Lvs Ha Using Vrrpv2
Lvs Ha Using Vrrpv2
Lvs Ha Using Vrrpv2
This paper describes one implementation of the
VRRPv2 protocol. We have done enhancements of the
original protocol for use with Linux Virtual Server. The
goal of this document is to present the software design
of the VRRPv2 implementation for use with LVS. We
will focus on the implementation, so attempted audi-
ence is network software designer, experimented sys-
tem administrators and all hacking person looking for
VRRPv2 implementation internals. Finally the goal of
this document is a real world example on how our de-
sign can be used in conjunction with Linux Virtual
Server to provide virtual services shared by multiple
LVS directors.
1. Introduction
Loadbalancing is a good solution for service
virtualization. When you design a loadbalanced
topology you must take a special care of :
Realserver availability using healthchecking.
Loadbalancer availability using failover protocol.
Realserver availability provide a global High Available
virtual service. This problematic is mainly handled
using healthcheck software. But using a loadbalancer
director you introduce a Single Point Of Failure for the
virtual service. So loadbalancer high availability must
be provided. In this paper we will not present
healthchecker, we will specially focus on the second
point. We will trait this topic using a protocol especially
designed to handle gateway virtualization/failover
called VRRPv2. This protocol will give us the ability to
define a Virtual Loadbalancer. This Virtual
Loadbalancer will be compounded by multiple Real
Loadbalancer that can be active at a time and
monitoring each other.
2. VRRPv2 Overview
VRRP specifies an election protocol that dynamically
assigns responsibility for a virtual router to one of the
VRRP routers on a LAN. The VRRP router controlling
the IP address(es) associated with a virtual router is
called the Master, and forwards packets sent to these IP
addresses. The election process provides dynamic fail
over in the forwarding responsibility should the Master
become unavailable. This allows any of the virtual
router IP addresses on the LAN to be used as the
default first hop router by end-hosts. The advantage
gained from using VRRP is a higher availability default
path without requiring configuration of dynamic
routing or router discovery protocols on every end-
host. [rfc2338].
3. System Architecture Overview
Our global logical architecture is illustrated in the
following figure :
As described into the rfc2338, VRRPv2 protocol
manipulate floating IP addresses roaming between
3.1 Definitions
Our VRRPv2 implementation uses the following
notions [rfc2338.1.2] :
VRRP Instance : A thread manipulating VRRPv2
specific set of ip addresses. A VRRP Instance may
backup one or more VRRP Instance. In our figure
1 we are dealing with 4 VRRP Instances. One
owning (VIP1,VIP2), one owning (VIP3,VIP4),
one owning (DIP1) and one owning (DIP2). It may
participate in one or more virtual routers.
IP Address owner : The VRRP Instance that has the
IP address(es) as real interface address(es). This is
the VRRP Instance that, when up, will respond to
packets addressed to one of these IP address(es) for
ICMP, TCP connections,
Linux Virtual Server High Availability using VRRPv2
Alexandre Cassen
Linux Virtual Server OpenSource Project
Paris, France,
LVS Director 1 LVS Director 2
Realserver Pool 1 Realserver Pool 2
Figure 1: Virtutalized loadbalancer
LinuxVirtualServer OpenSource Project
MASTER state : VRRP Instance state when it is
assuming the responsibility of forwarding packets
sent to the IP address(es) associated with the
VRRP Instance. This state is illustrated on figure 1
by red line.
BACKUP state : VRRP Instance state responsible of
packets forwarding when the current VRRP
Instance MASTER state fails.
Real Loadbalancer : A LVS director running one or
many VRRP Instances.
Virtual Loadbalancer : A set of Real Loadbalancer.
Synchronized Instance : VRRP Instance with which
we want to be synchronized. This provide VRRP
Instance monitoring.
Advertisement : The name of a simple VRRPv2
packet sent to a set of VRRP Instances in
MASTER state.
