1. Labor Standards
2. Labor Relations
3. Social Legislation
1. Law
2. Contract or CBA
3. General Principles of Fair Play and Justice
1. Government EEs
2. EEs of govt corporations w/ original charter
3. Foreign Governments
4. International Agencies/ EEs of inter-governmental or international organizations
5. Corporate officers
6. EEs of local water districts
field personnel
A: They are:
1. Non-agricultural employees
2. Who regularly perform their duties
3. Away from the principal place of business or branch office of the employer; and
4. whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
- this includes:
1. Access to employers records and premises at any time of the day or night, whenever work is being undertaken
2. To copy from said records
3. Question any employee and investigate any fact, condition or matter which may be necessary to determine violations or which may aid in
the enforcement of the Labor Code and of any labor law, wage order, or rules and regulation issued pursuant thereto.
1. Nature of work exposes the workers to dangerous environmental elements, contaminants or work conditions
2. Workers are engaged in construction work, logging, fire-fighting, mining, quarrying, blasting, stevedoring, dock work, deep-sea fishing, and
mechanized farming
3. Workers are engaged in the manufacture or handling of explosives and other pyrotechnic products
4. Workers use or are exposed to heavy or power-driven tools
1. Offended party
2. Parents or guardians
3. Ascendants or collateral relatives within the 3rd degree of consanguinity
4. Officer, social worker or representative of a licensed child-caring institution
5. Officer or social worker of DSWD
6. Barangay chairman of the place where the violation occurred, where the child is residing or employed
7. At least 3 concerned, responsible citizens where the violation occurred
1. Services in the Ers home
2. Usually necessary or desirable
3. For the maintenance and employment thereof
4. Includes ministering to the personal comfort and convenience of the members of the Ers household
5. Including services of family drivers
- 1. Original contract of domestic service shall not last for more than 2 years but it may be renewed by the parties. (Art. 142)
2. Entitled to minimum wage in addition to lodging, food, and medical attendance. (Art. 144)
3. Employment contract should be reviewed every 3 years with the end view of improving the terms and conditions of employment. (Art. 143)
4. SSS benefits for those who are receiving at least P1,000 per month. (Art. 143)
5. Non-assignment to a work in a commercial, industrial or agricultural enterprise at a wage or salary rate lower than that provided for
agricultural or non agricultural workers. (Art. 145)
6. Ees under 18 years of age shall be given opportunity for at least elementary education. The cost of education shall be part of the HHs
compensation, unless otherwise stipulated. (Art 146)
7. Should be treated in a just and humane manner. (Art. 147)
8. Not to be treated with physical violence (Art. 147)
9. Suitable and sanitary living headquarters as well as adequate food and medical attendance. (Art. 148)
10. Termination of employment should be
a. upon expiration of term of employment, or
b. based on just cause (Art. 149)
11. Indemnity for unjust termination of service
12. Employment certification as to nature and duration of service and efficiency and conduct of househelper.
Order of Reinstatement+ strained relations =separation pay
Order of Reinstatement+ delay/unjust refusal to reinstate = Backwages,13th month plus other benefits subsists until reinstatement or separation
pay is paid
Order of Reinstatement+ EE found a new job= Er cannot refuse to reinstate the illegally dismissed Ee
Order of Reinstatement+ position no longer available = substantially equivalent position
Order of Reinstatement+ position no longer available + no substantially equivalent position available= Separation pay 1 month/year of service
(Grolier Intl Inc. v. ELA, G.R. No. 83523, Aug. 31, 1989)
3. By Agreement
Any foreign government, international organization, or their whollyowned instrumentality employing workers in the Phils., may enter into
an agreement with the Phil. government for the inclusion of such Ees in the SSS except those already covered by their respective civil service
retirement systems.
kinds of employment which are excepted from compulsory coverage under the SSS Law.
