This document provides background information on an entrepreneur who is starting a furniture business. It includes details about the entrepreneur's profile, the business objectives, production and marketing plans.
The key points are:
1) The entrepreneur has experience in the furniture industry and plans to start their own business making and selling furniture.
2) The production plan outlines the machinery, materials, labor costs and productivity needed for the business.
3) The marketing plan analyzes the local furniture market, identifies customers, and forecasts initial sales targets for the business.
This document provides background information on an entrepreneur who is starting a furniture business. It includes details about the entrepreneur's profile, the business objectives, production and marketing plans.
The key points are:
1) The entrepreneur has experience in the furniture industry and plans to start their own business making and selling furniture.
2) The production plan outlines the machinery, materials, labor costs and productivity needed for the business.
3) The marketing plan analyzes the local furniture market, identifies customers, and forecasts initial sales targets for the business.
This document provides background information on an entrepreneur who is starting a furniture business. It includes details about the entrepreneur's profile, the business objectives, production and marketing plans.
The key points are:
1) The entrepreneur has experience in the furniture industry and plans to start their own business making and selling furniture.
2) The production plan outlines the machinery, materials, labor costs and productivity needed for the business.
3) The marketing plan analyzes the local furniture market, identifies customers, and forecasts initial sales targets for the business.
This document provides background information on an entrepreneur who is starting a furniture business. It includes details about the entrepreneur's profile, the business objectives, production and marketing plans.
The key points are:
1) The entrepreneur has experience in the furniture industry and plans to start their own business making and selling furniture.
2) The production plan outlines the machinery, materials, labor costs and productivity needed for the business.
3) The marketing plan analyzes the local furniture market, identifies customers, and forecasts initial sales targets for the business.
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Chapter-1 Business Profile of the Entrepreneur
1.1. Name : Abdul Wahid s/o Muhammad Ashraf Khan
1.2. Domicile : Old Polo Ground Muhallah Gilgi Disric Norhern Areas 1.!. Dae of "irh : 2#$12$1%&' 1.# (/) No. : '*+$&'$+,'#'& 1.*. -ducaion : ..A 1.&. "usiness -/0erience: 1he -nre0reneur has been carr2ing business in 0arnershi0 3ih Decen .urniure4s for he las * 2ears and has gained sufficien e/0erience in manufacuring furniure and mar5eing. No3 he has sared his o3n business locaed a Old Polo Ground muhallah Gilgi )i2. 1he enre0reneur has good mar5eing re0uaion in he arge area and has a large cusomer base. 1.'. O3ner4s -6ui2 : Current Assets 1 )ash in 7and 8s.1+++++ Fixed Assets 2 9and :1, marlas; 8s. 1*!+++ ! "uilding 8s.2!*#%++ # Machiner2/e6ui0men: $<a3 Machine large 8s.%++++ $<a3 Machine small 8s.*++++ $Plainer 8s.&*+++ $Gauge Machine 8s.**+++ $<0indle machine 8s.'*+++ $8ooer Machine 8s.1*+++ $Kharad Machine 8s.!*+++ $Drill machine * Nos 8s.!++++ 8s. #1*+++ Total fixed Assets Rs.2922900 Total assets Rs.3022900 1.,. .inancing of he Pro=ec: O3ners -6ui2 8s.!+22%++ (n>esmen re6uired 8s.!