Gower Business and Management Books 2011
Gower Business and Management Books 2011
Gower Business and Management Books 2011
2011 / 2012
Gower Business
and Management Books
Gower Business and
Management Books
This catalogue includes new Business
and Management titles for 2011/2012
as well as key backlist titles.
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Fraud, Risk and Security .......................................................................... 2
Human Resource Management and Strategy ...................................... 8
Project and Programme Management ................................................. 12
Finance, Trade and Financial Services ................................................. 20
Governance and Leadership .................................................................. 23
International Business Economics ....................................................... 27
Entrpreneurship and Innovation ........................................................... 28
Business and Management Strategy and Skills................................. 32
Marketing, Brand and Relationship Awareness ................................. 36
Knowledge Learning and Information ................................................. 38
Supply Chain ............................................................................................ 40
Arts and Culture Administration ........................................................... 41
Design ....................................................................................................... 42
Pharmaceutical Industry ........................................................................ 44
Training and Learning ............................................................................. 46
Index .......................................................................................................... 49
Order form ................................................................................................ 52
Contacts and Customer Service ............................... Inside Back Cover
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Phreakers, Fraudsters
and Hackers
The Origins and Manifestations of Risk
in Modern Communications Networks
Mark Johnson
Companies seeking to use communications
technology as a delivery or payment platform for
digital services are particularly at risk from phreakers,
fraudsters and hackers. They need to understand both
their strategic and operational risks as well as those
affecting their stakeholders partners and customers.
Effective risk management is as much about culture,
training and organization as it is about technology.
Mark Johnsons practical guide provides managers
with an understanding of the nature and implications
of the risks they face and the human, organizational
and technological approaches that can help avoid or
mitigate them.
June 2012 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2941-8 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2942-5
Understanding Risk Analysis
A Guide for Managers
Derek Salkeld
Risk and opportunity are inherent in projects and
yet, whilst many organizations invest heavily in
project management methodologies and processes,
few project sponsors, project board members or
managers understand the effect these might have.
The approach taken in this book is to understand how
the risk and opportunity in a project will affect its
funding requirements and its business case outcomes,
and to use this understanding to devise management
controls that will benet both the investor and the
project manager.
January 2012 c. 250 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09186-5 c. 65.00
Credit Management for
Professional Service Firms
Joah Yeadoh
Professional service rms have very particular
problems and needs when it comes to credit
management and debt collection, such as
front-end client screening and managing lock
up effectively. This book bridges the gap between
theory and practice.
January 2012 c. 200 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0538-2 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0539-9
An International, Interdisciplinary,
and Multi-sectoral Reader
Daniela Herrmann and Clare Fletcher
With an inclusive and broad-based understanding
of corruption from the perspective of international
studies as an interdisciplinary space in the social
sciences, the authors of Corruption have produced
a book that is accessible to anyone approaching the
study of corruption from any one of the different
disciplinary traditions.
November 2011 c. 170 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1129-1 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1130-7
Handbook of Fraud Investigation
and Prevention
A Guide to Legal and Procedural Strategies
Edited by Alan Doig
This Handbook provides a clear picture of the role
of compliance, civil and criminal legal process in
any fraud strategy; chapters then cover investigation
strategies for each of the following types of fraud:
benet, health, procurement, employee, telecoms,
scal, corporate, charity, legal and accounting. Part
Three of the book explores the practical options for
fraud prevention and remediation, including both
civil and criminal asset recovery and, particularly,
with respect to international fraud.
September 2011 c. 290 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08832-2 c. 75.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9209-6
The Globalisation of
Corporate Governance
The Challenge of Clashing Cultures
Adrian Davies
This book takes stock of the progress made in
embedding corporate governance in differing
countries and explores the new challenges faced
as the process moves beyond OECD members
into countries with cultures which are less open to
adopting corporate governance. Bringing countries
such as China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea
into the process will raise challenges which have
to be met if corporate governance is to succeed
in driving globalisation.
September 2011 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08893-3 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2963-0
Vulnerable Workers
Safety, Well-being and Precarious Work
Edited by Malcolm Sargeant
and Maria Giovannone
This brilliant book breaks new ground by addressing
an often over-looked subject...The authors examine
the occupational safety and health risks associated
with chronic job insecurity and precarious
employment, and take important steps toward
identifying positive solutions to them.
Susan Bisom-Rapp, Professor of Law,
Thomas Jefferson School of Law, USA
Chapters in Vulnerable Workers consider the growth of
job insecurity, the prevalence of exible or temporary
work, and the emergence of precarious forms of
self-employment. Contributions focus on the new
market economies of post-communist Eastern Europe
and on China, where it is perceived that economic
development is occurring at the expense of workers
lives and health.
September 2011 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2662-2 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2663-9
Performance Auditing of Public
Sector Property Contracts
Lori Keating
Despite the rhetoric PPP/PFI contracts tend to create
a context where dispute and litigation rather than
partnership are the norm. In this environment,
effective auditing is essential to ensure that projects
are delivering what the end-user requires. Performance
Auditing of Public Sector Property Contracts is
designed to do just that.
May 2011 182 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08999-2 75.00
ebook 978-0-566-09051-6
Corruption in International Business
Page 26
Corporate Social Responsibility Series
Page 25
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Fraud, Risk and Security
An Introduction to Internet-Based
Financial Investigations
Structuring and Resourcing the Search
for Hidden Assets and Information
Kimberly Goetz
How would an engineer who oversees the clean-up
of a toxic waste site track down the former owners
of the site to nd the polluter? Or maybe an attorney
needs help nding the assets with which a clients
former spouse has absconded. An Introduction to
Internet-Based Financial Investigations features clear
sections describing how to approach an investigation,
including the ethical perspective; what to look for, and
what you nd. It will enable anyone who conducts
nancial investigations as part of their job to reduce
their dependence on trial and error by showing them
where to look.
March 2011 246 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09190-2 49.50
ebook 978-0-566-09191-9
The Anatomy of Fraud
and Corruption
Organizational Causes and Remedies
Tomas Brytting, Richard Minogue
and Veronica Morino
...a profound and practical book...Highly
recommended for the chief of security seeking
to make a company-wide difference with a
counter-fraud culture.
Mark Rowe, Professional Security
The authors provide important insights as to how
employees may be trained and motivated to reduce
the likelihood and impact of fraudulent incidents.
Whilst fundamentally a practical guide, this book
is also essential reading for academics wanting to
stay abreast of the latest developments in the study
of ethics, organizational and work psychology and
sociology, and criminology.
February 2011 294 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09153-7 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09154-4
Exploiting Future Uncertainty
Creating Value from Risk
David Hillson
Exploiting Future Uncertainty contains more than sixty
focused briengs, each addressing a key part of the
risk challenge. Using ve themes, International risk
consultant David Hillson covers the links between
better business and risk-taking, basic risk concepts,
making risk management work in practice, people
aspects, and managing risk in the wider world. It
is packed with clear practical advice with specic
how-to tips and guidance.
December 2010 220 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-2341-6 20.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2342-3
Investigation and Prevention
of Financial Crime
Knowledge Management, Intelligence
Strategy and Executive Leadership
Petter Gottschalk
...provides a unique insight into the practice and
investigation of nancially motivated crime...The book
will serve as a useful reference for police practitioners,
those working in the criminal justice system and
researchers interested in this area.
Professor Julia C. Davidson, Director of Research in
Criminology, Kingston University, UK
Petter Gottschalk considers how, in some competitive
environments, goals can legitimise all kinds of
means, and how culture can exert a role in relation to
what is seen as acceptable or unacceptable behaviour
by individuals. In Investigation and Prevention of
Financial Crime he provides expert advice about
strategies for the use of intelligence to combat
nancial crime. The uniqueness of his approach
to the subject lies in the way he is able to explain
intelligence and intelligence processes in the wider
context of knowledge and knowledge management.
The numerous case studies throughout the book
illustrate the policing of nancial crime from
an intelligence, knowledge management and
systems perspective.
October 2010 268 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0331-9 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0332-6
Risk Strategies
Dialling Up Optimum Firm Risk
Les Coleman
This work is an important step towards making
rm risk management more than just waiting for the
infamous black swan materializing. While being as
specic as possible it carefully sticks to the scientic
approach and thus prevents giving popular but
ungrounded one liners advice. No one calling him-
or herself a risk manager can afford not reading it and
contemplating its meaning for his or her daily work.
Ira Helsloot, Editor, Journal of Contingencies
and Crisis Management
Written by an author who has managed risk, teaches
about risk, but most importantly of all has researched
the theory of risk, this book will help teachers and
students of management, extend their knowledge
and risk management skills, and enable senior
executives to dial up the right level of risk within
their organizations in order to enhance performance.
November 2009 264 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08938-1 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-08939-8
Terrorism, the Worker and the City
Simulations and Security in a Time of Terror
Luke Howie
...It would be impossible to try to encapsulate the
contents of each of these chapters in a few words
because the various theoretical themes and extracts
from Dr Howies research dovetail into each other,
giving a sense of ebb and ow, of overlap and
repetition throughout the work.
Jacky Steemson, The RoSPA Occupational Safety &
Health Journal
Luke Howies book considers what steps managers
and employees can and should take to protect their
businesses from the amorphous and indenable threat
of terrorism. Even where they dont perceive a high
level threat, business managers who might face having
to account for themselves to some post event Inquiry
have taken action in consequence of the situation.
Often, that action amounts to the introduction of what
can be described as Simulated Security which can
be effective in terms of providing the reassurance to
counter the terrorist objective of disrupting normal life
through fear.
Terrorism, the Worker and the City will appeal to
city and business leaders and managers, and security
professionals, as well as those in governmental and
academic research communities, for all of whom
terrorism is now an ever present concern.
October 2009 206 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08889-6 60.00
ebook 978-0-566-09250-3
Money Laundering
A Concise Guide for All Business
Second Edition
Doug Hopton
Doug Hopton...has immense hands-on experience of
the best practice in money-laundering prevention.
David Stokes, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, in
Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation
The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 have
extended the range of businesses covered by
the Proceeds of Crime Act to include solicitors,
lawyers, estate agents and, in effect, all companies
involved in consultancy or business services. Doug
Hoptons highly practical guide explains the basis of
international law, regulations and standards in this
area and how they affect businesses; and provides
down to earth advice on the basic rules of good
business management: know your client, know your
business (and your clients business), which will help
companies understand what procedures to establish,
and how and when to report suspicious activity.
August 2009 232 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09157-5 70.00
ebook 978-0-566-09188-9
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
A Short Guide to Operational Risk
David Tattam
A Short Guide to Operational Risk provides you with
a basic yet comprehensive overview of the nature of
operational risk in organizations. It is a book to be
read and shared at all levels of the organization; it
offers a common understanding and language of risk
that will provide individual readers with the basis to
develop risk management skills, appropriate to their
role in the business.
June 2011 256 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09183-4 19.99
ebook 978-1-4094-2891-6
A Short Guide to Equality Risk
Tony Morden
Tony Morden analyses components of an Equality,
Diversity, and Discrimination (EDD) Agenda: equality,
diversity, opportunity, and discrimination; and
examines issues and dilemmas associated with such
an agenda. Short Guides to Equality Risk provides
a credible, strategic, and implementation-based
overview of what is becoming a critically important,
politically sensitive, and high risk subject.
May 2011 190 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0450-7 17.99
ebook 978-1-4094-0451-4
A Short Guide to Political Risk
Robert McKellar
...the books value is not as limited as the title may
imply and it can very well serve as a guide for general
risk management. Jan Husdal, husdal.com
What does political risk really mean to a company
who relies on operations in unstable areas for
competitiveness and growth? What does it mean for a
specic operation of strategic signicance, and how
can managers at the strategic and operational levels
effectively address this unique type of risk? This is
an essential read for risk managers and for all senior
managers concerned with their organizations global
performance and reputation.
November 2010 200 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09160-5 17.99
ebook 978-0-566-09161-2
Fraud, Risk and Security
A Short Guide to Customs Risk
Catherine Truel
I have now been for almost three years an excise
and systems director at Malta Customs and Catherine
Truels book is really serving me as my rst practical
point of reference on customs, risk and related areas.
It is certainly invaluable for the handy small size of
the book and I would undoubtedly recommend it
to anyone involved in or studying international trade
policy and administrative matters.
Martin E Spiteri, Director Excise and Systems, Ministry
of Finance, the Economy and Investment, Malta
Managing customs risk is often seen as a cost centre
but it is also a source of competitive advantage. A
sound customs management can reduce or remove
customs duties, generate savings, and generally
improve cash ow using the many customs
procedures available to the compliant trader.
With a foreword from Kunio Mikuriya, the Head of
the World Customs Organization, A Short Guide
to Customs Risk will enable you to make informed
decisions about managing customs risk.
August 2010 144 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0452-1 17.99
ebook 978-1-4094-0453-8
A Short Guide to Ethical Risk
Carlo Patetta Rotta
Carlo does a wonderful job of relating ethics and risk
to the global economy. Not only is he insightful, if we
dont pay attention to the guidance described in this
book individual companies will be at a signicant risk
and the global economy will suffer.
Roy Snell CCEP-Fellow, Chief Executive Ofcer,
Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics
Written by a professional with diverse international
experience in auditing and fraud, this guide provides
an overview of the most signicant theories of ethics
that have impacted todays business world. It identies
the risks arising from a lack of attention to ethics,
particularly in relation to governance, due diligence,
reckless business models and other activity that
increases exposure to fraud and corruption.
May 2010 168 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09172-8 17.99
ebook 978-0-566-09173-5
A Short Guide to
Procurement Risk
Richard Russill
Typically, much less regard is paid to external
suppliers and the risk present when dealing with
them. As a minimum, suppliers are the sources of
materials, services and expert attention which enables
the company to feed its business model. When done
well, a high-performance risk-aware procurement
process provides the bonus of competitive advantage,
with ability to capitalise, rather than suffer, from the
occurrence of unexpected events. This short guide
explains how to do it.
May 2010 142 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09218-3 17.99
ebook 978-0-566-09219-0
A Short Guide to Fraud Risk
Fraud Resistance and Detection
Second Edition
Martin Samociuk, Nge Iyer
Edited by Helenne Doody
...It is a fascinating book, showing how easy it may
be for employees, customers, clients and consultants
to commit fraud, and how easy it may be to prevent
this...should be on every managers shelf.
Supply Chain Risk
A Short Guide to Fraud Risk gives a concise but
thorough introduction to the risk of fraud based on
a six-element strategy. It includes practical steps to
assess and treat fraud risks across an organization,
including those relating to executive directors. It also
shows how to develop fraud awareness company wide
and how to implement an effective fraud detection
and incident management program.
March 2010 196 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09231-2 17.99
ebook 978-0-566-09232-9
A Short Guide to
Reputation Risk
Garry Honey
Short Guides to Business Risk
Reputation risk is a topic with relevance across
the organization, from risk managers to corporate
communication managers, from compliance manager
to HR Director. Whatever your interest in the subject,
A Short Guide to Reputation Risk provides a shorthand
route to understanding the context and key features of
this subject.
July 2009 130 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08995-4 17.99
ebook 978-0-566-08996-1
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Project Reviews, Assurance
and Governance
Graham Oakes
These days it seems barely a week goes by without
some big IT Project in the news, normally for all
the wrong reasons the thing that links them is the
dreaded F-word, no not Gordon Ramsay but Failure.
Its a sobering fact that over 60% percent of IT based
projects are judged to be failures. In other words,
what they delivered fell short of what they set out to
deliver...Part of the Answer, according to Dr Oakes,
lies in conducting Project Reviews, you know, that part
of the project that gets squeezed in at the very end
of the project lifecycle (this is assuming it happens
at all). In his book Project Reviews, Assurance and
Governance, Oakes makes a compelling case for
taking Project Reviews more seriously. He argues that
far from being something to be slotted in if you have
time, Project Reviews are a critical part of the project
and fundamental to ensuring you learn from your
mistakes and keeping your projects on track.
Andrew Hatton, IS Project Manager, Oxfam GB
Graham Oakes Project Reviews, Assurance and
Governance is about learning from your mistakes
and understanding whats really going on with your
projects. In order for reviews and assurance to provide
you with this information and learning, you need to
perform them effectively and that is the purpose of
this book.
The author builds from his experience of running
assurance and review teams for professional service
rms (working for public and private sector clients)
and for private sector companies. He provides a series
of mental models that can help reviewers, sponsors
and other stakeholders set up and conduct effective
reviews. These models are coupled with pragmatic
advice on how to run effective project review and
assurance teams, and are backed by a range of
case studies.
October 2008 288 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08807-0 65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8146-5
The Project Managers Guide
to Purchasing
Contracting for Goods and Services
Garth Ward
...Every chapter taught me something new. This book
will appeal to those wanting to learn about purchasing
for projects and programmes for the rst time as well
as to managers and directors that rely on purchasing
as an important contributor to the success of their
projects and programmes. It will also appeal to those
who are purchasing specialists already but would like
to have an A-Z guide nearby as a handy reference.
One gets a sense from reading this book that Garth
has forgotten more about purchasing than most of
us will ever learn, but has somehow managed not to
leave out anything of value in this book. This is the
consummate, go-to guide for anyone involved in
purchasing within large projects and programmes.
Cameron Cromwell, Managing Director, Programme
Management Services, Morgan Est
This very practical guide describes the whole process
of contracting for goods and services, from selecting
tenderers to placing a contract. It details the key
topics that are necessary for success, such as contract
strategy, contract types, contract law and evaluating
tenders. Whilst the book also addresses the
project context in which purchasing takes place,
the subject matter could equally be applied to any
business context.
