Bhrigu Sutras

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Bhrigu Sutras

Bhrigu Sutras index

Chapter 1 Information of Planets and Houses
Zodiac and the twelve signs. Astrological nature, influence, Characteristics, functions of Sun,
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. heir signs of e!altation and
de"ilitation# their own signs# their friends, ene$ies and neutrals.
Chapter 2 Significations of the Twele Houses of the Horoscope
Part II
Chapter I
%ffects of Sun in the twelve houses. &ispositions when Sun in spite of "eing a $alefic gives very
"eneficial results and gives rise to Ra'a yoga. &ifference of effects when Sun is in own sign, sign
of e!altation, ene$y sign etc.
Chapter II
%ffects of Moon in the twelve houses. &ifference in effects of Moon when posited in a house in
different signs# difference of effects of a waning and wa!ing Moon# dispositions when Moon
produces Ra'ayoga, difference in effects when Moon is in own sign, sign of e!altation, sign of
de"ilitation etc.
Chapter III
%ffects of Mars in the twelve houses. (ow a great $alefic li)e Mars "eco$es a yoga)ara)a.
&ifference in effects of Mars in different houses when in own sign, sign of e!altation, sign of
de"ilitation etc. &ispositions when Mars produces Rucha)a yoga, &hana yoga and Ra'a yoga and
their results. Special yogas for se!ual perversions.
Chapter I!
%ffects of Mercury in the twelve houses. *hen a "enefic Mercury can "eco$e a $alefic.
&ifference in effects of Mercury in different houses when in own sign, sign of e!altation,
de"ilitation etc. &ispositions when Mercury produces, +hadra yoga, A$ia yoga, &hana yoga and
Ra' yoga and their results.
Chapter !
%ffects of Jupiter in the twelve houses. &ifference in effects of Jupiter in own sign, sign of
e!altation, sign of de"ilitation etc. &ispositions when Jupiter produces (a$sa yoga, A$ia yoga,
&hana yoga,Ra'a yoga and their results. *hen lords of -th, .th and /0th houses "eco$e yoga
)ara)a planets. Jupiter good even when is lord of the 1rd and /0
Chapter !I
%ffects of Venus in the twelve houses. &ifference in effects of Venus is in own sign, sign of
e!altation, sign of de"ilitation etc. &ispositions when Venus produces Malavya yoga, A$ia yoga,
&hana yoga and Ra' yoga and their results. Venus gives yoga effects when posited in the -th and
/0th houses.
Chapter !II
%ffects of Saturn in the twelve houses. *hen a great $alefic li)e Saturn gives very "eneficial
results and functions as yoga )ara)a planet. Saturn gives long life when posited in the .th house.
%ffects of Saturn in own sign, sign of e!altation, sign of de"ilitation etc. &ispositions when Saturn
produces Sasa yoga, &hana yoga and Ra'yoga and their results.
Chapter !III
%ffects of Rahu and Ketu in the twelve houses. Controversy a"out the roles of Rahu and Ketu in
a horoscope and different views in that regard.
Bhrigu Sutras
PART " 1
Information a#out Planets and Houses
The $odiac% Signs and Planets
he wor) 2+hrigu Sutra$2 deals with the effects of various planets in the twelve houses of the
horoscope. +efore ta)ing up the $ain wor), it will "e useful for the readers to have so$e idea of
the Zodiac, the twelve parts of the Zodiac vi3., the signs and the 4ualities characteristics and
significations of the planets as well as the significations of the twelve houses. 5n this chapter we
propose to give infor$ation a"out the Zodiac, signs and the planets. he significations of the
twelve houses will "e given in the ne!t chapter.
The $odiac
he Zodiac is a circle of space surrounding the %arth. 5t $ay "e i$agined as a "elt in the
heavens a"out /6 degrees wide in which the planets travel. 5t is the Sun7s apparent path that is
called the ecliptic. he 3odiacal circle is divided into twelve parts, each part containing thirty
degrees of space called the signs of the Zodiac. hus a sign is one twelfth division of the 3odiacal
circle and is denned as containing 18 degrees of celestial longitude9 /0 signs each $easuring 18
degrees constitute the circle of the Zodiac or 1-8 degrees. 5n this circle the planets travel each in
its own or"it, one outlying "eyond the other. he twelve signs of fhe Zodiac are Aries :Mesha;,
aurus :Vrisha"h;, <e$ini :Mithuna;, Cancer :Kata)a;, =eo :Si$ha;, Virgo :Kanya;, =i"ra :hula;,
Scorpio :Vrischi)a;, Sagittarius :&hanu;, Capricorn :Ma)ara;, A4uarius :Ku$"ha;, and >isces
:Meena;. 5t is these twelve signs through which the planets travel or transit fro$ west to east,
going through one sign after another in their order fro$ Aries to >isces. %ach sign possesses a
specific influence. he planets also as they travel around the Zodiac e!ert an influence according
to their separate nature and position in the Zodiac.
Although according to $ode$ Astrology there are twelve planets vi3., Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, ?ranus, @eptune and >luto, (indu Astrology recognises
only the first nine. %ach sign of the Zodiac is owned "y a planet who is ter$ed as its 7ruler7. Sun
and Moon rule one sign each vi3., =eo and Cancer respectively. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn rule two signs each. here is controversy a"out Rahu and Kethu ruling so$e signs
"ut the fact is that they "eing shadow planets do not own any signs "ut cast their influence
according to signs in which they are placed, or lords of those signs, or according to planets
influencing the$ "y aspect or association. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, Mercury <e$ini and
Virgo, Jupiter Sagittarius and >isces, Venus aurus and =i"ra and Saturn Capricorn and
P&A'(TS )TH(IR ASTR*&*+ICA& 'AT,R( A'- I'.&,('C(/
1 Sun0The .ather and &ife +ier
Sun is the )ing of the solar )ingdo$. (e is also called the 7Aather of Stars7. Sun is a"out B1
$illion $iles away fro$ the %arth. (e is the largest a$ongst the planets. (is dia$eter is a"out
//8 ti$es that of %arth and Sun is nearly 0C,/B,888 $iles in circu$ference.
+eing the centre of all life force and energy and the giver of >rana, Sun is worshipped as Sun
<od. (e is said to represent the creator, the +rah$a, with his four faces to have a survey of all
the four directions causing four seasons and the four ele$ents na$ely Aire, %arth, Air and *ater.
*esterners call the Sun, Apollo. he Sun ta)es e!actly one year to go round the ecliptic. 5t has
only the direct $otion. 5t is never goes retrograde. According to (indu Astrology Sun is the soul of
Kalpurusha :he Moon is his $ind, Mercury his speech, Mars his strength, Jupiter his )nowledge
and happiness, Venus his desire or lust, Saturn his $isery;.
Aor all living "eings Sun represents the positive and pri$al front whereas the Moon represents
the negative influence. Sun is constructive and creative, Moon is preserving and for$ative. Sun is
the father, Moon is the $other. he Sun and Moon are considered sovereigns. Jupiter and Venus
are $inisters. Mercury is the young prince. Mars is the co$$anderDinDchief and Saturn is the
servant. Sun is the )ing and the Moon is the 4ueen. Sun and Moon are also considered
>eople with Sun as the ruling planet will have honey coloured eyes. he face will "e large and
round. he stature will "e average. he hair and the colour of the "ody will have a light shade.
Sun rules the direction %ast and 2<rish$a2 Rithu :Su$$er season;. 5n the "irth chart Sun
represents the father of the native. 5n the wo$an7s chart Sun indicates her hus"and :here is
another school of thought that Jupiter represents the hus"and in a fe$ale7s chart;. 5n service Sun
shows the ad$inistrative head or <overn$ent. he Sun offers us the power of resistance and
vitality. (e governs the "reath of life. (e rules our consciousness and denotes the individuality.
(e gives the force and self will and $a)es one deter$ined and decisive. he Sun in nature is hot,
dry, $asculine and life giving. (e possesses the power of a"sorption of the nature and influence
of any planet within an or" of . E degrees of his con'unction. Sun represents health, the vital
principle, general prosperity and high office, positions of ran) and title, govern$ent affairs and
officials, new underta)ings, pu"licity, popularity, superior or proud and haughty persons. Sun
governs the sides, upper portion of the "ac), heart, right eye of the $ale and left eye of the
fe$ale. (is day is Sunday, $etal gold and colour orange. 5f he is not ha$pered "y unfavoura"le
disposition or $alefic aspects or association and is dignified "y position in the horoscope, Sun
"estows a nature which is a$"itious, proud, $agnani$ous, fran), generous, hu$ane, fir$ and
honoura"le. Men ruled "y the Sun aspire to positions of rulership and "y their earnest nature
inspire others with a respect for their a"ilities, so they usually attain positions of trust,
responsi"ility and honour where they are perfectly at ho$e and capa"le of practical e!ecution to
a very satisfactory degree.
5f the Sun at "irth is unfavoura"ly placed and is otherwise undignified, the native is inclined to "e
too forceful, lordly, do$ineering, positively arrogant and e!travagant, inclining also to sic)ness of
a feverish infla$$atory native, eye affliction and heart disorders as well as loss of position, credit
or estee$ due to i$pulsiveness of these natives.
he Sun7s ge$s are dia$ond and ru"y. Sun owns =eo. (e is e!alted in Aries and de"ilitated in
=i"ra. /8 degrees of Aries is highest e!altation point and /8 degrees of =i"ra is his lowest
de"ilitation point. 5nitial 08 degrees portion of =eo is his MFlatri)ona and the re$aining /8
degrees is Swa)shetra. he Sun7s friends are Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are his
ene$ies. Mercury is neutral to hi$.
2 1oon0the 1other and 1ind2
Moon is the planet nearest to the %arth. 5t is the only planet in the solar syste$ which revolves
round the %arth. he Sun is the generator of power whereas Moon is conductor of power lent "y
the Sun. Moon shines only "y the reflected light of the Sun. he distance "etween the %arth and
Moon is appro!i$ately 0,1.,888 $iles. he Sun gives the spirit and life to all planets and Moon
rules the lives of the "eings on %arth. Sun represents individuality whereas Moon shows one7s
personality. Moon also represents $other if a person is "orn at night Moon is fe$inine. (ence the
person under the rulership of Moon "eco$es ti$id, vacillating receptive and converti"le. Moon
governs the i$pregnation, conception, "irth of child, the ani$al instinct the union and the e$"ryo.
5t also rules the infant stage of a person and it has powerful influence on their lives. Afflicted Moon
at the ti$e of "irth causes ail$ents fre4uently and does not allow to have proper growth. @atives
ruled "y Moon generally have white co$ple!ion and char$ing eyes. hey are plu$p and of short
stature. hey wal) with a rolling gait. Moon7s influence is said to "e cold, $oist, phleg$atic and
fe$inine. She is fruitful and converti"le in nature according to her position in the chart and her
aspects and location in the 3odiac :"y sign; at that ti$e.
(er pro!i$ity to the %arth and rapidity of $otion render her a powerful significator in all "ranches
of /6 astrology. She $a)es a co$plete transit of the 3odiac :i.e. all the signs; every 0C days, C
hours and G1 $inutes. She rules li4uids, fresh water, $il), pu"lic co$$odities li)e groceries, fish,
drin)s etc., also sailing, "rewing, nursing and fe$ales generally. Moon influences the growth of all
plant life. She governs the "rain, "reasts, left eye of the $ale and right eye of the fe$ale. (er day
is Monday, $etal silver, colour white# ge$ pearl and other white stones.
>eople ruled "y Moon are usually sensitive, e$otional and do$esticated, possessing a love for
ho$e and )indred. hey have a good $e$ory. (aving a fertile i$agination and "eing also very
conscientious, they $eet with $any ups and downs in life. hey are 4uite receptive and
$ediu$istic and fre4uently possess $usical talent hey li)e water and natural "eauty. 5f the
Moon is not favoura"ly disposed, the natives $ay "e either too easy going and given to self
gratification and over indulgence in eating, drin)ing or pleasure, or are too changea"le, negative
and uncertain. >erson ruled "y Moon do well as nurses, coo)s, confectioners, grocers,
gardeners, $atrons, dealers in li4uids, stewards, cler)s, co$panions and in other occupations of
a co$$on, pu"lic or fluctuating nature. *a!ing Moon is considered a "enefic and waning Moon a
$alefic. Moon owns Cancer. She is e!alted in aurus and de"ilitated in Scorpio. (er highest
e!altation point is 1 degrees of aurus and the lowest de"ilitation point is 1 degrees of Scorpio.
he first 1 degrees of aurus constitute Moon7s e!altation portion and the re$aining 0C degrees
portion is her Mooltri)ona. he whole of Cancer is her swa)shetra.
3 1ars0The Brother and Courage
Mars is one of the outer planets. 5t is nearer to the %arth than any of the other outer planets li)e
Jupiter, Saturn etc. Mars is s$aller than %arth and its dia$eter is around G,088 $iles. According
to $ythological "eliefs Mars is said to "e the deity of +uddhists and the <od of Ro$ans. (e is the
<od of war and also of hunting. Mars :or Aries in <ree), Artos in %gyptian, Angara)a, Mangala,
Ku'a is Sans)rit; is said to "e the son of Jupiter. According to (indu "eliefs Mars is said to "e the
son of the %arth and is called +hu$iDputra. (e is the <od of dispute, destruction and war. Mars is
a dry, fiery planet, $asculine "y nature. Mars has $uch to do with one7s a$"ition and desires.
Mars sy$"olises the senses and rules the ani$al instinct in $an. <enerally Mars is treated as a
$alefic planet. 5f Mars is not afflicted, he gives self confidence, endurance, i$pulse for all
ventures and heroic deeds, strength, courage, co$"ativeness, sharp wit, faculty to argue, go
ahead spirit etc. Mars "estows the nature with 4uic) $ental activity and e!traordinary $uscular
strength, great organising a"ility, power for practical e!ecution, independent spirit, force of
character, strong deter$ination, a$"ition to co$e out successful in the $aterial field in spite of
any opposition, and a"ove all, leadership in all pursuits. 5f Mars is wea) and afflicted in a
horoscope, the native will "e rash, will lose te$per 4uic)ly, will "e foolhardy and also
4uarrelso$e. (e will use "rute force to settle his affairs and $ay "eco$e a drug addict. (e $ay
turn out to "e the worst type of se!ualist and satisfy his se!ual urges in novel ways.
>eople "orn with Mars as their ruling planet will have white co$ple!ion with a shade of red. he
native will "e tall and $uscular. heir eyes will "e round. heir waists will "e narrow. Mars is the
chief governor for "rothers and landed property. (is colour is redDge$s, coral, ru"y, and all red
stonesD day uesday. Mars governs the se! organs, "ladder, $uscular syste$, head, face, left
ear and sense of taste# also cuts, "u$s, scolds, etc. (e rules copper, gold, iron and steel,
surgery, che$istry, $ilitary $atters and wars, police$en, surgeons, dentists, "utchers, those of
4uic) te$per and reddish co$ple!ion. +eing averse to dictatorship, persons influenced "y Mars
usually find the "est outlet for their special a"ility when in "usiness for the$selves or in positions
when they can direct the wor) of others. +eing 4uite inventive and $echanical, they "eco$e
good designers, "uilders and $anagers and usually $a)e their way to the front in whatever they
underta)e. Mars owns Aries and Scorpio. (e is e!alted in Capricorn, the highest e!altation point
"eing 0. degrees of that sign. (e is de"ilitated in Cancer, the lowest de"ilitation point "eing 0.
degrees of that sign. he first /0 degrees portion of Aries is his Moolatri)ona and the rest is his
Swa)shetra. he whole of Scorpio is also his Swa)shetra. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are friends of
Mars. Mercury is his ene$y. Venus and Saturn are neutral to hi$.
4 1ercur50The 1essenger of +ods
A$ongst all the planets Mercury is nearest to Sun. 5t revolves round the Sun in .. days. 5ts
dia$eter is nearly 1,088 $iles. Mythologically Mercury was )nown as hoth, (er$es and 2he
Messenger of <ods2. 5t was usually portrayed as a youth, flying with wings at his heels, "earing a
cadaceus $ade of olive wood a"out which were twined serpents, the rod "eing sur$ounted with
a pair of wings. his sy$"ol represents the essential 4ualities of the planet, duality, speed and
wisdo$. According to (indu $ythology Mercury is said to "e the son of Moon. Mercurial people
generally have a youthful appearance.
he influence of the planet Mercury is neutral, dualistic, cold, $oist, se!less and converti"le. (e
gives favoura"le results when he is in good association and receives "enefic aspects. Mercury
can rarely "e seen with na)ed eye as he is never $ore $an 0. degrees fro$ the Sun. *hen he
is within . E degrees of the Sun, he is treated as co$"ust or "urnt up and loses great deal of its
a"ility. (is influence is "est when leaving the Sun. Mercury rules that part of the intellect which is
suscepti"le to cultivation through study, precept, o"servation and i$itation. Mercury influences
the nervous syste$, solar ple!us, "owels, ar$s, $outh, tongue, sense of sight, perception,
understanding, interpretation and e!pression. (e deals with traveling, teaching, cler)ship,
spea)ing, writing, printing, pu"lishing, literature, stationery, secretaries, "oo)D)eeping,
correspondence, $ailing etc. (is day is *ednesday and his $etal is li4uid $etal or 4uic) silver.
(is colour is green and his ge$ is %$erald. 5f Mercury is well placed in the horoscope, the
natives $a)e good linguists, orators, writers, reporters, teachers, secretaries, accountants, etc.,
"eing fully capa"le of $aintaining any position where adapta"ility, de!terity, perception, s)ill,
4uic) wit, i$agination and good $e$ory are re4uired. hey usually conduct their wor) in an
orderly, $ethodical, syste$atic and handy $anner "eing adept at si$plifying arrange$ents.
Mercury shows the type of $entality one is endowed with, as he governs the reaction to one7s
sense and i$pressions. +eing an intellectual planet, the Mercurian is highly intelligent, ingenious
and analytical. (e will grasp the su"'ects very 4uic)ly. (e gives the native retentive power and
reproductive a"ility. A well placed and well aspected Mercury represents a su"tle political "rain
and intellect, a logician with learning and discretion. A person influenced "y Mercury will have
curiosity to $aster occult sciences also. (e will "e versatile, good in $athe$atical calculations,
engineering, accounts etc. 5f Mercury is afflicted, the native will "e clever, cunning and
$ischievous, he will turn out to "e a great ga$"ler, the worst liar, a conceited showy person, he
will pretend as though he )nows everything while actually he is devoid of real learning. he
affliction of Mercury will also cause e!cess nervous activity "oth of "ody and $ind. here is also
conse4uent effect on the health detri$ental to the operation of "owels and other organs under
the do$inion of this planet. Mercury is the chief governor for education and uncle. Mercury owns
<e$ini and Virgo. (e is e!alted in Virgo, the highest e!altation point "eing /6 degrees of Virgo.
(e is de"ilitated in >isces, the lowest de"ilitation point "eing /6 degrees of >isces. he first /6
degrees of Virgo is the e!altation portion of Virgo, /- to 08 degrees portion is his Moolatri)ona
and the rest is Swa)shetra. he whole of <e$ini is also his Swa)shetra. Sun and Venus are
friends of Mercury, Moon is his ene$y and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to hi$.
6 7upiter0The +reat .ortune
Jupiter the $ighty planet is called a giant of the solar syste$. 5t has a dia$eter of ..,888 $iles.
Jupiter ta)es a little less than twelve years to go once round the Sun. Mythologically, Jupiter is the
preceptor of <ods. Hld <ree)s considered Jupiter as the father of <odsDZeus. %gyptians call M$
A$$on. Jupiter is said to possess and offer 7Sathwaguna7. Hur fortunes are governed "y Jupiter
who is the chief governor for $oney. Jupiter is ter$ed as 7<reater Aortune7 and is said to "e hot
$oist, sanguine, te$perate, social, e!pansive, $asculine and $oderate. (e governs the "lood,
liver, veins, arteries and thighs. (e rules higher education and signifies 'udges, councillors,
"an)ers, "ro)ers, theologians, philanthropists, also science, law, reason and co$parison. (e
rules financial dealings, speculation, shipping "usiness and foreign affairs. (is day is hursday,
$etal gold, colour yellow and ge$s yellow sapphire and opa3. ypical Jupiterians are usually
ter$ed 'ovial owing to the fact that Jupiter gives such characteristics as sociali"lity, hope,
"enevolence veneration, co$passion, 'ustice, honesty, spirituality, also well developed faculties of
proportion, calculation and location. he Jupiterian is usually 4uic) to hit the $ar) as his sy$"ol
is the Archer. 5n the "usiness world, natives ruled "y Jupiter "eco$e interested in large popular
enterprises and deal $uch in $atters related to lawyers, 'udges, "an)ers, "ro)ers and
physicians. Science and $edicine, insurance and co$$ercial travelling often engage their
attention, also affairs of philanthropic, charita"le and religious or "enevolent i$port. Jupiter is
called the 7<reater Aortune7 "ecause, unless he is ill placed in the horoscope, he "estows a
considera"le a$ount of what appears to "e good luc) upon natives who are suited for positions
of dignity, trust or power in "usiness and social circles. (aving a logical, "road $ind, considera"le
self possession, self confidence and deter$ination, they usually inspire confidence and attain
responsi"le positions. Jupiter is fiery, no"le, "enevolent, fruitful, 'ovial, opti$istic, positive, and
dignified planet. (e is the greatest "enefic. (owever, $uch other planets $ay "e ill posited and
threaten difficulties to a person, if Jupiter is strong and well placed in a chart, he will en'oy the
providential help at least at the last $o$ent to tide over the difficulties and get rid of evil. Jupiter
also indicates how far one will respect the elders, preceptors and religious scriptures. Jupiter
$a)es one law a"iding, true, honest, sincere and dutiful. 5f Jupiter is afflicted in the horoscope,
the native will "e an e!tre$ist and unconventional. (e will "e e!travagant and lavish. he other
evil effects would "e over opti$is$, false hopes, carelessness, de"ts, disputes, failure in
speculation, ga$"ling, worry through children, false prestige, loss of reputation, $isD'udg$ent
and $iscalculation, etc. Jupiterians are well "uilt and $ay have a huge "elly. hey will have good
growth in youth, have $uscular "ody and "eco$e so stout as to co$$and respect fro$ others.
Jupiter is also considered as significator for children :Santan Kara)a;. Jupiter owns Sagittarius
and >isces. (e is e!alted in Cancer, the highest e!altation point "eing 6 degrees of Cancer. (e is
de"ilitated in Capricorn, the lowest de"ilitation "eing 6 degrees of Capricorn. Airst 6 degrees
portion of Sagittarius is his MFltri)ona and the rest is hi7D7 Swa)shetraDhe whole of >isces is also
his Swa)shetra. he Sun, the Moon and Mars are friends of Jupiter. Mercury and Venus are his
ene$ies Saturn is neutral to hi$.
8 !enus0The &oer
Venus is $uch closer to the Sun than the %arth. he si3e of Venus is si$ilar to that of the %arth.
Venus has a dia$eter of C,-88 $iles. Venus can never "e $ore than G. degrees away fro$ the
Sun. Venus is the "rightest planet in the solar syste$. Mythologically, Venus is considered to "e
the <oddess of love, $arriage, "eauty and co$forts. 5t is called Maha =a)sh$i, wife of =ord
Vishnu. Venus is also called one eyed. Cree)s call Venus the Aphrodite. Venus is called Ka$a,
for one7s passion depends on its strength. Venus produces people of average height, of plu$p
"ody, and with a round and pi$pled face, )ind and pleasing eyes, pleasant voice, sweet s$ile
and curly hair. Venus is ter$ed as a fe$inine planet. Venus rules the sense of touch and to a
great e!tent the disposition. Venus inclines to all that pertains to the higher attri"utes of the $ind,
$usic, poetry, painting, singing, dra$a, opera, acting and all refined a$use$ents and
adorn$ents. he influence of Venus is e!pressed as generous, )ind, good hu$oured and loving.
Venus is considered "enefic, war$, $oist and fruitful. Venus governs the throat, )idneys, veins
and ovaries. (is day is Ariday, $etal silver, colour white and ge$ dia$ond.
Men and wo$en ruled "y Venus are noticea"ly )ind and social. *hen well placed Venus endows
the native with a pleasant and handso$e countenance, sy$$etrical for$ and graceful $anners.
Venus inclines to har$ony and as this planet rules the sense of touch, he favours art, $usic and
decoration. +y their pleasing personality the su"'ects of Venus are natural peace$a)ers# their
refined nature softens the ruffed feelings of friends and convert anger to pleasure. As Venus is
the pro$oter of pleasure, these people are splendid entertainers and e!cellent hosts.
*hen afflicted, Venus produces unsatisfactory do$estic conditions, an!iety in love, difficulty with
friends of through finances. Venus rules the s)in, throat, veins, ovaries and internal generative
organs and these are adversely affected "y over indulgence in a$use$ents, eating and drin)ing.
Venus is called Kalathra Kara)a, that is the chief governor for $arriage. Venus also indicates the
partner in "usiness. Venus is the chief planet connected with vehicles :Vahana;. Aor those "orn
during day ti$e Venus is the significator for $other. Venus owns aurus and =i"ra. Venus is
e!alted in >isces, the highest e!altation point "eing 0C degrees of >isces. Venus is de"ilitated in
Virgo, the lowest de"ilitation point "eing 0C degrees of Virgo. Airst 08 degrees portion of =i"ra is
his MFtri)ona and he rest is his Swa)shetra. he whole of aurus is also his Swa)shetra. Mercury
and Saturn are7 friends of Venus. he Sun and the Moon are his ene$ies. Mars and Jupiter are
neutral to hi$.
9 Saturn0The +od :ama
Saturn is called 7Sanaischara7 as it $oves along the Zodiac leisurely and $ore slowly than other
planets. (e is the outer$ost planet a$ongst the planets recognised "y (indu Astrology. Saturn is
s$aller than Jupiter and his dia$eter is around C6,888 $iles. Saturn ta)es 0B/I0 years to go
round the Sun. (ence on an average Saturn re$ains in a sign for a"out 0 E years. Saturn is
called 7Ja$a7 as he is the chief governor for longevity. Saturn is said to "e 7la$e7 and the son of
he Sun. Saturn is so$eti$es sy$"olised as Aather i$e. According to *estern "elief in olden
days Sater or Satan was the na$e given to Saturn and he signified devil, dar)ness, secrecy, loss
and $isfortune. (is nature is cold, dry, phleg$atic, $elancholic, earthy and $asculine. *hen
Saturn is well placed or well aspected, the person is grave, profound, prudent, cautious and of
e!cellent organising and e!ecutive a"ility. 5f Saturn is afflicted, the native is apt to "e "igoted
ac4uisitive irrita"le, discontented and co$plaining. Saturn governs the teeth, "ones spleen,
)nees, right ear and sense of hearing. (e rules "ric) laying, pottery, $asonry, plu$"ing and other
la"orious and uncongenial e$ploy$ent. (e denotes aged persons, thin, nervous, dar), reclusiveD
also far$ers, $iners, coal and 'un) dealers, property owners etc. (e rules land, property, $ines,
lead and dealings in real estate. &ay Saturday, $etals iron and steel, colour dar) "lue or "lac),
ge$ "lue sapphire or other "lue and "lac) coloured stones. he influence of Saturn is co$$only
called evil and in this respect he is $uch $aligned, "ut in reality there is no evil since all things
wor) together for good ulti$ately. Saturn acts as a deterrent and "ecause he "rings denial and
necessity into so$e lives, he has "een considered as an oppressor, a Satan 2(e that filleth with
pride will suffer a fall2# for Saturn will "ring the native to his )nees, hu$"le hi$, and "y $eans of
restrictions, li$itation and adversities, will cause the individual to ponder, study and see) to find
the source of woe that in future $ay "e overco$e. hus while Saturn is a destroyer :of false
ideals;, he is also a redee$er, in that he "rings to $ind a state of introspection and sti$ulates
effort towards perfection and victory. Saturnians are e!tre$ely sensitive "ut they hide their
feelings and e$otions under a $as) of reserve. 5f fre4uently censured, they withdraw fro$
association and their progress and develop$ent are $uch delayed. Saturn is considered to "e
favoura"le for people "orn in the signs owned "y Venus whereas Saturn is evil to those "orn in
the signs governed "y Mercury. (e is also "eneficial when he is in his own sign, or when he
occupies the signs of Jupiter or when he is e!alted. Saturn when "enefic $a)es a person true,
relia"le, honest, sincere, faithful and chaste. (e aids concentration, $editation prayers, etc.
Saturn is the chief governor for longevity :(e is called Ayush Kara)a;. 5f he occupies the house of
longevity, na$ely, the .th house in a horoscope, the native gets a long span of life. Saturn owns
Capricorn and A4uarius. (e is e!alted in =i"ra, the highest e!altation point "eing 08 degrees of
=i"ra. (e is de"ilitated in Aries, the lowest de"ilitation point "eing 08 degrees of Aries. Aor Saturn
the first 08 degrees portion of A4uarius is his MFltri)ona and the rest is his Swa)shetra. he
whole of Capricorn is also his swa)shetra. Mercury and Venus are friends of Saturn. he Sun, the
Moon and Mars are his ene$ies. Jupiter is neutral to hi$.
; Rahu and <etu0the Shadow5 Planets
Rahu and Ketu are called shadowy planets "y our ancients. hey are not su"stantial heavenly
"odies with an o"serva"le "ody shape or $ass li)e the Sun, Moon and other planets. (indu
$ythology has in its characteristic way sy$"olised these two parts of a single "ody. According to
a >uranic story after churning of the ocean :Sa$udra Manthan; ca$e out a divine elephant, a
horse, a physician, the <oddess of wealth and A$rita or i$$ortality. A"out the distri"ution of
A$rita there was a serious dispute a$ongst the &evas and Asuras. he Supre$e =ord :=ord
Vishnu; assu$ing the shape of an alluring Mohini, too) charge of distri"uting the A$rita with the
consent of "oth &evas and Asuras. She so distri"uted the A$rita that all of it was consu$ed "y
&evas "ut one a$ong the Asuras had stealthily 'oined the ran)s of &evas and got a share of
A$rit "ut was discovered and e!posed "y the Sun and the Moon. he Supre$e =ord cut the
Asura in two pieces "ut as he had ta)en A$rita "oth the severed parts re$ained alive though
separated. he head got the na$e of 7Rahu7 and the "ody and tail 7)etu7. his $ade Rahu and
Ketu eternal ene$ies of the Sun and the Moon. >eriodically they succeed in swallowing the Sun
and the Moon :his is during eclipses; "ut they escape as they are i$$ortal. he fact that has
since "een universally accepted is that Rahu Ketu are celestial points on the Zodiac with
regulated $ove$ent and or"it and they have a distinct and predicta"le influence in horoscopes.
he $otion of these points which is always retrograde, can "e calculated as accurately as the
position of the Sun or the Moon, through owing to their "eing without su"stance, this cannot "e
verified "y visual o"servation. *esterners have na$ed Rahu and Ketu as &ragon7s (ead and
&ragon7s ail respectively. Caput and Cauda are the other na$es given to the$ "y *esterners.
o understand how these i$aginary points are accurately located and their $ove$ents are
calculated we have to consider the apparent paths in the heavens of the two planets the Sun and
the Moon, that is, the paths along which the Sun and the Moon appear to an o"server on earth, to
rotate. he Sun appears to $ove along an ellipse of which %arth is a focus. he plane of this
ellipse is inclined to the terrestrial %4uator at an angle of 01 degrees. he Moon, as the satellite
of the %arth $oves round it and its path is also elliptical with the %arth as a focus, and plane of
this or"it is inclined to the %4uator at an angle of 0. degrees, so that the planes of the or"its of
the Sun and the Moon appear to the o"server on %arth to "e inclined to each other at an angle of
6 degrees. he two points at which the or"it of the Moon cuts the or"it of the Sun are called
nodes, and they are e!actly /.8 degrees apart. he point of intersection for$ed when the Moon7s
$otion is fro$ South to @orth, is said to "e ascending node and na$ed Rahu, and the point of
intersection for$ed when the Moon7s $otion is fro$ north to south is called the descending node
or Ketu. 5t has "een o"served that the nodes have a retrograde $ove$ent in the Zodiac at the
rate of /B degrees 08 $inutes per year. Rahu and Ketu are said to stay in a sign for a"out /.
