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1311 6589 PDF
carbon nanotube
A. Eichler1,2 , J. Moser1,2 , M. I. Dykman3 , and A. Bachtold1,2
Nanotubes behave as semi-flexible polymers in that they can bend by a sizeable amount. When
integrating a nanotube in a mechanical resonator, the bending is expected to break the symmetry of
the restoring potential. Here, we report on a new detection method that allows us to demonstrate
such symmetry breaking. The method probes the motion of the nanotube resonator at (nearly)
zero-frequency; this motion is the low-frequency counterpart of the second overtone of resonantly
excited vibrations. We find that symmetry breaking leads to the spectral broadening of mechanical
resonances, and to an apparent quality factor Q that drops below 100 at room temperature. This
low Q at room temperature is a striking feature of nanotube resonators whose origin has remained
elusive for many years. Our results shed light on the pivotal role played by symmetry breaking in
the mechanics of nanotube resonators.
PACS numbers:
A carbon nanotube is a unique system that can be seen both as a crystal and as a polymer.
Its crystallinity confers excellent mechanical properties to nanotube-based resonators [16],
such as high resonant frequencies [7, 8] and low dissipation at low temperature [9, 10].
As a result, these resonators are well suited for ultra-sensitive detection of mass [11, 12],
charge [2, 3] and force [13]. A nanotube has also much in common with a polymer as both
can bend by a large amount. In a resonator, the bending can be generated by the mechanical
tension that builds in during the fabrication process, as well as by the electrostatic force used
in most studies. This curvature is expected to have profound consequences on the dynamics
of nanotube resonators, since the transverse vibrational modes lack inversion symmetry.
In a bent nanotube, if one thinks of a vibrational mode as an oscillator, its potential is not
symmetric with respect to the displacement from the equilibrium position (Fig. 1a). This
leads to a nonlinear term in the restoring force that depends quadratically on the displacement, F2 = m z 2 (t) with m the eective mass of the resonator,
a constant quantifying
the strength of the symmetry breaking eect, and z(t) the transverse displacement of the
resonator for the given mode. The mechanism underlying the eect can be understood as
follows. For a resonator that is curved and clamped at both ends, the length is dierent for
+ z and
z and, therefore, the tension induced by the motion is asymmetric with respect
to z (Fig. 1b).
In a potential with broken symmetry, the equilibrium position of the mode depends on
its vibrational amplitude zvibra (see Fig. 1a). Indeed, if the resonator vibrates as z(t) =
zvibra cos(!t), the quadratic term in the restoring force becomes
F2 = m
[1 + cos(2!t)].
The second term in the bracket leads to the second overtone, that is, motion at 2!. The
first term corresponds to a time-independent force and, therefore, generates a shift of the
equilibrium position, zeq . In other words, it is possible to move the equilibrium position by
varying zvibra . This motion is slow, since it is limited by the ring-down time associated to
zvibra . When considering the thermal motion of such a resonator, the power spectrum of the
displacement is expected to feature a peak at zero-frequency, its width being roughly the inverse of the ring-down time [14, 15]. To the best of our knowledge, this low-frequency motion
of the equilibrium position of high-Q oscillators has not been observed in nanomechanical
resonators or other condensed-matter systems.
The device consists of a single carbon nanotube that is clamped by two metal electrodes
and is suspended over a trench. A gate electrode is defined at the bottom of the trench
(Fig. 1c). The fabrication is described elsewhere [10]. Briefly, we pattern the three electrodes and the trench using standard electron-beam lithography techniques. We grow the
nanotube by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) in the last fabrication step in order to avoid
contamination [9]. All measurements are performed at 65 K to avoid Coulomb blockade [2, 3].
We have studied 5 nanotube devices in total. We discuss in the following the data for one
device. Data for a second device yielding similar results are shown in supplementary section
We employ a new technique to detect the motion of nanotube resonators. We capacitively
drive the vibrations at !drive near the resonant angular frequency !0 by applying a constant
voltage Vgdc and an oscillating voltage of amplitude Vgac on the gate electrode. Central to the
technique is that the oscillating voltage is amplitude modulated (AM) so that the resulting
displacement near !0 for not too large Vgac is proportional to the driving amplitude,
z(t) = zvibra cos(!drive t
'm ) [1
cos(!AM t)]
where the amplitude modulation has a depth of 100 % and its angular frequency !AM is
typically 2 1 kHz (top of Fig. 1d; we checked that the measurements do not depend on
!AM ); 'm is the phase dierence between the displacement and the driving force. We apply
a constant voltage Vsddc to the source electrode and measure from the drain electrode the
low-frequency current ILF at !AM with a lock-in amplifier (see supplementary section VI
for details). We show below that this technique allows us to measure the motion of zeq
associated with the symmetry breaking in nanotube resonators.
We observe that ILF features a peak when !drive is swept through a mechanical resonance
(Fig. 2a); the mechanical resonance is also verified by directly measuring the vibrational
motion using the frequency modulation (FM) mixing technique (Fig. 2b) [4]. The height
of the peak in ILF goes linearly to zero as Vsddc is decreased (Figs. 2c,d; black squares).