March 2008 232 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08692-2 65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8129-8
Tools for Complex Projects
Kaye Remington and Julien Pollack
Tools for Complex Projects is informative and well
written, and it blends theory and practical advice
effectively, presenting a useful range of tools that
engage the reader in contemplating technique
and high level issues in programme and
project management.
Michael Earle MIRM, Group Exploration Manager,
Aurelian Oil & Gas, The Institute of Risk Management
Tools for Complex Projects draws on the latest research
in the areas of project management, complexity theory
and systems thinking to provide a ready reference
for understanding and managing the increasing
complexity of projects and programmes.
The main part of the book provides a series of fourteen
project tools. Some of these tools may be used at
the level of the whole project life-cycle. Others may
be applied ad hoc at any time. In each case, the
authors provide: detailed guidelines for using the tool,
information on its purpose and the types of complexity
for which it is most appropriate, the theoretical
background to the tool, a practical example of
its use, and any necessary words of caution.
February 2008 232 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08741-7 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0892-5
Gower Handbook of Project
Fourth Edition
Edited by J Rodney Turner
To facilitate a direct comparison the publishers kindly
sent the CD version to try and of the two the CD wins,
simply because in this computer world it is more of
a tool than a book. This book should become to
Project Management what Hudsons has become
to Contract Law.
Dr David Wallace FInstCES, Chairman, Project
Management Panel for Civil Engineering Surveyor
This handbook for project management practitioners
gives an introduction to, and overview of, the essential
knowledge required for managing projects, from the
perspective of an experienced team of practitioners in
the eld. There are four parts: Projects: describing the
context of projects in organizations, and their nature;
Performance: describing how to manage the delivery
of the project, covering scope, quality, cost, time,
resources, risk, etc; Process: describing the project
management life-cycle and each stage of it; People:
describing how to manage the people working
on projects.
February 2008 912 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08806-3 95.00
ebook 978-0-566-08994-7
The CD ROM edition is designed for readers who
need to access the material via computer, either
because they are working remotely from their library
or because they nd it an easier format to carry
with them.
December 2007
CD-ROM individual user 978-0-566-08838-4 95.00 + VAT
Global Project Management
Communication, Collaboration
and Management Across Borders
Jean Binder
With a refreshing sense of pragmatism, and a
methodical approach of key concepts, Jean Binder
cuts through the complexity of Global Project
Management issues. This book deals with most of the
situations Ive had to face as a Global Project Manager,
and gives easy-to-implement techniques and hints to
solve issues and improve best practices. Im sure youll
benet from the time saved thanks to its effectiveness.
Jacob Marchal, R&D Project Manager, Alcatel-Lucent
Global Project Management describes how to adapt
your organization and your projects to thrive in a
multi-cultural, multi-language environment. The text
is lled with real-life examples and techniques and
illustrates how to apply the recommendations as part
of the successful management of any global project.
November 2007 308 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08706-6 65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8774-0
Project and Programme Management
16 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
The Essentials of
Project Management
Third Edition
Dennis Lock
Lock has moved even more closely to the life
cycle concept that many of us use as the basis of
developments in educational technology (and that all
in information technology development have had to
use for decades)...This book is for business students
and for serving managers with just an occasional
project to steer. Steering any project will be much
less trouble with this book to hand.
British Journal of Educational Technology
The Essentials of Project Management is a primer
distilled from Dennis Locks comprehensive,
successful and encyclopedic textbook, Project
Management, (now in its Ninth Edition). It provides a
concise, straightforward account of the principles and
techniques of project management, designed to meet
the needs of the business manager or student. Using
examples and illustrations, the author introduces the
key project management procedures and explains
clearly how and when to use them.
The text for the new edition has been completely
restructured and largely rewritten, so that the
sequence now follows even more closely the
life-cycle of a typical project from its earliest
denition to nal close-out.
October 2007 218 Pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08805-6 20.00
Project Management
Ninth Edition
Dennis Lock
I have been a fan of Dennis Locks clarity of thought
and objectivity for many years and thoroughly
recommend this latest edition as the denitive,
readable and practical guide to hands on
project management. Marine Engineers Review
Dennis Locks masterly exposition of the principles
and practice of project management has been
pre-eminent in its eld for four decades. It explains
the entire project management process in great detail,
demonstrating techniques ranging from the simplest
of charts to sophisticated computer applications.
Everything is reinforced throughout with case
examples and diagrams.
The text has been completely restructured and largely
rewritten for this ninth edition, so that the sequence
now follows even more closely the life-cycle of a
typical project from its earliest denition to nal
close-out. Case examples and diagrams have all
been reviewed, updated, augmented or replaced.
September 2007 544 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08772-1 30.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8634-7
Project Management
Tutors Edition
Ninth Edition
Dennis Lock
This Tutors Edition includes all of the text of
the paperback edition (above) along with a series
of 25 Powerpoint presentations each one tied
into the contents of the related chapters. The
presentations have been developed by the author
during a lifetime of teaching and training project
management techniques.
The 660 Powerpoint slides, which include animation
and sound, represent an extraordinary resource for
any lecturers or presenters working in the eld of
project management.
September 2007 544 pages
Hardback and CD-ROM 978-0-566-08769-1 55.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8634-7
Gower Handbook of
Programme Management
Geoff Reiss, Malcolm Anthony, John Chapman,
Geof Leigh, Adrian Pyne and Paul Rayner
Gowers Handbook of Programme Management
received an enthusiastic reception at its launch.
Andrew Bragg, managing director of the
Association for Project Management summed it up
as This is a very signicant publication on a very
important topic. Project Manager Today
This Handbook provides authoritative guidance
and advice, templates, concepts, systems and
approaches on every aspect of successful programme
management. The main part of the handbook presents
a detailed description of the whole programme
management process, together with the requisite
supporting infrastructure essential for the delivery
of planned programme outcomes. The book also
includes The Programme Management Maturity
Model, a benchmarking tool covering the ten key
processes within programme management, plus the
Programme Management Improvement Process: a
step-by-step guide to improving an organizations
ability to deliver change.
October 2006 738 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08603-8 99.00
Critical Chain
Eliyahu M Goldratt
In perhaps Elis most readable book yet, two of the
established principles of project management, the
engineering estimate and project milestones, are
found wanting and dismissed, and other established
principles are up for scrutiny as Goldratt once
more applies his Theory of Constraints. The approach
is radical, yet clear, understandable and logical.
New techniques are introduced, and Project Buffers,
Feeding Buffers, Limit Multitasking, Improved
Communications and Correct Measurements make
them work. Goldratt even handles the complicated
statistics of dispersed variability versus accumulated
variability so deftly you wont even be aware of
learning about them theyll just seem like more
common sense!
1997 544 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08038-8 55.00
Project and Programme Management
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Project and Programme Management
Series Editor: Darren Dalcher, National Centre for Project Management, Middlesex University
Project management has become a key competence for most organisations in the public and private sectors. Driven by recent business trends such
as fewer management layers, greater exibility, increasing geographical distribution and more project-based work, project management has grown
beyond its roots in the construction, engineering and aerospace industries to transform the service, nancial, computer, and general management
sectors. In fact, a Fortune article rated project management as the number one career choice at the beginning of the 21st century.
Yet many organisations have struggled in applying the traditional models of project management to their new projects in the global environment. Project
management offers a framework to help organisations to transform their mainstream operations and service performance. It is viewed as a way of organising
for the future. Moreover, in an increasingly busy, stressful, and uncertain world it has become necessary to manage several projects successfully at the
same time. According to some estimates the world annually spends well over $10 trillion (US) on projects. In the UK alone, more than 250 billion is spent
on projects every year. Up to half of these projects fail! A major ingredient in the build-up leading to failure is often cited as the lack of adequate project
management knowledge and experience.
Some organizations have responded to this situation by trying to improve the understanding and capability of their managers and employees who are
introduced to projects, as well as their experienced project managers in an attempt to enhance their competence and capability in this area..
Advances in Project Management provides short, state of play, guides to the main aspects of the new emerging applications including: maturity models,
agile projects, extreme projects, six sigma and projects, human factors and leadership in projects, project governance, value management, virtual teams,
project benets.
For more information on this series visit: www.gowerpublishing.com/advancesinprojectmanagement
The Social Infrastructure
of Project Management
Bryce Cassin
A series of tools and methods that enable reective
thinking and purposeful decision making, and
facilitate genuine transformation by embedding
projects within the specic system or organization,
rather than vice versa.
January 2012 c. 150 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0536-8 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0537-5
Second Order Project
Michael Cavanagh
These extracts are from a series of interviews with
an international group of very senior managers
who have been responsible for managing highly
complex projects; these comments are combined
and interspersed with brief explanations of some of
the techniques (over and above the existing standard
methods such as Earned Value Management, PRINCE
2, Gateway reviews and others).
The objective is not to provide a denitive guide to
these techniques, but to convince management at
the sponsoring level that they are needed, thereby
justifying investment in their deployment.
January 2012 c. 120 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-1094-2 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-1095-9
Sustainability in Project
Gilbert Silvius, Jasper van den Brink,
Ron Schipper, Adri Khler and Julia Planko
This book explores the concept of sustainability and
its application to project management. It will provide
practical guidance to organizations and individuals
that nd themselves faced with the questions that
surround the integration of sustainability in project
December 2011 c. 130 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-3169-5 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-3170-1
Project Ethics
Haukur Ingi Jonasson and Helgi Thor Ingason
How relevant is ethics to project management? This
book takes both a critical and a practical look at
project management in terms of success criteria, and
ethical opportunities and risks. It will help the reader
to use ethical theory to further identify opportunities
and risks within their projects and advance more
directly along the path of mature and sustainable
managerial practice.
November 2011 c. 120 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-1096-6 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-1097-3
Project Requirements
Steve Barron
How many projects fall short of their objectives
because they fail to establish the requirements of
the stakeholders in sufcient detail? Yet the sheer
complexity of articulating what may often be
conicting or confused requirements in a format
against which a business and project plan can be
developed often seems ignored in the excitement
of a new idea or a proposed development.
Steve Barrons Project Requirements unpacks the
complexity of the human aspects of requirements
capture and offers a highly pragmatic guide to
translating the resulting requirements into the
project plan.
October 2011 c. 120 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0458-3 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0459-0
Managing Project
Supply Chains
Ron Basu
A major project has many suppliers, contractors and
customers; it has procurement and supply, demand
planning and scheduling; it often lasts over several
years and has longer lead times. Therefore it can be
argued that the management of major projects will
benet from adopting some customised supply chain
management principles which will be discussed in
this book.
October 2011 c. 135 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-2515-1 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-2516-8
Series continues on next page...
In a world of books by instant
experts its pleasing to read
something by someone who
clearly knows their onions.
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Project and Programme Management
Series Editor: Darren Dalcher, Director, National Centre for Project Management, Middlesex University
This companion series to the Advances in Project Management Series provides short guides to a set of key aspects of project management: Benets
Management; Business Case; Change Management; Cost Management; Financing; Governance; Leadership; Organization; Programme Management;
Progress Management/Earned Value; Planning; Quality Management; Risk Management; Scope; Scheduling; Sponsorship; Stakeholder Management;
Value Management. Each guide, as the series title suggests, provides the fundamentals of the subject from a rigorous perspective and from a
(if not the) leading proponent of the subject. Practising professionals and project students will nd in the fundamentals a denitive, shorthand guide
to each of the main competencies associated with project management; a book that is authoritative, based on current research but immediately
relevant and applicable.
For more information on this series visit: www.gowerpublishing.com/fundamentalsofprojectmanagement
Project Governance
Ralf Mller
...The key feature of Mllers book, however, is that it
is specically dedicated to a much talked about topic,
where there are an increasing number of academic
papers written about it but there are few (if any)
specic books that project managers can turn to...a
useful addition to any interested readers personal
professional library...I felt that this is a long awaited
book...for those who feel daunted by large tombs this
is a very good way of publishing specialised PM topics
that provide comprehensive references sections that
readers can follow up on to gain a fuller insight.
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
Ralf Mllers book provides a well-researched
governance framework along with the best-practices,
roles and responsibilities related to governance tasks.
This concise text is an important guide for project
and programme managers, those managers concerned
with corporate governance such as risk managers
and internal auditors, project sponsors and project
board members.
April 2009 124 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08866-7 20.00
ebook 978-0-566-09156-8
Managing Risk in Projects
David Hillson
...this is in fact a little gem of a book, bursting with
information on every page...I believe there is a wide
audience for this book, ranging from those governing
projects through to those managing and supporting
projects. Anyone interested in implementing or
improving their current approach to risk would also
nd this guide a useful addition to their library.
John Fisher, Risk Management Professional
A concise description of current best practice in
project risk management introduces the latest relevant
developments enabling project managers, project
sponsors and others responsible for managing risk
in projects to do just that effectively.
August 2009 126 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08867-4 25.00
ebook 978-0-566-09155-1
Project-Based Organizations
A Guide
Michel Thiry
Using tested conceptual frameworks and models
supported by actual case studies, this book will
outline how organizations can structure themselves
to deliver value through projects. It covers value,
stakeholders, benets, strategy, and governance
issues and discusses both vertical integration between
operational and project activities and the corporate
strategy and horizontal integration between outputs
and outcomes and business strategies.
January 2012 c. 150 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08880-3 c. 26.50
Project Stakeholder Management
Professor Pernille Eskerod
and Professor Anna Lund Jepsen
Stakeholders often assess the benet the project
delivers here and now and in a much broader sense
than just deliverables. This is an enormous challenge
the project owner, project manager and project team
are facing when covering this point in the stakeholder
This book looks at how the project manager can
gather the information that is needed for a stakeholder
October 2011 c. 150 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0437-8 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0438-5
Earned Value Management
for Projects
Alexandre Rodrigues
Initially developed as a tool for measuring
performance in projects, Earned Value is now to
be evolved to play a similar role in the management
of programs and portfolios.
This is the rst of two books on Earned Value
Management and provides a concise but authoritative
guide to the process. The companion volume in the
Advances for Project Management Series relates
earned value to business strategy.
October 2011 c. 140 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0799-7 c. 26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0800-0
Program Management
Michel Thiry
For me Program Management simply and concisely
explains how realising strategies and bringing in the
benets to the organisation is achievable. This is a rst,
a theoretical text which really understands what I do!
Anne Boundford, Programme Manager, Thomson
Reuters, US-UK
Based on practical applications of Program
Management in different countries, as well as the
leading standards, this book reects the most recent
developments in the area. It offers an understanding
of program managements connection to business
strategy and value realisation, beyond multiple-project
management. Additionally it emphasizes the need for
program specic processes, based on an iterative life
cycle and the management of multiple stakeholders
and their expected benets.
The book is grounded in a robust theoretical
framework, complemented by a number of
case studies.
September 2010 220 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08882-7 32.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0716-4
Comment about this series
...for those who feel daunted by
large tombs, this is a very good way
of publishing specialised PM topics
that provide comprehensive references
sections that readers can follow up on
to gain a fuller insight into specic
cited authorities...
20 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Opportunities in the
Financial Supply Chain
Thonas Nash
The FSC market opportunities available today
are tremendous; the opportunity to redesign how
people, process and technology are integrated
into a seamless system. Tom Nash offers a
guide for managers and executives to understand
the capabilities and benets of FSCM and learn
from specic international applications.
March 2012 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09209-1 c. 60.00
Strategy Mapping for
Learning Organizations:
Building Agility into Your
Balanced Scorecard
Phil Jones
Many performance management approaches and
scorecards remain operational rather providing
usable information, or addressing, communicating and
driving the strategy. This book explains how to redress
the balance, so directors and managers can ensure
they get their organization focused on results.
December 2011 230 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08811-7 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3701-7
Collaborative Leadership
in Financial Services
Philip Ullah
CIOs, Chief Technology Ofcers, and Business
Technologists have to collaborate with regulators,
Front Ofce traders, offshore partners, institutional
investors, client relationship managers and multiple
lines of business. Collaborative Leadership in Financial
Services is a practical guide on how to lead in a
collaborative way, and focuses on technologists within
investment banking and capital markets.
October 2011 200 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08988-6 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3609-6
Inside Accounting
The Sociology of Financial
Reporting and Auditing
David Leung
Financial statements are the public face of nancial
accounting yet very little is known regarding the back
stage of their preparation. This book goes behind the
scenes of the nancial craft and casts light on the
myriad machinations underpinning its construction,
from deliberations over data to interrelations with
audit personnel. The nal result is a fascinating
account of nancial accounting.
Ingrid Jeacle, University of Edinburgh Business School
Based on a study covering a one-year nancial
reporting cycle, Inside Accounting examines how
accountants and non-accounting managers construct
their companys earnings.
The conclusion is that no act of accounting
classication is ever indefeasibly correct; that the
accounting communitys institutions and authority
are central to the accounting process and to the truth
and fairness of accounting numbers, and that both
accountants and non-accounting managers have goals
and interests that often result in no better than good
enough accounting.
Understanding the concept of ethnoaccountancy
helps close the gap between the academic curriculum
and the experiences of practitioners and makes
this piece of accounting research highly relevant
to practitioners.
September 2011 190 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2049-1 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2050-7
Solvency II
Stakeholder Communications and Change
Gabrielle ODonovan
Your stakeholder communications needs to be robust,
at every level, to secure Solvency II compliance
and gain internal buy-in for Solvency II as the new
business-as-usual. Based on the authors original
research, Solvency II: Stakeholder Communications
and Change is well-structured, readable and
above all essential for all involved in Solvency II
August 2011 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3152-7 c. 75.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3153-4
Ehergy, EhvrohnehL, NaLura
Resources and Business
The Fragility of Interdependence
DnLrs N. ChoraIas
Dimitris Chorafas once again demonstrates the
profound breadth and depth of his intellect as he
brings to bear his years of expertise as a technical
innovator and business leader on the most pressing
problems facing humanity today energy production
and environmental preservation in the face of
overpopulation. This is a clarion call to action reviving
the themes from the 1972 classic, Limits to Growth.
