This document provides information for customers of the Institute for Testing and Certification regarding conformity assessment of medical devices pursuant to EU Directive 93/42/EEC. It outlines the process, including an initial enquiry and questionnaire, formal application including required documentation, review of the application, determination of price and delivery date, technical documentation requirements, and provision of test samples if needed. The goal is to ensure customers understand the process and requirements for medical device certification through ITC as Notified Body No. 1023.
This document provides information for customers of the Institute for Testing and Certification regarding conformity assessment of medical devices pursuant to EU Directive 93/42/EEC. It outlines the process, including an initial enquiry and questionnaire, formal application including required documentation, review of the application, determination of price and delivery date, technical documentation requirements, and provision of test samples if needed. The goal is to ensure customers understand the process and requirements for medical device certification through ITC as Notified Body No. 1023.
This document provides information for customers of the Institute for Testing and Certification regarding conformity assessment of medical devices pursuant to EU Directive 93/42/EEC. It outlines the process, including an initial enquiry and questionnaire, formal application including required documentation, review of the application, determination of price and delivery date, technical documentation requirements, and provision of test samples if needed. The goal is to ensure customers understand the process and requirements for medical device certification through ITC as Notified Body No. 1023.
This document provides information for customers of the Institute for Testing and Certification regarding conformity assessment of medical devices pursuant to EU Directive 93/42/EEC. It outlines the process, including an initial enquiry and questionnaire, formal application including required documentation, review of the application, determination of price and delivery date, technical documentation requirements, and provision of test samples if needed. The goal is to ensure customers understand the process and requirements for medical device certification through ITC as Notified Body No. 1023.
Institute for Testing and Certification, Inc., Czech Republic, EU
1. Introduction The present Manual aims at informing customers of the Institute for Testing and Certification, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as ITC) about their rights and obligations in conformity assessment procedure of medical devices (hereinafter referred to as MD) with a Notified Body complicity in.
ITC is a legal entity authorized to perform activities in conformity assessment of MDs placed on the markets of member states of the European Union and countries of the European Free Trade Association and notified for this activity by the European Commission as Notified Body No. 1023 (hereinafter referred to as only NB 1023).
Technical requirements on MDs and obligations of persons introducing a MD into the market of the European Union are laid down by the Council Directive 93/42/EEC (2007/47/ES). In compliance with legislation of the European Union this Directive is implemented into the Czech legislation in the form of a Czech Republic's Government Order No. 336/2004, Collection of Laws, which lays down technical requirements for medical devices (hereinafter referred to as only GO 336).
Practically it means that by meeting the requirements laid down by the GO 336 also requirements of the above directive are met at the same time and the product whose conformity with these requirements has been assessed by an author- ized representative in co-operation with NB 1023 (ITC) may be placed on the market of all EU and EFTA member states without any further restrictions and measures taken. 2. Enquiry The manufacturer of the medical device or his authorized representative (hereinafter referred to as client) submits filled preliminary questionnaire for potential clients to the Notified Body No. 1023. The preliminary questionnaire can be downloaded from the website medical-devices-ce-itc
The client should deliver the completed form personally, by post, fax or e-mail to one of the contacts below:
Institute for Testing and Certification, Inc. Certification Division Jana Baluskov, Medical Device Certification Department tda Tome Bati 299, 764 21 Zln - Louky, Czech Republic
Ing. Vclav Kahnek (Head of the Medical Device Certification Dept.) tel. +420 577 601 357, fax. +420 577 104 855, e-mail:
Ing. Tom Zviek (Medical Device Certification Dept.) tel. +420 577 601 254, fax. +420 577 104 855, e-mail:
Ing. Pavla Heinzov (Medical Device Certification Dept.) tel. +420 577 601 789, fax. +420 577 104 855, e-mail:
Ing. Viliam peko (Head of Branch Office ITC Bratislava) tel. +421 253 421 047, fax. +421 253 421 032, e-mail:
Ing. Peter Korbe (Branch Office ITC Bratislava) tel. +421 253 421 046, fax. +421 253 421 032, e-mail:
