MR2326 S4C (Ig) 052606
MR2326 S4C (Ig) 052606
MR2326 S4C (Ig) 052606
Impdance la terre
When using a fiber optic port, never look at the transmit laser while it is
powered on. Also, never look directly at the fiber TX port and fiber cable
ends when they are powered on.
Ne regardez jamais le laser tant qu'il est sous tension. Ne regardez
jamais directement le port TX (Transmission) fibres optiques et les
embouts de cbles fibres optiques tant qu'ils sont sous tension.
Niemals ein bertragungslaser betrachten, whrend dieses
eingeschaltet ist. Niemals direkt auf den Faser-TX-Anschlu
und auf die Faserkabelenden schauen, whrend diese
eingeschaltet sind.
Important! Before making connections, make sure you have the correct cord set. Check
it (read the label on the cable) against the following:
Veuillez lire fond l'information de la scurit suivante avant
d'installer le Switch:
AVERTISSEMENT: Linstallation et la dpose de ce groupe doivent tre confis un
personnel qualifi.
Ne branchez pas votre appareil sur une prise secteur (alimentation lectrique) lorsqu'il
n'y a pas de connexion de mise la terre (mise la masse).
Vous devez raccorder ce groupe une sortie mise la terre (mise la masse) afin de
respecter les normes internationales de scurit.
Le coupleur dappareil (le connecteur du groupe et non pas la prise murale) doit
respecter une configuration qui permet un branchement sur une entre dappareil EN
60320/IEC 320.
La prise secteur doit se trouver proximit de lappareil et son accs doit tre facile.
Vous ne pouvez mettre lappareil hors circuit quen dbranchant son cordon lectrique
au niveau de cette prise.
Lappareil fonctionne une tension extrmement basse de scurit qui est conforme
la norme IEC 60950. Ces conditions ne sont maintenues que si lquipement auquel il
est raccord fonctionne dans les mmes conditions.
Power Cord Set
U.S.A. and Canada The cord set must be UL-approved and CSA certified.
The minimum specifications for the flexible cord are:
- No. 18 AWG - not longer than 2 meters, or 16 AWG.
- Type SV or SJ
- 3-conductor
The cord set must have a rated current capacity of at least 10 A
The attachment plug must be an earth-grounding type with NEMA
5-15P (15 A, 125 V) or NEMA 6-15P (15 A, 250 V) configuration.
Denmark The supply plug must comply with Section 107-2-D1, Standard
DK2-1a or DK2-5a.
Switzerland The supply plug must comply with SEV/ASE 1011.
U.K. The supply plug must comply with BS1363 (3-pin 13 A) and be fitted
with a 5 A fuse which complies with BS1362.
The mains cord must be <HAR>or <BASEC>marked and be of type
HO3VVF3GO.75 (minimum).
Europe The supply plug must comply with CEE7/7 (SCHUKO).
The mains cord must be <HAR>or <BASEC>marked and be of type
HO3VVF3GO.75 (minimum).
IEC-320 receptacle.
France et Prou uniquement:
Ce groupe ne peut pas tre aliment par un dispositif impdance la terre. Si vos
alimentations sont du type impdance la terre, ce groupe doit tre aliment par une
tension de 230 V (2 P+T) par le biais dun transformateur disolement rapport 1:1, avec
un point secondaire de connexion portant lappellation Neutre et avec raccordement
direct la terre (masse).
Bitte unbedingt vor dem Einbauen des Switches die folgenden
Sicherheitsanweisungen durchlesen:
WARNUNG: Die Installation und der Ausbau des Gerts darf nur durch Fachpersonal
Das Gert sollte nicht an eine ungeerdete Wechselstromsteckdose angeschlossen
Das Gert mu an eine geerdete Steckdose angeschlossen werden, welche die
internationalen Sicherheitsnormen erfllt.
Der Gertestecker (der Anschlu an das Gert, nicht der Wandsteckdosenstecker) mu
einen gem EN 60320/IEC 320 konfigurierten Gerteeingang haben.
Die Netzsteckdose mu in der Nhe des Gerts und leicht zugnglich sein. Die
Stromversorgung des Gerts kann nur durch Herausziehen des Gertenetzkabels aus
der Netzsteckdose unterbrochen werden.
Der Betrieb dieses Gerts erfolgt unter den SELV-Bedingungen
(Sicherheitskleinstspannung) gem IEC 60950. Diese Bedingungen sind nur gegeben,
wenn auch die an das Gert angeschlossenen Gerte unter SELV-Bedingungen
betrieben werden.
Cordon lectrique - Il doit tre agr dans le pays dutilisation
Etats-Unis et
Le cordon doit avoir reu lhomologation des UL et un certificat de la
Les spe'cifications minimales pour un cable flexible sont AWG No.
18, ouAWG No. 16 pour un cable de longueur infe'rieure a` 2 me'tres.
- type SV ou SJ
- 3 conducteurs
Le cordon doit tre en mesure dacheminer un courant nominal dau
moins 10 A.
La prise femelle de branchement doit tre du type mise la terre
(mise la masse) et respecter la configuration NEMA 5-15P (15 A,
125 V) ou NEMA 6-15P (15 A, 250 V).
Danemark: La prise mle dalimentation doit respecter la section 107-2 D1 de la
norme DK2 1a ou DK2 5a.
Suisse: La prise mle dalimentation doit respecter la norme SEV/ASE 1011.
Europe La prise secteur doit tre conforme aux normes CEE 7/7 (SCHUKO)
LE cordon secteur doit porter la mention <HAR>ou <BASEC>et doit
tre de type HO3VVF3GO.75 (minimum).
Warnings and Cautionary Messages
Warnings (in German)
Stromkabel. Dies muss von dem Land, in dem es benutzt wird geprft werden:
Schweiz Dieser Stromstecker mu die SEV/ASE 1011Bestimmungen einhalt-
Europe Das Netzkabel mu vom Typ HO3VVF3GO.75 (Mindestanforderung)
sein und die Aufschrift <HAR>oder <BASEC>tragen.
Der Netzstecker mu die Norm CEE 7/7 erfllen (SCHUKO).
Warning: This product does not contain any serviceable user parts.
Warning: Installation and removal of the unit must be carried out by qualified
personnel only.
Warning: When connecting this device to a power outlet, connect the field ground lead
on the tri-pole power plug to a valid earth ground line to prevent electrical
Warning: This switch uses lasers to transmit signals over fiber optic cable. The lasers
are compliant with the requirements of a Class 1 Laser Product and are
inherently eye safe in normal operation. However, you should never look
directly at a transmit port when it is powered on.
Caution: Wear an anti-static wrist strap or take other suitable measures to prevent
electrostatic discharge when handling this equipment.
Caution: Do not plug a phone jack connector in the RJ -45 port. This may damage this
device. Les raccordeurs ne sont pas utilis pour le systme tlphonique!
Caution: Use only twisted-pair cables with RJ -45 connectors that conform to FCC
Achtung: Dieses Produkt enthlt keine Teile, die eine Wartung vom Benutzer
Achtung: Installation und Deinstallation des Gertes mssen von qualifiziertem
Servicepersonal durchgefhrt werden.
Achtung: Wenn das Gert an eine Steckdose angeschlossen wird, mu der
Masseanschlu am dreipoligen Netzstecker mit Schutzerde verbunden
werden, um elektrische Gefahren zu vermeiden.
Achtung: Dieses Gert nutzt Laser zur Signalbertragung ber Glasfasern. Die Laser
entsprechen den Anforderungen an eine Lasereinrichtung der Klasse 1 und
sind durch ihre Bauart im normalen Betrieb sicher fr die Augen. Trotzdem
sollte niemals direkt in den einen bertragungskanal geblickt werden, wenn
er eingeschaltet ist.
Environmental Statement
The manufacturer of this product endeavours to sustain an environmentally-friendly policy
throughout the entire production process. This is achieved though the following means:
Adherence to national legislation and regulations on environmental production
Conservation of operational resources.
Waste reduction and safe disposal of all harmful un-recyclable by-products.
Recycling of all reusable waste content.
Design of products to maximize recyclables at the end of the products life span.
Continual monitoring of safety standards.
End of Product Life Span
This product is manufactured in such a way as to allow for the recovery and disposal of all
included electrical components once the product has reached the end of its life.
Manufacturing Materials
There are no hazardous nor ozone-depleting materials in this product.
All printed documentation for this product uses biodegradable paper that originates from
sustained and managed forests. The inks used in the printing process are non-toxic.
This guide details the hardware features of the switch, including its physical and
performance-related characteristics, and how to install the switch.
This guide is for system administrators with a working knowledge of network
management. You should be familiar with switching and networking concepts.
Zielgruppe Dieser Anleitung ist fuer Systemadministratoren mit Erfahrung im
Netzwerkmangement. Sie sollten mit Switch- und Netzwerkkonzepten vertraut sein.
