1.1 Background
Canada and the United States. More than 16 million cars, trucks and
per cent of Canada-United States truck trade. In 2001 alone, this two-
and American trade and tourism increase through the years, projected
additional border crossing which will have the capacity to handle the
currently spans across the Detroit River and links up Detroit and Windsor
before a driver can reach the border crossing they need to cross several
street lights within the city core. This causes large traffic jams and
impede on the overall traffic ease of the city. This is why the new border
stages such that the traffic flow matches the facility capacity. Once the
Border Crossing Plaza site. This report will contain two parts: Firstly, a
report .In addition to that the technical report should follow best
management guideline.
The western edge of the proposed site runs along the Detroit River. The
Parkway and Broadway Street. The site measures 0.534 km2. By looking
existing site terrain inclines towards the South Eastern edge of the
proposed site. At the same time, it is fairly flat, the elevation difference
borders and area. Our calculations and design specifications will be based
on these drawings. The Map below was obtained from Google EarthTM.
Figure 2.1 - Plaza Site Outlined
Since the percentage of the paved road is very small when compared to
the landscape area, the resulting runoff coefficient for the existing
Water Quality:
is also connected two major highways. This means that chemical spills
of a later generation and they are made with toxic chemicals such as
asbestos, lead and PCB’s. During a rainfall, theses chemicals can make
their way into the leachate and contaminate the water system i.e: the
Sediment Control:
Water is a highly abrasive medium and with enough time, water will
earth under the roads can compromise the structural integrity of any
and landslides. For the safety of drivers these large driving surfaces
North and the East sides of the site may contain large amounts of
can cause sewers to be filled with sediment and destroy fish habitat in
the river.
Road Safety:
drive on. In addition to that, we want to make sure that during a heavy
100 year rainfall, water is properly diverted from driving surfaces and
3.2 Considerations
Plaza requires quality, quantity and erosion controls for the peak flows
from the Plaza, as the increase in impervious area will increase the
overall peak flows from the site, as well as the overall pollutant
Based on the results and the site conditions, the solutions retained
were storage SWMP’s and oil/grit separators. The storage SWMP’s will
provide quality treatment, erosion control and quantity control for the
channel. The pond system provides closer outlets for the sewer
flow from one pond to the other. The pond system would control the
with the Plaza, a shut off valve or alternative damming procedure will
Rational method was used in determining for the peak flows of both
Qpeak = C*i*A
C - runoff coefficient
The drainage area to be used in the design should include all those
areas which will reasonable or naturally drain to the storm system. The
area term in the Rational Method formula represents the total area
tributary under consideration. For this proposed site, the drainage area
developed flows are C = 0.34 for 5 year event, and C = 0.47 for 100
composite runoff coefficient value of 0.5472 for 5 year and 0.7009 for
Runoff Coefficient
Description Area (m2) Area (ha)
5 year 100 year
intensity duration-frequency curve (IDF curve). The IDF curve for City
of Windsor were
Under the requirement of City of Windsor, 5-year and 100 year storm
the time required for flow to reach the pond from the most remote part
Tc = L / (3600 * V)
V – velocity (ft/s)
The velocity can be estimated by knowing the land use and the slope
4.3.1Design Criteria
The rational method was used in the determining pre- and post-
storage volumes.
The tributary area of the pond will be 63.9 hectares of which 33.2
900mm diameter piped splitter storm sewer and via an overland flow
placed within the 875mm outlet pipe. The pond bottom will be graded
at 0.50% to reduce the possibility of ponding during low flow run-off
events. The pond invert (174.7 m) is above the level of the local water
table (173.5 m), and the side slope gradient has been reduced to 4:1 to
The proposed pond was calculated into the 5 and 100 year post-
flows. The pre-developed flows are 2.7759 m3/s and 6.2564 m3/s for 5
year and 100 year storm events respectively with an existing runoff
coefficient of 0.34 for 5 year and 0.47 for 100 year storm events and a
4.4675 m3/s and 9.3305 m3/s for 5 year and 100 year storm events
coefficient of 0.5472 for 5 year and 0.7009 for 100 year storm events
Design Parameters
Pre-development Post-development
5 yr 100 yr 5 yr 100 yr
0.34 0.47 0.5472 0.7009
The maximum water level during the 1:100 storm event will be
4.1Design Criteria
Based on the above information, and with reference to Table 3.2 in the
Data Collection
The data information was gathered from MNR, DRIC draft environmental
The subsurface conditions in the Windsor area are characterized by flat-lying soils
Beneath the existing pavement structures, topsoil and / or surficial fill materials,
granular materials consisting of sand and gravel, sands and silty sands were
surface in the clayey silt and silty clay materials. The silty clay, clayey silt, sand
and gravel and sands are considered to be slightly erodible and the silty sands are
Qpost = Cpost * I * A
Peak Flow, Qpost
Peak Flow, Qpre
Tbase = 2tc or 2.67 tc
5 years storm
Area : 52.97 ha
Coefficient: 0.5 (assumption)
Tc : 10 mins
Intensity: 102.8 mm/hr
Qpre5 = 1/360 * 52.97 * 0.5 * 102.8 = 7.563 m3 /sec
Qpost5= 1/360 * 52.97 * 0.6851 * 102.8 = 10.363 m3/sec
Qo = c * A * sqrt(2 * g * H)
The smallest diameter orifice to ensure that clogging does not occur in a
stormwater system is 75 mm. The preferred minimum orifice size is 100mm where
the effects of freezing are a concern. 5 year storm was used to control the size of
the orifice. Therefore,
Qo = Qpre5
Pond Design
Water table: 3 m below surface
Length to width ratio: 4 to 1
Permanent Pool Depth: Max. depth 2.5m mean depth: 1 – 2 m
Active Storage Depth: Water Quality and erosion control max 1.0m total