At this stage it is required to supply with the preliminary questionnaire also documentation specified in this ques- tionnaire. The questionnaire and the documentation presented must be in English. Use of other languages of the Europe- an Union is possible only on approval with one of the experts above. Filling in of the questionnaire can be consulted, in case of an ambiguity, with the persons in the above contact addresses. The questionnaire is reviewed in terms of accuracy and completeness of data. If the questionnaire or the submitted documentation are incomplete, ITC specifies the missing items in writing (by letter, e-mail or fax) and requires completion of the details. After receiving the completely filled preliminary questionnaire together with required documentation the respon- sible ITC expert prepares the cost estimation for the requested conformity assessment process. 3 Formal application If the potential client agrees with the proposed price offer, submission of application for medical devices con- formity assessment together with technical documentation in the extent specified in section 6 below is required. By the submitting of the properly filled application accompanied with the technical documentation file to the NB 1023 address, the potential client becomes an applicant and his enquiry becomes a regular order. General Framework Agreement (GFA) signed by applicant shall be submitted to NB 1023 together with the application. The application form and GFA can be downloaded from the website medical-devices-ce-itc The application and the documentation presented must be in either Czech or English. Use of other languages of the European Union is possible only on approval with one of the experts above. Filling in of the application form can be consulted, in case of an ambiguity, with the persons in the above contact addresses. The EU legislation does not allow the manufacturer or authorized representative to file an application for service of an authorized or notified body for the same product with other entities.
4 Application review The order (application) is reviewed in terms of accuracy and completeness of data and it is registered. If the order (application) or the submitted documentation is incomplete, ITC specifies the missing items in writing (by letter, e-mail or fax) and requires completion of the details. After receiving the complete and correct application the secretariat registers the order in the ITC internal data- base and a registration code is assigned to this order and communicated to the client. The administrative doc- uments (registration letter, contract proposal, and advance payment invoice) are prepared and sent to the client. The conformity assessment process can be continued after receiving the signed copy of the contract and set- tlement of the advance invoice. 5 Determination of price and delivery date The service price and delivery date are usually calculated after providing all the details necessary for specifica- tion of the range of expert works such as test samples and technical documentation. 6 Technical documentation Type/Model Brief description of the MD Classification and applied classification rule Intended purpose (use for which the MD is intended according to the manufacturers data) Documentation describing the sterilization method and its validation Document making evident the suitability of used packaging material for the given sterilization method Risk analysis and risk management scheme Complete checklist of the essential requirements fulfilling Manufacturers information (instruction for use, informational leaflets, labels, marking...) Appropriate test and assessment, their frequency, applied standards, testing equipment and its calibrating methods, test results, stability study or shelf-life determination Type testing documentation Product design documentation List of standards completely and/or partially applied Information, that manufacture meets the quality management system according to: EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 13485, another (e.g. GMP) Documents related to applied quality management system and documents about ability to maintain the ap- proved quality system and to observe relevant obligations (quality manual, etc.) Certification and surveillance audit documents, list of documented unconformities Documents making evident the manufacturers or importers guarantee to establish and keep up to date a sys- tematic procedure to collect and review experience gained from devices in the post-production phase and to implement appropriate means to apply any necessary corrective action. This undertaking must include an obl i- gation for the manufacturer to notify the competent authorities of the following incidents immediately on learning of them (vigilance system) Results of clinical investigations, studies and tests Copy of the EC representative agreement if applicable 7 Test samples If the conformity assessment pursuant to MDD includes the procedure according one of the Annexes III, IV or VI, it is suitable for the client to deliver a sample of the MD together with the application for assessment. Since the testing of the MD itself depends very much on its type and character, it is suitable to consult sampling with the expert in advance. When agreed, the samples can be provided also additionally; however, this will extend the period of time necessary to carry out the conformity assessment.