Related Publications
The following publication gives specific information on how to operate and use the
management functions of the switch:
The Management Guide
Also, as part of both switches firmware, there is an online web-based help that describes
all management related features.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-1
Overview 1-1
Switch Architecture 1-2
Network Management Options 1-2
Description of Hardware 1-3
10/100/1000BASE-T Ports 1-3
SFP Slots 1-3
10 Gigabit Ethernet Module Slots 1-4
Stacking Ports 1-4
Port and System Status LEDs 1-4
Optional Redundant Power Supply 1-6
Power Supply Receptacles 1-6
Optional Media Extender Modules 1-7
Extender Module LEDs 1-7
Features and Benefits 1-8
Connectivity 1-8
Expandability 1-8
Performance 1-8
Management 1-8
Chapter 2: Network Planning 2-1
Introduction to Switching 2-1
Application Examples 2-2
Collapsed Backbone 2-2
Network Aggregation Plan 2-3
Remote Connections with Fiber Cable 2-4
Making VLAN Connections 2-5
Using Layer 3 Routing 2-6
Application Notes 2-7
Chapter 3: Installing the Switch 3-1
Selecting a Site 3-1
Ethernet Cabling 3-1
Equipment Checklist 3-2
Package Contents 3-2
Optional Rack-Mounting Equipment 3-2
Mounting 3-3
Rack Mounting 3-3
Desktop or Shelf Mounting 3-4
Installing an Optional Module into the Switch 3-5
Installing an Optional SFP Transceiver 3-6
Connecting Switches in a Stack 3-7
Stacking Topologies 3-8
Connecting to a Power Source 3-8
Connecting to the Console Port 3-9
Wiring Map for Serial Cable 3-9
Chapter 4: Making Network Connections 4-1
Connecting Network Devices 4-1
Twisted-Pair Devices 4-1
Cabling Guidelines 4-1
Connecting to PCs, Servers, Hubs and Switches 4-2
Network Wiring Connections 4-2
Fiber Optic SFP Devices 4-3
10 Gbps Fiber Optic Connections 4-4
Connectivity Rules 4-6
1000BASE-T Cable Requirements 4-6
10 Gbps Ethernet Collision Domain 4-6
1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Collision Domain 4-7
100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Collision Domain 4-7
10 Mbps Ethernet Collision Domain 4-7
Cable Labeling and Connection Records 4-8
Appendix A: Troubleshooting A-1
Diagnosing Switch Indicators A-1
Diagnosing Power Problems with the LEDs A-1
Power and Cooling Problems A-2
Installation A-2
In-Band Access A-2
Stack Troubleshooting A-3
Appendix B: Cables B-1
Twisted-Pair Cable and Pin Assignments B-1
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Pin Assignments B-1
Straight-Through Wiring B-2
Crossover Wiring B-2
1000BASE-T Pin Assignments B-3
Cable Testing for Existing Category 5 Cable B-4
Adjusting Existing Category 5 Cabling to Run 1000BASE-T B-4
Fiber Standards B-4
Appendix C: Specifications C-1
Physical Characteristics C-1
Switch Features C-2
Management Features C-2
Standards C-3
Compliances C-3
Extender Modules C-4
10GBASE Extender Module (XFP) C-4
Appendix D: German Instructions B-1
Eine Site Auswhlen (Selecting a Site - German) B-1
Montage (Rack Mounting Instructions - German) B-2
Rack-Montage B-2
Table 1-1 Supported SFP Transceivers 1-3
Table 1-3 System Status LEDs 1-5
Table 1-2 Port Status LEDs 1-5
Table 1-4 Supported XFP Transceivers 1-7
Table 1-5 Module LEDs 1-7
Table 3-1 Serial Cable Wiring 3-9
Table 4-1 Maximum 10GBASE-SR 10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length 4-6
Table 4-2 Maximum 10GBASE-LR 10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length 4-6
Table 4-3 Maximum 10GBASE-ER 10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length 4-6
Table 4-4 Maximum 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length 4-7
Table 4-5 Maximum 1000BASE-SX Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length 4-7
Table 4-6 Maximum 1000BASE-LX Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length 4-7
Table 4-7 Maximum 1000BASE-LH Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length 4-7
Table 4-8 Maximum Fast Ethernet Cable Length 4-7
Table 4-9 Maximum Ethernet Cable Length 4-7
Table A-1 Troubleshooting Chart A-1
Table A-2 Power/RPS LEDs A-1
Table B-1 10/100BASE-TX MDI and MDI-X Port Pinouts B-2
Table B-2 1000BASE-T MDI and MDI-X Port Pinouts B-3
Figure 1-1 Front Panel 1-1
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel 1-2
Figure 1-3 Port LEDs 1-4
Figure 1-4 System LEDs 1-5
Figure 1-5 Power Supply Receptacle 1-6
Figure 1-6 Single-Port 10GBASE Module (XFP) 1-7
Figure 2-1 Collapsed Backbone 2-2
Figure 2-2 Network Aggregation Plan 2-3
Figure 2-3 Remote Connections with Fiber Cable 2-4
Figure 2-4 Making VLAN Connections 2-5
Figure 2-5 IP Routing for Unicast Traffic 2-6
Figure 3-1 RJ -45 Connections 3-2
Figure 3-2 Attaching the Brackets 3-3
Figure 3-3 Installing the Switch in a Rack 3-4
Figure 3-4 Attaching the Adhesive Feet 3-4
Figure 3-5 Installing an Optional Module 3-5
Figure 3-6 Inserting an SFP Transceiver into a Slot 3-6
Figure 3-7 Making Stacking Connections 3-7
Figure 3-8 Power Receptacle 3-8
Figure 3-9 Serial Port (RJ -45) Pin-Out 3-9
Figure 4-1 Making Twisted-Pair Connections 4-2
Figure 4-2 Network Wiring Connections 4-3
Figure 4-3 Making Connections to SFP Transceivers 4-4
Figure 4-4 Connecting to an XFP Transceiver 4-5
Figure B-1 RJ -45 Connector Pin Numbers B-1
Figure B-2 Straight-through Wiring B-2
Figure B-3 Crossover Wiring B-3
Chapter 1: Introduction
This Gigabit Ethernet Switch is an intelligent multilayer switch (Layer 2, 3) with 24
10/100/1000BASE-T ports, four of which are combination ports
that are shared with
four SFP transceiver slots (see Figure 1-1, Ports 21-24). The rear panel provides
two slots for single-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet hot-swappable expansion modules, and
two stacking ports. Units can be stacked up to eight high through the built-in stacking
ports that provide a 48 Gbps stack backplane.
The switch includes an SNMP-based management agent embedded on the main
board, which supports both in-band and out-of-band access for managing the stack.
The switch can easily tame your network with full support for Spanning Tree
Protocol, Multicast Switching, Virtual LANs, and IP routing. It brings order to poorly
performing networks by segregating them into separate broadcast domains with
IEEE 802.1Q compliant VLANs, empowers multimedia applications with multicast
switching and CoS services, and eliminates conventional router bottlenecks.
The switch can be used to augment or completely replace slow legacy routers,
off-loading local IP traffic to release valuable resources for non-IP routing or WAN
access. With wire-speed performance for Layer 2 and Layer 3, these switches can
significantly improve the throughput between IP segments or VLANs.
Figure 1-1 Front Panel
* If an SFP transceiver is plugged in, the corresponding RJ -45 port is disabled for ports 21-24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
Serial Console Port
SFP Slots
Port Status LEDs System Status LEDs
Stack ID
10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 Ports
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel
Switch Architecture
This Gigabit Ethernet switch employs a wire-speed, non-blocking switching fabric.
This permits simultaneous wire-speed transport of multiple packets at low latency on
all ports. The switch also features full-duplex capability on all ports, which effectively
doubles the bandwidth of each connection.
For communications between different VLANs, this switch uses IP routing. For
communications within the same VLAN, it uses store-and-forward switching to
ensure maximum data integrity. With store-and-forward switching, the entire packet
must be received into a buffer and checked for validity before being forwarded. This
prevents errors from being propagated throughout the network.
This switch includes built-in stacking ports that enable up to eight units to be
connected together through a 48 Gbps stack backplane. The switch stack can be
managed from a master unit using a single IP address.
This switch also includes two slots on the rear panel for slide-in single-port
10GBASE modules with XFP transceivers.
Network Management Options
This switch contains a comprehensive array of LEDs for at-a-glance monitoring of
network and port status. The switch also includes a management agent that allows
you to configure or monitor the switch using its embedded management software, or
via SNMP applications. To manage the switch, you can make a direct connection to
the console port (out-of-band), or you can manage the switch through a network
connection (in-band) using Telnet, the on-board web agent, or SNMP-based network
management software.
For a detailed description of the switches advanced features, refer to the Gigabit
Ethernet Switch Management Guide.
Stacking Ports
Power Socket
Redundant Power Socket Module Slots
Description of Hardware
Description of Hardware
10/100/1000BASE-T Ports
The switch contains 24 RJ -45 ports that operate at 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, half or full
duplex, or at 1000 Mbps, full duplex. Because all ports on the switch support
automatic MDI/MDI-X operation, you can use straight-through cables for all network
connections to PCs or servers, or to other switches or hubs. (See 1000BASE-T Pin
Assignments on page B-3.)
Each of these ports support auto-negotiation, so the optimum transmission mode
(half or full duplex), and data rate (10, 100, or 1000 Mbps) can be selected
automatically. If a device connected to one of these ports does not support
auto-negotiation, the communication mode of that port can be configured manually.
SFP Slots
The Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) transceiver slots are shared with four of the
RJ -45 ports (ports 21~24). In its default configuration, if an SFP transceiver
(purchased separately) is installed in a slot and has a valid link on its port, the
associated RJ -45 port is disabled and cannot be used. The switch can also be
configured to force the use of an RJ -45 port or SFP slot, as required.
Table 1-1 Supported SFP Transceivers
Media Standard Cable Diameter
Vendor Part Number Maximum
1000BASE-SX 50/125 850 Agilent HFBR-5701LP 550 m
ApacOpto KM28-C3S-TC-N 550 m
Stratos SPLC-20-4-1-B-R6 1 km
Delta LCP-2488A4ES 300 m
Finisar FTRJ-8519-7D 550 m
Finisar FTRJ-8519-3 550 m
Infinion V23818-K305-B57 700 m
Picolight PL-XPL-VC-S13-11 860 m
62.5/125 850 Agilent HFBR-5701LP 275 m
ApacOpto KM28-C3S-TC-N 550 m
Stratos SPLC-20-4-1-B-R6 500 m
Finisar FTRJ-8519-7D 300 m
1000BASE-LX 50/125 1300 Infineon V23818-K15-B57 700 m
62.5/125 1300 Infineon V23818-K15-B57 700 m
9/125 1300 ComXion CX-SSP131250-10 10 km
E2O ES125-LP3TA-A-F1-LX1-MT 10 km
Infinion V23818-K15-B57 10 km
10 Gigabit Ethernet Module Slots
This switch includes two slots on the rear panel for hot-swappable single-port
10GBASE modules with XFP transceivers. Refer to Optional Media Extender
Modules on page 1-7 for more information on this module and the supported 10G
Stacking Ports
This unit includes two stacking ports that provide a 48 Gbps high-speed serial stack
backplane connection. Up to eight switches can be connected together using
optional stacking cables. The Stack Master button enables one switch in the stack to
be selected as the Master unit for managing the entire stack.
