Phytoevaluation of The Nutritional Values of Ten Green Leafy Vegetables in South - Western Nigeria

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Phytoevaluation of the nutritional values of ten green leafy
vegetables in South -Western Nigeria
C Olaiya, J Adebisi
green leafy vegetables, health, nutritional potentials, phytoevaluation, south- western nigeria
C Olaiya, J Adebisi. Phytoevaluation of the nutritional values of ten green leafy vegetables in South -Western
Nigeria. The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness. 2009 Volume 9 Number 2.
Vegetable consumption has been associated with decreased risk of chronic diseases. In this work, ten
green leafy vegetables were analysed for basic nutrients in the diet of man with a view to ascertaining their
nutritional potentials. Samples of the fresh vegetables collected were separated into two and used in the
wet and dry forms. Column chromatographic separation of the ethanol extract of the wet samples showed
the protein, carbohydrate and fat contents. Spectrophotometric analysis of dried samples revealed the
Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Iron and vitamin contents. Potassium and Sodium were determined
using flame photometry. All the vegetables showed high moisture contents (75.0 91.5%). The highest
carbohydrate and protein contents of 5.8 and 6.4g/100g respectively, were recorded in Telfairia
occidentalis. Ascorbic acid contents were between 28.0 to 410.0mg/100g while vitamin A ranged from 8.00
to 6120 I.U. Potassium is generally the highest in the vegetables while iron is the lowest.

Vegetables are important protective foods and highly beneficial for the maintenance of health and
prevention of disease. Studies have repeatedly shown that increasing colon and stomach cancer correlate
with low vegetable meals, and suggests that vegetables may help resist these types of cancers (Whitney
et al., 1990, Gropper et al., 2005). They are valuable in maintaining alkaline reserve in the body and are
valued mainly for their high vitamin, dietary fibre and mineral contents (Ball, 2006). The dark green leaves
and deep yellow fruits provide a high amount of carotene, ascorbic acid and microminerals which play
important roles in nutrient metabolism and slowing down of degenerative diseases (Yi-Fang et al., 2002).
The wide variation in colour, shape, tastes and textures of various vegetables have added an interesting
touch to meals (Fasuyi, 2006). There is increasing epidemiological evidence in favour of an association
between nutrition and susceptibility to infection. Health disorders such as appendicitis, haemorrhoids,
gallstones, heart diseases, obesity and constipation can be either corrected, or treated by copious
consumption of vegetables (Whitney et. al, 2002). The awareness of the populace on the significance of
nutrition in health has resulted to an increasing quest for biochemical knowledge of the composition of
foods. The present study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional values of ten green leafy vegetables
commonly consumed in South - Western Nigeria.
Materials and methods
Plant Material: The leafy vegetables examined were Telfairia occidentalis, Talinum Triangulare, Celosia
argentea, Solanum nodiflorum, Basella alba, Solanum aethiopicum, Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus
hybridus, Cucurbita pepo and Amaranthus spinosus. These vegetables were purchased fresh from local
markets in Ibadan and Ogbomoso, South - Western Nigeria with the exception of Solanum aethiopicum,
Basella alba and Curcubita pepo which were obtained from gardens in Igboho, South Western Nigeria.
The plants were identified in the Department of Biology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
Methods: Samples of the fresh vegetables were separated into two and used in the wet and dry forms. The
first part that was used in the wet form were washed under running water, kept in cool condition until all the
water droplets have evaporated and used immediately. The remaining part which formed the bulk of the
samples was spread on the laboratory bench for two weeks to dry. 50g of each of the wet samples were
homogenised using an electric blender. 500ml of ethanol was then added to each sample in the ratio 1:10
(sample weight: solvent) and left for three days, after which it was filtered and the extract obtained by
evaporating the solvent over a water bath. Column chromatography was carried out on the ethanol extract
of the wet samples to separate them into their constituents. The dried samples were pulverised and the
calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and vitamin contents were determined using atomic absorption
spectroscopy (Spectrumlab 23A spectrophotometer, Techmel & Techmel, Texas, USA). Potassium and
sodium were determined by flame photometry (Jenway digital flame photometer).
Moisture, ash, fibre, fat, proteins, carbohydrate were determined using AOAC, 1990. The analysis was
repeated twice and the mean of the three values recorded.
Results and Discussion
Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition, apart from the fact that we derive most of our
recommended daily needs of minerals and vitamins from them, they also supply certain constituents in
which other food materials are deficient. The wide variation in colour, tastes and textures of various
vegetables have added an interesting touch to meals. The cultivation and consumption of green leafy
vegetables cuts across different races (Schmidt, 1974) because of their nutritional and health benefits.
They have been shown to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular
disease. The profile of ten green leafy vegetables commonly consumed in South Western Nigeria
examined in this work is presented in Table 1. Leafy vegetables are generally not consumed alone but
they are often consumed in combination with themselves and also in combination with other vegetables
such as pepper, tomatoes, melon and onions. Other ingredients such as palm oil, fish or meat and
seasonings used in the preparation of the vegetable meal are all contributing in one way or the other to the
total nutritional value of the vegetable meal.
Figure 1
Table 1: Profile of the green leafy vegetables