The client usually takes the samples according to requested written or telephone instructions provided by the responsible worker of NB 1023. However, the client can ask the ITC's certification personnel for this service under usual commercial terms.
The sample is taken including its intact package, on which warnings and all other information required by the Directive 93/42/EEC and GO 336 are provided. 8 Contract The commercial relationship between the client and ITC is negotiated according to the nature, demandingness and price level of the service - order. In case of the orders of the notified body, contracts containing the following details are concluded with the cl i- ents:
The contract usually contains: - specification of the contractual parties; - range of contracted works; - price information and terms of payments; - delivery date of the service; - breach of contractual obligations and consequences thereof; - rules for withdrawal from the contract.
Commencement of works is subject to bilateral written approval of conditions of co-operation and payment of an advance payment invoice. Advance payments are requested from all clients, with some exceptions, which are agreed in special framework agreements on cooperation. 9 Scope of ITC's notification ITC's notification in the area of the Council Directive 93/42/EEC (2007/47/ES) can be seen in NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) Information System: 46625 10. Legislation Technical requirements for MDs are contained in the Directive 93/42/EEC as amended by Directive 2007/47/EC. 11. Harmonized technical standards related to conformity assessment of medical devices If a medical device is in conformity with harmonized standards related thereto with respect to the specified purpose of use, then it meets essential requirements of Annex I of the MDD. A survey of harmonized standards for medical devices is extensive and an up-dated version can be found on web pages of the European Commission
12 Conformity assessment of MD 12.1 General principles
Each of MDs must meet essential requirements set out in Annex I to MDD 93/42/EEC as amended by Directive 2007/47/EC related to this device with respect to its intended purpose of use. Meeting of the essential requirements is the basic prerequisite of conformity assessment.
By presenting a checklist the manufacturer or his authorized representative shall demonstrate to the notified body that the essential requirements have been met. 12.2 Classification of MDs MDs are divided according to the measure of user's risk involved in their use into Classes I, I sterile, I with measuring function, IIa, IIb and III. The classification of a medical device is carried out by the manufacturer according to rules set out in Annex IX to the MDD.
Breast implants as Class III medical devices are classified differently and the criteria are defined by Commission Di- rective 2003/12/EC of 3 February 2003.
Medical devices manufactured utilizing animal tissue or derivatives rendered non-viable are Class III except where such devices are intended to come into contact with intact skin only.
Medical devices incorporating as an integral part a derivative of human blood fall within Class III.
Hip, knee and shoulder replacements are classified as medical devices failing within Class III (Commission Directive 2005/50/EC of 11 August 2005).
In addition to the above Annex IX the documents as follows serve as a methodical aid for inclusion of medical devices into Classes:
MEDDEV 2.4/1 Rev. 9 Guidelines for the Classification of Medical Devices MEDDEV 2.1/3 Rev. 3 Borderline products, drug-delivery products and medical devices incorporating, as inte- gral part, an ancillary medicinal substance or an ancillary human blood derivative. 12.3 Procedures for conformity assessment of medical devices All medical devices referred to in Subsection 12.2 of the present Manual, with the exception of medical devices falling within Class I (i.e. I sterile, I with measuring function, IIa, IIb and III Class medical devices) are subject to conformity as- sessment with a notified body complicity in. Procedures for conformity assessment of medical devices are specified in Article 11 of the MDD commensurate with their classification. 12.4 Selection of conformity assessment procedure The choice of a conformity assessment procedure depends on inclusion of the medical device into separate Classes. The following table gives procedures that can be used in assessing conformity of medical devices in separate Classes. From the table it is apparent that even in case of a medical device of the same Class there are more alternatives for se- lection of a conformity assessment procedure. Should the client not be sure, which of the available procedures is suita- ble, a consultation with an expert is recommended (see Section 2 of this Manual).