These data show that the detected peak in ILF is related to the modulation of the nanotube
conductance G = ILF /Vsddc at !AM . It rules out an artefact related to the capacitive coupling
between the gate and the source electrodes. (This coupling could result in a sizeable AM
oscillating voltage at the source electrode, and could thus drive the resonator; but ILF would
then be independent of Vsddc .)
We also observe a current peak when setting the reference (angular) frequency of the
lock-in amplifier to 2!AM . The peaks measured at !AM and 2!AM are similar in that they
appear at the same driving frequency and their heights depend linearly on Vsddc (Fig. 2d).
However, the height of the peak measured at 2!AM is four times smaller. These observations
suggest that the measured peaks are related to a nonlinearity that scales as ( z(t))2 and
therefore zvibra
. (Indeed, if z(t) / 1
to ( z(t))2 will be modulated at !AM and 2!AM with a ratio of 4 between the amplitudes
of the two components.)
We estimate zvibra ' 2.1 nm at resonant frequency for the driving force used in Fig. 2c.
For this, we use the 2-source mixing technique with a driving voltage of 1.1 mV (Fig. 3a,b).
The value of zvibra is inferred by comparing the signals on and away from resonance [16]
(supplementary section V).
The peak in ILF is detected only for a fraction of the mechanical eigenmodes. In the
resonator discussed thus far, the peak is observed for the second eigenmode but not for
the first one (by comparing ILF in Fig. 4a and the current in Fig. 4b obtained with the
FM mixing technique). In all the five studied resonators, we find that about half of the
eigenmodes feature a peak in ILF .
We now discuss dierent possible origins of the peak in ILF . It could be related to the
nonlinear capacitive coupling between the nanotube and the gate electrode, which leads to
a ( z(t))2 nonlinearity in the conductance of the nanotube. However, we estimate that the
current associated to this eect is ILF
= 10 pA, which is 20 times smaller than the mea-
sured value in Fig. 2c (supplementary section VII). Thus, we reject the ( z(t))2 nonlinearity
induced by the capacitive coupling as the physical origin of the peak in ILF . Neither is the
ILF peak attributed to the nonlinearity of the conductance in gate voltage [9], since it leads
to a current that is 3 orders of magnitude lower than that measured in Fig. 2c (supplementary section VII). Another mechanism for the ILF peak could be the piezoresistance of the
nanotube, whose dependence on the displacement is quadratic to a good approximation [17].
The piezoresistance eect in nanotubes is by far strongest for positive gate voltages (where
electrons tunnel from the p-doped regions of the nanotube near the metal electrodes into
the n-doped region of the suspended part of the nanotube [18, 19]). However, the observed
height of the peak in ILF can be as large for negative as for positive gate voltages (see
Fig. 4a). We can thus rule out the piezoresistive eect.
We now consider that the peak in ILF is due to symmetry breaking of the vibrations.
For the AM modulation / [1
maximal displacement of the equilibrium position zeq
= Vsddc Vgdc @Vg G
@ z Cg 0
zeq .
where zeq
is proportional to zvibra
. Here, @z Cg is the derivative of the nanotube-gate
= 4.3 1024 m 1 s
This value for the symmetry breaking strength can be compared to the one estimated from
the measurement of !0 as a function of the oscillating driving force. Figures 4c and d show
that the peak in ILF shifts to lower frequency upon increasing the driving force. Disregarding
the cubic restoring force (which in nanotubes leads to the shift in the opposite direction, see
Ref. [20]), we obtain from the shift in !0 that
= 4.1 1024 m 1 s
(supplementary section
VIII). This value agrees with the one estimated from ILF
, demonstrating that the peak in
and the length L can be as short as 100 nm [7, 8]. This expression is derived
for the fundamental mode of a rod (Eq. S6 in the supplementary information of Ref. [20]),
and zs is the characteristic static displacement induced by the bending. Assuming that zs
ranges from 1 to 10 nm, and using L = 1.8 m and the graphite density = 2300 kgm
and Young modulus E = 1 TP, we obtain
= 3
with the value obtained from our measurements. The quadratic nonlinear force associated
to symmetry breaking is 3 orders of magnitude larger than the quadratic electrostatic force,
@z3 Cg (Vgdc )2 /2m z 2 (t). The observed decrease of !0 with the increasing resonant driving
in Fig. 4c and d indicates that the cubic nonlinear (Duffing) force has no substantial eect
on the dynamics of the resonator. This points out that the actual static deformation zs
is large compared to the vibration amplitude (because the dynamical cubic restoring force
scales as F3 ' F2 z(t)/zs ), thus supporting our above assumption that zs = 1
10 nm.