Under Section 8(j) of R.A. 1161, as amended, the following services or employments are excepted from coverage:
1. Employment purely casual and not for the purpose of occupation or business of the employer;
2. Service performed on or in connection with an alien vessel by an employee if he is employed when such vessel is outside the Phils.;
3. Service performed in the employ of the Phils. Government or instrumentality or agency thereof;
4. Service performed in the employ of a foreign government or international organization, or their whollyowned instrumentality:
Provided, however, That this exemption notwithstanding, any foreign government, international organization or their wholly owned
instrumentality employing workers in the Phils.s or employing Filipinos outside of the Phils., may enter into an agreement with the Phils.
Government for the inclusion of such employees in the SSS except those already covered by their respective civil service retirement
systems:Provided, further, That the terms of such agreement shall conform with the provisions of this Act on coverage and amount of
payment of contributions and benefits: Provided, finally, That the provisions of this Act shall be supplementary to any such agreement; and
5. Such other services performed by temporary and other employees which may be excluded by regulation of the Commission. Employees
of bona fide independent contractors shall not be deemed employees of the employer engaging the service of said contractors.
monthly pension
1.The monthly pension shall be the highest of the following amounts:
a. The sum of the following:
ii. P300.00; plus
iii. 20% of the average monthly salary credit; plus
iv. 2% of the average monthly salary credit for each credited year of service in excess of 10 years; or
b. 40% of the average monthly salary credit; or
c. P1,000.00, provided that the monthly pension shall in no case be paid for an aggregate amount of less than sixty (60) months (Sec. 12 [a])
2. Minimum Pension
a. P1,200.00 members with at least 10 credited years of service
b. P2,400.00 for those with 20 credited years of service. (Sec. [b])
1. The legal spouse entitled by law to receive support from the member;
2. The legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted, and illegitimate child who:
a. Is unmarried,
b. Not gainfully employed, and
c. Has not reached 21 years of age, or if over 21 years of age, he is congenitally or while still a minor has been permanently
incapacitated and incapable of selfsupport, physically or mentally.
3. The parent who is receiving regular support from the member.
primary beneficiaries
1. The dependent spouse until he or she remarries
2. The dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted, and illegitimate children,: Provided, That the dependent illegitimate
children shall be entitled to 50% of the share of the legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted children.
Q: What are the options of the retiree with regard to his or her retirement benefits?
A: The retiree may get either of the following:
1. Lump sum equivalent to 6 months of the basic monthly pension (BMP) payable at the time of retirement and an oldage pension benefit
equal to BMP payable for life, starting upon the expiration of the 5 years covered by the lump sum; or
2. Cash payment equivalent to 18 times his BMP and monthly pension for life payable immediately. (Sec. 13[a])
Ees eligible to join a labor organization for mutual aid and protection
The following enjoy the right to selforganization for mutual aid and protection:
1. Ambulant workers
2. Intermittent workers
3. Itinerant workers
4. Selfemployed people
5. Rural workers
6. Those without and definite Ers. (Art. 243)
- The notice of VR shall be accompanied by the original copy and 2 duplicate copies of the following reqts:
1. Joint statement under oath of VR
2. Certificate of posting of joint statement for 15 consecutive days in at least 2 conspicuous places in the establishment of the bargaining
3. Certificate of posting
4. Approximate number of Ees in the bargaining unit and the names of those who supported the recognition
5. Statement that the labor union is the only LLO operating within the bargaining unit.
It is a means of determining the workers choice of:
1. Whether they want a union to represent them for collective bargaining or if they want no union to represent them at all.
2. And if they choose to have a union to represent them, they will choose which among the contending unions will be the sole and exclusive
bargaining representative of the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit.