Table 1 Selection of a conformity assessment procedure depending on the Class of the medical device Annex to MDD 93/42/EEC (as amended 2007/47/EC) Manufacturer's activity Notified Body's activity Document issued MDs failing within IMEASURING Class VII plus IV
preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex VII and en- suring conformity with requirements of this Annex verification of the conformity with metrological requirements on each piece or on a statistically selected sample according to Annex IV EC Certificate of Conformity VII plus V preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex VII and en- suring conformity with requirements of this Annex assessment of production quality system ac- cording to Annex V related to metrological re- quirements EC Certificate VII plus VI preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex VII and en- suring conformity with requirements of this Annex quality assessment of the medical device ac- cording to Annex VI related to metrological re- quirements EC Certificate II except for item 4 preparation of technical documentation ac- cording to Item 3.2. Annex II and ensuring conformity with requirements of this Annex
quality assessment of the medical device ac- cording to Annex II except for design review ac- cording to item 4. EC Certificate surveillance according to Section 5. of Annex II Assessment Report) Class ISTERILE medical devices VII plus V preparation of technical documentation according to Section 3. of Annex VII and ensuring conformity with requirements of this Annex assessment of production quality system ac- cording to Annex V related to ensurance of ster- ile conditions of the MD (item 2. Annex IV and item 1. Annex VI) EC Certificate II except for item 4 preparation of technical documentation ac- cording to item 3.2 Annex II and ensuring conformity with requirements of this Annex assessment of production quality system accord- ing to Annex II except for design review according to item 4 EC Certificate surveillance according to Section 5. of Annex II Assessment Report) Class IIa medical devices Annex to MDD 93/42/EEC (as amended 2007/47/EC) Manufacturer's activity Notified Body's activity Document issued
VII plus IV
preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex VII and en- suring conformity with requirements of this Annex confirmation of medical device conformity with the technical documentation on each piece or on a statistically selected sample according to Item 8. of Annex IV EC Certificate of Conformity VII plus V preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex VII and en- suring conformity with requirements of this Annex assessment of production quality system accord- ing to Item 6. of Annex V (by an audit at the manufacturer's premises) EC Certificate VII plus VI preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex VII and en- suring conformity with requirements of this Annex assessment of medical device quality according to Item 6. of Annex VI (by an audit at the manu- facturer's premises) EC Certificate
II except for Section 4
preparation of documentation according to Item 3.2. of Annex II and ensuring con- formity with requirements of this Annex assessment of full quality system by an audit at the manufacturer's premises according to Annex II (except for examination of the design accord- ing to Item 4.) EC Certificate surveillance according to Section 5. of Annex II Assessment Report Class IIb medical devices III plus IV
preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex III and en- suring conformity with requirements of Annexes III and IV examination of type according to Annex III EC type examination certificate verification of conformity of each piece manufac- tured; the verification is done according to Item 5. or on a statistically (randomly) selected sam- ple according to Item 6. of Annex IV EC Certificate of Conformity of each MD EC Certificate of Conformity of batch (lot) III plus V
preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex III and Item 3. of Annex V and ensuring conformity with requirements of Annexes III and V examination of type according to Annex III EC type examination certificate assessment of production quality system accord- ing to Annex V (by an audit of the manufactur- er's operational spaces) EC Certificate surveillance according to Item 4. of Annex V Assessment Report Annex to MDD 93/42/EEC (as amended 2007/47/EC) Manufacturer's activity Notified Body's activity Document issued III plus VI
preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex III and Item 3. of Annex VI and ensuring conformity with requirements of Annexes III and VI
testing of each MD or a representative sample from each production lot examination of type according to Annex III EC type examination certificate assessment of production quality system accord- ing to Annex VI (by an audit of the manufactur- er's operational spaces) EC Certificate surveillance according to Item 4. of Annex VI Assessment Report II (except for Section 4.)
