the issue
of individual privacy. Data mining makes it possible to
analyze routine business transactions and glean a significant
amount of information about individuals buying habits and
Another issue is that of data integrity. Clearly, data analysis
can only be as good as the data that is being analyzed. A key
implementation challenge is integrating conflicting or
redundant data from different sources. For example, a bank
may maintain credit cards accounts on several different
databases. The addresses (or even the names) of a single
cardholder may be different in each. Software must translate
data from one system to another and select the address most
recently entered.
Finally, there is the issue of cost. While system hardware costs
have dropped dramatically within the past five years, data
mining and data warehousing tend to be self-reinforcing. The
more powerful the data mining queries, the greater the utility
of the information being gleaned from the data, and the greater
the pressure to increase the amount of data being collected and
maintained, which increases the pressure for faster, more
powerful data mining queries. This increases pressure for
larger, faster systems, which are more expensive.[12]
Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information
from large databases, is a powerful new technology with great
potential to help companies focus on the most important
information in their data warehouses. Data mining tools
predict future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to
make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions. The automated,
prospective analyses offered by data mining move beyond the
analyses of past events provided by retrospective tools typical
of decision support systems. Data mining tools can answer
business questions that traditionally were too time consuming
to resolve. They scour databases for hidden patterns, finding
predictive information that experts may miss because it lies
outside their expectations.[13,14,15]
Define Data mining is used for a variety of purposes in both
the private and public sectors. Industries such as banking,
insurance, medicine, and retailing commonly use data mining
to reduce costs, enhance research, and increase sales. For
example, the insurance and banking industries use data mining
applications to detect fraud and assist in risk assessment. Using
customer data collected over several years, companies can
develop models that predict whether a customer is a good credit
risk, or whether an accident claim may be fraudulent and
should be investigated more closely. The medical community
sometimes uses data mining to help predict the effectiveness of
a procedure or medicine. Pharmaceutical firms use data mining
of chemical compounds and genetic material to help guide
research on new treatments for diseases. Retailers can use
information collected through affinity programs to assess the
effectiveness of product selection and placement decisions,
coupon offers, and which products are often purchased
together. Companies such as telephone service providers and
music clubs can use data mining to create a churn analysis, to
assess which customers are likely to remain as subscribers and
which ones are likely to switch to a competitor.
As data mining initiatives continue to evolve, there are several
issues Congress may decide to consider related to
implementation and oversight. These issues include, but are
not limited to, data quality, interoperability, mission creep, and
privacy, [16] As with other aspects of data mining, while
technological capabilities are important, other factors also
influence the success of a projects outcome.

IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.4, August 2012
A. Data Quality
Data quality is a multifaceted issue that represents one of
the biggest challenges for data mining. Data quality refers to
the accuracy and completeness of the data. Data quality can
also be affected by the structure and consistency of the data
being analyzed. The presence of duplicate records, the lack of
data standards, the timeliness of updates, and human error can
significantly impact the effectiveness of the more complex data
mining techniques, which are sensitive to subtle differences
that may exist in the data. To improve data quality, it is
sometimes necessary to clean the data, which can involve the
removal of duplicate records, normalizing the values used to
represent information in the database.
B. Interoperability
Related to data quality, is the issue of interoperability of
different databases and data mining software. Interoperability
refers to the ability of a computer system and/or data to work
with other systems or data using common standards or
processes. Interoperability is a critical part of the larger efforts
to improve interagency collaboration and information sharing
through e-government and homeland security initiatives. For
data mining, interoperability of databases and software is
important to enable the search and analysis of multiple
databases simultaneously, and to help ensure the compatibility
of data mining activities of different agencies. Data mining
projects that are trying to take advantage of existing legacy
databases or that are initiating first-time collaborative efforts
with other agencies or levels of government may experience
interoperability problems. Similarly, as agencies move forward
with the creation of new databases and information sharing
efforts, they will need to address interoperability issues during
their planning stages to better ensure the effectiveness of their
data mining projects.
C. Privacy
As additional information sharing and data mining
initiatives have been announced, increased attention has
focused on the implications for privacy. Concerns about
privacy focus both on actual projects proposed, as well as
concerns about the potential for data mining applications to be
expanded beyond their original purposes. For example, some
experts suggest that anti-terrorism data mining applications
might also be useful for combating other types of crime as
well.[17] So far there has been little consensus about how data
mining should be carried out, with several competing points of
view being debated. Some observers contend that tradeoffs
may need to be made regarding privacy to ensure security.
Other observers suggest that existing laws and regulations
regarding privacy protections are adequate, and that these
initiatives do not pose any threats to privacy. Still other
observers argue that not enough is known about how data
mining projects will be carried out, and that greater oversight is
needed. There is also some disagreement over how privacy
concerns should be addressed. Some observers suggest that
technical solutions are adequate initiatives.