++++++ 1oal: 8s.&+22%++ 1.%.-6ui2 raio: *+:*+ 1.1+. Addiional )a0ial re6uired: 8a3 maerial imber 8s.1*+++++/$ Direc /(ndirec labour8s.1#1&+++/$ Promoional e/0enses 8s. *++++/$ Mar5eing e/0enses 8s. *++++/$ Admin e/0enses 8s. &++++/$ Rs.30!!000 1.11. ?ob creaion: O3ner/Manager +1 )ar0ener +& Polishers +2 <a3 machine o0eraor +1 7el0ers +2 Guards +2 1oal: 1# Abdul Wahid -nre0reneur Chapter-2 "ntrodu#tion of the Business 1he Norhern Areas com0rised of fi>e disrics ha>ing a 0o0ulaion of abou 1.2 million masses. 1he li>elihood of he 0eo0le is de0enden on agriculure@ foresr2@ business and =obs 0ro>ided b2 he Go>ernmen and he 0ri>ae secor. One of he ma=or fuure 0oenial businesses is idenified o be he furniure indusr2 because of he fac ha ra3 maerial is a>ailable a chea0er raes as com0ared o he res 0ars of he counr2. 1here are fe3 similar indusries ha canno mee he gro3ing demands of he Go>ernmen@ NGO4s/Pri>ae secor and he communiies. 1here is large consumer mar5e for furniure i.e. sofa ses@ chairs@ ables@ sho3 cases@ office rags@ 3ooden cu0boards and oher domesic consumable iems ec. A 0resen he demand of he consumers boh 0ublic and 0ri>ae secor is me largel2 hrough im0ors from he res 0ars of he counr2 due o non$ e/isence of he furniure indusr2. Wih he esablishmen of his coage indusr2 in he Gilgi ci2 ma/imum demand of he local 0o0ulace 3ould be me besides 0ro>iding =obs o00oruniies o he s5illed/uns5illed labour. 2.1 $a%e of the Business&"ndustr' 1he nomenclaure of he business/(ndusr2 is AModern .urniure (ndusr2B locaed a Old Pologround Muhalla 1ehsil and Disric Gilgi 2.2 ()*e#ti+es of the Business 1he main ob=eci>e of he business is o earn 0rofi hrough manufacuring and mar5eing of local made furniure 3ih 6uali2 conrol in he fi>e disrics of Norhern Areas in a susainable manner. 1his 0ro=ec 3ill also hel0 o u0grade/im0ro>e he local s5ills for he beer earning and add o generae he economic aci>i2 he region. 2.3.1 Chara#teristi#s of the Business * 1he businesses aci>iies 3ill remain coninue hrough ou he 2ear. & 1he furniure ma5ing indusr2 has become a need of he da2 in he region. ' 1here are less com0eiors in he mar5e. , 1he business is 0rofiable echnicall2 sound and economicall2 beneficial for he arge area. % ( 3ould also lead o de>elo0 relaed small businesses in foresr2 and 3oodcar>ing ec. 1+ ( 3ould reduce relaed im0ors. 2.2 ,e-al status of the Business 1he sae la3s/local la3s and radiional la3s srongl2 su00or he furniure indusr2 in his 0ar of he counr2. 1he Go>ernmen and 0ri>ae secor 0olicies are >er2 conduci>e o3ards he business. 2.3 En+iron%ental i%pa#t 1he business 3ill be run in accordance 3ih he global com0eii>eness rends. Necessar2 0ro>ision in he esimaes of he business aci>iies ha>e been 0ro>ided o conrol he haCards of 0olluion if an2 arises during he 0lan 0eriod. 2.. Plan period 1his business 0lan is de>elo0ed for a 0eriod of fi>e 2ears from he dae of a00ro>al :2++!$2++,; a5ing he fiscal 2ear as ?ul2$?une of e>er2 calendar 2ear. 1he 0roducion 0rocess 3ill sar soon afer he loan is sancioned. Chapter-3 Produ#tion Plan 3.1 Esta)lish%ent of the Furniture "ndustr' 1he indusr2/business has alread2 been esablished 3ih and iniial in>esmen of 8s.!+22%++ a he old 0olo ground muhallah. 1he land/consrucion@ machiner2 and e6ui0men are he 0ersonal 0ro0er2 of he enre0reneur. 3.2 Fixed Assets 1he follo3ing are he fi/ed asses of he business: 11 9and :1, marlas; 8s. 1*!+++ 12 "uilding 8s.2!*#%++ 1! Machiner2/e6ui0men: $<a3 Machine large 8s.%++++ $<a3 Machine small 8s.*++++ $Plainer 8s.&*+++ $Gauge Machine 8s.**+++ $<0indle machine 8s.'