preparation of documentation according to item 3.2. Annex II and ensuring con- formity with requirements of this Annex assessment of full quality system by an audit at the manufacturer's premises according to Annex II (except for design review according to Section II) EC Certificate surveillance according to Section 5. of Annex II Assessment Report Class III medical devices
II (including Section 4.) preparation of documentation according to Item 3. of Annex II description of the design according to Item 4.2. and ensur- ing conformity with requirements of this Annex design review according to Item 4. of Annex II EC Design-examination certificate assessment of full quality system according to Annex II (by an audit at the manufacturer's premises) EC Certificate surveillance according to Section 5. of Annex II Assessment Report III plus IV
preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex III and en- suring conformity with requirements of Annexes III and IV examination of type according to Annex III EC type-examination certificate verification of conformity of each piece pro- duced; the verification is done according to Item 5. or on a statistically (randomly) selected sam- ple according to Item 6. of Annex IV EC Certificate of Conformity of each MD EC Certificate of Conformity of batch (lot) III plus V
preparation of technical documentation according to Item 3. of Annex III and Item 3. of Annex V and ensuring conformity with requirements of Annexes III and V examination of type according to Annex III EC type-examination certificate assessment of production quality system accord- ing to Annex V (by an audit of the manufactur- er's operational spaces) EC Certificate surveillance according to Item 4. of Annex V Assessment Report 12.5 Conformity assessment for MD systems and MD sets In this case, the conformity assessment is performed using a special procedure described in MDD whereby the person assembling the medical devices bearing CE marking and intending to place them on the market as a system or a set will elaborate a declaration in which he states that:
he has verified mutual compatibility of the assembled medical devices according to instructions of their manu- facturers he has packed the system or set and added to it a corresponding information for users including instruction by manufacturers of separate medical devices activity of this person in assembling the set of the medical device corresponds to internal inspection methods. 12.6 Conformity assessment for medical devices containing tissues of animal origin The procedure for conformity assessment of medical devices containing tissues of animal origin derived from some kinds of cattle, sheep or goats, and further from deer, elks, minks and cats is specified in the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 722/2012 and Directive 2003/32/EC. In conformity assessment of such MD proceeded according to one of the possibilities given for III Class medical devices in Table 1. An additional requirement, which must be documented, is elaboration of specifications established in Risk analysis and risk control. Notified bodies appraise the manufacturer's strategy in risk analysis and risk management, particularly
the information supplied by the manufacturer, reasons given for use of the tissues or derivatives of animal origin, results of elimination or deactivation studies or searches of technical literature, inspection of suppliers, original materials and final products conducted by the manufacturer the necessity to verify the origin of the initial materials, including deliveries from manufacturer's suppliers.
In order to ensure a professional assessment of medical devices containing tissues of animal origin a contract between ITC and Sttn veterinrn stav (State Veterinary Institute) in Jihlava, Czech Republic, was concluded. At this Institute, Nrodn referenn laborato pro diagnostiku BSE a animlnch transmisivnch encefalopati (National Reference Labora- tory for Diagnostics of BSE and Animal Transmissive Encephalopathies) accredited as Testing Laboratory AZL 1129 by esk institut pro akreditaci (Czech Accreditation Institute) was established in compliance with the Decree 298/2003, Collection of Laws, and Section 78 of Act 166/1999, Collection of Laws, as amended.
Before submitting an application for conformity assessment for these medical devices, a consultation with an expert is recommended see the contact information in Section 2 of this Manual. 12.7 Conformity assessment for medical devices containing a substance originating from human blood or plasma Medical devices incorporating, as an integral part, a substance which, if used separately, can he considered to be a component of a medicinal product or a medicinal product originating from human blood or human plasma (pursuant to Directive 2001/83/EC and its amendments) are in Class III. In conformity assessment of such MD it is used the one of the possibilities given for III Class medical devices in Table 1.