$onths. Rahu and Ketu indicate one "orn in a low caste# one who $ay have intrigue with girls# is
one whose thoughts and actions will "e evil. Hne will resort to outcastes and low "orn as well as
in "red people. here is 4uite a controversy a$ongst the ancients a"out the signs owned "y
Rahu and )etu and signs in which they are e!alted and de"ilitated. Aor e!a$ple, according to
?ttara Kala$rita an ancient classic on (indu >redictive Astrology Rahu is e!alted in aurus and
de"ilitated in Scorpio, vice versa of Ketu. his wor) also assigns the sign A4uarius as owned "y
Rahu and Scorpio as owned "y Ketu. Moolatri)ona of Rahu has "een fi!ed as <e$ini and
Moolatri)ona of Ketu has "een given as Virgo. San)etnidhi another recognised wor) allots
<e$ini as the e!altation sign of Rahu, Virgo as his own sign and Sagittarius as the e!altation
sign of Ketu and >isces as its own Sign. 5t is also "elieved that Rahu acts li)e Saturn and Ketu
acts li)e Mars. he <e$ of Rahu is 2<o$ed2 and that of Ketu Cat7s %ye. Aor further infor$ation
a"out Rahu and Ketu please see >art 55 Chapter %ight.
Chapter II
Significations of the Twele Houses of the Horoscope
.irst House =or &agna0Ascendant>
>hysical stature, colour, for$ and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigour, natural
dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honour, dignity, prosperity, general
well "eing, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea a"out the
general structure of life.
Second House
Money $atters, fortune, profit, gain or loss, one7s power and resources, worldly attain$ents and
possession of e!trinsic value, 'ewellery, precious stones, "onds, securities and shares, speech,
vision, right eye, $e$ory, i$agination, nails, tongue, nose, teeth, chin, fa$ily $e$"ers. his is
also a house of death or $ara)a sthana. Many a learned are of the opinion that education is also
a signification of this house etc.
Third House
Mental inclination, a"ility, $e$ory, intellect, inclination to study, courage, fir$ness, valour,
prowess, herois$, younger "rothers or sisters, cousins, neigh"ors, short travels, co$$unications
such as railways, wireless, posts and telegraphs, correspondence, writings, change of residence,
signing contracts or agree$ents, ru$ours, carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder "lade,
collar"one, ar$s nervous syste$.
.ourth House
Mother, one7s ho$e :native place;, residence, do$estic environ$ents, grave, private affairs etc.,
secret life, vehicles, fields, pastures, far$s, orchards, $ines, "uildings, ancestral property, hidden
treasure, acade$ic education, wells, water, $il), rivers, la)es etc.
.ifth House
>rogeny :children;, inclination, pleasure, artistic talent, recreation, a$use$ent, sports, ro$ance,
co$petitive activities li)e cards, crosswords, lottery, ga$"ling or "etting, love affairs,
a$"assadors, good or "ad $orals, $antraDtantra, religions $indedness, high learning and
wisdo$, intelligence, enor$ous riches, spiritual practice etc.
Sixth House
Sic)ness, diseases, nursing, food, service, e$ployees, su"ordinates or servants, de"ts, cattle,
tenants, ene$ies, $aternal uncle, $iserliness, intense anguish, litigation etc.
Seenth House
(ouse of union or earthly ties, legal "ondage, partner in life :wife or hus"and;, partner in
"usiness, con'ugal life, influence in foreign countries and reputation achieved there, se!ual life,
$arital relations, danger to life, $ara)asthana :house of death;.
(ighth House
=ongevity or span of life, also called house of death :"ecause end of longevity is death;#
inheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension and gratuity, accidents, death "y drowning, fire or
suicide# $isery, $isfortune, sorrow, strife, worries, disgrace, delay, de'ection, disappoint$ent,
defeat, loss and o"struction, theft, ro""ery, chronic diseases.
'inth House
Aaith, wisdo$ and divine worship# fortune or luc) :"hagya;, philosophy, religious and
philosophical "eliefs, $editation, intuition and forethought, places of worship, sacrifices and
charity, father, preceptor :<uru;, teaching, &hanna, grandchildren, drea$s and visions, )nees#
co$$unication with spirits, long 'ourneys, voyage, air travel, higher education, foreign travel.
Tenth House
highs, honour, dignity, pu"lic estee$, na$e and fa$e, power prestige, credit :for good wor) and
conduct;, success and status, ran) and renown, respect and reputation, a$"ition and authority,
worldly activities, responsi"ilities, per$anency :in service;, pro$otion, advance$ent,
appoint$ent, profession, last rites to one7s parents, religious functions. <overn$ent, high position
such as >resident, >ri$e Minister or Minister, pilgri$age to holy places, honour fro$
(leenth House
Ariends, society, co$$unity, favourites, a$"itions, wishes, desires and their fulfil$ent, gains of
wealth, success in underta)ings, inco$ing wealth, profits, prosperity, elder "rothers and sisters,
recovery fro$ illness, dawn of fortune, an)les.
Twelfth House
=oss and i$pedi$ents, restraint and li$itation, waste and e!travagance, e!penses, drudgery and
deception, invest$ents, donations, charities, separation fro$ fa$ily, going to far away places,
sorrow and sin, $isery and $isfortune, poverty, i$prison$ent, secret ene$ies, confine$ent in
hospital, association, fraud, scandal, disgrace, secret sorrows, success through occult affairs, the
feet, the left eye, the left ear, co$forts of "ed, de"ts, life in a foreign place and Mo)sha :final
@ote9DAor fuller details of the Characteristics of the nine planets and the twelve houses, readers
are re4uested to refer to Kalidas7s fa$ous wor) 7?ttara Kala$rita7 which is availa"le "oth in
%nglish and (indi with Ran'an >u"lications.
(ffects of the ; Planets in the Twele Houses
@ow with this chapter we give effects of various planets in the twelve houses of a horoscope. *e
$a)e a start with the effects of the Sun in the Airst (ouse or the Ascendant and the re$aining
The Sun in the .irst House or Ascendant
Sutras /D0/D5f the Sun is posited in the Airst (ouse or Ascendant, the native will en'oy good
health. (e will "e of "ilious constitution and will suffer fro$ diseases of the eye. (e will "e wise
and of good conduct. (e will have acidic sto$ach and will "e "ereft of )nowledge and sense. (e
will "e highly intelligent, will spea) less, and will wander away fro$ his native place. (e will "e
happy. 5f the Sun is in Aries :that is in his sign of e!altation;, the native will get na$e and fa$e. 5f
such Sun is aspected "y "enefics, the native will "eco$e highly learned. 5f the Sun is in
de"ilitation :that is, in the sign =i"ra;, the native will "e dignified. (e will, however, "e devoid of
learning and power and "e "lind. hese ill effects will not "e felt, if the Sun is aspected "y
"enefics :Jupiter or Venus;. 5f the Sun "e in =eo, or =eo @ava$sha, the native will ac4uire
lordship over so$e territory. 5f the Sun "e in Cancer, the native will "e )nowledgea"le. (e will,
however, suffer fro$ "oils in the "ody. 5f the Sun "e in Capricorn, the native will suffer fro$ heart
disease. 5f the Sun "e in >isces, the native will "e su"servient to wo$en. 5f the Sun "e in Virgo,
the native will "e father of daughters only. (e will lose his wife and will "e ungrateful. he native
will en'oy good health if the Sun "e in his own sign =eo, "ut if the Sun is in association with
$alefics or "e in his ene$y7s sign or sign of de"ilitation, the native will suffer fro$ fever in his
third year. Such unfavoura"le effects will not "e felt if the Sun is aspected "y "enefics.
Co$$entsDhe Sun has "een considered as a $alefic planet in (indu Astrology and as a "enefic
"y *esterners. *e feel that a planet who is source of light and life to the universe and who
represents the creator +rah$a, should not "e ter$ed as a $alefic planet although there is no
dou"t that he is a hot and cruel planet. According to this wor) the Sun in the ascendant gives
good health to the native and he is of good conduct. his is "ecause the Sun is a planet signifying
vitality and 2Sattva guna2. (e suffers fro$ "ilious diseases "ecause the Sun is "ilious in
te$pera$ent. (e suffers fro$ eye diseases and is "ereft of children and )nowledge. his can
happen when the Sun is afflicted. he Sun "eing a hot planet and a significator of light and vision
can therefore affect those parts of the "ody which give light and vision, na$ely, eyes. 5t is not
clear how the Sun who is not a significator of children can deprive the native of progeny unless he
is the lord of the 6th house :house of children; and is afflicted "y association or aspect. 5t is said
that with the Sun in the ascendant, the native will "e "ereft of )nowledge "ut he will "e highly
intelligent. hese two state$ents are contradictory. *e "elieve that the Sun unless is dignified will
"estow the native )nowledge and learning.
Very favoura"le results have "een attri"uted to the Sun if he is in Aries, that is, his sign of
e!altation. his is so "ecause with Aries 2as Ascendant the Sun will "e lord of 6th house :a trinal
and very "eneficial house;. Moreover the state of e!altation will provide further dignity to an
already "eneficial trinal lord. (e "eco$es learned "ecause the 6th house signifies intellectual
capacity and when lord of such a house is well placed in his sign of e!altation, the native will
"eco$e highly learned. (e also gets na$e and fa$e "ecause 6th house is Bth to Bth house
which signifies high learning, "hagya and prosperity. Aor the Sun in =i"ra :that is, in his sign of
de"ilitation; unfavoura"le results li)e "eing devoid of learning have "een indicated. +ut it is not
clear how the author has ta)en the view that the native will "e dignified when the Sun is
de"ilitated in the Ascendant. *ith =eo as ascendant, the place$ent of the Sun there is an ideal
position for hi$ and naturally very favoura"le results will follow.
he Sun in Cancer as ascendant is said to cause "oils in the "ody. he ascendant represents
"ody of the native and Cancer "eing a watery sign, the hot effect of the Sun is li)ely to "ring
a"out such trou"les. 5n >isces the Sun $a)es the nativeD su"servient to wo$en. he only reason
for this can "e the place$ent of the Sun in a fe$ale and dual sign in which he perhaps loses his
do$ineering faculty.
*hen the Sun is in Virgo in the ascendant the native will have only daughters and will lose his
wife. *hen Virgo is ascendant, the Sun will "e lord of /0th house, that is, the house si!th to Cth
:house of wife;. he aspect of the unfavoura"le /0th lord on the Cth house is li)ely to cause the
loss of wife. Virgo "eing a fe$ale sign when containing the Sun is li)ely to give only daughters. 5t
is also "elieved that Virgo natives generally get $ore daughters than sons.
Aor the interest of readers we give "elow in "rief the views given in respect of the Sun7s position
in the ascendant, "y other recognised classical te!ts9D
+rihat Jata)aD5f the Sun occupies the /st house at a person7s "irth he will "e valiant, o"stinate,
will have defective eyes and "e cruel hearted. +ut if Aries "e the ascendant, the person will earn
hi$self "ut will suffer fro$ eye disease. 5f the Sun "e in =eo, the person concerned will "e night
"lind. 5f =i"ra "e the ascendant, the native will "e "lind and poor as well. 5f the ascendant "e
Cancer with the Sun in it, the person concerned will have infla$ed eyes.
Saravali states the Sun "e in the ascendant the native will "e la3y, of 4uic) te$per, proud, cruel,
valiant and unforgiving. (e will have cataract in his eyes if the Sun "e in Cancer. (e will have
defective eye sight, if Sun "e in Aries in the ascendant. he Sun in =eo will $a)e the native night
"lind. 5f the Sun "e in =i"ra, the native will "e poor and issueless.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native who has the Sun in the ascendant has a good nose and "ody
and a high forehead. (e is trou"led on account of his wife, children and fa$ily. (e suffers fro$
"ilious diseases. (e is always travelling. (is wealth is not constant. (e has ups and downs in this
@oteD5t will "e seen that there is consensus that the Sun in the ascendant adversely affects the
eyes. @or$ally the Sun who is hi$self the source of light cannot ta)e light out of the eyes. his
adverse result descri"ed a"ove see$s to "e due to the fact that while in the ascendant the Sun
will "e posted in a house of loss and e!penditure, that is /0th to the second house which t7s inter
alia significator of eye sight and vision.
The Sun in the Second House
Sutras 00D10D5f the Sun is in the second house, the native will suffer fro$ diseases of the $outh.
5n his 06th year he will incur wrath of <overn$ent and as a conse4uence will suffer loss of
wealth. his will not happen if the Sun is in Aries :that is, e!alted; or in =eo :own sign;. 5f Sun is
associated with a $alefic, the native will get diseases of the eye, he will have little )nowledge of
ancient scriptures :Shastras; and will re$ain in ill health. 5f the Sun is aspected "y "enefics the
native will "e protected fro$ the a"ove evil effects and will "eco$e wealthy. 5f the Sun is with
Mercury the native will sta$$er in speech. 5f the lord of the second house is posited in his sign of
e!altation, the native will tal) succinctly and clearly, will have )nowledge of ancient scriptures, will
"e learned, will en'oy good eye sight. his disposition will cause Ra'ayoga as a result of which
native will ac4uire na$e, fa$e and wealth.
Co$$entsDSecond house is significator of $outh. (ere affliction of the Sun therefore causes
diseases of the $outh. he second house is also significator of wealth. he Sun represents <ovt.
herefore affliction of the house of wealth "y the Sun causes loss of wealth "y the wrath of <ovt.
he author says that this event ta)es place in the 06th year. his can "e verified only "y practical
e!perience. (owever, there is no such effect if the Sun and the second house are aspected "y
"enefics :li)e Jupiter and Venus;.
5n the second house the Sun with $alefics is said to cause eye diseases. his is 4uite
understanda"le as the second house is a significator of eyesight and vision. As the second house
will "e "adly afflicted "y the Sun and other $alefics, the eyesight will "e adversely affected. his
disposition will also cause ill health as the Sun signifies vitality and his affliction will wea)en
vitality and conse4uently the native will suffer fro$ ill health. 5t is said that these evil effects will
not arise if the Sun :in association with $alefics; is aspected "y "enefics. Hur view is that the evil
affects will not "e entirely wiped off "y the aspect of "enefics "ut the diseases, will respond to
curative treat$ent. (e is also li)ely to ac4uire wealth if the "enefic influence is $ore do$inant
than the $alefic influence. 5t is said that if the Sun is with Mercury, the native will sta$$er in his
speech. <enerally Mercury who is significator of speech, is co$"ust on account of nearness to
the Sun. 5f Mercury is cornD"ust the spea)ing faculty will "e adversely affected. his will not
happen if $ercury is not co$"ust. Very favoura"le results have "een indicated in the $atter of
speech, na$e, fa$e and wealth if the lord of the second house is in his sign of e!altation. hese
results will certainly "e e!perienced "y the native if the lord of the second house in his position of
e!altation is placed in houses other than 1,-,., and /0.
he view of the other i$portant classical tests in regard to effects of the Sun in the second house
are given "elow9D
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e i$$ensely rich "ut will "e deprived of his wealth "y a
)ing and will suffer diseases in the face.
>haldeepi)aDhe person concerned will "e devoid of 1- learning, $odesty and wealth. (e will
have defect in his speech.
SaravaliDhe native will possess cattle and servants. (e will suffer fro$ disease of the $outh. (e
will "e "ereft of fa$e and co$forts. (e will ac4uire wealth fro$ the )ing or the thieves "y
4uestiona"le $eans.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e learned. (e will possess cows, horses and elephants.
(e will incur e!penditure on good causes. (e will 4uarrel with $e$"ers of his fa$ily on account
of his wife. All his efforts to ac4uire wealth will go in vain.
@oteD5t will "e seen that in essence the effects given "y the authors are the sa$e as given "y
+hrigu SutrasD5n fact the views of the latter are $ore logical and $eaningful.
The Sun in the Third House
Sutras 11DG0D5f the Sun is in the third house, the native will "e "rotherless :no younger "rothers;
and his elder "rothers will not survive. 5n the Gth, 6th .th and the /0th years he will suffer fro$
"odily trou"les. 5f the Sun is associated with a $alefic, the @ative will do cruel deeds. (e will have
two $others and will "e valourous "ecause when the Sun alone will deny younger "rothers vide
Sutra 11, how can he with association of a $alefic give two "rothers;. (e will "e a "rave fighter.
(e will have a good reputation and will en'oy his wealth. 5f the Sun is associated with a "enefic,
the "rothers will "eco$e prosperous. 5f the lord of the third house is strong, the "rother will "e
long lived. 5f the Sun is associated with a $alefic and is also aspected "y a $alefic the fa$ily will
"e destroyed . 5f the Sun is aspected "y a "enefic :and has no $alefic influence; there will "e
growth of fa$ily and the native will "e wealthy, will en'oy good life and will "e happy.
Co$$entsD5t is an accepted principle of (indu Astrology that $alefics in upchaya houses, na$ely
1,- /8 and // give "eneficial results. +ut according to the learned author while the Sun will $a)e
the native valourous and wealthy, he will destroy "rothers particularly when he is in association
with a $alefic when he will also destroy the fa$ily. he third house "eing second to the second
house :house of fa$ily; "eco$es a $ara)asthana for the fa$ily and $alefic influence on the third
house will cause destruction of the fa$ily. 5t is said that if the Sun is in association with a $alefic,
the native will have two $others. he third house "eing /0th to the Gfh house, it will "e the house
of loss for the Gth house :house of $other;. (ence it is li)ely that the native7s $other will die and
his father after re$arriage will provide hi$ with another $other. +enefic influences on the Sun,
the third house and the lord of the third house will not only enhance prosperity of the fa$ily and
"rothers who will also "e long lived, "ut such a disposition will also $a)e the native wealthy and
happy. 5f the Sun is associated with "enefics, the ninth house :house of "hagya; will "e
"enefically affected "y "eneficial aspects fro$ the third house. 5f the Sun is aspected "y "enefics,
this aspect will co$e $ostly fro$ the ninth house. hus the ninth will give favoura"le results
ena"ling the native to get na$e, fa$e and wealth. he Sun "eing a planet of vitality will add to
the signification of valour and $a)e the native valourous and courageous "ut "eing a cruel
planet, the Sun will $a)e the native indulge in cruelty.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will possess a good intellect and great strength.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e $il of strength, valourous, wealthy and generous "ut he will "e
ini$ical towards his relations.
MansagariDhe native will have no "rothers. (e will do good to his friends and will have wife and
children. (e will "e wealthy, patient, of forgiving nature and will "e li)ed "y wo$en.
SaravaliDhe native will "e valourous, full of strength, respected, good loo)ing, learned and
con4ueror of ene$ies.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e full of valour. (e suffers on account of his real "rothers.
(e goes on pilgri$ages and always con4uers his ene$ies in the "attle field. (e is provided with
co$forts "y the )ing.
@oteD5f will "e seen that e!cept in so$e respects, the effects of the Sun in the third house given in
the a"ove wor)s tally with those given "y +hrigu Sutras. (owever, +hrigu Sutras has e$phasised
the necessity of "enefic influence on the Sun and the third house which is logically $aintaina"le.
The Sun in .ourth House
Sutras G1D68D5f the Sun is in the fourth house, the native will have defective li$"s, he will "e
proud, will "e opposed to the pu"lic and will "e hot constitutionally. 5n the 10nd year of his life he
will get congenial environ$ents. (e will then "eco$e respected and successful, will "e learned,
attain a high position and will "eco$e valorous. (e will not, however, "e well off financially. 5f the
lord of Gth house is strong :"y "eing e!alted; or is in his own sign and is posited in a 4uadrant
:Kendra; or trine :tri)ona house na$ely /,6 or B;, he will ac4uire high class conveyances. 5f the
lord of the Gth is associated with or aspected "y a $alefic or is placed in a "ad house :1, -,. or
/0;, the native will have to do with a low type of conveyance. (e will have no land of his own and
will live in other people7s houses.
Co$$entsDD5t is said that the native will have defective li$"s if the Sun is in the fourth. his is a
very general state$ent Hur view is that "ecause of $alefic influence of the Sun only that part of
the "ody can "eco$e defective which is governed "y the fourth house. he state$ent that the
native will do well in the 10nd year of his life and will attain high position etc. can "e verified "y
practical e!perience. *e have found it correct in only one case so far. 5t is not clear how after
getting a favoura"le turn in his life and attaining a high position, the native will not "e well off
financially. >erhaps the Sun will not allow hi$ to accu$ulate wealth, +hrigu SutrasDhas given
great i$portance to the position of the lord of the Gth house in delineating its effects. his is a
very logical and weighty principle. @o house can prosper unless its lord is well placed. he fourth
house signifies native7s own land, own house and his native place. 5n spite of the Sun "eing in the
fourth house, if the lord of the Gth house is strong and well placed, the native will en'oy the
co$forts of his own land, house and native place. 5f the lord of the Gth is ill placed or is otherwise
under $alefic influence, the native will "e deprived of these co$forts. 5t is evident that the Sun
alone is not good for the signification of the Gth house. 5t is surprising that +hrigu Sutras $a)es
no $ention of the $other of which the Gth house is a strong significator. Hur view is that the
$other will suffer "y the presence of the Sun in the Gfh house unless the Sun is in his own sign or
has "enefic influence on hi$ or the lord of the Gth and the Moon are well placed. he Sun will
also adversely affect the do$estic happiness of the native.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will have no happiness and will "e trou"led in $ind.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e unhappy, without friends and relations and any land or house. (e
will also lose his paternal property.
MansagariDhe native will "e very socia"le, soft hearted, e!pert in vocal and instru$ental $usic,
con4ueror, will en'oy co$pany of his wife and wealth and will "e li)ed "y the )ing.
SaravaliDhe native will "e unhappy, without wealth and conveyances, paternal house. (e will
s4uander away what he has and will "e in the service of a wic)ed )ing.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will always re$ain away fro$ his native place. (e will "e
defeated "y his ene$y and will have no peace of $ind.
@oteD5t will "e seen that all the wor)s $entioned a"ove spea) of adverse results on account of
the presence of the Sun in the Kfourth house. heir conclusions are logical and relevant to the
significations of the fourth house. hey do not contradict the views given "y +hrigu Sutras "ut
supple$ent the$. Hnly Manasagari has given "eneficial results with which we respectfully
e!press our dissent. 5n our practical e!perience, we have seen Sun in Gth house :without any
"enefic influence; playing havoc with the lives of people. Hne Ma)ar =agna :Capricorn
Ascendant; native had Sun in Aries :e!alted; in the Gfh house. She had at one ti$e "een a
leading actress in the 5ndian fil$s. *e have no words to descri"e the wretched life she was
leading in her $idDforties when she $et us. @ot "ad off financially :as her horoscope was
otherwise good;, she had a very distur"ing do$estic life and had a"solutely no peace of $ind.
(er hus"and and children had all 'oined against her to $a)e her life $isera"le.
The Sun in the .ifth House
Sutras 6/D6.D5f the Sun is in the fifth house, the native will "e poor, of "ul)y "ody and in his
seventh year his father will face death, serious illness or $isfortune. he native will "e wise and
"rilliant "ut will have few children. 5f the lord of the 6th is well placed and strong there will "e no
death of sons. 5f the Sun is associated with Rahu or Ketu, there will "e loss of children due to
curse of the Serpent <od. 5f the Sun is in con'unction with Mars, there will "e loss of children due
to ene$y "ut there will "e no such loss if the co$"ination of the Sun and Rahu or the Sun and
Ketu or the Sun and Mars is aspected "y a "enefic :Jupiter or Venus;. *hen the Sun is in the fifth
house the native will "eco$e a devotee of the Sun <od. 5f the Sun is strong the children will "e
Co$$entsDhe 6th is Bth to Bth house and is therefore treated as a house of fortune :+hagya;
also. he author7s view see$s to "e that the Sun as a $alefic afflicts the 6th house and therefore
the native re$ains devoid of wealth. *hile we agree with this view, we also hold the view that the
native will have good fortune if the Sun "eco$es a functional "enefic on account of lordship of an
auspicious house. he Sun is a functional "enefic, :a; Aor aurus Ascendant when as lord of the
Gth in 6th , :-; =eo Ascendant when as lord of the Ascendant, he will "e in the 6th, :c; for =i"ra
Ascendant when he will "e lord of //th in the 6th , :d; for Scorpio Ascendant when as lord of the
/8th he will "e in the 6th and :e; for Sagittarius Ascendant when as lord of the Bth he will "e in the
6th in Aries, his sign of e!altation. 5n these cases the Sun in 6th will $a)e the native wealthy,
learned, respected and very intelligent. here is no dou"t that affliction of the Sun "y Rahu, Ketu
or Mars in the 6th house will cause loss of children unless there is a powerful influence of a
"enefic on the 6th house. he adverse results $ay also not occur if the lord of the 6th and Jupiter
:significator of children; are well placed and have "enefic influence on the$. 5t is said that if the
Sun is strong in the fifth, the sons will "e prosperous. his will happen only when the Sun is in his
own sign =eo or when the Sun is in Aries his sign of e!altation. *hen the Sun is posited in these
signs, the native will not only "e well off hi$self, he will "e "lessed with healthy and prosperous
children who will "e a source of happiness to hi$.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e childless and with out wealth.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e "ereft of happiness, wealth and children. (e will also "e short
lived. (e will "e intelligent and wise and will "e fond of wandering in the 'ungles.
SaravaliDhe native will "e unhappy, poor, without children, agriculturist, resident of $ountainous
regions, wise, without "odily strength and short lived.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will lose his eldest son. (e will "e very intelligent and will
influence others "y his superior )nowledge. (e will accu$ulate wealth. (e will die on account of
so$e sto$ach ail$ent.
@oteD5t will "e seen that the views e!pressed in the a"ove recognised wor)s tally in essence with
those e!pressed in +hrigu Sutras. As we have already stated in our detailed co$$ents a"ove,
the adverse results such as loss of children etc. with the Sun in the 6th will "e e!perienced with
ascendants other than Aries, aurus, =eo, =i"ra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Hf course adverse
results $ay "e e!pected in the case of all the ascendants when the Sun, the fifth house, lord of
the 6th and Jupiter are under $alefic influence. he accu$ulation of wealth as $entioned in
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani will happen only when the Sun in the 6th is a functional "enefic. his wor)
also says that native will. die fro$ a sto$ach ail$ent. he reasoning "ehind this state$ent is that
the 6th house represents a$ongst other things the sto$ach also. he affliction of the 6th house
"y the Sun will cause sto$ach ail$ents.
The Sun in the Sixth House
Sutras 6BD-.D5f the Sun is in the si!th house, the native will "elong to lower caste. (e will have
$any ene$ies "ut will "e very well off financially. 5n his twentieth year the native will suffer fro$
eye diseases, "ut if the Sun is aspected "y a "enefic, he will not suffer fro$ eye afflictions. he
native will wander in 'ungles and will ta)e great interest in chantingL $antras. (e will have good
reputation "ut he will have $ental worries and will "e constitutionally hot. 5f the lord of the si!th is
associated with a "enefic, the native will en'oy good health. (e will have $any relations and
$any ene$ies. 5f the lord of the si!th is wea), there will "e destruction of ene$ies. he father will
also possess a wea) constitution.
Co$$entsDhe Sun is a royal planet and "elongs to high caste "ut when he is placed in the si!th
which is a "ad house :&usthana;, the native will "elong to a "ac)ward caste. he si!th house is
significator of diseases and ene$ies. 5ll place$ent of the Sun will cause eye diseases :the Sun
"eing significator of vision; and growth of ene$ies. Si!th is also an upachaya house where
$alefics "ring na$e, fa$e and wealth to the native. he Sun in si!th will give this good "enefit to
the native. he Sun is ar significator of $ountains and 'ungles. 5ll place$ent of the Sun will $a)e
the native wander in 'ungles, "ut as satva guna planet, the Sun will $a)e the native ta)e interest
in chanting $antras to protect hi$self fro$ difficulties. he native will have $ental worries
"ecause of ene$ies and ill health.
5t is stated in Sutras -6D-- that if the lord of the si!th is in con'unction with a "enefic the results
will "e :a; the native will en'oy good health :-; there will "e an increase of ene$ies. o us these
two effects appear to "e contradictory.
As the si!th house signifies ene$ies and diseases, a "enefic influence on the lord of the si!th
should decrease the ill effect of "oth diseases and ene$ies.
According to Sutras -CD-. there will "e destruction of ene$ies if the lord of the si!th is wea). *e
entirely agree with this principle. he logic "ehind this principle see$s to "e that if the lord of the
si!th is strong, the evil signification of the si!th house will gain strength and there will "e great
har$ and trou"le fro$ the ene$ies. 5f the lord is wea), the significations will "eco$e wea) and
there will "e destruction of ene$ies or there $ay "e no ene$ies. A lord of an evil house "eco$es
$ore har$ful if it "eco$es strong and it "eco$es a "enefic when it is wea). *e would li)e to
$ention here that if the Sun is placed in his own sign =eo in the si!th house, only good results
should "e e!pected. Hf course in such a situation there should not "e any $alefic influence on
the Sun.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person "orn will "e powerful "ut will "e over powered "y his ene$ies.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e glorious li)e a )ing. (e will "e fa$ous, wealthy, endowed with
good 4ualities and a con4ueror.
SaravaliDhe native will "e very passionate, will suffer fro$ acidic trou"les, will "e powerful,
wealthy, a )ing or li)e a )ing.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e destroyer of ene$ies. (is wealth will "e spent on the
)ing :<overn$ent, or on friends. (e will "e trou"led "y $aternal relations and ani$als and
@oteDAll are agreed that the Sun in the si!th house gives the native, wealth, good reputation and
high position "ut "ad health and ene$ies. he a"ove views $ay"e ta)en into account along with
the views e!pressed "y +hrigu. Sutras which appear to "e $ore logical and "ased on well
esta"lished astrological principles.
The Sun in the Seenth House
Sutras -BDCGD5f the Sun is in the seventh house the $arriage of the native will ta)e place late :that
is, long after the $arriagea"le age;. (e will not respect the opposite se!. (e will indulge in se!ual
relations with wo$en other than his wife. (e will have $ore than one wife. 5n his 06th year he will
travel to a place far away fro$ his native land. (e will "e witty and fond of nonDvegetarian food.
(e will not have fair dealings with his wife. (e will "e of unsta"le $ind. 5f the Sun is posited in his
own sign =eo, the native will live with only one wife. 5f the Sun is associated with an ene$y or
de"ilitated planet, or if he is associated with or aspected "y a $alefic, the native will have a
nu$"er of wives :or will have se!ual contacts with $any wo$en.;
Co$$entsD5t is clear fro$ what is stated a"ove that the place$ent of the Sun in the Cth house is
not at all favoura"le for $arital relations e!cept when he is in own sign =eo. he $arriage of the
native will "e delayed pro"a"ly "ecause of his incapa"ility to settle down with one wo$an.
Aurther "eing a $alefic planet he will spoil the nor$al significations of the Cth house. he Sun is
a hot planet. (e also signifies vitality and virility. he native will therefore "e a"nor$ally
passionate and will run after $ore than one wo$an to satisfy his carnal desires. his vice will "e
further accentuated when there are $alefic influences on the Sun as descri"ed in Sutras C1 and
CG. Sutra C8 says that the native will go away to a far off place if the Sun is in the seventh in his
horoscope. *e re$e$"er of one case a"out the correctness of this state$ent which was
reported in one of the issues of >rof +.V. Ra$an7s Astrological $aga3ine. *e would advise the
readers to verify this "y practical e!perience.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned should suffer hu$iliation at the hands of wo$en.
>haldeepi)aDSo$e part of the "ody of the native will "e afflicted. he native will act against the
interests of the <ovt. (e will wander ai$lessly and get hu$iliated. he native will "e devoid of
happiness fro$ wife.
SaravaliDhe native will "e without luster on his face, he will get hu$iliated in pu"lic, he will suffer
fro$ diseases and will do deeds which $ay lead hi$ into prison. (e will "e i$$oral and will have
no respect for wo$en.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe wife of the native will suffer. he "ody of the native will "e afflicted.