Port and System Status LEDs
This switch includes a display panel for key system and port indications that simplify
installation and network troubleshooting. The LEDs, which are located on the front
panel for easy viewing, are shown below and described in the following tables.
Figure 1-3 Port LEDs
1000BASE-LH 9/125 1310 Linksys MGBLH1 40 km
Picolight PL-XPL-LC-L13-11 40 km
Table 1-1 Supported SFP Transceivers (Continued)
Media Standard Cable Diameter
Vendor Part Number Maximum
Port Status LEDs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Description of Hardware
Figure 1-4 System LEDs
Table 1-2 Port Status LEDs
LED Condition Status
On/Flashing Amber Port has a valid link at 10 or 100 Mbps. Flashing indicates activity.
On/Flashing Green Port has a valid link at 1000 Mbps. Flashing indicates activity.
Off The link is down.
Table 1-3 System Status LEDs
LED Condition Status
Power Green Internal power is operating normally.
Amber Internal power supply failure.
Off Power off or failure.
Diag Flashing Green System self-diagnostic test in progress.
Green System self-diagnostic test successfully completed.
Amber System self-diagnostic test has detected a fault.
RPS Green Redundant power supply is receiving power.
Amber Fault in redundant power supply, including thermal or fan failure.
Off Redundant power supply is off or not plugged in.
Stack Master Green Switch is the Master unit of the stack. State may include topology
discovery, IP assignment, or normal operations.
Flashing Green Switch is the Master unit of the stack, system is initializing.
Amber Switch is operating as a Slave unit in the stack.
Flashing Amber System in Master arbitration/election state.
Off System in standalone mode.
Stack Link Green Uplink and downlink operating normally.
Flashing Green Uplink has failed.
Flashing Amber Downlink has failed.
Off No stacking link present.
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
Stack ID
Diag Module
System Status LEDs
Optional Redundant Power Supply
The switch supports an optional Redundant Power Supply (RPS), that can supply
power to the switch in the event the internal power supply fails.
Power Supply Receptacles
There are two power receptacles on the rear panel of the switch. The standard
power receptacle is for the AC power cord. The receptacle labeled RPS is for the
optional Redundant Power Supply (RPS).
Figure 1-5 Power Supply Receptacle
Module Green An expansion module is installed and operating normally.
Amber An expansion module is installed but has failed.
Off There is no module installed.
Stack ID 1-8 Indicates the switch stack ID.
The Master unit is numbered 1. (Note that If the master unit fails
and a backup unit takes over, the stack IDs do not change.)
Slave units are numbered 2-8.
Off In standalone mode.
Table 1-3 System Status LEDs (Continued)
LED Condition Status
Power Socket
Redundant Power Socket
Description of Hardware
Optional Media Extender Modules
10GBASE XFP Module
Figure 1-6 Single-Port 10GBASE Module (XFP)
The modules XFP slot supports standard 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10G) XFP
transceivers. The 10GBASE transceivers operate at 10 Gbps full duplex with
support for flow control.
Extender Module LED
The optional 10GBASE slide-in module includes its own integrated LED indicator on
the modules front panel. The following table describes the LED.
Table 1-4 Supported XFP Transceivers
Media Standard Vendor Part Number Maximum Distance
10GBASE-SR JDS Uniphase 64P0194 300 m
Picolight PL-XXL-SC-S45-01
10GBASE-LR Bookham IGF-17311 10 km
Finisar FTRX-1411D3
JDS Uniphase 64P0215
10GBASE-ER Finisar FTRX-1611-3 40 km
Table 1-5 Module LED
LED Condition Status
On/Flashing Green Port has a valid link at 10 Gbps. Flashing indicates activity.
Off The link is down.
Features and Benefits
24 10/100/1000 Mbps ports for easy Gigabit Ethernet integration and for protection
of your investment in legacy LAN equipment.
Auto-negotiation enables each RJ -45 port to automatically select the optimum
communication mode (half or full duplex) if this feature is supported by the
attached device; otherwise the port can be configured manually.
RJ -45 10/100/1000BASE-T ports support auto MDI/MDI-X pinout selection.
Unshielded (UTP) cable supported on all RJ -45 ports: Category 3 or better for
10 Mbps connections, Category 5 or better for 100 Mbps connections, and
Category Category 5, 5e, 6 or better for 1000 Mbps connections.
IEEE 802.3-2002 Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and IEEE 802.3ae
10 Gigabit Ethernet compliance ensures compatibility with standards-based hubs,
network cards and switches from any vendor.
Provides stacking capability via high-speed serial ports with 48 Gbps stacking
bandwidth. Up to 8 units can be stacked together.
Supports 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX, and 1000BASE-LH SFP transceivers.
Optional 10GBASE single-port expansion module with an XFP transceiver slot.
Transparent bridging.
Aggregate duplex bandwidth of up to 48 Gbps.
Switching table with a total of 8K MAC address entries and 2K IPv4 address
entries or 1K IPv6 address entries
Provides store-and-forward switching for intra-VLAN traffic, and IP routing for
inter-VLAN traffic.
Supports wire-speed switching at layer 2, and wire-speed routing at layer 3.
Broadcast storm control.
At-a-glance LEDs for easy troubleshooting
Network management agent:
- Manages switch (or entire stack) in-band or out-of-band
- Supports console, Telnet, SSH, SNMP v1/v2c/v3, RMON (4 groups) and
web-based interface
Slave units provide backup stack management.
Chapter 2: Network Planning
Introduction to Switching
A network switch allows simultaneous transmission of multiple packets via
non-crossbar switching. This means that it can partition a network more efficiently
than bridges or routers. This switch has, therefore, been recognized as one of the
most important building blocks for todays networking technology.
When performance bottlenecks are caused by congestion at the network access
point (such as the network card for a high-volume file server), the device
experiencing congestion (server, power user or hub) can be attached directly to a
switched port. And, by using full-duplex mode, the bandwidth of the dedicated
segment can be doubled to maximize throughput.
When networks are based on repeater (hub) technology, the distance between end
stations is limited by a maximum hop count. However, a switch turns the hop count
back to zero. So subdividing the network into smaller and more manageable
segments, and linking them to the larger network by means of a switch, removes this
A switch can be easily configured in any Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet,
or 10G Ethernet network to significantly boost bandwidth while using conventional
cabling and network cards.
Network Planning
Application Examples
The Gigabit Ethernet Switch is not only designed to segment your network, but also
to provide a wide range of options in setting up network connections and linking
VLANs or IP subnets. Some typical applications are described below.
Collapsed Backbone
The Gigabit Ethernet Switch is an excellent choice for mixed Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet installations where significant growth is expected in
the near future. In a basic stand-alone configuration, it can provide direct full-duplex
connections for up to 24 workstations or servers. You can easily build on this basic
configuration, adding direct full-duplex connections to workstations or servers. When
the time comes for further expansion, just connect to another hub or switch using
one of the Gigabit Ethernet ports built into the front panel, a Gigabit Ethernet port on
a plug-in SFP transceiver, or a 10G transceiver on an optional module.
In the figure below, the Gigabit Ethernet Switch is operating as a collapsed
backbone for a small LAN. It is providing dedicated 10 Mbps full-duplex connections
to workstations and 100 Mbps full-duplex connections to power users, and 1 Gbps
full-duplex connections to servers.
Figure 2-1 Collapsed Backbone
1 Gbps
Full Duplex
100 Mbps
Full Duplex
10 Mbps
Full Duplex
... ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID
Master Stack
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
Application Examples
Network Aggregation Plan
With 24 parallel bridging ports (i.e., 24 distinct collision domains), a Gigabit switch
stack can collapse a complex network down into a single efficient bridged node,
increasing overall bandwidth and throughput.
In the figure below, the 10/100/1000BASE-T ports in a stack of Gigabit Ethernet
switches are providing 1000 Mbps connectivity through stackable switches. In
addition, the switches are also connecting several servers at 10 Gbps.
Figure 2-2 Network Aggregation Plan
Server Farm
10/100/1000 Mbps Segments
... ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID Power
Master Stack
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID Power
Master Stack
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID Power
Master Stack
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID Power
Master Stack
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
Network Planning
Remote Connections with Fiber Cable
Fiber optic technology allows for longer cabling than any other media type. A
1000BASE-SX (MMF) link can connect to a site up to 550 meters away, a
1000BASE-LX (SMF) link up to 5 km, and a 1000BASE-LH link up to 70 km. This
allows a switch stack to serve as a collapsed backbone, providing direct connectivity
for a widespread LAN.
A 1000BASE-SX SFP transceiver can be used for a high-speed connection between
floors in the same building and a 10GBASE-LR module can be used for
high-bandwidth core connections between buildings in a campus setting. For
long-haul connections, a 1000BASE-LH SFP transceiver can be used to reach
another site up to 70 kilometers away.
The figure below illustrates three Gigabit Ethernet switch stacks interconnecting
multiple segments with fiber cable.
Figure 2-3 Remote Connections with Fiber Cable
... ...
(5 kilometers)
Remote Switch
(500 meters)
Remote Switch
Server Farm
Research & Development
(5 kilometers)
10/100/1000 Mbps Segments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select
Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select
Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select
Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select
Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS
Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
Application Examples
Making VLAN Connections
This switch supports VLANs which can be used to organize any group of network
nodes into separate broadcast domains. VLANs confine broadcast traffic to the
originating group, and can eliminate broadcast storms in large networks. This
provides a more secure and cleaner network environment.