The observation of a peak in ILF for only about half of the mechanical eigenmodes
indicates that
varies from one eigenmode to the next. This is something expected from
the interplay between the shapes of the vibrational eigenmodes and the static deformation
along the nanotube if the static displacement is primarily in one plane. Our data suggest
that the static displacement is essentially perpendicular to the gate electrode. In such a
geometry, the lowest-frequency eigenmode detected in Fig. 4b corresponds to the lowestenergy mode vibrating (essentially) parallel to the surface of the gate electrode, as shown in
Ref. [20]. A static deformation of the nanotube towards the gate electrode does not break
the vibration symmetry of this mode, because the elastic tension inside the nanotube is
equal for + z and
with the measurements. The second eigenmode in Fig. 4b is assigned to the lowest-energy
mode vibrating in a direction (essentially) perpendicular to the gate electrode [20]. In the
presence of a static deformation towards the gate electrode, this mode experiences symmetry
breaking of vibrations. A peak shows up in ILF , as observed in Fig. 4a.
Having shown that symmetry breaking leads to motion at (nearly) zero-frequency, we
demonstrate other connections between symmetry breaking and the mechanics of nanotube
resonators. A hallmark of nanotube resonators is that the resonance frequency can be widely
tuned with Vgdc . Symmetry breaking is expected to control this tunability in !0 by an amount
!0 =
@z Cg dc 2
(V )
2m!03 g
(Vgdc is here oset so that Vgdc = 0 when !0 is minimum). We estimate that m ' 4 ag
assuming that the length of the nanotube is equal to the trench width (1.8 m) and using the
typical radius (1.5 nm) obtained with our CVD recipe. Using the curvature of
the minimum of !0 , we get that
!0 (Vgdc ) near
above. This result underscores that symmetry breaking is connected to the response of the
resonance frequency to Vgdc . We emphasize that Eq. (4) is only valid for not too large Vgdc , as
it is the leading-order term of the expansion of !0 in Vgdc . Here we find that Eq. (4) applies
in the whole range of Vgdc that we studied, and that
both remain essentially constant within this range. This suggests that the bending is a
consequence of the mechanical tension built in during the fabrication process. In the future,
it will be interesting to measure
In the presence of thermal vibrations, symmetry breaking leads to spectral broadening [21]. Because the amplitude of thermal vibrations fluctuates in time, the nonlinearityinduced shift in !0 (Fig. 4d) also fluctuates and, therefore, broadens the mechanical reso-
kB T /6m!05
when the cubic restoring force is negligible compared to the quadratic one (supplemental
section X). Using
This corresponds to an apparent quality factor of 67, which is comparable to the value of
' 50 measured with the FM technique. We emphasize that this broadening is analogous
to dephasing of two-level systems and qubits, which sets the characteristic time T2 . The
measured broadening is not related to dissipation, so that the energy relaxation time could be
much longer than 1/ ! (in fact, it is in this case that Eq. (5) gives the spectral broadening).
For eigenmodes with a small , the broadening can be due to the cubic restoring force [21].
Mechanical resonances might be further broadened by the coupling between eigenmodes [21],
as shown by recent simulations of nanotube resonators [22].
We assumed in our analysis of ILF that the response of the amplitude of the vibrational
motion is linear with the driving force. When the response becomes nonlinear at large
driving forces due to the restoring force nonlinearity, the ratio of ILF at !AM and 2!AM is
expected to deviate from 4. Calculations show that the width of the peak in ILF remains
nearly constant upon varying the driving force, in contrast to the measurements in Fig. 4c.
A general theory that incorporates nonlinearities in both the restoring force and damping
[10, 2326] as well as thermal vibrations is beyond the scope of this Letter. We note that
our new technique to measure the motion of the equilibrium position allows to study the
response of the resonator over a broad parameter range in driving force.
In conclusion, we demonstrate that symmetry breaking leads to a motion at nearly zerofrequency in response to resonant excitation of the vibrations. Our results indicate that
symmetry breaking of vibrational modes also leads to such important dynamical properties
as the apparent low quality factor of nanotube resonators at 300 K, and the shift of the
vibration frequency in response to both (i) the static gate voltage and (ii) the amplitude of
the oscillating driving force. A future strategy to improve the apparent Q at 300 K is to tune
with the gate voltage in order to compensate the spectral broadening due to symmetry
breaking with that due to the Duffing nonlinearity. Symmetry breaking is important for
other vibrational systems of current interest, such as graphene resonators [10, 2731] and
levitating particles [3234]. Our new technique may help to reveal this eect in such systems.
Symmetry breaking also leads to mode mixing and to parametric resonance in response to
additive driving. This holds promise for a number of applications, such as controlled mode
mixing [3537] and phase noise cancelation [3840].
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We acknowledge support from the European Union through the RODIN-FP7 project,
the ERC-carbonNEMS project, and a Marie Curie grant (271938), the Spanish state
(FIS2009-11284), the Catalan government (AGAUR, SGR), and the US Army Research
Author contributions
A.E. fabricated the devices and carried out the measurements. J.M. participated in the
measurements. M.I.D. provided support with the theory and wrote the theoretical part of
Supplementary Information. All the authors contributed to writing the manuscript. M.I.D.
and A.B. conceived the experiment. A.B. supervised the work.
FIG. 1:
restoring potential U (z). The equilibrium position depends on the energy of the resonator mode.
b, Schematic of a curved resonator. The dashed line represents the static profile of the resonator,
that is, when it does not vibrate. The plain lines show the profiles for + z and
z. c, The
resonator studied consists of a carbon nanotube suspended over a trench between source (S) and
drain (D) electrodes. A gate electrode (G) is defined at the bottom of the trench. The trench has
a width of 1.8 m and a depth of 350 nm. d, The vibrational motion is amplitude modulated at
!AM (upper schematic). As a result, the equilibrium position is modulated with the same period
(lower schematic).