(e will always "e worrying. (e will suffer loss in "usiness. +ecause of his 'ealous nature he will
never get proper sleep.
@oteD5t is clear fro$ the a"ove views that if the Sun is in the Cth house, the native will "e i$$oral
in all sorts of ways. +ecause of his i$$oral nature, he will get involved in affairs which will lead to
his hu$iliation "y wo$en. Aor the sa$e reason his $arital life will not "e happy. (e will not "e
patriotic and will act against the )ing or <overn$ent. Aor this reason he $ay have to wander here
and there. As far as the i$$orality of the native is concerned the views e!pressed in +hrigu
Sutras are supported "y the authorities $entioned a"ove.
The Sun in the (ighth House
Sutras C6D.0D5f the Sun is in the eighth house the native will get few children. (e will suffer fro$
eye diseases. 5n the /8th year he will suffer fro$ a head in'ury "ut he will not get this if the Sun is
aspected "y a "enefic. he native will have $eager wealth and the do$estic cattle, cow,
"uffaloes "elonging to the native will get destroyed. (e will suffer fro$ chronic ail$ents of the
"ody "ut he will "e fa$ous. 5f theLlord of eighth is associated with strong planets, the native will
"eco$e owner of the land of his choice. 5f the Sun is e!alted :in Aries; or in his own sign :=eo;,
the native will "e long lived.
Co$$entsDhe native will suffer fro$ eye diseases as the Sun in the eighth house afflicts "y
powerful aspect the 0nd house which is a significator of eye sight and right eye. (is suffering fro$
head in'ury in the /8th year is a $atter for verification "y practical e!perience, "ut accidents is
one of the significations of the eighth house and the head in'ury $ight "e caused "y so$e sort of
accident. (e will have $eager wealth "ecause of the affliction "y aspect of the 0nd house which
is the house of wealth :&hana +hava;. 5t is difficult to e!plain how cattle of the native will "e
destroyed "y the presence of the Sun in the eighth house and it is again a $atter for verification
"y practical e!perience. he eighth house signifies chronic diseases, so the native will suffer fro$
such diseases on account of the $alefic influence of the Sun in this house. he Sun is a planet of
longevity and his "eing strong "y "eing in e!altation or "y his "eing in his own sign will enhance
the span of life of the native. he native getting land of his own choice if the Sun is associated
with strong planets, is not clear to us. he eighth house has nothing to do with lands. 5n fact if the
Sun as lord of the Gth is in the .th, the native is li)ely to lose the lands or the house he
possesses. (owever, a "enefic and strong Sun $ay "ring land to the natives "y inheritance.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will have a li$ited nu$"er of issues and will have defective eye sight.
>haldeepi)aDhere will "e loss of wealth, loss of longevity, loss of friends, poor eye sight.
SaravaliDhe native will suffer fro$ eye trou"les, will "e devoid of happiness and wealth, will "e
short lived and unhappy "ecause of separation fro$ near and dear ones.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will always "e ready to do any wor) entrusted to hi$. (e will
always "e in difficulty. (e will have close relations with foreign wo$en. (e will "e a drug addict.
(is $oney will "e stolen "y thieves. (e will suffer fro$ diseases of the secret organs.
@oteD%!cept the views of Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani. the views of the other authorities $entioned
a"ove tally with the conclusions of +hrigu Sutras. he views of Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani are also
relevant to the significations of the eighth house.
The Sun in the 'inth House
Sutras .1D.CD5f the Sun is in the Bth, native will "e a devotee of the Sun and other <ods. (e will
"e religiousD$inded "ut not $uch fortunate and will "e ini$ical to father. 5f the Sun is e!alted or is
in his own sign the results will "e very favoura"le na$ely, the native will "e "lessed with wife and
children. he native7s father will "e long lived. (e will also "e very wealthy, will ta)e interest in
religious rites and $editation and will "e devoted to the preceptor and <od. 5f the Sun is posited
in his sign of de"ilitation :=i"ra;, ene$y or $alefic sign or if he is aspected "y a $alefic, there will
"e loss of father :this $eans that this disposition will adversely affect the longevity of the father;.
5f the Sun is aspected "y or associated with a "enefic, the father will "e long lived.
Co$$entsDhe ninth house "eing house of &har$a, the presence of a Sattva guna planet li)e
the Sun $a)es the native religious $inded and a devotee of <od, "ut its other significations
suffer on account of the Sun "eing a $alefic planet. (e will "eco$e less fortunate and the native
will have ini$ical relations with his, father :ninth house is a significator for father;. +eing 6th to 6th
the ninth is also house of children. 5t is also house of prosperity and +hagya. 5f the Sun is e!alted
:in this situation the ascendant will "e =eo, and Sun as lord of ascendant will "e e!alted in the
ninth house, an e!cellent disposition;, or in his own sign =eo :this position of lord of the ninth
"eing in the ninth will generate a powerful Ra'a Joga;, all the good results of the ninth house will
"e $agnified. he native will "e "lessed with wife and children, he will "e very fortunateDand
prosperous, he will have great faith in religion, he will pay respect to the preceptor and <od and
his father will "e well off and long lived. Malefic influence on the Sun :and conse4uently also on
the ninth house; will not only adversely affect the longevity of the father "ut also other
significations of this house. +enefic influence will cancel the $alefic results.
Hther ViewsD
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e endowed with children, wealth and happiness.
>haldeepi)aDhe father of the native will not "e happy and "e shortlived. he native will get
happiness fro$ children and relations, and will pay respect to +rah$ins :religious leaders; and
SaravaliDhe native will "e wealthy, "lessed with children, devotee of +rah$ins and <od and
ini$ical towards $other.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e an evil person, he will always "e $entally worried, he
will perfor$ religious rites unwillingly and will suffer fro$ the hands of his real "rothers.
@oteDhe views of the a"ove authorities are self e!planatory. 5t is not clear how Saravali refers to
$other when the Sun and ninth house have nothing to do with her. *e would prefer to give $ore
weight to the views e!pressed in +hrigu Sutras in which a very clear distinction has "een in
effects as a result of "enefic and $alefic, wea) and strong disposition of the Sun and also of the
"enefic and $alefic influences on the Sun and the ninth house. %vidently, +rihat Jata)a and
Saravali have given the effects of a favoura"ly disposed Sun and >haldeepi)a and Cha$at)ar
Chinta$ani have given effects of the Sun according to his nor$al significations :that is as a
$alefic "ut sattva guna planet;.
The Sun in the Tenth House
Sutras ..DB6D5f the Sun is in the tenth house, the native will $a)e distinctive achieve$ents in the
educational sphere "y his /.th year, and will "eco$e fa$ous and 4uite capa"le of learning well.
5f three planets aspect the Sun, the native will "e li)ed "y Dthe )ing :<overn$ent;, he will do pious
deeds, will "e very "rave and valorous and earn good reputation. 5f the Sun is e!alted :that is, he
is in Aries; or is in his own sign =eo, the native will "eco$e powerful and fa$ous on account of
his good 4ualities and achieve$ents. (e will construct reservoirs and te$ples and places for
housing cows and +rah$ins. 5f the Sun is in the sign of a $alefic, or is aspected "y or associated
with a $alefic, there will "e o"structions in his professional career. (e will indulge in evil deeds,
will "e of undesira"le conduct, i$$oral and sinful.
Co$$entsDhe Sun is considered powerful in the /8th house as he gets directional strength in
this house. 5f not afflicted "y $alefic influence, the Sun will give all the favoura"le results
$entioned a"ove. *hen the Sun is e!alted in the /8th, the ascendant will "e Cancer and the Sun
as e!alted .lord of the 0nd house :house of wealth; will "e in /8th. his will give rise to an
e!cellent &hanayoga which will $a)e the native very wealthy and prosperous and a $an of high
status as will "e seen fro$ the following horoscope of the late >andit Moti =al @ehru. 5f the Sun is
in his own sign =eo the lord of /8th will "e in /8th giving rise to a powerful Ra'ayoga and no
achieve$ent will "e too high for hi$. he tenth house is also house of Kar$a. 5t is therefore "ut
natural that "enefic influences on the Sun and the tenth house and its dignity will $a)e the native
do pious deeds, and $alefic influence will turn hi$ i$$oral and $a)e hi$ indulge in evil and
sinful deeds.
As far as the effects of the aspect of the three planets on the Sun as $entioned in Sutra .B, we
see no logic "ehind the conclusion arrived at. *e leave it to the readers to verify this fro$ their
practical e!perience.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e happy and powerful.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e "lessed with children and will have all co$fort7of conveyances. (e
will "e wise, wealthy, powerful and of good reputation.
SaravaliDhe native will "e "lessed with children and will "e wise and wealthy. (e will en'oy the
co$fort of conveyances. (e will achieve success in his profession, will re$ain uncon4uered and
will "e no"le and will attain high status.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ardDhe native win achieve success in his wor) li)e a )ing. (e will cause pain
to his $other :as Sun as a $alefic aspects the fourth house which is significator for $other; and
will get separated fro$ his relations. (e will always "e $entally worried.
@oteDReaders will not fail to realise that good effects given "y +rihat Jata)a, >haldeepi)a and
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani are of the Sun in the tenth house when he is dignified and has "enefic
influences. Very clear distinction has "een $ade of the effects of such influences in the
conclusions given in +hrigu Sutras.
The Sun in the (leenth House
Sutras B-D/80D5f the Sun is in the eleventh house the native will have su"stantial inco$e fro$
agricultural operations. 5n his 06th year he will ac4uire conveyances. +y the use of his wealth and
diplo$atic tal), he will "e a"le to ac4uire $ore wealth. (e will suffer fro$ a serious )ind of fever
and will have cordial relations with his e$ployees. 5f the Sun is with a $alefic he will incur lot of
e!penditure and will "e without any conveyance. 5f the Sun is in his own sign or is e!alted, he will
have i$$ense wealth. 5f the Sun is in con'unction with the lord of the Gth house, he will have
sources of inco$e at $any places and will ac4uire conveyances and will "e very fortunate.
Co$$entsD //th is an upachaya house and is very auspicious and "eneficial for al$ost all
planets unless they are lords of "ad houses or there is $alefic influence on the$. he Sun in the
//th according to Sutra B- gives su"stantial inco$e fro$ agricultural operations. he native also
ac4uires conveyances and is a"le to gain wealth "y tal)ing in a diplo$atic $anner according to
Sutra BC. &iplo$acy is ac4uired "y the native as the Sun aspects the 6th house which signifies
diplo$acy. 5f the Sun is in his own sign or is e!alted the ac4uisition of wealth will "e $ore
accentuated "ut if the Sun is associated with a $alefic there will "e loss of wealth pro"a"ly on
account of native "eco$ing e!travagant. (e will also not possess any conveyance. he
con'unction of the Sun with the lord of Gth has "een stated to "e. very "eneficial to the native.
Although it is not $entioned in the a"ove Sutras, con'unction of the Sun with the lord of 0nd, /st
or Bth would also "e very "eneficial particularly when the Sun "e in his own sign.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe Sun in the i /th house will $a)e the person "orn wealthy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wealthy, longlived and happy. (e will have co$$and over $any
persons, that is, he will "e of high status.
SaravaliDhe native will accu$ulate wealth, will "e powerful, will hate others, will "e without
servants, will stic) to his words and will "e successful in his ventures.
Cha$at)ar Chifita$aniDhe native will ac4uire wealth fro$ the )ing :<overn$ent; and possess
$any )inds of wealth. (e will destroy his ene$ies "y his valour "ut will "e unhappy in the $atter
of children.
@oteDhe eleventh house is a house of gains and all the authorities $entioned a"ove agree with
+hirgu Sutras that the place$ent of the Sun in this house is "eneficial for ac4uisition of wealth.
The Sun in the Twelfth House
Sutras /81D//8D5f the Sun is in the /0th house, the native will suffer fro$ appendicitis in the 1-th
year of his life. (e will waste his $oney on undesira"le purposes, he will "e sinful and will incur
loss of wealth. (e will "e accused of )illing a cow and will live away fro$ his native land. 5f the
Sun is associated with strong and auspicious planet or planets the native will en'oy "lessings of
<od. (e will also en'oy "ed co$forts :se!ual pleasures;. 5f the Sun is in con'unction with $alefics
the native will incur wasteful e!penditure and will "e deprived of "ed co$forts. 5f the Sun is
associated with the lord of the si!th house the native will suffer fro$ leprosy "ut he will recover
fro$ this disease if a "enefic aspects the Sun. he presence of the Sun in the /0th also will $a)e
the native sinful and there will "e aggravation of the diseases he suffers fro$.
Co$$entsDhe /0th is a house of loss in all respects. 5t. 5s also a dusthana. he i$portant
significations of this house $ay "e seen in >art 5DChapter 55. *hen the /0th house is occupied "y
a $alefic planet, the significations of the house play their full role. he Sun in the /0th will give
only unfavoura"le results descri"ed a"ove. he results will not "e so unfavoura"le if there is a
"enefic planet in the /0th "ut whether the planet is a "enefic or a $alefic, the significations of the
house he owns will also suffer "adly. 5f, however, he Sun "e in his own sign =eo in the /0th, the
results will "e good and "eneficial to the native. his disposition will give rise to 7Vipreet
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person will suffer degradation.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e ini$ical towards his father. (e will suffer fro$ eye trou"les. (e will
"e without wealth and childless.
SaravaliDhe native will have a lean "ody. (e will "e one eyed, sinful, childless, ini$ical to his
father, powerless and $ean.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will suffer fro$ eye trou"les. (e will "e victorious in the
"attlefield. (e will live at only one place to earn his livelihood. (e will gain wealth during 'ourneys.
@oteDAll the authorities e!cept Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani agree with the views of +hrigu Sutras that
inauspicious results follow fro$ the place$ent of the Sun in /0th house according to
significations of this house. hey have not given the effects of the "enefic influences on the Sun,
as descri"ed in +hrigu Sutras.
(ffects of the 1oon in Twele Houses
The 1oon in the first House of Ascendant
Sutras /D.D5f the Moon is in the first house :ascendant;, the native will "e very handso$e loo)ing
"ut unsteady $entally. (e will suffer fro$ "odily trou"les and will "e happy at watery places. (e
will perfor$ $any travels in his /6th year. 5f the Moon in the Ascendant is in Aries, aurus or
Cancer, the native will "e well versed in shastras :(indu religious scriptures;, wealthy, happy and
soft spo)en. (e will have soft s)in and strong "uild "ut he will not "e intelligent. 5f the Moon is
aspected "y "enefics, the native will "e powerful, wise, intelligent, healthy, clever
conversationalist and wealthy. 5f the lord of the ascendant is wea), the native will suffer fro$ ill
health. 5f he is aspected "y a "enefic the health will "e good.
Co$$entsDMoon sy$"olises "eauty. (er place$ent in the ascendant $a)es the native very
handso$e in appearance. Moon is always waning and wa!ing and represents $ind :$anas)aD
ra)a;. he $ind of the native will therefore "e unsteady. Moon is a watery planet. he native will
therefore li)e watery places. *hen the Moon is in Aries in the ascendant, she will "e lord of the
Gth in the /st. *hen she is in aurus she will "e e!alted as lord of the 1rd in the /st. *hen the
Moon is in Cancer she will "e in her own sign, in the Ascendant. he effects of these dispositions
given are that the native will "e versed in shastras, wealthy, happy, a )ing. (e will "e soft spo)en,
will "e of strong "ody "ut not intelligent. *e agree with the author in as far as position of Moon
with Aries and Cancer as ascendants "ut we are not sure that the sa$e will "e the case with
aurus as ascendant. he View of +havartha Ratna)ar in this respect is as under9 hat is, the
Moon in aurus as ascendant is not particularly good for giving wealth. *e also feel that the
Moon should "e wa!ing :or full Moon; to give the good results in full. *e also feel that Moon in
Scorpio, =i"ra and >isces in the Ascendant will also "e good "ecause she will "e in the
ascendant as lord of the Bth, the /8th and the 6th respectively. he reason for the native not
"eing intelligent $ay "e due to the insta"ility of native7s $ind. 5f the Moon is aspected "y a
"enefic the native will "e powerful, intelligent, wealthy etc. Very good results will accrue when
Jupiter is in seventh to Moon :this disposition will give rise to <a')esari yogaDa very "eneficial
yoga conferring wealth, na$e and fa$e upon the native;. Aor a planet to give good results it is
very necessary for the lord of the sign in which it is posited, to "e strong and well placed. 5t is for
this reason it is said that if the lord of the ascendant is wea) the native will suffer fro$ ill health.
(e will "e 4uite healthy if the lord of the ascendant gets "enefic aspect.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e $ute, insane, stupid, "lind, "ase or $ean, deaf or
servile :this does not apply to "irth with Moon in Aries, aurus or Cancer;. 5f the Moon should
occupy her own house identical with the Ascendant, the person will "e rich. 5f Aries ta)es the
place of Cancer, the person concerned will have $any children. 5f aurus "e the ascendant, the
person will "e wealthy.
>haldeepi)aD5f the Moon of the "right half of the lunar $onth :Su)la >a)sha; is in the ascendant,
the native will "e fearless, of strong "ody, wealthy and long lived. Muite opposite will "e the
results if the Moon is of dar) half of the lunar $onth.
SaravaliD5f the Moon is in Aries, aurus or Cancer in the ascendant or if the full Moon is posited in
other ascendants, the native will head in handso$eness, generosity, good 4ualities, wealth and
A waning Moon in the ascendant will $a)e the native $ean, deaf, $ute and pertur"ed.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniD5f the Moon "e in Aries, aurus and Cancer in the ascendant, the person
concerned will "e rich, lustrous and will en'oy all )inds of co$forts. 5f Moon "e in <e$ini, =eo,
Virgo, =i"ra, Scorpio Capricorn, A4uarius and >isces in the ascendant, the native will "e poor,
wea) "odied, stupid and deaf.
@oteDhe ill effects of the Moon given "y +ri)at Jata)a apply to a wea) or waning Moon. 5n Aries,
aurus and Cancer the Moon has "een held very "eneficial. he effects given "y Saravali are
4uite logical. As regards the views of Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani, we feel that Moon in >isces,
Scorpio and =i"ra in the ascendant will also give good results as such a Moon will "e in the
ascendant as lord of the 6th, the Bth and the /8th respectively.
The 1oon in the Second House
Sutras BD/GDhe native will "e handso$e in appearance, full of glory, wealthy and easily satisfied.
5n his /.th year he will get the appoint$ent as his co$$anderDinDchief "y the )ing :this can also
$ean that he gets a distinguished professional achieve$ent "y the favour of the )ing in his /.th
year;. 5f the Moon is associated with a $alefic, the native will "e uneducated. 5f the Moon is in
con'unction with "enefic or "enefics, the native will "e highly educated and wealthy. 5f only .full
Moon is in the second house, the native will "e very wealthy and highly educated.
Co$$entsDhe second house a$ongst other things is also significator efface. he Moon in the
first as well as in the second house gives the native a handso$e appearance. 5t is stated that if
the Moon is in the second, the native is appointed co$$anderDinDchief in the /.th year of his life.
his is difficult to swallow. 5t is hardly li)ely that any person at the tender age of /. can "e
capa"le of and 4ualified to hold such a high and responsi"le post. his $ay have "een possi"le
in the ti$es of the author "ut it is 4uite i$practica"le nowDaDdays. All that we should infer fro$ this
state$ent is that a "enefic Moon in the second :prefera"ly in Aries, aurus or Cancer; will help
the native to achieve in his young age a distinct professional achieve$ent "y the favour of the
King and <overn$ent. he second house is house of wealth :&hana"hava;. According to author
of +hrigu Sutras educational achieve$ents also fall within the sphere of the second house. hat
is why it is stated that if Moon is under $alefic influence, the native will "e uneducated. 5f the
Moon in the second house is under "enefic influence, or if there is a full Moon alone in the
second house, the native will "e highly educated and wealthy. 5n this connection it should "e
noted that full Moon is rated as a first class "enefic.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will have a largeDfa$ily.
>haldeepi)aD5f the Moon is in the second the native will "e soft spo)en and will en'oy all $aterial
co$forts, "ut there will "e so$ething wrong with his speech.
SaravaliD@ative will get all co$forts of life and happiness, will have friends and will "e wealthy. 5f
there is full Moon in the second house the native will "e very rich "ut will not "e $uch tal)ative.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will gain wealth and en'oy all co$forts of the "ody :that is, he
will "e very healthy;. (e will en'oy wo$en and will "e affectionate towards $e$"ers of his fa$ily.
(e will "e very handso$e.
@oteDAll are agreed that the Moon in the second house will give very "eneficial results according
to the significations of this house, assu$ing however, that there is no $alefic influence on such
Moon. 5t should also "e assu$ed that the lord of the second is well placed in the horoscope. (ere
we also ta)e the li"erty of $entioning that Moon in the second house will not give good results if
she is lord of -th, .th and /0th. his will happen when A4uarius, Sagittarius and =eo are the
ascendants respectively.
The 1oon in the Third House
Sutras /6D/.D5f the Moon is in the third house the native will have average nu$"er of sisters. (e
will suffer fro$ rheu$atic trou"les, his agricultural output will "e negligi"le and he will "e
unfortunate. 5n his 0Gth year he will get punish$ent fro$ <overn$ent as a result of which he will
have to suffer loss of wealth. (e will lose his cattle wealth. (e will "e a "ac)"iter "ut intelligent
and will have good nu$"er of "rothers.
Co$$entsDAccording to the learned author of +hrigu Sutras, the place$ent of the Moon in the
third house is not favoura"le in the $atter of finance. *e, however, thin) that things will change
for the "etter if the Moon is in aurus :when she will "e e!alted as the lord of the 6th; or in Cancer
when she will "e in his own house and aspect the ninth house i.e., house of "hagya and
prosperity. he significationD"rothers and sisters are not da$aged "y the presence of the Moon in
the third house. (aving negligi"le agricultural production, pay$ent of penalties to <overn$ent
and loss of cattle wealth are all results of "eing unfortunate.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e cruel.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e happy on account of his "rothers. (e will "e into!icated with
power and will "e courageous, "ut $iser.
SaravaliDhe native will loo). after his "rothers well, he will "e healthy and strong and also
courageous. (e will "e educated and will accu$ulate clothes and grains.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe person concerned will ac4uire wealth through his valour :that is "y
ar$y service;. (e will "e a powerful saint even after having se!ual contacts with $any wo$en.
(e will earn fa$e on account of his religious acco$plish$ents. (e will en'oy happiness fro$ the
side of his "rothers.
@oteD%!cept for the views of the +rihat Jata)a, the other authorities $entioned a"ove have not
found the positing of the Moon in the third house so unfavoura"le. *e are of the view that things
would definitely "e "righter for the native if the Moon in third house were in Aries, aurus or
Cancer or even Capricorn. 5n the last position the Moon would "e aspecting his own house, vu.
the ninth house :which will "e in Cancer;, there"y i$proving the significations of the house of
"hagya. A full Moon in the third will also prove "eneficial.
The 1oon in the .ourth House
Sutras /BD0GDhe native will "e crowned as a )ing :that is he will attain a very high status in
<overn$ent;, he will own $any horses :nowDaDdays he will own $any conveyances; and he will
en'oy agricultural and financial prosperity "ut his $other will "e sic)ly. he native will have $il) to
drin) in a"undant 4uantities "ut he will "e "rought up on "reast $il) of wo$en other than his
$other. (e will get plentiful good food to eat and "e happy "ut he will "e fond of wo$en other
than his wife. 5f the Moon is strong "y "eing full or in his own sign Cancer, the $other will "e long
lived. She will "e short lived if the Moon is wea) :that is, waning;. he waning Moon will also
deprive hi$ of the co$forts of conveyances "ut he will en'oy these co$forts if the Moon is strong.
5f the lord of the Gth is e!alted, the native will have the good fortune of owning $any )inds of
Co$$entsDhe effects of the Moon in the fourth house as given a"ove are relevant to the
significations of this house. 7he fourth house signifies a$ongst other things, $other, $il),
agricultural land, conveyances etc.
he Moon will cause the native to achieve )ing li)e status "ecause fro$ the Gth house, she will
"e aspecting the /8th house "ut for this purpose it see$s to "e essential for the Moon to "e very
strong and "eneficial. his can "e possi"le when the Moon is full or is in Cancer or lord of the 6th
:>isces Ascendant;, Bth :Scorpio Ascendant; or /8th :=i"ra Ascendant;. Hther good results
ascri"ed to the Moon will accrue if the Moon is disposed as $entioned a"ove. he $other will "e
sic)ly or the native will "e "rought up on the "reast $il) of wo$en other than the $other, if the
Moon is $alefic on account of her nearness to the Sun and the lord of the Gth is under evil
Hther views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person will "e happy.
>haldeepi)aD5f the Moon is in the fourth house, the native will "e happy, fond of lu!uries and
wo$en and of sacrificing spirit. (e will have good friends, good reputation and will en'oy the
co$fort of conveyances.
SaravaliDhe @ative will "e well provided with friends and relations, grains, house, conveyances
and will "e very happy. (e will conduct "usiness across the rivers or oceans.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe person concerned will occupy a position of high status with the )ing
:<overn$ent;. (e will lead a happy $arried life and will "e "lessed with children. he native will
not get $uch happiness in his childhood.
@oteD5n essence all the a"ove authorities agree with the conclusions $entioned in +hrigu Sutras.
The 1oon in he .ifth House
Sutras 06D10D5f the Moon is in the fifth house the native will "e successful in pleasing deities :"y
his devoted worship;. he wife of the native will "e good loo)ing "ut 4uic) te$pered and will have
an ugly "irth $ar) in "etween her "reasts. he native will ac4uire cattle wealth, will have two
wives, will have a"undant supply of $il), will "e of 7satwi)7 nature and a hard wor)er. (e will "e
worried and will "eget a nu$"er of daughters and only one son. (e will "e a worshipper of fe$ale
deities. 5f the Moon is aspected "y or associated with a "enefic or "enefics the native will do good
to others. his will not happen if the Moon has $alefic influence "y association or aspect. 5f the
Moon is strong "y "eing a full Moon, the native will ta)e interest in feeding others, he will "e
powerful and will "e full of glory "y the "lessings of $any learned people. (e will do pious deeds,
will "e very fortunate and prosperous, learned and a Ra'yogi :one who while "eing in a high and
prosperous situation en'oys worldly things "ut re$ains saintly and possesses a sense of
detach$ent and renunciation. Aor e!a$ple, "ecause of such 4ualities King Jana) was )noan as
Ra'arishi or Ra'yogi;.
Co$$entsD7Mantra Siddhi7 is one of the i$portant significations of the 6th house. A "eneficial
Moon in the 6th ena"les the native to get the "lessings and pleasure of the fe$ale deities "y
sincere and devoted worship. +eing ninth to the ninth house the 6th house is also a house of
&har$a and +hagya. his house also signifies riches etc. herefore with the "eneficial influence
of the Moon, the native will "eco$e very prosperous in all respects and will "e a"le to )eep two
wives. he wife will "e "eautiful "ecause the Moon is a planet who sy$"olises "eauty. 5t would,
however, "e relevant to ascri"e such an effect to the Moon in Cth house which signifies wife. *e
can ascri"e "eauty to the wife in the fifth house also in case the Moon as lord of the Cth is
strongly placed in the 6th. Such a disposition could "e possi"le in a horoscope with Capricorn as
ascendant where lord of the Cth Moon will "e in the 6th in aurus, her sign of e!altation. 5t is not
clear how the Moon will $a)e the wife 4uic) te$pered and she will have an ugly "irth $ar) in
"etween the "reasts. he 6th house is not a significator for wife and "reasts. he fifth house is
also a significator for religious $indedness, spiritual practice and prayers "y incantations. +enefic
influence of the Moon can therefore $a)e the native a Ra'yogi. Moon is a fe$ale and fruitful
planet. (er presence in 6th house :house of children i.e. Suta +hava;, naturally gives $ore
fe$ale issues than $ale issues.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will have children.
>haldeepi)aDhe native wi?Joe highly intellectual and will have good sons. (e will "eco$e a
$inister of the )ing.
SaravaliDhe native will "e ti$id, educated and will ac4uire and accu$ulate clothes and grains.
(e will have friends and children and will "e wise and full of glory.
Cha$at)4r Chinta$aniDhe native will en'oy happiness in the $atter of children. (e will ac4uire
agricultural wealth and lands. (e will "e of pious $ind and he will ac4uire wealth "y doing
"an)ing and other "usiness.
@oteDhe views of the +rihat Jata)a, >haldeepi)a and Saravali are 4uite relevant to the
significations of the 6th house. he views of Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani are relevant in respect of
children and ac4uisition of wealth only.
The 1oon in the Sixth House
Sutras 11DG8D5f the Moon is in the si!th, the native will "e poor and of diseased "ody. 5n his 1-th
year native will develop illicit relations with a widow. 5f the Moon is associated with a $alefic the
native will indulge in sinful deeds. 5f the Moon is in con'unction with Rahu or Ketu the native will
"e "ereft of wealth, he will have dangerous ene$ies, will "e 4uarrelso$e, without "rothers and
will suffer fro$ sto$ach ail$ents. 5f this disposition watery places li)e ponds, wells, $ay prove
dangerous for his life. 5f the Moon is in con'unction with a $alefic the native will suffer fro$ ill
health. 5f the Moon is waning, it will give totally $alefic results. 5f the Moon is in con'unction with a
"enefic the native will have strong constitution and will "e free fro$ diseases.
Co$$entsDhe Moon if posited in the si!th will lose all her good significations and the evil effects
will "e aggravated if the Moon co$es under $alefic influences. he native will indulge in sinful
and i$$oral deeds "ecause the 7sattvic7 4ualities of the planet will "e destroyed "y $alefic
influences. he Moon is a watery planet, therefore under $alefic influences watery places will
"eco$e a source of danger for the native. 5f the Moon in the si!th is under "enefic influences the
native will en'oy good health.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will have $any ene$ies, will have a delicate constitution
and a dyspeptic appetite. (is se!ual passion will also "e wea). (e will "e harsh in te$pera$ent
and indolent in his wor).
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e short lived and stupid. (e will suffer fro$ sto$ach ail$ents and
will "e defeated and hu$iliated "y ene$ies.
SaravaliDhe native will suffer fro$ sto$ach ail$ents. 5f the Moon is wea) :waning;, the native
will "e short lived.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e opposed to )ing :<overn$ent; and will ac4uire fa$e "y
his own glorious deeds. (e will con4uer his ene$ies. (e will not "e devoted to his $other.
@oteD%!cept for Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani all the a"ove authorities see$ to "e in agree$ent with
+hrigu Sutras a"out the evil effects of the Moon when posited in the si!th house. he effects
$entioned "y Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani $ay "e realised if the Moon is under su"stantial "enefic
influence and is e!alted or in her own sign Cancer.
The 1oon in the Seenth House Sutras
G/DG-D5f the Moon is in the seventh house the native will "e soft spo)en and will get a wife in his
10nd year. (e will have so$e defect in his eyes and vttll "e fond of wo$en. (e will have to
undergo surgery caused "y contacts with wo$en. (e will get favours fro$ the )ing :<overn$ent;.
5f the lord of the seventh is powerful he will have two wives. 5f the Moon is wea) :waning;, there
will "e loss of wife. 5f the Moon is full, or powerful or in his own sign, there will "e only one wife
and all co$forts and lu!uries will "e availa"le to hi$.
Co$$entsDHur views are that a "enefic Moon will give good effects in the seventh house. he
$arriage will "e delayed only if there is so$e $alefic influence on her. Also the other ill effects
ascri"ed to the Moon will "e felt if there is evil influence on the Moon. Moon "eing a royal planet,
she ena"les the native to get fa$e fro$ the <overn$ent. 5f the lord of the seventh is powerful the
native will have the privilege and $eans to en'oy the co$pany of two wives. A $alefic Moon will
cause loss of wife. 5f the Moon is full, e!alted or in his own sign he will "e a devoted hus"and and
will therefore li)e to )eep only one wife. Such Moon will also provide hi$ with all co$forts and
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e envious and will "e e!ceedingly over head and ears
in love.
>haldeepi)aDhe native and his wife will "oth "e very good loo)ing and will love each other.