The results of the biochemical analysis of the vegetables for macronutrients, moisture, fibre and ash are
shown in Table 2. The carbohydrate contents of the vegetables are relatively higher in comparison with
their lipid contents. The least carbohydrate content of 4.0g/100g was observed in C.argentea while the
highest value of 6.2g/100g was observed in B.alba. The protein contents of the vegetables were between
2.1g/100g (in B. alba) and 6.4g/100g (in T. occidentalis). All the vegetables had low fat contents with the
least value of 0.10g/100g in C.argentea and highest value of 1.80g/100g in A.spinosus.
The vegetables are generally very low in carbohydrates, fats and proteins and therefore contribute very
little to the energy values of a meal. The moisture contents of the leafy vegetable studied are relatively
high ranging from 75.0% in S. aethiopicum to 91.5% in T.triangulare. The high moisture content of
vegetables makes them to aid the digestion of food. Their shelf life is very short because the high moisture
facilitates bacterial action resulting into spoilage. The leafy vegetables are rich in fibre with values between
0.8g/100g in C. pepo and 9.5g/100g in A. caudatus. Fibre is useful for maintaining bulk, motility and
increasing intestinal peristalsis by surface extension of the food in the intestinal tract (Mathenge, 1997). It
is necessary for healthy condition, curing of nutritional disorders and for food digestion. The ash content of
the vegetable ranges from 0.20g/100gin B. alba to 3.9g/100g in A. spinosus. The higher values obtained
for A. argentea (2.30g/100g), A. caudatus (2.20g/100g), Cucurbita pepo (2.10g/100g) and A.spinosus
(3.9g/100g) suggests that they are rich in organic matter which is convertible to oxides and water on
Figure 2
Table 2: Results of proximate analysis of the vegetables

Table 3 shows the vitamin contents of the leafy vegetables. Vitamin A is a component of rhodopsin, the
visual pigment in the mammalian eye. All the leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin A but B.alba and
T.occidentalis are exceptionally rich in the vitamin with values of 8100 I.U and 6120 I.U respectively. They
would therefore be very beneficial for good vision. The green leafy vegetables are rich in ascorbic acid as
revealed by the high values recorded; only B.alba had a little lower value of 28mg/100g. However,
C.argentea and T. occidentalis are richer than the others with values of 410mg/100g and 358mg/100g,
repectively. The human body cannot produce ascorbic acid, so it must be obtained entirely through the
diet. In this connection, C.argentea and T. occidentalis would serve as good dietary sources of the vitamin.
Ascorbic acid is essential for the healthy formation of bones and teeth. It is a powerful antioxidant (Szeto
et. al, 2002) whose deficiency results in scurvy with swelling of the joints and gums, loosening of the teeth
and haemorrhages of the skin and mucous membranes. Niacin, thiamine and riboflavin play very important
roles in nutrient metabolism. The leafy vegetables are moderately rich in these micronutrients. The highest
niacin value of 0.90mg/100ml was obtained in T.occidentalis; that of thiamine (0.16mg/100ml) in A.
spinosus while T. triangulare gave the highest riboflavin value of 0.24mg/100ml. Niacin has the ability to
lower blood lipids and is sometimes used in treating hyperlipidaemia. Thiamine is intricately involved with
metabolising glucose in the body while riboflavin is required to release energy from proteins, carbohydrate
and fat.
Figure 3
Table 3: Vitamin Contents of the Green Leafy Vegetables