FIG. 2:
dc = 10 mV, and V dc =
Vgac = 0.53 mV, Vsd
ac = 1.1 mV and V dc =
FM technique [4]. Vsd
dc = 10 mV, and V dc =
0.4 V.
FIG. 3:
quadrature and b, Y quadrature of the current measured with the lock-in amplifier. Ivibra
of a current proportional to the real part of the vibrational amplitude in addition to a purely electriY
cal background current. Ivibra
is proportional to the imaginary part of the vibrational displacement.
ac = 0.3 mV, and V dc =
Vgac = 1.1 mV, Vsd
0.4 V.
FIG. 4: | Response of the low frequency current to static and oscillating forces. a, ILF
dc = 10 mV. Color bar: 0 (white) to 280 pA (dark
as a function of !drive and Vgdc . Vgac = 0.53 mV, Vsd
red). The background signal varies with Vgdc ; this variation likely has a purely electrical origin.
The number of measurement points is kept as low as possible so that resonances are captured with
about 3 points along the frequency axis. b, Current as a function of !drive and Vgdc measured
ac = 2.2 mV. Color bar: 0 (white) to 170 pA (dark red). c, Measured
with the FM technique. Vsd
lineshapes of ILF as a function of !drive for dierent Vgac . Vgac = 4.2, 3.5, 2.5, 1.6, 1, and 0.6 mV,
from top to bottom. d, Resonance shift extracted from the data in c (black dots) and from FM
measurements (open squares).
presence of a gate voltage that has a large DC component and a small AC component at a frequency
close to the frequency of the eigenvibrations of the nanotube.
We assume that (i) the nanotube conductance is a function only of the total charge q of the
nanotube, (ii) the charge distribution along the nanotube is independent of the gate voltage Vg , and
(iii) the system is in the adiabatic limit, i.e. the vibration dynamics is much slower than the electron
dynamics. Then q is related to Vg by the capacitance Cg . We consider the eect on conductance of
the bending mode of the nanotube which is polarized in the direction z perpendicular to the gate.
Based on the above assumptions we write the conductance as
G(q(t)) ' G(q0 ) + @q G q(t) + @q2 G[ q(t)]2 + . . . .
For the temperatures used in our experiments, where the Coulomb blockade eect is insignificant,
the term / q 2 is comparatively small. In what follows we will disregard it. Incorporating this
term will not change the qualitative results (see section VII).
The charge increment q(t) is a function of the time-dependent (AC) increment of the gate
voltage Vg (t) and the (AC) vibrational displacement z(t), which is the displacement of the
nanotube at the antinode of the vibrational mode with the largest amplitude, for a given mode.
For small | Vg | and | z|
q(t) ' @Vg q Vg (t) + @z q z(t) + @V2g q Vg (t)2 + @z @Vg q z(t) Vg (t) + @z2 q z(t)2 .
The coefficients in this expression have a simple form in the case where the charge q is related
to the gate voltage by the gate capacitance Cg , which itself depends on the displacement of the
nanotube. We then have
@ Vg q = Cg ,
@z q = Vgdc @z Cg ,
@z @ Vg q = @ z Cg ,
whereas we can set @V2g q = 0, assuming the capacitor to be linear. In Eq. (8) Vgdc is the DC
gate voltage, which is assumed to be large compared to Vg (t).
We will consider an AC modulation Vg (t) (with amplitude Vgac ) at frequency !drive close to
the eigenfrequency of the nanotube !0 . If this modulation is not too weak, the major contribution
to the AC displacement z is the one induced by this resonant modulation whereas the thermal
displacement can be disregarded.
The quantity of immediate interest to us is the quasi-static change of the conductance in response
to Vg . As explained in the main text, to detect this change we consider a periodic signal with
slowly modulated amplitude,
Vg (t) = Vgac (t) cos !drive t,
Vgac (t) = V0 (1
!AM !drive .
cos(!AM t)),
There are several contributions to the low-frequency response of the conductance to the modulation
(9). To study them we first estimate the response of the resonator to the modulation assuming
that the resonator dynamics is linear, z = z lin . The linearized equation of motion in the simplest
case of viscous friction reads
zlin + 2
Fd (t) cos(!drive t)
where m is the mass of the nanotube, 2 = !0 /Q is the decay rate of the oscillator with quality
factor Q, and Fd (t) is the AC driving force amplitude. In what follows we assume that the frequency
of the amplitude modulation, !AM , is small compared to the decay rate
Alin (!drive , t) = q
2 !drive
!02 !drive
Fd (t)/m
From Eqs.(9), and (11) it follows that all terms that have a quadratic dependence on Vg and
z in Eq. (7) have a slowly varying part, which oscillates with period 2/!AM . If the distance
between the gate electrode and the nanotube is h (it is of the order of the depth of the trench,
350 nm), then @z Cg Cg /h. Then in the linear approximation the amplitude on resonance is
Ares = Fd /2m !0 Cg Vgac Vgdc /m !0 h. The slowly varying parts of the last two terms in Eq. (7)
Cg Vgac Alin /h,
A simple estimate shows that, for the device parameters, the second term is much larger than the
first for resonant driving, which means that the term / Vg z in Eq. (7) should be disregarded in
the analysis of the low-frequency conductance.
thus the conduction modulation [Eq. (7)] are oscillating at high frequencies !drive , !drive !AM .