Data mining has attracted significant interest especially in
the past decade with its vast domain of applications. From the
security perspective, data mining has been shown to be
beneficial in confronting various types of attacks to computer
systems. However, the same technology can be used to create
potential security hazards. In addition to that, data collection
and analysis efforts by government agencies and businesses
raised fears about privacy, which motivated the privacy
preserving data mining research. One aspect of privacy
preserving data mining is that, we should be able to apply data
mining algorithms without observing the confidential data
values. [18,19] This challenging task is still being investigated.
Another aspect is that, using data mining technology an
adversary could access confidential information that could not
be reached through querying tools jeopardizing the privacy of
individuals. Some initial research results in privacy preserving
data mining have been published. However, there are still many
issues that need further investigation in the context of data
mining from both privacy and security perspectives. This
workshop aims to provide a meeting place for academicians to
identify problems related to all aspects of privacy and security
issues in data mining together with possible solutions.
Researchers and practitioners working in data mining,
databases, data security, and statistics are invited to submit
their experience, and/or research results.
Threats imposed by data mining techniques to
privacy/security and possible remedies.
Statistical approaches to ensure privacy in data
Statistical disclosure control applied to privacy
preserving data mining.
New methodologies for privacy preserving data
Security leaks in existing privacy preserving data
mining techniques.
Privacy preserving data mining for specific
applications particularly e-commerce.
Effect of distributed data sources to privacy and
Data quality, privacy, and security measures.

There has been much interest recently on using data mining
for counter-terrorism applications. For example, data mining
can be used to detect unusual patterns, terrorist activities and
fraudulent behavior. While all of these applications of data
mining can benefit humans and save lives, there is also a
negative side to this technology, since it could be a threat to
the privacy of individuals. This is because data mining tools
are available on the web or otherwise and even nave users can
apply these tools to extract information from the data stored in
various databases and files and consequently violate the
privacy of the individuals. Recently we have heard a lot about
national security vs. privacy in newspapers, magazines and
television talk shows. This is mainly due to the fact that people
are now realizing that to handle terrorism; the government
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.4, August 2012
may need to collect information about individuals. This is
causing a major concern with various civil liberties unions.

We are beginning to realize that many of the techniques that
were developed for the past two decades or soon the inference
problem can now be used to handle privacy. One of the
challenges to securing databases is the inference problem.
Inference is the process of users posing queries and deducing
unauthorized information from the legitimate responses that
they receive. This problem has been discussed quite a lot over
the past two decades. However, data mining makes this
problem worse. Users now have sophisticated tools that they
can use to get data and deduce patterns that could be sensitive.
Without these data mining tools, users would have to be fairly
sophisticated in their reasoning to be able to deduce
information from posing queries to the databases. That is, data
mining tools make the inference problem quite dangerous.
While the inference problem mainly deals with secrecy and
confidentiality we are beginning to see many parallels between
the inference problem and what we now call the privacy
Data mining has become one of the key features of many
homeland security initiatives. Often used as a means for
detecting fraud, assessing risk, and product retailing, data
mining involves the use of data analysis tools to discover
previously unknown, valid patterns and relationships in large
data sets. In the context of homeland security, data mining can
be a potential means to identify terrorist activities, such as
money transfers and communications, and to identify and
track individual terrorists themselves, such as through travel
and immigration records. While data mining represents a
significant advance in the type of analytical tools currently
available, there are limitations to its capability. One limitation
is that although data mining can help reveal patterns and
relationships, it does not tell the user the value or significance
of these patterns. These types of determinations must be made
by the user. A second limitation is that while data mining can
identify connections between behaviors and/or variables, it
does not necessarily identify a causal relationship. Successful
data mining still requires skilled technical and analytical
specialists who can structure the analysis and interpret the
output. Data mining is becoming increasingly common in both
the private and public sectors. Industries such as banking,
insurance, medicine, and retailing commonly use data mining
to reduce costs, enhance research, and increase sales. In the
public sector, data mining applications initially were used as a
means to detect fraud and waste, but have grown to also be
used for purposes such as measuring and improving program
performance. However, some of the homeland security data
mining applications represent a significant expansion in the
quantity and scope of data to be
analyzed. Some efforts that have attracted a higher level of
congressional interest include the Terrorism