3.2 System workflow
We want to design a full redundant architecture with
outgoing traffic loadbalancing. This is a very common
use of such a protocol. When setting up LVS director
high availability (virtualized loadbalancer) we want the
backup director to handle traffic too. That way LVS
directors will be redundant and active at a time. This
architecture is illustrated on figure 1. We define half of
the host to route through DIP1 and the other half to
route through DIP2 [rfc2338.4.2]. This consideration
introduce the synchronization handling.
In our case study, Realserver Pool 2 belong to virtual IP
addresses VIP3 & VIP4. So remote client access those
VIPs to access Realserver Pool 2 service. But
Realserver Pool 2 route its outgoing traffic through
DIP2, so DIP2 & VIP3/VIP4 must be active on the
same director to preserve routing path. This finally
mean that if LVS director 2 LAN interface fails, WAN
interface IP address(es) owned must be set on the
redundant LVS director 1 WAN interface.
Considering VRRP configuration, each LVS directors
must have the knowledge of the whole LVS redundant
topology. This mean that both LVS directors run 4
VRRP Instances. 2 VRRP Instances in MASTER state
and the others in BACKUP state. MASTER/BACKUP
state are symmetric on the both LVS directors VRRP
configuration. On LVS director 1, the VRRP Instances
configuration looks like :
VI_1 : In MASTER state - owning VRRP VIP1 &
VI_2 : In MASTER state - owning VRRP DIP1.
VI_3 : In BACKUP state backuping VRRP VIP3 &
VI_4 : In BACKUP state backuping VRRP DIP2.
On LVS director 2 we have the symmetric
configuration where VI_1 & VI_2 are in BACKUP
state and VI_3 & VI_4 are in MASTER state. If one
VRRP Instance in MASTER state fails, to preserve
routing path, the VRRP transition state must follow the
workfow :
VRRP DIP2 fails :
Due to an undefined reason, DIP2 is not available.
Immediately, symmetric VRRP Instance, in BACKUP
state, running on LVS director 1 stop receiving VRRP
MASTER advertisements. It deduce that DIP2 is
unreachable so the BACKUP state Instance must transit
to MASTER state.
VRRP Instance VI_4 on LVS director 1 transition to
MASTER state :
LVS Director 1 LVS Director 2
Realserver Pool 1 Realserver Pool 2
Figure 2: VRRP DIP2 fails
LVS Director 1 LVS Director 2
Realserver Pool 1 Realserver Pool 2
Figure 3: VRRP DIP2 takeover
LinuxVirtualServer OpenSource Project
LVS director 1 VI_4 stop receiving VRRP
advertisements from LVS director 2 VI_4. The DIP2
automatically takeover on LVS director 1.
VRRP Instance VI_3 on LVS director 1
synchronization to MASTER state :
Finally VIP3 & VIP4 are synchronized on LVS director
1 to preserve routing path. If LVS director 2 LAN
interface is shut, this is a finite state fails for LVS. So
others MASTER VRRP Instances need to be
The VRRP MASTER Instances synchronization
convergence is a derivation of the VRRP protocol. This
mean that the IP takeover convergence is extremely
depending on the VRRP timers handling.
In this fail state where LVS director 2 is depreciated, all
traffic is handled by LVS director 1. This state must be
considered as a takeover transition state. This mean that
if LVS director 2 LAN interface is becoming available,
all the VRRP Instances will transit to their initial VRRP
state. So the stable state is the initial state, takeover
state is completely temporary because it is all time
waiting to transit to its initial state.
We have just describe this VRRP Instance
synchronization state as it is not in the VRRP [rfc2338].
All the other state transition will not be presented in this
document since it is efficiently described into the
VRRP [rfc2338].
4. Implementation issues
The VRRPv2 implementation is articulated around 3
software components :
VRRP Socket Pool
VRRP Packet Dispatcher
VRRP Instance Synchronization
VRRP implements its own scheduling framework to
handle fd timeout and packet dispatching. So the 2 first
point are referring to the VRRP scheduling framework.
