VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Copyright 1997-2013 Vital Images, Inc. All rights reserved. Date of Publication October 2013. VitreaAdvancedprotected by U.S. Patents 5,986,662; 6,130,671; 6,219,059; 7,031,504; 7,136,064; 7,362,329; 7,574,029; 7,590,272; 7,660,481;7,929,748;7,991,210; 8,214756; 8,249,687 Other Patents Pending in the U.S. and other countries. VitreaWorkstationprotected by U.S. Patents 5,986,662; 6,130,671; 6,219,059; 7,031,504; 7,136,064; 7,362,329; 7,574,029; 7,590,272; 7,660,481;7,929,748;7,991,210; 8,214756; 8,249,687 Other Patents Pending in the U.S. and other countries. VitreaCoreprotected by U.S. Patents 5,986,662; 6,130,671; 6,219,059; 7,039,723; 7,136,064; 7,362,329; RE42,952; Other Patents Pending in the U.S. and other countries. VPMC-13224A VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes This publication is valid for VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3, Vitrea fX 6.5.3, and VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and later software versions. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from Vital Images. Trademarks Vital Images, Vitrea, VitreaAdvanced, VitreaView, ViTAL, and ViTAL U are registered trademarks of Vital Images, Inc. All other marks are property of their respective owners. Restricted Rights Legend If this software or documentation is delivered to the Department of Defense (DOD) of the U.S. Government, it is delivered with Restricted Rights as follows: Use, duplication or disclosure of the software by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. If this software or documentation is delivered to any unit or agency of the U.S. Government other than DOD, it is delivered with Restricted Rights and use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (b)(3). If the software or documentation is delivered to NASA, it is delivered with Restricted Rights subject to the restrictions set forth in 18-52.227-86(d) of the NASA FAR Supplement. Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty VITAL IMAGES SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES BASED ON ANY DEFECT, FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION OF THE SOFTWARE,OR USE OF ANY VITAL IMAGES DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER THE CLAIM IS BASED UPON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE. VITAL IMAGES MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHETHER ARISING FROM STATUTE, COMMON LAW, CUSTOM OR OTHERWISE. Notice of Confidentiality This software and the information in this software including, but not limited to, the ideas, concepts and know-how are proprietary, confidential and trade secret to Vital Images, and the information contained therein shall be maintained as proprietary, confidential and trade secret to Vital Images and shall not be copied or reproduced in any form whatsoever. This software and any information contained therein shall not be disclosed to anyone other than authorized representatives of the user's employer, who is contractually obligated not to disclose same without the express written consent of Vital Images. The user of this software and any information contained therein shall not attempt to discern Vital Images' confidential and trade secret information and shall not reverse compile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer this software or any information contained therein. Software License Notice This software is a licensed product of and is distributed by Vital Images, and may only be used according to the terms of that license on the system identified in the License Agreement. In the event of any conflict between these terms and the terms of any written agreement or agreement assented to through electronic means with Vital Images, the terms of such written or assented agreement shall control. MDSS GmbH Schiffgraben 41 30175 Hannover, Germany CELEO Pty Ltd. and Toshiba Australia Pty Ltd are authorized sponsors in Australia and act on behalf of Vital Images, Inc. in the communication of safety-related incidents and regulatory matters with Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia. Distributors are still the first line of communication with their customers regarding service and complaints. Manufactured by: Vital Images, Inc; 5850 Opus Parkway, Suite 300; Minnetonka, MN, US; 55343; Phone 866.433.4624
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VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 1 CONTACT US ................................................................................................................................................... 1 REGION EDITING CAUTIONS AND NOTES FOR VERSION 6.5.3 .................................................................. 2 GENERAL NOTES 6.5.3 ................................................................................................................................... 2 NEW 6.5.3 FEATURES AND ENHANCEMENTS .............................................................................................. 2 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5.3 RESOLVED ISSUES ............................................. 3 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5.2 RESOLVED ISSUES ............................................. 5 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5.1 RESOLVED ISSUES ............................................. 6 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5 RESOLVED ISSUES ................................................ 7 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5.1 KNOWN LIMITATIONS ....................................... 16 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5 KNOWN LIMITATIONS .......................................... 17 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5.3 KNOWN ISSUES ................................................ 21 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5.1 KNOWN ISSUES ................................................ 22 VITREAADVANCED AND VITREAWORKSTATION 6.5 KNOWN ISSUES ................................................... 22 VERSIONING INFORMATION 6.5.3 ............................................................................................................ 26
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 1 of 26 Introduction This document contains the following information: a listing of the features that are new to the VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 releases; known software limitations for the VitreaAdvanced 6.5.x and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.x software releases; and resolved and known issues for the VitreaAdvanced 6.5.x and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.x software releases. Note: references to VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 also include VitreaAdvanced fX and VitreaWorkstation fX.
CAUTION: For general Safety and Regulatory Considerations, refer to the appropriate Education and Reference Guide.
CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician, as directed by 21 CFR 801.109(b)(1).
CAUTION: Upgrades to VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 should only be done from version 6.2 or later. Users on earlier versions should upgrade to at least 6.2 first and then move forward to 6.5.3. It is necessary to back up data and perform configuration settings before upgrading. Contact Us For general, non-technical support questions, contact us through our Web site: For customer technical support, contact us at: o In the U.S., call the Customer Support line at 1.800.208.3005; or o Outside the U.S., contact your Vital Images distributor; or o Send an email to To provide feedback about this document or other Vital Images product documentation, send an email to Contact Customer Support for a printed version of the release notes, education and reference guide, or installation guides.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 2 of 26 Region Editing Cautions and Notes For Version 6.5.3 Version Products Description 6.5.3 All Applications CAUTION: When restoring snapshots from previous software versions created through use of region editing, please verify the accuracy of all contours and confirm all measurements. 6.5.3 General Sculpting Vitrea does not allow using the Sculpt tool to edit any of the following existing regions: nodules, polyps, tumors, liver resection regions, or brain perfusion summary map regions. Use the Edit tool to edit these regions. 6.5.3 Liver and Lung Protocols Vitrea does not allow the Sculpt tool to edit an existing nodule or tumor. Use the Edit tool to modify existing nodules or tumor regions. 6.5.3 MR Tumor Edit the contour lines in the 2D or MPR views. Vitrea does not support editing the contour lines in the 3D views. 6.5.3 All Applications VIT-8986 VIT-8605 Vitrea reserves certain names for protected or non-editable regions. If you attempt to name a non- protected region to a protected region name, Vitrea will include a numeral at end of the name. For example, if you attempt to rename a region called Other to Tumor, Vitrea will change it to Tumor- 0.
General Notes 6.5.3 Version Products Description 6.5.3 All Applications VIT-8996 The software permits modifying certain advanced settings in Volume Builder that govern how volumes are built from DICOM images. These advanced settings should not be modified. Certain modifications can lead to situations in which measurements are incorrect once the built volumes are loaded in Vitrea.