Dr C. Dianne Martin, Computer Science Professor, the
George Washington University
Dimitris Chorafas reviews Europe, America and Asias
energy needs in the coming decade, pointing out
that current policies are inadequate at best, and more
likely disastrous for the economy. Governments persist
in having their own agenda and priorities as well as
plenty of constraints and taboos, yet when he critically
examines the challenges Chorafas concludes that no
government can solve all current energy problems by
acting alone.
The book confronts current thinking, and its
after-effect on policies and practices. Readers
accustomed to mainstream books and articles
which blame fossil fuels for a deteriorating world
environment will nd this a contrary opinion.
May 2011 386 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09234-3 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09235-0
This catalogue is just a
snapshot of our products.
Go to www.gowerpublishing.com
to nd the book that is just
right for you.
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Finance, Trade and Financial Services
Country Analysis
Understanding Economic
and Political Performance
David M. Currie
This is a welcome book...Country Analysis is a
practical contribution to an exceedingly important
area of understanding. Although intended for a U.S.
audience, it is global in orientation, supplemented with
political and cultural aspects of economic decisions.
It is deserving of wide readership.
Professor Paul W. Beamish, Ivey Business School,
University of Western Ontario.
This valuable book shows how to interpret country
performance and provides the practicing investor with
sufcient background on economic principles, so
that they better understand how to interpret country
summaries as they appear in business periodicals and
other media. Other books set out the criteria used in
evaluating country risk and economic performance,
but often do not clarify why particular elements of
the analysis are important. Country Analysis explains
the reasoning behind those criteria, without the need
for a sophisticated understanding of economics
or mathematics.
May 2011 224 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09237-4 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09238-1
The Competitive Advantage
oI Regohs ahd NaLohs
Technology Transfer Through
Foreign Direct Investment
Boris Ricken and George Malcotsis
... a unique trail-blazer in its genre. The Competitive
Advantage of Regions and Nations by two erudite
authors gives valuable insight into the practical
dimensions of the subject and is further enriched by
careful theoretical analysis. This book is an invaluable
compendium for scholars and practitioners of
investment promotion and economic development.
Adesoji Adesugba, Chairman of the Industrial
Arbitration Panel of Nigeria
In The Competitive Advantage of Regions and
Nations, the authors stress that companies, investment
promotion agencies, and government bodies cannot
simply sit and wait until new technologies arrive
in their domain. Rather, they need to manage the
identication, assessment, attraction, absorption and
application of new technologies.
In this comprehensive book, Boris Ricken and George
Malcotsis explain how technology transfer in Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) projects can be systematically
managed. Using some 40 case studies as illustration,
they give step-by-step guidance for managers.
May 2011 254 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0238-1 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0239-8
Education and Employment
in the European Union
The Social Cost of Business
DnLrs N. ChoraIas
Professor Chorafas evaluates modern education and
its impact on business through the eyes of a pursuer of
excellence. He brings together numerous arguments
in favor of a simple, yet easily forgotten principle:
There is no substitute for quality...This is a book which
should be carefully read by academicians, politicians,
and aspiring students.
Professor Miltiades E. Anagnostou, National Technical
University of Athens
Dimitris Chorafas argues that European educational
standards, from primary schools through to
universities, leave much to be desired. He then turns
to employment. Already affected by problems with
education, employment is fettered by structural issues,
ranging from inexible labour laws to heavy social
costs. Here, Dimitris suggests what might be done
to get employment moving again in difcult
economic times.
Chorafas examines the implications of and future
for pension provision, taking a polyvalent approach
which embraces state pensions, company pensions
and the workings of pension funds as well as
healthcare issues and the longevity risk.
February 2011 328 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09201-5 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09202-2
Value in Due Diligence
Contemporary Strategies for Merger
and Acquisition Success
Edited by Ronald Gleich, Gordana Kierans
and Thomas Hasselbach
This is a book all corporate decision-makers should
be reading prior to their next merger or acquisition. It
shows important aspects that need to be considered to
ensure the success of a deal. It is also enlightening for
university professors and their students. Many of the
chapters highlight the reasons for past M&A blunders
and all chapters cover remedial and contemporary
strategies for Due Diligence. The international team of
contributing authors truly offers a global perspective
on this crucial issue for corporate growth.
Martin Scholich, Board Member,
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Value in Due Diligence explores new applications
for due diligence including areas such as corporate
culture, social responsibility, and innovation. It also
examines the due diligence process itself to draw
out those elements that provide effective risk
and opportunity management as opposed to
simple compliance.
October 2010 242 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08982-4 70.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0938-0
The Business of Europe is Politics
Business Opportunity, Economic
Nationalism and the Decaying
Atlantic Alliance
DnLrs N. ChoraIas
An investigation into the particular nature of the
European cocktail of business and politics, explaining
how this affects both trade and relations between,
for example, continental Europe and the UK, Europe
and the US and Russia and Asia. Chorafas explains
and critiques Europes conicting aims and what
he describes as its wanting business plan. The book
features case studies to illustrate the consequences
for business of the deciencies identied.
July 2010 424 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09151-3 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09152-0
Credit Management
Sixth Edition
Edited by Glen Bullivant
Whether you are a student or a more
experienced practitioner, an aspiring credit manager
or seasoned professional, Credit Management is
an essential reference, and I have great pleasure
in recommending it.
Philip King, Chief Executive,
The Institute of Credit Management
The best single-volume guide for anyone responsible
for managing credit, risk and customers. Previously
published as Credit Management Handbook, the
new edition, with a new editor, has been revised
to reect changes in practice and technology and
is the set text for the Insitute of Credit Management
(ICM) examinations.
June 2010 748 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08842-1 125.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9215-7
22 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Globalizations Limits
Conicting National Interests
in Trade and Finance
Dimitris Chorafas
Part 1 of this volume provides a detailed assessment
of the growing impact of China and India on world
markets, and of the economic difculties and
uncertainties confronting Europe. There is also
an excellent discussion of the recent setbacks to
the globalization process caused by the current
nancial crisis and the consequent rise in econominc
nationalism. The remaining two parts of this excellent
volume consider the globalization of nance (Part 2)
and the limitations of globalization (Part 3), using the
Eurozone as a case study.
Economic Outlook and Business Review
Globalization, the internationalization of trade, and
nancial integration are having enormous implications
for businesses as well as for the whole economies of
countries or blocks of countries. Chorafas argues that
research is now producing evidence that there may
be limits to such globalization and amalgamation and
that these need to be better dened and understood
if problems now being identied are to be prevented
from applying the brakes, or worse, putting the
process into reverse gear.
June 2009 354 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08885-8 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09230-5
Developing and Managing
a Successful Payment
Cards Business
Jeff Slawsky and Samee Zafar
Delivers an excellent topology of the business of
payments. The authors provide a comprehensive
review of the history and the future of payments.
Its practical approach to cards makes it a valuable
resource for people in the cards business and for those
beginning their careers in cards. The authors insight
on what constitutes an effective marketing strategy
provides an excellent framework for card issuers to
develop and execute strategies that will deliver results.
A must-read.
Joe DiVanna, Director, Maris Strategies Limited
Developing and Managing a Successful Payment Cards
Business offers information, analysis, observations,
perspectives and advice on developing and managing
a card business. There is comprehensive coverage
of all areas including card business strategy, product
development, customer acquisition and retention
strategies, and product marketing techniques.
November 2005 214 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08648-9 65.00
The Meaning of Company
Eighth Edition
Walter Reid and D.R. Myddelton
...this excellent workbook will be of use to company
executives having no training in accounting. It will
also provide excellent support for anyone undertaking
formal study in accounting.
Economic Outlook and Business Review
The Meaning of Company Accounts rst appeared
in 1971 and quickly achieved recognition among
managers, nancial and non-nancial alike. It is
now seen as the standard text in the subject. It aims
to help anyone using company accounts to gain
a rm grasp of what they mean and how they relate
to business activities. This new eighth edition has
been thoroughly updated to ensure that examples
and appendix materials are relevant to the new
accounting standards.
May 2005 320 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08660-1 35.00
Shared Services in Finance
and Accounting
Tom Olavi Bangemann
With his book, Tom Bangemann has nally
closed a gap in the business literature market. This
comprehensive guide works equally well for the
shared service novice as for experienced practitioners
who want to reach the next level of efciency. A must
have tool and reference source. Written with deep
knowledge of the many hurdles to be cleared and full
of invaluable advice on how to succeed on the shared
services journey.
Axel Hesslenberg, Head of Shared Services, Novartis
Consumer Health
Shared Services in Finance and Accounting is a
concise blueprint for identifying, assessing, designing,
implementing and improving the process for shared
services in the nance and accounting function.
Tom Bangemann focuses on critical success factors,
the people issues involved, and learning from other
peoples big mistakes. The book includes a variety
of real life examples and real benchmarking data,
performance metrics and best practices. The section
on implementation is based on a proven ve-phase
methodology and explains the steps and activities
involved as well as showing examples of the
deliverables and the results you can expect.
Any CEO, MD, CFO, Finance Director and senior
nance people will nd this book a must-have
guide to the process before they start and an
excellent benchmark against which to measure the
performance of any existing shared service operation.
March 2005 262 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08607-6 65.00
Finance and Society in 21st Century China
Page 30
Finance at the Threshold
Page 30
Intelligent Internal Control and Risk Management
Page 4
Stock Market Efciency, Insider Dealing and Market Abuse
Page 4
Transformation and Innovation Series
Page 30
For more information on Fraud, Risk and Security
See pages 2-8
Finance, Trade and Financial Services
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
A Stakeholder Perspective
to Social Responsibility
Edited by Philip Kotler, Adam Lindgreen,
Franois Maon and Jolle Vanhamme
For organizations that are seeking to develop an
effective prole, they need to understand and
reconcile the beliefs that drive their stakeholders.
The editors of this book, who include marketing guru
Philip Kotler, have combined a collection of original
applied research contributions that bring together the
two important disciplines of stakeholder theory and
social responsibility theory.
December 2012 c. 250 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1839-9 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1840-5
Imaginative Muscle
Knowledge, Cultural Leadership and
Strategy in 21st Century Business
Victoria Ward and Julie Reynolds
The authors present practical examples of how
business organisations can reconnect with their
history, their stories, and their soul by adopting a
curatorial approach in respect of images and artifacts,
records, objects and places They also point to
practices that will help cultural leaders develop
new strategic offers that move their relationship
with business beyond something focused on a
crude exchange between philanthropy
and commercial opportunity.
June 2012 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2108-5 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2109-2
The Business Leaders Guide
to the Low Carbon Economy
Larry Reynolds
While there are plenty of books about going green,
there are none which explain the low carbon
economy and how to thrive in it. This book will
ll that important gap. Drawing on examples
from across industries, including businesses such
as Asda, British Telecom, British Gas, Cadbury,
Coca-Cola, Co-operative Group, Crdit Agricole,
EDF, Nissan, Tesco and Walkers Crisps,
Larry Reynolds provides four clear scenarios of
what the low carbon economy will look like and
the implications for business-as-usual.
April 2012 c. 250 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2351-5 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2352-2
and Sustainability
Business Solutions for Poverty
Alleviation from Around the World
Edited by Daphne Halkias
This book challenges the notion that not-for-prot
social entrepreneurship is the only sort that can lead
to the alleviation of poverty. It explores how best to
bring commercial investors together with those who
are best placed to reach the poorest customers. With
case studies from around the World, the focus of the
contributions is on the new breed of entrepreneurs
who are blending a prot motive with a desire to
make a difference in their communities and beyond
borders. A signicant number of the contributions
here also recognize that although much research has
been devoted to the issue of poverty alleviation and
its struggles in developing countries, this is only part
of the story.
December 2011 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2873-2 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2874-9
In Business and Battle
Strategic Leadership in the Civilian
and Military Spheres
Edited by Charles Style, Nchoas Beae
and David Ellery
There is already a substantial body of literature on
strategy and top strategic leadership as separate topics.
The unique value of this book lies in its dovetailing
treatment of them across the commercial, civilian
and military spheres. It satises the pressing need for
a work that brings them together and discusses them
in a concise, practical and up-to-date way and makes
them relevant to key sectors of society. It pushes the
boundaries beyond a mere description of the strategic
environment of today; it provides extensive and
deep insights into how to interpret and shape
that environment.
October 2011 c. 150 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-3377-4 c. 25.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3378-1
Strategic Review
The Process of Strategy Formulation
in Complex Organisations
Robert F. Grattan
The author illustrates the strategy formulation
processes in complex organisations by focusing on
the Strategic Defence Review in the UK as a case
study. He offers some powerful insights into strategy
formulation and vividly illustrates the connection
between theory and practice. A fascinating book
and a must for all those involved in strategy
formulation in both the public and private sectors.
Nicholas ORegan, Professor of Strategy/ Enterprise
and Innovation, Bristol Business School, UK
With vivid insights this book highlights the problems
likely to be encountered during the process of
formulating strategy in business, in government,
in sport and any other human endeavour. Based
on analysis of the strategic defence review (SDR)
conducted by the UK Ministry of Defence, the
methodology for which has been employed in other
countries. The study focuses on how the review was
managed through the twin lenses of strategic business
management theory and the Essence of Decision
theory of governmental decision-making closely
associated with the John F. Kennedy School
of Government in the USA.
February 2011 244 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0728-7 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0729-4
Prevalence, Causes and Consequences
John Rayment and Jonathan Smith
We are in the midst of a leadership crisis that extends
to all spheres of society. The lack of trustworthiness
amongst leaders has contributed to the erosion of trust
amongst the general public. With its fresh thinking and
practical wisdom, this book will help arrest the crisis
and inspire us to become the leaders we have it within
us to be.
Peter S. Heslam, Transforming Business,
University of Cambridge, UK
From Rayment and Smiths passionately argued but
well reasoned perspective, leaders, the led, and
those responsible for leadership development, will
gain an insight into the prevalence and causes of
misleadership and into ways in which it can be
identied and overcome. A range of examples and
case studies is provided to enable the concepts
presented here to be related to practice. As well as
illustrating instances of misleadership these also
demonstrate that emphasis on the decision making
models currently available to leaders may mean we
are not focusing on the most important stages of the
processes involved.
December 2010 240 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09226-8 60.00
ebook 978-0-566-09227-5
24 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Governance and Leadership
Complex Adaptive Leadership
Embracing Paradox and Uncertainty
Nck Oboehsky
Drawing upon a wide range of wisdom and ideas,
from Lao Tzu to Lorenz and modern chaos theory,
Obolensky brilliantly argues the case for organisations
and their leaders to adapt to the complex, uncertain
world of today and tomorrow. He also proffers
excellent practical advice on how to do so.
Philip Sadler CBE, Vice-president, Ashridge Business
School, Senior Fellow, Tomorrows Company
We all seem intuitively to know leadership isnt what
it used to be but we still cling to old assumptions
which look anachronistic in changing and challenging
times. Organisations and their contexts are
increasingly paradoxical and uncertain. A broader
approach to leadership is needed. Nick Obolensky
has practiced leadership in the public, private and
voluntary sectors. He has also researched it, and
taught it over many years in leading business schools.
In this exciting book he brings together his knowledge
of theory, his own experience, and the results of 15
years of research.
August 2010 256 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08932-9 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-08933-6
Making the Connections
Using Internal Communication
to Turn Strategy into Action
Second Edition
Bill Quirke
Everything one needs to know about setting up a
communication strategy that promotes real business
value is covered in this excellent book. Nothing is left
to chance. Economic Outlook and Business Review
Bill Quirke demonstrates practically how businesses
can use internal communication to achieve
differentiation, to improve their quality, customer
service, and innovation, and to manage change more
effectively. He describes the why, the what and the
how of internal communication why business
needs better communication to achieve its objectives,
what internal communication needs to deliver to add
value, and how organizations need to manage
their communication for best results.
June 2008 384 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08780-6 30.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0516-0
Communicating Strategy
Phil Jones
This book represents an informative and innovative
addition to the literature on business strategy that
should interest company executives and academics
within elds of business organisation and
business development.
Economic Outlook and Business Review
Communicating Strategy will help you
communicate your organizations strategy in a
compelling and effective way, and dramatically
improve implementation and the resulting
outcomes. It provides a clear framework for
building a communication plan and deliver
a complete and coherent strategy message.
February 2008 198 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08810-0 25.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8288-2
Great Writers on Organizations
The Third Omnibus Edition
Third Edition
Derek S. Pugh and David J. Hickson
Great Writers on Organizations presents succinctly
each of the contributions made by 80 of the most
prominent management thinkers to the understanding
of organizational behaviour and managerial thinking.
New writers included in the Third Omnibus Edition
are: Lex Donaldson, Stewart Clegg, Richard Whitley,
Michel Foucault and Kathleen Eisenhardt.
September 2007 324 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-7056-8 65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8467-1
Grass Roots Leaders
The BrainSmart Revolution in Business
Tony Buzan, Tony Dottino and Richard Israel
Grass Roots Leader delivers the essence of a
comprehensive quality program without the
unnecessary overhead. It gets the people most
impacted by change involved early and committed
to achieving measurable results.
Ron Glickman, Senior Vice President, Global Quality
Processes and Integration, UTi
Tony Buzan, Tony Dottino and Richard Israel pick
up a theme they rst introduced in The Brain Smart
Leader and document a way of fundamentally
changing the perspective and behaviour of leaders
and employees in your organization.