In addition to this standard procedure it is necessary to take steps as follows. A responsible worker (an expert) will request on behalf of notified body the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for a sci- entific viewpoint concerning quality and safety of the derivative and verify usefulness of this derivative as a part of the MD in connection with its intended purpose of use (pursuant to Section 7.4. of Annex I to MDD as amended by the Di- rective 2000/70/EC) and takes EMA's viewpoint into account when assessing conformity of this medical device. Should EMA's scientific viewpoint be unfavourable the notified body is not allowed to issue the certificate. He/she will inform EMA about his/her final decision. The sample of each batch of bulk or final product of this derivative must be examined in the appropriate laboratory ap- pointed for this purpose by the member state of the European Communities, the manufacturer will inform the notified body about the release of this batch of the MD and send it an official certificate on release of the batch of the derivative from human blood used in the MD issued by the appropriate laboratory (in the Czech Republic pursuant to Medical Drugs Act 269/2003, Collection of Laws, as amended).
The manufacturer's procedures for monitoring and verification of MD design must contain a declaration as to whether the product incorporates, as an integral part, a substance or a derivative from human blood, and data on the tests carried out and required in this connection for assessment of safety, quality and usefulness of this substance or derivative from hu- man blood with respect to the intended purpose of use of this device. A scientific viewpoint of EMA must be attached to the documentation. Should this scientific viewpoint be unfavourable the notified body must not i ssue the certificate; it will advise EMA of its final decision. 12.8 Conformity assessment process itself For the purpose of an audit will be carried out at the manufacturer's premises, the NB suggests a team of auditors and submits an audit programme to the manufacturer. After the manufacturer gave his consent to the audit and when the au- dit has been completed the NB hands over the audit results to the manufacturer in the form of an NB 1023 Audit Re- port. The Report contains a survey of non-conformities, if any, and the term during which they must be eliminated.
The manufacturer is obliged to respond to the non-conformities found, to take measures within an agreed period of time and notify the NB thereof in writing.
If needed, the NB assures appropriate assessments and necessary tests of the MD samples in its own laboratories or in contractual accredited laboratories approved by the COSMT.
Conclusions from the audit, test results and assessment of the documentation will be summed up by the certification worker into a Final Report containing description of the MD, description of the test method utilized and test results ob- tained (provided they are a part of the conformity assessment), a list of documents issued by ITC or other entities and used in the conformity assessment and unambiguous conclusions on conformity of the MD with requirements of the Di- rective 93/42/EEC.
If the conclusions are positive, the NB 1023 will issue a Certificate (see the survey of the issued certificates in the Table 1 of the present Manual) and the appropriate Final Report, and hands it over to the client under the conditions laid down in the Conformity Assessment Contract.
The NB 1023 will publish the issuance of the Certificate in the internet database, which it administers on its publicly ac- cessible pages at .
If it is ascertained during the conformity assessment process that the MD fails to meet the requirements related thereto with respect to its intended purpose, the NB 1023 will refuse to issue the Certificate and will inform the applicant in writ- ing about the reasons which led it to this decision. 12.9 Rules for recognition of results from the documentation submitted by the applicant Recognition of the results obtained by other laboratories and presented in the documentation depends solely on the de- cision of NB 1023, which in no case disclaims its responsibility for the appropriate aspect of safety of the MD assessed.
As a rule, results given in test reports by accredited laboratories are recognized on condition that no more than 3 years have elapsed from the date of issue of the report.
In principle, results of tests carried out by manufacturer's or non-accredited laboratories are not recognized. Tests per- formed on unique testing equipment not commonly accessible and tests conducted by means of validated analyti- cal/physical test methods the implementation of which would be difficult at AZL, may constitute an exception. 13 Validity of Certificates drawn up by the NB Geographical validity of the certificates is given by the number of countries that implemented the Directive 93/42/EEC into their legislation and allow placement of CE-marked products on their own markets. They are primarily member states of the EU and EFTA.