New 6.5.3 Features and Enhancements New enhancements available in version 6.5.3 are noted below: Auto-export configurability for VitreaAdvanced.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 3 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Resol ved Issues Version Products Description 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced PIN-1241 Olea fails to load data from the Toshiba 3T scanner The version of Olea included in 6.5 release did not support image data from the Toshiba 3T scanner. This has been resolved. 6.5.3 CT Multi-Chamber CFA VIT-10201 Error When loading Cardiac CFA data in CT Multi-Chamber Cardiac CFA Application Data loading issues prior release; some datasets would work properly, this issue has been resolved and the data now loads. 6.5.3 CT Multi-Chamber CFA VIT-10055 CT Multi-Chamber Cardiac - Undo Short-Axis Edit Computes Polar Map Incorrectl y Previously this issue occurred when the polar map was re-computed when the Undo button was selected. For the 6.5.3 release, the Undo button is disabled for 3-Chamber and Pediatric protocols. It remains enabled for all other protocols. NOTE: Due to a correction in the way myocardial contours are sampled for calculations, the numbers and colors displayed on the polar maps of a restored snapshot may differ slightly from the way they were displayed when the snapshot was taken. The degree to which the calculated results can differ is roughly equivalent to a 1-2 mm adjustment of the mitral valve plane in either end-systolic or end- diastolic phases. 6.5.3 VitreaWorkstation VIT-9834 Standalone Workstation Upgrade Issues Previously when upgrading a workstation that is configured with a new DICOM entity with no selected service the upgrade would fail. This has been resolved 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-9774 CT Colon Application Crashes when choosing a different protocol Previously when transitioning from a dual colon layout to the gallery and then to the study directory in a specific order it would cause the system to crash. This has been resolved. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-9701 Disparate Load usage report fails Previously when accessing the report from within the VES Administration tool you would receive a connection failed error. This has been resolved and you can see the load usage report. 6.5.3 All Applications VIM-1852 Query time constraint drop-down does not work on Vitrea Standalone When attempting to query from a PACS with the time constraint enabled, no results would display. This has been resolved. 6.5.3 All Applications VIM-1840 Query Retrieved Study Volume Building not being Prioritized Previously when using non-pacs integrated query retrieve, volume building occurred in a non- prioritized fashion. This has been resolved and studies which have been query retrieved are all given a higher priority. 6.5.3 All Applications VIM-1820 DICOM Export as single series adds a dash to a DICOM tag failing export Previously when exporting as a single series a dash wash added to the UID which resulted in a failed export, this has been resolved. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIC-842 No orientation markers in MRI Stitched Images When images which have stitched together on the modality console so that the complete anatomy can be viewed were viewed in VitreaCore they did display orientation markers. This has been resolved. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VIC-794 VitreaCore viewer window opens behind all other windows Previously, selecting the "back to PACS" button was not completely closing the viewers which resulting in viewer windows which were open but not visible. This has been resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 4 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation PIN-1313 Application TAB editor errors when adding new application ID's Previously modifying the application ID in the application tab editor generated and error, this has been resolved. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation PIN-1282 Exported Olea color maps were highl y pixilated when viewed on PACS Previously the exported batches were not exported in the same resolution as they were displayed creating images that looked pixelated. This has been resolved. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VIM-1851 Empty folders were left behind with data was rejected, causing system slowness When failed data was deleted from VIMS, the associated folder was not also deleted. This causes a build-up of empty folders, eventually slowing the system. VIMS now deletes the data and the folders. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1797 3D processing occasionall y crashed due to repeated processing of studies Due to the way the 3D processor handled incoming files, some files were getting reprocessed and causing the system to fail. The way the 3D processor handles incoming files has been updated to prevent this. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1770 Database backup fails due to timeout if backup takes greater than an hour Database backup will no longer timeout if the backup takes greater than an hour. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1767 Upgrade to SQL Express may fail due to insufficient space The Install/Upgrade Guide has been revised to detail the upgrade procedure to ensure sufficient free space before upgrading. The remedy is to upgrade SQL Server to (any) Standard-Edition (if entitled), or Express-Edition 2008R2 which has a 10GB size limit. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1650 Repeated log messages during ingestion of large studies caused system slowness Unneeded log messages were being inserted into the database during the down load of large studies. These have been eliminated. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VIT-9774 SUSENG-3348 VitreaAdvanced Server crashed intermittentl y in Colon controller cleanup Previously, this issue occurred when you loaded a study into Colon Dual Layout, selected the Gallery tab, selected a different protocol, and selected Study Directory. As a result, the VitreaAdvanced Server would crash. This has been resolved. 6.5.3 VitreaWorkstation VIT-9834 Upgrade from ECF Vitrea Standalone to 6.5.3 VitreaWorkstation failed and 1722 Error displayed Previously, when you upgraded from an ECF-based Vitrea Standalone (previous to version 6.4) to a 6.5.3 VitreaWorkstation, the upgrade could fail and a 1722 Error displayed. This has been resolved. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1888 Series progress table can degrade SQL performance when retrying studies The series progress table was degrading SQL performance when retrying studies. This performance issue has been addressed.
6.5.3 VitreaWorkstation PLT-4699 Memory leak in VG3 services caused excess unneeded filed that werent cleaned up. The fix has resulted in improved memory operations. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation MPR densities are reversed in DICOM prints A defect was resolved in which MPR images densities were incorrectly printing
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 5 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.2 Resol ved Issues Version Products Description 6.5.2 Cardiac Functional Analysis VIT-10000
Variations in CFA Polar Map Computation Previously, the 3-chamber CFA application exhibited unstable variation between multiple approximations of the polar maps. This variation could be triggered by minute fluctuations in the internal state of the software caused by actions such as undoing a modification to the left ventricle axis, mitral valve plane, or apex plane, or by restoring a session from a snapshot. The issue has been resolved and the software now utilizes a more stable computation. 6.5.2 TAVR Endovascular Stent Planning VIT-10030 Using Aortic Neck Angle measurement listed within the Measurement findings list did not properl y update after centerline edit Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Launched a study using the TAVR or Stent Planning protocol and preset. 2. Created an angle measurement in the longitudinal inset, based on a grayed out angle measurement in the list. 3. Edited the centerline and clicked OK. 4. Viewed the angle measurement listed at the bottom of the inset. As a result, the aortic measurement result did not update. This issue is resolved. 6.5.2 Cardiac Functional Analysis VIT-10041 Reset after CFA 3-Chamber Snapshot Restore did not match initial load Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Loaded a study into the 3-Chamber CFA application. 2. Worked on the study. 3. Took a snapshot. 4. Restored the snapshot. 5. Reset the view. As a result, the functional results from the reset action did not match the results from the initial load. This issue is resolved. 6.5.2 All Applications VIT-9527 Failed to burn report and DICOM file to CD/DVD by standard user Previously, this issue occurred when you logged into Vitrea as a standard user, loaded a patient, and tried to burn a report and DICOM file to CD/DVD from the Report tab. As a result, the standard user could not burn the report and DICOM file to CD/DVD from the Report tab. This issue has been resolved. 6.5.2 All Applications VIM-1770 Database Backup failed after one hour due to a timeout Previously, the database backup that was scheduled to occur each night was failing. The AgentMonitor service produced a Timeout Expired error one hour after the backup was started. This issue could have affected any site with a large database that needed the backup to take longer than an hour to run. This issue has been resolved. 