Their approach shows how to: use the brains capacity
for solving problems and implementing innovative
plans to make the organizations vision a reality; adopt
a three-speed technique rst gear to slow down and
allow new learning or support for difcult transition
periods. Second gear shifts up to a productive work
outcome, and then third gear revs up to champion
innovation and change; apply a series of proven
models for dealing with information overload, making
the best use of scarce resources, such as time, and
keeping sight of successful outcomes as they are
August 2007 258 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08802-5 25.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8777-1
The CEO:
Chief Engagement Ofcer
Turning Hierarchy Upside Down
to Drive Performance
John Smythe
In this superb book, Smythe asks what the concept
of engagement means for employer and employee;
looks at whether and how it is different from internal
communication, and provides a practical framework
for those who want to engage colleagues but need
advice based on real-world experience...Smythe
provides a thoughtful and compelling book on a
vital business issue that all too often is overlooked.
John Ling, The Marketer
The Chief Engagement Ofcer explores a management
philosophy which recognises the value of opening up
decision making to the right groups to improve the
quality of decisions and change, accelerate execution
and broaden ownership; in other words, engage
employees. John Smythe asks what the concept of
engagement means for employer and employee;
tests whether and how it is different from internal
communication and provides a practical framework
for those who want to engage colleagues but need
advice based on applied experience.
June 2007 226 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08561-1 25.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8180-9
Transformation and Innovation Series
Page 30
Author comment
Complex Adaptive Leadership
is my rst book with Gower. [They] are
thorough, professional and ensure a
good quality product with their editing.
They market the book well, and have an
international reach (my book is being
launched at a conference in Canada).
They also support the authors marketing
and respond quickly to emails and
requests. All the staff I have met and
worked with are friendly and enthusiastic.
They also have a very good reputation for
quality publications. I would imagine they
have many people wanting to be published
by them, and I am honoured and pleased
to be one of their authors!
Nck Oboehsky
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Governance and Leadership
Series Editors: Gler Aras, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul and David Crowther, Leicester Business School
This series provides high quality research books on all aspects of corporate social responsibility including: business ethics, corporate governance and
accountability, globalization, civil protests, regulation, responsible marketing and social reporting. The series is interdisciplinary in scope and global in
application and is an essential forum for everyone with an interest in this area.
For more information on this series visit: www.gowerpublishing.com/CSR
Auditor Independence
Auditing, Corporate Governance
and Market Condence
Ismail Adelopo
Auditors independence has been called into
question in the light of their being complicit in some
of the corporate misbehaviour exposed in recent
years. By focusing on matters that are damaging to
market condence and threatening to the reputation
of the auditing profession, the conclusions and
recommendations in this book are important for key
stakeholders including policy makers, regulators,
those running companies, their investors and
customers, as well as those responsible for training
in the auditing profession and for other researchers
and academics.
May 2012 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3470-2 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3471-9
Corporate Social Disclosure
in Southeast Asia
Juniati Gunawan
Indonesia provides the background for a detailed case
study based on the authors extensive research into the
behaviour of listed companies in that major country
with its large domestic market and workforce, typical
of much of the developing World. This particular
study gives revealing insights into the gap that exists
between companys perspectives and those of other
stakeholders, and into the way corporate disclosure is
affected by state and private ownership of companies.
January 2012
Hardback 978-1-4094-1212-0 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1213-7
Human Dignity and Managerial
Diversity, Rights, and Sustainability
Edited by Ana Maria Davila Gomez
and David Crowther
This book is essential reading. It is an innovative
examination of issues in business and society that
challenge human dignity and are too often ignored.
The contributors highlight issues bearing on the
conicting needs and expectations of shareholders
and other stakeholder groups and the whole leaves
the reader with a feeling that this area of study is still
in its infancy.
Christina Reis, University of New Haven, USA
The treatment of employees is increasingly becoming
recognised as an important ingredient of sustainable
enterprise. As sustainability and all that it implies,
becomes ever more critical, this book, with its
multiple perspectives on the workplace and on the
issues therein such as diversity in the broadest sense,
lls a gap in the research related literature essential
to a more rounded understanding of CSR
September 2011 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2311-9 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2312-6
New Work ELhcs
Foucault and the Spirit of
21st Century Capitalism
Peter Kelly
This book is an important contribution to the
continuing debate about the nature of work related
identities and the consequences of the intensication
of the work regimes in which these identities are
regulated and performed. It helps analyse the various
injunctions and incitements to develop new work
ethics reecting the ways in which people practice
their freedom in relation to the world of paid work
at the start of the 21st century.
August 2011 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-4963-2 c. 60.00
Towards Ecological Taxation
The Efcacy of Emissions-Related
Motor Taxation
David Russell
...provides a comprehensive understanding of the
efcacy of emissions-related ecological taxation and
offers fresh analytical insights on the implications
of ecological tax reforms for both sustainable
development practices and relevant theoretical
developments. The book is a timely contribution
to the knowledge of sustainable development in
terms of ecological scal policies and reforms
and their implementations.
Dr William Sun, Leader of Corporate Governance
and Sustainable Business Research Group (CGSRG),
Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Governments around the world are struggling to
meet their commitments to achieve targets relating
to reductions in greenhouse gases. Many writers
advocating ways to achieve these targets offer radical
but often impractical approaches that do not offer a
way forward within the existing economic model. In
contrast, Towards Ecological Taxation is a pragmatic
consideration of realistic possibilities by an author
from the world of accounting.
May 2011 256 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08979-4 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-08980-0
Ageing Populations and
Changing Labour Markets
Social and Economic Impacts of
the Demographic Time Bomb
Edited by Stella Vettori
Ageing populations are seen both as a threat and an
opportunity. There is concern about discrimination
against older workers, at the same time as there is
concern about a shortage of labour. Stella Vettori has
assembled a collection of expert writers on the social,
cultural, political and economic factors that have
implications for labour markets as well as the welfare
of older people, both in developed and developing
countries. Anyone involved with workplace and
employment policy and practice, and issues of
diversity and discrimination, either at a corporate
or societal level, will want to read this book.
October 2010 284 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08910-7 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0280-0
Series continues on next page...
Comment about this series
A great read, the collection is
divese and wide-ranging, scholarly,
yet readable.
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Creating and Re-Creating
Corporate Entrepreneurial Culture
Alzira Salama
In the days of global rebalancing when emerging
market economies contribute more economic growth
than the developed ones, the need for innovation
and entrepreneurship among established businesses
is ever-increasing. This book provides very useful
cases of entrepreneurial behaviour and practices,
emphasising the importance of corporate culture,
with insights which can well serve as recipes for
success for many corporate executives.
Yury Bikbaev, Director, LSE Executive Education,
London School of Economics
In Creating and Re-Creating Corporate Entrepreneurial
Culture, Alzira Salama takes the view that
entrepreneurship is all too often only considered in
the context of new venture creation, small business
issues and the proles and personalities of individual
entrepreneurs. The emphasis in her enlightening book
is very much on the corporate of its title. Salama
focuses on the creation and maintenance of
an entrepreneurial management culture that
accelerates growth and enhances competitiveness
in large organizations.
March 2011 202 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09194-0 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09195-7
Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs
The Economic and Social Impact
of a Global Phenomenon
Edited by Daphne Halkias, Paul Thurman,
Nchoas Harkoaks and Sylva M. Caracatsanis
Written by a team of researchers based in prestigious
business schools and universities on almost every
continent, this important book begins the process
of discovering why and how female driven business
start-ups often seem to spontaneously emerge in
adverse environments. Is it randomness, luck, or
chance that determines success or failure, or vital
critical forces and the inherent qualities of the
women involved? The research emerging from the
Female Immigrant Entrepreneurship (FIE) project
discusses the integration of immigrant communities,
their interaction with host economic and business
environments, and the role of women in
that interaction.
December 2010 324 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08913-8 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-08914-5
Mobile Telecommunications
in a High-Speed World
Industry Structure, Strategic Behaviour
and Socio-Economic Impact
Peter Curwen and Jason Whalley
Written by two of the worlds foremost researchers on
this industry, this book not only provides the outcomes
of research detailing every licence and launch
worldwide involving 3G, but discusses the structure of
the industry and the strategic behaviour of operators,
as well as the social consequences of the spread of 3G
and higher speed technologies. The authors examine
the role of new entry upon competition, and present
analysis of the main operators involved, and the
development of handsets, especially smartphones.
December 2010 274 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0361-6 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0362-3
Innovation and Marketing
in the Video Game Industry
Avoiding the Performance Trap
David Wesley and Gloria Barczak
A great read for anyone interested in video games and
the entertainment business. Wesley and Barczak craft
a compelling read based through the history of video
games the unexpected success stories and colossal
failures which give us a foundation of learning that
help those of us in the industry make better decisions
in this new era of gaming. The rise of social games,
micro- transactions, virtual goods and ever changing
platforms force us to learn from our past and continue
to think out of the box.
Tom Sperry, CEO of Blade Games, Founding member
of Microsoft Games Group
Based on their extensive research into the business
and marketing strategies of the video game industry,
David Wesley and Gloria Barczak consider how and
why, in the search for the holy grail of high denition
gaming, many companies have become ensnared in
a performance trap that causes them to lose sight of
the customer. The history of technology is littered with
examples of superior products that either failed or
sold poorly relative to technically inferior competing
products. Innovation and Marketing in the Video
Game Industry examines the factors behind success
and failure and identies patterns that will help
engineers, developers, and executives formulate
better business strategies.
June 2010 280 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09167-4 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09168-1
Strategic Innovation in the Convergence Era
Sang M. Lee and David L. Olson
[Sang M Lee and David L Olson] argue that
understanding the forces at work can help
organisations harness their potential through
innovative strategic approaches, and that technology
can be used to enable productive collaboration and
gain competititive advantage. Strategy Magazine
Business leaders and students of strategy at all
levels will learn from this book how revolutionary
developments can be embraced rather than feared,
and how technology that is potentially frightening
in its complexity can be harnessed and used to
enable productive collaboration and gain
competitive advantage.
February 2010 216 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08936-7 55.00
ebook 978-0-566-08937-4
The Future of Innovation
Edited by Bettina von Stamm and Anna Trilova
the book is a fascinating compendium of thoughts
from people that really think about innovationthe
editors have made dipping in easy by weaving the
articles with their own comments. There is also a good
reference system if there is something particular you
are searching for. There is an accompanying website
that has on it even more articles that didnt make it
into the book. Great job, good read.
Ewan R. Brown (on Amazon.co.uk)
Bettina von Stamm and Anna Trilova have gathered
together the thoughts and ideas of over 200 of the
most creative innovators from business, professional
practice and academia from nearly 60 countries.
The contributors look at innovation from almost
every angle. Their statements offer an unparalleled
view of innovation and provide a depth of insight
that is extraordinary. The editors reection on each
statement and on the sections within the book,
provide useful links between themes and reinforce
the relationships between many of the ideas.
Anyone interested in innovation (student, researcher
or practitioner) will benet from this global thought
collection. The contributors multiple perspectives,
models, practical examples and stories provide a
sense of innovation that no single writer could
ever capture.
December 2009 528 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09213-8 35.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2185-6
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Making Ecopreneurs
Page 26
36 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Building a Brand for IT
How to Mobilize IT to Deliver
Excellent Services
Glenn Remoreras
Building a Brand for IT draws from the authors
experience working in companies in North America,
continental Europe and Asia to provide a rich
collection of case examples and ensure a message
that reects the cultural aspects of the process.
August 2012 c. 220 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2521-2 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2522-9
Marketing Research with
SAS Enterprise Guide
Kristof Coussement, Karine Charry
and NaLhae Denouh
The purpose of the book is straightforward: a
pragmatic approach, based on using real-life
marketing research examples, to help you solve
day-to-day (business) problems.
April 2012 c. 400 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-2676-9 c. 40.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2677-6
The Business Marketeers
Guide to Social Media
Na Cook
This book helps business-to-business companies
navigate the plethora of social media currently
available, introducing marketers to the opportunities
and threats, risks and benets, and advantages
and disadvantages of each. Using examples from
well-known companies it illustrates how to discover,
select, integrate, exploit and measure these techniques
as part of an integrated business marketing strategy.
January 2012 c. 180 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09200-8 c. 35.00
Corporate Social Performance
in Emerging Markets
Sustainable Leadership in
an Interdependent World
Zsa Lakatos
Corporate Social Performance in Emerging Markets
provides an effective tool for companies to help them
engage in CSR activities and become a responsible
company in CEE countries such as Poland, Hungary,
the Czech Republic and Slovakia; focusing on the
difference of stakeholders and their attitudes to those
of Western Europe.
October 2011 c. 140 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3264-7 c. 27.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3265-4
Advertising in Developing
and Emerging Countries
The Economic, Political and Social Context
Edited by Emmanuel C. Alozie
Advertising in Developing and Emerging Economies
offers an in-depth analysis of advertising in developing
and emerging economies, as they join the global
economy and seek to improve the socio-economic
condition of their citizens. It illustrates the challenges
and opportunities for advertising in these countries,
and explores their critical relationship with developed
economies with a multifaceted analysis of the role of
advertising in an interdependent global economy.
August 2011 c. 270 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09174-2 c. 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09175-9
The Principles of
Islamic Marketing
Baker Ahmad Alserhan
The Principles of Islamic Marketing provides a
complete guide to the requirements an organization
needs to follow when managing its entire marketing
function within the Muslim market or when adapting
part of its offering to that market. This is not a religious
book. It a marketing book that represents the values
behind a business model adopted by nearly one fth
of the world population; the Islamic Economic System.
July 2011 c. 280 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08922-0 c. 45.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2894-7
The Changing MO of the CMO
How the Convergence of Brand and
Reputation is Affecting Marketers
MaryLee Sachs
A goldmine of information and ndings about how
CMOs are incorporating social media and public
relations in their marketing toolkit.
Philip Kotler, S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished
Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of
Management, Northwestern University
Drawing on the experiences of Chief Marketing
Ofcers (CMOs) from 10 iconic organizations with
business and consumer brands across the globe,
The Changing MO of the CMO explores how some
organizations are making the most of a blended
approach to communications and marketing and
how CMOs can respond to and prepare for their
new responsibilities.
July 2011 c. 130 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2315-7 c. 25.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2316-4
Shopping 3.0
Shopping, the Internet or Both?
Cor Molenaar
Customers dont come into a shop because they have
to, because they have no choice; they enter a shop
voluntarily because it is practical, or attractive, or
fun! Shops are not yet written off and retailers are not
practising an ancient craft, but there is a lot that needs
to be done.
Drawing on extensive research, Cor Molenaar, one
of Europes leading authors on the intersection of
marketing and technology, explores what modern
shopping customers are looking for and what retailers
(online, bricks and mortar or hybrid) can do to attract
them. It is a must-have guide for retailers, IT and
marketing professionals, and advertising agencies.
November 2010 226 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1764-4 19.99
ebook 978-1-4094-1765-1
A goldmine of information...
Philip Kotler, on
The Changing MO of the CMO
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Marketing, Brand and Relationship Awareness
The Psychology of Marketing
Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Gerhard Raab, G. Jason Goddard,
Riad Ajami and Alexander Unger
The Psychology of Marketing is a must read for
advanced students of marketing as well as marketing
professionals. Adopting the notion that there is
nothing as valuable as good theory the book provides
a very comprehensive incisive overview of theories
of psychology and their relevance to marketing and
personnel management. Its currency is well illustrated
by its treatment of recent developments in biological
psychology and their applicability to marketing.
Ram Baliga, John B. McKinnon Professor of
Management, Wake Forest University, USA
Marketers and those aspiring to be marketers will
nd this book an invaluable help in their role as lay
psychologists. Drawing on consumer, management,
industrial, organizational, and market psychology
to provide an in-depth treatment that embraces:
Cognition theories; Personality, perception and
memory; Motivation and emotion; Power, control,
and exchange.
Complemented by case studies from across the globe,
The Psychology of Marketing provides a trans-national
perspective on how the theories of psychology and
their relevance to marketing, revealed here, is applied
in practice.
October 2010 414 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08903-9 70.00
ebook 978-0-566-08904-6
Memorable Customer Experiences
A Research Anthology
Edited by Adam Lindgreen, J. Vanhamme
and M. Beverland
Overall this book is written for all people interested in
brand marketing. I recommend this book to marketing
professionals for not only tapping into the exciting
world of successful customer experiences but also for
grasping constructive hints about brand management.
Academics and students may also benet from the
book either as a supplementary reading material
or in class exercises.
Yonca Aslanbay, Journal of Consumer Marketing
Experiential marketing changes everything! claim
the management gurus, but is it really so signicant
that not joining this race is dangerous? This research
anthology investigates different angles of experiential
marketing, providing a comprehensive collection
of cutting-edge theories and research delivered by
companies and experienced by customers.
October 2009 318 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08868-1 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09207-7
Gender, Design and Marketing
How Gender Drives our Perception
of Design and Marketing
Gloria Moss
An insightful new book from Gloria Moss, Gender,
Design and Marketing: How Gender Drives our
Perception of Design and Marketing probes the
unique decision-making style of women and draws
some provocative conclusions about the impact
of design.
Barbara Apple Sullivan, Managing Partner of Sullivan
In this wide-ranging book the author explores design,
visual aesthetics, language and communication, by
drawing on an exhaustive range of primary sources
of research from psychology, design, branding
and communication. The lessons that emerge offer
challenges to organizations both in the way in which
their design and marketing is perceived by men
and women, as well as how the make-up of their
workforce may limit their ability to appreciate and
address the diversity of customers preferences.
