Energy Saving by SMC Pneumatic

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Proposals for Energy Saving Pneumatic Systems

Proposals for Energy Saving
Pneumatic Systems


SMC supports innovations in energy saving
production systems.


AUSTRIA SMC Industrial Automation Polska Sp.z.o.o. SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd.
BELGIUM SMC Romania s.r.l. SMC Pneumatics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.
BULGARIA SMC Pneumatik LLC. SMC Thailand Ltd.
SMC Industrial Automation Bulgaria EOOD SLOVAKIA
CROATIA SMC Priemyselná automatizáciá, s.r.o. NORTH AMERICA
SMC Industrijska automatika d.o.o. SLOVENIA CANADA
SMC Industrial Automation CZ s.r.o. SPAIN/PORTUGAL MEXICO
DENMARK SMC España, S.A. SMC Corporation (Mexico) S.A. de C.V.
As countermeasures for global
SMC Pneumatik A/S SWEDEN USA warming are coming into effect,
ESTONIA SMC Pneumatics Sweden AB SMC Corporation of America
SMC Pneumatics Estonia OÜ SWITZERLAND "energy savings" has become a key
FINLAND SMC Pneumatik AG. SOUTH AMERICA theme for corporate reforms.
SMC Pneumatics Finland OY UK ARGENTINA
FRANCE SMC Pneumatics (U.K.) Ltd. SMC Argentina S.A. At the Kyoto Conference on Climate
SMC Pneumatique SA BOLIVIA Change (December 1997), a 6%
GERMANY ASIA SMC Pneumatics Bolivia S.R.L.
reduction of CO2 emissions from the
HUNGARY SMC (China) Co., Ltd. SMC Pneumaticos Do Brazil Ltda. 1990 emission rate was set as a
SMC Hungary Ipari Automatizálási Kft. HONG KONG CHILE
SMC Pneumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. SMC Pneumatics (Chile) S.A. target to be achieved by 2010. Also,
SMC Pneumatics (Ireland) Ltd. INDIA VENEZUELA as amendment of the energy saving
ITALY SMC Pneumatics (India) Pvt. Ltd. SMC Neumatica Venezuela S.A.
SMC Italia S.p.A. INDONESIA law in Japan suggests, it is predicted
LATVIA PT. SMC Pneumatics Indonesia OCEANIA that the trend for energy savings
SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.) Sdn. Bhd. SMC Pneumatics (Australia) Pty. Ltd. involving corporations will become
SMC Pneumatics BV. PHILIPPINES NEW ZEALAND increasingly demanding.
NORWAY SHOKETSU-SMC Corporation SMC Pneumatics (N.Z.) Ltd.
SMC Pneumatics Norway A/S SINGAPORE
In this climate, SMC will strive for
SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.) Pte. Ltd. innovations of production systems
with energy savings in mind. With
cooperation from customers, we will
1-16-4 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8659 JAPAN
Tel: 03-3502-2740 Fax: 03-3508-2480 promote energy saving programs for
© 2005 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved pneumatic systems.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice D-DN 1st printing FR printing JV 120DN Printed in Japan.
and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. This catalog is printed on recycled paper with concern for the global environment.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 1

Energy Saving Equipment

Non-rotating double power cylinder Series MGZ Actuator Page 2
Guide table Series MGF Actuator 19
PFC/QFC valves PFC/QFC valves Actuator 21
Air saving valves Series ASR/ASQ Actuator 23
Hollow rod cylinders (Made to Order) Air blow 34
Free mount cylinder for vacuum Series ZCUK Air blow 35
Water resistant air cylinders Air leakage 36
Cylinder with heavy duty scraper (Made to Order) Air leakage 40

Cylinder with coil scraper (Made to Order) Air leakage 41
Air-hydro booster (Made to Order) Hydraulic clamp 42
Air-hydro converter Series CCT Hydraulic clamp 45

Directional Control Equipment
Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VXD21/22/23 Air blow, Air tool, Non-operation Page 48
Direct operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VCA Air blow, Air tool 51

Directional Control
Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VQ20/30 Air blow, Air tool 53
Zero differential pressure operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VXZ Cooling water 55

Direct air operated 2 port valve Series VXA21/22 Air purge 57
Pilot operated 3 port solenoid valve Series VP300/500/700 Air purge, Paint stirring 58
Pilot operated 3 port solenoid valve Series VG342 Air purge, Non-operation 60
Large 3 port solenoid valve Series VP3145/3165/3185 Air purge, Non-operation 62
3 port mechanical valve Series VM1000 VM100/200/400 Air purge 64
Coolant valve Series VNC Coolant 68
Flow switching 2 port air operated valve (Special order product) Paint stirring 70
Booster valve Series VBA1110 to 4200 Hydraulic clamp 71

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Auxiliary Pneumatic Equipment/Air Preparation Equipment

Blow gun Series VMG Air blow Page 74
Nozzles for blowing/Sensing heads Series KN Air blow, Air tool, Coolant 80
S couplers Series KK Air blow, Air tool, Air leakage 83
FR double layer tubing Series TRB Air leakage 104
FR double layer polyurethane tubing Series TRBU Air leakage 105
Double layer tubing stripper Series TKS Air leakage 106
Polyurethane coil tubing Series TCU Air blow, Air tool 107
Tube cutter Series TK Air leakage 107

Measuring Instruments
Modular type regulator Series AR10 to 60 Air blow, Air tool 108
Pilot operated regulator Series AR425 to 935 Air blow, Air tool 109
Regulator with back flow mechanism Series AR20K to 60K 110

Filter regulator Series AW10 to 40 Air blow, Air tool 111
Filter regulator with back flow mechanism Series AW20K to 40K Actuator 113
Air filter element part number list Air line maintenance 114
Differential pressure gauge GD40-2-01 Air line maintenance 115
Filter with element service indicator Air line maintenance 116

Sensors/Measuring Instruments

Vacuum Equipment
Digital flow switch Series PF2A/PF2W Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air tool, Air leakage, Cooling water Page 118
High precision 2-color display digital pressure switch Series ZSE30/ISE30 Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air tool, Vacuum 154
High precision digital pressure switch Series ZSE40/ISE40 Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air tool, Vacuum 162
Digital pressure switch Series ZSE3/ISE3 Air line maintenance 171
High precision digital pressure switch for general fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50 Air line maintenance, Liquid removal, Coolant 173
2-color display digital pressure switch Series ISE70/75/75H Air line maintenance, Liquid removal, Coolant 182
Digital pressure switch with backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B Air line maintenance, Liquid removal, Coolant 189
Compact manometer Series PPA Air blow, Air tool 197
Air leakage tester (Made to Order) Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air leakage 203
Air catch sensor Series ISA2 Air purge 205
Air catch sensor Series ISA
Industrial Filters

Air purge 222

Negative pressure detection valve (Special order product) Liquid removal 224

Vacuum Equipment
Vacuum ejector Series ZH Liquid removal Page 226
In-line vacuum ejector Series ZU Liquid removal 228
Multistage ejector Series ZL112/ 212 Vacuum 229
Vacuum ejector with check valve (Special order product) Vacuum 234
Pad with check valve (Special order product) Vacuum 235
Vacuum ejector for water soluble coolant removal (Special order product) Liquid removal 236

Industrial Filters

Industrial filter Series FG Coolant Page 238


Refresh filter Series FN1 Air line maintenance, Coolant 240

Other (CD-ROM)
Model Selection Software Ver. 3.00 Actuator Page 252
Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 Air blow, Air tool, Coolant 257
SMC Pneumatics CAD System Ver. 2.6 Actuator 259

Table of Contents 2
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM1

Energy Saving Proposals & Energy Saving Equipment List

Digital flow switch Series PF2A/PF2W Page 118

Pressure/Flow Control
Proposal 1
Air leakage tester (Made to Order) 203
Flow rate and pressure controls Compact manometer Series PPA 197
Nozzles for blowing/Sensing heads Series KN 80
Differential pressure gauge GD40-2-01 115
Filter with element service indicator 116




High precision 2-color display digital pressure switch Series ZSE30/ISE30 154
High precision digital pressure switch Series ISE40 162

LED display digital pressure switch Series ISE3 171

High precision digital pressure switch for general fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50
2-color display digital pressure switch Series ISE70/75/75H 182
Digital pressure switch with backlight Series ISE5B 189
Low maintenance filter Series FN1 240
Air filter element part number list 114

Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VXD21/22/23 Page 48

Proposal 2
Pilot operated 3 port solenoid valve Series VG342 60
Large 3 port solenoid valve Series VP3145/3165/3185 62
Reduction of air
leakage and air for
purging when
equipment is not
operated. Master
solenoid valve M/C

Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VXD21/22/23 Page 48

Air Blow
Proposal 3
Direct operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VCA 51
Reduction of air for blowing Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VQ20/30 53
Air blow Air gun Blow gun Series VMG 74
Nozzles for blowing/Sensing heads Series KN 80
S couplers Series KK 83
Polyurethane coil tubing Series TCU 107
Modular type regulator Series AR10 to 60 108
Regulator with back flow mechanism Series AR20K to 60K 110
Pilot operated regulator Series AR425 to 935 109
Filter regulator Series AW10 to 40 111
Air Tools Filter regulator with back flow mechanism Series AW20K to 40K 113
Proposal 4 Digital flow switch for air Series PF2A 118
Reduction of air for air tools
High precision 2-color display digital pressure switch Series ZSE30/ISE30 154
High precision digital pressure switch Series ISE40 162
Impact wrench Compact manometer Series PPA 197
(air motor) Air leakage tester (Made to Order) 203
Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 256
Hollow rod cylinders (Made to Order) 34
Free mount cylinder for vacuum Series ZCUK 35

S couplers Series KK Page 83

Air Leakage
Proposal 5
FR double layer tubing Series TRB/TRBU 104
Stop air leakage from piping equipment Double layer tubing stripper Series TKS 106
Tube cutter Series TK 107
Air leakage tester (Made to Order) 203
Digital flow switch for air Series PF2A 118
Water resistant air cylinders 36
Air cylinder with heavy duty scraper (Made to Order) 40
Air cylinder with coil scraper (Made to Order) 41

Direct air operated 2 port valve Series VXA21/22 Page 57

Air Purging (Air Micro)
Proposal 6 Reduction of air for purging
3 port mechanical valve
Air catch sensor
Series VM1000 VM100/200/400
Series ISA2
Workpiece Air catch sensor Series ISA 222

Pilot operated 3 port solenoid valve Series VP300/500/700 Page 58

Paint Stirring
Proposal 7 Reduction of air consumption for paint stirrer
Flow switching 2 port air operated valve (Special order product) 70

Stirrer Paint pump

Paint tank

Front matter 1
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM2

Non-rotating double power cylinder Series MGZ Page 2

Proposal 8 Air reduction for
Guide table Series MGF 19
PFC/QFC valves 21
Air saving valves Series ASR/ASQ 23
actuators Regulator with back flow mechanism Series AR20K to 60K 110
Model Selection Program Ver. 3.00 252
SMC Pneumatics CAD System Ver. 2.6 259

High precision 2-color display digital pressure switch Series ZSE30/ISE30 Page 154
Proposal 9 Air reduction for vacuum ejectors
High precision digital pressure switch Series ZSE40 162
Vacuum ejector with check valve (Special order product) 234
Suction transfer Pad with check valve (Special order product) 235
Multistage ejector Series ZL112, 212 229

Vacuum ejector for water soluble coolant removal (Special order product) Page 236
Liquid Removal
Proposal 10 Air reduction for
Vacuum ejector Series ZH 226
Linear vacuum ejector Series ZU 228
P Negative pressure detection valve (Special order product) 224
liquid removal pumps Air type liquid High precision digital pressure switch for general fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50 173
removal pump Digital pressure switch with backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B 189

Oil pan
Oil waste

Coolant valve Series VNC Page 68

Coolant (Cleaning) Blow
Proposal 11 Power reduction for
Nozzles for blowing/Sensing heads Series KN 80
High precision digital pressure switch for general fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50 173
2-color display digital pressure switch Series ISE70/75/75H 182
coolant pumps
Digital pressure switch with backlight Series ISE5B 189
Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 257
Industrial filter Series FG 238
Low maintenance filter Series FN1 240

Zero differential pressure operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VXZ Page 55
Cooling Water
Proposal 12 Power reduction for
Digital flow switch for water Series PF2W 118

cooling water pump

Welding gun

Air-hydro booster (Made to Order) Page 42

Hydraulic Clamp
Proposal 13 Power M
Air-hydro converter Series CCT 45

reduction for Hydraulic cylinder

Work piece
pump Hydraulic
control valve
Hydraulic pump P

5 port solenoid valve Series SY Front matter 26

Low Power Consumption/Long Service Life
Proposal 14 Reduction of power used for solenoid valve energization
5 port solenoid valve Series VQ Front matter 26
2 port solenoid valve Series VQ20/30 Page 53
and service life improvement Long
Low power life

Front matter 2
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM3

Recognizing the current state... First step toward energy savings and improving awareness
To  promote  energy  savings  in  pneumatic 
systems,  it  is  necessary  to  recognize  and 
control the existing system's air consump-
tion and  to  improve  the  awareness  of  en- Actuators
ergy  saving  (cost  awareness)  in  the  work  Air 20%

Air leakage
Based on usage, electric power consumption for Other 20%
50% Air blow
air (compressor) is thought to be 20% of the entire Coolant
30% 70%
consumption (Figure 1).
Furthermore, air consumption based on usage is
as shown in Figure 2. It is necessary to under-
stand and control the air consumption for these
(Figure 1) (Figure 2)
Electric power consumption Air consumption

It is said that energy saving measures begin with measurement and end with measurement.
Find out where, how much, and for what purpose the energy is being used.
Then, find out how much can be reduced as a result of improvements.
Effective energy saving improvements can be  implemented by recognizing and controlling the current state
of energy consumption and the result of the improvements, entirely with numerical values.

Reason for Measurement Improvement Measurement Energy savings


Recognize Recognize Verify the enegy

the potential of current consumption
improvement consumption after the improvement

Air line maintenance equipment Educational panels to improve

to recognize the current state energy saving awareness

Digital flow switch Air leakage tester Air blow Air leakage
demonstration panel demonstration panel
Series PF2A (Made to Order)

Guides the approach to and Air leakage can be heard and felt.
Separately measures air consumption Measures leakage flow rate. improvement methods for air blow.
by facility and by line. • Measured flow rate: 9999 l (max.) Coolant blow Vacuum ejector
• Measured flow rate: 12000 l (max.) demonstration panel demonstration panel
Compact manometer
Series PPA

Large fluctuations of energy in the Demonstrates how suction is

discharge, caused by the relationship maintained by using an ejector
between the nozzle and upstream with check valve.
piping system, can actually be Air consumption can be
Refer to Proposal 1 "Air  confirmed. compared with a general
Measures the workpiece collision pressure. Line Maintenance" on  The point where the difference occurs vacuum suction system.
Calculates air blow rate with flow rate formula. Front matter 5 for details. between a good system and a bad
system can actually be measured.

Front matter 3
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM4

What are energy saving measures?
Before improvement After improvement
Electric power consumption

Electric power consumption



Time Time

Compressor operation capacity

Peak consumption of A
Consumption of B
+ Consumption of C
Continuous operation of compressor

Compressors Compressors

Consumption of A: Consumption from equipment operation

1) Cylinder operation Reduction of consumption by optimizing.

2) Air blow Reduce the peak flow rate for more even
consumption by considering the cycle time and
3) Suction by ejector, etc.
operating time.

Consumption of B: Consumption from line operation

1) Purge air to prevent intrusion of coolant, etc. Reduction of consumption by optimizing.

Reduce consumption in connection with equipment
2) Air blow to prevent foreign matter adhesion
3) Down blow inside the painting booth Or, hold consumption to the minimum required.

Consumption of C

1) Air leakage Reduction of consumption by optimizing.

2) Air curtain, etc. Fix air leakage.
Fix the cause of air leakage.
3) Liquid stirring system operation, etc.
Consider other methods for consumption such as air
curtains that has purpose.

Front matter 4
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM5

Proposal 1
Air Line Maintenance


Flow maintenance
Before Improvement
Since the current flow rate based on the usage is not recognized,
the target for improvement and its effect are not expressed in
numerical values and remain unclear.

After Improvement
Effective use of measuring instruments.
Flow rate is maintained with numerical values, and the target for improvement and its effect are clarified.

q w e
Digital flow switch Air leakage tester Compact manometer
for air Equipment

Equipment Equipment


Air leakage tester

Main Points
Measure main line and branch line Measure air leakage rate and air
flow rates. blow rate
Digital flow switch for air Air leakage tester.
Series PF2A Page 118 (Made to Order) Page 203

Measure air blow rate.

Compact manometer
Series PPA Page 197

Measures workpiece
collision pressure to
calculate flow rate by
using flow formula.

Related Equipment
Nozzles for blowing/Sensing heads Series KN P. 80

Front matter 5
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM6


Pressure maintenance
Before Improvement
The importance of regular maintenance for the pressure loss caused by
clogged elements is not recognized. Therefore, a large burden is placed on
the compressor and pump, etc.

After Improvement
Regular maintenance of clogged elements is implemented by mounting pressure
and flow monitoring equipment on each type of filter used on each line.

Main line Sub line

Main line filter

Series AFF

Reciprocating Aftercooler
air compressor (air cooled)
Series HAA Refrigerated air dryer
Series IDF
Aftercooler Air tank
(water cooled) Series AT
Series HAW

Operating line

q Differential pressure gauge

q Differential
pressure gauge

→ →
Upstream side
Downsteam side
Main Points
q Check clogged elements by using
w Element service a differential pressure gauge.
Differential pressure gauge
GD40-2-02 Page 115

w Confirm clogged condition visually.

Element service indicator filter Page 116

e Verify pressure loss.

High precision digital pressure switch

e Pressure switch
Series ISE40 Page 162

Related Equipment
High precision 2-color display digital pressure switch Series ZSE30/ISE30 P. 154
LED display digital pressure switch Series ISE3 171
High precision digital pressure switch with backlight Series ZSE50F/ISE50 173
2-color display digital pressure switch Series ISE70/75/75H 182
Digital pressure switch for general purpose fluid Series ISE5B 189
Digital flow switch for water Series PF2W 118
Low maintenance filter Series FN1 240
Industrial filter Series FG 238
Air filter element list 114

Front matter 6
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM7

Proposal 2


Reduction of air for purging and air leakage when equipment is non-operation.

Before Improvement
Since the compressor is in continuous operation even when the equipment is non-operation,
air is constantly consumed due to air leakage and purging, etc.

Air purge
M/C Air leakage

After Improvement
Air supply to the equipment is stopped when it is non-operation.

Master solenoid valve


Main Points
Mount a master solenoid valve 
to each line and component.
Pilot operated 2 port
solenoid valve
Series VXD21/22/23
Page 48
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement

Air consumption Pilot operated 3 port

100% solenoid valve
Series VG342
100% Page 60

Pilot operated
3 port solenoid valve
Series VP3145/3165/3185
Page 62

Before After

Front matter 7
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM8

Proposal  3
Air Blow


Reduction of air consumption for air blow
Before Improvement
Air blow is performed without any attachment at the air outlet.


Without nozzles Effective area ratio Pressure loss: Large

ø4 0.5 : 1


P2 P3
Effective area (mm2) Upstream side S1: 22.6
P1 Nozzle side S2: 45.2
Effective area ratio S1 : S2 = 0.5 : 1
Nozzle size (mm) ø4
Number of nozzles 4
Regulator pressure (P1) 0.4 MPa
Outlet pressure (P2) 0.08 MPa
Collision pressure (P3) ∗ 0.002 MPa
S1 S2 ∗ The pressure that the work piece receives is called collision pressure.

After Improvement
Nozzles are attached

ø1.5 Effective area ratio
Pressure loss: Small
3.5 : 1


P2 P3
Effective area (mm2) Upstream side S1: 22.6
P1 Nozzle side S2: 6.4
Effective area ratio S1 : S2 = 3.5 : 1
Nozzle size (mm) ø1.5
Number of nozzles 4
Regulator pressure (P1) 0.25 MPa
Outlet pressure (P2) 0.225 MPa
Collision pressure (P3)∗ 0.002 MPa
∗ The pressure that the work piece receives is called collision pressure.
S1 S2

Effect of Energy Saving Improvement

Air consumption 100%


Before After

Front matter 8
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM9

Blowing with Air Gun

Before Improvement
In the case of air guns, energy saving measures are not considered
and the factory line pressure is used directly in most cases.

Effective area ratio Pressure Large
2.3 : 1 loss:

Without nozzle
Pressure Loss of Air Gun Only
Upstream side S1: 15
Effective area (mm2) Nozzle side S2: 6.4
Effective area ratio S1 : S2 = 2.3 : 1
Nozzle size (mm) ø3
Number of nozzles 1
Supply pressure 0.700 MPa
Regulator pressure 0.300 MPa
Outlet pressure 0.260 MPa
Pressure loss 0.040 MPa

After Improvement
A nozzle is attached to the tip of the air gun.
A regulator is added and pressure control is improved.
Fittings and tubing are changed to those with large effective areas.


Effective area ratio Pressure

Filter 10.7 : 1 loss:
regulator Coil
S coupler tube

Nozzle ø2

Pressure Loss of Air Gun Only

Upstream side S1: 30
Effective area (mm2) Nozzle side S2: 2.8
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement
Effective area ratio S1 : S2 = 10.7 : 1
Nozzle size (mm) ø2
Pressure loss Number of nozzles 1
Supply pressure 0.700 MPa
Min. Regulator pressure 0.300 MPa
Outlet pressure 0.297 MPa
Pressure loss 0.003 MPa


Before After

Front matter 9
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM10

Main Points

Pressure loss improvement
q The pressure loss has been improved by the straight air flow direction.
Blow gun
Series VMG Page 74

w Use small size nozzles to improve the effective area ratio with the upstream side.
Nozzles for blowing
Series KN Page 80

e Reduce pressure for optional usage. r Improve effective area by changing fittings.
Regulator Filter regulator S couplers
Series AR Page 108 Series AW Page 111 Series KK Page 83

Large effective area

Related Equipment
Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve Series VXD21/22/23 P. 48
Pilot operated regulator Series AR425 to 935 109
Digital flow switch for air Series PF2A 118
High precision 2-color display digital pressure switch Series ZSE30/ISE30 154
High precision digital pressure switch Series ISE40 162
Compact manometer Series PPA 197
Polyurethane coil tubing Series TCU 107
Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 256
Hollow rod cylinders (Made to Order) 34
Free mount cylinder for vacuum Series ZCUK 35
Air leakage tester (Made to Order) 203

Front matter 10
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM11

Proposal 4
Air Tools


Reduction of air consumption for air tools

Before Improvement
As in the case of air guns, energy saving measures are not considered and the factory line pressure is used directly.

Change in immediate pressure

Pressure loss: Large

Pressure (MPa)
Impact 1 cycle (6 sec) Time

Since the torque for impact wrenches, etc., is determined by the

immediate pressure, a large pressure loss will cause problems such
as torque instability and long cycle time.

After Improvement
Fittings and tubing are changed to those with large effective areas. A regulator is added and pressure control is improved.

Change in immediate pressure

Filter Pressure loss: Small
regulator Coil
tube 0.6
Pressure (MPa)

S coupler 0.3
1 cycle (4 sec)

Torque stability
Shortened cycle time

Effect of Energy Saving Improvement Main Points

Air consumption 100% Pressure loss improvement

25% Methods and related equipment are the

same as Proposal 3 "Air Blow" on Front
matter 10.

Before After

Front matter 11
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM12

Proposal 5
Air Leakage


Stop air leakage from piping components
Before Improvement
20 to 50% of air consumption is accounted to air leakage.
Since the compressor is in continuous operation regardless of whether equipment is in
operation or at rest, a fixed amount of air is constantly consumed due to leakage from piping.

Air consumption status

Compressor operation status
Tubing, fittings 20%
Couplers 25%
Rubber hoses 30%
Other 25%
Flow rate

Air leakage is
equivalent to 20 to 50%.
Air leakage, purging leakage

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Non-operation time Operating time Time

Air leakage examples

• Air leakage from One-touch fittings • Air leakage from couplers due • Air leakage from tubing due to
due to bad cutting surface of tubing to bad sealing chips, wear-out and spatter, etc.

Leakage Leakage

Front matter 12
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM13

Main Points

q Select leakage resistant equipment. w Use double layer tubing to prevent

S couplers damage to tubing by chips, spatter and
Series KK Page 83 wear-out.
Double layer tubing
Series TRB/TRBU Page 104

Sealed construction
for reduced leakage
Inner tube
Soft nylon
Exterior layer

FR double layer tubing cross section

e Correct tube cutting surface by using

special tools. Double layer tube stripper
Tube cutter Series TKS Page 106

Series TK Page 107

Effect of Energy Saving Improvement Related Equipment

Air leakage tester (Made to Order) P. 203
Digital flow switch for air Series PF2A 118
Air consumption 100% Water resistant air cylinders 36
Air cylinder with heavy duty scraper (Made to Order) 40
100% Air cylinder with coil scraper (Made to Order) 41


Before After

Front matter 13
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Proposal 6
Air Purge (Air Micro)


Reduction of air consumption for air micro
Before Improvement
An air micro is used on machining equipment to confirm precision after machining.
Air is constantly released regardless of the presence of a workpiece.


After Improvement
The circuit is changed to supply air only when measuring workpieces.

2 port
air operated valve

3 port
mechanical valve

Main Points
Stop the air supply depending 
on the presence of workpieces.

3 port mechanical valve

Series VM Page 64

Direct air operated 2 port valve

Series VXA21/22 Page 57
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement

Air consumption 100%


Related Equipment
Air catch sensor Series ISA2 P. 205
Before After Air catch sensor Series ISA 222

Front matter 14
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM15

Proposal 7
Paint Stirring


Reduction of air consumption for paint stirrer
Before Improvement
In a painting booth, it is necessary to have the stirrer in operation at all times to prevent paint from coagulating.
Even when the line is not in operation, air is supplied in the same manner as when it is in operation.

Stirrer Paint pump

Paint tank

After Improvement
The circuit is changed to operate the stirrer with a minimal air supply when the line is not in operation.

Stirrer Paint pump

Paint tank

Pilot operated
3 port solenoid valve
Flow switching
2 port air operated valve

Main Points
Switch the line flow rate 
depending on the operating time 
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement and non-operating time. 
Flow switching 2 port air operated valve
Air consumption (Special order product)
Series VKFA332-X1 Page 70

50% Pilot operated 3 port solenoid valve

Series VP300/500/700 Page 58

Before After

Front matter 15
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM16

Proposal 8


Reduction of air consumption by actuators
Before Improvement
Cylinder output uses the same pressure for lifting or lowering.
Use of an exterior guide adds extra weight.

After Improvement
By using a double power extension cylinder, a reduction in operating pressure or use of a smaller size
cylinder is made possible.
Use of a large bore tube rod and non-rotating mechanism makes the guide unnecessary.

Main Points
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement Change to a non-rotating 
double power cylinder.
Air consumption 100% Non-rotating double power cylinder

35% Series MGZ Page 2


Before After

Front matter 16
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM17

After Improvement

q To reduce the non-working side output for a lifter when the jig weight is heavy and
the workpiece is light
Pressure is reduced in the direction that is influenced by the jig and workpiece load.

When a large load effects both lifting and lowering

Regulator with
check valve

w To reduce the non-workting side output for horizontal transfer or a clamp

A PFC valve is used to reduce pressure in the direction that is not affected by a smaller
cylinder output, such as the transfer retraction side or unclamping side.
PFC valve

Only output to one side is necessary.

QFC valve

Main Points
Reduce pressure on the non-
working side.
(Change to a one side regulated circuit.)
Air saving valves
Regulator with check valve
Series ASR/ASQ Page 23
Series AR Page 110

PFC/QFC valves Page 21

Related Equipment
Guide table Series MGF P. 19
Model Selection Program Ver. 3.00 252
SMC Pneumatics CAD System Ver. 2.6 259

Front mater 17
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM18

Proposal 9
Vacuum Ejectors


Reduction of air consumption for vacuum ejectors
Before Improvement
Normally, in the case of vacuum ejector suction, air needs to be constantly supplied to maintain the suction of a workpiece.

Standard ejector

Vacuum generation

Assumed to be 2 sec.

After Improvement
Use of an ejector with vacuum holding specification enables stopping air supply to maintain the suction at a workpiece.
Air consumption is reduced by shortening the vacuum generation ti me.

Ejector with Ejector unit circuit

check valve Vacuum
Vacuum holding

1.5 sec
0.5 sec
Note) Since vacuum pressure may drop
due to leakage, etc., use a pressure
–80 kpa switch to maintain the vacuum pres-
Workpiece sure necessary for the suction of a
work piece.

Main Points
Change to an ejector with built-in 
check valve.
Vacuum ejector with check valve (Special
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement
order product) Page 234

Air consumption 100% Related Equipment

50 to 75% High precision 2-color display digital pressure switch Series ZSE30/ISE30 P. 154
Reduction High precision digital pressure switch Series ZSE40/ISE40 162
Pad with check valve INO-3769 (Special order product) 235

Before After

Front matter 18
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM19

Before Improvement
For suction of a workpiece with leakage, a large suction flow is necessary, which in turn necessitates the
use of a larger nozzle size and increased air consumption.

Single stage ejector ZH18

Vacuum pressure (kpa)

Nozzle size
Air consumption
150 l/min

Leakage –14

Suction flow (l/min)

After Improvement
Use of an ejector with 3-stage diffuser construction enables a reduction of the air consumption even with
the same suction flow and vacuum pressure.

Multistage ejector ZL112

Vacuum pressure (kpa)

Nozzle size

Air consumption
63 l/min


Suction flow (l/min)

Main Points
Change to an ejector with
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement 3-stage diffuser construction.
Multistage ejector
Air consumption 100% Series ZL112/212 Page 229


Before After

Front matter 19
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM20

Proposal 10
Liquid Removal


Reduction of air for a liquid removal pump
Before Improvement
Removal of oil waste accumulated in the oil pan under a machine or conveyor.
The pump is in operation regardless of the amount of liquid and this causes a great energy loss.

Air operated
P liquid removal pump

• Damage to the diaphragm due to operating

Machine without accumulated liquid
• Clogged check valve due to foreign matter
Oil pan (chips, etc.)

Oil waste

After Improvement
Suction method is changed to an ejector operated type and an automatic stop circuit is installed to stop
operation when there is no liquid.

Removal of water soluble coolant


Water soluble coolants are directly
suctioned for removal by the
Removal of oil based coolant



Since oil based coolants are easily
vaporized, they are temporarily
stored in a tank.
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement

Air consumption 100%

70 to 95%

Before After

Front matter 20
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM21

Main Points

Start or stop the pump depending on the presence of liquid (waste).

q Suction by an ejector prevents clogging (without check valve mechanism)

Vacuum ejector for water soluble coolant removal Vacuum ejector (for oil based coolant removal)
(Special order product) Page 236 ZH Page 226

w An automatic shut off circuit prevents operation when there is no liquid.

Circuit example


Negative pressure
detection valve

Removal side

Negative pressure detection valve

(Special order product) Page 224

Related Equipment
In-line vacuum ejector Series ZU P. 228
High precision digital pressure switch for general fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50 173
Digital pressure switch with backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B 189

Front matter 21
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM22

Proposal 11
Coolant (Cleaning) Pump


Reduction of electric power consumption for coolant pump
Before Improvement
Coolant is blown without any attachment at the coolant outlet.

Without nozzle Small diameter piping Large diameter nozzle

For cutting S1 Pressure loss: Large
For jig (Blade cooling)
(Reference Effective area
surface cleaning) ratio 0.2 : 1
Washing bed
(Washing chips) Workpiece

Pump capacity Pressure

(electric power)
Pump head

Pressure loss:

P Discharge Pump Nozzle

rate outlet outlet

After Improvement
Pressure loss is reduced by attaching nozzles.
Large diameter piping Small diameter nozzle
With nozzle S1
Pressure loss: Small
Effective area
ratio 2:1

Pump head (electric power)

Pump capacity Pressure

Previous rate

Pressure loss:

Discharge Pump Nozzle
rate outlet outlet

Main Points
Improve pressure loss.
Improve the effective area ratio with
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement the upstream side by using a small
diameter nozzle.
Electric power
Nozzles for blowing Series KN Page 80

consumption 100%

Reduction Related Equipment
High precision digital pressure switch for general fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50 P. 173
2-color display digital pressure switch Series ISE70/75/75H 182
Digital pressure switch with backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B 189
Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 256
Before After Industrial filter Series FG 238
Low maintenance filter Series FN1 240

Front matter 22
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM23

Before Improvement
For bed washing (chip washing), coolant is discharged constantly without any restraint.

For cutting
For jig (Blade cooling) KN
surface cleaning)
Bed washing
(Washing chips)

Coolant flow/cycle

For cutting
For cutting For cutting

Flow rate
For jig For jig

Bed washing
P Bed washing
1 cycle

After Improvement
Bed washing is stopped when blowing for cutting or jig.

Coolant flow/cycle
The amount
For cutting
of reduction
is shown by
Flow rate

the shaded
For jig area.
For cutting For cutting

Bed washing For jig Bed washing

P Bed washing
1 cycle
Coolant valve

Main Points
Improve pressure loss.
Supply and stop coolant for bed washing.
Coolant valve
Series VNC Page 68

Effect of Energy Saving Improvement

Electric power 100%


20 to 50%
Related Equipment
High precision digital pressure switch for general fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50 P. 173
2-color display digital pressure switch Series ISE70/75/75H 182
Digital pressure switch with backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B 189
Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 256
Before After Industrial filter Series FG 238
Low maintenance filter Series FN1 240

Front matter 23
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM24

Proposal  12
Cooling Water


Reduction of electric power consumption for cooling water pump
Before Improvement
Regardless of operating or non-operating state of a welding gun, cooling water is constantly discharged.


P P Pump

Cooling water tank


After Improvement
Stop cooling water supply when not welding.

2 port
solenoid valve

P P Pump

Cooling water tank


Main Points
Stop the supply of cooling water 
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement when not welding.
Zero differential pressure operated 2 port
Electric power 100% solenoid valve
Series VXZ Page 55
30 to 50%

Related Equipment
Before After
Digital flow switch for water Series PF2W P. 118

Front matter 24
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM25

Proposal  13
Hydraulic Clamp


Reduction of electric power consumption for hydraulic clamp
Before Improvement
A hydraulic unit is used for workpiece clamping when cutting is performed.

control valve



control valve

Hydraulic pump P

After Improvement
By performing air-hydro conversion for the clamping process, the use of the hydraulic unit is eliminated.
Cutting feed is electrically driven.

Air-hydro converter

Air-hydro booster

Workpiece Hydraulic cylinder

Main Points
Convert to high output 
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement
hydraulic drive.
Air-hydro booster
Electric power 100%
consumption (Made to Order)

30 to 50% Page 42


Air-hydro converter
Before After Series CCT
Page 45

Front matter 25
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM26

Proposal 14
Low Power Consumption/Long Service Life


Reduction of power used for solenoid valve energization, 
and service life improvement
After Improvement
Electric power used for solenoid valve energization is reduced by using low power consumption
solenoid valves.
Also, the use of a metal seal construction improves the service life.

Main Points

5 port solenoid valve

Series SY

0.35 W/0.1 W
(with energy saving circuit)

5 port solenoid valve

Series VQ/Metal seal

0.5 W(21 mA, 24 VDC)

200 million cycles ∗

2 port solenoid valve

Series VQ20/30

2.5 W (104 mA, 24 VDC)

20 million cycles ∗

∗ These values are based on SMC life test conditions.

For more details refer to Best Pneumatics 2004 catalog Vol. 1/2/17.

Front matter 26
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page FM27

Front matter 27
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 1


Series Application Page
Non-rotating double power cylinder MGZ Actuator 2
Guide table MGF Actuator 19
PFC/QFC valves PFC/QFC valves Actuator 21
Air saving valves ASR/ASQ Actuator 23
Hollow rod cylinders (Made to Order) Air blow 34
Free mount cylinder for vacuum ZCUK Air blow 35
Water resistant air cylinders Air leakage 36
Air cylinder with heavy duty scraper (Made to Order) Air leakage 40
Air cylinder with coil scraper (Made to Order) Air leakage 41
Air-hydro booster (Made to Order) Hydraulic clamp 42
Air-hydro converter CCT Hydraulic clamp 45

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 2

Non-rotating Double
Power Cylinder
Series MGZ ø40, ø50, ø63

Front end lock type and mounting brackets

now available
• End lock holds the rod when extended
• Transaxial foot style, front flange style and rear flange style


Non-rotation guide Slide key x 2

is unnecessary !
Employs a large bore tube rod up
Long stroke capability with space savings
to 80% of the cylinder's external Strokes up to 1000 mm are possible.
square dimension plus slide The overall cylinder length is not two or more times the stroke length,
bearings. In addition, a built-in as is the case with conventional double output cylinders (tandem type).
non-rotation mechanism using Tube rod
slide keys allows direct mounting External square
of loads. dimension

(Approx. 30%

Double output power for extension!

Air pressure supplied from A operates on surfaces q and w. (extension)

q w A B
Clean external appearance
Auto switches are contained in grooves on four sides

Air pressure supplied from B operates on surface e. (retraction)

e A B

Piping is centralized on the head cover.

Mounting accuracy improved

Positioning holes are provided on the workpiece mounting surface for
easy alignment.

Regulator with check valve is unnecessary

A regulator with check valve normally required for a lifting circuit
becomes unnecessary.

High strength with space savings Gripping

Moment resistance is equal to that of a guide cylinder (cylinder + two guide shafts).
Furthermore, the mounting cross section is reduced by approximately 40%.



ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 3

Non-rotating Double Power Cylinder Series MGZ

How to Order

Standard Type MGZ 40 Z 100 Y7BW

Mounting Number of auto switches

Nil Basic style Nil 2 pcs.
L Transaxial foot style S 1 pc.

F Front flange style
G Rear flange style

Auto switch type

Bore size Without auto switch
40 (Built-in magnet cylinder)
40 mm
50 50 mm ∗ Select applicable auto switch
models from the table below.
63 63 mm ∗ Auto switches are shipped together,
(but not assembled).

Coil scraper Stroke (mm)

Nil None Refer to the standard stroke table.
Z Yes

Applicable Auto Switches: Direct Mount Type

Load voltage Auto switch model Lead wire length (m)∗
Special Electrical Indicator Wiring
Type Electrical entry direction 0.5 3 5 Applicable load
function entry light (output) DC AC
Perpendicular In-line (Nil) (L) (Z)

3-wire (NPN) — 5V — — Z76   — IC circuit

— Grommet Yes
2-wire 24 V 12 V 100 V — Z73    — Relay, PLC
3-wire (NPN) Y69A Y59A   
5 V, 12 V IC circuit
— 3-wire (PNP) Y7PV Y7P   
Solid state switch

2-wire 12 V Y69B Y59B    — Relay,

Grommet Yes —
3-wire (NPN) 24 V Y7NWV Y7NW    PLC
Diagnostic 5 V, 12 V IC circuit
indication 3-wire (PNP) Y7PWV Y7PW   
(2 color indicator)
Water resistant 2-wire 12 V —
(2 color indicator) — Y7BA —  
Note 1) Lead wire length symbols: 0.5 m ......... Nil (Example) Y59B
3 m ......... L Y59BL
5 m ......... Z Y59BZ
Note 2) Solid state switches marked with a "" symbol are produced upon receipt of order.
Note 3) When later installing auto switches on a cylinder ordered without auto switches,
the switch spacers in the table below are necessary.

Switch spacer
Switch Spacer
Applicable bore size (mm) 40, 50, 63
Switch spacer BMP1-032
Mounting Bracket Part No.
Bore size (mm) 40 50 60
Foot MGZ-L04 MGZ-L05 MGZ-L06
Flange MGZ-F04 MGZ-F05 MGZ-F06

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 4

Series MGZ

Bore size (mm) 40 50 63
Action Double acting, Single rod
Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Standard stroke: 0.08 MPa
Minimum operating pressure
Long stroke: 0.12 MPa
Without auto switch: –10 to 70°C (with no freezing)
Ambient and fluid temperature
With auto switch: –10 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Lubrication Non-lube
Extending: 50 to 700 mm/s
Piston speed
Retracting: 50 to 450 mm/s
Stroke length tolerance to 250 +1.0 +1.4
0 , 251 to 1000 0

Cushion Rubber bumper

Thread tolerance JIS class 2
Port size Rc 1/4
Mounting Basic style, Transaxial foot style, Front flange style, Rear flange style

Standard Stroke
Bore size (mm) Standard stroke (mm) Long stroke (mm)

75, 100, 125, 150, 175 350, 400, 450, 500, 600
40, 50, 63
200, 250, 300 700, 800, 900,1000

Intermediate strokes and strokes of less than 75 mm can also be manufactured.

Weight (kg)
Bore size (mm) 40 50 63
Basic style 1.90 3.03 4.83
Standard weight Foot style 2.39 3.92 6.08
Flange style 2.34 3.79 5.83
Additional weight per 50 mm of stroke All brackets 0.39 0.59 0.78

Theoretical Output (N)

Bore size Rod size Operating Piston area Operating pressure (MPa)
Model (mm) (mm) direction (mm2) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
45 x 40 OUT 2533 507 760 1013 1267 1520 1773 2026 2280 2533
MGZ40 20
40 IN 942 188 283 377 471 565 659 754 848 942
55 x 50 OUT 3848 770 1154 1539 1924 2309 2694 3078 3463 3848
MGZ50 25
50 IN 1473 295 442 589 737 884 1031 1178 1326 1473
68 x 63 OUT 5945 1189 1784 2378 2973 3567 4162 4756 5351 5945
MGZ63 32
63 IN 2313 463 694 925 1157 1388 1619 1850 2082 2313

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 5

Non-rotating Double Power Cylinder Series MGZ


Basic style 2-RcP GA



4-MM depth M øXAH7 depth XL 0


2 x 4-J
B H S + Stroke
ZZ + Stroke

Allowable angle displacement of E to B is ±1.5°.

Bore size
(mm) Stroke range B C D E KA GA GB H I J K M
40 to 1000 59 46 45 21 36 34.5 23.5 40 78 M6 x 1.0 25 10
50 to 1000 71 55 55 26 46 40 28 45 92 M8 x 1.25 25 14
63 to 1000 82 66 68 32 53 46.5 34.5 50 110 M8 x 1.25 25 14

Bore size
(mm) Stroke range MA MB MC MM N P S XA XL Y ZZ
40 to 1000 16 4 12 M6 x 1.0 44 1/4 138 12 6 9.5 178
50 to 1000 16 5 15 M8 x 1.25 50 1/4 150 16 6 12.5 195
63 to 1000 16 5 15 M8 x 1.25 56 1/4 171 16 6 15 221

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 6

Series MGZ

Dimensions: With Mounting Bracket

Transaxial foot style: (L)

4-øLD through


LX Y LS + Stroke
LZ ZZ + Stroke

Bore size
(mm) Stroke range X Y z LH LT LX LY LZ LS ZZ
40 to 1000 24 0 9 34 19 80 63.5 100 138 190
50 to 1000 32 1 11 40 22 96 75.5 120 148 210
63 to 1000 36 3 13 47 24 110 88 140 165 236

Front flange style: (F)


FZ (mm)
Bore size
(mm) Stroke range B FD FT FX FY FZ
40 to 1000 74 9 12 80 58 100
50 to 1000 78 9 16 100 61 125
63 to 1000 100 12 16 112 75 138
Rear flange style: (G)

FZ ZZ + Stroke

Bore size
(mm) Stroke range B FD FT FX FY FZ ZZ
40 to 1000 74 9 12 80 58 100 190
50 to 1000 78 9 16 100 61 125 211
63 to 1000 100 12 16 112 75 138 237
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 7

Non-rotating Double Power Cylinder Series MGZ


y @0 q o @2 i r t !7 @4 @1 e u !9 !8 @5 @3 w !6 !5 !1 !2 !0

!3 !4

With coil scraper

Component Parts
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Rod cover Aluminum alloy Clear anodized 14 Tie-rod nut Carbon steel Nickel plated
2 Head cover Aluminum alloy Clear anodized 15 Hexagon socket head cap screw Chrome molybdenum steel Nickel plated
3 Cylinder tube Aluminum alloy Hard anodized 16 Spring washer Steel wire Nickel plated
4 Piston rod Aluminum alloy Hard anodized 17 Bumper Urethane
5 Tube rod Carbon steel pipe Hard chrome plated 18 Wear ring Resin
6 Tube rod cover Carbon steel Electroless nickel plated 19 Magnet Magnetic material
7 Piston Aluminum alloy Chromated 20∗ Rod seal A NBR
8 Stationary piston Aluminum alloy Chromated 21 Rod seal B NBR
9 Bushing Lead bronze casting 22 Piston seal NBR
10 Thrust plate Lead bronze casting 23 Piston gasket NBR
11 Holder Aluminum alloy Chromated 24 Tube rod gasket NBR
12 Pin Carbon steel Zinc chromated 25∗ Cylinder tube gasket NBR
13 Tie-rod Carbon steel Corrosion resistant chromated 26 Coil scraper Metal

Replacement Parts: Seal Kit

Bore size (mm) Kit no. Content
40 MGZ40-PS
A set of above
50 MGZ50-PS nos. 20 and 25.
63 MGZ63-PS
∗ Seal kits consist of a set of items 20 and 25, which can be ordered using the
seal kit number for each bore size.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 8

Series MGZ

How to Order

With End Lock MGZ 40 100 R Y7BW

Mounting Number of auto switches

Nil Basic style Nil 2 pcs.
L Transaxial foot style S 1 pc.
F Front flange style
Auto switch type
G Rear flange style
Without auto switch
(Built-in magnet cylinder)
∗ Select applicable auto switch
Bore size models from the table below.
40 40 mm ∗ Auto switches are shipped together,
(but not assembled).
50 50 mm
63 63 mm With front end lock

Stroke (mm)
Refer to the standard stroke table.

Applicable Auto Switches: Direct Mount Type

Load voltage Auto switch model Lead wire length (m)∗
Special Electrical Indicator Wiring
Type Electrical entry direction 0.5 3 5 Applicable load
function entry light (output) DC AC
Perpendicular In-line (Nil) (L) (Z)

3-wire (NPN) — 5V — — Z76   — IC circuit

— Grommet Yes
2-wire 24 V 12 V 100 V — Z73    — Relay, PLC
3-wire (NPN) Y69A Y59A   
5 V, 12 V IC circuit
— 3-wire (PNP) Y7PV Y7P   
Solid state switch

2-wire 12 V Y69B Y59B    — Relay,

Grommet Yes —
3-wire (NPN) 24 V Y7NWV Y7NW    PLC
Diagnostic 5 V, 12 V IC circuit
indication 3-wire (PNP) Y7PWV Y7PW   
(2-color indicator)
Water resistant 2-wire 12 V —
(2-color indicator) — Y7BA —  
Note 1) Lead wire length symbols: 0.5 m ......... Nil (Example) Y59B
3 m ......... L Y59BL
5 m ......... Z Y59BZ
Note 2) Solid state switches marked with a "" symbol are produced upon receipt of order.
Note 3) When later installing auto switches on a cylinder ordered without auto switches,
the switch spacers in the table below are necessary.
Switch spacer

Switch Spacer
Applicable bore size (mm) 40, 50, 63
Switch spacer BMP1-032
Mounting Bracket Part No.
Bore size (mm) 40 50 63
Foot MGZ-L04 MGZ-L05 MGZ-L06
Flange MGZ-F04 MGZ-F05 MGZ-F06

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 9

Non-rotating Double Power Cylinder Series MGZ

Cylinder Specifications
Bore size (mm) 40 50 63
Action Double acting, Single rod
Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Minimum operating pressure 0.2 MPa∗
Without auto switch: –10 to 70°C (with no freezing)
Ambient and fluid temperature
With auto switch: –10 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Lubrication Non-lube

Extending: 50 to 700 mm/s
Piston speed
Retracting: 50 to 450 mm/s
Stroke length tolerance to 250 +1.0 +1.4
0 , 251 to 1000 0

Cushion Rubber bumper

Thread tolerance JIS class 2
Port size Rc 1/4
Mounting Basic style, Transaxial foot style, Front flange style, Rear flange style
∗ Except for the lock section, the minimum operating pressure is 0.08 MPa (0.12 MPa for long strokes).

Lock Specifications
End lock position Front only
Holding force (maximum) ø40 ø50 ø63
N 1770 2690 4160
Backlash 2mm or less
Manual release Non-locking type
Adjust an auto switch's position so that it operates for movement to both the stroke end and backlash (2 mm) positions.

Standard Stroke
Bore size (mm) Standard stroke (mm) Long stroke (mm)

75, 100, 125, 150, 175 350, 400, 450, 500, 600
40, 50, 63
200, 250, 300 700, 800, 900, 1000

Intermediate strokes and strokes of less than 75 mm can also be manufactured.

Weight (kg)
Bore size (mm) 40 50 63
Basic style 2.80 4.08 6.13
Standard weight Foot style 3.29 4.97 7.39
Flange style 3.24 4.84 7.13
Additional weight per 50 mm of stroke All brackets 0.41 0.61 0.80

Theoretical Output (N)

Bore size Rod size Operating Piston area Operating pressure (MPa)
(mm) (mm) direction (mm2) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
45 x 40 OUT 2533 507 760 1013 1267 1520 1773 2026 2280 2533
MGZ40 20
40 IN 942 188 283 377 471 565 659 754 848 942
55 x 50 OUT 3848 770 1154 1539 1924 2309 2694 3078 3463 3848
MGZ50 25
50 IN 1473 295 442 589 737 884 1031 1178 1326 1473
68 x 63 OUT 5945 1189 1784 2378 2973 3567 4162 4756 5351 5945
MGZ63 32
63 IN 2313 463 694 925 1157 1388 1619 1850 2082 2313

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 10

Series MGZ


y@9 qo #1i rt @4 !7 #3 #0 @3 ue@6 !9!8#4$0#9 @5 #2w!6!5 !1 !2 !0

!3 !4
#7@1#5@2 @8@#
7 @
6 #
0 8

End lock

Component Parts
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Rod cover Aluminum alloy Clear anodized 21 Lock holder Stainless steel
2 Head cover Aluminum alloy Clear anodized 22 Lock piston Carbon steel Quenched, Hard chrome plated
3 Cylinder tube Aluminum alloy Hard anodized 23 Stopper Carbon steel Quenched
4 Piston rod Aluminum alloy Hard anodized 24 Collar Lead-bronze casting
5 Tube rod Carbon steel pipe Hard chrome plated 25 Port block Bronze alloy Electroless nickel plated
6 Tube rod cover Carbon steel Electroless nickel plated 26 Pipe Bronze alloy
7 Piston Aluminum alloy Chromated 27 Lock spring Steel wire
8 Stationary piston Aluminum alloy Chromated 28 Rubber cap Synthetic rubber
9 Bushing Lead-bronze casting 29 ∗ Rod seal A NBR
10 Thrust plate Lead-bronze casting 30 Rod seal B NBR
11 Holder Aluminum alloy Chromated 31 Piston seal NBR
12 Pin Carbon steel Zinc chromated 32 Piston gasket NBR
13 Tie-rod Carbon steel Corrosion resistant chromated 33 Tube rod gasket NBR
14 Tie-rod nut Carbon steel Nickel plated 34 ∗ Cylinder tube gasket NBR
15 Hexagon socket head cap screw Chrome molybdenum steel Nickel plated 35 ∗ Lock piston seal A NBR
16 Spring washer Steel wire Nickel plated 36 ∗ Lock piston seal B NBR
17 Bumper Urethane 37 ∗ Lock piston seal C NBR
18 Wear ring Resin 38 ∗ Lock holder gasket NBR
19 Magnet Magnetic material 39 ∗ Port block gasket NBR
20 Cap Bronze alloy Electroless nickel plated 40 ∗ Pipe gasket NBR

Replacement Parts: Seal Kit

Bore size (mm) Kit no. Content
40 MGZ40R-PS A set of above nos.
50 MGZ50R-PS 29, 34, 35, 36,
63 MGZ63R-PS 37, 38, 39 and 40.
∗ Seal kits consist of a set of items 29 and 34 through 40, which can be ordered
using the seal kit number for each bore size.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 11

Non-rotating Double Power Cylinder Series MGZ


Basic style

DL 2-Rc P GA

4-MM depth M øXAH7 depth XL+0.2



2 x 4-J
B H S + Stroke
ZZ + Stroke

Bore size Stroke
(mm) range B C D DL E GA GB H HR I J K KA LL LM
40 to 1000 59 46 45 58 21 34.5 23.5 40 57.5 78 M6 x 1.0 25 36 30 30
50 to 1000 71 55 55 67 26 40 28 45 63.5 92 M8 x 1.25 25 46 30 30
63 to 1000 82 66 68 73 32 46.5 34.5 50 69 110 M8 x 1.25 25 53 30 30

Bore size Stroke

(mm) range M MA MB MC MM N NB P S XA XL Y WL WM ZZ
40 to 1000 10 16 4 12 M6 x 1.0 44 74 1/4 168 12 6 9.5 42 39 208
50 to 1000 14 16 5 15 M8 x 1.25 50 83 1/4 183 16 6 12.5 42 42 228
63 to 1000 14 16 5 15 M8 x 1.25 56 89 1/4 204 16 6 15 52 52 254

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 12

Series MGZ

Dimensions: With Mounting Bracket

Transaxial foot style: (L)

4-øLD through

LX Y LS + Stroke
LZ ZZ + Stroke

Bore size
(mm) Stroke range X Y LD LH LT LX LY LZ LS ZZ
40 to 1000 24 0 9 34 19 80 63.5 100 168 220
50 to 1000 32 1 11 40 22 96 75.5 120 181 243
63 to 1000 36 3 13 47 24 110 88 140 198 269

Front flange style: (F)


Bore size
(mm) Stroke range B FD FT FX FY FZ
40 to 1000 74 9 12 80 58 100
50 to 1000 78 9 16 100 61 125
Rear flange style: (G) 63 to 1000 100 12 16 112 75 138


FZ ZZ + Stroke

Bore size
(mm) Stroke range B FD FT FX FY FZ ZZ
40 to 1000 74 9 12 80 58 100 220
50 to 1000 78 9 16 100 61 125 244
63 to 1000 100 12 16 112 75 138 270
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 13

Double Power Cylinder (Without

non-rotating mechanism)
Series MGZR ø40, ø50, ø63 Actuator

How to Order

Standard Type MGZ R 40 100 Y7BW

Without non-rotating mechanism Number of auto switches

Nil 2 pcs.

S 1 pc.
Nil Basic style Auto switch type
L Transaxial foot style Without auto switch
F Front flange style Nil
(Built-in magnet cylinder)
G Rear flange style ∗ For the applicable auto switch model,
D Double clevis style refer to the table below.
∗ Auto switches are shipped together,
(but not assembled).
Bore size
40 40 mm
Stroke (mm)
50 50 mm Refer to “Standard Stroke” on the next page.
63 63 mm

Applicable Auto Switches

Load voltage Lead wire length (m)∗

Electrical Wiring Auto switch model Pre-wired


Type Special function 0.5 3 5 Applicable load

entry (Output) DC AC (Nil) (L) (Z) connector
Perpendicular In-line
3-wire IC


— 5V — — Z76 — —
— Grommet Yes (NPN equiv) circuit
2-wire 24 V 12 V 100 V — Z73    — — Relay, PLC
3-wire (NPN) Y69A Y59A     IC
5 V,12 V
Solid state switch

— 3-wire (PNP) Y7PV Y7P     circuit

2-wire 12 V Y69B Y59B     — Relay
Grommet Yes 3-wire (NPN) 24 V — Y7NWV Y7NW     IC PLC
Diagnostic indication 5 V,12 V
3-wire (PNP) Y7PWV Y7PW     circuit
(2-color indication)
Y7BWV Y7BW    
Improved water resistance 2-wire 12 V —
(2-color indication) — Y7BA —   

∗ Lead wire length symbols: 0.5 m ···············Nil (Example) Y59A ∗ Solid state switches marked “” are produced upon receipt of order.
3 m ··············· L (Example) Y59AL
5 m ··············· Z (Example) Y59AZ

• Retrofitting of an auto switch on a clinder that is originally ordered without one requires a switch spacer per the table below.

Switch spacer
Switch Spacer
Applicable bore size (mm) 40, 50, 63
Switch spacer BMP1-032
Mounting Bracket Part No.
Bore size(mm) 40 50 63
Foot MGZ-L04 MGZ-L05 MGZ-L06
Flange MGZ-F04 MGZ-F05 MGZ-F06
Double clevis Note 1) MGZ-D04 MGZ-D05 MGZ-D06
Note 1) Double clevis bracket is provided with clevis pins and cotter pins.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 14

Series MGZR

Bore size (mm) 40 50 63
Action Double acting, Single rod
Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Max. operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Standard stroke: 0.08 MPa
Min. operating pressure
Long stroke: 0.12 MPa
Without auto switch: –10° to 70°C (With no freezing)
Ambient and fluid temperature
With auto switch: –10° to 60°C (With no freezing)
Lubrication Non-lube
OUT: 50 to 700 mm/s
Piston speed
IN: 50 to 450 mm/s
Stroke length tolerance Up to 250 +1.0 +1.4
0 , 251 to 1000 0

Cushion Rubber bumper

Screw tolerance JIS class 2
Port size Rc 1/4
Basic style, Transaxial foot style, Front flange style
Rear flange style, Double clevis style

Standard Stroke
Bore sizes (mm) Standard stroke (mm) Long stroke (mm)

75, 100, 125, 150, 175 350, 400, 450, 500, 600
40, 50, 63
200, 250, 300 700, 800, 900,1000

Intermediate strokes and strokes shorter than 75 mm are also available.

Weight (kg)
Bore size (mm) 40 50 63
Basic style 1.91 3.03 4.83
Foot style 2.39 3.92 6.08
Standard weight
Flange style 2.34 3.79 5.83
Double clevis style 2.19 3.47 5.62
Weight per each All mounting 0.39 0.59 0.78
50 mm of stroke brackets

Theoretical Output (N)

Bore size Rod size Operating Piston area Operating pressure (MPa)
(mm) (mm) direction (mm2) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
45 x 40 OUT 2533 507 760 1013 1267 1520 1773 2026 2280 2533
MGZR40 20
40 IN 942 188 283 377 471 565 659 754 848 942
55 x 50 OUT 3848 770 1154 1539 1924 2309 2694 3078 3463 3848
MGZR50 25
50 IN 1473 295 442 589 737 884 1031 1178 1326 1473
68 x 63 OUT 5945 1189 1784 2378 2973 3567 4162 4756 5351 5945
MGZR63 32
63 IN 2313 463 694 925 1157 1388 1619 1850 2082 2313

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 15

Double Power Cylinder

(Without non-rotating mechanism) Series MGZR


Basic style

2-Rc P GA

MM depth M


2 x 4-J
B H S + Stroke
ZZ + Stroke

Bore size Stroke
(mm) range B C D KA GA GB H I J K M MA MB MC MM N P S Y ZZ
40 to 1000 59 46 45 36 34.5 23.5 40 78 M6 x 1.0 25 30 16 4 12 M16 x 2 44 1/4 138 9.5 178
50 to 1000 71 55 55 46 40 28 45 92 M8 x 1.25 25 35 16 5 15 M20 x 2.5 50 1/4 150 12.5 195
63 to 1000 82 66 68 53 46.5 34.5 50 110 M8 x 1.25 25 35 16 5 15 M20 x 2.5 56 1/4 171 15 221

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 16

Series MGZR
Dimensions: With Mounting Bracket

Transaxial foot style: (L)

4-øLD through


LX Y LS + Stroke
LZ ZZ + Stroke
Bore size Stroke
(mm) range X Y LD LH LT LX LY LZ LS ZZ
40 to 1000 24 0 9 34 19 80 63.5 100 138 190
50 to 1000 32 1 11 40 22 96 75.5 120 148 210
63 to 1000 36 3 13 47 24 110 88 140 165 236

Front flange style: (F)


4-øFD (mm)
Bore size Stroke
FZ (mm) range B FD FT FX FY FZ
40 to 1000 74 9 12 80 58 100
50 to 1000 78 9 16 100 61 125
63 to 1000 100 12 16 112 75 138

Rear flange style: (G)


4-øFD ZZ + Stroke
FX (mm)
FZ Bore size Stroke
(mm) range B FD FT FX FY FZ ZZ
40 to 1000 74 9 12 80 58 100 190
50 to 1000 78 9 16 100 61 125 211
63 to 1000 100 12 16 112 75 138 237

Double clevis style: (D)

∗ Clevis pins and cotter pins

are included.

Z + Stroke RR CZ
ZZ + Stroke (mm)
Bore size Stroke
(mm) range L RR U CDH10 CX+0.3
+0.1 CZ Z ZZ
40 to 600 30 15 17 14 20 40 208 223
50 to 700 42 18 26 22 30 60 237 255
63 to 900 42 23 26 22 30 60 263 286
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 17

Double Power Cylinder

(Without non-rotating mechanism) Series MGZR
Double Clevis Bracket

Z + Stroke DB B





Bore size
MB-B05 40 59 53 43 60 14 0 81 45 30 10.5 9 8 18 11.5 20 208
50 71 73 64 86 22 0 111 65 45 12.5 11 10 22 14 30 237
MB-B08 +0.084
63 82 73 64 86 22 0 111 65 45 12.5 11 10 22 14 30 263


A° Bore size
(mm) A° Bˆ A°+B°+90°
40 30 50 170
50, 63 35 50 175

Clevis Pin


Bore size
(mm) Dd9 L l m (Drill Cotter pin Note)
m l CD-M05 40 14–0.050
–0.093 60 51 4.5 4 ø4 x 25 l
L CD-M08 50, 63 22–0.065
–0.117 82 72 5 4 ø4 x 35 l
Note) When using cotter pins, flat washers are used together.

Floating Joint

Applicable M Max. Allowable Max. operating tension and compression N Weight
Model Nominal A B C D E F G H screw-in eccentricity
bore size size
Pitch depth P U Compression Tension (kg)
40 JB80-16-200 16 2 80.5 16 20 50 9.5 19 16 32 18 1.25 18000 5000 0.56
50, 63 JB100-20-250 20 2.5 101 21 26 59.5 11.5 24 20 41 24 2 28000 7900 1.04

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 18

Series MGZR
Construction: MGZR

y !6 q o !8 i r t !4 @0 !7 e u @2 !5 @1 !9 w !3 !2

!0 !1

Component Parts
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Rod cover Aluminum alloy Clear anodized 12 Hexagon socket head screw Chrome molybdenum steel Nickel plated
2 Head cover Aluminum alloy Clear anodized 13 Spring washer Steel wire Nickel plated
3 Cylinder tube Aluminum alloy Hard anodized 14 Bumper Urethane rubber
4 Piston rod Aluminum alloy Hard anodized 15 Wear ring Resin
5 Tube rod Carbon steel Hard chromium electroplated 16∗ Rod seal A NBR
6 Tube rod cover Carbon steel Electroless nickel plated 17 Rod seal B NBR
7 Piston Aluminum alloy Chromated 18 Piston seal NBR
8 Stationary piston Aluminum alloy Chromated 19 Piston gasket NBR
9 Bushing Lead bronze casted 20∗ Tube rod gasket NBR
10 Tie-rod Carbon steel Corrosion resistant chromated 21 Cylinder tube gasket NBR
11 Tie-rod nut Carbon steel Nickel plated 22 Magnet Magnet

Replacement Parts: Seal Kit

Bore size (mm) Kit no. Contents
40 MGZ40-PS
Items 16 and 21 from
50 MGZ50-PS
the above chart
63 MGZ63-PS
∗ Seal kits consist of items 16 and 21, and can be ordered by using the seal kit
number corresponding to each bore size.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 19

Guide Table
Series MGF ø40, ø63, ø100

Compact type with reduced height.
A large bore guide cylinder with superior eccentric load 
resistance and low profile.

 Dramatically reduced
mounting height

The compact design of the cylinder makes it possile to
reduce the overall size of equipment.

Mounting height

 15 to 20% reduction
(compared to SMC series MGQ)

 Built-in non-rotating mechanism

Internal guide pin prevents the top plate
from rotating.
 With T-slots
Non-rotating accuracy T-slots are provided on three sides (except the port
Bore size (mm) Non-rotating accuracy θ side), allow mounting of various brackets, etc.
(The slots cannot be used for securing the cylinder
40 ±0.08°
63 ±0.06°
100 ±0.05°

 Series Variations
Bore size Standard stroke (mm) Auto switches
(mm) Reed switches: D-Z7/Z8
30 50 75 100
MGF 40 40 Solid state switches: D-Y5/Y6/Y7
MGF 63 63 2-color indication solid state switch: D-Y7
Water resistant 2-color indication
MGF100 100 solid state switch: D-Y7BA

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 20

Series MGZR

How to Order

MGF 63 30 Z73

Guide table Number of auto switches

Nil 2 pcs.
S 1 pc.

Auto switch type

Nil Without auto switch
∗ Refer to the table below for auto switch models.