6.5.2 All Applications VIM-1766 Study level query results showed the wrong number of images in Vitrea Standalone Previously when you queried a system that did not support number of images in the study in response to a cFind query, the image count displayed on the workstation was incorrect. However, if you queried a different system that supported number of images in the study, the correct image count was displayed. This has been resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 6 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.1 Resol ved Issues Version Products Description 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-2378 2D Brain Perfusion: Unable to load multi series in a single study Previously, you were unable to load the same multi series in VitreaAdvanced without an error message. This issue has been resolved. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced SUSENG-3288 System Administration: Unable to login after changing User Account Primary Group Previously, in rare occurrences, changing an Active Directory User Account Primary Group caused LDAP authentication to not work. This has been resolved. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced SUSENG-3048 Segmentation Failed for Carotid/COW after selecting Autobone removal Previously, for some datasets, 3D Images would go blank after selecting autobone removal while in the Carotid or COW Protocols. This has been resolved. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1732 SUSENG-3081 Cardiac and ESVP/TAVR Protocols: Gated / Non-gated phases breaks into two volumes Previously , this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Chose Cardiac: Arteries CT Protocol or Aorta Vascular or Aorta Stent or TAVR 2. Pick 3D As a result, the study loaded into multi volumes and prevented you from loading the Cardiac: Aorta protocol. This issue is resolved. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-3294 Certain CTA data caused crashes within Vascular Aorta and ESVP protocols when abnormalities existed This issue is resolved. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2990
Calcium Scoring (CACS): Cannot export graph and measurement worksheet Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Load a CACS study 2. Complete ROI measurements 3. Go to the report page, select the graph and measurement worksheet in the evidence tray 4. Select Export button and export as a single series As a result, the images were not exporting to PACS. This issue is resolved. 6.5.1 Mirada SUSENG-2784
Mirada Oncology Help Menu: Nothing occurs when you clicked the Help Menu Previously, when in a VitreaAdvanced Server session, you could not open the electronic help menu. This issue is resolved. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Mirada Oncology Fusion SUSENG-2478 Mirada Oncology Fusion: Onl y fi ve layout favorites will be displayed Users are allowed to have up to five favorite layouts assigned to hot keys. If you marked more than five, they would not display. To view more, uncheck them in the review modes tab, so that it contains no more than five.This issue is resolved. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIC-788 The DICOM file created when taking a snapshot of an MPR view in VitreaCore 3D contains incorrect Image Orientation and Image Position attributes, resulting in wrong orientation markers being displayed on the snapshot. The issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 7 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5 Resolved Issues Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-4277 Aorta Protocol: Option for Cardiac Valves permanentl y did not display if you selected new preset from 3D preset selector This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-4199 2D Multi Phase Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring (CACS): Couldn't use 2D N-up to score calcium Previously, if you were in a multiphase view, the radio buttons may not have been available for calcium scoring. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VIT-8027 VIT-8507 SUSENG-2537 VIT-8054 Graphs do not show up on calcium score report template Previously, when loading a calcium scoring study in iSite integration into VitreaCore first, then into Advanced Viewer using "2D Vscore with Color" protocol, the two graphs were not present. Instead, two black boxes were shown. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-4102 SUSENG-2339 Specific cardiac preset causes SUREPlaque toolbar to not display in 1-up 3D image Previously, if you had a specific preset, is in 3D and 1-up view, it caused the SUREPlaque vessel toolbar to not display. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-7070 MyoPerfusion: Attenuation table values are displayed as N/A Previously, when restoring MyoPerfusion Attenuation table snapshots, the table displayed N/A for all values. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2620 2D Brain Perfusion: Centerline may not be adjusted in the anterior posterior plane and lower slices produced an error with ROIs Previously, when you loaded a study into 2D Brain Analysis, it was possible to move the brain centerline right to left, but not in the anterior to posterior direction. As a result it was sometimes impossible to position the centerline in a location that would allow ROI templates to be generated in the lower portion of the brain. This issue is resolved by adding the ability to move the centerline in the anterior to posterior direction. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8523 2D Brain Perfusion: Vein/Artery dot indicators may not display in batch collages Previously, this issue occurred when you created a batch collage and exported to the study viewer and the red and blue indicator dots were not visible. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6479
4D Brain Perfusion: Taking new snapshots after snapshot restore Previously, if you took snapshots from restored snapshots in 4D Brain Perfusion, the new snapshots may not have been in the study directory, patient data folder or in report tab. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-4037 Brain Perfusion: Blank preview screen when scrolling in Study Directory preview window Previously, in Brain Perfusion, a blank screen was shown in the Study Directory preview window. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 8 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8856 SUSENG-2958 MSK: 4D CINE does not include anatomy outside of the first frame This issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Load dynamic series, select MSK 3D Analysis. 2. Apply any window/level needed. 3. Use F9 to go through all series to verify the anatomy is included. 4. In the 3D window, right click and select 4D CINE. Some anatomy was excluded in the 3D view. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8672
When a lung nodule contour was deleted, the Volume information was not updated Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Loaded a single series study using the Lung CT: Nodule Analysis preset. 2. Clicked the Select button under Nodule Management. 3. Clicked on the Nodule in the axial view. 4. Clicked the Edit button under Nodule Management. 5. Scrolled through the slices that displayed cyan color contours which represented probed nodules. 6. Cined to the slice where the contour was starting and pressed Delete or Backspace key. 7. Repeated step 6 for the first two or three slices and the last two or three slices. 8. Clicked the Select button under Nodule Management. Although the Nodule overlay was displayed in MPR views, the volume, effective diameter, and HU range values were not updated. The results were identical to the results before editing the Nodule. The results displayed in the Report page were also incorrect. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8674 Lung volume values in the Results table did not update after you edited the lung contours on a restored snapshot Previously, when you loaded a dataset into Lung Density Analysis, took a snapshot, returned to the Study Directory, restored the snapshot from either the Study Directory or the Report page, and edited the contours of either lung, the lung volume values in the Results table did not update. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8310 If Restore nodule is used in the prior of two loaded CT Lung studies and you probe a nodule in the current study, Autoprobe finds the nodule in the prior study, creates a duplicate of the nodule and lists the new N# in Nodule Management This issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Load the first study into CT Lung. 2. Select Nodule Anal ysis. 3. Probe the nodules. 4. Return to the Study Directory. 5. Load the first and second study (same patient Prior/Current study) into CT Lung. 6. Select Nodule Anal ysis. 7. In the Nodule Management area, restore the nodules that were found in first (prior) study. 8. Probe the same nodule in the second study. The nodule is found in both studies and the Nodule Management area lists two nodules in the same location for only the older scan. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 9 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-3646 Liver CT: Tumor volumes less than 0.1 ml not displayed in report Very small tumor volumes less than 0.1 ml were listed in a report as dashes (--). This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8669 Liver Tumor measurements or Lung Nodule measurements did not update when trimming with Sculpt Previously, this issue occurred when you completed one of the following workflows: For Liver CT: 1. Loaded any phase with a visible tumor using the Liver CT protocol and either the Tumor Response or the Resection Planning preset. 2. Created a tumor region using one of the following tools: the Tumor Pick tool, Organ Pick tool, Sculpt, or Vessel Grow. 3. Selected the Show Volume check box for the Tumor region. 