SaraualiDhe native will "e goodDloo)ing, well "ehaved, happy and passionate. 5f the Moon "e
wea) :waning;, the native will "e poor and will suffer fro$ ill health.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will get all happiness fro$ his wife. (e will en'oy gains in
inland trade and "usiness. (e will li)e sweet dishes. (e will "e very greedy. (e will "e so wea)
that he will get defeat fro$ his ene$ies.
@oteDhe essence of the views e!pressed a"ove see$s to "e that a "enefic Moon will give good
results and a $alefic Moon will give "ad results in regard to the significations of the seventh
house. he view of Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani that Moon in the seventh will $a)e the native greedy
is not clear to us. he views given "y +hrigu Sutras are $ore detailed and to the point.
The 1oon in the (ighth House
Hf co$fort fro$ conveyances. *atery places li)e ponds, tan)s, wells etc. will "e sources of
danger to his life. (e will "e separated fro$ his relations on account of his wife. 5f the Moon is in
her Hwn sign or e!alted, the native will "e longDlived. (e will have $ediu$ span of life if the Moon
is waning.
Co$$entsDhe .th is one of the $ost inauspicious houses of the horoscope and a planet loses
all its good significations when posited in this house. .th house is /0th :house of loss; to the Bth
house which signifies fortune and prosperity. he Moon in this house will therefore spoil the
co$forts to the native and he $ay have therefore a$ongst other adversities also "e deprived of
the co$fort of conveyances. he .th house is a powerful significator for accidents. he Moon
"eing a watery planet will produce danger to life fro$ drowning. As regards the state$ent that the
presence of the Moon in .th house will separate the native fro$ his relations on account of his
wife we are una"le to find any astrological reason for it, "ut as the state$ent co$es fro$ a
distinguished authority, the readers $ay verify it fro$ their practical e!perience. 5f the Moon is
e!alted or is in her own house the native will "e long lived. his is "ecause the .th house "eing
house of longevity a strong Moon :she will "e lord of .th in .th if she is in her own sign;, will give
a long life to the native. =ife will "e shortened if the Moon is wea) and 4uantu$ of shortening life
will "e in proportion to the wea)ness of the Moon. *e are also of the view that in deter$ining
longevity the strength and disposition of the lord of the ascendant and the lord of the .th house
should also "e )ept in view.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person will have a fic)le $ind and suffer fro$ diseases.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will suffer fro$ diseases and will "e shortlived.
SaravaliDhe native will "e intelligent, full of glory and lean and thin on account of diseases he will
suffer fro$. 5f there is waning Moon in the .th the native will "e shortlived.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will always "e surrounded "y physicians :this $eans he will
always "e sic)ly;. (e will suffer fro$ horri"le afflictions, will always "e in fear fro$ ene$ies and
will have to face $any adversities.
@oteD%!cept Saravali, all the authorities $entioned a"ove have attri"uted evil effects to the Moon
in the .th house. he good effects descri"ed "y Saravali $ay "e realised if the Moon "e in his
own sign or when the Moon is aspected "y a "enefic li)e Jupiter.
The 1oon in the 'inth House
Sutras GCD61DV the Moon is in the ninth house, the native will "e highly learned and charita"le. (e
will construct ponds, tan)s for the good of others and shelters for cows. (e will also "e fortunate
in the $atter of children who will "e prosperous. 5f the Moon is full, the native hi$self will "e very
fortunate and his father will "e longDlived. 5f Moon is in con'unction with a $alefic or in the house
of a $alefic, the native will "e unfortunate and will suffer loss of his parents early in his life.
Co$$entsDhe ninth is house of dhar$a, "hagya, prosperity and also of children. ?nless the
Moon is in con'unction with or aspected "y a $alefic or is in the house of a $alefic, she i$proves
the good significations of this house. he native will "eco$e highly learned and charita"le and
will have prosperous children. 5f the Moon is full he will "eco$e very prosperous and his father
will "e longDlived. *hen there is any )ind of evil influence on the Moon, the significations of the
house will suffer. he native will "e unfortunate and will get unhappiness on account of the loss of
his parents early in his life. 5f the Moon is in his own sign in the ninth, the lord of ninth will "e in
the ninth giving rise to a powerful Ra'ayoga conferring great na$e, fa$e and prosperity to the
native. 5f the Moon is in aurus :then the ascendant will "e Virgo; she will "e e!alted in the ninth
as lord of the eleventh house :house of gains; and this disposition will "e highly "eneficial to the
native in every respect.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will possess sons, friends relations and wealth.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will perfor$ pious deeds and will have sons :children;.
SaravaliDhe native will "e a devotee of <ods and o"edient to his parents. (e will "e happy and
intelligent and will "e "lessed with children. (e will also "e attractive for $e$"ers of the opposite
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e respected "y all, even +rah$ins. (e will "eco$e
fortunate fro$ his young age and will "e courageous.
@oteD5t is seen that all the authorities $entioned a"ove have ta)en the view that the Moon in the
ninth house will give "eneficial results "ut none of the$ has covered the significations of ninth so
co$pletely as +hrigu Sutras has done.
The 1oon in the Tenth House
Sutras 6GD-8D5f the Moon is in the tenth house the native will achieve high acade$ic attain$ents.
(e will "e "rilliant, will do pious deeds, will "e fa$ous and )ind hearted. 5f the lord of the tenth is
powerfully disposed, the native will "e highly virtuous. 5f the Moon is in co'nunction with or
aspected "y a $alefic, the native will have illicit relations with a widow in his 0Cth year and will
earn "itterness of the people on that account. (e will indulge in sinful deeds and will have to face
o"stacles in all spheres of his life.
Co$$entsDhe tenth house is house of )ar$a, profession, honours etc. 5f there is no evil
influence on the Moon, and the lord of the house is well disposed she will give "eneficial results in
respect of all the significations of this house. he native will do good deeds and "e highly
intelligent and )ind hearted. As the Moon will aspect the Gth house, the native will achieve high
acade$ic attain$ents. *ith evil influences on the Moon, the significations of the tenth house will
"e spoiled and the native will indulge in sinful deeds of all )inds and his life will "e full of
o"structions. 5f the Moon is in her sign Cancer :the ascendant will then "e =i"ra;, the =ord of the
tenth will "e in the tenth house, giving rise to a powerful Ra'ayoga conferring great na$e, fa$e
and honour upon the native.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person will co$plete to perfection anything he underta)es and will "e endowed
with virtue, wealth, intellect and valour.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e con4ueror, and he will get success very early in any venture he
underta)es. (e will do virtuous deeds. SaravaliDhe native will "e happy, devoted to his wor)
which he will perfor$ successfully, wealthy, pious, valorous and charita"le.
@oteDAll the authorities are in agree$ent that the Moon in the tenth house will give very "eneficial
results in respect of the significations of this house. +ut it should not "e forgotten :as stated in
+hrigu Sutras; that for "eneficial results to accrue there should not "e any evil influence on the
Moon and the lord of the tenth house should "e well disposed in the horoscope.
The 1oon in the (leenth House
Sutras -/D-BD5f the Moon is in the eleventh house, the native will "e highly learned, will have sons
and will "e helpful to others. At the age of 68 he will "e father of $any sons. (e will also possess
praiseworthy 4ualities. 5f the lord of the eleventh house is wea), the native will lie put to lot of
e!penditure. 5f the lord of the eleventh is strong :and well disposed; the native will have gains of
wealth. he presence of the Moon in the eleventh will ena"le native to ac4uire wealth without
$uch effort. 5f the Moon is in con'unction with Venus the native will "e owner of conveyances
pulled "y $en. (e will "e highly educated, will own lands, will "e fortunate and protector of
Co$$entsDhe essence of the a"ove Sutras is that unless the lord of eleventh is wea), the
place$ent of the Moon in the eleventh gives very auspicious results in $atters of ac4uisition of
wealth, land etc. and also children :we would add that for good results there should also "e no
evil influence on such Moon;. he =ate Shri @.@. Krishna Rao of +o$"ay who had to his credit
the translation into %nglish of $any classical te!ts of (indu Astrology including +rihat >arashara
(ora and Saravali has in his %nglish translation of +hrigu Sutras translated this Sutra to $ean
7will "eget children early in life7. *e respectfully "eg to disagree with "oth these "ea$ed writers.
Sutra -/ has already $entioned that if the Moon is in the eleventh, the native will have sons.
herefore there is no 4uestion of getting a son only at the age of 68. *e have ta)en the view that
this Sutra intends to convey that when the native is 68 years old he will "e father of $any sons.
As regards Sutra -C which goes to say that if Moon is with Venus in the eleventh house the native
will own conveyances pulled "y $en. his could apply to olden ti$es when conveyances pulled
or carried "y $en were treated as lu!uries. his co$"ination should "e interpreted to $ean that
the native will own good type of conveyances. Venus is the significator of conveyances, hence
the association of Venus with Moon in the eleventh will give this favoura"le result.
he results of the Moon in the eleventh will "e still "etter if the Moon "e in Cancer. hen the lord
of //th will "e in //th . 5f the Moon "e in aurus :Cancer Ascendant;, the e!alted lord of
Ascendant will "e in the //th for$ing a powerful &hanayoga which will i$$ensely "enefit the
native financially and in $any other respects.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "eco$e fa$ous and will ac4uire wealth and the li)e.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e a great thin)er, long lived, wealthy and will "e "lessed with sons.
(e will also have servants.
SaravaliDhe native will "e wealthy, will have $any sons, long lived, will "e a good friend and will
have servants. (e will "e a great thin)er, full of glory, valorous and fa$ous.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will get honours, authority and good dresses fro$ the )ing. (e
will "e very wealthy and will have "eautiful da$sels to en'oy. (e will often "e unsuccessful in his
efforts and he will "eget daughters only.
@oteDAll the authorities $entioned a"ove have spo)en well of the Moon in the eleventh. heir
views are su"stantially in line with those e!pressed in +hrigu Sutras. Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani has
sounded two discordant notesD:/; he native will often "e unsuccessful in his efforts. his will
happen when Moon has evil influence on her of an o"structionist li)e Saturn. :0; he native will
have only daughters. his $ay happen when Moon is in a fe$ale sign :even sign;.
The 1oon in the Twelfth House
Sutras C8DC/D5f the Moon is in the twelfth house, the native will "e deprived of good food, will
incur wasteful e!penditure, will "e of angry nature, will earn $oney "y 4uestiona"le $eans :li)e
ga$"ling, racing, trading in wo$en etc;, will suffer fro$ diseases as a result of contacts with
wo$en :li)e venereal diseases; and will have no grains. 5f the Moon is associated with a "enefic,
the native will "e learned )indDhearted, will have good friends and will go to heaven after death. 5f
the Moon is associated with a $alefic, the native will go to hell.
Co$$entsDhe twelfth house is anDinauspicious house and it is ter$ed as the house of loss.
herefore Moon will lose all its good significations there and will "e overco$e "y the evil
significations of that house resulting in a $isera"le and i$$oral life for the native. he twelfth
house "eingD twelfth to the first house :which signifies "irth;, represents the end of life. 5f there is
evil influence on the Moon and the twelfth house the native will go to hell after death. +eneficial
influence will ta)e hi$ to heaven. Most of the ill effects of the Moon in the twelfth house will "e
warded off if she is in her own sign Cancer without any $alefic influence.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e wic)edly disposed and defective in so$e li$".
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e la3y, hu$iliated, unhappy and will not "e li)ed "y others.
SaraualiDhe native will "e $ean, envious, la3y, trou"led and hu$iliated and will suffer fro$ eye
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will always "e trou"led "y ene$ies, eye trou"les and other
afflictions. (is $oney will "e spent on good causes. (e will "e dissatisfied with his uncles and
$other. (is efforts will prove a"ortive.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities have descri"ed the evil effects of Moon in the twelfth house in their
own way and in essence su"stantially agree with the views e!pressed "y +hrigu Sutras.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani has inter alia said that the Moon in the twelfth will $a)eDthe native spend
$oney on good cause. his will happen when there is "enefic influence on the Moon and the
twelfth house.
(ffects of 1ars in the Twele Houses
1ars in the .irst House =Ascendant>
Sutras /DBD5f Mars is in the Ascendant the native will have wound $ar)s in the "ody or $ar)s left
"ehind "y "oils. he native will have a stout "ody, will have stealing ha"it, a "ig navel and reddish
hands. (e will "e cruel, strong, stupid, of angry te$pera$ent, e!traordinarily valourous, wealthy,
unsta"le and he will suffer fro$ peculiar diseases, sufferer of $ental trou"les. (e will also "e of
wic)ed disposition. 5f Mars is in his own signs :Aries or Scorpio; or is e!alted.:is in Capricorn;, the
native will "e healthy and of strong constitution, and will get honours fro$ <overn$ent enhancing
his reputation. (e will also "e long lived. 5f Mars is in con'unction with a $alefic or ene$y planet,
the native will "e short lived, will have few children, will have an ugly appearance and will suffer
fro$ diseases and pains on account of rheu$atis$. 5f Mars is e!alted in the Ascendant, the
native will "e wealthy and will "e fond of sight seeing. 5f Mars is associated with or aspected "y
$alefic or is in ene$y sign, the native will suffer fro$ eye diseases.
Co$$entsDMars is a hot, dry cruel and $alefic planet. Mars $a)es the native 4uarrelso$e and of
aggressive nature. 5t is on this account that the native will have wound $ar)s on the "ody when
Mars is in the ascendant. (is aggressive nature $a)es hi$ powerful "ut stupid. *hen he loses
his te$per he forgets what is right and what is wrong. 5f Mars is in either of his two signs or is
e!alted he "eco$es a functional "enefic in the horoscope and will give the native good health,
strong "ody, honours fro$ <overn$ent, good reputation, wealth and high education. *hen Mars
is in one of his two signs or is e!alted while "eing posited in the ascendant, Rucha)a yoga :one
of the >ancha$ahapurusha yoga; is for$ed, the effect of which has "een given as under "y >rof.
+.V. Ra$an in his "oo) hree (undred 5$portant Co$"inations79D2he person "orn in Rucha)a
will have a strong physi4ue, he will "e fa$ous, well versed in fol) lore, )ing or an e4ual to )ing,
confor$ing to traditions and custo$s. (e will have a ruddy co$ple!ion, attractive "ody, charita"le
disposition, long lived and leader of an ar$y.2 5f there is evil influence on Mars, the native will
suffer fro$ eye diseases and rheu$atic trou"les. As Mars will lose $uch of his vitality, the native
will have few children.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will have an in'ured li$".
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e very cruel and courageous. (e will "e short lived and will get
in'uries in his "ody.
SaravaliDhe native will "e cruel, courageous, stupid, short lived, proudy, valourous, handso$e
and of unsta"le $ind.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniD=athi :o"'ects $ade of iron and fire; will "e source of danger to the life of
the native. (e will re$ain worried and will suffer fro$ the loss of his wife, children etc. (owever
courageous he $ay "e, he will have to face evil conse4uences fro$ his actions.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities have descri"ed the effects of a $alefic Mars in the ascendant.
hey have not given the good effects of Mars when he "eco$es a functional "enefic "y "eing in
his own sign or in e!altation or "y "eco$ing lord of auspicious houses :Aor Cancer and =eo
ascendants, he is lord of 6th and /8th houses, and Gth and Bth houses respectively and is
considered as yoga )ara)a par e!cellence. Aor Sagittarius ascendant "eing lord of the auspicious
6th house :and twelfth; and for >isces ascendant "eing lord of the 0nd and the Bth, Mars in the
ascendant will "e "eneficial to a great e!tent;.
1ars in the Second House
Sutras /8D/6D5f Mars is in the second, the native will have no education "ut he will gain wealth. 5f
the Mars is with the lord of the si!th house, the native will suffer fro$ eye trou"les such as
cataract, defective eyesight, "lindness etc., "ut this $ay not happen or the native $ay recover
fro$ eye trou"les if the a"ove co$"ination is aspected "y a "enefic :Jupiter or Venus;. 5f Mars is
in one of his two signs, na$ely Aries or Scorpio or if he is e!alted :is in Capricorn; the native will
"e well educated and will have good eyesight. 5f Mars is in con'unction with a $alefic, is in the
house of a $alefic or is aspected "y a $alefic, the native will suffer fro$ eye trou"les.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras have e!pressed the view that if Mars is alone in the second house
without any "enefic or $alefic influence, the native will "e uneducated "ut will have gains of
wealth. 5f, however. Mars is with lord of si!th without any "enefic influence, the native will suffer
fro$ eye trou"les. 5f Mars is in his own house or is e!alted the native will "e well educated. 5t is
not clear why this disposition will also not give good wealth which is one of the i$portant
significations of the second house. 5f Mars is in Aries, the ascendant will "e >isces and Mars as
lord of the second and ninth houses will give rise to a powerful &hana Joga giving the native
a"undant wealth, na$e and fa$e and also higher learning. 5f Mars is in Scorpio, =i"ra will "e the
ascendant and Mars as lord of the second and seventh houses will "e in the second. his
disposition will ena"le to have a"undant gains of wealth through his wife. 5f Mars is e!alted :that
is, he is in Capricorn;, Sagittarius will "e the ascendant and lord of the 6th will "e e!alted in the
second. his again will "e a powerful &hanayoga $a)ing the native very rich and highly
intelligent. (e will also "e "lessed with children.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will eat "ad food.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will have an ugly face, his speech will not "e perfect, he will "e
uneducated and will serve undesira"le persons.
SaravaliDhe native will "e poor, he will eat "ad food, will have an afflicted face, will $ove in the
society of $ean people and will "e stupid.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e $iser and will defeat his ene$ies.
@oteDhe a"ove authorities have given the effects of a $alefic Mars. Mars is capa"le of giving
auspicious results also as we have already e!plained in our co$$ents on Sutras /8D/6.
Auspicious results will "e e!perienced when the ascendants are7 Aries, Scorpio Sagittarius,
Cancer, =eo and >isces.
1ars in the Third House
Sutras /-D06D5f Mars is in the third house, the native will have no younger "rothers or sisters and
the native7s wife will "e of 4uestiona"le character "ut this will not happen if Mars is aspected "y a
"enefic. (e will also have financial gains. 5f Mars is associated with Rahu or Ketu, the native will
have association with prostitutes. (e will have ini$ical relations with his "rothers and will face
difficulties on that account. (is wife will have a wellD shaped fe$ale organ. (e will have few
"rothers and sisters. 5f Mars is associated with or aspected "y $alefics, the native will suffer fro$
loss of "rothers :and sisters;. 5f Mars is in his own sign :Aries or Scorpio; or is in his sign of
e!altation :Capricorn;, the "rothers will "e longDlived and the native will "e patient and "rave. (e
will prove very valourous in the "attleDfield. 5f Mars occupies a friendly house, the native will "e
Co$$entsDAll the effects given a"ove are appropriate and in accordance with the significations of
the third house e!cept those given in Sutras /- and 08. According to Sutra /-, Mars in the third
will $a)e the wife of the native adulteress. he third house has nothing to do with wife and wife7s
character. his effect could "e ascri"ed to Mars in the third house only if he were to "e in
con'unction with the lord of the seventh house or with Venus :who is a significator of wife, $arital
life and love affairs;.
5n Sutra 08 it is stated a$ong other things that the wife of the native will have a wellDshaped
fe$ale organ. Hur hu$"le view is that this $atter has nothing to do with the third house.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aD%ffects sa$e as for the Sun in the third house. :See >art 55, Chapter 5;.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e full of good 4ualities, wealthy, happy and valourous and he cannot
"e suppressed "y any "ody. +ut the native will not "e happy on account of his "rothers :this can
$ean that he $ay have no "rothers or the relations "etween hi$ and his "rothers $ay "e
SaravaliDhe native will "e valourous, uncon4uera"le, without "rothers, e4uipped with good
4ualities, healthy and fa$ous.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e valourous, wealthy :*ealth earned "y valourous
deeds; unhappy on account of "rothers and relations.
@oteDhe third house is an 7upachaya7 house where $alefics are said to give "enefic results in
accordance with the significations of the house. All the a"ove authorities see$ to have "ased
their views on this principle. Mars is a significator of "rothers. (e is also a )ara)a for the third
house. Mars in third is said to give ill effects in regard to "rothers. his is perhaps due to 7Kara)o
+hava @ashaya7 theory propagated "y so$e of our ancients. +ut we strongly hold the view that
the line ta)en "y +hrigu Sutras that all good effects in respect of "rothers will "e realised if Mars
is in his own or in his sign of e!altation, or is under "enefic influences, is very relevant, logical and
correct inspite of the 7Kara)o +hava @ashaya7 theory.
1ars in the .ourth House
Sutras 0-D11D5f Mars is in the fourth house, there will "e adversities in the fa$ily of the native
causing do$estic distur"ances. he father $ay die in the eighth year of the native7s and the
$other of the native will always "e in "ad health. he native will en'oy good health "ut will have
no land of his own, he will "e poor and live in a dilapidated house. (e will have ini$ical relations
with his near relatives, will live away fro$ his native place and will "e without proper clothes. 5f
Mars is associated with Mercury :his ene$y;, the native $ay not have a house of his own "ut
$ay have to live in so$e"ody else7s house. 5f Mars is in his own sign :Aries or Scorpio; or in his
sign of e!altation :Capricorn; and is in con'unction with a "enefic or is in a friendly sign, the native
will own conveyances, lands and his $other will "e longDlived. 5f Mars is in his sign of de"ilitation
:Cancer; and is associated with a $alefic or $alefics or the lord of the .th house, the native will
suffer the loss of his $other early in his life.
Co$$entsDMars is one of the worst $alefics. (is place$ent in the Gth house will destroy all the
good significations of the house. 5f he is associated with a $alefic, he will cause $ore havoc. he
do$estic life of the native will "e "adly affected, he will have no house, no land, will "e poor and
his $other will suffer fro$ ill health and $ay die early if Mars is in his sign of de"ilitation and
associated with $alefics. 5f Mars is in his own sign or is e!alted very good results have "een
predicted. (e will own conveyances, lands and houses and his $other will "e longDlived. *hen
Mars7is in Aries he will "e in the fourth house as lord of fourth and eleventh in fourth the
ascendant "eing Capricorn. 5f Mars is in Scorpio, the ascendant will "e =eo :for which Mars is a
yoga )ara)a planet;, he will "e in the fourth as lord of the fourth and the ninth houses. 5f Mars is in
Capricorn :e!alted; the ascendant will "e =i"ra and Mars will "e in the fourth as lord of the 0nd
and the Cth houses. All these dispositions will generate powerful &hana Jogas. 5f Mars is in Aries,
Scorpio or Capricorn, in the fourth house :a )endra or 4uadrant;, Rucha)a yoga will also "e
for$ed, the effects of which have already "een descri"ed.
5t has "een stated that if Mars is in the fourth, father will die early in the life of the native. he
reason for this can "e that Mars in the fourth house will aspect the /8th house which is a
$ara)sthana for the native7s father :"eing 0nd to the ninth house;.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe sa$e effects as given for the Sun in fourth house :please see part 55 chapter 5;.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e without $other :that is he will lose his $other in his early life;, will
"e without friends, happiness, conveyances and lands.
SaravaliDhe native will have no house, grains, proper clothes, relations, conveyances will have
no happiness and will have to live in a house not his own.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniD5nspite of the other planets "eing favoura"le in the horoscope, if Mars is
in the fourth, the native will "e deprived of happiness fro$ father, $other, wife and children :in
other words his do$estic life will "e unhappy;. +ut the native gets land and clothes "y the favour
of the )ing :<overn$ent;.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent that Mars in the fourth will give only evil effects in
respect of the significations of that house. +ut as pointed out in Sutras 0.,18 and 10 of +hrigu
Sutras Mars can give very "enefic results also if he is posited in his own or in his sign of
e!altation or when there is "enefic influence on Mars. he a"ove authorities have not ta)en this
aspect into account. he "eneficial result of getting lands and clothes "y the favour of the )ing,
$entioned "y Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani can "e realised only when there is so$e )ind of "enefic
influence on Mars in the fourth house or when Mars is dignified.
*e are also of the view that the disposition of the lord of the fourth should also "e ta)en into
account in reaching final conclusions.
1ars in the .ifth House
Sutras 1GDG6D5f Mars is in the fifth house the native will "e poor, will have few or no children, will
"e i$$oral and in the "ad "oo)s of the <overn$ent. (e will suffer fro$ cuts or wounds in his
si!th year. (e will "e a liar "ut very shrewd. 5f Mars is in his own sign :Aries or Scorpio; or in his
own sign of e!altation, the native will have a good nu$"er of children and will feed others. (e will
hold <overn$ental positions of high status "ut will have trou"les fro$ ene$ies. 5f Mars is in
con'unction with a $alefic or is in the house of a $alefic there will "e loss of children. (e will
suffer fro$ $ental disorders and other such diseases. 5f he is associated with the lord of the .th
house, he will "e sinful "ut "rave. (e $ay have no children of his own and $ay have to adopt
Co$$entsDAifth house is inter alia a significator of children, intellect, $orals, +hagya and
prosperity :"eing ninth to ninth house;. All these significations will "e destroyed if $alefic Mars. is
posited in the fifth house and all the evil effects descri"ed in the a"ove Sutras will "e realised "y
the native. Very "eneficial results have "een predicted if Mars is in his own sign Aries or Scorpio
or in Capricorn his sign of e!altation. *hen Mars is in Aries, the ascendant will "e Sagittarius and
Mars will "e in the fifth as lord of the fifth and twelfth. +eing in the fifth in his own sign the evil
effects of the lordDship of the /0th will not "e felt and only good results will follow. 5f Mars is in
Scorpio, the ascendant will "e Cancer for which Mars is a yoga )ara)a planet, and Mars will "e in
the fifth as lord of the fifth and the /8th. +y "eing in this position he will su"stantially i$prove the
significations of "oth the houses. (e will "e "lessed with a good nu$"er of children and attain a
high position in <overn$ent. (e will also "e very intelligent. *hile in Aries or Scorpio, Mars will
aspect the //th house :house of gains; and the native will a$ass wealth. *e do not agree that
Mars in his sign of e!altation will "e good for the native "ecause he will "e in the fifth as lord of
two "ad houses, the 1rd and .th :the ascendant "eing Virgo;. (owever, in the case of <e$ini and
Capricorn ascendants, Mars will "e lord of the //th and will aspect his own house fro$ the fifth.
his situation will "e good for finances. 5n the case of >isces ascendant Mars *ill "e lord of the
0nd and Bth houses and will also "e 4uite "eneficial for finances.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDSa$e effects as for the Sun in the fifth house :see part 55, chapter 5;
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e without children, will not "e intelligent, and will "e a "ac)"iter.
SaravaliDhe native will "e without children, wealth and happiness. (e will "e of unsta"le $ind, a
"ac)"iter, wic)ed, worried and $ean.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will suffer fro$ hyperacidity and will "e sinfully inclined. he
native7s wife will suffer fro$ a"ortions.
@oteDhere is a consensus a$ongst all the a"ove authorities that Mars destroys all the good
significations of the fifth house, "ut Mars in the fifth is not always "ad. As $entioned in SutrasD1B
and G8 of +hrigu Sutras, if Mars is in his own sign he does i$$ense good to the native. Hur
co$$ents on these Sutras will also show that Mars is capa"le of giving good effects also in the
fifth house.
1ars in the Sixth House
Sutras G-D61D5f Mars is in the si!th house, the native will "e fa$ous, he will "e successful in his
underta)ings, will defeat his ene$ies, will "e "lessed with children, will have $arriage and
ac4uire conveyances :horses and ca$els; in his 0Cth year and his ene$ies will cease to e!ist. 5f
Mars is associated with or aspected "y a $alefic, the a"ove results will "e realised in their
entirety "ut the native will suffer fro$ rheu$atis$, pains etc. 5f Mars is posited in any of the signs
owned "y Mercury :<e$ini or Virgo;, the native will suffer fro$ =eprosy. (e will, however, recover
fro$ this disease if he is aspected "y a "enefic.
Co$$entsDhe si!th house is an upachaya house. 5t is "elieved that $alefics in upachaya
houses give "eneficial results. his see$s to "e "ased on the logic that $alefics destroy the
significations of the house they occupy. Mars occupying the si!th house destroys the evil
significations of the si!th house and thus gives good results such as na$e and fa$e, success in
underta)ings, hu$iliation of ene$ies and the results are realised in full if Mars is associated with
or aspected "y a $alefic. his view that Mars a $alefic will give good results is supported "y
Jata)aa &es$arga which saysD
his $eans that $alefics are strong in the 1rd, -th and //th houses :?pachaya houses; and
"enefics endowed with strength in the Kendra and ri)ona positions with respect to any +hava
prove friendly and auspicious to the +hava and pro$ote the advance$ent of the sa$e. 5n Sutra
G. it is stated that if Mars is in the si!th the native will have $arriage and ac4uire conveyances in
his 0Cth year. *e do not understand on what "asis this prediction has "een $ade "ecause si!th
house has nothing to do with $arriage. Hn the other hand "eing /0th to Cth :house of $arriage; a
$alefic planet in this house will prove in'urious to $arital relationships. he si!th house signifies
diseases also. 5f Mars in the si!th is supposed to give good results, he should have freed the
native fro$ diseases also. +ut according to Sutras 6/ and 60 Mars in the si!th house while
eradicating ene$ies, will $a)e the native suffer fro$ various )inds of diseases. *hether logically
relevant or not it is found in practice that Mars or any other $alefic planet in the si!th gives rise to
various )inds of diseases. *e give "elow a horoscope to illustrate this point.
(e is also trou"led "y ene$ies. he si!th house while "eing an ?pachaya house is also a
&usthana :evil house; along with the .th and /0th houses. +hrigu Sutras have apparently not
ta)en this into account. he views of Jata)aa &es$arga and >haldeepi)a in this respect are
given "elow9DJata)aa &es$argaD :Chapter NDSlo)a 1G;
his $eans that the -th, .th and /0th houses in any nativity have "een declared "y the sages as
evil houses. %ven those houses whose lords are con'oined with or aspected "y the planets
owning those houses, the planets occupying these houses the$selves are productive of evil
results to the native. All these three prove ineffective, cause losses and "eco$e crippled. Hf
these the .th is the $ost in'urious.
:Chapter NDSlo)a 1-; his $eans that when the lord and )ara)a of any "hava are "oth strong
and occupy good houses they produce full and en'oya"le effects to the person concerned. Should
these occupy the /0th, -th or .th house and "e wea), the "hava "eco$es futile to the native.
*here there is the 4uestion of his en'oying the fruits of the said "hava O >haldeepi)aD :Chapter
NVDSlo)a 6;
his $eans that if the lord of a house is in the -th, .th or /0th house fro$ the ascendant, it
adversely affects the significations of that house. 5f the lord of the -th, .th or /0th is posited in any
house it spoils the significations of that house. Such adverse effects will not "e felt if the house
concerned is aspected "y "enefic or "enefics.
5n view of the principles enunciated a"ove, if Mars "eing lord of the houses 0nd, Gth, 6th, Cth, Bth,
/8th and llth, is posited in the -th, the significations of those houses will "e adversely affected.
hese principles will apply not only to Mars "ut to all planets.
*e have given our co$$ents on this su"'ect in so $uch detail as very i$portant principles of
predictive astrology are involved. hese principles are to "e )ept in view while e!a$ining the
effects of other planets also when they are posited in the -th, .th or /0th house.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDSa$e effects as given for the Sun :See >art 55, Chapter 5;
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wealthy, fa$ous, con4ueror of ene$ies, glorious li)e a )ing "ut
very passionate.
SaravaliDhe native will "e very passionate. (e will suffer fro$ hyperacidity and will "e handso$e
with a stout, "ody, powerful and a leader a$ongst his relations.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will hu$iliate even the $ost powerful ene$y. (e will "e very
intelligent "ut he will suffer unhappiness on account of his $aternal uncle. (e will earn a lot and
will spend it all.
@oteD5n essence all the a"ove authorities e!cept +rihat Jata)a are in agree$ent that Mars in the
si!th gives good effects. According to +rihat Jata)a the person concerned will "e powerful "ut will
"e over powered "y his ene$ies. he views e!pressed "y +hrigu Sutras with which the $a'ority
of the a"ove authorities su"stantially agree are $ore logical and to the point e!cept so$e on
which we have already given our co$$ents.