VLANs can be based on untagged port groups, or traffic can be explicitly tagged to
identify the VLAN group to which it belongs. Untagged VLANs can be used for small
networks attached to a single switch. However, tagged VLANs should be used for
larger networks, and all the VLANs assigned to the inter-switch links.
This switch also supports multiple spanning trees which allow VLAN groups to
maintain a more stable path between all VLAN members. This can reduce the
overall amount of protocol traffic crossing the network, and provide a shorter
reconfiguration time if any link in the spanning tree fails.
At Layer 3, VLANs are used to create an IP interface, where one or more ports are
assigned to the same IP segment. Traffic is automatically routed between different
IP segments on the same switch, without any need to configure routing protocols.
Figure 2-4 Making VLAN Connections
Note: When connecting to a switch that does not support IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tags, use
untagged ports.
Untagged Ports
Tagged Port
Testing R&D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID
Master Stack
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
Network Planning
Using Layer 3 Routing
VLANs can significantly enhance network performance and security. However, if you
use conventional routers to interconnect VLANs, you can lose most of your
performance advantage. This Gigabit Ethernet Switch is a routing switch that
provide wire-speed routing, which allows you to eliminate your conventional IP
routers, except for a router to handle non-IP protocols and a gateway router linked to
the WAN. J ust assign an IP address to any VLANs that need to communicate. The
switch will continue to segregate Layer 2 traffic based on VLANs, but will now
provide inter-VLAN connections for IP applications. The switch will perform IP
routing for specified VLAN groups, a directly connected subnetwork, a remote IP
subnetwork or host address, a subnetwork broadcast address, or an IP multicast
Figure 2-5 IP Routing for Unicast Traffic
IP Network 1
IP Network 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
RPU Master
Console Stack ID
Diag Module
21 22 23 24
Application Notes
Application Notes
1. Full-duplex operation only applies to point-to-point access (such as when a
switch is attached to a workstation, server or another switch). When the switch
is connected to a hub, both devices must operate in half-duplex mode.
2. For network applications that require routing between dissimilar network types,
you can attach this switch directly to a multi-protocol router. However, if you
have to interconnect distinct VLANs or IP subnets, you can take advantage of
the wire-speed Layer 3 routing provided by this switch.
3. As a general rule, the length of fiber optic cable for a single switched link should
not exceed:
1000BASE-SX: 550 m (1805 ft) for multimode fiber
1000BASE-LX: 5 km (3.1 miles) for single-mode fiber
1000BASE-LH: 70 km (43.5 miles) for single-mode fiber
10GBASE-SR: 300 m (984 ft) for multimode fiber
10GBASE-LR: 10 km (6.2 miles) for single-mode fiber
10GBASE-ER: 40 km (24.8 miles) for single-mode fiber
However, power budget constraints must also be considered when calculating
the maximum cable length for your specific environment.
Network Planning
Chapter 3: Installing the Switch
Selecting a Site
This switch can be mounted in a standard 19-inch equipment rack or on a flat
surface. Be sure to follow the guidelines below when choosing a location.
The site should:
- be at the center of all the devices you want to link and near a power outlet.
- be able to maintain its temperature within 0 to 50 C (32 to 122 F) and its
humidity within 5% to 95%, non-condensing
- provide adequate space (approximately five centimeters or two inches) on all
sides for proper air flow
- be accessible for installing, cabling and maintaining the devices
- allow the status LEDs to be clearly visible
Make sure twisted-pair cable is always routed away from power lines, fluorescent
lighting fixtures and other sources of electrical interference, such as radios and
Make sure that the unit is connected to a separate grounded power outlet that
provides 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz, is within 2 m (6.6 feet) of each device and
is powered from an independent circuit breaker. As with any equipment, using a
filter or surge suppressor is recommended.
Ethernet Cabling
To ensure proper operation when installing the switch into a network, make sure that
the current cables are suitable for 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX or 1000BASE-T
operation. Check the following criteria against the current installation of your
Cable type: Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or shielded twisted pair (STP) cables
with RJ -45 connectors; Category 3 or better for 10BASE-T, Category 5 or better
for 100BASE-TX, and Category 5, 5e or 6 for 1000BASE-T.
Protection from radio frequency interference emissions
Electrical surge suppression
Separation of electrical wires (switch related or other) and electromagnetic fields
from data based network wiring
Safe connections with no damaged cables, connectors or shields
Installing the Switch
Figure 3-1 RJ-45 Connections
Equipment Checklist
After unpacking the switch, check the contents to be sure you have received all the
components. Then, before beginning the installation, be sure you have all other
necessary installation equipment.
Package Contents
24-port Gigabit Ethernet Switch (MR2326-S4C)
Four adhesive foot pads
Bracket Mounting Kit containing two brackets and eight screws for attaching the
brackets to the switch
Power cordeither US, Continental Europe or UK
Console cable (RJ -45 to RS-232)
This Installation Guide
Management Guide CD
Optional Rack-Mounting Equipment
If you plan to rack-mount the switch, be sure to have the following equipment
Four mounting screws for each device you plan to install in a rackthese are not
A screwdriver (Phillips or flathead, depending on the type of screws used)
RJ-45 Connector
A switch unit can be mounted in a standard 19-inch equipment rack or on a desktop
or shelf. Mounting instructions for each type of site follow.
Rack Mounting
Before rack mounting the switch, pay particular attention to the following factors:
Temperature: Since the temperature within a rack assembly may be higher than
the ambient room temperature, check that the rack-environment temperature is
within the specified operating temperature range. (See page C-1.)
Mechanical Loading: Do not place any equipment on top of a rack-mounted unit.
Circuit Overloading: Be sure that the supply circuit to the rack assembly is not
Grounding: Rack-mounted equipment should be properly grounded. Particular
attention should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to
the mains.
To rack-mount devices:
1. Attach the brackets to the device using the screws provided in the Bracket
Mounting Kit.
Figure 3-2 Attaching the Brackets
Installing the Switch
2. Mount the device in the rack, using four rack-mounting screws (not provided).
Figure 3-3 Installing the Switch in a Rack
3. If installing a single switch only, turn to Connecting to a Power Source at the
end of this chapter.
4. If installing multiple switches, mount them in the rack, one below the other, in
any order.
5. If also installing an RPS, mount it in the rack below the other devices.
Desktop or Shelf Mounting
1. Attach the four adhesive feet to the bottom of the first switch.
Figure 3-4 Attaching the Adhesive Feet
2. Set the device on a flat surface near an AC power source, making sure there
are at least two inches of space on all sides for proper air flow.
1 0
1 1 1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
2 0
2 1 2 2
2 3
2 4
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4 S t a c kM a s t e r P o w e r
M o d u l e D i a g
S t a c kL i n k
S t a c k I D
M a s t e rS e l e c t C o n s o l e
S t a c k I D
P o w e r
S t a c kM a s t e r
S t a c kL i n k
D i a g
M o d u l e
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
M R 2 3 2 6 - S 4 C
Installing an Optional Module into the Switch
3. If installing a single switch only, go to Connecting to a Power Source at the
end of this chapter.
4. If installing multiple switches, attach four adhesive feet to each one. Place each
device squarely on top of the one below, in any order.
5. If also installing an RPS, place it close to the stack.
Installing an Optional Module into the Switch
Figure 3-5 Installing an Optional Module
Note: The slide-in modules are hot-swappable, you do not need to power off the switch
before installing or removing a module.
To install an optional module into the switch, do the following:
1. Remove the blank metal plate (or a previously installed module) from the
appropriate slot by removing the two screws with a flat-head screwdriver.
2. Before opening the package that contains the module, touch the bag to the
switch casing to discharge any potential static electricity. Also, it is
recommended to use an ESD wrist strap during installation.
3. Remove the module from the anti-static shielded bag.
4. Holding the module level, guide it into the carrier rails on each side and gently
push it all the way into the slot, ensuring that it firmly engages with the
5. If you are sure the module is properly mated with the connector, tighten the
retainer screws to secure the module in the slot.
6. The Module LED on the switchs front panel should turn green to confirm that
the module is correctly installed and ready to use.
Installing the Switch
Installing an Optional SFP Transceiver
Figure 3-6 Inserting an SFP Transceiver into a Slot
This switch supports 1000BASE-SX and 1000BASE-LX, and 1000BASE-LH
SFP-compatible transceivers. To install an SFP transceiver, do the following:
1. Consider network and cabling requirements to select an appropriate SFP
transceiver type.
2. Insert the transceiver with the optical connector facing outward and the slot
connector facing down. Note that SFP transceivers are keyed so they can only
be installed in one orientation.
3. Slide the SFP transceiver into the slot until it clicks into place.
Note: SFP transceivers are hot-swappable. The switch does not need to be powered off
before installing or removing a transceiver. However, always first disconnect the
network cable before removing a transceiver.
Note: SFP transceivers are not provided in the switch package.
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
Select Console
Stack ID
Connecting Switches in a Stack
Connecting Switches in a Stack
Figure 3-7 shows how the stack cables are connected between switches in a stack.
Each stacking connection is a 48 Gbps full-duplex high-speed serial link using
proprietary stacking cables. The switch supports a line- and ring-topology stacking
configuration, or can be used stand alone. To ensure minimal disruption in case a
unit or stacking cable fails, we recommend always use a ring-topology.
In line-topology stacking there is a single stack cable connection between each
switch that carries two-way communications across the stack. In ring-topology
stacking, an extra cable is connected between the top and bottom switches forming
a ring or closed-loop. The closed-loop cable provides a redundant path for the
stack link, so if one link fails, stack communications can still be maintained. Figure
3-7 illustrates a ring-topology stacking configuration.
To connect up to eight switches in a stack, perform the following steps:
1. Plug one end of the stack cable (ordered separately) in the Down (right) port of
the top unit.