4. Noticed that the volume measurement in the tumor information box in the axial view was the same as the volume measurement shown for the Tumor region on the 3D view. Also noticed that the maximum diameter line (green) and short axis line (red) were consistent with the yellow overlay on the MPR. 5. Used the Sculpt tool to shrink the tumor either in 3D or drew a contour on several coronal or sagittal slices (overlapping the tumor) and then clicked Remove. As a result, the measurements in the tumor box on the axial MPR were not updated; the tumor volume reported in the box on the axial MPR was different from the volume shown for Tumor in the 3D view; and the maximum diameter line (green) and short axis line (red) were no longer consistent with the yellow overlay on the MPR. This issue is resolved. For Lung CT: 1. Loaded any phase with a visible nodule using the Lung CT protocol. 2. Selected the Nodule Anal ysis preset. 3. Located a nodule and selected the nodule. 4. Note the volume measurement value listed in the nodule information box. 5. Used the Sculpt tool to shrink the nodule in 3D and then clicked Remove. As a result, the measurements in the nodule box on the axial MPR did not change. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 10 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8670 Resected and remnant liver regions and their measurements did not display correctly after the liver region was sculpted Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Loaded any phase of the dataset and segmentation/pre-processing completed. 2. Selected the Liver segmentation tool and clicked on the liver. 3. Ensured Liver was the region shown in the Multi-Pick Liver pop-up and clicked Add to. 4. Unclicked Base to remove it from the 3D view. 5. Selected the Resect tool and drew a resection line through the liver in an MPR view. Waited for the resection to complete and displayed remnant and resected overlays and measurements in the 3D. 6. Selected the Sculpt tool and sculpted an area of the Liver region. The resected and remnant regions overlaid the liver region and incorporated part of both regions. There was no visible change in the remnant and resected overlay. When the liver region was viewed on its own, the sculpted area was removed. The liver measurements were correspondingly reduced in the 3D results box. The resected and remnant results remained the same. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8671 VIT-8597 VIT-8594 When a resection surface was created and a region to liver was merged, resected and remnant Liver regions did not update Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Loaded a study using the Liver protocol and the Resection Planning preset. 2. When the pre-processing completed, clicked the Liver tool, clicked the liver in an MPR view and clicked Add To Liver. 3. Clicked the Resect tool, clicked on one side of the liver in an MPR view, and then double-clicked on the other side of the liver in the same MPR view. The Anatomy list displayed the Liver, Resected Liver, and Remnant Liver, and the volume view displayed volume measurements for these regions. 4. Clicked the organ pick, clicked some other region in an MPR view, and clicked Add To Other. 5. Right-clicked the Other region in the Anatomy list, selected Merge, selected Liver, and clicked OK. The Liver region included the other region area, but the resected liver and remnant liver were not updated. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 11 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8760 VIT-8759 VIT-8700 For Liver studies with Show Volume enabled, when you dilated an adjacent region, the liver got smaller but Resected and Remnant Liver did not change Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Loaded a liver study. 2. Selected the Liver CT protocol and the Resection Planning preset. 3. Used the Liver pick tool to create a Liver region, and used the Resect tool to define a resection surface. 4. Deselected Show Volume for the liver and used 3D sculpt to define a region that overlapped the liver. 5. Entered a region name and clicked Add To. 6. Selected Show Volume for Liver. 7. Saved the screen as Before Dilating. 8. Dilated the neighboring region. The volume measurements did not display in the volume view. If you selected Show Volume for the Liver, Resected Liver, and Remnant Liver regions the following occurred: the measurement for the Liver region was smaller, the measurements for the Resected Liver and Remnant Liver regions were not smaller, but the measurement that was previously listed for the Resected Liver was not listed for the Remnant Liver, and vice versa. Since the measurements for the Resected Liver and Remnant Liver regions had not changed, but the measurement for the Liver region had changed, the sum of the Resected and Remnant Liver regions was not equal to the volume of the Liver region. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8872 When you dilated a Liver CT region adjacent to a tumor, the tumor region decreased but the Tumor finding did not change Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Loaded a Liver CT study. 2. Created and resected the liver. 3. Selected the Show Tumor Margin check box. 4. Created a snapshot. 5. Restored the snapshot. 6. Selected the Show check box for the liver region. 7. Selected the Sculpt Free tool and drew a contour that included all of the tumor, part of the liver, and part of the volume outside the liver. 8. Entered New Region in the dropdown menu and clicked Add To. 9. Saved the screenshot. 10. Dilated the new region ten times. The volume of the Tumor region changed to 0. When you clicked the tumor in the Tumor Management list, the measurements in the axial view did not decrease but rather still matched the screenshot. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 12 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8673 Able to rename regions that were not protected to a protected region name Previously, this issue occurred when you completed one of the following workflows: For Liver CT: 1. Segmented a tumor via sculpt or organ pick. 2. In the Sculpt dialog, selected Other in the field below the AddTo button and clicked the AddTo button. A region named Other displayed in the Anatomy List but no tumor finding was created. 3. Right-clicked the Other region, selected Rename, and renamed the region Tumor or Tumor Margin. For Lung CT: 1. Segmented a nodule via sculpt or organ pick. 2. In the Sculpt dialog, selected Other in the field below the AddTo button and clicked the AddTo button. A region named Other displayed in the Anatomy List but no tumor finding was created. 3. Right-clicked the Other region, selected Rename, and renamed the region Nodule or Filling Defect. For Brain Analysis CT: 1. Segmented a region via sculpt. 2. In the Sculpt dialog, selected Other in the field below the AddTo button and clicked the AddTo button. A region named Other displayed in the Anatomy List. 3. Right-clicked the Other region, selected Rename, and renamed the region a protected name from the list. As a result, you were able to rename regions that should not be protected to a protected region name. This caused an issue because once the region became protected, you could not rename it again to make it unprotected, nor could you merge it with another region or edit it. In most cases, you would have to Reset or Clear the Anatomy List. Also, if you had created a region and renamed it to Tumor (now protected) and then created a tumor finding, the original named Tumor region is replaced by the Tumor region with the associated tumor finding. The contents of the original named Tumor region returned to Base. This issue is resolved. For Liver CT, if you enter a protected region name such as Tumor or Tumor Margin, Vitrea will add a number after the region name. For example Tumor will become Tumor-0. For Lung CT, if you enter a protected region name such as Nodule or Filing Defect, Vitrea will add a number after the region name. For example Nodule will become Nodule-0. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8676 VIT-8675
Results table did not update after merge to special region Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow: 1. Loaded a dataset into Lung CT/Lung Density Analysis. 2. Selected Show Volume for both the left and right Lung regions. 3. Unchecked the Show check boxes for Base and Airways in the Anatomy list. 4. Used the freehand sculpt tool to draw a contour around the lower half of one of the lungs. 5. In the 3D Sculpt dialog, typed Other in the field next to the AddTo button and then clicked the AddTo button. 6. In the Anatomy list, right-clicked on the Other region and selected Merge. 7. In the Merge dialog, selected the lung region name that you sculpted from and clicked OK. After the merge to the special region, visualization and Show Volume values updated appropriately but the Results table did not update. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 13 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8874 VIT-8900
CT Fat Application: Waist Circumference measurement updated incorrectl y upon an irrelevant edit Previously, this issue occurred when you completed the following workflow on specific datasets: 1. Loaded a series into Abdominal CT and selected Fat Assessment preset. 2. Selected any slice. 3. Selected Segment. 4. Saved the screen with measurements. 5. Sculpted out a very small region in an irrelevant area, e.g., inside background. 6. Selected AddTo Other. 7. Saved the screen with measurements. As a result, the Waist Circumference changed dramatically. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-3945 Multi Planar Reporting (MPR) pan does not update in both comparative images when using Modified Presets This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2743 Scrolling in the MPRs is out of sync for a volume view This occurred when you loaded a 4-up view; selected the crosshair in any of the 2D panels and repositioned to observe the other MPR views resulted in out of sync MPRs. This will be resolved by contacting Customer Support. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-7026 Zooming in Curved Planer Reporting (CPR) If in CPR view, you may not been able to zoom when Window/Leveling. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2481 Curved Planar Reporting: Vessels twist sideways in the inset view When probing single or dual volume vessels in CPR, and then rotating the image, the vessel may have tipped horizontal instead of vertical. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-3657