1ars in the Seenth House
Sutras 6GD-6D5f the Mars is in the seventh the native will suffer on account of "eing of ill health. 5f
Mars is in the house of a $alefic, or is associated with a $alefic or even if he is in his own sign
:Aries or Scorpio;, the native will lose his wife. 5f Mars is associated with a "enefic, the wife will
die in the life ti$e of the native and the latter will go away fro$ his native land. 5f Mars is in his
sign of e!altation, or in the sign of a friend or in his own sign or is associated with a "enefic or in
the sign of a $alefic, the native suffers loss of wife. 5f this does not happen then the native will
secretly develop se!ual inti$acy with wo$en of loose character and indulge in se!ual
perversions li)e )issing the secret parts. (e will also have unnatural intercourse with 4uadrupeds
and will "e fond of drin)ing li4uor. 5f Mars is aspected "y Saturn the native will touch with his
$outh the secret organs of others. 5f Mars is associated with Ketu, the native will not $ind having
se!ual intercourse with a wo$an in $enses. 5f Mars is associated with an ini$ical planet the
native will suffer loss of $any wives :one after another;. (e will "e without potency and will "e full
of vanity. 5t will not "e so if Mars is aspected "y a "enefic.
Co$$entsDhe te!t of the a"ove Sutras is so confusing that it is difficult to co$$ent upon the$.
Mars if alone in the seventh is capa"le of causing loss of wife. 5t can also "e "elieved that Mars
under evil influence, of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu can lead the native to indulge in se!ual perversions
"ut it is difficult to "elieve that when Mars is in his own sign :Aries or Scorpio; or when he is
aspected "y a "enefic or when he is in his sign of e!altation :Capricorn; there can "e loss of wife
or native can indulge in se!ual perversions descri"ed in the a"ove Sutras. Mars in the seventh
house will "e in Kendra to the Ascendant. 5f he is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation,
Rucha)a yoga will "e for$ed, the good effects of which have already "een descri"ed at the
"eginning of this chapter.
he late Shri @. Krishna Rao who has to his credit translation of several astrological classical
te!ts including 7+rihat >arashara (ora7 and 7Saravali7 has translated the a"ove Sutras as under
:a; 5f Mars is in Cth of the Asdt. which happens to "e a $alefic sign andIor con'. $alefic :even if
the Cth happens to "e AriesI Scorpio. :-; 5f con'. or aspected "y "enefic. :c; 5f con', "enefic and at
the sa$e ti$e standing in e!altationIown houseIfriendly house $alefic aspect. :d; 5f connected
with Saturn :e; 5f con'. &. ail :Ketu; 5f in this yoga, there is also another $alefic in =oss of wife
he a"ove $alefic effect will not occur "ut there will "e foreign travel. =oss of wife# Aailing that
would "e developing inti$acy with a wo$an other than wife# various se!ual perversions. Se!ual
perversions Contacts with wo$en in $enses. =oss of $ore than one wife in con' the
sa$e yoga there is a "enefic aspect. :f; 5f Mars is con'. Hr aspected "y his ene$y. :g; 5f Mars is
con'. (is ene$y or a de"ilitated planet. :h; 5f con'. Rahu he native will co$$it adultery. =oss of
wife. 5nti$acy with $aid servant. :5t will "e seen that there is no $ention of a de"ilitated planet or
Rahu in the te!t of the a"ove Sutras. *e have chec)ed carefully that Mr. Rao used the sa$e
Sans)rit e!t ot +hrigu Sutras which is with us. 5t see$s he has $ade so$e additions and
o$issions in view of the original Sans)rit te!t "eing confusing;.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned should suffer hu$iliation at the hands of wo$en.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will involve hi$self in undesira"le things, will "e sic)ly and will suffer fro$
loss of wife.
SaravaliDhe native will suffer loss of wife, will "e sic)ly, i$$oral, unhappy, sinful trou"led and
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e engaged in "usiness in a foreign land or in a place
away fro$ his native place. (e will always "e trou"led "y ene$ies and diseases. he native7s
wife will "e short lived.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities have ascri"ed evil effects to Mars in the seventh house. *e are of
the view that there will "e no evil effects if Mars "e in his sign or in his sign of e!altation. here
will "e $itigation of evil effects to a great e!tent if the seventh house and Mars are aspected "y
1ars in the (ighth House
Sutras --DC/D5f Mars is in the eighth house, the native will suffer fro$ eye diseases, he will not "e
long lived. Aather will die early in the native7s life and he :native; will suffer fro$ urinary diseases.
(e will have few children and suffer fro$ rheu$atis$, shooting pains etc, "ut will have a happy
$arried life. 5f Mars is in con'unction with a "enefic, the native will en'oy good health and will "e
longlived. 5f Mars is in the house of a $alefic or is associated with a $alefic, the native will suffer
fro$ rheu$atis$, consu$ption or fro$ urinary trou"les. he span of life will "e $ediu$. 5f the
lord of the eighth is powerful, the native will have full longevity.
Co$$entsDAro$ the eighth house Mars will aspect the second house which inter alia signifies
eyesight. he $alefic influence of Mars will $a)e the native suffer fro$ eye trou"les. he
presence of $alefic Mars will adversely affect the longevity of the native particularly when he is
associated with a $alefic. %ighth house isI/0th to the ninth house which a$ongst other things is
a significator for father. he presence of Mars in the /0th to ninth will $a)e the father shortDlived.
he eighth house also represents secret parts. Mars in this house will cause da$age to the
fa$ily. (e will therefore have few children. %ighth house is significator of chronic diseases. he
native will therefore suffer fro$ diseases li)e consu$ption, rheu$atis$ which are chronic in
nature. hese trou"les will "e aggravated if Mars is associated with a $alefic. %ighth house is
house of longevity. +enefic influence on the eighth house will e!tend the span of life and free the
native fro$ diseases, $alefic influence will give the reverse result. 5f the lord of eighth is powerful
the native will en'oy full longevity. Sa$e will "e the effect if Mars is in his own sign. %ighth house
is the worst &usthana :evil house;. 5f Mars is lord of a good house in the horoscope, "y "eing in
the eighth house, the significations of these houses will "e destroyed. his has already "een
discussed in detail while dealing with the position of Mars in the si!th house.
Hther ViewsD
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will have a li$ited nu$"er of issues and will have defective eyesight.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will have an afflicted "ody, he will "e poor and shortlived and people will
spea) ill of hi$.
SaravaliDhe native will "e sic)ly, short lived and ugly. (e will indulge in undesira"le activities and
will "e sorrowful.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniD5f Mars is in the .th, even other good planets in the horoscope cannot
re$ove the adversities of the native. %ven his friends will turn into ene$ies. (e will face
o"stacles in whatever efforts he $a)es for his "etter$ent.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities agree that Mars in the .th house gives only evil results. he effects
given "y +hrigu Sutras are $ore detailed than given "y the a"ove authorities and effect of "enefic
influence has also "een $entioned "y +hrigu Sutras.
1ars in the 'inth House
Sutras C0DCGD5f Mars is in the ninth house the native will suffer the loss of father in his early life.
(e will "e unfortunate :no prosperity;. 5f Mars "e e!alted :in Capricorn; or "e in his sign :Aries or
Scorpio; the native will have illicit relations with the wife of his preceptor.
Co$$entsD@inth house inter alia signifies father. he $alefic Mars in ninth will ta)e the life of the
father of the native early in the latter7s life. 5t is also said that Mars in the ninth will $a)e the native
unfortunate. Mars is a powerful $alefic and is capa"le of this effect "ut this will not happen in the
following circu$stances9D
:/; *hen Aries or Scorpio is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the ascendant.
:0; *hen Sagittarius is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the fifth house.
:1; *hen Cancer is ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the 6th and /8th houses.
:G; *hen =eo is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the Gth and Bth houses.
:6; *hen >isces is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as the lord of 0nd and Bth houses.
he dispositions $entioned at :1;, :G; and :6;will give rise to a powerful Ra'ayoga giving na$e,
fa$e and wealth to the native.
*e are also dou"tful if a powerful and "enefic Mars :that is when he is e!alted or in his own sign;
will te$pt the native to have illicit relations with his preceptor7s wife. his $ay happen only when
such Mars is associated with or aspected "y Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will co$$it sinful actions >haldeepi)aD>eople will "e 'ealous
of the native even if he is a )ing7s favourite. he native will not en'oy happiness fro$ the side of
his father :this $ay $ean early death of the father; and he will cause sorrow and pain to others.
SaravaliDhe native will "e $ean, violent, irreligious, sinful "ut he will get favours fro$ the )ing
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e wealthy and fortunate. (e will have a cruel $ind. (is
efforts will not prove successful.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities e!cept Ch$at)ar Chinta$ani have attri"uted evil effects to Mars in
the ninth house. he "eneficial results $entioned "y Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani should "e realised in
the circu$stances $entioned in our co$$ents a"ove.
1ars in the Tenth House
Sutras C6D.6D5f Mars is in the tenth house, the native will "e acclai$ed "y the people. 5f the lord of
the tenth is strong the "rothers will "e longDlived. he native will "e particularly fortunate and
prosperous, he will ta)e interest in $editation, and will "e devoted to his preceptor. 5f Mars is in
con'unction with a $alefic, there will "e o"structions in the professional career. 5f he 's associated
with a "enefic or is in the house of a "enefic, the native will "e successful in his underta)ing. (e
will "e fa$ous and respected and will co$$ence earning fro$ his /.th year. (e will have a stout
"ody and will "e well off in every respect "ut he $ay have $entality of a thief. 5f Mars is
associated with a $alefic or is in the house of a $alefic, the native7s life will "e full of o"structions
and he will indulge in sinful deeds. 5f Mars is associated with lord of the Bth or /8th, the native will
"e installed as a )ing or heir apparent. 5f Mars is associated with Jupiter the native will possess
elephants :conveyances; and will "e full of glory. (e will also possess lands.
Co$$entsDAl$ost all the Sutras are logical and to the point and selfDe!planatory. Mars will give
good effects in the /8th as he gets directional strength in that house. 5ll effects are realised only
when Mars is associated with or aspected "y a $alefic or is lord of an evil house. 5f Mars is in his
sign :Aries or Scorpio; he will "e in the /8th as lord of the /8th, giving rise to a powerful
Ra'ayoga. he sa$e will happen if Mars is in aurus :=eo Ascendant; or in Sagittarius :>isces
Ascendant;, "ecause then he will "e in the /8th as lord of the Bth. 5f Mars is in the /8th, he will "e
in )endra to the ascendant. 5f he is in own sign or in his sign of e!altation, Rucha)a yoga will also
"e for$ed, the effects of which have already "een descri"ed at the "eginning of this chapter.
5t is stated in Sutra C- that if the lord of /8th is strong the "rothers will "e longlived. Although the
tenth house has nothing to do with "rothers, Mars is significator :)ara)a; of "rothers, and it is on
this "asis that the a"ove result has "een predicted.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e happy and powerful.
>haldeepi)aDhe person will "e cruel, charita"le, li)e a )ing, valourous and will "e ad$ired "y all.
SaravaliDhe native will "e very efficient in his wor), valourous, uncon4uera"le, e$ployee of a
highly placed $an, "lessed with children and full of glory.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will have auspicious cele"rations in his house. (e will "e
respected "y people. %ven if he "elongs to $odest fa$ily he will rise very high on account of his
"rilliant intellect. (e will "e li)e a lion :that is, very courageous;.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities agree that Mars in the tenth gives "eneficial results, "ut if the
results are to "e of high order, Mars should get "enefic influence and "e in dignity, and the lord of
the /8th should "e well placed as indicated in +hrigu Sutras.
1ars in the (leenth House
Sutras .-D.BDhe native "esides en'oying prosperity on account of his de!terity in his affairs, will
"e involved in $anifold activities. 5f Mars is associated with the lord of the llth, the native will "e a
)ing. 5f Mars is associated with two "enefics, the native rules over a "ig )ingdo$ and his "rother
will "e prosperous.
Co$$entsDhe eleventh house, is an upachaya house where $alefics give good results. he
conclusions $entioned are very logical and to the point. Mars will also give very good results if he
is in llth house in his own sign. Still "etter results will "e realised if Mars is in his sign of e!altation
:Capricorn;. 5n this disposition >isces will "e the ascendant and Mars will "e in the llth as lord of
the 0nd and Bth, giving rise to a very powerful &hanayoga.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person "orn will "e wealthy.
>haldeepi)aDhe person concerned will "e wealthy, happy, valourous and will "e cultured
SaravaliDhe native will "e full of good 4ualities, happy, valourous and wealthy. (e will also "e
"lessed with children.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDDMars in the llth is "ad for ene$ies and children. %ven if a person is
unfortunate, he will consider hi$self as fortunate. (e will earn wealth "y selling cows, horses,
elephants and chariots. (e will "e very $iser and his wealth will "e destroyed.
@oteD%!cept Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani all the a"ove authorities agree with +hrigu Sutras that Mars
gives good results in the llth in regard to finance. he views of Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani are not
"ased on logic. *e disagree with Saravali that Mars is good in the llth for "irth of children. Hur
view is that the aspect of Mars who is a $alefic, on the 6th house will cause loss of children.
1ars in the Twelfth House
Sutras B8DB/Dhe native will suffer fro$ want of finance. (e will suffer fro$ rheu$atic and "ilious
diseases. 5f Mars is associated with a $alefic the native will have false vanity.
Co$$entsDhe /0th house is a house of loss and Mars there will give only "ad results as
descri"ed a"ove. (e $ay give so$e good results if he is in his own sign. +eing in the /0th he will
also destory the good significations of the house he owns.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person will suffer degradation.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e a "ac)"iter, cruel, without wife and $ean. (e will also suffer fro$
eye trou"les.
SaravaliDhe native will suffer fro$ eye trou"les, he will "e sinful, $ean, )iller of his wife,
"ac)"iter and cruel, and will "e lia"le to get i$prison$ent.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e irreligious and a liar. (e will have fear fro$ thieves.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent that Mars gives only "ad results when he is in the
/0th house.
(ffects of 1ercur5 in the Twele Houses
If 1ercur5 is in the first house =ascendant>
Sutras /D/CD, the native will "e educated, will have early $arriage and will "e a devout listener of
the recitation of religious scriptures. (e will li)e to travel to $any places.. (e will "e inclined
towards Mantras and antras and will have the power to free people fro$ the influence of evil
spirits. (e will "e soft spo)en, learned, of a forgivea"le nature and )ind hearted. (e will go on
pilgri$ages in his 0Cth year and will have enor$ous gains of wealth and will attain distinction in
acade$ic pursuits. 5f Mercury is in con'unction with or in the house of a $alefic, the native will
suffer fro$ diseases :possi"ly s)in diseases;, "ilious trou"les and 'aundice. 5f Mercury is
associated with or in the house of a "enefic, the native will $aintain good health. (is "ody will
glitter li)e gold on account of good health, he will ta)e interest in the study of astrology. (e will
have a defective li$", will "e antagonistic towards gentle$en and will suffer fro$ eye diseases.
5n his /Cth year he will have ini$ical relations with his "rothers and will "e deceitful. 5f Mercury is
in his sign of e!altation :Virgo; or in his own sign :<e$ini or Virgo;, he will have happiness fro$
the side of his "rothers. (e will go to heaven after his death. 5f Mercury is associated with or
aspected "y a $alefic or in his sign of de"ilitation :>isces;, the native will go to hell after his
death. (e will "e deprived of the co$forts of "ed :se!ual pleasures; and will "e a devotee of evil
<ods. 5f Mercury is in con'unction with $alefic li)e Saturn, the native will suffer the loss of sight in
his left eye. 5f Mercury is in con'unction with the lord of the si!th or a de"ilitated planet, there will
"e no eye trou"le "ut he will "e sinful and incur e!penditure on undeserving persons. 5f Mercury
is associated with a "enefic, he will definitely have wealth and a good stoc) of grains and will "e
religious $inded. (e will "e well versed in the use of ar$s and in arith$etic, will "e happy and
gain proficiency in logic and will have a stout "ody.
Co$$entsDMercury is a significator of education, learning, intellect, logic, astrology, arith$etic
etc. he ascendant a$ongst other things represents the "ody of the native. Mercury is a "enefic
planet unless he is associated with or aspected "y a $alefic or he is co$"ust on account of
nearness to the Sun. Most of the effects descri"ed in the a"ove Sutras are logical, relevant to the
significations of Mercury and the first house "ut there are so$e effects which we find difficult to
accept. Hur co$$ents a"out the$ are given "elow9D
:/; 5t is stated in Sutras 6D. that if Mercury is associated with a "enefic or is in the house of a
"enefic, along with so$e of "eneficial results in regard to health, learning astrology, a nu$"er of
effects li)e having a defective li$", "eing antagonistic to gentle$en, having eye trou"les, "eing
ini$ical towards "rothers and deceitful, will also accrue. Hur view is that the a"ove evil effects
should not accrue when the Mercury and the first house are under "enefic influence. Actually the
position should "e 4uite opposite to what has "een stated a"ove.
:0; 5n Sutra /1 it is stated that if Mercury in the first house is in con'unction with Saturn or other
$alefics, the native7s left eye will "e da$aged "ut this will not happen if Mercury is associated
with the lord of the si!th or a de"ilitated planet. 5n a horoscope the si!th house is considered as
an evil house :&usthana; and lord of such a house cannot "e treated "etter than a $alefic :in this
connection please see our co$$ents against Sutras G-D61 in part 55 chapter 555 and views
ofJata)aa &esa$arga given there;. Si$ilarly a de"ilitated planet loses the power of doing any
good. (ow can the association with Mercury of such planets ward off the evil effects of
association of $alefics li)e Saturn with MercuryO 5f Mercury is in his own sign or in his sign of
e!altation in the first house :which is also =agna Kendra;, +hadra yoga :a >anch $ahaDpurusha
yoga; is for$ed, the effects of which are as under9D
2he person "orn in +hadra yoga will "e strong, will have a lionDli)e face, well developed chest,
well proportioned li$"s, he will "e taciturn, will help relatives and will live up to a good old age.2
he following horoscope of the late &r. S. Radha Krishnan, for$er >resident of 5ndia is a good
illustration of +hadra yoga.
SaravaliDhe native will have a "eautiful "ody, will "e wise and will have )nowledge of his country,
arts, poetry and arith$etic. (e will "e sweet and tactful conversationalist and will "e longDlived.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e a learned $an. >haldeepi)aDhe person concerned
will "e well versed in shastras. (e will "e a sweet and tactful tal)er and will "e longDlived.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDMercury in the first house destroys the Arishta :evil effect on longevity;
caused "y other planets in the horoscope the native will "e very intelligent and will earn his living
"y writing. Such natives will also "e good physicians.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities agree that Mercury in the first house gives "enefic results. +ut it
should "e )ept in view that Mercury is a converti"le planet and "eco$es a $alefic if he is
associated with or aspected "y a $alefic. hen he will give evil results.
1ercur5 in the Second House
Sutras /.D0GD5f Mercury is in the second house, the native will have a good nu$"er of children,
he will "e tal)ative, well versed in shastras, deter$ined, contented, wealthy and full of good
4ualities. (e will attain distinction in acade$ic pursuits in his /6th year and will have enor$ous
financial gains.
5f Mercury is associated with a $alefic, or is in the house of a $alefic orD is in his sign of
de"ilitation :>isces;, the native will re$ain uneducated. (e will also suffer fro$ windy trou"les. 5f
Mercury is associated with or aspected "y a "enefic, the native will "e wealthy and educated. 5f
Mercury is associated with or aspected "y Jupiter the native will "e very proficient in $athe$atics
and will "e an authority on this su"'ect.
Co$$entsDAll the effects given are logical and relevant to the significations of Mercury and the
second house. he second house is house of fa$ily. +y the "enefic influence of Mercury the
native will have a good nu$"er of children and the fa$ily will "e enlarged. 5t is, however, dou"tful
that the native can achieve distinction in acade$ic pursuits and ac4uire enor$ous wealth at the
early age of /6 :Sutra /.; unless he is an e!ceptionally .gifted person. Mercury will give very
"eneficial results in the case of aurus and =eo ascendants. Aor aurus ascendant Mercury will
"e in his own sign in the second as the lord of the 0nd and 6th houses. Aor the =eo ascendant he
will "e in his own sign in the second as lord of the 0nd and llth houses. <ood result will also "e
e!perienced in the case of <e$ini, Virgo, Sagittarius and >isces ascendants. Aor the <e$ini
ascendant Mercury will "e in the 0nd as lord of the ascendant and Gth. Aor Virgo ascendant
Mercury will "e in the 0nd as lord of the ascendant and the /8th. Aor Sagittarius ascendant
Mercury will "e in 0nd as lord of the Cfh and /8th. Aor >isces ascendant Mercury will "e in the
0nd as lord of the Gth and Cth. hese dispositions give rise to powerful &hana yogas9
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e rich.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will ac4uire wealth "y his intelligence. (e will "eco$e a poet. (e will "e
soft spo)en and will get sweetish food to eat.
SaravaliDhe native will earn his livelihood "y his intelligence. (e will "e fond of good food and
drin)s. (e will "e soft spo)en7 and of high $oral.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e wise and intelligent and will ac4uire na$e and fa$e.
(e will "e a good orator and very generous. (e will also "e fond of lu!urious living.
@oteDhere is a consensus a$ong all the a"ove authorities that Mercury when posited in the
second house gives "enefic results.
1ercur5 in the Third House
Sutras 06D1/Dif Mercury is in the third house the native will have a good nu$"er of "rothers and
will "e very happy. 5n /6th year he will get a son and will "eco$e owner of lands. Mercury in the
third house will ena"le the native to ac4uire wealth. (e will "e of high $orals and full of good
4ualities. 5f the lord of the third is strong the native will "e longDlived and tolerant. 5f the lord of the
third is wea), the "rothers will have to face sufferings and the native will "e ti$id. 5f the lord of the
third is strong the "rothers will "e longDlived.
Co$$entsDhe third house signifies "rothers. +enefic influence of Mercury gives the native a
nu$"er of "rothers. 5f the lord of third is strong the "rothers of the native will "e longDlived. Aro$
the third Mercury aspects the ninth house which signifies Shagya, prosperity $orality and also
childrenD hus the native will "e of high $orals, prosperous and will get children early in his life.
he third house "eing .th house is also the house of longevity. *hen Mercury is in the
third and the lord of third is strong the native will get a long span of life.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e a consu$$ate rogue. >haldeepi)aDhe native will "e
courageous "ut of $ediu$ longevity. (e will have good "rothers and sisters. (e will have to wor)
very hard to earn his livelihood.
SaravaliDhe native will "e hard wor)ing, without friends, clever and "lessed with "rothers and
sisters, and will have unsta"le $ind.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will have contacts with "usiness$en and will hi$self adopt
"usiness as his profession. (e will have good nature and will re$ain detached fro$ worldly
affairs. (is younger "rothers and sisters will "e dependent on hi$.
@oteDhe effects given "y +rihat Jata)a appear to "e of Mercury associated with a $alefic.
Saravali says that the native will "e of unsta"le $ind. his will also happen where Mercury is
under $alefic influence. he effects given "y Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani do not appear to "e logical
e!cept in regard to "rothers and sisters. Mercury is not a planet of satwi) nature "ut of Ra'asi)
nature and he will $a)e the native to give up worldly attach$ents. he effects given "y +righu
Sutras are $ore logical, detailed and relevant to the significations of the third house.
1ercur5 in the .ourth House
Sutras 10D1CD5f Mercury is in the fourth house, the native will have very active hands, he will "e
patient, will have "road eyes and happiness fro$ parents. (e will "e learned and happy. 5n his
/-th year he will ac4uire wealth "y 4uestiona"le $eans and ac4uire $any )ind of conveyances. 5f
the lord of the Gth house is strong he will have palan4uin as his conveyance. 5f Mercury is
associated with Rahu, Ketu or Saturn the native will "e deprived of the co$forts of conveyances.
(e will have no land, will have "itterness with his relations and will "e deceitful.
Co$$entsDVery "eneficial results have "een ascri"ed to Mercury in the fourth house when he is
alone or when the lord of the Gth is strong. %vil effects have "een indicated when Mercury is
associated with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. 5n Sutra 10, does he $ean to say that the native will "e
clever in handicrafts O 5n the sa$e Sutra it is said that the native will have "road eyes. @either
Mercury nor the fourth house have anything to do with eyes. his state$ent therefore see$s to
"e irrelevant. *e also feel that in Sutra 1G the $eaning of the Sutra will then "e that in his /-th
year he will get wealth as a gift. 5n the fourth house Mercury will "e in a Kendra to the ascendant.
(is disposition therefore in his own sign or in his sign .of e!altation :<e$ini and Virgo; will give
rise, to +hadra yoga the effects of which have already "een indicated earlier in this chapter.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e learned.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e learned, a flatterer, wealthy, will own lands and have good friends.
(e will also "e happy.
SaravaliDhe native will "e wealthy, will have good relations, will own conveyances and good
clothes. (e will also "e learned. Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e wise. (e will have
en'oy$ents with his friends. (e will "e Chief Accountant of the <overn$ent Secretariat. (e will
"e deprived of ancestral property.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent that Mercury in the fourth house gives "eneficial
results in accordance with the significations of that house. Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani, however, says
that Mercury in the fourth will deprive the native of his ancestral property. his is li)ely to happen
if the lord of the fourth house is placed in -th, .th or the /0th house or Mercury is in the Gth as
lord of these evil houses.
1ercur5 in the .ifth Houses
Sutras 1.DG8D5f Mercury is in the fifth house, the native7s $aternal uncle will suffer fro$ a serious
trou"le of the throat. (e will en'oy happiness fro$ $other, will have difficulty in having children,
will "e highly intelligent, soft spo)en and wise. 5f the lord of 6th is associated with $alefics or is
wea), there will "e loss of children. (aving no children he will o"tain a son "y adoption. (e will "e
sinful and will have "elief in $antras.
Co$$entsD5t is not clear to us how Mercury in the fifth house will $a)e the $aternal uncle of the
native suffer fro$ a throat disease. his house has nothing to do with $aternal uncle. he native
will have difficulty in "egetting children "ecause Mercury is a se!less planet :eunuch; "ut the
native will certainly have children if the lord of the 6th and Jupiter :significator for childrenDSantan
Kara)a; are strong and well placed. his is i$plied fro$ Sutra 1B that there will "e loss of children
if the lord of the 6th is with $alefics or is otherwise wea). *e are also of the view that Mercury
will give $uch $ore "eneficial results if he is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e a $inister.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will en'oy happiness and glory on account of his "rilliant intellect. he
native will have $any children and he will "e learned in $antra shastra.
SaravaliDhe native will "e learned in $antra shastra and hypnotis$. (e will have a good nu$"er
of children, will "e well educated, will hold a position of authority and will "e happy.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will get children late in his life. (e will "e selfish and a clever
@oteDAl$ost all the authorities are in agree$ent that Mercury in fifth will give "eneficial results in
the 6th in accordance with the significations of this house. >haldeepi)a and Saravali are of the
view that with Mercury in the 6th, the native will have $any children whereas +hrigu Sutras holds
that the native will have difficulty in "egetting children. *e reiterate our view ,that the native will
"e "lessed with children if the lord of the 6th and Jupiter are well placed in the horoscope.
1ercur5 in the Sixth House
Sutras G/DGCD5f Mercury is in the si!th house the native will "e respected "y the )ing. here will,
however, "e o"stacles in achieving success in educational pursuits. he native will "e showy and
proud and very proficient in creating controversies. 5n his 18th year he will "e accorded great
favour "y the )ing :<overn$ent;. he native will write letters, "oo)s etc. 5f Mercury is in the sign
of Mars :Aries or Scorpio;, the native will suffer fro$ leprosy of the "lue colour or other si$ilar
diseases of the s)in. 5f Mercury in the -th is associated with Saturn and Rahu or Saturn and Ketu,
the native will suffer fro$ diseases li)e rheu$atis$, shooting pains etc. (e will have 4uarrels with
ene$ies "elonging to his co$$unity. 5f lord of the -th is strong the people of the co$$unity will
prove stronger. 5f the lord of the -th is wea), the people of the co$$unity will get annihilated.
Co$$entsD5t will "e seen fro$ the a"ove that Mercury in the -th house gives $i!ed results "ut
the evil effects predo$inate. *hile the native will get favour fro$ <overn$ent, he will "e showy
and proud, 4uarrelso$e and will not achieve success in the educational sphere. (e will suffer
fro$ diseases and ene$ies if Mercury is under evil influence.
Hther Views
+rihat JafaftDhe native will "e without ene$ies.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e la3y and will have harsh speech. (e will hu$iliate his ene$ies "ut
will "e fond of creating controversies.
SaravaliDhe native will "e victorious in the "attlefield and will "e free fro$ diseases. (e will "e
la3y, without anger, harsh in speech and he will get hu$iliated.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniD(e will have ini$ical relations with other people. (e will earn wealth with
his own efforts.
@oteDAccording to a"ove authorities, Mercury gives "oth favoura"le and unfavoura"le results
when he is in the si!th house. hey are however, agreed that the native is either without ene$ies
or he annihilates the$.
1ercur5 in the Seenth House
Sutras G.D6-D5f Mercury is in the seventh house, the native will en'oy happiness fro$ $other and
will also en'oy co$forts of horses etc. (e will "e religiously inclined and will "e "road$inded. (e
will possess wide spread reputation and will "e respected "y <overn$ent. 5f Mercury in Cth is
associated with "enefics he will own a palan4uin :conveyances; and will get a good wife "ut he
will eat nonDvegetarian food. 5f the lord of the Cth is strong the native will have only one wife. 5f the
lord of Cth is wea) or is situated in a $alefic house or in con'unction with $alefics li)e Mars,
Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, there will "e loss of wife. 5n a fe$ale horoscope the a"ove disposition will
cause loss of hus"and and the native herself will suffer fro$ leprosy and will "e ugly in
Co$$entsDSeventh house "y itself is not a significator of $other and conveyances, "ut "eing Gth
to Gth house, such $atters can also "e considered fro$ the Cth house according to 7+havat
+hava$7 theory. he a"ove Sutras are all logical and relevant to the significations of the Cth
house and there is not $uch to co$$ent upon. Mercury in the Cth will "e in )endra to the
ascendant. (is disposition in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation :<e$ini and Virgo;, will give
rise to +hadra yoga the effects of which have already "een descri"ed earlier in this chapter. 5f
Jupiter or Venus are associated with Mercury in the -th, Cth or .th houses or if they are spread
out in these three houses without any $alefic association, a very "eneficial yoga )nown as
=agnadhi yoga is for$ed, the effects of which are as under 9D
2he person "orn under the =agnadhi yoga will "eco$e a $inister, a co$$ander or a ruler :of a
&istrict or >rovince;. (e will have $any wives, will "e wellD"ehaved, longDlived, virtuous and
without foes.2
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will possess a )nowledge of law and rules of the country.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wise, well dressed and full of glory. (e will "e $arried to a wealthy
SaravaliDhe wife of the native will "e intelligent, "eautiful, 4uarrelso$e and wealthy. he native
hi$self will "e a respected person.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will give happiness to his wife "ut will not "e very virile. (e will
"e handso$e and wealthy.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities have ascri"ed good effects to Mercury in the Cth house "ut it is
surprising that effects given "y +rihat Jata)a have no relevance to the significations of the Cth
1ercur5 in the (ighth House
Sutras 6CD-1D5f Mercury is in the .th house, the native will get a good span of life and will "e
owner of a large area of land. (e will have seven children. 5n his 06th year he will receive respect
and honour in $any ways and will get wide spread fa$e and reputation. 5f the lord of the .th is
strong or if the lord of the .th is in his sign of e!altation :Virgo; and associated with "enefic the
native will "e assured of full span Dof life. 5f the lord of the .th is in his sign of de"ilitation :>isces;
and is associated with $alefics, the native will have a short life.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras spea) very well of Mercury in .th house. he native will get lands
and good reputation and also longevity. he Sutras do not $ention of wealth. 5n our view
MercuryDwill aspect the 0nd house :&hana +hava; fro$ the .th and therefore the native should
"e wealthy also. According to Sutra 6. the native will have seven children. At the ti$e of giving
effects of Mercury in 6th house :house of children Suta +hava;, it was said in Sutra 1. that
Mercury in 6th would create o"stacles in getting the native children. 5t, there fore "eco$es difficult
to "elieve that the sa$e Mercury in the .th house :an evil house; will give the native seven
children particularly when this house has got nothing to do with children.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e widely )nown for his 4ualities.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e a person who will have authority to award punish$ent :'udge,
$agistrate etc;. (e will have wide spread reputation and will "e longDlived. (e will "e a supporter
of his fa$ily and will "e full of good 4ualities.