Cylinder bore size/Standard stroke (mm)

40 30, 50, 75, 100
63 30, 50, 75, 100
100 30, 50, 75, 100

Applicable Auto Switches

Load voltage Auto switch model Lead wire length (m)∗
Type Special Electrical Indicator Wiring
function Lead wire entry direction 0.5 3 5 Applicable load
entry light (output) DC AC
Perpendicular In-line (Nil) (L) (Z)

3-wire — 5V — — Z76 —
Reed switch

— Grommet 12 V 100 V — Z73    —
2-wire 24 V
5V 100 V IC
No — Z80   —
12 V or less circuit
(NPN) Y69A Y59A 
3-wire 12 V circuit
— (PNP) Y7PV Y7P   
Solid state switch

2-wire 12 V Y69B Y59B    —

3-wire Relay,
Grommet Yes
24 V — Y7NWV Y7NW   
Diagnostic 5V IC PLC
indication 3-wire 12 V circuit
(2-color (PNP)
2-wire 12 V —
Water resistant
(2-color indicator) — Y7BAL —  

∗ Lead wire length symbols 0.5 m .......... Nil (Example) Y59A PLC: Programmable Logic Controller
3 m ............. LY Y59AL
5 m ............. ZY Y59AZ

Specifications Standard Stroke

Action Double acting Model Standard stroke (mm) Intermediate stroke

Fluid Air A spacer with a width of 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25
MGF 40 mm is installed to manufacture intermediate
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa strokes (5 mm increments) other than
standard strokes.
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa Example) For MGF63 with 15 mm stroke
MGF 63 30, 50, 75, 100
A spacer of 15 mm width is
Minimum operating pressure 0.1 MPa installed inside MGF63 with a 30
mm stroke. Therefore, the overall
Ambient and fluid temperature –10 to 60°C MGF100 length will be the same as the
Operating piston speed model with a 30 mm stroke.
20 to 200 mm/s
Cushion Rubber bumper on both ends
Lubrication Non-lube
Stroke length tolerance 0 mm
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 21

Air Consumption Reduction System

PFC/QFC Valves Actuator

PFC valve: A control valve Description Model Port size
Effective area (mm2) Weight
Regulated flow Free flow g
with pressure adjustment
ASR100 1/8 2.4 –– 97
and cylinder speed control ASR300 1/4, 3/8 14.5 –– 220
functions PFC valve
ASR500 1/2, 3/4 52.0 –– 580
QFC valve: A control valve ASR600 3/4, 1 80.0 –– 950
ASQ100 1/8 2.4 5.4 97
with quick exhaust and
ASQ300 1/4, 3/8 14.5 22.0 220

cylinder speed control QFC valve
ASQ500 1/2, 3/4 52.0 68.0 580
functions ASQ600 3/4, 1 80.0 106.0 950

Fluid Air
Maximum operating pressure 0.7 MPa
PFC valve Ambient and fluid temperature 0 to 60°C
PFC valve 0.2 to 0.5 MPa
Set pressure
QFC valve 0.1 to 0.5 MPa

How to Order

ASR 100 –– 01 B
Product type Accessory
ASR PFC valve Nil Without bracket
ASQ QFC valve B With bracket
QFC valve
Body size Port size
100 1/8 Port size Applicable series
300 3/8 01 1/8 ASR100, ASQ100
500 3/4 02 1/4 ASR300, ASQ300
600 1 03 3/8 ASR300, ASQ300
04 1/2 ASR500, ASQ500
Patent pending Thread type 06 3/4 ASR500, 600, ASQ500, 600
Nil Rc 10 1 ASR600, ASQ600

PFC valve QFC valve

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 22

PFC/QFC valves

System Circuit
25% reduction of air consumption Work stroke
It is not necessary to supply high
pressure to both the extension and Return stroke
retraction sides of a piston. On the non-
working side, it is sufficient to supply
just enough pressure (0.2 MPa) for the
QFC valve PFC valve
piston to operate smoothly within the set
time. A reduction system using PFC and
QFC valves reduces air consumption by
25%, which translates into reduced
running cost and dramatic reduction of
equipment cost.

Effect of Reduction Rod side set pressure: 0.2 MPa

Cylinder stroke (mm)

3 0 0
ø6 ø8 ø10




2,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000
Air consumption reduction [m3/year (ANR) (Nm3/year)]
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48
Annual air consumption cost reduction (Thousand yen)

Conditions — Cylinder operating frequency: 10 cycles/min

Operating time: 8 hrs/day
Number of operating days: 250 days/year
Cylinder pressure: Head side pressure of 0.5 MPa

Pressure and Time Line Charts

Work stroke Return stroke
Time difference of cylinder at stop
en PH PR
Cy e


lin ed


de co

r m tr

PR er m



ov ol v


lin tue

em al



C e lv
en e


em va

ov trol



r on

de c E PH

lin eed F

C sp

A Time Time

During the work stroke, the cylinder moves quickly To prevent time lag, air is quickly exhausted from D
from A to B due to the difference between the head to E, after which the piston moves at a constant
side pressure (PH) and rod side pressure (PR). speed. When a speed controller is used instead of a
Cylinder speed is then controlled by a PFC valve QFC valve, the time required for exhaust becomes
from B to C. Therefore, the cylinder speed remains longer as shown by the D to F line of the head side
the same for a shorter length of time than it did pressure (PH). This causes a longer stopping time for
previously. the cylinder and time loss.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 23

Air Saving Valves

Series ASR/ASQ Actuator

Cuts air consumption by operating
the return stroke at a reduced pressure.
Conventional Valve Air Saving Valve
Working and return strokes Return stroke operated
operated at the same pressure at a reduced pressure

Pressure Flow
valve valve

Working stroke Working stroke

Return stroke Return stroke

Working stroke

Return stroke

Pressure Valve Flow Valve

Quick supply and exhaust valve
Regulator with check valve +
+ Speed controller
Speed controller (Meter-in, Meter-out)

Series ASR Series ASQ

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 24

Smooth operation of working and return strokes possible.
Consistent speed control achieved by preventing jerky movement of working strokes.

Improved response time
Operation delay in a return stroke is reduced by the use of a quick supply and exhaust valve.

Cylinder operation by conventional 2 pressure control

Delay in return Cylinder operation by air saving valve
operation Cylinder operation by speed controller
Return stroke pressure
0.1 MPa

Pressure valve Flow valve

0.2 MPa
Delay time (sec)

0.3 MPa Quick supply and

0.8 Working stroke exhaust valve

0.6 0.1 MPa

0.2 MPa Return stroke

0.4 0.3 MPa

Cylinder operating pressure (MPa) Air consumption
0.5 MPa
0.2 Working stroke Return stroke reduction ratio (%)
0.5 0
0.0 0.5
0.3 17
40 50 63 80 100 0.2 25
Cylinder bore size (mm) 0.1 33
Cylinder speed: 200 mm/sec
Cylinder stroke: 200 mm

Easy piping The set pressure can be either fixed or variable.
The body and one-touch fitting allow 360° Fixed set pressure type Variable set pressure type
rotation. The sealant on the male thread is (Fixed at 0.2 MPa) (Variable between Graduated knob
standardized. 0.1 and 0.3 MPa)



Pressure valve Flow valve Pressure valve Flow valve

One-touch fittings A knob cap is
attached to
the variable

Other applications set pressure


Jerk prevention in Quick air charge at the

vertical operation of end of stroke for press
the cylinder applications Series Variations
Balancing pressure Model Port Applicable tubing O.D. (mm)
Pressure valve Flow valve size 6 8 10 12
ASR430F-02 ASQ430F-02 R 1/4
Pressure valve ASR530F-02 ASQ530F-02 R 1/4
Flow valve
ASR530F-03 ASQ530F-03 R 3/8
ASR630F-03 ASQ630F-03 R 3/8
Speed controller ASR630F-04 ASQ630F-04 R 1/2
Speed controller

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 25

Air Saving Valves

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Pressure valve: Series ASR How to Order

ASR 4 3 0 F 02 06 S F20

Model With seal

ASR Pressure valve
ASQ Flow valve Option
Variable set pressure type

Body size (0.1 to 0.3 MPa)
4 1/4 standard Fixed set pressure type
Regulator with check valve and flow control F20
5 3/8 standard (0.2 MPa)
valve integrated into a single construction
6 1/2 standard
Applicable tubing O.D.
Type 06 6 mm
3 Universal 08 8 mm
10 10 mm
With One-touch fitting 12 12 mm

Port size
02 R 1/4
03 R 3/8
04 R 1/2
Flow valve: Series ASQ

Model Applicable tubing O.D. (mm)

Port size
Pressure valve Flow valve 6 8 10 12
ASR430F-02 ASQ430F-02 R 1/4
ASR530F-02 ASQ530F-02 R 1/4
ASR530F-03 ASQ530F-03 R 3/8
ASR630F-03 ASQ630F-03 R 3/8
ASR630F-04 ASQ630F-04 R 1/2

Pilot valve and two-way flow control valve

integrated into a single construction

Proof pressure 1.5 MPa

Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Set pressure Variable 0.1 to 0.3 MPa
range Fixed (option) 0.2 MPa
Ambient and fluid temperature –5 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Number of needle rotations 10 rotations
Applicable tubing material Nylon, Soft nylon, Polyurethane

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 26

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Effective Area
Pressure Valve: Series ASR Flow Valve: Series ASQ
Type Free flow Controlled flow Type Meter-out Meter-in
(mm2) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2)
ASR430F-02-06S(-F20) 5.4 5.9 ASQ430F-02-06S(-F20) 4.1 4.9
ASR430F-02-08S(-F20) 5.9 6.7 ASQ430F-02-08S(-F20) 4.6 5.5
ASR430F-02-10S(-F20) 5.9 6.7 ASQ430F-02-10S(-F20) 4.6 5.5
ASR530F-02-06S(-F20) 7.3 8.1 ASQ530F-02-06S(-F20) 6.6 7.8
ASR530F-02-08S(-F20) 8.9 11.8 ASQ530F-02-08S(-F20) 9.2 10.1
ASR530F-02-10S(-F20) 9.2 13.3 ASQ530F-02-10S(-F20) 9.8 10.8
ASR530F-02-12S(-F20) 9.5 13.7 ASQ530F-02-12S(-F20) 10.8 11.6
ASR530F-03-06S(-F20) 7.3 8.1 ASQ530F-03-06S(-F20) 6.6 7.8
ASR530F-03-08S(-F20) 8.9 11.8 ASQ530F-03-08S(-F20) 9.2 10.1
ASR530F-03-10S(-F20) 9.2 13.3 ASQ530F-03-10S(-F20) 9.8 10.8
ASR530F-03-12S(-F20) 9.5 13.7 ASQ530F-03-12S(-F20) 10.8 11.6
ASR630F-03-10S(-F20) 15.3 17.8 ASQ630F-03-10S(-F20) 15.3 17.1
ASR630F-03-12S(-F20) 16.0 19.1 ASQ630F-03-12S(-F20) 16.2 18.0
ASR630F-04-10S(-F20) 15.3 17.8 ASQ630F-04-10S(-F20) 15.3 17.1
ASR630F-04-12S(-F20) 16.0 19.1 ASQ630F-04-12S(-F20) 16.2 18.0

Operating Principle
Working Stroke Return Stroke

Cy eed

lin co
Cy flo

em r


de n
ov e

Pressure, Stroke

Pressure, Stroke

lin w v
m ylind


r m ro
de al

ov l va

r m ve

em lve







Time Time

1. The cylinder starts smoothly because jerks are prevented by 3. To prevent delay due to the pressure gap, air is rapidly
meter-in control. exhausted to decrease the pressure from D to E, after which
the piston moves at a constant speed. If a speed controller is
Jerk used instead of the flow valve, exhausting air will take more
prevention time as illustrated by line D-F, resulting in longer stop time of
the cylinder and a consequent time loss.

Quick exhaust
Working stroke

Return stroke

2. When the cylinder reaches the stroke end, the quick air charge
by the flow valve rapidly increases the rear side pressure (PH)
from A to B. If a speed controller is used instead of the flow
valve, charging air will take more time as illustrated by line A-
C, causing delay in the pressure rise. 4. The cylinder operates at a low pressure required for a return.

Low pressure
Quick supply operation

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 27

Air Saving Valves

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Flow Characteristics
Pressure Valve: Series ASR (Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa)
Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Effective area (mm2)

Effective area (mm2)

Effective area (mm2)

400 6 12
1000 15
4 500 8

2 4
100 5

0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations

Flow Valve: Series ASQ

Meter-out Type (Inlet pressure: 0.3 MPa)


10 20
Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Effective area (mm2)

Effective area (mm2)

Effective area (mm2)

6 400
200 15
4 500
5 10
100 5

0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations

Meter-in Type (Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa)


Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Flow rate l/min (ANR)

Effective area (mm2)

Effective area (mm2)

Effective area (mm2)

400 6 12
1000 15
4 500 8
200 10
2 4
100 5

0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations

Pressure Characteristics (ASR)

ASR430F/530F ASR630F
0.4 0.4
Set pressure 0.3 MPa Set pressure 0.3 MPa

0.3 0.3
P2: Outlet pressure

P2: Outlet pressure

Set pressure 0.2 MPa Set pressure 0.2 MPa

0.2 0.2

Set pressure 0.1 MPa Set pressure 0.1 MPa

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
P1: Inlet pressure P1: Inlet pressure

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 28

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Selection and Adjustment

Install a flow valve on the working side which requires the cylinder output and a pressure valve on the return side. The product cannot be
used in cases where the same pressure is necessary for both working and return strokes.
In such cases use a speed controller.

Horizontal mounting
Low pressure side: Pressure valve
High pressure side: Flow valve

Low pressure side High pressure side

Pressure valve Flow valve
Series Series
ASQ Refer to
Working stroke Adjustment Procedure 1
for pressure and speed adjustment.
Return stroke

Vertical mounting
Low pressure side: Pressure valve
High pressure side: Flow valve
Working stroke
Return stroke

In case the load ratio is 50% or lower

Pressure valve at the set pressure of the flow valve:
Series Low pressure side
ASR Refer to
Adjustment Procedure 1
for pressure and speed adjustment.
Flow valve
Series High pressure side

If the load ratio at the set pressure of the flow valve exceeds
50%, install a dual speed controller (meter-in and meter out
control) on the high pressure side.

Low pressure side: Pressure valve

High pressure side: Dual speed controller
Working stroke
Return stroke

Pressure valve
Series Low pressure side
ASR Refer to
Adjustment Procedure 2
Dual speed controller for pressure and speed adjustment.
(Meter-in • Meter-out)
Series High pressure side

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 29

Air Saving Valves

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Adjustment Procedure 1
Pressure Adjustment Speed Control
1. The fixed set pressure type (-F20) does not require adjustment 1. The cylinder speed is adjusted with knobs C , D and E . First
because the pressure is fixed at 0.2 MPa for both the pressure have all the knobs fully closed and then open them gradually
valve and the flow valve. for adjustment. Turn the knob clockwise to close (decrease the
2. The set pressures of the variable set pressure type pressure speed of the piston rod) and counterclockwise to open
valve and flow valve are adjusted with knob A and knob B (increase the speed of the piston rod).
respectively. Turn the knob clockwise to increase the pressure 2. Speed adjustment for the working stroke
and counterclockwise to decrease the pressure. The speed is adjusted with the pressure valve and the flow

3. The graduations 1, 2 and 3 correspond to 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 valve.
MPa respectively. Align the bottom end of the knob with the Open knobs C and E gradually until the required speed is
graduated line for adjustment. achieved. Make sure that knobs C and E are opened by the
same number of rotations.
Knob Align the bottom end of the Note 1) If the piston rod jerks, close knob E until the smooth
knob with the graduated line. operation is achieved.
The figure illustrates the case 3. Speed adjustment for return stroke
in which the pressure is set at
0.2 MPa.
The speed is adjusted with the flow valve.
Open knob D gradually until the required speed is achieved.
4. Be sure to tighten the lock nut after adjustment.
4. Set the same pressure for the pressure valve and the flow
valve (0.2 MPa as the recommended value).
5. The inlet side should be supplied with a pressure which is
higher than the set pressure by 0.1 MPa or more.
6. Cap the valve after adjustment.

Pressure Valve: Series ASR Flow Valve: Series ASQ

Knob B
C Knob

Adjustment Procedure 2
Pressure Adjustment Speed Control
1. The fixed set pressure type (-F20) does not require adjustment 1. The cylinder speed is adjusted with knobs C , F and G . First
because the pressure is fixed at 0.2 MPa. have all the knobs fully closed and then open them gradually
2. The pressure at the low pressure side (return stroke side) is for adjustment. Turn the knob clockwise to close (decrease the
adjusted by the pressure valve. speed of the pistoin rod) and counterclockwise to open
3. The set pressure is adjusted with knob A . Turn the knob (increase the speed of the piston rod).
clockwise to increase the pressure and counterclockwise to 2. Speed adjustment for the working stroke
decrease the pressure. The speed is adjusted with the pressure valve and the dual
4. The graduations 1, 2 and 3 correspond to 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 speed controller.
MPa respectively. Align the bottom end of the knob with the Open knobs C and G gradually until the required speed is
graduated line for adjustment. achieved. Make sure that knobs C and G are opened by the
5. Keep the set pressure as low as possible in order to achieve same number of rotations.
good air saving effect. Note 1) If the piston rod jerks, close knob G until the smooth
6. Cap the valve after adjustment. operation is achieved.
3. Speed adjustment for return stroke
The speed is adjusted with the dual speed controller.
Open knob F gradually until the required speed is achieved.
4. Be sure to tighten the lock nut after adjustment.

Pressure Valve: Series ASR Dual Speed Controller: Series ASD

Knob F
Knob G

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 30

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Pressure Valve: Series ASR
Variable type Fixed type
@1 @2 @5 @4 @3 @1 @2 @5 @4 @3

ASR430F-02 type ASR430F-02 type

ASR530F-03 type ASR530F-03 type
ASR630F-04 type u o !3 ASR630F-04 type u o !3
!8 !8
!9 !9
!7 !7
w w
q q
@0 @0
!4 i y !0 !1 !2 !4 i !5 !6

ASR530F-02 type ASR530F-02 type

ASR630F-03 type !8 u o !3 ASR630F-03 type !8 u o !3
!7 !7
!9 !9
t t
q q
@0 @0
r r
!4 i y !0 !1 !2 !4 i !5 !6
Component Parts
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Body A PBT 14 U seal HNBR
2 Body B Brass Electroless nickel plated 15 Body C Brass Electroless nickel plated
3 Seat ring Brass Electroless nickel plated 16 Adjustment plug Brass Electroless nickel plated
4 Body B1 Brass Electroless nickel plated 17 Needle Brass Electroless nickel plated
5 Body B2 Brass Electroless nickel plated 18 Knob PBT
6 Body C Brass Electroless nickel plated 19 Lock nut Note 1) Steel Electroless nickel plated
7 Stopper Stainless steel 20 U seal HNBR
8 Valve HNBR/Brass 21 Elbow body PBT
9 Piston Brass 22 Spacer Note 2) PBT
10 Adjustment screw Brass Electroless nickel plated 23 Cassette Stainless steel/POM
11 Knob Brass Electroless nickel plated 24 Seal NBR
12 Cap Polypropylene 25 Drive body Note 3) Brass Electroless nickel plated
13 Adjustment spring Steel wire Zinc chromated Note 1) Brass is used for the material ASR530F and ASR630F.
Note 2) Not used for ø6 and ø8.
Note 3) Not used for ø10 and ø12.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 31

Air Saving Valves

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Flow Valve: Series ASQ

Variable type Fixed type
@2 @3 @6 @5 @4 @2 @3 @6 @5 @4

ASQ430F-02 type i ASQ430F-02 type
ASQ530F-03 type u ASQ530F-03 type o
ASQ630F-04 type
y ASQ630F-04 type !5
!7 !5 !3
!2 !4
!6 !6
!4 !1
!8 !1 !8
w w
q q
@0 @0
e e
@1 !0 !9 !6 !7 @1 !0 !9 !6 !7

ASQ530F-02 type ASQ530F-02 type
ASQ630F-03 type u ASQ630F-03 type
y !5
!7 !5 !3
!2 !4
!8 !8
!4 !1
!6 !6
t t
q q
@0 @0
r r
@1 !0 !9 !6 !7 @1 !0 !9 !6 !7
Component Parts
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Body A PBT 14 Piston valve HNBR/Brass
2 Body B Brass Electroless nickel plated 15 Adjustment spring Steel wire Zinc chromated
3 Seat ring Brass Electroless nickel plated 16 Needle Brass Electroless nickel plated
4 Body B1 Brass Electroless nickel plated 17 Knob PBT
5 Body B2 Brass Electroless nickel plated 18 Lock nut Note 1) Steel Electroless nickel plated
6 Adjustment screw Brass Electroless nickel plated 19 Lock nut Note 1) Steel Black zinc chromated
7 Knob Brass Electroless nickel plated 20 U seal HNBR
8 Cap Polypropylene 21 U seal HNBR
9 Adjustment plug Brass Electroless nickel plated 22 Elbow body PBT
10 Body C Brass Electroless nickel plated 23 Spacer Note 2) PBT
11 Body D1 Brass Electroless nickel plated 24 Cassette Stainless steel/POM
12 Body D2 Brass Electroless nickel plated 25 Seal NBR
13 Body D3 Brass Electroless nickel plated 26 Drive body Note 3) Brass Electroless nickel plated
Note 1) Brass is used for the material ASQ530F and ASQ630F.
Note 2) Not used for ø6 and ø8.
Note 3) Not used for ø10 and ø12.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 32

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Pressure Valve: Series ASR
Variable set pressure type Fixed set pressure type (-F20)

L1 L1
L2 d L2 d

2 øD1 øD

L3 L4

(Width across (Width across
flats) flats)






Note 1) Note 2) Note 3) L5 A1 Weight (g) Note 5)

Model T H D1 D2 D3 L1 L2 L6 A2 M ∗1 ∗2
ASR430F-02-06S,-F20 6 57.7 34.9 17 111 89
ASR430F-02-08S,-F20 8 R 1/4 17 18.5 20 21.5 58.7 35.9 63.7 45.6 50.6 45.6 23 44.6 39.6 16.8 18.5 114 93
ASR430F-02-10S,-F20 10 53.8 31 21 105 82
ASR530F-02-06S,-F20 6 62.9 36.5 17 150 127
ASR530F-02-08S,-F20 8 18.5 63.9 37.5 18.5 153 130
R 1/4 21 24.3 25.3 67.3 49.2 55.8 50.8 25.9 49.8 44.8 18.8
ASR530F-02-10S,-F20 10 59 32.6 21 143 120
ASR530F-02-12S,-F20 12 20.9 60.8 34.4 22 146 122
ASR530F-03-06S,-F20 6 62.9 36.5 17 160 137
ASR530F-03-08S,-F20 8 18.5 63.9 37.5 18.5 163 140
R 3/8 21 24.3 25.3 67.3 49.2 57.4 52.4 25.9 51 46 20
ASR530F-03-10S,-F20 10 59 32.6 21 153 130
ASR530F-03-12S,-F20 12 20.9 60.8 34.4 22 156 133
ASR630F-03-10S,-F20 10 18.5 62.8 32.6 21 237 219
R 3/8 25 29.7 30 86.3 65.5 67.6 60.1 27.7 61.2 53.7 20.6
ASR630F-03-12S,-F20 12 20.9 64.6 34.4 22 239 221
ASR630F-04-10S,-F20 10 18.5 62.8 32.6 21 257 239
R1/2 25 29.7 30 86.3 65.5 71.1 63.6 27.7 62.9 55.4 24.1
ASR630F-04-12S,-F20 12 20.9 64.6 34.4 22 259 239
Note 1) “d” indicates the applicable tubing O.D.
Note 2) L3 is the dimension for the variable set pressure type.
Note 3) L4 is the dimension for the fixed set pressure type.
Note 4) A1 and A2 are reference dimensions after installation.
Note 5) ∗1 is the weight for the variable set pressure type and ∗2 is that for the fixed set pressure type.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 33

Air Saving Valves

Pressure Valve Series ASR / Flow Valve Series ASQ

Flow Valve: Series ASQ

Variable set pressure type Fixed set pressure type

L1 L1
L2 d L2 d

øD øD
2 2

L3 L3
L4 L4

(Width across
flats) (Width across

øD4 øD4







Note 1) L4 Note 2) Note3) L7 A1 Note 4) Note 4) Weight (g) Note 5)

Model T H D1 D2 D3 D4 L1 L2 L3 L8 M ∗1 ∗2
ASQ430F-02-06S,-F20 6 61.6 34.9 17 136 114
ASQ430F-02-08S,-F20 8 R 1/4 17 18.5 20 21.5 19.5 62.6 35.9 20.3 49.4 44.4 88.8 68.7 50.6 45.6 23 44.6 39.6 17.9 18.5 139 117
ASQ430F-02-10S,-F20 10 57.7 31 21 130 108
ASQ530F-02-06S,-F20 6 65.6 36.5 17 178 155
ASQ530F-02-08S,-F20 8 18.5 66.6 37.5 18.5 181 158
R 1/4 21 24.3 24.8 20.4 23.4 53.5 48.5 92.2 72 55.8 50.8 25.6 49.8 44.8 19
ASQ530F-02-10S,-F20 10 61.7 32.6 21 172 149
ASQ530F-02-12S,-F20 12 20.9 63.5 34.4 22 174 151
ASQ530F-03-06S,-F20 6 65.6 36.5 17 188 165
ASQ530F-03-08S,-F20 8 18.5 66.6 37.5 18.5 191 168
R 3/8 21 24.3 24.8 20.4 23.4 53.5 48.5 93.8 73.6 57.4 52.4 25.6 51 46 20.2
ASQ530F-03-10S,-F20 10 61.7 32.6 21 182 159
ASQ530F-03-12S,-F20 12 20.9 63.5 34.4 22 184 161
ASQ630F-03-10S,-F20 10 18.5 74.8 32.6 21 310 292
R 3/8 25 29.7 30.7 30 30.8 74.3 66.8 107.9 86.9 67.6 60.1 28 61.2 53.7 20.8
ASQ630F-03-12S,-F20 12 20.9 76.6 34.4 22 312 294
ASQ630F-04-10S,-F20 10 18.5 74.8 32.6 21 330 312
R 1/2 25 29.7 30.7 30 30.8 74.3 66.8 111.4 90.4 71.1 63.6 28 62.9 55.4 24.1
ASQ630F-04-12S,-F20 12 20.9 76.6 34.4 22 332 314
Note 1) “d” indicates the applicable tubing O.D..
Note 2) L5 is the dimension for the variable set pressure type.
Note 3) L6 is the dimension for the fixed set pressure type.
Note 4) A1 and A2 are reference dimensions after installation.
Note 5) ∗1 is the weight for the variable set pressure type and ∗2 is that for the fixed set pressure type.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 34

Hollow Rod Cylinders Made to Order

(Rod Through Hole Type) Air Blow

A hollow rod for vacuum piping is utilized for air flow.
The nozzle position can be moved.

Air Cylinder: CM2W-XC38

Model Pneumatic type
Cylinder bore size (mm) ø20, ø25, ø32, ø40
Action Double acting, Double rod
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Minimum operating pressure 0.08 MPa
Cushion Rubber bumper (standard)
Basic style, Axial foot style, Flange style,
Trunnion style
Auto switch Capable

Specifications other than above Specifications are the same as series CM2W.

HA + Stroke
ZZ + 2 x Stroke

Bore size (mm) d J HA ZZ

20 3 M5 x 0.8 32 135
25 3 M5 x 0.8 32 139
32 3 M5 x 0.8 32 141
40 4 Rc 1/8 36 174

Precision Cylinder: MTS8-XC38

Bore size (mm) 8
Port direction Standard type, Top ported type
Rod end configuration Female thread


Use ø4 or ø2.5 urethane tubing (TU0425), or

soft nylon tubing (TS0425).

7 + Stroke
60 + 2 x Stroke

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 35

Free Mount Cylinder for Vacuum

Series ZCUK Air Blow

How to Order

Basic Type ZCUK C 16 20 D

With Auto Switch ZC D UK C 16 20 D M9B S
Built-in magnet Number of auto switches
Action Nil –– 2 pcs.
Type (Vacuum side piping)/(Rod end configuration)
S ––– 1 pc.

C –– Cap piping/Male thread D –– Double acting
Auto switch type
D –– Cap piping/Direct pad mount
Nil Without auto switch
Q –– Rod piping/Male thread
R –– Rod piping/Direct pad mount Port thread type ∗ Select applicable auto switch
models from the table below.
Bore size Symbol Type Bore size ∗ Auto switches are shipped together
10 –– 10 mm M5 x 0.8 ø10, ø16, ø20, ø25 (but not assembled).
16 –– 16 mm Rc 1/8 ø32
20 –– 20 mm TN NPT 1/8 ø32 Standard stroke (mm)
25 –– 25 mm TF Note) G 1/8 ø32 10, 16 ––––– 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
32 –– 32 mm Note) In the case of rod piping (Q, R), 20, 25, 32 –– 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50
TF (G 1/8) is not available.
Applicable Auto Switches
Indicator light

Load voltage Auto switch Lead wire length (m) Note 1)

Electrical Wiring model Pre-wired Applicable
Type Special function 0.5 3 5
entry (output) DC AC conector load
Perpendicular In-line (Nil) (L) (Z)
3-wire IC
5V A96V A96  

— — — — —


(NPN equiv.)

12 V 100 V A93V A93   — — — Relay,
2-wire 24 V

5 V, 12 V 100 V or less A90V A90 — — IC circuit

3-wire (NPN) M9NV M9N    
5 V, 12 V IC circuit
3-wire (PNP) M9PV M9P    
Solid state


2-wire 12 V M9BV M9B     — Relay,


Grommet 24 V —
Diagnostic 3-wire (NPN) F9NWV F9NW     PLC
indication 5 V, 12 V IC circuit
2 color 3-wire (PNP) F9PWV F9PW    
indicator 2-wire 12 V F9BWV F9BW     —
Note 1) Lead wire length symbols 0.5 m .......... Nil (Example) M9N Note 2) Solid state switches marked with a "" symbol are produced upon
3 m ............. L (Example) M9NL receipt of order.
5 m ............. Z (Example) M9NZ

Piping type Free mount cylinder for vacuum Rod end configuration Applicable pad type
For detailed specifications,
refer to the next page.
Cap piping Vacuum Male thread

Series ZPT
ZCUKD (Perpendicular vacuum
entry female thread)
Cap piping Vacuum Direct pad mount

Rod piping Vacuum Male thread Series ZP
(With pad single unit
lock ring)
Rod piping Vacuum Direct pad mount

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 36

Water Resistant Air Cylinders Air Leakage

Series CM2 ø20 to ø40 Series CG1 ø32 to ø100

How to Order How to Order

CDM2 Mounting Bore size Port thread type R Stroke H7BAL -XC6 CDG1 Mounting Type Bore size Port thread type R Stroke H7BAL -XC6

With auto switch

With auto switch (Built-in magnet)
(Built-in magnet)
Water resistant cylinder
Water resistant cylinder
R Seal, NBR (Nitrile rubber)
R Seal, NBR (Nitrile rubber)
V Seal, FKM (Fluoro rubber)
V Seal, FKM (Fluoro rubber)
Water resistant 2-color indication
Water resistant solid state switch
2-color indication
solid state switch H7BAL ø32 to ø63
G5BAL ø80, ø100
Made to order Made to order specification
specification Specifications
Action Double acting, Single rod
Caution Cylinder bore size (mm) ø32, ø40, ø50, ø63, ø80, ø100
Rod seal and scraper is not replaceable.
• Scraper is press-fit into the rod cover, thus cannot be replaced. Cushion Rubber bumper, Air cushion
Auto switch mounting Band mount type
Made to order Stainless steel piston rod and rod end nut (-XC6)
Note) Specifications other than above are the same as the standard basic type.

Action Double acting, Single rod Dimensions

Cylinder bore size (mm) ø20, ø25, ø32, ø40 GA
Rubber cushion

Cushion Rubber bumper
Auto switch mounting Band mount type

Made to order Stainless steel piston rod and rod end nut (-XC6)
Note) Specifications other than above are the same as the standard basic type.
(F1) TA

Dimensions S + Stroke F
ZZ + Stroke

Air cushion GA


Bore size (mm) E1 E2∗ NN1 NN2∗
22 –0.033 0
20 –0.033 M22 x 1.5 M20 x 1.5 (F1) TA
Note) Dimensions other than the above are the same as the standard double S + Stroke F
acting single rod type. [An asterisk (∗) indicates those that are the same as
standard.] ZZ + Stroke
Please contact SMC for part numbers of the foot, the flange and the (mm)
mounting nut for ø20. Bore size (mm) (E1) E∗ (F1) F∗ GA S TA WA ZZ
32 17 18 2 2 18 77 (85) 17 22 119 (127)
40 21 25 2 2 19 84 (93) 18 22 136 (145)
50 26 30 2 2 21 97 (109) 20 25 157 (169)
63 26 32 2 2 21 97 (109) 20 25 157 (169)
80 32 40 3 3 28 116 (130) — 30 190 (204)
100 37 50 3 3 29 117 (131) — 31 191 (205)
Note 1) Dimensions other than the above are the same as the standard double
acting single rod type. [An asterisk (∗) indicates those that are the same
as standard.]
Note 2) Dimensions inside ( ) are for long strokes.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 37

Water Resistant Air Cylinders

Compact Cylinder
Series CQ2 ø20 to ø100

How to Order Specifications

Action Double acting, Single rod

CDQ2 Mounting Bore size Port thread type R Stroke D Option F9BAL -XC6
Cylinder bore size (mm) ø20, ø25, ø32, ø40, ø50, ø60, ø80, ø100
With auto switch Mounting ø20 to ø32 ... B (Through-hole only)
(Built-in magnet) ø40 to ø100 ... B (Through-hole) F (Front flange style)
A (Both end tapped) G (Rear flange style)
Water resistant cylinder
L (Foot style) D (Double clevis style)
R Seal, NBR (Nitrile rubber)
V Seal, FKM (Fluoro rubber) Cushion None
Water resistant 2-color indication Auto switch mounting Rail mount type (D-F7BAL, F7BAVL)/Direct mount type (D-F9BAL)
solid state switch
Made to order Stainless steel snap ring, piston rod and rod end nut (-XC6)
F7BA(V)L ø20 to ø100
Note) Specifications other than the above are the same as the standard basic type.
F9BAL ø32 to ø100

Made to order specification


2-øN through 2-øN through 2-øN through

232-øO counter bore 232-øO counter bore 232-øO counter bore Q Q
(same on the bottom side) (same on the bottom side) (same on the bottom side)


ø20, ø25 ø20, ø25 ø32 L1 L1

(without switch) (with switch) L B + Stroke L B + Stroke
4-øN through A + Stroke
A + Stroke
4-øN through 234-øO counter bore
234-øO counter bore (same on the bottom side)
(same on the bottom side)
Rod end male thread Rod end male thread

Rod end nut Rod end nut
X L3 X L3
L2 L2
ø40, ø50 ø63 to ø100 ø20 to ø32 ø40 to ø100

(mm) With Rod End Male Thread (mm)

Bore size
L∗ N∗ O∗
Bore size
50 75, 100 50 75, 100 G1 L1 Q Th9 C X H L L1
(mm) (mm)
stroke or less stroke stroke or less stroke
20 39(51) — 29.5(41.5) — — 9.5 4.5 5.5 9 depth 7 19(20.5) — 20 12 14 M831.25 23.5 4.5
25 42.5(52.5) — 32.5(42.5) — — 10 5 5.5 9 depth 7 21 — 25 15 17.5 M1031.25 27.5 5
32 45(55) 55 33(43) 43 — 12 6.5 5.5 9 depth 7 20.5Note) — 32 20.5 23.5 M1431.5 33.5 5
40 46.5(56.5) 56.5 29.5(39.5)∗ 39.5∗ 5 17 7 5.5 9 depth 7 11∗ 28 40 20.5 23.5 M1431.5 38.5 5
50 48.5(58.5) 58.5 30.5(40.5)∗ 40.5∗ 5 18 8 6.6 11 depth 8 10.5∗ 35 50 26 28.5 M1831.5 43.5 5
63 54(64) 64 36(46)∗ 46∗ 5 18 8 9 14 depth 10.5 15∗ 35 63 26 28.5 M1831.5 43.5 5
80 63.5(73.5) 73.5 43.5(53.5)∗ 53.5∗ 5 20 10 11 17.5 depth 13.5 16∗ 43 80 32.5 35.5 M2231.5 53.5 8
100 75(85) 85 53(63)∗ 63∗ 5 22 12 11 17.5 depth 13.5 23∗ 59 100 32.5 35.5 M2631.5 53.5 8
Note 1) Dimensions other than above are the same as the standard double acting single rod type. [An asterisk (∗) indicates
those that are the same as standard.]
Note 2) Dimensions inside ( ) are for cylinders with auto switch.
Note 3) For a cylinder with ø32 bore size and 5 mm stroke, without switch, dimension Q will be 21.5.
Note 4) The dimensions with a mounting bracket for ø40 to ø100 are the same as above dimensions. (No dimensional
changes in L1 and L2 dimensions.)
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 38

Water Resistant Air Cylinders

Compact Guide Cylinder

Series CA2 ø40 to ø100 Series MGP ø20 to ø100

How to Order How to Order

CDA2 Mounting Type Bore size Port thread type R Stroke Suffix Y7BAL -XC6 MGPM Bore size Port thread type R Stroke Y7BAL

With auto switch Slide bearing

(Built-in magnet)
Water resistant cylinder
Water resistant cylinder
R Seal, NBR (Nitrile rubber)
R Seal, NBR (Nitrile rubber)
V Seal, FKM (Fluoro rubber)
V Seal, FKM (Fluoro rubber)
Water resistant 2-color indication
solid state switch Water resistant 2-color indication
solid state switch
Made to order specification
∗ The piston rod and guide rod are made of stainless steel.
∗ Stainless steel piston rods are available as a special order.
Action Double acting, Single rod
Cylinder bore size (mm) ø40, ø50, ø63, ø80, ø100
Action Double acting
Cushion Air cushion
Bearing type Slide bearing
Auto switch mounting Tie-rod mount style
Cylinder bore size (mm) ø20, ø25, ø32, ø40, ø50, ø63, ø80, ø100
Made to order Stainless steel piston rod and rod end nut (-XC6)
MGPMR Rubber bumper
∗ Specifications other than above are the same as the standard basic type. Cushion
Note 1) Air-hydro type, rod boot specifications of the CA2 series are excluded. MGPMV Without cushion
Note 2) Combination of auto switches and steel tube is not available.
Auto switch mounting Direct mount type

Dimensions Dimensions

∗ Dimensions are the same as the standard double acting

single rod type.

B + Stroke
A + Stroke

A (A)
Bore size
(mm) 50 50 stroke or more 200 B FB
stroke or less 200 stroke or less stroke or more
20 66 97.5 135 66 19
25 67.5 99 136 67.5 20
32 109 114 152 71.5 22
40 109 114 152 78 22
50 117.5 129 172 83 23
63 117.5 129 172 88 23
80 121 148 199 102.5 24
100 141 166 207 120 29
∗ Dimensions other than above are the same as the standard double acting
single rod type.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 39

Water Resistant Air Cylinders

Guide Cylinder
Series MGG ø32 to ø100

How to Order

MGGM Mounting Bore size Port thread type R Stroke

Slide bearing
Water resistant cylinder
R Seal, NBR (Nitrile rubber)
V Seal, FKM (Fluoro rubber)
Water resistant 2-color indication
solid state switch
H7BAL ø32 to ø63
G5BAL ø80, ø100
Made to order specification


Action Double acting

Cylinder bore size (mm) ø32, ø40, ø50, ø63, ø80, ø100
Bearing type Slide bearing
Cushion Rubber bumper, Built-in shock absorber
Auto switch mounting Band mount type
-XC6 Stainless steel piston rod and rod end nut

Made to order -XC6A Stainless steel used on all standard iron parts
specification -XC6B Stainless steel rod end moving parts
-XC6C Stainless steel rod parts
∗ Specifications other than the above are the same as the standard basic type.
Note 1) RBL (coolant resistant) shock absorbers are used.

ø32 to ø50 ø63 to ø100
Front mounting flange style Front mounting flange style

X Y + Stroke X Y + Stroke
Bore size (mm) Q X Y
32 25 39 86 (94)
40 29 46 96 (105)
50 31 57 109 (121)
63 34 56 112 (124)
80 46 68 137 (151)
100 47 68 138 (152)
∗ Dimensions inside ( ) are for long strokes.
∗ Dimensions other than the above are the same as the standard basic type.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 40

Air Cylinder
with Heavy Duty Scraper Made to Order
Air Leakage


With heavy duty scraper -XC4

CM2 Mounting Bore size Stroke Cushion XC4 CB Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4
(With rear lock only)

CG1 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4 CQ2 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4

CA2 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4 CV Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4

CS1 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4 MGG Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4

MB Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4 MGC Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC4

With heavy duty scraper With heavy duty scraper

The heavy duty scraper feature is ideal for cylinders used in a dusty
environment, or in environments where there is contact with earth and
sand, such as molding machines, construction equipment, and industrial
vehicles, etc.

Applicable End lock cylinder Cylinder Compact
Air cylinder/Standard type (with rear with valve cylinder Guide cylinder
cylinder lock only)


Series CM2, MB, CA2, CS1, CBM2, CV3,


Action Double acting, Single rod, Double rod (Not applicable for CG1) Double acting, Single rod Double acting
Bore size 20, 25, 32, 32, 40, 50, 32, 40, 50, 40, 50, 63, 125, 140, 160, 180, 20, 25, 32, 40, 20, 25, 32, 40, 20, 25, 32, 40,
32, 40, 50
(mm) 40 63 63, 80, 100 80, 100 200, 250, 300 50, 63, 80, 100 50, 63, 80, 100 50, 63, 80, 100
Wiper ring SCB scraper
CBM2: CVM5: None Rubber bumper Air cushion
Rubber Rubber
Air cushion Rubber bumper Rubber bumper Rubber (base cylinder (base cylinder
Cushion bumper bumper
CBA1: CV3, CVS1:
Air cushion Air cushion bumper unit) unit)
Air cushion Air cushion
Auto switch Mountable (Bores sizes 200mm or less.)

Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications are Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications
and the same as the
are the same are the same are the same are the same standard type are the same are the same are the same are the same are the same
dimensions as the as the as the as the as the as the as the as the
except dimension as the
other than standard type. standard type. standard type. standard type. K has been standard type. standard type. standard type. standard type. standard type.
above changed.

Refer to Best Pneumatics 2004 catalog Vol. 6/7/8/10 for the pages listed in the table above for details.

Do not replace the heavy duty scraper.
• Since the heavy duty scraper is press fit, replace the rod
cover assembly instead of the cover only.
(In the case of the CM2 series, it cannot be replaced.)
(For the CS1 series, replace the retaining plate

M Specifications
MGP L Bore size Stroke XC4
Applicable series MGPM, MGPL
With heavy duty scraper
Bearing type Slide bearing, Ball bushing
Scraper specification Cylinder bore size (mm) 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100
Nil Single side scraper
Double side scraper Minimum Single side 0.12 MPa
operating pressure Double side 0.14 MPa

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 41

Air Cylinder
with Coil Scraper Made to Order Air Leakage

With coil scraper -XC35

CM2 Mounting Bore size Stroke XC35 MB Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC35

CQ2 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC35 CA2 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC35

CG1 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC35 CS1 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC35
With coil scraper
Removes frost, welding spatter, and machining chips from the piston rod,
CBA1 Follow the standard ordering procedures. XC35

and protects the seals.
With coil scraper
Applicable series Air cylinder/Series CM2 Air cylinder/Series CG1 Compact air cylinder/Series CQ2 Air cylinder/Series CA2
Action Double acting, Single rod Double acting, Single rod Double acting, Single rod Double acting, Single rod, Double rod
Applicable bore size (mm) 20, 25, 32, 40 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100 40, 50, 63, 80, 100
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa 1.0 MPa 1.0 MPa 1.0 MPa
Minimum operating pressure 0.05 MPa 0.05 MPa 0.05 MPa Single rod: 0.05 MPa, Double rod: 0.08 MPa
Cushion Rubber bumper Rubber bumper, Air cushion None, Rubber bumper Air cushion
Scraper Coil scraper (Metal)
Auto switch Mountable

Basic, Axial foot, Front flange, Basic, Axial foot, Front flange, Through holes, Basic, Foot, Front flange, Rear
Rear flange, Single clevis, Rear flange, Front trunnion, Double end tapped flange, Single clevis, Double
Mounting Double clevis, Front trunnion, Rear trunnion, Clevis (used clevis, Center trunnion
Rear trunnion, Integral clevis, when the port location is
Boss cut moved 90°)

Specifications are the same as Specifications are the same as Specifications are the same as Specifications are the same as
Specifications other than above the standard type. the standard type. the standard type. the standard type.

Refer to Best Pneumatics 2004 catalog Vol. 6/7 for the pages listed in the table above.

Applicable series Air cylinder/Series MB Air cylinder/Series CS1 End lock cylinder/Series CBA2
Action Double acting, Single rod Double acting, Single rod, Double rod Double acting, Single rod
Applicable bore size (mm) 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 250, 300 40, 50, 63, 80, 100
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa 0.97 MPa 1.0 MPa
Minimum operating pressure 0.05 MPa 0.05 MPa 0.15 MPa
Cushion Air cushion, Rubber bumper Air cushion Air cushion
Scraper Coil scraper (Metal)
Auto switch Capable (Bores sizes 200mm or less.)

Basic, Foot, Front flange, Rear Basic, Foot, Front flange, Rear Basic, Foot, Front flange,
flange, Single clevis, Double flange, Single clevis, Double Single clevis, Double clevis,
Mounting clevis, Shaft type trunnion clevis, Center trunnion (For Center trunnion
double rod, only Basic, Foot,
Front flange, Center trunnion
are available.)

Specifications are the same as Specifications are the same as the Specifications are the same as
Specifications other than above the standard type. standard type. the standard type.

Refer to Best Pneumatics 2004 catalog Vol. 6 for the pages listed
in the table above.
Applicable series MGPM
MGPM Bore size Stroke XC35 Bearing type Slide bearing
Cylinder bore size (mm) 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100
With coil scraper
Minimum Single side 0.12 MPa
Scraper specification operating pressure
Double side 0.14 MPa
Nil Single side scraper
W Double side scraper

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 42

Air-hydro Booster Made to Order

Hydraulic Clamp

Converts air pressure to hydraulic pressure for high pressure 
hydraulic cylinder actuation.
CA1B H63 50 1 XB4
Type of pressurization
Mounting Nil Pressurized when energized
B Basic style B Not pressurized when energized
L Axial foot style
G Rear flange style
Electrical entry
Nil Molded type

Oil discharge volume D DIN terminal

25 25 cm3 Voltage
40 40 cm3 1 100 VAC
50 50 cm3 2 200 VAC
75 75 cm3 5 24 VDC
100 100 cm3 9 Other

Oil pot specification

JIS symbol Nil Without oil pot
P With oil pot

Operating fluid Compressed air
Driving fluid ISO VG32
Operating pressure (air) 0.3 to 0.7 MPa
Withstand pressure (air) 1.6 MPa Specifications other than -XB4 are available by
Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 60°C special order. Select according to the usage.
Intensified pressure ratio 1:6 (Refer to the following two pages for the list of
Reservoir capacity (oil pot capacity) 110 cm3 special order products.)

CA1BH63(XB4)/Basic style
Oil supply View A (Oil port position)
90 ø73 plug
30.4 Supply port 30°
O.D. ø6 tubing
2-Rc 1/8

Exhaust port

≈ 153

12 Rc 1/4 13
Rc 1/4 Oil port
11 6.5
Oil port

View A


4-M8 x 1.25 4-M10 x 1.25

18 Thread depth 15 18 4-M8 x 1.25 18
10 L 22 11 L
S H 60 S H
Z 2 85 Z

For oil discharge

Amount of Stroke range
oil discharge (mm) S L H Z volume of 25 cm3
25 64 163 143 37 200
40 98 197 177 62 270
50 115 214 194 80 305
75 170 269 249 135 415
100 220 319 299 185 515

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 43

Air-hydro Booster

Special Order Product

Intensified pressure ratio 1 : 12.8
Oil discharge volume: 60 cm3
71 65.5

2-Rc 3/8
(air port)
Air release

Rc 1/2 18
(oil port)

Air release

6 72 35 77 42.5
117 112 209 23 7
1 380

Intensified pressure ratio 1 : 16
Oil discharge volume: 160 cm3 ø73
4-M16 x 1.5
18.5 2-Rc 3/4 18.5


Rc 1

4-Long hole

54 View A
8.5 8.5
72 25 50 39 39 50 25
118 10.5 243 283
144 383 R9

182 611.5 .5

View A

Intensified pressure ratio 1 : 25
Oil discharge volume: 131 cm3
4-M20 x 1.5 18.5 2-Rc 3/4 18.5

4-M12 x 1.5

Rc 1/2


85 30 60 39 39 60 30
150 14 229 241
182 361
226 574

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 44

Air-hydro Booster

Special Order Product

Intensified pressure ratio 1 : 44
Oil discharge volume: 350 cm3
4-M12 x 1.5
4-M20 x 1.5
98.5 18.5 2-Rc 3/4 18.5
Rc 11/4
(oil supply port)

Rc 11/4
(discharge port)


150 30 60 39 39 60 30
182 14 646 656
226 776

Intensified Intensified Oil discharge

For dimensions and other information etc., pressure range Part no. pressure ratio volume (cm3) Note
of special order products in the table on the CDS1BH140-Q5902 1 : 1.96 1000 Without tank
right, contact SMC. CA1LH63-Q0717-25 1:6 25 With tank, Foot style
CA1LH63-Q5857-40 1:6 40 With tank, Foot style
CA1LH63-Q7045-100 1:6 100 With tank, Foot style
1 to 9.9
CA1BH63-Q5856-125 1:6 125 Without tank, Basic style
CA1BH140-Q7055-200 1:6 200 Without tank, Basic style
CDS1LH160-K5457-100 1:6 315 Without tank, Foot style
CQ2LH100-P6978-160 1 : 9.76 160 Without tank, Foot style
HC03-80-Q4602-25 1 : 10 25 With tank, Foot style
CA1LH63-Q7886-50 1 : 10 50 With tank, Foot style
TMS80-A2484-178 1 : 10 87 With tank, Foot style
CA1LH63-Q8409-100 1 : 10 100 With tank, Foot style
CS1LN160-Q3930-147 1 : 10 147 Without tank, Foot style
CA1BH100-Q5896-60 1 : 11 60 Without tank, Basic style
10 to 19.9 CDQ2LH140-P6024-90 1 : 12.25 90 Without tank, Foot style
CDQ2LH140-P4578-180 1 : 12.25 180 Without tank, Foot style
CS1LN160-Q3931-57 1 : 16 57 Without tank, Foot style
CQ2LH100-P6517-64 1 : 16 64 Without tank, Foot style
CQ2L100-P0987-238 1 : 16 100 With tank, Foot style
CQ2L160-P3270-150 1 : 16 150 Without tank, Foot style
CDS1L160-01-27928 1 : 16 160 Without tank, Foot style
CDQ2L140-P1009-116 1 : 21.7 116 Without tank, Foot style
CS1LH200-Q3495-77 1 : 25 77 With tank, Foot style
CS1L200-Q3932-151 1 : 25 151 Without tank, Foot style
CS1LH200-Q64100-165 1 : 25 165 Without tank, Foot style
20 to 29.9
CS1LH200-Q6411-325 1 : 25 325 Without tank, Foot style
CS1LH300-L9421-180 1 : 25 420 Without tank, Foot style
CS1FH160-K4133-175 1 : 28 99 With tank, Flange type
CS1LH300-Q1382-250 1 : 29 250 With tank, Foot style
30 or more CS1LH160-Q6528-80 1 : 32.7 80 With tank, Foot style

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 45

Air-hydro Converter
Series CCT Hydraulic Clamp

How to Order

CCT 63 100
Air-hydro converter Effective oil level stroke (mm)

Nominal converter size/Stroke (mm)

63 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
100 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600
160 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800

Operating pressure 0 to 0.7 MPa
Proof pressure 1.05 MPa
Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 50°C
Fluid Turbine oil (40 to 100 cSt)

Converter Standard Effective Oil Level Stroke/Effective Volume (cm3)

Nominal size
of converter
Standard effective oil level stroke (mm) Maximum flow∗
(mm) 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 (l/min)
63 150 300 600 890 1190 1480 — — — 36
100 — 750 1510 2260 3010 3770 4520 — — 88
160 — — 3660 5490 7320 9150 10980 12810 14640 217
∗ Maximum flow indicates the converter oil speed (0.2m/s) limit, which can maintain converter oil level stability,
expressed as a flow rate.

CCT40 – Effective oil level stroke Specifications

Operating pressure 0 to 0.7 MPa
CCT40 cannot be used as
Proof pressure 1.05 MPa
an air-hydro unit since it is
a converter for small Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 50°C
capacity actuators. Use an Fluid Turbine oil (40 to 100 cSt )
individual CC valve unit or Nominal size of converter 40 mm
a speed controller (AS2000,
AS3000 or AS4000, etc.)
through a piping connection
Converter Standard Effective Oil Level Sroke/Effective Volume
Standard effective oil level stroke (mm) 50 100 150 200 300
Effective volume (cm3) 60 120 180 250 370
Maximum flow (l/min) 15
∗ Maximum flow indicates the converter oil speed (0.2m/s) limit, which can maintain converter oil level stability,
expressed as a flow rate.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 46

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 47

Directional Control Equipment

Series Application Page

Directional Control
Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve VXD21/22/23 Air blow, Air tool, Non-operation 48
Direct operated 2 port solenoid valve VCA Air blow, Air tool 51

Pilot operated 2 port solenoid valve VQ20/30 Air blow, Air tool 53
Zero differential pressure operated Cooling water
VXZ 55
2 port solenoid valve
Direct air operated 2 port valve VXA21/22 Air purge 57
Pilot operated 3 port solenoid valve VP300/500/700 Air purge, Paint stirring 58
Pilot operated 3 port solenoid valve VG342 Air purge, Non-operation 60
Large 3 port solenoid valve VP3145/3165/3185 Air purge, Non-operation 62
3 port mechanical valve VM1000 VM100/200/400 Air purge 64
Coolant valve VNC Coolant 68
Flow switching 2 port air operated valve (Special order product) Paint stirring 70
Booster valve VBA1110 to 4200 Hydraulic clamp 71

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 48

The updated individual Non-operation

catalog (CAT.ES70-29A) will
Pilot Operated 2 Port Solenoid Valve be available shortly.
Air Blow

For air, gas, water, oil Series VXD21/22/23 Air Tool

Models/Valve specifications
Normally Closed (N.C.)
Connection Flow coefficient Min. operating Max. operating pressure differential (MPa) Max.
Orifice Effective pressure system Weight∗
Model Water Air Oil pressure (g)
Thread Flange (ømm) Cv area differential
(mm2) (MPa) AC DC AC DC AC DC (MPa)
14 — 10 1.9 34 VXD2130-02 0.02 0.7 0.5 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 420
— 10 2.4 43 VXD2130-03 0.02 0.7 0.5 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 420
— 15 4.5 80 VXD2140-03 0.02 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 670
— 10 2.4 43 VXD2130-04 0.02 0.7 0.5 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 500
— 15 5.5 100 VXD2140-04 0.02 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.5 670
34 — 20 9.5 170 VXD2150-06 0.02 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1150
1 — 25 12.5 225 VXD2260-10 0.02 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1650
— 32A 35 23 415 VXD2270-32 0.03 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 5400
— 40A 40 31 560 VXD2380-40 0.03 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 6800
— 50A 50 49 880 VXD2390-50 0.03 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 8400
∗ Weight for grommet type. Add 10 g for conduit type, 30 g for DIN terminal type, and 60 g for terminal type.

Symbol Solenoid specifications

Power Frequency Apparent power (VA) Power consumption Temperature increase (°C)
Model supply
OUT (Hz) Inrush Energized (W) (energized) (rated voltage)
50 20 (32) 11 4.5 45
VXD21 60 17 (28) 7 3.2 35
DC — — — 6 55
50 40 18 7.5 60
VXD22 60 35 12 6 50
DC — — — 8 60
50 50 21 11 65
VXD23 60 45 17 9.5 60
DC — — — 11.5 65
Note 1) Reset voltage is 20% or more of rated voltage for AC, and 2% or more of rated voltage for DC.
Note 2) Allowable voltage fluctuation is ±10% of rated value for both AC and DC.
Note 3) The values are for ambient temperature of 20°C ±5°C and rated voltage.
Note 4) For VXD2130, AC to DC or DC to AC coil exchange is not possible due to different armature
For VXD21540, 22760, 23980, AC to DC coil exchange is possible, but not DC to AC exchange.
(DC will generate humming sound since it does not have a shading coil.)
Note 5) Values for apparent power inside ( ) are for VXD2130.

Models/Valve specifications
Normally Open (N.O.) Min. operating Max. operating pressure
Connection Flow coefficient Max.
Orifice Effective Model
pressure differential (MPa) system Weight∗
Thread Flange (ømm) Cv area differential pressure (g)
(mm2) (MPa) Water, Air Oil (MPa)
38 — 15 4.5 80 VXD2142-03 0.02 0.7 0.6 690
12 — 15 5.5 100 VXD2142-04 0.02 0.7 0.6 690
34 — 20 9.5 170 VXD2152-06 0.02 0.7 0.6 1170
1 — 25 12.5 225 VXD2262-10 0.02 0.7 0.6 1.5 1690
— 32A 35 23 415 VXD2272-32 0.03 0.7 0.6 5400
— 40A 40 31 560 VXD2382-40 0.03 0.7 0.6 6800
— 50A 50 49 880 VXD2392-50 0.03 0.7 0.6 8400
∗ Weight for grommet type. Add 10 g for conduit type, 30 g for DIN terminal type, and 60 g for terminal type.

Solenoid specifications
Symbol Power Frequency Apparent power (VA) Power consumption Temperature increase (°C)
Model supply (Hz) Inrush Energized (W) (energized) (rated voltage)
OUT 50 25 12 5 50
VXD21 60 20 8 3.5 35
DC — — — 6 50
IN 50 45 20 8 55
VXD22 60 40 15 6.5 45
DC — — — 8 50
50 60 25 10.5 60
VXD23 60 50 20 9.5 50
DC — — — 11.5 55
Note 1) The values are for ambient temperature of 20°C ±5°C and rated voltage.
Note 2) When in operation, AC to DC or DC to AC exchange is not possible due to different armature
Note 3) Reset voltage is 20% or more of rated voltage for AC, and 5% or more of rated voltage for DC.
Note 4) Allowable voltage fluctuation is ±10% of rated value for both AC and DC.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 49

Pilot Operated
2 Port Solenoid Valve Series VXD21/22/23
The updated individual catalog
(CAT.ES70-29A) will be available shortly.

How to Order (Normally Closed)

VXD22 0
VXD23 Bracket
Nil –––– None
B ––––– With bracket
Thread connection for 02 to
10 is possible.
Electrical option
Nil –– None
S ––– With surge voltage suppressor
Body size L ––– With indicator light
3 10A Z ––– With surge voltage suppressor/indicator light

Directional Control
4 15A
5 20A ∗ Refer to “Table 2” below for applicability.

6 25A
7 32A Electrical entry
8 40A G –– Grommet
9 50A C –– Conduit
D –– DIN terminal
T –– Conduit terminal
Type of actuation/Body type ∗ Refer to “Table 2” below for applicability.
0 ––– Normally closed/Single
Rated voltage
Solenoid valve option 1 –– 100VAC, 50/60Hz
Nil ––– Standard specification 2 –– 200VAC, 50/60Hz
3 –– 110VAC, 50/60Hz
Connection 4 –– 220VAC, 50/60Hz
02 ––– 1/4 5 –– 24VDC
03 ––– 3/8 Thread type 6 –– 12VDC
Thread 04 ––– 1/2 Nil –– Rc 7 –– 240VAC, 50/60Hz
06 ––– 3/4 T ––– NPTF 8 –– 48VAC, 50/60Hz
10 ––– 1 F ––– G 9 –– Other (Consult with SMC)
N ––– NPT ∗ Refer to “Table 2” below for applicability.
32 ––– For 32A
Flange 40 ––– For 40A
50 ––– For 50A

∗ Refer to “Table 1” below for applicability.

Table 1. Connection size/Applicable models Table 2. Rated voltage/Electrical entry/Electrical options

Connection Size Applicable model Insulation classification Class B Class H
1/4 VXD2130-02 Electrical entry G C D, T G, C T
3/8 VXD2130-03, VXD2140-03 Electrical option S — S L, Z — S L, Z
Thread 1/2 VXD2130-04, VXD2140-04 1 (100V)       
3/4 VXD2150-06 2 (200V)       
1 VXD2260-10 3 (110V)       
32A VXD2270-32 4 (220V)       
Flange 40A VXD2380-40 7 (240V)    —   —
50A VXD2390-50 8 (48V)    — —  —
5 (24V)     — — —
6 (12V)    — — — —
Note) Surge voltage suppressor is attached to the lead wire.
How to Order (example)
For series VXD21, Rc 3/4, 200VAC,
DIN terminal, with surge voltage suppressor
(Model number) VXD2150-06-2DS Made to Order Specification
Splash Proof Specification ( Conforming to JIS-C-0920
Conforming to IEC529IP-X4 )

VXD Type – Bore size – Electrical specification -X36

DIN terminal and class H coil are not available.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 50

Series VXD21/22/23 The updated individual catalog

(CAT.ES70-29A) will be available shortly.

How to Order (Normally Open)

VXD22 2
VXD23 Bracket
Nil ––– None
B –––– With bracket
Thread connection for 03 to
10 is possible.

Electrical option
Nil –– None
S ––– With surge voltage suppressor
Body size L ––– With indicator light
4 ––– 15A Z ––– With surge voltage suppressor/
5 ––– 20A indicator light
6 ––– 25A
∗ Refer to “Table 2” below for applicability.
7 ––– 32A
8 ––– 40A
9 ––– 50A Electrical entry
G ––– Grommet
C ––– Conduit
D ––– DIN terminal
Type of actuation/Body type
T ––– Conduit terminal
2 –– Normally open/Single
∗ Refer to “Table 2” below for applicability.

Solenoid valve option

Nil –– Standard specification Rated voltage
1 ––– 100VAC, 50/60Hz
2 ––– 200VAC, 50/60Hz
3 ––– 110VAC, 50/60Hz
03 –– 3/8
4 ––– 220VAC, 50/60Hz
04 –– 1/2
Thread 5 ––– 24VDC
06 –– 3/4
6 ––– 12VDC
10 –– 1
7 ––– 240VAC, 50/60Hz
32 –– For 32A 8 ––– 48VAC, 50/60Hz
Flange 40 –– For 40A 9 ––– Other (Consult with SMC)
50 –– For 50A ∗ Refer to “Table 2” below for applicability.

∗ Refer to “Table 1” below for applicability.

Thread type
Nil –– Rc
T ––– NPTF
F ––– G
N ––– NPT

Table 1. Connection size/Applicable models Table 2. Rated voltage/Electrical entry/Electrical options

Connection Size Applicable model Insulation classification Class B Class H
3/8 VXD2142-03 Electrical entry G C D, T G, C T
1/2 VXD2142-04 Electrical option S Note) — S L, Z — S L, Z
3/4 VXD2152-06 1 (100V)       
1 VXD2262-10 2 (200V)       
32A VXD2272-32 3 (110V)       
Flange 40A VXD2382-40 4 (220V)       
50A VXD2392-50 7 (240V)    —   —
8 (48V)    — —  —
5 (24V)     — — —
6 (12V)    — — — —
Note) Surge voltage suppressor is attached to the lead wire.

How to Order (example)

For series VXD21, Rc 1/2, 200VAC,
DIN terminal, with surge voltage suppressor Made to Order Specification
(Model number) VXD2142-04-1TZ
Splash Proof Specification ( Conforming to JIS-C-0920
Conforming to IEC529IP-X4 )

VXD Type – Bore size – Electrical specification -X36

DIN terminal and class H coil are not available.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 51

Direct Operated 2 Port Solenoid Valve for Air Air Blow

Series VCA Air Tool

How to Order Valves (Single Type)

VC A 2 1 1 G 3 02
For air
Nil None
2 Class 2
F Foot type bracket
3 Class 3
∗ When only brackets are required,
4 Class 4 refer to “Table 2” below.

Type of actuation
Thread type (single type)

Directional Control
Nil Rc


Port size
Fluid Symbol Port size Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Nil General air 02 1/4 (8 A)   —
A Dry air 03 3/8 (10 A) —  
04 1/2 (15 A) — — 
06 3/4 (20 A) — — 
1 100 VAC
2 200 VAC Orifice size
3 110 VAC Symbol Orifice size (mmø) Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
4 220 VAC 3 3  — —
5 24 VDC 4 4 —  —
6 12 VDC 5 5  — 
∗ Consult with SMC 7 7 —  
regarding other 10 10 — — 
voltages. ∗ Refer to the table below for orifice and port size combinations.

Electrical entry Manual override

G – Grommet C – Conduit Nil None
B Slotted locking type

Table 1. Orifice and port size combinations

Orifice size (mmø)
Class Port size
3 4 5 7 10
2 1/4 ( 8A)  —  — —

T – With conduit terminal D – DIN 1/4 ( 8A) —  —  —

TL– With conduit terminal DL – DIN with light 3/8 (10A) —  —  —
and light DO – DIN (without connector) — —   
3/8 (10A)
4 1/2 (15A) — —   
3/4 (20A) — — — — 

Table 2. Bracket assembly part nos.

Valve model Bracket assembly part no.
VCA21 VCA20-12-1A
Connector VCA31 VCA30-12-1A
VCA41 VCA40-12-1A
∗ All types equipped with surge voltage suppressor.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 52

Series VCA

Standard Specifications

Valve construction Direct operated poppet

Fluid Air/Inert gas
Withstand pressure (MPa) 2.0

Valve specifications
Body material Al
Seal material HNBR
Ambient temperature (°C) –20 to 60
Fluid temperature (°C) –10 to 60 (with no freezing)
Enclosure Dust proof, Splash proof (equivalent to IP65)
Environment Location without corrosive or explosive gases
Valve leakage cm3/ min (ANR) 0.2 or less
Mounting orientation Free
Vibration/Impact resistance (m/s2) Note 2) 30/150 or less
Rated voltage 24 VDC, 12 VDC, 100 VAC, 110 VAC, 200 VAC, 220 VAC (50/60 Hz)

Allowable voltage fluctuation ±10% of rated voltage

Coil insulation type Class B

Power consumption DC VCA2: 6.5 W, VCA3: 8 W, VCA4: 11.5 W

50 Hz
Apparent power AC Note 1) VCA2: 7.5 VA, VCA3: 10 VA, VCA4: 13 VA
60 Hz
Note 1) Since AC coil specifications include a rectifying device, there is no difference in apparent power for inrush and
energized conditions.
Note 2) Vibration resistance … Conditions when tested with one sweep of 10 to 300 Hz in the axial direction and at a right
angle to the armature, in both energized and deenergized states
Impact resistance …… Conditions when tested with a drop tester in the axial direction and at a right angle to the
armature, one time each in energized and deenergized states

Characteristic Specifications

Maximum Note)
Orifice Effective area Max. operating
operating Weight
Model Class Port size size mm2 pressure
pressure kg
ø mm (Cv factor) MPa
differential MPa
3 1.0 6 (0.33)
2 1/4 (8A) 1.0 0.21
5 0.15 15 (0.83)
VCA 1/4 (8A) 4 1.0 10 (0.55)
(for air) 3 1.0 0.30
3/8 (10A) 7 0.15 27 (1.5)
2 port
solenoid 5 1.0 15 (0.83)
valve 3/8 (10A)
4 1/2 (15A) 7 0.3 27 (1.5) 1.0 0.50
3/4 (20A)
10 0.15 38 (2.11)
Note) Weight values are for the grommet type.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 53

2 Port Solenoid Valve Air Blow

For dry air, pilot operated Series VQ20/30 Air Tool

How to Order Valves

VQ 2 1 A 1 1 G C6
Series/Orifice size Option
Symbol Series Effective orifice Nil: None
2 VQ20 ø3.4 mm
3 VQ30 ø4.8 mm
F: With bracket

Type of actuation
N.C. (A)
2 L: L type
1 (VQ20 only)

Directional Control

Note) Consult with SMC Note) Specify “LF” for L type with
for N.O. type. bracket.