Original slice thickness modified preset caused scan with thinner slices to load a thick slice MIP Original slice thickness saved in preset caused a study that was scanned with thinner slices to load a thick slice MIP. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6874 Inability to rotate 3D and pan 3D image when in 3DVR You may be unable to pan and zoom when toggling in 3D oblique. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6824 CINE playback distortion in Inset views Occasionally, in default segmentation with inset views, the CINE playback was distorted. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6742 Volume view remains in lower resolution rendering When in the batch tab, changing from 1-up volume view to another view or vice-versa caused rendering to change to lower resolution imaging. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6732 Checkboxes on Visual tab are disabled If you selected snapshot mode, did not take a snapshot and then switched to the Visual tab, all of the checkboxes are disabled. This issue occurred when the snapshot tool is selected and then switched tabs before taking the snapshot. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 14 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaCore VIC-535
System Admin: Vitrea Admi nistration Tool (VAT) allows entry of incorrect slashes in the license URL This issue occurred when the wrong backslash is entered in the URL: ht t p: \ \ <VI MS Ser ver Host name>: 8760\ vi t r ea- l i cense It then propagates to other parts of the system. If this happens, contact Vital Customer Support directly. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-3828 Snapshot tool remains on after snapshot has been taken This occurred when you took a snapshot and the snap tool remained on. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced SUSENG-3005 VIT-8897 SUSENG-3008 Snapshot Migration Tool generated excessive temporary DICOM files Previously, when the Snapshot Migration Tool was run against datasets with snapshot and/or batches many TempDicom.* files were created in either X:\VitreaData\temp or in X:\. These files were collectively many times larger than the collective size of the packaged snaps/batches. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2993 Snapshot Migration Tool reported errors when dealing with long file paths Previously, when the Snapshot Migration Tool was run as part of an upgrade against datasets containing snapshots with path names greater than 256 characters, the snapshots were not migrated and errors displayed in the snapshot packager tool log file. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2979 Snapshot Migration Tool hanged while converting snapshots Previously, when running the Snapshot Migration Tool, if the Tool encountered datasets that contained snapshots, but not 3D volumes, the Migration Tool would hang and not process further datasets. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2357 SUSENG-2358 Data Manager: Cannot shift select multiple series. This issue occurred with the following workflow: 1. Load a series through integration with Data Manager. 2. When Data Manager opens, shift select multiple series. 3. You were unable to shift select multiple series. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced SUSENG-2986 Unable to login with LDAP accounts with periods in the username Previously in 6.4.1, you were unable to use LDAP accounts with a period in the username. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2963 Unable to login with LDAP accounts in 6.4.1 Previously, this issue occurred when installing 6.4.1 and configured LDAP, specific user accounts were unable to log into VitreaCore. An error message that stated "Failed to retrieve user information." displayed. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2925 Upgrade from 6.3.x or older to 6.4.x or newer failed and caused the prerequisites to not install correctl y Previously, when upgrading from 6.3.x or older to 6.4.x, and you cancelled the installation or it did not complete past the Mysql prerequisite, future installation attempts would skip the prerequisites. This issue is resolved.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 15 of 26 Version Products Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VIT-8548 VIT-8547 Licensing does not prevent use of new licenses on older versions This issue occurred in the following workflow: 1. Remove any licenses. 2. Create a license for a newer version (e.g. a 6.5 license for version 6.4). 3. Copy the license to the license folder. 4. Load VitreaAdvanced. 5. VitreaAdvanced should not start, displaying a message that no license is available. Instead, the session starts with no error message. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaCore VIC-537
Help tab: Displays 404 error when downloading video This issue occurred in the following workflow: 1. On a system that does not have Adobe Flash, go to view a Video on the help tab. 2. Open Vitrea Core, sign in, click the help tab, and select a video. 3. A link will be presented to allow you to download the file. Click the link. 4. You received a 404 error instead of a prompt to download the video. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6499 Myocardial Anal ysis and Myocardial Perfusion: When selecting the red/blue color bar and adjusting the red/blue threshold resulting in multiple red/blue color thresholds, a snapshot with these multiple thresholds will not properl y restore all of the red/blue thresholds This issue is resolved. The 2-color bar is removed for the 6.5 release. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6465 Myocardial Anal ysis and Myocardial Perfusion: When the red/blue threshold is adjusted, the detailed polar plot threshold sometimes does not change to match the volume view, and the threshold on the 17-segment polar plot never changes to match the volume view This issue is resolved. The 2-color bar is removed for the 6.5 release. 6.5 VitreaWorkstation VIT-4023 Calcium Scoring (CACS): Draw contour in 1-up, switch to N-up. In part of upper left image, cursor is 4-headed arrow, and can't draw contours Previously, this error occurred when you drew contours, switched views, preventing ability to further contour. This issue is resolved. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Rendering: Multi-volume fusion is onl y available in GPU mode. This includes generic volume fusion (up to four volumes) and fusion features in Myocardial CT and 4D Brain Perfusion.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 16 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.1 Known Limitations Version Product Description 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced Windows 8 is not supported as of the 6.5.1 Release 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced PIN-1236 Oncology Core Does Not Auto-Select All Series resulting in saved sessions not being used The workaround is to right click onto the Data Selection and manually add the sessions to the launch context. Please contact customer support to manually adjust application tab rules if the workaround is not sufficient. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced Mirada Oncology Fusion PIN-1235 Oncology Fusion Core Requires Manual Export. Due to configuration changes, a manual export of evidence is required from Mirada Oncology Fusion Core. Evidence will no longer be automatically sent. As a workaround, a configuration option is available, but this will cause the issue described below to occur. Please contact customer support for assistance to enable this configuration. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Mirada Oncology Fusion PIN-1204, PIN- 1180 Duplicate Mirada Oncology Fusion Snapshots and batches display in study list, snapshot tray or report page Mirada Oncology Fusion (3.6) snapshot behavior has changed. Each time a session is opened, it is treated as new session. If there were already snapshots or batches, a new copy of the snapshot or batch will be made upon subsequent sessions. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Mirada Oncology Fusion PIN-1176 Mirada Oncology Fusion: Snapshot Evidence Synchronization limitation Mirada snapshots can be deleted from the Study Directory (Standalone) or Snapshots and Series trays (VitreaAdvanced). However, there will be a 'split' icon in the Mirada Oncology Image Gallery noting that the evidence is no longer available.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 17 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5 Known Limitations Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-7309, VIM- 1433, VIC-669, VIM-1695 Snapshot restorability limitations In certain cases, snapshots are not restorable: 1. Snapshots created in version 6.4 and 6.5 will not be readable or useable in previous versions of the product. 2. Snapshots sent as monochrome will not be restorable. 3. Snapshots taken when disparate patients are loaded (i.e. not identified as the same person) will not be restorable. 4. Snapshots created in 6.2 or 6.3 ECF-based VitreaWorkstation for XA studies with dicomSnapMode ON will not be restorable when using the 6.4 VIMS based VitreaWorkstation. 5. When restoring to VitreaCore, not all attributes of advanced applications can be restored. 6. Snapshots restored into Myocardial Perfusion/Analysis will not display the 2-color bar upon restore. This feature has been depreciated and is no longer utilized in the product.