Gender, Design and Marketing offers researchers,
designers, brand and marketing specialists an
enhanced understanding of gender; the ways in which
an organizations actions can engage or dissuade the
men and women that make up its market; and how
to increase the breadth and depth of appeal for
all products.
May 2009 268 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08786-8 65.00
Customer Relationship
A Global Perspective
Gerhard Raab, Professor Riad A. Ajami,
Vidyaranya B. Gargeya and G. Jason Goddard
The book is well written and contains numerous
charts, ow diagrams and statistical tables to illustrate
key ideas.One particularly useful feature is the
inclusion of six comprehensive case studies of
CRM practices.
Economic Outlook and Business Review
Customer Relationship Management combines
marketing and relationship theory with practical
advice to enable students and practitioners to
understand the philosophy and signicance of CRM.
The book illustrates how leading companies are using
techniques such as customer orientation, retention,
global relationship management and performance
management through the Balanced Scorecard to
develop long-term, sustainable advantage.
May 2008 216 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-7156-5 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0540-5
Series Editors: Adam Lindgreen,
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
and Martin Hingley, Hull University
Business School, UK
The series provides readers with the understanding
of the opportunities and risks associated with the
industry and the condence to communicate with
and engage consumers and others in the food supply
chain in an authoritative, ethical and effective way.
For more information on this series visit:
Market Orientation
Transforming Food and Agribusiness
around the Customer
Edited by Adam Lindgreen, Martin Hingley,
David Harness and Dr Paul Custance
This collection explores the challenges and
opportunities associated with market orientation
along the food supply chain; from the animal feed
industry to meat retailing and from organic foods to
old world wines.
February 2010 394 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09208-4 70.00
ebook 978-0-566-09236-7
The Crisis of Food Brands
Sustaining Safe, Innovative and
Competitive Food Supply
Edited by Adam Lindgreen, Martin K. Hingley
and Jolle Vanhamme
Cutting-edge research on controversies in food
and agricultural marketing, especially in terms
of consequences for businesses and appropriate
marketing strategy plans.
June 2009 382 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08812-4 70.00
ebook 978-0-566-08993-0
The New CuLures oI Food
Marketing Opportunities from Ethnic,
Religious and Cultural Diversity
Edited by Adam Lindgreen
and Martin K. Hingley
This book provides cutting-edge research on creating
opportunities from diversity, especially in terms of
consequences for agribusiness and food businesses
and appropriate marketing strategy plans.
June 2009 344 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08813-1 65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8149-6
38 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
User-Generated Content
and the Law
Andrew Sparrow
This book examines how the law can both control and
ensure positive development of user generated models
on the Internet.
April 2012 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2519-9 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2520-5
The Power of Tacit Knowledge
Accessing the Tacit in Strategic Planning,
Problem Solving and Decision-making
Keith Dawes
Few, if any business psychology books focus on tacit
knowledge and existing academic literature on the
subject is technically difcult and lacks a practical
focus. Although this book addresses the grounded
theory and multiple perspective analysis forming the
basis of the authors research, it is rmly focused on
increasing practitioners understanding at a time when
the role of intuition and experience-based wisdom in
driving innovation and organisational competitiveness
is of increasing interest.
January 2012 c. 220 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2428-4 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2429-1
Participative Transformation
Learning and Development
in Practicing Change
Roger Klev and Morten Levin
Drawing on pragmatic philosophy and the authors
experience of organizational development initiatives
and action research, this book connects practical
change-related activity with a broader critical and
theoretical perspective. Participative Transformation
is essential reading for anyone involved or interested
in organisational development, wanting to focus on a
perspective from which participative change activities
are seen as needing to be a part of everyday practice
in any work situation.
December 2011 c. 290 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2378-2 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2379-9
Interactive Business Communities
Accelerating Corporate Innovation through
Boundary Networks
Mitsuru Kodama
Innovation no longer comes about as a result of
specialized knowledge being pursued within a
single corporation or at a single level within one. In
Interactive Business Communities, Mitsuru Kodama
argues that a focus on developing new products and
services is not sufcient. As hitherto separate elds
merge, there is a need for dynamic processes and a
new business architecture that enables managers to
access knowledge inside and outside the corporation,
share and integrate it.
The cornerstone is the concept of company-wide
information enablers: Boundary Architects, who
operate across organizational and knowledge
boundaries, at all levels inside and outside companies,
forming networks that transcend formal arrangements.
Through studies of businesses in Japan, the US,
and Taiwan, the author describes networks and
partnerships that are key to tackling the discontinuities
of the Twenty-rst Century. He provides practical
guidelines on how to form business communities,
enter strategic partnerships with other businesses,
and forge interactive communities with customers
and others.
September 2011 c. 250 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08928-2 c. 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-08929-9
Knowledge Sharing in Professions
Roles and Identity in Expert Communities
Alexander Styhre
Alexander Styhre explores these processes of
Knowledge Sharing in Professions from the
perspective of life sciences, management consultancy
and architecture to explain: how professionals share
and manage knowledge in complex and, often
ambiguous, situations; the relationship between
knowledge and identity and the requirement to
switch between different roles as an expert; along
with the role that collaboration plays in developing
and transforming design concepts.
August 2011 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2097-2 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2098-9
Harvesting External Innovation
Managing External Relationships
and Intellectual Property
Donal OConnell
After examining the broad subject of innovation,
Harvesting External Innovation addresses the
growing phenomenon of companies cooperating
and collaborating with a variety of external parties.
Intellectual property, especially patents, plays
a fundamental role promoting and protecting
innovation, regardless of whether that innovation
comes from internal employees or persons external to
the company, Donal OConnells specically examines
this responsibility. The book discusses in depth how
best to handle intellectual property matters, how to
actually work with these external inventors and how
to handle their inventions, and includes a suggested
process and check list.
July 2011 208 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1833-7 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1834-4
Successful OSS Project Design
and Implementation
Requirements, Tools, Social Designs
and Reward Structures
Edited by Hind Benbya and Nassn Bebay
Today, it has become clear that Open Source Software
represents a signicant portion of the software
industry. Thus the purpose of this book is to provide
readers with an overall understanding of the OSS
approach by explaining the features common to the
products and processes of open source development
projects. Decision makers at different levels and in
a variety of elds need to understand the factors that
contribute to the OSS adoption and use effectiveness;
the circumstances required, the approaches,
tools, social designs, reward structures and
coordination methods.
March 2011 216 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08795-0 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0957-1
To request a copy of this catalogue and other Gower and Ashgate subject catalogues and leaets:
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Personal Knowledge Management
Individual, Organizational and
Social Perspectives
Edited by David Pauleen and Gary Gorman
This is the rst book devoted specically to
Personal Knowledge Management (PKM),
here dened broadly as an evolving set
of understandings, skills and abilities that allows an
individual to survive and prosper in complex and
changing organizational and social environments.
February 2011 292 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08892-6 70.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0309-8
The Law of Virtual Worlds
ahd IhLerheL Soca NeLworks
Andrew Sparrow
As a national award-winning solicitor and founder of
Lecote Solicitors, Andrew Sparrow is well qualied to
author a book on raising awareness and explaining
the complexity of laws in the sophisticated virtual
and internet social network sphere. Considering the
long-term future of these in civic, educational and
health contexts (to name but a few), The Law of
Virtual Worlds and Internet Social Networks is a timely
publication...The Law of Virtual Worlds and Internet
Social Networks is recommended for researchers in
the eld as well as practitioners wishing to take their
services to the next level.
Ina Fourie, University of Pretoria,
Online Information Review
The Law of Virtual Worlds and Internet Social
Networks is an essential reference for advertising
and media agencies; television broadcast producers;
academic institutions including university law,
knowledge and information departments. In fact,
it has been written for anyone interested in virtual
worlds and social networks whether commercially,
because you want to explore the possibilities such
environments present, or for academic curiosity.
January 2010 256 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08850-6 70.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9204-1
Blogging and Other Social Media
Exploiting the Technology and Protecting
the Enterprise
Aex Newsoh, wLh Deryck Houghton
and Justin Patten
...Blogging and Other Social Media provides
an introduction to the topic of social media for
organisations that are new to the technologies
and those already using social media.
David Stuart, Online Information Review
Blogging and Other Social Media is an excellent
and highly practical guide to the opportunities and
threats the emerging social media present for any
organization. The authors provide background on
what blogging is and how it has evolved along with
practical advice for setting up a blog and how to
make it effective as a communication tool. The book
also covers the legal issues associated with social
media, including areas such as defamation, copyright
and trade mark infringement, interference with the
administration of justice and employment law.
December 2008 202 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08789-9 60.00
Enterprise 2.0
How Social Software Will Change
the Future of Work
Na Cook
This is a truly inspirational book which should be
required reading for managers, IT leaders, systems
analysts, developers, and business strategists in any
enterprise, small, medium, and especially large.
Roy Johnson, Mantex
This book helps you navigate the social software
landscape and introduces you to the key concepts
that make up Enterprise 2.0. Using practical examples
from companies in a range of industry sectors it
illustrates how to apply these techniques to your
organization and create an environment for social
software to ourish.
July 2008 180 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08800-1 49.50
Knowledge Learning and Information
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Books Bytes and Business
The Promise of Digital Publishing
Bill Martin and Xuemei Tian
October 2010 298 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-7837-3 60.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9653-7
University Libraries and Digital
Learning Environments
Penny Dale, Jill Beard and Matt Holland
February 2011 304 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-7957-8 60.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9897-5
Managing Information Services
A Sustainable Approach
Third Edition
Jo Bryson
June 2011 440 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0694-5 60.00
Paperback 978-1-4094-0696-9
ebook 978-1-4094-0695-2
40 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Systems, Relationships
and Performance
A Diagnostic Technique
Ian Morrison
A ground-breaking book that describes practical
research to establish an innovative means of
evaluating workplace relationships and discusses
practical action to promote transformative
cultural change.
January 2012 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08912-1 c. 60.00
Finance for Purchasing Managers
Richard France
Those involved in the purchasing function have a
very particular need for nancial skills. They need to
be able to: analyse the nancial health and stability
of their suppliers; model different cost and price
scenarios; understand and manage budgets; and
nally, to be comfortable with the nancial aspects
of capital purchases.
Richard Frances book provides purchasing
professionals and students with the means to
understand and manage the value and nancial
impact of the purchasing function.
January 2012 c. 320 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09171-1 c. 55.00
Reconnecting Markets
Innovative Global Practices in Connecting
Small Scale Producers with Dynamic
Food Markets
Edited by Estelle Binabe, Julio Berdegu
and Lucian Peppelenbos
Gower Sustainable Food Chains Series
Research organisations from around the world set
up Regoverning Markets, a two-year programme of
collaborative research and policy support (2005-
2007). Regoverning Markets focused on the keys to
inclusion of small-scale farmers into dynamic national
and regional markets. Reconnecting Markets is the
second volume of case examples from the project.
The cases document specic arrangements built on
public policies, business initiative, collective action
by small-scale farmers and support from development
agencies that appear to have played a positive role in
supporting greater inclusion.
December 2011 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3027-8 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3028-5
For more information on this series visit:
International Trade and the
Successful Intermediary
Davide Giovanni Papa and Lorna Elliott
At long last there is a comprehensive and
practical reference on international trade and how
intermediaries should conduct themselves in chasing
that elusive deal...Thanks to Davide Papa and Lorna
Elliott for this publication, and good luck with your
future endeavours in this area.
Leonardo Santalucia, Posso Management Pty Ltd
International Trade and the Successful Intermediary is
designed to give independent intermediaries, potential
buyers, procurement agents, mandates, lawyers,
bankers and companies the fundamental skills to
conduct business in the international trade arena,
while increasing their knowledge and condence to
secure commission arising out of successful deals.
Using real scenarios, the book dispels the many
myths relating to internet trading procedures.
December 2009 280 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08934-3 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09223-7
Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment
A New Business Model for Peak
Performance in Enterprise Supply
Chains Across All Geographies
John Gattorna and Friends
...I highly recommend this book. This is one of the
best books I have read on supply chain, challenging
theories and encouraging the reader to consider a
broader, more exible model. I enjoyed it and will
be reading it again!
Jo Buchanan, Director of the Logistics Association of
Australia, in MHD Supply Chain Solutions Magazine
John Gattorna explores how to create and sustain
multiple supply chains with a level or exibility
and responsiveness that allow you to respond to
opportunities and threats; how to align your suppliers,
your partners AND your customers.
July 2009 440 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08822-3 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0247-3
Just-in-Time Logistics
Kee-hung Lai and T.C.E Cheng
Just-in-Time Logistics extends the JIT concept in
manufacturing to business logistics, an area that
as been observed to account for more than
30 per cent of sales revenue for some rms.
It provides managerial insights on how to achieve
improved logistics performance in terms of cost
and service enhancements.
July 2009 206 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08900-8 60.00
ebook 978-0-566-09216-9
The Contract Scorecard
Successful Outsourcing by Design
Sara Cullen
An upfront investment in your contracts, from a
commercial rather than legal perspective is probably
the single most inuential activity you can undertake;
one that will ensure your outsourcing relationships
have clear business goals as the focus of the deal.
Reading a copy of Sara Cullens The Contract
Scorecard should be the rst step in that investment.
April 2009 266 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08793-6 70.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8171-7
Measuring the Value of the
Supply Chain
Linking Financial Performance
and Supply Chain Decisions
Enrico Camerinelli
Enrico Camerinelli provides the supply chain manager
and the chief nancial ofcer with the means to link
the value of supply chain to an organizations bottom
line. He explores the problem with current supply
chain metrics, shows how to close the gap between
nancial decisions and supply chain performance,
suggests a model to provide a lingua franca for supply
chain, nancial and other managers throughout the
company and points to ways in which new technology
can help measure the value of supply chain. This
book is a call to arms for nancial and supply chain
managers seeking to achieve strategic advantage
through effective supply chain management.
April 2009 236 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08794-3 65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8144-1
The Relationship-Driven
Supply Chain
Creating a Culture of Collaboration
throughout the Chain
Stuart Emmett and Barry Crocker
This is an excellent volume, and is required reading
for those concerned with supply management .
Economic Outlook and Business Review
Stuart Emmett and Barry Crockers book shows
how a relationship-based approach to supply chain
management can transform business; and then
explains how to organise your business internally
for effective supply chain relationships and how
to transform your external supply chain using
relationship marketing, customer relationship
management and supply chain partnerships.
May 2006 208 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08684-7 55.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8778-8
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Understanding Creative Business
Values, Networks and Innovation
Jim Shorthose and Ne MaycroIL
Understanding Creative Business bridges the gap
between creative practice and mainstream business
organisation, entrepreneurship and management. It
discusses the effective positioning of creative practice
within the contexts of professional and business
development, cultural policy-making priorities and
the wider cultural economy. This is more than simply
a practical how to guide book. It explores new
theory and includes primary research to contribute to
emerging debates between traditional and alternative
models of business organisation and suggests what
the broader eld of business and management studies
can learn from the informal organisational forms and
working practices of creative industries networks.
November 2011 c. 250 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0714-0 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0715-7
The Cultural Leadership
How to run a creative organization
Robert Hewison and John Holden
This book will help anyone with a professional or
academic interest in the culture sector understand the
distinct strategic questions that apply to it and how
the specic circumstances of the cultural sector affect
organisational leadership.
July 2011 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09176-6 c. 40.00
ebook 978-0-566-09177-3
Bullying in the Arts
Vocation, Exploitation and Abuse of Power
Anne-Marie Quigg
Bullying in the Arts is an important subject for any
people working in an organisation environment.
Anne-Marie Quigg does a pioneer job by providing
the cultural milieu with a tool easy to understand.
She discusses this matter in length with interesting
examples. Everyone in a management capacity
should read this book.
Professor Franois Colbert, Chair in Arts Management
Carmelle and Rmi-Marcoux, HEC Montral
Workplace bullying has long been identied in
a range of disciplines and elds, but Anne-Marie
Quiggs research suggests that the arts, despite
subscribing to ideas like governance by consensus,
respect for the individual and celebration of diversity,
tolerate the highest level of bullying recorded in any
employment sector in the UK and possibly elsewhere.
So why should the normal rules governing the
treatment of those who work in ofces, factories
and shops not apply in theatres and arts centres?
June 2011 266 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0482-8 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0483-5
Museum Educators Handbook
Third Edition
Graeme K. Talboys
Described by GEM (Group for Education in Museums)
as a very informative and practical book...worth
having on any museum shelf, the Museum Educators
Handbook is a thorough and practical guide to
setting up and running education services
in all types of museum, even the smallest,
in any geographical setting.
This third edition has been comprehensively updated
to reect the increased emphasis on the role of
museums at all levels of education, from schools to
further and higher education. There are new sections
which deal with the importance of risk management
and quality assurance, as well as guidance on the
prevalent use of policy documents and new
marketing methods.
April 2011 232 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0152-0 55.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0153-7
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Learning and Teaching
Through Design
An Anthology of Models, Approaches
and Explorations
Philippa Lyon
Through examining more than 40 projects, ranging
in focus from design students use of archives and
museum collections to the potential of specic
technologies to enhance teaching and learning,
Philippa Lyon explores aspects of learning and
teaching in higher education design subjects,
from architecture and 3D design through to
fashion and graphic design.
January 2012 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09245-9 c. 60.00
ebook 978-0-566-09246-6
Universal Design
The H.U.M.B.L.E.S. method for
User-Centred Business
Francesc Aragall
Universal Design offers every organization, whether
a provider of services or products, with a clear
understanding of the role and value of universal
design and a detailed model for: assessing your
current design practices; identifying the key elements
in product or service design and delivery that need
reengineering; working with users to make the
change; communicating success stories.
