74-343 Managing Projects With Microsoft Project 2013

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Managing Projects
with Microsoft Project 2013

Target Audience
Candidates for this exam use Project Standard 2013, Project Professional 2013, and Project Pro for
Office 365 desktop features (excluding Project Server features).
Candidates should have experience effectively modeling, scheduling, resourcing, communicating,
collaborating on, and delivering projects using Project Standard 2013, Project Professional 2013, Project
Pro for Office 365, Microsoft SharePoint, and SharePoint Online.
Candidates should also have a solid understanding of key project management concepts and
Objective Domain
1. Initialize a Project

1.1. Create a new project.
This objective may include but is not limited to: creating a template from a completed
project, creating a project from an existing template, existing project, SharePoint task list, or
Microsoft Office Excel workbook

1.2. Create and maintain calendars.
This objective may include but is not limited to: setting working or non-working hours and
days for calendars, setting a base calendar, resource calendar, and hours per day, applying
calendars to project, task, and resource levels

1.3. Create custom fields.
This objective may include but is not limited to: creating basic formulas, graphical indicator
criteria, lookup tables, and task and resource custom fields

1.4. Customize option settings.
This objective may include but is not limited to: setting default task types, manual vs. auto-
scheduling, project options, calendar options, customized ribbon and quick access toolbar

2. Create a Task-Based Schedule

2.1. Set up project information.
This objective may include but is not limited to: defining project start date, applying calendars
and current date, entering project properties, displaying the project summary task on a new

2.2. Create and modify a project task structure.
This objective may include but is not limited to: creating and modifying summary tasks and
subtasks, rearranging tasks, creating milestones, creating manually scheduled tasks, outlining,
setting tasks as active or inactive

2.3. Build a logical schedule model .
This objective may include but is not limited to: setting date constraints, deadlines,
dependencies, links, duration equations, effort-driven tasks, and formulas, choosing a task

2.4. Create a user-controlled schedule.
This objective may include but is not limited to: entering duration, setting or changing the
task mode (manual or auto), displaying warnings and suggestions, using estimated durations
and user-controlled summary tasks

2.5. Manage multiple projects.
This objective may include but is not limited to: creating a shared resource pool, connecting
to a resource pool, creating links between projects, resolving conflicts between linked
projects, working with master projects and sub-projects, summarizing data in master projects

3. Manage Resources and Assignments

3.1. Enter and edit resource information.
This objective may include but is not limited to: entering and editing max units, resource
types, resource rate table, cost per use, availability, resource group, generic resources, and
cost resources

3.2. Create and edit resource assignments.
This objective may include but is not limited to: using task forms, assigning multiple
resources, assigning resources to tasks using units that represent part-time work, editing

3.3. Manage resource allocation.
This objective may include but is not limited to: viewing task and resource usage, viewing
availability across multiple projects, changing assignment information, leveling, replacing

3.4. Manage resource allocations by using Team Planner.
This objective may include but is not limited to: displaying current resource allocations and
assignments, managing unassigned tasks, resolving resource conflicts, leveling resource
overallocations, substituting resources

3.5. Model project costs.
This objective may include but is not limited to: entering and assigning resource-based costs
(work, material, cost), cost per use, fixed costs, accrual method, applying a resource rate

4. Track and Analyze a Project

4.1. Set and maintain baselines.
This objective may include but is not limited to: using multiple baselines, baselining an entire
project, baselining selected tasks, updating a baseline

4.2. Update actual progress.
This objective may include but is not limited to: updating percentage completion, actual or
remaining duration, actual work, remaining work, status date, current date, actual start and
actual finish, using actual work and usage views, rescheduling uncompleted work, cancelling
an unneeded task

4.3. Compare progress against a baseline.
This objective may include but is not limited to: using date variance, work variance, cost
variance, and task slippage, showing variance of the current plan against baseline (tracking
Gantt), selecting a view to display variance

4.4. Resolve potential schedule problems.
This objective may include but is not limited to: displaying warnings, suggestions, and task
drivers by using Task Inspector and Task Path, identifying resource overallocations

4.5. Display Critical Path information.
This objective may include but is not limited to: viewing the critical path in single or master
projects, viewing total slack, displaying progress against baseline or deadlines

5. Communicate Project Information

5.1. Apply and customize views.
This objective may include but is not limited to: using auto-filter, applying views, grouping,
filtering, highlighting, creating and managing tables, sorting, customizing views, sharing a
view with Organizer

5.2. Share data with other applications.
This objective may include but is not limited to: importing data from Excel, exporting data to
Excel, attaching documents or linking hyperlinks to supporting information, copying and
pasting timeline and reports to other Office Web Apps, creating and generating visual reports
in Excel and Microsoft Visio, exporting a timeline view to e-mail

5.3. Configure and display reports and dashboards.
This objective may include but is not limited to: reporting progress status, saving to PDF or
XPS, displaying Gantt information, schedule, or timeline, displaying data based on date range,
creating built-in dashboards and reports, changing and customizing built-in dashboards and
reports, copying pictures, working with cumulative fields

5.4. Connect and share data with SharePoint.
This objective may include but is not limited to: syncing to SharePoint, sharing plans and
getting updates through SharePoint, sharing project plans through SharePoint (bi-directional
sync of tasks, progress, and timeline elements), collecting actual progress from a team
through SharePoint

5.5. Extend Project 2013.
This objective may include but is not limited to: acquiring Apps from the Office Store, saving
files in SkyDrive, acquiring templates from Office.com, automating frequent tasks with Visual
Basic for Applications (VBA)

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