Snapshots created in 6.2 or 6.3 ECF based VitreaWorkstation that are migrated to a 6.4 VIMS based VitreaWorkstation will display the migration timestamp on all snapshots. NOTE: Snapshots that do not have DICOM Snapshot Mode enabled will not migrate from previous versions of VitreaWorkstation. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-4554 The 6.5 software release is currently unable to restore Colon, TAVR, 4D Brain Perfusion and Stent Planning snapshots in VitreaCore. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1587 CT Brain Perfusion 2D Jog Shuttle Vitrea CT Brain Perfusion 2D supports jog shuttle scans for GE scanners, except for scans that have slice levels greater than 30 or scans that are sent as more than one series. Jog shuttle has not been validated for any other scanner manufacturer. When loading unsupported wide-coverage data in Vitrea CT Brain Perfusion 2D, the perfusion maps may not be accurate. Known behaviors include a potential for perfusion differences between the top half of the scan and the bottom half of the scan. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Siemens scanners that acquire three slice CT Brain Perfusion are not supported. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced CT Brain Perfusion Series Merging CT Brain perfusion studies that have been received in separate series can be combined into a single series on VitreaWorkstation; this feature is not available in VitreaAdvanced. This issue can be avoided by changing the way the data is exported from the scanner. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2710 Circle of Willis (COW) Protocol: Jog Shuttle does not build one volume The shuttle jog builds two volumes instead of one volume. J og Shuttle is not supported in COW protocol.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 18 of 26 Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Segmentation and vessel anal ysis limitations when analyzing CT data with contrast and reconstructed at 80-100 kV There may be degraded performance of the segmentation and vessel analysis algorithms used in VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation when analyzing CT studies with contrast which have been reconstructed at 80-100 kV. Applications and related tools which may be affected are: Generic CT (Vessel Probe Tool and Extend, Automatic Bone Removal, Vessel Grow, and Bone Pick), CT Coronary Analysis (auto coronary vessel tracking), Endovascular Stent Planning, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Cardiac Functional Analysis, Cardiac Multi-Chamber Functional Analysis, EP Planning, Myocardial Analysis, Myocardial Perfusion, and Liver Segmentation. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VitreaAdvanced Servers and VitreaWorkstations require at least 12GB of RAM to support the Liver application. 6.5 VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2880 Shadows display in CTA/Aorta when Auto Bone or Remove Fragments are used with CPU Rendering The Auto Bone or Remove Fragments options when used with CPU rendering can cause ghosted or shadow remnant of ribs in some cases. As a workaround, use the Dilate feature in the Regions Options menu to improve the 3D image quality. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8540 Incorrect result is shown when loading a Lung Density Anal ysis dataset with onl y one lung This is a limitation as the software assumes there are two lungs and always tries to separate them and label left and right. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced (TomTec ultrasound application) TomTec installation requires GPU rendering TomTec installation requires GPU rendering. Therefore, Virtual Machine deployments are not supported. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced (MeVis Visia Dynamic MR) PIN-880 MeVis Visia Dynamic Review multiple user limitation viewing same study Multiple users cannot load the same MeVis Dynamic Review case. 6.5 VitreaWorkstation VIT-8493 Mirada Saved Session is unavailable after an upgrade For Workstation deployments prior to 6.3: Upgrades to 6.5 will cause saved sessions to become unavailable. The Mirada saved sessions are used to go back to an incomplete workflow. All the evidence previously collected is still available to consume in the report. As a workaround, you can complete the Mirada workflow before the upgrade or redo the workflow after the upgrade in absence of the saved sessions. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced (Cedars-Sinai QPET and SPECT perfusion) Cedar-Sinai QPET and SPECT perfusion applications require GPU rendering Cedars Cardiac Suite installation requires GPU rendering, therefore Virtual Machine deployments are not supported. 6.5 VitreaCore VIC-474 VitreaCore query onl y returns results if the patient scan is within the last eight years
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 19 of 26 Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1685 VIM-1691
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition limits the total available DICOM data storage to 1 TB DICOM data storage is limited to 1 TB due to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition having a 4 GB database size limitation. This issue is usually encountered when running VitreaWorkstation fX on Windows XP.
As a workaround, upgrade the Windows Operating System to Windows 7 for a VitreaWorkstation or upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2 for a VES system. SQL Server 2008 R2 provides up to 2TB of DICOM storage and is used by default on Windows 7. SQL Server Standard Edition should be used in situations where the SQL database size is expected to be larger than 10 GB. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1640 Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 is not a supported internet browser for the 6.5 release. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1644 Vital does not generate Encapsulated PDF DICOM data Vital does not have the capability of generating Encapsulated PDF DICOM data. Therefore, any generated Encapsulated PDF evidence from third party software will be in a Secondary Capture and will properly display in the Vital Reporting tray. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VIC-678 CD/DVD Report Viewer application requires .NET 4.0 If you burn a CD/DVD from the VitreaCore Report page and then try to select the AutoRun.exe option from the auto-populated dialog, a .NET Framework Initialization Error will display if .NET 4.0 is not installed on the system. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation NAS path is permanent The Network-Attached-Storage (NAS) path is permanent. Customers that wish to replace or rename the NAS path must keep the original hostname or reprocess all patient data. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaAdvanced Onl y Supports x64 Operating System Vitrea installations on v1.1 (or earlier) will not be able to use their x32 Vitrea Powerstation configuration with the latest version of Vitrea. These Vitrea Powerstation installations must either be migrated to an x64 OS or use an approved VitreaAdvanced Server. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Older Licensing Technology Not Supported The introduction of new licensing technology in Vitrea 6.0.2 will require that any users running a version prior Vitrea 6.0.2 system to obtain an updated license in order to use later versions of the product. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced Study Directory Access The VitreaWorkstation Study Directory is not available from VitreaAdvanced. Key features and functionality that are only available on the standalone workstation include Study Viewer and Disk Space Indicator. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced Vitrea Review Tab The Vitrea Review tab is not available in VitreaAdvanced. This functionality is currently offered through the Report Tray in the Data Manager to support report distribution. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced Sub-Volume Loading not available in VitreaAdvanced The Vitrea Study Directory supports the ability to select discrete points within a studys 3D volume for loading into the viewer. This capability enables you to manage local resources by only loading a subset of the data and is not available in VitreaAdvanced.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 20 of 26 Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VIT-8474 EP Planning - Save 3D button is present and displays operational but does not save EP files on a VES Workstation Currently the save 3D button is not supported when using the VES Workstation (commonly called PowerStation) deployment. This is only available when using a standalone VitreaWorkstation. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation 3D image appearance differences when rendered by GPU vs. CPU The appearance of 3D images can be different when rendered with a dedicated GPU versus CPU- based rendering. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced SUSENG-2428 System Administration issue: Duplicate patientID entered with slightl y different name If two studies with the same patient ID and different names (such as one with a middle name and the other without) are sent to Vitrea cache and auto-delete rules specify that the two studies should be deleted, only the newer study will be deleted. The other study is orphaned. A system administrator can delete the orphaned study folder manually. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Multi-volume fusion limitations with older GPUs Multi-volume fusion of more than three volumes is not supported on older graphic cards (Examples: Quadro FX3500 and ATI FirePro V5800). Vitrea will only allow three volume Multi-volume fusion with the older graphic cards and will allow up to four volumes with the newer graphic cards. 6.5 VitreaCore VIC-668 Findings do not display in the Report Tab when using McKesson HRS-A and Internet Explorer 6. Findings will not display in the Report Tab when integrated with McKesson HRS-A PACS while both 6.4 and 6.5 VitreaCore Clients are installed and the browser version is Internet Explorer 6. As a workaround, please update to a supported version of Internet Explorer. 6.5 VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-3084 SUSENG-3303 VIM-1738 IPv6 is not supported at this time. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is not supported at this time. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation English onl y user documentation The 6.5 release will only include the English version of user documentation. 6.5 VitreaView A new version of VitreaView is not part of the 6.5 release. The current released version of VitreaView cannot be used with this version of VitreaAdvanced.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 21 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Known Issues Version Product Description 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-2738 Unable to edit contours carotid vessel probe after abdomen or other type study. As a workaround: If the user is processing a study in the Vascular: Aorta Stent CT protocol and knows that they will be probing vessels and editing contours in another protocol later on, the user should uncheck the Wall checkbox in Vessel Tools prior to leaving the Aorta Stent protocol. Or if the user experiences the defect while editing contours, the user doesn't have to restart Vitrea to get the functionality back. Instead, they can load a study in Vascular Aorta Stent CT protocol, uncheck the wall checkbox and reload the study. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-3248 Vessel names are not maintained in the MPR views The vessel names are missing , however the image and visualization info provided is correct, as a workaround a user could use annotation tool to label the MPR image 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-3408 Snapshots can appear with red x on report page when going back to study directory i f nonstandard nasroot for patient data is used. The software cannot use a nasroot of \\hostname\patients and the standalone cannot change the e:\Vitreadata folder to be e:\Patients 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation CT Cardiac Functional Analysis SUSENG-3628 When loading functional cardiac CT data into CT Cardiac Functional Anal ysis application the segmentation can be initialize incorrectl y resulting in an incomplete graph. As a workaround; The user can drag and orient the LV axis into the correct position/orientation and then hit the "Compute" button to update the segmentations. The user may have to further adjust the mitral valve plane or apex plane on one or more phases to a final, correct configuration and click "Compute". Once the LV axis and planes have been properly adjusted, contours may need to be edited in one or more phases in order to achieve the final segmentations and calculations 6.5.3 Vitrea Core SUSENG-3633 Vitrea Core login takes more than 30 seconds When logging into Vitrea Core with LDAP account, you may experiences a delay of up to 30 seconds before the study list shows up 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-3643 Reporting UI errors when IE ESC is not turned off for Users During install and configuration, the system will generate errors because the rights required to access a specific file are not available when IE ESC is not turned off for Users. 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation CT Body Perfusion SUSENG-3673 A registration failure prevents case work-up During the processing of a Body Perfusion study if the registration fails it prevents additional workup, the UI buttons are disabled. Attempt to recover by cancelling registration step does not work
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 22 of 26 VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.1 Known Issues Version Product Description 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation SUSENG-3311 System Administration: VitreaCore Client does not register with certain PACS integrations PACS integrations that do not leverage the URL API, or VCAccess.aspx, will have to register the VitreaCore client by visiting the VitreaCore logon page (default.aspx) prior to using the integration. 6.5.1 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation Mirada Oncology Fusion PIN-1155 Mirada Oncology Fusion may not exit properl y when the application is closed using the Red " X" If you close the application using the red x, Mirada Oncology Fusion may not transfer the entire Saved Session. As a workaround, the Mirada File | Exit menu can be used when the Saved Session feature is desired. VitreaAdvanced and VitreaWorkstation 6.5 Known Issues Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8518 Calcium Scoring (CACS): Unable to take snapshots after deleting all interpolated contours This issue occurs in the Cardiac: Ca Scoring CT protocol with 2D VScore preset and after deleting all interpolated contours. A warning message is displayed you must interpolate all contours to take a snapshot. As a workaround, reset or reload the series and redo the workflow or restore the snapshot if taken. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-3280 CT Myocardial protocol: Contour edits sometimes not saved Occasionally, in the CT Myocardial protocol when you make contour adjustments, select compute, the contours change back to the previous position. This occurred when the adjustments made were not accepted. A dialog displays for you to analyze and determine if further adjustments to contours need to be made. You can continue to adjust the location of the contours by using the "Edit" option under "Cardiac Analysis" as needed. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8940 Myocardial Perfusion: Overlay/Fusion On colors not correct after adjusting the threshold when toggling between stress and rest This issue occurs when you complete the following workflow: 1. Load two series using the Myocardial Perfusion preset. 2. Change the polar map to Overlay/Fusion On and 2-color bar. 3. Press F10 to see state of polar map for other series and then press F10 again. 4. Adjust the threshold of the 2-color bar to make a change in the blue/red colors. 5. Press F10 to display other series. As a result, the polar map colors get out of sync and do not match MPR colors. The 2-color bar is removed for the 6.5 release.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 23 of 26 Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8949 VIT-8977 Myocardial Perfusion: Changing the layout to 1-up view after using F9/F10 with 2 Color Bar enabled displays the wrong series This issue occurs when you load two series using the Myocardial Perfusion preset, change the color bar to 2-color, press either F9 or F10, select any of the 2D images and change the layout to a 1-up view, the series changes. For example, if a 1-up stress series was selected, the rest series displays. As a workaround, press F9/F10 to change the series that is displayed. The 2-color bar has been removed for the 6.5 release. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-9108