2. Plug the other end of the stack cable into the Up (left) port of the next unit.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each unit in the stack. Form a simple chain starting at
the Down port on the top unit and ending at the Up port on the bottom unit
(stacking up to 8 units).
4. (Optional) To form a wrap-around topology, plug one end of a stack cable into
the Down port on the bottom unit and the other end into the Up port on the top
Figure 3-7 Making Stacking Connections
Installing the Switch
5. Select the Master unit in the stack by pressing the Master button in on only one
of the switches. Only one switch in the stack can operate as the Master, all
other units operate in slave mode. If more than one switch in the stack is
selected as Master, or if no switches are selected, the system will select the unit
with the lowest MAC address as the Master.
Stacking Topologies
All units in the stack must be connected via stacking cable. You can connect units in
a simple cascade configuration, connecting Down ports to Up ports, from the top unit
to the bottom unit. Using this line topology, if any link or unit in the stack fails, the
stack is split and two separate segments are formed. The Stack Link LEDs on the
units that are disconnected flash to indicate that the stack link between them is not
functioning (see Table 1-3 System Status LEDs on page 1-5).
When using line topology and a stack link failure occurs, the stack reboots and a
Master unit is selected within each of the two stack segments. The Master unit will
be either the unit with the Master button depressed or the unit with the lowest MAC
address if the Master button is not depressed on any unit. When the stack reboots
and resumes operations, note that the IP address will be the same for both of the
stack segments. To resolve the conflicting IP addresses, you should manually
replace the failed link or unit as soon as possible. If you are using a wrap-around
stack topology, a single point of failure in the stack will not cause the stack to fail.
It would take two or more points of failure to break the stack apart.
If the Master unit fails or is powered off, the backup unit will take control of the stack
without any loss of configuration settings. The Slave unit with the lowest MAC
address is selected as the backup unit.
Connecting to a Power Source
To connect a device to a power source:
1. Insert the power cable plug directly into the receptacle located at the back of
the device.
Figure 3-8 Power Receptacle
2. Plug the other end of the cable into a grounded, 3-pin, AC power source.
Note: For international use, you may need to change the AC line cord. You must
use a line cord set that has been approved for the receptacle type in your
Connecting to the Console Port
3. Check the front-panel LEDs as the device is powered on to be sure the Power
LED is on. If not, check that the power cable is correctly plugged in.
4. If you have purchased a Redundant Power Supply, connect it to the switch and
to an AC power source now, following the instructions included with the
Connecting to the Console Port
The RJ -45 serial port on the switchs front panel is used to connect to the switch for
out-of-band console configuration. The on-board configuration program can be
accessed from a terminal or a PC running a terminal emulation program. The pin
assignments used to connect to the serial port are provided in the following table.
Figure 3-9 Serial Port (RJ-45) Pin-Out
Wiring Map for Serial Cable
The serial ports configuration requirements are as follows:
Default Baud rate9,600 bps
Character Size8 Characters
Stop bitOne
Data bits8
Flow controlnone
Table 3-1 Serial Cable Wiring
Switchs 8-Pin
Serial Port
Null Modem PCs 9-Pin
DTE Port
6 RXD (receive data) <---------------------------- 3 TXD (transmit data)
3 TXD (transmit data) -----------------------------> 2 RXD (receive data)
5 SGND (signal ground) ------------------------------ 5 SGND (signal ground)
No other pins are used.
Installing the Switch
Chapter 4: Making Network Connections
Connecting Network Devices
This switch is designed to interconnect multiple segments (or collision domains). It
can be connected to network cards in PCs and servers, as well as to hubs, switches
or routers. It may also be connected to devices using optional XFP or SFP
Twisted-Pair Devices
Each device requires an unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable with RJ -45 connectors
at both ends. Use Category 5, 5e or 6 cable for 1000BASE-T connections, Category
5 or better for 100BASE-TX connections, and Category 3 or better for 10BASE-T
Cabling Guidelines
The RJ -45 ports on the switch support automatic MDI/MDI-X pinout configuration, so
you can use standard straight-through twisted-pair cables to connect to any other
network device (PCs, servers, switches, routers, or hubs).
See Appendix B for further information on cabling.
Caution: Do not plug a phone jack connector into an RJ -45 port. This will damage the
switch. Use only twisted-pair cables with RJ -45 connectors that conform to
FCC standards.
Making Network Connections
Connecting to PCs, Servers, Hubs and Switches
1. Attach one end of a twisted-pair cable segment to the devices RJ -45
Figure 4-1 Making Twisted-Pair Connections
2. If the device is a PC card and the switch is in the wiring closet, attach the other
end of the cable segment to a modular wall outlet that is connected to the wiring
closet. (See Network Wiring Connections on page 4-2.) Otherwise, attach the
other end to an available port on the switch.
Make sure each twisted pair cable does not exceed 100 meters (328 ft) in
3. As each connection is made, the Link LED (on the switch) corresponding to
each port will light green (1000 Mbps) or amber (10/100 Mbps) to indicate that
the connection is valid.
Network Wiring Connections
Today, the punch-down block is an integral part of many of the newer equipment
racks. It is actually part of the patch panel. Instructions for making connections in the
wiring closet with this type of equipment follows.
1. Attach one end of a patch cable to an available port on the switch, and the other
end to the patch panel.
2. 2. If not already in place, attach one end of a cable segment to the back of the
patch panel where the punch-down block is located, and the other end to a
modular wall outlet.
3. 3. Label the cables to simplify future troubleshooting. See Cable Labeling and
Connection Records on page 8..
Fiber Optic SFP Devices
Figure 4-2 Network Wiring Connections
Fiber Optic SFP Devices
An optional Gigabit SFP transceiver (1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX or
1000BASE-LH) can be used for a backbone connection between switches, or for
connecting to a high-speed server.
Each single-mode fiber port requires 9/125 micron single-mode fiber optic cable with
an LC connector at both ends. Each multimode fiber optic port requires 50/125 or
62.5/125 micron multimode fiber optic cabling with an LC connector at both ends.
Warning: This switch uses lasers to transmit signals over fiber optic cable. The lasers are
compliant with the requirements of a Class 1 Laser Product and are inherently
eye safe in normal operation. However, you should never look directly at a
transmit port when it is powered on.
Note: When selecting a fiber SFP device, considering safety, please make sure that it
can function at a temperature that is not less than the recommended maximum
operational temperature of the product. You must also use an approved Laser
Class 1 SFP transceiver.
Hinweis: Bei der Wahl eines Glasfasertransceivers mu fr die Beurteilung der
Gesamtsicherheit beachtet werden, das die maximale Umgebungstemperatur
des Transceivers fr den Betrieb nicht niedriger ist als die fr dieses Produkts.
Der Glasfasertransceiver mu auch ein berprftes Gert der Laser Klasse 1
Equipment Rack
(side view)
Network Switch
Patch Panel
Punch-Down Block
w it c h 1 0 /1 0 0 6 7 2 4 L 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
21 22 23 24 Stack Master Power
Module Diag
Stack Link
Stack ID
RPU Master Select Console Stack ID Power Stack Master Stack Link RPS Diag Module
21 22 23 24 MR2326-S4C
Making Network Connections
1. Remove and keep the LC ports rubber cover. When not connected to a fiber
cable, the rubber cover should be replaced to protect the optics.
2. Check that the fiber terminators are clean. You can clean the cable plugs by
wiping them gently with a clean tissue or cotton ball moistened with a little
ethanol. Dirty fiber terminators on fiber cables will impair the quality of the light
transmitted through the cable and lead to degraded performance on the port.
3. Connect one end of the cable to the LC port on the switch and the other end to
the LC port on the other device. Since LC connectors are keyed, the cable can
be attached in only one orientation.
Figure 4-3 Making Connections to SFP Transceivers
4. As a connection is made, check the Link LED on the switch corresponding to
the port to be sure that the connection is valid.
The 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX and 1000BASE-LH fiber optic ports operate at
1 Gbps full duplex. The maximum length for fiber optic cable operating at Gigabit
speed will depend on the fiber type as listed under 1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet
Collision Domain on page 4-7.
10 Gbps Fiber Optic Connections
An optional 10 Gigabit transceiver (XFP) can be used for a backbone connection
between switches.
Single-mode fiber ports require 9/125 micron single-mode fiber optic cable.
Multimode fiber optic ports require 50/125 or 62.5/125 micron multimode fiber optic
cable. Each fiber optic cable must have an LC connector attached at both ends.
Master Power
Module Diag
Stack ID
Select Console
Stack ID
10 Gbps Fiber Optic Connections
Warning: This switch uses lasers to transmit signals over fiber optic cable. The lasers are
compliant with the requirements of a Class 1 Laser Product and are inherently
eye safe in normal operation. However, you should never look directly at a
transmit port when it is powered on.
Note: When selecting a fiber device, considering safety, please make sure that it can
function at a temperature that is not less than the recommended maximum
operational temperature of the product. You must also use an approved Laser
Class 1 SFP transceiver.
Hinweis: Bei der Wahl eines Glasfasertransceivers mu fr die Beurteilung der
Gesamtsicherheit beachtet werden, das die maximale Umgebungstemperatur
des Transceivers fr den Betrieb nicht niedriger ist als die fr dieses Produkts.
Der Glasfasertransceiver mu auch ein berprftes Gert der Laser Klasse 1
1. Remove and keep the ports protective cover. When not connected to a fiber
cable, the cover should be replaced to protect the optics.
2. Check that the fiber terminators are clean. You can clean the cable plugs by
wiping them gently with a clean tissue or cotton ball moistened with a little
ethanol. Dirty fiber terminators on fiber cables will impair the quality of the light
transmitted through the cable and lead to degraded performance on the port.
3. Connect one end of the cable to the LC port on the switch and the other end to
the LC port on the other device. Since LC connectors are keyed, the cable can
be attached in only one orientation.