October 2011 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08865-0 c. 60.00
How to Run a Successful
Design Business
The New Professional Practice
Edited by Shan Preddy
Dont mistake business savvy for drudgery. It makes
you a better designer. The more you know about
business, the better youll be at seeing the world
from your clients point of view, working out what
they need and spotting opportunities for themthis
book is good news. Whether youre starting out or an
experienced veteran, the wisdom in these pages will
help to make being in business a positive experience.
David Kester, Chief Executive, Design Council
Whether youre experienced or just starting out,
How to Run a Successful Design Business: The New
Professional Practice covers everything owners and
managers of design rms need to know.
March 2011 456 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09189-6 35.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1763-7
Creating Innovative Products
and Services
The FORTH Innovation Method
Gijs van Wulfen
Innovation is an important managerial instrument
but many of us struggle with how to approach
it. Creating Innovative Products and Services has
been written for directors, managers, advisors and
innovation specialists in organisations who are
responsible for, or involved in, product innovation
or service design, brand development, new business
development or organizational development. It
contains practical guidance through every stage.
April 2011 292 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1754-5 40.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1755-2
Premium by Design
How to Understand, Design and Market
High End Products
Marco Bevolo, Alex Gofman
and Howard Moskowitz
Premium by Design is a thoroughly researched, well
argued and well presented study that combines a
rigorous identication of important trends for the
future, with new insights. As a result it is a must
read for anyone in this market, or aspiring to it.
Bruce Lloyd, Professor Strategic Management,
South Bank University, London
Premium by Design is a thoroughly researched,
well argued and well presented study that identies
how global business leaders have succeeded in
achieving margins by design. Thanks to original tools
and processes, this book shows how you might also
succeed. It is about better, but reachable and real,
products and services. The book features insights from
the world of customer science and design research.
March 2011 334 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1890-0 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1891-7
Longer Lasting Products
Alternatives To The Throwaway Society
Edited by Tim Cooper
...the book has been overwhelmingly successful in
bringing out and presenting an issue that is of supreme
importance in todays context. The readers would nd
this work immensely useful and thought provoking.
It may also inspire bright minds to think afresh about
marketing and set out to answer sticky research issues
in the Marketing theory. I recommend this book...
Himandri Roy Chaudhuri, VISION Journal
In this provocative book, the creation of product
durability and the design of longer-lasting products
emerge as an absolutely vital element in the pursuit
of sustainability. Its multi-disciplinary approach
consolidates the signicant growth in product
life-span knowledge from an impressive range of
experts. Contributors discuss the different means of
product life: historical, design, engineering, marketing,
law, politics, consumer behaviour, technology and
systems of provision, and the economic context
of each.
October 2010 460 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08808-7 70.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1043-0
New Denographcs
New Workspace
Ofce Design for the Changing Workforce
Jeremy Myerson, Jo-Anne Bichard
and Alma Erlich
This book alerts top managers on how to design a
work environment that supports an ageing workforce
to avoid feeling burnt-out, bottle-necked and bored in
the knowledge economy.
July 2010 164 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08854-4 49.50
ebook 978-0-7546-9212-6
Re-imagining the Ofce
The New Workplace Challenge
Adryan Bell
...this is a good quick overview of the politics involved
in creating a new environment...Would I recommend
it? Yes, to those looking at making a change to the
work environment as a starting point to consider all
factors at the higher level.
Nicola Thorp for Arras People
Adryan Bell and his former organization DEGW have
been world-leaders on the subject of workplace design
and workplace change for many years and his latest
book draws on real innovative workplace projects to
provide a sophisticated guide to developing and using
a workplace change strategy; one that will make a
positive and sustainable difference in the organization
and achieve successful and holistic change.
June 2010 138 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08770-7 30.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2132-0
Looking for titles specically
for Architecture?
Try www.ashgate.com/architecture
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Series Editor: Rachel Cooper, University of Salford, UK
This edited series of guides is aimed at students of design, product development, architecture
and marketing, and design and management professionals working in the sectors covered by
each title. Each volume includes: The background and history of the topic, its signicance
in social and commercial contexts and trends in the eld; Exemplar design case studies;
Guidelines for the designer and advice on tools, techniques and resources available.
For more information on this series visit: www.gowerpublishing.com/designforsocialresponsibility
Design for Sustainability
A Practical Approach
Tracy Bhamra and Vicky Lofthouse
This book is well worth reading and provides a
good source of reference for industrial and product
design practitioners.
Mark Hadeld, The International Journal of
Sustainable Engineering
In this book, the authors answer the questions: What
is sustainable product development and why is it
important? What are the main drivers of sustainable
product development? They explain how design can
help to control human impact on the environment by
not only minimising pollution, waste, energy use and
use of scarce resources, but also by thinking outside
the box to create systems and services that can reduce
the number of products manufactured. The aim is to
put sustainable development within a commercial
context and introduce a new focus for design.
December 2007 202 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08704-2 60.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8775-7
Gender, Design and Marketing
Page 37
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Design for Transport
Edited by Mike Tovey
Mike Tovey and the Department of Industrial Design
at Coventry have been at the forefront of the future
design of Transport Systems and Automobiles and
the Centre for Excellence in Product and Automotive
Design has lead the socially responsible design
practice. This collection spans the design of all
kinds of vehicles as well as the design of systems,
signage, infrastructure and planning processes for
public transport. The book to brings together the
topics of transport design, climate change, and social
responsibility against a backdrop of rapid social,
economic and demographic change.
February 2012 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3325-5 c. 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3326-2
Design for Services
Anna Meroni and Daniela Sangiorgi
Design for Services explores what service design
brings to the table and reects on why the ideas and
practices of service design are resonating with todays
design community. The contributors offer a broad
range of concrete examples to help clarify the issues,
practices, knowledge and theories that are beginning
to dene this emerging eld. Whilst acknowledging
service design as the disciplinary term, Anna Meroni
and Daniela Sangiorgi focus on articulating what
design is doing and can do for services and how this
connects to existing elds of knowledge and practice.
August 2011 314 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08920-6 65.00
ebook 978-0-566-08921-3
Design for Sport
Edited by Anxo Cereijo Roibs,
Emmanuel Stamatakis and Ken Black
Explores how design in its broad sense can contribute
to make sport practice widespread in the general
population as well as among disadvantaged and
hard-to-reach groups. The authors discuss the
impact and challenges of this process and present
case studies about the design for sport. Design for
Sport also examines how compelling user-centred
design methodologies such as participatory design
techniques and the use of appropriate ethnographies
can be successfully applied in the process of
sport design.
February 2011 464 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08859-9 70.00
44 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Operational Excellence
in the Pharmaceutical
and Biotech Industries
Bikash Chatterjee
Bikash Chatterjees ambitious guide to lean
manufacturing, six sigma and operational excellence
in the pharmceutical and biotech industries explores
how these techniques can be applied across every
aspect of the business; from the earliest processes of
project selection through the clinical trial process,
manufacturing and supply chain.
January 2012 c. 220 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09204-6 c. 75.00
Pharmaceutical Process
Design and Management
Kate McCormick and D. Wylie McVay Jr
Using their considerable knowledge and experience
of pharmaceutical manufacturing, the authors take
the reader through the various elements involved
in a process: man, machine, materials, method
and environment. They discuss quality control and
quality assurance, tools for quality improvements and
ways of designing the process to effectively manage
outgoing quality. They believe that for processes to run
successfully, all employees must be problem-solvers.
With the right process design, every problem can be
broken down into solvable elements. This book shows
the reader how to do just that.
November 2011 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2711-7 c. 75.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2712-4
Reconstructing Medical Practice
Engagement, Professionalism and
Critical Relationships in Health Care
Christine Jorm
Change in the medical profession carries with it
disturbing features established practitioners are no
longer sure what to recommend to their trainees about
how to think and act.
Jorm concludes that regulation, despite its recent
proliferation, is a clumsy and limited tool to ensure
good care and offers original and much needed ideas
for ways to improve the relationship between doctors
and the system.
August 2011 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2975-3 c. 70.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2976-0
The Future of Pharma
Evolutionary Threats and Opportunities
Brian D. Smith
The Future of Pharma examines the causes of the
industrys potential decline and offers a convincing
and rigorous analysis of the options open to it. What
emerges is a landscape dened, on the one hand,
by the changing marketplace of mass-market
consumers, institutional healthcare systems
and wealthy individuals; and on the other by the
alternate sources of commercial value innovative
therapies; super-efcient processes, supply chains
and operations; and closer customer relations and
increasingly tailored health services.
July 2011 214 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3031-5 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3032-2
Project Management for the
Pharmaceutical Industry
Revised Reprint
Laura Brown and Tony Grundy
A comprehensive set of tools and techniques...
The techniques and advice can be applied to many
projects in the pharmaceutical industry, including drug
development. This is particularly useful for managers
who are looking to gain a new perspective for
maximising project success...The importance of taking
account of behavioural aspects for the successful
running of pharmaceutical projects, often overlooked,
is included...Above all, the case studies illustrate
excellent techniques and principles to help the reader
understand, and learn to use, modern tools and
techniques for maximising management success.
Dr Carol Casman, Group Head, Transnational,
Clinical Pharmacology and Discovery Medicine, GSK
Written rmly from the perspective of the
pharmaceutical industry, Laura Brown and Tony
Grundy offer a guide to the tools and techniques of
project management. They cover both the technical
and human aspects of project management to
provide clinical research, drug development and
quality assurance managers or directors with a
must-have reference.
June 2011 298 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1894-8 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1895-5
Healthcare Relationship
Strategy, Design and Measurement
Ira J. Haimowitz
...wonderful contribution...In this book he brings his
wealth of industry experience and knowledge into
academic focus with practical and realistic examples.
It is a must have for educators and students of health
care marketing and marketing research or anyone
who would consider relationship based marketing
as the cornerstone for successful corporate strategy
in healthcare.
Thani Jambulingam, Professor of Pharmaceutical
and Healthcare Marketing, Erivan K. Haub School of
Business, Saint Josephs University, USA
This is a practical overview and resource guide for
the design and measurement of pharmaceutical
relationship marketing (RM) programs. It contains
descriptions of each aspect of pharmaceutical RM
design and measurement, including a running case
study with follow-up exercises. The author has also
conducted interviews from several pharmaceutical
marketing industry experts, each having at least 15
years of working healthcare RM knowledge, and
each speaking on their specic specialities within
pharmaceutical relationship marketing.
March 2011 260 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09217-6 75.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3196-1
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GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
The Price of Global Health
Drug Pricing Strategies to Balance Patient
Access and the Funding of Innovation
Ed Schoonveld
This book should be on the shelves of every
pharmaceutical company executive in whatever
discipline and will prove invaluable to anyone
interested in providing and nancing modern
health care.
Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia, President and CEO,
Cambridge Pharma Consultancy
The Price of Global Health is the rst book of its
kind: an in-depth but straightforward exploration
of the pharmaceutical pricing strategy process, its
underlying market access, general business and
ethical considerations, and its implications for
payers, physicians and patients. It is a much needed
and invaluable resource for anybody interested,
involved in or affected by the development, funding
and use of prescription drugs. In particular, it is of
critical importance to pharmaceutical company
executives and other leaders and professionals in
commercialization and drug development, including
marketing, business development, market access
and pricing, clinical development, drug discovery,
regulatory affairs, health outcomes, market research
and public affairs.
March 2011 374 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2052-1 75.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2053-8
Electronic Solutions for
Patient-Reported Data
Edited by Bill Byrom and Brian Tiplady
Recently, there has been much open debate with
the regulators around the use of ePRO in clinical
drug submissions. US and European agencies have
approved new drugs that have included ePRO data in
the submission dossier, but there are many questions
around the adoption of the technology that concern
the community. Bill Byrom and Brian Tipladys ePro
addresses these questions, reviews the new FDA
guidance, and provides a very contemporary view
on this important subject.
November 2010 296 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08771-4 95.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1242-7
Supply Chain in the
Pharmaceutical Industry
Strategic Inuences and
Supply Chain Responses
Rob Whewell
Throughout history, the development and application
of technology has been crucial to progress in
healthcare provision. The shape that healthcare
processes take will impact not only the quality of the
resulting service but also the way in which suppliers of
healthcare products will need to operate to make the
most of their opportunities.
In this cutting edge guide to strategic supply chain
management, Rob Whewell shows how to develop a
strategy to protect your pharmaceutical business from
key threats whether legal or illegal.
Parallel trading and counterfeit drugs, the
requirements of organizations such as the FDA
demanding more rigorous controls and traceability,
new technologies and new ways of working with
wholesalers or alternative distributors, all offer a new
exibility in manufacturing and the ability to respond
to immediate opportunities or crises in any given
market. The authoritatively written Supply Chain in the
Pharmaceutical Industry provides you with the means
to develop a strategic approach to supply chain that
allows you to minimize risk and ensure exibility
and improved long-term protability.
December 2009 272 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08695-3 77.50
ebook 978-0-7546-8892-1
Business Development
for the Biotechnology and
Pharmaceutical Industry
Martin Austin
Business Development is an integral part of business
in the Pharmaceutical business today, in terms of
contributing to innovation; partnering on assets
and indeed asset management more broadly. As
the industry consolidates, yet science still grows
exponentially, Martin has drawn together a thoughtful
framework to help the many people with diverse skills
and backgrounds approach this complex topic.
William M. Burns,
CEO Pharmaceuticals Division, Roche
In recognition of the sparse information available to
practitioners in the eld of business development,
Martin Austin has drawn on his 30 years of experience
in the pharmaceutical industry to provide this highly
practical guide spanning the complete process. Based
on the well-established training programme he has
developed and delivers to pharmaceutical executives
from across the world, this book will help expand
your knowledge in this immense area.
May 2008 202 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08781-3 70.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8138-0
Forecasting for the
Pharmaceutical Industry
Models for New Product and In-Market
Forecasting and How to Use Them
Arthur G. Cook
The author explores the pharmaceutical forecasting
process; the varied tools and methods for new product
and in-market forecasting; how they can be used
to communicate market dynamics to the various
stakeholders; and the strengths and weaknesses
of different forecast approaches.
October 2006 160 pages
A4 Hardback 978-0-566-08675-5 75.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8557-9
Pharmaceutical Industry
46 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Action Learning in Practice
Fourth Edition
Mike Pedler
Review of previous edition:
This must be THE book which appliers of Action
Learning must have for in-depth and constant
reference to not only how it can be done, but
also the almost innite variety of approaches.
Training Ofcer
Previous editions of this book established themselves
as authoritative overviews of action learning practice
around the globe. Given the increase in action
learning activity since this book last appeared, the
demand for an up-to-date edition has grown. Whilst
chapters on action learning are now obligatory in
every collection on leadership and management
development, there is still no competing specialist
work of this nature.
November 2011 250 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1841-2 c. 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1842-9
ABC of Action Learning
Reg Revans
The ABC of Action Learning was based on 30 years
of Revans work and observation. The book is a
primer on the fundamental characteristics of action
learning, the logistics of enabling the process, the role
of their learner (and their manager), with plenty of
guidance on pitfalls and on the role of AL within
the learning organization.
August 2011 c. 130 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-2703-2 c. 12.99
ebook 978-1-4094-2704-9
Playing with Purpose
How Experiential Learning
Can Be More Than a Game
Steve Hutchinson and Helen Lawrence
This book is indispensable for anybody aiming to help
groups interact, reect and develop themselves. The
learning-by-doing approach has never been more
clearly explained or imaginatively illustrated. Buy it,
read it, use it, adapt it.
Dr Luke Freeman, University College, London
Playing with Purpose shows how a facilitator, coach,
manager, people developer or trainer can invent or
reinvigorate an articial learning experience and
make it so much more than a game. The authors
understand that a sustainable, creative approach to
experiential learning produces an active experience
that is memorable. They show how you can get
powerful lessons from the simplest of household and
ofce objects and situations and look at a range of
dilemmas, challenges and problems faced anyone
wanting to run memorable training sessions, classes
and project meetings.
June 2011 216 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0805-5 25.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0806-2
Training in Organisations
A Cost-Benet Analysis
John Talbot
This book provides the basis for measuring and
analysing the cost and value associated with training.
It looks at manual skills as well as management
training analysis and explores the different approaches
for costing training, controlling those costs and
applying value analyses to the investment being
made. Training in Organizations: A Cost Benet
Analysis also includes a series of international
comparisons across a variety of industry sizes and
types which provide organizations with an important
benchmark for their own spending.
May 2011 240 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09210-7 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2361-4
The Learning Game
Peter Gerrickens
This card-based game may be used for
self-development, by learners in a group environment
or by trainers or facilitators. It is the latest in a series
of inuential and successful games developed by
Peter and Marijke which have been translated into
manylanguages and used by many tens of thousands
of learners in schools, universities and in organizations
around the world.
February 2011
Boxed Game 978-1-4094-3071-1 45.00 + VAT
Pubshhg Iron Your PhD
Negotiating a Crowded Jungle
Ncoa F. Johhsoh
...this is a book librarians should recommend to PhD
candidates and graduates.
Peter Macauley, Australian Academic & Research
Publishing from your PhD precisely focuses on
providing early career researchers with emotional
and collegial support that is often not available in
academe. It seeks to dispel nepotistic notions of
superiority that places Professors and such on a
pedestal. It specically claries the difculty in having
written the PhD thesis genre and rewriting it to suit
the genre of journal articles. It does not deal with
the how of academic writing in general.