In compliance with the MDD the certificates and documents issued by NB 1023 (ITC) expire after 5 years at the latest but can be extended by another 5 years based on manufacturer's application lodged in the period of time stipulated in the contract between the manufacturer and NB 1023. However, the validity of the documents is subject to a regular survei l- lance audit conducted at the manufacturer's premises. Should no change in the quality system, material used and manu- facturing process of the MD be made, the usual interval between the inspections is one year. 14 Inspection of conformity assessed medical devices If the conformity assessment was carried out successfully the NB conducts a regular surveillance at the manufacturer's and/or his authorized representative's premises. The NB performs periodically, in yearly intervals (unless specified oth- erwise), appropriate inspections and evaluations to make sure that the manufacturer uses the approved quality system, and provides the manufacturer, as a result of the inspection, an assessment report. The NB may also, at its discretion, conduct inspections not announced in advance. The basis for the inspection is Inspection Contract. The technical sec- retariat will elaborate a draft of the contract within a planned period of time and sends it the customer for confirmation. Should the customer fail to return the signed contract within a given term the validity of the Certificate is suspended fol- lowing a written notice by the NB 1023 (ITC).
If the technological conditions of the manufacture and materials used are changed or the design of the MD for which the Certificate has been issued is modified the manufacturer is obliged to notify the NB 1023 (ITC) of this fact in writing.
Thereafter, the NB 1023 will consider whether the announced changes can lead to changes of safety parameters of the MD and to changes in meeting the essential requirements of the Annex I of the MDD and inform in writing the certificate holder whether or not a new conformity assessment is necessary.
The NB 1023 personnel will notify in writing the certificate holder of a change in the legislation or harmonized standards concerning the assessed product and the certificates issued.
15 Procedure to be taken by the Client after procurement of NB 1023 documents Following procurement of the NB Certificate, the manufacturer or his authorized representative has the right to place the certified product on the market and put it into service as soon as he fulfils the obligations imposed on him by require- ments of the MDD. The MD may be placed on the market and put into service if:
conformity of its properties with the essential requirements was carried out in the specified manner and if the outcome of this assessment was the finding that the MD met the essential requirements; the MD is provided (with the exception of a custom-made medical device) with the European CE conformity marking, the graphical form is specified in the European regulation 765/2008. The CE marking must be made in a visible, easily legible and indelible form on the medical device or its pack; the manufacturer or his authorized representative has made a written declaration (Declaration of Conformity) pursuant to appropriate conformity assessment procedure applied; information on its used has been attached to the MD (in the Czech Republic the information on its use must be in the Czech language); the MD has been delivered and installed in a corresponding manner in compliance with its intended purpose.
For purposes of bodies responsible for surveillance of the market (Czech Trade Inspection (OI) in the Czech Republic) and of medical devices (State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL) in the Czech Republic) the same set of documents as that submitted to the NB for the assessment of conformity of the MD with the requirements of MDD must be avail able. The manufacturer shall store the documentation for at least 5 years (15 years in case of implantable devices) following manufacture of the last MD for the need of the above state competent authorities. 16. Extension of the service with other services provided by ITC In addition to the notified services ITC offers other services including:
tests carried out by the Accredited Testing Laboratories 1004 and 1004.3 and elaboration of the appropriate Test Report as a basis for conformity assessment in compliance with the MDD; in products featuring a high quality level, certification and issue of a licence on affixing ITC quality marking (ITC Certified Quality) on each product. The marking is usually accompanied with a text describing product charac- teristics; The information on ITC quality marking are given on ITC's web pages or can be obtained from the secretariat of ITC's Certification Division (phone +420 577 601 269). 17 Conclusion This Manual for clients of MD conformity assessment is a comprehensive information source serving to a smooth con- formity assessment process. Particular procedures to relevant device follow Guidelines and Recommendations of NB- MED (European Co-ordination of Notified Bodies) available on web site
18. Annexes Annex No.1: Definitions
Annex No.2: Flow chart of conformity assessment
Annex No. 1
medical device - means any instrument, apparatus, appliance,software, material or other article, whether used alone or in combination,including the software intended by its manufacturer to beused specifi- cally for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes and necessary for its proper application, intended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of:
- diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease, - diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or handicap, - investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological process, - control of conception,
and which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, im- munological or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its function by such means (definition see Ar- ticle 1, Section 2. of MDD and Section 2, Subsection 1 of Council directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices, as amended);
The MDD does not apply to in vitro diagnostic devices and active implantable devices.