However, the vibrations of the nanotube are nonlinear, and this leads to the onset of slowly varying
terms in the displacement z(t). To find these terms we write the part of the capacitive energy
and the internal energy of the mode that is nonlinear in Vg and z,
Hcnl =
@z Cg Vg2 z
1 2
@z Cg Vgdc Vg z 2 + m
z3 + m
z4 + . . . .
The first two terms in this expression describe the nonlinear capacitive energy, whereas the last
two terms refer to the nonlinear part of the vibrational energy. We emphasize that the term
which is cubic in z is present only because the mode lacks inversion symmetry: this term is the
indication of symmetry breaking (it corresponds to a force that is quadratic in z). Such symmetry
breaking may result from the gate voltage which bends the nanotube. Therefore we expect that
depends on Vgdc . On the other hand, the term /
been known to play an important role in the vibrational dynamics of nanotubes (supplementary
references [1, 2]).
We emphasize again that z refers to the maximal displacement for the considered mode in the
z-direction, i.e., toward the gate electrode. More generally, for bending modes, one should think
of the displacement r as a function of length l along the nanotube ( r locally transverse to dl).
Then, for example, the term that leads to (m/3)
= m
Function f here is nonzero only for a nanotube with broken symmetry, i.e., where the energy
r. The term / z 3 in Eq. (13) is obtained if one substitutes r(l)
with the solution of the harmonic problem, for the considered mode. In general, in nanotubes with
broken symmetry, the coupling between dierent modes leads to an energy that is cubic in the
displacements of the modes.
A simple calculation shows that, to leading order, the first 3 terms in Eq. (13) give the slowly
varying terms in z(t) of the form
zslow (t) @z Cg
Vgac (t)2
V ac (t)Alin (!drive , t)
dc g
Here, the first term is very much smaller than the second term for typical device parameters; the
ratio of these terms is of the same order of magnitude as the ratio of the terms in Eq. (12). We note,
however, that on exact resonance, !drive = !0 , and we have cos
displays an extremely narrow and extremely deep dip as a function of !drive , which is expected for
! 0, or the dominating term in Eq. (14) is the last term, which comes from the broken inversion
It is necessary also to look at the ratio of the contributions to the conductance modulation of
the second term in zslow in Eq. (14) and the term @z2 q z 2 in Eq. (7). One can easily see that
this ratio is /!0 = (2Q)
varying conductance is
@q GVgdc
1 2
@ Cg
2 z
@z Cg
Here, bar means averaging over the period of fast oscillations 2/!drive .
Experimentally, the easiest way to separate the two contributions to G in Eq. (15) is by
estimating @z Cg , @z2 Cg , and
demonstrate how this estimate is done for our device. The estimate indicates that the first term
in the bracket in Eq. (15) is too small to account for our measurements. We also estimate
analyzing the shift of !0 as a funtion of zvibra (the amplitude of z(t)). We find that this latter
estimate is in good agreement with our measurement. Therefore, the major eect is coming from
the symmetry breaking of the vibrations. In the main text and in the following, we refer to the
slow motion zslow in terms of a (quasi-static) shift of the equilibrium position, zeq .
In Figure 5a, we show the electrical conductance G of the nanotube device presented in the
main text as a function of the constant gate voltage Vgdc at a temperature of 65 K. We find this
trace to be reproducible over a timescale of weeks (a current annealing procedure is performed
every day to counter the eects of contamination with residual gas particles). The conductance of
a nanotube depends on its charge carrier density, which is controlled by Vgdc . The voltage couples
to the nanotube through the capacitance Cg , which we can easily determine: in the Coulomb
blockade regime, the separation between two conductance peaks is given by
Vg = eCg , where e is
the electron charge. From the measurement in Fig. 5b, we get Cg = 12 aF, which is in agreement
with an estimation based on the device geometry:
Cg =
20 L
Here, 0 is the vacuum permittivity, L = 1.8 m is the nanotube length, and d = 350 nm is the
equilibrium distance between the nanotube and the gate electrode. Since we cannot measure the
diameter of the nanotube due to the large surface roughness of the electrodes in the studied device,
we use a typical value for the radius (r = 1.5 nm). We expect that the capacitance weakly depends
on temperature, as it is determined primarily by geometrical factors. We determine @z Cg and @z2 Cg
by dierentiating Eq. (16) and get @z Cg = 5.6 pF/m and @z2 Cg = 21 F/m2 .