Body type Port size

Symbol Port size VQ20 VQ30
C6 ø6 One-touch fitting 
C8 ø8 One-touch fitting 
A: Single valve ø10 One-touch fitting 
C12 ø12 One-touch fitting 

Manual override
Nil None
M: For manifold Slotted locking type
B Note) (Tool type)
Note) Available only for normally
closed DIN terminal in-line type.

Coil voltage Indicator light/Surge voltage suppressor

1 100 VAC (50/60 Hz) Nil None
2 200 VAC S With surge voltage suppressor
3 110 VAC Z With indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
5 24 VDC Note 1) For a coil voltage of 100 VAC, the unit will be
6 12 VDC with surge voltage suppressor.
9 Note) Other, Special voltage Note 2) “YOZ” is not available.
Note) Consult with SMC for
a special voltage. Electrical entry

G: Grommet

Y: DIN terminal

YO: DIN terminal

without connector

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 54

Series VQ20/30

Standard Specifications

Series VQ20 VQ30

Valve construction Pilot operated 2 port poppet type
Fluid Air, Inert gas
Minimum operating pressure 0.01 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 0.6 MPa 0.5 MPa

Effective area C6 7.2 mm2 (Cv0.4/ø3) C10 14.4 mm2 (Cv0.8/ø4.3)

(Cv factor/Effective orifice)
Valve specifications
C8 9 mm2 (Cv0.5/ø3.4) C12 17.5 mm2 (Cv1/ø4.8)
Body orifice size ø6 ø13.8
Response time Note 1) 5 ms or less 20 ms or less
Maximum operating frequency 100 cps 30 cps
Ambient and fluid temperature –10 to 50°C Note 2)
Lubrication Not required
Manual override Slotted locking type Note 3)
Impact resistance/Vibration resistance 150/30 m/s2 Note 4)
Enclosure Dust proof Note 5)
Mounting orientation Free
Weight 46 g 80 g
Electrical specifications

Rated coil voltage 12 VDC, 24 VDC, 100 VAC, 110 VAC, 200 VAC
Allowable voltage fluctuation ±10% of rated voltage
Coil insulation Equivalent to class B
24 VDC 2.5 W DC (104 mA)
Power consumption 2.5 W DC (208 mA)
12 VDC
(current value)
100 VAC Inrush: 2 VA (20 mA), Energized: 2 VA (20 mA)
Electrical entry Grommet, DIN terminal
(A) Note 1) Based on JISB8375-1981 (Values for supply pressure of 0.5 MPa, without indicator light/surge
2 voltage suppressor)
Note 2) Use dry air without condensation when operating at low temperatures.
Note 3) Manual override is available for DIN terminal type only.
1 Note 4) Vibration resistance: No malfunction resulted in a one sweep test between 8.3 and 2000 Hz.
(P) Test was performed in the axial and right angle directions of the main
N.C. valve and armature for both energized and de-energized states. (The
value is for the initial stage.)
Impact resistance: No malfunction resulted from the impact test using a drop impact
tester. The test was performed one time each in the axial and right angle
directions of the main valve and armature for both energized and de-
energized states. (The value is for the initial stage.)
Note 5) DIN terminal type is dust and splash proof (IP65) compatible.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 55

The updated individual catalog

Pilot Operated Zero Differential Pressure Operated (CAT.ES70-31A) will be available shortly.

Series VXZ
2 Port Solenoid Valve Cooling Water
For air, gas, vacuum, water, oil

Models/Valve specifications
Normally Closed (N.C.) Min. operating Max. operating pressure differential (MPa) Max.
Flow coefficient
Port Orifice Effective pressure system Weight∗
Model differential Water Air Oil pressure
size (ømm) Cv area (g)
(mm2) (MPa) AC DC AC DC AC DC (MPa)
14 10 1.9 34 VXZ2230-02 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 550

38 10 2.4 43 VXZ2230-03 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 550

12 15 5.3 95 VXZ2240-04 0 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 760

34 20 9.2 165 VXZ2350-06 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1,300

1 25 12 215 VXZ2360-10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1,480

∗ Weight for grommet type. Add 10 g for conduit type, 30 g for DIN terminal type, and 60 g for terminal type.

Symbol Solenoid specifications

Directional Control
Power Frequency Apparent power (VA) Power consumption Temperature increase (°C)

OUT supply (Hz) Inrush Energized (W) (energized) (rated voltage)
50 60(53) 18 7.5 60
VXZ22 60 51(44) 12 6 50
IN DC — — — 8 60
50 80 21 11 65
VXZ23 60 67 17 9.5 60
DC — — — 11.5 65
Note 1) Reset voltage is 20% or more of rated voltage for AC, and 2% or more of rated voltage for DC.
Note 2) Allowable voltage fluctuation is ±10% of rated value for both AC and DC.
Note 3) The values are for ambient temperature of 20°C ±5°C and rated voltage.
Note 4) AC to DC or DC to AC coil exchange is not possible due to different armature
Note 5) Values for apparent power inside ( ) are for VXZ2230.

Models/Valve specifications
Normally Open (N.O.) Min. operating Max. operating pressure differential (MPa) Max.
Flow coefficient
Port Orifice Effective pressure system Weight∗
Model differential Water Air Oil pressure
size (ømm) Cv area (g)
(mm2) (MPa) AC DC AC DC AC DC (MPa)
14 10 1.9 34 VXZ2232-02 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 600

38 10 2.4 43 VXZ2232-03 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 600

12 15 5.3 95 VXZ2242-04 0 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 850

34 20 9.2 165 VXZ2352-06 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 1,370

1 25 12 215 VXZ2362-10 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 1,550

∗ Weight for grommet type. Add 10 g for conduit type, 30 g for DIN terminal type, and 60 g for terminal type.

Symbol Solenoid specifications

Power Frequency Apparent power (VA) Power consumption Temperature increase (°C)
Model supply
OUT (Hz) Inrush Energized (W) (energized) (rated voltage)
50 66(60) 20 8 55
VXZ22 60 57(51) 15 6.5 45
IN DC — — — 8 50
50 93 25 11 60
VXZ23 60 79 20 9.5 50
DC — — — 11.5 55
Note 1) Reset voltage is 20% or more of rated voltage for AC, and 5% or more of rated voltage for DC.
Note 2) Allowable voltage fluctuation is ±10% of rated value for both AC and DC.
Note 3) The values are for ambient temperature of 20°C ±5°C and rated voltage.
Note 4) AC to DC or DC to AC coil exchange is not possible due to different armature
Note 5) Values for apparent power inside ( ) are for VXZ2232.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 56

Series VXZ The updated individual catalog

(CAT.ES70-31A) will be available shortly.

How to Order

Model Port size

2230 02 (Rc 1/4)
2230 03 (Rc 3/8)
2240 04 (Rc 1/2)
2350 06 (Rc 3/4) Electrical option
2360 10 (Rc 1) Thread type Nil None
Nil Rc S With surge voltage suppressor
T NPTF L With indicator light
F G With surge voltage suppressor/
Z indicator light
∗ Refer to “Table 1” below for applicability.

N.C. Closed VXZ 2230 02 1 G
N.O. Open VXZ 2232 02 1 G
Nil None
Electrical entry B With bracket

Solenoid valve option G Grommet

C Conduit
Nil Standard specification
D DIN terminal
T Conduit terminal
Model Port size ∗ Refer to “Table 1” below for applicability.
2232 02 (Rc 1/4)
2232 03 (Rc 3/8) Rated voltage
2242 04 (Rc 1/2) 1 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2352 06 (Rc 3/4) 2 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2362 10 (Rc 1) 3 110 VAC, 50/60 Hz
4 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
5 24 VDC
6 12 VDC
7 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
8 48 VAC, 50/60 Hz
9 Other (Consult with SMC.)

Table 1
Fluid Rated voltage/Electrical entry/Electrical options
Standard specifications Option Note) Insulation Class B Class H
Air (general, dry) Air (dry) (T) classification
Vacuum (up to 1 Torr) High temperature water (D, E) Electrical G C D, T
entry G, C T
Turbine oil, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Argon, Helium (F)
Gaseous nitrogen (N2) Electrical
option S — S L, Z — S L, Z
Freon 11, 113, 114 (Other)
1 (100 V)       
2 (200 V)       
Fluid and ambient temperature 3 (110 V)       
4 (220 V)       
Fluid temperature (°C) Ambient
Temperature Power Note 3) Note 3) 7 (240 V)    —   —
Water Air Oil High temp. High temp. temperature
condition supply water 8 (48 V)    — —  —
(standard) (standard) (standard) oil (D.N.) (°C)
(D.E.N.P.) 5 (24 V)     — — —
AC 60 80 60 99 100 60 6 (12 V)    — — — —
DC 40 60 40 — — 40 Note) Surge voltage suppressor is attached
Minimum AC·DC 1 –10 Note 2) –5 Note 3) — — –10 to the lead wire.
Note 1) Dew point is –10°C or below.
Note 2) 50 cSt or less
Note 3) D.E.N.P., etc., inside ( ) indicate option codes.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 57

Direct Air Operated 2 Port Valve

For air, gas, vacuum, water, oil Series VXA21/22 Air Purge

Models/Valve specifications
Normally Closed (N.C.)/Normally Open (N.O.)
Port Flow coefficient Max. operating Max. system Proof
Orifice Effective
size Model pressure pressure pressure
(ømm) Cv area differential (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (g)
N.C. (Rc) (mm )

18 3 0.33 6 VXA212 20 1.0

(6A) 4.5 0.61 11 VXA213 20 0.5
3 0.33 6 VXA212 20 1.0
VXA213 20 0.5
4.5 0.61 11
14 VXA223 20 1.0
N.O. (8A) 6 1.05 19 VXA224 20 0.6
8 1.7 31 VXA225 20 0.2
0.4 1.5 340
10 1.9 34 VXA226 20 0.1
4.5 0.61 11 VXA223 20 1.0
1.0 250
38 6 1.05 19 VXA224 20 0.6
(10A) 8 1.7 31 VXA225 20 0.2
10 2.4 43 VXA226 20 0.1 0.4
1 2 (15A) 10 2.4 43 VXA226 20 0.1 420

Directional Control
Pilot pressure

N.C. N.O.
OUT OUT Model Pressure (MPa)
0.25 to 0.7

How to Order

Nil –– None
B ––– With bracket
∗ Refer to “Table 2” below when only
brackets are required.

Thread type
Orifice size
Nil –– Rc
2 –– ø3mm
T ––– NPTF
3 –– ø4.5mm
F ––– G
4 –– ø6mm
N ––– NPT
5 –– ø8mm
6 –– ø10mm
∗ Refer to “Table 1” below for applicability. Port size
01 –– 1/8
02 –– 1/4
Type of actuation/Body type 03 –– 3/8
0 –– Normally closed (N.C.)/Single 04 –– 1/2
2 –– Normally open (N.O.)/Single
∗ Refer to “Table 1” below for applicability.

Valve option
Nil –– Standard specification
V –– Vacuum, non-leak

Table 1. Model/Port size/Orifice Table 2. Bracket part numbers

Model Orifice (symbol) Model Part no.
2 3 4 5 6 VXA212
VXA21 VXA22 VX070-020
(3 mmø) (4.5 mmø) (6 mmø) (8 mmø) (10 mmø) VXA213
01 (1 8) —   — — — VXA223
02 (1 4) —   — — — VXA224
— 02 (1 4) —     VXA225
— 03 (3 8) —     VXA226
— 04 (1 2) — — — — 
Ordering example:
For series VXA21, orifice of ø4.5 mm, normally open, Rc 1/4
(Model number) VXA2130-02

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 58

Rubber Seal Pilot Operated Poppet Type Air Purge

3 Port Solenoid Valve

Series VP300/500/700 Paint Stirring

Large flow capacity: Models

Cv1.0 (VP300), Cv2.3 (VP500), Cv4.0 (VP700) Series Series VP300 Series VP500 Series VP700
Body ported VP342 VP542 VP742
Low power consumption: 1.8 W(DC) Model
Base mounted VP344 VP544 VP744
Port size (Rc) 18 14 14 38 38 12
Can be used as a selector valve or
16.2 18 36 41.4 62 72
divider valve Effective area (mm2) (Cv factor)
(0.9) (1.0) (2) (2.3) (3.4) (4)
Can be changed from N.C. to N.O. Weight kg (Body ported/Base mounted) Note) 0.19/0.25 0.33/0.43 0.64/0.75
Note) Values for grommet type. Values for body ported type do not include brackets.
Vacuum operation is possible.
Up to –101.2 kPa (1 Torr)
Fluid Air
Type of actuation N.C. or N.O. (changeable)
Pilot type Internal pilot type External pilot type

Supply pressure –101.2 kPa to 0.8

Operating pressure range MPa 0.2 to 0.8
External pilot Equivalent to
supply pressure,
pressure Minimum 0.2
Ambient and fluid temperature °C Maximum 50
Response time ms Note 1) 30 or less (at 0.5 MPa)
Maximum operating frequency Hz 5
Lubrication Not required (If lubricated, use turbine oil class 1, ISOVG32)
Non-locking push type
Manual override
Slotted locking type∗, Locking type∗
Mounting orientation Free
Impact resistance/Vibration resistance m/s2 Note 2) 300/50
Note 1) Based on dynamic performance test JIS B8374-1981 (at coil temperature of 20°C, rated
Series VP300
VP344-G voltage, without surge voltage suppressor)
Note 2) Impact resistance: No malfunction resulted from the impact test using a drop impact
tester. The test was performed one time each in the axial and right
angle directions of the main valve and armature for both energized
and de-energized states. (The value is for the initial stage.)
Vibration resistance: No malfunction resulted in a one sweep test between 8.3 and 2000Hz.
Test was performed in the axial and right angle directions of the main
Series VP500 valve and armature for both energized and de-energized states. (The
VP542-D VP544-G value is for the initial stage.)

Grommet (G), Grommet terminal (E),

Electrical entry
Conduit terminal (T), DIN terminal (D)
AC(50/60Hz) 100, 200, 12∗, 24∗, 48∗, 110 to 120∗, 220∗, 240∗ Note 1)
Rated coil voltage (V)
Series VP700 DC 24, 6∗, 12∗, 48∗, 100∗, 110∗ Note 1)
VP742-T Allowable voltage fluctuation –15% to +10% of rated voltage
Inrush 5.6 (50 Hz), 5.0 (60 Hz)
Apparent power (VA) Note 2) AC
Energized 3.4 (50 Hz), 2.3 (60 Hz)
Power consumption (W) Note 2) DC 1.8 or 2 (with indicator light)
Note 1) Values indicated by an asterisk (∗) are optional.
Note 2) At rated voltage

Options JIS symbols

Description Series Part no. Type N.C. N.O. External Pilot Type (Optional)
VP342 VP300-27-1A
Bracket Body Use the external pilot type for the following
VP542 VP500-27-1A
(screws included) ported cases.
VP742 VP700-27-1A
Standard • Vacuum or low pressure of 0.2 MPa or less
Base • Consult with SMC for holding vacuum.
• When P port is largely restricted
Universal • When using A port for atmospheric release
External pilot while blowing, etc.
• When using on a manifold, the external pilot
piping can be centralized on the manifold

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 59

Rubber Seal
Pilot Operated Poppet Type 3 Port Solenoid Valve Series VP300/500/700

How to Order

VP 3 4 2 1 E B 01 A
VP solenoid F With bracket
valve (For VP342, 542, 742 only)

Body size Flow passage

3 14 A Normally closed
5 38 B Normally open
7 12 standard
Port size
Type of actuation Port size VP342 VP542 VP742
Symbol Rc
4 N.C./N.O. common (pilot type) VP344 VP544 VP744
Nil∗ Without sub-plate
01 18

Directional Control
02 14

03 38
Body type 12
2 Body ported
∗ For VP344, VP544, VP744 only
4 Base mounted

Manual override
Valve option Nil Push type
Nil Standard (Internal pilot type) B∗ Slotted locking type
R∗ External pilot type C∗ Locking type
∗ Optional ∗ Optional
Indicator light/Surge voltage suppressor
Rated voltage Nil None
With indicator light/surge voltage
1 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz Z∗
2 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz suppressor (for “E”, “T”, “D” only)
3∗ 110 to 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz S∗ With surge voltage suppressor (for “G” only)
4∗ 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz ∗ Optional
5 24 VDC
6∗ 12 VDC Electrical entry
7∗ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
G Grommet
9∗ Other
E Grommet terminal
∗ Optional
T Conduit terminal
D DIN terminal

How to Order Pilot Valve Assemblies Pilot valve assemblies/Electrical entry

Symbol Electrical entry Symbol Electrical entry
(Lead wire length)

Surge voltage suppressor

SF4 1 E Z B 50
Approx. 300
Approx. 300

Rated voltage Manual override
1 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz Nil Push type
2 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz B∗ Slotted locking type
3∗ 110 to 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz C∗ Locking type Surge voltage suppressor

4∗ 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz ∗ Optional Indicator light

5 24 VDC E EZ
Indicator light/Surge voltage suppressor
6∗ 12 VDC
7∗ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Nil None
9∗ Other Z∗
With indicator light/surge voltage
suppressor (for “E”, “T”, “D” only) Surge voltage suppressor
∗ Optional
S∗ With surge voltage suppressor (for “G” only) Indicator light
Electrical entry ∗ Optional T TZ
G Grommet
E Grommet terminal
T Conduit terminal
Surge voltage suppressor
D DIN terminal
Indicator light

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 60

Rubber Seal Pilot Operated Poppet Type Non-operation

Series VG342
3 Port Solenoid Valve Air Purge

Light weight: 1.1kg Specifications

Valve capacity: Rc 1/Cv13.1 Type of actuation N.C., N.O. common
Operation Internal pilot type External pilot type
Low power consumption:
Operating pressure range 0.2 to 0.9 MPa –101.2 kPa to 0.9 MPa
4.8W DC (standard)
2W DC (low power consumption type) Equivalent to operating
External pilot pressure — pressure, Minimum 0.2 MPa
No lubrication required Response time Note 1) 30 ms or less (at 0.5 MPa)
5 cycles/sec (min. operating frequency of
Can be used in vacuum or with low Maximum operating frequency 1 cycle/30 days based on JlS B8374-1981)
pressure Ambient and fluid temperature Maximum 50°C
External pilot type — Vacuum: up to 101.2 kPa Lubrication Not required (If lubricated, use turbine oil class 1, lSO VG32.)
Low pressure: 0 to 0.2 MPa Manual override Push type (non-locking type)
Mounting orientation Free
Changeable actuation: N.C., N.O.,
Impact resistance/Vibration resistance (m/s2) Note 2) 150/50
external pilot Weight 1.1 kg Note 3)
Can be used as a selector or Note 1) Based on dynamic performance test JIS B8374-1981 (at coil temperature of 20°C, rated
voltage, without surge voltage suppressor)
divider valve (external pilot) Note 2) Impact resistance: No malfunction resulted from the impact test using a drop impact
tester. The test was performed one time each in the axial and right
angle directions of the main valve and armature for both energized
and de-energized states. (The value is for the initial stage.)
Vibration resistance: No malfunction resulted in a one sweep test between 45 and 1000Hz.
Test was performed in the axial and right angle directions of the main
valve and armature for both energized and de-energized states. (The
value is for the initial stage.)
Note 3) For grommet type

Effective area/Cv factor

Port size Rc 1 2 Rc 3 4 Rc 1
P→A 140 185 210
Effective area mm2
A→R 145 195 235
P→A 7.8 10.3 11.7
Cv factor
A→R 8.1 10.8 13.1

Pilot valve assembly specifications

Grommet (G), Grommet terminal (E)
Electrical entry
Conduit terminal (T), DlN terminal (D)
Lead wire color 100 VAC: Blue, 200 VAC: Red, 24 VDC: Red/Black
Enclosure Dust proof
AC (50/60 Hz) 100, 200, 24∗, 48∗, 110∗, 220∗, 240∗ Note 1)
Rated coil voltage (V)
DC 24, 6∗, 12∗, 48∗, 100∗ Note 1)
Allowable voltage fluctuation –15% to +10% of rated voltage
Inrush 12.7 (50), 10.7 (60)
Apparent power (VA) (Hz) Note 2) AC
Energized 7.6 (50), 5.4 (60)
JIS symbols Power consumption Note 2) DC 4.8 W or 5 W (with indicator light)
N.C. N.O. Note 1) Values indicated by an asterisk (∗) are optional.
Note 2) At rated voltage

Option specification
External pilot Low power consumption type: VG342–––Y
Consider this specification when an electronic control, etc., requires low power consumption.

The following specification is different from the standard.

Power consumption 2W DC or 2.2 W (with indicator light)∗
∗ 100 VDC is 2.4 W, with indicator light 2.6 W.

Continuous energization type: VG342–––E

Consider this specification when operating valves in a continuously energized state for a long period of time.

The following specification is different from the standard.

Inrush 7.9 (50), 6.2 (60)
Apparent power (VA) (Hz) Note) AC
Energized 5.8 (50), 3.5 (60)
Power consumption Note) DC 2 W or 2.2 W (with indicator light)
Note) At rated voltage

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 61

Rubber Seal
Pilot Operated Poppet Type 3 Port Solenoid Valve Series VG342

How to Order Indicator Light/
Surge Voltage Suppressor
VG342 1 G 04 A 100 VAC/DC or more
For indicator light assembly
Terminal No. 1 (+)
Valve type Pilot valve option
Nil Internal pilot Nil Standard
R External pilot Y∗ Low power consumption
E∗ Continuous energization
Rated voltage ∗ Optional
Terminal No. 2 (–)
1 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz Flow passage
2 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz Nil External pilot 48 VDC or less
For indicator light assembly
110 VAC, 50/60 Hz A N.C. (Normally closed) Terminal No. 1 (+)
4∗ 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz B N.O. (Normally open)
5 24 VDC (+)
6∗ 12 VDC Thread type (–)
7∗ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Nil Rc
9∗ Other

Directional Control
∗ Optional
Terminal No. 2 (–)


Electrical entry ∗ Optional Electrical Connection
G Grommet The internal connections for DlN terminal and
Port size terminal (with indicator light/surge voltage
D DIN terminal
04 Rc 1 2 suppressor circuit) are as shown below.
E Grommet terminal
06 Rc 3 4 Connect each to the power supply side.
T Conduit terminal
10 Rc 1
With DlN terminal block With terminal block
Indicator light/Surge voltage suppressor
Nil None
With surge voltage suppressor
(For grommet type only)
With indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
Z Ground
(Except grommet type)
Terminal no. 1 2
DlN terminal + –
How to Order Pilot Valve Assemblies Terminal + –

VO307 1 G X84 Changing the Flow Passage

Pilot valve assembly for VG342
Valve option
Nil Standard Indicator light/Surge voltage suppressor
Y∗ Low power consumption Nil None
E∗ Continuous energization With surge voltage suppressor
∗ Optional
S (For grommet type only)
With indicator light/surge voltage suppressor N.C. N.O. External pilot
Z (Except grommet type)
Rated voltage When changing the flow passage, confirm
1 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz that pressure has been removed from the
2 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz Electrical entry valve.
3∗ 110 VAC, 50/60 Hz G Grommet Loosen the hexagon socket head cap screw
4∗ 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz D DIN terminal M4 x 0.7 in the switching plate and match the
5 24 VDC E Grommet terminal mark on the adapter plate with a character
6∗ 12 VDC T Conduit terminal symbol on the switching plate. Perform piping
7∗ 240 V, 50/60 Hz as shown in the table below.
9∗ Other
∗ Optional Piping
Flow passage P A R
Exhaust side
NC Primary Secondary (Plug for
2 port valve)
Exhaust side
NO (Plug for Secondary Primary
2 port valve)
Universal porting
External (Piping of primary side is possible anywhere.)

Note 1) When operating with internal pilot, confirm

that the X port is plugged. If it is not plugged,
use an R 1/8 plug.
Note 2) When operating with external pilot,
pressurize from the X port.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 62

Rubber Seal Large 3 Port Solenoid Valve Non-operation

Series VP3145/3165/3185 Air Purge

Large flow capacity, small exhaust Models

resistance Model
VP3145 VP3165 VP3185
(Refer to Cv factor values in “Models” table.) VPA3145 VPA3165 VPA3185
Port size IN, OUT 38 12 34 34 1 11 4 11 4 11 2 2
Easy conversion to N.C. or N.O. Rc EXT 34 11 4 2
The switching plate enables conversion to N.C. or IN → OUT 5.0 5.6 6.1 12.8 15.6 17.2 31.7 36.1 36.1
Cv factor
N.O. without changing ports. OUT → EXT 7.2 8.9 11.7 15.6 17.2 18.3 36.1 37.2 37.2
Effective area IN → OUT 90 100 110 230 280 310 570 650 650
Can be used in vacuum or with low mm2 OUT → EXT 130 160 210 280 310 330 650 670 670
pressure Weight kg Note) 1.5 2.0 2.8
External pilot type — Vacuum: up to 101.2 kPa Note) For grommet type.
Low pressure: 0 to 0.2 MPa Add 0.2 kg for conduit terminal type.
Subtract 0.5kg for air operated type.
Unrestricted mounting orientation
Fluid Air
Type of actuation N.C. or N.O. (changeable)
Internal pilot type External pilot type
Pilot type
General Vacuum/Low pressure General
Main pressure -101.2kPa to 0.2 0.2 to 0.8
Operating pressure range MPa 0.2 to 0.8
See the graph
Pilot pressure 0.2 to 0.3 on next page.
Ambient and fluid temperature (°C) 0 (no freezing) to 60
Note 1)
AC 30 or less AC 30 or less
Response time (ms) (at 0.5 MPa) ON OFF
DC 40 or less DC 30 or less
Maximum operating frequency (Hz) 3
Lubrication Note 2) Required (equivalent to turbine oil class 1, ISO VG32)
Manual override Non-locking type
Mounting orientation Free
Impact resistance/Vibration resistance (m/s2) Note 3) 150/50
JIS symbols Note 1) Based on dynamic performance test JIS B8374-1981 (at coil temperature of 20°C, rated
Internal pilot type voltage, without surge voltage suppressor)
<Standard> Note 2) Since this solenoid valve is a lubricating type, use a lubricant equivalent to turbine oil class 1
(ISO VG32).
Note 3) Impact resistance: No malfunction resulted from the impact test using a drop impact tester.
The test was performed one time each in the axial and right angle
directions of the main valve and armature for both energized and de-
energized states. (The value is for the initial stage.)
Vibration resistance: No malfunction resulted in a one sweep test between 45 and 1000 Hz.
Test was performed in the axial and right angle directions of the main
External pilot type valve and armature for both energized and de-energized states. (The
<For pressurizing> value is for the initial stage.)

Solenoid specifications
Grommet (G), Conduit terminal (T),
DIN terminal (D)
Conduit terminal with indicator light (TL),
Conduit terminal with surge voltage suppressor (TS),
Electrical entry Conduit terminal with indicator light/surge voltage suppressor (TZ),
<For vacuum> Options
DlN terminal with indicator light (DL),
DlN terminal with surge voltage suppressor (DS),
DlN terminal with indicator light/surge voltage suppressor (DZ)
AC (50/60 Hz) 100 V, 200 V, 110 V ∗, 220 V ∗, 240 V ∗ Note 1)
Rated coil voltage
DC 12 V ∗, 24 V, 48 V ∗, 100 V ∗ Note 1)
Allowable voltage fluctuation –15% to +10% of rated voltage
Note 2)
Inrush 73 VA (50 Hz), 58 VA (60 Hz)
Apparent power AC
Energized 28 VA (50 Hz), 17 VA (60 Hz)
Power consumption Note 2) DC 12 W
Note) In the case of the N.O. specification, it Note 1) Values indicated by an asterisk (∗) are optional.
operates as a normally open valve only Note 2) At rated voltage
when the proper pressure is applied to
the pilot chamber.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 63

Rubber Seal
Large 3 Port Solenoid Valve Series VP3145/3165/3185

External Pilot Type How to Order

Use an external pilot model in the following
cases: VP3 1 4 5 04 1 G A
• Vacuum or low pressure of 0.2 MPa or less:
External pilot for vacuum/low pressure Pilot option
• Operation with restricted supply port: VP 3 port Nil Standard (Internal pilot)
External pilot for general purpose solenoid valve 1 External pilot
• Slow build up of supply port air pressure:
External pilot for general purpose No. of solenoids Type of actuation
1 Single A N.C. (Normally closed)
• Low resistance in the secondary side as in
B N.O. (Normally open)
the case of air blowing or filling an air tank, Body size
etc.: External pilot for general purpose 12
Note 1) Use external pilot pressure within the 6
Electrical entry
range shown in the graph below. 8 112 G Grommet
Note 2) Changing from an internal pilot to an T Conduit terminal
external pilot or vice versa is not Body type D DIN terminal
possible. 5 Body ported TL∗ Conduit terminal with indicator light
Conduit terminal with

Directional Control
Vacuum/ Valve option surge voltage suppressor
Conduit terminal with indicator light/
Low pressure General purpose

Nil General surge voltage suppressor
V Vacuum/Low pressure DL∗ DIN terminal with indicator light
DIN terminal with
DS∗ surge voltage suppressor
Port size (IN/OUT port)
DIN terminal with indicator light/
Pilot pressure (MPa)

Port size Rc surge voltage suppressor

Symbol (Nominal size) VP3145 VP3165 VP3185
∗ Optional
03 38 (10 A)
Rated coil voltage
04 (15 A)
3 4 (20 A) 11 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz
1 (25 A) 22 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz
1 1 4 (32 A) 3∗ 110 VAC, 50/60 Hz
1 1 2 (40 A) 4∗ 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
55 24 VDC
20 2 (50 A)
6∗ 12 VDC
Main pressure (MPa)
7∗ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
9∗ Other
∗ Optional

How to Order Pilot Valve Assemblies

VT3113 00 1 G
Rated coil voltage Electrical entry
11 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz Grommet
22 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz Conduit terminal
3∗ 110 VAC, 50/60 Hz DIN terminal
4∗ 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz TL∗ Conduit terminal with indicator light
55 24 VDC TS∗ Conduit terminal with surge voltage suppressor
6∗ Conduit terminal with indicator light/
12 VDC TZ∗
7∗ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
surge voltage suppressor
9∗ Other DL∗ DIN terminal with indicator light
∗ Optional DS∗ DIN terminal with surge voltage suppressor
DZ∗ DIN terminal with indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
∗ Optional

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 64

3 Port Micro Mechanical Valve

Series VM1000 Air Purge

Miniature construction requires Standard specifications

minimal mounting space. Valve type N.C. poppet type
Number of ports 3 port
Easy tubing connection with built- Total travel (T.T.) 4.8 mm (Basic type)
in hose nipple. Piping Side ported or Bottom ported
Fluid Air
Port options: Side ported Operating pressure 5 to 0.8 MPa
Bottom ported Ambient and operating air temperature –5 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Effective area (Cv factor) 1 mm2 (0.055)
Large over travel after actuation Lubrication Not required (If lubricated, use turbine oil class 1, ISO VG32.)
(mechanically operated type) Fitting With hose nipple
Weight (Basic type) 6g

Option specifications
Total travel (T.T.) 2.5 mm (Basic type)
• A commercially available actuator for the V micro switch can be installed.
• However, be aware that there are different types of micro switch such as P.T., O.T. or F.O.F.
• Total travel of 2.5 mm is only available for the basic type.

No. of Applicable tube
Actuator Port type ports Note
T0425 TU0425/T0403
Mechanical operation

Side ported 3 port VM1000-4N-00 VM1000-4NU-00

Basic type
Bottom ported 3 port VM1010-4N-00 VM1010-4NU-00
Side ported 3 port VM1000-4N-01 VM1000-4NU-01
Roller lever
Bottom ported 3 port VM1010-4N-01 VM1010-4NU-01
One way Side ported 3 port VM1000-4N-02 VM1000-4NU-02
roller lever Bottom ported 3 port VM1010-4N-02 VM1010-4NU-02
Side ported 3 port VM1000-4N-08 VM1000-4NU-08
Toggle lever
Bottom ported 3 port VM1010-4N-08 VM1010-4NU-08
Manual operation

Side ported 3 port VM1000-4N-32R VM1000-4NU-32R Red

Bottom ported 3 port VM1010-4N-32R VM1010-4NU-32R Red
Side ported 3 port VM1000-4N-32B VM1000-4NU-32B Black
Push button
Bottom ported 3 port VM1010-4N-32B VM1010-4NU-32B Black
Side ported 3 port VM1000-4N-32G VM1000-4NU-32G Green
Bottom ported 3 port VM1010-4N-32G VM1010-4NU-32G Green

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 65

3 Port Mechanical Valve

Series VM100 Air Purge

Compact size equivalent to micro Specifications

switch Piping Side ported Bottom ported
Fluid Air
Port options: Side ported Operating pressure –100 kPa to 1.0 MPa
Bottom ported Ambient and operating air temperature –5 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Effective area (Cv factor) 2.5 mm2 (0.14)
A variety of actuators available Lubrication Not required (If lubricated, use turbine oil class 1, ISO VG32.)
Port size (Nominal size) Rc 1/8 (6 A) M5 x 0.8
Weight (Basic type) 95 g 110 g

Piping Side ported Bottom ported Actuator
No. o Application
f port part no.
Actuator s 3 port 3 port
VM130-01-00 VM132-M5-00
Basic type —
VM131-01-00 VM133-M5-00
Mechanical operation

VM130-01-01 VM133-M5-01 — Polyacetal roller

Roller lever
VM131-01-01S VM133-M5-01S — Hard steel roller

Directional Control
One way VM131-01-02 VM133-M5-02 — Polyacetal roller
roller lever VM131-01-02S VM133-M5-02S — Hard steel roller

Straight plunger VM130-01-05 VM132-M5-05 VM-05B —
VM130-01-06 VM132-M5-06 VM-06B Polyacetal roller
Roller plunger
VM130-01-06S VM132-M5-06S VM-06BS Hard steel roller
VM130-01-07 VM132-M5-07 VM-07B Polyacetal roller
Cross roller plunger
VM130-01-07S VM132-M5-07S VM-07BS Hard steel roller
Toggle lever VM130-01-08 VM132-M5-08 VM-08B
VM130-01-30R VM132-M5-30R VM-30AR Red
Push button VM130-01-30B VM132-M5-30B VM-30AB Black
(Mushroom) VM130-01-30G VM132-M5-30G VM-30AG Green
VM130-01-30Y VM132-M5-30Y VM-30AY Yellow
VM130-01-32R VM132-M5-32R VM-32AR Red
Push button VM130-01-32B VM132-M5-32B VM-32AB Black
(Extended) VM130-01-32G VM132-M5-32G VM-32AG Green
VM130-01-32Y VM132-M5-32Y VM-32AY Yellow
Manual operation

A set of Red, Black,

Push button (Flush) VM130-01-33 VM132-M5-33 VM-33A Green, and Yellow
VM130-01-34R VM132-M5-34R VM-34AR Red
VM130-01-34B VM132-M5-34B VM-34AB Black
Selector (2 position)
VM130-01-34G VM132-M5-34G VM-34AG Green
VM130-01-34Y VM132-M5-34Y VM-34AY Yellow
Key selector (2 position) VM130-01-36 VM132-M5-36 VM-36A
VM151-01-35R VM153-M5-35R — Red
VM151-01-35B VM153-M5-35B — Black
Selector (3 position) VM151-01-35G VM153-M5-35G — Green
VM151-01-35Y VM153-M5-35Y — Yellow
(5 port) (5 port)
Note) Actuator replacement is available except for roller lever, one way roller lever, and 3 position
selector types.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 66

3 Port Mechanical Valve

Series VM200 Air Purge

Large flow capacity Specifications

Fluid Air
A variety of actuators available Operating pressure 0 to 1.0MPa
Ambient and operating air temperature -5 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Effective area (Cv factor) 19 mm2 (1.0)
Lubrication Not required (If lubricated, use turbine oil class 1, ISO VG32.)
Port size (Nominal size) Rc 1/4 (8 A)
Weight (Basic type) 111 g

No. of ports Actuator
3 port part no. Application
Basic type VM230-02-00 — —
VM230-02-01 VM-01A Polyacetal roller
Mechanical operation

Roller lever
VM230-02-01S VM-01AS Hard steel roller
VM230-02-02 VM-02A Polyacetal roller
One way roller lever
VM230-02-02S VM-02AS Hard steel roller
Straight plunger VM230-02-05 VM-05A —
VM230-02-06 VM-06A Polyacetal roller
Roller plunger
VM230-02-06S VM-06AS Hard steel roller
VM230-02-07 VM-07A Polyacetal roller
Cross roller plunger
VM230-02-07S VM-07AS Hard steel roller
Toggle lever VM230-02-08 VM-08A —
VM230-02-30R VM-30AR Red
VM230-02-30B VM-30AB Black
Push button (Mushroom)
VM230-02-30G VM-30AG Green
VM230-02-30Y VM-30AY Yellow
VM230-02-32R VM-32AR Red
VM230-02-32B VM-32AB Black
Push button (Extended)
VM230-02-32G VM-32AG Green
VM230-02-32Y VM-32AY Yellow
A set of Red, Black,
Manual operation

Push button (Flush) VM230-02-33 VM-33A Green, and Yellow

VM230-02-34R VM-34AR Red
VM230-02-34B VM-34AB Black
Selector (2 position)
VM230-02-34G VM-34AG Green
VM230-02-34Y VM-34AY Yellow
Key selector (2 position) VM230-02-36 VM-36A —
VM230-02-35R — Red
VM230-02-35B — Black
Selector (3 position)
VM230-02-35G — Green
VM230-02-35Y — Yellow
Foot pedal VM230-02-40 — —
Note) Actuator replacement is available except for 3 position selector and foot pedal types.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 67

3 Port Mechanical Valve

Series VM400 Air Purge

N.C. or N.O. models available Specifications

Fluid Air
Piping connection to any port Operating pressure –100 kPa to 1.0 MPa
(Proper countermeasures can be taken for Ambient and operating air temperature –5 to 60°C (with no freezing)
applications in which noise or dirt from Effective area (Cv factor) 7 mm2 (0.38)
exhaust could cause a problem to the Lubrication Not required (If lubricated, use turbine oil class 1, ISO VG32.)
environment.) Port size (Nominal size) Rc 1/8 (6 A)
Weight (Basic type) 110 g

Actuator Model part no. Application
Basic type VM430-01-00 — —
VM430-01-01 VM-01A Polyacetal roller
Mechanical operation

Roller lever
VM430-01-01S VM-01AS Hard steel roller
VM430-01-02 VM-02A Polyacetal roller
One way roller lever
VM430-01-02S VM-02AS Hard steel roller

Directional Control
Straight plunger VM430-01-05 VM-05A —
VM430-01-06 VM-06A Polyacetal roller

Roller plunger
VM430-01-06S VM-06AS Hard steel roller
VM430-01-07 VM-07A Polyacetal roller
Cross roller plunger
VM430-01-07S VM-07AS Hard steel roller
Toggle lever VM430-01-08 VM-08A —
VM430-01-30R VM-30AR Red
VM430-01-30B VM-30AB Black
Push button (Mushroom)
VM430-01-30G VM-30AG Green
VM430-01-30Y VM-30AY Yellow
VM430-01-32R VM-32AR Red
VM430-01-32B VM-32AB Black
Manual operation

Push button (Extended)

VM430-01-32G VM-32AG Green
VM430-01-32Y VM-32AY Yellow
A set of Red, Black,
Push button (Flush) VM430-01-33 VM-33A Green, and Yellow
VM430-01-34R VM-34AR Red
VM430-01-34B VM-34AB Black
Selector (2 position)
VM430-01-34G VM-34AG Green
VM430-01-34Y VM-34AY Yellow
Key selector (2 position) VM430-01-36 VM-36A —
Note) Actuator replacement is available.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 68

Coolant Valve
Series VNC
Solenoid/Air Operated Type Coolant

Piping port Flow coefficient Weight (kg)
Note) Orifice
Rc Flange (ømm) Effective area Air operated Solenoid
Cv type type
VNC1 4 -6A 18 — 0.7 13
VNC1 4 -8A 14 — 7 1 18 0.2 0.3
VNC1 4 -10A 1.3 23
VNC2 4 -10A 38 — 11 2.5 45
VNC2 4 -10A 15 3.8 70
0.5 0.7
VNC2 4 -15A 12 11 3 55

VNC2 4 -15A 15 5 90
VNC3 4 -20A 34 14 5 90
— 0.8 1.0
VNC3 4 -20A 20 8 140
VNC4 4 -25A 16 7 130
1 — 1.2 1.4
VNC4 4 -25A 25 12 220
VNC5 4 -32A 22 11 210
11 4 — 2.2 2.4
VNC5 4 -32A 32 18 320
VNC5 4 -32F 22 11 210
— 32 5.0 5.2
VNC5 4 -32F 32 18 320
VNC6 4 -40A 28 19 330
11 2 — 3.6 3.8
VNC6 4 -40A 40 28 500
VNC6 4 -40F 28 19 330
— 40 6.8 7.0
VNC6 4 -40F 40 28 500
Symbols VNC7 4 -50A 33 29 520
2 — 5.5 5.7
Valve type VNC7 4 -50A 50 43 770
N.C. N.O.
Operation VNC7 4 -50F 33 29 520
— 50 10.2 10.4
VNC 04
VNC 02 VNC7 4 -50F 50 43 770
VNC814 -65F 45 49 880
P1 P2 — 65 — 15.7
VNC811 -65F 65 70 1260
Air operated VNC914 -80F 56 73 1400
— 80 — 21.2
VNC911 -80F 80 100 1800
Note) The flange is equivalent to JIS B 2210 10K (regular type).

VNC 014 VNC 12

P1 P1
External pilot
solenoid type

Valve specifications
Fluid Coolant Pilot solenoid valve specifications
VNC A –5 to 60°C∗ Model VNC1 VNC2 to 9
temperature VNC –5 to 99°C∗ Pilot solenoid valve SF4--23 VO301-00T-X302
(air operated type only) Grommet
Ambient temperature –5 to 50°C∗ (60°C for air operated type) Electrical entry
Grommet terminal Conduit terminal
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa Conduit terminal
DIN terminal
Operating VNC 1 0 to 0.5 MPa
pressure range VNC 2
0 to 1 MPa AC
Rated coil 100 V, 200 V, other (option)
1 (50/60 Hz)
Pressure VNC 4 0.25 to 0.7 MPa voltage V
DC 24 V, other (option)
VNC 2 0.1 to 0.7 MPa (Refer to Table 1.)
External Allowable pressure fluctuation –15% to +10% of rated voltage
pilot air Lubrication Not required (If lubricated,
use turbine oil class 1, ISO VG32.) Coil insulation type Equivalent to class B (130°C)
Temperature –5 to 50°C∗ (60°C for air operated type) Temperature increase
35°C or less 70°C or less
(at rated voltage) (at rated voltage)
∗ With no freezing
5.6 VA (50 Hz) 12 VA (50 Hz)
Apparent 5.0 VA (60 Hz) 10.5 VA (60 Hz)
Table 1 power 3.4 VA (50 Hz) 7.5 VA (50 Hz)
Operating pressure/Pilot Pressure Energized
2.3 VA (60 Hz) 6 VA (60 Hz)
DC 1.8 W 4.8 W
Use pilot pressure that
Pilot pressure (MPa)

is within range A with Manual override Push type, other (option) Non-locking push type
respect to the operating

Operating pressure (MPa)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 69

Coolant Valve
Solenoid/Air Operated Type Series VNC

How to Order

Seal material Bracket

A NBR seal Nil None
B FPM seal B With bracket
For valve sizes 1, 2, 3, and 4 only

Air Operated Type VNC 2 0 1 A 15A (Except valve sizes 8 and 9)

External Pilot
Solenoid Type VNC 2 1 1 A 15A 1 T

Manual override

Directional Control
Nil: Push type

Valve size Valve type Port size Rated voltage A: Projecting style
push type
Symbol Nil Air operated type
Orifice Port Valve
1 2 4 1 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Symbol size Symbol size size
(mm) N.C. N.O. N.C. (Rc) 2 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz
0.5 MPa 1 MPa 1 MPa B: Slotted
110 VAC, 50/60 Hz
6A 1/8 4∗ 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
1 ø7 type
8A 1/4 5 24 VDC
10A 3/8 6∗ 12 VDC
2 ø15 (ø11)
10A 3/8 7∗ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
15A 1/2 9∗ Other Nil: Push type
3 ø20 (ø14) 20A 3/4 ∗ Optional
4 ø25 (ø16) 25A 1 Valve
32A 1 1/4 sizes
5 ø32 (ø22) 1 1/4B 2 to 9
32F Flange
40A 1 1/2
6 ø40 (ø28) 1 1/2B
40F Flange Electrical entry and indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
50A 2 Nil Air operated type
7 ø50 (ø33) 2B G Grommet
50F Flange
GS Grommet with surge voltage suppressor
2 1/2B E Grommet terminal
8 ø65 (ø45) 65F Flange Valve
EZ Grommet terminal with indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
2B T Conduit terminal
9 ø80 (ø56) 80F Flange 1
TZ Conduit terminal with indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
Values inside ( ) are for N.C. at 1 MPa. D DIN terminal
DZ DIN terminal with indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
T Conduit terminal
Conduit terminal with surge voltage suppressor Valve
TZ∗ Conduit terminal with indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
2 to 9
TL∗ Conduit terminal with indicator light

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 70

Flow Switching 2 Port

Air Operated Valve Special Order Product
Paint Stirring

Air operated 2 port valve with compact

metering valve
Metering valve construction with
reproducibility (adjustable between 0 to
300° ) 34.5 10.5 (fully closed)

Effective area for single valve can be M5 x 0.8

Pilot port
detected with calibration mark. Needle (M8 x 1.25)



Calibration mark position

11.5 17.5

Direct manual override 2-ø3.5 mounting hole

Width across flats 3 mm

Rc 1/8 (OUT port)

Rc 1/8 (IN port)




P 11

Valve type Poppet
Fluid Air, Inert gas
Operating pressure range 0 to 0.7 MPa
Pilot pressure 0.15 to 0.7 MPa
OFF 4 mm2 (Cv factor: 0.22)
Effective area Adjustable type: 0 to 4 mm2
ON (at 5/6 rotation from fully closed state)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 71

Booster Valve
Series VBA1110 to 4200 Hydraulic Clamp

Specifications Models
VBA1110 Handle operated type Air operated type
Intensified VBA2 00 Maximum 2 Model
VBA1110-02 VBA1111-02 VBA2100-03 VBA4100-04 VBA2200-03 VBA4200-04
pressure ratio VBA4 00
Max. flow rate l/min (ANR) Note) 400 60 1000 1900 1000 1900
VBA1111 Maximum 4
Port size Rc 1/4 (IN, OUT) 3/8 (IN, OUT) 1/2 (IN, OUT) 3/8 (IN, OUT) 1/2 (IN, OUT)
Fluid Compressed air
Exhaust port size Rc 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2
3.0 MPa Pilot port size Rc
VBA1111 1/8
Proof pressure
VBA2 00 Pilot pressure range 0.1 to 0.5 MPa
1.5 MPa
VBA4 00
Weight kg 0.85 0.98 3.8 7.5 3.8 7.5
Maximum supply pressure 1.0 MPa Note) Flow conditions — IN/OUT: 1.0MPa for VBA1110, IN/OUT: 0.5MPa for VBA1111, VBA22100, 42100
VBA1110 Refer to flow characteristics graphs on page 14-9-3 of “Best Pneumatics Vol. 14” when selecting a model.
0.2 to 2.0 MPa
Set pressure VBA1111
range VBA2 00 Accessory (option) part nos.
0.2 to 1.0 MPa
VBA4 00 Part no.
Ambient and fluid temperature 2 to 50°C (with no freezing) Model
Description VBA1110-1111 VBA2100 VBA4100 VBA2200 VBA4200
Lubrication None Pressure gauge G27-20-R1 … 2 pcs. G27-10-R1-X209 … 2 pcs. G46-10-01 … 2 pcs. G27-10-R1-X209 … 2 pcs. G46-10-01 … 2 pcs.
Mounting orientation Horizontal
Silencer AN200-02 AN300-03 AN400-04 AN300-03 AN400-04

Directional Control
Pressure adjustment mechanism Relieving type

How to Order
Pressure Intensified pressure ratio
1 2.0 MPa 0 Double
Pressure adjustment 1 Quadruple
1 Handle operated type
VBA1110-02 Port size
Body size Symbol Port size
VBA1111-02 1 1/4 standard 02 Rc 1/4

Series VBA1000 VBA 1 1 1 0 02 GN

VBA4100-04 Series VBA2000/4000 VBA 2 1 0 0 03 GN

Handle operated type Body size Option
2 3/8 standard G Pressure gauge
4 1/2 standard N Silencer
Pressure adjustment
1 Handle operated type
2 Air operated type
Port size
Symbol Port size Applicable series
0 1.0 MPa
03 Rc 3/8 VBA2100, 2200
VBA4200-04 04 Rc 1/2 VBA4100, 4200

Air operated type

Related products
VBA2200-03 Description VBA1110/1111 VBA2100/2200 VBA4100/4200 Note
Mist separator AM250-02 AM450-04, 06 AM550-06, 10
Exhaust cleaner AMC310-03 AMC510-06 AMC610-10 35 dB or more noise reduction
Symbol VBAT05 VBAT20 (20 l, Directly connected to booster valve)
(5 l, Directly connected
Air tank VBAT38 (38 l, Directly connected to booster valve)
to booster valve)
VBAT10 (10 l, Directly connected to booster valve)

Knob operated type Air operated type

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 72

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 73

Auxiliary Pneumatic Equipment

Air Preparation Equipment

Series Application Page

Blow gun VMG Air blow 74
Nozzles for blowing/Sensing heads KN Air blow, Air tool, Coolant 80
S couplers KK Air blow, Air tool, Air leakage 83
FR double layer tubing TRB Air leakage 104
FR double layer polyurethane tubing TRBU Air leakage 105
Double layer tubing stripper TKS Air leakage 106
Polyurethane coil tubing TCU Air blow, Air tool 107

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Tube cutter TK Air leakage 107
Regulator 108

AR10 to 60 Air blow, Air tool
Pilot operated regulator AR425 to 935 Air blow, Air tool 109
Regulator with back flow mechanism AR20K to 60K Actuator 110
Filter regulator AW10 to 40 Air blow, Air tool 111
Filter regulator with back flow mechanism AW20K to 40K Actuator 113
Air filter element part number list Air line maintenance 114
Differential pressure gauge GD40-01 Air line maintenance 115
Filter with element service indicator Air line maintenance 116

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 74

Blow Gun
Series VMG Air Blow

Top piping

Bottom piping
With S coupler plug

Piping direction Piping type Body color

Nozzle type
Bottom Rc, NPT, G 1/4, 3/8 White
Male thread nozzle Top With S coupler plug Dark blue

High efficiency nozzle

Air blow thrust has been increased by 10%.
(comparison done the same nozzle diameter)
Low noise nozzle 45
High efficiency nozzle Sample
Thrust (g)

30 100 mm
25 Male thread
High efficiency nozzle 15
Scale: Accuracy
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Measurement value ±0.2% or less
Temperature: 20°C
Internal pressure (MPa)
Distance between a sample and the scale: 100 mm

Long copper pipe nozzle

Provides constant operational force

irrespective of the supply pressure Pressure loss ∗ Male thread nozzle ø2.5

Pressure loss (MPa)

Conventional product
Operational force


0.005 MPa pressure loss at 0.5 MPa
Blow Gun 0.02


0 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Supply pressure (MPa) Supply pressure (MPa)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 75

Example of Improvement
Before Improvement
In the case of air guns, energy saving measures are not considered.
Effective area ratio
Pressure loss: Large
2.3 : 1

Without nozzle
Pressure Loss of Air Gun Only
Effective area Upstream side S1: 15
(mm2) Nozzle side S2: 6.4
Effective area ratio S1 : S2 = 2.3 : 1
Nozzle size (mm) ø3
Number of nozzles 1
Supply pressure 0.700 MPa
Regulator pressure 0.300 MPa
Outlet pressure 0.260 MPa
Pressure loss 0.040 MPa

After Improvement

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Change to fittings, tubing and Blow Gun with large effective areas.

Filter Effective area ratio
regulator Coil Pressure loss: Small
tube 10.7 : 1
S coupler

ø2 ø2

Pressure Loss of Blow Gun Only

Effective area Upstream side S1: 30
(mm2) Nozzle side S2: 2.8
Effective area ratio S1 : S2 = 10.7 : 1
Effect of Energy Saving Improvement Nozzle size (mm) ø2
Number of nozzles 1
Air consumption Supply pressure 0.700 MPa
Regulator pressure 0.300 MPa
Outlet pressure 0.297 MPa
Pressure loss 0.003 MPa
Min. 90%

Before After

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 76

Series VMG

How to Order

VMG 1 1 W 03 01

Blow gun Nozzle

Standard type Type Nozzle model Nozzle size
Nil Without nozzle
01 KN-R02-100 ø1
02 KN-R02-150 ø1.5
Male thread nozzle
Series 03 KN-R02-200 ø2
1 Resin body lever type 04 KN-R02-250 ø2.5
11 KNH-R02-100 ø1
12 High efficiency nozzle KNH-R02-150 ø1.5
13 KNH-R02-200 ø2
21 KNS-R02-075-4 ø0.75 x 4
Piping entry 22 Low noise nozzle KNS-R02-090-8 ø0.9 x 8
1 Bottom 23 with male thread KNS-R02-100-4 ø1 x 4
2 Top 24 KNS-R02-110-8 ø1.1 x 8
31 Note 1) Length KNL3-06-150 ø1.5
32 Copper 300 mm KNL3-06-200 ø2
33 extension ø1.5
Length KNL6-06-150
Body color 34 600 mm KNL6-06-200 ø2
W White Note 1) One piece of H06-02 self-align fitting is attached.
BU Dark blue When a copper extension nozzle is ordered separately, a self-align fitting will also
be required for connection. Order one with the above part number in addition to
the nozzle.

Piping connection type Connection size

Nil Rc Piping connection system Size and part no.
N NPT 02 1/4
Screw-in type Port size
F G 03 3/8
11 With S coupler plug Note1) Plug part no. KK4P-02MS
Note 1) In case of a type with an S coupler plug, specify no symbol (Rc) for the piping connection type.
The size is Rc 1/4.


Fluid Air
Operating pressure range 0 to 1.0 MPa
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 60°C (With no condensation)
Effective area 30 mm2 (without nozzle)
Port size Rc, NPT, G, 1/4, 3/8
Piping entry Bottom Top
Nozzle port size Rc 1/4
Weight 180 g
Operational force (when the valve is fully open) 7N

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 77

Blow Gun Series VMG


!2 qw !8 e !3 r u i Component Parts
No. Description Material Note
o 1 Body L PBT
2 Body R PBT
t 3 Main valve PBT
4 Valve guide Aluminium alloy Chromated
5 Nozzle holder Aluminium alloy Anodized
6 Port Aluminium alloy Anodized
7 Elbow PBT
8 Cover Stainless steel
9 Ring Stainless steel
10 Arm L Stainless steel
!4 11 Arm R Stainless steel
!6 12 Spring Stainless steel
!1 !0 13 Main valve seal HNBR
!7 14 Guide cover Stainless steel
!9 15 Lever PBT
y 16 Tube PBT ∗ Only for VMG11
17 O-ring NBR
@1 @0 18 NBR
19 Parallel pin Stainless steel
!5 20 Round head Phillips screw Stainless steel
21 Hexagon nut Stainless steel

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Flow Characteristics Note) Values when the main valve is fully open.

Male thread nozzle High efficiency nozzle
600 400
KN-R02-250 KNH-R02-200
Flow rate [l/min (ANR)]

Flow rate [l/min (ANR)]

KN-R02-200 250
300 200

KN-R02-150 150
100 KNH-R02-100

0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Supply pressure [MPa] Supply pressure [MPa]

Low noise nozzle with male thread Copper extension nozzle

900 400
800 KNS-R02-110-8 350 KNL6-06-200
Flow rate [l/min (ANR)]

Flow rate [l/min (ANR)]

KNS-R02-090-8 250
500 KNL3-06-150
200 KNL6-06-150
KNS-R02-100-4 150
200 100
100 50

0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Supply pressure [MPa] Supply pressure [MPa]

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 78

Series VMG


VMG11/Piping entry: Bottom

Rc 1/4


Note 1)
Width across flats22

30 102
A 117.5
Rc, NPT, G 1/4, 3/8
S coupler plug mounting

VMG12/Piping entry: Top 1)


Width across flats 22


Rc, NPT, G 1/4, 3/8

Rc 1/4

S coupler plug mounting



30 102
A 117.5

(mm) (mm)
Type Nozzle model Nozzle size A Note 1) Type Nozzle model Nozzle size A Note 1)
KN-R02-100 ø1 23.4 KNS-R02-075-4 ø0.75 x 4 12
Male thread nozzle
KN-R02-150 ø1.5 23 Low noise nozzle KNS-R02-090-8 ø0.9 x 8 12
KN-R02-200 ø2 22.5 with male thread KNS-R02-100-4 ø1 x 4 12
KN-R02-250 ø2.5 22.1 KNS-R02-110-8 ø1.1 x 8 12
KNH-R02-100 ø1 44
Copper extension nozzle
KNL3-06-150 ø1.5 305.3
High efficiency nozzle KNH-R02-150 ø1.5 44
(with self-align fitting
KNL3-06-200 ø2 305.3
KNH-R02-200 ø2 44
KNL6-06-150 ø1.5 605.3
KNL6-06-200 ø2 605.3
Note 1) Reference dimensions after installation
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 79

Blow Gun Series VMG

Dimensions: Nozzle/Series KN

Male thread nozzle: KN (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
D thread H1 L1 A Connection thread
KN-R02-100 ø1 R 1/4 14 31.4 25.4
KN-R02-150 ø1.5 R 1/4 14 31 25
KN-R02-200 ø2 R 1/4 14 30.5 24.5
KN-R02-250 ø2.5 R 1/4 14 30.1 24.1


High efficiency nozzle: KNH (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats Connection thread
D thread H1 L1 A
KNH-R02-100 ø1 R 1/4 14 52 46
KNH-R02-150 ø1.5 R 1/4 14 52 46

KNH-R02-200 ø2 R 1/4 14 52 46 H1
The air blow thrust is L1
improved by 10%.

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Low noise nozzle with male thread: KNS (mm)
Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
D thread H1 L1 A
KNS-R02-075-4 ø0.75 x 4 R 1/4 14 20 14
KNS-R02-090-8 ø0.9 x 8 R 1/4 14 20 14
KNS-R02-100-4 ø1 x 4 R 1/4 14 20 14 2
KNS-R02-110-8 ø1.1 x 8 R 1/4 14 20 14 H1 A thread

Copper extension nozzle: KNL (mm)

Nozzle size
Model Outside diameter L1

KNL3-06-150 ø1.5 ø6 300
KNL3-06-200 ø2 ø6 300
KNL6-06-150 ø1.5 ø6 600

KNL6-06-200 ø2 ø6 600
Note) When a copper extension nozzle is ordered separately, a self-align fitting will also be
required for connection with the blow gun. Order one with the following part number in
addition to the nozzle.

Self-align fittings (For copper extension nozzle connection)

Half union

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 80

Air Blow

Nozzles for Blowing Air Tool

Series KN Coolant

Nozzle with self-align fitting/KN (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
Model D size L1 L2
H1 H2
KN-04-100 ø1 ø4 10 10 27 15
KN-04-150 ø1.5 ø4 10 10 27.7 15

KN-06-100 ø1 ø6 12 12 30.1 16
H1 H2
KN-06-150 ø1.5 ø6 12 12 30.8 16 L2
KN-06-200 ø2 ø6 12 12 31.5 16
KN-08-150 ø1.5 ø8 14 14 33.8 16
KN-08-200 ø2 ø8 14 14 34.6 16
KN-10-250 ø2.5 ø10 14 17 35.6 17
KN-10-300 ø3 ø10 14 17 36.3 17
KN-10-350 ø3.5 ø10 14 17 37.1 17
KN-10-400 ø4 ø10 14 17 29.5 17
KN-10-600 ø6 ø10 14 17 27.7 17
KN-12-350 ø3.5 ø12 17 19 40.4 17
KN-12-400 ø4 ø12 17 19 41.3 17
KN-12-600 ø6 ø12 17 19 31.2 17
KN-16-400 ø4 ø16 22 24 40.1 17
KN-16-600 ø6 ø16 22 24 38.4 17
KN-20-400 ø4 ø20 26 27 45.6 17
KN-20-600 ø6 ø20 26 27 43.9 17

Nozzle with male thread/KN (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
Model D size L1 A Connection thread
KN-R01-100 ø1 R1/8 10 21.4 17.4
KN-R01-150 ø1.5 R1/8 10 21 17
KN-R02-100 ø1 R1/4 14 31.4 25.4
KN-R02-150 ø1.5 R1/4 14 31 25

KN-R02-200 ø2 R1/4 14 30.5 24.5
KN-R02-250 ø2.5 R1/4 14 30.1 24.1 H1
KN-R02-600 ø6 R1/4 14 27.1 21.1
KN-R03-400 ø4 R3/8 17 31.8 25.4 L1
KN-R03-600 ø6 R3/8 17 30.1 23.7
KN-R04-400 ø4 R1/2 22 41.8 33.6
KN-R04-600 ø6 R1/2 22 40.1 31.8
KN-R06-600 ø6 R3/4 27 49.6 40.1
KN-R06-800 ø8 R3/4 27 47.8 38
KN-R10-800 ø8 R1 36 62.8 52.4

Copper extension nozzle/KNL (mm)

Nozzle size Outside diameter
Model D L1

KNL3-06-150 ø1.5 ø6 300

KNL3-06-200 ø2 ø6 300
KNL3-08-200 ø2 ø8 300
KNL3-08-250 ø2.5 ø8 300

KNL3-10-250 ø2.5 ø10 300 L1

KNL3-10-300 ø3 ø10 300
KNL6-06-150 ø1.5 ø6 600
KNL6-06-200 ø2 ø6 600
KNL6-08-200 ø2 ø8 600
KNL6-08-250 ø2.5 ø8 600
KNL6-10-250 ø2.5 ø10 600
KNL6-10-300 ø3 ø10 600

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 81

Nozzles for Blowing Series KN

Nozzle for One-touch fitting/KN (mm)

Nozzle size Connection
Model D size L1 A
KN-Q06-100 ø1 ø6 35 18

KN-Q06-150 ø1.5 ø6 35 18 10
KN-Q06-200 ø2 ø6 35 18 A
KN-Q08-150 ø1.5 ø8 39 20.5
KN-Q08-200 ø2 ø8 39 20.5
Note) Not applicable to the KN-Q10-200 ø2 ø10 43 22
connection threads KN-Q10-250 ø2.5 ø10 43 22
(M5, M6) of the KJ KN-Q12-250 ø2.5 ø12 45.5 24
and the KQ series. KN-Q12-300 ø3 ø12 45.5 24

Pivoting nozzle with self-align fitting/KNK (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
Model D size L1 L2
H1 H2
KNK-10-400 ø4 ø10 17 17 41.7 17

KNK-10-600 ø6 ø10 17 17 41.7 17
KNK-12-400 ø4 ø12 17 19 41.2 17 H2
KNK-12-600 ø6 ø12 17 19 41.2 17 8.5 L2
KNK-16-400 ø4 ø16 17 24 41.8 17 L1
KNK-16-600 ø6 ø16 17 24 41.8 17
KNK-20-400 ø4 ø20 17 27 43.8 17
KNK-20-600 ø6 ø20 17 27 43.8 17

Pivoting nozzle with male thread/KNK (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Model D size L1 A Connection thread
H1 H2

KNK-R02-400 ø4 R1/4 17 17 38 31.9
KNK-R02-600 ø6 R1/4 17 17 38 31.9

KNK-R03-400 ø4 R3/8 17 17 39 32.4
KNK-R03-600 ø6 R3/8 17 17 39 32.4
KNK-R04-400 ø4 R1/2 17 22 42.2 34.1 H2
KNK-R04-600 ø6 R1/2 17 22 42.2 34.1 8.5

High efficiency nozzle/KNH (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats Connection thread
Model D size L1 A
KNH-R02-100 ø1 R1/4 14 52 46
KNH-R02-150 ø1.5 R1/4 14 52 46 øD
KNH-R02-200 ø2 R1/4 14 52 46 H1
The air blow thrust is L1
improved by 10%.

Low noise nozzle with self-align fitting/KNS (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
Model D size L1 L2 L2

H1 H2
KNS-08-075-4 ø0.75 x 4 ø8 12 14 24.3 16
KNS-08-100-4 ø1 x 4 ø8 12 14 24.3 16
KNS-10-075-4 ø0.75 x 4 ø10 14 17 24 17
H1 H2
KNS-10-090-8 ø0.9 x 8 ø10 14 17 24 17 2
KNS-10-100-4 ø1 x 4 ø10 14 17 24 17 L1

Low noise nozzle with male thread/KNS (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
Model D size L1 A
KNS-R01-075-4 ø0.75 x 4 R1/8 12 18 14

KNS-R01-100-4 ø1 x 4 R1/8 12 18 14
KNS-R01-090-8 ø0.9 x 8 R1/8 12 18 14 2
KNS-R02-075-4 ø0.75 x 4 R1/4 14 20 14 H1 A
KNS-R02-090-8 ø0.9 x 8 R1/4 14 20 14 L1
KNS-R02-100-4 ø1 x 4 R1/4 14 20 14
KNS-R02-110-8 ø1.1 x 8 R1/4 14 20 14 Connection thread

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:27 AM Page 82

Series KN

Sensing Heads
Standard sensing head (mm)
Nozzle size Connection Width across flats
Model L1 L2 L1 L2
D size H1 H2

KNP-1 ø2.5 ø4 5 8 63.7 1000
∗ A 1 m polyurethane tube is included.
H1 H2

Polyurethane tubing

Needle sensing head (mm)

Nozzle size Connection Cassette size A L2
Model A L1 L2 L3
D size H1

KNP-2 ø0.7 ø4 5 12.7 41 1000 23
∗ A 1 m polyurethane tube is included.

Cassette size
Polyurethane tubing

Use to measure workpiece collision pressure.