*+++ $8ooer Machine 8s.1*+++ $Kharad Machine 8s.!*+++ $Drill machine * Nos 8s.!++++ 8s. #1*+++ Total fixed Assets Rs.2922900 3.3 ,ife of fixed Assets 1he life of he fi/ed asses e/ce0 land is as under: )onsruced "uilding *+ 2ears All machiner2 !+ 2ears Accordingl2 he de0reciaion coss 3ill be 8s.1!,++ for machiner2 :! 0er cen; and building i is 8s.#'1++/$:2 0er cen; 0er 2ear. 3.. Cost of Ra/ 0aterial 1he cos of ra3 maerial is calculaed as under: $ 1imber/3ood 8s. '+++++/$ $Win "oard 8s. 2+++++/$ $7ard 3are 8s. 2+++++/$ $Glasses 8s. 1+++++/$ $Polish Maerial 8s. 1+++++/$ $)loh for sofa ses 8s. 1+++++/$ $.oam and cushions 8s. 1+++++/$ Total Rs.1100000&- 3.1 A+aila)ilit' of Ra/ 0aterial 1he imber/3ood and oher ra3 maerial is a>ailable all he imes in he local mar5e and no difficulies are foreseeable. 3.1 Cost of la)our
1he business 3ill 0a2 a sum of 8s.1++++/$ 0er monh as o3ner4s salar2 as Manager. 1he oher em0lo2ees 3ill be 0aid salar2 0er monh as under: 2esi-nation $u%)er 0onthl' salar' Annual salar' <u0er>isor +1 12+++/$ 1##+++/$ <a3 machine o0eraor +1 1++++/$ 12++++/$ )ar0eners +& 1++++/$ '2++++/$ Polishers +2 1++++/$ 2#++++/$ 7el0ers +2 *+++/$ 12++++/$ Guards +2 !+++/$ '2+++/$ Total 1. 10000&- 1.1!000 3.3 ,a)our A+aila)ilit' No foreseeable 0roblem is e/0eced. 3.4 ,a)our produ#ti+it' All he labour 3ill be em0lo2ed on conrac basis. 7o3e>er as an inceni>e he2 3ill be ser>ed 3ih lunch/ea during 3or5ing hours in addiion o heir remuneraion. 3.3 Ad%inistrati+e #osts 1hese coss ma2 include saioner2@ re0air and mainenance of machiner2/e6ui0men ec. A sum of 8s.*++++/$ has been 0ro>ided o co>er he coss 0er 2ear. Chapter-. 0ar5etin- Plan ..1 0ar5et sur+e'&Resear#h 1he enre0reneur has conduced sur>e2 and research of he business. 1he sud2 informaion included@ legal saus@ mar5e and sales@ 0rofi earning raion and fuure 0oenial of he business. 1he ma=or cusomers of he business are Pubic /0ri>ae secor@ and he communiies. 1he manufacured 0roducs are 3ih in heir 0urchasing 0o3er. ..2 0ar5et 2e%and&6uppl' 1here is 1++ D demand of furniure and ha is 0ermanen naure. 1he su00l2 is 6uie less as com0ared o he oal demand locall2 a he mo>emen i.e. 2* D. ..3 0ar5et Area 1he mar5e area is 3hole NA4s :fi>e disrics;. Wih he e/0ansion of he business here can be e/0ansion in he naional mar5e as 3ell. ... 0ar5et #o%petition 1here are fe3er com0eiors in he business in he local mar5e herefore he business en>ironmen is 6uie fa>ourable in he region. ..1 0ar5et 6hare 1he enre0reneur 3ill ca0ure he mar5e graduall2 u0 o *+ D during he 0ro=ec 0lan 0eriod. 1he coss of manufacured 0roducs are 3ih in he 0urchasing 0o3er of he cusomers and he cusomer4s base 3ill be increased during he 0lan 0eriod hrough 6uali2 deli>er2. ..! 6ellin- pri#es 1he selling 0rices 3ill be mar5e based and 6uali2 of 0roducion. 7o3e>er he follo3ing 3ill be differen 0rices of differen manufacured 0roducs: 1# <ofa <es 8s.1*+++/$ each se 1* Double bed 0lung 8s.*+++/$ each uni 1& <ho3 cases 8s.'+++/$ each uni 1' Officer ables 8s.,+++/$ each uni 1, Office ables 8s.#+++/$ each uni 1% Office chairs 8s.12++/$each uni 2+ Officer chairs 8s.2*++/$ each uni 21 .ile rags 8s. #++/$ each uni 22 )u0boards 8s. #+++/$ each uni 1he flucuaion in 0rices 3ill be no more han 1+D is esimaed 0er annum. ..3 6ales fore#ast 1he sales during he firs 2ear 3ill fi/ he arge for he remaining 0eriod of he 0ro=ec 0lan. 1he arges 3ill be achie>ed slo3 and graduall2 hrough a sraeg2 5ee0ing in >ie3 he 0roduc c2cle i.e. #P4s. 1he 0ro=eced sale of furniure for he 2ear 2++! is sho3n in he able belo3: Descri0ion No. Of Enis Eni 0rice 8s. 1oal sales 8s. <ofa ses *+ 1*+++ '*++++ Double bed 0lung ec 2++ *+++ 1++++++ <ho3 cases *+ '+++ !