- It is the power of the SLE to:
1. Issue compliance orders
2. Issue writs of execution for the enforcement of their orders, except in cases where the employer (Er) contests the findings of the labor
officer and raise issues supported by documentary proof which were not considered in the course of inspection
3. Order stoppage of work or suspension of operation when noncompliance with the law or implementing rules and regulations poses grave
and imminent danger to health and safety of workers in the workplace
4. Require Ers to keep and maintain such employment records as may be necessary in aid to the visitorial and enforcement powers
5. Conduct hearings within 24 hours to determine whether:
a. An order for stoppage of work or suspension of operations shall be lifted or not; and
b. Er shall pay employees concerned their salaries in case the violation is attributable to his fault. (As amended by RA 7730; Guico v.
Secretary, G.R. No. 131750, Nov.16, 1998)
1. Existence of an ErEe relationship
2. Existence of a labor dispute
3. Employment relation is deemed to continue although in a state of belligerent suspension
4. Temporary work stoppage
5. Work stoppage is done through concerted action
6. The striking group is a legitimate labor organization; in case of a bargaining deadlock, it must be the employees sole bargaining
1.Economic strike used to secure the economic demands such as higher wages and better working conditions for the workers
2. ULP strike protest against ULP of management
1. Legal Strike
2. Illegal Strike
3. Economic Strike
4. ULP Strike
5. Slow Down Strike
6. WildCat Strike
7. Sit Down Strike
1. Contrary to specific prohibition of law, such as strike by employees (Ees) performing governmental functions;
2. Violates a specific reqt of law;
3. Declared for an unlawful purpose, such as inducing the employer (Er) to commit ULP against nonunion Ees;
4. Employs unlawful means in the pursuit of its objective, such as widespread terrorism of nonstrikers;
5. Declared in violation of an existing injunction;
6. Contrary to an existing agreement, such as a no strike clause or conclusive arbitration clause
distinction between the jurisdiction of the labor arbiter (LA) and the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
1. The NLRC has exclusive appellate jurisdiction on all cases decided by the LA.
2. The NLRC does not have original jurisdiction on the cases over which the LA have original and exclusive jurisdiction.
3. The NLRC cannot have appellate jurisdiction if a claim does not fall within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the LA.
4. Labor Standards
5. Labor Relations
6. Social Legislation
4. Law
5. Contract or CBA
6. General Principles of Fair Play and Justice
7. Government EEs
8. EEs of govt corporations w/ original charter
9. Foreign Governments
10. International Agencies/ EEs of inter-governmental or international organizations
11. Corporate officers
12. EEs of local water districts
field personnel
A: They are:
1. Non-agricultural employees
2. Who regularly perform their duties
3. Away from the principal place of business or branch office of the employer; and
4. whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable certainty.
- this includes:
1. Access to employers records and premises at any time of the day or night, whenever work is being undertaken
2. To copy from said records
3. Question any employee and investigate any fact, condition or matter which may be necessary to determine violations or which may aid in
the enforcement of the Labor Code and of any labor law, wage order, or rules and regulation issued pursuant thereto.
1. Nature of work exposes the workers to dangerous environmental elements, contaminants or work conditions
2. Workers are engaged in construction work, logging, fire-fighting, mining, quarrying, blasting, stevedoring, dock work, deep-sea fishing, and
mechanized farming
3. Workers are engaged in the manufacture or handling of explosives and other pyrotechnic products
4. Workers use or are exposed to heavy or power-driven tools
1. Offended party
2. Parents or guardians
3. Ascendants or collateral relatives within the 3rd degree of consanguinity
4. Officer, social worker or representative of a licensed child-caring institution
5. Officer or social worker of DSWD
6. Barangay chairman of the place where the violation occurred, where the child is residing or employed
7. At least 3 concerned, responsible citizens where the violation occurred
1. Services in the Ers home
2. Usually necessary or desirable
3. For the maintenance and employment thereof
4. Includes ministering to the personal comfort and convenience of the members of the Ers household
5. Including services of family drivers
- 1. Original contract of domestic service shall not last for more than 2 years but it may be renewed by the parties. (Art. 142)
2. Entitled to minimum wage in addition to lodging, food, and medical attendance. (Art. 144)
3. Employment contract should be reviewed every 3 years with the end view of improving the terms and conditions of employment. (Art. 143)
4. SSS benefits for those who are receiving at least P1,000 per month. (Art. 143)
5. Non-assignment to a work in a commercial, industrial or agricultural enterprise at a wage or salary rate lower than that provided for
agricultural or non agricultural workers. (Art. 145)
6. Ees under 18 years of age shall be given opportunity for at least elementary education. The cost of education shall be part of the HHs
compensation, unless otherwise stipulated. (Art 146)
7. Should be treated in a just and humane manner. (Art. 147)
8. Not to be treated with physical violence (Art. 147)
9. Suitable and sanitary living headquarters as well as adequate food and medical attendance. (Art. 148)
10. Termination of employment should be
a. upon expiration of term of employment, or
b. based on just cause (Art. 149)
