Skill 13 (1) ..Collection of A Midstream

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SKILL 13 Collection of a Midstream, Clean Catch Urine

Specimen on Older Child
EQUIPMENT 2. Repeat process with water to rinse away all soap.
Urine specimen container, sterile Removes soap or antiseptic solution, which could
Washcloths, cotton balls, or softnets contaminate the specimen.
Antiseptic solution or soap
NOTE: Older children can clean themselves. They
Sterile water
should be instructed to wash their hands and then
Bedpan or urinal if child on bedrest
clean in manner as described above.
Gloves, nonsterile
5. Have child start to void into a receptacle (e.g., bedpan,
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SPECIMEN hat); after a few drops, stop flow, then urinate into ster-
COLLECTION ile container. Collect enough urine for a specimen,
1. Check physician’s order. Ensures appropriate specimen approximately 30–50 cc.
obtained from the correct child. 6. Allow child to finish voiding in receptacle.
2. Check child for allergies to any materials used, e.g., 7. Label specimen and place in appropriate bag or con-
povidone-iodine. tainer along with laboratory requisition slip. Ensures
3. Prepare child and family. Enhances cooperation/partici- specimen is properly identified and correct test is per-
pation; reduces anxiety/fear. formed.
8. Remove gloves. Wash hands. Reduces transmission of
NOTE: Have an assistant hold/comfort the child as nec-
essary and in accordance with agency policy.
9. Send specimen to lab.
4. Gather equipment. Promotes organization and effi-
5. Wash hands. Don gloves. Reduces transmission of COLLECTION
microorganisms. 1. Time specimen collected.
2. Amount of urine collected.
3. Color of urine.
1. Steps 1–5 of General Guidelines.
4. Type of test to be performed.
2. Moisten half of washcloths, cotton balls, or softnets with
5. Condition of skin of perineal area.
soap solution and half with water.
3. Put on nonsterile gloves. Protects from contact with
4. Cleanse area. URINE SPECIMEN
a. Male.
1. Wipe tip of penis in circular motion downward See Skill 29, Urinary Catheterization.
toward shaft. Wipe only once with each cloth or
cotton ball. Repeat until comes away clean. If
uncircumcised, retract foreskin before cleansing.
Retract only if it retracts easily and replace fore-
skin after cleansing. Maintains asepsis by cleaning
from least to most contaminated area.
2. Repeat process using water to rinse away all soap.
Removes soap or antiseptic solution, which could
contaminate the specimen.
b. Female.
1. Spread the labia major with one hand and wipe
from front to back once with each cloth or cotton
ball. Repeat until comes away clean. Maintains
asepsis by cleaning from least contaminated to
most contaminated area.

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