December 2010 198 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09162-9 25.00
ebook 978-0-566-09163-6
Work-Based Learning
Edited by Simon Roodhouse and John Mumford
An important book for anyone looking to gain
valuable insight into the motivation and experience
of learners in workplace learning.
David Wright, Chartered Institute of Educational
In one volume, Understanding Work-Based Learning
makes a valuable contribution to current employer
engagement and learner demand debates, and
provides rst hand experiences to guide existing
and potential work based learners, employers,
educationalists, policy makers, and researchers.
December 2010 220 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09197-1 60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0970-0
Pattern Making, Pattern Breaking
Using Past Experience and
New Behaviour in Training,
Education and Change Management
Ann Alder
Pattern Making, Pattern Breaking describes an
inter-active, learner-centred process that values
existing experience (old patterns) whilst creating real
and demonstrable behavioural change (new patterns).
The author draws on a wide range of well-established
methodologies, practical examples, activities and
suggestions. The result is a book that gives anyone
involved in training, educating or developing adults
the condence and the knowledge to use engaging,
challenging and interactive techniques to
create powerful, memorable and transferable
learning experiences.
November 2010 240 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08853-7 55.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1911-2
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Second Edition
Compiled by Peter Hartley
Lets face it interviews can be daunting so how can
we help interviewees prepare better? Interviewer
is a virtual interview experience that enables the
interviewee to record their own interview, learn from
their own mistakes and ne tune their interview skills.
With each recording session, interviewees can build
their condence as they gain the skills to take the real
interview and their potential job in their stride.
Interviewees may save their own interview responses
to review later on their own or with the help of
a careers advisor or coach. They may re-do their
interview as often as they wish and record answers
of up to two minutes in response to each question.
Single PC Edition
This edition of Interviewer is licensed for 12 months. It
can only be loaded onto one computer. In the case of
a library, careers or training centre, this computer may
be used by multiple users.
December 2010 CD-ROM single hub
978-1-4094-1131-4 250.00 + VAT
Two to Six PC Edition
This edition is licensed for 12 months and may be
loaded on up to Six PCs within a single organization.
December 2010 CD-ROM multi user
978-1-4094-1134-5 495.00 + VAT
7 to 25 PC Edition
This edition is licensed for 12 months and may be
loaded on up to 25 PCs within a single organization.
December 2010 CD-ROM multi user
978-1-4094-1135-2 1400.00 + VAT
26 to 50 PC Edition
This edition is licensed for 12 months and may be
loaded on up to 50 PCs within a single organization.
December 2010 CD-ROM multi user
978-1-4094-1136-9 2100.00 + VAT
The 50+ PC Edition
This edition is licensed for 12 months and may
be loaded on any number of PCs within a single
December 2010 CD-ROM multi user
978-1-4094-1137-6 3500.00 + VAT
Trial Version
The CD ROM has all of the functionalities of the sale
version apart from only two questions per interview
may be accessed. This trial version is valid for 14 days
from its rst use. After 14 days, the software will cease
to work.
CD-ROM multi user 978-1-4094-1138-3 0.00 + VAT
The Guide to Learning
and Study Skills
For Higher Education and at Work
Sue Drew and Rosie Bingham
This new guide builds on the hugely successful
materials the authors have developed over the last
15 years. Along with highly practical guidance on
traditional learning skills, The Guide to Study Skills
provides guidance for students on learning in a
blended environment; the increased use of personal
and professional development planning, continuing
professional development and work-based learning.
May 2010 436 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09233-6 17.99
Virtual Learning Environment Edition
The Virtual Learning Environment Edition offers a series
of electronic masters that may be uploaded to your
organizations learning system and circulated for
use by all students within the licensed institution.
July 2010 380 pages
CD-ROM institutional user
978-1-4094-0495-8 3500.00 + VAT
Photocopy Masters Edition
July 2010 436 pages
CD-ROM institutional user
978-1-4094-0496-5 1000.00 + VAT
Learning with Online and Mobile
A Student Survival Guide
Janet Macdonald and Linda Creanor
...The book makes easy reading and is not lengthy,
so it can be browsed through in an evening and read
in more detail as the short chapters and their survival
guides are requested... Ariadne
This wide-ranging survival guide combines advice
on effective learning, with practical tips on using
technology successfully to give you a smart approach
to accessing, recording, sharing and revising
information and knowledge. An efcient learning
strategy with technologies will help you develop
independence and self direction, so that when faced
with a bewildering choice of web-based resources
you are condent about how much to read, and
when to stop. The approaches, skills and techniques
discussed in this book will be of value to you not only
in your formal course of study, but also in any other
learning you might wish to undertake in future. In an
increasingly competitive job market this will also be
attractive to prospective employers.
May 2010 142 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08930-5 15.99
ebook 978-0-566-08931-2
Training and Learning
An Adventure in Service-Learning
Developing Knowledge, Values
and Responsibility
Anto T. Kerins
An Adventure in Service-Learning is a well written and
easy to read book which introduces the newcomer
to service-learning and provides the seasoned
practitioner with an analysis of this most interesting
teaching method. Its discussion of learning will be
of interest to educationists and its consideration of
service will be important to those who are concerned
about community. The author examines examples of
service-learning in the areas of project management,
leadership and management consultancy, providing
an understanding of how the method can work in any
subject or discipline.
March 2010 314 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08894-0 65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0190-2
Electronic Performance Support
Using Digital Technology to Enhance
Human Ability
Edited by Philip Barker and Paul van Schaik
...the chapters are all well written and authoritative,
and together make useful reading. Having studied
all sixteen chapters you will certainly be better
informedabout many things including EPSS...
British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET)
Philip Barker and Paul van Schaik bring together
chapters to explain the psychology and technology
behind performance support before moving on to
explore the design of performance support tools
for a wide range of applications including learning,
knowledge management and research as well as
overtly work-based applications using PDAs and
mobile technology.
February 2010 326 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08884-1 70.00
ebook 978-0-566-09239-8
Working Together
Page 9
48 Tel: +44(0)1235 827730 | Fax: +44(0)1235 400454 | E-mail: gower@bookpoint.co.uk
Peter Quarry and Eve Ash, Ash Quarry Productions Pty Ltd
The TakeAway Training Film Series is an established denitive collection of management training lms. The lms provide no-nonsense advice and
informed insights to help managers and their staff do their jobs better. Each lm introduces, discusses and tests practical techniques and ideas that
managers can adopt easily and that will make a signicant difference to their skills and effectiveness.
The lms are based on discussions between Eve Ash and Peter Quarry, the two experienced psychologists behind the series. Where the subject is
more cutting-edge, Peter Quarry is in conversation with recognised experts in their respective elds.
The 140 titles in the series cover a wide range of topical management subjects and form a valuable collection ideal for learning resource centres and
libraries. They are ideal for all managers, supervisors and staff who need to grasp the essentials of a subject in the minimum of time; packed with tips,
advice and ideas that can be applied in the workplace immediately.
Subjects covered:
- Absenteesm - Acton Leurnng - Apprusu
- Assertveness - ody Lunguuge - uyng
- Cureer Deveopment - Chunge - Couchng und
Mentorng - Counseng - Cross-Cuturu 1runng
- Customer Servce - Deeguton - Dlcut Peope
- L-eurnng - leedbuck Sks - lnuncu 1runng
- Heuth und Sulety - lnducton - Knowedge
Munugement - Leudershp - Leurnng Crgunzuton
- Munugement Deveopment - Munugeru Lllectveness
- Munugement Sks - Meetngs - Motvuton - Mutpe
lntegences - Negotuton - Crgunzutonu Deveopment
- Probem Sovng - Proect Munugement - Recrutment
und Seecton - Sues 1runng - Stress - Supervsor
1runng - 1eum Deveopment - 1me Munugement
- 1runng Munugement - 1run the 1runer
Each of the titles in the series is available individually in
DVD format. Alternatively, the series may be purchased
as a set of 50 key titles or as a complete set of 140 titles.
Improving Learning Transfer
A Guide to Getting More Out of What
You Put Into Your Training
Cyril Kirwan
Cyril Kirwans book addresses this critical issue at a
number of levels. Firstly, it explores what learning
transfer actually is (its about application of learning
back at work, as well as maintenance of that learning
over time). Secondly, it describes the main factors
that affect transfer, in terms of trainee characteristics,
training design factors, and work environment
characteristics. It also examines how those factors
exert their effect, which ones are more important,
how they interact with one another, and in doing
so constructs a practical learning transfer model
for practitioners. The book also describes in some
detail what the various factors working for or against
learning transfer look like in practice. Finally, using
case studies, it points the way towards what can be
done before, during and after training to improve the
rate of transfer.
February 2009 222 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08844-5 60.00
ebook 978-0-566-08986-2
Teaching and Learning
at Business Schools
Transforming Business Education
Edited by Pr Mrtensson, Magnus Bild
and KrsLha Nssoh
For everyone concerned with the development
of business schools, the faculty and the students
within them, Teaching and Learning at Business
Schools provides direction, ideas and techniques
for transforming the delivery of business education.
The book tackles themes both within the classroom
teaching across different contexts and cultures
and outside the classroom -leading and developing
business schools, designing and running programmes,
developing faculty members.
August 2008 330 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08820-9 55.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8178-6
Blended Learning
and Online Tutoring
Planning Learner Support
and Activity Design
Second Edition
Janet Macdonald
This book adopts a pragmatic and commonsense
approach to blended learning by situating the use
of online media within a well-grounded teaching
and learning strategy. It provides practical ideas for
the successful implementation of blended strategies,
including good practice in both asynchronous and
synchronous tutoring, appropriate assessment design
for developing successful blended learners, and
innovative approaches to professional development
for distance tutors. It is illustrated with a wide variety
of examples and comments from students and
practitioners in both distance and campus based
environments in thirteen different countries. The
second edition considers the potential of Web
2.0 technologies and activity based learning, and
provides new exemplars of learning activity design.
April 2008 222 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08841-4 26.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9251-5
Training and Learning
Outstanding Leadership
Ash Quarry Productions
TakeAway Training Film Series (DVD)
Ann Sherry has broad leadership
experience in both private and
public sectors. In this program she
debunks some common myths
about leadership and leadership
styles. She discusses the qualities
of good leaders and strategies for
developing these qualities in staff.
Her reections reveal that textbook
concepts can be misleading and
the pathway to success often lies
in knowing your organisation
and staying true to your passion.
June 2010
DVD 978-1-4094-0882-6 99.00 + VAT
Preparhg Your Bushess Case
Ash Quarry Productions
TakeAway Training Film Series (DVD)
Many managers and employees
often need to prepare and
present a business case to senior
personnel for approval. This can
be a daunting task, particularly
for the inexperienced. However,
certain steps can save time, aid
delivery and success rates. In
this program, Eve Ash talks with
Suzanne Dvorak about preparing
a successful business case.
June 2010
DVD 978-1-4094-0891-8 99.00 + VAT
For more information on other titles in this series visit:
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Abadir, Sam .............................................................................33
ABC of Action Learning ...........................................................46
Action Learning for Managers .................................................35
Action Learning in Practice ......................................................46
Adebowale, Boladale ..............................................................28
Adelopo, Ismail .......................................................................25
Advertising in Developing and Emerging Countries .............36
Advising Upwards ...................................................................32
Age Discrimination ....................................................................8
Ageing Populations and Changing Labour Markets ..............25
Ajami, Professor Riad A. ........................................................37
Ajami, Riad ..............................................................................37
Albeanu, Mircea .....................................................................10
Alcohol at Work ..........................................................................9
Alder, Ann ................................................................................46
Alozie, Emmanuel C. ..............................................................36
Alserhan, Baker Ahmad .........................................................36
Al-Zoubi, Mohammad.............................................................30
An Adventure in Service-Learning ...........................................47
Anatomy of Fraud and Corruption, The ....................................3
An Introduction to Internet-Based Financial Investigations ....3
Anthony, Malcolm ..................................................................16
Antoniou, Alexander-Stamatios ..............................................5
Aragall, Francesc ....................................................................42
Aras, Gler ..............................................................................26
Ash, Eve ...................................................................................48
Assessment and Development Centres ..................................8
A Stakeholder Perspective to Social Responsibility ................23
Auditor Independence .............................................................25
Austin, Martin .........................................................................45
Bangemann, Tom Olavi ..........................................................22
Barczak, Gloria ........................................................................29
Barker, Philip ...........................................................................47
Barnes, Paul ..............................................................................4
Barron, Steve...........................................................................17
Barrow, Simon ........................................................................10
Basu, Ron ................................................................................17
Beale, Nicholas .......................................................................23
Belbaly, Nassim ......................................................................38
Bell, Adryan .............................................................................42
Benbya, Hind ..........................................................................38
Benet Realisation Management ...........................................13
Berdegu, Julio .......................................................................40
Beverland, M. ..........................................................................37
Bevolo, Marco .........................................................................42
Bhamra, Tracy .........................................................................43
Bichard, Jo-Anne ....................................................................42
Bid Writing for Project Managers .............................................12
Binabe, Estelle ......................................................................40
Bignall, Helen ...........................................................................6
Bild, Magnus ...........................................................................48
Binder, Jean ............................................................................15
Bingham, Rosie ......................................................................47
Blackburn, Robert ...................................................................28
Black, Ken ...............................................................................43
Blended Learning and Online Tutoring ...................................48
Blogging and Other Social Media ...........................................39
Bolland, Eric ............................................................................32
Boroughs, Allan ......................................................................11
Boundy, Charles......................................................................34
Bourne, Lynda ....................................................................14,32
Bradley, Gerald ........................................................................13
Briggs, Dave ............................................................................32
Brink, Jasper van den .............................................................17
Brown, Laura ...........................................................................44
Brytting, Tomas .........................................................................3
Bubna-Litic, David ..................................................................26
Budd, Christopher Houghton ................................................30
Building a Brand for IT .............................................................36
Bullivant, Glen .........................................................................21
Bullying in the Arts ..................................................................41
Burke, Catherine .....................................................................11
Burke, Ron.................................................................................5
Burke, Ronald J. ...............................................................5,6,33
Burtonshaw-Gunn, Simon A. .................................................14
Business Contracts Handbook ...............................................34
Business Development for the Biotechnology and
Pharmaceutical Industry ...................................................45
Business Leaders Guide to the Low Carbon Economy .........23
Business Marketeers Guide to Social Media, The .................36
Business of Europe is Politics, The .........................................21
Business Problem Solver, The .................................................32
Buzan, Tony .............................................................................24
Byrom, Bill ...............................................................................45
Camerinelli, Enrico .................................................................40
Camilleri, Emanuel .................................................................13
Caracatsanis, Sylva M. ...........................................................29
Cassin, Bryce ..........................................................................17
Cavanagh, Michael .................................................................17
CEO: Chief Engagement Ofcer ..............................................24
Chambers, Ian ........................................................................33
Change Leadership ..................................................................34
Changing MO of the CMO, The ..............................................36
Chapman, John.......................................................................16
Charry, Karine .........................................................................36
Chatterjee, Bikash ..................................................................44
Cheng, T.C.E ............................................................................40
Chiu, Peggy .............................................................................26
Chorafas, Dimitris.........................................................20,21,22
Clarke, Sharon ..........................................................................5
Cleden, David .....................................................................12,18
Clutterbuck, David ....................................................................8
Coleman, Les.............................................................................3
Collaborative Leadership in Financial Services .......................20
Commercial Due Diligence .......................................................4
Communicating Strategy ........................................................24
Competitive Advantage of Regions and Nations, The ...........21
Complete Guide to Business Risk Management, The .............4
Complex Adaptive Leadership .................................................24
Conley, Hazel .............................................................................9
Constance, Simon ..................................................................11
Contract Scorecard, The ..........................................................40
Convergenomics .....................................................................29
Cook, Arthur G. .......................................................................45
Cook, Niall ..........................................................................36,39
Co-operative Workplace Dispute Resolution .............................8
Cooper, Cary L. .......................................................................5,6
Cooper. Rachel ........................................................................43
Cooper, Tim..............................................................................42
Corporate Reputation ................................................................5
Corporate Social Disclosure in Southeast Asia ......................25
Corporate Social Performance in Emerging Markets .............36
Corruption ..................................................................................2
Corruption in International Business .....................................26
Country Analysis .....................................................................21
Coussement, Kristof ...............................................................36
Creanor, Linda .........................................................................47
Creating and Re-Creating Corporate Entrepreneurial
Culture ...............................................................................29
Creating Collaborative Advantage ..........................................28
Creating Innovative Products and Services ............................42
Credit Management ................................................................21
Credit Management for Professional Service Firms .................2
Crime and Corruption in Organizations ...................................5
Crisis of Food Brands, The .......................................................37
Critical Chain ...........................................................................16
Crocker, Barry .........................................................................40
Crowther, David ..................................................................25,26
Cullen, Sara .............................................................................40
Cultural Differences and Improving Performance ..................10
Cultural Leadership Handbook, The .......................................41
Culture and Economics in the Global Community ................30
Currie, David M. ......................................................................21
Curwen, Peter .........................................................................29
Custance, Paul ........................................................................37
Customer Relationship Management ....................................37
Dalcher, Darren............................................................17, 18,19
Davenport, Jenny ....................................................................10
Davidson, Chris .........................................................................9
Davidson, Marilyn ...................................................................33
Davies, Adrian ...........................................................................2
Davies, Roger ..........................................................................12
Dawes, Keith ...........................................................................38
DelCampo, Robert G. ................................................................9
Demoulin, Nathalie ................................................................36
Design for All ...........................................................................42
Design for Services ..................................................................43
Design for Sport .......................................................................43
Design for Sustainability .........................................................43
Design for Transport ................................................................43
Developing and Managing a Successful Payment Cards
Business ............................................................................22
Developing a Plan for the Planet .............................................33
Developing HR Talent ................................................................9
Disability Management and Workplace Integration .................8
Disruptive Business ................................................................34
Diversity in the Workplace .........................................................9
Doig, Alan ..................................................................................2
Doing Business With Charities ...............................................32
Doody, Helenne .........................................................................7
Dottino, Tony............................................................................24
Drew, Sue ................................................................................47
Drummond, Helga ..................................................................33
Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment .........................................40
Earned Value Management for Projects ..................................19
Eccleston, Derek .....................................................................35
Economics of Abundance, The ...............................................27
Education and Employment in the European Union ............21
Egbetokun, Abiodun ...............................................................28
Eicher, Sharon .........................................................................26
Electronic Performance Support .............................................47
Elegbe, Joel Alemibola ...........................................................34
Ellery, David .............................................................................23
Elliott, Lorna ............................................................................40
Emmett, Stuart ........................................................................40
Employee Communication During Mergers
and Acquisitions................................................................10
Employer Brand, The ...............................................................11
E-Negotiation ...........................................................................33
Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Business
Competitiveness ................................................................20
Ennals, Richard ......................................................................28
Enterprise 2.0 ...........................................................................39
Enterprise Growth Strategy .....................................................34
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability ......................................23
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business Clusters ..........28
ePro ..........................................................................................45
Erlich, Alma .............................................................................42
Ertuna, Ibrahim Ozer ..............................................................26
Escalation in Decision-Making ...............................................33
Eskerod, Professor Pernille ....................................................19
Essentials of Project Management, The .................................16
Estimating Risk .........................................................................4
Evolution of Strategic Foresight, The ......................................32
Exploiting Future Uncertainty ...................................................3
Exton, Rosemary .....................................................................28
Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs ...........................................29
Finance and Society in 21st Century China ...........................30
Finance at the Threshold .........................................................30
Finance for Purchasing Managers ..........................................40
Fletcher, Clare ...........................................................................2
Flexible Working .........................................................................8
Flint, Chris .................................................................................6