11. Indemnity for unjust termination of service
12. Employment certification as to nature and duration of service and efficiency and conduct of househelper.
Order of Reinstatement+ strained relations =separation pay
Order of Reinstatement+ delay/unjust refusal to reinstate = Backwages,13th month plus other benefits subsists until reinstatement or separation
pay is paid
Order of Reinstatement+ EE found a new job= Er cannot refuse to reinstate the illegally dismissed Ee
Order of Reinstatement+ position no longer available = substantially equivalent position
Order of Reinstatement+ position no longer available + no substantially equivalent position available= Separation pay 1 month/year of service
(Grolier Intl Inc. v. ELA, G.R. No. 83523, Aug. 31, 1989)
3. By Agreement
Any foreign government, international organization, or their whollyowned instrumentality employing workers in the Phils., may enter into
an agreement with the Phil. government for the inclusion of such Ees in the SSS except those already covered by their respective civil service
retirement systems.
kinds of employment which are excepted from compulsory coverage under the SSS Law.
Under Section 8(j) of R.A. 1161, as amended, the following services or employments are excepted from coverage:
1. Employment purely casual and not for the purpose of occupation or business of the employer;
2. Service performed on or in connection with an alien vessel by an employee if he is employed when such vessel is outside the Phils.;
3. Service performed in the employ of the Phils. Government or instrumentality or agency thereof;
4. Service performed in the employ of a foreign government or international organization, or their whollyowned instrumentality:
Provided, however, That this exemption notwithstanding, any foreign government, international organization or their wholly owned
instrumentality employing workers in the Phils.s or employing Filipinos outside of the Phils., may enter into an agreement with the Phils.
Government for the inclusion of such employees in the SSS except those already covered by their respective civil service retirement
systems:Provided, further, That the terms of such agreement shall conform with the provisions of this Act on coverage and amount of
payment of contributions and benefits: Provided, finally, That the provisions of this Act shall be supplementary to any such agreement; and
5. Such other services performed by temporary and other employees which may be excluded by regulation of the Commission. Employees
of bona fide independent contractors shall not be deemed employees of the employer engaging the service of said contractors.
monthly pension
1.The monthly pension shall be the highest of the following amounts:
a. The sum of the following:
ii. P300.00; plus
iii. 20% of the average monthly salary credit; plus
iv. 2% of the average monthly salary credit for each credited year of service in excess of 10 years; or
b. 40% of the average monthly salary credit; or
c. P1,000.00, provided that the monthly pension shall in no case be paid for an aggregate amount of less than sixty (60) months (Sec. 12 [a])
2. Minimum Pension
a. P1,200.00 members with at least 10 credited years of service
b. P2,400.00 for those with 20 credited years of service. (Sec. [b])
1. The legal spouse entitled by law to receive support from the member;
2. The legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted, and illegitimate child who:
a. Is unmarried,
b. Not gainfully employed, and
c. Has not reached 21 years of age, or if over 21 years of age, he is congenitally or while still a minor has been permanently
incapacitated and incapable of selfsupport, physically or mentally.