MyoAnal ysis polar map image has report page graphic captured instead of the polar map This occurs when you complete the following workflow: 1. Load MyoAnalysis protocol. 2. Wait for segmentation/calculation to complete. 3. Take snapshots of different views and quickly go to report page. 4. Examine the snapshots and polar maps on the report slide tray. Sometimes the two generated polar map images display as the background of the report or viewer page. As a workaround, toggle between the Viewer tab and the Report tab to regenerate the polar map images. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8366 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR): Ruler and circumference measurements difficult to measure/edit This issue occurs when the ruler and ROI measurements overlap. Combined ruler and ROI measurements are difficult to edit unless one is moved out of the way. As a workaround, complete the workflow in a different order, such as drawing the rulers first or drawing the rulers to extend beyond the ROI and adjust accordingly. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8227 Non-cardiac protocols: Orientation position angles not displayed When loading non cardiac protocols and selecting the 3D preset, the orientation is not displayed. As a workaround, C-Arm angles (a different format of the orientation) can be found in other protocols such as Cardiac: Arteries and Vascular: Stent Planning. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-7765 Large Tumor Probe Tool When probing a tumor, you select the large size and then manually adjust the size by clicking -" to reduce the tumor. In certain cases, the size increases, rather than decreases. As a workaround, select -" again and the appropriate size is reflected. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-5925 CT Liver Anal ysis: When loading a multi-phase series, the phase buttons are not properl y displayed at the bottom of the screen with a 1280x1024 monitor resolution This has been resolved for English. As a workaround for other languages, change the monitor resolution. If this is not possible, please contact Vital Customer Support. 6.5 VitreaWorkstation VIT-6515
Body Perfusion: Different version snapshot restore fails/doesn't complete If you complete Body Perfusion snapshots on Vitrea Standalone workstation and export to another machine, the snapshot fails or does not complete. As a workaround, open the original series and retake the snapshots.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 24 of 26 Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-7942 CT Fat Application: Auto generated images are black for single slice data This issue occurred with the following workflow: 1. Launch single slice data into CT Fat preset. 2. Select the Report tab. 3. The report should populate with auto generated images. The Auto generated images are completely black. As a workaround, take snapshots and drag into the report to replace the blank images. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8708 Lung Density Undo after sculpting and creating a new region removes all segmentation This issue occurs when you: 1. Load a dataset into Lung CT/Lung Density Analysis. 2. Select Show Volume for both left and right lung regions after segmentation completes. 3. Uncheck the Show checkboxes for Base and Airways in the anatomy section. Only the L Lung and R Lung should be visible in the volume view. 4. Using the Sculpt tool, draw a contour inside the borders of one of the lungs in the volume view. 5. In the 3D Sculpt dialog, select "Other" from the dropdown list of the field next to the "AddTo" button and then click the AddTo button. 6. Click Undo (F11) once. 7. All segmentation is undone and only the base region is shown is shown in the Anatomy list. As a workaround, merge the other region back to the left lung region instead of undo or reset the view. You can also redo (press F12) to bring segmentation back. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8882 Inconsistent behavior when using Autoskin within the CT Fat application When you launch a study using the CT Fat preset, select Autoskin, select Segment, select Autoskin again and then select Replace, the regions and measurements are affected. If you select Segment and then Autoskin, the Autoskin does not affect results or regions from initial fat segmenting. 6.5 TomTec VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation PIN-1030 TomTec: Cardiac Package vector editing and playback tool buttons become disabled This issue occurs when completing the following workflow: 1. Log into VitreaAdvanced or VitreaWorkstation. 2. Select the Ultrasound (US) data into TomTec. 3. Right click for 2D Cardiac, create segmentation and select the analysis. 4. Edit the vector size or go through the velocity points through the playback. The vector editing or playback tool should consistently be enabled and "clickable". Instead, the buttons are selectable only once and stop functioning. As a workaround, click a different button or off to the side to reenable the buttons. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-7891 Burning CD/DVDs in Windows XP: Progress bar stops at 99% The CD/DVD disk burn is finished and ejects, however the progress bar shows 99%. You perceive the CD/DVD is missing a file when the status does not correctly display 100%. This only occurs in Windows XP.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 25 of 26 Version Product Description 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-3836
Help links in Demonstrations sections cause VitalBrowser to crash. In VitreaAdvanced, if the Help tab is selected, followed by a link within the Help-Demonstrations section, followed by a link in the selected Help-Demonstrations page, the Help tab will be blank and will not return until VitreaAdvanced is restarted. The defect will only occur on machines running Microsoft XP (Vitrea workstations or VitreaAdvanced Servers). It is caused by a 2006 Microsoft security update (#923789) related to the use of Adobe Flash. There are two alternatives for a system administrator to fix this problem: 1) Uninstall Microsoft KB #923789. The next time a Help-Demonstrations link is opened, you will be prompted to either download the associated video or to install Adobe Flash. This will have to be done on each VitreaAdvanced Server and/or Vitrea Workstation involved. 2) Manually install the latest version of Adobe Flash which will overwrite the incorrect Microsoft patch. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VIT-4133 Start Conference Dialog displays if VitreaAdvanced is clicked next to the minimize bar Clicking VitreaAdvanced near the top right of the screen causes the Start Conference dialog to display, blocking clinical workflow. As a workaround, select Cancel and it will not display. Furthermore, the conference buttons are hidden in Windows 7 Aero theme and you may switch to the Classic theme if they wish to see the conference button. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-8403 License server connection unavailable: Pressing gallery tab hangs application This issue may occur when taking a group of snapshots, batches, etc. and you lose the license connection and go back to the Gallery before the workflow was finished. As a workaround, the evidence is populated when the you click Back to the Study Directory. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIT-6268 Media Manager import fails with extremel y large size DICOM files (>2 GB) MediaManager import fails with large (2 Gigabyte) DICOM files. This size would typically be reached with approximately 4,000 images. As a workaround, you can use other tools to import the patient study such as sending the dataset directly from the modality to PACS. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced PLT-3753 Ensure that the firewall on Microsoft Windows 2008 allows port 8760, otherwise you will not be able to see the license. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation VIM-1534 The Admin tool will report that remote administration is not allowed when pointing to a remote license server. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VIT-8217 An error will display to inform you that you are unable to connect to the reporting application when taking snapshots while the database is failing over. This message only displays in load balanced deployments. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VitreaWorkstation PLT-3795 In some cases, the installer will not be able to create proper temporary folders needed for services. If you suspect that services are not working correctly, please contact Customer Support. 6.5 VitreaAdvanced VIC-634 You may experience a message indicating "The feature has not been licensed" when the database is down or when the connection to the database has been temporarily interrupted.
VitreaAdvanced 6.5.3 and VitreaWorkstation 6.5.3 Release Notes VPMC-13224A Page 26 of 26 Versioning Information 6.5.3 Product Name Description VIMS Server 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced Server 6.5.3 VitreaCore Server 6.5.3 VitreaAdvanced fX 6.5.3 Vitrea (Workstation) 6.5.3 Vitrea fX (Workstation) 6.5.3 Cedars-Sinai Cardiac Suite Quantitative Blood Pool SPECT (QBS) 2012.0.0.17760 Cedars-Sinai Cardiac Suite Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS) 2012.0.0.17760 Cedars-Sinai Cardiac Suite Quantitative Perfusion SPECT (QPS) 2012.0.0.17760 iCAD VeraLook CAD 1.0 1.1 Medicsight Colon CAD 3.3 4.1 Medis QMass MR 7.5.20 Medis QFlow 5.5.22 Medis QFlow Advanced 5.5.22 MeVis CT Lung CAD 3.1.2 MeVis Visia Dynamic Review 6.3 Visia CT Lung CAD 3.0.1 Mirada Oncology Fusion Core Mirada Oncology Fusion Standard Mirada Oncology Fusion Advanced Olea PerfScape (Neuro MR Perfusion) v2.01 Olea NeuroScape (Neuro MR Neurological Assessment) v1.2.0 TomTec Base Cardiology 5.01.245559 TomTec Advanced Cardiology 5.01.245559 TomTec Radiology 5.01.245559