From the measurements of the resonance frequency as a function of Vgdc in Fig. 4b of the main
text, we obtain a voltage oset of 0.45 V, which corresponds to the work function dierence between
the nanotube and the gate electrode. This oset in Vgdc is included in all the estimates. However,
the values of Vgdc that we indicate in the main text and the supplementary information are always
the voltages that are applied to the gate electrode.
ac is applied to
We discuss first the frequency mixing (FM) technique [4]. A driving voltage Vsd
the source electrode. Modulating the frequency (with a modulation rate of 671 Hz and a frequency
deviation of 100 kHz) results in a current (IF M ) at 671 Hz. The gate electrode is biased with Vgdc
to tune the resonance frequencies. This technique has a low current background and is typically
FIG. 5:
ductance at 65 K as a function of the constant gate voltage Vgdc applied to the gate electrode. b,
Nanotube conductance at 650 mK. The device is in the Coulomb blockade regime. The spacing
between consecutive conductance peaks is
more sensitive than the 2-source technique, so we preferentially use it to detect the eigenmodes of
a nanotube resonator. The main drawback of the FM technique is that the measured signal is not
proportional to zvibra , but to the derivative with respect to the frequency of the real part of the
In the 2-source technique [1], we apply a driving voltage Vgac to the gate in addition to a DC
voltage Vgdc . The motion of the nanotube is detected by applying a second, smaller voltage Vsd
to the source. The two oscillating voltages are slightly detuned, and the mixing current Imix is
measured at the detuning frequency (typically !/2 = 10 kHz). When the displacement is written
as z(t) = Re [
z (!)] cos(!t) + Im [
z (!)] sin(!t), the mixing current Imix measured with the 2-source
technique has the form [16]
@z Cg
1 ac
= Vsd @Vg G Vgac cos( !t 'E ) + Vgdc
Re [
z (!)] cos( !t
@z Cg
Im [
z (!)] sin( !t 'E )
'E )
where G is the conductance of the nanotube, and 'E is the phase dierence between the voltages
applied to source and gate. For a properly tuned phase of the lock-in amplifier, the out-of-phase
component of the lock-in amplifier output, Y , corresponds to the imaginary part of the resonant
displacement [third term in Eq. (17)], whereas the in-phase component, X, corresponds to the real
part of the resonant displacement [second term in Eq. (17)] added to a background (first term in
Eq. 17) that weakly depends on frequency near resonance with a given mode (we note that it can
have contributions from other modes). For the modulation frequency ! close to resonance, we get
for the Y -component of the mixing current Imix , which we denote as Ivibra
@z Cg
V ac V dc @Vg G
zvibra ,
2 sd g
where zvibra is the amplitude of resonant forced vibrations. For the considered small Vgac , zvibra is
proportional to the amplitude of Vgac . Ivibra
can be conveniently read out from the measurement.
by comparing the out-of phase current on resonance, Ivibra
, to the background far from resonance,
V dc
f res g
The measurement in Fig. 3 yields a value of zvibra = 2.1 nm for the modulation amplitude
Vgac = 1.1 mV.
In the following, we explain in more detail the technique we develop to detect the motion of the
equilibrium position of the nanotube resonator due to symmetry breaking. We drive the resonator
with an amplitude modulated (AM) driving force, which causes an AM vibrational motion (Eq. 2
of the main text). The amplitude change of the vibration is quasi-adiabatic from the point of view
of the resonator (we checked that the result is independent of the modulation period 2/!AM up
to 0.1 ms.) In the presence of AM modulation the quadratic nonlinear force F2 / z(t)2 leads to
the oscillation of the nanotube equilibrium position, zeq , as illustrated in Fig. 1d of the main text.
The conductance G of the nanotube depends both on the voltage that is applied to the gate
electrode (Vg ) and on the capacitance between the gate electrode and the nanotube (Cg ). We can
rewrite Eqs. 6-8 for the change in conductance as
G(t) = @Vg G Vg (t) + @Cg G Cg (t).
In the analysis of the low-frequency conductance the first term on the right hand side can be
neglected because the voltage that we apply to the gate electrode has no term at the frequency of
interest !AM /2 (we have verified this using a signal analyzer). Taking into account the analysis
of Sec. I, we then write
G(t) = @Vg G Vgdc
@z Cg
The slow oscillation of the conductance is caused by the motion of the equilibrium position due
to symmetry breaking. As shown in Fig. 1d of the main text, for comparatively weak resonant
modulation, where the AM vibrational motion is of the form of z(t) = zvibra cos(!drive t) [1
cos(!AM t)], the equilibrium position zeq / [ z(t)2 ] oscillates with period 2/!AM . The vibrations
are nonsinusoidal,
zeq (t) = zeq
cos !AM t +
3 1
+ cos 2!AM t .
4 4
The amplitude of the low-frequency current oscillation measured at !AM is then simply
dc dc
ILF = Vsd
G = Vsd
Vg @ V g G
@z Cg
This current corresponds to the second term in the bracket of Eq. (15). By comparing Eq. (23)
to Eq. (18), we can express the low-frequency current at resonance as
= 2Ivibra
provided that ILF and Ivibra
are measured with the same driving force. (The driving force comes
from the gate voltage oscillation at frequency !; however, in the 2-source technique used to measure
the voltage amplitude is not modulated; we note again that we study the regime where Vgac
is comparatively small.)