4.1 VRRP Socket Pool
This part of the VRRP scheduling framework is only
used during the VRRP bootstrap. It register the VRRP
Instance to a global I/O multiplexing framework. The
result of this step is the creation of a sharing read fd
thread for future I/O dispatching. The design is
illustrated in the Figure 5 :
VRRP is an interface specific protocol. This mean that
a VRRP Instance is bound to a specific interface for
inbound & outbound traffic. We can figure out the
socket pool importance here. As described into VRRP
[rfc2338.5.3.6], VRRP is a layer4 protocol which can
run in conjunction of IPSEC-AH. The VRRP
advertisements can be either IPSEC-AH packet or
direct VRRP packet protocol. So we need to deal with 2
different protocols at a time on the same physical
interface (ethernet interface for us). This highlight that
many VRRP Instance using the same protocol (IPSEC-
AH or VRRP) share a single fd.
The figure 5 show our internal VRRP socket pool
implementation. Each NIC own a maximum of 2 fds
(one for VRRP, the other for IPSEC-AH). All the
VRRP Instances are (de)multiplexed through this fds.
So our design can handle 2*n (de)multiplexing points.
4.2 VRRP Packet Dispatcher
The second part of the global VRRP scheduling
framework is the VRRP Packet Dispatcher. It provide
an asynchronous threaded framework to handle
incoming and outgoing VRRP packets. During the
VRRP bootstrap, a VRRP Socket Pool is created.
Finally the VRRP Socket Pool register a VRRP Packet
Dispatcher per VRRP Socket Pool fds. Then each fds is
handled asynchronously using a global software I/O
multiplexer. This global workflow is illustrated in the
figure 6 :
LVS Director 1 LVS Director 2
Realserver Pool 1 Realserver Pool 2
Figure 4: VRRP VIP3 & VIP4 synchronisation
3 fd
i fd
Figure 5: VRRP Socket Pool design
LinuxVirtualServer OpenSource Project
A VRRP Packet Dispatcher can handle many VRRP
Instances sharing the same fd. The central part of the
packet dispatcher is the state handler responsible of
VRRP state transition and synchronization.
4.3 VRRP Instance Synchronization
The last software component is the Instance
Synchronization. The global view of this part is
illustrated in the figure 4. The implementation follow
the workflow :
On figure 7, we indicate VRRP Instance in MASTER
state in initial state. To explain efficiently how Instance
Synchronization works we take the sample illustrated in
the figure 7. In this configuration we assume that (VI_1
,VI_2) and (VI_3,VI_4) must be sync. So if one
MASTER state instance transit to another state, the
synchronized instance must transit to the same state.
1. LAN NIC on LVS director 2 fails, so VI_4 stop
sending MASTER state advertisements.
2. VI_4 in BACKUP state timeout on receiving
MASTER advertisements. So VI_4 transition to
MASTER state on LVS director 1 and start sending
advert (with IPSEC-AH sequence synchronization if
using IPSEC-AH).
3. Our axiom imply that (VI_3,VI_4) must be in the
same state at a time.
4. VI_3 in BACKUP state transit to MASTER state by
sending the higher VRRP advertisement to force
election (The VRRP owner advertisement).
5. All BACKUP and MASTER VRRP Instances
received this owner adver.
6. VI_3 in MASTER state receive this advertisement
and transit to BACKUP state.