The MDD medical devices do not further include:
- medicine including medicinal products originating from human blood - cosmetic products - transplants, tissues or cells of human origin nor products incorporating or derived from tissues or cells of human origin (see Article 1, Section 5, letter (f) of MDD) - human blood, human blood products, human plasma or blood cells of human origin or devices which incorporate at the time of placing on the market such blood products, plasma or cells with the excep- tion of the devices given in Article 1, Section 5, letter (e) of MDD and Section 2, Subsection 2, letter g) of the Czech Medical Devices Act - personal protective equipment - transplants, tissues or cells of animal origin, unless a device is manufactured utilizing animal tissue that is rendered non-viable or non-viable products derived from animal tissue (see Article 1, Section 5, letter (g) of MDD).
European CE marking of conformity means a marking placed on a product or its package by which the manufacturer confirms conformity of its properties with requirements of the appropriate Directive and GO;
essential requirements means technical requirements for products the meeting of which is a prereq- uisite for a minimum sufficient safety of a product provided they are used in a usual and reasonably foresee- able manner. They are defined in the Directives related to the given product area and implemented into na- tional legislation of the EU member states. Meeting of the essential requirements is a decisive aspect of all conformity assessment procedures. The most frequent method of demonstration of the conformity with the essential requirements is a demonstration of conformity with the harmonized standard related to the product;
harmonized Czech technical standard means a Czech technical standard which fully adopts re- quirements of the harmonized European standard. Meeting requirements of a harmonized Czech or Europe- an standard is considered within their scope as meeting of appropriate essential requirements of the Direc- tives and the Government Order related to a given product,
notified body means a body authorised to defined activities in conformity assessment of products specified by a national authority (in case of the Czech Republic by ad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a sttn zkuebnictv NMZ / Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing) and notified to European Commission bodies and to all EU member states as a body authorised to carry out activities in conformity assessment of products for which it received the notification. Decisions and documents issued by all notified bodies (NB) are equal and valid in the entire EU;
conformity assessment procedure means a method defined by a directive or a GO by which the manufacturer demonstrates conformity of the product properties with essential requirements, usually in the presence of a notified body. Usually, the manufacturer is free to choose between several conformity as- sessment procedures (known as modules);
notification scope means a specific definition of the range of products and conformity assessment procedures for which the given NB, based on a demonstration of a professional and technical competence, is notified and authorized to conduct its activities;
manufacturer means the natural or legal person with responsibility for the design, manufacture, packaging and labelling of a device before it is placed on the market under his own name, regardless of whether these operations are carried out by that person himself or on his behalf by a third party;
authorized representative means any natural or legal person established in the EU who, explicitly designated by the manufacturer, acts and may be addressed by authorities and bodies in the EU instead of the manufacturer with regard to the latter's obligations under the Directive 93/42/EEC as amended;
intended purpose means the use for which the device is intended according to the data supplied by the manufacturer on the labelling, in the instructions and/or in promotional materials;
placing on the market means the first making available in return for payment or free of charge of a device other than a device intended for clinical investigation, with a view to distribution and / or use on the EU market, regardless of whether it is new or fully refurbished;
ATL Accredited testing laboratory MDD For the purposes of this Manual the Council Directive 93/42/EEC which lays down technical requirements on Medical Devices ITC Institut pro testovn a certifikaci, a.s. (Institute for Testing and Certification) NB Notified Body NB 1023 Notified Body 1023 (this designation has been assigned to ITC by the European Commission) GO Czech Government Order GO 336 Czech Republic's Government Order No. 336/2004, Collection of Laws as amended, setting out technical requirements on medical devices COSMT Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing MD Medical device