SaravaliDhe native will "e fa$ous, full of glory, powerful, longlived and supporter of his fa$ily. (e
will "e li)e a )ing or a 'udge.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will live for one hundred years. (e will en'oy good reputation
not only in his own country "ut in foreign countries also. (e will ac4uire wealth "y favour of the
)ing or "y doing "usiness. (e will en'oy the co$pany of wo$en.
@oteDAll the authorities are in full agree$ent with +hrigu Sutras that theDposition of Mercury
should "e considered as very favoura"le in the .th house "ut as pointed out "y +hrigu Sutras the
disposition of the lord of the .th should also "e )ept in view. 5t should also "e re$e$"ered that as
$entioned in chapter three :while dealing with the position of Mars in the si!th house; that if
Mercury is in .th house :a dusthana; as lord of an auspicious house, he will adversely affect the
significations of that house "ut as lord of 0nd in the .th he will not prove har$ful "ecause then he
will "e aspecting his own house fro$ the .th house.
1ercur5 in the 'inth House
Sutras -GD--D5f Mercury is in the Bth house the native will have $any children. (e will "e learned
in Vedas and Shastras, fond of $usic, very patient, religious $inded, full of glory, wealthy and
fortunate and his father will "e longDlived. (e will "e well cultured and will ta)e interest in
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras have clearly esta"lished that the place$ent of Mercury in the ninth
is very "eneficial to the native and will give long life to his father. he views e!pressed are logical
and relevant to the significations of the Bth house. Aor aurus ascendant Mercury will "e in the
Bth as lord of the 0nd and 6th. Aor <e$ini ascendant Mercury will "e in the Bth as lord of
ascendant and the Gth. Aor =eo ascendant, he will "e in the Bth as the lord of the 0nd and llth. Aor
Virgo ascendant he will "e in the Bth as lord of ascendant and /8th. Aor =i"ra ascendant he will
"e in Bth as lord of Bth. Aor Sagittarius ascendant he will "e in the Bth as lord of the Cth and /8th.
Aor >isces ascendant he will "e in the Bth as lord of the Gth and Cth. hese are powerful &hana
yogas. 5f Mercury is in his own sign :<e$ini or Virgo; a very powerful Ra'a yoga will "e for$ed
giving na$e, fa$e and wealth to the native. he following horoscope of Mr. >aul Reynaud, for$er
>ri$e Minister of Arance is an e!a$ple of such Ra'a yoga.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e endowed with children, wealth and happiness.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e very learned, religious $inded wealthy and of good conduct.
SaravaliDhe native will "e very wealthy, very learned, of good conduct, orator, proficient in his
wor) and religious $inded.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e religious $inded and very wise. (e will perfor$
religious rites, "athe in the <anges, "ring good reputation to his fa$ily and will destroy those who
indulge in sinful deeds.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities agree with the +hrigu Sutras a"out the "eneficial effects of Mercury
in the Bth house.
1ercur5 in the Tenth House
Sutras -CDC8D5f Mercury is in the tenth house the native will "e successful "y perfor$ing virtuous
deeds. (e will "e patient, will have wide spread reputation and will "e a great thin)er. 5n his
year he will suffer fro$ eye trou"les. 5f Mercury is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation or is
in con'unction with Jupiter, the native will perfor$ $any )inds of religious rites. 5f Mercury is in the
house of his ene$y, or is associated with a $alefic, the native will "e stupid, will indulge in sinful
deeds and will "e of "ad conduct.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras have ascri"ed "eneficial results to Mercury in the tenth house
unless he is under $alefic influence. (owever, the state$ent in Sutra -., that the native will
suffer fro$ eye trou"les in his year does not appear logical and relevant to the significations
of Mercury and the tenth house. 5f Mercury is in the /8th house in his own sign <e$ini he will "e
there as lord of the ascendant and the tenth in the /8th house. 5f he is in his own sign Virgo :this
is also his sign of e!altation; he will "e there as lord of seventh and tenth in .the tenth house.
hese are very favoura"le dispositions. =ord of /8th in the /8th or lord of Bth in /8th :Capricorn
ascendant; also for$s a powerful Ra'a yoga which is capa"le of giving the native great na$e,
fa$e and popularity.
Mercury in the tenth in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation, "eing in Kendra to the ascendant,
will also give rise to +hadra yoga, the effects of which have already "een descri"ed earlier in this
5f Mercury as a "enefic occupies the tenth house fro$ the ascendant A$ia yoga is also for$ed,
the results of which have "een given as under9D
2he person will achieve lasting fa$e and reputation. (is character will "e spotless and he will
lead a prosperous life.2
Aor <e$ini, Virgo, Sagittarius and >isces ascendants, Mercury in the tenth as lord of the
ascendant and Gth, as lord of the ascendant and the /8th, as lord of Cth and the /8th, as lord of
the Gth and Cth respectively will give rise to powerful &han yogas.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e happy and powerful.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e learned, powerful, intelligent, happy, will perfor$ virtuous deeds
and will "e successful in his life.
SaravaliDhe native will "e highly intelligent, will perfor$ virtuous deeds, will "e successful in his
life, will "e educated, tolerant and powerful. (e will "e decorated with $any honours.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will get paternal property. (e will "e respected everywhere. (e
will have the authority of a )ing. (e will spea) less and do $ore
@oteDAll the a"ove are agreed that the position of a "enefic Mercury in the /8th would "e one of
the $ost favoura"le dispositions in a horoscope.
1ercur5 in the (leenth House
Sutras C/DC6D5f Mercury is in the eleventh house, the native will perfor$ $any auspicious
cere$onies. (e will ac4uire wealthy through $any sources. After the age of 0/ he will "e "lessed
with children and will "e wealthy and )indDhearted. 5f Mercury is in the house of a $alefic or is
associated with $alefics, the native will suffer loss of wealth on account of sinful deeds. 5f
Mercury is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation, the native will "eco$e wealthy "y
perfor$ing virtuous deeds.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras have attri"uted very "enefic results to Mercury in the eleventh
house if he is not under any $alefic influence. Aor =eo Ascendant if Mercury is in the //th house
he will "e there as lord of the 0nd and //th houses in the //th. his will "e a very good disposition
for $a)ing the native very wealthy. Aor <e$ini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and >isces
ascendants also Mercury in the //th will "e very "eneficial.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDMercury in the //th house will $a)e the person "orn wealthy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e longDlived, true to his words, possessor of enor$ous wealth and
happy. (e will en'oy happiness and co$forts fro$ his servants.
SaravaliDhe native will "e wealthy, learned, happy, fond of things of lu!ury and fa$ous, and will
have o"edient servants.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhere will "e no gain of wealth unless Mercury is in the eleventh house.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities and +hrigu Sutras are in full agree$ent that eleventh house is a
very auspicious and favoura"le house for Mercury.
1ercur5 in the Twelfth House
Sutras C-D./Dhe native will "e learned. (e will "e fond of distri"uting things to others. 5f Mercury
is associated with $alefics, the native will have an unsta"le $ind and he will have "itterness
towards the )ing. 5f Mercury is associated with "enefics, the native will incur e!penditure on
religious charities and will have $eager education.
Co$$entsDhe twelfth is a house of loss or e!penditure :Vyaya +hava;. he only good that the
"enefic Mercury does is to $a)e the native spend $oney on religious charities and distri"ute
articles of necessity to the needy.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will suffer degradation.
>haldeepi)aDhe person will "e poor, la3y, cruel and without any education. (e will also suffer
SaravaliDhe person will "e true to his words, la3y, hu$iliated, orator, poor and cruel.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will entertain +rah$ins and create fear in the $ind of ene$ies.
@oteDAdverse results have "een attri"uted to Mercury in the /0th house "y the a"ove authorities.
6 (ffects of 7upiter in the Twele Houses
7upiter in the .irst House
Sutras /D-D5f Jupiter is in his own sign :Sagittarius or >isces; in the first house :ascendant; the
native will "e a. good spea)er and wellDversed in Shastras. (e will have full )nowledge of three
Vedas good nu$"er of children and will "e happy, long lived and learned. 5f Jupiter is in his sign
of e!altation :Cancer; all the a"ove results will "e fully realised and in his /-th year the native will
en'oy the effects of Mahara'a yoga so caused "y Jupiter. 5f Jupiter is in the house of his ene$y, or
in the house of a $alefic, or is associated with a $alefic or in his sign of de"ilitation :Capricorn;
the native will indulge in sinful deeds, he will have an unsta"le $ind and a $ediu$ span of life.
(e will "e childless, ungrateful, full of false vanity, will forsa)e his near relations and well wishers,
li)e travels, will "e ini$ical towards others and "e $isera"le.
Co$$entsDJupiter is the greatest "enefic a$ongst all the planets. he first house in the
horoscope is the $ost ideal position for Jupiter. (e gets directional strength in this house and
casts "enefic aspects on the 6th house :signifying children, intellect etc;, the Cth house :signifying
wife, $arriage, $arried life etc.; and the Bth house :signifying religious $indedness, "hagya,
prosperity, father etc;. 5f Jupiter is in the first house in a horoscope, it indicates that the native is
"lessed with the grace of <od. According to Jata)a &esa$arga, when Jupiter possessed of
e!ceeding strength with clear "right rays, occupies the lagna, the child "orn should "e declared to
"e free fro$ all afflictions. his $eans that Jupiter posited in a )endra position to the Moon wards
off all evils :that would otherwise "efall on a child; caused "y all the planets, 'ust as a lion, though
single, is a"le to )ill thousands of elephants. Jata)aa >ari'ata says in this respect9D
his $eans that if a powerful Jupiter in his full rays is posited in a )endra :/,G,C,/8;, he alone
wards off all aristhas 'ust as a sincere prayer to <od Mahadev destroys all sins of the devotee.
hus all the good results descri"ed in Sutras /DG will definitely "e realised if Jupiter is not in any
way afflicted. 5f afflicted the native will have to face effects in Sutras 6 and -.
5f Jupiter is in Sagittarius in the ascendant, he will "e there as lord of the Gth and the ascendant. 5f
Jupiter is in >isces, he will "e there as lord of the ascendant and the /8th house. 5f Jupiter is in
Cancer :his sign of e!altation;, the ascendant will "e Cancer and he will "e there as lord of the
ninth. hese are very "eneficial dispositions for any horoscope. he disposition of Jupiter in
Sagittarius, >isces or Cancer in the ascendant :=agnaDKendra; also gives rise to (a$sa yoga :a
>anch Mahapurusha Joga;, the effects of which have "een given as under9
2he native7s legs will have the $ar)ings of a conch, lotus, fish and an)usa. (e will possess a
handso$e "ody# he will "e li)ed "y others# he will "e righteous in disposition and pure in $ind.2
he following horoscope of >resident San'eeva Reddy is a good e!a$ple of (a$sa yogaD
he following horoscope of the late Sir Mir3a 5s$ail >ri$e Minister of for$er Mysore state is
another e!a$ple of (a$sa yogaD
Hther Views
+ri)at Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e learned.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will have a dignified appearance, will perfor$ righteous deeds, will "e
longDlived and fearless. (e will have happiness fro$ children.
SaravaliDhe native will possess a "eautiful "ody, will "e longDlived, learned and tolerant.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e respected for his good 4ualities. (e will spend $oney
on pilgri$ages.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities have attri"uted "enefic results to Jupiter in the first house ."ut not
in so logical a $anner as given "y +hrigu Sutras.
7upiter in the Second House
Sutras CD/0D5f Jupiter is in the second house the native will "e rich and intelligent. *hat he
foretells will co$e true. 5n his /-th year he will en'oy financial gains and agricultural prosperity. (e
will also "e very powerful. 5f Jupiter is in his own sign :Sagittarius or >isces; or in his sign of
e!altation, the native will "e very prosperous and wealthy. 5f Jupiter is associates with a $alefic
there will "e o"stacles in educational pursuits and the native will "e a thief, liar and will have
vulgar speech. 5f Jupiter is in his sign of de"ilitation and associated with a $alefic, the native will
"e a drun)ard and i$$oral. (e will "e a destroyer of his fa$ily and will have relations with other
people7s wives. (e will also "e childless.
Co$$entsDhe second house is native7s &hana "hava. Jupiter in the second will give the native
financial prosperity early in his life. According to the author second house also deals with
education and Jupiter associated with $alefics will cause o"stacles in the educational sphere.
he second house also signifies speech and fa$ily. Jupiter associated with $alefics will .$a)e
the native i$$oral in every respect. Jupiter is a significator for children. 5f he is afflicted or is in his
sign of de"ilitation, there will "e no issues. 5f Jupiter is in Sagittarius the ascendant will "e Scorpio
and Jupiter will "e ii2the 0nd house as lord of the 0nd and 6th houses. 5f Jupiter is in >isces, the
ascendant will "e A4uarius and Jupiter will "e in the 0nd as lord of the 0nd and //th houses. 5f
Jupiter is in Cancer :his sign of e!altation;, the ascendant will "e <e$ini and he will "e in the 0nd
as lord of the Cth and /8th houses. hese dispositions give rise to powerful &hana yogas. Aor
Virgo ascendant also Jupiter will "e very "eneficial in the 0nd house.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e elo4uent and sweet tongued.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e intelligent, handso$e and elo4uent. (e will get good food to eat.
Jupiter in the second will i$prove all the good significations of this house.
SaravaliDhe native will "e rich, fond of lu!uries, elo4uent handso$e, sweet tongued and
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e fond of poetry. (e will "e well versed in ad$inistrative
affairs. (e will suffer on account of lac) of food. (e will "e very tal)ative. (e will earn wealth with
difficulty and inspite of all his efforts he will "e una"le to accu$ulate any wealth.
@oteD+rihat Jata)a does not $ention anything a"out wealth.
Cha$at)ar7Chinta$ani has e!pressed the view that the native who has Jupiter in the 0nd can
never "e wealthy. >erhaps the author has 7Kar)o +hava @ashaya7 theory in view. >haldeepi)a
and Saravali are in agree$ent with the views of +hrigu Sutras which we thin) are very logical and
relevant to the significations of Jupiter and the 0nd house. *e have found the$ correct in
practical e!perience.
7upiter in the Third House
Sutras /1D/.D5f Jupiter is in third house, the native will "e very $iser and there will "e a good
nu$"er of "rothers. he native will "e very clever and deter$ined. (e will forsa)e his relations
and will have travels in his year. 5f the lord of the 1rd is strong the "rothers will "e longlived.
5f the lord of the 1rd is associated with a $alefic there will "e loss of "rothers and the native will
"e i$patient "y nature, an idiot and poor.
Co$$entsDhe effects given a"ove are 4uite logical and relevant to the significations of the 1rd
house. Jupiter as a natural "enefic gives good results unless he is afflicted. Jupiter fro$ the 1rd
aspects the seventh, ninth and eleventh houses, thus giving a happy $arried life to the native and
also financial gains.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e stingy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e sinful, will have a $alicious nature, and will "e $iser and
hu$iliated, "ut his "rother will achieve a high position.
SaravaliDhe native will "e hu$iliated in pu"lic, $iser, youngest a$ongst his "rothers, do$inated
"y his wife and sinful.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will get happiness fro$ his "rothers "ut he will "e ungrateful
and will not "e friend of any "ody. Although7he will "e fortunate he will not "e a"le to earn as
$uch wealth as he aspires to get.
@oteDAl$ost all are agreed that the native will "e $iser with Jupiter in the third. *e are, however,
una"le to agree to other evil effects attri"uted to Jupiter in the 1rd "y >haldeepi)a and Saravali.
hese can "e realised when Jupiter is afflicted.
7upiter in the .ourth House
Sutras /BD01D5f Jupiter is in the Gth house, the native will "e happy, wise, of good conduct and
highly intelligent. (e will also "e a landDlord and will have a"undance of $il). 5f the lord. of the Gth
house is strong 8/. is associated with Venus or Moon or is in "enefic vargas the native will have
conveyances pulled "y hu$an "eings. (e will Bwn $any lands, horses and a spacious house. 5f
Jupiter is aspected "y or associated with a $alefic, the native will "e without any land or
conveyance, he will have to live in other people7s houses and will suffer loss of $other and have
"itterness with relations.
Co$$entsDhe effects given in the a"ove Sutras are very logical and relevant to the
significations of the Gth house. Jupiter will give still "etter results if he is in his own sign
:Sagittarius or >isces; or in his sign of e!altation :Cancer;. *hen he is in Sagittarius, the
ascendant will "e Virgo and Jupiter will "e in Gth as lord of Gth and Cth. 5f Jupiter is in >isces, the
ascendant will "e Sagittarius. Jupiter will "e in Gth as lord of ascendant and the Gth. 5f Jupiter is in
Cancer, the ascendant will "e Aries, he will "e lord of the Bth e!alted in the Gth. he association
of Jupiter with Moon in the Gth, will give rise to a very "eneficial yoga )nown as <a'a)esari yoga
the effects of which have "een given as under 9D
2Many relations, polite and generous, "uilder of villages and towns or $agistrate over the$, will
have a lasting reputation even long after death.2 Jupiter in the Gth will "e in )endra to ascendant.
(is disposition in Sagittarius, >isces or Cancer will give rise to (a$sa yoga, the effects of which
have already "een given earlier in this chapter.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e happy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will en'oy happiness fro$ $other, friends, children, wife and agriculture.
SaravaliDhe native will en'oy happiness in regard to $e$"ers of his fa$ily, house, clothes,
conveyances# lu!uries and wealth. (e will hu$iliate his ene$ies.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will own horses and will ta)e part in religious cere$onies. (is
ene$ies will act li)e his servants. Still he will not re$ain contented.
@oteDhe views e!pressed a"ove will show that Jupiter has "een considered to give 4uite
favoura"le results when situated in the fourth house "ut none of the a"ove authorities has
e!a$ined this disposition as appropriately as done "y +higru Sutras whose conclusions we
co$$end to the readers.
7upiter in the .ifth House
Sutras 0GD1/D5f Jupiter is in the fifth house, the native will "e highly intelligent, will have "road
eyes, will "e a good conversationalist, full of glory, will feed others, love fa$ily and in his /.th
year "eco$e co$$ander of the ar$y "y the favour of the )ing. (e will also have a good nu$"er
of children who will "e prosperous. 5f the lord of the 6th is strong and at the sa$e ti$e in the
house of a $alefic or his ene$y or he is in his sign of de"ilitation, there will "e loss of children or
the native will have only one issue. (e will "e rich "ut will suffer loss of wealth on account of
penalties i$posed "y the )ing :<overn$ent;. 5f Jupiter is associated with Rahu or Ketu, the native
will suffer loss of his children on account of the wrath of Serpent <od "ut this will not happen if
Jupiter is aspected "y a "enefic.
Co$$entsD%ffects given in Sutras 06 and 0- are logical and relevant to the significations of
Jupiter and the fifth house. 5t is said that in his /.th year, the native will o"tain the position of a
co$$ander in the ar$y "y the favour of the )ing. his $ay "e ta)en to $ean that the native will
"e appointed to a respecta"le govern$ental post early in his life.
Sutras 0-D0B are confusing. 5t is difficult to "elieve that the lord of the 6th will "e strong and "e at
the sa$e ti$e in the house of $alefic or in the house of his ene$y or "e in his sign of de"ilitation.
here see$s to "e so$e error in printing of the original te!t. Shri @. @. Krishna Rao has also
translated these Sutras according to the a"ove te!t. (is translation is as under9D
5f depositor happens to "e strong, there will "e loss of children# "ut will have $ini$u$ one son#
and at the sa$e ti$e if it is situated in a $alefic, ene$y or de"ilitation sign, there will "e
e!penses or account of )ing or govt. *e interpret the a"ove Sutras as follows9 5f the lord of the
6th is strong the native will "e wealthy. 5f the lord of 6th is wea) "y "eing in a $alefic or ene$y7s
house or in his sign of de"ilitation, the native will suffer loss of children or will have only one son
and will "e put to loss of wealth on account of penalties i$posed "y <overn$ent. +ad effects will
not "e there if there is aspect of a "enefic on Jupiter. 5f Jupiter is in his own sign Sagittarious the
ascendant will "e =eo and he will "e lord of 6th in 6th :there will "e very little evil effect of his
"eing lord of .th also;. 5f Jupiter is in >isces, the ascendant will "e Scorpio and he will "e in the
6th as lord of 0nd and 6th. 5f Jupiter is in Cancer :his sign of e!altation;, the ascendant will "e
>isces, and he will "e in 6th as e!alted lord of the ascendant and the /8th. hese are very
powerful and "eneficial dispositions and will greatly i$prove the good effects of Jupiter in the fifth
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e intelligent.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e intelligent and a $inister /08 of the )ing "ut will "e unhappy on
account of want of children.
SaravaliDhe native will "e happy, will have a good nu$"er of children, will "e learned, tolerant,
and per$anently wealthy.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e fond of lu!uries. (e will "e a good orator and a writer
with good i$agination. (e will so$eti$es ac4uire wealth through his children.
@oteDSaravali agrees su"stantially with +hrigu Sutras. +rihat Jata)a $a)es no $ention of the
children which is the $ost i$portant signification of Jupiter and the fifth house. >haldeepi)a says
that the native will suffer on account of the want of children. 5t see$s to favour the 7Kar)o +hava
@ashyas7 theory. *e would co$$end to the reader the effects given "y +hrigu Sutras which have
"een supported "y Saravali.
7upiter in the Sixth House
Sutras 10D1GDhe native will destroy his ene$ies, there will "e growth of the $e$"ers of his
fa$ily :so$e have interpreted this to $ean increase of nephews and inDlaws;, he will have grandD
children and $ar)s of wounds on the "ody. 5f Jupiter is in con'unction with a "enefic the native will
"e free fro$ diseases. 5f he is associated with a $alefic or is in the house of $alefic, the native
will suffer for$ rheu$atis$ or diseases due to cold. 5f Jupiter is in the sign of Saturn :Capricorn or
A4uarius; in association with Rahu or Ketu the native will suffer fro$ diseases of the worst type.
Co$$entsDAccording to a"ove Sutras Jupiter as a natural "enefic will give good effects in regard
to the significations of the si!th house unless he is afflicted. his si!th house is not a significator
of children or grand children. 5t is, therefore, not understood how the effect will "e realised if
Jupiter is in the si!th house. he si!th house is an evil house :dusthana; and if Jupiter is there as
a lord of an auspicious house, the significations of that house will "e adversely affected.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e without ene$ies.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will destroy his ene$ies, he will "e la3y, he will get hu$iliated, will ta)e
interest in recitation of $antras and will "e clever.
SaravaliDhe native will win over his ene$ies, will "e fa$ous "ut hu$iliated, la3y, will gain na$e
and fa$e through his wife and will suffer fro$ diseases li)e hyperacidity.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will destroy his ene$ies, get happiness 7fro$ his wife "ut not
fro$ his $aternal uncle. (e will always "e sic)ly. (is $other will also re$ain sic)ly.
@oteDhe a"ove authorities have given "oth favoura"le and unfavoura"le results of Jupiter in the
si!th house without ta)ing into account the $alefic or "enefic associations. 5n this respect the
views e!pressed "y +hrigu Sutras are $ore logical and reasona"le e!cept those on which we
have already given our co$$ents.
7upiter in the Seenth House
Sutras 16D1CD5f Jupiter is in the seventh house, the native will "e highly educated and also
worried. (e will have lot of financial gains and his wife will "e learned, chaste and devoted to her
hus"and. 5f the lord of the Cth is wea) or is associated with Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Mars or is
aspected "y any of these $alefics, the native will have illicit relations with wo$en other than his
wife. 5f Jupiter is associated with "enefics, is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation, the native
will have and "e attached to one wife only and he will gain wealth through his wife. (e will "e
happy and earn great respect in his 1Gth year.
Co$$entsDJupiter is a natural "enefic and according to a"ove Sutras he gives very "eneficial
results in the $atter of education, finances and $arital relations. he native "eco$es i$$oral if
the lord of the seventh is wea) and associated with or aspected "y $alefics. he sa$e results
$ay "e e!pected if JupiterD is associated with or aspected "y any of the $alefics $entioned in
Sutra 1-. Still "etter results will "e realised if Jupiter is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation.
(ere a dou"t $ay arise whether Jupiter in his sign of e!altation can "e capa"le of giving good
results "ecause in such a position with Capricorn as the ascendant, he will "e lord of two "ad
houses, the 1rd and the /0th houses. his dou"t has "een cleared "y Kalidasa7s ?ttara Kala$rita
in the following slo)a9D :%!tractDfro$ slo)a BDKhand 5V; his $eans that Jupiter when he owns the
1rd and /0th houses in a nativity will "e productive of good to the person concerned. he sa$e
applies when he holds the ownership of the .th house or when he occupies the .th house. *hen
Jupiter is in own sign Sagittarius in the Cth, the ascendant will "e <e$ini and he will "e in the Cth,
as lord of the Cth and /8 houses. *hen Jupiter is in >isces, the ascendant will "e Virgo and he
will "e in the C,th, as lord of the Gth and Cth houses. hese dispositions give rise to powerful
&hana yogas. *hen in the Cth house, Jupiter will "e in Kendra to the ascendant, his disposition in
Sagittarius, >isces or Cancer, will also give rise to (a$sa yoga, the effects of which have already
"een descri"ed earlier in this chapter.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e e!celling his father :in his 4ualities;.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will get a good wife, will "e "lessed with children and will "e $ore
generous than his father.
SaravaliDhe native will "e handso$e, will get a "eautiful wife and will "e superior to his father in
good 4ualities. (e will "e an orator, poet, head of the village and fa$ous for his learning.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e highly intelligent. (e will not care very $uch for wo$en
:perhaps those other than his wife "ecause of his chaste nature;. (e will "e powerful and very
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent that Jupiter in Cth house gives very good results
in accordance with his significations and those of the Cth house.
7upiter in the (ighth House
Sutras 1.DG1D5f Jupiter is in the .th house, the native will "e shortlived, and indulge in undesira"le
activities. 5f Jupiter is associated with a $alefic, the native will "e sinful. 5f the lord of .th is
associated with a "enefic and is posited in the .th the native will "e long lived. 5f the lord of .th is
wea), he will "e short lived. 5f the lord of .th is associated with a $alefic the native will have illicit
relations with widows after his /Cth year. 5f Jupiter is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation the
native will "e long lived, free fro$ diseases a saintly person, learned and well Versed in vedas
and Shastras.
Co$$entsD5t will "e noted that Jupiter in his ordinary position is not considered to give good
results in the .th house. 5f associated with a $alefic Jupiter and lord of the .th give still worse
results in regard to longevity and $orals of the native. 5t is only when he is in his own sign or in
his sign of e!altation, Jupiter gives "eneficial results in the .th house. *e thought that Jupiter
"eing a "enefic and &hanaDKara)a will give wealth to the native as he would aspect the second
house :&hana "hava; fro$ the eighth house, "ut the author of the a"ove Sutras does not see$ to
thin) so. +ut this should certainly happen if the 0nd house falls in Sagittarius or >isces "ecause
then Jupiter would "e $a)ing the &hana "hava very powerful "y aspecting it.
*e have e!pressed this view on the strength of the following slo)a of Jata)a &esa$arga9D :Slo)a
10Dchapter 5;
his $eans that whichever "hava is aspected or occupied "y its lord or "y any of the "enefics,
the prosperity of that "hava is assured. he .th house is an evil house :dusthana;. 5f Jupiter as a
lord of auspicious houses is in the .th, the significations of these houses will "e adversely
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e "ase.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e poor and will earn his livelihood "y serving others. (e will "e long
lived "ut indulge in sinful deeds. SaravaliDhe native will "e long lived "ut will live in hu$iliation "y
serving others. (e will have illicit relations with dirty wo$en :or wo$en of low status;
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will not live in his paternal house for a long ti$e. (e will not "e
in good health. (e will go to heaven after his death.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent that to "e in the .th house is not a "eneficial
position for Jupiter. his tallies with the views e!pressed "y +hrigu Sutras which has, however,
$ade an e!ception when Jupiter is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation and when Jupiter or
the lord of the .th is strong and associated with "enefics. *hile +hrigu Sutras is of the view that
Jupiter in the .th will $a)e the native shortDlived, >haldeepi)a and Saravali are of the opposite
view. *e feel that a "enefic li)e Jupiter if not afflicted should certainly help to enhance the
longevity of the native.
7upiter in the 'inth House
Sutras GGDG6Dhe native will perfor$ religious and charita"le deeds, will ta)e interest in
$editation and will "e pious and wealthy. (e will perfor$ religious cere$onies in his 16th year.
(is father will "e long lived, he will "e righteous and will receive respect and honour in $any
ways. (e will give protection to $any. Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras are very logical and to the
point +eneficial results have "een attri"uted to Jupiter in the ninth house "ecause as a natural
"enefic he i$proves all the good significations of this auspicious house. Still "etter results would
"e e!perienced if Jupiter is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation. 5f Jupiter is in one of his
own signs, "y "eing lord of Bth in the Bth, he will give rise to a powerful Ra'ayoga giving na$e,
fa$e and wealth to the native. 5f Jupiter is in his sign of e!altation :Cancer;, the ascendant will "e
Scorpio and Jupiter will "e in the ninth house as lord of 0nd and 6th, giving rise to an e!tre$ely
powerful yoga for prosperity and fa$e.
he following horoscope of Shei)h Mu'i"ur Reh$an the late >resident of +angladesh is an
e!a$ple of this yogaD
(e $et a tragic end on account of other evil factors in the horoscope the study of which is "eyond
the scope of this s$all "oo).
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e devout and philosophical.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wealthy, "lessed with children, fa$ous, an!ious to perfor$
religious rites and a $inister of the )ing.
SaravaliDhe native will worship fa$ily gods, will "e learned, handso$e, a $inister of the )ing or
co$$ander of the ar$y and a recognised leader.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will own a palatial $ansion. (e will "e a favourite of the )ing
and devotee of +rah$ins. (e will "e loved "y his near relations.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent that Jupiter is very favoura"le to the native when
he is situated in the ninth house.
7upiter in the Tenth House
Sutras G-DGBDhe native will "e religious $inded and will perfor$ righteous deeds, study <eeta,
will "e very a"le, will have widespread reputation and will "e respected "y the $asses. 5f the lord
of the /8th is strong, the native will perfor$ high class religious sacrifices. 5f the lord of the /8th is
associated with a $alefic or is in the house of a $alefic, there will "e o"stacles in his professional
career and the native will indulge in evil deeds and will suffer financially.
Co$$entsDAccording to a"ove Sutras the place$ent of Jupiter is very "eneficial for the
i$prove$ent of the significations of the /8th house. 5f Jupiter is in the /8th house in his sign
Sagittarius, >isces will "e the ascendant and Jupiter will "e in the /8th as lord of the ascendant
and the /8th house. 5f Jupiter is in >isces, <e$ini will "e the ascendant and Jupiter will "e in the
/8th as lord of the Cth and /8th houses. Aor Virgo Ascendant Jupiter will "e in the /8th as lord of
the Gth and the Cth houses. Aor Sagittarius ascendant Jupiter will "e in /8th as lord of the
ascendant and the Gth houses. hese dispositions give rise to powerful &hana yogas. Jupiter will
"e a good wealth giver even when he is in Cancer :his sign of e!altation; in the /8th in spite of
"eing lord of 1rd and -th houses, the ascendant "eing =i"ra. his view gets support fro$ the
following slo)a of +havartha Ratna)ar9
his $eans that Saturn is a yoga )ara)a planet for the =i"ra ascendant. Jupiter inspite of "eing
lord of the 1rd and the -th for this ascendant gives yoga effects. he disposition of Jupiter in the
tenth house in his signs Sagittarius and >isces gives rise to a powerful Ra'ayoga.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e wealthy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e very rich and a favourite of the )ing :<overn$ent;. (e will "e of
praiseworthy conduct and will en'oy great respect and reputation.