Standard sensing head

Needle sensing head

Nozzle (KN, KNK, KNH, KNS, KNL)
Applicable tubing material Nylon, Soft nylon, Flexible copper pipe (C1220T-O), OST pipe
Applicable piping O.D. mm ø4, ø6, ø8, ø10, ø12, ø16, ø20
Fluid Air, Coolant
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa (0.3 MPa with SGP pipe)
Ambient and fluid temperature –5 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Mounting JISB0203 (taper threads for piping)
Nut JISB0211, class 2 (taper threads for piping)
Seal for R threads None

Sensing head (KNP)

Applicable fitting size ø4
Fluid Air
Maximum operating pressure (at 20°C) 0.8 MPa
Ambient and fluid temperature –5 to 60°C (with no freezing)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 83

Air Blow

S Couplers Air Tool

Series KK Air Leakage

Series KK
Male thread type
Connection thread size R
Series M5 R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 R 3/4
Female thread type
Connection thread size Rc
Series M5 Rc 1/8 Rc 1/4 Rc 3/8 Rc 1/2
Nut fitting type (for fiber reinforced urethane hose)
Applicable hose I.D./O.D. mm
Series 5/8 6/9 6.5/10 8/12 8.5/12.5 11/16 Series KK3, 4, 6
One-touch fitting type (Straight, Elbow, Bulkhead)
Applicable tubing O.D. mm
Series ø3.2 ø4 ø6 ø8 ø10 ø12 ø16

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic

Series KK2

Series KKH
Male thread type
Connection thread size R
Series R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2
Female thread type
Connection thread size Rc
Series Rc 1/8 Rc 1/4 Rc 3/8
Nut fitting type (for fiber reinforced urethane hose)
Applicable hose I.D./O.D. mm
Series 5/8 6/9 6.5/10 8/12 8.5/12.5

Series KKA Stainless type

Male/Female thread type
Connection thread size
Series R, Rc 1/8 R, Rc 1/4 R, Rc 3/8 R, Rc 1/2 R, Rc 3/4 R, Rc 1 R, Rc 1 1/4 R, Rc 1 1/2

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 84

Series KK

The pulling strength for the plugs and

sockets has been improved.

as strong as the conventional models
We standardized the product with a sleeve cover. Changing the lock
ring material to a shock absorbent PBT further improved the shock
absorbent performance.

Lock ring No spring located in the flow path

Shock absorbent PBT Loss of effective area is minimized because there is
no valve spring to block the flow path.
Employs a unique connection
method Check valve end configuration
A slim body design and large effective area are facilitates rectifying effect
achieved with a construction that does not use Allows smooth flow of fluids.
steel balls and therefore does not restrict
the flow path.

Sleeve cover (Except for Series KK2) Low leakage seal construction
Reliable sealing is achieved by surface contact.
Together with a reduction of the body size, pressing parts and resin
parts are used to achieve an overall weight reduction.
Series Plug no. Socket no. Effective area mm2 Note 1) Body O.D. mm Weight g Note 2)
Series KK2 KK2P-M5M KK2S-M5M 3.8 ø10.0 6.1
Series KK3 KK3P-01MS KK3S-01MS 20 ø20.2 20.1
Series KK4 KK4P-02MS KK4S-02MS 39 ø28.0 44.1
Series KK6 KK6P-04MS KK6S-04MS 82 ø31.6 90.1
Note 1) Values when plug and socket are connected.
Note 2) Values for socket only.

 One-touch fitting type now standard  Flow is possible from the plug side or socket side.
Three types from ø4 to ø16 added to series.
 Fluids: Air and Water
Elbow type  One-touch connection
Simple connection with one hand simplifies work.

Bulkhead type
q w

Straight type

 Sleeve lock mechanism

Prevents accidents caused by unexpected separation.


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 85

S Couplers Series KK

Plug (P) Socket (S)

Male thread type Male thread type
Body size Port size Part no. Body size Port size Part no.
M5 x 0.8 KK2P-M5M M5 x 0.8 KK2S-M5M
R 1/8 -01MS R 1/8 -01MS
R 1/8 KK3P-01MS R 1/8 KK3S-01MS
1/8 R 1/4 -02MS 1/8 R 1/4 -02MS
R 3/8 -03MS R 3/8 -03MS
R 1/8 KK4P-01MS R 1/8 KK4S-01MS
R 1/4 -02MS R 1/4 -02MS
1/4 1/4
R 3/8 -03MS R 3/8 -03MS
R 1/2 -04MS R 1/2 -04MS
R 3/8 KK6P-03MS R 3/8 KK6S-03MS
1/2 R 1/2 -04MS 1/2 R 1/2 -04MS
R 3/4 -06MS R 3/4 -06MS
Female thread type Female thread type
Body size Port size Part no. Body size Port size Part no.
M5 M5 x 0.8 KK2P-M5F M5 M5 x 0.8 KK2S-M5F
Rc 1/8 KK3P-01F Rc 1/8 KK3S-01F
1/8 Rc 1/4 -02F 1/8 Rc 1/4 -02F
Rc 3/8 -03F Rc 3/8 -03F
1/4 Rc 1/4 KK4P-02F 1/4 Rc 1/4 KK4S-02F
Rc 3/8 -03F Rc 3/8 -03F
Rc 3/8 KK6P-03F Rc 3/8 KK6S-03F
1/2 1/2
Rc 1/2 -04F Rc 1/2 -04F
Nut fitting type (for fiber reinforced urethane hose) Nut fitting type (for fiber reinforced urethane hose)
Applicable hose Applicable hose
Body size I.D./O.D. mm Part no. Body size I.D./O.D. mm Part no.
5/8 KK3P-50N 5/8 KK3S-50N
1/8 6/9 -60N 1/8 6/9 -60N
6.5/10 -65N 6.5/10 -65N
5/8 KK4P-50N 5/8 KK4S-50N

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
6/9 -60N 6/9 -60N
1/4 6.5/10 -65N 1/4 6.5/10 -65N

8/12 -80N 8/12 -80N
8.5/12.5 -85N 8.5/12.5 -85N
8/12 KK6P-80N 8/12 KK6S-80N
1/2 8.5/12.5 -85N 1/2 8.5/12.5 -85N
11/16 -110N 11/16 -110N
Straight type with One-touch fitting Straight type with One-touch fitting
Applicable Applicable
Body size tubing O.D. mm Part no. Body size tubing O.D. mm Part no.
3.2 KK2P-23H 3.2 KK2S-23H
M5 4 -04H M5 4 -04H
6 -06H 6 -06H
4 KK3P-04H 4 KK3S-04H
6 -06H 6 -06H
1/8 1/8
8 -08H 8 -08H
10 -10H 10 -10H
6 KK4P-06H 6 KK4S-06H
8 -08H 8 -08H
1/4 1/4
10 -10H 10 -10H
12 -12H 12 -12H
12 KK6P-12H 12 KK6S-12H
1/2 1/2
16 -16H 16 -16H
Elbow type with One-touch fitting Elbow type with One-touch fitting
Applicable Applicable
Body size tubing O.D. mm Part no. Body size tubing O.D. mm Part no.
3.2 KK2P-23L 3.2 KK2S-23L
M5 4 -04L M5 4 -04L
6 -06L 6 -06L
4 KK3P-04L 4 KK3S-04L
6 -06L 6 -06L
1/8 1/8
8 -08L 8 -08L
10 -10L 10 -10L
6 KK4P-06L 6 KK4S-06L
8 -08L 8 -08L
1/4 1/4
10 -10L 10 -10L
12 -12L 12 -12L
12 KK6P-12L 12 KK6S-12L
1/2 1/2
16 -16L 16 -16L
Bulkhead type with One-touch fitting Bulkhead type with One-touch fitting
Applicable Applicable
Body size tubing O.D. mm Part no. Body size tubing O.D. mm Part no.
3.2 KK2P-23E 3.2 KK2S-23E
M5 4 -04E M5 4 -04E
6 -06E 6 -06E
4 KK3P-04E 4 KK3S-04E
6 -06E 6 -06E
1/8 1/8
8 -08E 8 -08E
10 -10E 10 -10E
6 KK4P-06E 6 KK4S-06E
8 -08E 8 -08E
1/4 10 -10E 1/4 10 -10E
12 -12E 12 -12E
12 KK6P-12E 12 KK6S-12E
1/2 16 -16E 1/2 16 -16E

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 86

Series KK


Fluid Air, Water (standard industrial water)

Note) KK2: –100 kPa to 1.0 MPa
Operating pressure range KK3: –90 kPa to 1.0 MPa
KK4, 6: 0 to 1.0 MPa
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Series KK2
Air: –5 to 60°C
Ambient and fluid
Water: 5 to 40°C
(with no freezing)
Plating, Sealant Electroless nickel plated (copper-free application), With male thread sealant
Note) Do not use the S couplers with a leakage tester or for vacuum retention because they are not guaranteed
for zero leakage.


Plug and socket connection One-touch connection and release

Check valve Socket: Built-in check valve (standard)
Series KK3, 4, 6 Sleeve lock mechanism Note) Manual locking type (standard)
Note) Series KK2 is not provided with lock mechanism.

JIS symbols Effective Area

Single plug Single socket

Body size Plug Socket Effective area mm2

M5 KK2P-M5M KK2S-M5M 3.8
Connected plug and socket
1/8 KK3P-01MS KK3S-01MS 20
1/4 KK4P-02MS KK4S-02MS 39
1/2 KK6P-04MS KK6S-04MS 82

How to Order

KK 4 S 02 M S
Body size
2 M5 With sealant (male thread)
3 1/8
4 1/4 Connection type
6 1/2 Symbol Type
M Male thread
Socket/Plug designation F Female thread
S Socket N With nut fitting
P Plug H Straight with One-touch fitting
L Elbow with One-touch fitting
E Bulkhead with One-touch fitting

Piping port size variation

Male/Female thread type One-touch fitting type Nut fitting type
Symbol Thread size Symbol Tubing O.D. mm Symbol Hose O.D./I.D. mm
M5 M5 x 0.8 23 ø3.2 50 5/8
01 R,Rc 1/8 04 ø4 60 6/9
02 R,Rc 1/4 06 ø6 65 6.5/10
03 R,Rc 3/8 08 ø8 80 8/12
04 R,Rc 1/2 10 ø10 85 8.5/12.5
06 R,Rc 3/4 12 ø12 110 11/16
16 ø16

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 87

S Couplers Series KK

Flow Characteristics

Air (0 to 1 MPa) Water (0 to 0.4MPa)

0.50 0.007

Series KK2
0.45 Series KK2 (KK2S-M5M + KK2P-M5M)
(KK2S-M5M + KK2P-M5M) 0.006

0.35 0.005
Flow rate (l /min [ANR])

Flow rate (l /min [ANR])




0.15 0.002


0.00 0.000
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)

KK3, 4, 6 KK3, 4, 6
11 0.14

0.13 Series KK6

Series KK6 (KK6S-04MS + KK6P-04MS)
9 (KK6S-04MS + KK6P-04MS)
8 0.10
Flow rate (l /min [ANR])

Flow rate (l /min [ANR])

7 0.09

0.07 Series KK4
5 Series KK4 (KK4S-02MS + KK4P-02MS)
(KK4S-02MS + KK4P-02MS)
4 0.05

3 0.04

1 Series KK3 Series KK3
(KK3S-01MS + KK3P-01MS) (KK3S-01MS + KK3P-01MS)
0 0.00
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 88

Series KK

KK2 q w q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !3 !2


Plug Socket
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Plug body Brass Electroless nickel plated 1 Spacer PBT
2 Gasket Stainless steel, NBR 2 Chuck PBT
3 Sleeve Brass Electroless nickel plated
4 Collar Brass Electroless nickel plated
5 Sleeve spring Stainless steel
6 Plug O-ring NBR
7 Valve seat PBT
8 Valve spring Stainless steel
9 Valve seat O-ring NBR
10 Valve O-ring FKM
11 Valve PBT
12 Socket body Brass Electroless nickel plated
KK3, 4, 6 13 Gasket Stainless steel, NBR
<With One-touch fitting> <With One-touch fitting>

!4 !5 q i u !7 !3 r !6 !1 t y !2 e !0 o w q !5 !4


Plug Socket
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Plug body Brass Electroless nickel plated 1 Socket body Brass Electroless nickel plated
14 Cassette — 2 Valve PBT
15 Seal NBR 3 Valve seat PBT
4 Collar PBT
5 Spacer PBT
6 Lock ring Shock absorbent PBT
7 Sleeve Cold rolled carbon steel sheet Electroless nickel plated
8 Chuck Stainless steel
9 Valve O-ring FKM
10 Valve seat O-ring NBR
11 Plug O-ring NBR
12 Valve spring Stainless steel
13 Sleeve spring Stainless steel
14 Cassette —
15 Seal NBR
16 Collar 2 Stainless steel
17 Sleeve cover Weather resistant NBR
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 89

S Couplers Series KK

Dimensions/Plug (P)

Male thread type (mm)

Body T H Minimum Effective Weight KK2
Model Connection Width L1 L2 A∗ bore
(g) A
male thread across flats (mm2) T

KK2P-M5M M5 x 0.8 7 18.8 15.8 2.5 4.4 2.6

KK2 M5 12.3
-01MS R 1/8 23.2 19.2 3.4 8.1 3.0
KK3P-01MS R 1/8 30.4 26.4 8.4
1/8 -02MS R 1/4 14 33.4 27.4 14.2 H
6.0 22.6 L2
-03MS R 3/8 17 36.9 19.9 30.4 28.1
KK4P-01MS R 1/8 37.0 33.0 17.0
KK3·4·6 -02MS R 1/4 40.2 34.2 20.2
1/4 25.2
-03MS R 3/8 17 42.2 35.7 9.0 50.9 32.5 KK3·4·6
-04MS R 1/2 22 46.2 38.2 57.4 T

KK6P-03MS R 3/8 19 48.0 41.5 11.0 76.0 44.7

1/2 -04MS R 1/2 22 52.0 31.0 44.0 53.7
13.0 106.2
-06MS R 3/4 27 55.0 45.5 94.4
∗ Reference dimension for R threads after installation.
H L2

Female thread type (mm)

Body T H Minimum Effective Weight
Model Connection Width L1 L2 area
size male thread across flats bore (mm2) (g)

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
M5 KK2P-M5F M5 x 0.8 8 17.6 12.3 3.4 8.1 2.6

KK3P-01F Rc 1/8 14 28.3 18.4 10.4
1/8 -02F Rc 1/4 17 35.0 6.0 22.6 20.8
-03F Rc 3/8 19 36.8 23.2
KK4P-02F Rc 1/4 17 37.2 23.9
1/4 25.2 9.0 50.9 H L2
-03F 39.8 24.6
Rc 3/8 19 L1
KK6P-03F 43.3 28.6
1/2 31.0 13.0 106.2
-04F Rc 1/2 24 50.2 43.9

Nut fitting type (for urethane hose with fiber reinforcement) (mm)
H1 H2 Minimum Effective
Body Weight
Model hose Width Width L1 L2 M bore area
size I.D./O.D. (mm) across flats across flats (mm2) (g)
Applicable hose
KK3P-50N 5/8 14 14 36.1 13.7 4.5 12.7 21.4
1/8 -60N 6/9 18.4 5.4 18.3 38.8
17 39.9 16.5 H2 H1
-65N 6.5/10 5.9 21.9 35.9
KK4P-50N 5/8 17 14 43.9 13.7 4.5 12.7 34.7
-60N 6/9 5.4 18.3 48.4
17 46.7 16.5
1/4 -65N 6.5/10 25.2 5.9 21.9 45.1
-80N 8/12 7.4 34.4 53.2
47.6 M L2
-85N 8.5/12.5 7.8 38.2 55.6
19 19 17.4 L1
KK6P-80N 8/12 7.4 34.4 60.5
1/2 -85N 8.5/12.5 31.0 7.8 38.2 62.8
-110N 11/16 24 24 57.2 20.1 10.2 65.4 96.5

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 90

Series KK

Dimensions/Plug (P)

Straight type with One-touch fitting (mm)

Effective area
Body Applicable Minimum (mm2) Weight
size Model tubing øD1 øD2 L1 L2 M bore Urethane Nylon (g)
O.D. (mm)
tubing tubing
KK2P-23H ø3.2 7.0 2.5 3.7 4.4 3.3
20.5 12.7
M5 -04H ø4 10.0 8.0 12.3 3.4 Applicable tubing
3.4 8.1 8.1
-06H ø6 10.0 23.5 13.5 4.0 M
KK3P-04H ø4 12.0 10.0 16.0 3.2 3.9 5.6 7.9
-06H ø6 14.0 12.0 17.0 4.7 10.1 12.8 9.1

1/8 18.4
-08H ø8 16.0 14.0 38.6 18.5 15.7 13.2
6.0 22.6
-10H ø10 19.0 17.0 39.7 21.0 22.6 17.6 L2
KK4P-06H ø6 14.0 12.0 17.0 4.7 10.1 12.8 22.3 L1
-08H ø8 16.0 14.0 46.2 18.5 6.2 19.8 22.6 23.0
1/4 25.2
-10H ø10 19.0 17.0 21.0 7.7 27.6 35.3 27.1
-12H 47.5 9.0 40.2 30.0
ø12 21.0 19.0 22.0 50.9
KK6P-12H 9.2 41.2 44.4
1/2 56.1 31.0
-16H ø16 26.0 25.7 25.0 13.0 — 106.2 50.7

Elbow type with One-touch fitting (mm)

Effective area
Body Applicable Minimum (mm2) Weight
Model tubing øD1 øD2 L1 L2 L3 M
size O.D. (mm)
bore Urethane Nylon (g)
tubing tubing
KK2P-23L ø3.2
9.3 24.0 16.5 12.7 2.5 3.6 4.3 5.8 øD2 Applicable tubing
M5 -04L ø4 12.3
-06L ø6 10.0 11.6 25.1 16.6 13.5 3.4 7.8 7.8 6.4
KK3P-04L ø4 10.4 31.6 18.0 16.0 3.0 3.7 5.3 7.2

-06L ø6 12.8 32.8 20.0 17.0 4.5 10.1 11.4 8.0

1/8 18.4

-08L ø8 12.0 15.2 34.0 23.0 18.5 15.0 16.8 9.7
-10L ø10 17.0 18.5 36.0 26.5 21.0 18.0 18.5 23.0
KK4P-06L ø6 12.8 40.2 20.0 17.0 4.5 10.1 11.4 19.6 L1
-08L ø8 15.2 41.4 25.2 23.0 18.5 6.0 17.5 19.8 21.3
-10L 18.5 42.8 26.5 21.0 7.5 24.7 27.5 25.7
ø10 17.0
-12L 44.0 29.0 29.6 28.0
20.9 28.5 22.0 9.0
KK6P-12L ø12 19.0 49.9 31.0 38.1 39.7 40.3
-16L ø16 21.0 26.5 53.5 34.0 25.0 13.0 — 58.7 48.7

Bulkhead type with One-touch fitting (mm)

H1 H2 Effective area
Applicable (mm2)
Body T Width Width Minimum Weight
Model tubing
Thread across across L1 L2 L3 M
size O.D. (mm) bore Urethane Nylon (g)
flats flats
tubing tubing
KK2P-23E ø3.2 M8 x 0.75 10 2.5 3.7 4.4 6.0 Applicable tubing
10 28.3 12.5 12.7 Mounting plate thickness
M5 -04E ø4 M9 x 0.75 11 12.3 6.6
3.4 8.1 8.1 H2
7mm or less
-06E ø6 M11 x 0.75 28.6 12.7 13.5 9.7 H1
14 14 T
KK3P-04E ø4 M12 x 1 39.3 16.9 16.0 3.2 3.9 5.6 16.6
-06E ø6 M14 x 1 17 40.2 16.8 17.0 4.7 10.1 12.8 22.3
1/8 17 18.4
-08E ø8 M16 x 1 19 43.4 20.0 18.5 15.7 30.2
6.0 22.6
-10E ø10 M20 x 1 22 24 46.4 22.0 21.0 22.6 54.7
KK4P-06E ø6 M14 x 1 17 47.0 16.8 17.0 4.7 10.1 12.8 30.6 L3 L2
-08E ø8 M16 x 1 19 50.2 20.0 18.5 6.2 19.8 22.6 38.2 L1
1/4 25.2
-10E ø10 M20 x 1 22 24 53.2 22.0 21.0 7.7 27.6 35.3 61.4
-12E 54.2 9.0 40.2 75.2
ø12 M22 x 1 24 27 23.0 22.0 50.9
KK6P-12E 60.1 9.2 41.2 86.1
1/2 31.0
-16E ø16 M28 x 1.5 30 32 62.6 24.5 25.0 13.0 — 106.2 125.0

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 91

S Couplers Series KK

Dimensions/Socket (S)
Male thread type (mm)

Body T H L2 A2∗ Effective

Model Width
Connection across øD L1 When A1 ∗ When Minimum area Weight KK2
size male thread flats connected connected
bore (mm2) (g)
KK2 A1 T
KK2S-M5M M5 x 0.8 8 24.7 26.2 23.7 2.5 3.8 6.1
M5 10.0 21.7
-01MS R 1/8 10 25.3 26.8 22.8 4.7 5.8 9.1

KK3S-01MS R 1/8 33.5 36.0 6.0 20.4 20.1
14 37.5 40.0
1/8 -02MS R 1/4 20.2 31.5 34.0 19.2
9.0 21.1
-03MS R 3/8 17 38.7 41.2 32.2 34.5 29.0 L1 H
KK3·4·6 L2
KK4S-01MS R 1/8 50.4 54.1 46.4 50.16.0 22.9 47.5
-02MS R 1/4 19 51.0 54.7 45.0 48.79.0 38.9 44.1
1/4 28.0
-03MS R 3/8 50.0 53.7 43.5 47.2 11.0 40.4 50.9
-04MS R 1/2 22 49.7 53.4 41.7 45.4 13.0 42.7 61.2 A2
KK6S-03MS R 3/8 53.7 59.0 11.0 71.7 87.9 A1 T
1/2 -04MS R 1/2 31.6 60.2 65.5 52.2 57.5 13.0 82.3 90.1
-06MS R 3/4 27 50.7 56.0 15.0 83.8 113.3

∗ Reference dimension for R threads after installation.

L1 H

Female thread type (mm)

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
T H L2 Effective
KK2 Body T
Model Connection Width
across øD L1 When Minimum area Weight

size male thread connected bore (mm2) (g)
M5 KK2S-M5F M5 x 0.8 8 10.0 25.3 26.8 4.2 5.4 6.4

KK3S-01F Rc 1/8 14 36.0 38.5 20.6 23.6
1/8 -02F Rc 1/4 17 20.2 40.1 42.6 8.2 34.4 L1 H
KK3·4·6 -03F Rc 3/8 41.9 44.4 38.8 L2
KK4S-02F Rc 1/4 19 50.4 54.1 10.9 39.6 56.9
1/4 28.0
-03F 51.1 54.8 42.7 46.2 T
Rc 3/8 14.4 KK3·4·6
KK6S-03F 58.6 63.9 83.1 93.6
1/2 24 31.6
-04F Rc 1/2 61.0 66.3 18.0 83.8 87.4

L1 H

Nut fitting type (for urethane hose with fiber reinforcement) (mm)
H1 H2 L2
Minimum Effective
Body Model hose
Width Width
øD L1 When M area Weight
size across across bore (g)
I.D./O.D. (mm) flats flats connected (mm2)
Applicable hose
KK3S-50N 5/8 14 14 42.6 45.1 13.7 4.5 12.2 32.1
1/8 -60N 6/9 20.2 5.4 18.3 48.7
17 17 44.4 46.9 16.5 H1 H2
-65N 6.5/10 5.9 19.2 46.4
KK4S-50N 5/8 14 54.1 57.8 13.7 4.5 12.2 55.8

-60N 6/9 5.4 20.4 69.3

17 56.8 60.5 16.5
1/4 -65N 6.5/10 19 28.0 5.9 24.1 66.8
-80N 8/12 7.4 35.1 68.5 M
55.4 59.1
-85N 8.5/12.5 7.8 71.1 L1
19 17.4 36.6 L2
KK6S-80N 8/12 7.4 107.5
66.0 71.3
1/2 -85N 8.5/12.5 24 31.6 7.8 41.2 110.2
-110N 11/16 24 64.4 69.7 20.1 10.2 68.4 119.8

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 92

Series KK

Dimensions/Socket (S)

Straight type with One-touch fitting (mm)

Effective area
Applicable L2 (mm ) 2
Body Model tubing øD1 øD2 L1 When M Minimum Weight
size bore Urethane Nylon (g)

O.D. (mm) connected Applicable tubing
tubing tubing
KK2 KK2S-23H ø3.2 7.0 33.8 35.3 2.5 3.8 4.6 6.4

M5 -04H ø4 10.0 8.0 33.6 35.1 3.4 4.0 4.8 6.5
-06H ø6 10.0 33.9 35.4 13.5 4.7 5.8 5.8 7.9
KK3S-04H ø4 10.0 46.6 49.1 16.0 3.2 3.8 5.8 22.5 L1
-06H ø6 12.0 47.1 49.6 17.0 4.7 10.4 13.4 24.4 L2
1/8 20.2
-08H ø8 14.0 48.9 51.4 18.5 6.2 16.8 18.9 27.3
-10H ø10 17.0 49.9 52.4 21.0 7.7 19.1 19.1 37.1 KK3·4·6
KK4S-06H ø6 12.0 58.2 61.9 17.0 4.7 10.4 13.4 51.4 Applicable tubing

-08H ø8 14.0 60.1 63.8 18.5 6.2 18.3 21.8 51.3
1/4 28.0

-10H ø10 17.0 61.5 65.2 21.0 7.7 27.0 29.4 54.8
-12H 62.5 66.2 30.5 32.0 59.4
ø12 19.0 22.0 9.2 M
KK6S-12H 70.1 75.4 42.7 48.8 84.1 L1
1/2 31.6
-16H ø16 25.7 72.3 77.6 25.0 13.2 53.4 62.5 99.9 L2

Elbow type with One-touch fitting (mm)

Effective area
Applicable L2 (mm ) 2 øD2
Body Model tubing øD1 øD2 L1 When L3 M Minimum Weight KK2
size O.D. (mm) connected bore Urethane Nylon (g)
KK2 tubing tubing Applicable tubing

KK2S-23L ø3.2

9.3 26.0 27.5 16.5 12.7 2.5 3.7 4.4 6.7
M5 -04L ø4 10.0

-06L ø6 11.6 27.2 28.3 16.6 13.5 4.5 5.6 5.6 7.2
KK3S-04L ø4 10.4 41.7 44.2 18.0 16.0 3.0 3.7 5.3 23.2
-06L ø6 12.8 42.9 45.4 20.0 17.0 4.5 10.1 11.4 24.0
1/8 20.2 L2
-08L ø8 15.2 43.1 45.6 23.0 18.5 6.0 15.0 16.8 25.0
KK3·4·6 -10L ø10 18.5 42.9 45.4 26.5 21.0 7.5 18.0 18.5 34.4 KK3·4·6
KK4S-06L ø6 12.8 54.3 58.0 20.0 17.0 4.5 10.1 11.4 53.5 øD2
-08L ø8 15.2 55.5 59.2 23.0 18.5 6.0 17.5 19.8 53.1 Applicable tubing
1/4 28.0
18.5 54.2 57.9 26.5 21.0 7.5

-10L ø10 24.7 27.5 54.7


-12L 55.4 59.1 9.0 29.0 29.6 57.0

ø12 20.9 28.5 22.0
KK6S-12L 66.3 71.6 38.1 39.7 91.4
1/2 31.6 13.0 L1
-16L ø16 26.5 66.9 72.2 34.0 25.0 50.3 58.7 93.5 L2

Bulkhead type with One-touch fitting (mm)

H1 H2 Effective area Applicable tubing

Body Applicable L2 Minimum (mm2) Weight
T Width Width
Model tubing Thread across across øD L1 When L3 M
bore Urethane Nylon (g)
O.D. (mm) flats flats connected Mounting plate thickness
tubing tubing 7mm or less
KK2 KK2S-23E ø3.2 M8 x 0.75 10 33.8 35.3 2.5 3.8 4.6 9.6 H1 T
10 13.0 12.7
M5 -04E ø4 M9 x 0.75 11 10.0 33.5 35.0 3.4 4.0 4.8 9.1

-06E ø6 M11 x 0.75 14 33.9 35.4 13.1 13.5 4.7 5.8 5.8 12.6
KK3S-04E ø4 M12 x 1 14 46.6 49.1 16.9 16.0 3.2 3.8 5.8 29.0 M
-06E ø6 M14 x 1 17 47.1 49.6 16.8 17.0 4.7 10.4 13.4 39.4
1/8 17 20.2 L1
-08E ø8 M16 x 1 19 49.0 51.5 20.0 18.5 6.2 16.8 18.9 43.4 L2
-10E ø10 M20 x 1 22 24 49.9 52.4 22.0 21.0 7.7 19.1 19.1 68.3
KK4S-06E ø6 M14 x 1 17 58.2 61.9 16.8 17.0 4.7 10.4 13.4 57.2 KK3·4·6 Applicable tubing
-08E ø8 M16 x 1 19 60.1 63.8 20.0 18.5 6.2 18.3 21.8 60.6 Mounting plate thickness H2
1/4 28.0
-10E ø10 M20 x 1 22 24 61.7 65.4 22.0 21.0 7.7 27.0 29.4 86.8 7 mm or less T
-12E 62.7 66.4 23.0 22.0 30.5 32.0 105.7
ø12 M22 x 1 24 27 9.2
KK6S-12E 70.1 75.4 42.7 48.8 116.0

1/2 31.6 24.5 25.0

-16E ø16 M28 x 1.5 30 32 72.5 77.8 13.2 53.4 62.5 183.2
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 93

S Couplers Series KKH

 Able to absorb drop impact (equivalent to impact energy of 0.5 J).

 The pulling strength for the plugs and sockets has been
improved. Twice as strong as the conventional models.
Spacer (High impact PBT) Cover ring
(Super high impact PBT)

Sleeve cover Same effective sectional area

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
(Rubber) as that of Series KK.

Plug (P) Socket (S)
Male thread type Male thread type
Connection Connection
Body size port size Part no. Body size port size Part no.
R 1/8 KK3P-01MS R 1/8 KKH3S-01MS
1/8 R 1/4 -02MS 1/8 R 1/4 -02MS
R 3/8 -03MS R 3/8 -03MS
R 1/8 KK4P-01MS R 1/8 KKH4S-01MS
R 1/4 -02MS R 1/4 -02MS
1/4 1/4
R 3/8 -03MS R 3/8 -03MS
R 1/2 -04MS R 1/2 -04MS

Female thread type Female thread type

Connection Connection
Body size port size Part no. Body size port size Part no.
Rc 1/8 KK3P-01F Rc 1/8 KKH3S-01F
1/8 Rc 1/4 -02F 1/8 Rc 1/4 -02F
Rc 3/8 -03F Rc 3/8 -03F
Rc 1/4 KK4P-02F Rc 1/4 KKH4S-02F
1/4 1/4
Rc 3/8 -03F Rc 3/8 -03F

Nut fitting type (for fiber reinforced urethane hose) Nut fitting type (for fiber reinforced urethane hose)
Applicable hose Applicable hose
Body size I.D./O.D. mm Part no. Body size I.D./O.D. mm Part no.
5/8 KK3P-50N 5/8 KKH3S-50N
1/8 6/9 -60N 1/8 6/9 -60N
6.5/10 -65N 6.5/10 -65N
5/8 KK4P-50N 5/8 KKH4S-50N
6/9 -60N 6/9 -60N
1/4 6.5/10 -65N 1/4 6.5/10 -65N
8/12 -80N 8/12 -80N
8.5/12.5 -85N 8.5/12.5 -85N

Series KKH are only available as sockets.

Series KK should be used as plugs.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 94

Series KKH


Fluid Air/Water (Standard industrial water)

Operating Note) KKH3: –90 kPa to 1.0 MPa
pressure range KKH4: 0 to 1.0 MPa
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Air: –5 to 60°C
Ambient and Water: 5 to 40°C
fluid temperature (with no freezing)
Plating, Seal Electroless nickel plated (Copper-free application), With male thread sealant
Connection plug Series KK plug
Note) Do not use the S couplers with a leak tester or for vacuum retention because they are not guaranteed for zero leakage.

JIS symbol Performance

Single plug Single socket

Plug and socket connection One-touch connection and release

Check valve Socket: Built-in check valve (Standard)
Connected plug and socket
Sleeve lock mechanism ———

Effective Area

Body size Plug Socket Effective area (mm2)

1/8 KK3P-01MS KKH3S-01MS 20
1/4 KK4P-02MS KKH4S-02MS 39

The flow characteristics are the same as those of Series KK.

Please refer to page 87.

How to Order

KKH 4 S 02 M S
Body size With seal (male thread)
3 1/8
4 1/4
Connection type
Symbol Type
Socket/Plug designation M Male thread
S Socket F Female thread
N With nut fitting

Piping port size variations

Male/Female thread type Nut fitting type
Symbol Connection port size Symbol Hose I.D./O.D. (mm)
01 R, Rc 1/8 50 5/8
02 R, Rc 1/4 60 6/9
03 R, Rc 3/8 65 6.5/10
04 R, Rc 1/2 80 8/12
85 8.5/12.5

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 95

S Couplers Series KKH

Dimensions: Socket (S)

Male thread type (mm)

Body T H L2 A2∗ Min. Effective Weight

size Model Connection Width D L1 When A1∗ When bore area
port size across flats connected connected size (mm2) A1 T
KKH3S-01MS R 1/8 33.5 36.0 6.0 20.4 20.3
14 37.5 40.0

1/8 -02MS R 1/4 20.2 31.5 34.0 9.0 19.4
-03MS R 3/8 17 38.7 41.2 32.2 34.5 9.0 27.7
L1 H
KKH4S-01MS R 1/8 50.4 54.1 46.4 50.1 6.0 22.9 48.7
-02MS R 1/4 19 51.0 54.7 45.0 48.7 9.0 38.9 45.3
1/4 28.0
-03MS R 3/8 50.0 53.7 43.5 47.2 11.0 40.4 52.1
-04MS R 1/2 22 49.7 53.4 41.7 45.4 13.0 42.7 62.4
∗ Reference dimension for R threads after installation.

Female thread type (mm)

Body T H L2 Min. Effective Weight

size Model Connection Width D L1 When bore area
port size across flats connected size (mm2)
KKH3S-01F Rc 1/8 14 36.0 38.5 20.6 23.8

1/8 -02F Rc 1/4 17 20.2 40.1 42.4 8.2 33.1
-03F Rc 3/8 19 41.9 44.3 37.1 H
KKH4S-02F Rc 1/4 50.4 54.1 10.9 39.6 58.1 L2
1/4 19 28.0
-03F Rc 3/8 51.1 54.8 14.4 42.7 47.4

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Nut fitting type (for fiber reinforced urethane hose) (mm)

Applicable H1 H2 L2 Min. Effective
Model hose Width Width D L1 When M bore area
size I.D./O.D. mm across flats across flats connected size (mm2) (g) Applicable hose
KKH3S-50N 5/8 14 14 42.6 45.1 13.7 4.5 12.2 32.3 H1 H2

1/8 -60N 6/9 20.2 5.4 18.3 48.9

17 17 44.4 46.9 16.5
-65N 6.5/10 5.9 19.2 46.6

KKH4S-50N 5/8 14 54.1 57.8 13.7 4.5 12.2 57.0

-60N 6/9 5.4 20.4 70.5 M
17 56.8 60.5 16.5 L1
1/4 -65N 6.5/10 19 28.0 5.9 24.1 68.0 L2
-80N 8/12 7.4 35.1 69.7
19 55.4 59.1 17.4
-85N 8.5/12.5 7.8 36.6 72.3

Series KKH are only available as sockets. Series KK should be used as plugs. For dimensions, please refer to page 89.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 96

Series KKA

Stainless steel type

Port sizes 1 to 1 1/2 are added.

 Body material: Stainless steel 304

Seal material: Fluoro rubber (FKM)
 Both plug and socket have an integral check valve.
Available with and without check valves depending on the operating conditions. Series KKA7, 8, 9

 Reduces liquid dripping when the plug and socket are uncoupled.
Liquid dripping: 0.02 to 0.77 cm3 at each removal
Aeration: 0.1 to 2.7 cm3 at each removal

Plug valve Socket valve

 Non-greased specifications (standard)

Allows smooth installation and removal even without grease.
• O-ring: Fluorine coated
• Sliding parts of plug and socket: Plated with fluorine-contained material

 Fluid: Water, Air

 Operating temperature range: –5 to 100°C

Note) Do not use S couplers with steam.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 97

S Couplers Series KKA

Plug (P) Socket (S)

Male thread type Male thread type

Body Part no. Body Part no.
Port size Port size
size With check valve Without check valve size With check valve Without check valve
R 1/8 KKA3P-01M KKA3P-01M-1 R 1/8 KKA3S-01M KKA3S-01M-1
1/8 R 1/4 -02M -02M-1 1/8 R 1/4 -02M -02M-1
R 3/8 -03M -03M-1 R 3/8 -03M -03M-1
R 1/4 KKA4P-02M KKA4P-02M-1 R 1/4 KKA4S-02M KKA4S-02M-1
1/4 R 3/8 -03M -03M-1 1/4 R 3/8 -03M -03M-1
R 1/2 -04M -04M-1 R 1/2 -04M -04M-1
R 3/8 KKA6P-03M KKA6P-03M-1 R 3/8 KKA6S-03M KKA6S-03M-1
With check valve 1/2 R 1/2 -04M -04M-1 1/2 R 1/2 -04M -04M-1
R 3/4 -06M -06M-1 R 3/4 -06M -06M-1
R 1/2 KKA7P-04M — R 1/2 KKA7S-04M —
3/4 R 3/4 -06M — 3/4 R 3/4 -06M —
R1 -10M — R1 -10M —
R 3/4 KKA8P-06M — R 3/4 KKA8S-06M —
Without check valve 1 R1 -10M — 1 R1 -10M —
R1 1/4 -12M — R 1 1/4 -12M —
R1 KKA9P-10M — R1 KKA9S-10M —
1 1/4 R1 1/4 -12M — 1 1/4 R 1 1/4 -12M —
R1 1/2 -14M — R 1 1/2 -14M —

Female thread type Female thread type

Body Part no. Body Part no.
Port size Port size

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
size With check valve Without check valve size With check valve Without check valve
Rc 1/8 KKA3P-01F KKA3P-01F-1 Rc 1/8 KKA3S-01F KKA3S-01F-1

1/8 Rc 1/4 -02F -02F-1 1/8 Rc 1/4 -02F -02F-1
Rc 3/8 -03F -03F-1 Rc 3/8 -03F -03F-1
Rc 1/4 KKA4P-02F KKA4P-02F-1 Rc 1/4 KKA4S-02F KKA4S-02F-1
1/4 Rc 3/8 -03F -03F-1 1/4 Rc 3/8 -03F -03F-1
Rc 1/2 -04F -04F-1 Rc 1/2 -04F -04F-1
Rc 3/8 KKA6P-03F KKA6P-03F-1 Rc 3/8 KKA6S-03F KKA6S-03F-1
With check valve 1/2 Rc 1/2 -04F -04F-1 1/2 Rc 1/2 -04F -04F-1
Rc 3/4 -06F -06F-1 Rc 3/4 -06F -06F-1
Rc 1/2 KKA7P-04F — Rc 1/2 KKA7S-04F —
3/4 Rc 3/4 -06F — 3/4 Rc 3/4 -06F —
Rc 1 -10F — Rc 1 -10F —
Rc 3/4 KKA8P-06F — Rc 3/4 KKA8S-06F —
1 Rc 1 -10F — 1 Rc 1 -10F —
Without check valve Rc 1 1/4 -12F — Rc 1 1/4 -12F —
Rc 1 KKA9P-10F — Rc 1 KKA9S-10F —
1 1/4 Rc 1 1/4 -12F — 1 1/4 Rc 1 1/4 -12F —
Rc 1 1/2 -14F — Rc 1 1/2 -14F —

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 98

Series KKA
Stainless Steel Type

Fluid Water/Air
Operating Note) KKA3: –100 kPa to 1.0 MPa
pressure range KKA4, 6, 7, 8, 9: 0 to 1.0 MPa
Proof pressure 10 MPa
Ambient and –5 to 150°C (No freezing)
fluid temperature Note) Do not use with steam.
Non-greased No grease is used.
JIS symbol Rubber: Fluorine coated,
specification Metal sliding parts: Plated with fluorine-contained material
Single plug Single socket
Material Metal part: Stainless steel 304, Rubber material: Fluoro rubber (FKM)
check valve Seal With male thread seal
Note) Do not use the S couplers with a leak tester or for vacuum retention because they are not guaranteed for zero leakage.
check valve
Connected plug and socket

Check valve Plug and socket connection One-touch connection and release
on both sides: Check valve Plug and socket are available with and without check valves.
Check valve Note) Series KKA cannot be connected with Series KK or Series KKH.
on single side:

No check valve Effective Area

on either side:
Built-in check valve Plug Socket Effective area (mm2)
Characteristics with Check Valve on Both Sides KKA3P-01F KKA3S-01F 17.4
KKA4P-02F KKA4S-02F 26.4
Liquid dripping Aeration
Body size cm3 at each removal cm3 at each removal Plug: With check valve KKA6P-04F KKA6S-04F 54.2
KKA3 0.02 0.1 Socket: With check valve KKA7P-06F KKA7S-06F 99.6
KKA4 0.04 0.1 KKA8P-10F KKA8S-10F 168.3
KKA6 0.06 0.2 KKA9P-12F KKA9S-12F 332.1
KKA7 0.14 0.5 KKA3P-01M-1 KKA3S-01M 18.5
Plug: Without check valve
KKA8 0.27 0.9 Socket: With check valve KKA4P-02M-1 KKA4S-02M 31.8
KKA9 0.77 2.7 KKA6P-04M-1 KKA6S-04M 55.3
Liquid dripping: KKA3P-01M-1 KKA3S-01M-1 22.6
Plug: Without check valve
Volume of water leakage at the time when the plug and KKA4P-02M-1 KKA4S-02M-1 40.2
socket are uncoupled. Socket: Without check valve
KKA6P-04M-1 KKA6S-04M-1 76.0
Volume of external air entrained when the plug and
socket are connected.

How to Order

KKA 4 P 02 M -1
Body size Built-in check valve
3 1/8 Socket/Plug designation Nil With check valve
4 1/4 P Plug -1 Without check valve Note)
6 1/2 S Socket Port size Note) KKA7/8/9 is not available without a
7 3/4 Symbol Thread size check valve.
8 1 01 R, Rc 1/8 Contact us when such a type is
9 1 1/4 02 R, Rc 1/4
03 R, Rc 3/8
Connection type
Plug Socket Availability 04 R, Rc 1/2
Symbol Type
Yes Yes  06 R, Rc 3/4
No Yes  10 R, Rc 1 M Mail thread (with seal)
check valve No No  12 R, Rc 1 1/4 F Female thread
Yes No  14 R, Rc 1 1/2
Note) A plug with check valve should be used in combination
with a socket with check valve.
If a socket without check valve is used, the check
valve of the plug will not open.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 99

S Couplers Series KKA

Flow Characteristics

Plug: With check valve Socket: With check valve Plug: With check valve Socket: With check valve
10 50

9 45 Series KKA9
Series KKA6 (KKA9P-12F+KKA9S-12F)
8 (KKA6P-04F+KKA6S-04F) 40
Flow rate m3/min (ANR)

Flow rate m3/min (ANR)

7 35

6 30
Series KKA8
5 25 (KKA8P-10F+KKA8S-10F)
Series KKA4
4 20
3 15

2 10

1 Series KKA3 5 Series KKA7

(KKA3P-01F+KKA3S-01F) (KKA7P-06F+KKA7S-06F)
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)

Plug: Without check valve Socket: With check valve Plug: Without check valve Socket: Without check valve
10 10

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
9 9 Series KKA6
8 8

Series KKA6
Flow rate m3/min (ANR)

Flow rate m3/min (ANR)

7 (KKA6P-04M-1+KKA6S-04M) 7
Series KKA4
6 6
5 Series KKA4 5
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 Series KKA3 1 Series KKA3

(KKA3P-01M-1+KKA3S-01M) (KKA3P-01M-1+KKA3S-01M-1)
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)

Pressure Loss

Plug: With check valve Socket: With check valve Plug: With check valve Socket: With check valve
0.2 0.2
Series KKA3 Series KKA8
0.175 (KKA3P-01F+KKA3S-01F) 0.175 (KKA8P-10F+KKA8S-10F)

0.15 0.15
Series KKA7
Pressure loss (MPa)

Pressure loss (MPa)

Series KKA4
0.125 (KKA4P-02F+KKA4S-02F) 0.125 (KKA7P-06F+KKA7S-06F)

0.1 0.1

0.075 0.075
Series KKA9
0.05 0.05

0.025 Series KKA6 0.025

0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
3 3
Flow rate (m /min) Flow rate (m /min)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 100

Series KKA


t w q y e r u !3 !2 y r !0 !1 t o q i e w

Plug Socket

Plug Socket
No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note
1 Stem Stainless steel Plated with fluorine-contained material 1 Body Stainless steel Plated with fluorine-contained material
2 Rear stem Stainless steel 2 Rear body Stainless steel
3 Plug valve Stainless steel 3 Socket valve Stainless steel
4 Valve O-ring FKM Fluorine coated 4 Collar Stainless steel Plated with fluorine-contained material
5 Stem O-ring FKM Fluorine coated 5 Sleeve Stainless steel Plated with fluorine-contained material
6 Plug valve spring Stainless steel 6 Valve O-ring FKM Fluorine coated
7 Plug O-ring FKM Fluorine coated
8 Body O-ring FKM Fluorine coated
9 Collar seal FKM Fluorine coated
10 Collar spring Stainless steel
11 Sleeve spring Stainless steel
12 Steel ball Stainless steel
13 Stopper ring Stainless steel

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 101

S Couplers Series KKA

Dimensions: Plug (P)

With check valve
Male thread type (mm)
Body T H Min. Effective
Model Connection Width L1 L2 A bore area Weight
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g)
KKA3P-01M R 1/8 35.4 31.4 15.4
1/8 -02M R 1/4 38.4 16.0 32.4 5.6 17.4 19.8
-03M R 3/8 39.4 32.9 32.9
KKA4P-02M R 1/4 17 42.2 36.2 28.3
1/4 -03M R 3/8 43.2 18.9 36.7 6.9 26.4 36.6
-04M R 1/2 22 46.2 38.2 65.9
KKA6P-03M R 3/8 47.1 40.6 60.3
1/2 -04M R 1/2 47.9 20.4 39.9 10.0 54.2 69.2
-06M R 3/4 30 49.9 40.4 119.0
KKA7P-04M R 1/2 66.3 58.1 173.9
3/4 -06M R 3/4 69.4 27.6 59.9 13.5 99.6 209.6 H L2
-10M R1 36 69.9 59.5 275.0 L1
KKA8P-06M R 3/4 82.9 73.4 362.8
1 -10M R1 85.4 35.6 75.0 17.5 168.3 403.9
-12M R 1 1/4 46 85.4 72.7 538.6
KKA9P-10M R1 109.5 99.1 22.0 264.9 824.1
1 1/4 -12M R 1 1/4 55 109.0 49.1 96.3 861.4
24.6 332.1
-14M R 1 1/2 109.0 96.3 936.3

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Female thread type (mm)

Body T H Min. Effective
Model L1 L2 bore area Weight
Connection Width
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g)
KKA3P-01F Rc 1/8 14 36.0 20.2
1/8 -02F Rc 1/4 17 39.6 16.0 5.6 17.4 31.8
-03F Rc 3/8 19 40.4 35.8
KKA4P-02F Rc 1/4 17 43.4 36.1
1/4 -03F Rc 3/8 19 44.4 18.9 6.9 26.4 40.2
-04F Rc 1/2 48.6 69.7
KKA6P-03F Rc 3/8 24 48.7 84.1
1/2 -04F Rc 1/2 52.9 20.4 10.0 54.2 79.7
-06F Rc 3/4 30 54.6 123.8
KKA7P-04F Rc 1/2 67.7 217.1
3/4 -06F Rc 3/4 69.4 27.6 13.5 99.6 196.8 H L2
-10F Rc 1 72.4 325.9 L1
KKA8P-06F Rc 3/4 41 82.0 420.5
1 -10F Rc 1 85.0 35.6 17.5 168.3 391.3
-12F Rc 1 1/4 50 87.3 552.8
KKA9P-10F Rc 1 107.8 986.9
1 1/4 -12F Rc 1 1/4 55 110.1 49.1 24.6 332.1 925.6
-14F Rc 1 1/2 110.1 848.2

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 102

Series KKA

Dimensions: Socket (S)

With check valve
Male thread type (mm)

Body T H Min. Effective Weight

Model Connection Width øD L A bore area
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g)
KKA3S-01M R 1/8 38.1 34.1 38.5
1/8 -02M R 1/4 17 18.5 41.1 35.1 5.9 18.5 41.8
-03M R 3/8 42.1 35.6 46.3
KKA4S-02M R 1/4 46.0 40.0 76.8
1/4 -03M R 3/8 22 24.2 47.0 40.5 7.7 31.8 78.5
-04M R 1/2 50.0 42.0 86.6
KKA6S-03M R 3/8 51.4 44.9 149.1

1/2 -04M R 1/2 30 30.7 54.4 46.4 10.2 55.3 160.4
-06M R 3/4 56.4 46.9 184.8
KKA7S-04M R 1/2 76.3 68.1 426.1
3/4 -06M R 3/4 36 42.5 79.3 69.8 13.6 101.5 457.8 H

-10M R1 82.8 72.4 514.0 L

KKA8S-06M R 3/4 94.9 85.4 873.5
1 -10M R1 46 55 98.4 88.0 17.6 169.9 931.1
-12M R 1 1/4 100.4 87.7 1012.9
KKA9S-10M R1 125.5 115.1 22.0 264.9 1680.7
1 1/4 -12M R 1 1/4 63 69 127.5 114.8 1758.1
25.1 344.9
-14M R 1 1/2 127.5 114.8 1819.4

Female thread type (mm)

Body T H Min. Effective Weight
Model Connection Width øD L bore area
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g)
KKA3S-01F Rc 1/8 37.6 46.9
1/8 -02F Rc 1/4 18.5 41.2 5.9 18.5 47.2
-03F Rc 3/8 19 43.1 52.3
KKA4S-02F Rc 1/4 46.1 97.1
1/4 -03F Rc 3/8 24.2 46.9 7.7 31.8 91.1
-04F Rc 1/2 T
24 52.3 104.3
KKA6S-03F Rc 3/8 50.5 189.6

1/2 -04F Rc 1/2 30 30.7 56.2 10.2 55.3 202.0

-06F Rc 3/4 57.9 180.6
KKA7S-04F Rc 1/2 75.1 477.2
36 H
3/4 -06F Rc 3/4 42.5 76.5 13.6 101.5 457.4
-10F Rc 1 41 82.3 550.9 L
KKA8S-06F Rc 3/4 90.9 935.2
1 -10F Rc 1 55 93.9 17.6 169.9 914.7
-12F Rc 1 1/4 50 99.2 1002.1
KKA9S-10F Rc 1 121.8 1919.1
1 1/4 -12F Rc 1 1/4 63 69 121.8 25.1 344.9 1810.0
-14F Rc 1 1/2 121.8 1732.6

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 103

S Couplers Series KKA

Dimensions: Plug (P)

Without check valve
Male thread type (mm)
Body T H Min. Effective
Model Connection Width L1 L2 A bore area Weight
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g)
KKA3P-01M-1 R 1/8 12 28.5 24.5 9.8 T A
1/8 -02M-1 R 1/4 14 31.5 16.0 25.5 6.0 22.6 14.6
-03M-1 R 3/8 32.5 26.0 23.6
KKA4P-02M-1 R 1/4 17 34.4 28.4 21.0
1/4 -03M-1 R 3/8 35.4 18.9 28.9 8.0 40.2 27.9
-04M-1 R 1/2 39.4 31.4 50.2
KKA6P-03M-1 H L2
R 3/8 22 37.9 31.4 41.9
1/2 -04M-1 R 1/2 40.9 20.4 32.9 11.0 76.0 56.0
-06M-1 R 3/4 30 42.9 33.4 98.7
Female thread type (mm)
Body T H Min. Effective
Model Connection Width L1 L2 bore area Weight
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g)
KKA3P-01F-1 Rc 1/8 14 23.2 9.6
1/8 -02F-1 Rc 1/4 17 30.3 16.0 6.0 22.6 20.2 T
-03F-1 Rc 3/8 19 32.0 26.2
KKA4P-02F-1 Rc 1/4 17 29.7 20.0
1/4 -03F-1 Rc 3/8 19 34.0 18.9 8.0 40.2 25.8
-04F-1 Rc 1/2 24 39.4 46.1

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
KKA6P-03F-1 H L2
Rc 3/8 22 30.9 34.3
1/2 -04F-1 Rc 1/2 24 39.6 20.4 11.0 76.0 50.0

-06F-1 Rc 3/4 30 42.8 78.6

Dimensions: Socket (S)

Without check valve
Male thread type (mm)
T H Min. Effective
Body Model øD L A bore area Weight
Connection Width
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g) A T
KKA3S-01M-1 R 1/8 38.1 34.1 36.1
1/8 -02M-1 R 1/4 17 18.5 41.1 35.1 6.1 23.4 39.4
-03M-1 R 3/8 42.1 35.6 43.9

KKA4S-02M-1 R 1/4 46.0 40.0 71.9

1/4 -03M-1 R 3/8 22 24.2 47.0 40.5 8.1 41.2 73.6
-04M-1 R 1/2 50.0 42.0 81.7 H
KKA6S-03M-1 R 3/8 51.4 44.9 138.3 L
1/2 -04M-1 R 1/2 30 30.7 54.4 46.4 11.4 81.6 149.6
-06M-1 R 3/4 56.4 46.9 174.0
Female thread type (mm)
Body T H Min. Effective
Model Connection Width øD L bore area Weight
size port size across flats size (mm2) (g)
KKA3S-01F-1 Rc 1/8 37.6 44.5 T
1/8 -02F-1 Rc 1/4 18.5 41.2 6.1 23.4 44.8
-03F-1 Rc 3/8 19 43.1 49.9

KKA4S-02F-1 Rc 1/4 46.1 92.2

1/4 -03F-1 Rc 3/8 24.2 46.9 8.1 41.2 86.2
-04F-1 Rc 1/2 24 52.3 99.4 H
KKA6S-03F-1 Rc 3/8 50.5 178.8 L
1/2 -04F-1 Rc 1/2 30 30.7 56.2 11.4 81.6 191.2
-06F-1 Rc 3/4 57.9 169.8

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 104

Flame Resistant (Equivalent to UL-94 Standard V-0)

Series TRB
FR Double Layer Tubing Air Leakage

For general air pressure How to Order

and water piping in
environments with sparks TRB 10 75 B 100
from spot welding, etc.
Roll length
Double layer construction Inner tube O.D. Symbol Length
20 20 m roll
using flame resistant resin Inner tube I.D. 100 100 m reel
for the outer layer.
(equivalent to UL-94 Standard V-0) Color
Symbol Color
B Black
W White
R Red
BU Blue
Y Yellow
G Green

Inner tube
Soft nylon
Series - 20m roll
- 100m reel
Outer layer Tube size
Metric size
Model TRBU0604 TRBU0805 TRBU1065 TRBU1208
Sectional view of FR double layer tube Inner tube O.D. (mm) 6 8 10 12
Inner tube I.D. (mm) 4 5 6.5 8
Burst Pressure Characteristics Outer layer thickness (mm) 1 1 1 1
Curve and Operating Pressure
Outer layer color Note 1)

Black (B)
White (W)
Red (R)
rst Blue (BU)
su Yellow (Y)
Burst pressure (MPa)

Bu re
rst (T
pre RB Green (G)
ssu 06
re 04
(ex )
Maximum operating pressure
(TRB0604) Fluid Air, Water Note 2)
Maximum operating pressure Maximum operating Note 3)
(except TRB0604) pressure (at 20°C) 1.0MPa
Burst pressure Refer to burst pressure characteristics curve.
Minimum bending Note 4)
Operating temperature (°C) radius (mm) 15 28 35 45
Operating Temperature –20 to 60°C, For water: 0 to 60°C (with no freezing)
Inner tube Nylon 12
Outer layer PVC (equivalent to UL-94 standard V-0)
Note 1) The color of all inner tubes is black.
Note 2) Can be used with general industrial water. Contact SMC if used with other fluids. Also keep surge
pressure at or below the maximum operating pressure.
Note 3) In the case of other temperatures, refer to the burst pressure characteristics curve. In addition,
operate so that abnormal temperature increase due to adiabatic compression does not occur.
Note 4) Indicates the bending value when the outside diameter rate of change is 10% or less at a
temperature of 20°C.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 105

Flame Resistant (Equivalent to UL-94 Standard V-0)

Series TRBU
FR Double Layer Tubing Air Leakage

For general air pressure How to Order

and water piping in
environments with sparks TRBU 10 75 B 100
from spot welding, etc.
Roll length
Double layer construction Inner tube O.D. Symbol Length
using flame resistant resin Inner tube I.D.
20 20 m roll
100 100 m reel
for the outer layer.
(equivalent to UL-94 Standard V-0) Color
Symbol Color
B Black
W White
R Red
BU Blue
Y Yellow
G Green

Inner tube

Outer layer
Series - 20m roll
- 100m reel
Tube size
Metric size

Air Preparation Equipment

Sectional view of FR double layer tube

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Model TRBU0604 TRBU0805 TRBU1065 TRBU1208
Inner tube O.D. (mm) 6 8 10 12

Burst Pressure Characteristics Inner tube I.D. (mm) 4 5 6.5 8
Curve and Operating Pressure Outer layer thickness (mm) 1 1 1 1
Outer layer color Note 1)

Black (B)
White (W)
Red (R)
Burst pressure (MPa)


Bu Blue (BU)
3.0 pre Yellow (Y)
Green (G)

1.0 Burst pre

0 Fluid Air, Water Note 2)
-20 0 20 40 60
Maximum operating Note 3)
Operating temperature (°C) pressure (at 20°C) 0.8 MPa
Burst pressure Refer to burst pressure characteristics curve.
Minimum bending Note 4)
radius (mm) 15 20 27 35
Operating Temperature –20 to 60°C, For water: 0 to 40°C (with no freezing)
Inner tube Polyurethane
Outer layer PVC (equivalent to UL-94 standard V-0)
Note 1) The color of all inner tubes is black.
Note 2) Can be used with general industrial water. Contact SMC if used with other fluids. Also keep surge
pressure at or below the maximum operating pressure.
Note 3) In the case of other temperatures, refer to the burst pressure characteristics curve. In addition,
operate so that abnormal temperature increase due to adiabatic compression does not occur.
Note 4) Indicates the bending value when the outside diameter rate of change is 10% or less at a
temperature of 20°C.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 106

Double Layer Tubing Stripper

Series TKS Air Leakage

Allows easy stripping of the outer

layer from double layer tubing.
Able to strip without damaging the inner tube
The outer layer can be stripped without damaging the inner tube Caution
Do not use to strip covering
because a pawl is inserted between the inner tube and outer layer. materials from electrical wires, etc.

Tubing guide
Outer layer
Adjustment of cutter and
Inner tube
stripping length is unnecessary
A constant stripping length is always possible
due to the fixed cutter with angle that cuts until
the tubing reaches the end surface inside the
Pawl stripper.

Removal of stripped tubing is unnecessary

Since the stripped tubing is discharged to the
Can be attached to tools outside, no additional labor is required to remove it.
Stripping work can be automated by attaching
to an air driver, etc. Window

Socket adapter

• Even double layer polyurethane tubing

(series TRBU) which is highly adhesive
to the outer layer can be stripped

Dimensions mm Weight
Model Tip Applicable tubing∗
color D1 D2 L g
TKS-06 Orange TRB0604, TRBU0604 16
58 45


TKS-08 Yellow TRB0806, TRBU0805 18

TKS-10 Blue TRB1075, TRBU1065 20
62 50
TKS-12 Green TRB1209, TRBU1208 22
∗ Inner tube material: TRB for Nylon, TRBU for Polyurethane
9.7 L

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 107

Polyurethane Coil Tubing Air Blow

Series TCU Air Tool

Compact piping possible Specifications

0425B-1 0425B-2 0425B-3 0604B-1 0604B-2 0604B-3 0805B-1
Number of tubes 1 tube 2 tubes 3 tubes 1 tube 2 tubes 3 tubes 1 tube
Tube O.D. mm 4 6 8
Tube I.D. mm 2.5 4 5
Fluid Air
Max. operating pressure (at 20°C) Note 2) 0.8 MPa
Burst pressure Refer to the burst pressure characteristics curve.
Operating temperature –20 to 60°C
Burst Pressure Characteristics Material Polyurethane
Color Black
Curve and Operating Pressure
Note 1) Consult SMC if used with other than air fluids.
Note 2) For other temperatures, refer to the burst pressure characteristics curve. In addition, operate so that
abnormal temperature increase due to adiabatic compression does not occur.

Coil Tubing
Burst pressure (MPa)

O.D. I.D. Color No. of tubes Max. operating length m Model
Black (B) 1 TCU0425B-1
4 2.5 Black (B) 2 TCU0425B-2
Max. ope
rating pre Black (B) 3 1 TCU0425B-3
Black (B) 1 2 TCU0604B-1
6 4

Air Preparation Equipment

Black (B) 1.5 TCU0604B-2

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Black (B) 3 1 TCU0604B-3

Operating temperature (°C) 8 5 Black (B) 1 2 TCU0805B-1

Tube Cutter
Series TK Air Leakage

TK-1 Applicable tube O.D.: 13 mm or less TK-2 Applicable tube O.D.: 18 mm or less TK-3 (Simplified type)
Applicable tube O.D.: 12 mm or less

Note) Do not use the cutter to cut metal

such as electrical wires.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 108

Regulator Air Blow

Series AR10 to 60 Air Tool

How to Order

AR 30 F 03 BE 1N
Regulator Symbol Description Applicable model
Body size 1 (2) 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting AR10 to 60
N Non-relieving AR10 to 60
10 20 25 30 40 50 60 R Flow direction: Right  Left AR10 to 60
Y Upward handle AR10 to 60
AR20 Thread type Z (3) Name plate and pressure gauge in imperial units (PSI, °F) AR10 to 60
Metric thread (M5) ∗ When more than one specification is required, indicate in ascending
Nil alphanumeric order.
Note 2) The only difference from the standard specifications is the adjusting spring
N NPT for the regulator. It does not restrict the setting of 0.2 MPa or more.
F G Note 3) For M5 and NPT thread types.Note2) This product is for overseas use only according
Port size to the new Measurement Law. (The SI unit type is provided for use in Japan.)
Port Body size
Symbol Accessory Note 1)
size 10 20 25 30 40 50 60
M5  — — — — — — Symbol Description Applicable model
01 1/8 —  — — — — — Nil — —
02 1/4 —     — — B With bracket AR10 to 60
03 3/8 — —    — — E With square embedded type pressure gauge (With limit indicator) AR20 to 60
04 1/2 — — — —  — — With round pressure gauge (Without limit indicator) AR10
AR40 06 3/4 — — — —   — With round pressure gauge (With limit indicator) AR20 to 60
10 1 — — — — —   H With set nut (For panel mount) AR10 to 40
Note 1) Optional parts are not assembled and are supplied loose at the time
of shipment (except option E).
Accessory/Optional Specifications : Combination available : Combination not available
Combinations : Varies depending on the model : Available only with NPT thread
Combination Accessory Optional specifications Applicable regulator
JIS symbol Symbol
Accessory/Optional specifications B E G H 1 N R Y Z AR10 AR20~40 AR50~60
With bracket (With set nut) B

Square embedded type pressure gauge E

Round pressure gauge G
With set nut (For panel mount) H
0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting -1

Non-relieving type -N

Flow direction: Right  Left -R

Upward handle -Y
Standard Name plate and pressure gauge
in imperial units (PSI, °F) -Z
Model AR10 AR20 AR25 AR30 AR40 AR40-06 AR50 AR60
Port size M5 x 0.8 1/8, 1/4 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 3/4 3/4, 1 1
Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Set pressure range 0.05 to 0.7 MPa 0.05 to 0.85 MPa
Pressure gauge port size (1) 1/16 (2) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Relief pressure Set pressure + 0.05 MPa (3) (at relief flow rate of 0.1 l/min (ANR))
Ambient and fluid temperature –5 to 60°C (With no freezing)
Construction Relieving type
Weight (kg) 0.06 0.26 0.21 0.29 0.44 0.47 1.17 1.22
Note 1) Pressure gauge connection threads are not required for regulator with a square embedded type pressure gauge (AR20 to AR60).
Note 2) Use a bushing (part no: 131368) when connecting the R 1/8 pressure gauge to the R 1/16 gauge port.
Note 3) Except AR10.

Accessory Part No.

Applicable model
AR10 AR20 AR25 AR30 AR40 AR40-06 AR50 AR60
Bracket assembly (1) AR10P-270AS AR20P-270AS AR25P-270AS AR30P-270AS AR40P-270AS AR40P-270AS AR50P-270AS AR50P-270AS(5)
(6) (6)
Set nut AR10P-260S AR20P-260S AR25P-260S AR30P-260S AR40P-260S AR40P-260S — —
Round type G27-10-R1 G36-10-01 G36-10-01 G36-10-01 G46-10-02 G46-10-02 G46-10-02 G46-10-02
1 MPa Square (4)
Pressure (2) embedded type — GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS
gauge Round type G27-10-R1
G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02
0.2 MPa Square (4)
embedded type — GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS
Note 1) Assembly includes a bracket and set nuts.
Note 2)  in part numbers for a round pressure gauge indicates a type of connection thread. No indication is necessary for R; however, indicate N for NPT.
Please contact SMC regarding the connection thread NPT and pressure gauge supply for PSI unit specifications.
Note 3) For 1.0 MPa. Note 5) Assembly includes a bracket and 2 mounting screws.
Note 4) Includes one O-ring and 2 mounting screws. Note 6) Please contact SMC regarding the set nuts for AR50 and AR60.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 109

Pilot Operated Regulator Air Blow

Series AR425 to 935 Air Tool

Standard Specifications
Model AR425 AR435 AR625 AR635 AR825 AR835 AR925 AR935

Port size 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 3/4, 1 11 4, 11 2 2

Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Max. operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Set pressure range (MPa) (1) 0.05 to 0.83 0.02 to 0.2 0.05 to 0.83 0.02 to 0.2 0.05 to 0.83 0.02 to 0.2 0.05 to 0.83 0.02 to 0.2
Air consumption (for bleed hole) (2) 5 l/min (ANR) (at maximum pressure)
Pressure gauge port size 1 4

Ambient and fluid temperature –5 to 60°C (No freezing)

Construction Internal pilot relieving type (Pilot air is always bleeding.)
Weight (kg) 0.7 1.1 2.5 4.5
Note 1) Outlet pressure range: P2 is 90% of P1 or less.
Note 2) Air consumption differs depending on the set pressure.