The green leafy vegetables are good sources of minerals as shown in Table 4. The highly soluble minerals
calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), and potassium (K) help in the maintenance of
acid base balance of the hydrogen ion concentration of the body tissues. They help complete the
absorption of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates of the food (Islam et al., 2004). Ca and Fe furnish
all the cells and tissues of the body with the elements and the nutritional enzymes which they need. The
higher calcium contents of C.pepo (4.20mg/100g) and S. nodiflorum (5.60mg/100g) suggests that they
would be more advantageous to the body in the functions associated with the mineral. Calcium is required
for bone and teeth formation and in the proper functioning of the nervous system. It has long been
suggested that commonly consumed leafy vegetables are a superior source of calcium to milk (Miller et al.,
1947; Oke, 1966). Deficiency of calcium can lead to malformation of bones in young animals and formation
of shelless eggs. Magnesium and potassium are needed for the acid base and electrolyte balance in the
body. The amaranthus species A. caudatus, A. spinosus and A. hybridus are exceptionally rich in
magnesium with values of 3.20mg/100g, 3.80mg/100g and 4.60mg/100g, respectively. They are therefore
recommended for hypertension patients since magnesium is useful in the reduction of blood pressure.
Magnesium is an obligate cofactor for DNA synthesis and the proportion supplied by green leafy
vegetables can be used to supplement low magnesium based staple foods such as cassava in Nigeria.
Potassium is required in muscle and nerve function. A. hybridus gave the highest value of 6.54mg/100g.
Figure 4
Table 4: Mineral Contents of the Green Leafy Vegetables (mg/100g)

Phosphorus is important in the energy transfer of nucleic acids. Its value ranged from 1.83mg/100g in C.
argentea to 4.42mg/100g in A. hybridus. Iron is important in the formation of haemoglobin of the blood.
The iron contents of the leafy vegetables were lower for A. caudatus (0.60mg/100g), C. pepo
(0.70mg/100g) and S. aethiopicum (0.90mg/100g). T. occidentalis and A. hybridus with higher values of
2.80mg/100g and 2.90mg/100g respectively would be beneficial for anaemic patients. It is interesting to
note that the highest mineral content with the exception of calcium was found in A. hybridus. This
vegetable would therefore serve as an excellent source of minerals in the diet of man.
The carbohydrate, protein and fat contents of these vegetables are not enough to satisfy the
recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for these macronutrients. They therefore cannot be considered
a total substitute for the staple food we consume daily but rather they can be used as sources of additional
organic nutrients in our daily meals. The loss or lack of these organic nutrients in the diet of man can be
averagely taken care of by generous consumption of green leafy vegetables. The vegetables are however
rich sources of vitamins and minerals. The relatively high value of these micronutrients in the leafy
vegetables makes them a much needed cheap source of these nutrients which are missing from our
commonly consumed staple foods. Their high consumption is therefore recommended because of their
invaluable health benefits.
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r-6. Miller C.D., Ross W. and Louis M. (1947). Haiwaian Grown Vegetable proximate composition:
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r-7. Oke O.L. (1966). Chemical studies of the very commonly used leafy vegetables in Nigeria. Journal of
the World African Science Association. p. 8-11.
r-8. Schmidt D.R. (1974). Comparative yield and composition of eight tropical leafy vegetables grown at
two soil fertility levels. Agron. Journal
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r-9. Szeto Y.T., Tomlinson B. and Benzie F.F. (2002). Total antioxidant and ascorbic acid contents of fresh
fruits and vegetables: implications of dietary planning and food preservation. Brit. J. Nutr. 87: 55-59.
r-10. Whitney E.N., Cataldo C.B. and Rolfes S.R. (2002). Antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals in
disease prevention. In Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. 6th edn. Thomson Wadsworth,
Belmont. Pp. 377 385.
r-11. Whitney E.N., Hamilton E.M.N. and Rolfes S.R. (1990). Understanding Nutrition (5th edn). West
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r-12. Yi-Fang C., Jie S., Xian-Hong W.U. and Rui-Hai L. (2002). Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities
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Phytochemical and Nutrient Analysis
Core Unit

HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) is a technique to efficiently and
accurately separate and quantify many soluble compounds in plants by using a
pump, column, autosampler, and detector. Most phytochemicals compounds are
soluble to polar or non-polar solvents and can be extracted by using a proper
solvent, and can be analyzed by using an HPLC system.
The HPLC systems are fully automated and can analyze many samples without
supervision.The VFIC lab, has eight units of HPLC systems and each unit is
assigned to a compound for an efficient analysis and minimal maintenance.
However, a new setting can be done for a new compound analysis. There is a stock
of different columns and detectors for the analysis of various compounds in fruits
and vegetables. The compounds being tested include sugars, carotenoids,
flavonoids, limonoids, phenolic, amino acids, cynarin, capsaicins, pyruvic acid,
vitamin C, and total phenolic. Additional compounds will be analyzed when
Our research in the HPLC lab is closely linked to the Analysis
lab works. Most phytochemical extractions will require an HPLC analysis.
Scientists utilize specific columns, composition and solvents for the most optimum
condition of the analysis. Some compounds are similar in chemical or physical
properties which makes it difficult separate each compound. Then, various
techniques are used to efficiently separate and quantify them. Scientists usually
begin with by adopting a method published earlier but some modification and
optimization are common for better and more efficient analysis

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