Figure 4-4 Connecting to an XFP Transceiver
4. As a connection is made, check the Link LED on the module to be sure that the
connection is valid.
The 10G fiber optic ports operate at 10 Gbps full duplex. The maximum length for
fiber optic cable operating at 10 Gbps will depend on the fiber type as listed under
10 Gbps Ethernet Collision Domain on page 4-6.
Making Network Connections
Connectivity Rules
When adding hubs (repeaters) to your network, please follow the connectivity rules
listed in the manuals for these products. However, note that because switches break
up the path for connected devices into separate collision domains, you should not
include the switch or connected cabling in your calculations for cascade length
involving other devices.
1000BASE-T Cable Requirements
All Category 5 UTP cables that are used for 100BASE-TX connections should also
work for 1000BASE-T, providing that all four wire pairs are connected. However, it is
recommended that for all critical connections, or any new cable installations,
Category 5e (enhanced Category 5) or Category 6 cable should be used. The
Category 5e specification includes test parameters that are only recommendations
for Category 5. Therefore, the first step in preparing existing Category 5 cabling for
running 1000BASE-T is a simple test of the cable installation to be sure that it
complies with the IEEE 802.3-2002 standards.
10 Gbps Ethernet Collision Domain
Table 4-1 Maximum 10GBASE-SR 10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length
Fiber Size Fiber Bandwidth Maximum Cable Length Connector
62.5/125 micron
single-mode fiber
160 MHz/km 2-26 m
(7-85 ft.)
62.5/125 micron
single-mode fiber
200 MHz/km 2-33 m
(7-108 ft.)
50/125 micron
single-mode fiber
400 MHz/km 2-66 m
(7-216 ft.)
50/125 micron
single-mode fiber
500 MHz/km 2-82 m
(7-269 ft.)
50/125 micron
single-mode fiber
2000 MHz/km 2-300 m
(7-984 ft.)
Table 4-2 Maximum 10GBASE-LR 10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length
Fiber Size Fiber Bandwidth Maximum Cable Length Connector
9/125 micron
single-mode fiber
N/A 10 km (6.2 miles) LC
Table 4-3 Maximum 10GBASE-ER 10 Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length
Fiber Size Fiber Bandwidth Maximum Cable Length Connector
9/125 micron
single-mode fiber
N/A 40 km (24.85 miles) LC
Connectivity Rules
1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Collision Domain
100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Collision Domain
10 Mbps Ethernet Collision Domain
Table 4-4 Maximum 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length
Cable Type Maximum Cable Length Connector
Category 5, 5e, 6 100-ohm UTP or STP 100 m (328 ft) RJ-45
Table 4-5 Maximum 1000BASE-SX Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length
Fiber Size Fiber Bandwidth Maximum Cable Length Connector
62.5/125 micron
multimode fiber
160 MHz/km 2-220 m (7-722 ft) LC
200 MHz/km 2-275 m (7-902 ft) LC
50/125 micron multimode
400 MHz/km 2-500 m (7-1641 ft) LC
500 MHz/km 2-550 m (7-1805 ft) LC
Table 4-6 Maximum 1000BASE-LX Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length
Fiber Size Fiber Bandwidth Maximum Cable Length Connector
9/125 micron
single-mode fiber
N/A 2 m - 5 km (7 ft - 3.2 miles) LC
Table 4-7 Maximum 1000BASE-LH Gigabit Ethernet Cable Length
Fiber Size Fiber Bandwidth Maximum Cable Length Connector
9/125 micron
single-mode fiber
N/A 2 m - 70 km (7 ft - 43.5 miles) LC
Table 4-8 Maximum Fast Ethernet Cable Length
Type Cable Type Max. Cable Length Connector
100BASE-TX Category 5 or better 100-ohm UTP or STP 100 m (328 ft) RJ-45
Table 4-9 Maximum Ethernet Cable Length
Type Cable Type Maximum Length Connector
10BASE-T Twisted Pair, Categories 3, 4, 5 or better
100-ohm UTP
100 m (328 ft) RJ-45
Making Network Connections
Cable Labeling and Connection Records
When planning a network installation, it is essential to label the opposing ends of
cables and to record where each cable is connected. Doing so will enable you to
easily locate inter-connected devices, isolate faults and change your topology
without need for unnecessary time consumption.
To best manage the physical implementations of your network, follow these
Clearly label the opposing ends of each cable.
Using your buildings floor plans, draw a map of the location of all
network-connected equipment. For each piece of equipment, identify the devices
to which it is connected.
Note the length of each cable and the maximum cable length supported by the
switch ports.
For ease of understanding, use a location-based key when assigning prefixes to
your cable labeling.
Use sequential numbers for cables that originate from the same equipment.
Differentiate between racks by naming accordingly.
Label each separate piece of equipment.
Display a copy of your equipment map, including keys to all abbreviations at each
equipment rack.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Diagnosing Switch Indicators
Diagnosing Power Problems with the LEDs
The Power and RPU LEDs work in combination to indicate power status as follows.
Table A-1 Troubleshooting Chart
Symptom Action
Power LED is Off Check connections between the switch, the power cord, and the wall
Contact your dealer for assistance.
Power LED is Amber Internal power supply has failed. Contact your local dealer for
Diag LED is Amber Power cycle the switch to try and clear the condition.
If the condition does not clear, contact your local dealer for assistance.
Stack Master LED is Flashing
The stack has not completed its initial configuration. Wait a few
minutes for the process to complete.
Check that all stacking cables are properly connected.
Stack Link LED is Flashing
The uplink/downlink has failed.
For the indicated stack link, check that the stacking cables are properly
connected. Replace the stacking cable if necessary.
Power cycle the switch to try and clear the condition.
Link LED is Off Verify that the switch and attached device are powered on.
Be sure the cable is plugged into both the switch and corresponding
Verify that the proper cable type is used and its length does not exceed
specified limits.
Check the adapter on the attached device and cable connections for
possible defects. Replace the defective adapter or cable if necessary.
Table A-2 Power/RPS LEDs
Power LED RPU LED Status
Green Green Internal power functioning normally; RPU is present.
Green Amber Internal power functioning normally; RPU plugged in but faulty.
Green Off Internal power functioning normally; RPU not plugged in.
Amber Green Internal power faulty; RPU delivering power.
Off Off Both internal power and RPU unplugged or not functioning.
Power and Cooling Problems
If the power indicator does not turn on when the power cord is plugged in, you may
have a problem with the power outlet, power cord, or internal power supply.
However, if the unit powers off after running for a while, check for loose power
connections, power losses or surges at the power outlet, and verify that the fans on
the unit are unobstructed and running prior to shutdown. If you still cannot isolate the
problem, then the internal power supply may be defective.
Verify that all system components have been properly installed. If one or more
components appear to be malfunctioning (such as the power cord or network
cabling), test them in an alternate environment where you are sure that all the other
components are functioning properly.
In-Band Access
You can access the management agent in the switch from anywhere within the
attached network using Telnet, a Web browser, or other network management
software tools. However, you must first configure the switch with a valid IP address,
subnet mask, and default gateway. If you have trouble establishing a link to the
management agent, check to see if you have a valid network connection. Then
verify that you entered the correct IP address. Also, be sure the port through which
you are connecting to the switch has not been disabled. If it has not been disabled,
then check the network cabling that runs between your remote location and the
Caution: The management agent can accept up to four simultaneous Telnet sessions. If
the maximum number of sessions already exists, an additional Telnet
connection will not be able to log into the system.
Stack Troubleshooting
Stack Troubleshooting
If a stack fails to initialize or function, first check the following items:
Check that all stacking cables are properly connected.
Check if any stacking cables appear damaged.
Check that only one Stack Master button is pressed in.
Check that all switches in the stack are powered on.
After checking all items, reboot all the switches in the stack.
Switches in the stack may be configured using a ring- or line-topology. To ensure
minimal disruption in case a unit or stacking cable fails, always use a ring-topology.
When using ring-topology configuration and a switch fails, or a stacking cable is
disconnected, the stack continues normal operation using line-topology stacking
through the remaining stack connections.
If any changes occur to a slave unit, such as unit failure or insertion of a new unit,
operation of the other units in the stack are not affected. On the other hand, if the
master unit fails, the unit with the lowest MAC address is elected as the new master.
The stack reboots, discovers the new stack topology, assigns identifiers to each unit,
and checks the software images on each unit. This process make take up to two
If you do not connect a wrap-around cable from the bottom unit back up to the top
unit in the stack, the failure of a single unit will cause the stack to break into two
separate stacks. In this case, a master unit will be elected for both of the stacks.
However, backup information inherited from the previous master unit will cause the
same IP address to be used by both master units in the two stacks. You must
therefore manually reconfigure the IP address of the management interface on one
of the master units.
Appendix B: Cables
Twisted-Pair Cable and Pin Assignments
For 10/100BASE-TX connections, the twisted-pair cable must have two pairs of
wires. For 1000BASE-T connections the twisted-pair cable must have four pairs of
wires. Each wire pair is identified by two different colors. For example, one wire
might be green and the other, green with white stripes. Also, an RJ -45 connector
must be attached to both ends of the cable.
Caution: DO NOT plug a phone jack connector into any RJ -45 port. Use only
twisted-pair cables with RJ -45 connectors that conform with FCC standards.
Caution: Each wire pair must be attached to the RJ -45 connectors in a specific
orientation. (See Cabling Guidelines on page 4-1 for an explanation.)
The figure below illustrates how the pins on the RJ -45 connector are numbered. Be
sure to hold the connectors in the same orientation when attaching the wires to the
Figure B-1 RJ-45 Connector Pin Numbers
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Pin Assignments
Use unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) or shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable for RJ -45
connections: 100-ohm Category 3, 4 or 5 cable for 10 Mbps connections or 100-ohm
Category 5 cable for 100 Mbps connections. Also be sure that the length of any
twisted-pair connection does not exceed 100 meters (328 feet).