Accessory (Option)/Part No.

Part no.
Description Model AR45 AR65 AR85 AR95
Bracket B24P B25P — —
Pressure gauge with limit indicator G46-10-02 (Max. 1.0 MPa), G46-2-02 (Max. 0.2 MPa)
Note 1) • In the gauge part no. (e.g. G46-10-02), l indicate kind of the connecting thread. Put nothing for Rc and “N” for NPT thread.

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
• Please consult with SMC for NPT pressure gauge.

How to Order

Internal pilot operated

relieving type regulator AR 4 25 02 BG R
Nil None
Regulator Flow direction:
R Right  Left
Body size
4 12
6 1 Accessory
8 11 2 Symbol Description Applicable model
9 2 Nil
Port size B With bracket AR45 to 65
1 4

Regulating 02 G46-10-02 AR25

3 8 G
pressure range 03 G46-2-02 AR35
04 1 2
25 0.05 to 0.83 MPa
06 3 4
35 Note) 0.02 to 0.2 MPa
Note) Compared with AR25 type, 10 1
its adjusting spring will only be 12 11 4
AR85 different.
14 11 2
AR65 20 2

Thread type
Nil Rc
JIS symbol

AR65-BG AR425-BG

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 110

Regulator with Back Flow Mechanism

Series AR20K to 60K Actuator

How to Order

Regulator with a built-in mecha-

nism that ensures a quick release AR 30 K F 03 BE 1N
of the outlet air pressure (built-in Regulator Option
check valve with back flow mecha- Symbol Description Applicable model
Body size
nism). 1 (2) 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting AR20K to 60K
20 25 30 40 50 60 N Non-relieving AR20K to 60K
R Flow direction: Right  Left AR20K to 60K
With back flow mechanism Y Upward handle AR20K to 60K
Note) AR10 comes with a back flow mechanism
(3) Name plate and pressure
as a standard feature. If the set pressure Z AR20K to 60K
gauge in imperial units (PSI)
is below 0.15 MPa, back flow may not oc-
cur. When a backflow mechanism is re- ∗ When more than one specification is
quired with a set pressure of less than required, indicate in alphanumeric order.
0.15 MPa, please ccontact SMC. Note 2) The only difference from the standard
specifications is the adjusting spring
for the regulator. It does not restrict
Thread type the setting of 0.2 MPa or more.
Nil Rc Port size Note 3) For NPT thread type. This product is
for overseas use only according to the
Example 1) N NPT Port Body size
Symbol new Measurement Law. (The SI unit
When the pressure in the rear and the F G size 20 25 30 40 50 60 type is provided for use in Japan.)
front of the cylinder differs: 01 1/8  — — — — —
Circuit diagram Example 2) 02 1/4     — — Accessory (1)
When the air supply is cut off and 03 3/8 —    — — Symbol Description Applicable model
releasing the inlet pressure to the
04 1/2 — — —  — — Nil — —
atmosphere, the residual pressure
release of the outlet side can be 06 3/4 — — —   — B With bracket AR20K to 60K
ensured for a safety purpose. 10 1 — — — —   With square embedded
E type pressure gauge (With AR20K to 60K
Circuit diagram limit indicator)
JIS symbol
With round pressure gauge
G (With limit indicator)
AR20K to 60K
With set nut (For panel
H mount)
AR20K to 40K
Note 1) Optional parts are not assembled and
are supplied loose at the time of
shipment (except option E).
Standard Specifications
Model AR20K AR25K AR30K AR40K AR40K-06 AR50K AR60K
Port size 1/8, 1/4 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 3/4 3/4, 1 1
Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Set pressure range (1) 0.05 to 0.85 MPa
Pressure gauge port size (2) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
Relief pressure Set pressure + 0.05 MPa (at relief flow rate of 0.1 l/min (ANR))
Ambient and fluid temperature –5° to 60°C (With no freezing)
Construction Relieving type
Weight (kg) 0.26 0.21 0.30 0.45 0.48 1.17 1.22
∗ AR10 comes with a back flow mechanism as a standard feature. Note 1) Set the inlet pressure 0.05 MPa or higher than the set pressure.
Note 2) Pressure gauge connection threads are not required for regulators with a square embedded
type pressure gauge (AR20K to AR60K).
Accessory Part No.
Applicable model AR20K AR25K AR30K AR40K AR40K-06 AR50K AR60K
(1) (3) (3)
Bracket assembly AR20P-270AS AR25P-270AS AR30P-270AS AR40P-270AS AR40P-270AS AR50P-270AS AR50P-270AS
(5) (5)
Set nut AR20P-260S AR25P-260S AR30P-260S AR40P-260S AR40P-260S — —
Round type G36-10-01 G36-10-01 G36-10-01 G46-10-02 G46-10-02 G46-10-02 G46-10-02
1 MPa Square (4)
Pressure embedded type GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS
gauge Round type G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02
0.2 MPa Square (4)
embedded type GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS
Note 1) Assembly includes a bracket and set nuts.
Note 2)  in part numbers for a round pressure gauge indicates a type of connection thread. No indication is necessary for R; however, indicate N for NPT.
Please contact SMC regarding the connection thread NPT and pressure gauge supply for PSI unit specifications.
Note 3) Assembly includes a bracket and 2 mounting screws.
Note 4) Includes one O-ring and 2 mounting screws.
Note 5) Please contact SMC regarding the set nut for AR50K and 60K.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 111

Filter Regulator Air Blow

Series AW10 to 40 Air Tool

Integrated filter and regulator units

save space and require less piping.

JIS symbol

AW20 AW40

How to Order

AW 30 F 03 BE 1N
Filter regulator Symbol Description Applicable model
1 (5) 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting AW10 to 40
Body size 2 Metal bowl AW10 to 40
10 20 30 40 6 Nylon bowl AW10 to 40
8 Metal bowl with level gauge AW30/40
C With bowl guard AW20

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
Thread type J (6) Drain guide 1/4 AW30/40
Metric thread (M5) N Non-relieving AW10 to 40

Rc R Flow direction: Right  Left AW10 to 40
N NPT W Drain cock with barb fitting: ø6 x ø4 nylon tubing AW30/40
F (2) G Z (7) Name plate, caution plate for bowl, and pressure gauge in imperial units (PSI, °F) AW10 to 40
Note 1) Drain guide is NPT 1/4 (applicable to ∗ When more than one specification is required, indicate in alphanumeric order.
AW30 and 40), and the exhaust port for Note 5) The only difference from the standard specifications is the adjusting spring for the regu-
auto-drain comes with ø3/8" One-touch lator. It does not restrict the setting of 0.2 MPa or more.
fitting (applicable to AW30 and AW40). Note 6) Without a valve function.
Note 2) Drain guide is G 1/4 (applicable to Note 7) For M5 and NPT thread types. This product is for overseas use only according to the
AW30 and AW40). new Measurement Law. (The SI unit type is provided for use in Japan.)

Accessory (3)
Symbol Description Applicable model
Port size
Nil — —
Port Body size
Symbol B With bracket AW10 to 40
size 10 20 30 40 C Float type auto-drain (N.C.) AW10 to 40
M5 M5  — — — D Float type auto-drain (N.O.) AW30/40
01 1/8 —  — — E With square embedded type pressure gauge (With limit indicator) AW20 to 40
02 1/4 —    With round pressure gauge (Without limit indicator) AW10
03 3/8 — —   G
With round pressure gauge (With limit indicator) AW20 to 40
04 1/2 — — —  H With set nut (For panel mount) AW10 to 40
06 3/4 — — —  Note 3) Optional parts are not assembled and are supplied loose at the time of ship-
ment (except options C, D and E).

: Combination available : Combination not available

Accessory/Optional Specifications Combinations : Varies depending on the model : Available only with NPT thread
Combination Accessory Optional specifications Applicable filter regulator

Accessory/Optional specifications B C D E G H 1 2 6 8 C J N R W Z AW10 AW20 AW30 to 40

With bracket (With set nut) B
Float type auto-drain (N.C.) C

Float type auto-drain (N.O.) D

Square embedded type pressure gauge E
Round pressure gauge G
With set nut (For panel mount) H
0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting –1
Optional specifications

Metal bowl –2
Nylon bowl –6
Metal bowl with level gauge –8
With bowl guard –C
Drain guide 1/4 –J
Non-relieving type –N
Flow direction: Right  Left –R
Drain cock with barb fitting: ø6 x ø4 nylon tubing –W
Name plate, caution plate for bowl, and pressure
gauge in imperial units (PSI, °F) –Z

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 112

Series AW10 to 40

Standard Specifications
Model AW10 AW20 AW30 AW40 AW40-06
Port sizes M5 x 0.8 1/8, 1/4 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 3/4
Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Set pressure range 0.05 to 0.7 MPa 0.05 to 0.85 MPa
Pressure gauge port size (1) 1/16 (2) 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4
Relief pressure Set pressure + 0.05 MPa (3) (at relief flow rate of 0.1 l/min (ANR))
Ambient and fluid temperature –5 to 60°C (With no freezing)
Nominal filtration rating 5 µm
Drain capacity (cm3) 2.5 8 25 45 45
Bowl material Polycarbonate
Bowl guard — Option Standard
Construction Relieving type
Weight (kg) 0.09 0.32 0.40 0.72 0.75
Note 1) Pressure gauge connection threads are not required for regulators with a square embedded type pressure gauge (AW20 to AW40).
Note 2) Use a bushing (part no: 131368) when connecting R 1/8 pressure gauge to R 1/16 gauge port.
Note 3) Not applicable to AW10.

Accessory Part No.

Applicable model
AW10 AW20 AW30 AW40 AW40-06
Bracket assembly (1) AR10P-270AS AW20P-270AS AR30P-270AS AR40P-270AS AR40P-270AS
Set nut AR10P-260S AR20P-260S AR30P-260S AR40P-260S AR40P-260S
Round Type G27-10-R1 G36-10-01 G36-10-01 G46-10-02 G46-10-02
(2) 1.0 MPa (4)
Pressure Square embedded type — GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS
gauge Round Type G27-10-R1 (3) G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02
0.2 MPa (4)
Square embedded type — GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS
Float type N.O. — — AD38 AD48 AD48
auto-drain N.C. AD17 AD27 AD37 AD47 AD47
Note 1) Assembly includes a bracket and set nuts.
Note 2)  in part numbers for a round pressure gauge indicates a type of connection thread. No indication is necessary for R; however, indicate N for NPT. Please contact
SMC regarding the connection thread NPT and supply of the pressure gauge for PSI unit specifications.
Note 3) For 1 MPa.
Note 4) Includes one O-ring and 2 mounting screws.
Note 5) Minimum operating pressure: N.O. type–0.1 MPa; N.C. type–0.1 MPa (AD17/27) and 0.15 MPa (AD37/47). Please contact SMC regarding the specifications for PSI
unit and °F.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 113

Filter Regulator with Back Flow Mechanism Air Blow

Series AW20K/30K/40K Air Tool

How to Order

AW 30 K F 03 BE 1N
Filter regulator Option
Symbol Description Applicable model
Body size 1 (4) 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting AW20K to 40K
2 Metal bowl AW20K to 40K
20 30 40 6 Nylon bowl AW20K to 40K
8 Metal bowl with level gauge AW30K/40K
With back flow mechanism C With bowl guard AW20K
Note) AW10 comes with a back flow mechanism as J (5) Drain guide 1/4 AW30K/40K
a standard feature. N Non-relieving type AW20K to 40K
If the set pressure is not exceeding 0.15 MPa, R Flow direction: Right  Left AW20K to 40K
back flow may not occur. When a back flow W Drain cock with barb fitting: ø6 x ø4 nylon tubing AW30K/40K
AW40K mechanism is required with a set pressure of
Z (6) Name plate, caution plate for bowl, and pressure gauge in imperial units (PSI, °F) AW20K to 40K
less than 0.15 MPa, please contact SMC.
∗ When more than one specification is required, indicate in alphanumeric order.
Thread type Note 4) The only difference from the standard specifications is the adjusting spring
Note 1) Drain guide is NPT 1/4 (applicable to for the regulator. It does not restrict the setting of 0.2 MPa or more.
Nil Rc AW30K and 40K), and the exhaust Note 5) Without a valve function.
N (1) NPT port for auto-drain comes with ø3/8" Note 6) For NPT thread type. This product is for overseas use only according to the
One-touch fitting (applicable to new Measurement Law. (The SI unit type is provided for use in Japan.)
F (2) G AW30K and AW40K). Accessory (3)
Note 2) Drain guide is G 1/4 (applicable to Symbol Description Applicable model
AW30K and AW40K).
Nil — —
Port size B With bracket AW20K to 40K
Port Body size C Float type auto-drain (N.C.) AW20K to 40K
size 20 30 40 D Float type auto-drain (N.O.) AW30K/40K
AW20K 01 1/8  — — E With square embedded type pressure gauge (With limit indicator) AW20K to 40K

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
02 1/4    G With round pressure gauge (With limit indicator) AW20K to 40K
03 3/8 —   H With set nut (For panel mount) AW20K to 40K

04 1/2 — —  Note 3) Optional parts are not assembled and are supplied loose at the time
Standard of shipment (except options C, D and E).
06 3/4 — — 
Model AW20K AW30K AW40K AW40K-06
Port sizes 1/8, 1/4 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 3/4
Fluid Air
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Set pressure range (1) 0.05 to 0.85 MPa
Pressure gauge port size (2) 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4
Relief pressure Set pressure + 0.05 MPa (at relief flow rate of 0.1 l/min (ANR))
Ambient and fluid temperature –5 to 60°C (With no freezing)
Nominal filtration rating 5 µm
JIS symbol Drain capacity (cm3) 8 25 45 45
Bowl material Polycarbonate
Bowl guard Option Standard
Construction Relieving type
Weight (kg) 0.32 0.40 0.72 0.75
Note 1) Set the inlet pressure 0.05 MPa or higher than the set pressure.
Note 2) Pressure gauge connection threads are not required for regulators with a square embedded type pressure gauge (AW20K
to AW40K).

Circuit Diagram Accessory Part No.

Applicable model
When the air supply is cut off and releas- AW20K AW30K AW40K AW40K-06
ing the inlet pressure to the atmosphere, Accessory
the residual pressure release of the outlet Bracket assembly (1)
AW20P-270AS AR30P-270AS AR40P-270AS AR40P-270AS
side can be ensured for a safety purpose.
Set nut AR20P-260S AR30P-260S AR40P-260S AR40P-260S
(2) Round type G36-10-01 G36-10-01 G46-10-02 G46-10-02
JIS symbol 1.0 MPa Square (3)
Pressure embedded type GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS GC3-10AS
gauge Round type G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02
0.2 MPa Square (3)
embedded type GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS
With back flow Float type N.O. — AD38 AD48 AD48
mechanism auto-drain AD27 AD37 AD47 AD47
regulator N.C.
Note 1) Assembly includes a bracket and set nuts.
Note 2)  in part numbers for a round pressure gauge indicates a type of connection thread. No indication is necessary for R;
however, indicate N for NPT. Please contact SMC regarding the connection thread NPT and pressure gauge supply for PSI
unit specifications.
Note 3) Includes one O-ring and 2 mounting screws.
Note 4) Minimum operating pressure: N.O. type–0.1 MPa; N.C. type–0.1 MPa (AD27) and 0.15 MPa (AD37/47). Please contact SMC
regarding the specifications for PSI unit and °F.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 114

Air Filter Element Part Number List Air Line


Air filter Filter regulator Air filter (large capacity) Mist separator Mist separator
Series AF Series AW Series AF Series AFM regulator
Series AWM

Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no.
AF10 AF10P-060S AW10 AF10P-060S
AF20 AF20P-060S AW20 AF20P-060S
AF30 AF30P-060S AW30 AF30P-060S
AF40 AF40P-060S AW40 AF40P-060S Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no.
AF40-06 AF40P-060S AW40-06 AF40P-060S Filter model Element part no. AFM20 AFM20P-060AS AWM20 AFM20P-060AS
AF50 AF50P-060S AF800 11345-5B AFM30 AFM30P-060AS AWM30 AFM30P-060AS
AF60 AF60P-060S AF900 11352-5B AFM40 AFM40P-060AS AWM40 AFM40P-060AS

Micro mist separator Micro mist separator Main line filter Free standing Mist separator
Series AFD regulator Series AFF main line filter Series AM
Series AWD Series AFF

Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no.
AFF2B AFF-EL2B AFF75A EC700-003N AM150 AM-EL150
AFF4B AFF-EL4B AFF125A EC700-003N AM250 AM-EL250
AFF8B AFF-EL8B AFF150A EC800-003N AM350 AM-EL350
Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no. AFF11B AFF-EL11B AFF220A EC900-003N AM450 AM-EL450
AFD20 AFD20P-060AS AWD20 AFD20P-060AS AFF22B AFF-EL22B AM550 AM-EL550
AFD30 AFD30P-060AS AWD30 AFD30P-060AS AFF37B AFF-EL37B AM650 AM-EL650
AFD40 AFD40P-060AS AWD40 AFD40P-060AS AFF75B AFF-EL75B AM850 AM-EL850

Micro mist separator Micro mist separator Super mist separator

Series AMD with prefilter Series AME
Series AMH
Micro mist separator
(Free standing type, In-line type)
Series AMD

Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no.
AMD150 AMD-EL150 AMD800 63174 AMH150 AMH-EL150 AME150 AME-EL150
AMD250 AMD-EL250 AMD801 63174 AMH250 AMH-EL250 AME250 AME-EL250
AMD350 AMD-EL350 AMD900 63174 (3 pcs.) AMH350 AMH-EL350 AME350 AME-EL350
AMD450 AMD-EL450 AMD901 63174 (3 pcs.) AMH450 AMH-EL450 AME450 AME-EL450
AMD550 AMD-EL550 AMD1000 63174 (5 pcs.) AMH550 AMH-EL550 AME550 AME-EL550
AMD650 AMD-EL650 AMH650 AMH-EL650 AME650 AME-EL650
AMD850 AMD-EL850 AMH850 AMH-EL850 AME850 AMH-EL850

Odor removal filter

Series AMF

Odor removal filter

(Free standing type, In-line type)
Series AMF

Filter model Element part no. Filter model Element part no.
AMF150 AMF-EL150 AMF800 63271
AMF250 AMF-EL250 AMF801 63271
AMF350 AMF-EL350 AMF900 63271 (3 pcs.)
AMF450 AMF-EL450 AMF901 63271 (3 pcs.)
AMF550 AMF-EL550 AMF1000 63271 (5 pcs.)
AMF650 AMF-EL650
AMF850 AMF-EL850
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 115

Differential Pressure Gauge Air Line

The difference between the inlet and Models/Specifications

outlet pressures can be viewed at a Model GD40-2-01
glance on a differential pressure Fluid Compressed air
Maximum operating pressure 1 MPa
gauge. It is ideal for filter
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
maintenance. Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 60°C
Port size (Rc) 1/8
• Compact and light weight Gauge range 0 to 0.2 MPa
• Easily installed by merely Accuracy ±0.006 MPa
Dial size ø40
providing a bypass circuit Weight (g) 300
• With protective cover for hazard
Main part materials Standard accessories
Case Die-cast zinc Nylon tubing T0425 (0.5 m)
Internal parts Brass, Phosphor bronze Male connector H04-01 (1 pc.)
Window Chloroethylene Male elbow DL04-01 (1pc.)
Gauge plate Stainless steel

Design Precautions Mounting

Caution Caution
A differential pressure gauge cannot be used in a Mounting
location with frequent pulsation. 1) The HIGH and LOW marks on the back of the
differential pressure gauge indicate high pressure

Air Preparation Equipment

Auxiliary Pneumatic
and low pressure sides, respectively. Connect the
HIGH side to the primary side and the LOW side

to the secondary side of filters and other
equipment. Do not use a stop valve, as damage
JIS symbol
to the differential pressure gauge may occur if the
valve is inadvertently left open or closed.
2) Install the differential pressure gauge vertically.
3) Securely connect the piping of the differential
pressure gauge, because it will be damaged if
the piping becomes detached.

Piping example Dimensions

Bracket mounting thread

Low pressure side

pressure gauge

High pressure side

Primary side Secondary side

Thread depth 7

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 116

Filter with Element Service Indicator Air Line


This unit indicates the clogging (service life) of elements.

The element service indicator indicates the clogging of
elements in a mist separator, etc., which can be used as a
guide for the time to replace the element.
Clogging Indication
Replace an element when
the element service
indicator's red indicator
reaches to the top.
The top of the indicator
window indicates
differential pressure of
approximately 0.1 MPa. Differential pressure: 0.05 MPa or less Differential pressure: 0.1 MPa or more
(The indicator's tip is visible.) (The indicator reaches to the top.)
Replace an element every
Applicable series
2 years even if the red Main line filter: AFF2B to AFF75B
indicator does not reach Mist separator: AM150 to AM850
Micro mist separator: AMD150 to AMD850
the top. Micro mist separator with prefilter: AMH150 to AMH850

An element service indicator is already mounted on each series at the

How to Order factory. It cannot be mounted at a later time or used as a separate unit.

Size Size

AFF 2B AM 150 Thread type Bore size Accessory Option

4B AMD 250 Nil


8B AMH 350 F 03
06 BC T
11B 450 10 BD JR
14 MR
22B 550 20 JT
37B 650 RT
75B 850 MRT

Size Thread type Bore size Accessory Option

1/8 2B, 150 Rc Nil 1/8 01 Without accessory Nil Drain guide with 1/4B female thread Nil
1/4 4B, 250 NPT N 1/4 02 With bracket B Drain cock with M5 thread J
3/8 8B, 350 G F 3/8 03 With N.C. auto drain C Flow direction: Right to left M
1/2 11B, 450 1/2 04 With N.O. auto drain D With element service indicator R
3/4 22B, 550 3/4 06 T
1 37B, 650 1 10
1 1/2 75B, 850 1 1/2 14
2 20

Bore Option
size 01 02 03 04 06 10 14 20 Size J M R T JR MR JT MT RT JRT MRT
Size Accessory
2B, 150    Nil           
4B, 250    2B, B           
8B, 350    150 C   
11B, 450    D   
22B, 550   550 BC   
37B, 650   BD   
75B, 850   Nil           
37B, B           
650 D   
Refer to the “Air Preparation Equipment” portion of Nil   
Best Pneumatics Vol. 14 for selecting the model 75B, B   
number and size of a mist separator, etc. 850 D   
: Applicable (Combinations other than those indicated are not possible.)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 117

Sensors/Measuring Instruments




Series Application Page

Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air tool,
Digital flow switch PF2A/PF2W Air leakage, Cooling water 118
High precision 2-color display
digital pressure switch ZSE30/ISE30 Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air tool, Vacuum 154
High precision digital pressure switch ZSE40/ISE40 Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air tool, Vacuum 162
LCD display type digital pressure switch ZSE3/ISE3 Air line maintenance 171
High precision digital pressure switch 173
ZSE50F/ISE50 Air line maintenance, Liquid removal, Coolant
for general fluids
2-color display Air line maintenance, Liquid removal, Coolant 182
digital pressure switch ISE70/75/75H
Digital pressure switch with backlight ZSE5B/ISE5B Air line maintenance, Liquid removal, Coolant 189
Compact manometer PPA Air blow, Air tool 197
Air leakage tester (Made to Order) Air line maintenance, Air blow, Air leakage 203
Air catch sensor ISA2 Air purge 205
Air catch sensor ISA Air purge 222

Measuring Instruments
Negative pressure detection valve (Special order product) Liquid removal 224


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 118

Air Line

Digital Flow Switches Air Blow Air Leakage

Series PF2A/PF2W Air Tool Cooling Water

For Air

Flow rate Remote Type

range l/min
Integrated Type Sensor unit Display unit Display unit (4 ch)
1 to 10 PF2A710 PF2A510
5 to 50 PF2A750 PF2A550
10 to 100 PF2A711 PF2A511 PF2A20
20 to 200 PF2A721 PF2A521 PF2A31
50 to 500 PF2A751 PF2A551
150 to 3000 PF2A703H —
300 to 6000 PF2A706H — —
600 to 12000 PF2A712H

For Water

Flow rate Remote Type

measurement Integrated Type
range l/min Sensor unit Display unit Display unit (4 ch)
0.5 to 4 PF2W704(T) PF2W504(T)
2 to 16 PF2W720(T) PF2W520(T) PF2W30
5 to 40 PF2W740(T) PF2W540(T)
10 to 100 PF2W711 PF2W511 PF2W33

Application examples
Flow control of N2 gas to prevent Flow control of cooling water for wafer Flow control of
detection temperature regulation and high pressurized
Clean gas filter
camera frequency cooling water for
shimmering electric welding gun
and lead power
frame supply
Set the clean gas
filter on the outlet side
piping of the flow switch.

Main line flow control The accumulated pulse output

function enables remote
monitoring of accumulated flow.


Make possible the monitoring A COM B COM DC12V GND F.G. R.S. HOLD COM BANK1 BANK2



of air flow from the main line LEFT RIGHT



to each branch line. AC100~240VCOM OUT1OUT2OUT3OUT4OUT5S.STOP RD SD SG RS-232C

M/C Pulse counter

Flow control for each branch line

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 119

Digital Flow Switch

For Air

Series PF2A For details about certified products

conforming to international standards,
visit us at

How to Order

display type PF2A7 10 01 27 M
Flow rate range
10 1 to 10 l/min Thread type Unit specification
50 5 to 50 l/min Nil Rc Wiring specification (Refer to page 152.) With unit
Nil switching function
11 10 to 100 l/min N NPT Nil M12 3 m lead wire with connector M Fixed SI unit Note)
21 20 to 200 l/min F G N Without lead wire Note) Fixed unit:
51 50 to 500 l/min Real-time flow rate: l/min
Port size Output specification Accumulated flow: l
Port Flow rate (l/min)
Symbol size Applicable model Symbol Output specification
10 50 100 200 500
01 1/8   27 NPN open collector 2 outputs
PF2A710, PF2A750
02 1/4  
03 3/8   PF2A711, PF2A721 67 PNP open collector 2 outputs
04 1/2  PF2A751

Model PF2A710 PF2A750 PF2A711 PF2A721 PF2A751
Measured fluid Air, Nitrogen
Flow rate measurement range 0.5 to 10.5 l/min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min
Set flow rate range 0.5 to 10.5l /min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min
Flow rate measuring range 1 to 10 l/min 5 to 50 l/min 10 to 100 l/min 20 to 200 l/min 50 to 500 l/min
Minimum set unit 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 2 l/min 5 l/min
Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange value (Pulse width: 50 ms) 0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse 2 l/pulse 5 l/pulse

Sensors Measuring
Note 1, 2) Real-time flow rate l/min, CFM x 10–2 l/min, CFM x 10–1
Display unit
Accumulated flow l, ft3 x 10–1

Operating fluid temperature 0 to 50°C
Linearity ±5% F.S. or less
Repeatability ±1% F.S. or less ±2% F.S. or less
Temperature characteristics ±3% F.S. or less (15 to 35°C, based on 25°C), ±5% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, based on 25°C)
Current consumption (No load) 150 mA or less 160 mA or less 170 mA or less
Weight Note 3) 250 g 290 g
Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 1/8, 1/4 3/8 1/2
Detection type Heater type
Display 3-digit, 7-segment LED
Operating pressure range –50 kPa to 0.5 MPa –50 kPa to 0.75 MPa
Proof pressure 1.0 MPa
Accumulated flow range Note 4) 0 to 999999 l
Maximum load current: 80 mA; Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
Output Note 5)

NPN open collector Maximum applied voltage: 30 V; Two outputs

Switch output
Maximum load current: 80 mA
NPN open collector Internal voltage drop: 1.5 V or less (With load current of 80 mA); Two outputs
Accumulated pulse output NPN or PNP open collector (same as switch output)
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. OUT1: Green; OUT2: Red
Response time 1sec. or less
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0), Window comparator mode: 3-digit fixed Note 6)
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Enclosure IP65
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each (De-energized)
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Note 1) For digital flow switch with unit switching function. (Fixed SI unit [(l/min, or l, m3 or m3 x 103)] will be set for switch type without the unit switching function.)
Note 2) Flow rate display can be switched between the basic condition of 0°C, 101.3 kPa and the standard condition (ANR) of 20°C, 101.3 kPa, and 65% RH.
Note 3) Without lead wire.
Note 4) Accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply turns OFF.
Note 5) Switch output and accumulated pulse output can be selected during initial setting.
Note 6) Window comparator mode — Since hysteresis will reach 3 digits, keep P_1 and P_2 or n_1 and n_2 apart by 7 digits or more. (In case of output OUT2, n_1, 2 to be n_3, 4 and P_1, 2 to
be P_3, 4.)
Note 7) The flow switch is comformed to CE mark.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 120

Series PF2A

How to Order

Remote type
Display unit PF2A5 10 01 C
Flow rate range
10 1 to 10 l/min
50 5 to 50 l/min Thread type Option (Refer to page 152.)
11 10 to 100 l/min
Nil Rc Nil None
21 20 to 200 l/min
N NPT C e-con connector x 1 pc.
51 50 to 500 l/min
F G The cable and connector are shipped
Port size
Port Flow rate (l/min)
Symbol Applicable model Wiring specification (Refer to page 152.)
size 10 50 100 200 500
01 1/8   Nil M12 3 m lead wire with connector
PF2A510, 550
02 1/4   N Without lead wire
03 3/8   PF2A511, 521
04 1/2  PF2A551

Output specification
Symbol Specification Applicable display unit (monitor) model
Nil Output for display unit Series PF2A300
1 Output for display unit + analog output (1 to 5 V) Series PF2A200/300
2 Output for display unit + analog output (4 to 20 mA) Series PF2A300

Model PF2A510 PF2A550 PF2A511 PF2A521 PF2A551
Measured fluid Air, Nitrogen
Detection type Heater type
Flow rate measuring range 1 to 10 l/min 5 to 50 l/min 10 to 100 l/min 20 to 200 l/min 50 to 500 l/min
Operating pressure range –50 kPa to 0.5 MPa –50 kPa to 0.75 MPa
Withstand pressure 1.0 MPa
Operating fluid temperature 0 to 50°C
Linearity Note 1) ±5% F.S. or less
Repeatability Note 1) ±1% F.S. or less (Connected to PF2A3), ±3% F.S. or less (Connected to PF2A2)
Temperature ±2% F.S. or less (15 to 35°C, based on 25°C)
characteristics ±3% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, based on 25°C)
Output for display unit Analog voltage output (Non-linear) output impedance 1 kΩ output for display unit PF2A3
Output Note 2)

Voltage output 1 to 5 V within the flow rate range

Linearity: ±5% F.S. or less; allowable load resistance: 100 kΩ or more.
Analog output
Current output 4 to 20 mA within the flow rate range
Linearity: ±5% F.S. or less; allowable load resistance: 300 Ω or less with 12 VDC, 600 Ω or less with 24 VDC
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Current consumption (No load) 100 mA or less 110 mA or less
Enclosure IP65
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Weight Note 3) 200 g 240 g
Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 1/8, 1/4 3/8 1/2
Note 1) The system accuracy when combined with PF2A2/PF2A3.
Note 2) Output system can be selected during initial setting.
Note 3) Without lead wire. (Add 20 g for the types of analog output whether voltage or current output selected.)
Note 4) Flow rate unit measured under the following conditions: 0°C and 101.3 kPa.
Note 5) The sensor unit is comformed to CE mark.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 121

For Air
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2A

How to Order

Remote type
Display unit PF2A3 0 0 A M
Unit specification
Nil With unit switching function
Flow rate range M Fixed SI unit Note)
Symbol Flow rate range Type for sensor unit
Mounting Note) Fixed unit:
A Panel mounting Real-time flow rate: l/min
1 to 10 l/min PF2A510 Accumulated flow: l
5 to 50 l/min PF2A550
10 to 100 l/min PF2A511 Output specification
1 20 to 200 l/min PF2A521 Symbol Output specification Applicable model
50 to 500 l/min PF2A551 0 NPN open collector 2 outputs PF2A300/310
1 PNP open collector 2 outputs PF2A301/311

Model PF2A300/301 PF2A310/311
Flow rate measurement range Note 1) 0.5 to 10.5 l/min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min
Set flow rate range Note 1) 0.5 to 10.5 l/min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min
Minimum set unit Note 1) 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 2 l/min 5 l/min
Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange
0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse 2 l/pulse 5 l/pulse
value (Pluse width: 50 ms) Note 1)
Note 2, 3)
Real-time flow rate l/min, CFM x 10–2 l/min, CFM x 10–1
Display unit 3 –1
Accumulated flow l, ft x 10
Accumulated flow range Note 4) 0 to 999999 l
Linearity Note 4) ±5% F.S. or less
Repeatability Note 5) ±1% F.S. or less
±1% F.S. or less (15 to 35°C based on 25°C)
Temperature characteristics
±2% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C based on 25°C)

Measuring Instruments
Current consumption 50 mA or less 60 mA or less
Weight 45 g

Maximum load current: 80 mA
Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
NPN open collector (PF2A300, PF2A310)

Maximum applied voltage: 30 V

Output Note 6)

Switch output 2 outputs

Maximum load current: 80 mA
PNP open collector (PF2A301, PF2A311) Internal voltage drop: 1.5 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
2 outputs
Accumulated pulse output NPN or PNP open collector (same as switch output)
Display 3-digit, 7-segment LED
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. OUT1: Green; OUT2: Red
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Response time 1 sec. or less
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0), Window comparator mode: Fixed (3 digits) Note 6)
Enclosure IP40
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Note 1) The flow rate measurement range can be modified depending on the setting.
Note 2) For digital flow switch with unit switching function. (Fixed SI unit [l/min or l] will be set for switch types without the unit switching function.)
Note 3) Flow rate display can be switched between the basic condition of 0°C, 101.3 kPa and the standard condition (ANR) of 20°C, 101.3 kPa, and 65% RH.
Note 4) Accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply turns OFF.
Note 5) The system accuracy when combined with PF2A5.
Note 6) Switch output and accumulated pulse output can be selected during initial setting.
Note 7) Window comparator mode — Since hysteresis will reach 3 digits, keep P_1 and P_2 or n_1 and n_2 apart by 7 digits or more. (In case of output OUT2, n_1, 2 to be n_3, 4 and P_1, 2 to
be P_3, 4.)
Note 8) The display unit is comformed to CE mark.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 122

Series PF2A

How to Order

4-channel Flow Monitor

Remote type PF2A20 0 M
Display unit
Output specification Option 2 (Refer to page 152.)
Accessory / Power supply output cable (2 m) 0 NPN 4 outputs
Nil None
1 PNP 4 outputs
4C Sensor connector (4 pc.)
Unit specification
Nil With unit switching function Option 1 (Refer to page 152.)
M Fixed SI unit Note) Nil None
Note) Fixed unit: A Panel mounting
Real-time flow rate: l/min
Accumulated flow: l B Front protective cover + Panel mounting

Connectable remote type sensor part is PF2W5--1 (with analog output 1 to 5 V).

Model PF2A200/201
Applicable flow rate sensor PF2A510--1 PF2A550--1 PF2A511--1 PF2A521--1 PF2A551--1
Flow rate measurement range Note 1) 0.5 to 10.5 l/min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min
Set flow rate range Note 1) 0.5 to 10.5 l/min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min
Minimum set unit Note 1) 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 2 l/min 5 l/min
Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange
0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse 2 l/pulse 5 l/pulse
value (Pluse width: 50 ms) Note 1)
Note 2, 3)
Real-time flow rate –2 –1
l/min, CFM x 10 l/min, CFM x 10
Display unit
Accumulated flow l, ft3 x 10–2 l, ft3 x 10–1
Accumulated flow range Note 4) 0 to 999999 l, 0 to 999999 ft3 x 10–2 0 to 999999 l, 0 to 999999 ft3 x 10–1
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Current consumption 50 mA or less (Not including the current consumption of the sensor)
Power supply voltage for sensor Same as [Power supply voltage]
Power supply current for sensor Note 3) Max. 110 mA (However, the total current for the 4 inputs is 440 mA maximum or less.)
Sensor input 1 to 5 VDC (Input impedance: Approx. 800K Ω)
No. of inputs 4 inputs
Input protection Excess voltage protection
Maximum load current: 80 mA
Switch output
NPN open collector (PF2A200) Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)

(Real-time switch output, Maximum applied voltage: 30 V

Output Note 6)

Accumulated switch Maximum load current: 80 mA

output) PNP open collector (PF2A201)
Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
Accumulated pulse output NPN or PNP open collector (same as switch output)
No. of outputs 4 outputs (1 output per 1 sensor input)
Output protection With short circuit protection
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0), Window comparator mode: Fixed (3 digits) Note 6)
Response time Note 5) 1 sec. or less
Linearity Note 5) ±5% F.S. or less
Repeatability Note 5) ±3% F.S. or less
Temperature characteristics ±2% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, 25°C)
For measured value display: 4-digits, 7-segment LED (Orange)
Display method
For channel display: 1-digit, 7-segment LED (Red)
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. OUT1: Green; OUT2: Red
Enclosure IP65 for the front face only, and IP40 for the remaining parts

Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –10 to 60°C (No condensation or freezing)
Operating humidity range Operating or Stored: 35 to 85% RH (No condensation)
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each (de-energized)
Impact resistance 980 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each (de-energized)
Noise resistance 500 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Connection Power supply / Output connection: 8P connector, Sensor connection: 4P connector (e-con)
Material Housing: PBT, Display: PET, Backside rubber: CR
Weight 60 g (Except for any accessories that are shipped together)
Note 1) Fixed SI unit [l/min or l] will be set for switch types without the unit switching function. (“-M” is suffixed at the end of part number.) Accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply turns OFF.
Note 2) Flow rate display can be switched between the basic condition of 0°C, 101.3 kPa and the standard condition (ANR) of 20°C, 101.3 kPa, and 65% RH.
Note 3) If Vcc side on sensor input connector part is short-circuited with the 0 V side, the flow monitor inside will be damaged.
Note 4) Switch output and accumulated pulse output can be selected during initial setting.
Note 5) The system accuracy when combined with an applicable flow sensor.
Note 6) The display unit is comformed to CE mark.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 123

For Air
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2A

Flow Characteristics (Pressure Loss)

PF2A710/510 PF2A750/550 PF2A711/511

1.0 3.0 10

Pressure loss (kPa)

Pressure loss (kPa)

Pressure loss (kPa)

0.8 8
0.6 6
0.4 4
0.2 2

0 1 2.5 5 7.5 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 10 25 50 75 100

Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min)

PF2A721/521 PF2A751/551
Pressure loss (kPa)

Pressure loss (kPa)



5 10

0 20 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min)

Measuring Instruments
Sensor Unit Construction

PF2A710/750 q w e r w t w e Component Parts
No. Description Material
1 Attachment ADC
2 Seal NBR
3 Mesh Stainless steel
4 Body PBT
5 Sensor PBT
Flow direction
PF2A711/721/751 Component Parts
PF2A511/521/551 q w e r t y No. Material
1 Attachment ADC
2 Seal NBR
3 Spacer PBT
4 Mesh Stainless steel
5 Body PBT
6 Sensor PBT
Flow direction

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 124

Series PF2A

Dimensions: Integrated Display Type for Air

Internal circuit and wiring example
PF2A710/750 1 2 to 8 are terminal numbers.

98 67
82 58 6
60 17 1.6 Brown

Main circuit
Black Load
White + 12 to

3 – 24 VDC
2-Port size 24
4-ø4.5 40 Brown
50 1

Main circuit
Black Load
(42.2) White
2 OUT2
+ 12 to
– 24 VDC

Flow direction


116 23
88 1.6
Connector pin numbers
4 3


Pin no. Pin description

4– ø4.5 40 2-Port size 30
1 DC (+)
2 OUT2
3 DC (–)
4 OUT1

Flow direction

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 125

For Air
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2A

Dimensions: Remote Type Sensor Unit for Air

PF2A510/550 Internal circuit and wiring example

98 1 2 to 8 are terminal numbers.
82 B
60 23 Display unit
48.2 1.6 Sensor unit (PF2A30/31)
1 2 6

Main circuit

Main circuit
NC 2 White 4 8
Switch + 12 to
Black output – 24 VDC
4 3 7

3 1 5


Display unit
4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size 24
Sensor unit (PF2A30/31)
50 Brown
1 2 6

Main circuit

Main circuit
2 Load 4 8
White Switch + 12 to
output – 24 VDC
4 3 7

3 1 5

Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter.

(mm) PF2A5--1 (With voltage output type)
Output specifications A B Display unit
Pulse output only 42 62 Sensor unit (PF2A30/31)

Pulse output + Analog output 52 72 1 2 6

Main circuit

Main circuit
2 Load 4 8 + 12 to
White Switch
output – 24 VDC
2-ø3.4 4 3 7
43 Black

Flow direction 3 1 5

Measuring Instruments
Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter.
PF2A511/521/551 PF2A5--2 (With voltage output type)

116 23 Wiring
76.2 1.6
Brown (1) DC (+)
Main circuit

Black (4) OUT (Output for

display unit)
White (2) NC/Analog output


Blue (3) DC (–)

∗ Use this sensor by connecting to SMC remote type

display unit Series PF2A2/3.
4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size 30

Connector pin numbers

2 1

3 4
Output specifications A B Pin no. Pin description
Pulse output only 48 62 1 DC (+)
Pulse output + Analog output 58 72 2 NC/Analog output

3 DC (–)

Flow direction

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 126

Series PF2A

Dimensions: Remote Type Display Unit for Air

PF2A3-A Internal circuit and wiring example

1 2 to 8 are terminal numbers.
Panel mounting type
41.8 40.3 OUT2
8 Load
40 4.3 Sensor 4

Main circuit
3 7 Load
2 6 +
1 5
12 to 24 VDC


8 Load
Sensor 4
Panel fitting dimensions

Main circuit
3 x 7.2 (= 21.6) Black
3 7 Load
6.4 8-M3 36 +0.5
0 Brown
2 6
Blue –
1 5
1 2 3 4
12 to 24 VDC
PF2A5 PF2A31-A

∗ Do not connect the white wire of the sensor to 3 .


5 6 7 8 Terminal block number

1 2 3 4
∗ The applicable panel thickness is 1 to 3.2 mm.
View A
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

5 6 7 8
Analog output
1 to 5 VDC 4 to 20 mADC

5 20
Analog output [V]

Analog output [V]

1 4

Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min] Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min]
flow rate value flow rate value flow rate flow rate value flow rate value flow rate
Basic condition Standard condition Basic condition Standard condition
Part no. Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Part no. Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
measured measured measured measured measured measured measured measured
flow rate value flow rate value flow rate value flow rate value flow rate value flow rate value flow rate value flow rate value
PF2A510--1 1 10 1.1 10.7 PF2A510--2 1 10 1.1 10.7
PF2A550--1 5 50 5.4 53.5 PF2A550--2 5 50 5.4 53.5
PF2A511--1 10 100 11 107 PF2A511--2 10 100 11 107
PF2A521--1 20 200 21 214 PF2A521--2 20 200 21 214
PF2A551--1 50 500 54 535 PF2A551--2 50 500 54 535

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 127

For Air
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2A

Dimensions: Remote Type Display Unit for Air (4 Channel Flow Monitor)

40.1 (7.5)
40 6 2.5



Sensor connector

Front Protection Cover + Panel Mount

47 9.4 (2)


Measuring Instruments
Panel mounting adapter

Front protection cover

Waterproof seal Panel

55 or more
37.5 -0.2
55 or more

Panel fitting dimensions

Applicable panel thickness: 0.5 to 8 mm
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 128

Series PF2A

Dimensions: Remote Type Display Unit for Air (4-channel Flow Monitor)

Sensor connector (4P x 4) Connector (option)

Sensor connector port


Power supply /
Output connector port Pin no. Terminal Connector no. Cable wire color
q DC+ 1 Brown
w N.C. 2 Not used
e DC– 3 Blue
r IN: 1 to 5 V 4 White

Power supply / Output connector (8P)

Power supply / Output connector (accessory)

q w e r t y u i
Pin no.
Pin no. Terminal 8 Yellow N.C.
q DC (+) 7 Green CH4_OUT1
w DC (–) 6 Red CH3_OUT1
e CH1_OUT1 5 Gray CH2_OUT1
r N.C. 4 White N.C.
t CH2_OUT1 3 Black CH1_OUT1
y CH3_OUT1 2 Blue DC(–)
u CH4_OUT1 1 Brown DC(+)
i N.C.

Internal circuit and wiring example

PF2A200 PF2A201
DC (+) DC (+)
4 4
(Brown) (Brown)



3 3
NC 2 NC 2 24 VDC
1 CH1_OUT1 24 VDC 1 CH1_OUT1

(Black) (Black) –
4 – 4


3 3
Main circuit

Main circuit

1 (Gray) 1 (Gray)

4 4


3 CH3_OUT1 3 CH3_OUT1
NC 2 (Red) NC 2 (Red)

1 1
4 CH4_OUT1 4 CH4_OUT1


3 (Green) 3 (Green)

NC 2 NC 2
1 DC (–) 1 DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 129

Digital Flow Switch/Large Flow Type

For Air

Series PF2A For details about certified products

conforming to international standards,
visit us at

How to Order

display type PF2A7 H M
Flow rate range Unit specification
03 150 to 3000 l/min High flow type With unit
Nil switching function
06 300 to 6000 l/min Port specification Wiring specification (Refer to page 152.)
M Fixed SI unit Note)
12 600 to 12000 l/min Nil Rc Nil M12 3 m lead wire with connector
Note) Fixed unit:
N NPT N Without lead wire Real-time flow rate: l/min
F G Accumulated flow: l, m3, m3 x 103

Port size Output specification

Port Flow rate (l/min) Applicable 28 NPN open collector 1 output + Analog output (1 to 5 V)
Symbol size 3000 6000 12000 model 29 NPN open collector 1 output + Analog output (4 to 20 mA)
10 1  PF2A703H 68 PNP open collector 1 output + Analog output (1 to 5 V)
14 11/2  PF2A706H 69 PNP open collector 1 output + Analog output (4 to 20 mA)
20 2  PF2A712H Switching of switch output and accumulated pulse output is possible with
NPN or PNP open collector outputs.

Model PF2A703H PF2A706H PF2A712H
Measured fluid Dry air, Nitrogen
Detection type Heater type
Flow rate measuring range Note 1) 150 to 3000 l/min 300 to 6000 l/min 600 to 12000 l/min
Minimum setting unit Note 1) 5 l/min 10 l/min

Measuring Instruments
Note 2) Real-time flow rate l/min, CFM
Display unit
Accumulated flow l, m3, m3 x 103, ft3, ft3 x 103, ft3 x 106

Operating pressure range 0.1 to 1.5 MPa
Proof pressure 2.25 MPa
Pressure loss 20 kPa (at maximum flow rate)
Accumulated flow range 0 to 9,999,999,999 l
Linearity Note 3) ±1.5% F.S. or less (0.7 MPa, at 20°C)
Repeatability ±1.0% F.S. or less (0.7 MPa, at 20°C), ±3.0% of F.S. or less in case of analog output
Pressure characteristics ±1.5% F.S. or less (0.1 to 1.5 MPa, based on 0.7 MPa)
Temperature characteristics ±2.0% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, based on 25°C)
NPN open collector Max. load current: 80 mA; Max. applied voltage: 30 V; Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
Switch output Note 4)
PNP open collector Max. load current: 80 mA; Internal voltage drop: 1.5 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
Output Accumulated Note 4) Flow rate per pulse: 100 l/pulse, 10.0 ft3/pulse
NPN or PNP open collector
specification pulse output Pulse width: 50 msec
Output voltage: 1 to 5 V; Load impedance: 100 kΩ or more
Analog output Note 5)
Output current: 4 to 20 mA; Load impedance: 250 Ω or less
Response time 1 sec. or less
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0); Window comparator mode: (can be set from 0 to 3% F.S.)
Power supply voltage 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Current consumption 150 mA or less
Enclosure IP65
Operating temperature range 0 to 50°C (No condensation)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ (500 VDC) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Weight 1.1 kg (Without lead wire) 1.3 kg (Without lead wire) 2.0 kg (Without lead wire)
Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 1 11/2 2
Note 1) Flow rate display can be switched between the basic condition of 0°C, 101.3 kPa and the standard condition (ANR) of 20°C, 101.3 kPa, and 65% RH.
Note 2) For digital flow switch with unit switching function. (Fixed SI unit [(l/min, or l, m3 or m3 x 103)] will be set for switch type without the unit switching function.)
Note 3) The high flow rate type is CE marked; however, the linearity with applied noise is ±5% F.S. or less.
Note 4) Switch output and accumulated pulse output selections are made using the button controls.
Note 5) The analog output operates only for real-time flow rate, and does not operate for accumulated flow.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 130

Series PF2A

Flow Characteristics (Pressure Loss)

PF2A703H PF2A706H PF2A712H
20 20 20
Pressure loss (kPa)

Pressure loss (kPa)

Pressure loss (kPa)

10 10 10

0 150 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 0 300 1200 2400 3600 4800 6000 0 600 2400 4800 7200 9600 12000
Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min)


q w e y r t

Component Parts
No. Description Material Note
1 Attachment Aluminum alloy Anodized
2 Seal HNBR —
3 Mesh Stainless steel —
4 Body Aluminum alloy Anodized
5 Sensor PPS —
Flow direction 6 Spacer PBT —

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 131

For Air
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2A


D Internal circuit and wiring example
E 1 to 4 are terminal numbers.
1 pulse output
Load ON

Main circuit

Analog output 50 msec

2 +
White Load – 24 VDC
60 C 2-G
Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter, ammeter.
(42.2) PF2A7H-- 29 (-M)
4 3
1 pulse output

Main circuit
Black OFF
1 2 Load
Analog output 50 msec
White Load +
Connector pin numbers – 24 VDC
Pin no. Pin description Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter, ammeter.
1 DC (+) 68
PF2A7H-- 69 (-M)
2 Analog output
3 DC (–)
4 OUT1 Accumulated pulse output
40 4-I thread with depth J
wiring examples
Max. 30 V
80 mA or less
Black Load

0V or

50 msec 50 msec


Measuring Instruments
PF2A7H-- 29 (-M)

Model A B C D E F G H I J
PF2A703H 55 160 40 92 67 55 Rc 1, NPT 1, G 1 36 M5 x 0.8 8 Brown

PF2A706H 65 180 45 104 79 65 Rc 11/2, NPT 11/2, G 11/2 46 M6 x 1 9 OUT1 80 mA

Black Load
PF2A712H 75 220 55 114 89 75 Rc 2, NPT 2, G 2 56 M6 x 1 9 0V or

50 msec 50 msec

PF2A7H-- 68
69 (-M)
Analog output
1 to 5 VDC 4 to 20 mADC

5 20
Analog output [V]

Analog output [V]

1 4

Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min] Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min]
flow rate value flow rate value flow rate flow rate value flow rate value flow rate

Minimum measured Maximum measured Minimum measured Maximum measured

Part no. Part no.
flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min]
PF2A703H--28 150 3000 PF2A703H--29 150 3000
PF2A703H--68 PF2A703H--69
PF2A706H--28 300 6000 PF2A706H--29 300 6000
PF2A706H--68 PF2A706H--69
PF2A712H--28 600 12000 PF2A712H--29 600 12000
PF2A712H--68 PF2A712H--69
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 132

Digital Flow Switch

For Water

Series PF2W For details about certified products

conforming to international standards,
visit us at

How to Order

display type PF2W7 20 03 27 M
Flow rate range
04 0.5 to 4 l/min Thread type
20 2 to 16 l/min Nil Rc Unit specification
N NPT With unit
40 5 to 40 l/min Nil switching function
11 10 to 100 l/min F G Wiring specification (Refer to page 152.)
M Fixed SI unit Note)
Port size Nil M12 3 m lead wire with connector
Note) Fixed unit:
Port Flow rate (l/min) N Without lead wire Real-time flow rate: l/min
Symbol Applicable model Accumulated flow: l
size 4 16 40 100
03 3/8   PF2W704, PF2W720 Output specification
04 1/2   PF2W720, PF2W740 27 NPN open collector 2 outputs
06 3/4   PF2W740, PF2W711 67 PNP open collector 2 outputs
10 1  PF2W711

Model PF2W704 PF2W720 PF2W740 PF2W711
Measured fluid Water
Flow rate measurement range 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min 7 to 110 l/min
Set flow rate range 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min 7 to 110 l/min
Flow rate measuring range 0.5 to 4 l/min 2 to 16 l/min 5 to 40 l/min 10 to 100 l/min
Minimum set unit 0.05 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min
Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange value (Pulse width: 50 ms) 0.05 l/pulse 0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse
Operating fluid temperature 0 to 50°C

Sensors Measuring
Linearity ±5% F.S. or less ±3% F.S. or less

Repeatability ±3% F.S. or less ±2% F.S. or less
Temperature characteristics Note 1) ±5% F.S. or less (0° to 50°C, based on 25°C)
Current consumption (No load) 70 mA or less 80 mA or less
Weight Note 2) 460 g 520 g 700 g 1150 g
Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 3/8 3/8, 1/2 1/2, 3/4 3/4, 1
Detection type Karman vortex
Display 3-digit, 7-segment LED
Note 3) l/min, gal (US)/min
Real-time flow rate
Display unit
Accumulated flow l, gal (US)
Operating pressure range 0 to 1 MPa
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Accumulated flow range Note 4) 0 to 999999 l
Ambient temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)
Maximum load current: 80 mA; Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
Note 5) NPN open collector Maximum applied voltage: 30 V; 2 outputs
Output Switch output
specification Maximum load current: 80 mA
PNP open collector
Internal voltage drop: 1.5 V or less (With load current of 80 mA); 2 outputs
Accumulated pulse output NPN or PNP open collector (same as switch output)
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. OUT1: Green; OUT2: Red
Response time 1 sec. or less
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0), Window comparator mode: 3-digit fixed Note 6)
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Enclosure IP65
Operating temperature range 0 to 50°C

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Note 1) In the case of PF2W711, ±3% of F.S. or less (15°C to 35°C, based on 25°C). Note 2) Without lead wire.
Note 3) For digital flow switch with unit switching function. (Fixed SI unit [l/min or l] will be set for switch type without the unit switching function.)
Note 4) Accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply turns OFF. Note 5) Switch output and accumulated pulse output can be selected during initial setting.
Note 6) Window comparator mode — Since hysteresis will reach 3 digits, keep P_1 and P_2 or n_1 and n_2 apart by 7 digits or more. (In case of output OUT2, n_1, 2 to be n_3, 4 and P_1, 2 to
be P_3, 4.)
Note 7) The flow switch is comformed to CE mark.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 133

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

How to Order

Remote type
Sensor unit PF2W5 20 03 C
Flow rate range
04 0.5 to 4 l/min
20 2 to 16 l/min
40 5 to 40 l/min
11 10 to 100 l/min Option (Refer to page 152.)
Nil None
Thread type C e-con connector x 1 pc.
Nil Rc The cable and connector are shipped

Wiring specification (Refer to page 152.)

Port size Nil M12 3 m lead wire with connector
Port Flow rate (l/min) N Without lead wire
Symbol Applicable model
size 4 16 40 100
03 3/8   PF2W504, PF2W520
04 1/2   PF2W520, PF2W540
06 3/4   PF2W540, PF2W511 Output specification
10 1  PF2W511 Symbol Specification Applicable display unit (monitor) model
Nil Output for display unit (sensor output) only Series PF2W300
1 Output for display unit + Analog output (1 to 5V) Series PF2W200/300
2 Output for display unit + Analog output (4 to 20 mA) Series PF2W300


Model PF2W504 PF2W520 PF2W540 PF2W511

Measured fluid Water
Detection type Karman vortex

Measuring Instruments
Flow rate measuring range 0.5 to 4 l/min 2 to 16 l/min 5 to 40 l/min 10 to 100 l/min
Operating pressure range 0 to 1 MPa

Withstand pressure 1.5 MPa
Operating fluid temperature 0 to 50°C 0 to 50°C
Linearity Note 1) ±5% F.S. or less ±3% F.S. or less
Note 1) ±1% F.S. or less (connected with PF2W33)
Repeatability ±3% F.S. or less
±3% F.S. or less (connected with PF2W2)

Temperature characteristics ±2% F.S. or less (15 to 35°C based on 25°C), ±3% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C based on 25°C)
Output for Pulse output, N channel, open drain, output for display unit PF2W3.

display unit (Specifications: Maximum load current of 10mA; Maximum applied voltage of 30 V)
Output Note 2)

Voltage output 1 to 5 V within the flow rate range

Linearity: ±5% F.S. or less; allowable load resistance: 100 kΩ or more.
Analog output
Current output 4 to 20 mA within the flow rate range
Linearity: ±5% F.S. or less; allowable load resistance: 300 Ω or less with 12 VDC, 600 Ω or less with 24 VDC
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Current consumption (No load) 20 mA or less
Enclosure IP65
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each 4.9 m/s2
Impact resistance 2
490 m/s in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Weight Note 3) 410 g 470 g 650 g 1,100 g
Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 3/8 3/8, 1/2 1/2, 3/4 3/4, 1
Note 1) The system accuracy when combined with PF2W2/3.
Note 2) Output system can be selected during initial setting.
Note 3) Without lead wire. (Add 20 g for the types of analog output whether voltage or current output selected.)
Note 4) The sensor unitis comformed to CE mark.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 134

Series PF2W

How to Order

Remote type
Display unit PF2W3 0 0 A M
Unit specification
Flow rate range
Nil With unit switching function
Symbol Flow rate range Type for sensor unit Mounting M Fixed SI unit Note)
0.5 to 4 l/min PF2W504 A Panel mounting Note) Fixed unit:
0 2 to 16 l/min PF2W520 Real-time flow rate: l/min
5 to 40 l/min PF2W540 Accumulated flow: l

3 10 to 100 l/mim PF2W511

Output specification Panel mount adapter part no.

0 NPN open collector 2 outputs Description Panel adapter B
1 PNP open collector 2 outputs Part no. ZS-22-02

Model PF2W300/301 PF2W330/331
Flow rate measurement range Note 1) 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min 7 to 110 l/min
Set flow rate range Note 1) 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min 7 to 110 l/min
Minimum setting unit Note 1) 0.05 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min
Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange
0.05 l/pulse 0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse
value (Pulse width: 50 ms) Note 1)
Note 2)
Real-time flow rate l/min, gal (US)/min
Display unit
Accumulated flow l, gal (US)
Accumulated flow range Note 3) 0 to 999999 l
Linearity Note 4) ±5% F.S. or less ±3% F.S. or less
Repeatability Note 4) ±3% F.S. or less ±1% F.S. or less
Temperature characteristics ±2% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, based on 25°C), ±1% F.S. or less (15 to 35°C, based on 25°C)
Current consumption (No load) 50 mA or less 60 mA or less
Weight 45 g
Maximum load current: 80 mA
Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
NPN open collector (PF2W300, PF2W330)

Maximum applied voltage: 30 V

Output Note 5)

Switch output 2 outputs

Maximum load current: 80 mA
PNP open collector (PF2W301, PF2W331) Internal voltage drop: 1.5 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
2 outputs
Accumulated pulse output NPN or PNP open collector (Same as switch output)
Enclosure IP40
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Display 3-digit, 7-segment LED
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. OUT1: Green; OUT2: Red
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Response time 1 sec. or less
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0) Window comparator mode: 3-digit fixed Note 6)
Note 1) Values vary depending on each set flow rate range.
Note 2) For digital flow switch with unit switching function. (Fixed SI unit [l/min or l] will be set for switch types without the unit switching function.)
Note 3) Accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply turns OFF.
Note 4) The system accuracy when combined with PF2W5.
Note 5) Switch output and accumulated pulse output can be selected during initial setting.
Note 6) Window comparator mode — Since hysteresis (H) will reach 3 digits, keep P_1 and P_2 or n_1 and n_2 apart by 7 digits or more. (In case of output OUT2, n_1, 2 to be n_3, 4 and P_1, 2
to be P_3, 4.)
Note 7) The display unit is comformed to CE mark.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 135

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

How to Order

4-channel Flow Monitor

Remote type PF2W20 M
Display unit
Output specification Option 2 (Refer to page 152.)
Accessory / Power supply output cable (2 m) 0 NPN 4 outputs
Nil None
1 PNP 4 outputs
4C Sensor connector (4 pc.)
Unit specification
Nil With unit switching function Option 1 (Refer to page 152.)
M Fixed SI unit Note) Nil None
Note) Fixed unit: A Panel mounting
Real-time flow rate: l/min
Accumulated flow: l B Front protective cover + Panel mounting

Connectable remote type sensor part is PF2W5--1 (with analog output 1 to 5 V).


Model PF2W200/201
Applicable flow rate sensor PF2W504/504T--1 PF2W520/520T--1 PF2W540/540T--1 PF2W511--1
Flow rate measurement range Note 1) 0.35 to 4.50 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45.0 l/min 7 to 110 l/min
Set flow rate range Note 1) 0.35 to 4.50 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45.0 l/min 7 to 110 l/min
Minimum set unit Note 1) 0.05 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min
Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange
0.05 l/pulse 0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse
value (Pluse width: 50 ms) Note 1)
Note 1)
Real-time flow rate l/min, gal (US)/min
Display unit
Accumulated flow l, gal (US)
Accumulated flow range Note 1) 0 to 999999 l, 0 to 999999 gal (US)
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Current consumption 55 mA or less (Not including the current consumption of the sensor)
Power supply voltage for sensor Same as [Power supply voltage]
Power supply current for sensor Note 3) Max. 110 mA (However, the total current for the 4 inputs is 440 mA maximum or less.)

Measuring Instruments
Sensor input 1 to 5 VDC (Input impedance: Approx: 800 kΩ)
No. of inputs 4 inputs

Input protection Excess voltage protection
Maximum load current: 80 mA
Switch output
NPN open collector (PF2W200) Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
(Real-time switch output,

Maximum applied voltage: 30 V

Output Note 3)

Accumulated switch Maximum load current: 80 mA

output) PNP open collector (PF2W201)
Internal voltage drop: 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
Accumulated pulse output NPN or PNP open collector (same as switch output)
No. of outputs 4 outputs (1 output per 1 sensor input)
Output protection With short circuit protection
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0), Window comparator mode: Fixed (3 digits)
Response time Note 4) 1 sec. or less
Linearity Note 4) ±5% F.S. or less
Repeatability Note 4) ±3% F.S. or less
Temperature characteristics ±2% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, 25°C)
For measured value display: 4-digits, 7-segment LED (Orange)
Display method
For channel display: 1-digit, 7-segment LED (Red)
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. OUT1: Green
Enclosure IP65 for the front face only, and IP40 for the remaining parts

Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –10 to 60°C (No condensation or freezing)
Operating humidity range Operating or Stored: 35 to 85% RH (No condensation)
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each (de-energized)
Impact resistance 980 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each (de-energized)
Noise resistance 500 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Connection Power supply / Output connection: 8P connector, Sensor connection: 4P connector (e-con)
Material Housing: PBT, Display: PET, Backside rubber: CR
Weight 60 g (Except for any accessories that are shipped together)
Note 1) Fixed SI unit [l/min or l] will be set for switch types without the unit switching function. (“-M” is suffixed at the end of part number.) Accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply turns OFF.
Note 2) If Vcc side on sensor input connector part is short-circuited with 0 V side, the flow monitor inside will be damaged.
Note 3) Switch output and accumulated pulse output can be selected during initial setting.
Note 4)The system accuracy when combined with applicable flow sensor.
Note 5) The display unit is comformed to CE mark.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 136

Series PF2W

Flow Characteristics (Pressure Loss)

PF2W704/504 PF2W720/520 PF2W740/540

0.030 0.05
0.025 0.06

Pressure loss (MPa)

Pressure loss (MPa)

Pressure loss (MPa)

0.020 0.05
0.02 0.03
0.005 0.01

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min)


Pressure loss (MPa)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110
Flow rate (l/min)

Sensor Unit Construction

q w e w r
Component Parts
No. Description Material
1 Attachment Stainless steel
2 Seal NBR
3 Body PPS
4 Sensor PPS

Flow direction

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 137

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

Dimensions: Integrated Display Type for Water

PF2W704/720 67 Internal circuit and wiring example

L 58 6 1 to 4 are terminal numbers.
60 17 1.6

Main circuit
UP Black

SET 2 +
OUT1 OUT2 White
Blue 12 to
24 VDC
PF2W7--27(-M): NPN type
4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size
(42.2) OUT1

Main circuit
Black Load
2 OUT2 +
Load –
Blue 12 to

24 VDC
PF2W7--67(-M): PNP type

Connector pin numbers

4 3
2-ø3.4 43
Flow direction

Model L dimension 1 2
PF2W704 100
PF2W720 106 Pin no. Pin description
1 DC (+)

Measuring Instruments
PF2W740 2 OUT2
3 DC (–)

120 67 6 4 OUT1
60 17 1.6




4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size 34



Flow direction

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 138

Series PF2W

Dimensions: Integrated Display Type for Water

148 77
80 79
32 9 2



4-ø5.5 36 2-Port size 45

46 60 (42.2)

Flow direction

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 139

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

Dimensions: Remote Type Sensor Unit for Water

PF2W504/520-(N)- Internal circuit and wiring example

L B 1 2 to 8 are terminal numbers.
60 23
48.2 1.6 Display unit
Sensor unit (PF2W30/31)
Brown 12 to 24 VDC
1 2 6

Main circuit

Main circuit
NC 2 White 4 8
Switch +
Black output –


4 3 7
3 1 5

4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size 6
Display unit
Sensor unit (PF2W30/31)
Brown 12 to 24 VDC
1 2 6

Main circuit

Main circuit

2 Load 4 8
White Switch +
output –
4 3 7

3 1 5

Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter.


PF2W5--1 (With voltage output type)

Output specification A B

Output for display 42 62

unit only
Display unit
Output for display unit + Sensor unit (PF2W30/31)
Analog output 52 72
2-ø3.4 43 Brown 12 to 24 VDC
1 2 6
Flow direction Analog
Main circuit

Main circuit
2 Load 4 8
White Switch +
output –

Measuring Instruments
Model L dimension 4 3 7
PF2W504 100
PF2W520 106 3 1 5


Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter.

PF2W540-(N)- PF2W5--2 (With voltage output type)
120 B
60 23
48.2 1.6 Wiring

Brown (1) DC (+)

Main circuit

Black (4) OUT (Output for

display unit)


White (2) NC/Analog output

Blue (3) DC (–)

4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size 6

∗ Use this sensor by connecting to SMC remote type
50 display unit Series PF2W2/3.