As with other aspects of data mining, while technological
capabilities are important, there are other implementation and
oversight issues that can influence the success of a projects
outcome. One issue is data quality, which refers to the
accuracy and completeness of the data being analyzed. A
second issue is the interoperability of the data mining software
and databases being used by different agencies. A third issue
is mission creep, or the use of data for purposes other than for
which the data were originally collected.
[1] Pragyaban Mishra, Neelamadhab Pandhy and Rasmita Panigrahi, The
Survey of Data Mining Applications and Feature Scope, Asian J ournal
of Computer Science And Information Technology 2-4, 68-77, 2012
[2] Introduction to Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Third Edition
ISBN: 1-892095-02- 5, Two Crows Corporation, 10500 Falls Road,
Potomac, MD 20854 (U.S.A.), 1999.
[3] Dunham, M. H., Sridhar S., Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced
Topics, Pearson Education, New Delhi, ISBN: 81-7758-785-4, 1st
Edition, 2006
[4] Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., and Smyth P., FromData Mining to
Knowledge Discovery in Databases, AI Magazine, American
Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1996.
[5] Fayyad U.M., Piatetsky-Shapiro G., Smyth P. (1996), From Data
Mining to KDD : an overview , AAAI/MIT Press, 1996.
[6] Han J . et Kamber M. (2002), Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Canada, 2002.
[7] Larose, D. T., Discovering Knowledge in Data: An Introduction to Data
Mining, ISBN 0-471-66657-2, Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2005.
[8] Fayyad U.M., Piatetsky-Shapiro G., Smyth P. (1996), From Data
Mining to KDD : an overview , AAAI/MIT Press, 1996.
[9] Vipin Kumar, Mahesh V. J oshi, Eui-Hong (Sam) Han, Pang-Ning Tan,
and Michael Steinbach, "High Performance Computing for
Computational Science - VECPAR 2002", Palma, J . M.L.M., Dongarra,
J ., Hernndez, V., and Sousa, A. A. (Eds.) 5th International Conference,
Porto, Portugal, J une 26-28, 2002.
[10] Introduction to Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Third Edition
ISBN: 1-892095-02-5, Two Crows Corporation, 10500 Falls Road,
Potomac, MD 20854 (U.S.A.), 1999
[11] Bernstein, A and Provost , F., An Intelligent Assistant for the
Knowledge Discovery Process, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering 17(4), pp. 503-518, 2005.
[12] Clifton, C. and D. Marks, Security and Privacy Implications of Data
Mining, Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference Workshop on
Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Montreal,
J une 1996.
[13] Morgenstern, M., Security and Inference in Multilevel Database and
Knowledge Base Systems, Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD
Conference, San Francisco, CA, J une 1987.
[14] Database Security IX Status and Prospects Edited by D. L. Spooner, S.
A. Demurjian and J . E. Dobson ISBN 0 412 72920 2, 1996, pp. 391-399.
[15] Lin, T. Y. (1994), Anamoly Detection -- A Soft Computing Approach,
Proceedings in the ACM SIGSAC New Security ParadigmWorkshop,
Aug 3-5, 1994,44-53. This paper reappeared in the Proceedings of 1994
National Computer Security Center Conference under the title Fuzzy
Patterns in data.
[16] Scott W. Ambler (2001) Challenges with legacy data: Knowing your
data enemy is the first step in overcoming it, Practice Leader, Agile
Development, Rational Methods Group, IBM, 01 J ul 2001.
[17] Agrawal, R, and R. Srikant, Privacy-preserving Data Mining,
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, Dallas, TX, May 2000.
[18] Clifton, C., M. Kantarcioglu and J . Vaidya, Defining Privacy for Data
Mining, Purdue University, 2002 (see also Next Generation Data
Mining Workshop, Baltimore, MD, November 2002).
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.4, August 2012
[19] Evfimievski, A., R. Srikant, R. Agrawal, and J . Gehrke, Privacy
Preserving Mining of Association Rules, In Proceedings of the Eighth
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, J uly 2002.


Dileep Kumar Singh received his Master degree in
Computer Application in year 2010 presently he is
working as SLT in IT Resource Center, Madan
Mohan Malaviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur. He has
more than 6 years professional experience. His area of interest
includes DBMS, & Networks; he is going to register Ph.D. in
Computer Science.

Vishnu Swaroop received his Master degree in
Computer Application in year 2002 presently he is
working as Computer Programmer in Computer
Science and Engineering Department, Madan Mohan
Malaviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur. He has more than
22 years teaching and professional experience. His area of
interest includes DBMS, & Networks; he is pursuing his Ph.D.
in Computer Science on Data Management in Mobile
Distributed Real Time Database. He has published several
papers in several National, International conferences and
J ournals.

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