@ 2 Cg 2
1 dc dc
= Vsd
G = Vsd
Vg @Vg G z zvibra
Comparing Eq. (25) to Eq. (18), we can express this current in terms of the 2-source mixing current
measured on resonance in Fig. 3 of the main text. We get
= Ivibra
@z2 Cg
ac @ C zvibra .
z g
where the currents are taken at the resonance frequency and for the same amplitude Vgac . This
relation is useful, because it depends on a small number of parameters. Using Ivibra
= 37 pA from
dc = 10 mV, V ac = 0.3 mV, @ C = 5.6 pF/m, @ 2 C = 21 F/m2 , and z
Fig. 3b, Vsd
z g
vibra = 2.1 nm,
z g
we get that ILF
= 9.7 pA5 pA, which is far below ILF = 219 pA that we measured in Fig. 2c.
Next, we estimate the current that is expected due to the nonlinearity of the conductance with
respect to the gate voltage, @V2g G, which is described by the last term in Eq. (6). From Eqs. (7)
and (8), the current at !AM is
1 dc dc 2 2
= Vsd
(Vg ) @Vg G (@z Cg /Cg )2 zvibra
dc = 10 mV, V dc =
Using Vsd
In the presence of the AM vibrational motion of the form of z(t) = zvibra cos(!drive t) [1
0 (such that the restoring force can be approximated by
cos(!AM t)] and in the limit of small zeq
0 is related to the parameter
the spring force m!02 ), zeq
!02 zeq
= | |zvibra
Using Eq. (28) together with Eq. (24), we arrive at the relation
= 2Ivibra
| |
2 zvibra .
Vsd !0
Here, again the currents are taken at the resonance frequency and for the same amplitude Vgac .
This relation is useful, because it depends on a small number of parameters that, in addition,
dc = 10 mV, V ac = 0.3 mV, ! =
are well characterized. With Ivibra
= 37 pA from Fig. 3b, Vsd
max = I 0 = 219 pA measured in Fig. 2c of the main text, we
2 51 MHz, zvibra = 2.1 nm, and ILF
0 = 0.18 nm and
get zeq
= 4.3 1024 m
An alternative estimation of
1s 2.
leads to a shift of the resonance frequency with driving force. We have measured the shift of the
resonance frequency as a function of the vibrational amplitude with the FM technique as well as
with our new detection technique. The values measured with the two methods agree well and are
plotted in Fig. 4d of the main text. We use the relation (supplementary reference [3])
!0 =
3 ef f 2
8 !0 vibra
10 2
9 0
2s 2
ef f
!0 '
1s 2
= 4.1 1024 m
1.81032 m
Here, we show that the quadratic nonlinearity of the restoring force also leads to a shift of the
nanoresonator frequency
m@t2 z + 2m @t z + m!02 z =
m z2
m z 3 + @z Cg (Vgdc )2 + @z2 Cg (Vgdc )2 z
where we assume that the displacement z is small. Taking z as the sum of a static contribution
and an oscillating contribution, we get in first order in (Vgdc )2
!0 =
[@z Cg 2
1 2
@ Cg ](Vgdc )2 .
2 z
The first term in the bracket, which depends on the symmetry breaking strength , leads to the
increase of !0 with Vgdc ( is usually positive). This is the behavior observed for a large majority
of nanotube resonators. By contrast, the second term leads to the decrease of !0 with Vgdc . This
is observed occasionally and is attributed to nanotubes with a large built-in tension.
Interestingly, the bracket of Eq. (33) is the same as that of Eq. (15) where the two terms
correspond to the low-frequency currents induced by symmetry breaking and by the nonlinear
capacitive coupling, respectively. In the resonator discussed in the main text, !0 increases with
Vgdc . This further supports our finding that the peak in ILF is attributed to symmetry breaking.
FIG. 6:
nanotube device as in the main text measured at 250 K with the FM technique. The resonance
width !0 /2Q can be conveniently read out from the separation between the two minima that are
flanking the main peak [4]. We obtain Q 50. Vgdc =
We obtain from Fig. 4b in the main text that the prefactor a in the relation
!0 = a(Vgdc )2
ranges from 4 107 to 8 107 ; we oset Vgdc so that Vgdc = 0 when !0 is minimum. From the length
of the nanotube, we estimate that the eective mass is ' 4 ag. Neglecting the second term in
Eq. (33), we obtain that
' 3 1 1024 m
1s 2.
the right-hand side of this equation a random force fT (t) that describes thermal noise. This noise
comes from the same coupling to a thermal reservoir that leads to the friction force / @t z. From
the fluctuation-dissipation relation the noise is -correlated, with hfT (t)fT (t0 )i = 4m kB T (t
t0 ).