The RJ -45 ports on the switch base unit support automatic MDI/MDI-X operation, so
you can use straight-through cables for all network connections to PCs or servers, or
to other switches or hubs. In straight-through cable, pins 1, 2, 3, and 6, at one end of
the cable, are connected straight through to pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 at the other end of
the cable. When using any RJ -45 port on this switch, you can use either
straight-through or crossover cable.
Straight-Through Wiring
If the twisted-pair cable is to join two ports and only one of the ports has an internal
crossover (MDI-X), the two pairs of wires must be straight-through. (When
auto-negotiation is enabled for any RJ -45 port on this switch, you can use either
straight-through or crossover cable to connect to any device type.)
You must connect all four wire pairs as shown in the following diagram to support
Gigabit Ethernet connections.
Figure B-2 Straight-through Wiring
Crossover Wiring
If the twisted-pair cable is to join two ports and either both ports are labeled with an
X (MDI-X) or neither port is labeled with an X (MDI), a crossover must be
implemented in the wiring. (When auto-negotiation is enabled for any RJ -45 port on
this switch, you can use either straight-through or crossover cable to connect to any
device type.)
Table B-1 10/100BASE-TX MDI and MDI-X Port Pinouts
Pin MDI Signal Name MDI-X Signal Name
1 Transmit Data plus (TD+) Receive Data plus (RD+)
2 Transmit Data minus (TD-) Receive Data minus (RD-)
3 Receive Data plus (RD+) Transmit Data plus (TD+)
6 Receive Data minus (RD-) Transmit Data minus (TD-)
4,5,7,8 Not used Not used
Note: The + and - signs represent the polarity of the wires that make
up each wire pair.
White/Orange Stripe
White/Green Stripe
EIA/TIA 568B RJ-45 Wiring Standard
10/100BASE-TX Straight-through Cable
End A
End B
White/Blue Stripe
White/Brown Stripe
Twisted-Pair Cable and Pin Assignments
You must connect all four wire pairs as shown in the following diagram to support
Gigabit Ethernet connections.
Figure B-3 Crossover Wiring
1000BASE-T Pin Assignments
All 1000BASE-T ports support automatic MDI/MDI-X operation, so you can use
straight-through cables for all network connections to PCs or servers, or to other
switches or hubs.
The table below shows the 1000BASE-T MDI and MDI-X port pinouts. These ports
require that all four pairs of wires be connected. Note that for 1000BASE-T
operation, all four pairs of wires are used for both transmit and receive.
Use 100-ohm Category 5, 5e or 6 unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) or shielded
twisted-pair (STP) cable for 1000BASE-T connections. Also be sure that the length
of any twisted-pair connection does not exceed 100 meters (328 feet).
Table B-2 1000BASE-T MDI and MDI-X Port Pinouts
Pin MDI Signal Name MDI-X Signal Name
1 Bi-directional Data One Plus (BI_D1+) Bi-directional Data Two Plus (BI_D2+)
2 Bi-directional Data One Minus (BI_D1-) Bi-directional Data Two Minus (BI_D2-)
3 Bi-directional Data Two Plus (BI_D2+) Bi-directional Data One Plus (BI_D1+)
4 Bi-directional Data Three Plus (BI_D3+) Bi-directional Data Four Plus (BI_D4+)
5 Bi-directional Data Three Minus (BI_D3-) Bi-directional Data Four Minus (BI_D4-)
6 Bi-directional Data Two Minus (BI_D2-) Bi-directional Data One Minus (BI_D1-)
7 Bi-directional Data Four Plus (BI_D4+) Bi-directional Data Three Plus (BI_D3+)
8 Bi-directional Data Four Minus (BI_D4-) Bi-directional Data Three Minus (BI_D3-)
White/Orange Stripe
White/Green Stripe
EIA/TIA 568B RJ-45 Wiring Standard
10/100BASE-TX Crossover Cable
End A
End B
White/Blue Stripe
White/Brown Stripe
Cable Testing for Existing Category 5 Cable
Installed Category 5 cabling must pass tests for Attenuation, Near-End Crosstalk
(NEXT), and Far-End Crosstalk (FEXT). This cable testing information is specified in
the ANSI/TIA/EIA-TSB-67 standard. Additionally, cables must also pass test
parameters for Return Loss and Equal-Level Far-End Crosstalk (ELFEXT). These
tests are specified in the ANSI/TIA/EIA-TSB-95 Bulletin, The Additional
Transmission Performance Guidelines for 100 Ohm 4-Pair Category 5 Cabling.
Note that when testing your cable installation, be sure to include all patch cables
between switches and end devices.
Adjusting Existing Category 5 Cabling to Run 1000BASE-T
If your existing Category 5 installation does not meet one of the test parameters for
1000BASE-T, there are basically three measures that can be applied to try and
correct the problem:
1. Replace any Category 5 patch cables with high-performance Category 5e or
Category 6 cables.
2. Reduce the number of connectors used in the link.
3. Reconnect some of the connectors in the link.
Fiber Standards
The current TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) 568-A specification on
optical fiber cabling consists of one recognized cable type for horizontal subsystems
and two cable types for backbone subsystems.
Horizontal 62.5/125 micron multimode (two fibers per outlet).
Backbone 62.5/125 micron multimode or single mode.
TIA 568-B will allow the use of 50/125 micron multimode optical fiber in both the
horizontal and backbone in addition to the types listed above. All optical fiber
components and installation practices must meet applicable building and safety
Appendix C: Specifications
Physical Characteristics
20 10/100/1000BASE-T, with auto-negotiation
4 10/100/1000BASE-T shared with 4 SFP transceiver slots
2 10GBASE extender module slots for XFP transceivers
Two slots for stacking transceivers
Network Interface
Ports 1-24: RJ -45 connector, auto MDI/X
10BASE-T: RJ -45 (100-ohm, UTP cable; Category 3 or better)
100BASE-TX: RJ -45 (100-ohm, UTP cable; Category 5 or better)
1000BASE-T: RJ -45 (100-ohm, UTP or STP cable; Category 5, 5e, or 6)
*Maximum Cable Length - 100 m (328 ft)
Buffer Architecture
0.75 Mbytes
Aggregate Bandwidth
48 Gbps
Switching Database
8K MAC address entries, 1K static MAC addresses;
2K IP or 1K IPv6 entries in host table, 1K ARP entries,
512 IP or 256 IPv6 entries in routing table,
64 static IP routes, 256 IP interfaces; 32 multicast groups
System: Stack Master, Stack Link, Module, Power, Diag, RPS
Port: Status (link, speed, activity)
3.72 kg (8.44 lbs)
44.0 x 41.5 x 4.4 cm (17.3 x 16.3 x 1.7 in.)
Operating: 0 to 50 C (32 to 122 F)
Storage: -40 to 70 C (-40 to 158 F)
Operating: 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
AC Input
100 to 240 V, 50-60 Hz, 2A
Power Supply
Internal, auto-ranging transformer: 100 to 240 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz
External, supports connection for redundant power supply
Power Consumption
54 Watts (without expansion modules)
66 Watts (with two expansion modules)
Maximum Current
0.59 A @ 110 VAC (without expansion modules)
0.72 A @ 110 VAC (with two expansion modules)
0.36 A @ 240 VAC (without expansion modules)
0.37 A @ 240 VAC (with two expansion modules)
Switch Features
Forwarding Mode
Wire speed
Flow Control
Full Duplex: IEEE 802.3x
Half Duplex: Back pressure
Management Features
In-Band Management
Web, Telnet, SSH, or SNMP manager
Out-of-Band Management
RS-232 RJ -45 console port
Software Loading
TFTP in-band, or XModem out-of-band
IEEE 802.3-2002
Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
Full-duplex flow control
IEEE 802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet
IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol
IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
IEEE 802.1Q Virtual LAN
CE Mark
FCC Class A
Industry Canada Class A
EN55022 (CISPR 22) Class A
EN 61000-3-2/3
VCCI Class A
C-Tick - AS/NZS 3548 (1995) Class A
EN 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/8/11
CSA/CUS (CSA 22.2. NO 60950-1 & UL60950-1)
TV/GS (EN60950-1)
CB (IEC60950-1)
Extender Modules
10GBASE Extender Module (XFP)
1 slot for 10GBASE XFP transceiver
Communication Speed
10 Gbps
Communication Mode
Full duplex
Network Interface
XFP slot
IEEE 802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet
Appendix D: German Instructions
Eine Site Auswhlen (Selecting a Site - German)
Die Schalter knnen in ein Standard-19-Zoll-Ausrstungsgestell oder auf eine flache
Ebene montiert werden.
Zum Auswhlen eines Standortes beachten Sie bitte die nachstehenden Richtlinien.
Die Site sollte:
- Sich in der Mitte aller anzuschlieenden Gerte sowie in der Nhe einer
Netzsteckdose befinden;
- Imstande sein, eine Temperatur zwischen 0 und 50 C (32 und 122 F) und eine
Feuchtigkeit innerhalb von 5% bis 95% (nichtkondensierend) beizubehalten;
- In einem gengend weiten Abstand (ungefhr 5 cm oder zwei Zoll) von allen
Seiten fur eine ausreichende Beluftung aufgestellt werden;
- Fr das Installieren, die Kabelverlegung und fr Wartungen und Reparaturen
leicht zugnglich sein.
- Die LED-Statusanzeigedioden mussen stets klar und leicht sichtbar sein.
Sicherstellen, dass das verdrehte Kabel stets weg von anderen Stromkabeln,
Neonleuchteinrihtungen und anderen Quellen von moglichen elektrischen
Storungen verlegt wird, wie z. B. von Radios und Transmittern.