Connector pin numbers

2 1

3 4
Output specification A B
Output for display 42 62 Pin no. Pin description

unit only
1 DC (+)
Output for display unit +
Analog output 52 72 2 NC/Analog output
3 DC (–)
Flow direction 4 OUT
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 140

Series PF2W

Dimensions: Remote Type Sensor Unit for Water

148 32

4-ø5.5 36 2-Port size 45 2

Output specification A B
Output for display 63 77

unit only
Output for display unit +
Analog output 73 87

Flow direction

Analog output
1 to 5 VDC 4 to 20 mADC

5 20
Analog output [V]

Analog output [V]

1 4

0 0
Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min] Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min]
flow rate value flow rate value flow rate flow rate value flow rate value flow rate
Minimum measured Maximum measured Minimum measured Maximum measured
Part no. Part no.
flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min]
PF2W504--1 0.5 4 PF2W504--2 0.5 4
PF2W520--1 2 16 PF2W520--2 2 16
PF2W540--1 5 40 PF2W540--2 5 40
PF2W511--1 10 100 PF2W511--2 10 100

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 141

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

Dimensions: Remote Type Display Unit for Water

Panel mounting type Internal circuit and wiring example
1 2 to 8 are terminal numbers.

8 Load
41.8 40.3 Sensor 4
40 4.3 OUT1

Main circuit
3 7 Load
2 6
Blue –
1 5

12 to 24 VDC



Panel fitting dimensions

3 x 7.2 (= 21.6) 8-M3
6.4 36 +0.5
0 OUT2
8 Load
Sensor 4

Main circuit
1 2 3 4
3 7 Load


2 6

Blue –
1 5
5 6 7 8 12 to 24 VDC
PF2W5 PF2W31-A
View A ∗ The applicable panel thickness is 1 to 3.2 mm. ∗ Do not connect the white wire of the sensor to 3 .

Measuring Instruments
Terminal block number
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

5 6 7 8

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 142

Series PF2W

Dimensions: Remote Type Display Unit for Water (4-channel Flow Monitor)

40.1 (7.5)
40 6 2.5



Sensor connector

Front Protection Cover + Panel Mount

47 9.4 (2)


Panel mounting adapter

Front protection cover

Waterproof seal Panel

55 or more
37.5 -0.2
55 or more

Panel fitting dimensions

Applicable panel thickness: 0.5 to 8 mm
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 143

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

Dimensions: Remote Type Display Unit for Water (4-channel Flow Monitor)

Sensor connector (4P x 4) Connector (option)

Sensor connector port

Power supply /
Output connector port Pin no. Terminal Connector no. Cable wire color
q DC+ 1 Brown
w N.C. 2 Not used
e DC– 3 Blue
r IN: 1 to 5 V 4 White

Power supply / Output connector (8P)

Power supply / Output connector (accessory)

q w e r t y u i
Pin no.
Pin no. Terminal 8 Yellow N.C.
q DC (+) 7 Green CH4_OUT1
w DC (–) 6 Red CH3_OUT1
e CH1_OUT1 5 Gray CH2_OUT1
r N.C. 4 White N.C.
t CH2_OUT1 3 Black CH1_OUT1
y CH3_OUT1 2 Blue DC(–)
u CH4_OUT1 1 Brown DC(+)
i N.C.

Measuring Instruments
Internal circuits and wiring example
PF2W200 PF2W201
DC (+) DC (+)
4 4
(Brown) (Brown)


3 3
NC 2 NC 2 24 VDC
1 CH1_OUT1 24 VDC 1 CH1_OUT1

(Black) (Black) –
4 – 4

3 3
Main circuit

Main circuit

1 (Gray) 1 (Gray)

4 4

3 CH3_OUT1 3 CH3_OUT1
NC 2 (Red) NC 2 (Red)

1 1
4 CH4_OUT1 4 CH4_OUT1

3 (Green) 3 (Green)

NC 2 NC 2
1 DC (–) 1 DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 144

Digital Flow Switch/High Temperature Fluid Type

For Water

Series PF2A For details about certified products

conforming to international standards,
visit us at

How to Order

display type PF2W7 20 T 03 27
Flow rate range
04 0.5 to 4 l/min Temperature range
20 2 to 16 l/min T 0 to 90°C Unit specification
40 5 to 40 l/min With unit
Wiring specification (Refer to page 152.) Nil switching function
Thread type Nil M12 3 m lead wire with connector M Fixed SI unit Note 2)
Port size
Nil Rc N Without lead wire Note) Fixed unit:
Flow rate (l/min)
N NPT Symbol Port Applicable model Real-time flow rate: l/min
size 4 16 40 Output specification Accumulated flow: l
03 3/8   PF2W704T, PF2W720T 27 PNP open collector 2 outputs
04 1/2   PF2W720T, PF2W740T 67 NPN open collector 2 outputs
06 3/4  PF2W740T

Model PF2W704T PF2W720T PF2W740T
Measured fluid Water, Mixture of water (50%) and ethylene glycol (50%)
Flow rate measurement range 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min
Set flow rate range 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min
Flow rate measuring range 0.5 to 4 l/min 2 to 16 l/min 5 to 40 l/min
Minimum setting unit 0.05 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min
Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange value (Pulse width: 50 ms) 0.05 l/pulse 0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse
Operating fluid temperature 0 to 90°C (With no cavitation)
Linearity ±5% F.S. or less
Repeatability ±3% F.S. or less
Temperature characteristics Note 1) ±5% F.S. or less (0 to 90°C, based on 25°C)
Current consumption (No load) 70 mA or less
Weight Note 2) 710 g
Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 3/8 3/8, 1/2 1/2, 3/4
Detection type Karman vortex
Display 3-digit, 7-segment LED
Note 3) Real-time flow rate l/min, gal (US)/min
Display unit
Accumulated flow l, gal (US)
Operating pressure range 0 to 1 MPa
Withstand pressure 1.5 MPa
Accumulated flow range Note 4) 0 to 999999 l

Maximum load current: 80 mA; Internal voltage drop:

Output Note 5)

NPN open collector 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA) Maximum applied voltage: 30 V; 2 outputs
Switch output
PNP open collector Maximum load current: 80 mA; Internal voltage drop:
1.5 V or less (With load current of 80 mA); 2 outputs
Accumulated pulse output NPN or PNP open collector (Same as switch output)
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. OUT1: Green; OUT2: Red
Response time 1 sec. or less
Hysteresis Hysteresis mode: Variable (can be set from 0); Window comparator mode: 3-digit fixed Note 6)
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Enclosure IP65
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Note 1) ±5% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, based on 25°C), ±3% F.S. or less (15 to 35°C, based on 25°C) Note 2) Without lead wire.
Note 3) For digital flow switch with unit switching function. (Fixed SI unit [l/min or l] will be set for switch type without the unit switching function.)
Note 4) Accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply turns OFF.
Note 5) Switch output and accumulated pulse output can be selected during initial setting.
Note 6) Window comparator mode — Since hysteresis will reach 3 digits, keep P_1 and P_2 or n_1 and n_2 apart by 7 digits or more. (In case of output OUT2, n_1, 2 to be n_3, 4 and P_1, 2 to
be P_3, 4.)
Note 7) The flow switch is comformed to CE mark.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 145

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

How to Order

Remote type
Display unit PF2W5 20 T 03 C
Flow rate range
04 0.5 to 4 l/min
20 2 to 16 l/min Temperature range
40 5 to 40 l/min T 0 to 90°C
Option (Refer to page 152.)
Nil None
Thread type
C e-con connector x 1 pc.
Nil Rc
The cable and connector are shipped
N NPT unassembled.

Port size Wiring specification (Refer to page 152.)

Nil M12 3 m lead wire with connector
Port Flow rate (l/min)
Symbol Applicable model N Without lead wire
size 4 16 40
03 3/8   PF2W504T/520T
04 1/2   PF2W520T/540T
Output specification
06 3/4  PF2W540T Symbol Specification Applicable display unit (monitor) model
Nil Output for display unit Series PF2W300
1 Output for display unit + Analog output (1 to 5 V) Series PF2W200/300
2 Output for display unit + Analog output (4 to 20 mA) Series PF2W300
Model PF2W504T PF2W520T PF2W540T
Measured fluid Water, Mixture of water (50%) and ethylene glycol (50%)
Detection type Karman vortex
Flow rate measuring range 0.5 to 4 l/min 2 to 16 l/min 5 to 40 l/min
Operating pressure range 0 to 1 MPa
Withstand pressure 1.5 MPa
Operating fluid temperature 0 to 90°C (With no cavitation)

Measuring Instruments
Linearity Note 1) ±5% F.S. or less
Repeatability Note 1) ±2% F.S. or less

Temperature characteristics ±2% F.S. or less (15 to 35°C based on 25°C), ±3% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C based on 25°C)
Pulse output, N channel, open drain, output for display unit PF2W3.
Output for display unit

(Specifications: Maximum load current of 10 mA; Maximum applied voltage of 30 V)

Output Note 2)

Voltage output 1 to 5 V within the flow rate range

Linearity: ±5% F.S. or less; allowable load resistance: 100 kΩ or more.
Analog output
Current output 4 to 20 mA within the flow rate range
Linearity: ±5% F.S. or less; allowable load resistance: 300 Ω or less with 12 VDC, 600 Ω or less with 24 VDC
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Current consumption (No load) 20 mA or less
Enclosure IP65
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –25 to 85°C (No condensation or freezing)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between external terminal and case
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (500 VDC Mega) between external terminal and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller: 1.5 mm amplitude or 98 m/s2 acceleration in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 490 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µs, Rise time 1 ns
Weight Note 3) 660 g
Port size (Rc, NPT, G) 3/8 3/8, 1/2 1/2, 3/4
Note 1) The system accuracy when combined with PF2W3/3.
Note 2) Output system can be selected during initial setting.
Note 3) Without lead wire. (Add 20 g for the types of analog output whether voltage or current output selected.)
Note 4) The sensor unitis comformed to CE mark.

Display units are the same as those of remote type digital flow switch for water (series PF2W3/
PF2W20). Refer to page 134, 135 for details.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 146

Series PF2W

Flow Characteristics (Pressure Loss)

PF2W704T/504T PF2W720T/520T PF2W740T/540T

0.030 0.05

Pressure loss (MPa)

Pressure loss (MPa)

Pressure loss (MPa)

0.04 0.06

0.020 0.05
0.02 0.03

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min)

Sensor Unit Construction

q w e w r
Component Parts
No. Description Material
1 Attachment Stainless steel
2 Seal FKM
3 Body PPS
4 Sensor PPS

Flow direction

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 147

For Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2W

Dimensions: Integrated Display Type for Water

PF2W704T/720T/740T Internal circuit and wiring example

1 to 4 are terminal numbers.
120 74
60 23 Brown
1.6 Load

Main circuit
4 Load
UP White + 12 to
3 – 24 VDC

DOWN PF2W7T--27(-M)


Main circuit
4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size 34 Black Load
50 White
2 OUT2
+ 12 to
(42.2) Load – 24 VDC


Connector pin numbers

4 3


1 2

Pin no. Pin description

1 DC (+)
Flow direction 2 OUT2
3 DC (–)

Measuring Instruments
4 OUT1


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 148

Series PF2W

Dimensions: Remote Type Sensor Unit for Water

120 23
Internal circuit and wiring example
1 2 to 8 are terminal numbers.
60 1.6
Display unit
Sensor unit (PF2W30/31)
Brown 12 to 24 VDC
1 2 6

Main circuit

Main circuit
NC 2 White 4 8
Switch +

Black output
4 3 7 –
3 1 5

4-ø4.5 40 2-Port size 34
Display unit
Sensor unit (PF2W30/31)
Brown 12 to 24 VDC
1 2 6

Main circuit

Main circuit
2 Load 4 8
White Switch +

4 3 7 –

3 1 5

Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter.

PF2W5T--1 (With voltage output type)
Output specification A B

Output for display 52 72 Display unit

unit only Sensor unit (PF2W30/31)
Output for display unit + Brown 12 to 24 VDC
Analog output 62 82 1 2 6
Main circuit

Main circuit
2 Load 4 8
White Switch +
Flow direction 4 3 7 –

3 1 5
Analog output
1 to 5 VDC 4 to 20 mADC Load is an analog input equipment such as a voltmeter.
PF2W5T--2 (With voltage output type)

5 20
Analog output [V]

Analog output [V]

Brown (1) DC (+)

Main circuit

Black (4) OUT (Output for

display unit)

White (2) NC/Analog output

1 4
Blue (3) DC (–)
0 0
Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min] Min. measured Max. measured Real-time [l/min] ∗ Use this sensor by connecting to SMC remote type
flow rate value flow rate value flow rate flow rate value flow rate value flow rate display unit Series PF2W3.

Minimum measured Maximum measured Minimum measured Maximum measured

Part no. Part no.
flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min] flow rate value [l/min] Connector pin numbers
PF2W504T--1 0.5 4 PF2W504T--2 0.5 4
4 3
PF2W520T--1 2 16 PF2W520T--2 2 16
PF2W540T--1 5 40 PF2W540T--2 5 40

1 2

Pin no. Pin description

1 DC (+)
2 NC/Analog output
3 DC (–)
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 149

For Air/Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2A/PF2W

Operating Unit Description

Integrated Display Type Remote Type Display Unit

PF2A710/750/711/721/751 PF2A300/301/310/311
PF2W704(T)/720(T)/740(T)/711 PF2W300/301/330/331
q w
w UP



u t
r y
RESET button ( +  button)
If the UP and DOWN buttons are pressed simultaneously, the RESET function will activate.
In case of an emergency, please clear the display. The display of the accumulated flow will be
reset to zero.
q LED display/Red Displays the measured flow rate, each setting condition, and error code.
w (PF2A7, PF2A3 for Illuminates when the normal condition (nor) is selected.
air only)

e Output (OUT1) display/Green Displays the output condition of OUT1. Illuminates when turned ON.
r Output (OUT2) display/Red Displays the output condition of OUT2. Illuminates when turned ON.
t UP button ( button) Use to change the mode or to increase the set value.
y SET button ( button) Use this button to set the valve or the set mode.
u DOWN button ( button) Use to change the mode or decrease the set value.

Integrated Display Type

PF2A703H/706H/712H RESET button ( +  button)
If the UP and DOWN buttons are pressed simultaneously, the RESET function will activate.
In case of an emergency, please clear the display. The display of the accumulated flow will be

Measuring Instruments
q r reset to zero.
q LCD display/Orange Displays the measured flow rate, each setting condition, and error code.

w Output (OUT1) display/Orange Displays the output condition of OUT1. Illuminates when turned ON.
w e Unit display/Orange
Displays the selected unit. Type without unit switching function is
fixed SI units (l/min, or l, m3, m3 x 103).
Flow rate confirmation
t u r display/Orange The blinking intervals change depending on the flow rate value.
t UP button ( button) Use to change the mode or to increase the set value.

y y SET button ( button) Use to select the function.

u DOWN button ( button) Use to change the mode or decrease the set value.
i MODE button ( button) Use for changing the function.

4-channel Flow Monitor (Remote Type Display Unit)

q r
q LCD display/Orange Displays the measured flow rate, each setting condition, and error code.

L w Switch output display/Red Displays the output condition of OUT1 (CH1 to 4). Illuminates when turned ON.

e OUT1 t Unit display of flow rate for air/ CH1 to 4 will illuminate when the normal condition (nor) is
e Red (PF2A200, 201 for air only) selected.

y r Unit display/Orange
Illuminates the selected unit. Use after putting the unit label other
i than l/min, l.
t Channel display/Red Displays the selected channel.
u y UP button ( button) Use to change the mode or to increase the set value.
u SET button Use this button to set the value or the set mode.
i DOWN button ( button) Use to change the mode or decrease the set value.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 150

Series PF2A/PF2W

Functions Refer to the operation manual how to set and to operate.

Flow rate measurement selection Output type

Real-time flow rate and accumulated flow rate can be selected. Real-time switch output, accumulated switch output,
Up to 999999 of flow rate value can be accumulated. or accumulated pulse output can be selected as an
The accumulated flow rate is reset when the power supply output type.
turns OFF. (PF2A7H maintains the values.)
Real-time switch output
• Hysteresis mode
Unit switching ON
For Air OFF
Display Real-time flow rate Accumulated flow P-2 P-1
High flow rate →
l/min l “P” • Window comparator mode
CFM x 10–2, CFM x 10–1 ft3 x 10–1 H: Hysteresis
CFM = ft3/min ON

High Flow Rate Type (For Air) NO OFF

P-1 P-2
Display Real-time flow rate Accumulated flow High flow rate →
l/min l OUT1 Output • Hysteresis mode
CFM gal (US) ON
∗ OUT2 is the same. YES
High Temperature Fluid Type (For Water) OFF
n-2 n-1
Display Real-time flow rate Accumulated flow High flow rate →
l/min l • Window comparator mode
“n” H: Hysteresis
GPM gal (US)
GPM = gal (US)/min Note 2) Output mode is set ON
to inverted output
at the factory NO OFF
Note) Fixed SI unit [l/min or l, m3 or m3 x 10] will be set before shipment. n-1 n-2
for the type without the unit switching function. High flow rate →

Flow rate conversion

Basic state: 0°C, 101.3 kPa
Standard state: 20°C, 101.3 kPa, 65%RH (ANR) Accumulated switch output
Switchable between these states.
Flow rate measuring unit confirmation OFF
This function allows to confirm the accumulated flow rate High flow rate →
when real-time flow rate is selected and to confirm the
real-time flow rate when accumulated flow rate is selected.
OUT1 Output
Key lock
This function prevents incorrect operations such as ON
changing the set value accidentally.
“n” OFF
Note 2)
High flow rate →
Accumulation clearance
Note 2) Output mode is set to inverted output at the
This is to clear the accumulated value. factory before shipment.

Initialization of setting (Only for series PF2A7H)

This is to restore the setting to the initial state when Accumulated pulse output
dispatched from the factory. “P” ON


OUT1 Output
mode 50 msec


“n” OFF
Note 2)
Note 1) For digital flow switch with unit switching function. (Fixed SI unit [l/min or l, m3 or m3
x 103] will be set for switch types without unit switching function.)
Refer to the specifications of display unit for the flow rate value per pulse.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 151

For Air/Water
Digital Flow Switch Series PF2A/PF2W

Functions Refer to the operation manual how to set and to operate.

Copy function (PF2200, 201 only) Channel select function (PF2200, 201 only)
Information to be copied is: Every pushing the  button, channel selection
q Flow rate range “12341...” is available. The flow rate measure-
w Display mode ment of each selected channel is shown in the display
e Display unit (Only available when the unit specification unit.
is nil.)
r Output method
t Output mode Channel scan function (PF2200, 201 only)
y Flow rate display unit (available with PF2A20 only) Changes displaying the channel shown every about 2
u Flow rate value seconds and its detected flow rate.

Peak hold, Bottom hold display function

(PF2200, 201 only)
The maximum or minimum value can be held in the case
where the real-time flow rate display mode is selected
during the initial setting.

Error correction
LED display Contents Solution

Note 1) A current of more than Check the load and the

80 mA is flowing to OUT1. wiring for OUT1.
Note 2)
A current of more than Check the load and the
Note 1) 80 mA is flowing to OUT2. wiring for OUT2.

Note 2)
The set data has Perform the RESET
changed for some operation, and reset all
Note 1) reason. the data again.

Measuring Instruments
Note 1)
The flow rate is over the Use an adjustment valve, etc.
flow rate measurement to reduce the flow rate until it

Note 2) range. is within the flow rate range.
Note 1) Applicable to display integrated type and remote type except
PF2A7H series.
Note 2) Applicable to PF2A7H series only.

For PF2A/W200, 201

LED display Contents Solution
Shut off the power supply.
After eliminating the output
Over current is flowing to the
factor that caused the excess
load of a switch output.
current, turn the power
supply back on.

Internal data error.

Internal data error. Contact SMC.

Internal data error.

Internal data error.

Shut off the power supply
and then reset the switch.
Internal data error.

Use an adjustment valve, etc.

The flow rate is over the flow
to reduce the flow rate until it
rate measurement range.
is within the flow rate range.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 152

Series PF2A/PF2W

When only optional parts are required, order with the part numbers listed below.

M12 lead wire with connector e-con connector

Part no. Qty. Lead wire length Part no. Qty.
ZS-29-A 1 3m ZS-28-CA-4 1


e-con connector

M12 lead wire

PF2A7 (H) with connector
PF2W7 (T)

M12 lead wire PF2W20
with connector
PF2W5 (T)

In addition to the lead wire assembly shown above, those listed below (female contact) can In addition to the connectors shown above, those listed below (e-con) can be
be connected. connected.
However, they cannot be connected with an e-con connector because the diameter of the
core wire and its coverage diameter are different. For details, contact each manufacturer. Manufacturer Model
Connector size Pin no. Manufacturer Applicable series Sumitomo 3M Limited 37104-3122-000FL
Correns Corp. VA-4D Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. 2-1473562-4
OMRON Corp. XS2 OMRON Corp. XN2A-1430
M12 4 Yamatake Co.,Ltd. PA5-4I
Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. HR24
DKK Ltd. CM01-8DP4S

Panel mounting
Pin no. Description Note Part no. Description Note
ZS-22-E Panel mounting adapter A, B With mounting bracket ZS-26-B Panel mounting adapter With waterproof seal, mounting screw
ZS-26-C Front protective cover + Panel mounting adapter With waterproof seal, mounting screw

Panel PF2A3
PF2W3 Front protective cover

Mounting screw (M3 x 8 L)

Panel mounting adapter A
Panel mounting adapter B Panel mounting adapter
Mounting bracket
Waterproof seal
PF2A20 (accessory)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 153

Related Product:
Multi Counter

Series CEU5
How to Order


Power supply voltage A COM B COM DC12V GND F.G. R.S. HOLD COM BANK1 BANK2

Output transistor mode D 24 VDC

Nil NPN open collector output
P PNP open collector output SET


External output
Nil RS-232C
B RS-232C + BCD

Connection Method

Connection with the Digital Flow Switch (Series PF2)

Measuring Instruments





• OUT1 to OUT 5 RS-232C

• OUT1 to OUT20 (Bank switching)
• Binary output (31 points)

• Possible to measure accumulated pulse output of a Digital Flow Switch by an unit of 100 l (litter) and 10 ft3 (cube foot) using the
pre-scaling function* of the multi counter (When inputting to the multi counter, Up or Down is selected as input method.)
• Possible to take advantage of all CEU5 functions using preset mode and function mode.
* The set value is calculated by selecting manual mode. By multiplication by 4, then, per pulse value is set.

<Connection with other manufacturers’ encoders>

• Possible to switch multi counter side input method to 2-phase or Up/Down.
• Possible to connect to an encoder if the output method is Open Collector.
• When selecting UP or DOWN, phase A to COM input is counted toward addition direction, phase B to COM input is counted
toward subtraction direction.

When connecting the CEU5 with an encoder from another manufacturer, please thoroughly confirm the specification beforehand.
Please note that the CEU5 may not count normally depending on the output method, output frequency and connecting cable
length, etc. of the encoders.
Regarding connection with scale cylinder, refer to “Stroke reading cylinders & Counters CE series” in the Best Pneumatics Vol. 10.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 154

High Precision 2-color Display Air tool Maintenance

Digital Pressure Switch
Series ZSE30/ISE30 Vacuum Air blow

2-color digital display allows you to choose the setting 
according to your application requirements.
4 different display settings are available.

Red Green Green Red

Red Red Green Green

∗ The picture shown is an image,
which differs from the actual

Abnormal conditions can be detected at a glance!



With one-touch fittings (ø4, ø6, ø5/32", ø1/4")

Reduced dimensions in piping direction
17.8 mm reduction∗ 12.4 mm reduction∗
Straight type Elbow type
14.4 22.4

17.8 mm 12.4 mm

32.2 34.8

KQ2H06-M5 KQ2L06-M5

∗ Comparison when One-touch fittings (KQ2H06-M5 / KQ2L06-M5) are connected to the piping ports (M5 x 0.8)
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 155

High Precision 2-color Display

Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE30/ISE30

Space saving improvement
Space saving improvement

ZSE4E Display calibration
ISE4E Each displa
y required
its own pa
nel openin Before


After Just one p

anel openin
ZSE30 required fo g is
r st
displays, w ackable
ISE30 hic
mounted e h can be
This function allows uniformity in the numbers displayed.
or vertically r horizontally
More user-friendly controls
Raised rubber
button controls are

clearly set apart,

Measuring Instruments
simple to operate,
103.5 soft to the touch.

Compact p
rofile Plug-type
connectors take the
burden out of
wiring work and
With analog output
Applicable panel  In addition to the conventional voltage output High precision
thickness is up to 6 mm type (1 to 5 V)
resolution: 1/1000
(Panel mounting) Current output type
(4 to 20 mA) is now available.
• Convenient when longer wiring is required Variations
• Excellent noise resistance
Vacuum/Low pressure Positive pressure
Switches for vacuum and positive 100 kPa 1 MPa

pressure can be easily distinguished. Rated pressure 0 0

The different display panel frame colors easily tell them apart.
–100 kPa
Vacuum/Low pressure (ZSE30) Positive pressure (ISE30)
Setting/Display resolution 0.2 kPa 0.001 MPa
Switch output NPN/PNP open collector (1 output)
Blue Gray Output
Analog output Voltage output: 1 to 5 V; Current output: 4 to 20 mA
Current consumption 45 mA or less (70 mA or less for current output)
Option Panel mount/Bracket

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 156

Series ZSE30/ISE30

How to Order
Option 1
Without lead wire


Lead wire with connector

(Lead wire length: 2 m)

For positive pressure ISE30 01 25 M

For vacuum/low pressure ZSE30 01 25 M

Piping specification Option 2

Nil None
R 1/8
01 Bracket
(With M5 female thread)

NPT 1/8
T1 A
(With M5 female thread)

ø4 One-touch fitting Straight type
ø5/32" One-touch fiting
Output specification Panel mount
C6H ø6 One-touch fitting 25 NPN output
65 PNP output
26 1 to 5 V output B
N7H ø1/4" One-touch fitting
28 4 to 20 mA output

ø4 One-touch fitting Elbow type
ø5/32" One-touch fitting
Panel mount adapter +
Front protective
C6L ø6 One-touch fitting cover
N7L ø1/4" One-touch fitting

Option Part No.

Unit specification
When optional parts are required separately, use the following part
numbers to place an order. Nil With unit switching function
Option Part no. Note Fixed SI unit Note)
(International System of Units)
Lead wire with connector ZS-27-A Lead wire length: 2 m
With mounting screws Note) Fixed unit:
Bracket ZS-27-B For vacuum/Low pressure: kPA
(M3 x 5 L: 2 pcs.)
Panel mount adapter ZS-27-C For positive pressure: MPa
With M3 x 8 L (2 pcs.)
Panel mount adater + Front protective cover ZS-27-D With M3 x 8 L (2 pcs.)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 157

High Precision 2-color Display

Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE30/ISE30

ZSE30 (Vacuum/Low pressure) ISE30 (Positive pressure)
Rated pressure range –100.0 to 100.0 kPa 0.000 to 1.000 MPa
Set pressure range –101.0 to 101.0 kPa –0.100 to 1.000 MPa
Withstand pressure 500 kPa 1.5 MPa
Min. regulating unit 0.2 kPa 0.001 MPa
Fluid Air, Inert gas, Non-flammable gas
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC, Ripple (p-p) 10% or less (With power supply polarity protection)
Current consumption 45 mA or less (at no load)
Switch output Note 1) NPN or PNP open collector output: 1 output
Max. load current 80 mA
Max. applied voltage 30 V (With NPN output)
Residual voltage 1 V or less (With load current of 80 mA)
Response time 2.5 ms or less (Response time selections with anti-chattering function: 20, 160, 640, 1280 ms)
Short circuit protection Yes
Repeatability ±0.2% F.S. ±2 digit or less ±0.2% F.S. ±1 digit or less
Note 2) Output voltage: 1 to 5 V ±2.5% F.S. or less (With rated pressure range)
Voltage output
Linearity: ±1% F.S. or less, Output impedance: Approx. 1 kΩ
Analog Output current: 4 to 20 mA ±2.5% F.S. or less (With rated pressure range)
output Note 3) Linearity: ±1% F.S. or less
Current output Maximum load impedance: 300 Ω with power supply voltage of 12 V;
600 Ω with power supply voltage of 24 V
Minimum load impedance: 50 Ω
Hysteresis mode
Hysteresis Adjustable (can be set from 0)
Window comparator mode
3 1/2 digit, 7-segment indicator, 2-color display (Red and green)
Display Sampling cycle: 5 times/s
±2% F.S. ±2 digit ±2% F.S. ±1 digit
Display accuracy
(at 25°C ambient temperature) (at 25°C ambient temperature)
Indicator light Illuminates when output is ON. (Green)
Temperature characteristics ±2% F.S. or less (based on 25°C)
Enclosure IP40
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –10 to 60°C (No freezing or condensation)

Measuring Instruments
Operating humidity range Operating and stored: 35 to 85% RH (No condensation)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between live parts and enclosure

Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more between live parts and enclosure (at 500 VDC)
Vibration resistance 10 to 150 Hz, 1.5 mm or 20 m/s2 amplitude in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hours each
Impact resistance 100 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each
Standard Compliant with CE Marking and UL (CSA) standards
Note 1) When switch output is selected, analog output is not available.
Note 2) When voltage output is selected, a simultaneous selection of switch output and current output is not available.
Note 3) When current output is selected, a simultaneous selection of switch output and voltage output is not available.
Piping Specifications

Part 01 T1 C4H C6H N7H C4L C6L N7L

R1/8 NPT1/8
— — — — — —
M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8
Port One-touch fitting ø4 mm
size Straight type — — ø6 mm ø1/4 inch — — —
ø5/32 inch
One-touch fitting ø4 mm
Elbow type — — — — — ø6 mm ø1/4 inch
ø5/32 inch
Sensor pressure receiving area: Silicon, Piping port: C3602 (Electroless nickel plated), O-ring: HNBR
Wetted part material
O-ring: NBR O-ring: NBR, fitting: PBT
With lead wire with connector (2 m) 81 g 76 g 78 g
Without lead wire with connector 43 g 38 g 40 g

Various additional functions are available for easy measurement, switch operation and check of measured values suitable for the conditions of the measured fluid.
Anti-chattering function Prevents malfunction due to sudden fluctuations in the primary pressure by adjusting the response time.
Key lock function The key board operation can be locked to prevent incorrect operation on the operation switch.
Peak hold function Can retain the maximum pressure value displayed during measurement.
Bottom hold function Can retain the minimum pressure value displayed during measurement.
Zero out function The pressure display can be set at zero when the pressure is open to the atmosphere.
Unit conversion (for overseas use) Note 2) Can convert the display value (for overseas use only).
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 158

Series ZSE30/ISE30

Unit Descriptions

Indication light (Green) LCD display

Displays the switch operation status. Displays the current pressure
MPa condition, setting mode condi-
tions, selected display unit, and
error codes. A display color type
can be selected from either a sin-
gle color display with red or green,
or 2-color display in which green
UP button OUT and red are switched according to
Use this button to change the the output.

mode or increase the ON/OFF set  SET DOWN button
value. It also allows you to switch
to the peak value display mode. Use this button to change the
mode or decrease the ON/OFF
SET button set value. It also allows you to
switch to the bottom value display
Use this button to switch the mode.
mode and set the set value.

Error Correction Example of Internal Circuit and Wiring

Take the following corrective solutions when errors occur. -25
Error LCD NPN open collector output
description display Contents Solution Maximum 30 V, 80 mA
Shut off the power Residual voltage: Brown DC(+)
supply. After eliminating 1 V or less
Main circuit

current Load current of switch the output factor that

output is more than 80 mA. caused the excess + 12
error Black OUT
current, turn the power to

supply back on. 24 VDC
Pressure is applied during the
zero out operation as follows:
When the switch for positive -26
pressure is used: ±0.071 MPa Analog output type
or more. 1 to 5 V (±2.5% F.S.)
Bring the pressure
Residual When the switch positive
back to atmospheric Output impedance: Brown DC(+)
pressure pressure is used:
±7.1 kPa or more. pressure and try 1 kΩ
error using the zero out
Main circuit

After displaying for 3 seconds, Black OUT

function. + 12
it will return to the measuring (Analog output)
mode. Due to the individual – to
product difference, the setting Load 24 VDC
range varies ±10% F.S.
Blue DC(–)
Supply pressure exceeds -28
the maximum regulating Analog output type
Applied pressure.
supply pressure to 4 to 20 mA (±2.5% F.S.)
error within the regulating Maximum load impedance: Brown DC(+)
Supply pressure is below pressure range. Power supply voltage 12 V: 300 Ω
the minimum regulating Power supply voltage 24 V: 600 Ω
Main circuit

Black OUT
pressure. Minimum load impedance: 50 Ω + 12
(Analog output)
– 24 VDC
Internal data error
Blue DC(–)
Shut off the power
supply. Turn the -65
Internal data error
power supply back PNP open collector
System on. Maximum 80 mA
error If the power should Brown DC(+)
not come back on,
Internal data error
Main circuit

please contact SMC

+ 12
for an inspection.
Black OUT to
– 24 VDC
Internal data error Load

Blue DC(–)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 159

High Precision 2-color Display

Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE30/ISE30


30 25 8 9.5 Lead wire 20 ± 0.1 2-M3 x 0.5

3.6 with connector Thread depth 4

M5 x 0.8

20 ± 0.1

1.5 sf
01: R1/8 lat
T1: NPT1/8 2


One-touch fitting Straight Elbow
size A B A B C

ø4, ø5/32" 20 10.4 18


ø6 14.4 11.2 22.4 12.8 20

øB ø1/4" 22.8 13.2 20.5

Straight Elbow
With One-touch fitting

Measuring Instruments
With bracket


20 25



35 35

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 160

Series ZSE30/ISE30


Panel mount

7.2 17.8 8 9.5

34.5 47.8

.5 .5



Panel thickness 0.5 to 6

Panel mount adapter + Front protective cover

42.4 11 17.8 8 9.5


Panel thickness 0.5 to 6

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 161

High Precision 2-color Display

Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE30/ISE30


Panel fitting dimension

1-pc. mounting Multiple (2 pcs. or more) horizontal mounting




0 31 x n pcs. + 3.5 x (n pcs. – 1)

31 –0.4
31 – 0.4
24 and up


Measuring Instruments
Multiple (2 pcs. or more) vertical mounting

31–0.4 24 and up


31 x n pcs. + 3.5 x (n pcs. – 1)








ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 162

High Precision Air Tool Air Line


Digital Pressure Switch

Series ZSE40/ISE40 Vacuum Air Blow

High precision and high resolution
Vacuum pressure 1/1000 (0.1 kPa)
Compound pressure 11/2000 (0.1 kPa)
Positive pressure 1/1000 (0.001 MPa)

High speed response: 

Momentary change

2.5 ms or less
With anti-chattering function P1
Stable switch output is possible even with sudden Set value P2

changes in the primary pressure (when operating large

bore cylinders, etc.). Time →
t (ms) t (ms)
Anti-chattering function
Devices such as large bore cylinders and high-flow vacuum (Averaging) (Averaging)
ejectors consume a large volume of air when they operate, and
this may cause a momentary drop in the primary pressure. This Switch output ON
function prevents such momentary pressure drops from being operation
detected as abnormal pressures by allowing the response time when normal OFF
selection to be changed. Time →
[Selectable response times: t] Switch output
2.5 ms (normal), 24 ms, 192 ms or 768 ms operation when
The normal setting is selected when shipped from the factory. anti-chattering OFF
function is used
(Operating principle) Time →
The pressure values measured within the user-selected response
time are averaged, and switch output (ON/OFF) is determined by
comparing this averaged pressure value with the set pressure.

With auto shift function Without using auto shift

When the primary pressure fluctuates, a correct determination becomes impossible.
Allows switch output unaffected by variations in

Pressure Primary pressure Primary pressure Primary pressure

primary pressure. normal drop ncrease

Auto shift function P1

Set value
Erroneous operation may occur if there is fluctuation in the P2
primary pressure.
The auto shift function compensates for pressure changes to
ensure proper ON/OFF switch response during such fluctuations. Time →

(Operating principle)
At the point when the primary pressure fluctuates, the set Switch output ON Does not turn OFF
pressure value is compensated by setting the auto shift input 1, 2 Does not turn ON
(external input) to low (no-voltage) input, using the pressure
Time →
measured at that point as a standard.
When using auto shift
Set value Set value
compensation compensation

Pressure Primary pressure Primary pressure Primary pressure

Compound pressure (ZSE40F)  normal drop ncrease

Able to detect suction pressure (vacuum pressure) and P1

Set value
elease pressure (positive pressure) with a single P2
pressure switch.
Time →

3 types of piping Switch output ON

Different piping methods are possible to 1, 2 OFF
accommodate the installation location.
Time →

5 ms or more
10 ms
or less
when auto shift is input. ]
output response time

Auto shift
input Lo

Time →

Repeatability IP65 compatible
±0.2% F.S. ±1 digit or less Dusttight/Splash proof type
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 163

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE40/ISE40

How to Order

Set pressure range

Nil –0.100 to 1.000 MPa For positive pressure

For positive pressure ISE40 01 22 M

For vacuum/compound pressure ZSE40 01 22 M

Set pressure range Option

Nil 10.0 to –101.3 kPa For vacuum pressure Nil None
F –100.0 to 100.0 kPa For compound pressure Bracket A (ZS-24-A)

Piping specification A
01: R 1/8 (With M5 female threads) W1 : Rc 1/8
T1: NPT 1/8 (With M5 female threads) ∗ WF1: G 1/8
Reverse pressure two directions
R 1/8, NPT 1/8 Bracket B (ZS-24-B)
Rc 1/8, G 1/8

M5 x 0.8
female threads B
Rc 1/8, G 1/8

Bracket D (ZS-24-D)

∗ C4: With ø4 One-touch fitting ∗ M5: M5 x 0.8 (Female threads) D Refer to the dimensions.
∗ C6: With ø6 One-touch fitting
Wall mount Wall mount

Measuring Instruments
Panel mount (ZS-22-A)

M5 x 0.8 E
ø4, ø6
One-touch fitting

∗ Option
Panel mount (ZS-24-C)
Piping specification/Options + Front protective cover
Piping specifications
Description Symbol 01 T1 W1 WF1 C4 C6 M5
Bracket A A F
Bracket B B
Bracket D D
Panel mount E
Panel mount + Front protective cover F ∗ When optional parts only are required,
: Available : Not available order with the part numbers inside ( ).

Input/Output specification Unit specification

22 NPN open collector 2 outputs + analog output Nil With unit switching function
30 NPN open collector 2 outputs + auto shift input M SI unit only Note)
62∗ PNP open collector 2 outputs + analog output Note) Fixed unit
70∗ PNP open collector 2 outputs + auto shift input For vacuum/compound pressure: kPa
∗ Option For positive pressure: MPa

When equipped with auto shift function, the following ranges can be set.
Set pressure range Setting range
–100.0 to 100.0 kPa –100.0 to 100.0 kPa Lead wire length
10.0 to –101.3 kPa –101.3 to 101.3 kPa Nil 0.6 m
–0.1 to 1.000 MPa –1.000 to 1.000 MPa L 3m

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 164

Series ZSE40/ISE40


ZSE40F (Compound pressure) ZSE40 (Vacuum pressure) ISE40 (Positive pressure)

Rated pressure range –100.0 to 100.0 kPa –101.3 to 0.0 kPa 0.000 to 1.000 MPa
Set pressure range –100.0 to 100.0 kPa –101.3 to 10.0 kPa –0.100 to 1.000 MPa
Withstand pressure 500 kPa 1.5 MPa
kPa 0.1 —
Set pressure resolution
MPa — 0.001
Applicable fluid Air, Non-corrosive/Non-flammable gas
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC ±10%, Ripple (p-p) 10% or less (With power supply polarity protection)
Current consumption 55 mA or less
Switch output NPN or PNP open collector output: 2 outputs
Max. load current 80 mA
Max. applied voltage 30 V (With NPN output)
Residual voltage 1 V or less (With 80 mA load current)
Response time 2.5 ms or less (With anti-chattering function: 24 ms, 192 ms and 768 ms selections)
Short circuit protection Yes
Repeatability ±0.2% F.S. ±1 digit or less
Hysteresis mode Variable (can be set from 0)
Window comparator mode Fixed (3 digits)
Display 3 1/2 digit LED display (Sampling cycle: 5 times/sec.)
Display accuracy ±2% F.S. ±1 digit or less (at ambient temperature of 25°C)
Indicator light Green LED (OUT1: Illuminates when ON), Red LED (OUT2: Illuminates when ON)
Output voltage: 1 to 5 V
Output voltage: 1 to 5 V ±2.5% F.S. or less (in rated pressure range)
±5% F.S. or less (in rated pressure range)
Analog output Note 2)
Linearity: ±1% F.S. or less
Linearity: ±1% F.S. or less
Output impedance: Approx. 1 kΩ
Output impedance: Approx. 1 kΩ
Auto shift input Note 3) No-voltage input (Reed or solid state), input 5 ms or more
Enclosure IP65
Ambient temperature range Operating: 0 to 50˚C, Stored: –10 to 60°C (No condensation or freezing)
Environ- Ambient humidity range Operating/Stored: 35 to 85% RH (No condensation)
mental Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between lead wires and body
resistance Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more (at 500 VDC) between lead wires and body
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at the smaller of amplitude 1.5 mm or acceleration 98 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each (De-energized)
Impact resistance 980 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each (De-energized)
Temperature characteristics ±2% F.S. or less of pressure measured at 25°C
01: R 1/8, M5 x 0.8, T1: NPT1/8, M5 x 0.8, W1: Rc 1/8
Port size
C4: With ø4 One-touch fitting, C6: With ø6 One-touch fitting, M5: M5 female threads
Lead wire 5-wire oilproof heavy-duty vinyl cord (0.15 mm2)
Weight 01/T1 types approx. 60 g, W1 type approx. 80 g, C4/C6/M5 types approx. 92 g (Each including 0.6 m lead wires)
Note 1) For ZSE40F/ZSE40/ISE40--22
62 Note)
Note 2) ZSE40F/ZSE40/ISE40--30
70 When equipped with auto shift function, the following ranges can be set.
Model Set pressure range
ZSE40F-- 3070 –100.0 to 100 kPa
ZSE40-- 30
70 –101.3 to 101.3 kPa
ISE40-- 30
70 –1.0000 to 1.000 MPa

Various additional functions are available for easy measurement, switch operation and check of measured values suitable for the condi-
tions of the measured fluid.
Auto shift function Note 1) Can correct the pressure set point value of switch output according to fluctuations in the primary pressure.
Anti-chattering function Prevents malfunction due to sudden fluctuations in the primary pressure by adjusting the response time.
Key lock function The key board operation can be locked to prevent incorrect operation on the operation switch.
Peak hold function Can retain the maximum pressure value displayed during measurement.
Bottom hold function Can retain the minimum pressure value displayed during measurement.
Zero out function The pressure display can be set at zero when the pressure is open to the atmosphere.
Unit conversion (for overseas use) Note 2) Can convert the display value (for overseas use only).
Note 1) Select and order by specifying the types and models.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 165

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE40/ISE40

Calibration procedure

Manual Key lock

Zero out
pressure setting mode
Enter the set value of the Adjusts the zero point of Mode is not switched,
pressure to perform the atmospheric pres- even if the button is
switch output. sure. pressed during operation.
Set “Output mode”,
“Response time” and
“Auto or Manual mode.”
Manual Normal
Auto preset
pressure setting operation
Automatically sets the Allows fine-tuning of the Measured pressure is
pressure for the adsorp- data set automatically by displayed and the switch
tion confirmation or sup- auto preset. operation begins.
ply pressure confirmation.

Calibration Procedure

3 1/2-digit LED
Displays present pressure. kPa
Displays each mode.

Measuring Instruments
Displays error mode.
LED (Red)
LED (Green)

Displays OUT2 output condition.
Displays OUT1 output condition. OUT1 OUT2
When it is ON, the LED is
When it is ON, the LED is SET illuminated.
DOWN button
UP button
Switches the mode and set value.
Switching of the mode and set value

SET button
Switches to each mode and fixes
the set value.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 166

Series ZSE40/ISE40

Output Method


YES OFF • Hysteresis mode

P-2 P-1
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)
High vacuum (for vacuum pressure)
H H H (Fix hysteresis) = 3 digits

• Window comparator mode

P-1 P-2
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)
High vacuum (for vacuum pressure)


∗ Same with OUT2.

YES OFF • Hysteresis mode
n-2 n-1
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)
High vacuum (for vacuum pressure)

[n] H H H (Fix hysteresis) = 3 digits


OFF • Window comparator mode

NO n-1 n-2
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)
High vacuum (for vacuum pressure)

Example of Internal Circuit and Wiring

-22(L)-(M) ZSE40(F)/ISE40-
With analog output With auto shift input

DC (+) DC (+)
(Brown) (Brown)
1.2 kΩ
Main circuit

Main circuit

Analog output Auto shift input



1 kΩ (Gray) (Gray)
6.8 kΩ


OUT1 12 VDC 12 VDC

(Black) to to
(White) (White)
DC (–) DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)

-62(L)-(M) ZSE40(F)/ISE40-
With analog output With auto shift input

DC (+) DC (+)
(Brown) (Brown)
1.2 kΩ
Main circuit

Main circuit

Analog output Auto shift input

1 kΩ (Gray) 6.8 kΩ (Gray)
12 VDC 12 VDC
to (Black) to


(White) (White)


DC (–) DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 167

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE40/ISE40


ZSE40(F)/ISE40– 01

30 20
M5 x 0.8 thread depth 5



12 ss fl
6.4 2-M3 x 0.5 thread depth 4



release port

600 (3000)
Lead wire







01: R 1/8
T1: NPT 1/8

Bracket A

Measuring Instruments

30 2-M3 x 5L View A






Bracket D

30 2-M3 x 5L View A




35 (26.7)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 168

Series ZSE40/ISE40


ZSE40(F)/ISE40– W1
2-M4 x 0.7 20
30 thread depth 4
W1: Rc 1/8
WF1: G 1/8





release port
600 (3000)
Lead wire





12 W1: Rc 1/8
WF1: G 1/8

Bracket A
View A

2-M4 x 5L 49




(30.7) 6.5

Bracket B

30 v

2-M4 x 5L




ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 169

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE40/ISE40


Bracket D A

View A

2-M4 x 5L




(30.7) 7.2

ZSE40(F)/ISE40– C6
30 4. 12.8
20 2-



Measuring Instruments




release port
600 (3000)



7.8 For –M5






One-touch fitting ø4, ø6 M5 x 0.8 thread depth 5

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 170

Series ZSE40/ISE40


Panel mount Cutting dimensions for panel mounting

42 +0.5
43 or more
36 0
40 4.3 25.4



70 or more
The thickness of the panel is 1 to 3.2 mm.

Panel mount + Front protection cover




ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 171

LCD Display
(For vacuum) (For positive pressure)
Digital Pressure Switch
Series ZSE3/ISE3
Air Line

The digital display allows easy  Built-in failure detection output function

pressure setting. This feature senses an overall decrease in vacuum
pressure due to clogged filter elements, worn vacuum
For General Pneumatics pads or system leakage and and sends a warning
output signal before a failure occurs.
Two independent pressure settings
This feature is ideal when a change of vacuum suction
pad size requires two different set pressures, or
switching of positive pressure lines requires confirmation
Data storage function of two pressures.
Since a dedicated IC (EEPROM) is used, set data will be Self-diagnostic function
stored for 100,000 hours (approximately 11 years) even
without power.  Overcurrent LCD display:
detection SMC Error indication on LCD
Vacuum unit: Can be used as a modular unit  Excess pressure Indicator light:
with series ZX. Red light blinks
 Data error mmHg for error.
With suction filter RESET SET


Vacuum Positive pressure 100 kPa Positive pressure 1 MPa

Set pressure range 0 to –101 kPa 0 to 98 kPa 0 to 0.98 MPa
Maximum pressure 200 kPa Note 1) 1MPa
kPa 1 1 —
Minimum display unit
MPa — — 0.01
Indicator light Note 2) Illuminates when ON. (OUT1: Green, OUT2: Red)

Measuring Instruments
Response frequency 200 Hz
Note 3) Hysteresis mode Variable (3 digits or more)

Window comparator mode Fixed (3 digits)
Fluid Air, Non-corrosive gas
Temperature characteristics ±3% F.S. or less
Repeatability ±1% F.S. or less
Operating voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Output specification NPN open collector 30 V, 80 mA or less
Current consumption 25 mA or less
Error display Indicator light: Red light blinks, Error code displayed on LCD
Pressure display 3 1/2 digit LCD (5mm-size numerals)
Self-diagnostic function Overcurrent , Excess pressure, Data error, Pressure at zero clear
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (with no condensation)
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µS, Rise time 1 nS
Withstand voltage 1000 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min between external terminals and case
Insulation resistance 2 MΩ (500 VDC) between external terminals and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller, amplitude 1.5 mm or acceleration 98 m/s2, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Shock resistance 980 m/s2 in X,Y,Z directions 3 times each
Connector type Heat resistant vinyl cord ø1.55, 0.31 mm2, 4-wire
Lead wire
Grommet type Oilproof heavy-duty vinyl cord -21, –23: ø3.5, 0.14 mm2, 4 cores –22, –24: ø3.5, 0.15 mm2, 5 cores
Weight 40 g (with 0.6 m lead wire)
R 1/8, M5 x 0.8, NPTF 1/8, M5 x 0.8
Port size ZX ejector mounted type: M5 x 0.8
R 1/8, M5 x 0.8, NPTF 1/8, M5 x 0.8

Enclosure IP40
Note 1) For vacuum operation, a momentary pressure of 0.5 MPa will not be a problem.
Note 2) For ZSE3-- 23 24 , the red light will be ON for failure detection output.
Note 3) Hysteresis mode:
When the value of P1 and P2 are the same, or when P1 > P2 is within 3 digits, the hysteresis will automatically be 3 digits for the set value of P1.
Window comparator mode:
Since the hysteresis is 3 digits, separate P1 and P2 by 7 digits or more when setting.
1 digit is the minimum pressure display unit. (See the table above.)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 172

Series ZSE3/ISE3
How to Order

Set pressure range Piping specification

Nil 0 to 0.98 MPa 01 Single mounting R 1/8
L 0 to 98 kPa T1 Single mounting NPTF 1/8
Note) M5 x 0.8 female thread provided
inside piping

Output specification
NPN open collector 2 outputs
Without analog output
NPN open collector 2 outputs
With analog output (1 to 5 V)

Pressure ISE3

Vacuum ZSE3

Wiring specification
Nil Grommet type lead wire length 0.6 m
L Grommet type lead wire length 3 m
C Connector type lead wire length 0.6 m
CL Connector type lead wire length 3 m
CN Without connector
Only grommet type available for analog output.

Piping specification Output specification

01 Single mounting R 1/8 NPN open collector 2 outputs
T1 Single mounting NPTF 1/8 Without analog output
0X With suction filter M5 x 0.8 NPN open collector 2 outputs
0XY With suction filter M6 x 1 (optional) With analog output (1 to 5 V)
Note) M5 x 0.8 female thread provided NPN open collector 1 output
inside piping for single mounting Failure detection function, Without analog output
NPN open collector 1 output
Failure detection function, With analog output (1 to 5 V)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 173

Air Line

High Precision Digital Pressure Switch Fluid

For General Fluids

Series ZSE50F/ISE50 Coolant

Pressure detection for
a wide range of fluids
Air containing drain
Hydraulic fluid ( JIS-K2213 ) Carbon dioxide
Silicon oil ( JIS-K2213 ) Nitrogen
To measure low-quality air,
Lubricating oil (JIS-K6301) containing drain
Leakage test with nitrogen
Fluoro carbon
To confirm absorption of workpiece with water
on the surface, e.g. wet LCD glass plate
To measure hydraulic pressure

Using of stainless steel diaphragm Pressure sensor

The stainless steel diaphragm prevents direct 
contact between sensor and measured fluid.
Liquid and gas contact areas Stainless steel 630
Fittings  Stainless steel 304

Extremely low leakage

Sensor and fittings are electron-beam welded. Stainless steel diaphragm

Measuring Instruments
Leakage is kept at the lowest level by using VCR®
and Swedgelok® fittings.

ZSE50F / ISE50 1 x 10-5 Pa⋅m3/s
ZSE60F / ISE60 1 x 10-10 Pa⋅m3/s

Enclosure IP65

Panel mount With bracket


Panel mount + Front side protection cover

To confirm To confirm primary pressure To confirm working

Application adsorption of
of cleaning line pressure of
examples containing water cylinder

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 174

Series ZSE50/ISE50

High precision and high resolution
Compound pressure 1/2000 ( 0.1 kPa )
Positive pressure 1/1000 ( 0.001MPa )
Repeatability 0.2% F.S. 1 digit or less

Anti-chattering function Auto preset function

Variety of Prevents erroneous operation due to Automatic pressure setting is possible.
functions sudden fluctuations in primary pressure, by Saves time for setting operation.
allowing the response time to be changed.
Selectable response times: 2.5 ms, 24 ms, 192 ms,
768 ms or less
• Key lock function
Auto shift function • Peak and bottom display
Pressure detection is not affected by function
fluctuations in primary pressure. • Zero out function

Series ZSE60F/ISE60 Confirmation of atmospheric pressure of load lock

Special fitting types are used in semiconductor

production equipment (Metal gasket seal fittings)
Leak rate: 1 x 10 –10 Pa.m3/s
ZSE 60F/ISE60-A2 ZSE60F/ISE60-B2
URJ 1/ 4 TSJ 1 / 4


Model Special fittings for the semiconductor industry
Threaded type
(Metal gasket seal fittings)
Variations Port size R 1/ 4, NPT 1/4, G 1/ 4 (With M5 male thread) URJ 1/4, TSJ 1/4
1 x 1 0 Pa. m 3 / s
–5 –1 0
Leak rate 1 x 10 Pa⋅ m3 / s
100 kPa 1 MPa 100 kPa 1 MPa

Rated pressure range 0 0 0 0

–100 kPa –100 kPa

Switch output 2 outputs NPN or PNP

Analog output Output voltage 1 to 5 V

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 175

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch for General Fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50

How to Order

For positive pressure ISE50 02 22 L M

For compound pressure ZSE50 F 02 22 L M

Piping specification
02 R 1/4 (M5 with female screw), Piping in backward direction
Nil None
T2 NPT 1/4 (M5 with female screw), Piping in backward direction
Bracket A
G2 ∗ G 1/4 (M5 with female screw), Piping in backward direction
∗ Option

Input/Output specification
22 NPN open collector 2 output + Analog output Bracket D
30 NPN open collector 2 output + Auto shift input Refer to the dimensions for
62 ∗ PNP open collector 2 output + Analog output D the difference between
70 ∗ PNP open collector 2 output + Auto shift input brackets A and D.
∗ Option
Note) Auto shift input is used for the auto shift function. Panel mount
For more information, please refer to “Auto Shift Function” on
page 178.
Lead wire length
L 3m

Measuring Instruments
Panel mount +
Analog Output Front protection cover

Suitable model: ZSE50F/ISE50-
Series ISE50 Series ZSE50F
Analog output value (V)

Analog output value (V)

5 5

1 1
1.0 MPa –100 kPa 100 kPa Unit specification
Nil With unit switching function
Pressure Pressure M Fixed SI unit Note)

Note) Fixed units:

For compound pressure : KPa
Option For positive pressure: MPa
When option parts are required separately, use the following part numbers to
place an order.
Option Part no. Qty. Note
Bracket A ZS-24-A 1 With 2 pcs. of mounting screws
Bracket D ZS-24-D 1 With 2 pcs. of mounting screws
Panel mount ZS-24-E 1
Panel mount + Front protection cover ZS-24-F 1

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 176

Series ZSE50F/ISE50


ZSE50F (Compound pressure) ISE50 (Positive pressure)

Rated pressure range 100 to 100 kPa 0.000 to 1.000 MPa
Set pressure range 100 to 100 kPa 0.100 to 1.000 MPa
Withstand pressure 500 kPa 1.5 MPa
Setting/Display kPa 0.1 —
resolution MPa — 0.001
Fluid Fluid that will not corrode stainless steel 630 and 304
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC, Ripple (p-p) 10% or less
Current consumption 55 mA or less (With no load)
Switch output NPN or PNP open collector: 2 outputs
Max. load current 80 mA
Max. applied voltage 30 V (With NPN output)
Residual voltage 1 V or less (With 80 mA load current)
Response time 2.5 ms or less (With anti-chattering function: 24 ms, 192 ms and 768 ms selections)
Short circuit protection Yes
Repeatability 0.2% F.S. 1 digit or less 0.3% F.S. 1 digit or less
Hysteresis mode Variable (0 or above)
Window comparator mode Fix (3 digits)
Display 3 1/2 digit LED display (Sampling frequency: 5 times/sec)
Display accuracy 2% F.S. 1 digit or less (With ambient temperature of 25°C)
Indicator light Green LED (OUT1: Illuminates when ON.), Red LED (OUT2: Illuminates when ON.)
Output voltage: 1 to 5 V Output voltage: 1 to 5 V ±2.5% F.S. or less
±5% F.S. or less (in rated pressure range) (in rated pressure range)
Analog output Note 1)
Linearity: ±1% F.S. or less Linearity: ±1% F.S. or less
Output impedance: Approx. 1 kΩ Output impedance: Approx. 1 kΩ
Auto shift input Note 2) No-voltage input (Solid state switch or reed switch), input 5 ms or more
Enclosure IP65
Ambient temperature range Operating: 0 to 50C, Stored: 10 to 60C (No condensation or freezing)
Environ- Ambient humidity range Operating and stored: 35 to 85% RH (No condensation)
mental Withstand voltage 250 VAC for 1 min, between all lead wires and enclosure
Insulation resistance 2 MΩ or more (at 50 VDC) between all lead wires and enclosure
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at the smaller of amplitude 1.5 mm or acceleration 98 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each (De-energized)
Shock resistance 980 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each (Not energized)
Temperature characteristics 3% F.S. or less of measured pressure at 25C in temperature
Port size 02: R 1/4, M5 x 0.8 T2: NPT 1/4, M5 x 0.8
Wetted material Pressure receiving area: Stainless steel 630, Fittings: Stainless steel 304
Lead wire 5-wire oilproof heavy-duty vinyl cable (0.15 mm2)
Weight Approx. 120 g (Each including 3 m lead wire)
Note 1) For ZSE50F/ISE50--22
62 Note)
Note 2) ZSE50F/ISE50--30
70 The possible set ranges for types with auto shift function are as follows:
Model Possible set range
ZSE50F-- 30
70 –100.0 to 100.0 kPa
ISE50-- 30
70 –1.000 to 1.000 MPa

Various additional functions are available for easy measurement, switch operation and check of measured values suitable for the
conditions of the measured fluid.
Auto shift function Note 1) Can correct the pressure set point value of switch output according to fluctuations in the primary pressure.
Anti-chattering function Prevents malfunction due to sudden fluctuations in the primary pressure by adjusting the response time.
Key lock function The key board operation can be locked to prevent incorrect operation on the operation switch.
Peak hold function Can retain the maximum pressure value displayed during measurement.
Bottom hold function Can retain the minimum pressure value displayed during measurement.
Zero out function The pressure display can be set at zero when the pressure is open to the atmosphere.
Unit conversion (for overseas use) Note 1) Can convert the display value (for overseas use only).
Note 1) Select and order by specifying the types and models.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 177

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch for General Fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50

Output Method


YES • Hysteresis mode

P-2 P-1
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)
H (Fix hysteresis) = 3 digits

• Window comparator mode

P-1 P-2
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)

∗ Same with OUT2.
YES • Hysteresis mode
n-2 n-1
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)

[n] H (Fix hysteresis) = 3 digits


• Window comparator mode

n-1 n-2
High pressure (for positive pressure/
compound pressure)

Measuring Instruments
Example of Internal Circuit and Wiring

ZSE 50 50
60 F/ISE 60 -
-22(L)-(M) ZSE 50 50
60 F/ISE 60 -
With analog output With auto shift input

DC (+) DC (+)
(Brown) (Brown)
1.2 kΩ
Main circuit

Main circuit

Analog output Auto shift input



1 kΩ (Gray) (Gray)
6.8 kΩ


OUT1 12 VDC 12 VDC

(Black) to to
(White) (White)
DC (–) DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)

ZSE 50 50
60 F/ISE 60 -
-62(L)-(M) ZSE 50 50
60 F/ISE 60 -
With analog output With auto shift input

DC (+) DC (+)
(Brown) (Brown)
1.2 kΩ
Main circuit

Main circuit

Analog output Auto shift input

1 kΩ (Gray) 6.8 kΩ (Gray)
12 VDC 12 VDC
to (Black) to


(White) (White)


DC (–) DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 178

Series ZSE50F/ISE50

Auto Shift Function

This function uses the measured pressure at the time of auto shift Auto shift function conditions and explanation
input as the reference pressure value and corrects the set point • Keep the pressure constant at least for 5 ms after the last transi-
values “ ” and “ ” of switch output 1 and “ ” and “ ” of tion signal of auto shift input.
switch output 2. “ ” to “ ” correspond to “ ” to “ ” in • At the time of auto shift input, the display unit displays “ ” for
case of normally closed circuit. about 1 second. The pressure value at this time is saved as the
correction value “ ”.
When auto shift is not used: • The set point values “ ” to “ ” or “ ” to “ ” are correc-
Fluctuations in the primary pressure interrupt correct judgement. ted based on the saved correction values.
Normal Drop of Increase of • The time between the auto shift input and start of switch output
primary primary primary is 10 ms or less.
pressure pressure pressure • If the set point value corrected by auto shift input falls out of the

possible set range, the correction value is not saved. The dis-
play will show “ ” if the set point value is above the upper lim-
it and “ ” if it is below the lower limit.
Time • The correction value “ ” set by auto shift input disappears
ON  when the power is turned off.
Switch output 1, 2
OFF • The correction value “ ” for the auto shift function is reset to
zero (the initial value) when the power is turned on again.

∗ The correction value is not stored on the EEPROM.

When auto shift is used:
When the primary pressure changes, set the auto shift function to
Lo. The pressure value at this point will be saved as the reference Note
value to correct the pressure set point values in order to make The possible set range for types with auto shift function is as follows:
correct judgments. Model Set pressure range
Normal Drop of Increase of ZSE50F-- 30
primary primary primary –100.0 to 100 kPa
pressure pressure pressure ZSE60F-- 30

ISE50-- 30

ISE60-- 30
–1.0000 to 1.000 MPa

Switch output 1, 2
5 ms
or more
10 ms
or less
[ Switchwhenoutputauto response time
shift inputs. ]
Auto shift input

Anti-chattering Function
A large bore cylinder or ejector consumes a large amount
of air in operation and may experience a temporary drop in Pressure 
the primary pressure. This function prevents detection of Temporary fluctuation
such temporary drops in primary pressure as abnormal
Set point value P2
This function averages pressure values measured during
t (ms) t (ms) Time 
the response time set by the user and then compares the
average pressure value with the pressure set point value <Averaging process> <Averaging process>
to output the result on the switch.
Switch output ON
operation in
normal conditions OFF
Switch output
operation when ON
chattering prevention
function is on

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 179

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch for General Fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50

Error Correction
Take the following measures when an error occurs.
Error description LCD display Contents Solution
OUT1 Shut off the power supply. After eliminating
Over current error Load current of switch output is more than 80 mA. the output factor that caused the excess
OUT2 current, turn the power supply back on.

Pressure is applied during the zero out operation

as follows:
Bring the pressure back to
0.071 MPa or more with ISE50/60
Residual pressure error atmospheric pressure and try using
7.1 kPa or more with ZSE50F/60F the zero out function.
∗ After displaying for 3 seconds, it will return to the
measuring mode.

Supply pressure exceeds the maximum regulating

Applied pressure error Reduce/Increase supply pressure to
within the regulating pressure range.
Supply pressure is below the minimum regulating

The value is above the upper limit of the set pressure

∗ After displaying this message for about 1 seconds, Set the pressure again so that the sum
the switch returns to the measurement mode. of the applied pressure and pressure
Auto shift error set point value at the time of auto shift
The value is below the lower limit of the set pressure input will not fall out of the set pressure
∗ After displaying this message for about 1 seconds, range.
the switch returns to the measurement mode.

Internal data error

Internal data error Shut off the power supply. Turn the
power supply back on. If the power
System error
should not come back on, please
contact SMC for an inspection.
Internal data error

Measuring Instruments
Internal data error

∗ The upper limits and lower limits are shown in the table below.
Set pressure range Lower limit Upper limit
Compound pressure 100.0 to 100.0 kPa –100.0 kPa 100.0 kPa
Positive pressure –0.100 to 1.000 MPa –0.100 MPa 1.000 MPa
With auto shift function
Set pressure range Lower limit Upper limit
Compound pressure –100.0 to 100.0 kPa –100.0 kPa 100.0 kPa
3Positive pressure –1.000 to 1.000 MPa –1.000 MPa 1.000 MPa

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 180

Series ZSE50F/ISE50

ZSE50F/ISE50- T2


30 30 (In case of NPT 23.9) 20
2-M3 x 0.5 depth 4

Piping port
M5 x 0.8 depth 5

Piping port

R, NPT 1/4




2.6 8.45 12.4




Piping port
G 1/4

Piping port G

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 181

High Precision
Digital Pressure Switch for General Fluids Series ZSE50F/ISE50


Bracket A





41.5 20
Bracket A
View A

Bracket D


Measuring Instruments



7.2 7.5

35 41.5 22

Bracket D
View A

Cutting dimensions for panel mounting

43 or more
Panel mount + Front protection cover 36 +0.5

42.4 7.8 25.4

70 or more

Front protection cover

The thickness of the panel is from 1 to 3.2 mm.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 182

Air Line

2-color Display Liquid Removal

Digital Pressure Switch

Series ISE70/75/75H Coolant

Metal Body Type
(Die-cast aluminum)

10 MPa • 15 MPa
(ISE75) (ISE75H)

For Air 1 MPa 2-color


digital IP67
2-color Display (green and red)
• Selectable from four patterns
q red green
w green red
e red red
r green green

Easily identifiable abnormal readings

10 mm character height

M12 Connector
• Lead wire with M12 connector (5 m)
• Straight and right-angled connectors

With Bracket
• User-selectable mounting orientation Functions
• Anti-chattering • Display calibration
• Zero out • Key lock
• Unit display switching
(Fixed SI unit in Japan)

For Air For General Fluids

• Withstand pressure: Rated pressure x 3 ISE70 (1 MPa) ISE75 (10 MPa) ISE75H (15 MPa)
displa settings of PSI
• Model with initial display
is also available as standard. OUT1 OUT1 OUT1


• Port size SET SET SET

• Rc1/4, NPT1/4, G1/4 (ISO1179) Plain Gray Orange


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 183

2-color Display
Digital Pressure Switch/For Air

Series ISE70

How to Order

1 MPa ISE70 02 43 M

02 Rc 1/4
N02 NPT 1/4 Option 2
F02 G1/4 (ISO1179) Nil None
With bracket
Fixed setting:
43 NPN open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4) +
Color PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 2)
2 A
1 65 PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4)

3 4 Display unit
Nil With unit display switching function Note) Mounting screws
Connector Pin Assignments M Fixed SI unit Note) are not included.
Output -43 (Color: Grey) Pressure unit: PSI (Initial value)
1 Brown DC (+) With unit display switching function
2 White OUT1 (PNP) Note) Fixed unit: MPa Option 1

Measuring Instruments
3 Blue DC (–) Nil None
4 Black OUT1 (NPN) Lead wire with M12 connector (5 m),

Output -65 (Color: Black)
Lead wire with M12 connector (5 m),
1 Brown DC (+) L
2 White NC
3 Blue DC (–)
4 Black OUT1 (PNP)

Optional Part No.