7. Here is the synchronization end event.
If LAN NIC on LVS director 2 becomes alive all the
VRRP Instances transit to their initial VRRP state. With
the step 7 we can highlight a possible flapping Instance
state due to a side effect. Axiom specify that
(VI_3,VI4) must have the same state at a time. So
during step 6, VI_3 transit to BACKUP state. So VI_4
must transit to BACKUP state too. But if VI_4 transit
to BACKUP state due to a network failure, VI_4 will
never receive MASTER state advertisements. So VI_4
on LVS director 2 can assume that MASTER is down
and then transit to MASTER state it self ! And so on,
axiom specify (VI_3,VI_4) must be sync. So VI_3 on
LVS director 2 transit to MASTER state and start
sending MASTER advert. Symmetrically, VI_3 receive
remote MASTER advertisements and become
BACKUP since its priority is minor than initial
MASTER (VI_3 on LVS director 2). So on, axiom
(VI_3,VI_4) must be sync So VI_4 on LVS director
1 become BACKUP. But VI_4 on LVS director 1
timeout receiving remote MASTER advert so transit to
MASTER state. And so on we repeat this infinitely
so we have a synchronization loop causing a flapping
roaming IP We can call this phenomena a
synchronization circuit (like the famous NOKIA
one). To handle this possible synchronization infinite
loop we can fine the axiom as follow :
I. Predicates
(1) init_state(VI_3)LVS2 <> init_state(VI_3)LVS1
(2) (1)=> if init_state(VI_3)LVS2 = MASTER
then init_state(VI_3)LVS1 = BACKUP
(2),(3)=> Prio(VI_3)LVS2 > Prio(VI_3)LVS1
(5) (state(VI_3)=state(VI_4))LVS1
<> (state(VI_3)=state(VI_4))LVS2
(6) state(VI_3)LVS2 = BACKUP
& init_state(VI_3)LVS2 = MASTER
=> state(VI_4)LVS2 = FAULT
(7) (3)=> if state(VI_4)LVS2=DOWN
then state(VI_4)LVS1=MASTER
(8) state(VI_3)LVS2=MASTER
& state(VI_4)LVS2=FAULT
=> state(VI_4)LVS2=MASTER
II. Finite states handling
Finite state of figure 4 :
(5)&(7) =>
if state(VI_3)LVS1=MASTER
then state(VI_3)LVS2=BACKUP
(6) => state(VI_4)LVS2=FAULT
In the FAULT state the VRRP Instance continue
sending advertisements. So when it become
VRRP Bootstrap
Socket Pool thread
Global scheduling framework
I/O multiplexer
VRRP Packet Dispatcher
VRRP state handler
Kernel Space
User Space
VRRP Instance
VRRP Instance
VRRP Instance
Netlink Multicast SIOCGIF
Figure 6: VRRP Packet Dispatcher design
LVS Director 1 LVS Director 2
VI_2 VI_4
Figure 7: VRRP Instance Synchronization
LinuxVirtualServer OpenSource Project
alive it continue sending advertisements with-
out eventual IPSEC-AH sequences synchroniza-
Finite state initial state (after a takeover):
LAN NIC of LVS director 2 become alive :
(3) => state(VI_4)LVS1=BACKUP
(5) => state(VI-3)LVS1=BACKUP
=> state(VI_3)LVS2=MASTER
(8) => state(VI_4)LVS2=MASTER
So we are safely back to the initial state.
5. Conclusion & future work
In this paper we have introduced a solution for LVS
directors failover using the VRRP protocol. This
protocol was especially designed for this purpose and
provide an acceptable security level using IPSEC-AH
authentication (data integrity & anti-replay). The use of
this code in conjunction of a healthchecking stack can
provide a good solution for transparent directors &
realservers failover. This is the goal of the keepalived
project : : provide a all
in one tool to provide realservers & directors failover.
Currently code has been tested with 2 LVS directors
and 4 VRRP Instances. The code need to been audited
with many VRRP Instances handling at a time. The
VRRP Instance timer need to be fined during the
instance synchronization to limit VRRP protocol
convergence. Currently we do not handle VRRP
VMAC since linux kernel doesnt permit to deal with
more than one MAC address per physical interface. We
use gratuitous ARP to update remote router/hosts arp
caches (which can produce a TTL expiration during
takeover). Need to spend more time into the kernel
source to evaluate work If you have inputs on this
topics fill free to send it to me (it will save me time )
[1] RFC2338, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol,
[2] RFC2281, Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol,
[3] Using HSRP for Fault-Tolerant IP Routing,
[4] Internet DRAFT, Security Framework for Explicit Multicast,
[5] RFC2401, Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol,
[6] RFC2402, IP Authentication Header,
[7] RFC2104, HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication,
[8] Gowri Dhandapani, Anupama Sundaresan, Netlink Sockets
[9] W. Zhang, Linux Virtual Server OpenSource project,