Focused Organization, The ......................................................12
Forecasting for the Pharmaceutical Industry .........................45
Foundations of International Management ...........................32
France, Richard.......................................................................40
Fullling Workplace, The ............................................................5
Future of Innovation, The ........................................................29
Future of Pharma, The .............................................................44
Gambles, Ian ...........................................................................35
Gargeya, Vidyaranya B. ..........................................................37
Garlick, Andy .............................................................................4
Gattorna, John ........................................................................40
Geisen, Thomas ........................................................................8
Gender, Design and Marketing ...............................................37
Gender, Negotiation and Human Potential In Organizations..8
Gerrickens, Peter ....................................................................46
Giovannone, Maria ...................................................................2
Gleich, Ronald .........................................................................21
Global Business Handbook, The.............................................35
Global HR ...................................................................................8
Globalisation of Corporate Governance, The .........................2
Globalizations Limits ..............................................................22
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Global Perspectives on Corporate Governance and CSR........26
Global Project Management ....................................................15
Goddard, G. Jason ..................................................................37
Goetz, Kimberly .........................................................................3
Gofman, Alex ...........................................................................42
Gold, Jeff ..................................................................................10
Goldratt, Eliyahu M .................................................................16
Gomez, Ana Maria Davila.......................................................25
Gorman, Gary ..........................................................................39
Goschen, Kate .........................................................................35
Gottschalk, Petter .....................................................................3
Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development .....28
Gower Handbook of Discrimination at Work ............................9
Gower Handbook of Internal Communication .......................10
Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management
Development .....................................................................10
Gower Handbook of Programme Management......................16
Gower Handbook of Project Management ..............................15
Grass Roots Leaders ................................................................24
Grattan, Robert F. ....................................................................23
Greatbanks, Richard ...............................................................32
Great Writers on Organizations ...............................................24
Greenhalgh, Sterl ......................................................................2
Green Outcomes in the Real World .........................................27
Grifths, Phil .............................................................................4
Grschl, Stefan .........................................................................9
Grosso, Jean-Luc ....................................................................32
Grundy, Tony ............................................................................44
Guide to Learning and Study Skills, The .................................47
Gunawan, Juniati ....................................................................25
Haapio, Helena .......................................................................33
Hacking the Human ..................................................................4
Haimowitz, Ira J. .....................................................................44
Halcro, Keith ...........................................................................28
Halkias, Daphne ......................................................23,29,32,33
Hammoudeh, Maqbouleh M. ................................................30
Hancock, David .......................................................................18
Handbook of Corporate Governance and
Social Responsibility ..........................................................26
Handbook of Fraud Investigation and Prevention ....................2
Haney, Meredith Jane ..............................................................9
Harder, Henry ............................................................................8
Harkiolakis, Nicholas ...................................................29,32,33
Harness, David........................................................................37
Harris, Elaine ..........................................................................18
Hartley, Peter ...........................................................................47
Harvesting External Innovation ..............................................38
Hasselbach, Thomas ..............................................................21
Healthcare Relationship Marketing ........................................44
Herrmann, Daniela ...................................................................2
Hewison, Robert .....................................................................41
Hickson, David J. ....................................................................24
Hills, Jan ....................................................................................9
Hillson, David .......................................................................3,19
Hingley, Martin........................................................................37
Hiwaki, Kensei ........................................................................30
Hodgson, Julia ........................................................................33
Hoeschele, Wolfgang .............................................................27
Hoffmann, Elizabeth .................................................................8
Holden, John ...........................................................................41
Honey, Garry ..............................................................................7
Hooper, Mark J. .......................................................................35
Hopkins, Bryan .......................................................................10
Hopkinson, Martin ..................................................................13
Hopton, Doug ............................................................................3
Hoshin Kanri............................................................................35
Houghton, Deryck ..................................................................39
Howie, Luke ...............................................................................3
Howson, Peter ...........................................................................4
How to Run a Successful Design Business...........................42
HR Business Partners .............................................................11
Hulett, David ......................................................................12,14
Human Dignity and Managerial Responsibility .....................25
Humble, John .........................................................................33
Hunter, Ian ..........................................................................10,11
Hutchins, David ......................................................................35
Hutchinson, Steve ..................................................................46
Hyperthinking ..........................................................................32
Images of Projects ...................................................................14
Imaginative Muscle .................................................................23
Improving Learning Transfer....................................................48
In Business and Battle ............................................................23
Ingason, Helgi Thor ................................................................17
Innovation and Marketing in the Video Game Industry .........29
Innovation Support in Latin America and Europe ..................28
Innovation Systems and Capabilities in Developing
Regions ..............................................................................28
Inside Accounting ...................................................................20
Insider Dealing and Market Abuse ...........................................4
Integral Development ..............................................................28
Integral Research and Innovation ...........................................31
Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis .................................12
Intelligent Internal Control and Risk Management .................4
Interactive Business Communities ........................................38
International Operations Management ..................................33
International Trade and the Successful Intermediary ............40
Interviewer ...............................................................................47
Investigation and Prevention of Financial Crime ......................3
Islam and Sustainable Development .....................................30
Islamic Values and Management Practices ............................30
Israel, Richard .........................................................................24
Iyer, Nigel ...................................................................................7
Jayyousi, Odeh Rashed Al .....................................................30
Jenkins, David .........................................................................33
Jenner, Stephen ......................................................................13
Jepsen, Anna Lund .................................................................19
Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann.......................................28
Johnson, Mark ..........................................................................2
Johnson, Nicola F. ...................................................................46
Johnstone, Stewart .................................................................34
Jonasson, Haukur Ingi ...........................................................17
Jones, Phil ..........................................................................20,24
Jorm, Christine .......................................................................44
Just-in-Time Logistics ..............................................................40
Keating, Lori ..............................................................................2
Kelly, Peter ...............................................................................25
Kerins, Anto T. .........................................................................48
Kierans, Gordana ....................................................................21
Kirwan, Cyril ............................................................................47
Klev, Roger ..............................................................................38
Knippel, Lauren Ashley ............................................................9
Knowledge Sharing in Professions .........................................38
Kodama, Mitsuru ....................................................................38
Khler, Adri..............................................................................17
Kotler, Philip ............................................................................23
Kumar, Dhirendra ...................................................................34
Kuosa, Tuomo .........................................................................32
Labour and Management Co-operation .................................34
Lai, Kee-hung ..........................................................................40
Lakatos, Zsa ........................................................................36
Lake, Andrew ............................................................................8
Law of Virtual Worlds and Internet Social Networks, The .......39
Lawrence, Helen .....................................................................46
Leading Complex Projects .......................................................12
Leading Successful PMOs ......................................................12
Learning and Teaching Through Design.................................42
Learning Game, The ................................................................46
Learning with Online and Mobile Technologies .....................47
Lee, Sang M. ...........................................................................29
Leigh, Geof ..............................................................................16
Leitch, Matthew ........................................................................4
Lessem, Ronnie .................................................................28,31
Leung, David ...........................................................................20
Levin, Morten ..........................................................................38
Levitt, Tom ................................................................................32
Lindgreen, Adam ...............................................................23,37
Lock, Dennis ...........................................................................16
Lofthouse, Vicky ......................................................................43
Longer Lasting Products..........................................................42
Looking Beyond Prot ..............................................................26
Lyon, Philippa ..........................................................................42
Macdonald, Ian .......................................................................11
Macdonald, Janet ..............................................................47,48
Macrae, Carl ..............................................................................6
Making Ecopreneurs ...............................................................26
Making the Business Case .....................................................35
Making the Connections .........................................................24
Malcotsis, George ...................................................................21
Managers Guide to Discipline, The .......................................35
Managing Project Supply Chains............................................17
Managing Project Uncertainty ................................................18
Managing Risk in Projects ......................................................19
Managing the Multi-Generational Workforce............................9
Mann, Ian ..................................................................................4
Manu, Alexander ....................................................................34
Manville, Graham ...................................................................32
Maon, Franois .......................................................................23
Marketing Research with SAS Enterprise Guide ....................36
Market Orientation ..................................................................37
Mrtensson, Pr .....................................................................48
Martin, Graeme .........................................................................5
Martin, Nita .............................................................................13
Mascia, Sharon De .................................................................12
Ma, Uly .....................................................................................12
Maycroft, Neil ..........................................................................41
Mayo, Andrew ...........................................................................9
McCormick, Kate ....................................................................44
McKellar, Robert .......................................................................7
McManners, Peter ..................................................................27
Meaning of Company Accounts, The .....................................22
Measuring Performance ..........................................................33
Measuring the Value of the Supply Chain ..............................40
Megginson, David .....................................................................8
Memorable Customer Experiences .........................................37
Meroni, Anna ..........................................................................43
Minogue, Richard .....................................................................3
MisLeadership .........................................................................23
Mobile Telecommunications in a High-Speed World..............29
Molenaar, Cor ..........................................................................36
Money Laundering ....................................................................3
Morden, Tony .............................................................................7
Morino, Veronica .......................................................................3
Morrison, Ian ...........................................................................40
Moskowitz, Howard ................................................................42
Moss, Gloria ............................................................................37
Mountain, Anita ........................................................................9
Mowles, Chris .........................................................................33
Mller, Ralf .........................................................................18,19
Mumford, Alan ........................................................................10
Mumford, John .......................................................................46
Murray-Webster, Ruth...............................................................6
Museum Educators Handbook..............................................41
Myddelton, D.R. ......................................................................22
Myerson, Jeremy .....................................................................42
Nash, Thomas .........................................................................20
New Cultures of Food, The ......................................................37
New Demographics New Workspace ......................................42
New Directions in Organizational Psychology
and Behavioral Medicine .....................................................5
Newlands, David .....................................................................35
Newson, Alex...........................................................................39
New Work Ethics ......................................................................25
Nieto-Rodriguez, Antonio .......................................................12
Nilsson, Kristina .....................................................................48
No Waste ..................................................................................12
Oakes, Graham .......................................................................15
Obolensky, Nick ......................................................................24
Occupational Health and Safety ...............................................5
OConnell, Donal ....................................................................38
ODonovan, Gabrielle .............................................................20
Okpara, John ...........................................................................32
Olamade, Olumuyiwa .............................................................28
Olson, David L. ........................................................................29
Operational Excellence in the Pharmaceutical and Biotech
Industries ...........................................................................44
Opportunities in the Financial Supply Chain ..........................20
Orridge, Martin .......................................................................34
Outstanding Leadership ..........................................................48
GOWER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BOOKS 2011/2012 | www.gowerpublishing.com | Order online and receive a 10% discount
Papa, Davide Giovanni ...........................................................40
Participative Transformation ....................................................38
Patten, Justin ..........................................................................39
Pattern Making, Pattern Breaking ...........................................46
Pauleen, David ........................................................................39
Pearson, Gordon ................................................................32,34
Pedler, Mike ........................................................................35,46
People and Business .................................................................9
Peppelenbos, Lucian ..............................................................40
Performance Auditing of Public Sector Property Contracts ......2
Personal Knowledge Management .........................................39
Pharmaceutical Process Design and Management ..............44
Pheasant, John .........................................................................6
Phreakers, Fraudsters and Hackers ..........................................2
Piperopoulos, Panos G. ..........................................................28
Planko, Julia ............................................................................17
Playing with Purpose ...............................................................46
Pollack, Julien .........................................................................15
Povah, Nigel ..............................................................................8
Power of Tacit Knowledge, The ................................................38
Practical Schedule Risk Analysis ............................................14
Preddy, Shan ...........................................................................42
Premium by Design .................................................................42
Preparing Your Business Case ................................................48
Price of Global Health, The ......................................................45
Principles of Islamic Marketing, The .......................................36
Proactive Law for Managers ....................................................33
Program Management ............................................................19
Project-Based Organizations ...................................................19
Project Ethics ...........................................................................17
Project Governance ..................................................................19
Project Management ...............................................................16
Project Management for the Pharmaceutical Industry ..........44
Project Managers Guide to Purchasing, The .........................15
Project-Oriented Leadership ....................................................18
Project Politics ..........................................................................13
Project Requirements ..............................................................17
Project Reviews, Assurance and Governance ........................15
Project Risk Maturity Model, The ............................................13
Project Sponsorship .................................................................13
Project Stakeholder Management ...........................................19
Project Success ........................................................................13
Psychology of Marketing, The .................................................37
Publishing from Your PhD .......................................................46
Pugh, Derek S. ........................................................................24
Pullan, Penny ............................................................................6
Pyne, Adrian ............................................................................16
Quarry, Peter ...........................................................................48
Quigg, Anne-Marie .................................................................41
Quirke, Bill ...............................................................................24
Raab, Gerhard .........................................................................37
Radford, Jo ..............................................................................10
Rayment, John ........................................................................23
Rayner, Paul.............................................................................16
Reconnecting Markets ............................................................40
Reconstructing Medical Practice.............................................44
Reid, Walter .............................................................................22
Reilly, Peter ................................................................................8
Re-imagining the Ofce ...........................................................42
Reiss, Geoff .............................................................................16
Relationship-Driven Supply Chain, The ..................................40
Relationship Economics .........................................................10
Remington, Kaye ...............................................................12,15
Remoreras, Glenn ...................................................................36
Rethinking Management ........................................................33
Revans, Reg ............................................................................46
Reynolds, Julie ........................................................................23
Reynolds, Larry .......................................................................23
Ricken, Boris ...........................................................................21
Rise and Fall of Management, The .........................................34
Risk and Financial Management in Construction .................14
Risk-Based Auditing ..................................................................4
Risk Management .....................................................................6
Risk Strategies ...........................................................................3
Risky Business ..........................................................................6
Ritchie, Bryan K. .....................................................................10
Road to Co-operation, The .......................................................32
Robison, Lindon J. ..................................................................10
Rodrigues, Alexandre .............................................................19
Roibs, Anxo Cereijo ..............................................................43
Roodhouse, Simon .................................................................46
Rosethorn, Helen ....................................................................11
Rotta, Carlo Patetta ..................................................................7
Russell, David .........................................................................25
Russill, Richard .........................................................................7
Sachs, MaryLee ......................................................................36
Saddler, Kirsty ...........................................................................9
Sadgrove, Kit .............................................................................4
Sadler, Philip ...........................................................................27
Safety Culture ............................................................................6
Salama, Alzira .........................................................................29
Salkeld, Derek ...........................................................................2
Samociuk, Martin .....................................................................7
Sangiorgi, Daniela ..................................................................43
Sargeant, Malcolm ................................................................2,8
Saunders, Jane .......................................................................11
Schaik, Paul van .....................................................................47
Schaper, Michael ...............................................................26,28
Schieffer, Alexander ..........................................................28,31
Schipper, Ron ..........................................................................17
Schoonveld, Ed .......................................................................45
Second Order Project Management ........................................17
Shared Services in Finance and Accounting ..........................22
Shaw, Howard ...........................................................................6
Shermon, Dale ........................................................................14
Shopping 3.0 ............................................................................36
Short Guide to Cartel Risk .........................................................6
Short Guide to Compliance Risk ...............................................6
Short Guide to Corruption Risk .................................................6
Short Guide to Customs Risk ...................................................7
Short Guide to Equality Risk .....................................................7
Short Guide to Ethical Risk........................................................7
Short Guide to Facilitating .........................................................6
Short Guide to Fraud Risk ..........................................................7
Short Guide to Kidnap and Ransom Risk .................................6
Short Guide to Operational Risk ................................................7
Short Guide to Pandemic Risk ..................................................6
Short Guide to Political Risk ......................................................7
Short Guide to Procurement Risk..............................................7
Short Guide to Reputation Risk .................................................7
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