To gain a qualitative insight into the broadening we assume that the resonator vibrates as
zvibra cos(!t + ) with frequency ! close to !0 . We now look at the overall displacement as z(t) =
zvibra cos(!t + ) + z(t) and linearize Eq. (32) with respect to z(t). The left-hand-side will have
the same form as for z(t), i.e., it will describe a resonator with coordinate z(t) and eigenfrequency
!0 . In the right-hand-side, however, there will be a term
averaged over the period 2/!, this term leads to the shift of the vibration frequency for z(t) of
the form !0 ! !0 + 3 zvibra
/4!0 . This is the well-known frequency shift of a nonlinear oscillator
with vibration amplitude; a systematic treatment (supplementary reference [3]) shows that, if zvibra
is the amplitude of eigenvibrations, to the lowest order in zvibra
the frequency shift is 3 zvibra
/8!0 ,
the Boltzmann form, / exp( m!02 zvibra
/2kB T ) for weak resonator nonlinearity. The spread of the
vibration amplitudes leads to the eective spread of the vibration eigenfrequencies, with typical
we have replaced here
ef f
ef f kB T /4m!0 ;
by the quadratic-nonlinearity
= 4.3 1024 m
1s 2
Eq. (34).
The spread of the eigenfrequencies (34) leads to a broadening of the resonator spectrum. We
emphasize that this broadening is not related to the vibration decay, it is a result of the interplay
of the resonator nonlinearity and fluctuations. Moreover, since the distribution of the squared
vibration amplitude, and thus of the vibration eigenfrequency, is exponential, the spectrum is
asymmetric. The overall spectrum in the presence of nonlinearity and fluctuations, on the one
hand, and decay, on the other hand, is determined by the ratio of ! and the decay-induced
spread of the type (34) can come also from the nonlinear coupling of the considered mode to other
modes of the resonator [21]. In the context of carbon nanotubes, this latter mechanism has recently
attracted significant attention [22].
Whereas the internal nonlinearity of the resonator leads to the change of the shape of the
spectrum with increasing temperature, this is not the case for the nonlinearity associated to the
quadratic dependence of the capacitance on the resonator displacement (second term in in Eq. (13)).
FIG. 7:
Measurements for a second nanotube resonator. This device has the same geo-
metrical layout as the one discussed in the main text. All measurements are performed at 65 K.
a, Current as a function of !drive and Vgdc measured with the FM technique. Vgac = 1.1 mV. Color
dc = 10 mV, and
bar: 0 (white) to 20 pA (dark red). b, ILF versus !drive with Vgac = 0.53 mV, Vsd
Vgdc = 2.1 V. c, X quadrature and d, Y quadrature of the current measured with the 2-source mixX
ing technique. Ivibra
consists of a current proportional to the real part of the vibrational amplitude
in addition to a purely electrical background current. Ivibra
is proportional to the imaginary part
ac = 0.6 mV, and V dc = 2.1 V. A small shift of
of the vibrational displacement. Vgac = 1.8 mV, Vsd
In this section, we present data from a second nanotube device. We verify with atomic force
microscopy that the trench width and depth are the same as for the device presented in the main
text (1.8 m and 350 nm, respectively). The roughness of the metal electrodes do not allow a
measurement of the nanotube diameter. We therefore use the same estimates for the capacitance
and the mass as for the first device (Cg = 12 aF, @z Cg = 5.6 pF/m, @z2 Cg = 21 F/m2 , and
m ' 4 ag).
In the studied frequency range, we detect two mechanical resonances that change with an applied
gate voltage (Fig. 7a). In the following, we concentrate on the second visible mode with Vgdc = 2.1 V.
We measure ILF and find a peak at the resonance frequency (Fig. 7b). In order to determine the
vibration amplitude zvibra , we also measure Ivibra
and Ivibra
with the 2-source mixing technique
(Fig. 7c and d). We obtain zvibra = 8.9 nm for a driving voltage of 1.8 mV. Unfortunately, the
signal-to-noise ratio of the 2-source mixing technique was not sufficient to measure zvibra directly
for the lower driving voltage used to measure ILF . In order to compare the two sets of data, we
assume zvibra / Vgac , thus obtaining the scaled value zvibra = 2.6 nm for Vgac = 0.53 mV.
We perform the same analysis as for the main device to identify the origin of ILF . We estimate
the currents due to the nonlinearities in the capacitance and in the electrical conductance, finding
cond = 0.21 pA. Both values are far below the measured I 0
= 4.8 pA and ILF
LF = 374 pA. In
dc = 10 mV, V ac = 0.6 mV, and
addition to Cg , @z Cg , and @z2 Cg mentioned above, we use here Vsd
@V2g G = 19 m/V2 . For the analysis, we use an oset for Vgdc such that Vgdc = 0 when !0 is lowest.
As for the vibration amplitude, we use a scaled value Ivibra
= 30 pA to account for the dierence
= 1.8 1025 m
1s 2.
= 5.2 1024 m
1s 2.
[1] Meerwaldt, H. B., Steel, G. A. & van der Zant, H. S. J. in Fluctuating Nonlinear Oscillators,
ed. by M. Dykman (OUP, Oxford 2012), p. 312.
[2] Moser, J., Eichler, A., Lassagne, B., Chaste, J., Tarakanov, Y., Kinaret, J., Wlson-Rae, I. &
Bachtold, A. ibid., p.341.
[3] Landau, L. D. & Lifshitz, E. M. Mechanics (Elsevier, Amsterdam 2004).