When option parts are required separately, use the following part numbers to place an order.
Option Part no. Note


Bracket B and the bracket assembly
make up one set.
Bracket ZS-31-A Note: Mounting screws are not included.

Bracket B

Bracket assembly

Lead wire with M12 connector,

ZS-31-B Lead wire length: 5 m

Lead wire with M12 connector,

ZS-31-C Lead wire length: 5 m

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 184

Series ISE70


Model ISE70
Rated pressure range 0 to 1 MPa
Set pressure range –0.1 to 1 MPa
Withstand pressure 1.5 MPa
Set pressure resolution 0.01 MPa
Fluid Air, lnert gas, Non-flammable gas
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC, Ripple (p-p) 10% or less (with power supply polarity protection)
Current consumption 55 mA or less (at no load)
Switch output Output -43: Fixed setting; NPN open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4) + PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 2) Note 1)
Output -65: PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4)
Max. load current 80 mA
Max. applied voltage 30 V (with NPN output)
Residual voltage 1 V or less (with load current of 80 mA)
Response time 2.5 ms (Response time selections with anti-chattering function: 20 ms, 160 ms, 640 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms)
Short circuit protection With short circuit protection
Repeatability ±0.5% F.S.
Hysteresis mode
Hysteresis Adjustable (can be set from 0)
Window comparator mode
Display 3 digit, 7-segment indicator, 2-color display (red and green) can be interlocked with the switch output, Sampling cycle: 5 times/s
Display accuracy ±2% F.S. ± 1 digit or less (at 25°C ± 3°C)
Indication light Illuminates when output is ON. (Green)
Functions Anti-chattering function, Unit display switching function, Zero out function, Key lock function
Enclosure IP67 Note 2)
Fluid temperature range 0 to 50°C (with no freezing or condensation)
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 50°C, Stored: –10 to 60°C (with no freezing or condensation)
Operating humidity range Operating and stored: 35 to 85% RH (with no condensation)
resistance Withstand voltage 1000 VAC for 1 min. between live parts and enclosure
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more between live parts and enclosure (at 500 VDC Mega)
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz, 1.5 mm or 98 m/s2 amplitude in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hours each
Impact resistance 980 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each (Non energized)
Temperature characteristics
(Based on 25°C: Operating ±2% F.S. or less
temperature range)
Standard Compliant with CE Marking and UL/CSA (UL508) standards
Wetted material Fitting: C3602 (electroless nickel plated), Sensor port: PBT, Sensor pressure receiving area: silicon, O-ring: NBR
Port size 02: Rc1/4, N02: NPT1/4, F02: G1/4 (ISO1179) Note 3)
Lead wire Lead wire with M12 4-pin pre-wired connector (5 m)
Mass (Weight) 190 g (excluding the lead wire with M12 4-pin pre-wired connector)
Note 1) The NPN and PNP outputs function for a single set point.
Note 2) A FKM gasket is used for sealing the housing.
Note 3) G1/4: Applicable to ISO1179-1

Example of Internal Circuit and Wiring

Fixed setting:
NPN open collector output + PNP open collector output See the operation manual for information on how to
(the pressure set point for switching the output signal is common to both outputs.) set and on handling precautions.
Maximum 30 V (NPN only), 80 mA, Residual voltage 1 V or less
Output -43 Output -65
DC (+) DC (+)
(Brown) (Brown)


Main circuit

Main circuit

Load + (White) +
(Black) 12 to 12 to
24 VDC OUT1 (PNP) 24 VDC
– (Black) –
OUT1 (PNP) Load
DC (–) DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 185

2-color Display
Digital Pressure Switch/For General Fluids

Series ISE75/75H

How to Order

10 MPa ISE75 02 43 M
15 MPa ISE75H 02 43 M

02 Rc 1/4 Option 2
N02 NPT 1/4 Nil None
F02 G1/4 (ISO1179) With bracket

Fixed setting: A
43 NPN open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4) +
Color PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 2)
1 65 PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4)

Display unit
3 4
Nil With unit display switching function
M Fixed SI unit Note)

Measuring Instruments
Connector Pin Assignments
Pressure unit: PSI (Initial value) Option 1
Output -43 (Color: Grey) P
With unit display switching function Nil None

1 Brown DC (+) Lead wire with M12 connector (5 m),
Note) Fixed unit: MPa S
2 White OUT1 (PNP) straight
3 Blue DC (–) Lead wire with M12 connector (5 m),
4 Black OUT1 (NPN) L
Output -65 (Color: Black)
1 Brown DC (+)
2 White NC
3 Blue DC (–)
4 Black OUT1 (PNP)

Optional Part No.

When option parts are required separately, use the following part numbers to place an order.
Option Part No. Note


Bracket B and the bracket assembly
make up one set.
Bracket ZS-31-A
Bracket B

Bracket assembly

Lead wire with M12 connector,

ZS-31-B Lead wire length: 5 m

Lead wire with M12 connector,

ZS-31-C Lead wire length: 5 m

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 186

Series ISE75/75H


Model ISE75 ISE75H

Rated pressure range 0 to 10 MPa 0 to 15 MPa
Set pressure range 0.4 to 10 MPa 0.5 to 15 MPa
Withstand pressure 30 MPa 45 MPa
Set pressure resolution 0.1 MPa
Fluid Fluid that will not corrode stainless steel 430 and stainless steel 630
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC, Ripple (p-p) 10% or less (with power supply polarity protection)
Current consumption 55 mA or less (at no load)
Switch output Output -43: Fixed setting; NPN open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4) + PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 2) Note 1)
Output -65: PNP open collector 1 output (Pin no. 4)
Max. load current 80 mA
Max. applied voltage 30 V (with NPN output)
Residual voltage 1 V or less (with load current of 80 mA)
Response time 2.5 ms (Response time selections with anti-chattering function: 20 ms, 160 ms, 640 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms)
Short circuit protection With short circuit protection
Repeatability ±0.5% F.S.
Hysteresis mode
Hysteresis Adjustable (can be set from 0)
Window comparator mode
Display 3 ditit, 7-segment indicator, 2-color display (red and green) can be interlocked with the switch output, Sampling cycle: 5 times/s
Display accuracy ±2% F.S. ± 1 digit or less (at 25°C ± 3°C)
Indication light Illuminates when output is ON. (Green)
Functions Anti-chattering function, Unit display switching function, Zero out function, Key lock function
Enclosure IP67 Note 2)
Fluid temperature range –5 to 80°C (with no freezing or condensation)
Operating temperature range Operating: –5 to 50°C, Stored: –10 to 60°C (with no freezing or condensation)
Operating humidity range Operating and stored: 35 to 85% RH (with no condensation)
resistance Withstand voltage 250 VAC for 1 min. between live parts and enclosure
Insulation resistance 50 MΩ or more between live parts and enclosure (at 50 VDC Mega)
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz, 1.5 mm or 98 m/s2 amplitude in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hours each
Impact resistance 980 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions 3 times each (Non energized)
Temperature characteristics
(Based on 25°C: Operating ±3% F.S. or less
temperature range)
Standard Compliant with CE Marking and UL/CSA (UL508) standards
Wetted material Pressure receiving area: Stainless steel 630, Fittings: Stainless steel 430
Port size 02: Rc1/4, N02: NPT1/4, F02: G1/4 (ISO1179) Note 3)
Lead wire Lead wire with M12 4-pin pre-wired connector (5 m)
Mass (Weight) 210 g (excluding the lead wire with M12 4-pin pre-wired connector)
Note 1) The NPN and PNP outputs function for a single set point.
Note 2) A FKM gasket is used for sealing the housing.
Note 3) G1/4: Applicable to ISO1179-1

Example of Internal Circuit and Wiring

Fixed setting:
NPN open collector output + PNP open collector output See the operation manual for information on how to
(the pressure set point for switching the output signal is common to both outputs.) set and on handling precautions.
Maximum 30 V (NPN only), 80 mA, Residual voltage 1 V or less
Output -43 Output -65
DC (+) DC (+)
(Brown) (Brown)


Main circuit

Main circuit

Load + (White) +
(Black) 12 to 12 to
24 VDC OUT1 (PNP) 24 VDC
– (Black) –
OUT1 (PNP) Load
DC (–) DC (–)
(Blue) (Blue)
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 187

2-color Display Digital Pressure Switch

For General Fluids Series ISE70/75/75H

Unit Description

Indication light (Green) LCD display

Displays the switch operation status. Displays the current pressure
condition, set mode and error code.
The display mode can be selected
from four options: fixed green
SET button OUT1
single-color reading, fixed red
Use this button to switch the mode UP DOWN single-color reading, green reading
and set the set value. interlocked with output for switching
to red reading, and red reading
interlocked with output for switching
to green reading.

UP button
Use this button to change the mode PRESSURE SWITCH
DOWN button
or increase the ON/OFF set value. It Use this button to change the mode
also allows you to switch to the peak or decrease the ON/OFF set value.
value display mode. It also allows you to switch to the
bottom value display mode.


Display calibration function Error correction

This function eliminates slight differences in the output values and Take the following corrective solutions when error occurs.
allows uniformity in the numbers displayed. Error description LCD display Contents Solution
Displayed values of the pressure sensor can be calibrated to within
±5% of their readings. A load current Shut off the power
greater than 80 mA supply. After eliminating
Displayed pressure value

±5% R.D.
Overcurrent is turned on through the output factor that
error either or both of the caused the excess
switch outputs. current, turn the power
+ supply back on.
0 Applied pressure
: Factory setting display value A pressure level greater
set prior to shipment than ±7% F.S. has been

Measuring Instruments
: Display calibration range applied during zero
adjustment. The switch Bring the pressure
Note) When the display calibration function is used, the set pressure value

may change ±1 digit. Residual will automatically return back to atmospheric
pressure to measuring mode in pressure and try
Peak/Bottom hold function error three seconds, however. using the zero out
Note that the range of function.
This function constantly detects and updates the maximum and zero adjustment differs
minimum pressure values and allows to hold the display value. by ±1 digit due to switch-
to-switch variations.
Key lock function
Supply pressure
This function prevents incorrect operations such as changing the set exceeds the maximum
value accidentally. Applied set pressure. Reduce/Increase
pressure supply pressure to
Zero out (Zero ADJ) function error Supply pressure is within the set
below the minimum pressure range.
The measured pressure reading can be adjusted to zero. set pressure.
More specifically, the factory-set reading can be corrected to within ±7% F.S.

Unit display switching function Internal data error

The reading unit can be selected.

Unit/Reading resolution ISE70 ISE75/75H Internal data error Shut off the power
Pa 0.01 MPa 0.1 MPa supply. Turn the
System error
kgf/cm2 0.1 1 power supply back
bar 0.1 1
Internal data error on.
psi 1 1 (x 10)

Internal data error

Anti-chattering function
A large bore cylinder or ejector consumes a large amount of air in operation and Note) If the switch will not recover to normal even after all of the
may experience a temporary drop in the primary pressure. This function prevents above mentioned solutions have been applied, consult SMC for
detection of such temporary drops in primary pressure as abnormal pressure. investigation.

Response time selections: 20 ms, 160 ms, 640 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 188

Series ISE70/75/75H

ISE70/ 75/ 75H
9 39


OUT1 Lead wire with M12

UP DOWN connector (5 m)

SET straight

24 (28.7)
(38.2) Lead wire with M12
connector (5 m)
Piping port Note) The connector faces down
(toward the piping).
02: Rc 1/4
Do not attempt to rotate
N02: NPT 1/4
the connector, as it is not
F02: G1/4 (ISO1179)
Note) Compatible to ISO1179-1.

With bracket 3 4
9 44.5
Connector Pin
Output -43
(Color: Grey)

1 Brown DC (+)
2 White OUT1 (PNP)
3 Blue DC (–)
4 Black OUT1 (NPN)

Output -65
(Color: Black)
2-6 1 Brown DC (+)
2 White NC

3 Blue DC (–)
4 Black OUT1 (PNP)
46 35


Piping port
02: Rc 1/4
N02: NPT 1/4
F02: G1/4 (ISO1179)
Note) Compatible to ISO1179-1.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 189

Air Line

Digital Pressure Switch (For vacuum) (For positive pressure) Liquid Removal
with Backlight
Series ZSE5B/ISE5B Coolant

For use in various fluid applications Stainless steel diaphragms

• Hydraulic fluid • Silicon oil • Lubricating oil Stainless steel 630 is used for the sensor unit and
• Dry air • Carbon dioxide • Argon stainless steel 304 is used for the fitting.
• Drainage-containing air • Ammonia • Nitrogen gas
• Freon Leakage rate: 1 x 10-4 atm cc/s
The use of an electron beam to weld the sensor unit and
fitting enables pressure calibration of various fluids, which
For General Purpose Fluids were not previously applicable, such as air containing
moisture, and oil.

Two independent pressure settings

This feature is ideal when a change of vacuum suction
pad size requires two different set pressures, or switching
of positive pressure lines requires confirmation of two

Multiple units available with unit switching function

Display units can be easily selected.

Vacuum mmHg ↔ kPa ↔ PSI ↔ kgf/cm2 ↔ bar

Positive MPa ↔ PSI ↔ kgf/cm2 ↔ bar


Variety of switch output modes


Measuring Instruments
mode OFF OFF

P2 P1 n2 n1
(Standard) (Inverted)

Window ON ON
mode OFF OFF

P1 P2 n1 n2
(Standard) (Inverted)

Exact detection of atmospheric pressure (for vacuum)

Detects restored atmospheric pressure after vacuum
release pressure is applied.

Data storage function

Since a dedicated IC (EEPROM) is used, set data will be
stored for 100,000 hours (approximately 11 years) even
without power.

Panel mounting available

A special adaptor permits panel mounting.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 190

Series ZSE5B/ISE5B
How to Order

Pressure ISE5B L

Vacuum ZSE5B L

Piping specification Unit specification

02 R 1/4 Nil With unit switching function
T2 NPTF 1/4 M Fixed SI units Note)
Note) M5 x 0.8 female thread Note) Fixed units
provided inside piping ISE5B: MPa
ZSE5B: kPa

Lead wire length

L 3m

Output specification
26 Analog output (1 to 5 V)
27 NPN open collector 2 outputs
67 PNP open collector 2 outputs

Panel mount adaptor part no.

(Panel adaptor A + Panel adaptor B + Mounting bracket)
ZS-22-E ZS-22-D
Panel adaptor A ………… ZS-22-03 (With 4 pcs. of M3 tapping screws)
Panel adaptor B ………… ZS-22-02
Mounting bracket ……….. ZS-22-04
Optional bracket

Panel adaptor A

Panel adaptor B

Mounting bracket

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 191

Digital Pressure Switch

with Backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B

Vacuum Positive pressure

Set pressure range –100 to 100 kPa –0.1 to 1 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 200 kPa 1.5 MPa
kPa 2 —
MPa — 0.01
Note 1) mmHg —
Minimum display unit
kgf/cm2 0.02 0.1
PSI 0.2 1
bar 0.02 0.1
Indicator light Illuminates when ON. (OUT1: Green, OUT2: Red)
Response frequency 200 Hz (5 ms)
Note 2) Hysteresis mode Variable (2 digits or more) Variable (3 digits or more)
Hysteresis Window comparator mode Fixed (2 digits) Fixed (3 digits)
Fluid Non-corrosive fluid for stainless steel 304, stainless steel 630
Temperature characteristics ±3% F.S. or less
Repeatability ±1% F.S. or less
Supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Output specification NPN open collector 30 V, 80 mA or less PNP open collector 80 mA or less
Current consumption 45 mA or less
Error display Indicator light: Red light blinks, Error code displayed on LCD
Pressure display 3 1/2 digit LCD (character height 10 mm)
Self diagnostic function (Overcurrent Note 3)), Excess pressure, Data error, Pressure at zero clear
Operating temperature range 0 to 50°C (with no condensation)
Noise resistance 500 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µS, Rise time 1 nS
Withstand voltage 250 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min. between external terminals and case
Insulation resistance 2 MΩ (50 VDC) between external terminals and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller, amplitude 1.5 mm or acceleration 98 m/s2, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 980 m/s2 in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each
Lead wire Grommet oil resistant heavy duty cord –26: ø3.4, 0.2 mm2, 3 cores, 3 m –27, –67: ø3.5, 0.14 mm2, 4 cores, 3 m
Weight 126 g (with 3 m lead wire)

Measuring Instruments
Port size 02: R 1/4, M5 x 0.8 T2: NPTF 1/4, M5 x 0.8
Enclosure IP40

Note 1) Equipped with unit switching function [The type without the unit Window comparator mode
switching function will have a fixed SI unit (kPa or MPa).] ZSE: Since the hysteresis is 2 digits, separate P1 and P2 by 5 digits
Note 2) Hysteresis mode or more when setting.
ZSE: When the value of P1 and P2 are the same, or when P1 > P2 ISE: Since the hysteresis is 3 digits, separate P1 and P2 by 7 digits
is within 2 digits, the hysteresis will automatically be 2 digits for or more when setting.
the set value of P1. ∗ 1 digit is the minimum pressure display unit. (See the table above.)
ISE: When the value of P1 and P2 are the same, or when P1 > P2 Note 3) The analog output type has no overcurrent detection function.
is within 3 digits, the hysteresis will automatically be 3 digits for
the set value of P1.

Operating Unit Descriptions

Displays present pressure.
UP Button PRESSURE SWITCH Displays ON/OFF setting value.
Increases ON/OFF setting value. Displays error code.
Changes to the peak display Displays unit.
mode. DOWN Button
Decreases ON/OFF setting value.
Use for changing to the bottom
display mode, unit switching or
() (Green) output mode.
Displays OUT1 operation status. LED (Red)
Displays OUT2 operation status.
Flashes when an error occurs.
RESET Button
Reset the switch by pressing the UP
and Down buttons simultaneously.
SET Button
Clears when an abnormality occurs. Changes to the setting mode.
Clears the display to zero. Press and hold for one second or
longer to change to the unit
switching or output mode.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 192

Series ZSE5B/ISE5B
Pressure Setting
Setting procedure

Initial Pressure Normal

setting setting operation
Select a display unit Set the pressure for Display the pressure
and output mode. switch output. operation and perform
the switch operation.

Initial setting

1. Set Mode 2. Display Units 3. Select OUT1 Output Mode 4. Select OUT2 Output Mode


Note) Note)

SET SET Press the SET Press the SET Setting is completed
SET button. SET button. when the SET
button is pressed.

Press the SET button and hold Select a display unit by pressing the Out1 changes between and Out2 changes between and
for one second or longer. “1.3” is button. by pressing the button. by pressing the button.
displayed as shown above and For high pressure: : Normal output : Normal output
the unit flasher. MPa → PSI → kgf/cm2 → bar : Inverted output : Inverted output
Note) “1.3” indicates the micro For low pressure:
(Refer to Table 1 .) (Refer to Table 1 .)
computer's program mmHg → kPa → PSI → kgf/cm2 → bar
Unit display changes for the type with
the unit switching function only.
The type without the unit switching
function will have a fixed SI unit (kPa
or MPa).

Table 1 Output mode

YES • Hysteresis mode
P-2 P-1
[P] Pressure →

H H H (fixed hysteresis)
ON = 2 digits (ZSE5B) or 3 digits (ISE5B)

• Window comparator mode

P-1 P-2
Pressure →
OUT1 Output mode

∗ OUT2 is the same. YES • Hysteresis mode

n-2 n-1
Pressure →

[n] H H H (fixed hysteresis)
ON = 2 digits (ZSE5B) or 3 digits (ISE5B)

• Window comparator mode

n-1 n-2
Pressure →

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 193

Digital Pressure Switch

with Backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B
Pressure Setting

Setting procedure

1. Setting Value Input Mode 2. OUT1 Setting Value (1) Input 3. OUT1 Setting Value (2) Input



SET SET Press the SET

SET button.

button: Increases the setting value button: Increases the setting value
Press the SET button. button: Decreases the setting value button: Decreases the setting value
(Refer to Table 2 when using in

4. OUT2 Setting Value (1) Input 5. OUT2 Setting Value (2) Input




Press the SET Press the SET Setting is completed

SET button. SET button. when the SET
button is pressed.
button: Increases the setting value button: Increases the setting value
button: Decreases the setting value button: Decreases the setting value

Table 2 For use as a vacuum switch

The setting range for the ZSE5 pressure switch is –100 kPa to 100 kPa.
Note that the setting method is different from the conventional digital pressure switch.

Measuring Instruments
1. Hysteresis mode
P2: P1:
<Example> When switched at –50 kPa or higher and –50 kPa –40 kPa

the hysteresis is 10 kPa
Negative 0 Positive
• Set P1 at –40 kPa and P2 at –50 kPa. pressure pressure

Note) Pressure must be P1 > P2, which is the opposite of

conventional switches.

Note) Set the hysteresis at more than 2 digits.

∗ “Digit” is the minimum setting unit for pressure. ON
1 digit 2 kPa Standard output

Inverted output
Relationship between pressure and switch output

2. Window comparator mode

<Example> When switched at –30 kPa or
P1: P2:
higher and –70 kPa or lower
–70 kPa –30 kPa
• Set P1 at –70 kPa and P2 at –30 kPa. Negative 0 Positive
pressure pressure
Note) Hysteresis is automatically set at 2 digits in case
of the window comparator mode.

–66 kPa -34kPa
–34 kPa
Standard output
Inverted output
Relationship between pressure and switch output

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 194

Series ZSE5B/ISE5B
Other Functions Error Correction

• Peak Display Mode Take the following corrective actions when errors occur.
PRESSURE SWITCH Displays the peak pressure value (highest
Display Contents Solution
degree of vacuum) when the UP button is pressed
during pressure display. The LCD displays “H”.
Press the UP button again to return to the Set data was changed Push the UP and
RESET previous display. by accident for an Down buttons to reset
unknown reason. all data.

Out1 load current Turn off the power and

is exceeding 80 mA. replace the load
• Bottom Display Mode Note) connected to OUT1.
PRESSURE SWITCH Displays the bottom pressure value (lowest During output ON, Confirm that OUT1 is
degree of vacuum) when the DOWN button is OUT1 without load may not shorted, and then
pressed during pressure display. The LCD have shorted or is reset the switch.
displays “L”.
currently shorting the
Press the DOWN button again to return to the
SET power supply, etc.
previous display.
OUT2 load current Turn off the power and
is exceeding 80 mA. replace the load
Note) connected to OUT2.
• Reset Function
During output ON, Confirm that OUT2 is
PRESSURE SWITCH Simultaneously pressing the UP and DOWN OUT2 without load may not shorted, and then
buttons will reset the switch. have shorted or is reset the switch.
1) Reset will cause the following during normal currently shorting the
operation. power supply, etc.
• Clears peak or bottom pressure display, or
SET Max. operating pressure has Reduce the supply
resets to zero clear. been exceeded for more pressure to below the
2) Reset will cause the following when an error than 2 seconds: 1.5 times
the max. operating pressure maximum pressure rating,
has occurred. and then reset the switch.
for positive pressure, or 0.5
• Display changes to the condition at the time of MPa for vacuum.
power supply input while retaining the data set
When compared with the Apply atmospheric
in the setting mode. (The system resets.)
atmospheric pressure, a pressure, and then
• In case of a data error, the setting mode is pressure of ±0.07 MPa for reset the switch.
displayed. When the setting is completed, the 1MPa type, or ±7 kPa for
display changes to the condition at the time of vacuum and 100 kPa types
power supply input. (The system resets.) is applied at zero clear.
Note) The reset function does not work in the Note) Not available for analog output type.
setting mode.

Example of Internal Circuits and Wiring Construction

Lead wire colors inside [ ] are those prior to conformity with IEC standards.
Brown DC (+)
-26 [Red]
Analog Output Type
Main circuit

Black OUT(Analog output)

1 to 5 V (±5% F.S.) LED Green [White] +
Load impedance: 12 to 24 VDC

1 kΩ or more Load
Blue DC (–)

Brown DC (+)
-27 [Red]

NPN Open Collector Max. 80mA↓

Black OUT1
LED Green [White]
Main circuit

Max. 80 mA↓ +
Max. 30 V, 80 mA White OUT2
12 to 24 VDC

Residual voltage: LED Red
1 V or less Blue DC (–)

Brown DC (+)
-67 [Red Parts list
PNP Open Collector No. Description Material
Black OUT1
Max. 80 mA
[White] → 1 Indicator panel Denatured PPO
Main circuit

Load +
12 to 24 VDC 2 Body PBT
Max. 80 mA LED Green White OUT2 Max. 80 mA –
[Yellow] → 3 Seal NBR
Blue DC (–) 4 Lead wire Vinyl chloride (Vinyl sheath)
LED Red [Black]
5 Pressure sensor Stainless steel 630
6 Fitting Stainless steel 304

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 195

Digital Pressure Switch

with Backlight Series ZSE5B/ISE5B

Specific Product Precautions

Be sure to read before handling.

Wiring Others
Warning Caution
1. Withstand voltage 1. Panel mounting
Withstand voltage between the metal fitting and lead wire of the switch is
Insert the panel adaptor A from the front side of the panel.
250 V. Do not apply voltage in excess of 250 V.

Firmly secure the panel adaptor A with the panel adaptors B from the
Caution back side of the panel.
1. When there is a danger of induction noise being generated in the piping,

ground the piping. Insert a pressure switch in to the panel adaptor A from the back side
of the panel.

Pressure Source Secure the switch with a mounting bracket.
Panel adaptor A
1. Operating fluid
Sections in contact with fluid are made of stainless steel 630 (pressure
sensor) and stainless steel 304 (fitting). Use a fluid that will not corrode
these materials. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel 630 and that
of stainless steel 304 are almost the same. For reference, non-corrosive Panel adaptor B
fluids and gases for stainless steel 304 are shown below.

Dry air 
Pressure switch
Drainage-containing air 
Hydraulic fluid (JIS-K2213) 
Silicon oil (JIS-K2213) 
Lubrication oil (JIS-K6301) 
Fluoro carbon 
Carbon dioxide 

Measuring Instruments
Mounting bracket

Gaseous nitrogen 

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 196

Series ZSE5B/ISE5B

Standard type
30 39 4-ø2.7 20
Depth 6.5 Sensor





Lead wire length


02: R 1/4
12.3 M5 x 0.8 depth 5
T2: NPTF 1/4


With bracket
50 (44)
40 4-ø4.5 39





Lead wire length





Panel mounting Panel adaptor A

Panel fitting dimensions
41.8 (41.6)
40 4.3 36 36 +0.5

36 +0.5



Panel adaptor B Panel thickness: 1 to 3.2 mm


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 197

Compact Manometer Air Blow

Series PPA Air Tool

Measures the collision

pressure received by an
air blown workpiece.
Standard sensing head

Pin point sensing head

Refer to page 58 regarding sensing heads.

Confirmation of Confirmation of Compact and lightweight

air line supply pressure regulator set pressure Portable type weighing only about 100 g (unit 50 g, battery 50 g) can also be held in
the palm of the hand.

Measurement unit switching for global use
Freely selectable display units and easy unit conversions also make it ideal for the
SI unit transition period.

Backlight for easy viewing in dark locations
Long service life of 12 months continuous operation

Measuring Instruments
Continuous one year operation is possible with two AA batteries (3 V).

The digital display of line Regulator settings can be
pressure eliminates human
reading errors.
performed more precisely
than with a dial gauge by Convenient hand strap for carrying
viewing the digital display. Keeping practical use in mind, the hand strap is a standard feature.
It is also possible to check
pulsation in the supply Furthermore, since the unit
pressure using the
peak/bottom display
is battery operated, power
lines are not necessary. Zero/span calibration is possible
function. Offset adjustment with the zero clear function, and span calibration with the trimmer
can be performed.

Related products for

line pressure measurement Peak/Bottom hold function
With pressure being displayed, variations in supply pressure can be grasped instantly with
Convenient for easy line pressure measurement without one-touch switching of the display from peak value to bottom value.
removing piping or stopping supply pressure, etc.

Tube coupler

Pressure can be
supplied or stopped
by inserting or MPa MPa

removing the tube.


Finger valve

Peak display Bottom display

Pressure can be Auto power off function to save battery life

easily applied or Power turns off automatically if not operated for more than 5 minutes.
released by
switching the
control knob.
Case holder is available
The case holder is provided as an option to allow for situations where portability is not required.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 198

Series PPA
How to Order

PPA10 0
Pressure specification Option/Case holder
0 –0.1 to 1 MPa (for high pressure) Nil Without case
1 –101 to 10 kPa (for vacuum) B With PPA-B
2 –10 to 100 kPa (for low pressure)
Unit specification
Nil With unit switching function
B Fixed SI unit Note)
Note) Fixed units
For vacuum/low pressure: kPa
For high pressure: MPa

One-touch fitting type

Symbol Applicable tube size One-touch fitting Applicable tube material
Nil N/A N/A N/A
04 ø4 (mm) KJH04-M5 Nylon
Soft nylon
06 ø6 (mm) KJH06-M5 Polyurethane

Model PPA100 for high pressure PPA101 for vacuum PPA102 for low pressure

Rated pressure range –0.1 to 1 MPa –101 to 10 kPa –10 to 100 kPa
Pressure display 3-digit LCD with backlight
Pressure display resolution 1/100
kPa —— 1 1
MPa 0.01 —— ——
mmHg —— 5 ——
Note 1)
Minimum kgf/cm2 0.1 0.01 0.01
display units
inHg —— 0.2 ——
PSI 1 0.1 0.1
bar 0.1 0.01 0.01
Error display Excess pressure, Memory data error, Change battery signal
Peak/Bottom display, Backlight, Auto power OFF
Zero clear, Unit display switching
Withstand pressure 1.5 MPa 200 kPa 200 kPa
Fluid Air, Non-corrosive gas
Power supply 3 V(DC), Type AA dry cell battery x 2 pcs. Note 2)
Battery life 12 months continuous operation (without back lighting)
Response speed 250 ms
Display accuracy ±2% F.S. or less (Temperature conditions: at 25°C)
Repeatability ±1% F.S. or less (Temperature conditions: at 25°C)
Temperature characteristics ±3% F.S. or less (0 to 50°C, based on 25°C)
Piping port M5 x 0.8
Ambient temperature 0 to 50°C (with no condensation)
Ambient humidity 35 to 85% RH (with no condensation)
Impact resistance 100 G in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each
Enclosure IP40 (IEC standard)
Weight Approx. 100 g (Unit 50 g, Batteries 50 g)
Note 1) Equipped with unit switching function [The type without the unit switching function will have a fixed SI unit (kPa or
Note 2) Two pieces of type AA dry cell batteries (manganese R6 or alkaline LR6) are not included.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 199

Compact Manometer Series PPA

Operating Unit Descriptions Operation and Functions
(PPA100 shown. Unit: MPa)

Initial Setting
Be sure to initialize the operating unit set when
using for the first time and after changing
batteries, as the unit will indicate memory data
1. Press and hold the 1. The display will show
POWER button for 3 “Err”. Turn the power
seconds or more. OFF.
“P” for peak display
2. Press and hold down for 6
“b” for bottom display LCD seconds or longer. The
unit will be zero cleared.
• Present pressure display When this happens,
• Peak/Bottom value display “CAL” will appear on the
• Unit display LCD.

3. When zero clear is

POWER LIGHT completed, the unit is
ready for operation.

In lock mode 2. Press and hold the

POWER LIGHT POWER button for 6
seconds or more.

POWER button LIGHT button

• Power ON/OFF • Turns on back light
• Peak mode switching MPa


3. Release the POWER




Measuring Instruments
Power ON
Press the POWER • The power comes ON as it is
button. pressed.
• When pressed and held for 6
seconds or more, the unit is
zero cleared.



Power OFF
Press and hold the • When pressed and held for 3
POWER button for seconds or more, the power
3 seconds or more. turns OFF.
• When there is no button
operation for more than 5
minutes, the power turns OFF.
(automatic power OFF


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 200

Series PPA
Operation and Functions
(PPA100 shown. Unit: MPa)

Unit Display Switching Peak/Bottom Display

1. Press and hold the 1. When pressed Note) Since this is combined with power OFF
POWER and LIGHT continuously for 3 operation, the button should be released
buttons for 3 seconds or more, the
seconds or more. at the point when “P” or “b” is displayed.
unit on the LCD will
flash. Press the POWER button. Do this when pressure is
2. The unit will change. being displayed.
(See the table below.)
Peak Display
3. The unit is set, and Displays the maximum
MPa switching is finished. pressure value and “P”
MPa appears on the LCD.
The display will change if
pressure increases
beyond the pressure
2. Press the LIGHT button. value that is being held.
Unit display changes for Press the POWER button. Bottom Display
the type with the unit
Displays the minimum
switching function only.
pressure value and “b”
The type without the unit
appears on the LCD.
switching function will
The display will change if
have a fixed SI unit (kPa
MPa pressure falls below the

pressure value that is

POWER LIGHT being held.
(These modes are
3. Press the POWER button. convenient for confirming
Press the POWER button. pressure fluctuations.)




High pressure Vacuum Low pressure

(PPA100) (PPA101) (PPA102)
MPa → bar kPa → bar → PSI kPa → bar Turning On the Backlight
→ PSI → kgf → inHg → mmHg → PSI → kgf
Note) The “inHg” unit cannot be displayed. Press the LIGHT button. It normally lights up while
the button is being
pressed. In the lock
mode, it lights up when
Auto Power OFF Function pressed and turns off
when pressed again.
When the power is turned MPa

However, the maximum

ON and there is no button POWER LIGHT
lighting time is
operation for more than 5 approximately one
minutes, the power will minute.
turn OFF.
Note) For canceling this
POWER LIGHT function, refer to
the functions and Zero Clear
operation of the
lock mode (below). Press and hold the The zero point displayed
POWER button for 6 at atmospheric pressure
seconds or more. can be automatically
adjusted. By this means
Lock Mode (Auto Power OFF Cancel) it is possible to eliminate
Press and hold the a display discrepancy at
The auto power OFF atmospheric pressure.
POWER and LIGHT function is canceled by
buttons for 6 seconds activating the lock mode • Turn the power OFF.
or more.

(auto power OFF • Release the supply

cancel). POWER LIGHT
pressure to the
When continuously atmosphere.
pressed for 6 seconds or • When continuously
more, “L” is displayed on pressed for 6 seconds or
the LCD. longer, zero clear is
Moreover, when the performed and “CAL” is
power is turned OFF, the displayed on the LCD.
lock mode is released.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 201

Compact Manometer Series PPA


Scale: 70%

40 Connecting tube port

One-touch fitting (included)




X Refer to Note)


Span calibration

+ –

– +
Type AA dry cell batteries (2 pcs.)

Note) Dimension X includes

the One-touch fitting.
ø4 123
ø6 124
ø1/4" 126

(Front) (Back)


Measuring Instruments
Option/Case holder
5 Fitting port size
M5 x 0.8

Thread depth 5 44
9.2 6.8
4.5 2





ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 202

Series PPA
Error Correction Maintenance
Take the following corrective actions when errors occur. • Span calibration method
Do not touch the span calibration trimmer except when performing
Display Contents Solution
span calibration.
Pressure being applied is Operate within the rated 1. Perform zero clear at atmospheric pressure.
above the rating. pressure range. 2. Apply the maximum rated pressure, and calibrate the span while
comparing with a standard pressure gauge.
Memory data has probably been Perform auto zero 3. If the display value of the compact manometer is “0” after returning to
corrupted in some way. adjustment. atmospheric pressure, then calibration is complete. If the display value is
not "0," calibrate again by repeating step 2.
Entire display Battery voltage is low. Replace the batteries.
Standard Compact
pressure gauge manometer


• Replacing the batteries

When battery voltage becomes low the entire LCD will flash.
When the LCD flashes replace the batteries. Use two AA dry cell
To replace the batteries, turn the power OFF and replace them
within approximately 30 seconds.
When not completed within 30 seconds, “Err” will be displayed. In
that case, perform zero clear once again.
In the event that the display runs out of control, remove the batteries for
one minute or longer, and then perform zero clear again after inserting
the batteries and turning on the power.

Related products useful for line pressure measurement

These products are convenient for measuring line pressure easily without the need to remove piping or stop supply pressure, etc.

Switching between pressurization and atmospheric Pressure can be supplied or stopped by inserting or
release can be easily performed by switching the control removing a tube.
Finger Valve Tube Coupler
Series VHK Series KC

Specifications Applicable tubing

Valve type 2 port valve, 3 port valve Tubing material Nylon, Soft nylon, Polyurethane
Fluid Air Tubing outside diameter ø4, ø6, ø8, ø10, ø12
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Operating vacuum pressure Note 1) –100 kPa (10 Torr)
Fluid Air
Ambient and fluid temperature 0 to 60°C
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Applicable tubing material Note 2) Nylon, Soft nylon, Polyurethane
Proof pressure 3.0 MPa
Accessory (option) Bracket
Ambient and fluid temperature 0 to 60°C
Note 1) For a vacuum application use a VHK2 (2 way valve).
Mounting JIS B0203 (taper threads for piping)
Note 2) Use caution with soft nylon and polyurethane at the maximum operating Thread
pressure. (For further details, refer to catalog CAT.E501-(B), “Fittings & Nut JIS B0211 class 2 (metric fine screw thread)
Tubing for Pneumatic Piping.”) Thread sealant With sealant (standard)
Copper-free application Part C3604BD (electroless nickel plated)
JIS symbols
2 port valve 3 port valve
A Main part materials
Body C3604BD, PBT
P P R Stud C3604BD (thread)
Chuck spring SUS304
Guide C3604BD, POM
Collet release bushing POM
Valve retainer POM
Stopper C3604BD, POM
Seal O-ring NBR

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 203

Air Line

Air Blow

Air Leakage Tester Made to Order

Air Leakage

World's first external connection type 
measuring instrument for air flow rate
Measuring air leakage for each line and equipment



Measuring air flow

Easy piping installation at an extra port (3/8 B).

Measuring can be performed for each line or equipment.

Measuring Instruments
Simple operation with measuring time of 5 to 10 minutes.

Wide measuring range from 300 to 3000 l/min (ANR).
Portable: Battery operated and does not require any other power
supply preparation.
The energy saving automatic power shut off function turns power
OFF when not operated for more than 10 minutes.

Other measuring items

1. Ejector
2. Purge air
3. Cooling blow of dies, etc.
Fixed discharge air flow rate measurement
(Cannot be measured while in operation.)

Standard specifications
Model IN502-07-A
Flow rate display range 0 to 9999 l/min (ANR)
Flow rate display unit l/min (ANR), CFM x 10 -1
Flow rate display resolution l/min (ANR)
Operating pressure range 0.1 to 1.0 MPa
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa
Pressure display unit MPa
Flow measuring accuracy ±15% of reading [300 to 3000 l/min (ANR) ∗]
Fluid Air
Leakage 10 cc/min or less (based on 0°C, 1 atm)
Power supply voltage 3 VDC, Type AA dry cell battery x 2
Battery life Approx. 720 measurements
Port size Rc 3/8
Weight 1.7 kg (without batteries)
∗ The measuring error may be greater than ±15% outside the flow range.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 204

Air Leakage Tester

Unit Descriptions

Pressure supply BATTERY

SET button Rc 3/8

Enter and set a pressure level Type AA dry cell battery x 2


SELECT button Holders for unused nozzles
Select nozzle size, flow rate display EXHAUST HOLDER HOLDER
unit, and measuring method
Switch valve Pressure


120 17 220 ( 24 )








Connect the extra port downstream from the stop valve to the pressure supply port of the air leakage tester.
<Initial setting> <Measuring>
1. Select a nozzle size. 1. Enter the P1 pressure value.
Press the SELECT button and hold for 2 seconds or longer. Fully open the stop valve and press the SET button.
When the display indicates as shown below, select the size of the
nozzle which is attached to the EXHAUST outlet on the back side,
and press the SET button.
P1 ∗∗∗∗
Press the SET button.
P1 ∗∗∗∗
Press the SELECT button and hold for 2 seconds or longer. 2. Enter the P2 pressure value.
Select a flow display unit, and then press the SET button.
SEL SEL SEL 1) Press the SELECT button to confirm the P2 set pressure range.
n_1.0 SELECT n_1.5 SELECT n_2.0
2) Gradually close the stop valve to reduce the pressure until it is below the
confirmed set range.
SELECT 3) Press the SET button when the pressure level is below the set range.

Press the SET button.

(Nozzle sizes)
ø1.0 300 to 1000 l/min
P2 ∗∗∗∗ SELECT P2 ∗∗∗∗
The set pressure is displayed while the
ø1.5 1000 to 2000 l/min Press the SET button.
SELECT button is pressed.
ø2.0 2000 to 3000 l/min

2. Select a flow rate display unit. 3. Turn the knob to OPEN.

Select a flow rate display unit, and then press the SET button. The P3 pressure will decrease. When the pressure is stabilized,
press the SET button.
F_1 F_1 (Flow rate display unit)
U_1 l/min P3

Press the SET button. U_2 CFM

Press the SET button.

4. Calculate the flow.
Based on the entered pressure values, the flow rate is
automatically calculated and displayed.

CAL U1 ∗∗∗∗
Flow display

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 205

Non-contact Type Sensor for

Detection of Workpiece Presence
Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2 Air Purge

Stable detection of
to 0.5 mm
Due to the pneumatic bridge circuit and semiconductor
pressure sensor, the non-contact type sensor is hardly
affected by fluctuations in the supply pressure.

Plug connectors (Centralized wiring)

Requires less man hours to wire. Terminal block box

Easy to add and remove manifold stations.

Measuring Instruments
Modular construction
Requires less man hours to wire.

With regulator + 2 port solenoid valve

With 2 port solenoid valve

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 206

Series ISA2

Optimum position is known at a glance.

LED level meter

Above set position

Extraneous Easy-to-operate
W large dial

Set position

Scale provides
Below set position
guidelines for set

Minimum operating pressure 30 kPa (ISA2-G)

Energy consumption can be reduced compared with the conventional models (Conventional models: 50 kPa)

Position of supply port: Either right side or left side is available.
2 wiring methods Variations
Model ISA2-G ISA2-H
pressure range 30 to 200 kPa 50 to 200 kPa

Individual Detection distance 0.01 to 0.25 mm 0.03 to 0.5 mm

wiring Output type NPN open connector, PNP open collector
Lead wire with connector (Individual wiring)
Electrical entry
Terminal block box (Centralized wiring)

Mounting DIN rail, Bracket

Number of 1 to 6 stations
manifold stations
Port size Rc, NPT, G 1/8
IP66 (IP65 for solenoid valve. Regulator
Centralized and pressure gauge are open type.)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 207

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2

How to Order

Without control unit IISA2 N PL 3 B
With control unit IISA2 C SL 3 B 1 D E2
Pressure gauge of regulator Note 1)
A∗ Without pressure gauge Note 2)
E2 MPa single notation 0.2 Square embedded
pressure gauge
Control unit Z2∗ PSI single notation MPa
C With regulator + 2 port solenoid valve E4 MPa single notation 0.4
V With 2 port solenoid valve Z4∗ PSI single notation MPa
G2 MPa single notation 0.2 Roundgauge
P2∗ MPa-PSI double notation MPa
G4 MPa single notation 0.4
Electrical entry and supply port position P4∗ MPa-PSI double notation MPa
Note 1) Due to new Japanese weight and
SR Centralized wiring with supply port on the right
measurement legislation, PSI notation
SL Centralized wiring with supply port on the left type cannot be sold or used in Japan.
PR Individual wiring with supply port on the right Note 2) The pressure gauge port is Rc 1/8.
PL Individual wiring with supply port on the left ∗ Manufactured upon receipt of order.
Note) The supply port position is the one when the switch
is viewed from the front.
Stations Throttle/Manual lock of 2 port
solenoid valve
1 1 station
Nil Without throttle, without manual lock
2 2 stations
3 3 stations C With throttle, without manual lock
4 4 stations W Without throttle, with manual lock
5 5 stations M With throttle, with manual lock
6 6 stations Throttle


Manual lock

Nil Without bracket
B With bracket

With mounting
bracket for DIN rail
Note) DIN rail must be
ordered separately. Electrical entry of 2 port solenoid valve
(Refer to the page
221.) D : DIN connector D0: DIN connector T : Conduit terminal
DL: DIN connector (Without connector) TL: Conduit terminal
(With indicator light) (With indicator light)

Voltage of 2 port
solenoid valve
1 100 VAC
2 200 VAC
3 110 VAC
4 220 VAC
5 24 VDC
6 12 VDC
36 230 VAC

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 208

Series ISA2

How to Order

For single and double notation type and additional stations

Air Catch Sensor ISA2 G E2 1
Detection distance Electrical entry
G 0.01 to 0.25 mm Piping specification Straight
H 0.03 to 0.5 mm Nil Rc 1/8 Output specification
N NPT 1/8 1 NPN output Nil

Individual wiring
G 1/8 5 PNP output
∗ Made to order
Pressure gauge Note 1) Right angle
Without pressure gauge Note 2)
E2 MPa single notation 0.2 Square embedded L∗
pressure gauge
Z2∗ PSI single notation MPa
E4 MPa single notation 0.4
Z4∗ PSI single notation MPa N Without lead wire
G2 MPa single notation 0.2 Round pressure

Centralized wiring
P2∗ MPa-PSI double notation MPa
G4 MPa single notation 0.4 Terminal block
P4∗ MPa-PSI double notation MPa box
Note 1) Due to new Japanese weight and
measurement legislation, PSI notation
type cannot be sold or used in Japan. ∗ Manufactured upon receipt
Note 2) The pressure gauge port is Rc 1/8. of order.
∗ Manufactured upon receipt of order.

Ordering Examples
Without control unit
Centralized wiring Individual wiring Centralized wiring/Supply port right
Individual wiring
Centralized wiring air catch sensor Centralized wiring air catch sensor
Terminal block box air catch sensor ISA2-GE41N Terminal block box ISA2-HE41P
3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0


Supply port Supply port 6

9 6

9 6

9 6

Supply port
0.3 IN IN 0.1
0.3 0.1
0.3 0.1
0.3 0.1
0.3 IN
0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4

Right Left Right

DIN rail mounting
Bracket bracket DIN rail
Stations 1 Stations 1 Stations 1 2 3

IISA2NSR-1B1 set (1 station manifold part number) IISA2NPL-1D1 set (1 station manifold part number) IISA2NSR-3D1 set (3 stations manifold part number)
∗ISA2-GE41P1 set (Air catch sensor part number) ∗ISA2-GE41N 1 set (Air catch sensor part number) ∗ISA2-HE41P 3 sets (Air catch sensor part number)
Prefix the part number of the air catch sensor Prefix the part number of the air catch sensor Prefix the part number of the air catch sensor
with an asterisk (∗). with an asterisk (∗). with an asterisk (∗).

With control unit

Centralized wiring/Supply port left Individual wiring/Supply port right
Centralized wiring
air catch sensor Individual wiring
2 port solenoid valve ISA2-HE41P Terminal block box air catch sensor 2 port solenoid valve
3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0


Supply port 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 Supply port

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0 MPa
0.4 0 MPa
0.4 0 MPa
0.4 0 MPa
0.4 0 MPa
0.4 0 MPa
0.4 IN
0 0.2

Left Right

Bracket Bracket

Stations 3 2 1 Stations 1 2 3

IISA2CSL-3B5DLCE21 set (3 stations manifold part number) IISA2VPR-3B5DLC1 set (3 stations manifold part number)
∗ISA2-HE41P 3 sets (Air catch sensor part number) ∗ISA2-GE41 3 sets (Air catch sensor part number)
Prefix the part number of the air catch sensor with an Prefix the part number of the air catch sensor with an
asterisk (∗). asterisk (∗).

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 209

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2


Model ISA2-G1 ISA2-G5 ISA2-H1 ISA2-H5

Detection distance 0.01 to 0.25 mm 0.03 to 0.50 mm
Fluid Dry air (filtered to 5 µm)
Operating pressure range 30 to 200 kPa 50 to 200 kPa
Recommended detection nozzle ø1.5 ø2.0

Consumption 50 kPa 5 or less 10 or less


flow rate 100 kPa 8 or less 15 or less

l/min (ANR) 200 kPa 12 or less 22 or less
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC, Ripple (p-p) 10% or less (With power polarity protection)
Current consumption 15 mA or less
Switch Output NPN PNP NPN PNP
open collector: one output open collector: one output open collector: one output open collector: one output
Maximum load current 80 mA
Maximum load voltage 30 VDC (at NPN output)
Residual voltage 1.5 V or less (at 80 mA)
Output protection Yes
Repeatability 0.01 mm or less (Detection distance range 0.01 to 0.15 mm, 0.01 mm or less (Detection distance range 0.03 to 0.15 mm,
(Including temperature characteristics) supply pressure 100 to 200 kPa) supply pressure 100 to 200 kPa)
Hysteresis Note 1) 0.01 mm or less (Detection distance range 0.01 to 0.15 mm) 0.01 mm or less (Detection distance range 0.03 to 0.15 mm)
LED level meter Note 2) with 1 red, 2 green
Indicator light
(Set value < detection distance: red, Set value = detection distance: green 1, Set value > detection distance: green 1 + green 2)
Enclosure IP66
Operating temperature range Operating: 0 to 60C, Stored: –20 to 70C (No condensation or no freezing)

Operating humidity range Operating/Stored: 35 to 85%RH (No condensation)

Withstand voltage 1000 VAC or more in 50/60 Hz for 1 minute between external terminal and case
Insulation voltage 2 MΩ or more between external terminal and case (measured with 500 VDC megaohm meter)
1.5 mm amplitude in 10 to 500Hz or acceleration of 98 m/s2 without control unit and bracket mounted,
Vibration resistance
Others 30 m/s2, whichever is smaller for 2 hours in X, Y, Z direction each (De-energized)
Impact resistance Without control unit and bracket mounted: 980 m/s2, Others: 150 m/s2 in X, Y and Z direction, 3 times each (De-energized)
Port size Nil: Rc 1/8, N type: NPT 1/8, F type: G 1/8

Measuring Instruments
Lead wire (Individual wiring type) 4-core, oil resistant, cable (0.64 mm2) with M12, 4-pin pre-wired connector
Terminal block box (Centralized wiring type) Front wiring (Electrical entry ø21)

Individual wiring type (body only): 253 g, common wiring type (body only): 250 g,
Terminal box: 205 g, lead wire: 278 g, connecting bracket with sealing for additional station: 4 g
Note 1) Refer to “Relation between Nozzle Diameter and Detection Distance” for hysteresis.
Note 2) Refer to “Setting Procedure” for LED level meter.

Working Principle

P1 In a bridge circuit as in the left figure, a detection gap is

applied to the detection nozzle (S4) while the setting dial S3
S1 S3
Sensor is adjusted to balance the pressure applied to the pressure
S2 S4
sensor (P1 = P2). The pressure sensor detects the differential
pressure generated when the detection nozzle (S4) is
S1, S2: Fix orifice released. When the work piece comes close to the detection
S3: Variable orifice (adjusted by setting dial) nozzle, the back pressure P2 increases until it is larger than
S4: Detection nozzle
P1 (P2 > P1). Then the switch output turns on to notify that
the pressure is below the detection gap.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 210

Series ISA2

Example of Internal Circuit and Wiring

NPN open collector output Circuit and Wiring for 2 Port Solenoid Valve
DC (+)
Without indicator light DC circuit Without display light AC Circuit
Main circuit of

1 DC (+) 1 ( )

MAX 80 mA 12 to 24 VDC Rectifying

DC () SOL. 12 to 24 VDC SOL. 100 to 200 VAC

2 DC () 2 ( )

PNP open collector output Conduit terminal Conduit terminal

DC (+)
With indicator light DC circuit DIN type connector With indicator light AC Circuit
Main circuit of

1 DC (+) 1 ( )
MAX 80 mA Rectifying

OUT device
Load 12 to 24 VDC ZNR ZNR
12 to 24 VDC SOL. 100 to 200 VAC
DC ()
LED 2 DC () indicator 2 ( )

DIN type connector Refer to catalog and instruction man-

With indicator light DC circuit ual of Series VCA for wiring.
1 DC (+)
Pay attention to the power supply vol-
ZNR tage. Use of incorrect power supply will
SOL. 12 to 24 VDC cause damage to equipment.
LED 2 DC ()


Individual wiring Centralized wiring

2: NC 1: Brown Terminal block box
3 0

1 Brown DC (+)
2  NC 6 9
1 2 3 4 5
3: Blue
3 Blue DC () DC DC OUT
4: Black Black NC
4 OUT () (+) 6

1. Insert the connector of the lead wire with its key groove at the
proper position.
2. Hold the knurl with 2 fingers and rotate it clockwise until finger 1. Mount the seal conduit on the terminal block box. For mounting
tight. procedure, refer to the catalog and instruction manual provided
by the manufacturer of the seal conduit.
Lead wire with connector
2. Thread the cable through the seal conduit and arrange wiring
Knurl according to the polarity of the terminal block illustrated above.
3. Fasten the seal conduit with a tightening torque not greater
than 5 N⋅m. Do not hold the terminal block box or the switch.

3. Connect the colored wires coming from the cable terminal.

Refer to the circuit diagram and table above to avoid mistakes.

Seal conduit entry (ø21)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 211

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2

Relation between Nozzle Diameter and Detection Distance

The data in the following charts are characteristics of hysteresis at the detection distance.
In case accuracy is required by the settings, the design should be made so that the hysteresis will stay within the optimum adjustment
range not larger than 0.01 mm.
The smaller the hysteresis, the better the sensitivity. In cases where the hysteresis exceeds 0.01 mm, the air catch sensor should be used
to check the presence of the work piece.


Detection nozzle: ø1.0 Detection nozzle: ø1.0

Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m
0.1 0.1 Supply pressure
Supply pressure
0.09 0.09
30 kPa 50 kPa
0.08 0.08
Hysteresis (mm)

Hysteresis (mm)
0.07 0.07
0.06 0.06 100 kPa
0.05 0.05
100 kPa
0.04 0.04
0.03 200 kPa 0.03
200 kPa
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
Optimum adjustment range Optimum adjustment range
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Detection distance (mm) Detection distance (mm)

Detection nozzle: ø1.5 Detection nozzle: ø1.5

Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m
0.1 Supply pressure 0.1 Supply pressure
0.09 30 kPa 0.09
50 kPa
0.08 0.08

Measuring Instruments
100 kPa
Hysteresis (mm)

Hysteresis (mm)

0.07 0.07

0.06 0.06
0.05 0.05
100 kPa
0.04 0.04
200 kPa
0.03 0.03
200 kPa
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
Optimum adjustment range Optimum adjustment range
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Detection distance (mm) Detection distance (mm)

Detection nozzle: ø2.0 Detection nozzle: ø2.0

Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m
0.1 0.1 Supply pressure
Supply pressure
0.09 0.09 50 kPa
30 kPa
0.08 0.08 100 kPa
Hysteresis (mm)

Hysteresis (mm)

0.07 0.07
0.06 0.06
0.05 0.05
100 kPa
0.04 0.04
200 kPa
0.03 0.03
200 kPa
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
Optimum adjustment range Optimum adjustment range
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Detection distance (mm) Detection distance (mm)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 212

Series ISA2

Response Time

Response time changes with detection distance and piping length. It is hardly influenced by the supply pressure and nozzle diameter
(ø1.0 to ø2.0).
While all graphs assume a fixed set distance with changes in the detection distance, the upper charts show responses at various set
values and the lower charts show responses at various piping lengths. If the set distance is equal to the set value, the response becomes
quicker as the set value becomes smaller or the piping length becomes shorter.

Supply pressure: 100 kPa
Detection nozzle: ø1.5 Supply pressure: 100 kPa Detection nozzle: ø2.0
Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m
2.5 2
Set value
0.05 mm 1.5 Set value
Response time (sec)

Response time (sec)

0.1 mm
0.1 mm
0.05 mm
1 0.15 mm
0.3 mm 0.5 mm
0.5 0.15 mm
0.25 mm
0 0

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Detection distance (mm)
Detection distance (mm)

Detection distanceResponse time characteristics Detection distanceResponse time characteristics

Supply pressure: 100 kPa
Detection nozzle: ø1.5 Supply pressure: 100 kPa Detection nozzle: ø2.0
Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 Set distance: 0.3 mm
Set distance: 0.15 mm Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4
3 Piping tubing length 1.5 Piping tubing length
10 m
2.5 10 m 1.2
Response time (sec)

Response time (sec)

1.5 8m 5m

5m 0.6
3m 0.3
1m 1m
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Detection distance (mm)
Detection distance (mm)

Piping tubing lengthResponse time Piping tubing lengthResponse time

Nozzle Shape

Please keep the nozzle shape as illustrated below. Figure (1)

Take every caution against chamfer on the detection surface and/or nozzle hole,
which could affect the characteristics as illustrated in Figure (1). Chamfer is not
ø1 ø1.5 ø2 allowed.
2 or more

2 or more

2 or more

ø3 or more ø3 or more ø3 or more

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 213

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2

Supply Pressure Dependence

The charts illustrate changes in the detection distance with fluctuations in the supply pressure.


Detection nozzle: ø1.0 Detection nozzle: ø1.0

Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m
0.4 0.6 0.5 mm
Detection distance (mm)

Detection distance (mm)

0.25 mm

0.2 0.3
0.15 mm
0.2 0.15 mm
0.01 mm 0.03 mm
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Supply pressure (kPa) Supply pressure (kPa)

Detection nozzle: ø1.5 Detection nozzle: ø1.5

Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m
0.4 0.6 0.5 mm
0.25 mm 0.5
Detection distance (mm)
Detection distance (mm)


0.2 0.3

Measuring Instruments
0.15 mm
0.2 0.15 mm

0.01 mm 0.03 mm
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Supply pressure (kPa) Supply pressure (kPa)

Detection nozzle: ø2.0 Detection nozzle: ø2.0

Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m Detection side piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing 5 m
0.4 0.6 0.5 mm
0.25 mm
Detection distance (mm)

Detection distance (mm)


0.2 0.3
0.15 mm
0.15 mm
0.01 mm 0.03 mm
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Supply pressure (kPa) Supply pressure (kPa)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 214

Series ISA2

Setting Procedure

The detection distance is set with the LED level meter and setting 1. For accuracy in setting, apply a clearance gauge to the dete-
dial. ction nozzle to replicate the set condition in advance.
Keep the setting dial pulled out while in use. If released, it will 2. Confirm that the set pressure is applied. If the setting dial is
return to its original position and become unable to rotate. fully closed, the LED level meter appears as .
3. Pull the setting dial and rotate it in the positive direction. The
lights will turn on in the order shown below.

Rotate in the
positive direction.
Pull out

Before pulling out

Green 1

Green 2

4. The sensor output comes on when the lights on the LED level
meter turn on as . Complete the setting when this condi-
tion is observed.
5. Apply the clearance gauge again to confirm that the lights turn
Pulled out on as .

Handling and setting of 2 port solenoid valve Handling and setting of limit gauge indicator
Throttle setting for blowing to prevent water and cutting oil OPEN arrow
1. Removal of cover
from entering the nozzle. Hook the finger on the front
(Clockwise: Close throttle; Counterclockwise: Open throttle) cover ridge and rotate it in
the direction of the OPEN
∗ The setting is not applicable to valves without throttle. arrow until it stops (15).
Then pull out and remove
1. Power off the valve. the cover.
2. Rotate the throttle clockwise for adjustment so that the
detection nozzle will not suck up water or cutting oil. 2. Setting the installation needle
The installation needle should be moved by the fingertip.
Set the 2 green installation needles at the maximum and
minimum limits of pressure.



Maximum 0.24 MPa

Minimum 0.16 MPa

3. Installation of cover
After setting the installation needles, locate the OPEN
arrow at the top right position and insert the claws on the
cover into the grooves on the case (indicated by in the
expanded view of A part). Rotate the cover clockwise until
it stops. Confirm that the cover is firmly secured.

3. Power on the valve, then off again. Expanded view A

Confirm that the detection nozzle does not suck up water of A part
or cutting oil.

Note) Do not rotate the throttle more than 4 turns or it will

fall out.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 215

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2

Relation between Dial Scale and Detection Distance

Test procedure and conditions

Dial scales when the detection nozzle is under the following conditions;
Supplied pressure: 100 kPa
Piping: ø6 x ø4 tubing, 5 m in length.

Results of measurement Note 1)

 Relation between the detection distance and set dial scales Note 2) (Scale numbers)
Detection nozzle diameter Detection nozzle diameter
Detection distance Detection distance
ø1.0 ø1.5 ø2.0 ø1.0 ø1.5 ø2.0
0.05 mm 0.3 to 0.7 0.9 to 1.4 0.3 to 0.7 0.1 mm 1.1 to 1.5 2.4 to 2.8 2.6 to 3.4
0.10 mm 1.1 to 1.5 2.3 to 2.8 2.0 to 2.5 0.2 mm 2.4 to 2.9 4.5 to 5.1 5.4 to 6.4
0.15 mm 1.9 to 2.3 3.4 to 4.1 3.7 to 4.6 0.3 mm 3.0 to 3.5 5.5 to 6.3 7.0 to 8.3
0.20 mm 2.5 to 3.0 4.4 to 5.5 5.3 to 7.0 0.4 mm 3.3 to 3.8 6.0 to 7.0 7.9 to 9.6
0.25 mm 3.0 to 3.5 5.2 to 7.0 6.6 to 10.7 0.5 mm 3.5 to 4.0 6.5 to 7.5 8.6 to 10.7

 Average variation per scale (Detection distance [mm])

Detection nozzle diameter Detection nozzle diameter
Detection distance Detection distance
ø1.0 ø1.5 ø2.0 ø1.0 ø1.5 ø2.0
0.05 mm 0.010 0.005 0.006 0.1 mm 0.008 0.004 0.003
0.10 mm 0.007 0.004 0.003 0.2 mm 0.008 0.005 0.004
0.15 mm 0.010 0.005 0.004 0.3 mm 0.025 0.011 0.007
0.20 mm 0.010 0.005 0.003 0.4 mm 0.046 0.019 0.011
0.25 mm 0.010 0.007 0.003 0.5 mm 0.050 0.021 0.012
Note 1) This data provides reference values as a guide only, this should not be
viewed as a guarantee of our products performance.

Measuring Instruments
Note 2) Set dial scales are as follows;


Between each major scales, it is sub divided into ten

A scale
smaller settings (for example, between 2.0 to 3.0—2.1,
2.2, 2.3 etc.), settings are possible at each increment.

3 0

6 9

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 216

Series ISA2
∗ When the SUP port is on the left, the stations are sequentially
Dimensions: Centralized Wiring Type numbered from the side of the terminal block box.

With bracket L1
3 60 38 L2 38 5
Terminal block box LED level meter

End plate L End plate R

3 0 3 0 3 0


6 9 6 9 6 9
Setting dial
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3

0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4


Pressure gauge


6.5 L3 SUP port

24 36 Rc, NPT, G1/8
OUT 3 36
OUT 5 Left Right
Stations 1∗ n
Stations 1 2 3 4 5 6
63(Max. 65)

L1 106 144 182 220 258 296

L2 — — 38 76 114 152
L3 — 38 76 114 152 190

DC () OUT 6

DC (+)

Detection port M4 x 8
Rc, NPT, G1/8 (With HW, SW)
Terminal block box wiring diagram For the bracket attachment
position, refer to page 219.
Seal conduit entry

With DIN rail

3 60 38 L2 38 5
Terminal block box LED level meter

End plate L
End plate R

3 0 3 0 3 0


6 9 6 9 6 9

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3

0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4


Pressure gauge SUP port

Rc, NPT, G1/8
DIN rail mounting
5.25 bracket
11.2 DIN rail center
L4 24
OUT 3 L5
OUT 5 Left Right
Stations 1∗ n

Stations 1 2 3 4 5 6
63(Max. 65)

L1 106 144 182 220 258 296

L2 — — 38 76 114 152
L3 — 38 76 114 152 190

DC () OUT 6

L4 120 162.5 200 237.5 275 312.5

DC (+) L5 135.5 173 210.5 248 285.5 323

19 Detection port
Terminal block box wiring diagram Seal conduit entry Rc, NPT, G1/8

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 217

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2

Dimensions: Individual Wiring Type

With bracket
3 38 L2 38 5
LED level meter
Lead wire connector
End plate L
End plate R

3 0 3 0 3 0

6 9 6 9 6 9

0.2 0.2 0.2

Setting dial
0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3

0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4




SUP port Plug


24 6.5 L3 Pressure gauge

Rc, NPT, G 1/8
36 36

Left Right
Stations 1························· n
Stations 1 2 3 4 5 6
63(Max. 65)

L1 46 84 122 160 198 236

L2   38 76 114 152
L3  38 76 114 152 190
5 17

19 Detection port For the bracket attachment

M4 x 8
Rc, NPT, G 1/8 position, refer to page 219.
(With HW, SW)

With DIN rail

Measuring Instruments

3 38 L2 38 5
LED level meter Lead wire connector
End plate L
End plate R

3 0 3 0 3 0

DIN rail

Setting dial

center 6 9 6 9 6 9

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3

0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4



SUP port Pressure

Rc, NPT, G 1/8 Plug
24 DIN rail mounting
5.25 11.2

Electriacal entry dimensions Left Right

Straight union Right angle Stations 1························· n

Stations 1 2 3 4 5 6
63(Max. 65)

L1 46 84 122 160 198 236



L2   38 76 114 152

L3 76 114 152 190


L4 62.5 120 162.5 200 237.5 275

L5 73 135.5 173 210.5 248 285.5
The direction of a right angle Detection port

connector cannot be changed. 19 Rc, NPT, G1/8

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 218

Series ISA2

Dimensions: With Control Unit

SUP port on the left

3 3

Throttle needle
SUP port PU
SUP port PU

6 6
Rc, NPT, G 1/4 Rc, NPT, G 1/8

0.1 0.1
0.05 0.15
0 0
0 MPa 0.2


connector Manual lock


82 Conduit terminal Conduit terminal

97 40 10 42

With regulator + 2 port solenoid valve With 2 port solenoid valve

SUP port on the right

Conduit terminal Conduit terminal

DIN connector

0 0

9 9

0.3 0.3

0.05 0.15

0.4 0.4
0 MPa0.2

SUP port
Rc, NPT, G 1/8 Throttle needle SUP port
Rc, NPT, G 1/8

42 10 40 25

With regulator + 2 port solenoid valve With 2 port solenoid valve

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 219

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2

Bracket Mounting Position

With 2 stations, the bracket is mounted on the second sensor from the left.
1 2
Left 1 2 Right 1 2


With n stations, the bracket is mounted on the first and “n” th sensor from the left.
1 2  n


Addition of Manifold Stations

1. Disassembly 1. Loosen the screws and remove the 2 mounting brackets on the
front and back side.
2. Disassemble the switch carefully so that the O-ring on the SUP
port will not be detached.