3. The parent who is receiving regular support from the member.
primary beneficiaries
1. The dependent spouse until he or she remarries
2. The dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted, and illegitimate children,: Provided, That the dependent illegitimate
children shall be entitled to 50% of the share of the legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted children.
Q: What are the options of the retiree with regard to his or her retirement benefits?
A: The retiree may get either of the following:
1. Lump sum equivalent to 6 months of the basic monthly pension (BMP) payable at the time of retirement and an oldage pension benefit
equal to BMP payable for life, starting upon the expiration of the 5 years covered by the lump sum; or
2. Cash payment equivalent to 18 times his BMP and monthly pension for life payable immediately. (Sec. 13[a])
Ees eligible to join a labor organization for mutual aid and protection
The following enjoy the right to selforganization for mutual aid and protection:
1. Ambulant workers
2. Intermittent workers
3. Itinerant workers
4. Selfemployed people
5. Rural workers
6. Those without and definite Ers. (Art. 243)
- The notice of VR shall be accompanied by the original copy and 2 duplicate copies of the following reqts:
1. Joint statement under oath of VR
2. Certificate of posting of joint statement for 15 consecutive days in at least 2 conspicuous places in the establishment of the bargaining
3. Certificate of posting
4. Approximate number of Ees in the bargaining unit and the names of those who supported the recognition
5. Statement that the labor union is the only LLO operating within the bargaining unit.
It is a means of determining the workers choice of:
1. Whether they want a union to represent them for collective bargaining or if they want no union to represent them at all.
2. And if they choose to have a union to represent them, they will choose which among the contending unions will be the sole and exclusive
bargaining representative of the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit.
- It is the power of the SLE to:
1. Issue compliance orders
2. Issue writs of execution for the enforcement of their orders, except in cases where the employer (Er) contests the findings of the labor
officer and raise issues supported by documentary proof which were not considered in the course of inspection
3. Order stoppage of work or suspension of operation when noncompliance with the law or implementing rules and regulations poses grave
and imminent danger to health and safety of workers in the workplace
4. Require Ers to keep and maintain such employment records as may be necessary in aid to the visitorial and enforcement powers
5. Conduct hearings within 24 hours to determine whether:
a. An order for stoppage of work or suspension of operations shall be lifted or not; and
b. Er shall pay employees concerned their salaries in case the violation is attributable to his fault. (As amended by RA 7730; Guico v.
Secretary, G.R. No. 131750, Nov.16, 1998)
1. Existence of an ErEe relationship
2. Existence of a labor dispute
3. Employment relation is deemed to continue although in a state of belligerent suspension
4. Temporary work stoppage
5. Work stoppage is done through concerted action
6. The striking group is a legitimate labor organization; in case of a bargaining deadlock, it must be the employees sole bargaining
1.Economic strike used to secure the economic demands such as higher wages and better working conditions for the workers
2. ULP strike protest against ULP of management
1. Legal Strike
2. Illegal Strike
3. Economic Strike
4. ULP Strike
5. Slow Down Strike
6. WildCat Strike
7. Sit Down Strike
1. Contrary to specific prohibition of law, such as strike by employees (Ees) performing governmental functions;
2. Violates a specific reqt of law;
3. Declared for an unlawful purpose, such as inducing the employer (Er) to commit ULP against nonunion Ees;
4. Employs unlawful means in the pursuit of its objective, such as widespread terrorism of nonstrikers;
5. Declared in violation of an existing injunction;
6. Contrary to an existing agreement, such as a no strike clause or conclusive arbitration clause
distinction between the jurisdiction of the labor arbiter (LA) and the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
1. The NLRC has exclusive appellate jurisdiction on all cases decided by the LA.
2. The NLRC does not have original jurisdiction on the cases over which the LA have original and exclusive jurisdiction.
3. The NLRC cannot have appellate jurisdiction if a claim does not fall within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the LA.