Mohit Singh 1011DMTE0102 A leading area in the field of computer graphics and image processing SYNOPSIS PRESENTAION ON TOPICS TO DISCUSS TITLE OF DISSERTATION WHAT IS DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING WHY DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING IN NECESSARY APPLICATION AREA STEPS IN IMAGE PROCESSING DISSERTATION CATEGORY IMAGE ENHANCEMENT HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT FUTURE SCOPE AND ENHANCEMENT T I T L E Study and Analysis of digital Image Enhancement Technique processing of image data for storage, transmission and One picture is worth more than ten thousand words. Anonymous Interest in digital image processing methods stems from two principal application areas: improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation representation for autonomous machine perception. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING An image may be defined as a two-dimensional function, f(x,y). where x and y are known as spatial coordinates and function f for a particular pair (x, y) is called the intensity or gray level of the image at that point. These elements are called picture elements, image elements, pels, and pixels. Pixel is the term used most widely to denote the elements of a digital image. A digital image is composed of a finite number of elements, each of which has a particular location and value. Location = (x ,y) Value = f(x,y) Digital image processing refers to the processing of digital images by means of a digital computer by applying some function to change the value (f(x,y) ) of the pixel to obtain a different function value f(x,y) f(x,y) f(x+1,y) f(x+1,y) f(x+1,y f(x+1,y- -1) 1) f(x+1,y+1) f(x+1,y+1) f(x,y+1) f(x,y+1) f(x f(x- -1,y+1) 1,y+1) f(x f(x- -1,y) 1,y) f(x f(x- -1,y 1,y- -1) 1) f(x,y f(x,y- -1) 1) When represented as discrete form / numbers, brightness can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, and i.e. the image can be manipulated which was not possible if the image was represented as a photograph. Low contrast Medium contrast High contrast WHY DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING We humans are limited to the visual band of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Machines imaging is needed that cover almost the entire EM spectrum, ranging from gamma to radio waves. They can operate on images generated by sources that humans are not accustomed to associating with images. These include ultrasound, electron microscopy, and computer-generated images. If the images are left distorted, it would render any data extraction from the distorted image. Machine generated imaging may not always be of good quality or we may be interested only in some of the region of the image or some distortion may occur. APPLICATION AREAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS computerized axial tomography (CAT) Gamma-Ray Imaging X-Ray Imaging Angiography pollution patterns aerial traffic control aerial photography Detection of minerals SPACE PROGRAM Detection of land usage deforestation health of indigenous plants Computer vision Optical sorting Biology Feature detection Microscope image processing Remote sensing Machine vision Exploration geophysics Automobile industry STEPS IN IMAGE PROCESSING The aim of image enhancement is to improve the interpretability or perception of information in images for human viewers, or to provide `better' input for other automated image processing techniques. frequency domain methods, which operate on the Fourier transform of an image. Spatial domain methods, which operate directly on pixels Image enhancement techniques can be divided into: Image is NOT Perfect Sometimes Grey scale manipulation The simplest form of operation is when the operator T acts only on a 1x1 pixel neighborhood in the input image, that is T F(x,y) depends on the value of F only at (x, y). This is a grey scale transformation or mapping also known as point to point operation In this case any pixel with a grey level below the chosen threshold in the input image gets mapped to 0 in the output image and Other pixels are mapped to 255. Histogram Equalization Suppose an image is predominantly dark. Then its histogram would be skewed towards the lower end of the grey scale and all the image detail is compressed into the dark end of the histogram. Histogram of an image represents the relative frequency of occurrence of various gray levels in the image 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 Histogram information reveals that image is under-exposed 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 x 10 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Over-exposed image Application (I): Digital Photography Application (II): Iris Recognition NOISE AND NOISE REDUCTION Noise are the fluctuations Caused by thermal energy. Noise fluctuations are rapid and are high frequency There are three basic steps to frequency domain filtering: Filtering in the frequency domain is a common image and signal processing technique. It can smooth, sharpen, de-blur, and restore some images. The filtered image must be transformed back to the spatial domain The image must be transformed from the spatial domain into the frequency domain using the Fast Fourier transform. The resulting complex image must be multiplied by a filter (that usually has only real values). LOW PASS FILTERS HIGH PASS FILTER MEAN FILTER MEDIAN FILTER MID FILTER MAXIMUM FILTER MINIMUM FILTER ALPHA TRIMMED MEAN FILTER ALPHA COMPLEMENTARY TRIMMED MEAN FILTER RANGE FILTER GEOMETRIC MEAN FILTER HARMONIC MEAN FILTER POWER MEAN FILTER There is a broad area of dissertation as provided by the esteemed university. This topic Digital Image Enhancement focuses on different techniques that are used for image processing /image enhancement. The word digital is emphasizes the processing of digital image by using digital computers. Digital images composed of finite no. of elements and the processing /enhancement function is applied on these elements only. This project comes under the category of Digital Image Processing and Computer graphics This gives a detailed study and analysis of different image enhancement techniques. DISSERTATION CATEGORY HARDWARE REQUIREMENT: - Intel Pentium IV Processor or above RAM size 512 MB minimum. Hard Disk 40 GB minimum. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT TECHNOLOGIES USED:- C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE VISUAL C++ 6.0 IDE Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Windows 7 This project gives detailed analysis of the image properties and image enhancement techniques. As image processing is a vast area and new technologies are gradually evolving day by day. Therefor e the future scope is very bright for this topic. This can be associated with different other areas such as. Pattern recognition Machine learning Virtual security Robotics e.t.c FUTURE SCOPE AND FURTHER ENHANCEMENT Thank you