Kangaroo English Contest

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My sister always goes to work

a. With the bus b. in bus c. by bus d. on bus e. with bus
2.What does your father do?
. engineer.
a. He`s an b. He`s c. He`s a d. His an e. His a
3.A ebra crossing is a !lace where
a. !eo!le cross a road b. ebras cross a road c. !eo!le ad"ire ebras
d. a !lace at the oo e. a !lace where ebras li#e
$. Which is the odd one out?
a. flea b. fly c. "os%uito d. bug e. bat
&. 'he !erson who stands in front of the orchestra and leads it is the ..
a. director b. conductor c. "anager d. #iolinist
e. co"!oser
(. )eil Ar"strong was the first "an to walk on the
a. sun b. stars c. earth d. "oon e. water
*. My friend +ayla is #ery .. . ,he always tells "e what to do.
a. selfish b. sensiti#e c. bossy d. lay e. serious
-. My cousin is interested . History.
a. in b. about c. on d. of e. by
.. Which !air contains o!!osite words?
a. tight/night b. black/flat c. light/dark d. soon/ne0t
11. 'he author of the no#el 2White 3ang4 is..
a. 5scar Wilde b. Mark 'wain c. 6aniel 6efoe
d. 7ack 8ondon e. 8ewis 9arroll
11. :ou weight if you don`t e0ercise regularly.
a. !ut b. gain c. increase d. "ake e. get
12. My teacher is .worried about "y grades.
a. seriously b. thoughtfully c. hea#ily d. badly e. acti#ely
13. 3ind the e0tra word in the following sentence; :ou "ust to be "ore careful when dri#ing
at high s!eed.
a. "ust b. to c. "ore d. at e. when
1$.'he horse was gallo!ing and Mathew was afraid he would fall off.
a. fast and faster b. fast and fast c. faster and faster
d. "ore and "ore fast e. fast and "ore fast
1&. :ou find instructions on how to use or re!air a "achine in a<n=
a. "anual b. dictionary c. atlas d. te0tbook
e. encyclo!edia
1(. 9hoose the right %uestion words to co"!lete the following %uestions;
1. .`s your surna"e?
2.are you fro"?
3. ..`s your best friend?
$. ..do you listen to "usic?
&..hours a day do you watch '>?
a. What?Where? Who?How often? How "any
b. What?Where?Why?How often?How "any
c. What?Where?Who?When?How "uch
d. What?Where?Who?When?How
e. What?Where?Whose?How often?How "any
1*..of these books is your fa#ourite?
a.What b.Who c.Whose d.Who" e.Which
1-.When is @nde!endence 6ay celebrated in the A,A?
a.5n 1
6ece"ber b. 5n 23
A!ril c.5n $
d.5n 31
)o#e"ber e.5n 1$
1..When so"ething is #ery easy to doB you say it is a !iece of ..
a.!ie b.cake c.ad#ice d.news e. furniture
21.While she .to her fa#ourite radio stationB she a strange noise.
a.was listening? heard b. listened?heard c.was listening? was hearing
d.listened? was hearing e.were listening?were hearing
21.'o cut a long story shortB the !rince "arried the !rincess and they li#ed ha!!ily
a.all life b.always c.e#er after d.now and the e.so"eti"es
22.8ast yearB Mark ..to "any countries in Curo!e on business.
a.!assed b.tra#elled c. decided d.walked e."ade
23.Whose are the toys?
a.'he childrens` b.'he childrens c.'he children d.'he children`s
e.5f the children
2$.6on`t go too near the water until youhow to swi".
a. shall learn b.will learn c.are learning d.learned e.learn
2&.A;What a fantastic dayD
a.)ot too badB thanksD b.)e#er "indD c.:esB isn`t it greatD
d.@t`s really good to see youB tooD C.Why not?@t`s u! to youD
2(.:our sister`s daughter is your ..
a. cousin b. ne!hew c.aunt d.grand"other e. niece
2*.Mr. 'aylor`s fa"ily didn`t ha#e .."oney when he was a boy.
a. a lot b."uch c.lot of d."any e.lots
2-.9o"!lete the sentence; ,he !ut three ..of sugar in her hor chocolate and now it`s
too sweet.
a.s%uares b.obFects c.!lates d.teas!oons e.kni#es
2.. A;@`" really hungryD
E; .a" @.
a. Also b. Cither c. ,o d. 'oo e. As well
31.,orryB ..a !roble" with this file. Glease reload.
a. there is b. its c. their d. theirs e.they`re
31.What can you do with a bike?
a. :ou can read it. b.:ou can dri#e it. c.:ou can fly it
d.:ou can ride it e.:ou can write it.
32.9hoose the best answer to the %uestion; How are you?
a. @`" 5li#er b. @`" all right. c. @`" !laying cards. d.@`" an artist
e.@ a" tall
33. 5nce a weekB "y brother and @ swi""ing at the !ool.
a.go b. to go c.gone d.going e.goes
3$.Hurry u!D C#eryone ..for youD
a.is waiting b.waits c.are waiting d.wait e.waited
3&.Which ri#er flows through 8ondon?
a. 'he 6anube b.'he ,eine c.'he Hhine d.'he 'ha"es e.'he )ile
3(.9o"e to "y !artyD @t`s ..half !ast se#enthe e#ening.March2nd.
a. at?on?in b. on?at? in c. at?in?on d. in? on? at e. on? in? at
3*. Match the two colu"ns to find three !ro#erbs;
1. Eetter safe a. like ho"e
2.'here is no !lace b.than ne#er.
3.Eetter late c.than sorry.
a. 1b? 2a? 3c b. 1a? 2c? 3b c. 1a? 2b? 3c d. 1c? 2b? 3a
e. 1c? 2a? 3b
3-.4@ can see what you "ean4 "eans;
a. @ can see #ey well b. @ understand what you are saying
c.@ don`t know the answer d. @`d like to see you e. @`" #ery confused
3.. Geter Gan has a fairy friend called .
a.Ha!unel b.'hu"belina c.'inker Eell d. 9inderella
e.'o" 'hu"b
$1. 'he !lural of "ouse is ;
a. "ouses b. "ices c. "ice d. "ises e. "ouse

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