SaravaliDhe native will "e successful in his efforts, respected and proficient in every way. (e will
"e happy, wealthy respected and will en'oy confidence of the pu"lic and co$forts of
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDA. flag will fly on the top of the house of the native :sign of "eing head of
a State;. (is house will "e decorated with pictures. (e will e!cel his forefathers in his reputation.
(e will not "e happy in regard to his children.
@oteD%!cept one evil effect a"out children indicated "y Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani all the a"ove
authorities agree with +hrigu Sutras a"out the very "eneficial effects produced "y Jupiter when
posited in the tenth house.
7upiter in the (leenth House
Sutras 68D61D5f Jupiter is in the eleventh house, the native will "e learned, wealthy and will have
lot of financial gains. 5n his 10nd year he will possess horses to ride on :this $eans he will
ac4uire conveyances; and will have widespread reputation. 5f he is associated with "enefics and
$alefics he will possess elephants and will have pronounced good luc). 5f Jupiter is associated
with Moon, the native will have effortless financial gains.
Co$$entsDJupiter will "e of i$$ense good to the native according to a"ove Sutras if he is in the
eleventh. 5n Sutra 60 it is stated that if Jupiter is associated with "enefics and $alefics, the native
will ac4uire elephants :conveyances; and en'oy increased prosperity. Jupiter is the greatest
"enefic a$ongst the planets. Another "enefic in con'unction with hi$ will therefore "eco$e a
for$ida"le "eneficial co$"ination. he learned author see$s to "e of the view that one or two
$alefics in con'unction with such a strong "enefic co$"ination cannot noticea"ly alter the "enefic
results. Aurther llth is an upachaya house in which even $alefics produce good results. *hen
Jupiter is in Sagittarius, A4uarius will "e the ascendant and he will "e in the llth as lord of 0nd and
llth. *hen he is in Cancer, :his sign of e!altation; Virgo will "e the ascendant and he will "e in the
llth e!alted as lord of the Gth and Cth houses. hese are very powerful &hana yogas.
he following horoscope of &r. C.&. &esh$u)h for$er <overnor of Reserve +an) and ?nion
Ainance Minister illustrates the a"ove state$ent.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e prosperous.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wealthy, fearless and long lived. (e will have few children "ut
$any conveyances.
SaravaliDhe native will en'oy enor$ous financial gains, co$forts of conveyances and servants.
(e will "e no"le "ut will have few children and not $uch of education.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will possess articles of, gold and silver. (e will "e intelligent
and will $aintain his father. (e will get five children. (e will spend $oney not on lu!uries "ut for
the good of others.
@oteDJupiter has "een held as a very "eneficial planet in the eleventh "y all the a"ove authorities.
he views of >haldeepi)a and Saravali that the native will have few children are not $aintaina"le
as fro$ the eleventh Jupiter will throw a "enefic aspect on the 6th house :house of progeny; and
should therefore "less the native to have a good nu$"er of children.
7upiter in Twelfth House
Sutras 6GD6.Dhe native will "e poor, he will "e interested in studies, will have few children, will
"e proficient in $athe$atics "ut will "e of loose character. 5f Jupiter is associated with a "enefic
or is in his own sign or sign of e!altation, the native will go to heaven after his death. 5f Jupiter is
associated with a $alefic the native will go to hell after his death. (e will spend $oney on
religious causes and will have se!ual contacts with +rah$in and pregnant wo$en.
Co$$entsDhe twelfth house is an evil house and Jupiter though a satwic) planet loses all his
good significations and 4ualities when he is posited in that house. +y "eing in the /0th house, the
significations of the good houses owned "y Jupiter are also adversely affected. he -th and .th
and /0th houses have "een called evil houses "ut if the lord of these houses are posited in any of
these houses, Vipareeta Ra'a yoga is caused conferring na$e, fa$e and wealth on the native.
he view is supported "y the following Slo)a of ?ttara)ala$rit9D
his $eans that if any one of the following three yogas, na$ely :a; lord of the .th occupying the
/0th or -th# :"; lord of -th "eing placed in the .th or /0th# :c; lord of /0th "eing posited in the .th
or the -th# :d; the said three lords "eing connected in any way, "y $utual interchange of places,
$utual aspect or con'unction, and are at the sa$e ti$e ree fro$ such relation with other
planets, the person "orn will "eco$e an e$peror over other )ings and "lessed with fa$e and
wealth. *e are of the view that on the analogy of the a"ove principles the lord of the /0th in the
/0th, the lord of the .th in the .th, and lord of the -th in the -th, should also give the sa$e
results. 5f Jupiter fulfils any of the conditions $entioned a"ove, he can "e very "eneficial even in
the /0th, .th or -th houses.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e a villain.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e disli)ed "y other people. he native will also "e vulgar in his
speech. (e will "e childless, will indulge in sinful deeds, will "e la3y and one who serves others.
SaravaliDhe native will "e la3y, without good speech and unfortunate and will have a feeling of
"itterness towards others. Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native in spite of spending on good causes
will not get any praise. (e will "e stupid and will incur loss of wealth. 2
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent with +hrigu Sutras that Jupiter gives only
inauspicious results if situated in the /0th house. hey have, however, e!pressed their views in
their own way.
8 (ffects of !enus in the Twele Houses
!enus in the .irst House
Sutras /D/1D5f Venus is in the first house :ascendant; the native will "e proficient in $athe$atics
and lor.glived. (e will "e loved "y his wife, fond of orna$ents, good dresses and "eauty. (e will
"e li)ed "y wo$en, will "e wealthy and learned. 5f Venus is in con'unction with a "enefic, the
native will have a lustrous "ody shining li)e gold and will own $any orna$ents. 5f Venus is
associated with of aspected "y a $alefic or is in his sign of de"ilitation :Virgo;, the native will "e a
thief and a cheat and will suffer fro$ rheu$atic and phleg$atic diseases. 5f the lord of the first is
associated with Rahu the native will suffer fro$ hydrocele. 5f Venus is in the ascendant and the
fourth house is occupied "y a "enefic, the native will own elephants :conveyances; and en'oy
high prosperity. 5f Venus is in his own sign :aurus or =i"ra; the native will en'oy Mahara'a yoga
:great na$e, fa$e and wealth;. 5f Venus is lord of the .th, -th or / or is wea), the native
will have two wives, his fortune will "e fluctuating and he will "e hard hearted.
Co$$entsDhe effects given in the a"ove Sutras are logical and relevant to the significations of
Venus and the first house. 5n Sutra llth it is inter alia stated that if Venus is lord of the -th, .th or
/0th house, the native will suffer fro$ evil effects $entioned therein. *hile such effects $ay "e
realised if Venus is in the ascendant as lord of the /0th house, it will not "e so if he is lord of the
.th or -th. *hen he will "e lord of the .th or -th house he will "e in the first house, in his own
sign =i"ra or aurus and the effects of his "eing in his own sign will prevail over the effects of the
.th or -th house as already accepted "y the learned author in Sutra /8th where it is said that if
Venus is in his own sign :aurus or =i"ra; the native will en'oy Mahara'a yoga. Aor Virgo,
Capricorn and A4uarius ascendants, Venus is a yoga )ara)a planet, "eing lord of 0nd and Bth
houses, lord of 6th and /8thDhouses, and lord of Gth and Bth houses, respectively. Such Venus in
the ascendant will prove i$$ensely "eneficial to the native and "ring hi$, na$e, fa$e, wealth,
conveyances and all worldly co$forts. 5f Venus in the ascendant :=agna Kendra; is in his sign
:aurus or =i"ra; or in his sign of e!altation, Malavya yoga :a >anch Mahapurusha yoga; will "e
for$ed, the effects of which have "een given as under9D2he person will have a well developed
physi4ue, will "e strong $inded, wealthy, happy with children and wife, will co$$and vehicles,
endowed with clean sense organs and "e renowned and learned.2
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e s)illed in a$orous sports :love affairs; and will "e
>haldeepi)aDhe native will have an attractive "ody, char$ing eyes and will "e happy and long
SaravaliDhe native will "e handso$e in every respect, happy and longDlived. (e will "e li)ed "y
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will have an attractive "ody and will li)e the co$pany of no"le
persons. (e will "e suita"le for the co$pany of "eautiful wo$en. (e will perfor$ pious deeds and
will en'oy high class co$forts.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities agree that Venus would "e good in the first house "ut +hrigu
Sutras arriving at the sa$e conclusion have dealt with the effects in $ore detail and $uch $ore
appropriately after )eeping the significations of Venus and the first house in view.
!enus in the Second House
Sutras /GD/BDhe native will "e wealthy, will have a fa$ily, will get good food to eat, will have
attractive eyes and will "e of hu$"le nature, )ind hearted and helpful to others. (e will get a
"eautiful wife in his 10nd year. 5f the lord of the second is wea) or in the -th, .th or /0th house,
the native will suffer fro$ eye trou"les. 5f Venus is associated with Moon :while the lord of the 0nd
is in -th, .th or /0th;, the native will suffer fro$ night "lindness, without any fa$ily and sufferer of
eye trou"les and will s4uander away his wealth.
Co$$entsD*e have no co$$ents on the effects given in the a"ove Sutras which are logical and
relevant to the significations of the second house. he effects given in Sutra /B are worth
verifying "y practical e!perience. Venus will give still "etter results if he is in his own sign or in his
sign of e!altation, in the second house. *hen Venus is in aurus, the ascendant will "e Aries and
he will "e in the 0nd, as lord of Cth and 0nd houses. 5f he is in =i"ra, the ascendant will "e Virgo
and he will "e in the 0nd as lord of Bth and the 0nd houses. *hen Venus is in >isces :sign of
e!altation;, the ascendant will "e A4uarius and he will "e in the 0nd e!alted as lord of the Gth and
Bth houses. hese are all very powerful &hana yogas.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e elo4uent or sweet tongued.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will ac4uire wealth fro$ $any sources and will "e a poet.
SaravaliDhe native will "e very wealthy, hu$"le in his speech and will en'oy good food and
drin)s, will "e full of glory and will en'oy high class lu!uries :including co$pany of wo$en;.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e sweet tongued and intelligent. (e will have good
appearance and decent dresses. (e will "e fond of "eautiful wo$en.
@oteDhere is a consensus a$ongst all the a"ove authorities that Venus is very "eneficial in the
second house "ut the situations in which Venus could give evil effects as $entioned in +hrigu
Sutras should "e )ept in view.
!enus in the Third House
Sutras 08D00D5f Venus is in the third house, the native will "e very $iser, he will "e tolerant, there
will "e a good nu$"er of "rothers and the native will have success "y his deter$ined efforts.
=ater on, the nu$"er of "rothers will decrease. 5n successive order the native7s "rothers will have
less and less of financial gains "y their efforts. 5f the lord of the third house is strong, is in his own
or in his sign of e!altation, there will "e increase in the nu$"er of "rothers. 5f the lord of the third
house is in the -th, .th or /0th house or he is associated with $alefics there will "e loss of
Co$$entsD5n Sutra 08 it is stated that there will "e growth in the nu$"er of "rothers and also that
is decrease in the nu$"er of "rothers or deprivation of "rothers. his state$ent is not clear
"ecause Venus as a "enefic should cause only increase and not decrease of "rothers. Aurther
Venus "eing fe$inine should give $ore sisters than "rothers. he learned author has not tal)ed
of sisters while giving the effects of third house.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e stingy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e $iser, not li)ed "y people, without happiness and wealth and also
without wife.
SaravaliDhe native will "e $iser, happy and wealthy wife will do$inate over the native, he will not
"e courageous and will "e unfortunate.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will not li)e wo$en. (e will not lose his "rothers and sisters.
(e will have children "ut will not "e happy in regard to the$. (e will not "e courageous.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities have given different effects of Venus in the third house. Saravali
says that the native will "e happy and will "e wealthy "ut he will "e unfortunate. 5f we closely
e!a$ine these views we will co$e to the conclusion that Venus has not "een considered good in
the third house. *e, however, thin) that if Virgo or A4uarius is the ascendant, Venus will "e lord
of the Bth house. Venus in the third house will aspect the Bth house :his own house; and will
i$prove the significations of that house, $a)ing the native prosperous.
!enus in the .ourth House
Sutras 01D0.D5f Venus is in the fourth house, the native will "e handso$e, intelligent, will have
happiness fro$ "rothers, will "e happy and of forgiva"le nature. 5n his 18th year he will possess
conveyances pulled "y horses. (e will also have a"undance of $il). 5f the lord of the fourth house
is strong the native will possess horses, palan4uins and gold etc. 5f the lord of the fourth house, is
associated with a $alefic, is in the house of a $alefic or his ene$y or is de"ilitated or is
otherwise wea), the native will "e without lands or conveyances. (is $other will "e in distress
and he will have illicit relations with wo$en other than his wife.
Co$$entsDAccording to a"ove Sutras the place$ent of Venus in the fourth will "e "eneficial to
the native in regard to the significations of the fourth house and $ore so if the lord of the fourth is
well placed. Sutra 01 tal)s of happiness fro$ "rothers if Venus is in the fourth. his is not relevant
to the significations of Venus or the fourth house. 5t will "e noted that no $ention has "een $ade
in the a"ove Sutras of the effects of Venus when he is in own sign or his sign of e!altation. 5n the
fourth house Venus will "e in Kendra to the ascendant. (is disposition in his own sign or in his
sign of e!altation will give rise to Malavya yoga the effects of which have already "een descri"ed
earlier in this chapter. 5t is not clear how a "enefic li)e Venus in the Gth can give distress to
$other. he place$ent of Venus for Virgo, Capricorn and A4uarius ascendants will prove very
"eneficial as Venus will "e in the fourth as lord of the 0nd and Bth, the 6th and /8th and the Gth
and Bth respectively. hese dispositions will give rise to powerful &hana yogas.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e happy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will possess a good conveyance, good house, orna$ents, dresses and
articles of perfu$ery.
SaravaliDhe native will have happiness fro$ relations and friends, will possess conveyance and
house and will "e handso$e and generous.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e superior to others. (e will get $any gifts fro$ his
followers. (e will loo) after his $other fro$ his early life.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities have attri"uted good effects to Venus in the fourth house "ut in
their own way. +ut none of the$ has atte$pted to cover all the significations of the fourth house.
!enus in the .ifth House
Sutras 0BD11Dhe native will "e full of wisdo$ and will "e a $inister or co$$ander of the ar$y.
(e will have the good luc) of seeing his grand $other alive, will have a young wife and also
children. (e will "e respected and honoured "y <overn$ent, will "e a clever $inister and his wife
will "e full of happiness. 5f Venus is associated with a $alefic or is in the house of a $alefic or in
his sign of de"ilitation, the native will "e dull headed and will re$ain in want of children. 5f Venus
is associated with a "enefic or is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation the native will "e very
wise, will "e versed in worldly affairs and will have children and conveyances.
Co$$entsDAccording to a"ove Sutras, Venus will give very "eneficial effects if in the 6th house in
accordance with the significations of that house. Aor Virgo, Capricorn and A4uarius ascendants,
Venus will prove still $ore "eneficial as Venus is a yoga)ar)a for these ascendants and fifth is a
very auspicious house for any planet to "e placed in. Hur view is that Venus "eing a fe$ale
planet will give $ore daughters than sons.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e intelligent.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wealthy and honoured li)e a )ing. (e will have happiness fro$
children and will "e very intelligent.
SaravaliDhe native will "e happy, will have children and friends. (e will "e fond of en'oy$ents
and very wealthy. (e will "e a $inister or a 'udge.
2 Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will have children "ut will not get happiness fro$ the$. (e
will not "e courageous "ut will get success in his underta)ings "y hard wor). (e will "e educated
"ut will "e incapa"le of "eing a poet.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities e!cept Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani are agreed that Venus in the fifth
gives good results. +rihat Jata)a as usual does not cover all the significations of the house and it
is difficult to understand the logic "ehind the views of Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani.
!enus in he Sixth House
Sutras 1GD1-D5f Venus is in the si!th house, the native will have good nu$"er of relations, there
will "e destruction of ene$ies and the native will have children and grand children. (e will incur
wasteful e!penditure, will "e deceitful and will suffer fro$ diseases. 5f the lord of the si!th house
is strong there will "e increase in the nu$"er of relations and ene$ies. 5f the lord of the si!th is
associated with a $alefic or is in his sign of de"ilitation or is associated with Moon, there will "e
loss of relations and destruction of ene$ies.
Co$$entsD*e have "een greatly i$pressed "y the views of the +hrigu Sutras and the principles
contained in it "ut so$e of the Sutras are very confusing. his $ay "e due to the fact that so$e
inco$petent people who could not perhaps trace so$e parts of the original script have filled in
those portions with te!t of their own without going into the relevancy or logic of what they were
writing. 5t is stated in Sutra 1G that if Venus is in the si!th house the native a$ongst other things
will have children and grand children. @either the si!th house nor the Venus is a significator for
children and grand children. According to Sutra 1- which is very logical if the lord of the si!th is
strong, there will "e increase in the nu$"er of ene$ies. 5f he is wea) there will "e destruction of
ene$ies. he logic "ehind this is that if the si!th house gets strength, there will "e $ore ene$ies
and diseases and if the si!th house is wea) there will "e no diseases and no ene$ies.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e without ene$ies.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e without ene$ies "ut he will "e poor and unhappy. (e will have
contacts with several wo$en.
SaravaliDhe native will have "itterness towards his wife. (e will have $any ene$ies, will "e in
distress and of $ean $entality.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will have dangerous ene$ies. (e will incur lot of e!penditure.
(e will "e unsuccessful in all his efforts. (e will "e deprived of happiness fro$ father, preceptor
@oteD+rihat Jata)a and >haldeepi)a agree with the views e!pressed "y +hrigu Sutras in regard
to ene$ies "ut Saravali and Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani are opposed to the$. he views of +rihat
Jata)a and >haldeepi)a should "e considered $ore authoritative.
!enus in the Seenth House
Sutras 1CDGGD5f Venus is in the seventh house, the native will "e fond of )issing on the $outh and
will "e highly se!ed. (e will "e wealthy and will ta)e interest in wo$en other than his wife. (e will
possess conveyances, will "e efficient in his wor), will play foul with wo$en and will have a fa$ily
consisting of "rothers and wife etc. 5f Venus is associated with a $alefic or is in the house of a
$alefic or in his sign of de"ilitation :Virgo; there will "e loss of his wife "ut he will $arry again. 5f
there are $any $alefics with Venus, the native will have to $arry $any ti$es on account of
successive loss of his wives. 5n this situation the native will have no children. 5f Venus is
associated with a "enefic or in his own or in his sign of e!altation :>isces; the native will "eco$e
very wealthy on account of gift of wealth "y his inDlaws. (e will "e very influential with the help of
his wife and will "e surrounded "y wo$en.
Co$$entsDVenus is a planet of e$otion, passion and love. hese are the significations of the Cth
house also. *hen Venus is in the Cth, the native "eco$es highly se!ed and has therefore $any
love affairs. Venus aspects the ascendant fro$ the Cth house. he native therefore will "eco$e
very attractive for wo$en. (e will also "e wealthy and will possess all co$forts of life including
conveyances. 5f Venus is afflicted he has to suffer loss of his wife and $ay have to $arry $ore
than once. A dignified Venus "rings wealth for the native fro$ his wife7s parents. (e "eco$es a
favourite of wo$en and is always surrounded "y the$. *e, however, feel that if Venus is
aspected "y or associated with Jupiter "oth the native and his wife will "e very chaste and will
en'oy a very happy $arried life. 5n the seventh house Venus will "e in Kendra to the ascendant.
he disposition of Venus in his sign or in his sign of e!altation will give rise to Malavya yoga, the
effects of which have already "een descri"ed earlier in this chapter.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will pro$ote 4uarrels and will "e fond of se!ual union.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will have a good wife "ut he $ay have to suffer the loss of his wife. he
native will "e wealthy and will fall for unchaste wo$en.
SaravaliDhe native will "e handso$e, and will en'oy a happy $arried life. (e will "e wealthy,
fortunate and a friend of every"ody.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e very attractive. (is wife will give "irth to 'ewel of a son.
(e will "e fond of en'oying life in every possi"le $anner.
@oteD5n essence all the a"ove authorities agree with +hrigu Sutras a"out the effect of Venus in
the seventh house. Saravali however does not consider that the native will have contact with
$any wo$en, "ut +hrigu Sutras have dealt with the $atter in $ore detail ta)ing into account the
different dispositions of Venus in the seventh house.
!enus in the (ighth House
Sutras G6DG.Dhe native will "e happy. (is $other will suffer fro$ a throat trou"le in his fourth
year. (e will have less than $ediu$ span of life and will "e sic)ly. (e will have a devoted wife "ut
he will "e discontented. 5f Venus is in the house of a "enefic, :or associated with a "enefic; the
native will en'oy full span of life. 5f Venus is associated with :or aspected "y; a $alefic, the native
will "e short lived.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras are self e!planatory and need no co$$ents. here is, however, a
contradictionDthe native will "e happy and discontented. +oth these cannot go together. As the .th
house is an evil house, the disposition of Venus there will adversely affect the significations of the
good house Venus owns.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e "ase.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wealthy, longDlived and owner of lands.
SaravaliDhe native will "e long lived and e4uipped with all )inds of co$forts, very wealthy, li)e a
)ing and happy.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniD(e will en'oy co$forts of all )inds of conveyances li)e horses, elephants
etc. (e will "e longDlived "ut he will "e harsh in speech. (e will always re$ain in de"t.
@oteD>haldeepi)a and Saravali have spo)en very highly of the disposition of Venus in the .th
house. *e are inclined to agree with their views. .th house is house of longevity and Venus as a
"enefic should i$prove itsDsignification. Venus is a great "enefic :only 0nd to Jupiter; and will
aspect the second house :&hana "hciva; and will therefore $a)e the dative wealthy. As regard
longevity we feel that the views of these authorities should prevail over those of +hrigu Sutras.
%ven Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani is of the view that Venus in the .th will $a)e the native long lived.
!enus in the 'inth House
Sutras GBD6.D5f Venus is in the ninth house, the native will "e religious $inded, will devote hi$self
to $editation and will perfor$ religious rites, he will have very auspicious signs in his foot :li)e
lotus, an)ush, conch, etc;, will en'oy all )inds of co$forts and will "e "lessed with children. he
father of the native will "e long lived. 5f Venus is associated with :or aspected "y; a $alefic there
$ay "e loss of father early in native7s life. Again if Venus is associated with :or aspected "y; a
$alefic, or is in the house of a $alefic or is in his sign of de"ilitation, there will "e loss of wealth
and the native will have illicit relations with the preceptor7s wife. 5f Venus is associated with :or
aspected "y; a "enefic :or is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation;, the native will en'oy high
prosperity as a result of Mahara'a yoga. 5f Venus is associated with the lord of the Gth or Cth
house, the native will "e e!ceedingly fortunate and en'oy the co$forts of all )inds of
conveyances, dresses and orna$ents.
Co$$entsDhe ninth house is the $ost auspicious house in a nativity. *hen a great "enefic is
posited there, all the good significations of the house will "eco$e fruitful. he results will "eco$e
$ore "eneficial when Venus is associated with or aspected "y "enefics and is in his own sign or
in his sign of e!altation. *hen Venus is in his own sign aurus, the ascendant will "e Virgo and
Venus will "e in the Bth as lord of the 0nd and when Venus is in his own sign =i"ra, the ascendant
will "e A4uarius, and Venus will "e in the ninth as lord of the Gth and Bth houses. hese are very
powerful &hana yogas.
he following horoscope of the late Ja$shed'i ata illustrates the a"ove point of view9 7
Aurther the disposition of Venus in his own sign in the ninth :lord of ninth in the ninth; will give rise
to a distinguished Ra'a yoga $a)ing the native very wealthy, highly respected and fa$ous.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e devout and philosophical.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will get rise in life "y the favour of the )ing :<overn$ent;. (e will en'oy
happiness in respect of wife, children and friends.
SaravaliDhe native will have a stout constitution. (e will ac4uire great wealth, will "e generous
and will "e happy in respect of wife and friends. (e will devote hi$self to the service of his
guests, preceptor and gods.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e a prosperous $oneylender and religious $inded. (e
will have happiness in respect of his "rothers :as Venus aspects the third house;. (e will live a
very co$forta"le and happy life.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are agreed that Venus proves very auspicious and "eneficial when
posited in the ninth house.
!enus in the Tenth House
Sutras 6BD-/D5f Venus is in the tenth house, the native will "e full of glory. 5f Venus is ssociated
with :or aspected "y; a $alefic, the native will have difficulties and o"stacles in his underta)ings.
5f Venus is associated with Mercury, Jupiter and Moon, the effects will "e as under9D :a; he
native will en'oy the co$fort of $any conveyances. :"; (e will perfor$ religious cere$onies of
$any )inds. :c; (e will en'oy world wide reputation. :d; (e will en'oy $any Ra'a yogas :that is, he
will "e wealthy, honoured and fa$ous;. :e; (e will "e very fortunate and tal)ative.
Co$$entsDAccording to a"ove Sutras, Venus gives very "eneficial results in the tenth in respect
of the significations of this house unless afflicted. he results will "e far $ore "eneficial when
Venus gets associated with three "eneficsDJupiter, Mercury and Moon. All the effects given are
logical and relevant to the significations of the tenth house. Aor the Virgo, Capricorn and A4uarius
ascendants, Venus will "e in the /8th, as lord of the 0nd and Bth, the 6th and /8th the Gth and Bth
respectively. Aor the Cancer ascendant, Venus will "e in the /8th as lord of Gth and llth. hese
dispositions give rise to very powerful &hana yogas. *hen Venus is posited in the /8th in his own
sign :lord of /8th in /8th;, a distinguished Ra'a yoga is for$ed which will confer great wealth,
na$e and fa$e upon the native. Venus in the tenth is in Kendra to the ascendant. he disposition
of Venus there in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation will give rise to Malavya yoga, the
effects of which have already "een descri"ed earlier in this chapter.
Venus a "enefic "eing in the /8th to the ascendant also gives rise to the A$ala yoga, the effects
of which have "een given as under9
2he person will achieve lasting fa$e and reputation. (is character will "e spotless and he will
lead a prosperous life2.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will "e wealthy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will perfor$ virtuous deeds, he will have happiness fro$ friends. (e will
"e respected and will attain a high status and get na$e and fa$e.
SaravaliDhe native will achieve "y his efforts happiness, na$e, fa$e, honours and good
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDthe native will earn wealth "y doing religious wor).
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities agree that for Venus to "e in the tenth is an ideal disposition in a
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani has ta)en a very narrow view of the effects of Venus in the /8th.
!enus in the (leenth House
Sutras -0D-GD5f Venus is in the eleventh house, the native will "e learned, very wealthy, owner of
lands and )ind hearted. 5f Venus is associated with :or aspected "y; a "enefic the native will en'oy
the co$forts of $any conveyances. 5f Venus is in con'unction with a $alefic, the gain of wealth
will "e through 4uestiona"le $eans. 5f Venus is associated with a "enefic the financial gains will
"e through rightful $eans. 5f Venus is in his sign of de"ilitation or is associated with a $alefic or
the lord of .th, -th or /0th there will "e no financial gains.
Co$$entsDhe effects given in the a"ove Sutras are very logical and relevant to the
significations of the eleventh house. Aor Virgo, Capricorn, A4uarius and Cancer ascendants,
Venus will "e in the eleventh, as lord of the 0nd and Bth, the 6th and /8th, the Gth and Bth and the
Gth and llth respectively. hese dispositions give rise to powerful &hana yogas. Another very
gainful position for Venus in the eleventh will "e in her sign of e!altation. hen Venus will "e
e!alted in the llth as lord of the ascendant :aurus ascendant;.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e prosperous.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e wealthy, will have contacts with wo$en other than his wife and will
en'oy all co$forts of life.
SaravaliDhe native will "e happy and will en'oy large financial gains.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e handso$e, well "ehaved, reputed, lover of truth, full of
good 4ualities, fortunate, wealthy and )ing or li)e a )ing.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent with +hrigu Sutras that Venus in the llth $a)es
the native wealthy and happy.
Venus in the welfth (ouse
Sutras -6D-.D5f Venus is in the twelfth house, the native will face e!ter$e poverty. 5f Venus is
associated with a $alefic the native will "e inclined towards se!ual indulgences. 5f Venus is
associated with a "enefic the native will "e very wealthy, will have all co$forts of "ed :se!ual
pleasures; and will go to heaven after death. (e will go to hell if Venus is associated with a
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras are self e!planatory and need no co$$ents.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e rich.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e rich and will have se!ual en'oy$ents with $any wo$en.
SaravaliDhe native will "e la3y and happy. (e will have a plu$p "ody. (e will "e $ean, clever in
se!ual $atters and do$inated "y wo$en.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e rich. (e will destroy his fa$e and good 4ualities and
will "e ini$ical towards his friends and others.
@oteD%!cept Saravali all the a"ove authorities have e!pressed the view that Venus in the twelfth
house will $a)e the native rich. According to +hrigu Sutras the native will face e!tre$e poverty
"ut will "e very rich if Venus is associated with a "enefic. *e in this $atter support the view of
+rihat Jata)a, >haldeepi)a and Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani. he following Shlo)a fro$ +havartha
Ratna)ar also gives support to the stand ta)en "y us9D
his $eans that Venus in the si!th gives the sa$e yoga effect :wealth; which he gives "y "eing
posited in the twelfth house.
9 (ffects of Saturn in the Twele Houses
Saturn in the .irst House
Sutras /DCD5f Saturn is in the first house :ascendant;, the native will suffer fro$ rheu$atic and
"ilious diseases. 5f Saturn is in his sign of e!altation :=i"ra;, the native will have lordship over a
village or town and will have financial and agricultural prosperity. 5f Saturn is in his own sign
Capricorn or A4uarius, the father of the native will "e rich. 5f Saturn is in the ascendant in the sign
of the lord of the Gth or /8th the native will "e very fortunate and will en'oy the effects of Mahara'a
yoga :na$e, fa$e and wealth;. 5f Saturn in the ascendant is aspected "y Moon, the native will
earn his livelihood "y "egging. his will not happen if Saturn is aspected "y a "enefic :Jupiter or
Venus; also.
Co$$entsDVery good effects have "een ascri"edD to Saturn when he is e!alted, or in his own
sign or is in the ascendant in the sign of the lord of the Gth and /8th houses. *hen Saturn is
e!alted, the ascendant will "e =i"ra :for which he is a yogaD)ara)a planet; and he will "e in the
ascendant as the lord of the Gth and 6th. 5n this position he will naturally give very "eneficial
results. 5t is stated that when Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn or A4uarius, the father of the
native will "e rich. @either Saturn nor the first house have any thing to do with father "ut this
result can accrue when aurus or <e$ini is the ascendant when Saturn would "e in the
ascendant as lord of the Bth house :significator for father;. *e are of the view that if Saturn is in
the ascendant, the native hi$self will en'oy good prosperity and will "e long lived. Saturn in
Capricorn will "e "etter than Saturn in A4uarius, "ecause in the for$er case he will "e lord of the
ascendant and the 0nd house and in the latter case he will "e lord of the ascendant as well as the
/0th house :an evil house;. 5t is stated that Saturn in the ascendant in the sign of the lord of the
Gth or the /8th will $a)e the native very fortunate and cause Mahara'a yoga. Saturn will "e in the
ascendant as lord of the Gth where the ascendant is Sagittarius. Saturn will "e in the ascendant
as lord of the /8th when the ascendant is >isces. he view see$s to "e that Saturn will "e very
"eneficial if he is in the ascendant in =i"ra or in either of the two signs of Jupiter. his view has
"een supported "y the following Slo)a of ?ttara)ala$rita9
his $eans that if there "e any $alefics posited in their highest e!altation coupled with their duty
as Mara)as, one need not descri"e the a$ount of evil caused "y the$. Saturn "rings a"out a
good a$ount of wealth and prosperity when he is posited in the Ascendant identical with >isces,
=i"ra or Sagittarius. 5f under the a"ove conditions, the Cth )endra "e not occupied or aspected "y
Jupiter or Mercury, the native will "eco$e a )ing. Still death should "e predicted in the &asa and
+hu)ti of the lord of the Cth house. he following Slo)a fro$ Man Sagri is also on the sa$e he
disposition of Saturn in the ascendant :=agna )endra; in his own sign of e!altation will give rise to
Sasa yoga :>anch$aha >urusha yoga;, the results of which have "een given as under9D
2Hne "orn in this yoga will co$$and good servants. (is character will "e 4uestiona"le. (e will "e
head of a village or .a town or even a )ing. (e will covet other7s riches and will "e wic)ed in
Hther Views
+rihatJata)aDhe person concerned will "e poor, sic)ly, love stric)en, very unclean, suffering fro$
diseases during his childhood and indistinct in his speech. :he a"ove effects are only when
Saturn occupies the =agna identical with a sign other than Sagittarius, >isces, A4uarius,
Capricorn and =i"ra;. 5f any one of the signs Sagittarius, >isces, A4uarius, Capricorn and =i"ra "e
the ascendant and Saturn should occupy it, the person concerned will "e e4ual to a )ing, the
head$an of a village, $ayor of a city, a great scholar and will "e handso$e.