End plate removal

Measuring Instruments
Slot for removal

Hook the fingers on the top and
bottom removal grooves to pull out
the plate.
Existing joint brackets
It can be removed by pulling

2. Insertion Recess Protrusion

1. Fit seal for additional station (ISA-7-B) to the recess of the
SUP port of the additional switch.
2. Fit the protrusion of the additional switch into the existing
3. Mount joint brackets (ISA-3-A) at 2 positions.
Note) Perform temporary tightening of screws.
4. Confirm that the recess of the SUP port of the existing switch
has seal for additional station attached.
5. Fit the protrusion of the existing switch into the recess of the
Existing joint brackets Joint brackets (ISA-3-A) additional switch.
6. Mount the existing joint bracket.
The switch for adding stations Note) Perform temporary tightening of screws.

3. Assembly
1. Tighten the joint brackets with the prescribed tightening torque
of 1.2 N⋅m.
2. Arrange pneumatic piping and confirm that there is no air leak-
age from new joints.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 220

Series ISA2

Parts List
End plate R

Terminal block box




End plate L ISA-3-A

Seal for additional station

2 port solenoid valve

Regulator Y20

Terminal block box

ISA-11-L (Centralized wiring/Supply port left)
ISA-11-R (Centralized wiring/Supply port right)

Spacer Seal for additional station End plate L End plate R

Y20 ISA-7-B ISA-7-A ISA-6-A ISA-6-B
When 2 air catch sen- When a 2 port solenoid
sors are connected or valve is connected to
when a 2 port solenoid the right:
valve is connected to the

Joint bracket Lead wire with connector (Individual wiring type) Bracket DIN rail mounting bracket
A pair consists 1 set. Straight, 5 m Right angle, 5 m

With mounting
screw 2 pcs.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 221

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA2

DIN Rail
Applicable model
1.25 8 4.5 7.5 Part no. L
Individual wiring type Centralized wiring type
ISA-5-1 73.0 IISA2P-1 
ISA-5-2 135.5 IISA2P-2 IISA2S-1
ISA-5-3 173.0 IISA2P-3 IISA2S-2
ISA-5-4 210.5 IISA2P-4 IISA2S-3


ISA-5-5 248.0 IISA2P-5 IISA2S-4

ISA-5-6 285.5 IISA2P-6 IISA2S-5
ISA-5-7 323.0  IISA2S-6
Pressure Gauge for Air Catch Sensor
Square embedded pressure gauge Round pressure gauge Connection
GC3 4 AS G36 4 01 thread
Notation Maximum Nil R 1/8
Maximum pressure P NPT 1/8
Notation pressure specifications
specifications indication Nil MPa single notation
MPa-PSI 2 0.2 MPa
Nil MPa single notation 2 0.2 MPa P Note) double 4 0.4 MPa
P PSI single notation 4 0.4 MPa
Note) For double notation of MPa and PSI, add “-X30” at the end of part number.
Example) G36-P4-01-X30a

Regulator 2 Port Solenoid Valve

AR 20 02 E 1 VCA27A 5 DL S 4 02 Q
Thread type Port size
Voltage 02 Rc 1/4 CE
Nil Rc 1 100 VAC marked
02N NPT 1/4
N NPT 2 200 VAC 02F G 1/4
F G 3 110 VAC
Option (The shape of pressure gauge) Note 2) 4 220 VAC Throttle
Nil None 5 24 VDC Nil Without throttle and manual lock
E Square embedded pressure gauge (With limit indicator) 6 12 VDC S With throttle

Measuring Instruments
G Note 1) Round pressure gauge (With limit indicator) 36 230 VAC B With manual lock
Note 1) The pressure gauge port is Rc 1/8. The pressure gauge K With manual lock and throttle

is included in the package (not assembled).
Electrical entry
Note 2) Order individually when 0.4 MPa gauge is required.
D DIN connector
Option specification DL DIN connector (With light)
Nil None D0 DIN connector (Without connector)
N Non-relieving T Conduit terminal
R Flow direction: Right to left TL Conduit terminal (With light)
Z Note 1) Unit representations on the label and pressure gauge are PSI and F
When specifying more than one option, enter symbols first in numerical, then Standard Specifications
in alphabetical orders. Valve type Direct operation poppet
Note 1) Compatible with thread type NPT. Under the New Measurement Law, Fluid Air, Inert gas
this type is only sold outside Japan. (The SI unit is used inside Japan.)
Valve specifications

Withstand pressure (MPa) 2.0

In all cases, with the exception of NPT, add “-X2025” at the end of the
order number. Example) AR20-02E-1-X2025 Body material Al
Seal material HNBR
Standard Specifications Ambient temperature (°C) 20 to 60
Fluid temperature (°C) 10 to 60 (No freezing)
Model AR20
Enclosure Dustproof and jetproof (Equivalent to IP65)
Port size 14
Atmosphere Environment with no corrosive or explosive gas
Fluid Air
Valve leakage cm3/min (ANR) 0.2 or less
Proof pressure 1.5 MPa Mounting orientation Free
Maximum operating pressure 1.0 MPa Vibration resistance/Impact resistance m/s2 Note 2) 30/150 or less
Set pressure range 0.02 to 0.2 MPa
Coil specifications

Rated voltage 24/12 VDC, 100/110/200/220 VAC (50/60 Hz)

Gauge port size Note 1) 18
Allowable voltage fluctuation 10% rated voltage
Set pressure + 0.05 MPa Type of coil insulation B type
Relief pressure
{at relief flow of 0.1 l/min(ANR)} Power consumption DC VCA2: 6.5 W
Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 60C (No condensation) Apparent Note 1) 50 Hz
Construction Relieving type power AC VCA2: 7.5 VA
60 Hz
Weight (kg) 0.29
Note 1) Since the AC specifications include a rectifying device, there is no difference
Pressure Round Note 2) G36-2-01 between the apparent power required for starting and holding.
gauge 0.2 MPa Square embedded Note 3)
GC3-2AS Note 2) Vibration resistance: No malfunction resulted in a one-sweep test in a 10 to
Note 1) The type with square embedded pressure gauge does not have connection. 300 Hz range in the axial and right angle directions of the main valve and
Note 2) The “” in the part number of the round pressure gauge indicates the type of armature, for both energized and de-energized states.
connection threads, no symbol for R and N for NPT. Contact SMC for supply of the Shock resistance: No malfunction resulted in an impact test using a drop im-
connection thread type NPT and the pressure gauge of PSI unit representation. pact tester. The test was performed in the axial and right angle directions of
Note 3) With an O-ring (1 pc.) and mounting screws (2 pcs.). the main valve and armature, for both energized and de-energized states.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 222

Air Catch Sensor

Series ISA Air Purge

Due to the construction of the sensor, fluctuations in the supply 
pressure do not influence operation.  This is a non-contact type 
sensor for applications requiring confirmation of workpiece 
presence for machining operations.
For Detection of Workpiece Presence

LED level meter for easy calibration

The LED level meter in conjunction with the Reliable detection of a 10 µm gap
adjustment knob allows for easy and correct
calibrations. Due to the internal air bridge circuit and solid state
pressure sensor, the air catch sensor is not
Above the setting position (Red)
influenced by supply pressure fluctuations.
Adjustment knob
Proper setting position (Green) Can be mounted on manifolds with up to six
Below the setting position (Green) stations
Centralized wiring and piping are possible.
Versatile mounting orientation
Due to the use of a pressure sensor, stable
detection is guaranteed regardless of mounting
Wide detection range
Applicable range: 10 to 300 µm
IP66 enclosure
Dust proof and splash proof

How to Order

Individual/Centralized Wiring ISA 01

Nil ∗ For DIN rail
Output specification B With bracket
11 NPN open collector 1 output G With gauge
15 PNP open collector 1 output ∗ Order DIN rail separately.

Station 1 to 6
Wiring specification
Nil Individual wiring (without terminal block box)
Centralized wiring
Example 1) NPN output, 4 stations, centralized wiring with terminal L (with terminal block box on left side)
block box on left side, with bracket and gauge
R Centralized wiring
ISA11-4L-01BG (with terminal block box on right side)

Example 2) PNP output, single unit individual wiring, with gauge


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 223

Air Catch Sensor Series ISA


Fluid Dry air (filtered through a 5 µm filter)

Operating pressure range 0.05 to 0.2 MPa
Recommended pressure range 0.1 to 0.2 MPa
Detection distance range 10 to 300 µm
Repeatability including
±10 µm (0 to 60°C, based on 25°C)
temperature characteristics
Hysteresis 10 µm or less (detection distance 10 to 150 µm)
Detection nozzle size ø1.0 standard
Indicator functions Operation indicator light (illuminates when ON.), Deflection level indicator light
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple ±10% or less)
Current consumption 30 mA or less (Output ON, All LED’s ON)
ISA11 NPN open collector 30 V, 80 mA or less
ISA15 PNP open collector 80 mA or less
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (with no condensation)
Operating humidity range 35 to 85% RH
Noise resistance 1000 Vp-p, Pulse width 1 µS, Rize time 1 ns pulse
Withstand voltage 1000 VAC 50/60 Hz for one minute between external terminals and case
Insulation resistance 2 MΩ or more (at 500 VDC Mega) between external terminals and case
Vibration resistance 10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller, amplitude 1.5 mm or acceleration 98 m/s2, in X, Y, Z directions, for 2 hours each
Impact resistance 980 m/s2 X, Y, Z direction, 3 times for each direction
Lead wire Oil resistant chloroethylene cable (ø3.4, 0.2 mm2, 5 m)
Weight 250 g (with gauge, 5 m lead wire)
Port size Rc 1/8
Enclosure IP66 (dust proof and splash proof)
16 l/min at 0.10 MPa

Measuring Instruments
Flow consumption Supply pressure 21 l/min at 0.15 MPa
25 l/min at 0.2 MPa


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 224

Negative Pressure Detection Valve Special Order

Liquid Removal

Knob for negative
36 pressure detection setting
Operating pressure range 0.15 to 0.8 MPa
30 Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 60°C
Effective area (Cv factor) 2.7 mm2 (0.15)

Negative pressure detection –400 mmHg to–130 mmHg

setting range (at 0.4 MPa)
Bracket hole dimension Weight 0.4 kg
Max. 115
Min. 105


2-M5 x 0.8
4-Rc 1/8

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:28 AM Page 225

Vacuum Equipment

Series Application Page

Vacuum ejector ZH Liquid removal 226
In-line vacuum ejector ZU Liquid removal 228
Multistage ejector ZL112/212 Vacuum 229
Vacuum ejector with check valve (Special order product) Vacuum 234
Pad with check valve (Special order product) Vacuum 235
Vacuum ejector for water soluble coolant removal (Special order product) Liquid removal 236

Vacuum Equipment

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Vacuum Ejector
Box Type (with Built-in Silencer) Body Ported Type Series ZH Liquid Removal

Nozzle diameter —— ø0.5, ø0.7, ø1.0, ø1.3, ø1.5, ø1.8, ø2.0

Type ——————— S: Standard
L: Large flow capacity
Compact Composite resin nozzle and
body for compact and
Box type (with built-in silencer)
lightweight construction and body ported type
and Lightweight Nozzle diameter ø0.5 … 28 g Two types are available in the series: Box type with
silenced exhaust and body ported type with individual


Silenced exhaust
One-touch and threaded
connections can be combined.
Depending on the operating conditions, port
connections can be combined with a choice of
VAC One-touch and threaded connections.

Body can be mounted

and secured.
Mounting holes for securing the body are
provided for body ported type also.
Common exhaust type

Ejector symbol

Body ported type

(without silencer)

Box type
(built-in silencer)

Nozzle vacuum pressure∗ Maximum suction flow Air consumption Connection
Model diameter Body type (kPa) l/min (ANR) l/min (ANR) (One-touch/Threaded)
mm (g)
S type L type S type L type S type/L type SUP VAC EXH
ZH05B 0.5 5 8 13 28
ZH07B 0.7 Box type 12 20 23 ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8 28
(with built-in silencer) –88 –48 —
ZH10B 1.0 24 34 46 33
ZH13B 1.3 40 70 78 ø8/Rc 1/8 ø10/Rc 1/4 66
ZH05D 0.5 5 8 13 11
ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8
ZH07D 0.7 Body ported type 12 20 23 12
(without silencer) –88 –48
ZH10D 1.0 24 34 46 ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8 ø8/Rc 1/8 16
ZH13D 1.3 40 70 78 ø8/Rc 1/8 ø10/Rc 1/4 ø10/Rc 1/4 27
ZH15D 1.5 55 75 95 ø10/Rc 1/4 43
Body ported type ø12/Rc 3/8 ø12/Rc 3/8
ZH18D 1.8 (without silencer) –88 –53 65 110 150 ø12/Rc 3/8 55
ZH20D 2.0 85 135 185 ø12/Rc 3/8 ø16/Rc 1/2 ø16/Rc 1/2 95
∗ Supply pressure: 0.45MPa.

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Vacuum Ejector
Box Type (with Built-in Silencer)/Body Ported Type Series ZH
How to Order

Note) Refer to tables and below for SUP/VAC/EXH port connection combinations and port sizes.

Box Type
(with Built-in Silencer) ZH 07 B S 06 06
Body Ported Type
(without Silencer) ZH 07 D S 01 01 01
EXH port size Note)
Nozzle diameter
Symbol Size Type
05 ø0.5 mm
06 ø6 One-touch
07 ø0.7 mm
08 ø8 One-touch
10 ø1.0 mm
10 ø10 One-touch
13 ø1.3 mm
12 ø12 One-touch
15 ø1.5 mm
16 ø16 One-touch
18 ø1.8 mm
01 Rc 1/8 Threaded
20 ø2.0 mm
02 Rc 1/4 Threaded
03 Rc 3/8 Threaded
04 Rc 1/2 Threaded
Maximum vacuum pressure
S –88 kPa
L –48 kPa
VAC port size Note)
SUP port size Note) Symbol Size Type
06 ø6 One-touch
Symbol Size Type
10 ø10 One-touch
06 ø6 One-touch
12 ø12 One-touch
08 ø8 One-touch
16 ø16 One-touch
10 ø10 One-touch
01 Rc 1/8 Threaded
12 ø12 One-touch
02 Rc 1/4 Threaded
01 Rc 1/8 Threaded
03 Rc 3/8 Threaded
02 Rc 1/4 Threaded
04 Rc 1/2 Threaded
03 Rc 3/8 Threaded

Vacuum Equipment
Table 1. Connection combinations Table 2. Port sizes
Body type SUP VAC EXH Connection (one-touch/threaded)
One-touch One-touch — SUP VAC EXH
Box type
One-touch Threaded — ZH05B
(with built-in silencer)
Threaded Threaded — ZH07B ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8

One-touch One-touch One-touch ZH10B
Body ported type
One-touch Threaded One-touch ZH13B ø8/Rc 1/8 ø10/Rc 1/4
(without silencer)
Threaded Threaded Threaded ZH05D
ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8
ZH10D ø6/Rc 1/8 ø6/Rc 1/8 ø8/Rc 1/8
ZH13D ø8/Rc 1/8 ø10/Rc 1/4 ø10/Rc 1/4
ZH15D ø10/Rc 1/4
ø12/Rc 3/8 ø12/Rc 3/8
ZH18D ø12/Rc 3/8
ZH20D ø12/Rc 3/8 ø16/Rc 1/2 ø16/Rc 1/2

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In-line Type Vacuum Ejector

Series ZU Liquid Removal

Space-saving ejector that can be installed in-line with the piping

EXH Diffuser

Nozzle diameter: ø0.5, ø0.7 SUP VAC

Type S: High vacuum

One-touch fitting One-touch fitting
L: Large flow capacity

 Vacuum port and supply port are aligned in a straight line to

facilitate piping
 Lightweight construction achieved through the use of a resin body
Nozzle diameter ø0.5: 6.5 g
ø0.7: 7.0 g
 The white color matches bright operating environments
 Built-in One-touch fittings (copper free)
How to Order

ZU 05 S
Maximum vacuum pressure
S –85 kPa
L –48 kPa

Nozzle diameter
05 ø0.5 mm
07 ø0.7 mm


Fluid Air
Maximum operating pressure 0.7 MPa
Standard supply pressure 0.45 MPa
Operating temperature range 5 to 60°C
Applicable tube O.D. SUP port: ø6, VAC port: ø6


Nozzle Maximum Maximum

Type Model diameter vacuum suction flow Air consumption Weight
ø (mm) pressure∗ (kPa) l/min (ANR) l/min (ANR) (g)

High ZU05S 0.5 –85 7 9.5 6.5

vacuum ZU07S 0.7 –85 12 19.0 7.0
Large flow ZU05L 0.5 –48 12 9.5 6.5
capacity ZU07L 0.7 –48 21 19.0 7.0
∗ Supply pressure: 0.45 MPa

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Multistage Ejector
Series ZL112/212 Vacuum

Energy saving, large flow rate,

3-stage diffuser construction
Suction flow rate
increased 250% and air

Vacuum pressure
e pe
consumption reduced
20% with 3-stage Q1 Q2 Q3

Q1 Q2 Q3 suction flow rate Air consumption
diffuser construction 2-stage l/min (ANR) l/min (ANR)
(Versus ø1.3, one-stage model) perform
performance ZL112 100 63
250 % suction flow Suction
rate increase flow rate
ZL212 200 126

Series ZL212
Diffusers stacked and integrated
Compact size and large flow rate
(twice the flow rate of the ZL112)

Series ZL112 valve option now available (ZL112 only)

Release valve
Release flow rate
Supply valve
adjustment needle
Exhaust port options
One-touch fitting feature Built-in silencer
Simplifies piping work
(ZL112 only)
Vacuum pressure sensor
With digital vacuum pressure switch


Vacuum Equipment
Ported exhaust

LCD display/ZSE4 LCD display with LED display/ZSE4E

back light/ZSE4B

With vacuum With vacuum

adapter pressure gauge

 Series variations Vacuum pressure sensor options

Maximum Air Exhaust port With valve Digital vacuum pressure switch
Series suction flow rate consumption With pressure Vacuum
Built-in Ported supply valve/
With adapter
l/min (ANR) l/min (ANR) ZSE4E ZSE4B ZSE4 gauge
silencer exhaust release valve supply valve

ZL112 100 63

ZL212 200 126

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Series ZL112/212
How to Order

Without valve ZL1 12

With valve ZL1 12 K1 5 M Z E 25

Nozzle diameter Lead wire length

12 ø1.2 mm Nil 0.5 m
L 2.9 m

Exhaust specification Digital vacuum pressure

Nil Built-in silencer switch specification
P Ported exhaust For E (ZSE4) EB (ZSE4B)
25 NPN output Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9) m
26 Analog output Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9) m
Exhaust port thread specification 65 PNP output Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9) m
(ported exhaust only) For EE (ZSE4E)
Nil Rc 1/2 27 NPN output Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9) m
F G 1/2 26 Analog output Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9) m
N 1/2-14NPT 67 PNP output Lead wire length 0.5 (2.9) m
T 1/2-14NPTF ∗ Not required when none (Nil), vacuum
adapter (GN) or vacuum pressure gauge (G)
is specified for vacuum pressure sensor.
Supply valve/Release valve combination Vacuum pressure sensor
K1 With supply and release valves
Nil None
K2 With supply valve
GN Vacuum adapter Rc 1/8
G With vacuum pressure gauge
E With digital vacuum pressure switch ZSE4
Rated voltage With digital vacuum pressure switch ZSE4B
DC specifications With digital vacuum pressure switch ZSE4E
5 24 VDC
6 12 VDC
V 6 VDC Manual override
Nil Non-locking push type
D Push-turn slotted locking type
AC specifications (50/60 Hz)
1 100 VAC
2 200 VAC
110 VAC [115 V]
Indicator light/Surge voltage suppressor
4 220 VAC [230 V] Nil Without indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
S With surge voltage suppressor
Z With indicator light/surge voltage suppressor
Electrical entry U With indicator light/surge voltage suppressor (non-polar type)
G Lead wire length 0.3 m Note 1) Type “U” is for 24 or 12 VDC only.
Grommet Note 2) Since surge voltage is prevented by a rectifier in the case of AC,
H Lead wire length 0.6 m
there is no “S” type.
L Lead wire length 0.3 m
L type plug
LN Without lead wire
LO Without connector
M Lead wire length 0.3 m
M type plug
MN Without lead wire
MO Without connector

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Multistage Ejector Series ZL112/212

Series ZL112

Ejector Specifications
Standard type
Model ZL112
Nozzle diameter ø1.2 mm
Maximum suction flow rate 100 l/min (ANR)
Air consumption 63 l/min (ANR)
Maximum vacuum pressure –84 kPa
Maximum operating pressure 0.7 MPa
Supply pressure range 0.2 to 0.5 MPa
Standard supply pressure 0.4 MPa
Operating temperature range 5 to 50°C

With valve
Supply/Release Valve Specifications

Part number SYJ514-

Type of actuation N.C.
Fluid Air
Operating pressure range Internal pilot type 0.2 to 0.5 MPa
Ambient and fluid temperature 5 to 50°C
Response time (for 0.5 MPa) Note 1) 25 ms or less
Maximum operating frequency 5 Hz
Manual operation Non-locking push type, Push-turn slotted locking type
With vacuum pressure gauge Pilot valve individual exhaust type,
Pilot exhaust type
Main valve/pilot valve common exhaust
Lubrication Not required
Mounting orientation Free
Impact/Vibration resistance Note 2) 150/30 m/s2
Enclosure Dust proof
Note 1) Based on JIS B8374-1981 dynamic performance test (coil temperature 20°C, at rated voltage, without surge
voltage suppressor)
Note 2) Impact resistance: No malfunction when tested with a drop tester in the axial direction and at a right angle to
the main valve and armature, one time each in both energized and de-energized states.
(initial value)
Vibration resistance: No malfunction when tested with one sweep of 8.3 to 2000 Hz in the axial direction and at
a right angle to the main valve and armature, one time each in both energized and de-
energized states. (initial value)

Vacuum Equipment
Option Specifications

Vacuum pressure gauge specifications

Part number GZ30S
Fluid Air
Pressure range –100 to 100 kPa
Scale range (angular) 230°
Accuracy ± 3% F.S. (full span)
Class Class 3
Operating temperature range 0 to 50°C
Ported exhaust
Material Case: Polycarbonate/ABS resin

Standard type


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Series ZL112/212
Option Specifications
With digital vacuum
pressure switch Digital vacuum pressure switch specifications
(ZSE4) Part number ZSE4-00--X105 ZSE4B-00--X105 ZSE4E-00--X105
Display LCD LCD with backlight LED
Pressure setting range –101 to 10 kPa (–760 to 75 mmHg)
Maximum operating pressure 200 kPa
Indicator light OUT1: Green
(lights up when ON) Green
OUT2: Red
Response frequency 200 Hz (5 ms)
Hysteresis mode Variable (3 digits or more) Variable (can be set from 0)
Window comparator mode Fixed (3 digits)
Fluid Air, Non-corrosive gas
Temperature characteristics ±3% F.S. or less
Repeatability ±1% F.S. or less
Operating voltage 12 to 24VDC (ripple ±10% or less )

Current consumption –26, –27: 50 mA or less

25 mA or less 45 mA or less
–67: 60 mA or less
Pressure indication 3 1/2 digits (character height 8 mm)
(Overcurrent Note)), Excess pressure, Data error,
Self diagnostic function Presence of pressure at zero clear
Operating temperature range 0 to 50°C (with no condensation)
Noise resistance 500 Vp-p, Pulse width: 1 µS, Start up: 1 nS
Withstand voltage 1000 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min. between external terminal block and case
Insulation resistance 2 MΩ (at 500 VDC) between external terminal block and case
10 to 500 Hz at whichever is smaller, amplitude 1.5 mm or
Vibration resistance
acceleration 10 G, in X, Y, Z directions for 2 hrs. each
Impact resistance 100 G in X, Y, Z directions, 3 times each
Note) Not available on analog output type.

Output specifications
-25 (L) 1 output, NPN open collector 30 V, 80 mA or less
-26 (L) Analog output (1 to 5 V)
-67 (L) 1 output, PNP open collector 80 mA or less
-26 (L) Analog output (1 to 5 V)
ZSE4E -27 (L) 2 outputs, NPN open collector 30 V, 80 mA or less
-67 (L) 2 outputs, PNP open collector 80 mA or less

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Multistage Ejector Series ZL112/212

How to Order
Standard type

ZL2 12

Nozzle diameter Lead wire length

12 ø1.2 mm Nil 0.5 m
L 2.9 m

With vacuum pressure gauge

Exhaust specification
Nil Built-in silencer
P Ported exhaust

Digital vacuum pressure switch

For E (ZSE4) EB (ZSE4B)
Vacuum pressure sensor 25 NPN output Lead wire length 0.6 (3.0) m
Nil None 26 Analog output Lead wire length 0.6 (3.0) m
GN Adaptor Rc 1/8 65 PNP output Lead wire length 0.6 (3.0) m
G With vacuum pressure gauge For EE (ZSE4E)
E With digital vacuum pressure switch ZSE4 27 NPN output Lead wire length 0.6 (3.0) m
EB With digital vacuum pressure switch ZSE4B 26 Analog output Lead wire length 0.6 (3.0) m
With digital vacuum pressure switch With digital vacuum pressure switch ZSE4E
EE 67 PNP output Lead wire length 0.6 (3.0) m
∗ Not required when none (Nil), vacuum adapter
(GN) or vacuum pressure gauge (G) is specified
for vacuum pressure sensor.

Ejector Specifications

Model ZL212
Nozzle diameter ø1.2 mm x 2
Maximum suction flow rate 200 l/min (ANR)
With adaptor Air consumption 126 l /min (ANR)
Maximum vacuum pressure –84 kPa
Maximum operating pressure 0.7 MPa
Supply pressure range 0.2 to 0.5 MPa
Standard supply pressure 0.4 MPa
Operating temperature range 5 to 50°C

Vacuum Equipment

Ported exhaust Standard type

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Vacuum Ejector with Check Valve Special Order

Product Vacuum

How to Order

88 ZM 1 K 5 LZ E15 L X142

Switch type
M5 x 0.8 through hole Conforms to the
(P.E.) standard product.
Electrical entry

Conforms to the standard product.
Power supply voltage

24 VDC


With air supply valve/


vacuum release valve


Standard supply pressure


H 0.5 MPa
M 0.35 MPa (except 05)
15.5 S 0.45 MPa (13, 15 only)
20 30 Body type
Mounting hole
Conforms to the standard product.
3-Rc 1/8
Nozzle diameter
05 0.5 mm (H type only)
07 0.7 mm (except S type)

10 1.0 mm (except S type)

13 1.3 mm
80 13
8 103 15 1.5 mm (S type only)
5 (stroke) 113
(118) Consult with SMC for details.

No.4 SET
How to Order
4 88 ZM 1 K 5 L Z E15L X235
1 3

Connector pin
number Power supply voltage
24 VDC

With air supply valve/
vacuum release valve

Standard supply pressure

Supply M5 x 0.8 through hole
H 0.5 MPa

M 0.35 MPa (except 05)

S 0.45 MPa (13,15 only)


Body type
V Vacuum

Conforms to the standard product.


15.5 Nozzle diameter

2-ø4.5 05 0.5 mm (H type only)
Vacuum 07 0.7 mm (except S type)
Mounting hole
20 30 10 1.0 mm (except S type)
3-Rc 1/8
13 1.3 mm
15 1.5 mm (S type only)

13 Consult with SMC for details.

8 103
5 (stroke) 113

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Pad with Check Valve

Special Order Vacuum

Connecting multiple pads to a single 
ejector is possible.  Prevents leakage 
from pads that are not used for suction of 

How to Order
INO-3769-2431-U INO-3769-1964-C
Pad material N: NBR
S: Silicon rubber Buffer stroke 10: 10 mm
U: Urethane rubber 20: 20 mm
F: Fluoro rubber 30: 30 mm
GN: Conductive NBR 50: 50 mm
GS: Conductive silicon Buffer specification J: Without rotation prevention
GF: Conductive fluoro rubber K: With rotation prevention
Pad configuration U: Flat Pad material N: NBR
Pad diameter 06: ø6 S: Silicon rubber
(for ZP06, 08U) 08: ø8 U: Urethane rubber
F: Fluoro rubber
Vacuum Pad material End pin material GN: Conductive NBR
M6 x 1 NBR GS: Conductive silicon rubber
Gasket Silicon rubber
Width across Fluoro rubber Pad configuration C: Plain with rib
flats 7 Urethane rubber (for ZP20 to 32C)
Fluoro rubber
Pad diameter 20: ø20

Conductive NBR

25: ø25

End pin Conductive silicon Conductive fluoro rubber

Width across flats 10 M5 x 0.8 32: ø32

Conductive fluoro rubber

ø1.6 M14 x 1
Model A B Y Width across
øA flats 19
INO-3769-2431-06U 6 7 0.8
INO-3769-2431-08U 8 9 1
5 5

Pad material N: NBR
Vacuum Equipment

S: Silicon rubber
Width across Gasket
U: Urethane rubber flats 12
F: Fluoro rubber

GN: Conductive NBR

GS: Conductive silicon

GF: Conductive fluoro rubber


Pad configuration U: Flat


Pad diameter 06: ø6 ø1.2

(for ZP06, 08U ) 08: ø8 øA

Vacuum Pad material End pin material

10 mm stroke dimensions
M5 x 0.8 NBR
Gasket Model A B C D E F G H I Y
Silicon rubber
Width across Fluoro rubber INO-3769-1964-20C10 20 23 1.7
flats 7 Urethane rubber 14 26.5 42.5 2.5 55 120
INO-3769-1964-25C10 25 28 50 1.8
Fluoro rubber
INO-3769-1964-32C10 32 35 14.5 27 43 2 55.5 120.5 2.3

Conductive NBR

End pin Conductive silicon Conductive fluoro rubber Dimensions for other strokes

Conductive fluoro rubber Stroke G H I

20 mm +10 +4
ø1.6 0
Model A B Y 30 mm +20 +14
INO-3769-2478-06U 6 7 0.8 50 mm +40 +59 +25
INO-3769-2478-08U 8 9 1 Add an appropriate value from the 10 mm stroke
dimensions table.

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Vacuum Ejector for Water

Soluble Coolant Removal Special Order
Product Liquid Removal



25 6.5
ø10 2-ø5.5



Exhaust Vacuum




Rc 3/8

Supply pressure Vacuum pressure Suction flow Flow consumption

0.5 MPa –300 mmhg 320 l/min (ANR) 320 l/min (ANR)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 237

Industrial Filters

Series Application Page

Industrial filter FG Coolant 238
Low maintenance filter FN1 Air line maintenance, Coolant 240

Industrial Filters

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Industrial Filters
Series FG Coolant

Standard Industrial Filters

Vessel Type

Series FGD, FGE, FGG Series FGA, FGB, FGC Bag Filter Series FGF

FGD type FGA type

FGB type
FGE type
FGG type FGC type

• FGD type: Ideal for low flow filtration • FGA type: High flow vertical element type • Highly effective for filtration of high
• FGE type: Ideal for medium flow rate • FGB type: High flow suspended type temperature and high viscosity fluids
filtration • FGC type: High pressure low flow rate • Ideal for high flow filtration
• FGG type: Ideal for high flow filtration type • Easy handling of filtered impurities
• Connection: Rc 3/8 to Rc 2 • Connection: Flange JIS10K1B to 6B • Operating pressure: 0.5 MPa
• Number of elements: 1 to 28 Flange JIS and ANS1 • Operating temperature: 80°C to 120°C
• Operating temperature: Maximum 80°C 1/2B to 1B (FGC type) • Connection: Rc 2
• Number of elements: 1 to 83 • Number of elements: 1, 3, & 5
• Operating temperature: Maximum 80°C

Application example

Bag filter

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Series FG

Filter Elements

Fiber Element Membrane Element Micromesh Element Sintered Stainless Steel Bag Element
Bronze Element

• Nominal filtration • Absolute filtration • Nominal filtration • Nominal filtration • Nominal filtration
accuracy: 0.5 to 100 µm accuracy: 0.2, 0.4 µm accuracy: 5 to 105 µm accuracy: 2 to 120 µm accuracy: 5 to 100 µm
• Low cost, disposable • Long life due to high • High filtration accuracy • With excellent • Low cost, disposable
porosity rate and low with stainless steel mesh mechanical strength,
• Material can be selected pressure loss • Ideal for large amount of
depending on the fluid • Pleated type provides 3 thermal resistance, and impurities
• Ideal for filtration of pure chemical resistance
• Ideal for relatively large water used for rinsing in times larger filtration • Easy to handle since all
amount of impurities the semi conductor field, area than cylinder type • Wide operating impurities are captured
etc. • Easy to wash the temperature range inside the bag element
• Ideal for use as a
prefilter • All elements inspected element for regeneration • High filtration accuracy • Exclusive element for
for quality assurance with sintered fine bag filters
• Material: • Cotton
• 0.2 µm item: Pre-rinsed powder metal
• Viscose rayon with ultra pure water, • Element can be washed
• Glass fiber germ removal efficiency for regeneration
of LRV = 7 or more

Paper Element PP Fiber Element HEPO II Element

For standard washing

• Nominal filtration • Nominal filtration • Unwoven cloth element

accuracy: 5, 10, 20 µm accuracy: 5, 10, 20, with high filtration
Industrial Filters

• Pleated type cartridge 50 µm accuracy of 99% or

provides large filtration • Large filtration capacity more prevents drainage
area and long element life of fibers or release of
• Low cost, disposable • Highly economical fiber chemical components
element • Washing for electronic
• Material:
• For all cleaning solvents parts and precision
Filter paper (cotton, and prefilter for high machined parts
resin impregnated accuracy filters
phenol) • Material
• Material Filter material:
Filter material: Unwoven long
Polypropylene fiber polyester
Core: Polypropylene Core: Polypropylene
with brass

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 240

Low Maintenance Filter Air Line


Series FN1 Coolant

No more element replacement!

Our unique element construction with back-flushing capability
The element of the filter is constructed of a series of grooved filter plates and
wave washers places one above the other

Element construction
When compressed
Filter plate
5 µmm, 20 µmm

Wave washer

Gaps between the filter plates and

wave washers filter foreign matter.

When decompressed

Filter plate

Wave washer

Decompressing the element widens

the gap between filter plates and wave
washers. While the gap is widened,
dust and foreign particles caught
between plates can be washed away
by back flushing the element. This
restores the element and enables
repeated use of the element.
The gaps between filter plates are
equally maintained by the wave
washers to allow stable back-flush

2 types of elements are available according to  Options

the type of dust. • Reservoir tank: Series FNR
To store the fluid required to back-flush the clogged element.
Cylindrical type (5 µm, 20 µm)
Step type (5 µm) • Dust removal filter: Series FND
To remove dust and foreign particles from the fluid after
 Maximum flow rate: 40 l/min, 80 l/min. back-flushing the element.
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Low Maintenance Filter Series FN1

Operating principle Flow flow Air flow

Filtering Back-flushing


The element compressed by the cylinder filters the fluid. Cylinder

As the cylinder extends downward, the element is de-
Air pressure forces the fluid in the reservoir out to the fil-
ter and back-flushes the element.

Automatic back-flushing
System circuit allows the automatic back-flushing when the element is clogged.

B Setting up filters in a line and flushing
A the fluid alternately allow continuous
operation during back-flushing.

Filtering Back-flushing
Fluid direction Fluid direction
when filtering when Fluid Fluid
Industrial Filters

Back-flushing Filtering


Tank for dust

removal filter

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Series FN1

How to Order

FN1 1 0 1 N 10 S 020
Housing material Pressure gauge
1 Stainless steel SUS304 Nil Without pressure gauge (with plug)
G Note) G46-15-02 (Wetted part: Brass)
Element type Note) Contact SMC for the pressure gauge
specification for stainless steel wetted
0 Cylindrical type parts.
1 Note) Step type
Note) Only 5 µm of filtration
is available. 005 5 µm (Cylindrical type, Step type)
020 20 µm (Cylindrical type)
Element length
1 250 mm
2 500 mm
Element material
S Stainless steel SUS304
Seal material
N NBR Port size
V FPM 10 Rc 1


Model FN1111 FN1101 FN1102 FN1112
Element dimension ø65 x 250 l ø65 x 500 l
Fluid Cleaning solvent, Coolant Note1)
Operating pressure Max. 1.0 MPa
Operating fluid temperature Max. 80C
Flow rate Note2) 40 l/min 80 l/min
Bore size Rc 1 (IN, OUT, DRAIN)
Material Case and cover: Stainless steel 304, O-ring: NBR/FPM
Material Stainless steel 304

Construction Cylindrical type Step type Cylindrical type Step type

Filtration 5 µm, 20 µm0 5 µm 5 µm, 20 µm 5 µm
Differential pressure proof 0.6 MPa
Weight 13 kg 12.5 kg 15 kg 14.5 kg
Note 1) Refer to the fluid compatibility table on page 243 for details.
Note 2) Values under the following conditions:
Fluid: Water; Filtration: 20 µm; Pressure drop: 0.02 MPa or less.

Operating part
Model CDLQB63-D-F
Auto switch Without auto switch (built-in magnet) Note 1)
Fluid Air
Operating pressure 0.2 to 1.0 MPa Note 2)
Ambient and fluid temperature 10 to 70C (with no freezing) Note 3)
Unlocking pressure 0.2 MPa or more

Locking pressure 0.05 MPa or more

Locking direction Extension locking
Note 1) Auto switch must be ordered separately. Refer to Series CLQ (Compact Cylinder with Lock) catalog for
Note 2) The minimum operating pressure for the cylinder is 0.1 MPa when the cylinder port and the lock port are
separately piped.
Note 3) The temperature will be 0°C to 60°C when the auto switch is mounted on the cylinder.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 243

Low Maintenance Filter Series FN1


Model FNR100N-10 FNR100V-10 FNR101N-10 FNR101V-10
Tank capacity 1.1 l 1.8 l
Port size Rc 1
Bowl & Cover Stainless steel 304
Weight 1.5 kg 1.9 kg
Applicable filter FN11
(Element 250 mm) FN11
(Element 500 mm)

Dust recovery filter

Model FND100N-10-M149X0 FND100V-10-M149X0
Port size R1
Bowl & Cover Stainless steel 304
Material O-ring NBR FPM
Element Stainless steel 304
Element filtration 149 µm
Weight 7.5 kg
Note) Produced upon receipt of order.

Fluid Compatibility (Guide)

Fluid Water Coolant Petroleum Alkali

Potable Industrial Distilled Water Gas oil Ammonium Sodium

Seal material water Oil-based Xylene
water water soluble Kerosene hydroxide hydroxide

Nitrile rubber NBR

Fluoro rubber FPM

   Most compatible    Compatible   

Not compatible
Note 1) Contact SMC when PTFE is required for seal material.
Note 2) Contact SMC regarding the compatibility of the seal and pressure gauge.

Cylindrical Type and Step Type Elements

1. Cylinder type element (5 µm, 20 µm) (Example: the cylindrical type is recommended to filter polishing
chips and the step type for cutting chips)
 The cylindrical type construction has a smooth peripheral surface
since the dimension of the filter plate and wave washer is the same. Cylindrical type Wave washer
The use of the entire peripheral surface of the element to collect dust
allows larger filtration area and easy dust separation. For this
reason, this type of element is ideal for filtering the fluids that contain Filter plate
dust with the same particle size.
If the cylindrical type element is used for fluids containing dust
particles with a great variance in sizes, large-size dust particles can
cover the element's peripheral surface. This can clog the element
prematurely and thus you may no longer use it.
Industrial Filters

(Especially for soft and sticky foreign matter)

2. Step type element (5 µm)

 The step type construction has an uneven (stepped) surface since the
Step type Wave washer
dimension of the filter plate is smaller than that of the wave washer.
When filtering uneven dust particles, larger particles are caught on the
peripheral surface of the wave washers, and smaller particles are
filtered out with filter plates. This construction can extend the element
life and make the effective filtering possible when filtering fluids Filter plate
containing dust particles with a great variance in sizes.
Select the appropriate element type (cylindrical or step type)
depending on the dust size variance in the fluid.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 244

Series FN1

Flow Characteristics (Initial Value)

Test fluid: Potable water Liquid temperature: 17 to 20C (room temperature)
Test method: Per SMC test method (sanitary test stand)

Element length 250 mm: FN111-10-S Element length 500 mm: FN112-10-S
.1 .1

.05 .05
Pressure loss (MPa)

Pressure loss (MPa)









.01 .01









0 -

.005 .005 -1
1 1

.001 .001
10 30 50 70 100 10 30 50 70 100
Q (l/min) Q (l/min)

Filtration Efficiency (Initial Value)

Fluid: Potable water Flow rate: 20l/min Liquid temperature: Room temperature Test dust: AC course Amount of dust: 0.2mg/min
Test method: Per SMC test method (sanitary test stand, HIAC particle counter)

100 100
) m)
µm 0µ
(5 (2








Filtration efficiency (%)

Filtration efficiency (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
5 10 20 50 75 20 25 35 65 90
Particle diameter (µm) Particle diameter (µm)

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 245

Low Maintenance Filter Series FN1

Blocking Characteristics (Repeatability Characteristics)

Fluid: Potable water Supply pressure: 0.2 MPa Flow rate: 20 l/min Test dust: AC course test dust
Test method: Per SMC test method
Filter part no.: FN1101N-10-020
Element: END100-020 (cylindrical type with 20 µm filtration)

Pressure loss (MPa)



0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 4
4.5 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.5
100% 100% 102% 98% 100%

Time it takes to clog the filter (min)

The values in percentage indicate the percentage of times when the time it took to clog the filter for the first time is set to 100%
Introduce a certain concentration of dust and back-flush the filter when the pressure loss reaches 0.2 MPa. Repeat filtering and back flushing process
(up to five times shown in the graphs).
The graphs above show that the initial pressure loss ( P=0.015 MPa) and time it takes to reach the pressure loss of P=0.2 MPa return to the rough
initial value even after repeated back-flushing.

Measurement Circuit



pressure gauge
Industrial Filters



Measuring T


Upstream side Downstream side

sampling sampling
Automatic particle
measuring instrument
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 246

Series FN1

Piping Example
Series FN1 Low Maintenance Filter cannot be used alone.
Please follow the component configuration and operation steps illustrated below.
Cylinder for element decompression
and compression

y w

e r


Series FN1
Low Maintenance Filter
Liquid (Coolant)
(Connections are all 1.)
Series FNR Reservoir
Tank to store liquid for back flushing
(liquid coolant)

Series FND Dust removal filter Fluid direction

Filter to collect foreign matter in at the time of filtering
back flushing
(produced upon receipt of order) Back flushing
fluid direction


Tank for dust
removal filter
Example of connection device
No. Description Device No. Description Device
q Cylinder driving valve 5-port solenoid valve (Series SY) r OUT side valve Coolant valve (Series VNC)
w Air supply valve Process valve (Series VNB) t Drain valve Coolant valve (Ball type)
e IN side valve Coolant valve (Ball type) y Speed controller Speed controller (Series AS)
Series inside ( ) indicate SMC products. Contact SMC regarding the valves e to t.

Actuation example Back flushing

start Step Operation description
Filtration Filtration
Fluid replenishment Back flushing Fluid replenishment 1 e IN side valve: Close Stops fluid supply to the filter.
Seals the filter and reservoir containing
4 1 2 r OUT side valve: Close
q Cylinder ON
Back flushing

valve driving OFF 2 Supply the fluid in the reservoir to the

3 3 w Air supply valve: Open
w Air introduction Open filter.
valve Close
q Cylinder driving valve: Lowers the cylinder to decompress the
Open 1 4
e IN side valve ON element.
Close 5
Open 2 The fluid in the reservoir passes through
r OUT side valve 5 t Drain valve: Open the decompressed element and forces out
Close 4
to the tank.
5 3
q Cylinder driving valve:
filtering operation

Open Raises the cylinder to compress the

t Drain valve 1
At the time of

Close OFF element.

∗ Back flushing ON 2 w Air supply valve: Close Stops pressure feed.
switch OFF 3 t Drain valve: Open
∗ The M/C stop signal and a signal for element clogging 4 r OUT side valve: Open
(differential signal switch) are used to start back flushing.
Numbers in the chart indicate the operation order for 5 e IN side valve: Open
each operation.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 247

Low Maintenance Filter Series FN1

1. Cylinder for element decompression and com- 4. Air pressure
pression  Devise the by-pass circuit on the upstream side of IN side
 Do not overthrottle the speed controller when adjusting the valve to prevent the line pressure during back flushing from
cylinder retraction speed (element decompression). rising and to protect the pump.
If the element is decompressed too slowly, the back flush-
ing may become ineffective. 5. Maintenance
 The filter should be back flushed until the differential pres-
2. Reservoir installation sure reaches 0.1 MPa to avoid a drop in the flow rate due to
 Installation of a reservoir (optional) is recommended to store the element clogging and to maintain back flushing effi-
fluid for back flushing. If a reservoir is not going to be ciency.
installed, make sure to allow piping capacity equivalent to a  Time it takes to clog the element varies depending on the
size of reservoir between the low maintenance filter and air dust condition. Monitor the clogging condition of the element
supply valve. using a detection switch for differential pressure.
The detection switch for differential pressure is sold sepa-
3. Air pressure rately. Contact SMC for more information.
 Set the pressure of the air supply valve to 0.25 to 0.3 MPa.  Since the element of this low maintenance filter provides
Increasing the pressure will not improve the back flushing rough filtration efficiency (with conventional notch wire level),
effect. it can be used as a pre-filter to extend the life of the check
 Use the same set pressure for the supply pressure of the filter depending on the fluid condition in use.
lock cylinder. Exceeding this pressure range may increase Installing these low maintenance filters side by side to use
the load applied to the filtering plate when the element is them alternately enables continuous operation during back
compressed, causing malfunction. flushing. Use an element with 500 mm in length for highly
contaminated fluid. A sufficient flow rate can be ensured by
installing two to three low maintenance filters in a row in
case of the insufficient flow capacity.

Industrial Filters

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 248

Series FN1



q o



For element length ø65 x 500 mm

Parts list Replacement parts

No. Description Material Note No. Description Material
1 Cover SCS13 5 O-ring
2 Bowl SCS13 6 Seal
Stainless steel ø65 x 250 mm 7 O-ring
3 Element 304 FPM
ø65 x 500 mm 8 Scraper
Compact FN11
1 CDLQB63-30D-F 9 O-ring
4 cylinder with lock FN11
2 CDLQB63-50D-F
Replacement parts: Seal kit
Model Order no. Material Note

N KT-FN11N NBR Items t through o


V KT-FN11V FPM from the above chart.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 249

Low Maintenance Filter Series FN1

∗ Rc 1/4

315° 45°



225° 135°
Note) Use the Pc 1/4 port marked with an asterisk when designing Pressure gauge port size Rc 1/4
an air release circuit.

Rc 1/4 108
Head end cylinder port

Dustproof cover Rc 1/4

D (Stroke)
Rod end cylinder port
(Manual lock release)
Rc 1/8
Unlocking port


(125) C


Industrial Filters
Rc 1



Dimensions (mm)
Model Bore size (Nominal size B) A B C D
FN111 610 (730) (844) 20
Rc 1
FN112 860 (1000) (1134) 40

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 250

Series FN1

Reservoir Dust removal filter
32 0°

270° D.22
70 90°

4-ø11 180°
q G1/4









Dimensions (mm) Parts list

Model Bore size (Nominal size B) A B No. Description Material Note
FNR100 NV -10 Rc 1
194 (257) 1 Cover Stainless steel 304
FNR101NV -10 332 (385) 2 Bowl Stainless steel 304
3 V-band Stainless steel 304
Parts list
No. Description Material Note Replacement parts
1 Cover Stainless steel 304 No. Description Material Note
2 Bowl Stainless steel 304 4 Element Stainless steel 304 EZH710AS-149
3 V-band Stainless steel 304 NBR JIS B 2401-1A-P185
5 O-ring
FPM JIS B 2401-4D-P185

Replacement parts
No. Description Material Note
NBR JIS B 2401-1A-P85
4 O-ring
FPM JIS B 2401-4D-P85

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 251

Other (CD-ROM)

Application Page
Model Selection Software Ver. 3.00 Actuator 252
Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 Air blow, Air tool, Coolant 257
SMC Pneumatics CAD System Ver. 2.6 Actuator 259


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 252

Model Selection Software Ver. 3.00 Actuator

Pneumatic equipment with minimum energy consumption is automatically selected.

 Automatic selection of optimum product groups that meet your energy-saving requirements
 Highly accurate calculation with dynamic characteristics simulation (within ±10%)
 Calculation of shock absorbing capacity and estimation of dew condensation probability
 Compliant with ISO6358 flow characteristics standard
 Multiple users can simultaneously access to this program from the website.

Newly added functions for Ver. 3.00

Characteristics Calculation of
Branch and Interflow Circuits

Model Selection of General Circuits

Automatically selects the most suitable equipment.
Interactively enter the
specifications and operat-
ing conditions required.
When a series is selected,
the software automatically
Characteristics Calculation of
selects the model number Manifold Circuit
of the minimal equipment
that meets the require-
ments and shows the cal-
culation result.

Characteristic Calculation of General

Use this simulation proce-
dure when the desired
model number is known,
or when verifying the cur-
rent system.
Make changes to the mod-
el number and conditions,
etc., of the model selection
result, and then run a new

Shock Absorber Selection A comprehensive number of

By entering the bumping
and operating conditions, products registered in the database
the optimum shock ab-
sorber part number is se- 58 cylinder
58 cylinder series
16 solenoid
16 solenoid valve
valve series
16 flow control equipment series
16 flow control equipment series
Contains both
Contains both Japanese
Japanese and
and English
English versions.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 253

Model Selection Software

Model Selection Software Ver. 3.00 can handle branch and interflow
circuits (single valve and multiple cylinders) or a manifold circuit
(multiple valves and cylinders).

Characteristics Calculation of Branch and Interflow Circuits

Compatible with max. 10 1 2 10
 Single and double acting cylinders can be
operated at the same time using a single
 Duplicating, adding or deleting a branch
circuit is possible.
 Linked to shock absorbing capacity
calculation and shock absorber selection.

Entering general specifications Entering individual specifications

The type of solenoid valve, part nos. of piping at interflow, solenoid Part nos. of cylinder, flow control equipment, piping components
valve and silencer as well as operating condition should be entered. as well as operating and load conditions should be entered.

Total circuit result Individual circuit result

Characteristics such as full stroke time, warm-up time for piston,
mean velocity and stroke end velocity are outputted.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 254

Model Selection Software

Charactiristics Calculation of a Manifold Circuit

Compatible with max. 20 1 2 3 4 20
solenoid valve stations
 Individual SUP/EXH
 Specifying the manifold SUP/EXH points is
 Specifying the number of valves that operate
simultaneously is possible.
 Linked to shock absorbing capacity
calculation and shock absorber selection.

Entering general specifications Entering individual specifications

Part nos. of manifold, silencer as well as operating conditions Part nos. of cylinder, solenoid valve, flow control equipment, piping com-
should be entered. ponents as well as operating and load conditions should be entered.

Total circuit result Individual circuit result

Characteristics such as full stroke time, warm-up time for piston,
mean velocity and stroke end velocity are outputted.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 255

Model Selection Software

Simplified Operation
Limitation of equipment Setting the specific parameters
Equipment to be selected is limited. The unit of measurements and the input values that are
most frequently used should be entered.

Help Function
Contains definition of terminologies, explanations of functions, calculation methods, updated ver-
sion information, detailed explanations of registered products, etc. Press F1 key to display.

Prior to use
Configulation of the functions
Updates Dynamic characteristics analysis method
Flow characteristics conform to ISO.
Database of registered equipment
Supplement Load
Glossary Load ratio
Air consumption and required air volume
Shock absorber selection
Specific moment calculation


ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 256

Air Blow

Air Tool

Energy Saving Program Ver. 2 Coolant

Various calculations required for the
pneumatic energy saving improvement are possible. 
This program contributes to the energy savings of a This energy saving program was developed
to provide a better understanding about the
pneumatic system from the design stage to analysis of the different states of air (e.g. consumption, flow,
pressure, and humidity) between the air
present state and simulation of possible improvements. supply and related equipment within a facility.

Calculation of gas, liquid, and steam Pressure/Flow rate graph

Conductance search Simplified input operation

Air Supply
Compressed air cost
Energy conversion
Unit conversion

Terminal Dryer
Equipment Selection of air dryer
Selection of aftercooler
Air consumption
Selection of air filter
Selection of an air-blow system and
Conversion of humidity
calculation of its characteristics
and dew points
Flow rate and conductance
Drain amount calculation
Composition of conductance
State of air change
Conductance search

Regulators Piping
and Tanks Pressure drop of main piping
Air pipeline network
Selection of regulator
Air leakage cost
Selection of booster
Coolant pipelines
Selection of air tank
Charge and discharge
to/from tank

Supply of “Energy saving program Ver.2-Web service version”

“Energy saving program Ver.2-Web service version” on the Internet is registered on SMC’s web site (
It provides both Japanese and English versions.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 257

Energy Saving Program

Menu Pneumatic
● Humidity conversion
● Drain volume calculation
● Synthesis of conductance
● Replenishment and
basic ● State change of the air discharge of a tank
calculation ● Flow rate and conductance
● Volume of air consumption
for the devices
● Conductance search
● Cost for air compression ● Loss cost resulting from air
● Power for compressors leakage
Calculation ● Energy conversion ● Blow nozzle selection for air
for energy ● Pressure decrease of the ● Characteristic calculation
savings at main piping for an air blow nozzle
a plant ● Maximum recommended flow ● Selection of upstream
rate for the main piping piping for a blow nozzle
● Calculation for a pneumatic ● Characteristic calculation
line net for the upstream piping
● Selection of a regulator ● Selection of an air dryer
Setting of ● Selection of a booster ● Selection of an aftercooler
devices regulator ● Selection of an air filter
● Selection of an air tank

Other ● Calculation of gases, liquids

calculations and saturated steam
● Coolant circuits

Indicates the added features and improvements in ver. 2.

Selection and characteristic calculation for an air blow system

It is possible to select and calculate the characteristics of different air blow nozzles and upstream piping.
Pressure distribution Easy visual understanding
can also be calculated. with the help of graphs

Air consumption of devices

Air consumption calculations for actuators and air blowers are possible.

Cost can be calculated.

Accumulation function
The air consumption of each device can be calculated. The total
volume of air consumption by device and line can be determined, as
well as the total cost.

A total of 88 different actuators are registered.

Air consumption saving is possible by

setting 2 different pressures.


Complicated calculations no Complicated calculations such as the volume of air consumption and pressure drop are no longer required.
longer need to be manually Calculation results can be acquired by simply inputting user conditions.
Now, the program can calculate and simulate the followings which can not be conducted manually:
performed. • Pressure decrease and flow rate calculation in a pneumatic pressure line net (divert piping and loop piping).
The program offers quick • Pressure change simulation of replenishment and discharge of a tank.
calculation results! 257
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 258

Energy Saving Program

Pneumatic line net

Calculation of pressure loss in a compound pipeline networks is possible.
It is possible to successfully work with more complicated
pipeline networks by using this new version.
The network lattice number is increased from 7×4 to 13×8.

Simplified input operation

Simultaneous input is possible when duplicate conditions are entered.

Possible to work with diverted

piping and loop piping
Calculations can be performed on complicated pipeline networks
which cannot be manually calculated.

Possible to work with a variety of pipelines.

Charge and discharge

to/from a tank Selection of devices
Calculation on the charge and discharge
between two tanks has been added. Selection of the following has
been added: Aftercooler, air filter,
regulator, booster regulator, and
air tank.

Calculation of gases, liquids Search for the conductance

and saturated steam of registered devices

It is possible to work with a It is possible to search for the

variety of gases and fluids by conductance of devices registered
entering their specific gravity. in this program.

Improvement of energy Cost calculations for air and energy conversions, The program can be used Our flow rate calculation formula
savings consciousness CO2 discharge are possible, as a result by globally because it uses the JIS B conforms to ISO 6358 and its
studying these values, energy savings 8390 (ISO standard) flow rate accuracy is an improvement over
consciousness can be improved and promoted. the existing formula.
measuring method.
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 259

Note: CD is available only in the

Japanese version.
New CAD Electronic Catalog For the English version, visit

SMC Pneumatics CAD System Ver. 2.6 Actuator

 “SMC Pneumatics CAD System” and “SMC Electronic Catalog II

Search System can be viewed on the same screen.
 The location of the stored/saved file can be decided by the user.
 Output data format: DXF, MCADAM, DMNDOS, and AutoCAD
 Programs available on a CD:
Model Selection Program for Rotary Actuators
Calculation of Moment for Guide Cylinders

The output data is linked

to the complete part
CAD data can be downloaded for
the “SMC Electronic Catalog II
Search System”.

Clicking on the buttons can start the program when

the complete part numbers have been programmed.

 The following type of specifications are programmed in “SMC Pneumatics CAD System Ver. 2.6”.
1) Specifications for outputting data compatible with the complete part numbers among the main product line. (Pneumatic CAD System)
Data output compatible with the complete part numbers from the main product line. (Pneumatic CAD System)
OS Windows98/Me/XP/2000/NT4(SP6)
CPU Pentium 150 or higher is recommended.
Display 800 x 600 pixels or more
Registered products 186 series
Determination of part numbers The complete part number will be created automatically. (Directly input part no. or search by part no., name, or series.)
Data can be outputted. Drawing data output according to the complete part numbers in a parametric way.
Main Confirmation of selected drawings (dimensional display, CAD measurement as desired), Selection of
functions Able to confirm CAD drawings. background screen color (White/Black)

OLE compliant Output CAD drawing in a BMP, EMF, or WMF format.

Able to download CAD drawings. Output sheet can be selected among 6 views.
1) M/CADAM (Ver.3, Helix) direct output
Output data format 2) DMNDOS, and DXF (equivalent to GX3)
3) Direct output to AutoCAD(up to 2002) screen (Ver. 2.4)

2) Specifications for outputting data from all products. (Electronic Catalog II Search System)
Data output compatible with all the part numbers of the products. (Electronic Catalog II Search System)
OS Windows98/Me/XP/2000/NT4 (SP6)
CPU Pentium 150 or higher is recommended.
Display 800 x 600 pixels or more
Registered products 652 series
Search by product classiication Can confirm the file contents by searching the registered file from the product's classification.

1) Drawing data which contains the multiple graphics in a single file.

Two types of file contents

2) Drawing data based on the complete part numbers.
1) Data output in a DXF format
Output data format
2) Data output in a DOS (DMNDOS) format
Note) Please consult with us for additional data not listed above because it is available in another CD-ROM.

Table of Contents

Energy Saving Proposals & Energy Saving Equipment List Front matter 1, 2

Recognizing the current state 3

What are approach energy saving measures? 4

Energy Saving Proposals

Proposal 1 Air Line Maintenance Front matter 5, 6

Proposal 2 Non-operation 7

Proposal 3 Air Blow 8, 9, 10

Proposal 4 Air Tools 11

Proposal 5 Air Leakage 12, 13

Proposal 6 Air Purge (Air Micro) 14

Proposal 7 Paint Stirring 15

Proposal 8 Actuators 16, 17

Proposal 9 Vacuum Ejectors 18, 19

Proposal 10 Liquid Removal 20, 21

Proposal 11 Coolant (Cleaning) Pump 22, 23

Proposal 12 Cooling Water 24

Proposal 13 Hydraulic Clamp 25

Proposal 14 Low Power Consumption/Long Service Life 26

Table of Contents 1
Table of Contents

Energy Saving Proposals & Energy Saving Equipment List Front matter 1, 2

Recognizing the current state 3

What are approach energy saving measures? 4

Energy Saving Proposals

Proposal 1 Air Line Maintenance Front matter 5, 6

Proposal 2 Non-operation 7

Proposal 3 Air Blow 8, 9, 10

Proposal 4 Air Tools 11

Proposal 5 Air Leakage 12, 13

Proposal 6 Air Purge (Air Micro) 14

Proposal 7 Paint Stirring 15

Proposal 8 Actuators 16, 17

Proposal 9 Vacuum Ejectors 18, 19

Proposal 10 Liquid Removal 20, 21

Proposal 11 Coolant (Cleaning) Pump 22, 23

Proposal 12 Cooling Water 24

Proposal 13 Hydraulic Clamp 25

Proposal 14 Low Power Consumption/Long Service Life 26

Table of Contents 1
ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 260

Safety Instructions
These safety instructions are intended to prevent a hazardous situation and/or
equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by a
label of "Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". To ensure safety, be sure to observe
ISO 4414 Note 1), JIS B 8370 Note 2) and other safety practices.

Caution : Operator error could result in injury or equipment damage.

Warning : Operator error could result in serious injury or loss of life.

Danger : In extreme conditions, there is a possible result of serious injury or loss of life.

Note 1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power--General rules relating to systems.

Note 2) JIS B 8370: General Rules for Pneumatic Equipment

1. The compatibility of the pneumatic equipment is the responsibility of the
person who designs the pneumatic system or decides its specifications.
Since the products specified here are used in various operating conditions, their compatibility for the specific
pneumatic system must be based on specifications or post analysis and/or tests to meet the specific
requirements. The expected performance and safety assurance are the responsibility of the person who has
determined the compatibility of the system. This person should continuously review the suitability of all items
specified, referring to the latest catalog information with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of
equipment failure when configuring a system.
2. Only trained personnel should operate pneumatically operated machinery and
Compressed air can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. Assembly, handling or repair of pneumatic systems
should be performed by trained and experienced operators.
3. Do not service machinery/equipment or attempt to remove components until
safety is confirmed.
1. Inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed once measures to prevent
falling or runaway of the driver objects have been confirmed.
2. When equipment is removed, confirm that safety process as mentioned above. Turn off the supply pressure for
this equipment and exhaust all residual compressed air in the system.
3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent quick extension of a cylinder piston rod, etc.
4. Contact SMC if the product will be used in any of the following conditions:
1. Conditions and environments beyond the given specifications, or if product is used outdoors.
2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railway, air navigation, vehicles, medical
equipment, food and beverages, recreation equipment, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in
press applications, or safety equipment.
3. An application which has the possibility of having negative effects on people, property, or animals, requiring
special safety analysis.
4. If the products are used in an interlock circuit, prepare a double interlock style circuit with a mechanical
protection function for the prevention of a breakdown. And, examine the devices periodically if they function
normally or not.

Specific Product Precautions

Be sure to read specific product precautions in each product catalog before handling.

ECOPS.qxd 05.9.5 11:29 AM Page 261
CAT.E02-21 B


Proposals for Energy Saving Pneumatic Systems

Proposals for Energy Saving
Pneumatic Systems


SMC supports innovations in energy saving
production systems.


AUSTRIA SMC Industrial Automation Polska Sp.z.o.o. SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd.
BELGIUM SMC Romania s.r.l. SMC Pneumatics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.
BULGARIA SMC Pneumatik LLC. SMC Thailand Ltd.
SMC Industrial Automation Bulgaria EOOD SLOVAKIA
CROATIA SMC Priemyselná automatizáciá, s.r.o. NORTH AMERICA
SMC Industrijska automatika d.o.o. SLOVENIA CANADA
SMC Industrial Automation CZ s.r.o. SPAIN/PORTUGAL MEXICO
DENMARK SMC España, S.A. SMC Corporation (Mexico) S.A. de C.V.
As countermeasures for global
SMC Pneumatik A/S SWEDEN USA warming are coming into effect,
ESTONIA SMC Pneumatics Sweden AB SMC Corporation of America
SMC Pneumatics Estonia OÜ SWITZERLAND "energy savings" has become a key
FINLAND SMC Pneumatik AG. SOUTH AMERICA theme for corporate reforms.
SMC Pneumatics Finland OY UK ARGENTINA
FRANCE SMC Pneumatics (U.K.) Ltd. SMC Argentina S.A. At the Kyoto Conference on Climate
SMC Pneumatique SA BOLIVIA Change (December 1997), a 6%
GERMANY ASIA SMC Pneumatics Bolivia S.R.L.
reduction of CO2 emissions from the
HUNGARY SMC (China) Co., Ltd. SMC Pneumaticos Do Brazil Ltda. 1990 emission rate was set as a
SMC Hungary Ipari Automatizálási Kft. HONG KONG CHILE
SMC Pneumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. SMC Pneumatics (Chile) S.A. target to be achieved by 2010. Also,
SMC Pneumatics (Ireland) Ltd. INDIA VENEZUELA as amendment of the energy saving
ITALY SMC Pneumatics (India) Pvt. Ltd. SMC Neumatica Venezuela S.A.
SMC Italia S.p.A. INDONESIA law in Japan suggests, it is predicted
LATVIA PT. SMC Pneumatics Indonesia OCEANIA that the trend for energy savings
SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.) Sdn. Bhd. SMC Pneumatics (Australia) Pty. Ltd. involving corporations will become
SMC Pneumatics BV. PHILIPPINES NEW ZEALAND increasingly demanding.
NORWAY SHOKETSU-SMC Corporation SMC Pneumatics (N.Z.) Ltd.
SMC Pneumatics Norway A/S SINGAPORE
In this climate, SMC will strive for
SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.) Pte. Ltd. innovations of production systems
with energy savings in mind. With
cooperation from customers, we will
1-16-4 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8659 JAPAN
Tel: 03-3502-2740 Fax: 03-3508-2480 promote energy saving programs for
© 2005 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved pneumatic systems.
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and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. This catalog is printed on recycled paper with concern for the global environment.

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