Sicherstellen, dass das Gerat an eine separate Stromquelle mit Erdanschlus mit
einer Netzspannung von 100 bis 240 V AC (Wechselstromspannung), 50 bis
60 Hz, und innerhalb in einem Abstand von 2,44 m (8 Fus) zu jedem Gerat
installiert wird und on einem separaten Trennschalter bzw. Leistungsschalter mit
Strom versorgt wird. Fur alle Gerate wird empfohlen, einen Filter oder einen
berspannungsschutz zu verwenden.
German Instructions
Montage (Rack Mounting Instructions - German)
Switch-Einheiten knnen an ein standardmiges 19-Zoll Einrichtungsrack, einen
Arbeitstisch oder ein Regal montiert werden. Folgend finden Sie die
Montageanweisungen fr jeden Positionstyp.
Beachten Sie die folgenden Faktoren, bevor Sie die Rack-Montage beginnen:
Temperatur: Da die Temperatur innerhalb einer Rackeinheit hher als die
Raumumgebungstemperatur sein kann, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die
Rackumgebungstemperatur innerhalb des angegebenen
Betriebstemperaturbereichs liegt. (Siehe "Temperatur" auf Seite C-1.)
Mechanische Last: Stellen Sie kein Gert auf eine Rack-Montageeinheit.
Stromberlastung: Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Netzkreis der Rackeinheit nicht
berlastet wird.
Erdung: Die Rack-Montageeinheit muss richtig geerdet werden. Besondere Acht
sollten Sie bei Verbindungen geben, die nicht direkt zum Netz fhren.
So montieren Sie Gerte an ein Rack:
1. Befestigen Sie die Metallwinkel mit den im Metallwinkel-Montageset
erhltlichen Schrauben an dem Gert.
2. Befestigen Sie das Gert mit vier Rackmontageschrauben (nicht beigelegt) an
dem Rack.
3. Wenn Sie nur einen Switch installieren, dann springen Sie bitte ber zu
"Verbinden mit einer Stromquelle" auf Seite 3-8 am Ende dieses Kapitels.
4. Wenn Sie mehrere Switches installieren mchten, dann montieren Sie sie
untereinander in einer beliebigen Reihenfolge.
IEEE 802.3 specification for 10 Mbps Ethernet over two pairs of Category 3, 4, or 5
UTP cable.
IEEE 802.3u specification for 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet over two pairs of Category 5
or better UTP cable.
Long-haul Gigabit Ethernet over two strands of 9/125 micron core fiber cable.
IEEE 802.3z specification for Gigabit Ethernet over two strands of 50/125, 62.5/125
or 9/125 micron core fiber cable.
IEEE 802.3z specification for Gigabit Ethernet over two strands of 50/125 or 62.5/125
micron core fiber cable.
IEEE 802.3ab specification for Gigabit Ethernet over 100-ohm Category 5, 5e or 6
twisted-pair cable (using all four wire pairs).
IEEE 802.3ae specification for 10 Gigabit Ethernet over two strands of 9/125 micron
core single-mode fiber cable.
IEEE 802.3ae specification for 10 Gigabit Ethernet over two strands of 9/125 micron
core single-mode fiber cable.
IEEE 802.3ae specification for 10 Gigabit Ethernet over two strands of 62.5/125
micron core multimode fiber cable.
10 Gigabit Ethernet
A 10 Gbps network communication system based on Ethernet.
Signalling method allowing each node to select its optimum operational mode (e.g.,
speed and duplex mode) based on the capabilities of the node to which it is
The difference between the highest and lowest frequencies available for network
signals. Also synonymous with wire speed, the actual speed of the data
transmission along the cable.
A condition in which packets transmitted over the cable interfere with each other.
Their interference makes both signals unintelligible.
Collision Domain
Single CSMA/CD LAN segment.
CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect) is the communication
method employed by Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, or Gigabit Ethernet.
End Station
A workstation, server, or other device that does not forward traffic.
A network communication system developed and standardized by DEC, Intel, and
Xerox, using baseband transmission, CSMA/CD access, logical bus topology, and
coaxial cable. The successor IEEE 802.3 standard provides for integration into the
OSI model and extends the physical layer and media with repeaters and
implementations that operate on fiber, thin coax and twisted-pair cable.
Fast Ethernet
A 100 Mbps network communication system based on Ethernet and the CSMA/CD
access method.
Full Duplex
Transmission method that allows two network devices to transmit and receive
concurrently, effectively doubling the bandwidth of that link.
Gigabit Ethernet
A 1000 Mbps network communication system based on Ethernet and the CSMA/CD
access method.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
IEEE 802.3
Defines carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access
method and physical layer specifications.
IEEE 802.3ab
Defines CSMA/CD access method and physical layer specifications for
1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet. (Now incorporated in IEEE 802.3-2002.)
IEEE 802.3ae
Defines the physical layer specifications for 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
IEEE 802.3u
Defines CSMA/CD access method and physical layer specifications for
100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet. (Now incorporated in IEEE 802.3-2002.)
IEEE 802.3z
Defines CSMA/CD access method and physical layer specifications for 1000BASE
Gigabit Ethernet. (Now incorporated in IEEE 802.3-2002.)
LAN Segment
Separate LAN or collision domain.
Light emitting diode used for monitoring a device or network condition.
Local Area Network (LAN)
A group of interconnected computer and support devices.
Media Access Control (MAC)
A portion of the networking protocol that governs access to the transmission
medium, facilitating the exchange of data between network nodes.
An acronym for Management Information Base. It is a set of database objects that
contains information about the device.
Modal Bandwidth
Bandwidth for multimode fiber is referred to as modal bandwidth because it varies
with the modal field (or core diameter) of the fiber. Modal bandwidth is specified in
units of MHz per km, which indicates the amount of bandwidth supported by the fiber
for a one km distance.
Network Diameter
Wire distance between two end stations in the same collision domain.
Redundant Power Supply (RPS)
A backup power supply unit that automatically takes over in case the primary power
supply should fail.
RJ-45 Connector
A connector for twisted-pair wiring.
Switched Ports
Ports that are on separate collision domains or LAN segments.
Telecommunications Industry Association
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Protocol suite that includes TCP as the primary transport protocol, and IP as the
network layer protocol.
Unshielded twisted-pair cable.
Virtual LAN (VLAN)
A Virtual LAN is a collection of network nodes that share the same collision domain
regardless of their physical location or connection point in the network. A VLAN
serves as a logical workgroup with no physical barriers, allowing users to share
information and resources as though located on the same LAN.
10 Gbps connectivity rules 4-6
10 Mbps connectivity rules 4-7
100 Mbps connectivity rules 4-7
1000 Mbps connectivity rules 4-7
1000BASE-LH fiber cable lengths 4-7
1000BASE-LX fiber cable lengths 4-7
1000BASE-SX fiber cable lengths 4-7
pin assignments B-3
ports 1-3
cable lengths 4-7
ports 1-3
10BASE-T ports 1-3
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX pin
assignments B-1
10GBASE-ER fiber cable length 4-6
fiber cable length 4-6
modules 1-7
fiber cable length 4-6
modules 1-7
adhesive feet, attaching 3-4
air flow requirements 3-1
collapsed backbone 2-2
Layer 3 routing 2-6
network aggregation 2-3
remote connections 2-4
VLAN connections 2-5
brackets, attaching 3-3
buffer size C-1
Ethernet cable compatibility 3-1
labeling and connection records 4-8
lengths 4-6
cleaning fiber terminators 4-4, 4-5
safety C-3
connectivity rules
10 Gbps 4-6
10 Mbps 4-7
100 Mbps 4-7
1000 Mbps 4-7
console port, pin assignments 3-9
contents of package 3-2
cooling problems A-2
cord sets, international 3-8
DC input 1-6
desktop mounting 3-4
device connections 4-1
electrical interference, avoiding 3-1
equipment checklist 3-2
Ethernet connectivity rules 4-6, 4-7
expansion modules 1-7
Fast Ethernet connectivity rules 4-7
features C-2
management 1-8
switch 1-7, 1-8
fiber cables 4-3
full-duplex connectivity 2-1
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet 1-8
IEEE 802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet 1-8
IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet 1-8
IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet 1-8
indicators, LED 1-4
connecting devices to the switch 4-2
desktop or shelf mounting 3-4
port connections 4-1
power requirements 3-1
problems A-2
RPU in racks 3-4
site requirements 3-1, B-1
wiring closet connections 4-2
laser safety 4-3, 4-5
LC port connections 4-3, 4-4
LED indicators
Diag 1-5
Module 1-6
Power 1-5
problems A-1
RPU 1-5
Stack ID 1-6
Stack Link 1-5
Stack Master 1-5
location requirements 3-1, B-1
agent 1-2
features 1-8, C-2, C-3
out-of-band 1-2
SNMP 1-2
web-based 1-2
mounting the switch
on a desktop or shelf 3-4
multimode fiber optic cables 4-3
connections 4-1
examples 2-2
optional modules, installation 3-5
optional redundant power unit 1-6
out-of-band management 1-2
package contents 3-2
pin assignments B-1
1000BASE-T B-3
console port 3-9
ports, connecting to 4-1
power, connecting to 3-8
problems, troubleshooting A-1
rear panel receptacles 1-6
redundant power unit 1-6
RJ -45 port 1-3
connections 4-1
pinouts B-3
connecting 3-9
installing in a rack 3-4
installing on a desktop 3-5
optional redundant power unit 1-6
rubber foot pads, attaching 3-4
screws for rack mounting 3-2
site selelction 3-1
SNMP agent 1-2
compliances C-3
environmental C-1
extender modules C-4
physical C-1
power C-2
standards, IEEE C-3
status LEDs 1-4
surge suppressor, using 3-1
switch architecture 1-2
switching, introduction to 2-1
in-band access A-2
power and cooling problems A-2
stack troubleshooting A-3
switch indicators A-1
Telnet A-2
twisted-pair connections 4-1
routing 2-6
tagging 2-5
web-based management 1-2