*++++ Officer able 1++ ,+++ ,+++++ Office ables !++ #+++ 12+++++ Officer chairs 1++ 2*++ 2*++++ )u0boards 2++ #+++ ,+++++ .ile rags *++ *++ 2*++++ 1oal 1&++ *#+++++ 1he sales 3ill be increased hrough increase in he cusomer4s base a leas *$1+ D annuall2. 1he a>erage cos 0er uni comes o 8s.!!'*/$ and he a>erage selling 0rice is *'*+/$ 0er uni herefore he business is 0rofiable in a susainable manner. ..4 0ar5et strate-' 1he mar5eing sraeg2 3ill be based on he 6uali2 of 0roducs. "usiness conacs 3ill be de>elo0ed 3ih he sa5eholders during he 0lan 0eriod according o he ne3 mar5e rends. .or effeci>e mar5eing sub$sraegies 3ill also be de>elo0ed o raise he manufacured goods u0 o he le>el of mauri2. ..9 Pro%otional Expenses 1he 0romoional e/0enses ma2 include gifs@ ad>erisemen charges ec. an amoun of 8s.*++++/$ is 0ro>ided in he budge for meeing such e/0enses. ..10 0ar5etin- expenses he mar5eing e/0enses ma2 be in he form of ra>eling e/0enses@ ele0hone charges and enerainmens ec. herefore 8s. *++++/$ has been 0ro>ided in he budge for meeing he anici0aed mar5eing e/0enses. ..10 (r-ani7ational Chart 0ana-er 6uper+isor 6a/ %a#hine operator Carpenters polishers 8elpers9 8elpers :uards Chapter-1 Finan#ial Plan '.1 )a0ial 8e6uiremen :Pro=ec cos; 3.1.1 Current Assets $)ash in hand Rs.100000&- 3.1.2 Fixed Assets $9and 8s. 1*!+++/$ $"uilding 8s.2!*#%++/$ $Machiner2/e6ui0men 8s. #1*+++/$ Total; Rs.2922900&- 3.1.3 Pre-operatin- expenses Rs. 2100&- 3.1.. <or5in- Capital $Purchase of ra3 maerial 8s.1*+++++/$ $O>erheads 8s.1#1&+++/$ $Promoional e/0enses 8s. *++++/$ $Mar5eing e/0enses 8s. *++++/$ $Admin.coss 8s. &++++ &- Total; Rs.30!!000&- Total #apital in+est%ent Rs.!001.00 6a'==========Rs.!000000&- 3.1.1 Finan#in- Plan Mr. Abdul 3ahid he o3ner o 3hom i ma2 concern has alread2 in>esed and conribued a sum of 8s. 2%22%++/$ co>ering iniial cos of land/building/machiner2 and e6ui0men ec. An amoun of 8s.!+@ ++@+++ 3ould be re6uired as an addiional in>esmen/3or5ing ca0ial for he res of he business aci>iies. 1he loan re6uiremen can be sho3n as under: Parti#ulars (/ners e>uit' Rs. ,oan re>uired Rs. Total in+est%ent )urren Asses 1+++++ FF. 1+++++ .i/ed Asses 2%22%++ FF. 2%22%++ Pre$O0 e/0enses 2*++ FF. 2*++ Wor5ing ca0ial F.. !++++++ !++++++ Total 3021.00 3000000 !021.00 3.1.! 6e#urit' a-ainst ,oan 1he o3ner inends o run he business@ geing a loan of 8s.!++++++/$from he Kara5uram )oo0erai>e "an5 9d. Norhern Areas Gilgi under s0ecial scheme for Pro=ec financing. 1he o3ner is 3illing o 0ro>ide securi2 and morgage his 0ersonal 0ro0er2/Asses of he business agains he loan gran in fa>our of he said ban5. 1he rele>an documens i.e. ma0 of building@ land measuring 1, MarlaC 3ih >aluaion cerificae is aached 3ih he a00licaion form. 3.1.3 Profit ? ,oss A##ount for the 'ear Endin- @une 2003 $A>erage <ales 8s. %2+++++/$ - less 8a3 maerial 8s.1*+++++/$ O>erheads 8s.1#1&+++/$ 8s.2%1&+++/$ :ross Profit Rs.!24.000&- ,ess $Promoional e/0enses 8s. *++++/$ $Mar5eing -/0enses 8s.*++++/$ $Adminisrai>e -/0enses 8s.&++++/$ $et profit )efore interest Rs.!12.000&- ,oan repa'%ent Rs.1010000&- $et profit Rs.103.000 3.1.4 Pro*e#ted Balan#e sheet 30-!-2003 Assets A%ount Rs. Current assets )ash in hand %2+++++/$ Fixed Assets 9and 1*!+++/$ "uilding 2!*#%++/$ Machiner2/e6ui0men #1*+++/$ Accumulaed de0reciaion :&+%++/$; Fixed Assets; 24!2000&- Total assets; 120!2000&- ,ia)ilities O3ner4s -6ui2 &+2*#++/$ 9oan insallmen/ineres %&2&++/$ Profi *+'#+++/$ Total lia)ilities 120!2000