>haldeepi)aD5f Saturn is in the ascendant in his sign of e!altation or in his own sign, the native will
"e li)e a )ing or head of a village or a town. 5f Saturn is in any other sign, the native will "e
unhappy in his childhood and later will "e poor and la3y.
SaravaliDSa$e effects as given "y >haldeepi)a.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will own large properties and will "e prosperous "ut greedy,
sorrowful and narrow $inded. (e will hu$iliate his ene$ies.
@oteD*e co$$end the views e!pressed in +hrigu Sutras which should "e supple$ented "y
those e!pressed in +rihat Jata)a and >haldeepi)a.
Saturn in the Second House
Sutras .DBDhe native will re$ain in want of $oney :financial stringency; and will have two wives
:this $eans that his first wife will die and he will $arry again;. 5f Saturn is associated with a
$alefic the native will play foul with wo$en and will "e in charge of a Matha :a religious
institution;. (e will possess no lands and will suffer fro$ eye trou"les.
Co$$ents.Dhe i$portant significations of the second house are finance, fa$ily, eyesight etc.
hese will "e adversely affected "y place$ent of the $alefic Saturn in the second house as
pointed out in the a"ove Sutras. *e, however, feel that in the case of the following dispositions
the native will "e well off financially9D
:/;*hen the Ascendant is Aries and Saturn is in the 0nd as lord of the D/8th and llth houses. :0;
*hen the Ascendant is aurus and Saturn is in the 0nd as lord of the Bth and /8th houses. :1;
*hen the Ascendant is Virgo and Saturn is e!alted in the second as lord of the 6th house :(e will
also "e lord of the -th and there $ay "e so$e "le$ish on that account;. :G; *hen the ascendant
is =i"ra and the Saturn is in the 0nd as lord of the Gth and 6th houses. :6; *hen Scorpio is the
ascendant and Saturn is in the 0nd as lord of the Gth house. :here will "e so$e "le$ish on
account of Saturn "eing the lord of 1rd house also;. :-; *hen the ascendant is Sagittarius and
Saturn will "e in the 0nd house in his own sign. :C; *hen the ascendant is Capricorn and Saturn
will "e in the second house as lord of the ascendant and the second houses :(e will "e in his
own sign A4uarius;.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e i$$ensely rich "ut will "e deprived of his wealth "y a
)ing and will suffer diseases in the face.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e ugly in appearance. (e will adopt 4uestiona"le $eans for earning
his livelihood and will "e poor. =ater in his life he will go away fro$ his native place and will
ac4uire wealth, conveyance and other o"'ects of co$fort.
SaravaliDhe native will have an afflicted face. =ater in life he will leave his native place and
ac4uire wealth, conveyances and other o"'ects of co$fort.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e harsh in speech and will ac4uire wealth etc., when he
separates fro$ his fa$ily and goes away fro$ his native place.
@oteD*e are of the view that the views e!pressed "y +hrigu Sutras are 4uite logical. he effects
given "y >haldeepi)a, Saravali and Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani in regard to financial prosperity will "e
realised, when Saturn is in the 0nd as lord of a good house as e!plained in our co$$ents on
Sutras .DB.
Saturn in the Third House
Sutras /8D/1D5f Saturn is in the third house there will "e loss of "rothers :or there $ay "e no
younger "rothers;. he native will earn his livelihood "y undesira"le trades. 5f Saturn is in his own
sign or in his sign of e!altation, the native will have a good nu$"er of "rothers. 5f Saturn is
associated with a $alefic the native will "e ini$ical towards his "rothers :if there are any;.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras are self e!planatory, 4uite logical and relevant to the significations
of the third house. 5t $ay, however, "e $entioned that as a $alefic in an upachaya house Saturn
will $a)e the native courageous and wealthy.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will possess a good intellect and great strength.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e intelligent, generous and will en'oy the co$forts of $arried life, "ut
he will "e la3y and unhappy.
SaravaliDhe native will "e a $an with fa$ily, courageous, charita"le and intelligent "ut he will "e
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e unhappy on account of his "rothers. (e will "e
a$"itious and a good orator. (e will face $any o"stacles in his life.
Saturn in the .ourth House
Sutras /GD0/D5f Saturn is in the fourth house, there will "e loss of $other. After the death of his
$other, the native will get a step $other, "ut all these evil effects will not happen if Saturn is in his
own house or e!alted in the fourth house and the native will own horses and prestigious
conveyances li)e palan4uins. 5f Saturn in the fourth happens to "e lord of the ascendant, the
$other will "e longDlived and the native will en'oy all )inds of co$forts and "e happy. 5f Saturn is
associated with the lord of the .th house, there will "e loss of $other and happiness.
Co$$entsDSaturn "eing a $alefic is not conducive to happiness of the native and the welfare of
his $other "ut these will "e ensured if Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation in the
fourth house. 5n the latter situation not only the $other of the native will get a long span of life "ut
the native will also have su"stantial financial resources to en'oy all co$forts of life and to possess
lu!urious conveyances :>alan4uins were considered to "e prestigious conveyances in old ti$esD
in the present ti$es with such disposition the native will possess costly $otor cars;. he lord of
the -th, .th or the /0th if associated with a planet will spoil not only the significations of that
planet "ut also the significations of the house where the two planets are posited. 5f lord of .th is
associated with Saturn in the fourth house, two evil planets will 'oin together to adversely affect
the significations of the fourth house as descri"ed in Sutras 08 and 0/./66
5n the case of Aries, aurus and =i"ra ascendants when Saturn will "e a functional "enefic "eing
lord of the /8th and //th , the Bth and /8th, and the Gth and 6th houses respectively, the
disposition of Saturn in the Gth will give rise to powerful &hana Jogas. Saturn in the fourth house
will "e in Kendra to the ascendant. (is disposition in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation, will
give rise to Sasa Joga the "eneficial effects of which have already "een descri"ed earlier in this
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will have no happiness and will "e trou"led in $ind.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e without house, conveyance, $other and happiness. (e will also
"e sic)ly in his childhood
SaravaliDSa$e as >haldeepi)a.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are agreed that Saturn as a $alefic will prove very evil in the fourth
house. As to when Saturn will do good has already "een e!plained in our co$$ents a"ove.
Saturn in the .ifth House
Sutras 00D0-D5f Saturn is in the fifth house, the native will "e childless and very poor. (e will "e
engaged in inferior trades and will adopt a daughter. 5f Saturn is in his own sign the native will
have daughters. 5f Saturn is aspected "y Jupiter the native will have two wives of who$ one will
"e issueless and the second one will give "irth to daughters. 5f Saturn is strong the native will
have affairs with $any wo$en.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras are self e!planatory and need no co$$ents. 5n case of Aries,
aurus and =i"ra ascendants, disposition of Saturn in the 6th as lord of the /8th and //th , the Bth
and /8th and the Gth and 6th respectively will give rise to powerful &hana Jogas.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e childless and without wealth.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e evil $inded and devoid of learning, children, wealth and
happiness. (e will $ove a"out ai$lessly.
SaravaliDhe native will "e without happiness, children, friends and intelligence. (e will "e
heartless and always poor.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e childless and of unsta"le $ind and wealth.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent that Saturn in the 6th gives $alefic results in
regard to the significations of the house. As to when "enefic results $ay "e e!pected, has "een
e!plained in our co$$ents given a"ove.
Saturn in the Sixth House
Sutras 0CD1/D5f Saturn is in the si!th house, the native will have little learning and there will "e
destruction of ene$ies. he native will have all financial and agricultural prosperity. 5f Saturn is
associated with Mars, the native will travel far and wide and will en'oy Ra'a Joga of a $oderate
order. 5f Saturn is in the -th as lord of the .th house, the native will suffer fro$ Arishta :reduction
in longevity; and rheu$atic trou"les and shooting pains. (e will also have $ar)s of in'uries in the
Co$$entsDhe si!th is an upachaya house. Saturn in this house will give "enefic results in
regard to finances "ut will cause sufferings fro$ diseases.
he si!th house is an evil house. 5f Saturn "eing lord of an auspicious house is in the -th, the
significations of that house will "e adversely affected. (owever, if Saturn is in -th as lord of the
-th. .th, or the /0th house, e!tre$ely favoura"le results will "e realised. 5n this connection please
see our co$$ents a"out the effects of Jupiter in the /0th house in part 55DChapter Aive.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e powerful "ut will "e overpowered "y his ene$ies.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will eat a lot, will "e wealthy and proud.
SaravaliDhe native will eat a lot and will "e passionate, handso$e, courageous, evil $inded and
con4ueror of his ene$ies.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will van4uish his ene$ies, will own cattle li)e cows and
"uffaloes and will suffer loss of his uncle.
@oteDhe views of all the a"ove authorities are the sa$e.
Saturn in the Seenth House
Sutras 10D1-Dhe native will have a lean "odied wife, he will "e afflicted in his "ody and will
indulge in prostitution. (e will also "e very sorrowful. 5f Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of
e!altation the native will have inti$acy with $any wo$en. he effect will "e the sa$e if Saturn is
in con'unction with Ketu. 5f Saturn is associated with Mars the native will )iss so$e"ody7s $ale
organ with his $outh. 5f Saturn is associated with Venus, the native will )iss the fe$ale secret
parts with his, $outh and will have inti$acy with wo$en other than his wife.
Co$$entsDhe essence of the a"ove Sutras is that Saturn in the seventh house whether he is
alone or is in association with Ketu, Mars or Venus, will cause indulgence in se!ual perversions.
hese will further increase when Saturn is in his own sign, or in his sign of e!altation. Hur view is
that the native will not "e so perverse when Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation
"ut there is no dou"t that the native will "e of 4uestiona"le character. 5n case of Aries, aurus and
=i"ra ascendants, the disposition of Saturn in the Cth as lord of the /8th Dand //th the Bth and
/8th, the Gth and 6th will give rise to powerful &hana yogas.
5n the Cth Saturn will "e in Kendra to the ascendant. (is disposition in his own sign or in his sign
of e!altation will give rise to Sasa yoga the effects of which have already "een descri"ed earlier
in this chapter.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned should suffer hu$iliation at the hands of wo$en.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will have inti$acy with wo$en of 4uestiona"le character. (e will "e poor
and unhappy and will travel ai$lessly.
SaravaliDhe native will "e sic)ly and will suffer loss of wife. (e will "e poor, ugly, sinful and of
loose character.
Cha$at)arDChinta$aniDhe native will have good friends, sta"le wealth and a sta"le $inded wife.
(us"and and wife will "oth "e sic)ly.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities e!cept Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani agree that Saturn in the Cth will
$a)e the native indulge in se!ual e!cesses and he will "e of loose character.
Saturn in the (ighth House
Sutras 1CDG8Dhe native will have a life span of C6 years. (e will "e poor, will have inti$acy with
low caste wo$en and will earn his livelihood "y serving others. 5f Saturn is in his own sign or in
his sign of e!altation, the native will have a still longer span of life. 5f the lord of house is in
the house of his ene$y or in his sign of de"ilitation, the native will "e short lived and he will earn
his livelihood with difficulty and $ay have to go without food.
Co$$entsDAll $alefics in the .th house shorten the longevity of the native "ut Saturn in this
house is "elieved to give good longevity. %!cept for longevity Saturn in the .th house gives only
evil effects as descri"ed in the a"ove Sutras. he native will face poverty as Saturn will afflict the
second house "y aspecting it. As regards effects on longevity it will "e relevant to 4uote the
following slo)a fro$ +havartha Ratna)ar9D
his $eans that Saturn in the .th house gives long life. 5f the lord of the .th is with Ketu in the
ascendant, the native will "e short lived.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe native will have a li$ited nu$"er of issues and will have defective eye sight.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e unclean, will suffer fro$ piles, will "e poor, cruel $inded and will
re$ain in want of food.
SaravaliDhe native will suffer fro$ diseases of the anus and will "e short lived and incapa"le of
succeeding in any venture. Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will suffer loss of wealth, will "e
without friends, sic)ly and evil $inded.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are agreed that Saturn in the .th will give evil effects generally.
Saturn in the 'inth House
Sutras G/DG1D5f Saturn is in the ninth house the native will "e sinful "ut still he will get the
dilapidated "uildings of religious institutions repaired and in his 1Bth year will have "athing ghats,
shelters for cows etc. "uilt. 5f Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation, the native7s
father will "e longDlived. 5f Saturn is wea) or is associated with a $alefic the native7s father will "e
Co$$entsDAor aurus and <e$ini ascendants the ninth house will fall in Capricorn and A4uarius
respectively. Saturn in the ninth will then "e in his own sign and lord of ninth will "e in ninth giving
rise to a powerful Ra'a yoga. Aor =i"ra Ascendant Saturn will "e in the ninth as lord of the Gth and
6th houses and for Capricorn ascendant he will "e there as lord of ascendant and the 0nd house.
Aor A4uarius ascendant, Saturn will "e e!alted in the ninth house as lord of the ascendant. hese
dispositions will give very favoura"le results.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e endowed with children, wealth and happiness.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e unfortunate, poor, childless, fatherless, and irreligious. (e will also
"e evil $inded.
SaravaliDhe native will have $eager wealth and will "e irreligious, childless, unhappy and one
who causes trou"les to others.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e cruel $inded. (e will have faith in Joga Shastra and
@oteD%!cept +rihat Jata)a all the a"ove authorities have descri"ed the position of Saturn in the
ninth as evil. 5n our view the good results attri"uted to Saturn "y +rihat Jata)a will accrue only if
Saturn is posited in the ninth as lord of an auspicious house as $entioned in our co$$ents on
Sutras G/DG1.
Saturn in the Tenth House
Sutras GGDG6D5f Saturn is in the tenth house the native will "athe in the <anges in his 06th year.
(e will "e stingy and of "ilious constitution. 5f Saturn is associated with a $alefic the native will
face o"stacles in his professional career. (e will "e successful in his underta)ings if Saturn is
associated with a "enefic.
Co$$entsDhe learned author does not consider Saturn in the /8th as favoura"le in the $atter of
finances as well as professional career. he onPy good he will do is to give the native a "ath in the
<anges. *e fare, however, of the view that Saturn will give e!tre$ely favoura"le results in the
following circu$stances :/; *hen Aries and aurus are the ascendants Saturn will "e in his own
sign in the tenth as lord of the /8th and //th and Bth and /8th respectively. *ith lord of the Bth in
the /8th and lord of /8th in /8th, a very powerful Ra'ayoga will "e for$ed conferring upon the
native na$e, fa$e, wealth and honours of a high order. Aor =i"ra Ascendant, Saturn will "e in the
/8th as lord of the Gth and 6th, giving rise to a powerful &hana yoga. :1; Aor Capricorn
ascendant, Saturn will "e in the tenth as e!alted lord of the ascendant and the 0nd, which is as
powerful a disposition as a Ra'a yoga. :G; Aor A4uarius ascendant, Saturn will "e in the /8th as
lord of the ascendant, again a favoura"le disposition. 5n the tenth house, Saturn will "e in Kendra
to the ascendant. (is disposition in his own sign or in his sign of e!altation will give rise to Sasa
yoga, the effects of which have already "een descri"ed earlier in this chapter.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e happy and powerful.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e a )ing or $inister of a )ing, and will "e e!tre$ely wealthy, fa$ous
and courageous and will ta)e interest in agriculture.
SaravaliDhe native will "e wealthy, learned, $inister or a Judge or head of a village.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will lose "oth his parents in his childhood. (e will indulge in
sinful deeds. (e will hu$iliate his ene$ies. (is $eans of livelihood will "e poor.
@oteDhe good results fro$ Saturn will accrue only if Saturn is in the /8th as a functional "enefic
as $entioned in our co$$ents a"ove.
Saturn in the (leenth House
Sutras G-DG.D5f Saturn is in the eleventh house, the native will "e very wealthy "ut there will "e
o"stacles in his way. (e will also "e owner of landed property and a favourite of <overn$ent. 5f
Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign ofe!altation the native will "e learned and en'oy
Maha"hagya Joga :causing prosperity of a very high order; and co$forts of all )inds of
Co$$entsDAll planets whether "enefic or $alefic prosper in the eleventh house unless they are
lord of the -th, .th or /0th houses. %leventh is an upachaya house and here $alefics will fare
"etter than "enefics. 5t is on this account that very "eneficial results have "een attri"uted to
Saturn in that house.
Very powerful &hana yogas will result with Saturn in the eleventh in the following circu$stances9D
:/; *hen Aries is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of tlie /8th and //th,
:0; *hen aurus is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the Bth and /8th,
:1; =i"ra is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the Gth and 6th,
:G; *hen Sagittarius is the ascendant and Saturn is e!alted in the //th as lord of the 0nd,
:6; *hen Capricorn is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the ascendant and
the 0nd and
:-; *hen A4uarius is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the ascendant.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will "e wealthy.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e courageous, healthy, wealthy, longlived and will own i$$ova"le
property. SaravaliDSa$e as >haldeepi)a.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will always "e wealthy and courageous.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are in agree$ent with +hrigu Sutras that Saturn gives very
auspicious results in the eleventh house.
Saturn in the Twelfth House
Sutras GBD61D5f Saturn is in the twelfth house, the native will "e sinful and will have affliction in
so$e part of his "ody. 5f Saturn is associated with a $alefic the native will have defective eye
sight. 5f he is associated with a "enefic the native will "e happy, will have good eye sight and will
go to heaven after death. 5f he is associated with a $alefic the native will go to hell, will incur
wasteful e!penditure and will "e poor.
Co$$entsDhe a"ove Sutras are self e!planatory and need no co$$ents. he /0th is an evil
house and if Saturn is there as lord of an auspicious house, the good significations of that house
will "e adversely affected. (owever, very "eneficial results will accrue if Saturn is in /0th as the
lord of /0th, -th or .th house as e!plained in detail in our co$$ents on the effects of Jupiter in
the twelfth house in part 55 Chapter V.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)aDhe person concerned will suffer degradation.
>haldeepi)aDhe native will "e sha$eless, poor, childless and stupid and so$e part of the "ody
of the native will "e defor$ed.
SaravaliDhe native will "e sinful, gossiper, hard hearted, $ischievous and hu$iliated and will
incur wasteful e!penditure.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDhe native will "e sha$eless and will have s$all eyes. (e will "e happy
in foreign travels. 5f Saturn is in /0th as lord of the ascendant, the native will destroy his ene$ies.
@oteDAll the a"ove authorities are agreed that Saturn in the twelfth house does not give any
"eneficial results.
; (ffects of Rahu and <etu in the Twele Houses
@oteDhe learned author has given the sa$e effects of "oth Rahu and Ketu in the various
houses. (e has presu$a"ly ta)en the view as Rahu and Ketu are always in seventh to each
other, "oth e!ert the sa$e influence in a house in which any one of the$ is posited. he other
authorities have, however, given separate effects for Rahu and Ketu in the various houses.
Rahu and <etu in the .irst House
Sutras /DGD5f Rahu or Ketu is in the first house the native7s wife will give "irth to a still "orn child. 5f
Rahu or Ketu is in Aries, aurus or Cancer, the native will "e )ind hearted and fond of
en'oy$ents. 5f Rahu or Ketu is aspected "y a $alefic there will "e $ar)s on the face :pro"a"ly of
s$all po!;.
Hther Views
+rihat Jata)a and Saravali have not dealt with the effects of Rahu and Ketu in the various
>haldeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will "e short lived "ut wealthy and powerful "ut he will suffer fro$
disease in the upper part of his "ody.
KetuDhe native will "e ungrateful unhappy, "ac)"iter, and $oving in the society of undesira"le
persons. (e will have an afflicted "ody and will "e deprived of his position.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani9 RahuDhe native will destroy the power of his ene$ies. (e will re$ain
under the influence of others. (e will re$ain detached in spite of having $any wives.
KetuDhe native will prove trou"leso$e to the $e$"ers of his fa$ily. (e will suffer fro$ windy
Rahu or <etu in the Second House
Sutras 6D-D5f Rahu or Ketu is in the second house, the native will "e poor, will suffer fro$
diseases of the "ody and loss of children, and will "e of dar). co$ple!ion. 5f Rahu or Ketu is
associated with a $alefic the native will have a $ar) on the lips.
Hther Views
>haladeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will say words which convey dou"le $eaning. (e will suffer fro$
diseases of the $outh. (e will "e of angry te$pera$ent "ut rich on account of favour fro$ the
KetuDhe native will "e devoid of wealth and education. (e will indulge in vulgar speech, have
defective eye sight and will depend on others for food.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani9 RahuDhe native will face destruction of his fa$ily. (e will "e fearless "ut
a liar. (e will destroy his ene$ies to save his wealth.
KetuDhe native will suffer fro$ diseases of the $outh. (e will have "itterness with the )ing
:<overn$ent;. (e will suffer loss of wealth and will have trou"les fro$ the $e$"ers of his fa$ily.
5f Ketu is in Aries, <e$ini or Virgo, the native will en'oy all co$forts.
Rahu or <etu in the Third House
Sutras CD.D5f Rahu or Ketu is in the third the native will have a"undance of oil seeds of the type of
$ustard, til, sesa$u$ etc. 5f Rahu or Ketu is associated with a "enefic, there will "e a $ar) on
the nec).
Hther Views
>haladeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will "e respected and will have ini$ical relations with his
"rothers. (e will "e wealthy, long lived and deter$ined.
KetuDhe native will "e wealthy, powerful, long lived and reputed. (e will en'oy co$pany of his
wife and will have a"undant agricultural products. (e will suffer loss of "rothers.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani9 RahuDhe native will "e very courageous. KetuDhe ene$ies will "e
van4uished. here will "e controversies. <reat prosperity will "e en'oyed. here will "e no
Rahu or <etu in the .ourth House
Sutras BD/8Dhe native will own $any )inds of orna$ents, will have two wives and will serve
others. 5f Rahu or Ketu is. associated with a $alefic, the native7s $other will "e in distress "ut this
will not happen if there is association with a "enefic.
Hther Views
>haldeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will "e stupid, trou"leso$e, short lived and seldo$ happy.
KetuDhe native will live in the house of others. (e will suffer loss of his $other, land, happiness
and grain fields. (e $ay have to go away fro$ his native place.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani9 RahuDhe $other of the native will "e sic)ly. Rahu in Aries, Cancer or
Virgo, gives "eneficial results. he native will then "eco$e a )ing.
KetuDhe native will "e devoid of happiness fro$ $other and friends. (e will not stay in his own
house for long. (is paternal property will "e destroyed.
Rahu or <etu in the .ifth House
Sutras //D/1Dhe native will have no children or suffer loss of children due to wrath of the Serpent
<od. (e will have children after conducting >oo'a of @aga >rati$a. he native will suffer fro$
windy diseases and indulge in sinful deeds. (e will suffer fro$ wrath of the )ing and will live in
undesira"le places.
Hther Views
>haladeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will "e childless, hard hearted and will suffer fro$ sto$ach
KetuDhe native will suffer fro$ loss of children. (e will "e of evil nature and unwise. (e $ay also
suffer fro$ 7>ishacha +adha7.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani9 RahuDhe native will get a son. (e will always "e worried on account Dof
his wife. (e will suffer fro$ sto$ach ail$ents.
KetuDhe native will suffer fro$ sto$ach ail$ents. (e will not get $any children. 5n spite of "eing
courageous he will re$ain dependent on others.
Rahu or <etu in the Sixth House
Sutras /GD/-Dhe native will "e tolerant and very happy. 5f Moon is associated with Rahu or Ketu,
the native will have se!ual contact with ladies of )ing7s fa$ily. (e will "e poor and a thief.
Hther Views
>haldeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will "e wealthy and long lived. (e will suffer fro$ diseases of the
anus. (e will also suffer fro$ ene$ies and fro$ the evil effect of $alefic planets.
KetuDhe native will "e generous, full of good 4ualities, deter$ined, fa$ous and a person in
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani9 RahuDhe native7s ene$ies will "e destroyed. (e will "e powerful, virile
and wealthy.
KetuDhe native will suffer loss of reputation on account of his $aternal uncle. (e will own cattle
li)e cows etc. (e will "e healthy "ut narrow $inded.
Rahu or <etu in the Seenth House
Sutras /CD0/Dhe native will have two wives. he first wife will die and the second will suffer fro$
tu$our. 5f Rahu or Ketu is associated with a $alefic the native will suffer fro$ a disease called
7<anda $ala7. his will not happen if they are associated with a "enefic. he native will generally
have two wives "ut there will "e only one wife if Rahu or Ketu is in con'unction with a "enefic.
Hther Views
>haldeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will "e of independent nature and will incur loss of wealth on
account of his association with wo$en. (e will "e a widower and will suffer fro$ loss of virility.
KetuDhe native will suffer fro$ hu$iliation. (e will indulge in affairs with unchaste wo$en and
will "e separated fro$ his own wife. (e will suffer fro$ intestinal disorders.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani RahuDhe native will suffer loss of wife.
KetuD(e will suffer loss of wealth and there will "e danger to his life fro$ watery places. (is wife
and children will "e sic)ly. 5f Ketu is in Scorpio, the native will always "e happy.
Rahu or <etu in the (ighth House
Sutras 00D01D5f Rahu or Ketu is in the eighth house, the native will "e very sic)ly and the life span
of the native will "e of 10 years. 5t will "e of G6 years if Rahu or Ketu is associated with a "enefic.
5t will "e of -8 years if the lord of the eighth house is strong or is in his sign of e!altation.
Hther Views
>haldeepi)a9 RahuDhe native will "e in distress, will suffer fro$ rheu$atic trou"les, will have few
children, will "e short lived and will indulge in evil deeds.
KetuDhe native will "e separated fro$ his near and dear, ones, will "e 4uarrelso$e and short
lived. (e will get in'ured fro$ weapons and will face o"stacles in all his underta)ings.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani9 RahuDhe native will suffer fro$ windy trou"les. (e will "e deprived of
paternal property and will "e declared as an outcaste "y his relations. (e will "e respected "y the
)ing and learned $en "ut $e$"ers of his fa$ily will have little regard for hi$.
KetuDhe native will suffer fro$ piles and will have danger to life fro$ falling down fro$ a horse.
(e will "e short of funds "ut there will "e accu$ulation of wealth if Ketu is in Scorpio, Virgo or
Rahu or <etu in the 'inth House
Sutra 0GD5f Rahu or Ketu is in the ninth house, the native will "e childless, will have inti$acy with
lowD"orn wo$en, will depend on others for his livelihood and will "e irreligious.
Hther Views
>haldeepi)a RahuDhe native will spea) with "itterness and will not perfor$ any charita"le deeds
"ut will "e a leader of village or town.
KetuDhe native will "e sinfully disposed, will perfor$ unDpious deeds, will "e fatherless,
unfortunate and poor.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani RahuDhe native will "e full of good 4ualities, fond of pilgri$ages and )ind
KetuDhe native will "e an!ious to get children and will earn wealth with the help of nonD(indus.
Rahu or <etu in the Tenth House
Sutras 06D0.Dhe native will have se!ual contacts with widows and will live in slu$s. (e will live
in good places if Rahu or Ketu is associated with a "enefic. he native will also "e interested in
Hther Views.
>haldeepi)a RahuDhe native will have few children, will not perfor$ good deeds "ut will "e
fearless and fa$ous.
KetuDhe native will indulge in sinful deeds "ut he will "e fa$ous for his courage.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$ani RahuDhe native will waste $oney on drin)ing and do cruel deeds. (e will
prefer the co$pany of nonD(indus and en'oy "eautiful wo$en.
KetuDhe native will "e unfortunate and will live in distress. (e will have no happiness fro$ father.
(e will destroy his ene$ies if Ketu is in Aries, Virgo or Scorpio.
Rahu or <etu in the (leenth House
Sutras 0BD18Dhe native will "e "lessed with children and "e wealthy.
Hther Views
>haldeepi)a RahuDhe native will "e wealthy and long lived "ut will have few children. (e will
suffer fro$ ear trou"les.
KetuDhe native will accu$ulate wealth and will en'oy all )inds of co$forts. (e will get success in
all his underta)ings.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniDRahuDhe native will ac4uire wealth through nonD(indus. (e will have
happiness fro$ children.
KetuDhe native will have all )inds of gains. (e will "e fortunate, learned and well dressed. (is
issues will "e unfortunate.
Rahu or <etu in the Twelfth House
Sutras 1/D10Dhe native will have few children and suffer fro$ eye trou"les. (e will go to hell
after death.
>haldeepi)a RahuDhe native will incur lot of wasteful e!penditure and indulge in sinful deeds.
KetuDhe native will co$$it sins secretly and incur e!penditure for evil purposes. (e will also
suffer fro$ eye trou"les.
Cha$at)ar Chinta$aniD RahuDhe native will "e poor and will "e unsuccessful in all his
underta)ings. (e will have friendship with evil $inded persons.
KetuDhe native will "e li)e a )ing. (e will incur e!penditure on charities. (is ene$ies will "e
van4uished and he will suffer fro$ eye trou"les.
Co$$entsD*e would reco$$end to the readers to also study the effects of Rahu and Ketu in
favoura"le and unfavoura"le positions, which are given in sufficient detail in Kalidas7s fa$ous
classic 7?ttara Kala$rita. 5n view of the controversy a"out the role of Rahu and Ketu who are only
shadowy planets there is a strong school of thought that they should not "e considered as owners
of any signs.
According to this view Rahu and Ketu act as agents to the planets to which they are con'oined. 5f
they are not con'oined with any planet, they give the results of the planet who aspects the$. Hnly
when they are neither con'oined with, nor aspected "y any planet, they represent the lord of the
house in which they are posited.
?ttara)ala$rita gives following further infor$ation a"out Rahu and Ketu9D
:/; Rahu and Ketu D if endowed with strength, produce effects si$ilar to the planet owning an
inauspicious house and in whose house they are posited or with who$ they are con'oined. he
lords ofKendra and Kona houses, if not con'oined with the two nodes, produces "eneficial results.
he effects will "e contrary, if they "e other node these two nodes in spite of their $alefic nature
"eco$ing "enefic "y virtue of their position in certain houses or association with certain planets.
:0; 5f one of the two nodes and the lord of a ri)ona "e posited in the Bth or /8th, or if one of the$
"e in the Bth or the other in the /8th or vice versa, the yoga will cause prosperity to the native.
%ven a con'unction of either of these with the lord of a tri)ona will prove "eneficial. 5n the a"ove
circu$stances the paras of these two nodes as well as these of the planets con'oined with the$
will prove happy. 5f there "e a planet who is inauspicious associated "y a su$ of Sa$"handha
:relationship; with either of the nodes, then the +hu)ti of the yoga)ar)a planet will prove adverse.
:1; he two planet.D Rahu and Ketu "eco$e auspicious when they occupy a ri)ona or Kendra
position or when they are associated with the lord of that particular )endra or )ona house in which
they are posited. hey also prove "eneficial when they con'oin with the lords of any Kendra or
Kona house. 5f the lord of the Bth were to own the .th or /0th as well, or if the lord of Bth and the
/8th in the a"ove circu$stances were to con'oin with the lords of the Bth or the /0th, then the
auspiciousness of the Joga is lost.
*m Tat Sat

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