This document provides a checklist for cutting over from a development Hyperion Planning environment to a production environment. It includes steps to verify the production system is ready, build a new application in production, migrate artifacts from development using Lifecycle Management, extract data from PeopleSoft using SQL scripts, load the data into Essbase using batch files, configure security and audit logging, and complete initial tasks in the new production environment. Screenshots in an appendix illustrate the folder structure implemented on the application and Essbase servers.
This document provides a checklist for cutting over from a development Hyperion Planning environment to a production environment. It includes steps to verify the production system is ready, build a new application in production, migrate artifacts from development using Lifecycle Management, extract data from PeopleSoft using SQL scripts, load the data into Essbase using batch files, configure security and audit logging, and complete initial tasks in the new production environment. Screenshots in an appendix illustrate the folder structure implemented on the application and Essbase servers.
This document provides a checklist for cutting over from a development Hyperion Planning environment to a production environment. It includes steps to verify the production system is ready, build a new application in production, migrate artifacts from development using Lifecycle Management, extract data from PeopleSoft using SQL scripts, load the data into Essbase using batch files, configure security and audit logging, and complete initial tasks in the new production environment. Screenshots in an appendix illustrate the folder structure implemented on the application and Essbase servers.
This document provides a checklist for cutting over from a development Hyperion Planning environment to a production environment. It includes steps to verify the production system is ready, build a new application in production, migrate artifacts from development using Lifecycle Management, extract data from PeopleSoft using SQL scripts, load the data into Essbase using batch files, configure security and audit logging, and complete initial tasks in the new production environment. Screenshots in an appendix illustrate the folder structure implemented on the application and Essbase servers.
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Verify that Production is ready: o Hyperion Essbase and Planning Software installed o Software configured (Essbase.cfg, ARBOR_PATH, PATH, etc.) o Native Directory users (admin) & Groups set up o Active Directory IDs up to date, LDAP connection testing (If new credentials have to be configured then stop and restart the services after the Userid/password is changed). o Start/stop scripts in d:\commandScripts folder. The scripts are setup to run the stop from one server (HYPAPP) and start from the other server (HYPESS). o File system folders created, correct permissions assigned. Refer to appendix for screen shots showing examples of the current folder & file structure and also refer to the unit assembly document for more details. PSPB_Stage, including subdirs Batch files in bin folder .csv files in csv_manual .csv files from SQL extracts in the csv_generated Logs to hold trace/exception files from batch runs Create a new encrypted password file PSPB_Stage/bin/password_admin Build a new PSPB app (empty shell, except for out-of-the box dimensions) in Production, using Classic Planning Administration in Workspace. App Name: PSPB Shared Serviced Project=Planning Plan Type 1: OPERBUD. App Type: PSPB, Employee & Position. First year = FY10, #years = 8. Calendar: July-Jun, Previous Year o Provision the hyperion admin group in Shared Services. At a minimum do this group to aid with the installation. Other user groups can be done later. In the EAS: o Set Compression Method to RLE o Set the Cache settings to the following:
o Restart HCP database and PSPB application
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Use LCM to migrate: o Global Artifacts->Common Dimensions o Plan Type->OPERBUD->Standard Dimensions o Plan Type->OPERBUD->Rule files Review the Manual CSV files with OMB admins and update as needed. Revise SQL extract scripts to have the correct date references. Notes: For the initial data load the actual and budget SQL files pulled data for 3 years instead of 1 year. Next year and years after we should only need to pull data for one year. Note the scripts to pull 1 year of data are in the SQL folder. The one-time only scripts used to pull 3 years of data, is in a folder labeled UAT SQL. Determine which peoplesoft database is going to be used to extract the data for loading to planning. Queries can pull directly from production or we can request to have the production Peoplesoft data copied to the FinHyp and HRMHyp databases. Preference the first year was to copy the data so it remained static while we validated the data. Extract from Peoplesoft Production using the SQL extracts in the PSPB_Stage/SQL folder. Save results in PSPB_Stage/csv_generated folder. Refer to the technical_specifications document for more details. o FIN Metadata o FIN Data o HR Metadata o HR Data Run the build batch files in PSPB_Stage/bin (check logs afterward) o Load_OPERBUD_Metadata o Load_OPERBUD_Data NOTE: Run this data load on the server where Essbase resides. o Load_HCP_Metadata o Load_HCP_Data Copy the Server Level Substitution Variables from DEV to PROD: o (AnnualLongevity, ColaPercent, HCPXref, HireDate, MonthsOfService, MoreThanMonths, SalSavCityDeptRate, SalSavDeptIDRate, UnionCode, PosUnionCode) Use LCM to migrate: o Configuration->Properties->Application Settings o Configuration->User Preferences o Configuration->User Variables o Global Artifacts->Composite Forms o Global Artifacts->Substitution Variables o Global Artifacts->Task Lists o Plan Type->HCP->Cal Scripts (If any) o Plan Type->HCP->Calculation Manager Rules-> CUST_* o Plan Type->HCP->Data Forms o Plan Type->HCP->Substitution Variables->CurrentYYYY o Plan Type->OPERBUD->Calc Scripts o Plan Type->OPERBUD->Calculation Manager Rules o Plan Type->OPERBUD->Data Forms->Operating Budget o Security (do this in a separate migration after the above migration) Change default of Version variable to Working Migrate the Reports Migrate and configure user security o Create Native groups o Assign roles to the groups o Assign users to the groups o Assign groups to forms, business rules, task list, etc. as noted in the security_matrix.xls document in sharepoint. Configure audit trail logging.
At this point the Hyperion Admin tasks are complete and the Hyperion functional admins (OMB Admins) need to execute the first pass of the PSPB task list activities such as: o Maintain salary grades, o Loaded human resources data (FTE)
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o Global (all departments) compensation calc. o Load Longevity inputs from SmartView. o Run custom calcs o Allocate script o Aggregation
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Following is a series of screen prints that illustrate the PSPB_Stage folder and file structure that was implemented on the HYPAPP and HYPESS servers. Some of the folder and files had to be replicated on to the HYPESS server because the operbud data scripts use Essbase load rules to import the data files into the database. Screen shot examples as follows:
Folder structure on HypApp server:
Example of files in \\hypapp\d$\COA\PSPB_Stage\bin folder. Holds batch script files.
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Example of files in \\hypapp\d$\COA\PSPB_Stage\csv_generated folder. Holds results from SQL extracts.
Example of files in \\hypapp\d$\COA\PSPB_Stage\csv_manual folder. Holds manually created load files.
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Example of files in \\hypapp\d$\COA\PSPB_Stage\SQL folder. Holds the SQL extract scripts that can be manually run.
Folder structure on HypESS server:
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Files in \\hypess\d$\COA\PSPB_Stage\bin folder. Holds batch script files used for loading operbud data files.
Files in \\hypess\d$\COA\PSPB_Stage\csv_generated folder. Holds results from SQL extracts for loading to operbud.
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Files in \\hypess\d$\COA\PSPB_Stage\SQL folder. Holds SQL extract scripts for operbud data.